sunmoon-starfactory · 9 months
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Loads o' Laundry 2.0
2 years after the release of Loads o' Laundry, we now present: Loads o' Laundry 2.0: a much-improved version of the Laundry mod and system!
Several gameplay features have been improved and many annoyances bigger and smaller have been resolved! A large number of new objects have also been added for your enjoyment. Sims 3 and 4 players may see some familiar things... Overall, it represents a marked improvement over the original version.
Furthermore, the Laundry Mod now comes with full language support for Dutch, French and European Portuguese with more coming soon... Edit: Polish has been added!
Before proceeding further, make sure you have the following requirements installed:
Easy Lot Check
Easy Inventory Check
Smarter EP Check
Money Globals
Time-out Controller
Fetch Water (water bucket)
Suds 'n Bubbles (for making your own detergent)
Flowing Fabrics (for the fresh outfit)
Various master meshes (see Manual)
A more detailed list of requirements as well as detailed instructions can be found in the Manual.
Gameplay overview and Download links below the cut
Gameplay Overview
Your Sims will now generate laundry if their hygiene is low enough. This requires the Laundry Global Mod (offered separately from the objects) as well as a Laundry-related object being present on the lot.
Sims may store their laundry in a hamper. Sometimes automatically if it's close enough and your Sim is inclined to be neat....
Wash and dry your clothes: a variety of both historic and modern, manual and mechanical ways to wash and dry your laundry are included.
Tired of the laundry piling up? Simply place a "Laundry-Begone-Box" on your lot and your Sims will no longer generate laundry!
Laundry Global Mod
The global mod is the backbone of the laundry system. You will need it in order to have your sims produce laundry. As it is a Global Mod, it is in its own rar. The Laundry Mod also has various trait-related features for you to enjoy:
Support for the Nevernude, Neat and Slob trait
Support for the following custom lifestates: Ghost, Mermaid & SkeleBro
NEW: Support for @anachronisims' Nudist trait
NEW: Hamper magic! If your sims are neat enough, they may automatically put their dirty laundry in the hamper (if there's one in the room)
You need to have the file "SunMoon-Laundry_Hamper_Wicker_Round-REQUIRED" in your folder in order for the global mod to work!
Washers, Dryers, Tubs and Lines
Your Sims may wash their laundry using a wide variety of both manual tubs and modern washers. Both of these require detergent to use. Of course, after your laundry has been washed, you can dry them using either a dryer or a line. Just make sure not to hang your laundry outside on a rainy day. Just a small overview of the features offered:
Laundromat mode: run your own laundromat business at home or on a community lot! Sims will actually wash their dirty laundry! Of course, it works for visiting Sims too!
NEW: @anachronisims Big Spender Trait now effects the likelihood of a Sim using a laundromat machine
NEW: Stock your washer or tub with a detergent of your choice; no longer will you need an entire box of detergent for a small load, now one detergent will last multiple loads!
NEW: 2 extra detergents have been added. You can now choose between a Box or Bottle of detergent, Soap Solution or even a Baggy of Soap Nuts!
NEW: The fabulous @jellymeduza has created a fantastic little ceiling rack for drying your laundry
NEW: Many more washers and dryers straight from the Sims 3 and 4
NEW: Modern laundry detergent vendor. You can still access any laundry product still despite its looks.
Custom sounds and animations: not only does laundry come with custom (Sims 4) animations courtesy of @mortia, there are also some custom sounds!
Color Controller
This set also comes with a "Color Controller". This object allows you to choose the look of not only your newly-spawned laundry, but also how the fabric on your drying lines looks like! Use only ONE per lot.
Another new feature is the (optional) support for @lazyduchess Laundry token: players with FT installed, have the option of downloading his laundry mod and getting the same slower motive decay for comfort when changing into different clothes using our fresh outfit object. Players without FT and/or this token will get a small bonus to the comfort motive instead. This is NOT available for MAC-users! You will need the following files from his mod should you want this feature:
Download links
Now for what you have all been waiting for: the download links. REMOVE all old files before updating! File names have been changed!
Download Laundry Global Mod (Required) Download Loads o' Laundry (objects) View Manual
Added support for Dutch
Added support for European Portuguese - Obrigada @logansimmingwolverine!
Added support for French - Merci @helene2troie !
Partial language support for many other languages has been added in the form of catalog descriptions for Sims 3 and 4 conversions. (NOTE: 3t2 conversions have no Simplified Chinese, 4t2 conversions have no Hungarian. None of them have Thai)
Polish, Russian and Brazilian Portuguese support is currently in progress and should hopefully become available sometime in early 2024
Would you like to have this set fully translated into YOUR language? Don't hesistate to make a translation using the localization strings. Just send it over when you're done and we will add it to the set! (send it via or Discord or PM fireflowersims)
Special credits and thanks: @gayars, @2fingerswhiskey, @picknmixsims, @lazyduchess, @jellymeduza, @logansimmingwolverine, Gaby, @hodgekiss, @mustluvcatz-reloaded, CashCraft, ATS/Sandy, EAxis, all the people who helped to localize The Sims 3 and 4, all our many wonderful Beta testers
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Blue and orange are complementary colors, which means they are opposite each other on the color wheel, positioning that signifies their complementary nature. When these two colors are placed together, one color tends to make another color stand out, highlighting a contrast. Blue is the color that contrast with orange, they can create the strongest visual impact.
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Sasuke is associated with blue color and naruto is associated with orange color. On the color wheel, blue is the direct complement of orange. Since orange is a mixture of red and yellow, your complementary colors will be purple and blue respectively. Blue can be the complement of both yellow and orange
VOTE1 & VOTE2 = Blue & Orange
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Blue (Sasuke) is a cold color while Orange (Naruto) is a warm color.
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Kage summit arc
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Also Sasuke is associated with purple color and naruto is associated with yellow color. Purple and yellow it brings high drama, contrast, and emotional tension. They are each really emotional colors, and they create fantastic tension with each other.
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The giant explosions created by the collision of Rasengan and Chidori in vote1 and vote2 are exactly opposite colors. Naruto's chakra color (yellow) and Sasuke's chakra color (purple)...they are opposite side of each other as well.
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Note: (Cool colors) Sky-blue, blue and violet/purple indicate night time, means 'yin'. Violet color indicates midnight. (Warm colors) Yellow, orange and red indicate day time, means 'yang'. Naruto & Sasuke colors are complementary and when they combined or mixed, cancel each other out by producing color like "white or black". Sasuke would become 'black' and Naruto 'white'. They are yin & yang.
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Yang began to signify the sun itself and the state of brightness and openness while Yin began to signify the moon and the state of darkness and closeness. As a result, they further derived two mutually complementary principles, of which Yang represents masculinity, light, warmth, dryness hardness, activity, etc., while Yin represents femininity, darkness, cold, moisture, softness, passivity, etc
the interdependence of Yin & Yang means that each of the two aspects is the condition for the other's existence and neither of them can exist in isolation. For instance, without daytime there would be no night; without male there would be no female. Hence, it can be seen that Yin and yang are at once in opposition and in interdependence; they rely on each other for existence, coexisting in a single entity.
The basic idea of Yin and Yang is not just the existence of the binary elements nor the dichotomy of phenomena but the harmony of opposites: they are not just in contrast or contradiction. Through the appropriate combination of Yin and Yang, these co-existing elements create beauty, balance and completeness.
Literally, Yin means dark or shade and Yang means bright or shiny. Both the physical and metaphysical worlds can be defined in terms of the relationship of the binary elements. The coexisteiice of opposites is a universal principle: love and hate, happiness and sadness, life and death, pure and practical, material and spiritual, black and white, and so on. Yin and Yang produce everything in the universe through combining in various proportions. In Onmyōdō, Heaven is Yang and Earth is Yin. Without Yang there is no Yin; without Yin there is no Yang. Both create a totality, a complete whole.
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choi-soobin · 1 year
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xypherz · 1 year
Sun!Felix x Moon!Reader
Details: Lee Felix x Reader, GN!Reader, Headcanons, 0.54k words A series in which an idol and their partner are polar opposites.
Warnings: Negative self talk if you squint, a single curse word, I think. Like always, let me know if I've missed something.
if you couldn't tell, i really like this kind of trope, and i plan to continue it with a few other idols, but i also want to do a moon!idol and their sun just in case people don't relate to the moon!reader yk?
We all know that Felix is a literal ray of sunshine.
An expressive, bright, hot ray of sunshine.
Nobody saw it coming when you guys started dating.
How could someone as sweet and brilliant as him like… you?
That’s what you were thinking when he first expressed his interest in you.
In truth, he only saw the good in you.
While you only saw the negatives, being quiet, and harsh, tactless, even, Felix only saw the positive things.
He sees the good because he brings out the good.
Harsh glances go right over his head; instead of assuming you are rude or mean, he asks what’s wrong.
He doesn’t care that you’re callous, but he does care about how you came to be that way.
He is so adamant on understanding you.
There are certain things that you do that other people would just see as argumentative and unnecessary. 
The one you do the most is saying no to simple tasks and then doing them anyway.
“Could you pass me that pen?”
“Uh… thanks…”
Queue an awkward side eye.
Felix still does not know why you do this no matter how hard he tries to understand, but he thinks it’s hilarious.
Most of your habits are that way to him: either hilarious, or adorable.
But the adorable habits are ones you really only have around him.
Other people see you playing with your hands: cracking knuckles, wiggling fingers around, playing with the hem of your shirt.
But Felix is the one with his hands being played with.
When you guys are talking about essentially anything vulnerable, you avert your eyes to his hands and take them in yours: feeling his skin, intertwining your fingers, putting his hands into a heart.
Sometimes he’ll lose his train of thought because he’s just admiring the way you work. He’ll go completely silent and you look back up at him like “what happened and why did it happen,” only to find him just staring at you.
Not in a creepy way, but a doting and loving way.
That look is the reason everyone within a 46 mile radius knew you guys were dating.
As soon as you walk into the same room as him, he’s just observing you.
The other members have never seen him so quiet.
When you guys are around each other, you let down your defense, and he settles down.
When he’s anxious, you just being there is enough to make him feel safe and less jittery.
Your harsh gazes and speech become softer and relaxed.
“Their eyes softened as they landed on him” headass.
He’s just as enamored by you, don’t worry.
Your relationship isn’t the stereotypical “opposites attract” where one is completely cold all the time and the other is warm and bubbly.
It’s more like when the moon and sun are in the sky at the same time.
Apart? One of you is chill, rigid, and unfriendly while the other is warm, soft, and energetic.
Together? You’re both calm and relaxed, but also warm and lively.
You can only reflect the light he gives you, and he’s more than willing to lend it to you.
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plumb-bob-keep · 6 months
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March 24-30
Robort's Small Chest from Vvardenfell- Robort the Robot DR
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"A Rose by any other Name" Flower Arranging Station
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Griffin Guardians - Updated
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loreleilarai · 1 year
The new dlc gave me... Ideas.
So, I was thinking about a reader blind from birth. I don't know much about people with those disabilities but I could investigate, and as far as I know they depend on others (either people or pets) not to get run over in the street and that sort of thing.
Y/N is studying to be a lawyer, them has been studying for two years and his parents gave him a bot to take care of them on his 20th birthday. Sun and Moon, two personalities in one body.
Sun is in charge of cooking, ironing and laundry or going outside, equipped with a cheerful and sociable attitude. Moon is something like the bodyguard, in case things get ugly he will go out either day or night, if Y/N goes out at night Moon will be the one outside not because of the light, but because in his programming is that it is dangerous at night. They both take care of Y/N's cleanliness and care, helping him read the law books while Y/N transcribes everything into Braille. This gives Y/N a little more freedom, without depending on other ... people.
Y/N has a pet dog, but every day them are visited by his parents, aunts or etc. They would like him not to be a burden to others and he strives to live for himself, in the end the visits are reduced and both Sun and Moon get attached to this human.
Here everything takes a direction more like Detroit Become Human, the robots want rights and the divergents are killed and thrown in a dumpster like scrap metal. Y/N is always curious about that, but Sun and Moon would rather not know about that news.
Things are slowly escalating with the robotic revolution, Moon and Sun don't want to mess with that stuff. They are fine here, reading for Y/N, taking walks in the park, giving the dog baths, charging through solar power while Y/N sits sunbathing beside them, having a quiet and peaceful domestic life. Of course there are feelings involved, Y/N is very grateful to Sun and Moon, and they love this life with their human. They are all in love and don't know how to approach it.
Of course things are not as everyone wishes, the peace and quiet is gone when one day, Sun go shopping for groceries and don't come back.
Y/N and his dog go out in search of Sun and Moon, even calling their parents for help, and the next day they find them at the entrance of a dumpster.
Sun, or maybe Moon have been smashed and burned. Y/N can't see but she can feel the heat, the ash, the dented metal and runs her hands over the mangled body. They are crying along with his dog, and his parents tell him they will get another bot for them, but Y/N doesn't want a new robot.
Y/N insists on fixing them, and his parents agree, telling him they'll try to help but in the end they don't assure him that a mechanic can help them. They take Sun and Moon home, in the backyard, in the sun. And somehow their solar panels in Sun's rays work properly.
They turn on, but they don't feel fully themselves, they're trapped in this Eclipse form. To clarify, Eclipse is not a third personality here! Sun and Moon exert their presence at the same time and every action is calculated in a millisecond by both of them in a quick discussion.
Now the tension of the revolution has increased, no one is safe anymore.
Y/N is looking for a mechanic, but everyone refuses to repair any kind of walking robot. It's a kind of new law, they can't fix any robot until the divergent problem is solved.
So, they have to live like this, Y/N helps Eclipse and Eclipse helps Y/N. They are both a little broken but they work together.
At some point there they confide and become a couple, Y/N don't want to go through the heartache of losing them without them knowing their feelings and blah blah. They kiss and commit to finding a way to move forward, together.
Y/N gets her law degree, and with that.... They decides it's time to leave the country. They talks to his parents and although they are worried, they agree.
Both Sun and Moon can't cross the border, so they are taking a road trip where they drive and Y/N talk.
Their ending comes when they cross another country where robots do have rights a couple of years ago and can get a mechanic to fix Eclipse. They rented a house, Y/N saved money through lawyer work, and a few years later they bought a house. Eclipse is a bit of a housewife, helping out with the kids from time to time when neighbors need to leave their kids in the care of others. After many years of relationship, them get married and get their happy ending.
I'm thinking of switching Y/N's parents and relatives with Vanessa, Gregory and Freddy. Who help Y/N cross the country through Monty, Roxanne (and Cassie) and Chica, who are not part of the revolution but help the bots in their own way.
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moontaeddybear · 3 months
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cats-eat-humans · 9 months
I drew moons death from Sam's as v's death from md
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I know the hand sucks shut it😔
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fracturedmoonlight · 9 months
Sorry to ask years after this was created, but For the Barnyard Bash - Ultimate Livestock & Poultry Collection, I have added the files that were required like the BB_Nooks And Niches & SunMoon-TimeOut, but for some reason I am still getting the blue flash with only the "Poultry Coop - Wicker" found in the Pets location in Build/Buy Mode. Any suggestions?
Looks like the documentation for Wicker items was left out when information was transferred over to a new document. Thank you for pointing it out. It's been fixed now. You need the Dining Chair from Basketweaving 4.1.
In the future, if you have any flashing blue you can download this smaller cache of files indicated in the Quickstart Guide that are common textures sources for everything else if you don't want a whole new set. Recolor not included.
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fireflowersims · 23 hours
Hi, I've recently downloaded the Barnyard Bash (and all it's requirements) but I'm suffering from a few missing textures - I managed to source the wood textures in the Grapes of Rad mod, but am still missing almost all the stone textures, and some wicker ones. I've read through the available documentation, deleted "pick one" extra files, checked for mod conflicts &c as requested in the FAQ first but am afraid I can't find the source for them - could you please let me know which mod/items I need?
The wicker textures are from the Basket Weaving set. (Dining chair)
The stone textures are from Frac's stone super set (couch)
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sunmoon-starfactory · 2 months
Loads o' Laundry - Critical Fixes and Localization Update
This laundry update contains a number of critical fixes. We recommend replacing all old files to ensure you have an up-to-date set that works as intended. For old users, this update also comes with a somewhat more complicated process to resolve a bug that was only recently brought to our direct attention. (see below)
Added support for Russian - Спасибо @simsmaniaworld!
Added support for Swedish - Tack @gummilutt!
Made the laundry objects compatible with the "Gardening and Cleaning Duties" mod by jonasn. Thank you @belladovah for reporting
Standing washing tubs were not removing dirty laundry when washing 2 loads. This has been fixed.
Fixed an issue that caused (wet and dirty) laundry removed from hampers to get stuck off-world. In case of wet laundry, this caused puddles to mysteriously keep spawning in the corner of your lot
Added a check to the wet laundry pile to prevent it from spawning puddles off-world
Added a debug option to the wet and dirty laundry piles to remove laundry stuck off-world. Access this by enabling testingcheats (boolprop testingcheatsenabled true) then shift-clicking a pile of wet or dirty laundry and selecting the debug option. It will give you an "OK!" notification
Added a debug option to laundry machines and dryers to clear stuck laundry. You can access this by enabling testingcheats (boolprop testingcheatsenabled true) then shift-clicking the machine you want to reset. Select the debug option and the machine should visibly clear of laundry.
IMPORTANT: Read the upgrade instructions below!!!
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Download Loads o' Laundry 2.0
View Manual
Update instructions
Replace all old laundry files with these new ones
Boot up the game and enter Ctrl + Shift + C and enter 'boolprop testingcheatsenabled true'. Press Enter
Go into a lot that has had laundry stored in hampers at any point.
Take a pile of wet laundry and a pile of dirty laundry (can be bought from the catalog if not immediately available) and shift-click it.
Click the Debug option and an 'OK!' notification should appear. DO this for both wet and dirty laundry.
Repeat steps 3-5 for any lot that has had laundry stored in hampers at any point.
If you have used hampers before and you do not perform these instructions, you will be left with absurd amounts of laundry stashed off-lot. This can result in randomly-appearing puddles and possibly lag.
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zenith-9 · 10 months
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i am undyingly sentimental, even towards what my first post could be, on my new account.
i chose something simple, appropriate, a memory that i like the look of.
now my brain goes “yes, you can reblog & post whatever you wish now, you’ve done your duty of abiding to your sensibilities”.
i like to think sometimes, that leaving a mark only you can see upon the world, is really important, and really lovely.
its cool to feel enraptured by the littlest of things
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wild-battlebond · 1 year
why are there at least two people in the world of pokémon who own large swaths of land and populate it solely with pikachu
it's interesting that both of these people have adopted a pikachu's (assumed) speach quirks (peppering pika into their sentences)
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xypherz · 1 year
Sun!San x Moon!Reader
Details: Choi San x Reader, GN!Reader, Headcanons, 0.56k words A series in which an idol and their partner are polar opposites.
Warnings: Kind of proofread? Nothing else, but let me know if I missed something.
He tried so hard to be mysterious and cool (which he is, but you would never tell him that), but the poor guy wears his heart on his sleeve and emotions on his face.
Then you showed up and he officially gave up.
You are everything he thinks is so cool. Like he just admires everything about you.
He was determined to get past the wall you built up, and he thinks it was so worth it.
Sure, you’re still rough around the edges, but getting past that brick wall opened up a world of awkwardly expressed vulnerability (he thinks it’s adorable, but you have to keep a reputation).
When he told you he was romantically interested in you (let’s be honest, you would have let it eat you up inside before you ever admitted it), you tried so hard to be genuine, but all that came out was: “Oh cool. Me too. I mean I like you too, not that I like me too. Sorry.”
He did that little face scrunch he does when he’s trying not to bounce off the walls.
Safe to say, when you guys started dating, he was so proud of himself. 
Like bragging to everyone he knows that the coolest person alive is his partner.
He would’ve told the media himself that you guys were dating straight up, but you were not having it.
It’s not that you’re ashamed of him or anything, but being in the eye of millions of people as the most biased member of ATEEZ’s partner is a little overwhelming.
You don’t show it on your face, or even tell him about it because you know it would make him feel bad.
He’s such an energetic person though and just wants to be out and about all the time.
He’s not an extrovert by any means, just a ball of energy.
You, however, cannot keep up for the life of you.
You run off of caffeine and spite.
He’s an idol, he barely sleeps, where on earth does he get this energy?
Most of the time, you guys stay in, or if you go out, it’s at night.
Staying in usually entails a movie night, self care night (San would rather die than let you neglect yourself), or baking disasters, in which you try your best to supervise, but end up enabling him.
Have I mentioned that you guys share a brain cell?
Each weekend is essentially “who gets the kid,” but it’s just a single brain cell.
His weekends with the brain cell are when you decide to get 2 hours of sleep and do 13 hours of work without a break.
He is not pleased.
Literally pries you away from whatever you’re doing to cuddle or eat.
Your weekends are when he thinks it’s a good idea to laugh so hard he puts a dent in the wall.
You drag him to the store to get drywall putty.
He is also not pleased with this.
Overall, you guys balance each other out, and even though it looks like you’re the sane one in the relationship that keeps San from running into an oncoming train, it’s actually that you both would run into the oncoming train together.
Well, he would run. You’d probably… meander into it.
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ur-daily-inspiration · 6 months
Someone captured the solar eclipse on an airplane
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catchymemes · 6 months
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Ohio Total Solar Eclipse
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