#*rolls around on the floor*i wanna hear his birthday line.......
littlestpetship · 2 years
sooorrys for not posting much today... i had to catch up on some schoolwork 0_0 and ive been having trouble forming coherent thoughts about f/os :,( my brain is just mush!!! hoyoverse i need kuni content again Pretty plz.....
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drymushroomfics · 12 days
A Gift {2/3}
Chapter 2: Birthday
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Rory McCann x Female Reader Ch. 1 Ch. 3
Waking up, you take a look around the room. In nothing but your bra, you notice your dress and ripped underwear on the floor. Memories start to flood back from last night. You run your hands through your dishovled hair and let out a breath. You don't even know what to think of it. You were so worn out that it didn't take you long to fall asleep after he left you. You don't even know what last night will do to your friendship with Rory. You've always had a crush on him but it turned into something more last year when you went sailing with him for a couple days. Waking up and spending all day with him and no one else made you realize just how much you enjoyed him just as he was.
You knew you loved him. Now everything might be ruined. You get out of bed to find your phone, hoping to find a text or call from him. Nothing from him. Only texts from your other friends, wishing you a happy birthday. You loved hearing from your friends but the ache and worry only dulled the gratitude.
•○•◇•○•♡•○•◇•○• Rory sips at his morning coffee, his mind whirrling with negativity. Last night was too much for him. He was so rough and vulgar with you and you loved it. He'd never heard a woman make the noises you did last night and even thinking about it now, it made him hard. He feels ashamed of how much he enjoyed treating you that way. His insecurities start to seep in further realizing that you were moaning for Sandor; not him. He worries that you only want the fantasy of the Hound and not who he really is. He's just Rory, your close friend. He's worried that's all he'll ever be to you. He's worried that what he did last night really fucked up your friendship. •○•◇•○•♡•○•◇•○• A little into the afternoon, you finally decide to out right face your woes and call him.
The line rings and you fiddle with the edge of your shirt.
You can't help but to smile despite your worries when you hear his voice.
"Hey… Are you alright?… I'm just calling to check on you. I haven't heard from you… Since yesterday", you say.
"I should've already called to check on you… I should've already wished you a Happy Birthday…I'm sorry… I really am… I should've talked to you before and-"
"You don't have to apologize, Rory…. It was… I can't imagine a better gift… for any holiday, really…"
You hear him let out a sigh of relief.
"So… you enjoyed it?… Even how I treated you…", he asks.
"I think uh… it was pretty obvious."
He laughs, "I guess it was… I uh… I enjoyed myself…but you already know that too."
"Wanna come over and get drunk with me, then?"
Rory remembers the surprise party. Everyone's ambushing your house at nine so if he came by earlier, it'd give you time to talk.
"Eight tonight, alright with you?", he asks you.
"Perfect…. You're not gonna roll in here in a wheelchair next, are you?", you ask, joking with him.
"You're unbelieveable!"
You laugh.
"No… I don't think I could do to you what I did last night in a wheelchair."
Heat spreads through you at his statement.
"Maybe my next birthday? I'll get the Kenny special?"
"Funny… See you at eight, y/n."
•○•◇•○•♡•○•◇•○• Hearing Rory's knock at the door, you try to mentally prepare yourself for seeing him again.
When you do open the door, your eyes meet and you both stand there unsure of yourselves and each other.
"Happy Birthday.", he smiles, hoping to break the tention.
Your heart always melt when he smiles at you.
"Thanks, Rory.", you reply, letting him in and taking the wine he'd brought.
He follows you inside and memories can't help but come back of you and him last night. The way he touched you; the way he fucked you. Your face heats up and you do your best to dismiss it. Pouring the wine for each of you, you can't help but wonder what's going through his head as he stands in your kitchen.
"Wanna sit outside?… It's nice out. Not as cool as I thought it'd be tonight.", he offers, slipping out of his sweater.
You nod following him onto the back porch.
You and him take a seat on your outdoor swing, looking out at the darkened sky.
"I have to ask… What made you think of uh… bringing Sandor back out as my gift?, you ask him.
He scratches at the back of his neck, his nerves flashing through him.
"Well… I knew you liked him… I wanted to give you something no one else could… I think I managed that."
You let out a little chuckle, "That you did… But uh… You were there too, Rory… You… You came down my throat. I don't think that happens when you're just friends, mostly."
His face reddens at your words.
He moves his hand to take hold of yours. You turn to look at him as he takes in a breath, nervous to confess his true feelings. Looking into your soft eyes, he knows he has to be honest.
"I wanted it… I wanted you… I just… Maybe I should've told you before barging in and making thinks complicated… I thought if you didn't want me, then I could at least give you something you wanted while being selfish and experiencing my wants as well."
You move your free hand up to the side of his face, "Rory… You didn't have to dress up as anyone to give me a fantasy… When I told you that you were enough of a gift, I meant it… Don't get me wrong, last night was beyond wonderful but, under those clothes, was just you; Your mind… Your body… That's all you… and I want you."
His heart swells at your reply, all his fears and worries leaving him. He takes his hand and pulls yours from the side of his face to kiss your soft palm.
You find yourself leaning forward, reaching up to meet his lips. His hand goes to the back of your neck, cradling you there. Thats when both of of you realize that you never kissed each other. Not once last night did your lips touch, making right now so much sweeter.
"I think I'd like to request one more gift for my birthday…", you tell him when you pull away.
"..and quite frankly on any other day of the week… I want you, Rory. Not someone with your face. You just as you are. I want to see you and it'd be nice if you didn't bolt afterwards…", you explain.
"I really am sorry… I started to get second guess everything and had to leave before I broke character. I wanted it to be special for you."
"Of course it was. But, I think I can say that I'll always prefer the real you… Don't ever think less."
You smile at each other before his lips meet yours again.
Visions of you on your knees and his cock in your mouth flash through his mind and he feels his arousal growing. Just as your hand moves to his jeans, you both hear knocking.
"Who is that?", you ask, confused and breathless.
"Fuck.", he groans, straightening himself.
"Go answer the door.", he tells you.
Confusion on your face, you walk inside and toward your front door.
"SURPRISE!", your friends yell as you open the door.
You smile brightly, greeting and hugging them.
They all step in, making themselves at home; as usual.
"Did you really think we'd leave you all alone on your birthday?!", your friend, Anna asks, setting down a white box on your kitchen table.
"Of course not.", you reply, moving to the cabinet and grabbing glasses to make drinks for your friends.
Your heard turns when you hear the back door shut. Rory steps into view and they all look at him.
"What were you two up to before we got here?", your other friend, Daniel asks with a smirk on his face.
"Talking, why?", you question, eyebrow arching.
"No reason…. Rory's shirt's a little unbuttoned."
You and Rory look at each other before realizing you never touched his shirt.
Your friends all laugh.
"Fuckin' caught ya! We've been tryin' to get you two to fuck for years!
It's about fuckin' time!", he laughs, holding up his drink to cheers.
"Oh fuck off!", you joke, holding up your own glass.
"Here's to you, my dear, and finally getting laid by our other dear friend, Rory!", Daniel announces.
Everyone clinks drinks.
Anna moves to open the white box she had set down, revealing a birthday cake with your name on it.
"You really didn't have to!", you smile at them.
"Oh shut it!", your other friend, Allen, chimes in, sticking candles in the cake.
They make you take a seat and you blush as everyone sings you Happy Birthday as Anna lights the candles.
"You better make a good wish.", Daniel winks.
You close your eyes, your brain immediately picturing Rory with his arms around you. You realize that you have everything you need right in this room.
You open your eyes, blowing out the fire.
Everyone cheers and clinks their glasses again.
You spend the rest of the evening with not a care in the world. Just you and your friends having a nice time.
Well, almost not a care in the world. You may not have had any worries the whole evening, but being interrupted by your friends earlier left you in a wanting state. Your mind couldn't let go of Rory's touch. You wanted him now.
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stxrshxpxd · 10 months
🛋️ fic friday;
90s brett anderson x reader
heartfelt, sweet, friends
“You’re drearier than usual.”
I looked up and refocused my eyes on the disheveled Brett whose fingertips were walking along his coffee table, overfilled with empty glasses, cans and bottles. He glanced down at me with a tilted head and big eyes.
“It’s 5 in the morning. Buzz is wearing off,” I joked tiredly.
The party had died about half an hour earlier and I had sat wallowing on Brett’s sofa ever since.
“Nah, you’re fun off the buzz too.”
I didn’t say anything to him as I looked around the empty room. There was a Bowie record playing very quietly and I was just now hearing the music, having been pulled out of my loud, moping thoughts.
“Is something wrong?” Brett asked and sat down on the floor, laying his head on his crossed forearms on the coffee table. His large, black pupils stared at me with more concern now.
“I’m a cliche,” I shrugged and rolled my eyes. I was. I felt like a silly, stupid woman. And then I felt like a silly, stupid misogynist for thinking that about myself. Then my exhausted brain couldn’t think much more.
“How so?” Brett asked calmly.
I let my head fall back to lay on the back rest of the sofa and I blinked up at the ceiling, practicing what I was going to say in my head. After a few huffs and sighs and slow breath cycles I finally began explaining.
“My cousin who’s four years younger than me just had a baby.” I glanced at Brett still staring back at me, then I looked back at the ceiling. “I went to see them the other day and, uh, the kid had my eyes. Well, my grandad’s eyes, and my aunt’s, and the kid’s mother’s eyes. But, you know.”
I waited to speak again. Maybe even longer this time. I couldn’t figure out how to say the next bit.
“I just think… I might be wanting one myself, but I feel like a hundred years old and I haven’t had a boyfriend in three years and I don’t even know if this is what I actually want because I’ve never really thought of kids before, but-“
“Tell me the reasons you don’t want a baby,” he interrupted.
His question threw me for a loop. I took another long pause but this time I didn’t have anything to practice how to say in my head. I couldn’t think of anything to say at all. The last bit of intoxication in my system was making my emotions completely unpredictable, and I felt slight tears burning at my lash lines. But I swallowed and I looked back up at Brett, shaking my head.
“No, I… really want one.”
Brett nodded and showed a faint smile.
“But I don’t even know how to go about it!” I sighed frustrated with a big shrug.
“Y/N, I think you know how making a baby works,” Brett joked carefully and I laughed tiredly. He smiled wider and he slid his arms and head off the table, looked around the room for a beat and then glanced back at me.
“Tell you what… If by the time you’re thirty you haven’t found a decent guy to knock you up, I’ll take one for the team.”
I laughed again, more heartily this time, and I hugged my knees into my chest.
“You artists are such romantics,” I gushed jokingly and he chuckled.
“I’m saving the romance for your thirtieth birthday, my love.”
Laughing again at his mock flirting, I rubbed my sleepy eyes and pulled my fingers through my hair.
“Just have to keep you away from all men for a few years,” Brett mumbled and tapped his fingers on his chin, jokingly plotting in his head.
“You really want in my knickers.”
“Well, you’ve got quite a good reputation in that area, kiddo. I wanna see what all the fuss is about.”
I chuckled gently again and so did Brett as I laid on my side on his sofa and blinked at him in the dark room. But I couldn’t keep my eyes open for much longer and the last thing I saw was Brett’s warm, slanted smile.
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Jeremiah Fisher Headcanon: Where He Dates A Shy Reader (Pt.2)
PART 2 to this:
it's the second karaoke party of the season — and this time, you're determined to show jeremiah how much you love him, instead of the other way round.
dating him – being with him – it's every dream and every wish you've ever held in your heart, rolled into one. no one's ever had hands as gentle as his, no one's had hair that felt as soft under your fingers – no one's ever made your body sing while being touched quite the way he does.
you have to show him how much you love him — in a big enough gesture to contain all that excess of feeling. big enough for him to deserve. even if the thought makes you break out in a cold sweat.
so there you are, steeling your nerves as your boyfriend plays beer pong a few feet away from you, entirely unaware of your carefully laid plans. you've even browbeaten conrad into assisting you with his guitar, and you ignore his sullen glower as you finally clamber onto the makeshift stage, tapping the mike apprehensively.
your voice comes out as a minuscule squeak the first few times, but finally you manage to make yourself heard. "um," you say nervously, almost quaking in your delicate kitten heels, an early birthday present from jeremiah. "i, uh, wanted to sing something, if everyone doesn't mind..."
you're cringing inside at the stunned faces around you – people who've not heard you say more than two words in their presence. no one looks more shocked than your own boyfriend, who's abandoned his game of beer pong to stare at you, eyes the size of dinnerplates.
"i-it's," you take in a long, deep breath, willing yourself to see this through. "for m-my boyfriend, to say that i – that i love him very much." at this, you can actually see jeremiah's mouth pop open in shock, the red solo cup in his hand falling to the floor. you almost run off the stage at the roars of encouragement you hear from the crowd.
but jeremiah's eyes are beginning to glow a bright, brilliant blue as he looks at you, waiting like everyone else – and you take courage from that, and begin to sing.
"i used to wanna be, living like there's only me," you quaver – your voice isn't strong and sure like jeremiah's, it probably doesn't sound even half as good – but he deserves to hear you declare your love as open-heartedly and sincerely as he does for you. he deserves more. he deserves the whole world. "but now i spend my time, thinking 'bout a way to get you off my mind..."
jeremiah's smile is so blinding, so immediate and instant and warm, that for a full minute you forget how mortified you are, visibly trembling on stage — nothing matters except the look in his eyes as you sing.
so you keep singing: "i used to be so tough, never really gave enough, and then you caught my eye, giving me the feeling of a lightning strike..."
your voice is finally loud now, louder than the whoops of all the partygoers as they watch you sing, grinning – but your eyes are only for jeremiah, marveling at the sudden, soft red stealing over his face as he keeps staring at you. you're both locked in each other's gazes, as if you're the only two people in the room.
you hold his gaze, even smiling a little yourself as you let the next few lines fall from your lips: "look at me now, i'm falling, i can't even talk, still stuttering, this ground i'm on, it keeps shaking —"
jeremiah doesn't even let you finish the rest of the verse, taking a running leap onto the stage to kiss you resoundingly on the mouth, his lips the best thank-you you could have ever gotten, moving insistently, inexorably, so very, very intimately against your own.
all your friends are going wild below, screaming and laughing – but you don't hear them, you can't even see them — all you can sense is jeremiah, pressing his lips to yours and whirling you around in his arms until you're both breathless and dizzy.
conrad is groaning in disgust next to the two of you, calling it a "sickening display" – but even this you don't notice, because jeremiah's now whispering softly into your ear, making you shiver: "you're so amazing, baby – i love you so much. so fucking much."
you can feel jeremiah's fingers wrap around your hand, the one still holding the mike — and squeeze reassuringly.
so you finish the song together, pressed skin-to-skin as everyone cheers: "all i wanna be, yeah, all i ever wanna be, yeah, yeah, is somebody to you / everybody's tryna be a billionaire, but every time i look at you, i just don't care, cause all i wanna be, yeah, all i ever wanna be, yeah, yeah, is somebody to you..."
you hug him hard enough to hurt your own arms after the song finally ends — because you got what you wanted in the end. jeremiah is your somebody. your only somebody. the only person you've ever loved. and luckily, amazingly, extraordinarily — he feels the same way. ♡
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honeytae · 3 years
You’re distracting the chef, sweetheart.
hey guys! so…this is literally just domestic bliss with yoongi…need i say more? no but this is such a self indulgent piece i really just…love me some husband material which is exactly what yoongi is. i hope you all enjoy this as much as i do </3
tags: @ahgasearmyfan, @hoseokayy, @the1921-monsters
genre: fluff
warnings: tooth rotting ‼️
word count: 1.4k
Your eyes followed the stitches of the pillow beside your head, knitting your eyebrows at the peculiar sewing pattern.
Flicking the fabric with your thumb, you broke your eyes’ fixation off the object with a shake of your head, a disgruntled noise echoing through your chest.
So this was boredom.
With a frown, your eyes flickered across the couch to Yoongi as his leg bumped yours in his slight shift of position, settling back into the pillows behind him with his right arm holding his phone above his face.
Sighing, you watched your boyfriend from where you were perched on the opposite side of the sofa, the man seeming perfectly content with the otherwise silence and mundane air in your apartment as he scrolled through his twitter feed.
Not that you could blame him. Days like this in his schedule were far and few between, where you could lay around together like this. But you were beginning to get restless, feeling the need to get up and do something before you died of boredom.
Frowning, you sighed slightly louder, pout increasing when he either didn’t hear you, or acted like he hadn’t. Unbothered, your boyfriend continued his useless scrolling of his thumb on his phone screen, while you itched out of sheer nothingness across from him.
Showing his surprise, Yoongi raised his eyebrows at you, lowering his phone to lay flat on his chest as you pushed your foot against his knee.
“What’s that for?” He chuckled, catching your foot in his palm and soothing his fingers along your knobby ankles.
His features twisted in amusement from his perch on the pillows, dancing his fingertips across the top of your foot mindlessly.
“‘M bored.” You shrugged, the man snorting back another laugh as you needily pushed your foot further into his hold.
“I don’t know what you want me to do about that, love.” He replied smugly, a shrug of his shoulder making you scoff as you pulled your foot out of his hands.
“Now you’re just being mean.” You crossed your arms stubbornly, letting the man take your limb back in his hand as he soothingly trailed his palm up and down your calf.
His eyes sparkled in amusement at your stature, the attitude radiating off of you in waves that made him hum in the back of his throat.
“Okay, okay, let’s see, what do kids do when they’re bored?” He wondered aloud, casting his eyes up to the ceiling as he lazily smirked at your offended gasp in the background.
“Did you just compare me to a kid?” Placing your palm on his thigh to boost yourself up into a sitting position, your jaw dropped as he absentmindedly hummed in the back of his throat.
“Well why don’t we look into the Grandpa agenda then? Wanna try some geriatric activities?” You quipped, Yoongi laughing through his nose at your sass.
“I’d love that, actually.” He said, grinning when you groaned in frustration. Settling his hands on your kneecaps, he gripped them in a gentle squeeze, nodding at you once with a fond smile.
“Alright, Grumpy. C’mon.” He gestured for you to stand up with him, grunting as the motion stretched at his muscles, rolling his eyes when you muttered another grandpa remark under your breath.
With a hand gripping your wrist, Yoongi guided you until you were daintily draped over the stool at the island in your kitchen, facing the oven as he stuck his head in the fridge.
“What are you doing? I don’t want any more tea and scones.” You smirked, the man exhaling a scoff as he straightened his back out into a standing position, arms cradling an array of ingredients as he walked over to set them all out across the counter.
The way he did his signature waddle across the room had you smiling immediately, your grin barely hidden by the clamp of your teeth down on your bottom lip.
“You better watch it over there. I’ll mess the sauce up on purpose.” He teasingly wagged his finger at you, making you giggle as you fondly watched him retrieve the necessary pans and measuring tools he needed for his sudden plan.
“Are you cooking for me, Min?” You asked, eyebrows raising as he immediately nodded in response.
You were truly of no use in the kitchen, something both you and Yoongi were well aware of three years into your relationship.
Too many near-oven fires had occurred, blackened pans and smokey kitchens leading to an all out ban of you using any of the kitchen appliances without his supervision.
So Yoongi was perfectly content with him doing all the cooking and you doing all the observing, occasionally prompting you to open up the oven for him or set a timer for precisely thirteen minutes, otherwise it’ll get soggy.
“I am. Someone seems a little grumpy, and what better cure for grumpiness than jjajangmyeon?” He posed with a small smile, grinning wider when he spotted your pout out of the corner of his eye.
“I am not grumpy.” You said, whiny in your tone as he chuckled at you.
“That seems like something a grumpy person would say.” He shrugged smugly, lining the knife up with the zucchini before concentrating on slicing the vegetable up to the desired amount.
Staring at him for a moment, you admired the man in front of you, bottom lip tucked into his mouth as he scrunched his eyes in concentration. The veins in his hands bulged slightly as he gripped the last stub of the zucchini, slowing down his kniving to not risk a finger.
Looking at him, you couldn’t imagine a more lovable human.
His soft stomach pressed up against the counter, equally soft hair hanging over his forehead, socked feet bumping against the cabinet every so often as he shifted along the floor.
“You’re staring.” He suddenly spoke up, making your eyes drift up expectantly to his face, pulling your eyebrows together when you noticed his back was still to you.
You could hear the smile in his voice as he transferred the vegetables to a side plate, reaching for the leftover pork from the other day to slice that up as well for your impromptu lunch.
He was obviously proud of catching you in the act, not that you cared.
“You’re hot.” You shamelessly responded from behind him, the man shaking his head with a shy chuckle as you tapped your fingers against the counter beneath you.
“This is hot? This does it for you?” He grinned as he lifted the anime patterned cutting board he’d been using, a gift from one of his aunts on a birthday nearly a decade ago now.
Laughing, you hopped off the counter with a shove of your hands against the marble, practically floating over to your man. A clatter of the knife he’d been using against the counter was soon followed by him wrapping his now free arm around you with a fond smile.
Neglecting his dish for even a moment was something Yoongi swore against in the kitchen, but when it came to you, he couldn’t care less.
Besides, if he messed it up, you’d be paying for it anyway.
“Hm. I love when you get all domestic on me.” You murmured, laying your head on his shoulder as he dipped down to press a lingering kiss to your hair.
Tilting your chin up to look at him, you found nothing but pure adoration in his dark brown orbs, your heart leaping in your chest at the familiar warmth spreading throughout your body.
Familiar, as it was the same feeling that ignited your heart each and every time he looked at you like that.
Both leaning into each other, eyes flitting closed, your lips met in a tender kiss, enjoying the exciting spark that still happened via the action.
It was moments like this when you were convinced of the fact that you were the love of this life and the next for him, and him yours.
His tongue felt smooth against your own, gentle yet passionate in the way it swept around your mouth and tangled with your own muscle.
Blindly setting the cutting board back onto the counter, he neglected the tray in favor of your hips, gripping and massaging at the flesh with a low hum as he pulled you flush to him.
Your hands were doing much of the same, mapping out the landscape of his toned back with your palms as your fingers appreciatively dug into his soft flesh.
Humming, he broke apart from you for only a moment, chuckling when you surged forward to chase after his mouth.
“Ah ah ah. You’re distracting the chef, sweetheart.”
Staring at him with your mouth gaped, Yoongi only laughed in response, pressing a feather light kiss to your forehead before stepping back to continue his chopping work.
“You’re,” you paused at a loss for words, “you’re so mean.” You said, baffled at his teasing as he chuckled in response.
“Just trying to make sure you get your jjajangmyeon, angel.”
Once the dish of noodles was steaming and ready to eat, he blushed slightly at your praise when he finished plating, turning you back toward the island with a nudge of his elbow to your spine along with a bashful smile gracing his face.
“Just eat it, you brat.”
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I have had this song stuck in my head for DAYS and I think about the Brothers everytime I hear it... so here is some little song blurbs.
I Don't Miss You at All
Inspiration ~ I Don't Miss You at All by FINNEAS
Find the full Lyrics Here.
Brothers Masterlist | Dateables Masterlist
💙 Lucifer
But I think our song is comin' on
And now I wanna crash the car
But I won't
Make that mistake again and fall
Lucifer sits in his office after another long day listening to his favorite record with a cup of Demonus in his hand. He swirls the liquid as the song he was listening to comes to an end. Slowly the next one begins. He closes his eyes and takes in the harmonic sound. Opening his eyes, he realizes why this song is so important to him.
Lucifer guided the human in the waltz for what felt like the hundredth time.
"Can we please have one more dance, Lucifer?"
He sighs staring at their big pleading eyes. It almost makes him want to say yes, "I have work, MC. Maybe after."
They rush to him grabbing his sleeve before quietly speaking, "Please?"
His eyes prick with hot tears at the memory. Without a thought he stands up, making his way over to the machine before snapping the record in half.
Upon realization of his actions, Lucifer collapses. Hot tears streaming down his face at what he has lost.
💛 Mammon
I don't get distracted by your smile
And miss the green lights drivin' home
No sign of stoppin'
The house isn't far
Mammon had gone out driving to blow off some steam after Lucifer threatened him. He was going pretty fast until he saw the light turn yellow and began to stop.
As he stopped at the red light, he his attention to the passenger seat out of habit expecting to find an awaiting MC.
"How about we play a game. At every red light, I ask you a question and you have to answer." MC smiled at him as the car slowed to a stop.
He turned his gaze to them, gently putting his hand on the side of their seat, "Sure, ask away."
A small smile crossed his face as he watched them think of a question.
"What was your favorite birthday and why?" MC turned to him with a smile as they awaited his answer.
"Hmm," Mammon thought hard before finally remembering, "Probably my 1,500th. We were still in the Celestial Realm at the time and all the angels sang happy birthday to me. It was really nice." A blush filled his face at the thought of all that attention.
MC gently touched his arm pulling him out of his thoughts, "It sounds amazing."
Mammon is pulled out of his memory by incessant honking behind him. With a quick glance he sees that about ten cars have gotten in line behind him.
He looks up at the light and sees it's green. He puts his foot on the gas, speeding through red lights, going as fast as he can back to the House of Lamentations as hot tears fly off his face in the cold wind.
🧡 Leviathan
But I won't
Break down at 2 AM and call
'Cause I don't
Miss you at all
Levi stares at the computer screen at it flashes the words "Two Player" at him.
His brain slowly rakes through all his friends u til he glances over at his D.D.D.
Levi looks down at his phone to see a message from MC.
MC: I can't finish this mission unless I have a player two... are you busy?
Levi smiles. Before sending his own response.
Levi: Are you sure it isn't just to use me for my levels?
MC responds with a shocked reaction before sending another message.
MC: Of course not! If I am being honest, I can't sleep and I wanted a distraction.
Another smile spreads across his face at the thought of MC coming to him for help over his brothers.
Levi: My door is open, but you better know the password!
Levi begins to reach for his phone, but hesitates before pulling his hand away.
His hand slowly travels back to his controller as he exits out of the game with tears in his eyes.
💚 Satan
All but forgotten
About those eyes
The shade of green that if he'd seen
Would make F. Scott Fitzgerald cry
Satan splashes water on his faces quickly before looking up into the mirror. The demon stares back at himself before he meets his striking green eyes and freezing.
"Satan, your eyes are so vibrant." He chuckles at the human's comment as they stand behind him in the mirror.
His eyes trail their body before focusing on their eyes in the mirror.
"Well I think yours are just as striking." He smirks at them as he watches them blush and chuckle.
"Sure. But mine aren't as amazing as yours. I could see authors writing using thousands of words to describe just how beautiful they are." Their eyes are dreamy as they stare deep into his eyes.
Satan's face contorts into one of frustration and anger as he stares into his own green irises.
His hand moves without warning as it balls into a fist and moves towards the mirror with all his force. A scream emerges from his throat as well as his knuckles make contact with the reflective glass causing it to shatter.
He stares again at the now broken mirror, a fraction of its former self. In one swift movement, he washes his now cut hands of blood before pushing his hair back and leaving the mess behind him as his eyes begin to sting.
💖 Asmodeus
'Cause, no, I can't
Recall your scent
Jasmine, tuberose, and lily
Or your silly French accent
Asmo was taking inventory of his perfumes and colognes as he does every month. As he makes his way through each scent he comes across one that is all too familiar to him.
"Asmo! This one smells amazing! How did you know I love jasmine, lily and tuberose?" MC gently held the glass bottle in their hand as they sprayed it on their wrists again.
"I have my ways. I even bought one for myself so when people on the street see us, they know we are together." Asmo smiled as he stared at them happily gazing at the bottle.
"I really do love it Asmo. Thank you." Their eyes sparkled with adoration as they looked deeply into his.
Asmo narrows his eyes at the bottle before spraying it on his wrists and putting it away.
He walks away with a scowl on his face, giving up his previous need to inventory his scents. But for the rest of his night, he smells his wrists and let's out a small sob after.
❤ Beelzebub
And I barely still remember
Who's in the pictures on my wall...
...And it feels so good
Eating alone
Beel pulls out his instant Ramen from the microwave. Carefully he makes his way to the table with the delicacy in his hands.
He begins to prepare to eat as the intoxicating aroma hits his nostrils and sends him deep into a memory.
MC carried their own bowl of Ramen up to their room as Beel followed slowly behind them, "Come on Beel I want to show you my new photos while we eat!"
When the two finally get to MC's room the sit on the floor. Beel begins to slurp his noodles as MC grabs photos and thrusts them into Beel's face.
"Don't they look great?" Their voice was filled with excitement as Beel stared at himself during a Fangol game.
He slowly nods as he takes a sip of the broth.
"I am glad you like it. I want to take pictures of all seven of you every week and then put them on my wall."
He looked up to see past pictures as he began to hear them slurp next to him.
Beel takes a quickly look around the room only to find himself alone before he looks down at his Ramen. He sighs.
He still digs in with just as much fervor, bit it tastes saltier than he remembers as his cascading tears mix with the noodles.
💜 Belphegor
And I'm sleepin' fine
I don't mean to boast
But I only dream about you
Once or twice a night at most
Belphie squeezes the warm mass in his arm before opening his eyes and seeing MC's back. He smiles at the human in his arm.
"Is my little human still sleepy?" His voice is hoarse from the lack of use.
MC giggles as they roll over and stare him in the eyes, "Nope!" After they finished speaking, MC bolts from his arms with a smile on their face.
Belphie lurches awake with a start. Frantically he looks around the dark attic for the figure he just saw in his dream before he starts patting the bed.
"MC!? MC!?"
After a minute or so of frantic searching, he is confident he is alone.
Tears prick the corners of his eyes and he turns his gaze to the ceiling.
Loud screams fill the room as Belphie begins to pound the bed with his fists. And just as fast as it began, it stops. Belphie falls back onto the plush pillows and returns to his slumber.
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kiridarling · 3 years
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katsuki bakugou | birthday gone wrong (aha), f!reader, baker!reader, pro hero!katsuki, blizzards, angst and smut, exhibitionism, cockwarming, begging, confessions. minors dni!
— 4.7k words
Wanna blow off some steam?
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Katsuki jumps ten feet high, and the plastic grocery bags precariously balanced on each finger tear without a second thought. Apples hit the ground with a thud and the egg carton with a depressing slap; one that signifies the crack of at least half a dozen. Katsuki looks at the crowd, red-faced and livid, and Eijirou Kirishima intercepts the awkward silence with:
“Happy Birthday Bakubro! I know y—“
“Said that I didn’t want a fuckin’ party?” Katsuki growls, groceries forgotten on the forgotten. Eijirou looks guilty and chuckles, scratching the back of his head.
“W-Well, yeah, but—“
“Everybody out.”
People sigh, and you think you hear Denki whisper told you he’d kick us out. You hate to say that you foresaw a similar outcome. Katsuki’s never been one for people.
Especially you.
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“Awe come on, Kacchan,” Izuku says with hands on his hips. “We came all this way! Just let us stay for a little bit.”
“Yeah!” Eijirou seems to cheer up once given a sliver of hope. “Plus, we got cake and stuff. And Just Dance.”
Katsuki narrows his eyes, but you know better—he’s always had a soft spot for the redhead. You all wait with baited breath, wondering if this entire evening was a bust, as Katsuki weighs his options in a pool of fallen groceries.
“One hour.”
Eijirou gasps so hard he chokes, and Katsuki’s generosity earns him applause from the audience. (Plus whoops and hollers from Denki and Mina.)
“And I mean it—y’all have sixty fuckin’ minutes before you’re gone without a goddamn trace. Kapeesh?”
Katsuki sighs, rubbing at his temples as he steps over the mess at the front door. You assume he’ll make Eijirou clean it up. “Whatever. Where’s the fuckin’ cake?”
“In the kitchen, my good sir!” Denki says as he ushers the ash-blond into the said kitchen, the rest of the party hot on their heels. Eijirou grabs the cake from the fridge and you’re tense until the plate hits the marble of their island.
“Flavor?” Katsuki asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Uh, I dunno, [Y/N] made it,” Eijirou throws you under the bus, just like that, and you want to scoff at the way Katsuki freezes—if only for a moment. Eijirou’s oblivious as ever, “[Y/N]?”
“It’s red velvet,” you say, trying not to burn under Katsuki’s carmine eyes. You don’t know why he doesn’t look away.
As if you’d give him anything else.
Eijirou tries his best to cram 26 candles into the cake before being forced to opt for 23 lest he ruin your decorations. Denki presses him to make a wish and Katsuki rolls his eyes as he blows out the candles. Eijirou wipes an invisible tear because ‘his boy is getting so old.’ Mina and Jiro cut the cake and people seem to enjoy it, and you think that maybe, reuniting with your high school friends after so long isn’t as bad as you thought it’d be.
Even if he said he never wanted to see you again.
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“—due to the incoming blizzard, we highly suggest all those who reside in the red and orange zones stay inside until it passes; which should be around ten am tomorrow morning.”
You spoke too soon.
Katsuki turns to the crowd, and you know what he’s going to say before his lip curls.
“Kacchan, don’t be unreasonable!” Izuku says from his comfortable position on the couch. “We’d get caught in the storm if we leave now.”
“Not if you’re fuckin’ fast enough,” Katsuki growls, pulling the greenette’s to his feet by his hair. “Get out, I’m not bunking with you fuckers overnight.”
“Dude,” Denki points to the window, and if you hadn’t known any better, you would’ve thought the blizzard had already started. “If we leave now, we’ll literally die.”
“Die, then.”
Eijirou sighs, clapping his roommate on the back. “C’mon, man. You know we ca—“
There’s a whirr then a click, and the lights and tv die at once. You can’t see a thing but you definitely hear Katsuki shout:
Eijirou turns his phone flashlight on first; Katsuki’s busy angrily flicking at the light to no avail. You sigh, turning to the ash-blond (and ignoring those ugly fucking butterflies in your stomach.)
“It’s a blackout Katsuki. The lights aren’t going to work.”
“Don’t you think I fuckin’ know that, dumbass?” And your chest tightens because even though he’s not eighteen anymore, he sounds the same—but you aren’t sure why you expected him to sound so different either.
You lift an eyebrow (not that he can see it), “It doesn’t look like you do.”
Denki snorts at that, hollering about how you just owned the ash-blond as Katsuki yells at him to shut the fuck up. It’s...familiar and comfortable, like you’re all in high school again, before you had to worry about your friends dying in their line of work because you couldn’t be there with them.
Before you got injured.
“Well I mean, we have a few blankets,” Eijirou offers, and as your eyes slowly adjust to the dark, you’re convinced you see his figure cross the living room. “And like, sweatshirts if it gets too cold.”
“It’s already getting too cold,” Mina says, and you can’t help but agree. The quickly cooling room has the goosebumps raising on your shoulders, and you’re starting to regret forgetting your jacket at home.
“Okay! I don’t have that many, but,” Eijirou hollers from somewhere, before returning with a handful of cloth. He drops it onto the coffee table. “Plus Hanta and Denks left their hoodies here last time.”
“Oh shit, we did?” Hanta says, and you assume it’s his figure who starts digging through the clothes. “Totally thought I lost this, lol.”
“Did you just saw lol out loud?”
“I did.”
“Ooh Ei, do you still have that old Red Riot hoodie?” Mina asks, and all of a sudden, she’s all over the pile. She finds it before the redhead can answer and snatches it away with a gasp.
You watch the pile dissolve in the darkness, one by one, and by the time you reach for something, your palm hits the cool wood of the coffee table. Fuck.
“Oh [Y/N]! Do you need some of my blanket?” Mina offers, but the blanket is small, and wrapping it around both of your shoulders just renders it utterly useless. You shake your head after she tries for a while.
“It’s fine Mina, I’m not that cold,” you laugh, but she shakes her head vehemently.
“No! Girl c’mon, you look like you’re freezing!”
And, well. Freezing is a stretch. Sure, you’re a little cold, but you’ll live.
“Do you need my sweatshirt?” Eijirou asks, already pulling at the hem. You roll your eyes.
“I’m serious guys, it’s not that bad,” you say, waving your arms for emphasis. They all grumble but they give up, and you feel like you can finally relax.
Something soft and army green drops into your lap. You pick it up in confusion, before looking up to see who dropped it.
Katsuki looks down at you, face glowing white from the phone flashlights. His eyes pierce your soul nevertheless.
“I don’t ne—“
“Take it.”
Katsuki takes a seat next to you on the couch in his own hoodie. You don’t realize until you put it on that he gave you a sweatshirt themed after his own hero costume.
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You can’t sleep.
You can’t sleep, and you’re sure it’s due to the temperature. The wind howls and it sounds like you’re in the eye of a tornado, loose branches knocking against the rattling glass, and upon looking through the window, you see nothing but stark white. You sigh, checking the time on your phone for the fiftieth time this hour. Yep. Still four am.
“Stop fuckin’ movin’, dumbass.”
You all decided to bunk in the living room for warmth. You’re surprised Katsuki stayed, though; you figured he would just head to his room and let you all fend for yourselves while he slept in a comfortable bed. But here he is, sleeping next to you on the cold fucking floor.
“Sorry,” you say, but it’s hard when your shivering and your jaw aches from stunting your chattering teeth. Katsuki and Eijirou only had a limited amount of sleeping bags, meaning you’ve got to share a blanket with the hulking ash-blond.
“You cold?” He grunts. You don’t know why he’s asking.
Katsuki sighs, and you hear him adjust, the blanket sliding from your neck to your shoulder. “You’re a shit liar.”
You prop yourself up on your elbows to glare his way, and you look to notice Katsuki’s laying the same way.
“What’s your point?”
Katsuki doesn’t answer for a moment, but it doesn’t seem like he’s looking for an answer, either—his neon red eyes glow through the dark and straight into your soul, and the next time you shiver, it isn’t because of the temperature.
“You’re stubborn.”
You roll your eyes, scoffing, “Thought you figured that out senior year.”
Katsuki’s face flashes with an emotion you can’t quite pinpoint before it’s gone again. “Yeah. You’d think almost dying would fuckin’ fix that.”
You sigh. Looks like you’re having this conversation now, then.
“I didn’t almost die—“
“Yes, you fuckin’ did,” Katsuki snarls, and Denki almost stirs at his raised tone. “You took that bullet and you didn’t get up for months—“
“And then I woke up and everything was fine! Seriously Katsuki, what’s your problem? I lived.”
“My problem is that you shouldn’t have been there in the goddamn first place!” Katsuki says through grit teeth. You watch his temple roll underneath his hairline. “That was my fuckin’ fight. I don’t need some chick jumping in front of a bullet for me just ‘cause she thinks I can’t take it!”
You scoff, looking around to see if any of your other sleeping friends are listening because get a load of this guy. Naturally, they don’t respond.
“That’s what this is about? Oh, well I’m sorry I bruised your dignity because I didn’t want to see you get fucking shot!”
Katsuki chest inflates with disbelief before it deflates again, and he’s rolling his eyes before he says, “That’s not—you fuckin’ know that’s not what I meant.”
“Oh really?” You laugh, and goddammit Katsuki, you just had to bring it up, didn’t you? “Because waking up after two months to your best friend telling you to give up doesn’t preserve your dignity at all, huh?”
“I didn’t tell you to fu—“
“You said those exact words, Katsuki. You said give up, and you left the hospital.”
The ash-blond has nothing to say to that, because he knows that you know you’re right, and trying to jedi mind trick you into believing he isn’t an asshole won’t work.
“Well you fuckin’ listened,” he grumbles, more to himself than you, but enough emotion flares in your core to make you want to scream.
“I didn’t have a choice,” you say, huffing, before turning your back to him, deeming this conversation over. “Good night, Katsuki.”
There’s a lull and it has you convinced you’ve won, finally relaxing (as much as you can) onto the cold floor. At least arguing heated your blood up a bit.
“The fuck do you mean?”
You roll your eyes even though they’re closed before you hop back onto your forearms to give the ash-blond a nasty look. “What?”
“You...said you didn’t have a choice,” Katsuki says, and it’s the first time you think you’ve heard him sound weary. Unsure. “The fuck does that mean?”
“It means I had to give up on being a hero either way.”
Which sucked. Because you had spent the past four years of your life working your ass off to save others, and you wind up out of commission before you even got started. You...suppose you didn’t tell Katsuki the whole story. Well, you hadn’t had a chance to—today’s the first time speaking with him since you woke up in the hospital.
Katsuki eyes you out of his peripheral, but only for a second. “And that means...?”
“It means that if I land on my spine the wrong way, there’s a high chance I’ll be paralyzed from the waist down.” You growl, frustrated that it was easier to coax the truth out of you than you thought.
The bullet buried close to your spinal column. You had to do PT for months, relearning how to walk as you slowly regain your motor functions. That’s when you started to bake.
The howling of the wind turns from somewhat soothing to aggravating as Katsuki’s unimpressive “oh” hangs heavy in the air, and you find yourself sighing, the puzzle pieces finally clicking in your head. “Stop it.”
“Stop what?” Katsuki asks—he’s still not looking at you.
“Blaming yourself,” you gesture to his figure, which is lax with depression, lacking its sturdiness and usual fire. “You didn’t shoot the gun.”
Katsuki snorts at that, running a hand through his hair, “I might as well.”
“You got shot because of me,” Katsuki says as if it were a fact. “They were trying to kill me. Not you.”
“And they didn’t kill me. I’m here and you’re here. If I hadn’t been there, you’d be six feet under right now,” you reason. Katsuki shrugs because he’s just as stubborn as you are, and you figure he’s been carrying around this baggage for too many years.
“Does your back hurt often?”
“No,” you shake your head. “I mean sure, I get flare-ups sometimes, but it’s not too bad. Doesn’t really get in the way of baking as long as the table is high enough.”
Katsuki thinks for a moment, teeth worrying his bottom lip. “Is the table high enough? At your café.”
You shrug, failing to see where he’s going with this. “I have a platform thingy, so. It’s mostly for decorating cakes and things—“
“I’ll buy you a new one.”
“I’ll buy you a new table,” Katsuki says, nodding to himself as if he was confirming the idea. “A higher one.”
It takes a second for his offer to process, but once it does, you’re fighting a smile. Still the same kid. “Kats, I don’t nee—“
“An—And if you need a new chair. I’ll pay for that shit too.”
You shake your head—mainly in disbelief, “I don’t need a chair, Katsuki.”
“Then what?” He asks, and it almost sounds desperate with the speed he rushed the sentence, “Y’need a car? That hunk of junk you drive could use some work.”
You ignore the jab, because your car works perfectly fine thank you very much, and snort at the suggestion of such an outrageous purchase.
“What? You tryna be my sugar daddy or something?” You joke. Katsuki gives you a look, and it's dead serious.
“D’ya need one?”
“I—no!” You laugh, and have to remind yourself to reel it in before you actually wake Denki up. “I’m fine financially I just—what’s gotten into you?”
“Nothin’.” Katsuki quickly grumbles, facing forwards again. “I just...”
You raise an eyebrow, “You just..?”
“I dunno. I dunno,” Katsuki shakes his head. You let him gather his thoughts in silence before he tries again. He doesn’t.
“Then fuck me.”
In your defense, your mouth moved before you thought it through.
Katsuki has an unreadable look on his face, but his voice is anything but steady when he says, “What?”
Fuck. Fuck.
“U-Uh, I mean,” you recoil. Stupid big mouth. “I—you—don’t worry about it.”
“You said you wanted to fuck me,” Katsuki deadpans. You choke.
“I—no, that’s not—“
“That’s exactly what you said.”
“No, I meant as in I’m pent up. Obviously,” you defend with a huff, crossing your arms on the pillow as you glare daggers his way. Katsuki matches your stare.
“Not as pent up as a Pro Hero,” he scoffs, lifting an eyebrow. You take it as a challenge.
You click your tongue in faux pity, “Awe, the number two hero Dynamight doesn’t get laid?”
“No fuckin’ time,” he grunts, though you don’t find much remorse in his voice.
“Well, you have time now,” you say, completely unsure of where this confidence is coming from. Either way, you’ll take it and run.
“I do,” Katsuki confirms, leaning in closer. He’s close enough that you can smell what’s leftover of his cologne, and see the hint of a grin that makes his upper cheek shine silver in the moonlight. You find yourself leaning in just as much as he does.
“Wanna blow off some steam?” You dare to question. Katsuki’s grin only grows wider.
“Thought you’d never ask.”
Katsuki’s kisses are surprisingly soft, you think, and so are his lips. But you don’t have much time to think about it as he pulls you in by the waist, quietly groaning into your mouth while he lays you down on your back.
“Always thought you were the prettiest fuckin’ thing,” he growls, trailing butterfly kisses down your neck. “‘M gonna make it up to you, yeah? Make you feel so fuckin’ good.”
A hand hikes his sweatshirt above your chest before Katsuki’s latching onto the skin under your collarbone and sucking, teeth digging into your skin hard enough to bruise.
“Y-Yeah, that’s fine,” you whimper, intoxicated by the way Katsuki’s lips flush pink as he pulls away, eyes locked on the fresh hickey on your chest. They flicker up to you; he grins.
Katsuki hums at that, licking his lips before diving back in. You hiss when he bites too hard, prompting him to bite harder, but he always soothes it over with his tongue, topping each bruise with a kiss. You flinch when his lips wrap around your nipple and he chuckles at your meek whimper; a hand removes its grip on the sweatshirt in favor of sliding it up your thigh.
“Fuckin’ perfect,” Katsuki says once he pulls away, enjoying the sight of you writhing in anticipation. “And it’s all for me, ain’t it?”
“Yeah, ‘m all yours just—“ you kick a leg in frustration at the thumb playing with the hem of your panties, “—do something already.”
Katsuki raises an eyebrow, “Do what?”
You frown, huffing, “You know what.”
Katsuki shrugs, adjusting so he’s caging you to the floor. Ghosting a thumb over your panties, he says, “‘Course I do. You gotta ask nicely first.”
You tighten your hands into fists. He would.
“I’m no—“
“Beg, Princess,” Katsuki growls, his stare unwavering. He presses an inquisitive finger to your clit through your panties either as a promise or a threat—which, you’re not quite sure.
You crumble.
“I—fine, just—finger me.”
Katsuki doesn’t move. Asshole.
The ash-blond grins, finally pushing your panties to the side.
“Good girl.”
When Katsuki slides his first finger in, it’s much too easy, and you blame it on the foreplay. You shudder, hands moving to brace themselves on his big shoulders, and the ash-blond muffles a moan as your nails dig into his shoulders.
“Another,” you moan, bucking your hips into his palm. Katsuki’s heated gaze flickers from your body to your face.
“Already?” He chuckles, the rasp in his throat giving his arousal away. You nod—he clicks his tongue.
“Fuckin’ dirty.”
Two fingers feel like so much more than just one, and they have your eyebrows folding in a poor attempt to muffle a whimper. Katsuki’s fingers still move tentatively but they’re getting comfortable, curling and searching for that place that’ll make you tremble. And then he finds it.
“F-Fuck,” your body jolts, and Katsuki’s shushing you against the pillows.
“Keep your mouth shut, Princess,” he purrs, head dipping down to nip at your neck. It adjusts the angle ever so slightly, but enough to make you hiss, and he chuckles. “Unless you wanna get caught.”
“Oh yeah, because that sounds fun right now,” you snort towards the ceiling. Katsuki pulls away with an unimpressed look as his thumb comes down over your clit.
“Can’t wait to fuck the brat outta ya. Maybe then you’ll actually shut up for once, huh?” Katsuki inserts a third finger without you asking him to, and you gasp, clawing at his back.
“Shh, shh, shh,” he laughs against your mouth lowly, as if the light kisses will do anything but make more noise, “Good God sweetheart, you’re really pent up, aren’t ya?”
“Shit—I doubt you’re much better,” you try, scoffing at what you can see of his painfully hard cock in his sweatpants. Katsuki looks down before sending a huff your way, with a cute little blush dusted on his cheeks.
“Shut the fuck up,” he grunts, pulling out his fingers. You whine at the loss. “How d’ya want me to fuck you?”
You need to take a step back from how crude the question is. Right, sex.
“Right um,” you look around, trying to find the least obvious position—and one that doesn’t make a shit ton of noise. Laying on your side, you tuck an arm under the pillow, before turning around to Katsuki to suggest, “Cuddle-fucking?”
“Yep,” you say with finality, popping the p. Making big grabby hands his way, you say, “C’mere, big guy.”
Katsuki rolls his eyes but moves behind you anyways, warm arms easily finding themselves around your waist under the blanket. After a few adjustments and ensuring you're both fully covered, Katsuki’s hard cock presses against your entrance as he hooks his head over your chin with a huff.
“This is so not on fuckin’ brand.”
“I don’t think fucking in a living room with sleeping friends is on-brand for a pro hero or a baker,” you say casually. Katsuki breaks out into a snort, pressing his face deeper into your neck.
“God, I fuckin’ missed you, ya know that?” He chortles. Your chest blooms with something it hasn’t in years, and for the first time, you find that you don’t mind.
“Don’t be such a dick and maybe I’ll stick around this time,” you quip with a smile he can’t see. Though you feel his against the base of your neck.
Katsuki’s last words hang in the air, unusually heavy, and your eyes catch the snow beating against the window with a less than angry howl. Katsuki’s chest shudders against your back but he doesn’t move, hands frozen at your waist.
“Hey, I thought you were gon—“
“I’m getting to it,” Katsuki snaps, and you gasp as he starts to push inside. “So fuckin’ impatient, goddamn.”
He pulls you down until he fills you completely, and you suppress the urge to shout at the speed he did it with. Katsuki moves a hand to slap over your mouth.
“Shut the fuck up.”
You reach around to pinch him in the side with a huff, he calls you a bitch. It’s a little hard to hear you behind his hand as you say, “Then don’t catch me off guard like that, asshole.”
Katsuki snaps his hips and does exactly what you tell him not to do—prompting another surprised whine out of you and a dark chuckle from the ash-blond. His cheek presses into your jaw as he finds leverage in hiking your lower half up until your puffy cunt is level with his cock, and fucking you until you drool all over the pillow.
“What a pretty fuckin’ thing,” Katsuki grunts, and you can tell he struggles to keep quiet in the way his chest sporadically shudders. You have to grip the pillow for some semblance of purchase and Katsuki chuckles at watching you struggle, before he’s hiking your leg up to fuck you that much deeper.
“I always—always knew you’d sound so good,” he pants, the grip around your mouth bordering on clammy. You want to tell him that if he keeps making so much noise he’ll wake up everyone in this fucking room, but there isn’t much time between moans to get more than a word in. “Fuck baby, keep tightening around me like that, and I might fuckin’ cum.”
You find it amusing how close he is so quickly, until two fingers land on your clit and start rubbing in slow, small circles. Your walls flutter around him and Katsuki digs his teeth into your neck with a curse, his grip around your raised thigh contracting as he tries to hold on for as long as he can.
And that’s when Denki starts to move.
First, he rolls to the left. Which would’ve been fine, seeing as it’s in the opposite direction until he bops Eijirou straight on the nose and promptly rouses the redhead from his slumber. Katsuki’s hips still.
“O-Ow, dick,” Eijirou curses under his breath, quickly scrambling to his forearms. It’s hard to tell through the darkness, mostly because you’re squinting your eyes to feign sleep, but it seems like Eijirou rubs under his nose, only to blink back at a bloody hand.
Katsuki’s hips shift, ever so slightly, but enough to nestle his cock deeper and force you to bite back a whine. And another. And then another.
You try your hardest to be discreet when you reach to pinch Katsuki in the side, and he breathes a laugh down your neck.
“What?” He whispers, though it's more than a rasp than anything else. Good to know you’re not the only one struggling to not cum, here.
“You know 'what,'” you quickly hiss. But Katsuki’s hips don’t stop as Eijirou weighs his options to cure his bloody nose in the dark. The fingers on your clit return their usual pressure and you inhale sharply, nails digging into Katsuki’s forearm as your orgasm begins creeping up on you.
Eijirou sniffles and gets up, stumbling through the darkness to turn down the hall that leads to the bedrooms. Katsuki sees that as fucking freedom and his hips really start to pick up so much speed that you struggle to breathe through it all.
“‘M gonna cum,” Katsuki whimpers into your neck, burying his face deeper in a poor attempt to stunt any sound. “Fuck, fuck ‘m gonna cum, you close baby?”
“Y-Yeah jus’ a little more,” you whimper, eyes rolling as Katsuki finds some inhumane energy in him to fuck faster. He nods at that and bites into your shoulder with a growl, “C’mon, fuckin’ cream all over my cock—atta girl, fuck, fuck—“
Katsuki fills you up the moment you clench around his cock with a sigh, the weight of your orgasm knocking you forehead-first into your pillow as you bite the urge to squeal. Katsuki doesn't growl as much as you expect, moans breathy and light as his hips finally stutter to a stop—but you suppose some things have to change over the years.
Katsuki collapses next to you in pure exhaustion and you’re sure that’s his cum leaking down your thigh, but for some reason, you don’t really mind.
“Hey you,” he speaks first, eyes blazing red in the darkness. You snort.
“Hey, you.”
Katsuki chuckles with a stupidly giddy smile on his face, "Y'know, you still fuck really well."
You drop your head on his chest to snort, and his hands find their rightful place around your waist.
"Better than high school?"
"Yeah..." Katsuki grumbles, before his eyes narrow. "Wait—hey, yo—"
"I haven't fucked anyone since," you snuff the fire before it even starts, and Katsuki relaxes, though his eyes stay slim. He pulls you closer and you sigh—it's comfortable.
"Good," he grunts. And then after a pregnant silence: "I haven't either."
That's...strangely reassuring.
Your arms wriggle until they fold over his shoulders to play with the small hairs on the back of his neck, and he hums, eyes fluttering shut with a final peck on the lips. As Katsuki's breathing evens and the white of the snow dyes the highest points of his face white, you smile. He looks older.
You think he's asleep until he nudges your waist.
"Be my girlfriend."
You don't even hesitate.
By the time Eijirou comes stumbling down the hall, both you and Katsuki are passed out—with his body encompassing yours in the most intimate way, face tucked into your hickey-ridden neck as your arms and legs lock around his being. The redhead gives you both a soft smile as he passes, snorting to himself.
“Took them long enough.”
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ragnarachael · 3 years
hii! i know you said you prefer loki and peter rn but could i request one with bucky who discovers his s/o is really touch-starved and lonely? im really feeling the loneliness these few weeks and i would love some fluffy bucky ❤ its okay if you'd rather not though! i dont mind 😊
~ 🍁
i can absolutely do that! i haven't written for bucky in a hot minute, so if it's off character wise, i'm sorry <33
rach's valentine's blurb session!! send in something and i'll write a drabble about it!! | or request a kiss from this list!
You never knew you could actually feel like this in a relationship, honestly. But then again—you could see how this could happen.
Bucky and Sam had a mission somewhere upstate, and you had more shifts in at work.
You're around people all the time, but you've never felt so fucking alone.
Bucky's been gone for however long. You've stopped counting the days, it only seemed to make you feel even worse about how empty your shared apartment feels. All you knew was you're alone, and you're needy for a hug. Hell, just touch in general. Preferably from Bucky.
You're in bed when you hear the lock twisting and turning, an annoyed grunt loudly echoing in your living room.
You're slow to rise out from your cocoon of blankets, which gives Bucky more than enough time to empty all of his things from his hands and roll his suitcase to a random corner of the apartment to leave forgotten for a good while.
"Doll?" Bucky asks quietly once you're in his line of sight, one shoe on his foot while the other is still tied firmly on his foot. He's wearing the dog socks you'd gotten him for his birthday last year and it makes your heart leap.
"Hi," you speak softly, frozen in excitement—or, at least, you hope that's why you're frozen.
"Hey, sugar," Bucky replies, smiling wide in the dim lighting of your apartment. He drops his shoe onto the floor and easily makes his way over to you before. engulfing you in a tight hug.
This is when you realize you could actually cry. This. You've longed for this. Bucky. His touch. The way his arms are wrapped around you so tight—
"Hey, hey, hey," Bucky says again, gently as his hands move up your body gently before they cup your face. "Why're you cryin', doll?"
You take a moment to register that yeah, your breathing is a little wack.
Bucky doesn't need you to finish whatever you're blubbering, thankfully, and just presses a kiss to your lips before pulling you back into his chest tightly. His hands rub along the length of your back as you let the tears fall freely, controlling your breathing.
Bucky encourages you the entire way through, soft affirmations and small compliments in between.
Once you're calmer than you were, less lonely than you were, Bucky pulled away from you to consult with his other boot on his foot.
"I'm sorry I left you for so long. Wanna order something in and we can catch up? Snuggle and watch a movie?"
You could frankly marry Bucky on the spot, being so thankful that he can comprehend that what you're wanting is him, his touch, and his attention.
"Yeah. For sure."
Bucky smiles back at you, laces of his boots loosening easily after two tugs. "I'll get right on that, your majesty. Please move your blanket pile to the couch."
You groan, smacking his shoulder as you do as you're told.
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engie-ivy · 3 years
Remus is the uptight, swotty Prefect who's always getting the popular and beloved troublemakers Black and Potter in detention. Remus doesn't care what people say of him, and he absolutely doesn't care about Black's blinding smile.
A Book By Its Cover
Remus pulls his jumper closer around himself against the draught in the large, empty halls. The corridor is dimly lit and he hears nothing but the sound of his own footsteps. Everything is quiet. Too quite.
A loud clang suddenly sounds from behind one of the tapestries. Remus almost smiles to himself. Bingo. In a swift motion, he pulls away the tapestry.
Startled, Black whirls around. He’s surrounded by what appear to be paint cans and rope. His shock only last a moment, though.
“Lupin!” He exclaims, a beaming smile appearing on his face. “What a pleasant surprise!”
Remus crosses his arms over his chest. He makes an effort to keep a firm expression on his face, to show he’s not affected by Black’s notorious, blinding smile, like everyone else is. “Only pleasant if you like detention. And as for a surprise, I am a Prefect. I am supposed to be here making my rounds. So what are you doing here?”
“Preparing a prank,” Black says simply.
Remus doesn’t know whether he should be insulted Black doesn’t seem to take his authority very seriously, or glad that he doesn’t insult his intelligence by coming up with an excuse.
“Right,” Remus says, before taking out his notebook and pen. “Out of bed after curfew and engaging in illegal activity,” he scribbles down. “And where’s Potter?”
“Aw, am I not enough for you, Lupin?” Black pouts.
“I figured you could use some company in detention,” Remus replies smoothly.
Black clicks his tongue. “So thoughtful.”
“If you’re here setting up some prank, then it’s a given Potter is setting up that prank somewhere else in the school as well. So, where is he?”
Black shakes his head. “For you’re own good, Lupin, you don’t wanna put James in detention right now. People won’t be too pleased with you if the school’s football star misses the upcoming match against Slytherin thanks to you.”
“So thoughtful,” Remus repeats Black’s words, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “But please, don’t concern yourself over me. I’ve never cared what others think of me, and I don’t plan on starting now. And you basically just admitted Potter is currently doing something that would warrant me giving him detention, so you might as well tell me where he is.”
Black sighs. “This is why people call you uptight.”
Remus’ expression hardens. “If people care so much, they should be mad at Potter for risking the football match in the first place by playing some stupid prank.”
Black gasps dramatically and clutches his chest. “Stupid? Our pranks are not stupid! They’re works of art! Jumping out of a cake on miss McGonagall’s birthday? Hilarious! Making a zip line to go from one floor to the other? Brilliant! Filling the gym with stray cats, many of whom were eventually adopted? Genius! People love our pranks. They make people laugh and bring some excitement in their lives. Much needed excitement, because let’s face it, school is boring. Sitting there, listening to old people tell you things you already know.”
“For you maybe,” Remus mutters.
Black scoffs. “Don’t pretend you’re not one of the smartest people in our class, Lupin.”
Remus just glares harder at Black, to show that no, he doesn’t care that Sirius Black, whom people are always falling over themselves for to get even a bit of his attention, has apparently noticed Remus’ academic achievements. No, he doesn’t care at all.
“Even the teachers love our pranks,” Black continues. “They put some life into this place!”
“We’ll see what miss McGonagall has to say about it when I report you tomorrow,” Remus says calmly. “I’ll go finish my rounds, and when I get back, you better have cleaned up this mess.”
As he turns around to leave, Black suddenly grabs his wrist. “Join us!”
“Wha...” Remus turns back, and his traitorous stomach flutters at how close Black is suddenly standing.
“Join us for one prank,” Black says.
Remus blinks at him. “Why in earth would I do that?”
“Because it’s fun! And honestly, Lupin, to me you always look like you can use a bit of fun.”
That catches Remus off guard. It’s true. Between struggling to get top marks, doing everything he can for extra credit, making sure he has a spotless record, excelling at his Prefect duties, and worrying about his sick mother, lately he often feels like just throwing his hands in the air and say ‘screw it all!’, and just do something crazy, something dumb or irresponsible. But he definitely never wanted for Black to notice that.
“Come on, Lupin,” Black says, as Remus stays silent. “Be part of the fun for once, instead of putting a damper on it.”
“Your childish pranks aren’t my idea of fun,” Remus bites back, feeling himself getting defensive.
Black just grins. “You won’t know that unless you join us for just one prank!”
“Why would you even want me to join you?” Many people would be lining up to be a part of one of Black and Potter’s infamous pranks. It’s beyond Remus why Black would ask that one stuffy guy who puts them in detention almost every week.
“Because I like you,” Black shrugs. “I like how hard you work for everything and how you don’t care what anyone thinks of you. And I think you secretly have a talent for it,” he adds with a wink, that absolutely does not make Remus’ knees go weak. “I bet you have a wicked side to you underneath all that swotty stuff.”
“But I’m a Prefect!” Remus argues. “I’m supposed to discipline rule-breakers, not break them myself!”
Black rolls his eyes. “You shouldn’t take that job so serious.”
This rubs Remus the wrong way. “Not everyone can afford to treat everything in life as a joke,” he says coolly.
Black folds his arms over his chest and stares. “A fancy title and a badge and suddenly you’re better than us?”
“It’s nothing like that!”
Black huffs. “Then why is that bogus job so important to you?”
“Because some of us can’t afford to have even one note on their record if they ever want to get anywhere in life!” Remus snaps. “Because some of us need perfect scores and every bit of extra credit they can get if they want universities not to immediately bin their applications! Because some of us don’t have a last name they can flaunt, a daddy who can make a phone call, a mommy who can throw some money around, and suddenly you’re top of the list! Because some of us can’t just look at their rich parents and rely on them to always give them everything they want!”
The change in Black is instant. He takes a step back, and instead of his usual easy smile and bright eyes sparkling with mischief, his face becomes an ice-cold mask. “Fuck you, Lupin,” he hisses. “You don’t know a thing about me.”
He pushes past Remus as he storms off, leaving him behind feeling very confused. Maybe he shouldn’t have said that. Yes, the system is unfair and Black is privileged, but Remus supposes that isn’t really Black’s fault. He knows Black isn’t actually a bad person. His heart is in the right place, and he’s usually kind, only ever mean to people who, quite frankly, deserve it.
Remus just wishes Black would stop with those bloody pranks.
Remus just wishes Black would continue with those bloody pranks.
Or do anything really that makes him seem more like his old self. Remus never thought he’d miss that loud, barking laugh, that infuriating smirk, those lame puns so much.
Ever since everyone returned from Christmas break, Black has completely withdrawn. He hardly talks to anyone, he just sits silently, his eyes staring off in the distance and his expression blank. Potter is always by his side, softly talking to him or just throwing him worried glances.
Since then, it has been the talk of the school, and even in the papers and on the news: Sirius Black has been removed from his parents’ custody. It was a messy affair, the police has even been involved. Black’s father was arrested on grounds of child abuse. Apparently, Orion Black, the noble and well-respected patriarch of the prestigious Black family, has a habit of beating his son. It must’ve been going on for a while, but over the break it escalated. People just can’t get over how Sirius Black’s life wasn’t as perfect as it always seemed to be.
Remus feels bad for Black, and especially feels like an idiot, having said the things he said. He knows he owes Black an apology. It has been a couple of weeks since the break ended, and the apology is beginning to be long overdue. Though he also knows that Black has probably not been waiting for an apology from the uptight twat that always gets him detention.
Maybe it’s more to ease his own consciousness that he hesitantly approaches the table where Black is sitting. Potter glares at him the moment he sees him, and half gets out of his seat, probably to tell him to piss off, and rightfully so. However, after a quick glance at Black’s face, who’s looking up at Remus, he sits back down, as if he sees something on his friend’s face that makes him chance his mind.
“Bla- Sirius,” Remus says, realising a tad late that Sirius might nor want to be reminded of his family name right now. “I’m sorry,” he blurts out. “I said some shitty things to you, and I shouldn’t have. You were right, I didn’t know anything about you.”
“It’s okay,” Sirius says softly. “You had good reason to be angry, it’s a rather fucked up system. And you didn’t know. Didn’t know that I would’ve gladly given up all that privilege to just have parents who... who love me...”
Sirius’ voice falters and he trails off. Potter is staring at him wide-eyed, and also Remus is surprised. He knows Sirius hasn’t talked about it to anyone, and he feels almost guilty he’s saying it to him of all people. He’s also surprised at the overwhelming urge he has to pull Sirius into a hug, hold him and tell him they never deserved him anyway. He has to leave before he does anything stupid.
“I should go,” Remus says quickly. “If there’s ever anything I can do...”
As he turns around to leave, Black suddenly grabs his wrist. “Join us!”
Remus turns back to look at him.
“Join us for one prank.”
“Why would you want me to join you?” Remus asks, much like the first time.
“Because I like you,” Sirius replies, much like the first time, only where he had then sounded nonchalant and slightly amused, he now sounds pleading and vulnerable.
“Yeah,” Remus says hoarsely, because his Prefect duties suddenly don’t seem so important compared to helping Sirius come back to his old self. “Yeah, I’ll join you for one prank.”
And then the most amazing thing happens: for the first time in weeks, Sirius Black smiles. It’s only a small smile, but the room already seems a bit brighter. In a moment of vivid clarity, Remus knows that there’s nothing he wouldn’t do to make that boy smile.
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toshilove · 3 years
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𝟏𝟎:𝟒𝟓 𝐏𝐌
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☆» i don’t mean anything else, i just wanna be with you
kuroo tetsurō pays a lil surprise visit late at night just bc he wants to see you
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genre: fluff
character(s): kuroo x gn!reader
a/n: shhh let’s pretend this was uploaded on november 17th. also, fun fact, this is based on a true story ahh it’s a really cute memory. anyway, happy birthday to my fav hq scorpio <3
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“tetsu, what’s up? it’s getting late,”
“oh c’mon, as if we hadn’t been calling ‘til 2 AM these past few weeks” kuroo chuckles, “i just wanted to hear your voice as always,”
the tenderness in his words makes your heart flutter. just knowing the fact that you give him comfort in the simplest ways never fails to make you smile. these late night calls between you and kuroo is a prime example. it’s around this time, 10:45 at night, when you two call each other. conversations lasts until early in the morning or when one of you falls asleep on the line. seeing his caller ID appear on your screen is something you look forward to every night. this night, though, kuroo decides to do more than just show up on your cellphone screen.
“did you finish all your chores today, baby?”
“no, i haven’t taken out the trash yet,” you sigh, rolling over to the other side of your bed.
“isn’t it trash day tomorrow?”
you groan, “but it’s already lateee,”
“don’t worry, i’ll be with you. just keep your phone on the line!” you swear you could hear kuroo holding back his laughter.
it’s a bit suspicious that he knows when the garbage truck passes by your place. nevertheless, you brush it off, and put on your slippers all while keeping your phone in your hand and your boyfriend’s voice on speaker. you haul the filled garbage bag, trotting to your front door.
once you open the door, you immediately see a handsome tall man with messy rooster hair smirking right at you. jaw agape, you drop the garbage bag in complete shock. what the hell is he doing here?
“hey, hey be careful, the bag might explode,” he picks up the trash bag and kisses you on the forehead. “are you surprised, y/n?” he questions innocently, as if he doesn’t see your mouth still glued to the floor and eyes bulging.
after a moment of your speechlessness, you finally speak. “tetsu?? what the hell are you doing here? were you here the whole time? w-what’s going on?”
kuroo laughs at your flood of questions, leading the way to the garbage bin posted at the front of your house. “i actually just got here, so don’t worry,” smiling warmly down at you, he confesses, “hearing your voice over the phone wasn’t enough for me so i wanted to hear it in person,”
heat rises between your cheeks. dammit, he does a good job of flustering you. to brush away the fluttering feeling you state, “idiot. you could’ve told me first,” you try to snatch the trash bag from him, but his cat-like reflexes prevents you from doing so.
kuroo chuckles, “now, that wouldn’t be much of a surprise, wouldn’t it?”
once you two reach the bin, kuroo goes ahead and places the bag inside. you huff, “i could’ve done that myself, y��know,”
“after you dropped it? i don’t think so,” he teases.
“BECAUSE YOU SHOWED UP OUTTA NOWHERE!” at this point, you can’t even hide the giddiness you felt. though you yelled at kuroo, you’re smiling from ear to ear.
wrapping his arms around your waist, he pulls you closer. his face approaches closer to yours, whispering in a low voice, “you’re so cute when you’re trying to hide your happiness. i missed you, y/n.”
in return, you wrap your arms around his neck, your face getting closer to his as well. with your lips brushing his, you reply, “i missed you too, tetsu. i’m really glad you’re here with me,” it seems like the moon shone brighter as you finally close in the gap, giving your boyfriend a loving kiss in which he returns. he was right. seeing him in person, hearing his voice in person, it’s 100x better than conversing over the phone.
“see? i told you i’d be with you.” kuroo smiles once you two release from your kiss.
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likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated !! <3
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selinakidreams · 3 years
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here’s a lil something for baku (and you) to enjoy on his birthday <3 all apart of the bakugo birthday bash hosted by the lovely @jodrawssmut @phasmwrites @katsukikitten @bakugotrashpanda @lady-bakuhoe @ramen-rambles ! !! thank you guys so much for letting me be apart of this <3
pairing: (established relationship) QUIRKLESS AU kiribaku x fem! reader
word count: 3k+
warnings: alcohol consumption but sober sex, oral (f receiving), mentions of throat fucking, mentions of spit roasting, lots of mentions of spit <3 (and exactly one spit into a mouth), very light degradation, praise
a/n: this is my first time writing with three characters kdjdkdk it’s way out of my comfort zone and I only had 6 days to write it,, but I did it!! trust me I wanted to write more but I actually wanted to make it to baku’s birthday so !! don’t be mad at the endiiiiiiinnnngggg <3
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The jazz wafted throughout the empty bar; your silk dress falling from the edge of your seat. It has been a slow night for the bar. You leaned your head into your hand, elbow keeping you sturdy as you swirled the drink around it’s glass cup. 
Your friend's party became a bit too feral for your taste, but you kept your word and stayed as long as you could for the sole purpose of seeing her smile, but then they showed up and you saw yourself out. 
The dim lighting made your eyes droopy with no action to keep your brain going, so you take another swig of your drink before swiveling in your chair to face the other side of the bar. 
Floor to ceiling windows greeted you, giving you the perfect overlook to the twinkling city lights below. It was incredible how your friend could afford a room in this hotel for her party. 
You noticed a movement in the corner of your eye; someone had entered the bar. 
You turn back to face all the expensive drinks displayed on the shelf, the perfect excuse to catch a quick glimpse at him. The contrast of his hair against everything else in the room almost made your eyes pop out of their sockets. 
Platinum blonde hair tufted out like an explosion, a satin red shirt that danced with the warm light of the room, black slacks and from what you could tell, some expensive ass shoes. Too dressy just to be here for some drinks.
Wanting to see more but not willing to fully stare at the man, you signed and waited until it seemed like he got settled on the bar stool before saying, “Is it your party that’s on this floor? It seems like quite the... experience.” 
Your voice came out smooth and velvety to bakugo’s ears, not that he would ever admit it. He scoffed before taking a second to look at the stranger who was daring to talk to him. His first thought settled in his mind and accepted it, almost prompting for silence- waiting to see if you would push to talk to him again.
From what you could tell, he was scanning you up and down. He opened his mouth to say something; his pink plush lips looking extremely inviting as they began to mouth something.
No sound came out for the next few seconds, showing he decided to keep his thoughts to himself. He closed his mouth and took out a phone from his pocket, the screen illuminated his face as he began typing something out. 
With this newfound light, his features became even more alluring- which couldn't be said for most people. Perfect porcelain skin, his profile pointed and devilishly handsome.
He’s well aware that he still held your attention, so when he slid his phone back in his pocket, he responded to your previous question, “yea, that’s the one. I’d rather stick it out instead of hearing them complain about me not going to my own party  for the rest of the week.”
By the end of his sentence, he had a glass of something amber in his hand that seemed to look a lot like whiskey. He didn’t spare you another glance but you could tell he expected to hear a response.
You hummed, slightly nodding your head, “The party I had to go to is upstairs and it’s… a lot. They're all just talking about expensive this and designer that and I couldn't listen to another word so I had to get out of there…” you trailed off at his silence. Noting that the conversation wasn’t going anywhere, you introduced yourself in hopes to continue interacting with him. You knew his type, and you knew in some way, he was going to surprise you. 
“Bakugo Katsuki.” He said in turn.
You slowly nodded before posing another question.
“So Bakugo, not really a party goer?” You attempt to ask, only to get a huff in return.
“not one for small talk either, i see?” You add at the end.
Another few quiet moments go by before he responds
“If I was a party goer, I’d be at my own party wouldn’t I?” He quipped back and your eyebrows shot up as you raised your hands in defense. 
“Well hey, I dunno ! For all I know you could have had a really rough night and this specific bar could be your saving grace. Could possibly use this night to drown your sorrows away behind a whole bottle of what… whiskey?” You say, ushering to his drink before turning to face your own, knowing he probably didn’t like being pegged as such.
“but you wouldn’t do that. You’re a strong man who knows what to do when things get bad, huh?” you continue, sprinkling praise to his dignity. He seemed like the type to prioritize that.
He didn’t do or say much in terms of a response but a small smile grew on your lips seeing how his body suddenly released a bit of the physical tension that was winding up.
You moved a few seats closer to him. If he didn’t like it, he hadn’t said anything. 
“So-'' Interrupted before you could continue the line of questions, Bakugo surprised you by asking, “you think you’re better than your friends? Leaving them and comin’ here to drink alone?” his voice coming out gruff and low.
“No, not one bit. I was the one who planned the whole thing for my friend, it’s just unfortunate that she had to invite all those people who aren’t all that nice to her. I can’t stand them. I’ve told them off more than I can count, but they just brush me off. A group of bullies is one thing, but a group of people who pretends to be friends with you then talks behind your back is another.`` 
Bakugo was quiet, not by astonishment or anger; he seemed to be expressionless as he piped up, “fake people are some of the uglies nobodies out there.”
You turn to look at him before sipping your drink and moving a seat closer. This time Bakugo glanced your way but continued to stay silent. 
“You ever beat someone up?” you ask, resting your chin on your palm, tilting your head towards him.
Your second surprise that night, he chuckled. It was soft, the complete opposite to the demeanor he'd been holding.
“Why? You want me to go in there and beat a few of those assholes up?” his eyes were relaxed by this point, no longer sharp and heavily guarded.
“Only because they don't believe I'm intimidating enough.”
“Maybe because you're not.”
You fake gasped, bringing your other hand up to your heart. “Excuse me sir but I'll have you know that I can be quite the fighter.”
“We’ll see about that.”
You hadn’t realized you got so close to Bakugo until you heard the footsteps nearing you both.  When a handsome voice called out bakugo’s name, you slightly jumped. Putting as much space between the two of you as possible, you looked to the source of the voice. 
Handsome would be an understatement. 
With red bangs that framed his sharp toothy smile perfectly and the rest of his hair tied back in a messy ponytail, this man looked a bit taller than Bakugo with a much warmer aura... but radiated the same type of... manliness. 
“Bakugo, I just got your text- Mina has been dragging me everywhere to make sure your party’s going well. Is this her?” the handsome man asked, a slight indistinguishable gleam flashes in his eye when he looks over to you.
“Yeah, ‘nd i wanna leave now.” he almost pouted before looking over to you. 
“You comin’?” 
Your gaze snapped between the two men, only slightly putting two and two together. 
Red hair spoke up, “He probably didn't explain it well but I'm his boyfriend, Kirishima Eijiro!” he held out his hand cheerfully, listening to your introduction. 
“Not to sound too forward or to make you uncomfortable... but do you wanna come home with us? He texted me earlier saying that there was this hottie in a silk dress and… well…” he trailed off licking his bottom lip as his wandering gaze slowly shifted hungrier, “he wasn't kidding.”
There was a lot happening at once but all that you were thinking was that these two hot men wanted you, and the happy buzz that was coursing through your system couldnt object the offer, so with a quick nod of your head, you were handed a water bottle, guided off of the stool, and into the back of the next taxi they could hail. 
The ride was filled with wandering hands and mischievous looks. Kirishima was whispering naughty promises in Bakugo’s ear that you couldn't quite hear, while your attention focused on the big palm that was making its way to the most heated part of your body. The quick inhales that the blonde took went straight to your core, making you incredibly excited for what the night had to offer. 
As soon as the door swung open, lips were on lips and clothes were coming off. The rush to get to the bedroom was heated and messy but once you all entered the room, there was an intense shift that even you couldn't predict. 
Kirishima spoke first, “So what does my birthday boy want? Does he want to fuck or be fucked?”
With a suck at his teeth, Bakugo knew if he didn’t give an answer soon he’d be met with-
“Better hurry up handsome, or I might just choose for you…” Kirishima hummed, bright crimson eyes hopping on over to meet your gaze, “better yet…”
He was by your side in mere seconds. His huge figure towering over yours, you almost flinched when his bulky fingers grazed up your arm. 
“What if you chose for him?” He purred in your ear loud enough so Bakugo’s ruby eyes found yours. Your name rolled off the red-haired man’s tongue like sweet honey, “go ahead, what do you think he would want more?”
Your gaze flickered between them, you couldn’t tell one or the other’s preferences but if they wanted to use you, they could. 
“How about… Eijiro… you could fuck my throat and Katsuki… could fuck whatever hole he wants?” You ask, the question raising an octave out of uncertainty. 
Kirishima raises an eyebrow towards the man of the hour, slightly amused and completely aroused. 
Bakugo is already smirking,“Atta girl, knows exactly what to say.” 
Kirishima starts to kiss your neck as Bakugo stands in front of you, occupying your lips for the first time that night. 
With one arm wrapped around your waist, he seemed to have rubbed on his boyfriend's bulge before reaching for the zipper of your dress. In turn, the feeling of the Eijiro’s bulge humped your back. 
Whether it was your dress hitting the floor or Katsuki’s tongue slipping in your mouth didn't matter, a sharp gasp escaped your lips, causing Kirishima to chuckle and whisper, “get on the bed, princess.” while Bakugo pulls away from you, a string of spit keeps you connected.
With your gaze lustly hazy, you dreamily make your way to the bed, but not without a little show. Before splaying yourself out on the mattress, you stretch out- almost in the child's pose of yoga except you add a deep arch in your back for the sole purpose of showing off your pretty seamless thong. 
As you reposition yourself, you glance over to the side to find that both men are now only in restricting briefs, eyes glued to your figure, both palming themselves over their boxers. 
Eyes half massed and back flat on the bed, you begin to pout, feeling almost bare without anyone’s hands on you. 
As if on cue, they began to make their way over to you, looking oh so hungry. 
You immediately sat up and swiped your tongue over your bottom lip, pulsating at the prospect of having two seemingly thick dicks at once… but they were still in their boxers. Why?
“Ya have to ask nicely in order to get a treat, you ungrateful slut.” Bakugo growled before taking your jaw in his hand, squishing your cheeks with his fingers. 
“Better yet, beg.” he said with a coldness that heated your core and had your eyes going wide.
Whimpering when he let go, you kept your innocent doe eyes as two sets of starved eyes stared down at you.
“W-wanna get fucked, please. Wanna feel both of you everywhere…” you say as you reach both hands out to palm the silhouette of their bulges. “Please…?” 
There was a “christ” that was muttered out before you were pushed back on the bed by Bakugo, then kirishima manhandled you so that your neck was supported by the edge of the bed, your head mostly hanging off.
Even in the midst of the binding tension, Kirishima didn't hesitate to instruct Bakugo to put a pillow under your hips, the blonde eagerly following through with the demand. 
“How’dyou want Katsuki to prep you, baby? He’s skillful in every sense but he really enjoys using his mouth.” 
The bed shifted and before you could string a thought together, you looked down and lost all ability to think. The sight in front of you was downright sinful. A smirk was pulling at the left corner of his lips as he sunk closer to your clothed pussy, his red gaze now a deep wicked crimson as he watched for your reaction.
You didn't have much time to analyze before a thick hand laced through your hair and ushered your view back to the red head’s now exposed cock. You gulped. 
Not incredibly long, a moderate size but with a juicy girth, Kirishima’s cock had a thick vein trailing up his underside. 
If you could make heart eyes, you're sure that you'd be doing them by now. 
Focused on paying attention to his pretty pink weeping tip, you felt your panties being pushed to the side. As tempting as it was to look down, you kept your sights set on the task at hand. Licking and kissing his cock, mixing your saliva with his precum, you earned a guttural groan from the big man above you, encouraging you to do more, please him more- until a warm muscle was met with your sopping core, causing a high gasp of a vibration to hit Kirishima’s head. 
Your mind stopped reeling for a second- it stopped doing anything to be frank. Your hips mindlessly thrust up in attempts to get more of Bakugo’s mouth. He chuckled against you in response.  
Moans bounced off the walls the deeper you guys got with each arousing movement; slurps coming from your’s and Bakugo’s mouth were the loudest noises in the room- that was until you moved down to pay the much needed attention to Kirishima’s balls. He couldn't seem to take it when you began sucking and fondling, moaning about how full he looked. He let out an obscene whine that you couldn’t believe came from him but when Bakugo pulled his lips from around your clit, you followed the noise with a similar one.
Unlike Kirishima who had stayed still, you tried to push Bakugo’s face back down out of lack of patience. Somewhere along the lines, the dominating rolls have switched, but you couldn't really find it in yourself to trace back to when that happened.
 “You really are a fighter, huh?” he chuckled out before adding, “quit whining shitty hair, you’ll get to fuck her throat once I’m done eating.” 
And with that, he dove right back in, causing you to clench around nothing yet and arch your back to get impossibly closer. In turn, your gaze caught the big desperate pleading eyes looking down at you, nearly begging you to do something... 
You were so dizzy with pleasure that you murmured  a mindless, “I didn't forget about you Eijiro.”,  before using your hands to guide his cockhead back into your mouth to coat it in your saliva then pulling off and spreading it down the rest of his length. He bit his lip and let out a cute “mmph!”, which went straight to your abused core. Wanting to hear more, you began to pump his shaft with your messy fist. 
With everything going on, you didn’t realize how built up you were. At an astounding rate, your climax crashed over you, making you shriek against Kirishima's dick as you attempted to cage Bakugo’s head in with your thighs. What pushed you even further was the death grip Katsuki had on your thighs and the sinful sounds he was making while lapping away at your juices. 
Your hands shot from Kirishima’s cock down to grip Bakugo’s hair, freeing your mouth to pant out breathy praises and a whiney “Katsuki!”.
“Fuck,” Bakugo groaned as he came up from your pelvis once you’ve relaxed, whipping your juices from off of his chin with the back of his hand. 
“Kiri, c’mere, you gotta try this,” he said before pulling his boyfriend in for a kiss over your slumped body. Watching their lips meet and seeing Kirishima’s tongue slip into his lover’s mouth sent a dull throb to your core, even moreso when Kirishima sighed into the kiss while his cock twitched upwards, close to your face. 
When they pulled away, Bakugo gave one more little peck to Kirishima before looking down at you with a mischievous grin. You mentally gather yourself and sit up, already ready to be told what to do next.
“Open up, sweet cheeks.”
You did as you were told with your tongue out on display, unintentionally closing your eyes as a sweet little “aaah” came out on instinct. 
The spit hit your tongue dead on and you had to refrain from automatically swallowing. 
A low whisper about how good you were to Katsuki pulled him out of his daze, his eyes darting away from the new wetness on your tongue. 
“Swallow, slut.” and so you did.
“You're right Kiri, she is such a good girl…  Are you ready to get fucked stupid as your prize?” was the last thing you remember before both of them did exactly that.
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triplexdoublex · 3 years
Scotty Doesn’t Know
Pairings: Colson x Reader
Warnings/tags: smut, cheating
A/N: based off this old song Scotty Doesn’t know from the movie Euro Trip. Colson has a small lesser known band in this fic. https://youtu.be/7_AKr1BEajA
“Does Scotty know you're here?” Colson asks as you unbuckle his pants
“No! What do you think I am? Stupid?” You question dropping to your knees.
“So, what’s your plan y/n, you just gonna string him along forever. C’mom already I want you to myself.”
You pull him free from the confines of his jeans “Can we talk about this later?”
“Y/N!” Colson scolds at your attempt to avoid the conversation for the umpteenth time.
“Sorry it’s not polite to talk with your mouth full,” you respond coyly before stuffing your mouth with him.
“God, you’re gonna be the death of me!” He groans, pushing your hair out of your face and wrapping it around his fist. “You’re lucky you’re so fucking good at this!” He grits between his teeth slowly rocking his pelvis as he holds you in place, your cheeks hollowing around him as you suck.
Your phone buzzes in your pocket and you quickly try to silence it with your free hand before Colson hears but it’s too late; he lets out an annoyed groan and you know he heard it— Knows who it is . You distract him, sucking him harder, faster and cupping his balls — you know he loves it when you play with them. He’s told you on occasion that your head game is so good it could make him forget his own name; you’re just hoping now that it’s good enough to forget your boyfriend just texted in the middle of it, because the last thing you wanna do is talk about it … again.
Long after you’ve swallowed him down, you’re content with yourself thinking just maybe you really did make him forget about the mid-head text from your boyfriend when all of a sudden he springs it on you. “Did you text him back?”
“Who?” You feign innocence.
“Y/N don’t play stupid, you know who!”
“Oh, Scotty?”
“Yes, fuckin-Scotty. Who else?”
“Yeah, I just said ‘sorry I missed your text I was at church.”
“CHURCH!” Colson chokes out a laugh. “Just because you were on your knees on a Sunday morning , doesn’t count as church. Why can’t you just tell him the truth and break up with him already?”
“He’s my best friend's brother. It’s complicated. She made me promise I wouldn’t break his heart.”
“Sooo fuckin’ me behind his back is your solution to that?”
“Until I can figure out a way to let him down easy and not destroy my relationship with my best friend, yeah.”
“Solid plan,” he says sarcastically, rolling his eyes. “Be a shame if he found out about us before then.”
“You wouldn’t!” You can’t tell if you're scolding or pleading .
“I might,” he smirks.
“Colson, please!” —Pleading, you’re definitely pleading.
“Oh, relax Y/N, I’m not gonna tell him— maybe just help the poor fuck figure it out on his own.
By noon he’s got you on your knees again— hands and knees to be exact, pushing into you from behind.
“Oh fuck Colson, just like that!”
“Yeah, you like this dick, huh? Better than Scotty’s I bet!” He grips your hips roughly and snaps his hips forward. “Who fucks you better, him or me?” He taunts.
“You!” You answer without hesitation. He knows it’s the truth you’ve often complained about having to fake it with Scotty.
Just then your phone goes off blaring Scotty's ringtone
“Speak of the devil… Answer it!” He demands.
“Colson are you —?”
“I’m not playing — answer it or I’m not gonna let you finish!”
“Fuck— fine.” You reach down off the bed to the floor to retrieve your phone, while Colson keeps a firm grip on your waist, making sure he stays buried in your warm cunt. “Hel-lo” you answer, failing miserably to disguise how out of breath you are.
“Y/N? You alright?” Scotty questions.
“Sorry… umm yeah. I just—” you pause to suppress a moan “— I just ran to grab the phone.”
“Oh ok, I was just calling cuz the guys wanna take me out next weekend for my birthday but I didn’t know if you had anything planned for us already?”
Oh fuck, his birthday— you completely forgot. “Well… yeah, I did” you lie. “But it’s okay, go with your friends we can do something the weekend after.” You already have plans to attend one of Colson’s bands gigs this weekend anyways.
“Thanks, babe. You’re the best!”
Colson’s blood boils at the pet name. “Fuck” he drives his hips into you as hard as he can. Your teeth pierce into your lip as you bite back a moan.
“What was that!?” Scotty asks.
“The TV,” you answer quickly.
“Mmmm, you are so bad, baby,” Colson whispers into your flesh as he kisses between your shoulder blades. “I can tell you’re close, don’t hang up til you cum.”
“Oh whatcha watching?” Scotty inquires.
“Ummm… Horror movie— shit!” You choke out.
Colson brushes your hair of the nape of your neck and nuzzles into the crook.“C’mon baby, cum for me,”
“Must be really scary— you seem on edge.”
If he only knew how close to the edge you actually are right now .
“Yeah it’s really s— oh FUCK holy shit!” You scramble to hang up the phone as your orgasm hits; Colson’s following moments later.
“Uhh, Y/N! Fuck!” His moans are loud and exaggerated.
“I already hung up, dipshit!” You playfully punch him
In the arm after he pulls out.
You pick your phone back up and shoot Scotty a text ‘sorry, jump scare. I accidentally hung up.’
“Five minutes til stage.” A voice announces from behind the backstage curtain. Today’s the day of Colson’s band's big gig, and coincidentally Scotty’s birthday.
“Perfect timing.” Colson smirks as he pulls his pants back up over his ass and you button your top. “Nothing like a little backstage quickie, before a show.” He kisses you then heads to the stage; you take side stage, hanging out near the crew and equipment.
“How we all doing tonight?!” Colson shouts into the mic. The crowd cheers lively in response. “Aight, that’s what I like to hear! I’m gonna start out with a new song about someone special; the sexiest little sex kitten I know!” He looks to you. “Y/N get your sexy little ass up here!”
You blush as you climb the few stairs that lead to the stage taking Colson’s outreached hand and he pulls you up. Your stomach sloshes with nerves and excitement, simultaneously eager to hear Colson’s song about you and concerned about this getting back to Scotty somehow. You try to push Scotty to the back of your mind and just enjoy Colson song about you … until it starts —
“Scotty doesn't know that Y/N and me
Do it in my van every Sunday
She tells him she's in church but she doesn't go
Still she's on her knees and Scotty doesn't know ”
Oh, Scotty doesn't know
So don't tell Scotty
Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know
So don't tell Scotty”
Your hand flies up to cover your gaping mouth as he continues to sing— each line more divulging than the last. You can’t help but laugh and decide to throw caution to the wind at this point and begin to jump and dance along. Colson sneaks up behind you as he reveals more and more of your secrets into the mic, wrapping a hand around your neck as he snaps his hips forward against your ass.
“I can't believe he's so trusting
While I'm right behind you thrusting
Y/N’s got him on the phone
And she's trying not to moan
It's a three-way call and he knows nothing, nothing”
It’s as Colson sings one of the songs most incriminating lines—“I did her on his birthday” — that you notice a familiar face in the crowd making their way to the front. “Which is today by the way” he ad libs.
“SCOTTY!!” You gasp.
“Oh shit it’s Scotty!” Colson announces and then opts for a lyric change — “Scotty does know , Scotty does know!”
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please-buckme · 4 years
Birthday Boy.
Bucky Barnes x fem!reader
Summary: Bucky gets called away for a mission on his birthday, but not before y/n gives him his gift.
Words: 974
Warnings: She’s smutty. 18+
A/n: I wrote this in an hour and did not proofread!
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“They’re waiting for me, y/n. I really have to go..” Bucky pleaded from behind you. He was headed towards the hangar bay when you popped out of nowhere, grabbing him by his cold, metal fingers and dragging him in the opposite direction.
“Relax Buck. This will only take a sec.” You giggle. A shit-eating grin adorning your face.
“If it’s what I think it is, that’s not funny.” His features appear frustrated. You’d made plans to spend the entire day, his birthday, in bed. Wrapped in each other's arms as you watched the day dwindle away, and watch Friends, of course. The plans were solid and you had no intentions of breaking them, until Sam came to your shared room at three in the morning. He told Bucky there was some kind of emergency in Saint Petersburg, Russia and they’d be leaving in an hour.
A tear fell down your cheek as Bucky relaid the news to you. You were devastated, but not for you, no. It broke your heart to see how upset Bucky was. His eyes turning to a light shade of steely grey, instead of the crystal blue they usually were. His lips hung in a frown as he held back his own tears, not wanting to leave you ever and especially not today.
This is when you struck up a plan.
Once you’d dragged Bucky back to your room, you rushed to your dresser, lighting the candle atop the small cupcake you’d bought the day before. When you turned around, Bucky was standing by the door, leaning against it in anticipation. Walking over to him, you sang:
“Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday Dear Grumpy Pants.”
This made both of you giggle before you continued, “Happy Birthday to you. Make a wish, Buck.”
Bucky smiled up at you, taking the cupcake from your small hand and huffing out a small laugh, “I don’t need to. Everything I need is standing right in front of me.” He blows the candle out, while keeping eye contact with you. The knot in your stomach twists at his stare. Bucky lets the cupcake lazily drop from his hand and to the floor as he takes your face into both his hands.
He smashes your lips together, immediately inserting his tongue into mouth as he backs you up into the bed. You moan into the kiss, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck, bringing him down with you. Your tongue feels heavy when you feel his hard member against your leg, yearning to feel his soft skin penetrate your throat.
“Bucky let me-”
“Shh, Doll. We don’t have time.” His hands roam your thighs, squeezing them gently before hiking up your dress. A throat groan escapes his lips, “No panties? My naughty girl.” He smiles, reconnecting your lips to his. His metal fingers slide over your heat before pressing one in, making you gasp.
“Please, Bucky- I need you.” You pant, pulling his thick member from his tight pants and stroking him softly in your hand.
“I gotta stretch you out, Baby. I don’t wanna hurt you and then leave. What kinda man does that make me?” He now pants, hovering over your face, watching in contort with pleasure.
“You could never hurt me, Bucky. Please, I need to feel you.” You bite your lip, staring into his lust filled eyes with your doe-eyed ones.
Bucky groans, removing his finger from inside and lining up his hard, leaking cock. You nod when he looks up for approval. His hips move forward agonizingly slow. He whimpers as your spongy walls consume him yet again. He stills once he is fully inside. You pant, small whimpers fall from your lips when he circles his hips to help you adjust.
“You can move now, Baby.” You confirm, still scrunching your nose up in pain.
“You’re not ready. I don’t-”
“I told you, you could never hurt me. Now, move.” Your hands move to his muscular cheeks as he pulls out slowly and slams back in. He mewls at the sensation. He does this a few more times before picking up his pace inside you. The pain was still there, but it was quickly being masked with pleasure. Your nails dug into the leather of his uniform once he found your g-spot, making your eyes roll to the back of your head.
Bucky’s panting from above you and growling every time he felt the slightest clench around his cock. “You feel so good, Princess. You're the best gift a guy could ask for.” You clench at his words. He knew you had a praise kink. “Oh, Princess, you’re squeezin’ the life out of me. Are you ready to cum?” You nod. “Then cum, Baby.”
“N- not without you.” Your hand reaches down for his balls as you squeeze them gentle. Bucky whimpers at the action. “W-we cum together.” Bucky nods this time. Both of you begin to breathe harder, reaching your peaks. His thrusts become erratic and your moans turn into praises.
“Yesyesyesyes - fuck, I- I’m cumming.” You chant. The knot in your stomach unravels, leading you to your climax. Your legs begin to quake and the rest of your body goes limp. The tightening of your walls has Bucky busting within seconds. Both of you panting and grunting in fucked out unison.
After Bucky spills every last drop of his spend inside you, he collapses atop you. You run your fingers through his soft hair, leaving small kisses to the top of his head. You’d both almost fallen asleep when you hear a knock at the door.
“Wrap it up, Buck. We gotta go.”
Bucky smiles, leaning up to look at you, “Thank you for my present. You’re just the gift that keeps on giving.” You both laugh, sleepy smalls adorning your faces.
“If I’m giving it to you, then yes. Happy Birthday Bucky.”
Taglist: @haydens-moles @animefangirl425 @valkyrieofthehighfae @aurora-sweet @dinos-lavapit @hoeforcuteguyswithcharmingsmiles @sebbystanlover-vk @youre-a-wallflower-charlie @nebulastarr @meegggoooo @skylerrae-solo @alyssa-skywalker @blondekel77 @notwithoutbarnes @gogolucky13 @buckysm3talarm @heavenlyseb @writersbuck @badassbuchanan @buckyownsmylife @buckysdolls
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vvienne · 3 years
hold my hands by Snooze (Chiruka)
Transplanting a core into a new person isn’t without repercussions. One year after the events at Guanyin Temple, Jiang Cheng found himself once again faced with the possibility of losing everything he had. Reconciling with his brother, learning to let Jin Ling go, and dealing with his blooming emotions toward the First Jade of Gusu — will Jiang Cheng accomplish what he wants before time runs out?
it all passes someday by screamlet
A week before the anniversary of Wei Wuxian’s death, there was a commotion outside Lan Wangji’s house.
Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji over the years.
The Unlikely Expression of Love by manamune
When everything has settled, when everyone else has moved on with their lives and their friends, Jiang Cheng has a realization which shouldn’t actually be a surprise:
He’s lonely.
Indigo, lavender, and violet (I don't wanna be red) by ohwhatevrewhatevr
It, in the pale colors of the late morning, is the closest to perfect Jiang Cheng will ever reach. He strokes Lan XiChen's hair and presses a light kiss to where his ribbon and hair meet. The sky is a pale blue, and the pastels of flowers and clouds are spread out through the window, a brilliant world waiting for them, them in the gentian house, safe from stronger breezes - there is the clutter of birds fluttering and chirping outside. It is a warm, perfect, spring morning.
Jiang Cheng and Lan XiChen have been together for an year. In which, no one ever really gets over things, Jiang Cheng has the misfortune of interacting with his brother, the juniors help out with the proposal, and there's a marriage.
Altitude by starknjarvis 
When Jin Ling lures Jiang Cheng to the Cloud Recesses under false pretenses, he finds himself out of place among this new family Wei Wuxian has formed.
Lan Xichen, at least, seems pleased to have his company.
Perhaps there is still a chance for Jiang Cheng to make amends and move forward.
[Modao Zushi Online] GLITCH REPORT: My Brother Got Chased Down And %$@*$&@ By Gusu Dungeon Boss??? by oh_fudgecakes
Modao Zushi Online is a virtual reality MMORPG. Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian are top ranking players in its new server, currently tied with their arch-nemesis from their previous server, Wen Chao. In an attempt to defeat him, they take on the Gusu Dungeon Boss, Zewu-jun, to win the reward of a legendary weapon. Ever the cheat, Wei Wuxian tries to take advantage of a glitch to defeat the seemingly undefeatable boss. It backfires. Jiang Cheng gets fucked by a boss monster.
He can't get enough.
Meanwhile, Lan Xichen, the unwitting staff member in charge of controlling Zewu-jun, absolutely did not sign up to be pulled into a secret virtual reality fling with a player. Mod Ji, who has to deal with Wei Wuxian's incessant glitch reporting of his brother's sex life, is long-suffering.
Mulberry by xxdz
Jiang Cheng grits his teeth and pushes harder. He feels like torn silk, the embroidery needle sinking in again and again and again; patiently, desperately, endlessly trying to make something beautiful out of something broken.
Jiang Cheng builds his sect, learns embroidery, and raises his nephew.
we can raise a little family by lanyon
“Well, brother,” says Wei Wuxian, leaning against the outside of Jiang Cheng’s chambers. “I had heard that you and Xichen went on a night hunt and came back with a baby, which is not the order I’d choose to do things in…”
In which Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen acquire a baby of unknown origin, and are the very last to know what it means.
Beyond the Impossible by Silverine
Summoned by Lan Qiren, Jiang Wanyin goes to the Cloud Recesses to drop his nephew Jin Ling, expecting to discuss relevant matters with his old master. Instead, he's asked to take with him no other than Sect Leader Lan himself, all the way back to Lotus Pier. If the reason why he accepted such an outrageous task is indeed a mystery, he's about to be surprised by how this entire trip, their encounters, and his warm company, suddenly feel fated.
Incrementally by xxdz
Jiang Cheng is trapped in a day on repeat where he begins by waking in Zewu Jun’s bed at dawn and ends by dying painfully at dusk.
It’s getting very irritating, and he has the sneaking suspicion that his chances to solve his own murder are rapidly running out. Soon, his death will be much more permanent.
All in all, worst birthday ever.
Audience of One by WinterDreams
“Then let an established star go first,” Lan Xichen interrupts again before Lan Wangji can give a stubborn reply. Both men twist toward Lan Xichen, and he smiles at Wei Wuxian’s tilted head. “If I publicly date a man for awhile first, your engagement shouldn’t receive as much backlash.”
Or, that AU where everyone is famous in some way or another, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji have been dating in private for years, and Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng pretend to date publicly for their brothers' sake.
A Bit of Ruthlessness by jirluvien
When Jiang Cheng hears that Lan Xichen went into seclusion following Jin Guangyao’s death, it’s almost as if he can see the grabby hands of a restless ghost, reaching out for something to keep him company. For something warm and living and devastated. And as history has proved time and time again, the Lans are perfect victims when it comes to giving in to ghosts.Yeah, no. Not on Jiang Cheng’s fucking watch.A story about grief, determination, unexpected friendships, abandoned watchtowers, and letters. So many letters.
All Tied Up In You by Clearpearls
Yet again, the night had come to this:
Jiang Cheng on the floor, kneeling, Zidian wrapped around his wrists.
Thank You, and I'm Sorry by Hamliet
Jin GuangYao might be dead, but his story is not. Taking advantage of the chaos he instigated, someone makes an attempt on the life of the young new leader of the Jin Sect. When Jiang Cheng takes Jin Ling to the Cloud Recesses to have him study while he attempts to work with Wei WuXian and his husband Lan WangJi to eliminate the threat, he encounters a mourning Lan XiChen, lovestruck teenagers, and a persistent corpse--and both pairs of brothers find themselves struggling to move on.
saturn's rings (don't be a heartbreaker) by iskendaris
Set after the seige of burial mounds, Yunmeng rebuilds as they hold the first Discussion Conference at Lotus Pier. Sometimes the night is a gift, a refuge for loneliness. "So stern, Sect Leader Jiang," Lan Xichen murmured, "So glacial... What will it take to melt that icy exterior? What can I say?"
"Nothing. There's nothing you can say or offer."
reciprocity by jukeboxhound
There’s a pause before Lan Xichen says, in a tone that’s a little more neutral, “I would like to paint on you.”
“Of course, if you say ‘yes’ but then change your mind at any point, for any reason, you need only say so and I will stop immediately,” he adds.
Well, silver lining: Jiang Cheng is feeling much more awake than he was a moment ago.
Talent Hunt Crew Finds Angry Guy Shouting On College Campus, Recruits Him For Vocal Projection Abilities by oh_fudgecakes
Jiang Cheng, resident Angry Guy and heir to a conglomerate empire, has never been the apple of his father’s eye. Quashed under the shadow of his brilliant brother, the music prodigy Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng sees his chance to turn things around when he is recruited by the All-Stars Lan Talent Hunt. One problem: he can’t sing to save his goddamn life.
As he struggles to develop his nascent singing abilities, Jiang Cheng finds himself sucked into the whirlwind drama of reality TV, helped along by his adoring siblings, his irritable vocal coach Wen Qing, and strangely enough, the unfairly attractive host of the All-Stars Lan Talent Hunt, Lan Xichen. Somewhere in the glare of the stage lights and an unexpected first love, Jiang Cheng stumbles upon the thing he was searching for all along: the courage to dream — and to attempt the impossible.
Marginal Costs by ohwhatevrewhatevr
“You think you know what you want, Er-Ge,” A-Yao says. “But you should consider what you’re willing to give first,” he says wryly, taking Lan XiChen’s chess piece with slim, skilled fingers.
Lan XiChen looks up at A-Yao’s concentrated expression and the hint of contentment on his face that he is special enough to be allowed to see.
“It’s not just one decision, but the lead up to many more. One decision decides what else you’re going to have to pay, and each time you have to ask yourself, ignoring the sunk costs, if this time it’s worth it as well.”
When his sworn brother looks up at him with those clear, amber eyes, waiting, Lan XiChen feels the pull and gives in: he asks.
“Are you happy being in love?”
(First half is two sad sworn brothers talking, internally mourning how unfortunate their other sworn brother’s death was :/ and second half is when a mopey boy in blue meets an angsty boy in purple whilst chasing a demonic cultivator, and a lil bit of sexy dual cultivation happens.)
Somewhat Tender by theherocomplex
There is no defense against kindness; it has always undone him.
I didn't expect you to be lonely (too) by bettydice (BettyKnight)
Jiang Cheng's life is a mess, he's a mess, and he doesn't miss his brother at all. So when his sister gifts him ten sessions with a massage therapist, who turns out to be someone he was crushing on for a hot minute as a teenager and is still as hot as ever... yeah, that might as well happen. It won't have to mean anything.
This feels intimate to Jiang Cheng in a way that's probably very inappropriate and maybe even pathetic. Nobody touches him like this, right where he’s hurt the most. There's no one who handles him so gently, so carefully.
It's the gentleness that's his undoing, he thinks. He would be able to deal better with it if it was painful.
Life for Rent by yodasyoyo
“Yeah well. You’re not taking me seriously. This guy is my soulmate!”
“Soulmate.” Jiang Cheng rolls his eyes. “Whatever.”
“Just because you don’t believe in them—”
“I believe in them!” Jiang Cheng says. “I’ve never denied they exist.”
“Just last week you said that it was an evolutionary quirk that had been used by greetings card companies, movie makers, and corporations to exploit lonely and vulnerable people.”
“And I stand by it! That doesn’t mean that soulmates aren’t real. Just incredibly unlikely and probably pointless.
Xicheng vs Soulmates. Fight!
Halfway Around the World by theherocomplex
Normally, Jiang Cheng would be seething, jaw clenched tight, if someone sounded like that while they were talking, but — Lan Xichen has the trick of always making you feel like you're in on the joke, whatever the joke is. That you're laughing together.
Whelmed by yodasyoyo
For months now Jiang Cheng’s been idly fantasizing about how it would be if something were to come between Wei Ying and Lan Zhan. Mostly those daydreams have been simple enough — they break up (probably because Lan Zhan is boring or Wei Ying is annoying), Wei Ying is sad for a couple of days (Jiang Cheng’s willing to allow some space for feelings, he isn't a total monster), but then Wei Ying realizes he’s better off, he gets over it, and Jiang Cheng gets his brother back.
Unfortunately the fantasy version of events has only proven partially true, so far. They've broken up. Wei Ying has been sad.
Now weeks have passed, though — and Wei Ying is still sad, every. Single. Day.
It’s like Jiang Cheng's stuck in a looping GIF, and it’s driving him insane.
Jiang Cheng plots, Lan Huan pines, and, unfortunately for Lan Qiren, Wangxian are inevitable.
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for-fucks-sake-h · 4 years
At My Weakest - two
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rated: m, mature | word count: 4.2k | story page  
“I wanna taste you again. Like a secret or a sin.”
  - Matthew Perryman Jones 
When Gianna stirred awake, she wasn’t surprised to find Harry laying beside her. What she was surprised about though was the absolute softness of his face. 
The lines of his cheekbone and jaw were still sharp, but his skin was completely smooth. The usual indent between his brows was nonexistent, and his hair was a beautiful curly mess. She found herself reaching out to smooth some stray curls back behind his ear, her fingertips just barely brushing his soft skin. 
He didn’t disappoint once he got her in his bed. Turns out his smug, cocky demeanor could be backed up, and backed up well. He wasn’t short on foreplay, he didn’t rush into it. If anything, he drew out the string of anticipation so ridiculously thin it snapped; until they were all hands and mouths and moans and pleasure. 
It was good. It was fun. It was a much needed distraction.
But it looked different in the daylight. 
What was passionate gasps and needy hands in the dimmed moonlight, was just a sloppy rebound fuck with a friend in the early morning daylight. 
Gianna was careful to slip out of bed, nakedly grabbing her borrowed sweater from the floor before tiptoeing to his bathroom. And when she returned, she was met with green eyes and tousled hair. 
“Thought you left.” His voice was even deeper than usual, the early morning rasp doing nothing to quell Gianna’s increasingly warming skin. “Didn’t think you were a hit and run kinda person.” 
Gianna breathed a soft laugh as she made her way over to him in just her sweater.
“No, but I should probably get my ass on the couch before your sister wakes up.” 
“Y’know she sleeps like the dead.” He watched her as he fiddled with the corner of his duvet, eyes tracing the curve of her hip where the sweater ended against her caramel skin. “Could give you one more before you go.”  
The lightness of his eyes looked iridescent in the morning light, especially in comparison to the blown out brown of Gianna’s staring back at him.  
He sat up just then, the dark emerald sheet slipping down his chest to rest casually across his bare hips. He was a sight with his unruly hair falling over his collar bones and his toned chest and stomach on full display. 
“In fact,” he started as he scooted down the bed until he was right in front of her, his feet meeting the ground as he pulled her closer between his thighs, “was thinking we could do this whenever you want.” 
Gianna’s hands found his bare shoulders, his skin still incredibly warm from sleep and as soft as it looked. 
“Is this my sweater?” Harry asked suddenly as he looked down to where he played with the knitted fabric at her hips, his hands slowly splaying out on Gianna’s bare thighs.  
“Gemma gave it to me last night,” she responded softly.  
“Hm. Anyway… could be a perfect fit for both of us,” Harry murmured, his head tilted up towards Gianna’s, his lips inches from hers. The innuendo was embedded in his tone and the look on his face, and even more blatantly obvious when the most subtle indent of a dimple teased its way onto his cheek.  
It would be too easy for Gianna to take him up on the offer, crawl back into bed with him and let him bring her over the edge as many times as he wanted; as many times as she wanted. But for as sexy and generous as he’d been, she knew it wasn’t the best idea and something she shouldn’t get used to.  
Gianna sighed with a gentle squeeze to his shoulder blade. “H…” 
“G,” Harry rebutted in a playful tone. 
“Probably not a good idea.”  
“I beg to differ. Think it’s a great idea. My best idea yet.”  
“Last night was fun,” Gianna offered gently. “I just don’t think we should make a habit out of it. I have a lot going on and I don’t want to drag you—”
“—Hey, say no more.”  
If Harry’s ego was bruised from the rejection, he didn’t show it.  
Instead, he pushed himself up from the bed as she took a step back, the sheet knowingly falling away from his body as he stood before her at his full height. They were nearly chest to chest, and it took everything inside Gianna to ignore the way her nipples pebbled beneath the soft fabric of her sweater.  
“The offer’s available if you ever want it.”  His lips curled around every word, only making his offer even more overwhelmingly enticing.   
He didn’t wait for a response. Instead, his chest brushed against her arm as he carelessly moved around her to head to the bathroom, completely naked, every inch of his body on display.  
If he felt Gianna’s eyes on him, he didn’t show it.   
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A fresh steam of her reworn silk skirt and sheer button down blouse later, and the party was in full swing, guests arriving one after another to her parents home.  
Gianna was lucky to have arrived when she did, the distraction of guests doing her every favor to hold off the inevitable questions from her family. A quick comment that Steve was held up at work was as far into it as she could get before her mother was whisked away by one thing or another. Gianna wasn’t so worried about the lie as she was her delivery of said lie. 
The end of her relationship was the last thing she felt like discussing at her fathers 50th birthday celebration.  
The one thing she didn’t anticipate was the possibility of Steve showing up.  
She saw him as soon as he walked through the front door, his polo shirt and perfectly styled hair immediately catching her eye.  His eyes scanned the room in search of her, and it felt like her heart could literally drop out of her ass.  
Gianna excused herself from her fathers colleagues before making her way toward him, her blood boiling as her heart pounded in her chest.  
“What are you doing here?” She whispered harshly as she pulled him aside, eyes ablaze as she looked at him.  
“You haven’t been answering your phone.”  His response was so casual for someone who blew up their life together without a second thought.  
“Yeah you lost that privilege yesterday, Steve.”  
“Gianna, please. Let’s just talk about this.”  
“You need to leave.”  
“Y’alright?”  Gianna turned to look up at the sound of the intruder's voice, her eyes meeting Harry’s expressionless face immediately.  
Gianna was quick to reel in her emotions as well, instead smiling and greeting Harry and Gemma and their parents.  
“Hi guys! Yeah, yeah, all good. Steve was just leaving,” Gianna continued to smile despite the confused look on Harry and Gemma’s parents faces. “He’s gotta work.” 
Steve huffed. “You’re being ridiculous.”  
“Let’s go find Lisa!” Gemma suggested to her parents with a gentle guide on both of their backs.   
“Oh, she’s in the kitchen.” Gianna pointed in the direction of her mother and released a sigh when they headed that way.  
Gianna turned back to Steve the moment they were out of earshot. “You’re a real asshole, you know that?”  
Steve opened his mouth to reply, but Harry was quick to interject. “Think she told you to go.”  
Gianna watched the anger wash over Steve’s face as he turned to Harry.
“Shouldn’t take me telling you for you to listen,” Harry added with a disapproving shake of his head.
That confidence Harry exuded? Yeah, it came in handy in a wide array of situations.  
“Don’t make me kick you out of here,” Gianna told Steve. “I don’t want to cause a scene and embarrass my mum but I will if I have to.”  
Harry took the most subtle step closer. He really only sort of shifted his weight towards Gianna more, barely enough to even notice, but judging by Steve’s disgruntled face, he noticed.  
Gianna noticed too.  
“We’re going to talk about this later.”  Just the sound of Steve’s voice made Gianna’s heart plummet. It wasn’t supposed to be like this, but it was. 
She watched him turn around with an exasperated huff, a withheld breath escaping her when he disappeared through the front door.  
Gianna momentarily forgot Harry was still standing beside her.  “Yeah,” she nodded. “Gonna go hide for a bit and collect myself.”  
She didn’t wait for his response before she disappeared upstairs with tears welling in her eyes.  
Who did Steve think he was?  Just showing up at her parents home as if nothing happened? Something did happen. A lot of shit happened.  Many words were exchanged and the way Gianna left their home and didn’t look back said even more then her frustrated, broken words.  
Gianna didn’t know how long she hid in her childhood bathroom, but apparently it was long enough for someone to come looking for her when she heard the softest tap on the door.  
She wasn’t crying, that was a plus. So she braced herself for her mother to be undoubtedly on the other side of the door, but opened it slowly to find none other than Harry leaned up against the doorframe, his face closer than she would have expected.  
His chin was pointed down towards his chest, leaving him to look up at her through his lashes with his eyebrows raised high and the lines across his forehead even more prominent.  
“Just checking on you. Y’don’t have to come out yet if you don’t wanna.”  
Gianna leaned against the wall so that she was standing parallel to him, her body lining up perfectly with his, both of their arms crossed over their chests, the door to the bathroom propped open just enough for them to see each other.  
“Is my mum looking for me?”  
He pursed his lips with regret. “I did hear her say your name a little bit ago.”  
Gianna released a deep sigh as she let her eyes fall closed. “I can’t believe he just showed up here.”  
“Do you know what he wanted?”  
Gianna scoffed. “No clue, probably to torture me some more. As if yesterday wasn’t enough.”  
“He’s got some nerve,” Harry shook his head in disbelief. 
Gianna exhaled again. “I don’t even wanna be here and now I gotta go put a show on for everyone and pretend like everything’s fine.” 
Harry gave her a small, understanding smile. “Want me to go fall down the stairs as a distraction?” 
The tiniest shiver rolled down his spine when she smiled with a shake of her head. 
“I’ll just dive head first. They’ll be so distracted with my broken collar bone that you can sneak out the back,” he added with a completely straight face, intently fighting the twitch at the corner of his mouth. 
Gianna laughed softly as she pushed her elbow against his. “What if you mess up your face? I’ll never forgive myself.” 
“Oh yeah, you’re right. Never mind scratch that idea,” Harry replied quickly, the smile forming across his face regardless of his efforts. 
Gianna’s face softened after a moment, and Harry couldn’t be positive, but he was pretty sure her body moved a half an inch closer to his. 
“Thanks for stepping in with him,” she said sincerely, her big brown eyes steady on his. 
Harry swallowed discreetly, licking his lips in a force of habit. “Anytime,” he murmured, his eyes flicking across her face. 
“You didn’t have to,” Gianna replied mindlessly, her eyes falling across his face. 
“Know I didn’t.” Harry’s voice was soft, because as much as he didn’t want to admit it, he felt like his skin was on fire. 
She was so close. Her perfume invaded his senses the same way it did on the roof, it had seeped into his sheets and lingered on his skin that morning. It was all he could focus on, subconsciously pulling him closer to her. 
Although, maybe not totally subconscious at all. He knew he wanted her. He knew that after one night with her, that he wanted her again, as many times as she’d give herself to him.   
He could tell she wanted to kiss him. Fuck, he was willing her to just do it. It was like every fiber of his being was screaming for her to just connect their mouths, get lost in each other again. But he could tell she was having some sort of internal battle that held her back. 
“What are you thinking?” he asked softly, eyes peering into hers. 
She blinked back at him, the soft furrow of her brows somehow making her more attractive. He watched her mouth open and close, trying to find the words. 
“Tell me,” he murmured. 
He could feel her breath just barely brushing his lips as his eyes pulled down to the curve of her Cupid’s bow first, then the curve of her chest, before traveling the same path back again, ready to dive back into the deep brown of her eyes. 
They were cast down, the curl of her lashes on display instead, and at first Harry assumed in shame or disinterest. But they burned against his own mouth, as she took account of every curve of his lips. 
“G...” he tried once more, hoping that the movement of his lips spurred her on. 
She was about to say something, Harry could see it on every inch of her face, but then there were footsteps entering the room and the sound of her name being called that Gianna snapped back, pulling away from him so quickly that it felt like the wind had been knocked out of him. 
“Oh there you are,” Gemma said, relieved. “Your mum's going to go searching for you any minute, wanted to find you first.”
“Yeah, same,” Harry nodded as he tried to casually run a hand through the top of his hair and gently tuck a stray piece behind his ear. Only it didn’t feel casual at all, the only thing he felt was fidgety. “I’ll go distract her,” he added as he pushed his hands into the pockets of his black jeans and turned to leave. 
The truth was, he felt like he couldn’t breath and he wasn’t even quite sure why. Gianna was hard to read, she was really good at bottling things up which left him completely unsure where he stood. She told him she wasn’t interested, and he understood why. Things could get complicated and that was the last thing she needed in her life at the moment. But then she looked at him like that, and her eyes - reluctant but burning into his skin - said something completely different. 
He wasn’t going to push her, though.  She needed a friend and that was what he was going to be to her.  So he went to Lisa’s side and talked her ear off about a recent show he had watched on Discovery, and watched with a small smirk as Gianna’s mum pretended to be interested.  
Luckily, the rest of the party went on as normal. And even more so, Gianna and Harry didn’t have a moment alone together until the goodbyes. There was the slightest bit of hesitancy when they went to leave a kiss on each other's cheeks, something they and their families always did when parting ways.  
It was a blip of a moment really, but it was enough to have chills running across Gianna’s skin just from the barely there scruff of Harry’s cheek brushing hers. He gave a small, but reassuring smile when he pulled away, a soft squeeze of her arm just before he followed Gemma out the door. 
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It was insane, but she couldn’t stop thinking about him the rest of the night. While she helped her parents clean up, while they talked her ear off about their upcoming travel plans, while she finally peeled herself away from them at nearly midnight, while she drove back to Gemma and Harry’s place, while she tiptoed inside and locked up behind her. 
“Hey,” Gemma called from where she was curled up on the couch in front of the tv. “Rest of the night go okay?” 
“Oh, yeah. The usual really.” Gianna sighed as she slipped her studded heels off, her limbs feeling heavy from the long day. 
“I’ll be out of your bedroom in a mo, this is almost over,” Gemma said half heartedly, eyes still trained on the tv. 
Gianna didn’t bother with a response, but instead wandered down the hallway to Gemma’s room to steal some clothes. She couldn’t help but glance at Harry’s bedroom door, the light peeking through the bottom like a temptation. 
She wondered what he was doing in there as she changed, if he heard her come in, if he could sense her in the proximity somehow.  Her fingertips prickled with curiosity and her mind tiptoed along the ledge of “what if” and “maybe” and “why not”.  
He offered.  All she had to do was accept.  
When she stepped out of Gemma’s room with an oversized white tee shirt and minty fresh teeth, she immediately noticed that Harry’s light was no longer illuminating the edges of his door, the room seemingly pitch black.  
Maybe that was a sign from the universe or something.  Maybe, she thought, she should just quit while she’s ahead.  
Her makeshift bed was all ready for her in the living room, Gemma having neatly arranged blankets and pillows on the couch where she was previously sitting.  That was one thing about both of the Style’s siblings, they never made you feel unwelcome. 
“Alright love, let me know if you need anything,” Gemma spoke as she placed her empty tea cup in the sink.  
“Thanks, Gems. Seriously. Don’t know what I’d do without you.”  
Gemma smiled warmly as she walked over, wrapping Gianna in a quick hug before heading for the hallway.  
“Oh,” she turned around quickly, “Harry spoke to Steve after we left.”  
Gianna’s heart stopped, bracing herself for whatever transpired between them.  “How bad was it?”  
“Eh,” Gemma shrugged, chuckling lightly as she continued. “Harry yelled a lot, but he’ll be gone for a few hours tomorrow morning so you can go get your stuff. We’ll go with you to help.”  
Gianna released a heavy sigh, overwhelmed with her friend's generosity. “You guys don’t have to do that.”  
“Too bad because we are,” Gemma quickly replied. “Harry told Steve he was coming with you anyway, just in case he decides to try anything like what went on today. Plus, the more hands means the faster you can get out of there.”  
Gianna gave her a pouty smile.  
“Don’t look at me like that,” Gemma laughed. “You would do the same for me.” 
“I would,” she agreed.  
“Besides, Harry’s the one that made it happen. He just told me the plan before he went to bed.”  Gemma smoothed down the baby hairs sticking up at the front of Gianna’s hairline, a small, sympathetic smile on her face. “I love you, get some sleep.”  
Gianna didn’t know what she did to deserve a friend like Gemma, but she was grateful every single day for whatever cosmic blip happened in the universe to force them together. 
“Love you,” Gianna murmured as she watched Gemma head for her room, finding herself standing completely still as she watched her bedroom door close softly at the end of the hall.  
And then she was left in silence with nothing but her thoughts. Which if anyone could hear inside her brain, they’d know they were anything but silent.  
She went to plop down on the couch, letting out a long, deep sigh as she sunk into the cushions.  
Harry didn’t need to put his neck out like that, but he did. His exact reasoning, Gianna wasn’t sure. But he appeared beside her at that party like it was second nature. He took it upon himself to find a way for her to safely get her things from her former home, and she was grateful. He was a good friend. She knew that already, but it was even more prominent now.  
She thought starting something with Harry would be harder on her than not. She thought she didn’t need the added stress.  But he never showed any indication that he would make anything stressful for her. If anything, the only thing he showed was the opposite.  
A distraction, an escape, a good time.   
That was all she needed right now.  And in a way, that was exactly what Harry was offering.  
So she pulled herself up from the couch with purpose, and padded down the hall to the door on the right with her heart beating wildly in her chest.  Her fingers brushed along the grain of wood, a last chance effort to back away with none the wiser.  
But she didn’t want to.  As ridiculous as it seemed, Harry made her feel something that she desperately needed at the moment.  
So she jumped.  
It was the softest tap, her knuckle meeting the wood so lightly she was positive he wouldn’t even hear it.  Her breath was shaky as she did it again, this time the tiniest bit harder, more sure.  
There was no sign of movement behind the door.  She waited with baited breath, tapping her knuckles a third time, squeezing her eyes closed, begging for Gemma not to hear.  
But nothing.  No sound, no movement, no Harry.  
Maybe he had snuck out at some point, while she was changing perhaps.  Or maybe he had decided she was right after all, that this - she - was too complicated for him right now.  
She drew one last small pattern on the door, her temple pressed against the framing before she dropped her hand and pulled away.  
And then in a moment of pure heart stopping relief, the door swung open and a large hand wrapped around her forearm, tugging her inside the dark room so quickly she felt lightheaded.  
Her back was pressed up against the wall beside the door as Harry eased it closed quietly.  Gianna caught her breath, her chest rising and falling sharply as she took him in.  He was in nothing but boxer briefs sitting low on his hips, his hair pulled up in a bun, his skin reflecting against the light of the muted tv in the corner of his room.  His bed was unmade, the spot he was previously occupying obvious, what with blankets thrown to the one corner and pillows propped up against the center of the headboard.  
Harry was looking at her expectantly when she turned her face back to him, but he didn’t say anything, eyes simply scanning the features of Gianna’s face.  
“How’d you know it was me?” Gianna murmured softly. 
“I didn’t.”  His tone was neutral, but his eyes were blazing, even in the darkness.  
She couldn’t pull her eyes from him, and all she could think about was taking the half a step needed to be pressed against his soft skin. 
“Hoped it was,” Harry added after a beat of silence, his eyes falling to her mouth. “Didn’t know, but hoped.” 
The words barely made their way from his lips before Gianna was taking the small step to connect their mouths.  And it was as if  Harry was waiting for it, because his hand immediately cupped her jaw as he took his own step, her back pressing against the wall once more.  
His lips were warm, and they tasted familiar this time. That thought surprised Gianna somehow - this wasn’t the first time, and although it was new, it was comforting in a way she wouldn’t be able to explain if she tried.  
He kissed her with his entire body, every inch of him pressed tightly against her, pinning her to the wall.  His tongue teased her bottom lip, and without second thought, she met him with her own, sparks shooting across her skin in the form of goosebumps and anticipation.  
The soft groan that escaped his throat as he pulled her even closer lit her on fire, his fingers digging harder into the soft curves of her hips.  
“Fuck, I want you,” Harry sighed breathlessly, his lips trailing across Gianna’s jaw and down her neck.  
She scratched her nails down his back, his body only pressing against hers more in response. “Want you too,” she whispered, like it was a confession, as if her actions hadn’t already exposed her.  
His lips burned against her throat, sucking deliberate kisses to her sensitive skin as his hands smoothed up and down her sides, gripping here, pulling there. She could feel him, hard and needy against her pelvis, and it made her stomach twist with desire. 
“This has to stay between us,” Gianna spoke gently up to the ceiling. “No one can know.”  
“Good,” Harry stamped a kiss to her jaw, pulling her face to his by the back of her neck, his lips brushing hers with his words. “Can be our secret.”  
And it was, he made sure of it.  No one would know what went on between them under the darkness of the night, hidden behind the walls of his room, disguised behind their eyes in the daylight.  
It would just be theirs, whatever it was, for as long as Harry could help it.  
But that’s the thing about secrets… they always find a way out.  
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a/n: *nervous laughter* Heyyy guysss lol so! There we have it! It’s happening, it’s fine, everything’s fine. The biggest thanks to the best babes @andwhenshesays​ @oh-honey-styles​ @harrytheehottie​ @real-work-of-art​ @haute-romance-quotidienne​ @all-things-fic​ for the comments and laughs and support and encouragement - you guys are the real ones. I hope everyone enjoyed this one! Much more to come *more nervous laughter* lol thank you for reading! I hope you’ve had a great friday! xxx 
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moonctzeny · 4 years
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baby, we're two strangers
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pairing: jeong jaehyun x fem!reader
genre: smut
word count: 2,255
summary: "When you attend your company's black mask party, you expect free booze and boring small talk with your co-workers. What you don't expect is to meet a cute stranger, who's more than willing to take you out of your misery. You don't know anything about him, not even his name, only the two deep dimples adorning his cheeks"
warnings:  alcohol consumption, fingering, cunnilingus, smut in public (what else did you expect from me), jaehyun is a little on the subbier side at some point(??) but not really
a/n: happy birthday to our precious jaehyun! hope you like this anon, sorry it took so long :(
You always thought those business parties were a pain in the ass. You barely managed to go through 5 days a week with your co-workers without committing first degree murder, now you had to see them during your precious weekends too? The thought of you starting small talk with the lady at the front desk, or having to laugh with your boss’s terrible humour all night made you sick to your stomach. But alas, you know how much your supervisor loved those kinds of parties, and your wallet needed that promotion. He’d lecture you about how they cultivate group spirit and strengthen the company’s teamwork. You just saw it as an excuse to get drunk free of charge.
Catching your reflection in the mirror, you spot a stray hair that escaped the adhesion of your new hairspray, and you quickly brush it to place with your fingers. Your favourite black dress hugged your body, simple jewellery decorated your skin. You don’t even know why you bothered with eye makeup, the obligatory black mask for tonight’s dress code hiding most of your face already, with the exception of your red lipstick. You wonder whether the people who just quickly rushed by you in the hallways, too focused on their own deadlines and to-do lists would even recognize you.
The party was boring, just like you predicted. You’d given up long ago in trying to keep the conversation going with Matt from the IT department (who proved to be the most boring man on earth, apparently) and planted yourself right next to the booze table. You had your own little wine tasting party in the past hour, trying aged drinks from 10 years ago up to vins ordinaires. The alcohol relaxed your muscles and left a pleasant buzz in your head, effectively drowning out the dj’s playlist that only had hit songs from 2016. You were content in your solitude, satisfied with just staring at your co-workers interacting with each other, noticing who disliked who, who were the funny ones, who needed help with social interactions. But your comfortable loneliness wouldn’t last for long. 
“Mind if I join you?”
Ugh. Just what you needed. Matt from the IT department probably told his buddy, Ben - who keeps rudely staring at your skirts at work - that you’re here and informed him about your location. Maybe if you ignored him he would go away. Or maybe you’d just tell him that you suddenly need to go to the bathroom. Had he ever heard you speak? You wonder if he’d believe you if you told him you were deaf, actually.
You turned around to face the man, hoping that he didn’t know sign language when you finally made eye contact with him. This definitely wasn’t Ben. He was the most beautiful man you’d ever seen in your life.
He was tall, with loose curls adorning the top of his head. His porcelain skin seemed to absorb all the light in the room, then send it out three times as bright. He looked fit, his small waist cinched in with the buttons of his suit, filled in fully in all the right places. You could only manage a deranged hum that barely sounded human. 
Through the small holes of the black mask he was also wearing, you can tell he was staring at you. You tried to keep the eye contact but failed miserably, your heart picking up a pace that sure can’t be healthy.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you around. Do you work in the IT department on the bottom floor, maybe?”
You clear your throat, begging the wine in your system not to mess this up for you by making a fool of yourself. “I also work on the top floor. Maybe you just didn’t notice me before.”
“No no”, he insists, taking a sip from his drink as well while raking up and down at you with his eyes, “I would definitely remember”.
Your cheeks are burning up at this point and you leave your drink at the table, not trusting your clammy hands to not drop the 2017 Merlot all over the floor. You were done acting like boo boo the fool. You weren’t gonna let this one slip away.
“It’s weird, I don’t remember you either. And you seem like such nice company”
He smiles at your reciprocation and you almost gasp at the appearance of two deep dimples on his cheeks, framing his lovely smile. He looks like a mixture of a prince and what you pictured Edward Cullen to look like when you were reading The Twilight Saga as a teenager.
“What department do you work at, then?”
You have to roll your eyes. The wine has made you a little impatient, and the heat of your body was getting hard to ignore.
“Here’s the thing Dimples, one thing I really fucking hate is small talk. So how about you really entertain me out of this boring party?”
He seems taken aback by your sudden confidence, yet amused either way. He doesn’t miss the fact that you’re the one checking him out now, your whole body leaning against him.
“I figured I should be a gentleman first”
“I don’t want a gentleman. I need a distraction”
He flashes you those dimples again and you get the sudden urge to tackle him.
“I see. Wanna get out of here?”
You didn’t need to hear more. Taking his hand, you lead the mysterious stranger outside the hall area the party was held at, finding an empty bathroom. You felt naughty dragging a man - a stranger at that - to a place like this, reminding you of your days as a teenager. A cold breeze sneaking through the little window spread goosebumps all over the skin of your legs that was uncovered by your short dress, yet you were hyper aware of the heat emitted from the man’s body.
The moment your hands left the rotating lock, you felt his body towering over yours, then the pressure of his soft lips. He tasted sweet, like the liquor he had enjoyed earlier, his hands snaking around your waist to bring you even closer against him. You kissed with vigor and a passion that was burning in your belly, and you suck on his tongue to show him a sneak peek of your talents. He moans in your mouth, a deep rumble that you gladly swallow up, your fingers tugging on his locks in hope you get another one out of him.
You do, and he’s had enough, wrapping his hands around your legs and lifting you up on the counter. He’s sitting right between your legs, right where you want him most, and your dress has now well ridden up, only one layer between you. He seems to be thinking the same thing as his teeth are breaking the skin of your neck, one hand behind you on the mirror, staining the glass.
“Can I make you feel good?”, he asks with a voice filled with arousal and the want to please. In that moment, you wanted to moan out his name, followed by a ‘yes, please’ but you realised you never asked for it, and it didn’t really matter at this point. 
You nod back pleadingly, your eyes watery with how much you’re desperate for any sort of friction. He lifts the hand that had been kneading the soft skin of your hips, and places his thumb right over your lips. Like a reflex, your tongue peeks out from between your teeth, tasting the saltines of his finger. He moves it further inside, satisfied with the feeling and your tongue dancing around it, and when he has finally pushed half of it in you start to suckle the digit. 
The stranger’s eyes haven’t left your lips for a second, completely mesmerized by your mouth’s work and he messes up your red lipstick a bit, dragging his finger down your chin, leaving a red line behind. Dipping his thumb back in your mouth again, he lets you suck a little more until you have coated it with a satisfying amount of spit, then brings it right over your panties.
They are cotton, dampened from the moisture of his fingers and your own arousal. He applies pressure right over your clit, just enough to see you squirm on that counter, then continues to draw figure eights over the fabric. His finger dips in your opening on the lower curve of the number and you feel yourself get wetter, holding on tightly to the man’s broad shoulders and moaning in satisfaction.
He shuts you up with a kiss, nibbling on your lower lip as he pushes you panties aside, and you’re a little embarrassed with the printed watermelons they have on them. He toys with you a little, spreading your wetness around before finally dipping in, smirking at the way your head falls back. 
The heels of your feet are sitting stubbornly on the marble surface of the counter, knees next to your shoulders to give your new friend as much access as he needed. There was no time for you to be ashamed for showing him all of you, the pleasure was overflowing and ripping out your seams. He starts a trail of kisses from the junction of your next, sucking and licking his way to your chest, and frees one of your boobs with his other hand. The cold and arousal has your nipple stay erect and he seems to enjoy the view, sucking lightly and then harshly, while following the same pace petting your pussy. 
“Am I a good company?”, he asks you then, and you’d expect his tone to be teasing but it’s anything but. He’s looking back at you with wide eyes, expecting your feedback and you pet his hair, lowering his head down with the tiniest bit of pressure so that his mouth reconnects with your chest.
“You’re doing so good, baby. Are you going to make me cum?”
He nods eagerly and you lift him up with the collar of his shirt, and you know his expensive cologne will dwell on your fingers after you’re done. You bring him into a kiss, tasting his lips before you whisper over them.
“Then you have to try a little harder”
You could practically see the determination in his eyes, and he wastes no time as he immediately gets on his knees. His breath is cool over your hot core, the feeling sending tingles down your spine. The anticipation is so high that when his tongue finally comes in contact with your sensitivity you almost yelp. 
His talent isn’t limited to his fingers, you think as he leaves kitten licks over your clit, giving the bundle of nerves a gentle suck periodically. Just as you’re getting used to the soothing circles of his tongue he dips one more finger in, successfully stretching you open and you bite your hand to stifle your moans. You’re worried that your wetness will drip down to the floor but then you’re reminded of your panties, the friction of the fabric stimulating you even more. 
“I’m gonna cum”, you moan in a high pitched tone, bracing both you and the man feasting over you on his knees. One last suck and you’re thrown over the edge, legs shaking as you’re desperately trying to hold yourself in place, before you fall or crush his head with your thighs. He lets you ride out your high, still dipping his fingers in and out slowly, prolonging your pleasure as much as possible. When you both feel like you’re done he gets up again, drying up his chin that is wet with your come. The tent in his slacks is painfully visible, and you rub over it seductively as you also rub your still exposed nipple.
“How about I pay you back”
The stranger doesn’t have time to answer, a loud knock making you both jump in shock and you quickly get decent again.
“Is someone still in there? I really need to use the bathroom”
You facepalm at the dumb mistake, exposing yourselves so easily at the man on the other side of the door. He lets out a rumbling laugh, and if there was really such a thing as ‘the end of the world’ you wish to any god out there that it happens right now.
“Ahh, I get what’s going on. You keep at it kids, another bathroom became available just now. And use protection!”
You bury your face in the stranger’s shoulder, and you feel him laugh silently at the ridiculousness of the situation. He opens the door just a slither, and when he makes sure no one is waiting for you outside the bathroom, he leads you back to the main hallway.
“So that was…”
“...hot”, he finishes your sentence with a naughty smile and you swear those dimples are gonna kill you.
“My name is y/n”, you say and firmly shake his hand, the gesture too formal compared to the things you’ve just finished doing together, “I still want to thank you for that, if you do too, of course”
“Jaehyun”, he says right back, then rubs the skin right under your lips with his thumb, and his fingertip comes back red. “Sorry for that, I got a bit carried away. You have nice lips.”
“Thank you, Jaehyun”
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