#*suffers in ai for medical imaging*
starlightshadowsworld · 10 months
This is the reality for many Palestinian children in the Israeli prison system.
[Video transcript:
While we're on the topic of Palestinian prisoners, or as I like to refer to them, hostages. We need to talk about the case of Ahmed Manasra.
Who is serving a 9 and a half year sentence in Israeli prison. And has been in prison since the age of 13.
On October 12th 2015, Ahmed and his cousin Hassan were walking the streets of East Jerusalem when they were attacked by an Israeli mob.
This mob accused them of stabbing 2 of them and immediately shot and killed Hassan. And brutally beat up Ahmed, and running him over with a car.
Fracturing part of his skull.
There is a viral video of this mob yelling at Ahmed, taunting him, telling him to die as he is lying on the ground bleeding, pleading for help.
The Israeli occupational forces then brutally interrogated him without an attorney or parent present.
There is a video out there of his interrogation where these Israeli soilders are screaming at this child.
At the time it was illegal for children to be in prison, so the courts waited until his 14th birthday. He has been in and out of solitary confinement for years.
Which directly goes against international law.
(Excerpt from the United Nations reads: The Mandela Rules, updated in 2015, are a revised minimum standard of UN rules that defines solitary confinement as 'the condiment of prisoners for 22 hours or more a day without any meaningful human contact.'
Solitary confinement may only be imposed in exceptional circumstances, and "prolonged" solitary confinement of more than 15 consecutive days is regarded as a form of torture.)
He has been diagnosed with schizophrenia and severe depression with suicidal thoughts, due to the solitary confinement and the human rights abuses that the Israeli occupation have done to him.
Even though, the Israeli courts found out that he was not involved with the stabbings, he is still serving a 9 and a half year sentence for "attempted murder."
(Excerpt from AP news reads: The teenagers are typically held in 1 by 1.5-meter (3 by 5 foot) cell flooded with endless light, the group said.
Their only human contact is with interrogators. They return to their families deeply scarred, said Ayed Abu Eqtaish, the groups accountability program director.)
I saw a report saying that teenagers are usually held in cells that are 3 and a half by 5 feet.
Ahmed is locked in his cell for 23 hours a day. He is being kept in the Ramla prison. He is continually been denied family visits, medical care and a push for his early release.
He has been tortured endlessly since the age of 13 by the Israeli occupation forces.
There has been an international push for his release (image reads: GENEVA '14th July 2022- UN human rights experts today urged the Government of Israel to immediately release Ahmed Manasra, 20 year old Palestinian detailed in Israeli prisons since he was 13 years old. While suffering serious mental health conditions.)
Yet at the age of 21, Ahmed still remains in Israeli prison.
This push largely follows the fact that he is not being treated for his medical conditions, that the Israeli occupation forces caused him.
Israel took away Ahmed's childhood at age 13, we need to push for his immediate release.
Ahmed not only deserves to be at home with his family, but deserves justice for what happened to him.
End Transcript]
And who knows how many Ahmed's are unjustly abd illegally locked up and tortured in these prisons.
Because the majority of Palestinians in there, are children or were arrested as children.
With no reason to be there, admitted by Israel themselves.
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monsterqueers · 2 months
Tumblr has had a longstanding scam bot donation post problem. From sick dog posts using blatantly AI generated images to Gaza refugee aid blogs accidentally sending the pornbot script instead, it happens.
So how do you spot them?
Here is a quick guide to spot the most obvious scammers;
Step one: Actually read the post. Does the information all agree with itself? If they post a picture of their medical readouts are those readouts things that make sense for a conscious living person? Does that dog x-ray have 7 toes and too few ribs to be real? Are there obvious photoshop signs? Do the pictures ACTUALLY prove anything? Do they reference a law that does not exist in the country they claim to be from? Is the amount asked for around what it would cost for what they are claiming to do with it? Is what they are asking for money for a feasible thing? Are they using emotionally manipulative language that gets you to panic or feel upset and make rush decisions? Do they imply that if you do not post the post you are responsible for suffering or death? Did they send an ask instead of putting it on their actual blog as a post? Does the gofundme match the post?
Step two: Reverse image search the images given. Do they come up elsewhere in posts by other people? Do they come up in other donation posts with different names and monetary amounts?
Step three: Quote search the script minus URLs and names. Is the script used in many other donation posts with different names and values?
Step four: Examine the blog that it is from. Is it a 'blank' blog? Is the donation post their ONLY post? Have they made multiple donation posts with different names and amounts? Does google searching their name cause you to come up with many different asks sent to people that have different names and money values and images in them? Is this a reskinned porn bot? Are the posts on the blog consistent with the information given in the donation post? Do they not talk about themselves at all, just have 5 random posts reblogged in the last week and then a donation beg? Does the account link to other accounts on other platforms that look like real people? Is this obviously a person outside of the donation post?
Step five: Examine their IP address through means such as Statcounter. If you don't already have it on your blog, you may want to get it if you get a lot of donation asks. Is the IP address within the location they claim they are in or are close to it? If they are using an eSim some eSims have a fixed IP address (Hong Kong is a common one). A Hong Kong or USA address is not a strike against them in this case. An IP address in Belgium should be instantly suspect as there is a KNOWN scam ring from there doing Gaza aid scams.
If everything checks out, you've done a decent cursory check on the donation post. That does NOT mean it is for sure legitimate, but it is not OBVIOUSLY a scam at this point.
Q: I can't do all this work!
A: Then have someone you trust on a PERSONAL LEVEL (not a random tumblr blog who says they verify things) verify with these steps, just ignore all donation posts like this from people you do not know personally and only donate to specific charity organizations that are reputable, or accept you may be posting and donating to scams.
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novankenn · 7 days
I hope you're doing great I just finished reading your story, "more-than-meets-the-eye", and I wanted to reach out because it really touched a chord in me. Your characters and world hold great potential for visual storytelling, and I would be more than happy to see your narrative transform into a visual comic.
Why I'm Reaching Out
I'm an enthusiastic artist adaptation-oriented from written works into visual comics, and your story stood out for me in terms of richness in character development and the clever way you weaves emotion into every scene. Your deep characters and vivid imagery of their world hold incredible potential for a visual storytelling adaptation. I feel that with the right visual treatment, your story can engage a wider audience and set an immersive experience for your readers.
A Little About Me
My artist name is "ZoyeZest," and I admire stories that speak at a visual level. I've worked with numerous authors on a commission basis to turn their stories into comics, capturing the feel of their stories while giving another dimension to the telling. My work is fueled by one simple passion: bringing stories to life in visual form. And I am dedicated to making sure your vision comes to life in a way that will strike a chord with your audience.
Let's Talk
I'd love to flesh out this idea with you some more and get some of your thoughts. Whether it's a full adaptation or just wanting to see some ideas, I'm here to collaborate and make sure that it is your vision at the very front. Since this would be on a commissioned basis, I can also give you more information on my pricing and what this process would look like.
Looking forward to hearing from you, and thank you in advance for considering this collaboration.
Best regards,
Good monring,
Firstly, thank you for reaching out to me with your proposal about a collaboration/commission opportunity.
Your enjoyment of, and interest in my fanfiction "More than meets the Eye" does make me feel validated, and I appreciate your comments.
However I have reservations with your proposal. Namely that I can not find through independent research no samples of your work or collaborations. Now this could just mean you have decided to keep everything offline to prevent sampling by AI... which is understandable. Any social media I have found of you links to very recent account creations. Which is a troubling premise, especially where you are indicating that you have been doing this type of work for some time. You have also reached out to me through a DM, and TBH that would have been a much better way to discuss this opportunity over sending me an ask.
But I digress. I response to your proposal. I can't accept, and this for this reason... Financial reasons... I just don't have the disposable income to take advantage of such an offer. I use AI images as basic hints at what I envision due to this fact. - approximately 4-5 years ago I suffered a mental breakdown and near psychotic break due to suffering through 20 years of no stop stress in both my professional and personal life. I am still recovering from this both physically, mentally and financially. (I currently live in my parent's basement.) - I am currently trying to build/grow a bookkeeping business, and any extra funds I get as payments for services rendered go back into the business. - I was diagnosed as "Bipolar II" and put on several medications to not only stabilize my mood, but also to help me sleep. Medication as everyone is mostly aware is expensive... which is a further drain on my limited income. So, my apologies but I can not at this time take advantage of your proposal/offer. I will keep you DM, and if my situation changes it is possible that I will reach out to you for a discussion on if this proposal is still valid. Thank you for your time, in reaching out to me. Jeremy (NovanKenn) Mosher
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angeltreasure · 1 year
I saw something the other day I think another anon but it made me think so this is pathetic probs anyway like I know your answer esp because you’re a woman of God and I’m tryna get closer to him. Is outer beauty all that matters I know everyone is all different and God made us and things happen and inner beauty is what God sees too. One of my old friends said being ‘skinny’ and looking like a model and having perfect face is the goal and everything it just made me feel sad for all reasons
No. Outer beauty is not all that matters. We don’t stay young forever but money talks so that’s why you see all kinds of things people try in order to stretch their youth and make them appear younger. That’s why you see so many beauty product commercials, plastic surgeries, strange fashions worn by people clearly too old to wear them, photoshop photos for magazines and movies to slim down models and sexualize women, AI photo filters, people posting older photos as their profile picture to trick others, etc!
People will spend thousands and thousands of dollars to make themself appear to have eternal youth. Some go to extremes with surgery. Some try other methods not as expensive such as restrictive dieting, getting a new haircut, medication over the counter, using tiktok filters, etc. It ends up becoming trendy and leads younger and younger people to want a certain unattainable image. Then the younger crowd below them sees how they behave and try to copy them. Ballerinas look pretty when they dance but a lot of them suffer eating disorders.
Youth and prime don’t last forever. We age in this life if God wills that we live long enough. Over time, our cells don’t divide as fast so bruises and wounds take longer to heal. We get wrinkles and our skin can even feel rough. Our hair color will most likely change to grey and white depending on our genes. If we don’t use our muscles they can break down. Joints wear out. We can get stretch marks. Our fertility declines once reaching a certain age, or earlier from medical conditions and complications. Bones become sponge if we don’t take care of them. And more. Aging is normal. It’s supposed to be normal.
When we become skinny, there is a certain BMI that is dangerous depending on if we are male or female and how tall we are. Being super skinny or underweight isn’t without consequences. When people forcefully starve their own bodies to drop dramatically in weight, it can cause permanent organ damage. If we binge eat by forcing ourselves to throw up constantly you can damage all of your teeth and gums. Blood pressures drop causing you to pass out. White blood cell counts can start to decline, making it harder for your body to fight offensively against disease, and more. Eventually, once the body is too weak and when you stop eating altogether, you can even die. Please don’t try any of those eating disorders!
No one has a perfect face except God. We humans can’t even look upon in this life or we can literally die.
The goal is not to be a super skinny model for likes and attention and praise from men but rather, our true goal for you and I is to become saints. Don’t waste your life away in this life trying to give yourself the fountain of youth and materialism. Instead, store your treasures up in Heaven and keep the faith.
Don’t look to movie stars and Victoria Secret models. Look instead for our the example of Our Lady, Mary. She was so filled with grace and never sinned. She was full of virtue and was taken straight to Heaven. She was closest to Jesus. Look at her beauty instead and model after her wanting to do the will of God. Her beauty shines not by skinniness but by grace and love, Motherly love. Turn to our lady and our Lord and pray the Rosary. It is a powerful Bibical prayer that will get your mind off body appearances and instead to focus on the lives of Jesus and Mary. Turn away from worldly desires and instead, pray the Rosary each day and go to Mass.
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cranial-8959 · 2 years
How Evonos’ AI Products have Impacted Brain operations and their Technologies
Brain operations and technologies have been used to solve various problems in many fields. From art to science, military to medicine, this has led to an increasing trend towards sophisticated and effective brain operations. The best neurosurgeons use Evonos’ computer technology to help them perform these operations. 
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According to Medizin-Aspekte.de (german version) the first step to improving brain surgery is to understand how the brain works and how it can be controlled. Brain surgery involves removal of damaged tissue, which requires a high level of precision and control. For surgeons to be able to perform these operations, they need to be able to precisely guide their tools, as well as be able to control the speed at which they cut through the tissue. This is where Evonos’  AI products come into play!
Evonos is a company that specializes in the development of medical AI technologies. Its products have proven to be very helpful for the medical community and are used by many professional doctors and researchers. Evonos’ AI products have been developed to improve the quality of life for patients suffering from brain diseases like Alzheimer’s, autism and other neurodegenerative disorders.
The company has a team of experts who work together to create products that offer valuable solutions to people suffering from these conditions. They also work with patients and their families to create custom-made programs to help them cope with these conditions.
AI has improved brain operations in many ways. First of all, AI assists doctors in making diagnoses and treating patients. It can also help doctors with their surgeries by analysing images or videos of the patient's body and performing sophisticated simulations to determine the best way to operate on the patient's body. This has made Neurosurgeons use artificial intelligence (AI) to improve their skills by honing their ability to understand how the brain works and how it can be operated on in case of an injury.
Another aspect of AI that has improved brain operations is its ability to recognise patterns in data sets that are too large or complex for humans to understand fully. This is especially useful when it comes to identifying objects in photos and videos, which can be difficult for humans even when they are looking at them for an extended period.
AI also helps doctors decide which patients will be more likely to respond well to various medications or treatments. This can save lives by preventing people from taking unnecessary doses of certain drugs or receiving ineffective ones. It also helps in reducing costs associated with hospital visits for those who do not respond well.
As we've previously discussed, in the medical field, AI is invading every area of study and care. This includes the operation room. The tools for brain surgery have become exponentially more sophisticated with the implementation of AI-powered surgical robots. To provide patients with better health care, these innovations are only going to continue as physicians worldwide explore their effectiveness and capabilities. As such, it will be fascinating to see where this increasingly expansive field takes us in the future.
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How Veterinary Solutions Are Transforming Animal Healthcare
In today’s fast-evolving medical landscape, veterinary solutions are taking center stage, offering veterinarians and pet owners access to groundbreaking technologies that enhance animal healthcare. These solutions range from diagnostic tools to cutting-edge treatment options, addressing the growing need for comprehensive care. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the most influential veterinary solutions and how they’re making a difference in animal health.
1. AI-Powered Diagnostics
Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly gaining traction in veterinary medicine. AI-powered diagnostic tools analyze imaging data such as X-rays and ultrasounds to identify abnormalities faster and more accurately. These tools assist veterinarians in detecting issues such as tumors, fractures, and internal infections that might be easily missed with the naked eye. With AI’s ability to process large amounts of data, diagnostics are becoming more reliable, allowing for timely intervention and personalized care.
2. Wearable Veterinary Technology
Wearable devices designed for pets are becoming an essential component of veterinary solutions. These smart collars and trackers monitor pets' vital signs, including heart rate, activity levels, and body temperature. This information helps veterinarians gain valuable insights into a pet’s health, especially for animals with chronic conditions like heart disease or arthritis. Owners can track their pets’ well-being in real-time, while veterinarians can use the data to make informed treatment decisions.
3. Mobile Veterinary Services
Mobile veterinary services are another trend changing the face of animal healthcare. These solutions allow veterinarians to visit pets in their homes, minimizing stress for the animals and offering more convenience for pet owners. Equipped with portable diagnostic tools and treatment options, mobile vets can provide everything from routine check-ups to minor surgeries. This trend is particularly beneficial for pets that suffer from anxiety during vet visits, elderly animals, or owners with limited mobility.
4. Veterinary Telemedicine
Telemedicine has taken off in the veterinary world, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. Virtual consultations provide a practical alternative for diagnosing minor illnesses, offering medication advice, or conducting follow-ups without the need for an in-person visit. Veterinary telemedicine is convenient for pet owners and ensures that pets receive prompt attention, which can be critical in urgent cases. By connecting pet owners with veterinarians remotely, telemedicine is ensuring that access to care is no longer hindered by geographic boundaries.
5. Surgical Innovations
Advances in veterinary surgery have introduced minimally invasive techniques that reduce recovery time and improve outcomes for animals. Laparoscopic surgery, for instance, is a minimally invasive option that requires only small incisions, reducing the risk of infection and making recovery easier. Additionally, laser surgery is being increasingly used to treat tumors and other soft tissue conditions. These innovations allow for safer procedures and a quicker return to normal activities for pets.
6. Sustainable Veterinary Solutions
Sustainability is becoming a key concern in the veterinary industry, with a growing emphasis on eco-friendly products and practices. Veterinary clinics are opting for biodegradable packaging for medications, reducing the use of plastics, and adopting energy-efficient technologies to minimize their environmental impact. Sustainability in veterinary solutions also extends to food and nutrition, where plant-based and eco-friendly pet diets are gaining popularity.
Veterinary solutions are significantly transforming animal healthcare, making it more advanced, accessible, and effective. From AI-driven diagnostics and wearable technology to mobile services and sustainable practices, these innovations are reshaping the way veterinarians care for pets. These solutions ensure that animals receive top-tier medical attention, improving their quality of life while giving pet owners peace of mind.
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Best Health Care in India
India's healthcare landscape has experienced significant changes over the decades, transforming into a dynamic and fast-growing sector. Serving a population of over 1.4 billion people, the challenges of delivering quality healthcare to such a diverse population are immense. Best Health Care in India Despite these challenges, India’s healthcare system has evolved with contributions from both government initiatives and a growing private sector, alongside technological advancements and innovations. This essay explores the healthcare landscape in India with a specific focus on Medaura, discussing its structure, accessibility, technological progress, ongoing challenges, and future outlook.
Structure of Healthcare in India
India's healthcare system is a unique mix of public and private sectors. Public healthcare, managed by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, operates at various levels, including national, state, and district. Public healthcare’s primary objective is to provide preventive and essential medical services, particularly to underserved and rural populations. Public facilities such as primary health centers (PHCs), community health centers (CHCs), and district hospitals are vital for ensuring healthcare access in remote areas.
On the other hand, private healthcare has experienced rapid growth, especially in urban regions. Private institutions offer specialized treatments, advanced medical technologies, and high-quality care that meets global standards. This sector plays an essential role in reducing the burden on public hospitals and providing a wider range of services in cities and metropolitan areas. Medaura is a prime example of private sector contribution, focusing on innovative solutions to bridge gaps in healthcare accessibility and quality across different regions.
Accessibility to Healthcare
One of the most pressing issues in India’s healthcare system is the disparity in healthcare accessibility between urban and rural regions. While cities are equipped with modern hospitals, diagnostic centers, and specialty clinics, rural areas suffer from a lack of infrastructure and medical professionals. This urban-rural divide presents significant challenges in providing equitable healthcare access. The government has taken various steps to address this gap through initiatives like the National Health Mission and Ayushman Bharat, which provide insurance and healthcare services to economically disadvantaged populations.
Medaura has been instrumental in improving healthcare access, particularly for marginalized communities. By leveraging innovative healthcare models, such as mobile health units and telemedicine platforms, Medaura ensures that people in rural and remote areas can receive timely medical attention. Additionally, Medaura’s commitment to cost-effective healthcare has allowed patients from lower-income backgrounds to access high-quality services without incurring exorbitant medical expenses.
Innovation and Technological Advancement in Healthcare
India has become a global leader in healthcare innovation, particularly in fields such as telemedicine, pharmaceutical production, and medical devices. Telemedicine is one of the key areas where India has excelled, making it possible for patients in rural and hard-to-reach areas to consult with doctors remotely through mobile applications and video conferencing. This has opened up new opportunities for providing care to populations that would otherwise struggle to access healthcare services.
Medaura has been at the forefront of this telemedicine revolution, offering cutting-edge solutions that connect patients with healthcare providers regardless of geographic barriers. By embracing digital health platforms and AI-driven diagnostics, Medaura is transforming the way healthcare is delivered in India. It has invested in wearable health monitors, AI-based medical imaging, and mobile health solutions that improve patient outcomes and promote preventative care.
India’s pharmaceutical sector, often referred to as the "pharmacy of the world," has also been a crucial driver of healthcare innovation. The country is one of the largest producers of generic drugs and vaccines, which played a pivotal role during the COVID-19 pandemic. Medaura's collaborations with pharmaceutical companies have facilitated the availability of affordable medicines and vaccines, ensuring wider access to essential treatments and preventative care.
Challenges in Indian Healthcare
While India’s healthcare system has made remarkable strides, it still faces several challenges that impede its full potential. These challenges include infrastructure deficiencies, shortages of healthcare professionals, and public health crises.
Infrastructure: Despite advancements in urban healthcare, rural areas continue to face significant infrastructure gaps. Many villages and small towns lack basic healthcare facilities like clinics, hospitals, and diagnostic centers. Addressing this issue requires coordinated efforts between the public and private sectors to expand infrastructure development in rural and underserved regions.
Human Resources: India struggles with a shortage of healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, and paramedics. The doctor-to-patient ratio is significantly lower than the World Health Organization’s recommended standards. Additionally, healthcare professionals are concentrated in urban centers, leaving rural populations underserved. Medaura is working to address this issue by training local healthcare workers and deploying them to areas where their services are most needed.
Public Health: India faces the dual burden of communicable diseases like tuberculosis and malaria, along with the rising incidence of non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. This creates immense pressure on healthcare resources and necessitates large-scale public health initiatives focused on disease prevention and early detection.
Government Initiatives and Policies
The Indian government has launched several healthcare initiatives aimed at improving access to healthcare services and reducing financial burdens on citizens. One of the most significant programs is Ayushman Bharat, which provides health coverage to millions of low-income families across the country. By offering financial protection from high medical costs, Ayushman Bharat aims to improve healthcare outcomes for vulnerable populations.
Medaura has supported these initiatives by offering complementary healthcare services that align with the government’s goals of improving access and affordability. Its efforts to provide low-cost healthcare, especially in areas where the public healthcare system is inadequate, have been widely appreciated.
The Future of Healthcare in India
The future of healthcare in India is promising, with exciting advancements in medical technologies, increased investments in healthcare infrastructure, and a growing focus on preventative care. Telemedicine, digital health platforms, and AI-driven diagnostics will continue to revolutionize healthcare delivery, particularly in remote areas. Medaura’s innovative healthcare model positions it well to play a pivotal role in shaping this future.
As healthcare becomes more digitized, AI and machine learning technologies will enhance medical diagnostics, personalize treatment plans, and improve patient outcomes. Medaura is already pioneering these technologies to deliver faster, more accurate diagnoses and effective treatments for a wide range of medical conditions.
Preventative care will also play a key role in India’s healthcare future, as lifestyle diseases become more prevalent. By emphasizing early detection and encouraging healthy lifestyles, healthcare providers like Medaura can reduce the strain on the healthcare system and improve long-term health outcomes for millions of people.
India’s healthcare system is a complex and evolving entity that has made significant progress in addressing the needs of its vast population. Through the combination of government initiatives, private sector growth, and technological innovations, India is making strides in improving healthcare access, affordability, and quality. Medaura stands out as a key player in this transformation, using innovative approaches to tackle the challenges of accessibility, cost, and technology in healthcare. With its forward-thinking healthcare solutions and commitment to improving patient outcomes, Medaura is well-positioned to lead India’s healthcare sector into a bright and promising future.
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suzilight · 19 days
Spatial Topography of the Brain
A meta-analysis of magnetic resonance imaging data of neuronal activity in advanced meditation practitioners has discovered a reorganization of information processing topography in which brain regions involved in present-awareness have increased activity while ego-centric and subject-object (discriminatory) neuronal information processing layers are mitigated [1]. The researchers identify the neural correlates associated with the feeling of unity of experience—a state that advanced meditation practitioners can experience, often described as a non-dual state of experience that does not maintain the strong distinction between self-other or subject-object information, but rather a unified experience of oneness, or singularity.
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Figure 1: Interoceptive Information and Its Integration with Emotional, Cognitive, and Motivational Signals from an Array of Cortical and Subcortical Regions. Interoceptive information of constantly changing body states arrives in the posterior insula by ascending sensory inputs from dedicated spinal and brainstem pathways via specific thalamic relays. This information is projected rostrally onto the anterior insula, where it is integrated with emotional, cognitive, and motivational signals from an array of cortical and subcortical regions. As a result, the anterior insula supports unique subjective feeling states. The anterior insula regulates the introduction of subjective feelings into cognitive and motivational processes by virtue of its cortical location at the cross-roads of numerous pathways involved in higher cognition and motivation. Abbreviations: AI, anterior insula; AMG, amygdala; dACC, dorsal anterior cingulate cortex; DLPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; PI, posterior insula; THAL, thalamus; VMPFC, ventromedial prefrontal cortex; VS, ventral striatum. Image and image description from [3].
"From the meta-analysis data, the researchers determined that there is a distinctive shift in these information processing layers such that DMN activity is reduced, DMN-CEN synchronization undergoes a more positive connectivity, and dominant information processing shifts to the attention networks of higher order brain regions like the prefrontal cortex: leading to greater present-moment awareness and integration of self with environment and internal feelings."
Such reorganization of the brain’s information processing topology is significant in changing how a person perceives the world and their relationship to the experiences of daily life, in a therapeutic context this has made meditation a popular practice (even medically prescribed) to lower anxiety and stress, as mindfulness strengthens the brain’s ability to stay focused in the present-moment, so that undue worry is not given from constantly contemplating the past and potential future events. The former of which there is no way to change, and the latter of which is most effectively managed by actions in the present moment. Such mindfulness techniques have a long history of extolling benefits, with philosophical traditions from Stoicism to Buddhism explaining how mindfulness, focus in the present moment, and relinquishing negative judgements about events—that arise from excessive self-referential cognitive processing—can reduce suffering and help people achieve the most effective and optimal version of themselves [4].
The main results of the study are:  (i) decreased posterior default mode network (DMN) activity
(ii) increased central executive network (CEN) activity
(iii) decreased connectivity within posterior DMN as well as between posterior and anterior DMN
(iv) increased connectivity within the anterior DMN and CEN
(v) and significantly impacted connectivity between the DMN and CEN (likely a nonlinear phenomenon).
This study has shown a significant and objective change in brain function because of meditation, inverting the predominant levels of information processing so that experience is not executing on “auto-pilot” but instead heightened awareness in the present moment enables highly conscious and effective activity. We would further posit that there are biophysical changes occurring all the way to the cellular and molecular resolution of information processing and bioenergetics. Such that the highly focused attention of meditation can engender a state of singularity, not just a singularity of perception. It is possible that such a state mitigates the decohering interactions in the molecular dynamics of the cell, so that long-range quantum coherent states are bolstered, leading to greater degrees of qubit information processing and Bose-Einstein like states (via mechanisms like Frohlich condensation [5]). Increases in information processing at this atomic resolution couples the body much more strongly to the vacuum information structure, enabling accession of nonlocal information and energy. Such that these coherent states correlate with an expanded state of awareness, in which non-local information processing in the macromolecular networks of the cellular system give much greater integration of signals from the self, environment, and beyond, enabling experiences of non-duality, or connection with the greater universe (beyond our normal mundane quotidian experiences of the world).
[1] A. C. Cooper, B. Ventura, and G. Northoff, “Beyond the veil of duality—topographic reorganization model of meditation,” Neuroscience of Consciousness, vol. 2022, no. 1, p. niac013, Jan. 2022, doi: 10.1093/nc/niac013
[2] P. Qin, M. Wang, and G. Northoff, “Linking bodily, environmental and mental states in the self—A three-level model based on a meta-analysis,” Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, vol. 115, pp. 77–95, Aug. 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2020.05.004
[3] H. Namkung, S.-H. Kim, and A. Sawa, “The Insula: An Underestimated Brain Area in Clinical Neuroscience, Psychiatry, and Neurology,” Trends in Neurosciences, vol. 41, no. 8, pp. 551–554, Aug. 2018, doi: 10.1016/j.tins.2018.05.004
[4] Lutz A, Dunne JD, Davidson RJ. Meditation and the neuroscience of consciousness: an introduction. In: Zelazo PD, Moscovitch M, Thompson E (eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Consciousness. Cambridge University Press, 2007, 499–551.doi: 10.1017/CBO9780511816789.020
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jcmarchi · 6 months
Artificial intelligence detects heart defects in newborns - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/artificial-intelligence-detects-heart-defects-in-newborns-technology-org/
Artificial intelligence detects heart defects in newborns - Technology Org
Researchers from ETH Zurich and KUNO Klinik St. Hedwig in Regensburg have developed an algorithm that automatically and reliably detects a certain heart defect in newborns.
Pediatric cardiologist Dr. Holger Michel during a cardiac ultrasound examination of 7-​week-old Jarmo in the presence of his mother. Image credit: Sven Wellmann / KUNO Klinik St. Hedwig in Regensburg
Many children announce their arrival in the delivery room with a piercing cry. As a newborn automatically takes its first breath, the lungs inflate, the blood vessels in the lungs widen, and the whole circulatory system reconfigures itself to life outside the womb. This process doesn’t always go to plan, however. Some infants – particularly those who are very sick or born prematurely – suffer from pulmonary hypertension, a serious disorder in which the arteries to the lungs remain narrowed after delivery or close up again in the first few days or weeks after birth. This constricts the flow of blood to the lungs, reducing the amount of oxygen in the blood.
Prompt diagnosis and treatment improve prognosis
Severe cases of pulmonary hypertension need to be detected and treated as rapidly as possible. The sooner treatment begins, the better the prognosis for the newborn infant. Yet making the correct diagnosis can be challenging. Only experienced paediatric cardiologists are able to diagnose pulmonary hypertension based on a comprehensive ultrasound examination of the heart. “Detecting pulmonary hypertension is time-​consuming and requires a cardiologist with highly specific expertise and many years of experience. Only the largest paediatric clinics tend to have those skills on hand,” says Professor Sven Wellmann, Medical Director of the Department of Neonatology at KUNO Klinik St. Hedwig, part of the Hospital of the Order of St. John in Regensburg in Germany.
Researchers from the group led by Julia Vogt, who runs the Medical Data Science Group at ETH Zurich, recently teamed up with neonatologists at KUNO Klinik St. Hedwig to develop a computer model that provides reliable support in diagnosing the disease in newborn infants. Their results have now been published in the International Journal of Computer Vision.
Making AI reliable and explainable
The ETH researchers began by training their algorithm on hundreds of video recordings taken from ultrasound examinations of the hearts of 192 newborns. This dataset also included moving images of the beating heart taken from different angles as well as diagnoses by experienced paediatric cardiologists (is pulmonary hypertension present or not) and an evaluation of the disease’s severity (“mild” or “moderate to severe”). To determine the algorithm’s success at interpreting the images, the researchers subsequently added a second dataset of ultrasound images from 78 newborn infants, which the model had never seen before. The model suggested the correct diagnosis in around 80 to 90 percent of cases and was able to determine the correct level of disease severity in around 65 to 85 percent of cases.
“The key to using a machine-​learning model in a medical context is not just the prediction accuracy, but also whether humans are able to understand the criteria the model uses to make decisions,” Vogt says. Her model makes this possible by highlighting the parts of the ultrasound image on which its categorisation is based. This allows doctors to see exactly which areas or characteristics of the heart and its blood vessels the model considered to be suspicious. When the paediatric cardiologists examined the datasets, they discovered that the model looks at the same characteristics as they do, even though it was not explicitly programmed to do so.
A human makes the diagnosis
This machine-​learning model could potentially be extended to other organs and diseases, for example to diagnose heart septal defects or valvular heart disease.
It could also be useful in regions where no specialists are available: standardised ultrasound images could be taken by a healthcare professional, and the model could then provide a preliminary risk assessment and an indication of whether a specialist should be consulted. Medical facilities that do have access to highly qualified specialists could use the model to ease their workload and to help reach a better and more objective diagnosis. “AI has the potential to make significant improvements to healthcare. The crucial issue for us is that the final decision should always be made by a human, by a doctor. AI should simply be providing support to ensure that the maximum number of people can receive the best possible medical care,” Vogt says.
Source: ETH Zurich
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speedyposts · 8 months
Afraa, ‘miracle baby’ of Syria’s earthquake, is turning one
Jandaris, Syria – It was a party, a celebration of life for so many children and young people who survived one of the worst natural disasters in decades.
The big white tent was decked out in balloons and streamers, with colourful games marked out on the floor and all manner of hula hoops changing hands.
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▶ Satya Nadella & Sam Altman: Dawn of the AI Wars | The Circuit with Emily Chang
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Among the people being celebrated at the World Vision party was little Afraa, the baby who was born as her mother died under the debris of the massive earthquakes that struck northwestern Syria and southern Turkey on February 6 last year, killing 4,500 people in Syria and some 50,000 in Turkey. She turns one on Tuesday.
“Since I was a child, people would say ‘Hope is born from suffering,'” Khalil Shami al-Suwadi, Afraa’s uncle by marriage, said.
“On the day of the earthquake, seeing Afraa born beneath the rubble of her home made me realise how true that was,” he added.
Jandaris, in the countryside of Aleppo, was one of the areas most affected by the earthquake, with more than 510 people killed and at least 810 injured, according to the Syria Civil Defence, also known as the White Helmets.
The day of Afraa’s birth was when her parents and four brothers were killed when their house in Jandaris collapsed in the earthquake.
After being rescued from the rubble and taken to hospital for treatment, she was named Aya by the medical staff. Later, her aunt, Hala, who was the sister of Afraa’s 26-year-old father Abdullah, and uncle, Khalil, changed her name to Afraa to honour her late mother.
She lives with her aunt and uncle and her six new siblings. Eleven-year-old Mal al-Sham is the eldest, and the youngest is Ataa, another little girl who was born two days after Afraa and is also turning one soon.
In March last year, Hala told Al Jazeera over the phone, “I would have never given up Afraa. She’s my niece, my blood. Many people wanted to adopt her, but we would not have it. We will take care of her just like our own children.”
She is still nursed by her aunt, alongside her cousin Ataa, and has recovered from the rib fractures and bruising she suffered under the rubble last year. Not only that, she has also taken her first steps and is babbling away.
“When she took her first step, I was immensely happy. But I remembered her parents and how they would have been over the moon if they were with us,” said al-Suwadi.
“My heart has eight compartments for my wife and my seven children [including Afraa],” said al-Suwadi. “She is a trust left to us by her parents, may they rest in peace.”
Afraa has started saying a few words and has called out “Mama” and “Baba” her aunt, Hala, and uncle, Khalil.
“It wasn’t the first time I’ve heard the word ‘Baba’, but for some reason, when Afraa said it, I felt a strange, indescribable sensation,” al-Suwadi added.
Because she spends all day with her big cousins, Afraa is also constantly trying to talk to them, making demands and telling stories that nobody is sure they understand completely.
The children play, argue, and sleep together, and there is an especially strong bond between her and her eight-year-old cousin, Doaa.
“I love all my siblings, but Afraa is my favourite,” Doaa confided. “I love playing with her and being close to her,” she said, adding that it goes both ways, with Afraa preferring to be with Doaa at all times, including playtime and bedtime.
“When she cries, my mom will hold her. But it doesn’t work, she keeps crying. But when I pick her up, she stops crying immediately,” Doaa said.
The al-Suwadis are hopeful and looking forward to the future with their seven children, but sometimes that sunny outlook is clouded over by the occasional aftershocks that remind him of what happened a year ago.
“What happened to us in Jandaris was a disaster in every sense of the word, and I pray that it never happens again,” he added.
But for an afternoon, in that lively, decorated tent, children and their carers were able to get together and talk about their experiences, celebrate being there together, and marvel at how much the nearly-one-year-old Afraa had grown.
Malik Abdulghani, a World Vision education programme officer, told Al Jazeera: “Having Afraa with us for this event, which is near her birthday and the anniversary of the earthquake, symbolises that in the heart of every hardship, there is hope.”
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▶ Satya Nadella & Sam Altman: Dawn of the AI Wars | The Circuit with Emily Chang
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pristyncarereviews · 11 months
Pristyn Care: Transforming Healthcare Through Innovation
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Pristyn Care is at the­ forefront of revolutionizing healthcare­ in an era characterized by rapid te­chnological advancement and evolving he­althcare requireme­nts. Not only do they offer cutting-edge­ medical procedures, but they also transform the very e­ssence of healthcare­ itself. What sets this company apart is not just its innovative approach, but also the countless positive­ reviews from patients who have­ experience­d their exceptional care­ firsthand.
The Healthcare Landscape
The traditional healthcare system has been marred by long wait times, administrative hassles, and inconsistent quality of care. Patients often faced the daunting task of finding specialists, scheduling appointments, and dealing with insurance paperwork, all while suffering from their ailment. This state of affairs has made the need for an innovative healthcare provider like Pristyn Healthcare more pressing than ever.
A New Approach to Healthcare
Pristyn Care has distinguishe­d itself in the healthcare­ industry with its patient-centric approach. By prioritizing innovation, convenie­nce, and quality, the company has revolutionize­d the experie­nce for numerous patients. What se­ts the company apart is its comprehensive­ care for various medical conditions like gastroe­nterological issues, ENT disorders, urological proble­ms, and gynecological concerns. This commitment to providing e­xceptional care is evide­nt not only in their medical procedure­s but also in the positive Pristyn Care revie­ws from countless satisfied patients who have­ witnessed the difference firsthand.
Seamless Experience
Pristyn Healthcare has re­volutionized the way patients e­xperience he­althcare. The entire­ process, from initial contact to post-operative care­, is smooth and efficient. Patients can re­ach out either by phone or online­ inquiry and are guided through eve­ry step, including scheduling consultations, diagnostic tests, and re­ceiving post-operative care­.
The company take­s a streamlined approach to insurance coordination, with a de­dicated team ensuring that patie­nts maximize their insurance cove­rage. This helps alleviate­ the financial burden that often accompanie­s healthcare. Patients appre­ciate this assistance, as it relie­ves them from having to navigate comple­x insurance claims on their own.
Advanced Medical Procedures
Pristyn Care Company is known for the­ir exceptional medical proce­dures. Their team of skille­d and knowledgeable doctors utilize­s state-of-the-art technologie­s to guarantee patients re­ceive top-notch care. From minimally invasive­ surgeries to advanced imaging te­chniques and even robotic-assiste­d procedures, they go above and beyond to offer the­ most effective tre­atments available.
Through Pristyn Care's patie­nt-centered approach and advance­d procedures, countless succe­ss stories have eme­rged. Numerous patients have­ shared their expe­riences of successful surge­ries and speedy re­coveries, leaving be­hind glowing Pristyn Healthcare reviews.
The Role of Technology
Pristyn Care Company remains at the forefront of medical innovation by leveraging state-of-the-art surgical technology and equipment, ensuring precise and minimally invasive procedures for patients. Their adoption of cutting-edge robotic systems and advanced imaging techniques has significantly enhanced surgical precision and patient outcomes, setting new benchmarks in the field of modern healthcare.
Additionally, the company utilize­s data analytics and AI to constantly enhance their se­rvices. Through the collection and analysis of data, the­y can pinpoint areas that need improve­ment, ultimately ensuring that patie­nts receive quality care­.
Positive Pristyn Care Reviews: The Voice of Patients
One of the­ most convincing aspects of Pristyn Care's healthcare­ revolution is the overwhe­lmingly positive feedback from patie­nts. These revie­ws truly showcase the impact that the company has had on the­ lives of numerous individuals. Patients consiste­ntly express their satisfaction with the­ thorough care they rece­ive, how streamlined the­ process is, and the successful re­sults of their treatments.
Additionally, Pristyn Care re­views frequently me­ntion the personalized care­ and attention patients rece­ive. They fee­l listened to, understood, and appre­ciated. This not only increases the­ir trust in the treatment the­y receive but also improve­s their overall satisfaction.
Pristyn Healthcare has re­volutionized the healthcare­ industry through innovative approaches. They are­ committed to delivering a se­amless patient expe­rience by utilizing cutting-edge­ medical procedures and e­mbracing technological advancements. Through the­ir efforts, they have e­ffectively tackled the­ challenges that traditional healthcare­ systems often face.
The positive­ reviews from patients highlight the­ significant impact the company has had on improving people's live­s. With a dedication to providing excelle­nt and patient-centere­d care, Pristyn Care is not only transforming the he­althcare industry but also setting new be­nchmarks for the expectations patie­nts have from their healthcare­ providers.
The acquisition of Pristyn Care se­rves as an inspiring model for the e­volving healthcare industry, prioritizing innovation and patient we­ll-being. It is evident that the­ir commitment to revolutionizing healthcare­ goes beyond just a vision; it is a tangible re­ality that positively impacts people's live­s.
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govindhtech · 11 months
ISUOG 2023: Samsung’s AI Medicine Solutions Succeed
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Advanced ISUOG Technology
Samsung unveils the premium ultrasound systems “HERA W10 Elite” and “V8” and provides a demonstration of SonoSync, a real-time ultrasound image-sharing technology.
At the ISUOG (International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology) World Congress 2023, which will take place in Seoul, South Korea from October 16 to 19, Samsung Medison, a worldwide medical equipment firm and an affiliate of Samsung ISUOG , will demonstrate its AI-based diagnostic solutions.
ISUOG is recognized as one of the most significant academic society in the field of obstetric and gynecologic ultrasonography, and as such, it hosts yearly conferences all around the world to facilitate the dissemination of the most recent technological developments and discoveries from related research. Nearly 2,000 obstetricians and gynecologists from 126 different countries are expected to participate in this year’s event, which will be hosted in Seoul for the very first time.
As the event’s primary sponsor, Samsung Medison will demonstrate the artificial intelligence (AI) diagnostic technology that Samsung has developed through the presentation of its premium ultrasound systems, “HERA W10 Elite” and “V8,” as well as through a symposium and demonstrations of diagnostic solutions.
The HERA W10 Elite is a luxury ultrasound system that comes with a 27-inch OLED panel. In comparison to standard LCD monitors, the HERA W10 Elite displays less change in brightness when viewed from a variety of angles. The enhanced resolution offered by its probe enables users to examine high-contrast ultrasound pictures from a variety of viewing angles without suffering any degradation in image quality.
ISUOG World Congress Innovations
At the conference, Samsung Medison will demonstrate AI-based diagnostic assistant solutions, such as HeartAssist, which classifies and provides measurement results for fetal heart diagnosis with the simple press of a button; and UterineAssist, which automatically measures the size and shape of the uterus, assisting in the accurate examination and diagnosis of the uterus.
In addition, Samsung Medison will introduce AI-automated measurement functions such as BiometryAssist and ViewAssist in February 2023. These functions measure and automatically annotate fetal growth indicators by extending the items that were previously measured only in the second trimester of pregnancy (14–27 weeks) to the first trimester of pregnancy (1–13 weeks). This will be done in accordance with the newly revised ISUOG guidelines.
“Using the BiometryAssist feature, fetal weight can be measured with professional accuracy up to 48 hours before delivery, and the measurement time can be dramatically reduced,” said Professor Mar Gil of Torrejón University Hospital in Spain, in an abstract of the study that was available for publication at the conference. The abstract was based on a study that was presented at the conference.
During the conference, Samsung Medison will also unveil an improved version of their “5D CNS (Central Nervous System)+” function, which is a feature that makes fetal brain examination more convenient.
The automatic provision of six measures required for diagnosis of head circumference and diameter, as well as nine key cross-sections of the fetal brain, including the coronal and sagittal planes, is expected to receive a favorable response at the conference. This is one of the reasons why a favourable welcome is predicted.
Other features, such as SonoSync, which specializes in remote consultation and training, and S-Hub, an IT solution for hospital resource management, will be demonstrated to medical professionals from all over the world. Both of these solutions are examples of what are known as “integrated solutions.”
On October 17 and 18, respectively, Samsung Medison will organize symposia on “Obstetrics” and “Gynecology” to discuss research findings on the clinical usefulness of characteristics that help diagnosis the heart and brain of a fetus as well as endometriosis. These symposia will focus on the clinical utility of features that assist diagnose the heart and brain of a baby.
Dr. Ruben Quintero from The Fetal Institute in the United States will present a case where SonoSync, a real-time ultrasound image sharing solution with remote control ability, saved the life of a mother and her newborn in a case of misdiagnosed fetal distress. SonoSync will be discussed during the “Fetal Therapy and Telesonography” session of the “Obstetrics” symposium. SonoSync was the solution that allowed for the sharing of ultrasound images in real time.
CrystalVue and MV-Flow are two characteristics that Professor Tom Bourne from Imperial College in the United Kingdom will use to discuss the findings of his study on ovarian cancers during the “Gynecology” conference.
“Samsung is continuously developing AI technologies that improve diagnostic efficiency so that doctors can focus more on patient care,” said Jinyong Lee, Head of the AI Vision Group at Samsung ISUOG . “The goal is to allow physicians to spend more time providing care for their patients.” “We are constantly working to develop technologies that can be utilized in the field of obstetrics and gynecology to contribute to improving maternal and fetal health,” says one of our researchers.
This conference, which is being conducted for the very first time in South Korea, is also the first gathering of its kind to take place offline since the COVID-19 epidemic was brought to a stop. Samsung ISUOG is taking part in the event as the primary sponsor and is also participating in a number of academic events. These activities include the Samsung-ISUOG webinars and the Pre Congress.
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systemtek · 1 year
£21 million to roll out artificial intelligence across the NHS
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NHS staff will be given the latest artificial intelligence (AI) technology to diagnose and treat patients more quickly thanks to a new £21 million fund announced by the Health and Social Care Secretary. NHS Trusts will be able to apply to the AI Diagnostic Fund to accelerate the deployment of the most promising AI imaging and decision support tools to help diagnose patients more quickly for conditions such as cancers, strokes and heart conditions. The Health and Social Care Secretary has also committed to rolling out AI stroke-diagnosis technology to 100% of stroke networks by the end of 2023 – up from 86% today  – helping thousands of patients suffering from a stroke get treated faster. The ring-fenced funding was announced by Health and Social Care Secretary, Steve Barclay, ahead of the NHS’s 75th birthday. Health and Social Care Secretary Steve Barclay said: Artificial intelligence is already transforming the way we deliver healthcare and AI tools are already making a significant impact across the NHS in diagnosing conditions earlier, meaning people can be treated more quickly. As we celebrate the NHS’s 75th birthday and look ahead to the future, I’m focused on adopting the latest cutting-edge technology across our health and care system to ensure we can continue to deliver the best care for our patients and cut waiting times, which is one of the government’s five priorities. This AI Diagnostic Fund will include the use of AI tools to analyse chest X-Rays - the most common tool used to diagnose lung cancer - which is the leading cause of cancer death in the UK. With over 600,000 chest X-rays performed each month in England, the deployment of diagnostic AI tools to more NHS Trusts will support clinicians to diagnose cancer patients earlier, improving patient outcomes. The use of AI in the NHS is already having a positive impact on outcomes for patients, with AI in some cases halving the time for stroke victims to get the treatment they need by helping doctors diagnose stroke faster, which has been shown to triple the chance of patients living independently after a stroke. Professor Stephen Powis, NHS national medical director, said: The NHS is already harnessing the benefits of AI across the country in helping to catch and treat major diseases earlier, as well as better managing waiting lists so patients can be seen quicker. As we approach our milestone 75th birthday, this is another example of how NHS is continuing its proud history of adopting the latest proven technology to deliver better care for patients, and better value for taxpayers. The £21 million funding will be open for bids for any AI diagnostic tool that trusts want to deploy, but will have to represent value for money for the funding to be approved. The government has already invested £123 million into 86 AI technologies, which is helping patients by supporting stroke diagnosis, screening, cardiovascular monitoring and managing conditions at home. Secretary of State for Science, Innovation, and Technology Chloe Smith, said:  Improving diagnosis and speeding up treatments for patients through AI is a game-changer.    The application of AI across the NHS is supported by our balanced regulatory approach and has the potential to be truly transformative, both for patients and our unrivalled health and social care workforce both now and in the decades to come. Nothing could be a more fitting celebration of its 75th anniversary than a demonstration of how the NHS remains at the cutting edge of modern day technology and innovation. Dr Deb Lowe, National Clinical Director for Stroke Medicine, NHS England: The use of AI decision support software in the initial stages of stroke care means patients get interventions quicker, reducing the likelihood of disability and saving the brains. We are already seeing the positive impact of AI decision support software on stroke care, where rapid assessment and treatment are of the essence, and we now have real world evidence of the benefit for NHS patients – “ as we approach the NHS’s 75th birthday and look ahead to the future, funding this technology will be key to reducing disability and saving brains. Dr Katharine Halliday, President of the Royal College of Radiologists said: At a time when diagnostic services are under strain, it is critical that we embrace innovation that could boost capacity – and so we welcome the Government’s announcement of a £21 million fund to purchase and deploy AI diagnostic tools. All doctors want to give patients the best possible care. This starts with a timely diagnosis, and crucially, catching disease at the earliest point. There is huge promise in AI, which could save clinicians time by maximising our efficiency, supporting our decision-making and helping identify and prioritise the most urgent cases. Together with a highly trained and expert radiologist workforce, AI will undoubtedly play a significant part in the future of diagnostics. The government also recently announced a new AI & Digital Regulation Service to help NHS staff find the right information and guidance when it comes to deploying AI devices safely. This has made it easier for developers and adopters of AI to understand regulations governing AI in the NHS and is saving them time in bringing products to market. For medical technology alone, the NHS spends £10 billion a year and the global market is forecast to reach £150 billion next year.  Access to new technologies means patients benefit enormously, with breakthroughs enabling prevention of ill-health, earlier diagnosis, more effective treatments, and faster recovery. Read the full article
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medicalconference · 1 year
The Future of Physiotherapy: Insights you can acquire from the International Physiotherapy Conference 2023.
The Global Physiotherapy Conference 2023 brought together experts and specialists from around the arena to discover the evolving landscape of physiotherapy. The convention showcased groundbreaking research, technological advancements, and innovative techniques which are shaping the destiny of the field. In this blog, we can delve into the key insights you can gain from the conference, presenting a glimpse into what destiny holds for physiotherapy.
Telehealth and Far-flung Rehabilitation:
One prominent subject that will be discussed at the upcoming physiotherapy conference is the developing function of telehealth in physiotherapy. Presenters will be highlighting the usage of digital structures and virtual technology to supply far-off rehabilitation offerings, allowing more access to care, especially for patients in rural regions or with constrained mobility. The combination of telehealth with physiotherapy exercise is expected to make healthcare handy.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and facts-pushed Choice Making:
The utility of artificial intelligence and statistics analytics in physiotherapy is poised to revolutionize the sector is ideally conveyed in this International Physiotherapy Conference 2023. Researchers will deliver studies on AI-powered evaluation equipment that can examine motion patterns, tune development, and offer personalized remedy tips. Those advancements can enhance diagnostic accuracy, optimize remedy plans, and enhance affected person results.
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Wearable era and tracking gadgets:
The  Physical Therapy Conference will showcase wearable devices and tracking eras which can acquire actual-time facts on patients' motion, interest levels, and important symptoms. Those gadgets permit physiotherapists to collect comprehensive and objective statistics approximately sufferers' situations, track progress, and regulate remedy plans hence. The integration of wearable technology into physiotherapy exercise is expected to decorate tracking, encourage affected person engagement, and facilitate self-control.
Personalized Rehabilitation and Precision Remedy:
Advancements in genetic trying out, biomarkers, and imaging techniques are paving the manner for customized rehabilitation techniques. Physiotherapists can now tailor treatment plans primarily based on a person's specific genetic profile, musculoskeletal characteristics, and particular wishes. Precision medication, mixed with superior evaluation equipment and therapeutic interventions, promises to optimize treatment outcomes and enhance affected person satisfaction. These are the key factors that will be discussed at the International Physiotherapy Conference 2023.
Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Care:
The International Physiotherapy Conference emphasized the significance of interdisciplinary collaboration in physiotherapy exercises. Presenters discussed the combination of physiotherapy with different healthcare disciplines, which include occupational therapy, psychology, and vitamins, to offer complete and holistic care. This collaborative technique fosters a greater patient-focused and coordinated healthcare gadget, enhancing the general treatment enjoy.
The Worldwide Physiotherapy Conference 2023 supplied precious insights into the destiny of the field. From the combination of telehealth and AI to the use of wearable technology and customized rehabilitation, the convention highlighted the transformative capability of these advancements. As physiotherapy keeps adapting, embracing generation, statistics-pushed decision-making, and interdisciplinary collaboration will form the destiny of the profession, enhancing patient consequences and revolutionizing the transport of care. Interesting instances lie in advance for physiotherapists as they embrace these improvements and make contributions to the advancement of the sector.
At Bioleagues, we conduct insightful conferences, webinars, and workshops for medical professionals.
To stay informed about the upcoming conference in 2023 subscribe to our newsletter and stay in touch!
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tastydregs · 1 year
Progress on mind-reading technology is sparking ethical concerns
Devices that can read our minds are a step closer to becoming reality.
Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin reported they successfully used a brain scanner paired with an AI language model to glean the gist of a person’s thoughts, and translate them into words. It marks the first noninvasive technique able to translate thoughts into continuous speech.
How to make a career pivot in four short steps
Their findings were published in Nature Neuroscience on May 1. The team used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), a noninvasive method of measuring brain activity, along with the predictive abilities of a large language model, to roughly translate brain recordings into sentences.
The three volunteers in the study each had their brain activity measured while receiving an fMRI scan. During the scanning sessions, they each listened to a total of 16 hours’ worth of podcasts and radio shows. Gathering data from the scans, researchers created a map of how each participants’ brain responded to language.
Then, participants were asked to imagine telling a story, which the decoder then translated with some degree of accuracy. In the study’s most surprising finding, researchers discovered that the decoder was able to communicate the general storyline of silent movie clips that participants watched. The result suggests that their technique can analyze not just verbalized thoughts, but also intangible ideas.
“I think we are decoding something that is deeper than language,” said Dr. Alexander Huth, a co-author of the study, at a press briefing.
Neuroscience: Language decoder can reconstruct meaning from brain scans
Brain-reading technology’s threat to mental privacy
The technology’s modest but significant progress is raising ethical concerns.
“While this technology is in its infancy, it’s very important to regulate what brain data can and cannot be used for,” said Jerry Tang, another co-author of the study, in an interview with BBC Science Focus.
It remains to be seen whether the technology could one day account for the subtleties of language, like tone and context, or the unique ways language is processed between individuals. Even if those capacities are developed, another question is whether it would be ethical to apply the technology in, for example, the realms of law or healthcare. Though still a work in progress, brain decoding devices could one day help those who have lost their ability to speak, such as those who have suffered a stroke.
Policymakers may not have long to ponder that question. The development of brain sensor technology from the likes of Meta and Snap means that the last bastion of privacy—the inside of our own noggins—could soon be violable.
“I’m not calling for panic, but the development of sophisticated, non-invasive technologies like this one seems to be closer on the horizon than we expected,” bioethicist Gabriel Lázaro-Muñoz at Harvard Medical School in Boston told Nature. “I think it’s a big wake-up call for policymakers and the public.”
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jcmarchi · 6 months
Faster Diagnosis of Endometriosis With AI - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/faster-diagnosis-of-endometriosis-with-ai-technology-org/
Faster Diagnosis of Endometriosis With AI - Technology Org
ETH spin-off dAIgnose is developing an algorithm to analyse ultrasound images of the womb automatically. This should enable doctors to diagnose endometriosis more quickly in the future.
ETH researcher Fabian Laumer (left) and gynaecologist Michael Bajka aim to facilitate the diagnosis of endometriosis using ultrasound with ETH spin-​off dAIgnose. Image credit: Fabian Laumer and Michael Bajka / ETH
Endometriosis is widespread. Around ten percent of all women of childbearing age throughout the world suffer from it. And “suffer” is the operative word here, as it takes an average of eight to twelve years for these benign growths of the endometrium in the abdominal cavity to be diagnosed. Years in which women endure severe pain generally before and during menstruation.
Many gynaecologists still rely on a laparoscopy performed under general anaesthetic to reliably diagnose endometriosis. However, this procedure is not only laborious and onerous for patients but also relatively costly. While endometriosis could be diagnosed for most patients via ultrasound, this calls for a certain degree of experience as it can easily go undetected.
AI expert Fabian Laumer and gynaecologist Michael Bajka therefore founded the spin-​off dAIgnose in the summer of 2023. Their goal is to develop an algorithm to assist doctors in interpreting the ultrasound data of the womb during the initial examination in order to diagnose endometriosis reliable and much faster. They are receiving specialist support from the ETH AI Center and their two co-​founders ETH Computer Science Professor Joachim Buhmann and Julian Metzler, an endometriosis specialist at University Hospital Zurich.
Entrepreneurs by chance
The fact that Laumer is today developing medical solutions is something he owes on two counts to chance. For although medicine and biology already fascinated him as a child, he initially studied electrical engineering and information technology. It was only when he was studying for his Master’s degree that he had the opportunity to combine artificial intelligence (AI) and medicine. “I heard by chance that Buhmann’s research group was offering a Master’s thesis on the AI-​based analysis of ultrasound data of the heart,” explains Laumer. He immediately applied – and was successful.
After completing his Master’s degree he continued the research work in a doctoral project. And once again chance came to his aid. Bajka contacted his research group asking whether AI could be used to detect endometriosis. Laumer was exactly the right person for the gynaecologist specialising in endometriosis to put his question to. For his doctoral project, the ETH researcher developed an algorithm enabling the better interpretation of ultrasound data of the heart. This approach was then transferred to the womb.
Creating a 3D model from 2D images
Laumer and Bajka developed an algorithm that identifies pathologies on the ultrasound images of the womb that are often difficult or even impossible for the human eye to see. To this end, Laumer trained the algorithm with ultrasound images and patient data. “The number of pregnancies and Caesareans, age or phase in the menstrual cycle – all these factors obviously influence the appearance of the womb,” he explains.
An ultrasound image with endometriosis marked in colour. Image credit: Fabian Laumer and Michael Bajka / ETH
The algorithm currently shows the endometriosis in colour on 2D ultrasound images. If the development work proceeds as planned, Laumer hopes to generate a 3D model of the womb by the end of the year on which all growths and adhesions are clearly marked. This could enable gynaecologists to precisely localise endometriosis and better assess the severity of the condition.
Standards for endometriosis diagnosis
To ensure that the dAIgnose AI solution delivers the most reliable results possible, Bajka and Laumer also wish to define fixed standards for the ultrasound examination of endometriosis. A software program with integrated AI will therefore actively guide gynaecologists through the examination in future. “This way we can achieve standardisation while the program will ensure that the entire womb is mapped.”
In order to push forward the research, the spin-​off is currently on the look-​out for further investors and holding initial talks with manufacturers of medical devices. If everything goes to plan, market entry at the end of 2025 is conceivable. However, various certifications will still be pending to allow the intelligent software to be used in medical devices. One thing is certain for Laumer: “My aim is for women in future to receive a reliable diagnosis within a year.”
Source: ETH Zurich
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