#*sees Twig’s aunt*
sincerely-sofie · 7 months
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“When I try to remember her face, all I can recall is the taste of secondhand smoke and the click of a lighter.”
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seat-safety-switch · 2 months
If you were sentient in the 1990s, then you probably remember refrigerator poetry. Your spinster aunt had a bunch of it on her fridge, sentence fragments scattered like chewed-on Lego, and you could move it around to say something like "my butt / is hugely important / and rounder / than ever ." Then you'd show your aunt, and she would subtly express regret at taking care of you for a few weeks of summer vacation while your parents auditioned for the circus. It wasn't all bad, though. I got to learn how to make a margarita.
A lot of things in life are like that refrigerator poetry: useless bits lying around that feel important when you put them together. That's probably what keeps me going in this thankless hobby, and also some kind of psychological impediment that keeps making the court-ordered psychiatrists shriek and polynomially increase the dose on their Protection Boosters until they go comatose. Making order out of chaos, even if that order is entirely imaginary, is what it's all about.
As a species, we're wired to find patterns in just about anything. If you go out to the woods today, and keep looking at your feet (don't trip) you'll eventually see some rocks, or a twig, or a shadow that reminds you of something. Maybe you'll even have a big emotional moment. Don't sob too loudly, though, because it disturbs the other hikers as they themselves have a shocking revelation about the shape of some moss growing on a tree and what it means for the course of their life.
This is not to say that you shouldn't go looking for meaning. Meaning is great! Belonging is fantastic. All I'm saying is that, if you see a bunch of parts lying on the ground, maybe try putting them together. After all, a great poet once said: "my butt is hugely important, and rounder than ever." And that means something, even if I'm not really sure what it is.
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jakexneytiri · 2 years
Hi, I can request a family life with husband! neteyam x reader, after 2 movies, please long if you agree
you sure can! this was so cute to write and i’m in love with dad!neteyam. i hope this is what you had in mind, anon!<3
forever & always
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it’s been ten years since you and your husband first mated. neteyam was madly in love with you, that love only growing stronger over the years. he could never get enough of you, never keep his hands off of you. you have four children to prove it, and you’re pregnant with your fifth.
neteyam arranged an entire ceremony to be held tonight for your anniversary. the clan spent the entire day preparing, harvesting fruits, hanging bioluminescent plants for light, and gathering old twigs and dead plants to be used for the main fire.
in your hut, things were absolute chaos. you were waiting for neteyam to return home, he had “a few more things to set up” for the party. your children couldn’t contain themselves, excitedly running around your shared hut readying themselves for the evening.
your oldest, tsantu, you hardly ever had to worry about. he was very independent, and rarely asked for your assistance. he was all ready for the ceremony, wearing his special arm cuff he crafted, with neteyam’s help.
“mom, do you need help?”
“would you please help your brother with his necklace? that would be a big help.” you place a kiss on the top of his head, as he nods and goes to help his brother.
your second born, se’ayl, was calm and reserved like her older brother. however, she was sassy from time to time, with both you and neteyam. she definitely picked up the habit from aunt kiri, who she adored.
“se’ayl? do you have your feathers on yet?” you ask, glancing over at her.
“ugh, do i have to wear those?” she groans, taking a deep breath in just to sigh it out.
“yes, flower. your father wants everyone to wear them tonight. aunty kiri will be wearing hers, too.” you say in an excited tone, hoping it will cheer her up.
“really? she is??” excitement lights up on her face, as she quickly goes to change into them.
your third, txonuk, was your occasionally rebellious child, sometimes outspoken, making neteyam be the bad guy when he needed to be punished, but you loved him nonetheless.
“let’s see your necklace, txonuk!” you say excited, kneeling down to take a look.
he lifts his chin upwards, so you can get a good look at the newly placed necklace.
“what a very handsome young man you are.” you say, as he giggles.
“mama, i’m not a man, i’m just a boy!” he yells, waving his arms around dramatically.
“oh, forgive me! what a very handsome young boy you are.” he wraps his arms around your leg, giggling into it.
“mama! mama!” nima interrupts, holding her new feathers up to your face. “these pwease!”
nima, your youngest, was one of the main reasons you lost sleep at night. she’s very shy around people she doesn’t know, but very comfortable with her siblings. she finds comfort in you and neteyam, to her, you both are her sun and moon. you often find her in the middle of the night curled up in between you and neteyam, from the “bad dreams” she has. (she has bad dreams almost every night. it’s just an excuse to be closer to you both).
“these ones?” you question, holding them up. “they’re very pretty, little love. do you need help putting them on?”
“noooo! i do it!” she giggles as she runs off to the other side of the hut.
just then, the flap to your hut opened, revealing your beloved husband.
“iiiiiiiit’s dad!” neteyam says, causing all four children to burst into a fit of giggles.
“where are my five wonderful children?” he asks, looking around the hut even though they’ve all ran right to his feet, apart from nima.
txonuk gives a confused look to both se’ayl and tsantu. whispering, he asks “five? but, there’s only…” and he begins counting on his fingers. “there’s only 4 of us!”
tsantu shakes his head, whispering back “he’s talking about the baby in momma’s belly, skxawng.”
“hmmmm, one!” neteyam says, placing a kiss to tsantu’s head.
“and there’s two!” kissing the top of se’ayl’s head.
“dad! dad i’m right here!” txonuk says, pointing to himself.
“oh, there’s three!” neteyam chuckles as he places a kiss to txonuk’s head.
“now, where’s my number four?”
nima runs over, her arm stuck in the air from her necklace being on wrong.
“daddy, i’m stuck!” she pouts, her little eyes filling with tears.
neteyam kneels, fixing her necklace and freeing her arm, kissing the top of her head.
“there’s my #4. no need for tears, babygirl. are those new feathers?”
she giggles, and squeals “yes!” before running away.
glancing over to you now, neteyam stands, arms open wide.
“looking for #5?” you question, moving your swollen belly closer to his grasp.
“ah, my #5.” he kisses your belly gently, before snaking his arms around your waist, lips to your ear as he says
“hi, mama. looking beautiful, as always.”
“hi.” you smile, kissing your mate, which earns a collective “ewwwww!” from your children.
you both laugh, as neteyam covers your face in kisses. forehead, cheeks, chin, neck, ears, anywhere he could reach, he’d kiss.
“daddy, that’s GWOSS!” nima shouts, covering her eyes.
“well, good thing aunty kiri, *kiss* uncle lo’ak, *kiss* and aunty tuk tuk *kiss* are waiting outside for you four, *kiss* because i have a loooot more *kiss* kisses for *kiss* mama!” he says, kissing you again, chuckling against your skin.
they squeal and run out of the hut, to be met with their favorite aunts and uncle. you stand in the doorway of your hut, neteyam’ standing behind you as one arm is wrapped around your waist, the other holding the flap to your hut open.
“sooo, are you guys coming with us now or-“ lo’ak asks, just to be cut off by neteyam.
“no. you go ahead, we’ll be there soon.”
kiri takes se’ayl’s hand, while tuk takes nima’s, as they start to head to the celebration. lo’ak takes tsantu’s in one, and txonuk’s in the other.
lo’ak rolls his eyes, muttering “keep it in your loincloth, would ya.”
although he mumbled, neteyam still heard him.
“have you SEEN my mate? how on pandora would i do that?”
lo’ak groans, walking away, yelling “get a room, you two!”
“we’re trying!!” neteyam yells back before closing the flap to your hut.
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webslingingslasher · 4 months
jbae!! if you're taking requests, can I ask for something with trouble comforting peter? maybe he's had a terrible week and loads of things pile up and he just collapses (maybe he even cries out of frustration cause I'm a sucker for that) and trouble just holds him to her chest and runs her hands through his hair 🥺 only if you want to though!! have a great day ily
*you always ask when peter knows he's in love with trouble...* (cleaning out my drafts)
peter's been m.i.a. all day.
rumor is he skipped class and slept past breakfast... and lunch. the unanswered texts you have string along with the theory. you were talking to peter last night so you don't think he's sick, at least not with a cold.
he'd been pulling back the last few days because he's been so busy. you haven't seen him in three days because of a test or a frat meeting or dinner with his aunt - in your opinion, he's spread a little too thin and you think that caught up to him today.
if peter can cut class and hang out at the frat house so can you. unsure if he's taking another nap. you're not risking a phone call that'll wake him and settle for a quiet entry with slow steps up the stairs before silently opening his door and sliding in.
peter's not asleep; he's awake and staring at his ceiling. he knows you're here but he can't bring himself to make believe happy. so he doesn't.
you softly shut his door and rest your back on it. 'do you have a case of the sads?' peter stays in his starfish position for way too long, you think he's building the courage to speak for the first time today. when he does, it's raspy and riddled with depression.
'i have a case of the sads.' even saying it makes him want to curl into a ball. it's times like this he wishes he was home and still small enough to crawl into his aunt's bed.
you've never seen peter this depleted, all spark in him has fizzled. 'do you want to cuddle?' you don't need to ask what's wrong, you already know. and you're getting the feeling he really just wants silent company.
peter sits up to open the space next to him, he's not moving until you're settled because he's about to rest his entire weight on you. the second you steal his spot, he lays on top and buries his face into you while you warmly accept the pressure.
peter only hides in you like this when he's sick or really tired. you don't say anything while you gently tuck a curl behind his ear, you lightly smile and graze the outer edge with your finger- a small twitch tells you he doesn't like it.
normally, you'd double down. today, he needs nice.
'you have cute ears.' it's barely above a whisper, 'i should see them more often.' peter doesn't respond, you didn't need him to.
it's a peaceful quiet, you think it's nice just being in peter's presence sometimes. you keep dragging your hand up and down his back, you're trying to tell him he's okay with your touch. your other combs through his hair over and over, you think he might be falling asleep and you gladly welcome it.
you're not sure how peter's breathing he's tucked into your chest so tight, but as long as he's able to you won't complain. you start to trace little squares over his skin while slightly zoning out on a bird on his balcony collecting what looks like twigs from the overhanging tree.
your shirt feels like it's clinging to you, peter's washing his hot breath into it. you change your shapes to squiggles. the bird hops around, another twig is scooped up. you glance down at your chest and stop your hands.
it's not just choked breath.
'are you crying?'
the floodgates burst.
peter digs into you, holding you so tight you almost wheeze. his shoulders shake as he sobs into you, your heart shatters as he breaks down. peter's never cried in front of you and it's fucking terrible to see.
you don't know what to do, you just act on instinct and try to wrap your arms around him like he always does to you. it always makes you feel protected and secure, it makes you feel like peter's a safe place and nothing can hurt you in his hold.
'you're okay, petey.' you're saying it for the both of you. 'you're okay.' peter thrashes his head back and forth, he doesn't agree. you steady him and say it again. 'you're okay, i promise you're okay.'
it's a little weak because you don't feel like you're fixing much but it always helps when peter says it.
'i'm here. you're gonna be okay because i'm here.' you hear a trumpet in your mind when peter crawls further up to tuck his head under your chin. it's working, you're doing good.
peter's never cried in front of a girl before. his aunt doesn't count and neither does- he doesn't let his mind go there, he's already spirling hard enough.
but you're warm and soft and really fucking loving and it's making him cry harder because it's all he wanted today and you showed up with an abundance of it.
you're crushed at the sound, if you could suffocate the sad out of him you would've already done it. 'please don't throw yourself into a panic attack.' he wasn't going to, but now that you said it he thinks he's approaching that territory quickly.
you can sense it too. you press him closer and breathe deep, his head sinks with your chest. 'do one with me.' it's weak and followed by a cough.
'one more.' he mimics you, it's better this time. peter does the third on his own, you praise him with a back rub. 'see? you're okay.' the smallest of nods, a short stutter of breath and he's sniffling to hold more in.
'let it out. you broke yourself to get to this point, let it out.' it's another wave but it's not as brutal, it's bordering on the verge of pitiful. 'you're not allowed to do this to yourself anymore, peter. i didn't say anything but next time i will. you can't stretch yourself like this, it isn't healthy.'
'i'm sorry.' he doesn't know if he's sorry for crying or for making you care this much. it's a blanket statement, he thinks. you won't let it be one. 'don't you dare say sorry. there's nothing to be sorry about.'
peter can't fathom why, but he almost spews out an i love you and it terrifies him. he feels it in his chest, there's a level of care and affection you're giving him that he's never had before. if he knew he was dying, he'd do it right here in your arms.
peter's never felt safe in another person's hold before. you'd protect him at all costs, even from himself and you just proved it. he needs to see you, he needs to see the face he calls home. he needs you to smile softly at him like he's your world because he promises this time he'd do the same.
you do exactly what he wishes and he feels a pang to his heart when you lightly wipe under his cheeks. 'are you all cried out? if not i'll bully you into more.' god, he wants to swarm you with a thousand kisses.
'i'm okay now.' he hovers over you, an arm on each side of your head. you accept a tiny kiss where your neck and collarbone meet, it's a delicate marking. 'good, you needed it. you also need to eat, and please tell me you had some water today. i'll make you anything you want, or i'll buy you dinner- anything you want, you deserve good things when you have a case of the sads.'
you don't recognize the look on peter's face but it makes you a little self-conscious, you might be a tad overbearing. 'why are you looking at me like that? am i being a little over the top?'
he's still wearing it. 'not at all.' you feel good about it, you're sticking to your guns about standing up to him if you need to. 'okay, good, because even if you said i was, i wouldn't care. i know you're mr. big strong tough man but i swear you need someone to check you sometimes because you get-'
'i really need to kiss you right now.'
you stop yourself and blink at his words. 'oh.' your cheeks feel warm, you nod one time before peter's pressing his bottom lip to your top one and lowering himself until his chest brushes yours.
it's a different kind of kiss, there's nothing behind it except just wanting to do exactly as he said. a cluster of pecks before he pulls back to look at you, you can't place what he's thinking.
'what?' peter shakes his head before going in for another, after the third time he'd failed to remove himself from you, you stop him. 'i don't care how many times you kiss me, mister. you're not getting anything until i see you eat something.'
funny. your request just makes him want to kiss you more. 
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margowritesthings · 1 year
The Greatest Gift III: She Sleeps
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pairing: Arthur Morgan x f!reader word count: 1017 words warnings: teeth-rotting fluff, tbh this made me cry a/n: just a cute lil drabble for my favourite family in the world
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The newly appointed Uncle Dutch stays for a little while, admiring his new goddaughter until he and Arthur notice you struggling to stay awake. You’ve drifted off completely by the time Dutch hands Jade back to her father and congratulates the pair of you once more, returning to his tent to gush over the new addition to the gang.
Sleep overtakes you completely and utterly, your body so exhausted from the last nine months you could probably sleep through a riot. That much is proven about an hour later, when Jade stirs in her cot and begins to cry, the very first time in a long, long period of sleepless nights for the three of you. Her little screams pierce the formerly tranquil air, the trauma of waking up in the real world seemingly alone not really agreeing with her.
You’re normally not such a heavy sleeper, where the snap of a nearby twig or Uncle’s less than melodic singing, no matter how far away, is enough to wake you. But exhaustion doesn’t begin to cover how your body aches right now, how it longs for rest and clings onto it with a mighty grip when you finally get it. You don’t even stir.
Arthur, on the other hand, is woken instantly, paternal instincts already setting in ferociously. He looks down to you, smiling to himself when he sees you’re sound asleep, just about managing to untangle his limbs from yours without waking you and pressing a kiss to the top of your hair. When he gets off your shared cot, he makes sure to wrap the blanket back around you. 
“Hey, little lady…” he whispers, almost apprehensively as he walks towards his daughter, hands raised in the air as if he’s approaching a spooked horse. Force of habit. “It’s all right, baby girl… Daddy’s here.”
To Arthur, Jade is made of glass, and he lifts her into his arms as such. His precious, fragile little masterpiece, who makes him feel bigger and more brutish than he ever has before. He sits in the chair at the foot of your cot, Jade settling in his strong arms like she was made for them. She was, Arthur thinks, he just never realised until this moment. That’s all it takes for Jade to stop crying: her daddy, who would lasso the moon for her if it meant she could see the stars a little brighter. 
Even in the dark of your tent, Arthur can see her eyes glistening up at him, and can still make out her tiny features. She’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen, save for you, of course. 
He thinks of Isaac for a moment, and how he held him like this precious few times, vowing that his memory will live on in the way that he will protect Jade from the evils of the world no matter what stands in his way. He will do for Jade what he failed to do for his son, in his honour. 
Breaking the silence settling around your little family, you moan softly in your sleep, turning onto your side. It draws Arthur’s attention to you again- not that it would ever be too far away- and he smiles to himself, entranced by how peaceful you look, how beautiful you are.
Jade reaches up to Arthur’s chin, pressing tiny fingers against his stubble and capturing his attention once more. The quietest of chuckles escapes his chest, a smile so pure stretching his lips. 
“Ain’t she beautiful, baby girl? I’m so damn proud of her…” Arthur physically winces when he realises he just cursed to a 4 hour old baby, but will later realise he should be the last of his own troubles, what with her having a dozen outlaws for aunts and uncles. “Sorry…” he hums, glancing between his wife and daughter to direct the apology to both of you.
“But I am. Proud of her, that is… We’re the luckiest two people in the whole world, little lady, cause we got her…” 
Apparently finding her father’s chin to be a little scratchy (with Arthur making a mental note to shave first thing in the morning), Jade reaches out into the open air, and Arthur can’t help but reach right back. He adjusts his hold on her, freeing one hand to let her grip her tiny digits around his singular finger. He feels like a giant, but he’ll be damned if his heart isn’t pounding right out of his chest at how happy he is right now. 
“You’ve got the best momma in the whole world, you know that? And I… Well, I’m gonna do everything I can to be a good papa, baby… Everything I can.” 
He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t terrified. Arthur has owned a fair few front row tickets to displays of how not to be a father, from his own Pa to how easy it has been for Marston to mess up again and again over the years. And hell, he’s never seen anyone raise a little girl before. But as he promises, with his entire heart and soul, he is going to do his absolute best to be everything he can be to Jade. 
“Hey, and I hope you know how loved you are, little one. Your momma and I… God, I can’t even tell ya’, baby… You were a surprise, I’ll tell ya’, but we love you so much…” She’s squeezing around his finger as hard as she can, leaving the tiniest crescent moons from the smallest fingernails Arthur has ever seen. 
“You both did so well today… you were both so brave, huh? My brave girls…” He whispers, his words riding a content sigh. Jade’s eyes begin to flutter shut, her eyelids too heavy for her little self to fight. “You get some sleep, darlin’... I’ll be here when you wake up, I promise.”
The moon is falling fast, and it’ll soon be sunrise, but Arthur just can’t bring himself to sleep and miss one second of this night, watching his girls and silently promising them the world. 
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silamander · 3 months
In honor of Lautski week, time for Lautski headcanons
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They always have some sort of physical contact going on, whether it’s arms around each other, legs tangled up, or intertwined hands.
They do the Lumity hug lift thing anytime they hug. Steph just lifts and spins Pete cause he’s a twig.
Steph’s favorite place to kiss Pete is his nose.
Pete has a running joke of Steph being a moth because she stares at lights so much (ADHD Steph is a whole other discussion for another day-)
Steph will tell Pete a ton of the popular kid drama before they start dating and all of it after, even if she was sworn to secrecy for some of it (most of her friendships are likely formed for superficial reasons so she might not care much about breaking their trust) and Pete pretends not to be super invested even though they both know he is.
Pete is the most attentive and perceptive partner ever. He picks up on every little detail. Steph had a bad day? Pete instantly knows how to cheer her up. Steph is excited about something and needs to talk about it? Hey babe what’s up tell me all about it. Pete’s the type to start keeping snacks on hand because he knows Steph’s internal clock and that she always forgets to eat and then gets hangry after a few hours.
They frequently have sleepovers and they try to be all cute and cuddle with each other but Steph moves around way too much for that to be a good viable option. Pete has woken up on the floor at least twice because Steph rolled over too many times.
They vent to each other about their problems/stress in private. It always ends in them making fun of someone/something that’s caused them these feelings.
Pete loves horror movies because he’s a special effects geek and Steph lies and says she likes horror movies so she still looks cool but is actually not a fan and the scares almost always get her.
Pete is also a Jurassic World Evolution junkie and he shows Steph all the parks he makes (no I am not self projecting).
If Ruth, in any timeline, lives to see Peter and Stephanie have a child, she’d be a MENACE of an aunt and teach that kid ALL THE SWEARS. Richie would put on his favorite animes for them, and get them hooked. The two of them would never admit it, but they love how much Steph and Pete care about each other, and are so insanely proud of Pete.
Ted would be so stoked that Pete pulled the most popular girl at his school and she’s so clearly head over heels for him AND she’s helping Pete feel more confident?? Fuck yeah that’s Ted’s sister now. Steph and Ted probably mess with each other in a really brother/sister way anyways. (Not that Ted would ever admit to Steph that he sees her as a sister. He has a reputation, y'know?)
Pete's parents love her too. Mrs. Spankoffski loves her boys but she needs someone to have a little girl time with (and Steph of course would love to have a maternal figure in her life). Pete's dad and Steph definitely talk a fuckton about classic rock. No thoughts just daddy issues, motherless, only child Steph getting the family she deserves by being with Pete :]
They're so cringe, i love them <3
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melanieph321 · 3 months
Hiii!! Could you please write some more abt Joško?? Thanksss💘💘💘
Ofc ☺️
(DAY 3)
Joško Gvardiol x Reader - Potential Wedding Day
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Reader and Joško are getting married. However, Reader is having second thoughts.
It was now or never.
Joško's family was lovely, and perhaps that was the problem. He came from a big family, with plenty of cousins, uncles aunties and siblings. All here to celebrate your wedding day. You, on the other hand, was an only child, raised by a single mother who taught you how to fend for yourself in the real world, not how to play house with your future husband. Unfortunately, this left you with no clue on how to be the wife that Joško deserved.
It was now or never, you thought, as you ditched your heels and stepped into the Croatian sun. A beach wedding had been your idea since a wedding in a church felt outdated and quite frankly fictional. You had never been a costum to any religion or its many traditions. Perhaps this added to your list of reasons why you'd make a terrible wife.
"Y/N, is that you?"
You hid behind some bushes. Joško's sister had spotted you. How could she possibly have missed the white cloud making it's way down the majestical beach?
"Y/N, is everything alright?"
You heard footsteps approaching and sensed no point of return. "Hey, Sarah. What's up?" Your head popped out from behind the bushes, a couple of twigs stuck to your hair. Trying to act normal about the encounter felt bold enough as it was.
"Erm...not much. Why are you hiding in the bushes?" The young girl bore a frightened look on her face. Especially as her gaze fell upon your bare feet.
"Oh, you know. I thought I'd take a stroll down the beach, clear my head before the big day."
"You mean the wedding? The wedding that's in fifteen minutes?"
"I was supposed to bring you your flowers. Everyone's waiting."
"I get that, it's just that..."
"Should I get aunt Lina?" A strike of panic in Sarah's voice. Surely she was aware of what was happening, what you were about to do.
"Oh, no. I'm sure that won't be nessicery." You said and came around the bushes to stand before her.
"Your dress." She said, eyeing it with concern. You had ripped the bottom half of it and allowed pebbles of leaves to latch onto the fabric. "How about I get my big brother? Yes, I'll go get Joško."
Sarah ran off in the direction of the reception. And before you knew it, a trail of people were seen rushing your way. Joško, followed by his family.
"Y/N?" He was quick to approach you, checking for any wounds below your ripped dress.
"Oh my." The women behind him muttered. "She was about to runaway.
"What a shame." Another one said. "To leave our poor Joško at the altar."
The men regarded you with judging eyes. Most likely, I see you as a waste of time. A girl who wasn't Croatian nor knew of or respected the country's culture. They probably believed that Joško would have been better of marrying some girl next door. Now he was stuck with you, a gold digging WAG.
With a shrug of your shoulders Joško brought you out of your anxious daze. His eyes searched your face, regarding you with furrowed brows. "You're crying."
"I'm sorry." You squealed.
His face softened. "Everyone out of the way!" You were led back towards the house, Joško's hand squeezing yours.
"Ali Joško, vjenčanje?" (But Joško, the wedding?) Some in his family shouted.
"Daj nam minutu!" (Give us a minute!) He groand and made the glass doors come to a close behind you. The silence that followed was the most heartbreaking silence that you had ever experienced. You sat down in a chair, waiting, no, hoping for Joško to bring himself to look at you. However, as he did, you hadn't anticipated the sheer terror in his eyes.
"You're having second thoughts, aren't you?"
"Joško, I'm sorry."
He crumbled to his knees, approaching the chair where you sat. "It's okay. You're okay."
"It's not." Your voice trembled. "It's not okay and I should have told you before it was too late."
He laughed. A warm and rich laughed that was felt through your body. Joško pulled your chair closer to him. "It's okay." He whispered and kissed your temple. "I rushed you into marrying me. I should have known that you weren't ready. It's just....I want us to be a family before the baby comes." Joško lowered himself for his head to end up in your lap. There, he nuzzled his face against your flat belly, yet revealing the life growing inside you.
"I get that you come from a very traditional family." You nodded and traced your hand through his yet black hair. "But I don't, meaning I don't get why we can't be a family without getting married?"
Joško nodded. "We can...and we should. It's just my family that...." He stopped himself, shaking his head. "It doesn't matter. They don't matter. What matters is this, YN." He pointed between the two of you.
"You and me?"
He nodded. "And the baby."
You smiled. "Our family."
He raised his head from your lap, perking up to give you a lingering kiss. A kiss that calmed the last of your nerves.
"Don't get me wrong." You whispered against his mouth. "I want to marry you, just not today."
Joško chuckled. "Good luck explaining that to my mother."
"Or perhaps it's time we tell them about her." You stood from the chair.
Joško came up from the floor, joining your side. "Who?"
You grabbed his hand and placed it flat against your belly. "Her." You smiled.
His eyes widened. "Her? It's a she?"
You nodded, confirming it. "Yes, Joško. It's a she. We're having a baby girl."
A squelead, as Joško swept you off your feet, ironically picking you up and carrying you around, bridalstyle. Your laughter filled the room. He twirled you around in a heartfelt moment. One that you'd forever remember as your potential wedding day.
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kranagok0 · 6 months
Hilda, The horror in The woods
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Are you ready for more of Hilda and her friends being the Jujutsu Kaisen?…
A shame, because I'm still doing Astrid's abilities and I just discovered that there was already someone else with that idea of Hilda and Jujutsu Kaisen before me, so I'm trying to improve some aspects of the characters. Leaving that aside, something occurred to me regarding an image I found on my Facebook.
The story is about Hilda, obviously, and her life in the cabin with her mother. The thing here is about living only with his mother, his aunt Astrid and his father (Who rarely visited, if not almost never). The lack of social interaction did not stop Hilda from learning to speak correctly, but it did stop her from communicating like any other normal child.
Such a wild and solitary life (in addition to her family, but they did not often go with her on her adventures) made little Hilda grow up with a somewhat… Unstable mentality.
You see, Hilda didn't understand what was normal for someone her age, neither did Johana (let's give credit to Aunt Astrid for erasing memories as if it were something that could be formatted as if it were nothing) and why Anders and Astrid didn't visit very often. Hilda began to develop somewhat strange and grotesque tastes.
It all started a few weeks of meeting her best friend Twig, that little Deer-fox and his way of acting were also a key factor in Hilda's growth.
Hilda had gotten lost (all because of a sudden storm that no one could have predicted) and was swept beyond the stone circle. She didn't know where she was, but she was still grateful to have her best friend Twig with her.
The days passed and Hilda was hungry. He had survived for a while on the provisions his mother had given him and also some berries he found along the way. Despite that, the girl was still hungry. It was then that he asked his friend Twig to eat something, she was hungry and wanted some too. Hilda let out a scream of horror when she saw what her friend was chewing.
Twig had wild instincts and too much energy for a small fawn (more or less I call it that because… What do you call a baby fox deer?) of his age, making him more prone to attack other small animals. to eat them. At first this scared Hilda, but as the days went by, and with the little plant-based food that was around, she began to adapt to her friend's behavior. He even started to want to try some of that meat that Twig also ate.
Being so curious about Twig's strange dynamic, Hilda tried to do the same as her little friend.
Hilda's curiosity turned into something a little more obsessive and bizarre, to the point of wanting to try what her friend was nibbling on day after day. Hilda had never tasted the meat of… Nothing. She literally only ate plant-based things and nothing else, or not as far as her little 6-year-old mind could understand. That's why when he tasted the meat of that little dying rabbit he never thought it would taste so horrible. It felt strange to chew the rabbit's leg and even more so with all that dirty fur from the chase.
Still, Hilda took another bite.
and then another
And one more
One more
And more
Much more
At some point Twig stepped aside and let Hilda eat the rest of the rabbit for herself. After all, she was like his older sister. He was the alpha.
And when the alpha is hungry he must hunt.
At first they couldn't even catch a single fish out of the water, much less any hare or rabbit they encountered on their way home. Over time he continued to learn from his friend and the other animals, trying to imitate their movements and predict what they were going to do. The problem was that Hilda's body was not that of a wild animal, she could understand the movement of muscles and tendons inside her friend Twig's skin, the movement of fish, the jumps of rabbits, she could even predict when a feather would fall off a bird and how many flaps of its wings would it take… But I couldn't imitate those movements, because Hilda was human.
Fortunately everything has a solution. She just had to move like a human. Like a human hunter. Luckily he had his good friend Woodman to tell him everything he needed to know about human hunters.
Woodman was someone who didn't care what other people did. However, even he knew that what Hilda was doing was too scary and morbid to tell her what to do. He was not going to risk that one day she would use those methods against him, so he gave her some fairy tales where there were harmless hunters, like Snow White and the Dwarves, or Little Red Riding Hood, he even gave her one where there were like 7 little lambs and a mother goat (to be honest, Woodman only had those stories because he could take them and run with them. He really wasn't interested in reading all the content)
While Woodman thought the books would calm Hilda down a bit about the whole hunting, skinning, and eating of woodland animals, Hilda saw a pattern in each story: An axe.
'so human hunters use axes. Excellent'
Hilda, in some way that I still can't figure out, got an axe. It was heavy, but it served its purpose. Hilda already wanted to develop her hunting skills like a true human hunter.
His first prey: a red wolf.
Surprisingly, the attack was fast and accurate, the wolf could never have seen a girl coming with a large ax from the top of the trees… The wolf's back was destroyed as Hilda used the blunt part. It was his first time using an axe, not knowing how to handle it correctly caused him to hit with the wrong side. Still, it was enough to immobilize the wolf.
The wolf still tried to defend himself, despite having his spine shattered, his adrenaline did not go down a bit. The wolf, still with its front legs at its disposal, crawled up to bite Hilda.
It didn't take long for Hilda to counterattack and hit the wolf several times in its skull. The sounds reasoned throughout the grove and spots splashed back and forth with each impact of the ax on the wolf's head.
After a while Hilda had managed to make the wolf unrecognizable: Its skull was sunken, fragments of the bones protruded from that amorphous mass that was previously the skin and muscle of the beast, not to mention how the poor man's eyes were left animal.
Like any good hunter, Hilda takes a part of the wolf and feeds, chewing and swallowing like any wild animal would… Still, she uses cutlery as her mother had always told her (manners are something essential in life, a one of the few things that Johana remembered and that were not erased like memories. At least Astrid didn't format everything)
When Hilda was 11 years old she had extensive experience hunting all kinds of creatures: rabbits, moles, hares, foxes (it was a difficult subject for her and Twig, but in the end they didn't give it much thought and they ate it), turtles, fish of all kinds, insects, deer (oddly enough there was no problem with Twig at that point), and many more creatures. The only ones Hilda didn't eat were those who seemed to have some intellect, she liked to converse as much as she could with others. I felt this need to share this information whether the person in question wanted to or not.
Hilda achieved a lot at her young age. I even developed somewhat disturbing techniques that other children (and even adults) could never achieve.
Hilda has never hunted beings with any intelligence…. But, if the opportunity arises, perhaps she could consider it.
It should be noted that Hilda is mentally unstable due to the situations she has had to face alone every time she went on adventures with Twig. There were times when he almost died from bleeding, severe bruises and even poisoning. Hilda has survived all that and more at her young age, and with it she has developed a need to learn about everything that surrounds her. Stalking, watching, observing, hunting.
And that's it, because I don't have anything else. I just wanted to do this to get it out of my head.
Thinking of Hilda as something more than a good, kind and empathetic girl is something I wanted to investigate because it is impossible for someone to be like that if she only lives with her mother in the middle of a mess in the middle of nowhere. Some kind of mental illness had to have arisen at that point in his life, especially when he was always going on dangerous adventures where literally any dangerous animal could jump out of a bush and take his life.
I liked thinking that Hilda could defend herself if something like this happened. And then I found that image; a psychotic Hilda, full of blood and with mental stability quite out of place. Thinking about how his actions are reflected by his changing and unstable emotional state was something that inspired me to write all this, partly because I was also curious to know what you guys thought.
I would like to hear your comments, or in this case read them. Seriously, I would like to know if they also thought at some point that Hilda would have a seinen mode or if they enjoy a less bloody and violent version of the blue-haired girl more.
Well, we're running out of paragraphs, so I'll say goodbye. See you later
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jennay · 11 months
Come Back Home
Jolly x reader
An: Random idea I had that I got stuck on and required way too much help from @a-villain-vying-for-attention then decided to make her a character since she basically came up with the ideas and I wrote it. Lol thanks for being my shadow writer for times when my brain decides it's done thinking.
Words 2200
Jolly Master List
This is chunked into four sections bear with me. I hate transitional writing 😂
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"Please don't tell them. They'll just worry, and next thing you know, they'll be at my door, and it's just not the right timing for me to come back. I need to finish my work here, and it's not completely horrible. I think I just miss everyone, and I feel isolated." You admit over Facetime to your best friend, Kayla. "It just wasn't supposed to be like this. “Moving away from you guys was literally one of the worst decisions I've made."
Kayla sighs, "I don't mean to say I told you so, but I did." She laughs, "But the worst part is, Noah told you, Jolly told you, and you still just said bye bitches. Do you know how sad it is not to have you here? I have to deal with them all the time, by MYSELF."
You peel yourself off the couch, dragging your feet through the dining room and to the back door.
You brace yourself for the inevitable assault of the sun, but it still hurts like hell when you open the door and get blasted by its rays. "Fuck." You groan. "It's bright." You squint your eyes and cover them with your hand as you stumble to the camping chair you set up on your porch for such occasions. You hated the daylight. You wished you could be a nocturnal creature, but sadly, you had to pretend to be a responsible adult, even if you sucked at it.
"Wow, look at you, Dracula." She mocks you from the other side of the video call. "You look like you're about to die over there, paler than a ghost and skinnier than a twig. Do I need to come over and feed you some blood? I know it's only been six months, but I will literally come over and mother you to death. I'll bring Noah too, and we'll play house. God knows we need some practice." She flashes a big smile. "You know, for the future and all that jazz."
You laugh, shaking your head, "This is new for you!"
"Yeah, well, now I'm just working on convincing Noah that it's a good idea." She tucks her hair behind her ears. "So I need you to come back because I'm not raising these imaginary kids without their badass aunt."
You roll your eyes at her, "These kids don't even exist yet, so I think we have some time, and besides, I don't know if I'll feel any better moving back. If I have to watch HIM date other people and it not be me…well, I'd rather stay here and suffer in silence."
"Well, he's miserable without you, and why are we not using his name?" She laughs again. "Mopping and shit, constantly.”
You shrug, "I think he's probably fine. I basically threw myself at him and got no reaction. I literally slept in his bed the night before I left." You pause, growing frustrated. "Maybe we're just supposed to be friends; maybe he only sees me as a friend. That's OK. I can't be mad about that, but it always felt like there was something more, you know?"
Kayla groans loudly, "You both suck. If you would've just let me meddle, I could've set you two up."
"I don't want you to set me up! I wanted something natural." You say with all seriousness. "I wanted him to say it."
From behind Kayla, Noah pokes his head into the view, "He's dumb...guys are dumb." He gives you a face that says, duh.
"Well, now I'm here, and I can just say fuck it. I'll find someone here."
Noah's laughter rings through the speaker, "And then break up because all you're gonna do is fucking compare the two and be a whiny baby about how he's not Jolly, so you had to break up? Fuck off, y/n." He chuckles again. "Just come home."
You shake your head, "No. You will have to come to drag my dead body home before I willingly come back."
Noah grabs the phone from Kayla's hand, and you meet with wide eyes. And in a serious tone, Noah says, "Dead or not, at least you'll be home where you belong."
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Kayla, Noah, and Jolly were lounging on the couch, munching on some greasy take-out that Noah had ordered from the nearest pizza place. While Jolly was engrossed in the latest episode of Bob's Burgers, Kayla was shooting daggers at him with her eyes.
She couldn't stand the sight of him, acting like nothing was wrong, like he wasn't the reason her best friend wasn't living with them anymore.
Noah noticed his girlfriend's glare and chuckled softly, nudging her elbow with his. "Chill," he whispered in her ear.
"NO!" Kayla shouted, startling both Noah and Jolly. She slammed her food on the coffee table and turned to face Jolly with a furious expression. "I'm sick and tired of pretending like everything is fine. I want my friend back, and if this is what it takes to make you use your brain, then so be it!" She pointed an accusing finger at Jolly, who looked confused and scared. "You need to go get y/n back right now or get on the next flight to Sweden because I can't stand having you around. You make me so mad, both of you, pretending you don't care about each other. She's depressed as shit living there with her fuckin awful family, but she'd rather stay there than come home because of you!" She roughly gets off the couch and storms out of the room, heading for the stairs. "You're such an idiot," she yelled over her shoulder at Jolly.
Noah raised his eyebrows and bit his lip to stop laughing as he saw Jolly's dumbfounded face. Jolly put down his food and looked at Noah with a puzzled expression. "What did I do?" he asked innocently.
Noah shrugs and says, "I think it's more of what you didn't do…"
Kayla comes back down the stairs, holding her food in her hands. She glared at Jolly one more time and flipped him off, then walked out of the room. "Buy the damn ticket!" she screamed from the hallway.
Noah heard the door slam and shook his head. "Well," he said, standing up and grabbing his food. "There's your answer. Bring y/n home."
"How am I supposed to do that?" He loudly asks.
"I don't know but you need to figure it out, Kayla might actually kill you in your sleep."
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You grab your coat and head for the door, feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation for the day ahead. You were going hiking with your sister and her husband, and you couldn't wait to explore the great outdoors with them. As you glance at the clock, you groan in annoyance, realizing you're running late again. You can't help but wonder why you're always so disorganized and frazzled.
You pull the door open, taking a deep breath of fresh air as you step outside. Suddenly, you're nearly choking on air as you see a familiar face staring back at you. Jolly stands there with a backpack over his shoulder, his long hair draped over his shoulders, and a black backward hat covering the top of his head. He's dressed in black skin jeans and a deep red plaided flannel, looking effortlessly stylish and cool.
Your shock disappears as quickly as it came, replaced by annoyance at the sight of Jolly. You can't help but feel irritated that he's here, disrupting your plans for the day. You'd be lying if you said you didn't feel a little bitter still.
"Hi." He quietly says, looking from you to the ground, feeling awkward. He hadn't planned what he was going to tell you.
"Can I come in?" he quietly asks.
You nod your head, stepping aside. "I was leaving, but I guess this kind of changes my plans," you say, rolling your eyes. "What are you even doing here?" You say as you follow him to the living room. "I've tried so hard not to think about you; I moved states, Jolly, and now you're at my house. Are you trying to make my life hard?" You don't sit down knowing you're too heated to stay in one place.
Jolly doesn't sit on the couch either. Instead, he sits on the armrest, staring at you with confusion and annoyance; he folds his hands in his lap and allows you to continue. Why was everyone so irritated with him? He didn't know what he did in the first place. "What did I do?" He questions.
You're eyes dart back to him. "You treated me like I was special, OK? I thought I was special to you…then, you go and date other people." You say, running out of breath. "Then I dated other people because I thought you didn't want me and I was right, you didn't care at all, but then I dumped them because all I could think about was you!" You dramatically cover your face with your hands, pacing back and forth. You enter your kitchen and stare out the sliding glass door. Your back facing Jolly as he observes you. "I stayed in your bed the night before I left, and you still let me go."
"I thought you were leaving for a job! I didn't want to be the reason you didn't go!" He whines. "You told me you were leaving for a job."
You still don't turn around to look at him, knowing he was right, "I just thought you'd ask me to stay if you really wanted me."
He stands straight, walking toward you; you feel his hands on your shoulders, spinning you around to face him. His dark eyes scan your face, wishing he wasn't the reason you were upset.
He leans in close, his breath warm on your face. "You were always special to me," he whispers, his voice low and sincere. "I never meant to hurt you. I was just confused and scared. I didn't know how to handle my feelings for you. I was afraid of losing you, so I pushed you away. I never stopped thinking about you. I came here to tell you that. To tell you that I'm sorry. To tell you I need you."
Jolly pulls back slightly, his eyes searching yours for a sign of forgiveness. He gently cups your face in his hands, his thumbs stroking your cheeks. He smiles softly, his eyes shining with hope. "Can you give me another chance?" he asks, his voice pleading.
You feel a surge of emotion, a mix of anger, pain, and love. You want to scream at him, to push him away. But you also want to hug him, to kiss him, to hold him close. You're torn between your head and your heart. You look into his eyes, and you see the sincerity and the regret.
You see the man you fell in love with, the man who made you laugh, the man who made you feel alive. You feel your resolve weakening, your walls crumbling. You lean in and press your lips to his, answering his question with a kiss.
"So I'm bringing you home." He smiles against your lips. Pulling back, his brown eyes search yours, "This long distance thing isn't how I want to start this." he gently kisses your forehead.
You nod knowingly, "I guess we should start packing."
Jolly smiles, running his hand through your hair, "I'm pretty sure Kayla has a timer set."
You giggle. "She is absolutely crazy." You lean up, kissing Jolly again. "But it's why we love her."
He nods in agreement, "Plus she's Noah's problem."
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With a cautious glance, you gently push the front door open, hoping no one will notice your arrival and ambush you as soon as you enter the house.
You sneak into the living room on your tiptoes, holding Jolly's hand.
Noah and Kayla are so engrossed in the TV show that they don't even look at you.
You pretend to be nonchalant and sit down on the recliner next to them, giving them a hard stare.
Her eyes widen as she realizes who you are, and she jumps off the couch and runs toward you. You're home! This is fucking amazing!" She screams in your ear. "I was expecting you guys to take more time, to be honest…you both suck at directions. I don't know how you managed to drive all the way back here." She laughs as she releases you from her hug and embraces Jolly instead, "Look at you. I can finally be in the same room as you without being pissed off. I'm so proud of you." She jokes with him. "Wow," She scans the room and sees the three of you together. "So, is it official now? Can we all just admit how stupid the two of you were? I mean, come on, you could have just moved down the street instead of moving two states away." She snuggles up to Noah on the couch. "I'm not going through this again. You guys have to sort things out by yourselves from now on." She says and acts like she's dismissing you.
Jolly chuckles, sitting in the recliner; he grabs you and makes you sit on his lap, catching you off guard.
You shake your head light laughter falling from your lips, "Well, I missed you too, dick."
You lean into Jolly's chest and wrap your arms around him, feeling his warmth and heartbeat. You sigh in contentment and happiness, glad to be home with the people who loved you the most.
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popjunkie42 · 5 months
Gonna experiment with a tag list! So if you want to be tagged for The Thief and the Rake (Feysand Regency AU) just comment or let me know!
Here’s a snippet from chapter one to tide you over.
A whisper. Mist swirled out of the corner of her eye.
Feyre inhaled as she twisted, an arrow quickly in her hand and nocked in her bow. Quick enough to see a fluffy brown-red tail disappear through the trees and over a small hill.
The fox trotted away from her and she followed, hiding behind trees as she went, careful to step onto the soft wet leaves littering the forest floor.
He was a handsome creature, his coat dark sable brown and flecked with the old warm red of summer.
It was a shame to take him, she thought as he rose above the fog line onto a moss-covered rock, surveying the land in front of him with his nose tilted up to the wind. There wasn’t ever much meat on them, not that she could be picky. But his pelt would fetch something small at market. Enough to risk an arrow.
At least she and her family would have one more meal, enough to buy a few hours, a day to keep her going to the next fox, or rabbit, or God willing a deer…
Feyre nocked her arrow and pulled back the bowstring across her hollow cheek.
The crack of a twig to her left had the fox curling into fog and mist, and Feyre whirled around, heart racing, bow still nocked to fire.
Lucien Vanserra’s eye went wide and his hands shot up as he stared down the length of her arrow.
Slowly, a mischievous grin spread over his face.
Feyre huffed and put down her bow.
”You just cost me lunch and ten shillings for a fox hide. I hope you’re ready to pay up.”
Unlike Feyre, her friend was dressed for the weather, a well-cut wool coat in hunter green hugging his form and skimming down to his knees, with heavy weather-stained boots coming to meet them. He had a brown felt top hat that complimented his glistening auburn hair.
Lucien looked made for the forest, and if she didn’t know him she’d think he was a sprite come to lead her to some sort of mystical adventure. With his vibrant red hair pulled back into a low plait, and his golden skin radiating warmth in between the barren branches, he seemed a creature from her old maid’s tales.
He pulled a basket from behind him, offering it to her with a flourish. “Aunt Susan and the cousins left for a few weeks to visit Uncle Tomas in Bath. I think I can do you all better than ten shillings and invite you to dinner.”
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bowtiesarecool11 · 1 month
My favourite out of context Nikolai Lantsov quotes:
(mild spoilers for Siege and Storm, Ruin and Rising, King of Scars & Rule of Wolves)
I like to have powerful enemies. Makes me feel important
Anything worth doing always starts as a bad idea
When people say impossible they usually mean improbable
Understatement is overrated
Show them weakness when they need to see it, never when you feel it
I keep to a strict diet of ill-advised enthusiasm and heartfelt regret
Constant anxiety does wonders for the complexion
As a man who regularly turns into a monster, I realise I shouldn't be making judgements about stability, but are we sure it's safe?
I already know how to juggle. Literally and figuratively
It's not exciting if nothing can go wrong
You say exile, I say extended holiday
Wasn't he spitted on a twig and cooked to death like a holy kebob?
The saints do love a bit of dramatic irony
Weak kings. Almost as vexing as weak tea
But it's a very arduous path. Who will carry my snacks?
I'm trying to do the responsible thing. I think it's giving me indigestion
I have a surplus of bad ideas. I have to spend them somewhere
Let us all pray to saints and the spirits of our bilious aunts
I find life quite unbearable without laughter
I have a gift for order and a taste for chaos
I'm skulking. It's much more purposeful
I will love her from my grave
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angmarenthusiast · 9 months
Big hero 6 incorrect quotes
Wasabi: You kidnapped Megan?! That’s illegal! Fred: But Wasabi, what’s more illegal? Briefly inconveniencing Megan, or destroying big hero 6 Wasabi: Kidnapping Megan, Fred! Hiro: Wasabi, listen. However I feel about this, these guys are counting on you to inspire them! Wasabi: What, to kidnap people? Honey Lemon: To work together! Wasabi: To kidnap people?! GoGo: Wasabi, we’ve all agreed that Megan is not a people.
Honey Lemon, to Hiro: You're starting to forget your Spanish. You don't practice. Hiro: Lo siento. Estoy embarazada. Honey Lemon: You just told me you're pregnant. Fred: Congratulations Hiro, you're glowing!
Fred (brainstorming ideas for pranking GoGo): How much could a serial killer mask possibly cost? Hiro: Well it’s hard to find a high-quality one made out of leather or silicone, but if you did find a good one like that it’d be a couple thousands of dollars. I can try to hook you up with one but I don’t know if I’d be very successful. Fred: Huh, that’s pretty interesting actually- Wait, how the hell do you know that? Hiro: …I am very passionate about Halloween, Fred.
Tadashi: Why were you up yesterday until 3am? Aunt Cass: How did you know I was up until 3am? Hiro: We could hear you clapping to the FRIENDS intro every 25 minutes.
Hiro: We’ve been conducting an ongoing study to see what Fred will and will not eat. Wasabi: Grass? Yes! Hiro: Moss? Yes!! Wasabi: Leaves? Ohh, yes! Hiro: Shoelaces? Strange but true! Wasabi: Worms? Sometimes! Hiro: Rocks? Usually nah. Wasabi: Twigs? Usually! Hiro: GoGo's cooking? Inconclusive! Honey Lemon: How did you… test this? Hiro: You just hand him stuff and say ‘eat this’ and if he eats it, he eat it. Honey Lemon: ... I don’t know how to feel about this. GoGo: IS THAT WHERE ALL MY SPARE SHOELACES WENT?
Hiro: What's the scariest horror movie you've ever watched? Honey Lemon: IT. Fred: Annabelle. GoGo: Paranormal Activity. Wasabi: High School Musical. All throughout high school I was scared that everyone was gonna randomly get up and start singing and dancing, and I would be the only one who doesn't know the words.
Hiro: Tell Fred off, Baymax! Assert yourself! Baymax: That's my ice cream! Hiro: Good! Now let them have it!! Baymax, handing Fred the ice cream: Here, you can have it!
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st0r-fruit · 9 months
Hilda rambles, GO!
I really like the relationship between Hilda and her mum. Aside from her lying, I like that they could communicate with each other comfortably
While I do like Alfur x Bartell, I do see both of them as a grandson-grandpa relationship.
Same with Aloysius and Adeline.
I kin Louise very much, I need more of her.
Eugene is such a glamorous and dramatic fish I like him very much. He also kinda reminds me Genie from Aladdin.
Hilda resembles her great-aunt very much.
I just love that the fact Twig is the son of the leader of the deerfox pack, the one with long giant antlers.
I wish woffs exist in real life
Baba and Tryga (I think that's how it spelled?) Is so wholesome, love them very much.
Man I would love to be a witch
I like how the main trio got character development (*cue Uganda knuckles*)
I hate Erick. Fudge him.
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haikyuufanficwriting · 8 months
Chapter 5: Tendou
Prompt: (Character) annoying Reader until they go on a date. Character: Tendou ___________
Maybe this was an unpopular opinion, but you despised Tendou Satori. With your entire being, you disliked him.
Whether it was his mannerisms, his appearance, personality or simply anything he did, it annoyed you to no end. Now, maybe you were being a little harsh, but in your defense, it wasn’t like he even tried to be nice to you. Its been mutual ever since you met.
Being a first year at Shiratorizawa Academy, not to mention being the Ushiwaka’s younger sister, you were introduced to the volleyball team quite quickly. You remember being a nervous wreck walking to the gym. You needed to be on your best behavior. You didn’t want to disappoint Wakatoshi, plus you had a reputation to uphold. You were known as the smart one, the kind one, the one that was always there to lend a hand. You had spent your entire middle school career, working for that reputation. Being under what you could only assume was the biggest shadow, and the enormous shoes to fill that were left by Wakatoshi, you worked long and hard, never slipping up, being the perfectionist and goody-two shoes everyone thought you were. What you like to think you are. Now that you were finally in high school, you had to work all over again, and much harder.
But you were nothing but determined.
Though, when it came to meet the team, it seemed there was nothing to be nervous about. The group of boys were both eager and curious to see what you were like, considering there only point of reference of your family was the stoic ace himself. Not that he gave much away. Surprisingly, while your brother was known for his emotionless nature, you were not. In fact, you could express your emotions easily and freely, to his team’s surprise. Meeting Wakatoshi’s teammates was actually really fun, and you enjoyed conversing with them. They were all kind and respectful, and even managed to make you laugh a couple times.
Then you saw him.
“Eh, Wakatoshi-kun, this is your sister? She’s a lot smaller and scrawnier than I imagined.” You see a tall skinny boy with spiky red hair, leaning his arm on your brothers’ shoulder. Eyes wide and full of amusement, looking you up and down. You could see the whole team flinch at his bluntness, with the third years already looking tired. You grit your teeth subconsciously.
Like you should talk, you literal twig.
You pay no mind to the insult, giving him a polite laugh and a bright smile. “Yes, I suppose I am a little on the smaller side.” You hide your annoyance flawlessly. At that, you see him purse his lips, eyes searching your face. The gesture does manage to annoy you further, but you still pretend to turn a blind eye.
What’s this guys problem?
“Since everyone has already introduced themselves, I assume you’re Tendou. I’ve heard a lot about you from onii-san. Pleasure to meet you, Tendou-senpai.” You outstretch your hand in courtesy, except you really didn’t want to shake this man’s hand. But the amusement had come back full force, and he took your hand almost eagerly. His rough, calloused, giant hand basically ate yours. And he noticed too.
“Wow, your hands are tiny! Wakatoshi-kun, are you sure your sister is eating?”
Yup, its official. You don’t like him now. You try to laugh it off, obviously sensing the team’s discomfort from Tendou’s comments. He’s actually starting to get to you now, because even Wakatoshi could hear the strain in your laugh, turning his head slightly in confusion.
Yeah, your brother had the social skills of a potato.
Yet, you see your brother nod in agreement. “Yes, she is quite petite. I often tell her she should eat more.” Then Wakatoshi turns to you. “You should eat more, (Name).”
You felt your cheeks flush. Did he really have to act like a worried aunt in front of his team? You do nothing but nod, mumbling about having a large meal at lunch, trying your best to get the conversation off you and onto some other topic, but Tendou is relentless. You feel your eye twitch.
“So, do you play volleyball like our Wakatoshi-kun?” You give nothing but a respectful smile, doing everything you can to not show your distaste. “Ah, sadly no. I spend way too much time reading or studying to be on a sport team.” You laugh, rubbing the back of your neck.
Semi, one of the third years, tries to pick up the shattered pieces that were left of the conversation. “So, what do you like to-”
“Ah, just as well. With Wakatoshi-kun over here being a prodigy, I doubt anyone would notice you.” There’s a pause. In that moment, all you see Tendou. You see his stupid smirk, leering over you. His eyes wide and searching your face, looking for something, anything.
Looking for a crack in your façade.
You feel your nail dig into your palms.
“I’m sure I’d find some way Tendou-senpai. After all, if you did it, it shouldn’t be that hard.” You don’t even know what you’re saying until you’ve said it. You look up at them in surprise, and they you. Your light and kind voice had slightly dampened, frustrated undertones shining through in your moment of weakness. You look to Tendou, expecting to see a somewhat offended, or even surprised face, but all you see is satisfaction.
You realize he egged you on, on purpose.
You don’t even have time to correct your statement, before you hear a loud, obnoxious laugh.
“Wow, (Name)-chan sure is feisty, huh?” Tendou turns to Wakatoshi, and all Wakatoshi does is nod confusedly. By now the rest of team has told Tendou to knock it off already, and to give you some space to breath. You try to ease their worries by waving them off, telling them it was fine, but really it was anything but.
How could a guy you’ve known for five minutes, break you so easily? All the years you’ve spent training, perfecting yourself, shattered within a five-metre vicinity of this man.
Well, one thing is for sure; you needed out now. You pretend to just notice the clock on the gym wall.
“Ah! It appears I’ve overstayed my welcome. I’ll have to head home now. It was a pleasure meeting all of you.” You say, making eyes with everyone except Tendou, who huffs out a tiny laugh. You bow in respect before getting your stuff, you hear footsteps behind you.
“I will walk you home. It is too late for you to be walking alone.” Wakatoshi says, picking up his items to follow you. You stop him immediately. You knew that the relationship between your brother and mother was incredibly strained, has been ever since the divorce, and you really didn’t want to put your brother in any uncomfortable situations. “Onii-san, I wouldn’t want to bother you. You have class in the morning. Plus, you told me you have a test coming up. You shouldn’t waste your time. I’ll be fine.”
You place a hand on his arm, comforting. Still, he doesn’t relent. You see from behind Wakatoshi that Tendou is still standing there, eyes only on you. His expression was calm, calculating, as he studied your face. You make a point to not look at him.
“I don’t feel comfortable letting you walk by yourself.” At this point, you’re willing to just agree and let him come. You just wanted to leave, because, though you were willing yourself to not make direct eye contact, out of the corner of eye, you could still see Tendou, watching the whole ordeal. It makes the back of your neck hairs stand on end.
“I’ll walk her.” Oh, you so badly want to scream ‘Over my dead body!’. But, you manage to compose yourself, looking over and trying to immediately shut down the situation.
“Like I said there’s no need-”
“It’s not a problem for me. I have no tests coming up and I have free period tomorrow morning.” Tendou gives you a smirk, and it only stirs up anger. He knew exactly what he was doing, from the moment you met, he wanted something. But what it was you weren’t sure. You hadn’t even done anything to him. You always tried to be on your best behavior, put on your brightest smile, and kindest laugh for everyone you meet, but him…
You’d rather dig your own grave and bury yourself.
You were about to say no, when Wakatoshi speaks up for you. “That would be great. Thank you, Tendou.” Your rejection immediately dies in your throat. You try one last ditch attempt to get out. “Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to bother you.” You say sweetly, but with the undertones of ‘back off and leave me alone’ which is something you know he understood fully. He leans closer to get down to your height, still with the biggest smile.
“No, please. It would be my pleasure.” He holds your eyes before walking to the doors of the gym. “Come on then, Kogara-chan*. Wouldn’t want your parents to get worried.” You feel your hands tighten around your bag at the nickname, but your face showed nothing but gratefulness as you turned to your brother and said your goodbyes.
Well, if he wasn’t in your bad book before, he definitely was in it now.
He managed to get you completely at his mercy, and you could do nothing but curse inwardly and follow him outside, starting your walk to your house.
It started out quiet at first, with you hearing nothing but the sound of his and your footsteps. After about five minutes in, you were starting to think he wouldn’t say anything at all.
But you wished too soon.
“Is it not tiring?” You pause, before looking back at him, with an innocent and confused look on your face.
“What do you mean, Tendou-senpai?” He clicks his tongue in annoyance.
“Ya can drop the act, Kogara-chan. No one’s here.” You felt yourself freeze, but you compose yourself quickly. But not quick enough, you could tell he saw your tiny slip up. Still, you refuse to break. “I’m sorry I’m not sure I follow, senpai. What act?”
“The innocent goody-goody act. I don’t know how everyone else hasn’t seen right through it, it’s fake as hell.” He laughs a little, making annoyance flow through your veins.
“You’ve never even met me before; you have no idea what my personality is like.” Your voice has dropped a couple octaves than the higher, sweeter one you’ve used for years. It almost feels weird. You see him smirk once more. God, if you weren’t already tired of it.
“Call it a guess.” You reached your street. Just a couple more minutes, just a couple more then you’ll be home free. You don’t even think about what your saying, blurting out your thoughts as all you’re focused on is getting away from him.
“Alright, what does it matter to you that it is?” You hear him hum.
“Ah, so it is? Thanks for clearing it up! I’d really rather prefer if you weren’t like that. It was so annoying!” Tendou’s teasing voice rings in your ear, letting you revel in what you just did.
This bastard.
In your tiny moment of weakness, the devil himself managed to wean his way right into your dirtiest secret. Your biggest insecurity. The one thing you managed to keep from everyone, even your family, Tendou managed to find out in less than hour.
You stopped walking. Letting the cool air blow harshly against your face, but you can’t even feel it. You feel so many emotions, so much hatred for the middle blocker, that any kind of rational thinking is thrown out of the realm of possibility.
“Fuck it.” You mutter, head down, refusing to look at him. You hear Tendou’s footsteps stop as well at your voice and turns around. But to his surprise, you’re suddenly in front of him, grabbing his hoodie and pushing him against a random pole that littered the streets. For the first time in the evening, he looks legitimately surprised. You’re a lot stronger than you look, that’s for sure.
“Listen here, you fucker. I don’t know what I did to deserve the shit you’ve been giving all night, considering that I’ve never even met you until today, but I’ve worked too hard to have my reputation thrown down the shithole from some red-haired lizard. So, what do you want? Money? Some clothes? Anything to say that you’ll keep the stupid mouth of yours shut.” You growl. Now, you really didn’t want to give this asshole anything, but you knew what kind of status he had.
Being a third year, relatively smart, and on the volleyball team gave him a level much higher than yours. In this school, it would be his word against yours, and one tiny rumor could definitely end the image you’ve made for yourself. And you can’t let that happen.
Not after you’ve worked so hard.  
Tendou manages to shake his surprised expression quite quickly, turning it to his usual asshole smirk. What you would give to be able to smack it off him…
He takes the hand that’s gripping his hoodie and pulls it off him, only to pull your arm to bring you a lot closer than you’d like. But you stand your ground; you wouldn’t fall for his antic any longer.
You refuse too.
“My, my… I mean I thought you’d be a little different, but you’re like a new person. I’m impressed…” He purrs out the last bit, and it takes everything in you not to cringe. You manage to keep your face passive.
“Cut the bullshit. What is it that you want? Tell me and then we go our separate ways.” You hiss, voice filled with venom. He chuckles, before tightening his grip slightly, he pulls you even closer and whispers:
“Go out with me.”
Out of all the things you thought you were going to hear, that sentence was probably in the bottom thousands.
Eh, make it hundred thousands.
You convince yourself that it’s the surprise that makes you flush, before whipping your hand away from him and taking a couple steps back. “Wh-what?” You stutter, which only makes him snort before howling in laughter. You half expect him to go ‘sike!’ halfway through it, but when his laughter dies down, he doesn’t say anything. Doesn’t explain himself, but just leaves that heavy sentence in the air. You stand there awkwardly, going over the sentences over and over in your head.
“Go out with me.” I mean what? You’ve never even been on a date much less a boyfriend. And you sure as hell wouldn’t want your first to be him.
Tendou stretches, before checking the watch on his wrist. “Wow, it’s later than I thought. I’ll have to leave you here, I guess. I’m sure you’re more than capable then walking yourself the rest of the way.” His stretched arm goes to pat your head, which makes you freeze. You don’t even have time to swat his hand away before he removes it himself and starts walking back to the academy. You watch his retreat still too shocked to say anything else. Then, once more, he stops, and turns to you.
“I’ll see you later, Kogara-chan~” His voice turns sing-songy, at the end, giving you a wink, then turning back and walking away. Leaving you in the dark street. Completely and totally baffled.
You could practically hear your image flushing down the toilet.
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accidentaloracle · 5 months
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The Gang
{Order from top to bottom}
My original and has gone through a couple of fantasia changes in her time. I am still trying to work on her details during each expansion but I mostly associate her with the shared canon I have with friends. Which involve falling out of an airship, void bullshit and romantic notions with a tall, blue eyed Ishgardian.
Shin's main class is WHM 🌳Although she lacks a good bedside manner, she always makes up for it with her expertise in healing magics and dedication in helping those in need. My snark queen ♥
✶Badabing Badaboom
[THIS GUY! Listen.. this lad was made purely just for goofs and seeing what playing as a lala was like. Never did I think I would put so much time and energy into him!]
Badabing, a member of the Nanarito family, grew up privileged in Ul'dah. This upbringing in a wealthy environment contributed significantly to fostering a strong sense of entitlement in his youth. He indulged in taking whatever he desired and acted without restraint. Those who dared to oppose him found themselves swiftly and decisively dealt with. Following his father's death under mysterious circumstances, which were connected to his uncle Lolorito, his perception of himself and his way of life began to change.
Following the calamity, Badabing founded NBM, an organisation that funds various projects and covertly assists those in need. Badabing is always battling to keep the organisation one step ahead of his uncle and to preserve his gruff persona so that he does not get too caught up in Ul'dah's shady business dealings. The main operation of NBM is their deli, which provides a variety of lunch and snack options, located in the Goblet residential zone. Originally planned for the NBM hideaway, Badabing's culinary adventures grew as he travelled to other places, ultimately inspiring him to pursue his love of cooking. Badabing often tries out different lunch ideas or makes easy meals for travellers on the road with his limited spare time. Badabing appears cold and distant, but he is incredibly devoted to his friends and close family members. "Playing the game of Ul'dah is an exhausting one"
✶Barm Brack
My sweet, good Elezen gal
Barm was born in Ishgard, but was soon taken in by her aunt Eliviane in Gridania after the death of her mother. Growing up, she found it hard to make friends. Eliviane was notorious for speaking her mind, causing discourse in the city, and challenging the Gridanian policies. Because of this, most of the parents warned their children away from their family. For the majority of her childhood, Barm spent her time wandering through Central Shroud, climbing trees, people watching, and convincing herself she could talk to animals.
Barm often watched hunters and The God's Quivers go about their daily tasks from high atop the trees. One day, hanging around the bannock, she spotted a bow and arrow lying beside a tent. Although she was nervous about being caught, Barm convinced herself she could borrow the weapon and put it right back. Surely, no one could be angry?
With some luck, she had successfully grabbed the bow, made off to one of the few secluded spots she preferred in bentbrach meadows, and began attempting to recreate the perfect archer posture. Unbeknownst to her, an Anole was hurtling towards her. It snapped a twig in the bush, the sharp sound causing her to leap and quickly turn around. She inadvertently released the bow, sending the arrow straight into the Anole's head.
Before Barm could even react, two figures appeared in the same direction as the creature. Two members of The God's Quivers, both smiling in astonishment at the young Elezen's aim. Barm was feeling too guilty about stealing the bow to even understand why they had ushered her back to the city. She had assumed it was to be punished for her crime. It was not until she had glanced up at the familiar sign that she recognised they had taken her to the archer's guild.
From that moment on, Barm was recruited into the guild and told only one person about what really happened that day, her first friend.
(I do have more to add to each character, but I hope it gives enough of a sample of what they are like ^^' )
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sincerely-sofie · 6 months
Will you ever write/make a comic about Twig confronting her aunt? It’s something I’d love to see!
I’m actually planning a full piece of that right now! I’m not sure if it would be better as a comic or a written fic, but it is in the process of being outlined as we speak :>
It’s going to fit into the Shadow Baby AU (that honestly I’m doubting the AU status of more and more with every day— it’s pretty much canon to The Present is a Gift in my heart of hearts). As I have it planned so far, Twig leaves Opal and Ark to accompany Celebi and Dusknoir on a trip to the Future so that Dusknoir can visit the sableye. On the way back, Twig encounters a paradoxical version of her younger human self and is taken back to her bunker. The human Twig (who I’ve been calling Bud) is thrilled to bits to see another pokemon after spending so long without ever seeing Grovyle or Celebi— and not only that, but a pokemon who can speak English!— so she shows Twig to her aunt. Twig stands up for her younger self when she recognizes a veiled threat that her aunt directs at her and lets the woman have it after telling Bud to go outside the bunker and wait for her.
One vent session later, Twig comes out of the bunker looking very stoic and brings Bud back to the Present with her to reunite with Grovyle + Celebi and keep her away from the awful excuse of a woman that is her aunt :>
(meanwhile, in the Future, Twig's aunt is in hot water for LOSING AN ENTIRE CHILD that she was solemnly entrusted to care for, and an investigation into the missing Bud brings a lot of her misdeeds into the light. She's punished accordingly. This is a happy accident on Twig's part and isn't going to be shown in the piece, but I just wanted to let everyone know she gets a small fraction of what's coming to her (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠) )
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