#*they not the oops
geckked · 2 months
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canon labru interaction
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1alchemistart · 2 months
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doing my duty of drawing skeleton falin
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mynqzo · 1 month
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night light
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swimmingtrunks · 23 days
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Area Man With No Self Worth Somehow Still Needs To Be Taken Down About A Peg Or Twenty
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skiaskai · 22 days
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Me: "I don't often cook but I'm going to quick look through my mom's recipe cards and see if I can find that specific recipe"
Me, 15 minutes later, sobbing: "Love is stored in handwritten recipe cards"
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gorjee-art · 2 months
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gotta teach the youth of the hardships in life
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ifartconfetti · 4 months
Hello neurodivergent people. I was wondering if I'm just weird or it is common to not being able to learn certain motoric skills at the same time as my peers and learned them MUCH later
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larissa-the-scribe · 5 months
guys I had this realization the other day that Redwall works really well for reading aloud, and kinda half-remembered something about the author reading to kids? So I looked it up to see if I had made a connection.
And it turns out, yes, actually, because he read aloud to kids at a school for the blind. But all the books they gave him to read were depressing. So he wrote Redwall, a story about heroism and courage and making it through struggles, and filled it with so many sensory, visual details so he could give them something better and I just-- that's so wholesome-- help
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everydaylouie · 5 months
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go miffy go!
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konaharts · 5 months
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How their last fight [probably] went.
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ashoss · 4 months
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little brother duo supremacy
edit: sorry to disappoint yall but this isnt dick or virgil 😭😭 its duke in a nightwing sweater,,,,
more apron jason
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beets · 3 months
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9-1-1. 7.04 Buck, Bothered and Bewildered [details]
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pangur-and-grim · 10 months
I love how you can use the environment in baldur’s gate.
for instance, I got my ass completely handed to me in a battle, so on my second attempt I piled barrels of gunpowder & wine near where the enemies would run out, and had one of my guys posed with a fire spell to ignite them. and THIS TIME, I triggered a massive explosion on my first turn of combat, instantly killing my entire party.
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bellwethers · 2 months
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She’s mad.
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possuminthetrashh · 1 month
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What can I say, I sure love raccoons and parks
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