#*rips off my shirt* come get me coward. DO it
sombrashe · 1 year
this is a repost because my original blog was deleted
relationship(s) valeria x reader
content angst, murder threats, reader gets punched, graves is an asshole
note(s) this was a request from my original blog ♡ “Maybe if we could get a Valeria x reader... When Valeria gets interrogated the 141 reveals they know about y/n (Valeria's partner) and how she would react?”
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Valeria sat, a smirk gracing her lips as the men in front of her stared. That merc, Graves she thinks, is inches from her ear.
“We just want Hassan, Valeria.”
She scoffs and rolls her eyes, “And what if I don’t give a fuck about what you want?”
She’s showing her teeth as she grins at him, their noses brushing against each other. He smiles at this reaction.
“Well, either you give us the information we want or we’re going to have an innocent casualty on our hands.”
For the first time she’s confused, why would she care about some random civilian?
It’s all he has to say before the Scottish one disappears out the front of the crate. Her arms are crossed as they lead a bagged someone inside. She doesn’t have to wait to know who it is. She knows that wedding band anywhere. Her head is colliding with Graves’s face and she splits open his nose.
“I’ll fucking kill you.”
She’s up but is being grabbed back by Alejandro. He has his hand on the back of her neck and her arm is shoved out to the side to keep her from moving. She can only watch as that idiot Soap removed the burlap bag around your head. She watches your eyes fill with terror at the realization you were alone in a room with 6 military men. You looked so tiny right now and it crushed her heart.
“You’re all dead men walking if you don’t let them go.”
Her teeth are stuck together as she talks, anger ripping her apart. Your eyes flick to hers and she watches as you tense. You go to move for her when you’re gripped by the back of your shirt. You freeze and she watches hopelessly as tears fill your eyes. You think you’re going to die.
“Malditos idiotas, creen que los vas a matar.”
Alejandro seems to notice your fear and gestures with his head toward the rest of his team. The older brit takes notice and speaks up.
“Don’t worry, we’re not going to hurt you. So long as we get what we need from El Sin Nombre here.”
“Speak for yourself.”
Graves’ anger is radiating off of him as he stomps up to you and you have to get on the tips of your toes. He has your shirt in a bunch in his fist and a gun to the side of your throat. Your tears finally start coming down now and you have to fight back sobs. He looks behind him at the struggling Valeria and gives her a sick grin.
“Give me what I want and they’re free to go, fuck with me and I blow their spinal cord all over these walls.”
You hiccup as you squeeze your hands into fists. You attempt to calm yourself, not just for yourself but for Valeria. Your eyes darken as you look into the man’s blue ones.
“You do that and you get nothing, coward.”
His fist is connecting with your cheek so fast that you have no time to process the connection. You’re on the floor spitting out a tooth as you hear yelling above you. The mixture of accents all collide in your head and Alejandro must have taken pity because Valeria’s arms were scooping you up in an instant.
“Lovely, hey… look at me. Let me see your pupils.”
Her voice is soft against the sea of voices and you struggle to do as you’re told. You’ve never been hit before, the people of Las Almas knew better than to lay a finger on you. You’re dazed but overall okay, no concussion and she’s relieved.
“I’ll tell you whatever you need to know, just take them home.”
Her voice is stern and she’s looking into your eyes. You frown and try to protest, you’ll do anything to keep her safe. She shushes you and gives you a soft kiss.
“You need to clean up, lovely, can’t have you looking like a mess can we?”
You continue to frown as you’re lifted and hauled away from her. Your face is throbbing as the door is closed locking you away from one another. She’s wrapping her chain around her knuckles as the door clicks shut. Once it does she’s left throwing her first directly into Grave’s chin. His head swings to the side and a bruise in the shape of interlocked metal starts to form. She’s forcefully sat by Soap, Rodolfo being tasked to take you home safely.
“You ever lay a hand on them again and I’ll rip your balls off with my bare hands and force-feed them to you.” Her face is calm but her eyes are storming with quiet anger.
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gojoscloset · 1 year
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Gojo Satoru x Reader Angst !
Gojo decides to part ways with Reader out of fear he’ll put reader in danger!
Warnings: Angst? Not proofread.
Also sorry if it seems OOC I’m really out of touch with JJK but really wanted to write this one out for my boy
“So you’re just going to be a coward about the situation…?”
You spoke calmly but anyone could easily sense the desperation in your words.
“And all for what?”
You did not intend for your voice to crack, but it did. The lump in your throat made it hard for you to speak, and the stinging in your eyes began to blur your vision.
Satoru sat across from you, slightly hunched over, his elbows on his knees, a familiar position he would be in when he had a lot on his mind. You wished it were one of his shitty jokes, but based solely off of his demeanor, and lack of words, you figured he was being serious.
His signature goofy smile was replaced with an unfamiliar stern expression, and for once he had nothing to say.…well actually, he really wanted to say a number of things but he knew there wasn’t a right thing to say. He knew there were no combinations of words that could make things hurt any less so he decided to say nothing at all.
Satoru sat a few feet from you, but it was like he was nowhere to be found. He was at arms length, but he felt so far away.
This wasn’t the Satoru you knew, who was this stranger pretending to be your boyfriend ?
“So you’re just going to sit here and say nothing to me? You’re leaving me and have nothing to say?…”
“What is there to say, ____? It’s not like anything I’ll say can change the situation…” He spoke softly, averting his gaze from yours, something he’s been doing since he asked you to come to his home to have an ‘important conversation’. But you didn’t fail to see the lack of life in his eyes, the sea of colors that the world fell in love with were no longer there.
It was like the universe was drained from him, as if he had cried out the oceans he carried in them prior to this conversation. You could see behind his tough exterior that he had been in fact crying. Face slightly red in the sensitive areas, and eyes slightly puffy.
“….Something!…anything!…you….you invite me here just for you to use the ‘I’m just trying to protect you’ line like you’re some kind of superhero and you expect me to be okay with it? Well No! It’s not okay! This isn’t a movie, this is real life Satoru!-“
“Exactly ____ ,this is real life, which is why I have made my decision”
You wiped your eyes quickly, hot tears dripping down your face. You could hear Satoru get up from his seat, a gentle hand reaching over to caress your head but you pulled away from his touch, not wanting to make things harder than they already were.
It was rare for you to ever reject his acts of affection, but of course it wasn’t the first time. Normally Satoru would give you space when you would get in your moods but he couldn't find it in himself to do so this time, knowing it may very well be the last time he gets to do so.
He grabbed you by your shoulders and roughly pulled you into the tightest hug he could give you. He wished he could somehow get closer to you, he wished he could rip his chest open and put you inside of his heart and keep you there forever, at least there he knew you would be safe.
“You know if I could change things I would.”
You shook your head in his chest, knuckles turning white as you cling onto his shirt. He could feel your tears as they soaked through his clothes and he took in the feeling along with the warmth of your shaky breaths against his body.
He wanted to remember how it felt before he never got to feel this again. He took in the details of your body against his and engraved it in his mind so he could feel you in the times he would miss you the most.
Satoru took the feeling of your love and drilled it so deep into his brain he would be able to find you in lifetimes kinder than this one, over and over and over again.
“But you don’t have to change anything. We could stay exactly the same.”
“And the risk would-“
“ I considered the risk way before you and I even got together! I already knew what I was getting myself into. I thought about it when I realized I had feelings for you!… Nothing you can say can scare me into accepting your decision, not when you love me the way you do.” You were desperate, you weren’t going to let him give up so easily.
“I’m not leaving” you sobbed quietly and broke free from his tight embrace. You made your way around him ready to take a seat on the couch but he reached for you once more, this time grabbing you by your wrist and pulling you into a hug once again.
“Baby don’t make this harder than it needs to be. Don’t do this to me..”
“Do this to you?!” he smiled down at you sadly, swaying your bodies together as you continued to give him a piece of your mind while you continued to let him know you weren’t leaving.
He loved this feisty side of you, it was a reason why he fell for you in the first place. You always stood by what was right, and you stood your ground. You were stubborn but in a way he liked.
He knew this day would come eventually, and he felt guilty that he knew that there was a chance of him leaving yet he continued to string you along. He felt selfish for putting you in this position in the first place, even if you claim you wanted it too. But you were his sugar*, his stimulant. You made his mind buzz in a way no other person or substance had before.
Gojo bit the apple and has been doomed since then.
The two of you stood in place for a while, none of you know for how long but however long it was, it wasn’t long enough. Satoru pulled away to get a good look at your face, then he gently leaned down to place a chaste kiss on your forehead.
“Baby It’s time to go .” he gave you another sad smile, the look on his face showed he was tired. You could tell he too wasn’t doing well emotionally but was holding it in for you, because he knew he had to be strong for you.
“I already told you I’m not leaving”
You pulled away once more making your way back to the couch. He grabbed you again, but this time sweeping you off your feet, quite literally. He knew you wouldn’t oblige if he guided you to the door, he knew with the stubborn and fierce attitude of yours you wouldn’t go without a fight.
“Put me down, I’m not leaving” You did everything in your physical power to get out of his grip. You stiffened your body to somehow ‘weigh more’. You slapped his chest , and writhed around in his arms but this was Gojo Satoru you were dealing with.
He walked you out of the door and gently placed you on your feet, but quickly you spun around before he had time to shut the door on you and you pushed your weight to the door, trying to force it open. Satoru easily fought against your weight on the door, shutting it with ease.
“I hate you! You’re a coward! Why would you do this to me?!” Your hands twisted the knob and to your surprise it opened, quickly you forced yourself in but just as you feared, he was nowhere in sight.
Authors notes:
*If I’m not mistaken, Gege Akutami said that Gojo Used sugar to stimulate his brain but he ended up getting a sweet tooth (an addiction to sugar). So I implied that you were what stimulated his mind
But also
HEHE *Michael jackson-ly*
I finally wrote something after like 2 years, however this is just the appetizer, I typed this up at work and hopefully the next part will be scrumptious cause it’s super angsty and I love for angst lolol
Also I apologize if it seems rushed in a way, I really needed to get this part out to work on the next part (which I’m excited for)
Please enjoy (^:
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
For your 2k celebration: Eddie/Lover's Lake/book 🌼
Big, gigantic thanks to @trashmouth-richie for helping me with this one!
Warnings: attempted drug deal, mention of drug use
WC: 899
Mud squelches under your trainers as you make your way towards the lake. It’s a familiar destination; your favorite place to write. But today, you have other plans.
Eddie’s already there, waiting for you. He’s sitting on a stone wall, idly tapping his ringed fingers against his tin box. Your stomach flip-flops at the thought of what’s inside. 
Come on. Don’t be such a coward. 
“Um, h-hi,” you stutter, mentally kicking yourself for letting your anxiety seep into your voice. “Thanks for meeting me here.”
“Yeah, no sweat,” Eddie says, patting the empty spot beside him and popping open the box lid. You oblige, bringing your backpack onto your lap. “All right, I can do $15 for half an ounce.” He takes out a crinkled plastic baggie, frowning as you inspect it critically. “I really can’t go any lower; you’re already robbing me blind here.”
“No, no,” you shake your head, “‘s not that. Um, I was wondering if you had any, like, magic mushrooms?” Your face burns as you say it. 
Eddie’s eyes widen. “Never took you for a psychedelics kinda girl,” he laughs incredulously, “but, yeah, I should have some.” He digs through his stash, tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth in concentration. “So, what’s the occasion?”
“The shrooms. You going to a party, or…”
“Oh.” You wipe your palms on your jeans. “I, um, I’ve been having bad writer’s block, and I heard that drugs can help…unblock things? I smoked weed with my friend, but it didn’t do anything.”
“Oh, yeah?” Eddie asks, not breaking his focus. “What are you trying to write? Essays and school shit?”
You shake your head. “I’m working on a novel, actually,” you admit. It sounds silly when you say it aloud. “It’s like a horror-mystery hybrid? I don’t know,” you finish lamely, hoping he finds the shrooms soon.
But you’ve captured his attention, and his chocolate brown eyes light up as they meet yours. “No way!” he exclaims. “I love scary stories. I swear, I’ve read everything Stephen King’s written.” He crosses his heart for emphasis. “Can I get a sneak peek of your book?” He pouts adorably, melting your heart and easing your nerves.
“It’s just some chapter outlines so far,” you explain, tugging your notebook out of your backpack. It’s an assuming marble composition notebook, but it holds all of your hard work. “And I haven’t written anything in weeks, hence the…” you gesture to his lunchbox of drugs in lieu of completing the sentence.
Eddie raises his eyebrows as he scans your writing. “This is…really fucking good,” he muses, flipping the page and continuing to read. “How do you come up with this stuff? Puts my Hellfire campaigns to shame.”
You laugh bashfully. “Sometimes, inspiration just strikes, y’know?” Your smile falters when he skips to the rough sketches you have for your characters. You’re not an artist, not by a long shot, but you know he’ll be able to recognize who you’ve modeled a protagonist after. “Okay, give it back,” you blurt out, attempting to grab it from his hands, but his grip is too tight.
“What, you got some naughty drawings in here?” He waggles his eyebrows, making you giggle despite your embarrassment. “Don’t worry; I won’t judge.” Before you can protest further, he finds the one picture you were hoping he’d somehow skip over. It’s a tall, lanky guy with curly brown hair that touches his shoulders. He’s wearing a concert t-shirt with the sleeves cut off, displaying his tattoos, and ripped black jeans. “Whoa,” Eddie breathes, and you’re praying to be swallowed up by a black hole. “This dude is totally metal.”
“Wh-What?” Did he really not know who it was supposed to be?
“The guy,” he says, pointing to the drawing, “he looks so badass.” He closes the notebook but doesn’t hand it back. “Could I hang onto this? I wanna read more, but I gotta get going. Promised my uncle I’d make dinner tonight, and he’ll kill me if I say that and then order pizza one more time. Actually,” he pauses, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes, “do you wanna help me cook? And stay for dinner, obviously. You could maybe tell me more about your story. Might help get those creative juices flowing or something.” He shrugs like he didn’t just use all of his courage to ask you.
“Sure,” you smile, hopping down from the wall and brushing off your pants. “And you can tell me about your…campaigns?” You furrow your brows, unsure if you used the correct terminology.
Eddie narrows his eyes. “I don’t know…how can I trust that you’re not working as an enemy spy?”
You gasp, startling him. “Sorry,” you apologize sheepishly, “but that just gave me a great idea. Maybe Kal–that’s the totally metal dude–used to be allegiant to the enemy, but is trying to redeem himself!” You pluck the notebook from him, flip to where a pen serves as a bookmark, and jot down your thought before you forget it.
“You’re welcome, by the way,” Eddie teases, taking the book back and tucking it under his arm for safekeeping. “You’d better mention me in the acknowledgments. Better yet–dedicate the whole book to me.”
“I can see it now: ‘For Eddie Munson: thanks for the idea and for not selling me shrooms,’” you joke back, walking in tandem with him.
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shshshquietnow · 9 months
Display whump woo! Kicking off the new year right, after... a week or so. And a tricky more calculating whumpee, that's fun too.
Coal-Black Catch III
Contents: display whump, non sexual non con touching, child whumpee, angel whumpee, demon whumper, dehumanization.
It wasn't long before a demon finally walked into the room. And Kiran's plan had worked: turn off the lights and hide behind their wings in the corner closest to the door. And they weren't a coward, of course not, but it would be stupid to try to escape now. It was better to build trust and THEN strike, especially since they were so much weaker than just about everyone here.
No, Kiran just wanted a moment to take in whoever they'd be dealing with before the demon saw them.
The lady wasn't as tall as Andras, but made up for it in ten times more gold on her twisting horns and neat tail. She walked in a proper way, her hair all perfect and twirly. She had a mean expression on her face, hissing as she lit the candles in the room. Unlike Andras's purple or most other demons' reds and pinks, this lady was blue. Once there was light, she saw the mass of black feathers, glaring.
... they had been expecting Andras. This place looked like his office, who was this lady...
"You. Up."
Kiran scrambled to their feet, pressing their wings to their back. Well... in heaven it was proper to make wings look smaller to authority, though no one else HERE had wings so the rules could be different...
But that's what this for. This is to figure out some rules, trial and error is all. Figure out how to talk to demons, how to get away efficiently and...
Okay. And to figure out how demons and humans interact. Not that Kiran could pass as a human- though, if angels weren't common like Andras said (though they don't know how smart they think the demon is) they could probably lie enough to pass by assuming their wings were hidden- but if they got exiled for asking how to help humans, they were going to find out a way to help, damnit-
Kiran was ripped out of their thoughts by the demon grabbing their face and twisting it to the side, dragging a manicured finger along their chin line. "Pretty eyes at least... a bit more... grey than I was expecting, and skinnier than a stick-"
They rubbed their jaw once the lady let go. Well, not let go as much as nearly throw to the ground. "Miss- miss, who are-"
"Oh shit, you talk." The lady looked at Kiran, almost disgusted. It quickly passed though, as she grabbed Kiran by the shoulders, turning them. Her hands were soft and she she didn't look very strong, but she was very firm in handling the angel. "Hm. That'll be easier later then. Come."
Kiran blinked as the lady began walking to the door. "To where?"
"Wow, I'm already annoyed with that voice of yours," the lady gave Kiran a dead look, which definetly didn't make them shrink into their shoulders. "To a dressing room, if you must know. I'm Andras's tailor so that makes me... your tailor."
Kiran picked up the note of distaste there. Why... why why why... angel. Fallen angel, this tailor thinks she's above dressing up... a doll. She was dressed just as nice as Andras was- almost as nice as him in the paintings, she either is or thinks she's really important.
They got up without another word, following the lady. The lady went on, talking rather loudly of things she liked and didn't like about Kiran's appearance, things she wanted to see Kiran in (though they didn't quite understand most of those words), even things she'd want to do to their wings and things she'd use their feathers to decorate...
... Kiran decided they didn't like this lady.
But after a minute or so of walking, the lady let out a groan. First Kiran heard Andras's voice, then they saw him walking towards the two in a looser poet's shirt, sweating slightling and breathing heavy supposedly from sparring. "Hello Claudia... and Kiran? My, you brought them here all the way to see me? I'm flattered."
"Actually-" Kiran jumped in. They wanted to test something... and probably a good note with their more official "owner" wouldn't hurt. And they didn't much like Claudia. "We were going to go to a dressing room."
"I didn't realize the thing could talk-" Claudia snarled, making Kiran's heart race. Though she made no move... either in interest to not mark Kiran... or because she didn't want to touch them with Andras right there. "But yes. Just like you instructed Lord Andras-"
"I said to take them AFTER I inspected them in my office," Andras pointed out, a little sing song. He was utterly childish turns out. It seems he liked displaying his power even above other demons. It seemed quite stupid. "I'll take the angel from here, thank you Miss Claudia."
The demon but out a smile, doing an awkward curtsey to Andras and looking Kiran up and down one more time before walking off haughtily. Andras put his hand on their shoulder and steered them back to the office, as Kiran made double sure they knew the way to that point from the starting place.
Andras motioned for Kiran to take a seat, sitting himself down in the large chair behind the desk and putting his feet up. Immature. "You're a little less well trained than I thought, hm? Next time another demon tells you to go somewhere, you tell them I'm the only one that tells you where to go, okay? I like a place for everything, and everything in its place, if you're familiar with the saying."
Kiran nodded. Looks like that can't be a card to play if they find themselves somewhere they shouldn't be. But that's right, Andras likes talking, arrogant.
"Right!" Andras smiled with sharp teeth, clapping his hands once. "Other rules... you'll be calling me master. I'm master of all things at this manor, but while Lord Andras is fine enough for the demons to call me, master is MUCH more meaningful from you. And for now you may speak and ask what questions you may, I find it endearing. Reminds me... or a little rabbit, though I'm not sure why. Rabbits can't speak!"
Andras took a moment to laughter at his own... Kiran honestly hesitated to call that a joke. But they spoke lightly, should figure out if that's a trap right away. "Who is Claudia? Is she your tailor? Why am I getting dressed-"
"Oh! Yes Claudia, that old rag..." Andras thought for a moment. "Yes, she's my personal tailor so I thought it fitting she make your outfits as well. I'll have you time scheduled to meet with her in the dressing rooms and such, let the witch work her magic. And thank you for reminding me! I have only two exceptions to the talking thung,can you remember them for me sweetheart?"
"Yes?" Kiran nodded. They weren't as unsure as they let on, just wanting to look unassuming, before Andras raised an eyebrow at them. Right. "... yes master."
The demon returned to smiling, somehow more smug than before. "Good. Now obviously you may not speak to me while I'm in a meeting. However you may speak if we are around other demons during free time, but only to me. Though... I suppose you may speak if other demons ask you questions when I'm not there, and if you need to tell them about that other rule we discussed."
"Why can't I talk to other demons WHEN you're with me?" Kiran tilted their head. That seemed like a weird line to draw.
"Well you're my pet! Your attention should be on me~" Andras purred. That was right, arrogant and prideful. "One more rule for now: I brought you here to look pretty if you'll remember?"
Andras twirled his finger in a circle behind them... oh. Kiran sat up straight and unfolded their wings.
... and then kept stretching them out until Andras wasn't looking murderous. By the time his smile returned they were straining to keep their wings in position.
"Good!" Andras clapped, standing up to go to the more open area of the office, motioning for Kiran to follow. He stopped right in front of the door before turning to face the angel. "Now..."
He pointed at the ground, by his feet.
... Kiran wasn't foreign to the concept of kneeling as a sign of respect. But this... to a demon of all things? It was just humiliating.
"Kiran." Andras said inba low hiss. Right, it was still just... hard to believe they were actually standing there being told to... "I said now."
Kiran bit their tongue and sat criss cross on the floor, taking care to keep their wings out. Andras was a fool and once Kiran got enough info they'd be easily able to slip out... but being a prideful idiot with that much power made it dangerous to not pay attention to everything going on.
Andras knelt down, cooing at Kiran and ruffling their hair. They resisted the urge to lean away from the touch as he cupped their face. "Oh you're perfect... come now sweetheart, I'll lead you to Claudia's room, I want to give her my input."
He stood back up, sighing as he made his way over to the door, long and dramatic. "Of course, this will be more fun once we get you a leash and collar, more safe too. I must get word out to the demons you belong to me now, but I've no clue what they'd want with a cute little fallen angel like you. Take my hand."
Kiran hesitated, taking his clawed hand. Andras pulled them closer so they'd be walking right behind him, and they walked.
Suck it up just a little longer... play nice, play dress up, get maybe some food and water... figure out how to fly without divine aid, and jump out the window and blend in with the night.
Just stay vigilant, keep an eye out. Kiran would escape, and Kiran would be double damned if they didn't help a human out while they were here.
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olivescales3 · 1 year
If your still doing the writing prompt how about gorzan and worriz
Thanks for the ask anon! I hope you don't mind Cragger narrating the scene, but this is mostly about Gorzan and Worriz
Worriz and I have planned this, ever since that... incident. Where I was attacked at Forever Rock.
I'll make sure these pesky, putrid hypocrites regret what they've done. We'll reclaim what is ours– first it would be my honor, and the Chi. The threat of my wrath, alongside the Wolf Tribe's army are enough to warn them. I don't want to meddle my parents into this mess, and neither does my ally... Or should I call him my friend?
Our battle strategy was prepared by him and his first order was to wreak havoc on the Sanctuary Forest; undoubtedly due to his hatred towards plants, but also because the Gorilla Tribe is allied with the Lion Tribe.
We'll protest against the crime committed against me. I'll target these lions the same way they targeted me.
Stone wheels from everywhere trample the flowers on the ground, strangling the plant life in our path. I observe the flora around me while Worriz rides his Pack Tracker; the nature here is lush and humid kind of like my home.
Happily for me, my first and last destination here is the Gorilla Village. A rich region filled with hanging huts on trees, though the main tree we shall target is the Tower Flower. This'll disrupt their pathetic 'peace' and bring them down to reality– an opportunity for them to comprehend how corrupt the lions are.
Late at night, the darkness showers the gorillas, unaware of the pain that'll be brought upon them.
Worriz' eyes glisten like stars in the middle of the darkness, laying his paws on the main panel's buttons, ready to press them and shoot that damn tree down. His snarl strengthens as we get closer to our destination.
Suddenly, a dark figure propels itself onto our seats.
"Don't mess with our village, dude! What did nature do to you two? You guys have no reason to harass us.", the silhouette growls, revealing itself to be Gorzan.
Worriz shoves his hands onto the primate's chest, but he retaliates in the blink of an eye, grabbing my ally by his ripped shirt's collar.
I whip out my sword—
Gorzan punches my jaw.
He slaps Worriz and breaks the vehicle's control panel. The car is now useless.
My head falls on the steering wheel, my only eye's vision is dim, but I can hear the discussion near me.
"Argh! You idiot gorillas are just mere tools with your mindless violence. We have actual fire power here, so, give up. Get away from my sight!", the wolf barks.
"Mindless? Who's mindless in this situation, man! You're trying to kill the Tower Flower. You're trying to kill us!"
Gorzan pushes my light body onto Worriz, and rips off the steering wheel. He opens his mouth prepared to call for help, but my ally punches his lips and shouts before him,
"My comrades! Attack!"
The wolf pack howls, stunning our enemy, then they start shooting down the tree with their Chi cannons. I regain back my weak sight, and watch as Worriz jumps down off the Pack Tracker, with his dope double sided saw on his hand, slashes the tree.
Huts surrounding us glow, with the Gorilla Tribe now awake and witnessing our unbeatable might– though it is too late for them, because the tree falls down to the ground, shaking the land and dropping a few of the housings as if they were seeds.
Gorzan rushes towards the now deceased Tower Flower, his face frowning in regret and shame. His friends also come to mourn the dead tree alongside him.
While Worriz, who hopped on the back of another Pack Tracker, is giggling, I'm unable to do anything else but stare at this mess.
That's a big mess, if I need to say so myself.
I think... that this attack might've been a bit too ruthless. We could've just ran over a buncha' flowers.
"Don't be as pitiful as these cretins, Cragger. What are you, a coward? Admit our victory and move on.
He screams, "Take that, idiot! Next time, don't mess with us, and keep your annoying cult elsewhere!"
I follow him up to the same car he's in. We quickly u-turn to avoid facing these dumb idiots. Our job here is done, and now we need to organize ourselves as fast as possible to execute or heist at the Lion Temple.
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penddraig · 11 months
the half - destroyed industrial building is the only place in this wide, cursed valley to hide ( the war, she knows, destroyed it. hazards are everywhere. the structure is unstable, but it will provide them shelter as they are hunted ). shadows are infamously difficult to fight. how they slink in and out of focus, and sight cannot track them. they battle in the way cowards do, attacking from behind and cutting her ankles. she had gone down, bent to one knee as the back of her leg had been bitten into ( swiftly, a swarm descent upon her, tearing into her flesh as though they were the strongest metal, and she the softest skin —— but shadow is no match for the light ). lost to the darkness, the godling erupts. once, when she was young, this lightning terrified her. now it is a weapon wielded as powerfully as any gifted touch of magic. the electricity belongs to a god, and she is angry. a scream ( be it an origin of pain, or rage, even she does not know ) joins the static crackle of unbridled power as it tears through the air. a great storm, eivor is, and the arch of blue, blinding light pierces through the darkest shadows and shreds them to bits until they fall like pieces of ash, drifting weightlessly. the shadows are gone, and eivor remains on her hands and knees, raggedly breathing ( catching what she lost ). after a moment, from wherever he is hiding, howl will see her stagger upwards with one arm bracing against a crumbling, brick wall. a momentary rest is all the raven god needs to push herself off and trek over the dusty, creaky, rotting floorboards to find him. her sight locates the wizard easier than any skulking shadow.
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🙶 howl. 🙷      his name is expressed as a sigh of relief. eivor's broad figure bows forward. both, blood - stained hands rise to grip either side of the wizard's face. gods, she is tired. such an expense of energy, all for him. 🙶 are you okay? 🙷      not a care in the world for herself, yet it is she who bleeds. she who has nearly lost an arm, dark claws torn right through the loose, white shirt she wears that stains the whole sleeve crimson. but the wizard refuses her concern.
hey, look at me. i don't care. are you okay? he says.
turning so sweetly. his voice has always been a melody, while hers is as coarse and gnarled as the scar on her neck that ruined it hundreds of years ago at the jaws of a wolf. she does look. his brilliant, green eyes are worried, and her icy, white - blue ones hold no space for the pain she must be in. they only look deeply into his. only look. the hand of her injured arm slips wetly off his cheek. 🙶 we must keep moving. there will be many more. i cannot fight them in legions, and they will swarm if we stay. they are following my magic, howl. i am sorry you are mixed in this trouble. forgive my recklessness. i am fine. come. 🙷    
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though howl isn't as wounded as eivor,   he still topples over one of the low walls of rubble when he feels her lightning raise the hairs at the back of his neck,   and swears he might have twisted something in his leg on landing.   in spite of it,   he manages sundry spells before her lightning fills the air,   all with the intention of keeping him out of the line of crossfire.   then the heat surrounds him,   seemingly bouncing off the very walls themselves,   and he smells charred stone and wood.   then,   silence.
he lays for a moment longer before finally getting to his feet,   hopping toward where she had screamed.   he's relieved,   more than she is,   he'd dare say,   to see that she hasn't somehow lost herself in the process.   she is covered in blood and looks a sight straight out of a nightmare.   it stains her face and her ripped,   charred clothing :   what had once been so neat and white now exists as a carcass of itself in splotches of crimson and blackened fabric.   by all means,   she must be terribly torn up underneath it all.   for but a moment,   howl wants nothing more than to check her over and make sure she's not harbouring some fatal wound that will have her dying in his arms later.   that,   he's afraid,   would be worse than being caught by the entities that pursue her.   he's sure he could find a few minor fixes until they make it somewhere safe once more.
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❝    don't be sorry.   don't be sorry    i said i don't care.   and i don't.    ❞    he cares enough that his fingers tremble as he reaches for her hand that drops,   to gently,   firmly hold it beneath his chin.   he's frightened.   not of eivor and the ghastly,   tired sight before his eyes,   but of all of this fighting.   that,   he cannot hide.   once a coward,   always a coward,   and though he hates to be caught up in something this sinister,   he also wants only to be certain eivor is fine,   and that she won't be taken from him.   not now.
❝ can they trace my magic ? ❞ he's itching.   his magic is bursting beneath the surface of his forearms and fingers,   yearning terribly to be released.   ❝ i can fend them off. you can lay low on your magic. i'll do it. ❞ at times like these,   when he holds himself back,   merely existing is much more difficult.   he also knows if he expends all of his capacities now,   he surely won't be able to afford even a bit more to run with her.   that,   and the harpy will inevitably burst from him in a horrific demonstration of defiance against the jurisdiction of his own magic.   he'll risk much more than his energy to keep her safe.
yet he hates to do nothing about it.   soon,   he tugs at her hand,   already staggering with her in tow toward an opening in the wall.   ❝ this way.   i've set a few redirection spells her so they can't sneak up on us.   let me carry you.    ❞    he shakes his shoulders as if ruffling invisible wings,   raising a hand to clear away the rubble with the wind itself.    ❝    it will be faster that way.    ❞ 
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thunder-point · 2 years
A prompt: sasuke and naruto r typical enemies/rivals. One gets injured and the “Who did this to you?” line drops 😫😫 Truly basic but so indulgent
Hello, hello darling anon! Thank you for this prompt. It may be basic as you say, but indeed I can admit it's an indulgence for me as well, so it would be an honor to write something for it. A little nugget of indulgence in my own way of taking and developing this prompt idea.
Sorry for the mistakes, it's not proofread!
Here it goes:
Naruto is used to Sasuke wildly appearing on the training grounds he usually attends and simply starting a mock fight with him, without any words given, without any announcement beforehand, and also, Naruto is used to indulging him with it.
Really, it has happened too many times in the last years. It's a habit for them, at this point. It's a kind of training that makes him ache with discontent when he actually trains alone and there's no wild Uchiha to interrupt and throw a masterful hit back.
But, and here comes the but; what he's not used to is the sluggish, almost lazy, uncoordinated hit Sasuke throws at him as a start. Not because Sasuke doesn't have days where, maybe, he's not in the mood for a fight, or doesn't have his bad days, but usually if that may be the case, he straightforwardly doesn't show himself, and lets Naruto do his hours of practice on his own. When they fight, everything and anything has the embers of their fire blazing at the end of it. Their movements jerk with the forces of all the impacts. That's what makes the thrill rise, their breath be yanked out of their grinning mouths.
So, naturally, Naruto frowns instead, and he only hits back with a lounging kick because of Sasuke's warning, Sharingan-red glance. They don't talk, typically, during these kinds of fights. It's not like the ones they had when they were on different sides and ideologies, this is pure fulfillment of the body, thus the bodies talk on their own.
Yet, right now, as he's met with so much slack for the one who normally pounds force against him like one would beat an iron wall, Naruto can't help the puzzled, slightly mean stretch of his lips.
"Are you going easy on me?" Their usual taunts, the never-ending bickering, that comes as easy as breathing. "Didn't peg you for such a coward, Uchiha."
Sasuke merely grunts, and somehow, as much as it increases concern, it also raises his hackles like no other. Because, sure, Sasuke's retorts usually make his irritation grow, but to be kind of disregarded makes it worse. Much, much worse. Of course, he doesn't question it; doesn't look too much into his mood souring when his rival/kind-of-best-friend ignores him. That's dangerous territory.
So he concentrates on anger instead, and perhaps that was a mistake on its own. He aims a forceful hit at Sasuke's gut, and it knocks the man to his back with a choked sound that you wouldn't see coming from him on a normal day. That makes him halt, finally. He stops with a glide from the backlash of the hit, and immediately rushes to Sasuke's side with little puffs of air, kneeling beside him.
"What-" The shocking patch of blood drenching the side of Sasuke's shirt makes his words turn into a splutter. "Holy fuc- Did I do this somehow? No- Sasuke, why the fuck did you even enter a fight with me when you're hurt like this? Are you really that stupid? Dumbass!"
He lifts the ruined hem of the shirt, gritting his teeth at the gruesome wound that is revealed to him. Sasuke eyes are shaded by his arm, his mouth parted with deep heaves of breath, and Naruto knows he should have picked up the Uchiha and jumped roofs until he reaches the Hospital, or at least Tsunade or Sakura, maybe even Ino, but he only reaches one of the hefty trees on the training grounds when Sasuke lets out a guttural moan that he's clearly trying to hide through his teeth, and Naruto puts him down against the trunk, before he takes his jacket off in a hurry and rips the lower half of his white shirt without a second thought.
That gets him a confused glance from Sasuke, but Naruto simply crouches down beside him, abdomen now exposed to the world, and bunches the piece of material into a fist, before pressing it on the oozing wound. It turns the white into crimson almost immediately, and he curses clumsily, pressing harder.
"You should've gone straight to the Hospital," he mutters, feeling the blood already on his fingers. He grimaces. "Stupid. You're so stupid."
Sasuke doesn't say anything, he's not even looking at him; plainly leaning his head back against the tree with a hard-stone expression. Naruto squints at him, and exhales, sitting with his legs under his butt.
"Hey," he mumbles after a few minutes pass, and the blood seems to be slowing down, and after a pause, Sasuke does turn his half-lidded gaze towards him, droplets of painful sweat already sliding down the straight bridge of his nose, the sides of his handsome face. Naruto can't help himself, his heating worry, and leans slightly forward, voice uncharacteristically soft, "Who hurt you like this?"
It's a thought that plagued him the moment he noticed something truly wrong with Sasuke, and it doesn't live his head even when Sasuke simply looks him in the eye, lips still parted, labored breathes hitting Naruto full-on his own frowning mouth. Who succeeded in hitting Sasuke straight on like this? And such a deep wound, as well.
"Who did it?" Naruto repeats, tone of voice lower, mustering the nerve to gingerly bump noses with Sasuke in a gentle, maybe playful encouragement to get the Uchiha to talk. "C'mon, tell me. I will kick their butt for you. That is, if you didn't fuck them up already after your pride took the hit."
That makes Sasuke snort, the sound lifting the corners of his mouth a little, and Naruto never had the urge so strong to kiss those inviting lips ever before, even when they're slightly cracked - still so fucking charming to look at.
He's yanked out of his trance the moment the cold tip of Sasuke's nose makes contact with his again, and this time it stays there, and Sasuke's breaths are a little calmer.
"Doesn't matter anymore," Sasuke says, rough but with that lilt of his that makes Naruto's tummy do little jumps. It's as unnerving as is comforting. A colder hand joins his to press harder on the wound, and suddenly, lips are on his ear, soft yet scratchy on his skin. "But thank you. For this."
Naruto shivers, closes his eyes, and thinks. Fuck. Of course I'm in love with this asshole.
"Don't mention it," he replies meekly, and swallows once more when he feels a fond smile against his ear. "But next time, go to a Hospital, dumbass."
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arrolyn1114 · 2 years
Elvis Ask Game
Thanks for the tag @alienelvisobsession
When and what was your first exposure to Elvis Presley?
Honestly can't remember but it would have been sometime when I was a little kid. I love music and my tastes cover multiple decades and genres. My mom introduced me to music at a very young age. I jokingly say that while other kids were watching Sesame Street I was watching music videos and listening to records. But my love of music originally comes from my mom introducing me to rock music from the 50s, 60s, and 70s. So Elvis was mixed in there with all the other artists she loved.
And what was your first impression?
I loved how powerful his voice was, I remember being very impressed with his vocals.
Lace shirts or jumpsuits?
Oh man, I mean, I like both, but I really love those jumpsuits!
You can steal one of Elvis/Austin’s outfits, what’s it going to be?
Not gonna lie, I kinda dig this shirt haha. It's both hideous and amazing at the same time.
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But in all seriousness, probably one of the many jumpsuits, those things were so cool.
C’mon, we know you’ve been watching/reading old interviews and random footage of the man, so what’s your favorite random Elvis quote?
"If you don't tell me what you want I can't help you get it!"
Whew, sir, please. 🥵🔥
Did you find Austin Butler’s lips distracting despite them being in a movie about the King of plush upper lips? (Be honest now)
Absolutely. Omg.
What’s an aspect of Elvis’ character you wish more people appreciated?
I know others have already stated it, but it bears repeating: his sense of humor. He had a great sense of humor.
You meet Col. Tom Parker for the first time, forewarned with the knowledge of what a scumbag he is, what do you do?: A. nothing, you’re a coward who doesn’t care about abused golden-hearted men B. you give the Colonel a stern telling off C. you encourage Elvis to leave him and break the contract E. you slap a legal document against that fat suit and declare “Mrs. Claus is bringing you a lawsuit” F. you waste no time with formalities, it’s a letter opener to the juggler for that piece of trash
F. He walked into my knife. He walked into my knife 10 times.
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What was your favorite aspect/scene from the Elvis 2022 movie?
Oh, it's hard to pick a favorite because there were so many things that were just phenomenal about the movie. It was amazingly well done. But if I *had* to pick a favorite, I would say scene by the elevator in the parking garage. That scene absolutely ripped my heart out and stomped on it but that's because it was so well directed and acted. I honestly think that's the clip they should show at the Oscars for Austin's nomination. Because if he's not nominated I will fight someone.
You can choose only one song or piece of media to convince someone to become an Elvis fan, what is it going to be?
Seriously, just one thing? Well, I guess I'm gonna have to go with either the '68 Comeback Special or the concert film, "That's The Way It Is."
How many children would you give Elvis Presley from your own -or theoretical- womb? (listen to the beast in ya, your feminism won’t serve you here)
(Laughs in bilateral salpingectomy) But, for the sake of theoretical situations, however many he wants.
Where are you hanging out with EP, his bedroom with the teddy bears, Club Handy, his private jet or Graceland?
Graceland, baby!
What is the peak Elvis era? warning, this says an awful lot about you…
Mid 60s - early 70s for sure.
How long have you been an Austin Butler fan (be honest now, God is watching)
Actually the Elvis movie is the first thing I ever saw him in and so far the only thing I've seen him in. He was amazing in the Elvis movie though so I hope it gets him more quality acting jobs. He deserves it.
What kind of Elvis chick are you? -a 1950’s prospective wife material that he’s already sampled, a 1960’s filmset fling or a Vegas torrid backstage affair?
Oh I'm a Vegas torrid backstage love affair baby, all the way!
Is Austin Butler an honorary southerner now? Answer options: A. hell no, California can keep his sweet cheeks. B. hell yes, he’s practically been possessed by the soul of the King of the South
So, I'm from Virginia which geographically is part of the South, but I'm specifically from Northern Virginia which is actually a suburb of Washington DC and anyone from any part of VA will tell you it's a completely different place from the rest of VA, the rest of VA actually considers itself a part of the true South. So, that said, honestly, I don't know. I guess he can be a honorary Southerner if he wants but you're better off asking someone from the actual South this question.
Pick your poison in the fan-fiction realm: angst, fluff, smut, fluffy smut, angsty fluff, angsty smut?…or is reading about Elvis Presley an acknowledged health hazard?
I'll read pretty much any genre of fanfic if the writing is good and I enjoy the story.
Spit or swallow for this man? (And if you don’t understand this question move right along)
Oh swallow, for sure. And I don't care who knows it either.
Would Gladys approve of you? Take your above answer into consideration
I mean...I'm kind of a dirty horndog who absolutely has no shame in admitting I want to do sexy fun things to her son but I mean, other than that, maybe? Honestly, I don't know haha.
Which of Elvis’ cars is your favorite?
Uh, is this a trick question? 50s Cadillac, man!!
What are your odds for besting this man at karate?
Well, I am an athlete, I'm a runner and I box/kickbox and do functional strength training so I might have a chance to at least hold my own for a decent amount of time. He obviously is taller/heavier than I am, but size isn't the only important thing in a fight. Speed and ability to dodge and slip are also important factors. So I'm going to go with I'd be able to put up a good fight but he'd probably end up kicking my butt in the end.
If you could meet Elvis and have enough composure to tell him something, what would it be?
I'd tell him that he had such a lasting impression on music and pop culture in general and that he is so loved even all these decades after his death and will continue to be loved going forward. Basically I'd tell him that he will never, ever be forgotten.
What’s a hobby or pastime of yours you wish you could share with Elvis/Austin!Elvis
Comic books since I know he loved comics too. We could talk about our favorite characters and series.
What’s the Elvis 2022 quote you’ve been mumbling to yourself ever since you heard it?
I quote "Cause Colonel's got big debts baby!" a lot.
What are your top 3 go-to Elvis songs?
Top 3 go-to songs are gonna be: Can't Help Falling in Love, Suspicious Minds, Polk Salad Annie
If you could spare him one tragedy what would it be?
I mean, I wish I could spare him several tragedies but if I had to pick only one let's say his mother dying when she did. It was a catalyst for so many other issues that surfaced afterwards.
Is there a modern artist that sorta scratches for you the itch that Elvis’ absence leaves?
Pffffft, good lord no. He was one of a kind, accept no substitutes.
How did you react at the end of the movie when In the Ghetto started to play A. I got up and fixed a snack because I have no soul, B. I left feeling alarmingly horny, C. I was impressed but didn’t realize how affected I was until days later when it was still with me D. I cried buckets they had to bring in a mop E. I may have appeared emotionless but in fact my soul was leaving my body and I don’t think it’s returned quite yet
Ah, I think it was E, because I remember my first thoughts being "Ok this movie was honestly way better than I thought it was going to be. I'm impressed, well done Baz." And then as I processed what I had just watched it started to hit me how amazing of a movie it was and I got emotional at that point. I had a D reaction during the second viewing.
And we won't talk about how many times I've watched it total. I finally had to buy myself a copy because HBOMax was going to get tired of my ass and eventually and cut me off. And I don't want to get cut off, I need HBOMax for other things.
If you’ve got a favorite gif or photo insert it here and bless us all
I mean there's a lot of gifs and pics that I like but for this post I'll bless you with a gif from the 68 Comeback Special. You're welcome.
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Whew, that was a long ask game. But I enjoyed answering it. So if you read the whole thing I hope you enjoyed reading my responses.
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circles-and-metaphors · 7 months
sometimes i run my nails across my shoulder blade and imagine it’s you. back to the before— i would pre-game our encounters with hot showers and loose-fitting shirts, and the lights are off now, and your hands feel good, and our show is playing for pretense. i guess it was never really yours though, that way i can still call it mine without seeing your fingerprints all over it.
my body is mine. i meant the show. the show is mine.
oh dear, ruined and you never even kissed me. i thought about it in your car when we laid the seats back. anyone could’ve seen us. i would’ve crawled into your body to be closer to you, but i settled for the driver’s seat. i wish you had freckles, so i could have an excuse to linger. what a waste…maybe i could give you mine, press my face against yours like those tacky DIY stamp kits, so you get the impression i am yours. i go to the restaurant and box up half of my sandwich. i am yours. i swear we used to leave without leftovers. i am yours. it’ll go bad in my fridge, and i’ll cry over something rotten, microwave something else for dinner instead, and laugh about how my roommate doesn’t know who you are. i don’t flinch when i get the email that my dorm’s name is the same as your last.
oh, i see. still crawling inside you, am i?
i didn’t know what to say when you told me about the dreams. but you haven’t thought about it like i have. you can press me into hotel doors, and i will imagine quaint cottages. you can get off to the things i let slip: “i want to put my mouth on your legs.” i can work up and you can get worked up. stupid, stupid, stupid. we both know who would’ve been against the wall. at least i was never braver than when i was with you, because i really would’ve admitted to anything.
it’s spilling again, your alarm is going off, and dreams are a heinous thing, aren’t they? maybe that’s why i despise sleeping. who do i need to speak with to straighten out the story? REM hasn’t quite got the memo you don’t look at me like that anymore. why are we in a grocery store? why is the world ending? and why are the rips in your jeans so important? i’m up, i’m up, i’m falling again.
oh, you and the horrible habit are the same? should’ve seen that coming. wouldn’t have bothered locking the closet every night if i knew you were in my bed the whole time. love, you still love me? that’s nice. no, that’s a good one. very you, really, never ceasing to care in that “happy birthday, hope you’re doing well” kind of way. i should’ve kissed you for real instead of talking about how i did it in my head last night.
“you would mess up your first kiss by kissing me?”
darling, mess up everything, please. should’ve gone all or nothing. there’s my father’s voice, saying, “stop crying, or i’ll give you something to really cry over.” would you really? i mean, could you? kiss me? it was always going to hurt anyway. this part deserves a Netflix special. it was hilarious forgetting you used to tuck my hair behind my ear, because i frowned, for a very long time, at why the motion was so familiar. and then it hit me, agonizingly soft and slow. why do you have to be the greatest thing i’ve ever touched? like an idiot. like a real fool. someone call the king! ask if he’s lost a jester.
bet you would’ve loved that, wouldn't you?
"i like being called good.”
yeah, sweetheart, i know. and i would make myself the bad guy just for you. don’t sweat it. this is what we both want, after all—something to stave off the boredom and something to swallow me whole. it works and it’s painful and it’s satiating. you know just where it hurts, just where to touch to make it feel good enough to stay. if you didn’t want to hear me say i loved you, you should’ve kissed it from the tip of my tongue. you should’ve eaten it right up. but you were a coward. or maybe you just liked to hear me run my mouth, and i fell for it. you’re good. you are so good. god, you’re fucking perfect. don’t stop—
i mean it sarcastically, of course, but also devotedly. what? what did you expect? prom night, i fell asleep in your arms in front of everyone. i should've gone to bed with you, should've followed you out when i saw you get up in the middle of the night. you told me you waited for me, and god, (why must you do that?) i could’ve had you with four walls for a few more hours. i should’ve gone to bed with you.
we’re speeding through, i know. a crash course on the crash-and-burn. to be fair, it was out of order when we began. pick any star and start there; you can draw whatever constellation you like best. strangers to enemies to friends to “hypothetically speaking, i think i’m in love with you." jesus, the pins and needles are setting in. i can’t feel my legs anymore.
oh, that wasn’t dirty enough for you? “i would get on my knees and open you up.” better? "i want you to say my name into my neck until it looks like a tattoo." how was that? "i want to hook your ankles over my shoulders, while you—"
ok, I’ll stop. sorry. you know how it is. right before the end times kicked into full gear, i remember this day, on a trampoline, and something about birds. that was the last time i was ever really certain about being sure. and during the apocalypse, when i was positive (but not sure) i was dying in the hospital, it was you on my mind. maybe that’s why i was scared out of it. i thought we weren’t allowed to occupy the same space anymore. you can take the vital organs, i guess. leave me the limbs.
...yes, i hate summer. yes, it’s because of you. yes, i’m always sorry.
i don’t write for you anymore, but i still i still i still i still i still i still i still i still
write for you.
i didn't come until you left (12. 29. 23)
0 notes
Watching the owl house
Spoilers idk how to do a cut on mobile
This BETTER be another dream fake out
I’m crying
The collector trying to fix her
Babies first experience with mortality
She turned into light glyphs I’m sobbing
Everyone knows what happened
“She’s really gone”
Yeah kiddo she’s in the ink realm now
ok I need those pj pants
He’s just watchin tv like the rest of us
Wait but why is hooty his eye
- is hooty literally his eye in the sky
I’m sobbing why didn’t this get a longer run
Someone save the puppets
- wait wait what is the magic run out?
If I know my daughter she wont let dying stop her
I thought he was talking about his TEARS
God damnit this snake is so stupid I still hate it so much
Why???? She look like that. Tiktok is going to have a feild day with this cosplay material
I’ve rewatched those 12 times
Also this remix slaps
No not skelly crumbling
- Camilla just drawing them out like a badass
Did that motherFUCKER JUST BARK
Oh EW I did not expect the boiling isles to literally look that gorey
Yay fun magic adventure to go stab kings dads heart to dead
- they remind me too much of my partner if they croak I’m I’m going to loose it
Why does Luz’s hat have a little light bubble on it
wait don’t fucjing monologue babe just kill him
That was a good fucking frame
Adopt the baby plz you guys can each get one hit on him but after that everyone be friends like in the mark comics
WHERES LUZ ok there she is
Yes the rain
Oh ew what
He is NOT human
-is she not human anymore
Is that what he wanted to say to him
She is… not going to be able to go back to the human realm and be normal
Also was like, the boiling isle only one fucjing wacko island that the rest of the demon realm like didn’t touch bc belos? Like the post apocalyptic America of this universe
darius father of the year award
SYNTH HELL YEAH I’m going to listen to that on repeat for years
Who the FUCK was that third guy
Hey I’m so gay wtf eda making raine a NEST
When ur aunt has a kid and ur cousin is the most annoying and dangerous 9 year old on the planet
No Titan magic?? I’m crying
-can she do magic now? From her staff I guess?
Oh wait this is going to be a Vee fake out
Oh worm that IS vee??
Wait did they go back to the human realm? Why is hooty interacting with a person
Mmmmm is that a twilight baseball reference or am I just brain dead
I want that snake shirt so bad
Also two ear piercings slay
“It’ll be nice to finally see everyone again” so DID she go to regular or magic highschool tell us
I’m making those tshirts
- imagine hearing that everytime you come in
The animation
I’m sobbing
HEY YOU FUCKKNG COWARDS WHY CAN YOU NO CONSISTENTLY DRAW FAT PEOPle I saw Willow flying and went fuck yeah but then she walks around and they skinny washed her again
Hunter palisman carver adorable
Ok I appreciate the animation but was it important to make that huntlow scene so beautiful and yet STILL NO KISS
Liliths plans I’m screaming “disco maybe”
That’s what I wanna look like
ok that girl playing the harp I know we know her name but smash smash love the new hair
Professor dog boy for life
We’re going to see a high uptake in patch based fashion this year thanks Dana
Also raine hello smashsmashsmashsmash
SHORT HAIR GIRL TWIN where’s the brother
Oh there he is and he looks no different but I’m glad he’s vibing
Wait wait the basilisks I’m crying
The bat babies hanging upside down got me
They sounded ALOT less haunted than our birthdays FUCKING MOOD BUDDY
Ok that dress goes HARD
Spider cake Steve has my heart
Noooo kings glyphs have horns I’m crying
Ok gtg cry before rehearsal I’ll see you all in therapy
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hemaris · 3 years
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pov you are the dead rat i saw on the sidewalk this morning before i had even had my quintuple espresso hot chocolate
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hey! love your writing! can i request vergil tending to nero's wounds (+dante if you feel like it?) including the line "it's not okay! you're not fine!" pleaease i just want to see vergil's cold facade crack. hahaha hoohoho. feel free to do with this prompt whatever you want, i am chanting like a crowd of feral gorillas i want to see how will you manage to write vergil who's really struggling to keep his cool but this (his) FUCKING kid is SO dumb and he could've died oh my *god*
ajd;asjdlas this got away from me I'm so sorry
Vergil had been in many fights. He knew everything from honorable combat to dirty fighting. 
This had still taken him by surprise.
They’d defeated the first two waves of enemies as they moved deeper into the subway tunnels their true enemy was hiding in. He had several lackeys who’d tried to set traps to stop their advance, but all traps had failed and all lackeys had fallen.
It seemed it would be an easy enough job. A coward hiding behind demons and henchmen was never much of a challenge. It should’ve been a quick, simple job. Easy money. 
The twins had fallen back a few steps because they were bickering. Dante was insisting easy jobs were a good thing because they got paid for so little effort. Vergil was arguing that more challenging jobs were necessary to earn bigger pay and increase their skills. 
Nero had moved ahead of them, rolling his eyes at the fighting he’d grown used to by now. “Can we hurry this up? I’m hungry. If we get back in time, Kyrie will make us lunch.”
“Kyrie will make us lunch anyways,” Dante said dismissively. 
Nero glared over his shoulder. “Don’t just expect her to be your personal chef. She has things to do too. So let’s get back as soon as we can.”
“He has a point. He at least helps her cook, while you just laze around like usual,” Vergil said.
It had started another light bickering between the twins. As they approached a new room, Vergil had only turned to scan it quickly.
So when the gunshot rang out, he saw Nero’s body jolt back from the force of it.
Nero fell to the ground, gasping for breath as blood bloomed alarmingly over his jacket. Over where his heart was.
There was so much of it already. Vergil couldn’t tell if he’d been shot directly in the heart or not. He had the Yamato in hand and had rushed past Nero so fast that the world seemed to blur around him.
The coward hiding with the gun yelled in panic as Vergil suddenly appeared before him. Vergil sliced his hand off at the wrist, watching the severed limb fall to the ground, the gun clattering out of it.
“Guns are a coward’s tool,” Vergil snarled, placing his blade to the man’s throat. “And no child of mine will die by one.”
He sliced the man’s throat, leaving the bloodied body on the ground as he moved back to Nero. Dante had both hands over Nero’s chest, blood gushing through his fingers as he tried to slow it.
“Come on, come on,” he was muttering. “Stay with me, Nero. It’s barely a scratch.”
Vergil knelt beside him. Nero sucked in a wet, gasping breath.
“Fine,” he rasped out. “H-He…missed…h-heart. S’okay.”
“It’s not okay!” Vergil said impatiently, shoving Dante’s hands away and pushing away Nero’s jacket, tearing his shirt away from the wound. “You’re not fine!”
He examined the wound before ripping Nero’s shirt to press over it to slow the bleeding. If it had been over just a tiny bit, it would’ve struck the boy’s heart and killed him instantly. 
And all because the twins had been arguing behind him. They’d been leading the way the whole time until they got arguing. Nero was fast, but Vergil was much faster. He could’ve dodged the shot and killed the attacker before anyone got hurt.
But no, he’d been having another frivolous argument with his brother. And now Nero was…
Vergil pressed harder to the wound. Nero was not dying here, not to some coward’s lucky shot. If they could just keep pressure on the wound until Nero’s body started to heal, he would be okay. He had to be. 
“Karma for that time you impaled me with my own sword,” Dante said.
Nero weakly lifted his middle finger. Dante seemed relieved at the sight.  
“Will you stop joking around?” Vergil snapped. “Help me with him.”
He felt on-edge, and it must’ve shown, because even Dante didn’t tease him about it. Vergil looked down at the blood covering his hands.
And he was back there, his home burning, his blood making his clothes stick to him uncomfortable, so much pain in his body and his heart. Everything fine and normal one minute, and collapsing before him the next. 
Too sudden. The shot had been too sudden. Nero could’ve gone from rolling his eyes to dead and gone forever with one pull of the trigger.
Vergil grit his teeth and forced himself to focus on the present moment. He had survived that awful time, just as Nero would survive this.
Dante took over applying pressure so Vergil could further tear Nero’s shirt into a makeshift bandage. He and Dante slowly lifted Nero, who swayed alarmingly, face unnaturally pale.
Vergil wrapped Nero’s wound and caught the boy as he lost consciousness. The blood loss was severe, but hopefully not fatal thanks to Nero’s demonic heritage. He could survive injuries that would kill a normal human. Vergil firmly reminded himself of that fact.
“He’s going to be okay,” Dante said. “He just likes to be overdramatic. But if he can still flip you off, he can pull through. Learned that in Fortuna.”
“Of course he’ll be okay,” Vergil said tightly. “He’s just made this job take longer, is all.”
“I’ll go finish up. You stay here with him until it’s safe to move him. I’ll be back,” Dante said.
Vergil was going to argue, then realized it was pointless. Someone had to stay with Nero while he was unconscious and Vergil’s reaction times were faster if someone tried to sneak up on them.
Dante continued on and Vergil looked down at Nero. His breathing was still labored and blood was still spreading along the makeshift bandage.
Only this idiot would insist he was fine as he bled out. He was infuriating as hell.
But he was alive. Vergil did not close his eyes, for fear he would be transported back to that terrible day of loss and pain and fear. He had never forgotten how suddenly everything could change, but to narrowly avoid the death of his own son was a potent reminder of how cruel the human world could be.
Vergil placed a hand on Nero’s chest, just feeling the unsteady rise and fall of it with each breath. He had not been able to save his mother, but he stayed protectively by his child’s side now, ready to keep anyone else from being torn violently from his life.
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
The Devil’s own.
Jungkook x OC
Mafia Au!
Warnings : Non-Con ! Manipulation, Degradation, Shitty hero with no redeeming Qualities you have been warned. ( i mean he does get better but not much.)
Summary : Just Mob Boss Jungkook doing mob boss things.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
I wasn’t sure how long I stayed there , staring at the ceiling and trying to come to terms with what had just happened. It was revolting. It was nauseating. It made me want to claw my own skin off. I stared at the intricate designs , carved into the ceiling, the panels that reflected life and made the room seem bigger than it was. The scent of jasmine and rosemary clung to the sheets and the drapes in the room, cloyingly sweet and meant to arouse the occupants.
I wondered how I’d got here.
I had memories of satin silk sheets and bright lights. My father had always spoiled me, the best of the best only for his only daughter and I’d indulged in luxury to my heart’s content. More shoes than I could possibly wear in a life time. Every season’s collection, straight into my wardrobe whether I asked for it or not. Diamonds and rubies and emeralds set in platinum and gold , jewelry to match my clothes and even my car if I felt like it.
I shut my eyes in despair. I didn’t miss the luxury as much as I missed the solitude. The option to just not do anything. My father hadn’t cared enough to see what I was upto and everyone knew that I was betrothed to Jungkook.
And that meant no dates or party invites because after the third guy got his arm in a sling after accidentally brushing past me , word kind of spread.  Stay away from Elena Gong or the Jeon kid will break your bones.
I shuddered. It had been an obsession, I thought vacantly.
Jungkook had been obsessed, even back then. I just hadn’t paid much heed to him. Because Jungkook back then had been terrifying but also ridiculously endearing in some way. He had seemed for lack of a better word…..insignificant. I was beautiful and rich, never lacked for attention and he was just one among the dozens. Even if I was betrothed to him, I hadn’t given much thought to him.
And Jungkook had taken my indifference in stride. He’d laughed and played around and I hated to admit it, treated me like a queen. Flowers, chocolates and gifts every other day . He would follow me around like a puppy , and I wondered if perhaps my dismissive attitude towards him back then had been a mistake. Did it push him over the edge?
My heart ached fiercely and when I finally willed myself to move, my body protested.
Every inch of me was sore and aching. My head because of how hard he’d gripped my hair. I sat up on shaky legs, fingers trembling as I pulled my shit up to stare at my body. Bite marks littered my skin, marring the smooth surface and I felt bile in my throat at the memory of his teeth on me.  Finger shaped bruises were beginning to bloom around my thighs and I couldn’t breathe over the agony ripping up my insides.
I glanced down between my thighs, at the sticky mess of his release dripping down into the sheets, staining the sheets a murky pink. I shuddered, disgusted. God, I hated him. Where was my phone? My clothes were still there at the foot of the bed and I noticed the small door on the right wall. Crawling off the bed on shaky legs , I limped carefully to the bathroom.
I took Hoseok’s shirt off dropping it in the corner before turning the showers on.
The water felt like a whip on my skin as I sat on the tiled bathroom floor , a small washcloth gripped tight in my hand as I carefully cleaned myself up. I had no idea what the time was… It must be very early or very late. No matter. I had to get out of here and get to Jisoo. I swallowed, imagining her alone all this time. The doctors had said she would be up in Guilt churned as I quickly grabbed a towel from the closet and wiped myself down.
It took me another ten minutes to finish dressing up and just as I finished slipping into my shoes, the door opened.  I glanced up, catching sight of Hoseok as he leaned against the door. He looked a little haggard, a black silk shirt unbuttoned to his chest and tucked into fitted jeans. I stared at him, watching the way his gaze roved over every inch of exposed skin, looking just a tad bit worried.
“The Hospital called. “ He said gently, “ They’re ready to release you sister. They want to know if you can come pick her up. The baby’s going to have to stay in the NICU for a couple of weeks.”
I groaned. Great. More bills.
“I need a job. “ I said miserably. “ Help me out.” I stared at him beseechingly and Hoseok gave me a look.
“you know the kind of jobs I provide. You’re not built for it. “ He said shortly and I shook my head, impatient.
“that’s not what I meant and you know it. You and your friends pretty much own every club in the city. Get me a job ….” I whispered, moving to stand in front of him and he recoiled.
Just as always, I thought bitterly. Coward.
As much as a coward now as he’d been ten years ago, when he’d pretended that he didn’t have any feelings for me. Pretended that he didn’t give a damn about me.
The throb in my skull grew in intensity.
My throat was dry and I felt my vision swim a bit. I was tired. Exhausted . I hadn’t slept in….how long really? I hadn’t eaten in a day…for sure… And I likely wasn’t going to be eating for a long while, let alone feeding Jisoo if I didn’t get a job right away. I had twelve thousand won to my name and that was it.
“Jungkook-“ He began but I was sick of his name so I growled.
“Fuck, do you want me to beg Hoseok? I will… I can’t … I need a job… Please.” I said desperately, staring at him and his gaze softened.
“Elena, stop looking at me like that, fuck.” He swore, turning and punching the wall hard. “ fuck.”
“Just help me get a job. I’m not asking you to give me money or something.  You don’t even have to get it for me… Just tell me who’s hiring ? Somewhere away from Jungkook and his men.” I whispered , and the sheer irony of it didn’t escape me. Jung Hoseok was possibly one of Jungkook’s main men.
He ran his hand over his forehead, shaking his head.
“You’re going to get me killed someday.” He muttered, “ Fine. There’s a club down in Itaewon. It caters to cops and lawyers exclusively so Jungkook and his men usually keep out of it. My friend owns the place. His name is Im Jaebum.  I’ll get you a job there , waitressing. Is that alright?” He said softly and I wanted to sob in relief as I nodded. Itaewon meant pretty close to where the bakery was. I could take the bus.
“Fine. I’ll talk to him and call you. Here…” He held out a wad of cash and I took it greedily, eyes widening at the 100,000 written on the margin of each note. This was a lot of money.
“Hoseok…”I said stunned and he shrugged. “ Get food and baby stuff for Jisoo. If she’s going to feed the baby she needs to eat well. Fruits and veggies and lot of protein. If you run out, tell Jaebum you need some advance. He’ll pay you well.”
I nodded, stuffing the money into my pockets quickly . I swallowed when my insides throbbed, aching something fierce.
“Thank you.” I said softly, staring up at him and he hesitated, before reaching out and gently cupping my face in his palm. I flinched at his touch and he recoiled.
“Was he… Did he hurt you?” He whispered quietly and I smiled bitterly.
“Wasn’t that the whole point?” I sighed, shaking my head . I hesitated . I wasn’t sure if Hoseok would listen to me but I had to try at least.
“ Can you not tell him? That… That I was a virgin?” I asked quietly and he nodded.
“Wasn’t planning to.” He said casually.
I stared at him. I’d always found him handsome. Beautiful. Perfect . And I wondered where we had gone so wrong.
“Do you regret it.” I whispered. “ All those choices you made.”
“Which ones? …” he asked bitterly.
“you know… “ I snapped. “ the ones that lead us here. You and me…. Standing here like strangers. “
“I wouldn’t risk my life for a stranger. Which is what I’m doing every time I help you .” He said quietly.
“So what are we then?” I demanded.
“Old friends” He said casually.
I snorted.
“Fucking coward.” I whispered , loud enough for him to hear as I brushed past him and walked away.
I trudged all the way to the VIP room in the hospital flinching because that was probably a lot of money to be repaid , now owed directly to the devil spawn that was Jeon. I had grabbed a small meal on the way before quickly getting the bus to the Hospital. It was little past eleven in the morning and the hallways were packed with people. Sighing, I moved to the room where Jisoo was, slowly opening the door.
Min Yoongi sat on the chair next to the bed, gazing idly at my sister in law.
To say that I was shocked would be the biggest understatement of the century. My lips parted in shock, panic bubbling up inside me as I exhaled sharply.
“What-“ I swallowed gazing between him and my Jisoo, who was sitting up against the backrest on the bed, a tray of food on her lap and a small smile on her face.
“Lena!! You’re here!” She cried out softly, tears filling her eyes at once as she held both her hands up. I moved to hug her but my mind stayed on the man near the bed, his sultry feline eyes trained unblinkingly on her. I wrapped my arms around her, trying to get my breathing to regulate but it was impossible.
What on earth was Yoongi doing here?
“Mr. Min came to see me. He told me he knew Daehwan.” Jisoo said softly, looking sad but hopeful and I felt my heart turn over as I turned to stare at him.
Min Yoongi knew Daehwan as a target . A hit he had carried out himself.
But I couldn’t say a thing. Not in front of Jisoo.
“I’m only here to offer my help. It pains me to see you suffering, Jisoo. I know your husband would want you to be taken care of.” He said softly, his gaze still fixed on her and I didn’t like it. At all.
Bile rising, I gave him a glare.
“I’ll take care of her. Please don’t trouble yourself.” I said shakily and he glanced at me, lips parting a bit, turning into a smirk.
“You look… well rested.” He smirked and I flushed.
“Lena, come on… I know all this…this must be expensive. We can use all the help we can get and Mr. Min-“
“Please call me Yoongi, sweetheart.” Yoongi said charmingly and my sister in law blushed. I felt my skin crawl.
“Y-Yoongi said he has a spare room. I can’t stay in the bakery.  And it’s not like he’s a murderer or anything. He showed me his card. He’s a lawyer.” She said softly and I sighed in despair. Jisoo was naïve bordering on stupid and I wasn’t equipped to deal with this.
As I watched she went back to the food, eating ravenously and I felt my heart clench. I could see the twin damp spots at her chest and I noticed the breast pump on the table. It looked brand new. I hadn’t even thought about things she may need after the baby, too preoccupied with all the hospital bills and medicines I would have to pay for.
Diapers. Baby wipes. Those little flannel pieces mothers used to wipe down the baby. I felt my head spin, turning to Yoongi who was staring at me casually.
“Can we talk?” I said quietly and he straightened.
“Jisoo ssi… Please enjoy your meal. And here…” He gave her his phone. “ If you’re done, just give me a buzz on this.” He showed her something on the phone .” Go on try it.”
Jisoo pressed down on the screen curiously and Yoongi’s watch rang .
He grinned as she smiled.
“See? One touch and I’ll be here yeah?” He said softly, and I felt like I was stuck in some kind of drama, glancing between the pair of them.
“Are you leaving?” She asked curiously and he shook his head.
“I’ll be right here, outside. Having a word with Elena. You can finish your food and I’m guessing it’s time for you to pump again? The pediatrician said you’d have to pump every two hours with the milk so… if you get it ready, I’ll drop it off at the NICU.” He said calmly.
Jisoo nodded, staring at him with wide eyed gratefulness and I sighed in despair.
Yoongi moved to the door and I gave her a small smile before following him.
I waited till the door had closed behind me before turning to him, furious.
“What do you think you’re-“
“I want her.” He said shortly.
I felt my jaw come unhinged.
“No.” I hissed, furious and helpless with rage. “ Yoongi-“
“Don’t make me put a bullet in your head for this, Elena.” He said calmly and I exhaled shakily.
“She’s… You know she’s not like us. She doesn’t know anything about this life. As far as she knows my brother was a surgeon who got killed in a hit and run. You want to …. What do you really want? Did Jungkook put you upto this?”
“If Jungkook would have his way, your sister in law and your new nephew would both be dead. You know this.” Yoongi said casually. God, could I ever have a conversation with anyone without Jungkook being dragged into it? When did my life get twined so intimately with him?
“Where is he?” I asked quickly and Yoongi shrugged.
“He’s out of the country. He left an hour ago.”
“Switzerland….” I said before thinking and Yoongi stiffened.
“How did you know?” He demanded and I froze.
“I… I overheard …..someone.” I muttered and Yoongi moved so fast I barely caught it. The next second I was pressed up against the wall, his forearm pressing into my throat and holding me down while he held a knife right against my jugular.
“Nice try. Now the truth.” He hissed.
“Ouch..” I choked out , coughing  a bit. “ Fine.. Hoseok.. Hoseok told me.”
Yoongi pulled back.
“You fukcing him?” He asked casually and I glared at him.
“none of your business.” I snapped.
He laughed at that.
“I know you aren’t. Hoseok loves his dick too much to risk having it castrated.”
I sighed, shaking my head. I wasn’t here to talk about these bastards.
“Just leave Jisoo alone.” I said quietly and Yoongi sighed.
“What are you going to do with her, Elena. You can barely afford to feed yourself. You should be thankful I’m taking her off your hands.”
I ignored his nonsense and moved till I was pressed up against him, fingers curling into his chest. Yoongi looked surprised, lips twisting in displeasure when I blinked up at him.
“please.. Yoongi…” I begged, “ Don’t do this to me.” I said quietly. “ I … she’s all I have… She… My brother had nothing to do with any of this. You know that….He left this life decades ago. I don’t… I don’t know why Jungkook wanted him dead in the first place. I loved my brother and my brother loved his wife. I owe it to him … Please…just…Please leave her alone.” I whispered softly, letting my fingers drop to grip his arm.  
He tugged his arm away at once.
“ She needs more than empty platitudes and good intentions. She needs food and a place to stay with her baby. I’m giving her that.”
“And what do you get in return?” I demanded angrily. “ She just gave birth, fuck you. You can’t touch her , not unless you’ve lost the last shreds of humanity in that conscience of yours.”
He rolled his eyes.
“I’m not doing this for sex, Elena. If I wanted easy pussy, I would have come to you…” He smirked.  “ Don’t forget that Jungkook and I share our toys, yeah?”
I opened my mouth to retort before remembering that I was trying to get him to listen to him.
“Then why? What do you want…tell me?”
“I told you. I want her. As she is.” Yoongi shrugged.
“You killed her husband.” I said , voice shaking as I remembered what Jungkook had said. About my brother begging for his life because Jisoo was pregnant. And how Yoongi hadn’t given a shit and shot him anyway.
“A minor inconvenience. Trust me if I’d seen her before I killed him…” He sighed, shaking his head in regret and I frowned.
“You would have spared him? “ I asked bitterly and Yoongi laughed.
“No.. I would have killed him sooner.” He smirked. “ Is there a point to this whole conversation… I’m getting bored and Jisoo’s waiting inside.”
“We’re supposed to get her out of the hospital today and-“
“I’m taking her home.” He said briskly. “ I’ve already spoken to her. And She’s agreed that a ramshackle , dilapidated bakery isn’t the right place for a new mother and a tiny baby.”
And the worst part was that I couldn’t even disagree.
And I couldn’t help but feel angry, betrayed. Jisoo was…. How could she? She hadn’t even bothered to talk to me about it… Just agreeing to move in with Yoongi. She was older than me. Supposed to be the smart one. My body ached. If that was the bed she was going to make , she could lie on it.
“Going somewhere?” Jungkook’s voice made me freeze.
I swallowed, straightening and stepping back almost instinctively. He stood in the doorway, a cigarette held between his teeth as he stared at me . He looked like he’d showered as well, hair still damp and the smells of citrus and mint permeating the air around him.
It was exactly ten days since I’d last seen him and I’d settled into a routine of sorts. Im Jaebum’s bar, Venom was an exclusive club in Itaewon and I could easily disappear into the shadows, staying low and using the beret ( a part of the uniform ) to keep my face hidden as I served the patrons. Like Hoseok had said, the place was filled with cops and lawyers. Yoongi was a frequent fixture here , stopping for just a drink on most days before heading home to my sister in law.
It made me sick but there was nothing I could do about it. Jisoo and little baby Yunsu were both home and needed a l,ot of care. And Yoongi apparently had a cook, a housekeeper and a nanny who helped her out. Jisoo was wary, her senses finally returning but she was also clearly glad to be out of the streets.
“I’m going home after I finish my shift. “ I said softly, trying not to stare as he stepped into the room. I turned away from him moving to the shelves and pushing the small canister in place.
“Where’s home?” He asked casually. I flinched when he stepped right behind me, fingers reaching out to curl on my shoulder, pulling me back till I was flush against his chest. The heat of his body seeped in through the thin fabric of my blouse and I felt my body heat up.
“You got what you wanted.” I said shakily. “ Let me go.” I whispered, dropping the cleaning cloth in the tray on the lower shelves, before moving to grab the mop. I just had to finish mopping the floor . And then I could leave.
But his grip on me stayed firm. I couldn’t move. Foreboding rose inside me.
Jungkook hummed at that, stepping closer, till I felt his chin brush the top of my head as he bent over me, arms coming around me  and fingers lightly unbuttoning the first two buttons of my  shirt. I stared at the dark ink on his forearm. , swallowing as he kept coming closer.
“What I wanted? That pathetic little display ten days ago?”  He whispered softly “ Just think about this Elena ……  I’ve been chasing you for years, I got rid of your entire family and yet I let you live. Why do you think that was, huh? “ He shook his head, “ For two minutes of you lying underneath me like a frigid bitch? You think that’s what I want Elena? Think I’ll be satisfied with that? ” He laughed.
I stared at the wall in front of me  and I couldn’t do this. Couldn’t play this sick game with him. Not when he kept changing the rules . Not when there was nothing left for me to gamble or lose.
“Jisoo. I have to go see her. Just… Just let me go see her. I need to see if she’s alright and then we can talk. ” I whispered. Jungkook smiled, tilting my  head to the side with his fingers. I felt the damp press of his lips against my jaw and my skin crawled.
“Don’t worry, Yoongi’s taking care of her.” He whispered softly and I felt my heart turn over in my chest at the reminder. I’d been forced to relent because Yoongi had taken her home to a fully finished and decorated nursery , a closet full of baby clothes for her son and nursing clothes for her. She had been bowled over and when I’d told her to think about the why of it…she’d given me a helpless sort of smile. . As far as she was concerned , Yoongi had been nothing but generous and kind… And she wasn’t going to say no to him because she couldn’t afford to..
“I… he promised me he’d let me see her. And the baby…every day. That was the deal.”
Jungkook laughed.
“I thought I made this clear . You don’t get to make deals with anyone because you belong to me. I get to decide what happens to you. Anytime. Anywhere. Do you need another demonstration , Elena?” His hand moved to my breast, groping the flesh, fingers rough and hard and I whimpered in pain.
“No..” I choked out , eyes widening in terror and he made quick work of the rest of the buttons on my blouse. Junkook hummed, kissing the back of my neck and slowly turning me around in his arms.
“Relax. You don’t have a job. How are you going to feed her and the kid? Yoongi isn’t like me. He doesn’t hold a lot of grudges. And for some reason he seems to have a hard on for your sister in law. He wants to marry her. ” He chuckled and I felt nausea bloom.
“No.. Don’t… Don’t do that to her. She’s not like us. She doesn’t know… She doesn’t have anything to do with this life.” I begged, heart racing at the thought of Jisoo, helpless and scared and alone with a baby , trapped with a fucking assassin. Yoongi killed for a living . That was his job. Jisoo was delicate and sensitive.
“She still needs to eat and live right? With what?  He’s feeling particularly generous so he’s taken her home . You don’t have to worry about them anymore… Isn’t that nice?” he smirked and I felt my throat go dry.
I clenched my fists, feeling my breath catch.
“The only person you need to worry about yourself is yourself. Isn’t that how you prefer it anyway? Beautiful selfish Elena who never gave a fuck about anyone but herself. Isn’t that who you truly are, angel?” He smiled.
“Not anyone…. Just you… I don’t give a fuck about you.” I said defiantly, staring right up at him.  
Jungkook stared at me and stepped closer, reaching out and running his fingers up and down my cheek. I flinched because he still held the lit cigarette.
“None at all?”  He asked curiously, lightly tapping on the end of the cigarette, and I flinched when the hot ash spilled onto my shoulder.
“Did that hurt, baby?” He whispered, leaning in and pressing the cigarette to my lips.” I’m sorry. Breathe in for me.” He stuck the cigarette into my mouth and I pulled away , coughing and disgusted.
I closed my eyes as his free hand went to my wrist, tugging me closer. I stiffened as he wrapped his arms around me, drawing me in till my face pressed against his chest, his body flush against mine, one hand moving back to stroke my back.
“I missed you. You’re terrible at pleasing me but I think…with a little bit of training, you can make me cum… ” He smirked. “ Let’s start with a blowjob, yeah?”
I stiffened.
“No.” I said softly and he smirked, pulling back.
“No?” He asked softly. . I felt my throat go dry in fear as I noticed the way his gaze shifted.   I bit my lips to stifle the pain as He carefully pressed the lit end of the cigarette right against the curve of my breast , pressing in for a couple of seconds and pulling away just before the skin began to singe. He glanced up at me, and I blinked through the tears, pain spreading all over my chest at the burn. That would leave a scar, I thought miserably.
“Wrong answer. Try again.” He whispered.
“Go to Hell.” I choked out.
I flinched when his fingers slipped up into my hair, gripping hard. My scalp burned, sharp and insistent and instinct made me grip his wrist, trying to get him off but it was impossible.
“Let me go..” I snapped, glaring at him. God, How I hated him.
“Was I your first??” He whispered, dragging me close enough that his lips brushed my ear. “ Never had a cock before? Was that why you were so fucking tight?”
I bit my lips, glaring at him, defiant and furious. Did Hoseok actually tell him? That two faced snake…. God , why did these fuckers never leave me alone?
“Seokjin hyung told me…Told me he was looking forward to breaking a virgin and that made me think….God, I was the first cock she ever had….” He hummed, looking infinitely pleased.
“Yes. And I got to say… I don’t know what the fuss is about. You couldn’t even make me cum.” I snapped and Jungkook grinned, grip tightening and the other hand moving to curl around my waist, squeezing hard.
“Did I make you bleed from between your legs Elena? Tell me I did….Cause that’s fucking hot. ” He whispered, voice low and gruff.
Jungkook, I thought vacantly, was a psychopath.
“Go to Lisa. Go fuck her and make her bleed if that’s what gets you off….  and leave me alone.” I whispered and he smiled, bending down pressing a kiss right where he’d burned my skin.
“I don’t need you to tell me that. She’s my fiancé. The woman I’m going to marry. And you know what that means? I actually give a shit whether she cums or not. And trust me she does. Multiple times. Sometimes so hard she passes out.”
“Or maybe she fakes it. Maybe she passes out because she can’t stand your touch either.” I shrugged. “ Because we all know that’s what she’s good at Jungkook. She faked her friendship with me , she’ll fake her loyalty to you.”
“Always got something smart to say, huh Elena? Let’s see how mouthy you get when I’m shoving my cock down your throat.”
I flinched when he pushed me, hard enough to send me sprawling on the floor. I caught myself with difficulty , throwing my hands out to keep my head from hitting the floor. I flinched at the pain that shot up my body, every inch throbbing because of how rough this fucker had been with me.
Ten days and the aftermath of that night still lingered on me.
And it was three in the morning  and I’d spent eight hours on my feet bussing tables , I was exhausted.
I closed my eyes, before pressing my palm against the floor, trying to pull myself up when I felt the press of his shoe at the base of my spine, pushing me down.
I whimpered in shock, my hands giving out and shoulder crashing down into the floor.
“Stay down for a second, baby.” He whispered and I exhaled.
I pressed my palm against the floor, head dropping on to the carpeted floor . I whimpered when I felt him crouch down, foot digging in harder into my back and I curled my fingers into the carpet to swallow the pained sound that bubbled up in my throat.
“I’m going to fuck you again. And this time I want you to do all the work.” Jungkook’s voice came from over me and I flinched. I considered the odds of me putting up a fight and actually winning. It was laughable. I wasn’t going to fight a force of nature. And that was what Jeon Jungkook was.
“ You can’t make me do anything Jungkook.” I whispered finally. “ You can hit me and rape me and kill me but you can’t make me do anything to you. You just have to live with that.”
His foot lifted off my spine and I felt hands on my arms, pulling me up till I was kneeling. I watched as he moved around to stand in front of me.
“Look at me.” He said carefully.” From now you only speak when I tell you to.”
“ Whatever.  Let’s get this over with so I can go see my sister and my nephew.“ I said shakily.
He sighed deeply at that, shaking his head.
“See, if it was upto me, I’d just put a bullet in both their heads. Cos at this point they’re just proving to be a nuisance.”
My blood turned to ice in my veins.
“ But,  Yoongi’s just getting to know your pretty little Jisoo…And he’s my favorite hyung. So I’m going to let her live. But, let’s not invade their privacy for a while.” He began unbuckling his belt and I felt nausea rise inside me.
“Jungkook?” The voice came from the door and I stiffened.  Jungkook groaned.
“Baby, what the fuck are you doing here?” He said gruffly, standing up and using his knee to push me out of the way roughly. I swore, gripping the edge of the table near me to steady myself before turning around to stare at the woman at the door.  I stumbled to my feet, still feeling a little out of it. I needed food. Before I collapsed in a heap on the floor.
“You were supposed to come see me tonight. I went looking for you everywhere and I find you here about to get with some common whore?”  she shouted and I stiffened, glaring at her.
She stood framed in the doorway, staring at me for a second before letting her gaze wander all over the room. She stared at me, eyes taking in the unbuttoned blouse and I quickly moved to put the buttons back on.
“Did you fuck her?” She demanded angrily and Jungkook hummed.
“Since when did I owe you answers, angel?” He asked casually and I watched the woman’s eyes widen, before her brows furrowed in a frown.
“ So what, I can’t ask you who you’re with ?” She asked angrily and Jungkook groaned , kicking out at the nearest stand with enough force to send it toppling over the side, crashing to floor and breaking on impact. I stumbled, back, wrapping my arms around myself as he fairly growled.
“What the fuck is up with all you cunts today?” He demanded, glancing at me in distaste. “ I come back after busting my ass at work for ten entire days . I just needed to get my dick sucked and you two.” He shook his head, hand reaching into his jacket and I felt my eyes widen when he pulled his glock out, releasing the safety and loading the gun before pressing the muzzle right against her skull.
The woman whimpered, hands held up as he tapped the firearm against her.
“You. You don’t come anywhere near me unless I send for you. Is that clear?” He asked sharply and she nodded frantically, abject terror written all over her face.
He turned to me.
“And you. You’re coming with me.” He said quietly and I felt my eyes widen. I opened my mouth to protest but the girl at the door beat me to it.
“I think not…. You’re not taking her anywhere, Jungkook, I’ll-“ She began, reaching forward to grab him and Jungkook moved so quickly, I could barely blink.
The shot rang out , making me jump and I watched as she crumbled to the floor, crying out in pain. I stared in horror, watching the hole in her arm, spilling blood all over the floor and the hallway and my throat went completely dry,  staring at the girl on the floor and the blank, absolutely merciless look on his face.
“Just because I let you sit on my cock once in a while, doesn’t mean you get a say in how I live my life.” He said quietly, using his foot to prod her hip. He glanced at me and I felt my throat go dry as he pulled the glock back to reload it.
He aimed the gun right at me, eyes dark and heavy.
“Are you going to be good for me, baby? Or do you need a physical demonstration as well?” He tilted his head to where the girl was on the floor, pressing her palm against her arm.
“She’s  bleeding out.. “ I choked out. “ you need to get her help, Jungk-“
Another shot rang out and I jumped, heart in my throat as I tried to understand what had happened. It took me a second to realize that he hadn’t shot me. That he had fired at the ceiling.
“Answer the bloody question Elena.” He growled and I flinched, nodding.
“I… I’ll listen… Just…” I glanced back at the poor girl on the floor.” Get her some help.”
Jungkook smiled a little. He turned to the girl on the floor and shook his head.
“Get up baby. Go find Hoseok and get that patched up, yeah? And don’t provoke me the next time, yeah? ” He said casually and she stumbled to her feet, looking disoriented and scared as she moved out of the door.
“ And you. “ He glared at me. “Finish dressing up and follow me.”
“Where are we going?” I asked nervously, fighting the instinct to just take off at a sprint, as we walked down the road to where his Mercedes was parked.
“My home. Where else?” He said casually and I stiffened.
“Didn’t I tell you not to speak unless I ask you to, Elena? I’m jet lagged and angry. Trust me , you don’t want to piss me off now.” He said casually and I swallowed.
He opened the door for me, the polite gesture so at odds with what he was doing that my head began to throb.
But I climbed in nonetheless. I stayed quiet for the short ride to his apartment , eyes fixed straight ahead and Jungkook was quiet too. I was too exhausted to be scared, I thought despondently, my eyes drooping because of how long I’d been up. Glancing out the window, I watched the cars whizz by, people living their lives, completely unaware that almost all of them were merely tiny little gears in a machine run exclusively by men like Jungkook. That all their lives, spent working and earning and dying…it was all meaningless. They had no say in anything. People like Jungkook were the ones who got to shape the world to their liking. The ones who got to play God.
And Jungkook was definitely the closest to an omnipotent human I’d ever come across.
Powerful, untouchable and terrifying.
So perhaps, it was a little flattering, that I was the one thing he couldn’t get out of his head.
I glanced at him discreetly.
He was beautiful, I thought with a pang. One of the most beautiful men on this planet. Despite the years, his boyish charm was still right there on his face and he could slip on a plaid shirt , a white t shirt and stone wash jeans and pass off as an innocent college student. I stared at the taut jaw, the long column of his neck and the broad back. His biceps bulged when he gripped the steering when and my eyes lingered on the long fingers curled around the wheel.
I jumped when his hand moved to grip the stick shift , curling on the knob and yanking it back with force. I swallowed, thighs pressing together as my mind shifted to that night in Hoseok’s club. I hated myself for how often I relived it. And not always with disgust.
My fingers fell on the ring on his finger. His engagement ring, I thought with a pang. Lisa. Beautiful, wonderful Lisa who had been a dear friend . Once. For all her shortcomings I knew she loved the man who sat next to me. Cared deeply for him, even. Why else would she do this to me? She must have strong feelings for him , if  it had prompted her to throw away our friendship of over a decade.
“You’re cheating on her then.” I said quietly.  His reminder to not talk to him rang in my head but I couldn’t stop myself. He wasn’t a stranger. And that ring…the ring that promised to bind two people forever….. I’d worn it too. For him.
Jungkook didn’t reply, merely glancing at me in passing.
I sighed, looking at my knees, feeling my shoulders tremble a bit.
“Is she going to be there?” I asked quietly.
He exhaled sharply. I noticed the way his grip on the steering wheel tightened.
“No.”  He said shortly.
“She lives with you right? You said we’re going home ….then where is she-“
“What is this, twenty fucking questions?” He snapped and I swallowed. “ I’m not taking you home to my fiancée Elena, do I look like a fucking idiot? “ He shook his head.
Before I could demand more answers, he was pulling over into a side alley. I watched as he carefully parked the car before stepping out.  Second later, he was coming around and opening the door.
I stared at him, gripping the hem of my blouse, tight. My stomach twisted into knots.
“Can’t you just let me go?” I whispered softly, pride forgotten in the wake of my tiredness. Jungkook stared at me, face eerily blank.
“Get out of the car.”
“Like it?” He asked softly and I stood on the threshold, taking in the lavishly decorated apartment on the top floor of the building. I noticed the portrait right up front, a large full sized photo of me and Jungkook from nearly a decade ago, wrapped around each other in a hug , showing off our engagement bands.
“What is this?”
“It was supposed to be your wedding gift. From me. I bought it for you. Nine years ago. Thought you should see it.” He said quietly.
I stayed perfectly still , as he wrapped his hands around me in a hug.
“Why did you leave me, Elena?” He asked quietly and I felt my throat go dry.
“Why do you still have this place? Get rid of it.” I snapped. He laughed at that , pulling away and turning me around till I stared at him.
“ Will you stay here, with me?” He asked softly and I froze.
“You’re out of your mind.” I said shortly.
He hummed.
“Possibly. But then, the problem is this. If I tell you , you can’t leave this place ever again….There’s not much you can do about it, right?” He said thoughtfully and I felt a sob building in my chest.
“I… Don’t.” I said shakily.
“You should see the bedroom. Come.”
His fingers wrapped around my wrist dragging me past the lavish couch and sofa, past a well kept bar onto a wide hallway dimly lit. He stopped at the second door on the right, reaching out to open the lock.  The room was plunged in darkness and I hesitated.
“Go on… After you, Mrs. Jeon.” He said softly . I could feel distaste creeping up my spine at the name, shivering a bit as I stepped into the darkness.
“Can you imagine, if we’d gotten married. This is what our first night together would be like…” He pressed against my back, arms coming around me , so gentle that I shivered.
“Jungkook…what are you doing?” I asked shakily.
“Shush…. “ He whispered, moving to unbutton my blouse again. I grabbed his wrists quickly.
“We aren’t married. I’m not your wife.” I said sharply and I felt him go still behind me.
“Shut your mouth and play along like a good girl.” He said quietly. He shook my hands off, moving to undo the buttons again.
Not sure what he expected, I stayed perfectly still as he hummed, pressing soft feather light kisses down my jaw and past my shoulders. His hands stroked up and down my arm as he laughed .
“Did you miss me Elena…..all these years…” He said quietly. “ Because I missed you. So much.”
He hugged me close, tight and hard.
“Are you scared?” He whispered, “ honey?”
“Oh, God…” I choked out, nausea rising up in my throat at the endearment.
“My wife…” He whispered, pressing a few more kisses against my skin before pushing me a bit towards the bed. “ Should I turn on the lights? I wanna see you.”
He nudged me towards the bed and my legs gave out when I hit the edge of it, legs turning to jelly as I sat on it, shaky and creeped out and terrified. Jungkook moved to turn on the lamp on the bedside table, a soft golden glow lighting up the bed .
“Look at you… so beautiful.” He whispered and I watched as he tugged off his shirt, before moving to his belt. He was watching me like I was something precious. Like I was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
“What are you doing?” I asked quietly and he smiled, running his fingers over the tattoos decorating his chest. He stopped at a large ornate tiger lily, inscribed right over his heart.
“Do you like it?” he said softly. “ I got this for you. My Elena…. As delicate as a lily and as brave as a tiger.”
I stared at him in disbelief.
“Either fuck me or let me go, I’m not here to talk about-“
He slapped me, so hard that my head whipped to the side, my face feeling like it had caught fire. I gasped, the pain spreading all over my jaw and I couldn’t quite grasp what had just happened. I pressed shaky fingers to the throbbing skin near my mouth, eyes watering at the sting.
“Didn’t I tell you to play along, angel?” He whispered sharply and I closed my eyes , shuddering.
Play along. Do it if you want to get out of here alive. ‘
Fucking psychopath.
“ It’s beautiful, Jungkook.” I whispered softly, glancing at him with teary eyes. He nodded.
“We’ll get one for you too. A wolf. With the initials JK on it…. Right here…” He lightly traced a path over my collarbone and I hoped to God, this was some sick fantasy. That he wasn’t seriously considering tattooing his initials on me.
“Strip for me baby… All of it. I want to see you.” He whispered and I hesitated just long enough to take a deep breath. I reached back, quickly undoing my bra clasp and pulling the fabric off.  I hooked my thumbs into my skirt and my panties, tugging both of them off me, swiftly. I dropped all of it on the floor next to the bed, before moving to kneel in the middle of the bed, staring at him with a smile that felt physically painful.
“I’m going to make you feel good, baby.” He whispered quietly, crawling over on top of me.
“Lay down for me.” He said, and I felt repulsed, as he kissed my lips, soft and gentle, pressing in till I was flat on my back, legs parted so he could lie in between.
It was so different from last time and somehow ten times worse.
Jungkook pressed kisses all over my face, whispering gentle words against my skin that felt like acid.
“So beautiful…. Mine. You were always mine Elena. Mine to touch and mine to break . Mine to love and mine to fuck.”
I stared as he loomed over, his face inches from mine, his gaze deceptively affectionate, his eyes warm and almost soft. I watched as he came closer, his lips closing over mine. Instinctively I kept my lips together but his fingers curled around my thigh, squeezing hard enough to make me whimper, lips parting . He pressed his tongue in then , licking into my mouth and I brought my hands up, instinctively wrapping around the bare skin of his shoulders and my body thrummed at the feeling of his muscles under my fingers.
Curiosity made me foolish, and I found myself tracing the hills and valleys of his skin, fascinated by the way the muscles flexed, every time he moved his arm.
“You like that? I worked hard on those…” He chuckled, watching me curl my fingers around his biceps. He was so… big. I moved my fingers up to the hardness of his chest, splaying my palm on his pecs and my fingers caught a hard little scar, almost perfectly round and deep.
“What is this…” I asked , curious my finger dipping into the healed skin and he hummed.
“Your father . He shot me when I was chasing his car down in Jeju Do. Foolish bastard. Thought he could outrun me.” He laughed .
I glanced at him, catching his eyes and the ebbing laughter , my heart twisting.
“Then why am I here? You hate my father. You killed my entire family. So why am I here, Jungkook?”  I asked foolishly, my heart breaking a bit and he hesitated.
“Because you’re mine.” He said simply.
I closed my eyes in despair.
“If this was our wedding night…. What would you say…?” He asked suddenly.
I stared at him, confused.
“If we got married back then… When you were eighteen. And it was our first night together….. what would you say?”
I sighed.
“I’d ask you to ….to be gentle.” I whispered.
He nodded.
“Tell me , then.”
I stared at him, feeling helpless.
“Go on, Elena.” He said again.
“Jungkook…” I began but he shook his head.
“Ggukkie.” He said softly. “ Call me GGukkie… That’s what you used to call me …when we were young.”
I clenched my fists, on his chest, resisting the urge to push him off. That wouldn’t end well for me.
“GGukkie…” I whispered, finally, glancing up at him, licking my lips and parting them gently, eyes as wide as they could go, “ you know its my first time right?”
Jungkook’s eyes fairly danced at that and he hummed, leaning closer.
“Is it, baby?” He asked, reaching up to brush my hair away, fingers gentle on my face.
Get into it. Get into it and get it over with.
“You know it is…” I pouted, “ No one else can touch me. I’m yours , aren’t I GGukkie…”
He laughed, rubbing his nose against mine.
“That you are, kitten.”
Kitten? That’s a new one.
Shut up and stay in character , fuck.
I was so fucking screwed.
“ So… will you be gentle?” I whispered , “ I don’t want it to hurt.”
Jungkook wrapped his arms around me rolling over and taking me with him till I was lying flat on top of him.
“Then how about this angel? You can ride me…. As slow and gentle as you like. Make yourself feel good on my cock, yeah….?”
I stared at him.
I’m gonna fuck you and you’re going to do all the work.
He’d played me like a fiddle.
“Well baby? Go on…. Take my pants off.”
I exhaled angrily, before moving down, to tug on his pants. He helped me take them off kicking off his boxer briefs as well.
That’s a beautiful dick. Objectively. Very pretty.
Shut the fuck up.
“ Get it wet for me baby….” He said softly. I glanced down at the hard length of it, jutting out of the small thatch of hair and felt my mouth go dry . Which would be counterproductive if I wanted to get it wet. So I swirled my tongue around my mouth, trying to get my mouth moist, before leaning down and carefully wrapping my lips around the head.
Fuck, he tastes good.
I shook my head a bit to clear the voice in my head, glancing up at him with my lips stretched around the soft pink head and he was looking right back at me, eyes heavy and dark .
“Go on baby, take more of it in, use your tongue…make me feel good.”
I closed my eyes, letting the spit coat the hard length of his cock, sinking down till the tip began to inch down my throat. I sucked lightly, running my tongues back and forth on whatever skin I could touch and it was like sucking a lollipop except the lollipop was thick enough to stretch my mouth wide and hit the back of my throat.
I felt his hand reach into my hair, gripping hard and I whimpered.
“Be gentle…” I whispered, pulling off and his eyebrows shot up , clearly in surprise . He stared at me for a second, as though considering my request and then his fingers loosened , threading through the strands soothingly.
“I’m sorry, baby.” He whispered . I went back to sucking him off, somehow my natural tendency to work hard making me bob up and down, using my tongue and taking him as deep as I could. I felt a sick sort of satisfaction when he moaned in pleasure and for some damn reason I wanted to draw more sounds out of him.
This is a dream. Either that or you tripped over a pothole and fell into another dimension.
“ Are you wet ? Come here, so I can check….” Jungkook said softly and I pulled off moving up to straddle his hips. I flinched when he reached down, tracing my slit with carefully fingers before slipping in two. I tightened against the intrusion, still sore on the inside and he pulled his fingers out, bringing them up to my mouth.
“Suck…and get them nice and wet if you don’t want it to hurt.” He said quietly and I wrapped my lips around his fingers, letting my spit coat the slender digits.
When he pushed them back into me, the slide was easier , wetter and I gripped his shoulders, trying to relax around him. It felt foreign but also good… I felt good…
I stared down at him, the broad muscled body and the handsome face and for a crazy moment I imagine what it would have been, if I had married him. Would it have been this….this… weird pleasure that was somehow both painful and exhilarating at the same time. I bit my lips as he curled his fingers inside me, rubbing at some spot high up inside me that sent heat shooting straight up my spine, slick dripping out of me and onto the hard planes of his stomach like honey from a comb.
“Now sit on my cock.” He said quietly. I trembled, reaching down to lightly grip his cock, moving till the head lined up right against my slit or where I thought my slit was. Biting my lips, I lowered my body, feeling my body cleave to let him in, his cock pressing in and in and in.
My knees gave out and I slid down the length of him, the sudden, incredible fullness knocking the breath right out of me.
“ Fuck…baby….you alright?” He whispered and it messed with my head, the way he actually looked concerned and worried and I couldn’t take anymore of it.
“Please… Please… I just… I want to go home…” I whimpered, feeling full and stretched out, my thighs trembling and my insides wet and warm and somehow stuck between wanting more and wanting it to end.
Jungkook grunted, fingers curling over both my hips and lifting me lightly and with ease.
“Come on baby…. Ride me….” He whispered, “ Put your hands on my chest and roll your hips, up and down .”
I did as he said, one hand braced against his chest, the other gripping his shoulder as I tried to move on him but it was hopeless. I had no energy or inclination to do this and the pleasure was fast ebbing into frustration. Jungkook seemed to sense it because he growled.
“Fuck, you’re so fucking bad at this… Fine… Just lay there and let me use that stupid cunt of yours.” He snapped,  gripping my waist and folding his knees just enough to brace his feet on the bed. I gasped as I got lifted a bit , his cock slipping in impossibly deeper , the tip nudging close to my cervix , the lightest brush of it send sharp jolts of electric pain pleasure up my spine.
“Oh fuck,..” I breathed as he pistoned into me, hips hitting my ass with brutal force as he fucked up into me and I could only tremble, eyes fluttering shut, fingers going numb from how hard I was gripping him.
“You’re gonna cum today… I’m gonna make you cum on my cock…” He growled, reaching down and pressing his thumb against my clit, rubbing softly, slow circles that were almost gentle compared to the brutal pounding oh his hips and I felt my mouth go slack, wetness slipping out of my tongue and dripping down my chin because of how excruciatingly good it felt, having him so deep, pressing in against the edge of my womb and I and to press my palm, right up against my belly , stunned because of how my body seemed to open and shift to make room for him.
“I’m gonna cum inside you, right inside your womb, fuck…. Gonna carry my babies for me, right sweetheart? Gonna watch you get round and full with my seed , watch you drip milk all over me with those beautiful tits….fuck…”
The shock of his words sent me over the edge, my body clenching down on him as I came, my orgasm so strong that I felt like I was cramping up on the inside and I toppled forward onto him, landing on his chest and bouncing a bit. Jungkook grunted a little, wrapping both his arms around me, holding close as he fucked me right through the aftershocks, body stilling only when I stopped shuddering and I felt warm wetness spill inside me, so deep that I knew I would have to swallow three morning after pills after this, although I was on birth control.
Because one could never be too sure with these things.
Jungkook stayed still under me and it took me a few seconds to catch my breath. I finally levered myself off of him, legs shaking as I rolled over and onto the bed before breathing in huge lungfuls of air.
“Can I go?” I choked out.
Jungkook grunted. “ Get the fuck out of here.”
When I stumbled out of the cab, exhausted and out of my mind with self loathing, I didn’t expect to see Hoseok sitting on the pavement outside the bakery, leaning against a streetlight, face warm but determined.
“Hobi?” I asked stunned. “ What are you-“
He cut me off with a kiss.
I stared wide eyed as he pulled me into an embrace, wrapping me in warmth and scent of his cologne, his hands impossibly gentle around me as he all but cradled me against his body, his lips moving gently against mine.
“Elena…” He breathed against my lips, eyes glinting . “ I love you. I’ve been in love with you for years. I’m so fucking sorry for being such a coward but you deserve to know… you deserve to know how I feel about you.”
I stared at him in disbelief, my heart pounding as I punched his chest in desperation.
“No… No fuck you… what are you doing…. He’ll kill you…” I hissed and he tightened his arms around me.
“I don’t care.” He hissed. “ I don’t… I can’t just… I can’t let him hurt you like this. I won’t. I’m going to tell him. I’m going to tell him to let you go or lose our friendship.” He said angrily and I trembled.  
My heart raced because Hoseok was the only one I’d ever loved. In every way a girl could love a boy. He was and had always been this confusing breed of brother and friend while everyone had drooled after Jeon Jungkook , I’d always been drawn to him…drawn to his quiet strength and to the way he had always treated me as an equal…
But… but Jungkook…. Jungkook who would put a bullet in his brain without a thought if he thought that Hoseok was trying to move in on something that belonged to him…..
“Hoseok…just… Don’t. I… I love you too…” I breathed out, tired and scared and so fucking worried because what if someone was listening even now..what if word got to Jungkook and he tried to hurt ….i couldn’t even think it.
“Come find me when Jungkook is busy . When he can’t find us…” I said softly, reaching out and pressing my palm against his face.
“I’m not scared of him.” Hoseok growled  and it was ridiculous.  
“But I’m scared of losing you. “ I said quickly. “ We can’t… He can’t know. Ever.”
Hoseok nodded before pulling me close again.
“Was he too rough?” He whispered and I blinked, flushing. I shook my head.
“No.. I. No. I think…”
“I hate that he was the one to touch you, first. You.. You deserve to know how good it can be…. How gentle.. I want to… fuck…” He shook his head pulling away and I wrapped my arms around myself.
“We can’t…” I said quietly. “ you know we can’t.”
He glanced at me, eyes blazing and lips parted and I groaned.
“Don’t look at me like that Hobi…” I whispered, shaking my head.
“Tomorrow. He’s going to Jeju Do , to inspect a new resort. He won’t be back till the day after. Call in sick at work.” He said quietly and I bit my lips, feeling a bit like a whole idiot.
I nodded.
He reached forward and pressed a kiss to my forehead.
No self preservation skills at all, I thought miserably.  
If Jungkook found out…….
Author’s Note : I’ll add the taglist here tomorrow
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bemylord · 3 years
↠ toji with a virgin s/o ↞
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pairing: toji fushiguro x fem!reader.
warnings: nsfw, aged up, size kink [?], oral [fem!receiving], virgin reader, first time, lost of virginity, praising, toji calls himself daddy, grammar errors.
word counter: 3.2k
rq: I would like to request a oneshot? a hc would be appreciated too though. Toji with a virgin gf who can’t even make herself cum? Just how he would like to destroy her :)
butler's remark: (◕‿◕) hello lord, i'm back with an oneshot with toji being tremendously tender with his lover for the first time. in addition, reader is a citizen. sorry, i did it soft, bc i think toji will super-extra-super soft for the first time with his s/o, only for the first. i hope you'll like that, thanks for the request ;)
disclaimer: everything you read is purely my opinion - any detail, sketch, or event is a figment of my imagination.
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you've been an ordinary citizen and had never planned to date a sorcerer or someone close to this specialty. you ain't cowardly, merely as you were thinking you'll marry a simple man and will have kids with him, and die in one day like lovebirds.
you had never considered yourself being stuck in a relationship with a sorcerer killer.
you were overworked, virtually sleeping as were walking in the empty street, dreaming to get home as soon as possible, to feel the silk sheets against your back. the area where your office was located had little street lighting, although, you hadn't felt the anxiety of being robbed or something worse. the day went lingeringly and horrible due to the boss who declared you as a temporary deputy, piled you up with a stack of papers.
but, this is life, anything might happen. all of a sudden, you overheard something behind you but as you looked back - there was nobody, as soon as you turn your head to the starting position, you saw a young, skinny man who is holding a knife in his hand.
'hmm~ look who's here, a young, gorgeous lady..' he said with his disgusting, lewd voice, coming closer to you. 'would you mind playing with me? don't be shy or els-'
you have a perky personality, no doubt, but because of how hard the day was, you had one option - run for the hills. before you could do any movements as if hit the man or run away, something prompt hit him, like a swift meteorite that you couldn't see. a cloud of dust grew around you and the man, so you hide your face in the elbow curve, covering your mouth with another hand.
as soon as the dust had settled, in front of you opened up on the view of an adult man. he was high, had an athletic, broad-shouldered, pretty impressive figure. your savior held the blade in one hand, flopped on his back.
'he ran away like a coward. don't worry, girl, you saved, thanks to me' he laughed, he stroked himself on the shoulder, as were about to leave the dead body.
'no i'm not! i'd have protected myself on my own'
you refuted his smugness, watching as he slowly moves his torso in your way, flaunting his outlining muscles through the fabric of the black t-shirt. his complacent eyes and the sharp scar over the right side of the mouth on the edge of his lips. you took a deep breath, continuing on your path as he isn't standing there, not hadn't protected you.
'you're too weak to beat even him, if not me, you'd be-'
'i am stronger as i may look'
he giggled, in a flash stood in front of you, bending over to your face, by finger tugs your face up to look at him directly in eyes, smirked.
'are you sure, girl?'
those green, almost emerald, but cold eyes looked directly into yours as two faces were as closed as you could kiss his lips.
'i'll walk you home'
'i don't want to, and anyway, maybe you're his partner in crime, leave me alon-'
previous to you had finished your phrase, he threw your tiny body on his shoulder, leisurely walking, better say, carrying you home. you beat his back, softly reminiscent of a parody of the word 'let me go, moron, i can walk by myself'
'tch, fine, idiot,' he deliberately shrugged his shoulder to close your mouth as heard the name you had given him. 'by the way, what's your name or you prefer the name idiot?' you said sarcastically.
'for you it's toji'
as a result of your crawl and also being talkative when clearly you shouldn't be, you ended up being in a relationship with a man, who'd obviously fuck you on the first date, as it may count as a 'date', anywhere-anytime, by the way.
although you wouldn't ever say he isn't hot or sexy, conversely, you willingly allow him to breed, precisely you'd beg toji to breed you on the straightaway on the cervix, but for one thing.
you're a virgin.
hilariously - it's true. nothing bad to be in your age a virgin, but if you weren't dating toji it'd fine: his dirty jokes and lustful eyes which are maddening you insane, also his fucking athletic body which is outlining through the t-shirt or white cotton shirt [he wear it once] you thought he did it purposely: he knew your secret, undoubtedly could sniff your chaste nature as if you can emit fragrance.
on the second date, it had been nine days since you got acquainted with him, as you moved in with him. toji was exceedingly obsessed with every step of yours - he followed you from the work, in the mall or market, for your security and control every guy who'd be close to you.
although, you couldn't hide your addiction - he's a drug you should be careful with or you might be addicted as if you ain't. he isn't wearing pants in home, walking in front of you solely in underwear. he could walk from the shower in a terry towel wrapped around his torso as he buries his hands in his dark hair mess it up.
'what are you looking at, girl?'
you couldn't take your eyes off his bulging..
'you. just you. i'm gonna cook dinner, something.. special?'
'eggs, baby'
fushiguro put hands above the door frame, exhale and tensed every muscle, narrowing predatory eyes as you were the extraction he was target for. you're laying on his king size bed [lol i'm sorry i'm out], wondering is everything he has gotten measured in king size as he interupted your reflection by putting the knee on the edge of the bed.
'mine. in your pussy'
as if you're bewitched - you couldn't talk, just contemplate as he leisurely moves towards you. you couldn't contravene as he tugs your face to ogle in your absentminded eyes as you're avoiding his gaze, looking at the ceiling or door or even window. not. at. his. bulge.
your heart had stuck in your throat when toji ran his hand under his shirt, certainly, he has a kink of dominion, when he suddenly stopped. despite of your uncertainty and timid of subsequent play, you looked at his emerald eyes as he licks his lips with a tongue.
'are you sure, baby girl? i mean, it's your first time after all'
you quell your forthcoming question staring deeply into lascivious eyes, put hands on his massive shoulders. as you anticipated, his cock twitched as toji letting out a low groan in your ear, kissing your temple. you're absentmindedly running finger pads on his back, not knowing the proximity of bodies that are readiness wanted to intertwine together. not knowing how much it turns him on.
'stop me if i go crazy over your body, okay?'
as if. as if you dare would rip out his tongue off your crotch as he makes you his woman. toji left on your red cheeks quick kisses, took off the towel. you shut your eyes tight, still holding his shoulders barely squeeze them, letting out a hushed moan.
after you quelled your moan, toji touched your lips against his one, running fingers on your lower stomach to the cup of the breast without touching the hard nipple. light movements mixed with his muted groans. his pads deftly touched one areola as you emitted a sharp purr, arching your back a little as a dulcet sign for toji.
you dug your fingers into toji's back, as he put a finger on your hard nipple, holding himself as to grab your tits and clench it in his large hand.
you gasp for the air as if there was a catastrophic shortage of it due to the pressed body of toji. you responded at his deep kiss, wrapping hands around his neck, apparently begging for something more.
he pulled away from the kiss just to take off the shirt he has given you, baring your untouched by no one but him tits, leading palms onto breasts, skipping nipples between the gaps through fingers. he reached down to your lips to give a bit of warning kiss as he slightly bit your lip, kissing all the way down to your collarbone, finally leaving there manifestations of hickeys.
for how long toji has been stopped from leaving on your stunning skin his marks? it seems it has been absolutely not many days but toji, as you may see, clearly has to leave labels on your neck.
he dug his teeth into your neck, frantically wants your area to be dotted by him as a token for everyone meaning: she's taken, dude, don't mess up with her.
for how long toji has been stopped from touching your sensitive area as having been feel warmth and tenderness is emitted from your body?
toji squeezes your nipple imponderable, to make you feel some kind of power over you becoming submitted by toji fushiguro, a sorcerer killer, a man who owned you, spinning the pea between pads, making you let out whimpers.
'you drive me insane, little one,' he approached his face close to the breasts, touched your pea with his tongue cautiously, as not to frighten you away. 'i'm gonna make your pussy drool beneath me, completely own you as my little girl'
you feel yourself gush beneath him, burying hands in his messy hair as your breath has stuck in the throat as toji snuggles his lips on your tits, sucking your hard and probably swollen from teasing. fushiguro has made you became wet in your panties as he's moistening your breast, hearing your precipitous whimpers.
'toj-toji, i don't know-'
'tch, little girl, relax your body and let daddy do the rest'
as he pronounced, he moves down, leaving the trace of wet kisses on your stomach, massaging your hips, stopping his action to look at your red face. your chest heaves heavily every time you feel toji's silky lips on your belly as his finger pads caressing your thighs. as if something weighty is resting on your chest you take deep breathes, breathlessly exhaling.
'spread your legs'
you obediently did what he said, hesitating a bit as the only fabric holding him back to bury his mouth against your pussy, assembling all juices, tasting your cum as if it's his meal. he rested kisses on the fabric of panties, couldn't sate with tender kisses he spreads on your body.
deliberately run tongue on your labia through the thin fabric as you were about to push his hand from your crotch as toji grab you by the hips, pulling you closer. he slackens his teasing actions by kissing your inner thighs. as your cunt was lack of attention from toji, you let out a pliant whimper, approximately woefully have purred.
toji's self-restraint thinning as you're silently begging with your eyes and your hands immeasurably are burying in his dark hair. the tip of his tongue deftly sideline panties, flicked it, as he discovered a divine view on your drooling hole.
'stop me now, because i won't be able to hold back later'
teasufully kissing your labia and area around the place he should be playing with as anticipating for some pliant whimpers of you, deliberately showing you he'll lick that swollen clit, pressing a soft kiss on the skin instead. fushi's shattering your hopes of being eating every time he kissed literally everything and lick everywhere besides your hole and clit. he acts like an inexperienced teenager, notwithstanding, you know that toji'd ruin or demolish your holes like a monster.
'yes, my little girl' he pressed the tip of his tongue on your clit, hearing those moans he's willing to listen for the rest of his life, then take away as you were about to press his mouth back again, digging his tongue deep inside you, although he obviously couldn't reach to your cervix, barely permeate in your hole.
'you want me to eat your little pussy?'
as if you can't talk, you nodded. scarcely reached up to take off the last thing, leisurely pulling down the panties, staring at you as a predator. toji is standing on his knee on the bed, threw your ankles on his shoulders, smooching ankles watching as to how your cheeks are becoming pinky, as you try not to look at his dick. still, you're a timid one, despite your words.
he reached to your face to give you a voluptuous kiss, returning to the starting position.
'look at your pretty pussy'
he kissed your clit in a flash replace into the tongue, making a circles on swollen and needy spot, decisively giving you what've been begging for. running the tip of the tongue on your virgin hole, leaving it for the dessert, returning to your clit.
you'd swear to god you can see stars in the ceiling as toji squeezing your nipples while moistening you. the proximity of his face in your pussy is driving you insane, for the days of cohabitation you understood he isn't a tender one, vice versa, he'd fuck you whenever his dick gets erect. maybe it's a rush of tenderness, maybe it's the fear of hurting his girl. nevertheless, you not scared to give toji full control of your body and bring you to your first orgasm by ripping the hymen. if that's i may call the way he's licking you, it'd be make-out with your pussy, due to his relentless movements by flicking his tongue on the clit.
'baby,' he pulled away from it, as you squeeze a sheet, making your knuckles become whiten as you spread legs wider, watching his mocking grin appeared on the face. 'i'll be gentle' he pressed his lips on your forehead, taking from the bedside table lubrication to low the friction. although, the thought of his dick ripped the hymen, putting all his tenderness in your first time, make your knees get shaken.
he put a soft kiss on your lips, smearing lubrication on his dick, substitute cock on the entrance. abrupt and penetrating pain wavily covered your body as you feel soft lips covered your mouth, blunting the pain with one hand being dug in your hip, painting illegible traces. another hand he put on your cheek, drawing circles with his thumb, waiting till getting used to the pain.
toji will find lots of red stripes from your nails on his back, smirked, as reminiscing about that special night when he made you his woman. his broad back was made merely for you to leave thousand and thousand fingernail impressions every night. toji had let a low groan as he feels as you move fingertips to the neck, exhaling in his chest.
he entered all his dick inside you feeling as your walls compressing the base, getting used to being full with his thick cock. you're indulging at the new, mind-blowing feeling, give him sheepish kisses as you're scared to be rejected. he moves his palm from the cheek to the ear, running fingers through your tangled but soft to the touch. you nudged your hips up, intermittently letting your breath out.
'tch, if you're not feeling well, i can come-'
'more, toji, more'
without breaking up kiss, he pulled out cock to the tip as pulling it again slowly, stretching your walls, touching with the tip your cervix as his balls touching your ass, groaning in the kiss, softly caress your thigh. you moved your palms to the shoulder, touching the musculature, going down to the biceps wrapping his arm as another hand attempting to draw patterns on the back as if it a canvas for you.
you can feel every vein, curve, and the way his tip is expanding gummy walls, as toji diligently coming in, adjusting inside you then pulling out. you're focusing on how full you're with his cock inside, your clarity gradually getting mushed as the sharp pain turning into a pleasurable and delightful feeling. sating to the new feeling might get addiction, but you're far beyond to accept that, surrendering to your lover as he gets addicted to it. you grasp for his shoulders, as he nudged in you, leaving whimpers from your mouth.
'like that, huh?' he pulled his cock out to contemplate as your facial expression have changed: you furrowed eyebrows as felt your hole being empty without thick toji's cock, practically purring like a march cat. 'beg me for it, baby'
what an insatiable man you've got. he licked his lips, looking down on it. your hymen has left blood, as he glanced at you to see his future wife your reaction.
'i-i toji, it's..'
he hummed, returning to your lips, slowly giving back the missing part.
'you okay?' you nodded as a response; he's perceiving fullness as wants to fill you up, but desperately be tempered himself, blaming he didn't wear a condom to do it. a dozen of half-moons will be littering your hips as toji's digging nails, scrambled your mind with squelches pushes in your hole. 'relax, baby girl, i'm here' he thrusts inside the spongy spot, ripping another moan out of you, voluptuous to his ears. 'baby~ you tease me with those moans of yours'
his cock was aimed at a place inside your vagina, with a slow but deep thrust skillfully reaching your cervix, massaging with the tip of his cock that spot. toji's staring at your pleased, satisfied face as he found that needy place of yours.
holding on to the headboard in the bed as support, clutching the sheet with his other hand like the composure he was rapidly losing with each thrust into your hole, formerly virgin cunt, letting out a heavy sigh, tilting his head back.
wiggling the pelvis backward and forwards as heard beneath his body your whimpers, feeling replenishment on his skin to his previous strips, losing remains self-control as your walls have been clenching his cock, as your body gets shaking as his, preparing the body for the coming ecstasy.
'toji, mh~' you tilted the head back on the pillow, wrapping legs around his pelvis, quelling moans while arching back against his chest. you're milked [? correct if i'm wrong] his cock, shuddering. you felt his lips on your cheeks, as he's covering your wet face in kisses, pulling cock out.
'damn, baby, probably-' he stroke his hard cock a couple of times before releasing his cum onto your belly. fushiguro ran fingers from the hairline, wiping beads of sweat from the hairline through hair. 'are you good?'
as you're still catching your breath you rested on your face a slight smile, closing eyes. he giggled, getting out of bed.
'almost made a baby' it took him a second or two, to lift you up in my arms, leading into the bathroom. 'i'm gonna clean you up, my baby. but you could fall asleep in my arms, you did such a good job by taking my cock' he kissed your forehead, wiping your drops of sweat.
'i love you, toji'
he put you on the washing machine, turning away from you to fill the tub. what went unnoticed was his relaxed smile after your phrase.
'i love you more, little one'
↳ back to the main master list.
i feel i made lots of mistakes, like, idk. correct me if smth i did wrong.
i remember my promise to do one more work with toji, so lately i'll write hdc + drabble with him.
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Like I did with you
So I’ve been procrastinating hard during my study break for my exams, but here have a song fic!
Ghost of you by 5SOS
Genius comments: The song tells the tale of a heartbroken lover who has lost his significant other – due to a breakup or even suicide/death – and is refusing to accept the fact that she is never coming back.
I didn’t feel like writing angst and whenever I hear this song I feel like ballroom dancing (and I have).
Also thank you to the lovely people on the Maribat discord server!
The sequel ‘It started with a whisper’ is up!
Gotham Academy implemented a new ‘Study Abroad’ program due to recent funding from a local humanitarian. This program gave the students of Gotham Academy a chance to study abroad in Europe and vice versa. Countries like Sweden, Greece, Germany, Ireland and more participated in the program; offering a multitude of high schools with many different courses.
And because of that very wealthy benefactor, his son got first pick on where he would like to study. This was 100% not a forced decision at all to subtly keep track of the happenings of Paris. With that the Ice Prince of Gotham took the City of Love by storm.
He had been at Collège Françoise Dupont for the past few months, and it’s been hell. The class he had been placed into was ripping apart at the seams. There were two students that the class gravitated towards; he observed some of the others meeting in secret, without the knowledge of their respective ‘leaders’.
The first student that held the majority of the class’ focus was Lila Rossi. She was a black hole with beady green eyes, who dragged who ever was in her reach to an agonising fate. Damian saw through her deceptions and rejected her flirtations. The students that followed her, ate up whatever lie she spat out. Rossi soon learned that lies about the Wayne family and Gotham wouldn’t fly with him.
“Really? You worked with Monsieur Wayne?” The pink clad girl, Rose, squeaked.
Damian had just walked into class on his second day at the hell hole and already regretted it. He shot a glare towards the large group, “Who ever told you that is severely misinformed. My father has never worked with a minor from Europe, due to potential rumours and allegations it could cause. It is not a threat but a promise if a lie of similar caliber is spread there will be a lawsuit.” And with that he walked towards his seat in the back, the Ice Prince had cast his decree, the class’ atmosphere had frozen over.
The second student was Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Those that surrounded her were Alix Kubdel, Chloé Bourgeois, Max Kanté, Lê Chiến Kim and the occasional secret appearance from Juleka Couffaine. They didn’t view Dupain-Cheng through rose coloured lenses, they were always grounded and opinions were respected. Damian, who was a loner without Jon at his side, was satisfied by himself; Marinette respected that and didn’t force him to socialise like Lila tried to.
So that leads us to this. He stood against a sidewall of the giant banquet hall, staring out at the crowd before him. Jon was walking to wards him with a can of sprite in hand. Jon had moved to Paris with him but had been placed into a different class. The boy who was the epitome of sunshine stuck around the Ice Prince, their friendship is an enigma to the Françoise Dupont students.
Jon’s face was flushed. He had just gotten a drink after dancing for the past hour. Tonight was the night of the Collège’s formal dance for their graduating class. Skirts of all colours and fabrics swirled, as their partners (majority of whom had matching suits) twirled them to the music.
Jon, gesturing to the crowd, asked him whether he was going to stand there all night or dance. Taking a sip of his drink a smirk appears on his face, “unless the great Damian Wayne is to much of a coward to dance.”
Here I am waking up
Still can't sleep on your side
Damian’s head snapped towards the taller boy, “Are you seriously using my ego to get me to dance?”
Jon raising an eyebrow, “Well?”
If I can dream long enough
The temperamental teen stormed off, grumbling about “Jon being as bad as Todd”. Scanning the room he search for a suitable partner, there was no way he would embarrass himself by dancing alone.
You'd tell me I'd be just fine
I'll be just fine
He spotted Dupain-Cheng stood off to the side, alone. She was draped in a layered white dress with black hemming. As he neared, he realised that the asymmetrical skirt was actually a light blush with her signature apple blossom flowers embroidered. She looked up at him and he straightened his stance, slowing his pace. Her sapphire eyes locked on to his, her bangs curled off to the side along with the rest of her hair in beach waves.
So I drown it out like I always do
She gifted him a small smile, a usual occurrence within her interactions with him. He offered his left hand, bowing his head slightly. “Dupain-Che—“ he cleared his throat, “Marinette. Would you do me the honour of joining me in this dance?”
Dancing through our house
With the ghost of you
Her eyes widened, not expecting the Arabian God of a teen before her to ask her such a question. She saw his temper during class during his spats with Lila and how he kept to himself without the presence of Jon. But here he was in a fitted Armani suit that made his green eyes glow, and hair messily slicked to the side. Marinette looked at his hand, glad that her makeup mostly hid her blush.
And I chase it down
“I am...” She paused to find the right word, “I am a bad dancer. It is better for everyone that I don’t participate.”
“I can think of nothing less appealing than an evening of watching other people dance.” A small gasp escaped from her mouth before she could stop it. She watched as his mouth twitch’s downwards before his facade returned with full strength. “If you do not wish, to I won’t force you. But if you’ll allow me I’ll guide you through the dance to make sure it isn’t an utter disaster.”
With a shot of truth
Marinette’s lips quirked, giggling as she took his hand, “Your funeral Damian.”
What had he gotten himself into?
The two entered the dance floor, taking up the dance support hold. Their dance had the basic steps of the waltz, with a promenade and many spins; some as a couple and some were just Mari. Damian soon found he enjoy watching the sparkles in her dress light up as she spun. It became even more enjoyable when he discovered that the dress was her own creation.
Dancing through our house
The two made quiet conversations during their dance. Damian pulled her closer by the waist as they repeated the basic steps, their bodies perfectly in tune with each other. “You are a fine dancer despite your protests”
With the ghost of you
Marinette tilted her head up at him, blinding him with a dazzling smile. Damian’s heart fluttered, the two always had a mutual respect but it seems to have grown into a fond appreciation.
From the tables scattered around the dance floor there was a blond, with his fist clenched. Lila had dragged him off of the floor as soon as Damian and Marinette made their debuts; together. The brunette was now off angrily gossiping to Alya and any other who’d listen. It was a hot topic between Lila and Alya that Marinette loved him, although now, as he watched her dance with Damian, he was unsure as to whether that was ever true. He sat there, glued to his seat, watching the spectacle before him.
Cleaning up today
Found that old Zepplin shirt
The two dancers didn’t notice that everyone had cleared off the floor to watch them. They danced in sync, no movement was made without the other following it. Adrien had realised awhile ago that even though he didn’t have romantic feelings for Marinette, he cherished her friendship. That relationship was now tarnished due to the path he took when he first revealed his knowledge of the deceptions. His father had forced him to keep Lila happy, even if it made him miserable.
You wore when you ran away
And no one could feel your hurt
He had lost her, and he was unsure as to whether he could gain any semblance of their relationship back.
We're too young, too dumb
To know things like love
Damian lifted his partner’s right hand and twirled her three times, they both were content within their own world. The two swayed before turning together and walking around the now open space.
But I know better now (Better now)
Marinette flushed as she realised what was happening around her, leaning towards her partner she whispered, “I think we’ve become an impromptu entertainment.”
Too young, too dumb
To know things like love
Too young, too dumb
Damian subtly gazed behind her seeing their peers in a circle surrounding them. He was on the inside looking out, and he wouldn’t trade it for the world. He whispered reassurances in her ear, he wished to finish the song before he released her from his embrace. The two drowned out their audience, focusing on each other and the beat of the song.
So I drown it out like I always do
Dancing through our house
With the ghost of you
And I chase it down
With a shot of truth
That my feet don't dance
Like they did with you
The melody slowly faded off as the last lines were sung. The two finished on a basic waltz step before swaying in each other’s arms. The music ends and there is silence, blood rushed to their ears and their breaths mingled.
The two stayed in the other’s embrace, face-to-face, staring. They broke out of their trance by clapping. Looking around Marinette saw many of her peers and most of the supervising teachers applauding their performance.
Their friends broke through the crowd, Jon patted Damian’s shoulder (retracting before he got bit) while Chloe and Alix pulled Marinette back to their table to discuss what Disney magic had befallen the couple. The bluenette glanced back at her partner, mouthing a silent goodbye.
The crowd dispersed but were still buzzing from their display. Marinette was bombarded with questions, not only from her friends, but from other students about her dancing with the demon. Her stuttered replies did little to quench the crowd’s thirst. Her face must be comparable to that of a tomato.
Damian, having noticed the building crowd and Marinette’s uncomfortable stance, broke away from Jon. The crowd parted like the red sea, unwilling to be the one to anger the Ice Prince.
He offered her his arm (to which she took) and escorted her out to the patio outside. She stayed entwined with him, as she looked out at the stray Parisian night; leaning her head onto his should. Here the two could breathe. Here the two of them could be their present selves, no ghostly facades needed. It seems they could drown out anything in the presence of each other.
Unbeknownst to them, Jon had recorded their dance, along with their previous and present interactions of that night. He thought for a second to use it as blackmail material but decided to just send it off anyways. Oh the chaos it caused.
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jinxthequeergirl · 3 years
For Those You Lost
Simon Kalivoda x reader
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Summary: you are forced to mourn for your friends and loved ones, and when you are given the chance to exact revenge, you don't hesitate.
Warning: SPOILERS FOR FEAR STREET 1666 basic horror violence, death, swearing, Implied that Heather was the Readers Older sister.
Consider this a short sequel to "As The World Caves in" in which i change the narritive so the reader is the one exacting revenge on Nick Goode
You Wish you would have just died that night, even wishing you would have died in the hospital. Instead you where walking around while not only your sister but best friend person you loved where all dead.
Now you where expected to give a speech in front of the whole student body.
It was all fake, the Sunnyvaleiers didn't give a rats ass about your family and friends, they didn't care that you lost the first person you said "I love you too."
No. They where just there because they had to be.
Walking up to the podium seemed to move in slow motion, as everyones eyes followed you, some bored, some annoyed, others not even paying attention. Not a single one shared a mournful look with you.
"Hello fellow ShadySide students and Staff, and hello Sunnyvale." You started having to clear your throat to get rid of the tears that theatened to spill after catching a glimps of Simons Photo in the back.
"We are here today to mourn the loss of three people, Some of you knew them...most...didn't their names where Heather, My...sister,Kate and...And Simon...My bestfriends..." You looked up feom your crumpled note book paper and out intonthe sea of bored highschoolers.
Why hadn't you died that night?
Why hadn't you died in that hospital bed?
Why where you the one standing at that potium?
Why did you have to find the right things to say about your dead friends and family, When no one there would ever really know the truth?
You froze the thought of Simons face right before he sacrificed himself for you flashing through your mind.
"I can't do this..." You muttered.
You crumpled up the paper throwing it somewhere and storming off, brushing officer Goodes hands off of you as you did so.
That night seemed so far away, now your blood boiled more as you stepped on the gas of The stolen cop car after hearing what Deena had just discovered. "Y/n! Slow Down!" Josh warned.
"Y/n..." Deena said softly putting her hand on your shoulder. "We're gonna stop him." She said in a soft confident voice. "Damn right." You said slowing down just enough to not get the three of you killed, but kept going fast enough to reach Ziggy and Devise a plan.
In the mall the five of you worked hastily to set up the trap for Goode, Ziggy glanced up at you ever now and then before finally coming up beside you.
"I'm assuming you two where close?"
You glanced up at her before quickly looking back down to tie the knot you'd been working on. "Yea...you know...mom was...well it was complicated...Heather...Heather took care of everything for me....I...being alone with our mom now..." Ziggy placed a hand on your shoulder. "I get that..Listen If we make it out of this...and you ever need someone...I Wouldn't mind the company."
She nodded, before you could say anything Josh called out too you. "They're here!" Everyone turned to the doors seeinv the nightwing killer come in hastily. You caught sight of the axe in his hand and stared for a moment.
Ziggy grabbed your hand and pulled you behind her to hide. "Ready?" She asked.
You nodded and ran to your battle station.
Everything was going fine, the plan was working you felt confident This would work You Felt like Fred Jones or some shit.
Then he grabbed Ziggy, staining her Sweater With Deenas Blood making her a Target. "Fuck..." You looked over to Josh who shook his head no at you knowing what you where about to do.
You ignored him and took off sprinting across the mall floor to the two of them tackling them to the ground. "Run Ziggy! Run!" You Yelled As Goode now wrestled you.
You gabbed your elbow into his stab wound, causing him to cry out and let you go. You got up running to Ziggy and Josh waving you to them. you barely dodged the skull mask killer ripping the sleeve of your neon stained shirt as you slid under the store gate.
He crashed against it wiggling it attempting to get to you.
"Here have it!" You yelled pulling the hoodie off and sliding it under the gate.
"You ok?"
"Yea..." You panted watching Nick Goode run to an Exit door, Deena Not to far behind. "That shit, I'm going after them." You said.
"Hang on." Ziggy said. "You can't just go out there...they might try to stop you." She said gesturing to the swarm of killers.
"I'm not just letting her go alone!"
Everyone went quiet. "I have an Idea." Martin spoke up eyeing the water guns you carried.
"Hey!" Josh yelled catching the killers attention.
He pumped the water gun before shooting them, ziggy and martin joined him, with in seconds they turned to eachother and started attacking. "That should buy everyone some time." Josh said to you.
"Stay Alive!' You yelled before Taking off in the direction Deena went stopping to stoop down and yank the Night wing killers Axe from the ground.
You followed a trail off blood down the hall and around the corner. "Deena?" She jumped turning to you, ready to stab you. "What are you doing!? Go back!" She said taking your newly obtained weapon.
"No! No way!" You said.
"Listen Ever since the other night I can't help but feel like...like I should be dead too...I Wish I had Died On that Floor with Simon." You choked rubbing away tears. "But... Simon...Simon Sacrificed himself to make sure I was Still Alive And Goode? He killed my Fucking sister...he killed simon." You took the Axe back from Deena.
"So I'm coming with, And I'm going to make sure he gets what he Fucking deserves. " You bit out.
She stared at you for a moment before nodding.
"Then Lets Kill this Asshole." She said with a affirming look. You gripped the axe tightly in your hands as you followed behind her through the tunnled.
"Goode!" She yelled hoping to scare him out from whatever hole he was hiding in.
You stopped nudging her to show her the bloody hand print on the walls
"Where the hell are you coward?"
Something jumped out from the dark taking deena down. "Sam!" She cried as sam attempted to stangle her. You tried to pull the girl off but failed, something caught the corner of your eye. "Y/n...Goode...Go!"
You grabbed the axe and took off after him you got close enough to swing at his legs knocking him down. "Wait wait please..."
"Begging? You think I'm gonna show you mercy?" You asked pinning him down with your foot. "Did you show mercy to my sister? To my friend?" The man babbled hoping to find a way out of this.
"Thats what i thought." You raised the axe and brought it down on his chest.
"This is for Heather you fucking Dick!" "Cindy Berman, Sam and kate!" You cried chopping at him with each name.
You gripped it even tighter before bringing it down on him one more time "For Simon."
You stood above him panting making sure he was gone before you heard coughing. "Sam...Deena..." You ran back to where you left them and found them hugging. "It worked?"
Deena looked up at you with teary eyes. "It worked."
"Good...good lets get the fuck outta here." You said pulling both of them up.
That night seemed like a blur really, it still hurt not having the comfort of your sister or simon around.
But Ziggy was there for you like she promised.
"Hey, I have something for you." Ziggy said as you entered the door of her house.
"What is it?" You asked dropping your bag.
"Deena dropped it off, she wanted to give it to you but she had to get going."
She held out a red hoodie to you. "Where...how did..."
You took it from her holding it up. "She wanted me to tell you it was of course washed, like a lot." She laughed. You pulled it on wrapping it around yourself, it didn't smell like him anymore but that was ok.
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