#*ooc: gonna work more on this ofc but these are just my initial thoughts here
aceparagoned · 2 years
i see y'alls headcanons for how your azem died, so lemme just add one more into the mix for my own:
helios, ever selfless helios, who would always extend a hand to whomever needed it would have definitely tried to provide whatever aid she could. if someone needed their wounds staunched, she would do her utmost. if someone needed to just talk to someone before they inevitably died, helios would have sat and talked with them.
but, the one person who helios didn't look out for was herself in the chaos and ended up sacrificing her own life to protect someone to keep them safe. i envision that she died with a smile and never failed to at least try to say something comforting in her last moments to the one she tried to defend. she also could have just ended up dying alone, too, with her thoughts being focused on venat, hythlodaeus, emet-selch and the rest of the friends she made until she passed on and would inevitably become hikaru takeda, an au'ra who just wanted to be an adventurer, but fate had other plans in store for her.
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laurzvahll · 7 months
for the rockstar phos au, what's the equivalent of the winter arc here? whats going to happen to antarc, and will it give phos ptsd and hallucinations like in canon?
HELLO ANON!! Thank u for the ask😆😆 answering from my phone rn because I didn’t want to wait.
This post might get long so im gonna cut it here
ALRIGHT, a little bit on Antarc and the winter arc. Just a warning that characters might be a little ooc im trying my best LOL. This isn’t 100% set in stone, and if people have better suggestions or ideas I will be very glad to hear them considering I just thought of this AU for funsies so the routes I made up may not be the best there are. If that makes sense.
So, initially I wanted Phos to be invited by Dia to a holiday party or maybe just a normal house party towards the beginning of December. All the college gems are celebrating being on winter break and whatnot. Phos goes because I don’t think Phos would reject a party invite, but also because it’s mentioned that there’s a possibility Cinnabar might be there. Spoiler alert, Cinnabar is in fact not at the party. But it’s okay because Phos takes this as an opportunity to get to know others more. They’re having quite a bit of fun, but once the other ‘gems’ start asking if they’re going to submit their college application and join them, Phos avoids the questions and decided to ask Dia if there’s a quiet room where they could take a quick break.
Dia leads Phos to the room and Phos closes the door behind them, only to realize there’s already someone else there too! And this is none other than Antarc, who im thinking of making some sort of exchange student to explain why they’re only around some months of the year. Phos sits down somewhere and wants to start a conversation but Antarc looks very busy (on their phone, totally busy). But Phos starts talking anyway after being bored for a couple seconds, and while Antarc is very hesitant at first, it’s not long before they both end up moving to a small couch in the room to continue their conversation. I’d like to think they talked for hours, Phos doing most of the talking ofc but Antarc seemed content with it. At some point, Dia comes back in surprise to see them still here and lets them know that the party is over. Phos says they better walk back to their apartment, and Antarc offers to walk them so Phos wouldnt have to walk home alone at like 3 in the morning. So they walk to Phos's apartment and Phos offers to exchange numbers. And thats pretty much how their first meeting goes! :3
I have a bunch of little scenarios thought out for the time they spent together but i dont want the post to get tooo long so just know that im thinking Phos's help towards Antarc's 'work' would be helping Antarc write a song maybe perhaps NOT TOO SURE YET but i do want this AU to revolve a lot around music :p
As for what happens to Antarc, (THIS MAY CHANGE) sorry guys but in my AU i am NOT letting Antarc die i cannnottt. But i Will let Phos believe Antarc is absolutely dead. The only reason im not letting them die completely is bc i want them to come back like at the end of canon where theyre turned into a lunarian. Im not entirely sure how im going to go about it, but theres going to be an incident where Phos and Antarc will get hurt, and Phos will only be able to watch unable to help Antarc at all just like in canon. Antarc is going to disappear, most likely to a hospital lawl, and the accident will make them have to go back home without Phos even knowing if they survived. For a reason i havent yet decided, Phos's texts cant reach Antarc either so that rly makes them believe Antarc issss x_x.
Phos's mental health plummets, their guilt is immense and they start not being able to sleep because when they do sleep their dreams are filled with that accident replaying over and over. They always believe to see Antarc out of the corner of their eye, and they do have full on hallucinations like in canon and their ptsd, i will not erase that important part of their character 🙏
Thats pretty much it for now sorry this is so long i rly didnt think it was gonna be this long LMAOOO. thank u sm for the ask im very happy to be able to talk about my AU xP
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fyrapartnersearch · 4 years
one gay, please
hey there! you can call me dreamer. she/her, pan person who is Very enthusiastic about all things gay! 24, GMT timezone with quite the hectic sleep schedule, cat mom (will totally send you pics if you ask)! been writing on and off since i was like, 11? (i got exposed to the internet way too young lmao) i’m not gonna claim to be amazing at writing or anything, though. if you’d like to see a writing sample, just ask!
the roleplay stuff:
i love me some original roleplays! canon stuff isn’t my cup of tea unfortunately
i usually write in 3rd person, past tense (present tense is ok with me if you prefer!)
quality > quantity! i don’t pay attention to my word count tbh; i just write whatever’s appropriate for the situation. my minimum is probably around, like, 200-ish? and i can go up to 3k, maybe more. it really depends on what’s happening! but i always make sure to give my partner something to work with, ofc! i just Really like describing my character’s thoughts and feelings
my reply frequency varies depending on what’s happening in my life (which is nothing, currently). I really don’t think i can go for a post every day all the time, so it’s more of 2-3 times a week. even though i have nothing going on, sometimes i just wanna enjoy other hobbies that day or chill and binge random youtube videos, y’know? the upside is that the same applies to you: just because you *can* reply at to the roleplay doesn’t mean you *have* to in that given moment, and i’m more than happy just chatting!
which takes me to my next thing! ooc chatter is like, super important to me. no matter how good a person’s writing or characters are, if i feel like they’re very into talking with me, i get demotivated quickly. so *please* be open to talking! whether it’s discussing the roleplay and poking fun at our characters or just chatting about the day we’ve had and our hobbies, i would definitely like to at least attempt to be buddies!
i LOVE romance! however, it’s not a requirement, and i’m just as happy to do something platonic or like, see whether our characters have natural chemistry rather than pre-planning anything. unfortunately, i am Not into hetero romances between our characters. at all. but give me all your bisexual and gay and lesbian and nonbinary characters and i will be more than happy!
mature themes (alcohol, drugs, violence, smut, etc.) are a-ok. smut is also cool! i’ve honestly been wanting to try my hand at writing more smut, so if you’re also into that (with the plot still being the major focus tho) then that’s awesome! if not, fade to black is still fine with me! just let me know your comfort level with sexual topics and the other mature stuff because the last thing i wanna do is mention anything that will make you uncomfortable! that said, whether you’re fine with mature themes or not, please be 18+!! It’s just a comfort thing for me personally!
if we do go with smutty stuff, i’m not down with top/bottom dynamics, honestly. switching is where it’s at (or at the very least not forcing roles from the very beginning and letting things happen naturally)
-adult x minor
-master x slave
-toilet stuff
-romanticized abuse
now that we are hopefully on the same page, you may be wondering, what about plot ideas? well, i do have those! however, i’m kind of looking for something centered more around our characters. there still has to be some kind of plot, of course, but i’m very interested in character interaction and development right now moreso than getting from point A to point B in the story as fast as we can. basically, i’ve got a bunch of characters of mine whom i’m itching to use and flesh out, and i’d love to put any of them against your character(s) and see what happens! my characters already have some sort of ongoing story or whatever so it definitely wouldn’t be hard to create something together! but if that doesn’t sound like your cup of tea, here are some plot concepts i’m really into that we can work out a plot for together:
-androids! i have an android oc whom i’m dying to try out, so any kind of world where androids exist would be amazing. i think his backstory could potentially make for quite an interesting plot too!
-angels, demons, fallen angels, demons kicked out of hell or just undercover. i. love. angels and demons. i’m up for pretty much whatever when they’re involved! i’ve also got a couple of plot ideas i could throw at you if this is the stuff you like!
-vampires, werewolves, fairytale creatures, monsters that should only belong in people’s worst nightmares. i LOVE anything supernatural.
-thieves, assassins, bounty hunters, royalty, etc. YES. things are bound to be action-packed when people like these come in! alternatively, anything kinda like dnd class-like stuff (archers, warlocks, fighters, etc.) would also be amazing!
-very into dark academia or ‘boarding school but it’s magic’ in general rn!
-any mix of the above would be spectacular too!
besides all this, don’t be afraid to come to me with your own ideas/concepts at all!! just because i didn’t list them doesn’t mean i’m not interested in them; these’re just off the top of my head!
contact info:
when you contact me, please tell me a bit about yourself and what you’d like to write together! i’ve got discord for OOC chatter, but i prefer to give those out after an initial email. take care!
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