#*hugs Hera* thank you for being awesome :)
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phoenixiancrystallist · 7 months ago
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Month 8, day 6
MUAHAHAHA, I figured out how to get my GPUs to work with Blender! Just had to turn off a few incompatible settings and then wait patiently for it to figure itself out lol My stuff renders so fast now, y'all!
Anyway, today I remade the blue marble material that I had before The Great Kablooie, and then just to "stress test" the graphics cards I re-rendered the glass I made yesterday using the Cycles render engine at 500 samples, as opposed to the 50 that I've been doing with all my previous renders
Yesterday rendering that exact same glass material in Cycles at 50 samples would have taken 37 minutes and change. Today with the GPUs in Cycles at 500 samples it took 12 minutes.
So yeah! I'm so happy rn :D Tbh the only reason I did any digging to find out what I need to do to use my GPUs was because my roommate let me know that the local community college is gonna be putting up some 2017 5K iMacs used by their graphic design department up for auction, and I was looking to see if the graphics cards in that model are compatible with Metal (I don't really understand what that is so I can't explain it, sorry), which they are! But in so digging I finally figured out how to read the website I was using to see the capabilities of the various graphics cards, and lo! My GPUs are also Metal compatible. So I did some digging and fiddling and experimenting and found out there's render settings that won't work with the Metal framework (smarter computer people than me know what that is, I promise), so I turned those off, switched to the GPUs and Metal, and...
Waited. Because apparently something had to be recalculated to work with the GPUs rather than the CPU. Waited so long I knew if I tried to do literally anything Blender would crash, and while I was looking to see what I had missed (nothing), it finished doing its thing and JESUS FUCK IT GOES SO FAST NOW. SO FAST. GPU RENDERING GO BRRRRR :D
So yeah, my computer is beefier than I realized, I am now somewhat less of an idiot, and also I might get a newer, more powerful machine if I can get lucky with the auction :D Part of me feels bad about wanting to replace Hera so soon, but upgrading her would be more expensive than the auctioned iMac and I need a machine with more oomph than she can provide anyway. I love her, she's perfect for everyday work. Just... not for 3D modeling and animation lol
To be fair the iMac also wouldn't be perfect, but it would be a lot closer. One day I will be able to afford the perfect machine, though. One day. Or so I keep telling myself XD
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morizoras-cave · 5 years ago
Persistent (Request)
Marvel cast x f!teen!co-star!reader
Genre: angst-ish, fluff
Request Description: Hellooo! Could you write a all the marvel cast men x teen! reader? Like they all go out to eat and hangout at a mall or something and when she goes in the women’s part of a store while they are all on the men’s side, some creepy dude keeps on hitting on her and like after she tries to politely decline his attempts and stuff rdj and the rest are like nuh uh this ain’t happening lol
Warnings: language, hints at smexual stuff, harassment, persistent asshole 
(A/N): this story includes anthony mackie, winston duke, sebastian stan, chris evans, robert downey jr and mark ruffalo. im sorry i didnt include alllll of the marvel dudes, but i just find it hard to cram them all into one fic :((( ALSO sorry if the ending is shitty hgssghsgsh
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“You don’t have to bring me with you.”
“It’s too late, we’re bringing you.”
“Y/n, you are not spending your birthday alone!” 
You and Anthony were bickering like always. There was a short break in filming the next marvel movie, and while many people, including you, were planning on going home for the week, Sebastian, Anthony, Winston, Chris and Tom and arranged a ‘guys night out’, if you will. 
You were going to enjoy your birthday that day with your family, but a couple of days before your family had cancelled, because of exams and overloading work. They promised you’d celebrate some other day, but you were still bummed out.
Anyway, Anthony had somehow reluctantly made you admit that you were celebrating alone, and had decided to instead drag you with him and the guys to their ‘night out’. 
“I don’t wanna come and just be a bother to everyone,” you mumbled. Anthony sighed and looked at you. He then diverted his eyes back to the road. 
“You’re not bothering anyone, N/n.”
“Well, you’re gonna have to cancel your plans to the strip club or whatever you were gonna do!” You stressed. Anthony gasped like a TV mean girl.
“Did you really think we were gonna go to a strip club? Y/n, that’s private business, you don’t do that with your guys.” 
“Well, what then?” 
The mall, apparently. 
You and Anthony both stood with your necks craned to look at the proud and boasting sign, ‘mall of America’. He’d shut up after your question and just parked the car, leading you to stand exactly there, in front of that famous mall. 
“You’re gonna go shopping?” you looked at him. 
“Yeah, and what about it?” 
Before you could start another argument with Anthony, you heard a familiar ‘hey!’ and snapped your head in the direction of the caller. Winston, Sebastian, Chris, Robert and Mark were all gathered together, seemingly waiting for you two. 
“Hey, there you are! We were waiting for you,” Chris said with his usual big, dorky smile on his lips. Him and Anthony hugged and then he pulled back to look at you. 
“Y/n, you okay with spending your birthday with us?” 
“Whatever, man,” was all you could say, making the group burst into laughter. 
You would never admit it to Anthony, or any of the others for that matter, but it was actually a lot of fun. You went into many stores for no apparent reason. The guys bought and helped you make a Build-A-Bear, which you named Svenbjorn, and he had a little detective suit and a little bag. 
You ate at a Denny’s, where Mark unfortunately, but rather predictably, spilled maple syrup on himself. Then you looked around stores for fancy suits and clothes and gifts for their loved ones. Your mood was brightened, and the guys sure didn’t seem to be displeased that you were there. 
“Let’s go in here real quick,” Sebastian had said, and everyone walked with him into the clothing store. You hadn’t actually bought anything that day, so you decided that maybe it wouldn’t hurt to look around a bit.
“I’m gonna go to the women’s section,” you said, pointing to the area at the other end of the store. 
“Sure,” Robert waved you off, as him and the others crowded around a blue suit. You rolled your eyes and bounded off to the women’s area. 
Your eyes found a pretty yellow shirt hanging on a rack near the back. You quickly made your way to it, standing and admiring it, checking the fabric and the price. 
“Hey, babygirl,” a cocky voice sounded beside you. You turned your head to see a boy around your age, an ugly smirk on his lips. His words almost made you vomit the Denny’s pancakes you’d just eaten, but you shook off the feeling. 
“Uh, hey,” you mumbled, turning back to the shirt. Now you fiddled with it nervously. 
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing here alone, huh?” his voice was strangely predatory, something about it just didn’t sit right with you. It made you feel alerted and uncomfortable. 
“Looking at shirts..”
“I bet you’d look good in this one,” he said. You didn’t have to look to know he’d found some sheer-ass, see through, titty exposer. You did however peep, and, yes.. You were right. 
“Look, I’m not interested,” you sighed. 
“That’s too bad, girlie, I could make you feel real good.”
You scrunched up your nose in disgust. Your fingers gave up their grasp on the shirt, deciding that it would be best to just get out of there. The sound of your boots hitting the shiny floor sounded, as you began padding away.
“Hey, wait, where are you going?” you heard him walking behind you, the action of persistence making your heartbeat speed up. You were now panicking.
“Hey! Why are you following her?” you breathed out in relief. Winston was standing not too far away, Sebastian and Anthony behind him. He had lowered his voice to sound more threatening, which you normally would laugh at, but considering the situation, you were pretty relieved he did it. 
All the three men looked pretty damn angry. You didn’t know how much of the conversation they’d heard, but obviously enough. Hearing another set of boots, you snapped your head to see Chris, Mark and Robert jogging towards the scene. You made eye contact with Chris, who furrowed his brows in confusion. 
The boy was now looking at the six angry and buff men, swallowing fearfully. He was shaking and surely starting to sweat. You smirked. Asshole. You walked over to stand between Sebastian and Chris.
“Are you okay?” they both murmured, searching your eyes worriedly. The fact that they were so protective of you made you smile a bit. Although, the thought that you needed several men with you to the mall to protect you kind of sucked.
“I’m alright,” you said. Meanwhile, Winston, Anthony and Robert were approaching the kid with disapproving looks. 
“Didn’t your mom ever tell you to respect women? Huh?”
“What’s your issue, kid? You had such a big mouth just a moment ago?”
“Don’t ever talk to any woman like that ever again, you hear me?” 
They didn’t even touch him, just the anger and seriousness in their voices and on their faces was enough to get the message into the kids head. He nodded, breath shaking. Then, he dashed off between Winston and Anthony, running out of the store, like a dog with its tail between its hind legs. 
When the other three turned back to you, they were still angry. 
“I can’t believe him! I can’t believe that asshole!” Anthony muttered, disbelief ridden in his voice. Winston had grown softer, looking down at you in concern. 
“Are you okay, N/n? He didn’t touch you, did he?” You could tell he was actually worried. 
“No, no, nothing like that. It’s okay, guys, it really wasn’t that serious,” you explained, wanting them to calm down. You couldn’t be the reason why their ‘guys night’ was ruined.
“Not that serious? Y/n, he wasn’t backing off when you told him to!” Robert seemed even angrier that you were denying the severity of the issue. You just shrugged.
“This kind of stuff happens all the time, this time I just had you guys with me,” you explained. By the looks on their faces, that wasn’t the most reassuring answer. In fact, even Chris and Sebastian and Mark (the sweetest human being ever, theoretically incapable of feeling anger) were angry now, scoffing. 
“That’s not- That’s-” Chris put his hands on his hips like an angry mom. Sebastian squeezed your shoulder, making you look at him, to see his jaw clenched. 
“Y/n, if that ever happens to you, no matter how big or small, just call us, please,” Anthony said, eyes catching yours to express how serious he was. You nodded. “I mean that shit.” 
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll call you.” 
There was a moment of silence where everyone just basked in their anger, before Mark spoke up. 
“Hey, how about we just continue as planned and go watch a movie at the cinema?” 
Reluctantly, everyone started walking to the cinema. You noticed how your walking formation had changed, almost caging you in, protecting you. Although you, Mark and Winston kept a pretty solid conversation, you couldn’t help but overhear the other’s talking about how angry they still were. Of course, they had every right to. 
The night turned out alright again, as they slowly shook off their anger. The movie was great, and it created something new to talk about other than the ‘disrespectful little shit from earlier’. 
When Anthony drove you both back to the hotel you were both staying at, he had another serious conversation with you. He talked about staying safe and keeping a backup weapon and such.
He wasn’t usually serious, so you listened carefully. You were thankful that they had been there that day. So were they. And from that day on they all were a little bit more protective with you - whether it was in interviews or just in daily life - they kept you close and was always slightly suspicious of anyone talking to you. 
It meant a lot to you, and you thanked them, both for their protection, for an awesome birthday, and for one bitchin’ build-a-bear :)
Tag List:
@hera-the-writer @marvel-madness @40srogcrs @whatthefuckimbisexual @snarky–starky @garbage-potato @eviemarvel @lozzypoz321 @allthecreativeonesaretaken @missamericana713 @rororo06 @shady80smusicsingercolor @ireadfanficforfun
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backhurtyy · 3 years ago
I have not watched any space battles in the past like 2 days but I will continue it tomorrow and I hope my billion asks of nonsense went through, esp the one about Anakin being space fantasy Jesus?? I only have 4 left. I also wanted to ask what I should watch after the movies, since Obi the show is happening rn I wanna watch that to know what’s going on but idk if I’ll be confused. Rogue one and madalorian are on my list cause they’re popular, if there’s anything else that’s good or important lmk I know people like clone wars so it’s on my list too, if you have an order preference or something to add or anything lmk. However today I did go to a pride bowling thing to meet and talk to other trans people and while I didn’t do that, I did talk to some older lesbians who were really nice and I SAW other trans people and esp older gay and trans people which is. A blessing honestly. Anytime I see an older gay or trans person i want to hug them and cry. It was a lot of fun, we all sucked at bowling but it was awesome 😌 - 🤍
hihihi sorry i did get your other asks, i’ve just been eaten by work so i haven’t gotten around to answering them but i will after this one!!! also thank you for asking me what you should watch next. here is Nellie’s Complete Guide to the Best Star Wars Experience (under the cut because i can’t be succinct about star wars to save my life)
obi wan kenobi: you don’t need any context other than the prequels (episodes 1-3) to watch this. it is everything. they did my sad little desert hermit right and i am kissing deborah chow on the mouth.
the clone wars (animated show): okay so i have to say. watching the clone wars early on is actually HUGELY important because a lot of characters who are introduced in it are brought into other shows like the mandalorian and the book of boba fett and stuff, and if you haven’t watched it it’s a little confusing cause you’re like. well who tf are you??? when in clone wars they had a nineteen episode arc introducing them and stuff. that being said it is a lot to watch (seven seasons, lots of episodes…). but it’s seriously so good!!! like you get to see the individual things that led to anakins fall, ahsoka who is one of the best characters ever made, lots of obi wan angst, commander cody and captain rex and all the other clones who are just so wonderful and loveable, and just some really good stories. if you wanted you could also just start with some of the more important arcs (clone wars is set up in two to four episode arcs that act as sort of chapters in the larger book of the show if that makes sense) which i could give you a separate guide to lmao. but yeah tldr i recommend watching clone wars early on so that the star wars universe gets pulled together a little more.
star wars rebels (animated show): i can not emphasize my love for rebels more. in my honest opinion it is one of the best piecss of star wars media out there, and it is CRIMINALLY underrated. like yeah okay the animation style is a little weird but. the characters and their relationships more than make up for it. it’s about found family. it’s about love and compassion and hope. it’s about kanan and hera being the most loveable couple in the entire galaxy. it’s about zeb and ezra and sabine being siblings. it’s about rebellion and standing up for your home and learning to help others even when no one has helped you. just. it’s so good. i could go on for days. four seasons, twenty ish episodes in each, eleven out of ten stars from me.
rogue one: the best star wars movie ever made. i haven’t watched it in a long time but. good lord. it broke my heart in two and also patched it back together and kissed my forehead. i need to rewatch it desperately. you could really watch this at any point, you just need the context of the original trilogy.
the mandalorian: MY BELOVED. this is the show that really pulled me all the way into star wars a while back, because it’s just SO. GOOD. like din and grogu are everything and the story telling is so good and each episode just has such life to it and it’s just. it’s incredible (also pedro pascal is very hot as the mandalorian but that’s a separate conversation). quality wise it’s at the top of my list, but again i recommend watching it after at least some of clone wars, because i watched it before and didn’t understand some of what was happening. i’m rewatching it now after having watched most of star wars, and it makes a lot more sense lol.
the book of boba fett: confession i’ve only actually watched the first episode because i was waiting to watch it with my dad and we both got too busy, but the first episode slapped and also temeura morrison and ming na when are incredible so i know the rest of it should be good. the natural flow after finishing season two of the mandalorian is to watch book of boba fett, and i know from spoilers and stuff that it’ll make more sense with the clone wars and stuff beforehand.
here’s this guide to help w chronological order, though it doesn’t include tbobf (just slap it in after the mandalorian):
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also that pride bowling sounds so fun!!!! i’m so glad it was fun and that you got that opportunity 💖💖💖 older gays make the community go round
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missnxthingg · 4 years ago
what about having a scary movie marathon with the boys (tom, haz, harry, sam, tuwaine) and getting a little too touchy with haz? and maybe the guys start teasing like the divs they are lol ily 💖
Missnxthingg’s Birthday Sleepover Party
Halloween Prompts
Pairing - Harrison Osterfield x Reader 
Word Count - 1.5K
A/N: Soooo, I got a little carried away and turned this into a one-shot (probably). I was bored and I loooooved your request. So thank you and I hope you enjoy it.
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"So, what are you guys doing for Halloween?" You were having a nice evening with the boys at the pub, and thinking that maybe you could do that again soon.
"Horror movie marathon!" Harry cheered. "Starts at sunset and goes all the way to sunrise."
"It's our little tradition." Sam added. “We dress up in Halloween themed pajamas or a comfortable costume.”
"Harry picks the movies and we all watch it together." Tuwaine explained a little bit more.  “Then we sleep for the rest of November 1st because we’re tired.”
"You should come this year." Tom asked and all the boys nodded in agreement.
You really wanted to say yes. Ever since you became a part of their little group, you were comfortable and you wanted to spend some more time with them. Plus, you had a massive crush on Harrison and even though he always gives you the signal that he likes you too, you've never even kissed once.
And you really wanted to spend some time with him, because you always longed for those small moments together. But you hated scary because you were terrified of them. Although, you would never admit it to anyone.
"Oh, thank you for the offer but I don't wanna be a burden."
"Come on, it will be fun." Harrison nudged your side and smiled softly. "I would love to have you there." 
All the boys smirked with your little interaction, which made you blush a little and lower your sight to your drink. You took a big gulp before replying:
"Okay, sure. It will be nice."
But if you were being honest, everything was building your nerves up since that night at the pub. Not only the fact that you were going to watch horror movies, but also the fact that you would be spending the whole night at Harrison's house. It didn't matter if a whole bunch of other people would tag along, it still felt intimate.
So you put up your best Halloween themed outfit when you dressed up with your skeleton pajama jumpsuit. You did want to feel comfortable, but you also wanted to look cool. And that was a good way to do that. When the sun was starting to set, you drove to the boy’s place and found the driveway decorated with carved pumpkins and tombstones. The boys really put some effort into the decoration.
You knocked on the door and Harrison opened it up dressed as Freddy Krueger, but with sweatpants. He was holding a bowl of candy and a weird smile on his face, which softened when he saw who it was. He thought it would be just some kids from the neighbourhood asking for candy, but it was actually you - the girl he was in love with.
“Trick or treat!” You said with an exciting smile on your face.
“Hey, (Y/N). Happy Halloween.” 
“Please, come in!”
You were the last to arrive. Well, to be fair, Tom, Harrison, Harry and Tuwaine lived in that house and Sam lived just a little further down the road, so it was only fair that they arrived early. But Sam’s girlfriend was already wrapped around him as they chose the best position to cuddle into the movie, and all the boys were already groaning because the girls they invited said they would not be coming.
“Yeah, whatever. Let’s just start this thing.” Harry shrugged as he pressed play on the movie.
“Uhm, sorry. They are a bit boring today.” Harrison whispered since A Nightmare Before Christmas was already playing on the TV. “There’s no place left on the big couch, but I guess we can squeeze in the two-seat couch.”
“It’s okay for me.”
“Come on, I got us a pumpkin blanket.”
Spending time with Harrison was awesome, and this was probably the closest you’ve ever been to the boy. He made sure to share a blanket with you as you watched the first movie. He shared his popcorn and even invited you to give some candy to the kids that were knocking on the door. By now, the movie night was going pretty well because the movie wasn’t scary at all.
But the next movie on the list was The Ring and you were terrified of it. You tried to hide it from everyone, but eventually, you would wince and jump scared of what you were watching. Once you even hide your face on Harrison’s shoulder after a little scream.
“Hey, are you okay?” He whispered and you shook your head, still not looking at the TV. “Oh, you’re scared.”
“A little.” You groaned and felt the boy wrap his arms around you.
“It’s okay, I got you.” You felt comfortable and safe with him, so you melted into his hug. 
“Harrison is showing off as a protective boyfriend, y’all.” Harry teased and the boys all laugh.
“What a tough boy.” Tuwaine tease. “I want a hug too, Hazzy. I’m scared.”
“Come on, just kiss already.” Tom teased and all the boys agreed.
“Hey, fuck off! She’s scared.” Harrison pressed her a little tighter on his chest and threw daggers with his eyes at the boys.
For the rest of the night, you were secured with him. The other movies weren’t so scaring with him holding you. When you were feeling afraid, you would grip on his hand tightly and he would distract you. And it was actually very comfortable. On the third movie, he spent the whole thing petting your hair and listening to some other jokes from the boys. And on the fourth movie, you lied your head on his shoulder and played with his hand.
By the time it was 4 am, you were starting to get a little sleepy. The boys were still hyped with Monster House -  lighter movie after a few very scary movies - but you were definitely fancying some sleep. Also, you were a little cold, so you sneaked off to the kitchen to make yourself some tea.
“Come on, Harrison. Go kiss her!” Tom whispered once you were off and Harrison rolled his eyes.
“Just leave us alone.”
“Haz, she’s so into you. The way she looks at you…” Tuwaine said and a small smile cracked on the blonde’s face.
“And you’ve been holding each other all night.” Sam finished.
“Just go ask her to stay the night with you.” Harry finished. Harrison suddenly had a wave of confidence hitting his body and he smiled widely.
“I’ll go after her.” He whispered and the boys silently cheered.
He found you in the kitchen, pouring hot tea in a cup. You smiled warmly to see him and made sure to pour another one for him because you knew he was a sucker for tea and wouldn’t deny some. He silently thanked for the tea and sat next to you.
“Thank you for making my night a little better, Haz.” You nudged him. “I’m very scared of horror movies and I’m thankful to have someone to help me feel a little better.”
“It’s nothing. I’ll always make you feel safe if I can.” He smiled warmly back. “Uhm, I like you, (Y/N). I like you a lot. And tonight’s been pretty amazing.”
“I like you too, Hazzy. A lot.” He put a stray of your hair behind your ear and licked his lips.
“C-can I kiss you?”
“Yes.” You smiled before feeling his lips against yours.
The kiss brought a little sweetness to this scary Halloween night. You were tired, but you were willing to stay awake until the sunrise just kissing him. It didn’t last long, but it was a perfect first kiss, and you felt like it wasn’t going to be the last of the night.
“Are you tired?” He asked, very close to your lips.
“A little, but… I don’t wanna go to sleep right now.”
“We can watch the rest of Monster House cuddled up on the couch and ditch them after the movie.” He suggested. “I really would love if you spent the night. I-If that’s not too much for you.”
“Of course! I would love to cuddle and watch the rest of the movie. And I’ll actually accept staying over because there’s no way I’m sleeping alone in my apartment after The Ring.” You laughed once again and kissed one more time before going back to the living room.
The boys all cheered loudly when they saw you two come back to the living room together and holding hands. You didn’t care, deciding to only sit on Harrison’s lap and rest your head on his chest. He left many kisses across your face, and even stole some from your lips. You did steal some back and you were enjoying it a lot. The boys did tease you a little more, but you didn’t care because you had each other.
And that was definitely the best night of sleep you had in your life. Harrison made you feel safe and feel loved, so you weren’t scared at all. He would always be there to hold you whenever you need it. He is your safe haven.
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PERMANENT TAGLIST ➻  @missmulti @gurlwlthluv​ @cmon-peter-tingle @lifeisabitchandsoareyou​ @tinyplanet-explorers @spideyyypeter @princezzariel @pastyoverlord265 @dumandbass @lilgaga98 @chatnoirfangirl1624 @heartofholland @Big-Galaxy-Chaos @quaksonhehe @hera-the-writer @u-rrose @im-salt-but-not-salty
HARRISON TAGLIST ➻  @starlightfound @sandran04 @tomsppsleeve @spiderbibby @seutarose @joyleenl @hollandbroz-n-haz @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh @hannahholland1811
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fanbynature · 5 years ago
Can you feel my heart?
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Okay, so some comments before you start to read again.
The pictures are inspiration for Obi’s work place and apartment. Also for Asajj’s, Ahsoka’s and Rex’s appearance.
This is for sure still going to be Obikin end game it just got a little bit off the rails so bear with me. I need a little bit of love drama. My life is boring.
Also some more ages
Cody/Wolffe/Quinlan - 28, Asajj - 30, Aayla/Hera - 24
I noticed that there were quite a few mistakes in the previous one even though I checked it, but I apologise if this one got too. Again I do check them but I miss stuff.
Also if anyone has been feeling bad about themself let me tell you something that could probably make feel a little bit better.
I wrote a 5k word chapter for this but overwrited and I didn’t had the autosaved option on so now I need to try and remember what the heck did I write.
Ahsoka had just headed out to Uni and Obi-wan was cleaning the last things from breakfast. He headed to his bed, sat and starred and the card in his hand and then started typing the number on his phone. He pressed the call button and waited for the dialling sound.
 After a few seconds of waiting someone picked.
 “Hello, is this Anakin Skywalker? “
 “Yes, this is Obi-wan from the band “Space Maniacs. I am calling you about the offer you made us.”
 “Ah, yes. Hello, nice of you to call. I hope you are going to give me a positive answer, I would be really glad to work with you.”
“Yes. I mean yes – it is a positive answer. We would like to meet you and tell us the details.”
 “Awesome. Okay just give me a minute and I’ll be back with you.”
 “No problem”
 “Okay then, let’s see. How about Thursday this week, is it okay for you?”
 “Yeah, we’ll work it out.”
 “Okay. The time - how about 2 pm?”
 “Yeah, that’s fine.”
 “Excellent. See you then.”
 “Yes, see you. Bye.”
 In Obi-wan’s opinion that went better than he anticipated. He let out a breath he was holding in and felt lighter. 
In that case, he better catch on some sleep for work. A scratching noise from the balcony door caught his attention. His furry friend was back. He sat on the floor and started petting it.
“Maybe I should give you a name. It would be easier for us, won’t it? Hmm, what’s a good name for a pet cat? I don’t have the experience for this. “
He starred at the purring creature for a little while longer and said.
“How about Spotty? You have two spots on your eyes, not that original I know. Do you like it Spotty?”
The cat continued rubbing herself in Obi-wan’s hands, putting her paws on his legs, waiting for permission to snuggle up in his lap. He took her from the ground and lifted her close to his face.
 “You don’t like it? Hmm”
 The cat put her paws on his face, lightly moving them across it.
 “What about Ziggy? Like Ziggy Stardust.”
 The cat let out a soft meow.
 “Oh, a reaction – is it a positive one? Or a negative one.”
 He put her on his lap and started petting her again.
 “Well, I’ll continue calling you Ziggy if you don’t like it just ignore it and I’ll go back to calling you furry friend and little one.”
 The cat looked at him and meowed then put his head in his lap and started purring.
 “Well, now I have to sleep on the floor, Ziggy.”
 After just sitting there for an hour, the man stood up slowly and put the cat next to his bed on a pillow he wasn’t using so he could sleep.
The alarm woke him up five hours after that and he got up to get ready. Ziggy wasn’t at the foot of the bed neither outside. He decided to leave some food and water if she comes around later. After showering and drinking coffee he was ready to go out. He also started hearing Ahsoka’s nagging voice in his head making him eat something or take something for later but he couldn’t be bothered at the moment. Maybe he’ll buy something on the way there. 
 The traffic was always awful at this time of the hour. You would think that travelling in the air would lessen the traffic, well you thought wrong. It’s just as awful – this was Coruscant, you can’t expect anything less. That’s why he always left from his apartment with time to spare because he liked to be there on time. Also fairly speaking the cantina was posh even if it was on the lower levels. The costumers Cody accepted weren’t low lives. They weren’t pretentious people but they were with a decent amount of money in their pockets, didn’t shy away from spending them but they also didn’t create trouble. Or at least the kind of trouble Cody would allow. There were exotic dancers with some private activity they would do from time to time but everything was legit and it for sure wasn't a brothel and if anyone thought otherwise they wouldn’t be able to set even one foot inside the place. Well, places. Cody ran two cantinas, he and his third brother Wolffe. They were placed in different places on the planet, so they didn’t see each other that often but from time to time Cody would go and check if things are running smoothly. The Fett brothers are all reasonably level-headed and serious people, so in Obi-wan’s opinion, they won’t have problems running and growing their business. As you know there are always exceptions to the rules – Rex is a good man, but sometimes not as sensible as his older brothers, him and his kid brother Boba are true troublesome kids sometimes. But maybe that’s why Obi-wan has a soft spot for them. Especially Boba – the little rascal can get out of any trouble with his puppy eyes, at least as far Obi-wan is concerned. Those tricks, however, haven’t worked for a long time on his brothers or father. Sometimes Obi-wan ends up being a shield for Mando’a insults, which are quite colourful and fun in his opinions but no 13 years old should know them. 
 “Gar batnor shabiur.” /You drunk halfwit/
 “What did you call me, kid?”
 “You heard me, besom” /ill-mannered lout, unhygienic person/
“Kid, you better watch your mouth. I don’t care that your brother runs this place; you are going to end up beat up.”
 Obi-wan was minding his business on the bar, serving people when he heard a brawl from somewhere in the cantina. He looked around, squinting to find the source of the disturbance and he couldn’t believe his eyes. Boba was trying to pick up a fight with someone three times his size. It was a dowutin. Son of a bantha. Obi-wan thought. This kid sure knows how to attract trouble. He excused himself to his co-workers and went to stop whatever mess Boba dragged himself into. Cody is going to have an aneurysm from his kid brother.
 “Good evening, what seems to be the trouble?”
 “The little punk here is looking for trouble. I don’t pride myself in beating up little kids but who knows what can happen in the lower levels of Coruscant at night?”
 “Who are you calling little? Also, are you threatening me in my brother cantina, gar di’k-“
 Obi-wan put his hand on Boba’s mouth, signalling him to shut up.
 “I am so sorry about the trouble, miss. I’ll be sure to watch over this little punk here and not let him cause any trouble for you or the other clients here. Say sorry, Boba.”
 “Boba work with me here,” the older man said with gritted teeth facing the teen 
 Boba humped exaggeratedly but complied.
 “Won’t happen again, sorry,” the teen said without any actual remorse in his voice.
 But the dowutin was pleased enough so Obi-wan gave a small nod to the client and waited for her to be out of sight. 
 “What the in the kriffing hells are you trying to do exactly?” The older man turned harshly towards the teen trying to compose himself as he was still at work and started pushing the boy next to the bar. “You are taking your things and going to Cody.”
 “No! Also in no way that was a girl. This-“ 
Obi-wan slapped him across the head before he could continue.
 “Lower your voice and stop insulting people. Also if you didn’t want to go to Cody you should have thought about it before you started picking fights with much bigger beings than you.”
 “Oh, please, Obi I’ll be good. Please don’t take me to my brother. It’s soooo boring. He just reads papers, signs stuff and doesn’t even spare me a glance.”
 “Well, that’s called working. It’s supposed to be boring so you can have more fun when you are not working.”
 “But your band is fun and that’s also working. That’s what you told me.” The teen was starting to sulk and Obi-wan didn’t have time to deal with this right now. It was rush hour and his co-workers were going to hate him.
 “Look, sometimes there are aspects of one’s job that are boring and then there are parts that are less boring or even fun. It can’t be all fun and games. Do you understand me? Sometimes people have to sacrifice something to be able to receive another thing, okay.”
 Boba was earnestly listening to him and he hoped that something went inside that buckethead of his. 
 “Yes, I understand. Can I go play in the backroom then? I promise I won’t disturb you anymore.” And the puppy eyes were on, how could he say no? He sighed and nodded. Boba did a little happy jump and hugged Obi-wan, took his things and went in the back room where the staff usually rested. 
 He returned to the bar and threw Asajj, who was next to him, an apologetic smile.
 “I am sorry for that. This kid is a magnet for trouble.”
 “No worries, love. We all know. It’s good that at least someone takes interest in him around here. You are more a brother to him than his blood one and teaching him more useful things that he’ll ever will.”
 “Oh, I won’t go that far.”
 “Sorry, what was that – one bespin fizz and two blurrgfire. Coming right up”
 “Well, I would and the people who haven’t arrived here yesterday would. Even Cody would go that far.”
 “I can’t be that harsh towards Cody. He is trying to run his own business and he is keeping it afloat plus is a pretty damn decent one.”
 “Here you go, love. That’ll be 12,50 cred. Thank you. Here’s the change. Didn’t say he wasn’t doing other stuff and living his life and so on. That doesn’t change the fact that you care so much for that kid. And not only because Cody is his brother and your best friend - his kid brother is a pain in the ass but you like the little troublemaker for whatever reason and you worry for him.” 
 “Yeah, I do. I guess I just have a soft spot for cute and small creatures.”
 Asajj smiled at him
 “Guess so.”
 While the Obi-wan was recalling the events of the previous month he had arrived at his destination. He got out of the hovertaxi and headed for the backdoor of the building. He got around 15 minutes to spare so he went to smoke a cigarette. Obi-wan stopped in his track as he saw the scene in front of him. Asajj was making out with her boyfriend and his childhood friend, Quinlan. It was already awkward for him so he tried to hide under the stairs and hoped they won’t notice him but with no such luck. As he lit his cigarette he heard the voice of his friend.
 “Look what the loth-cat dragged in? If this isn’t Obi-wan Kenobi?”
  “The one and only, hello Vos.”
 “Hey, come on, don’t be a stranger. Come here and let’s hug it out.”
 Obi-wan looked at Asajj trying to send some signal so she can try and stop this madness. She just smiled at him and shrugged. This, little-
Before he could finish his thought strong arms enveloped around him, crushing his ribs and stopping his breath for a second, after that he felt a stinging slap on his ass. 
 “Still a hot piece of ass.”
 “Your girlfriend is right there, do you have no shame.” Obi-wan rolled his eyes even though he knew better than to ask. No, this man had no shame whatsoever. 
 “Nah, she knows you are on my pass list. You are on hers too.”
 For sith’s sake, how did he even became friends with this person, he would never know. Okay, he knows but that was in his past, he is not like THAT anymore. Maybe just less.
 He looked at Asajj again, shaking his head in disapproval. She was smoking now and yet again she just shrugged but this time send him a wink. Okay, the image of him being in the middle of that sex sandwich was not what he needed at the moment. 
 The forgotten cigarette in his fingers was starting to get shorter and the heat from it returned him to the reality, he tossed it on the ground and put it out with his foot.
 “When did you come back?” Obi-wan asked Quinlan without looking at him as he was taking another cigarette out.  
 “Just last night. I heard that you were having some troubles.”
 Obi-wan stopped with his lighter mid-air. His mind and heart started racing. How could he know? Rex wouldn’t tell anyone. What if someone, what if that guy- 
 “The little rascal Boba is making your hair prematurely grey, huh.”
Oh, OH! Boba. 
 “He sure is” Obi-wan tried to shrug off the feeling of uneasiness and anxiety as he laughed and lit his cigarette.”But I won’t care for him any less. You know that better than anyone, Q” The ginger man looked at his friend through the smoke of his cigarette. He could see the sentimental emotions on the other man’s face written as clearly as his yellow tattoo across his face. Obi-wan glanced towards Asajj – her back was turned towards them, she was taking out her cigarette and going inside. Then his eyes landed on the man in front of him. Vos was softly smiling to himself, probably remembering something from their younger, much wilder days. Then the darker man looked at him again, extended his hand and started caressing his face.
 “Kriff, don’t I know it?” A few beats passed between them, staying in the same position, with Obi-wan continuously smoking and trying not to blow the smoke straight into his friend’s face. He hated smoking. Well, at least that’s what he started saying three years ago. Before that, he was like spice on fire.”You are becoming prettier each time I see you.”
 The ginger man snorted and rolled his eyes.
 “Yeah, I know but thank you.”
 “What I fool I have been, Obi, all these years.”
 “Have you just come to this realization or you just came to accept it?”
 Quinlan smiled and continued speaking.
 “That mouth of yours has put us into so much trouble and gotten us out of trouble as much. “
 “I got it from my daddy.” The ginger man arched an eyebrow at his friend and laughed. Quinlan laughed with him and went to caress his long locks. “This looks so good on you, truly.”
 “Don’t you have a girlfriend to throw your compliments at? As much as I am flattered I don’t know how she would feel. And honestly, I would love to just stand here and just have you adore me but I have to go to work. I am sure we can see each other these days.” Obi-wan threw his second cigarette next to first and stepped on it also. He turned his head to his friend and was taken aback by his friend leaning forward and tried to retreat as fast he could.
 Quinlan looked at him and smiled.
 “I guess it’s a little too late for that, huh. No hard feelings, Obi, none from me. I hope none from you too.” 
 Quinlan got close to him and kissed him on his temple. Obi-wan went cool as a dead star on the outside but his emotions were in a jumble inside. Why does Vos always have to come and make everything complicated? 
 “See you soon, Obi.”
 Obi-wan cursed in his head and headed inside the cantina. This was not the time for old feeling resurfacing, not at all. He spotted Asajj as she was preparing herself for opening and headed towards her. 
 “Can you please do something about your boyfriend?”
 She looked at him, confusion written all over her face.
 “Whatever do you mean, love?”
 “Please, don’t play dumb with me. You are smarter than that.”
 The woman laughed.
 “Surely but where’s the fun in that. I can’t see you antagonizing over it then.”
 “Do the two of you want to end me or something? “
 “Oh, come on, love. We are merely having a little fun.”
 “On the expense of other people”
 Asajj chuckled and looked at her watch.
 “I think you have to get ready, unlike Quinlan and I, you won’t be able to satisfy our boss that way as he doesn’t even like doin that stuff. And no matter how much he loves you as his dear friend he doesn’t like showing favouritism while he is working at least.”
 Asajj winked at him and continued sorting out the bar. The younger man death stared at the older woman and went to get changed.
 This shift was NOT going all right. Except Cody not being mad at him, everything else was going off the rails. He had more than 10 drinks poured on him, he was hit on more times than he liked to know, he got almost groped 3 times but thanks to his fast reflexes he managed to avoid causing a scene and was able to warn the people who even dared to think that was going to happened and this was not even half-way into the shift.
 Aayla was sending him encouraging smiles and thumb ups when she was on the bar. Aayla both served and worked on the bar and today was serving shift for her. He sometimes helped her when the bar wasn’t too busy as they had two floors and both floors had bars but not enough servers sometimes. He didn’t know what Cody was doing with managing the shifts or the personnel but it had been shitty for the past year. And he had the nerve to tell him that he couldn’t give him more shifts and told Ahsoka he didn’t need more staff. Huh, he should talk with him. 
 His attention shifted towards the loud voice that was coming from the side of him. He looked over from the table he was trying to clean up to his right, leaned forward a bit as he couldn’t see the whole scene. As every detail came into his vision he could see into one of the V.I.P boots, an extremely intoxicated client shouting at Aayla. He couldn’t make out what they were shouting about and he started heading towards the scene, trying to muster up his best customer smile. Inhale, exhale. He was starting to make up what all the fuss was about and it seems that he wasn’t happy with the drink he had been served but Aayla was trying to politely explain that this was exactly what he had ordered and if he wanted something else they could change it, there was no need for the foul language. And she was right – he was calling her names, how she shouldn’t be working here but at the back where the dancers usually gave private sessions to clients. He could see that Aayla was trying her hardest not to lose her cool but she was breaking. Obi-wan stood between them. 
“Good evening, if there is any problem that you are having I would be incredibly pleased to listen to it and forward it to my boss if we can’t resolve it between us that is. You seem agitated and you are orally abusing my colleague here. I hope there is nothing big that is worrying you or is there, sir?”
 The duros in front of him looked like he wanted to say something more, but decided against it.
 “Bring me another drink and hurry up.”
 “Of course, sir, I’ll bring you our finest liquor.”
 Obi-wan turned on his heels and grabbed Aayla by her forearm. 
 “Thank you.” She whispered
 “You don’t have to. You’ll soon learn how to deal with those kinds of sleemos. “
 “I hope so.”
 Obi-wan looked at the younger female and rubbed her back reassuringly.
 “Or you don’t have to. Just look for me or Asajj. Or if we are not here just someone who has been here longer - most of them know how to deal with them. Okay?” He smiled her hoping to comfort her more. She smiled weakly back at him and nodded. 
The rest of the shift passed rather slowly and nothing major happened except a few broken glasses from the washer. At the end of the shift, which was 7 am, Obi-wan had his feet up against the wall at the staff’s room, unlight cigarette in his mouth. 
 “Are you going to smoke that cigarette or suck it like a lollipop? “
 He could hear Asajj from behind him.
 “Ugh, I don’t even have the energy for moving my finger.”
 Suddenly the cigarette was out of his mouth
 “Give it to me then.”
 “Hey, give it back.”
 “You are not even using it.”
 “I was sucking on it.” he said with note of sarcasm in his voice
 At that moment the door opened and blue appendages came into sight.
 “Do you want to get a lift home, guys? My friend is picking me up so she can give you one as well? “
 “Sure” Asajj shrugged and stood up.
 “If it’s not much trouble” Obi-wan tried to spin himself to get off the wall but gracefully fell on his back
 “Come on, you idiot. Get up.” Asajj extended her hand and he took it. He was eyeing the cigarette in her mouth and took it after he stood up.
 “That was mine anyways”
 Asajj decided she was in a teasing mood so she bit back while getting closer to Obi-wan.
 “Maybe I tell you that while you are sucking off, Quinlan” she smirked and it took the ginger a few seconds before he could react.
The young twi’lek just slowly backed out from the room and shouted
 “I am waiting for you outside”
 “Look what you did. You are traumatizing the poor girl.” The younger man was trying to sound scandalized but couldn’t help a smile
 “Oh, she’ll be fine, love” Asajj threw an arm around his neck and they headed outside
 “You are unbelievable” Obi-wan shook his head in disapproval 
 “Thank you”
 The man looked at her like she grew a second head and lit his cigarette. Cody had left 30 minutes ago while they were still cleaning some stuff and the staff for the first shift was briefed on everything they needed to know. The first shift was usually a lot calmer but also very slow. People usually came for coffee and breakfast and sometimes brunch and early drink, but it wasn’t too much hassle. Maybe Aayla would feel more comfortable there. 
 His thoughts were broken by a ringing sound.
 “You are ringing”
 “Thank you for the observation, I can hear.”
 It was Rex; he is probably going to work.
 “Hey, how is it going?”
 “Same old, I am travelling to work. I hoped to catch you before you went to bed. How did the conversation go?”
 “We have a meeting in two days, at 2 pm. I know that you are working an office job but you can do it remotely when you have to, right?”
 “Yeah, sure, I’ll them that I need to do it from home. I am glad that this is going okay.”
 “Yeah, me too.”
 “I’ll call Ahsoka later, don’t worry. Go rest.”
 “Okay, thank you. Have a nice day at work.”
 “Hope I don’t decapitate somebody. Later.” 
 Obi-wan snorted and hung up.
 “What’s this meeting about, if it’s not a secret.”
 Obi-wan observed her for a bit and spoke.
 “Hmm, no one except the group knows and I haven’t thought of you as the first person to talk about it but sure why not? “
 “Am I that awful of a friend?”
 “What, no- wait, you think we are friends?” Obi-wan’s face and voice were full of confusion.
 “Are we not? “ The woman said matter of factly like she wasn’t even asking the question but it was an obvious observation.  
 “I mean-sure, yeah. I haven’t thought about it this way, but, yeah.”
 Asajj put a hand across her heart and posed melodramatically. 
 “I am hurt, Kenobi. We have worked together for how many years now.”
 “It was a rhetorical question, dumbass.” She said deadpan and continued “I know we are not on the level you have with your little gang of misfits but I have told you personal secrets, I have told you the story about-“
“Yeah, I don’t want to hear it again, thank you very much. It’s engraved deeply into my mind, thank you very much. I didn’t ask you for your secrets, but thanks, I guess.”
 Asajj scanned him for a second and continued.
 “You are a very comforting man. It’s a gift.”
 Obi-wan looked at her with absolute confusion painted on his face.
 “My friend is around the corner”
 They both looked at the younger girl, a little surprised at her as she hasn’t spoken until now. They were in their world really so they couldn’t blame her. They stood up and got closer to the girl.
 Soon enough a light grey light freighter with some yellow stripes on it came into their view. Its door opened with a hiss and a green female twi’lek came into view.
 Obi-wan snorted at Asajj’s comment. 
 “Hey, Aayla. Work was good?” the female went down to hug her friend.
 “Hey, I have seen better days but I’ll tell you later.” Aayla was trying to signal her friend about the people next to them.
 “Guys, this is Hera. Hera this is Obi-wan and Asajj.”
 “Nice to meet you” Hera extended her hand for a shake and the man took it smiling at her.
 “Likewise,” Asajj said and winked at her
 Obi-wan rolled his eyes and spoke
 “Just ignore her, she can be weird sometimes.”
Obi-wan smiled apologetically to the girl, she didn’t say anything.
 “Well, I won’t take more of your time; I’ll just take you home then. Hope on”
 “Yes, thank you very much for that”
 They started boarding the vehicle while looking curiously around. They don’t travel by that kind of transportation every day. This was usually used for planetary transportation of cargo, even fighting on the battlefront. How curious.
 “How did you come into having that kind of transport? Do you work for a transport company or something like that? “
 Ah, Ventress – blunt as ever.
 “Something like that. It’s an inheritance and my home away from home.”
 “Oh, very hippie. I can get behind it.”
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lilacmoon83 · 5 years ago
Finding You Always
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 214: Worlds Collide, Pt 3
Summer was growing exhausted, as she kept nullifying Mephisto's fireballs by putting them in her bubbles and extinguishing them, while her siblings fought off his heavily armed gang.
"We have to make sure they don't destroy the museum. We can't let all this history be destroyed," Eva feared.
"Yeah...we need to draw them out of here for sure," Emma agreed, as she blasted more of them back.
"He's definitely given these guys an upgrade in fighting skills and power," Leo said, as he breathed heavily, following a fist fight with one of the thugs.
"All right kid, you're our resident powerhouse. What do you suggest?" Emma asked her baby brother.
"An earthquake is the last thing we want in the museum, Emmy," he argued, but then smirked.
"But I think I have a new trick up my sleeve that I've been working on with Mr. Gold," he said. Rumple nodded.
"Now would be the time, lad," Rumple said, as three more of the thugs dropped dead, thanks to the Dark One snapping their necks.
"So much for not killing," Eva said uncomfortably.
"They're thugs...he just saved a ton of lives by killing them. They would have gone on to kill innocent people," Leo reasoned.
"He's right," Regina agreed, as several more dropped, thanks to her. It was drastic, but the stakes were too high. They were already going to be blamed for all the property damage and being the cause of it. But if they had civilian casualties, it would be far worse.
"I won't be surprised if the Major loses the battle with her government and we have them threatening to have the National Guard invade the United Realms," Regina said.
"Mom and Dad will wall us off before they let that happen," Leo assured. She sighed, hoping he was right. Snow and Charming were notoriously forgiving, but after the experience with their darker halves, she hoped they had learned that there were times that the tough decisions had to be made.
"You really think you can take me on, brat?" Mephisto questioned, as the fire in his palms gave the entire room a glow and yet Bobby didn't back away from the intimidating display.
"Considering I can do that too...yeah I think I do," Bobby retorted, as fire came alive in his hands. By now, most of the innocent bystanders had been evacuated, but there were still a few reporters and camera people that were braving the spectacle in order to get in on video.
"And I can do way more than that...like this," Bobby said, as he grabbed Mephisto's wrists.
"I may be able to wield all the elements, but I still specialize in earth powers," he said, as they disappeared with a jade green puff of smoke.
"Look!" Leo called, as they saw something burrowing beneath them through the ground and followed it outside the museum. There was another puff of jade green smoke, as the two emerged from the ground and Bobby tossed Mephisto onto a parked car.
"Ooohhh…I hope they have insurance," Emma commented. Mephisto was seething, as he pulled himself off the wrecked car.
"If you think for a second that this is over, brat...you have another thing coming," Mephisto growled, as disappeared in a fiery display of flames. His four older siblings descended upon him at that point, patting him on the back and ruffling his hair.
"That was awesome!" Leo exclaimed.
"Yeah...he was pissed. Good work, kid," Emma congratulated him. Bobby looked down a bit shyly.
"Thanks," he said.
"Come on...we need to find Mom, Dad, and Grandpa Xander," Eva said. They all agreed and with the rest of their family, they ventured back inside the museum to try and discern where they could have gone.
Snow and David chased them through the Museum, but when they followed them into the Ancient Egypt exhibit, they found the room empty.
"We lost them," Xander hissed.
"No...there's no way out of this room other than the way we came in," Snow realized.
"She's right," he said, as they willed the chalice forth in its joined form and used it to scan the room for any residual magic or portals. There was an ethereal glow on the replica of the Giza pyramid and they exchanged a glance.
"That's why no one can ever find them. They're using this exhibit to portal somewhere else," David said.
"But this land has no magic without the two of you in the vicinity," Xander said.
"No...but would creating a portal with some of Clayton's technology be impossible?" Snow asked and he sighed.
"No...that's very possible," he agreed, as the chalice glowed and the magic opened up the portal from the residual trail left by whatever technology they had used to slip away.
"We have no idea what we're walking into," Xander warned.
"No...we don't. But we don't have a choice. We have to stop them and it looks like we're the only ones that can," David said, as he looked at Snow.
"The kids will find us too…" she assured them. They nodded and walked through the portal.
"Wow...this is a really old book," Tink mentioned.
"It is and it was really hard to find. That's why I think it might be important," Rose replied.
"But I thought you were able to catalog everything in the library?" Neal asked.
"I was...that's why this one is so unique. This book is not in my catalog," she replied.
"The plot thickens," Tink said, as she flipped through it.
"Because new books literally appear all the time, that's happened from time to time, but I just have a feeling that this one had help appearing," Rose replied.
"You think it was being hidden, my angel?" Fandral asked.
"It's possible. I don't know who is suddenly helping us or maybe it's because Blue has committed the ultimate crime," Tink replied.
"The murder of another fairy," she said.
"Not to mention a human, even a deplorable one," Fandral added.
"Who did Blue answer to as Head Fairy?" Neal asked.
"Zeus himself," Tink replied, as he took the book.
"And who do you answer to now that you're Head Fairy and Zeus is dead?" he asked.
"Well…I've had no formal meeting with any other Gods, except Aphrodite. I suppose it would be Athena, but she has yet to formally meet with me," Tink replied.
"And if Zeus, for some reason, forbade Athena from interfering, she might use other means to get the information to us," Rose deduced.
"It's entirely possible," Tink agreed.
"Did Blue ever answer to Hera?" Neal asked.
"No…Hera would have never had any authority over the fairies. She may have been Zeus' wife, but they hated each other. He didn't trust her," Tink replied.
"That was probably wise...look at this," he said, as he showed them an image on the page.
"That's Blue...and Hera," Tink said.
"Standing over the unconscious body of Aphrodite," Rose added in alarm.
"Can you translate this?" Fandral asked. Tink nodded and used her wand to translate the book from Greek to English.
"We best start at the beginning," Rose said, as she took the book and began to read.
The young blonde girl cried, as she looked out over the ocean, tears glistening in her eyes, as the sea foam bubbled to the surface of the crystal blue water.
"It's time, my precious one," Zeus called, as he stood behind her.
"Why Daddy?" she asked.
"Mother has been gone but a few weeks and you are getting married again!" Aphrodite shouted.
"You know it's not my choice, young one," he admonished.
"I am the God of the skies. I must have a Queen...it is one rule I cannot break," he said, as she stood up.
"And it is time for you to learn of your duties. You are the Goddess of love and beauty, daughter of Dione and you will fulfill her vision of championing true love," he announced, as an item appeared in his hand.
"Mother's chalice," she said in awe.
"Your chalice now...its magnificence and power is now yours," he corrected.
"What do I know about true love?" she asked bitterly. He smirked.
"You will, my sweet girl," he assured, as he kissed her forehead.
"Hera will not like that she does not get mother's chalice," Aphrodite said wearily.
"She has no claim to it. You are our pride and joy and she wouldn't want anyone but you to have it," he replied.
"It's a big responsibility…" she said with trepidation.
"One that your mother knew you would excel at. After all, who better than to choose the truest loves each millennium among the mortals than a product of true love herself," he said. Aphrodite smiled and hugged him.
"I miss her, Daddy," she said.
"Me too, sweet girl," he replied. They were both unaware of Hera's blistering gaze upon them from the shadows.
"Are you sure they're okay?" George questioned, as he looked at the pair. The moment James had given Aphrodite true love's kiss, the curse on them shattered, but as a side effect of the complete unlocking on Aphrodite's memories, they collapsed into unconsciousness. Neither Zeus or Dione seemed alarmed though and Nyx had magicked a bed to lay them upon.
"They are fine...this is part of it. They will only awaken when they have relieved their entire past," Zeus assured.
"What kind of curse is this? And who cursed them?" George asked.
"You will know that soon...but not before them," Dione replied and they went back to waiting for them to awaken.
"These are exquisite," the man said, as he examined the artifacts.
"These are genuine Olmec Terracotta's...they're priceless," the woman next to him added, as she looked them over as well.
"Everything has a price...getting these wasn't easy," Natalie commented.
"Yes...they are nearly untouched, despite their age. How did you find these?" the woman asked.
"I'm not an archeologist that plays by the rules, so to speak. But I know what I'm doing and able to excavate certain sites that have forbidden said excavation," Natalie replied.
"Clayton always did hire the best. It seems you have surrounded yourself with the same skillful people that your father did," she commented, looking to Johnny. He smirked.
"I was groomed from birth to step into his shoes," he agreed.
"And I do manage to find the best, however, our previous translator passed and we need a new one for this," Johnny mentioned.
"Oh a quipu...is this the one you've been hoping for?" she asked.
"We'll see," Natalie replied vaguely.
"Well…I may know of someone that can translate this for you. But I expect you to give me a deal on these beauties," she said.
"Then I assume you and Dr. La Guerra are interested in the jade as well?" Johnny asked.
"Normally, I would pass on the jade, but the condition this is in is rare," the doctor replied.
"Then you had better be prepared to pay a pretty penny," a new voice said, as Natalie turned.
"Mother…" she said in a warning tone.
"You'll let these real treasures slip through your fingers on the off chance that another silly quipu will lead you to a grander one that might not even exist," Thalia argued.
"I can't believe you discount the existence of Cibola or El Dorado when I was born in freaking Atlantis," Natalie argued back.
"Clayton was hundreds of years old and knew some of the best explorers. He even knew her ancestor, one of the greatest and most ruthless conquistadors in history," Thalia argued, gesturing to the woman.
"And he still never found it," she finished.
"It's real mother...and I'm going to find it," Natalie snapped back. Thalia sighed.
"You and finding things," she muttered under her breath.
"What?" Natalie asked, but her question was interrupted when Snow, David, and Xander appeared in the secret meeting place.
"Well, well...you found your way here, after all," Johnny said, as he tapped his glass.
"Ladies and Gentlemen...the illustrious Snow White and Prince Charming themselves, in the flesh, along with the chalice of Aphrodite!" he announced, instantly drawing the entire room's attention to them.
"My father's murderers!" he continued, with a hiss.
"We didn't murder him. His own arrogance destroyed him," David snapped back.
"Your chalice...it was all I ever heard about growing up, you know. Father was always a bit miffed that he knew about such an object, but it was the one thing he couldn't collect. Thus why he decided to collect the pair of you," Johnny retorted, as he looked to Xander.
"You remember the stories. I still remember those nights here and there where father was too busy to deal with me and the nannies were at their wits end. But you would get me calmed down and put to bed," he recalled, with a bit of fondness.
"All while you knew you abandoned your own son and your granddaughter that was out there in some group home," he added with a vicious smile.
"Shut up, you little prick," Xander hissed, which only amused the sadistic son of the Collector.
"And you," he said, with reverence, as he looked at Snow.
"Father always was enamored with you the most, because of your resemblance to the Goddess. She was his original obsession," he revealed, surprising them both.
"Oh, didn't know that, did you?" he said.
"I suppose you wouldn't, since the Goddess has had her memories scrambled more times than even you two," he retorted.
"Yes...he almost had it all. He made you crush his heart to cast a curse and he would have had the chalice. And you...but then you know that part. It still haunts you," he leered.
"Shut the hell up," David growled, as he pulled Snow even closer to him.
"And you...the hero Prince Charming. He wanted to be you, in a way, just without all the selfless heroics. The people's Prince...the husband of the fairest of them all. The truest loves. I came to loathe your story," he said bitterly.
"It's not our problem that your narcissistic father didn't hug you enough. Trust us...we never wanted his kind of attention," David retorted.
"Oh, but you got it...every bit of it," Johnny replied.
"We're here to retrieve the stolen items that you took," Snow said, as she looked at Natalie.
"Including the quipu. It's not yours," she added.
"Oh and I suppose you're going to take it from me, Princess?" Natalie challenged.
"Don't tempt her. That's not a fight you'll win," David challenged, as blue eyes met blue eyes.
"I think I can handle more than you know," she challenged back.
"Thinking you have any advantage here would be unwise," the older blonde woman next to Natalie said.
"Who the hell are you?" David asked. She smirked and looked at Xander.
"He is definitely yours," she replied.
"Long time no see...Xander," she purred.
"Thalia," he said stiffly.
"You know her?" David asked.
"Oh he knows me...quite well, in fact," she replied. Snow's eyes narrowed and she looked at her father-in-law.
"How well?" she asked, watching him swallow nervously.
"It only happened a couple of times," he assured.
"Oh my God…" David exclaimed in outrage.
"David...your mother had been gone a long time and I was struggling," he tried to explain.
"Yes...he was. The alcohol...the guilt with you laying in a hospital bed and his granddaughter in an unhappy group home," Thalia revealed.
"Stop it," Xander growled.
"Yes...to be fair, you wanted to reunite your family then, but Clayton convinced you that it would be a mistake," Thalia said.
"I've made a lot of mistakes and I wasn't always a good man. My son knows my shortcomings," Xander insisted.
"Apparently not with the way he's looking at you right now," Thalia said.
"Oh and I suppose your daughter knows everything about you?" he challenged. She frowned.
"Not everything…" Snow interjected and the older blonde glared at her.
"Stay out of this, princess. It's none of your business," she retorted.
"David is my business and I have a feeling there's something that she doesn't know about you," Snow challenged.
"Snow?" David asked, as he watched her look at his father. He sighed. He had known Snow long enough to know that she wouldn't let this go until she had answers for her husband.
"Is she mine?" he asked and Natalie looked alarmed by that question.
"What? Mother?" she asked.
"We're not doing this…" Thalia hissed, as the three of them cried out and a shield appeared around them.
"Ray shields...I think you'll find them quite impervious to your magical chalice," Thalia said, as they tried to use it to nullify the shield, but it didn't work.
"The auction is over for tonight!" she called, as they could only watch, as most of the people dispersed through portals that seemed to be catacombed within the strange chamber.
"Where is this place?" Snow wondered.
"We're hundreds of feet underground. Trust me, no one is going to find you," Natalie refuted.
"Underground?" David asked, as he and Snow shared an amused glance.
"You're going to eat those words," Snow said.
"What about our deal?" doctor La Guerra interjected, as there was suddenly a rumble beneath them and a huge plume of jade green smoke, as Bobby burrowed to the surface with his siblings and Regina, while the others waited on standby on the surface.
"That was the weirdest thing ever, but really cool," Leo said.
"There is a ton of dirt in my hair," Regina complained, as she started trying to brush it out.
"At least your hair is dark enough not to show it," Emma grumbled.
"Mom! Dad!" Eva called, as she ran to them.
"Careful honey...we don't know what this shield is, but the chalice couldn't break through," Snow warned. Regina waved her hand over it.
"It's not any magic I know," she said.
"Maybe it's not magic at all," Leo said, as Eva spotted a control panel on the wall.
"Not one step, princess," Thalia warned, but was shocked when Leo used a lightning bolt to fry the control panel, destroying the shield.
"Let's go…" Johnny growled, as he grabbed Natalie's hand. She spared another glance at them, as Johnny escaped with her and Thalia. The doctor and his companion weren't so lucky.
"Freeze!" David warned, as he pulled his gun on the mysterious pair and they were forced to put their hands up. Emma waved her hand and cuffs appeared on their wrists. David holstered his gun and they used the chalice to create a portal back to the surface.
"No idea who you two are...but you're gonna tell us," he said, as they gathered the stolen artifacts, except the quipu, and filed through the portal.
Hera stormed into her Temple and huffed, as she sat down in her Throne.
"For someone that just got married to the All Mighty Zeus...you don't seem very happy," Blue mentioned, as she emerged from the shadows.
Zeus had created the fairies to be messengers between the Gods and mortals. For some reason, the mortals saw fairies as a symbol of good and did not fear them like they did the Gods. Mortals had their reasons to fear the Gods though, since the past was filled with bloodshed between the monarchs of Mount Olympus and humans.
Reul Ghorm had been chosen by him as head of the fairies, but as it often did, power slowly began to corrupt Blue and just as bitterness had set in for Hera, it had for Blue as well.
Blue wanted more power and control over mortals, but Zeus had long forbade it. She had even tried to endear herself to Dione in hopes of having a hand in choosing the truest loves. It was a vision that Dione had and never realized. She planned to select two mortals, who represented the epitome of true love, to bestow the power of her magical chalice to.
The chalice was forged by Dione's mother, Gaia herself, from the essence of the earth she loved so much and all its elements. She gifted it to Dione and she wanted to do good for mortals with it. But the recent Titanomachy had given Hera the perfect opportunity to eliminate the woman that had the Throne she wanted. Dione had been mortally wounded, but it was not what it appeared to be. Hera had colluded with the Titans to topple Zeus and Dione, promising them positions of power if she was crowned Queen if they killed Dione and her precious daughter. Naturally, she betrayed them all and they were cast into Tartarus with her secret remaining unknown. The end result was that Dione was dead and she was Queen now. However, their offspring lived and the coveted chalice now belonged to Aphrodite.
"He gave the chalice to his daughter!" she hissed.
"Then perhaps we need to arrange an accident for the little blonde bimbo," Blue suggested.
"You know that's impossible. The war with the Titans distracted Athena enough that she could not see our deception, but now it will not be so easy," Hera reminded her.
"True and if Zeus loses the apple of his eye...well, there will be no Earth to rule. He would smite us all and the mortals just in sheer blind rage," Blue agreed.
"Yes...and even as Queen, I am still overshadowed by Dione's precious little flower," Hera complained. Blue smirked.
"If we can't kill her...then we can certainly manipulate her," she suggested. Hera's interest perked at that.
"What do you have in mind?" Hera asked.
"I will befriend the empty headed beauty and help her choose her champions," Blue replied. Hera smirked.
"Champions that we select...champions that ultimately could lead to our control of the chalice," she deduced. Blue nodded.
"Precisely," she said and Hera tilted her head.
"You already have a pair of mortals in mind, don't you?" she asked. Blue smirked.
"Yes...and they will serve us well. The man I have in mind will do anything for power. Faking true love with some woman will fool the little twit and when she gifts them her chalice...it's as good as ours," Blue replied.
"Then this is our plan. Proceed...and do not fail me, Blue," Hera said.
"Never, my Goddess. Zeus may think my loyalty is to him, but we know that you are my Queen," Blue said, as she became small in her fairy form with a Blue glow and descended back to earth.
"Wow…" Tink said, as Rose finished reading the beginning passages.
"So Blue has really been loyal to Hera all along and was working for her," Fandal said.
"That's heavy...but something tells me more happened later between them. I mean, this explains why Hera hates Aphrodite, but this implies that Blue was only doing Hera's bidding at first," Neal said.
"He's right...somewhere it became personal for Blue too," Rose said, as she closed the book.
"I'll read more when we get home and then we can discuss more tomorrow," she said. Tink smiled and used her magic on the book, duplicating it.
"Now we can both read...because I have to know more. Then I think we can finally bring her down," Tink said. Rose nodded and smiled at her.
"Guess we're doing more reading when we get home instead of other stuff," Neal muttered. The blonde smirked.
"Behave and you might get more than reading," she teased, as they joined hands and left the diner.
"I'll round up the children," Fandral said, as he kissed her cheek and went to get them from the table where they were playing a game.
"Mom...what if the Blue Fairy realizes you're reading her story and she tries to stop you?" Carina asked worriedly.
"I won't lie to you, sweetie...she very well may try. But your Papa will never let anything happen to me," Rose promised.
"Your mother is right," Fandral agreed, as he took her hand and pulled her to her feet.
"The Blue Fairy may have magic, but this Asgardian warrior will not let her silence more people," he promised, as they left the diner to head home for the evening.
"Dammit...you two were careless! And now we lost a fortune worth of jade and rare terracotta's!" Thalia roared.
"Relax...the quipu is what we really wanted, especially if it is the one my father sought. The key to Cibola or El Dorado. They have enough treasure to command power over the entire world," Johnny replied.
"Or it's just another ancient series of knots and strings full of riddles! Taunting the truest loves was a horrible misstep!" she cried.
"They already knew exactly who we were!" Johnny snapped.
"That woman...the Major has them chasing us like her own personal team of fairy tale agents," he added irritably.
"Pack up...we're leaving. Back to the Athens base," Thalia ordered.
"Oh no...we're not doing that. It's time for offensive measures," Johnny refuted.
"Johnny...that's not a good idea," Thalia argued.
"I'm in charge of this operation!" Johnny snapped.
"I am my father's heir!" he added.
"Besides...the cowardly doctor will talk. I have no illusions that Prince Charming and his brats will interrogate the truth right out of him," he said. Thalia sighed.
"Then you better work on getting that thing translated and hope that it's what we need," she said.
"Not until you tell me what you're hiding," Natalie interjected.
"Natalie…" she started to deflect, but her daughter cut her off.
"Were you and Xander...involved?" she asked.
"Of course they were," Johnny answered for her.
"Stay out of this, Junior," Thalia snapped.
"Mother…" Natalie pressed and she sighed.
"It only happened a couple of times," Thalia insisted, stunning her to silence. She was almost afraid to ask her next question, because somehow she knew the answer.
"Is…is Xander my father?" she asked. Thalia turned away in frustration.
"Mother...is he my father!?" she shouted and her silence spoke volumes.
"Wow...that I didn't know, but I guess it makes sense," he said.
"You knew they were together at one time?" Natalie asked in an accusatory tone, but he shrugged.
"We were never together…" Thalia refuted.
"I remember seeing them together here and there as a child. When my father wasn't pulling him out of the bottle...your mum was. Honestly, I never really put it together, but it makes sense," Johnny said, as he started to laugh then.
"Father must certainly be laughing now...you're a Charming!" he exclaimed to her.
"Well...half Charming," he teased.
"Shut up!" Natalie hissed.
"Mother…" she growled.
"It's true...Xander is your father," Thalia revealed.
"You said that my father died…" Natalie hissed.
"I lied...and it was for the best! Xander was gone most of the time, on missions for Clayton and when he was around, he was drinking and wallowing about the children he had already abandoned. He would have abandoned you too," Thalia said.
"That wasn't your choice!" Natalie hissed.
"Xander is a traitor...and our plan remains unchanged," Johnny said, as he loaded his gun with a clip.
"We cannot count on Malina's source to translate the quipu...but I've located a back up. Let's go…" he said, as Natalie glared at her mother and had a moment of pause.
"Natalie...are you coming?" he asked. She looked at him and then nodded.
"Yes," she replied. The revelation that Xander was her father and she had this huge family out there was jarring. But she didn't know them and they certainly wouldn't want someone like her. No...this didn't change anything.
After returning to the surface, they escorted the two mysterious captives back to the Boston FBI headquarters for interrogation. Agent Green and Agent Brooks insisted on taking the first crack at their interrogation. Some of the other agents began processing the recovered artifacts, while David observed the interrogation from the glass, along with the Major. It was late, so he insisted that everyone go back to the hotel to get some sleep, but he wasn't surprised when Snow came in and put her arms around him. She could see the questions in his mind and knew his father was probably waiting in the conference room for him. But he didn't want to think about any of it right now, because he knew he knew lashing out in anger wouldn't get them anywhere. He wanted answers, but knew he wouldn't like hearing any of them. So for now, he was focused on the two potential investors in the next room. Snow managed to get a bit of his frustration to ebb away, but it was growing since the two agents weren't getting anywhere.
"How much more time are we going to let these two waste?" he asked impatiently.
"The lab is running their prints. If we get a hit, then I'll let you go at them both. But I'd rather you go in there with something, because they're not giving an inch," the Major replied.
"It's going to be okay," Snow whispered to him, as she kissed him gently. He sighed and pressed his forehead against hers.
"You figured it out before me…" he said.
"The bitterness rolled off that woman in waves and when I saw that it was directed at your father...it wasn't much of a leap after that," she replied, as the Major came back into the room with a file and Xander followed her in.
"We got two hits…" Patricia said, as she put the file down on the table in front of them.
"Did we even need to?" David asked, as he looked at his father.
"Do you know them too?" he demanded to know.
"Yes...I know of them. I only met them a handful of times," Xander said. David gripped the metal table, his knuckles turning white and probably the only thing that kept him from raging at that moment was Snow's hand on his arm.
"The man is Dr. Hector La Guerra. He technically had his medical license revoked in 1945 and he fled his homeland of France for the United States," Patricia said.
"Funny...he doesn't look that old," David commented.
"None of these people are what they seem. He was born in 1918 and worked for the Nazis during World War II," she continued.
"Oh wonderful...a real life Nazi," Snow said.
"He lost his license for human experimentation and specializes in working with disease and poisons," Patricia continued.
"Clayton recruited him after the war and brought him to Atlantis. He introduced the doctor to all the magical plants, herbs and substances he had in his collection. It was Dr. La Guerra that created the youth potions. He was able to synthesize the water from the fountain of youth with his own mixture of magical herbs and created a way to utilize the water without tying the user to Atlantis," Xander explained.
"Boy, the good news just keeps coming," David deadpanned.
"We never saw him in Atlantis...but I spent a lot of time in the infirmary with Eva during that time. There were many rooms sealed off to us and I can still remember the screaming of people coming from some of those rooms," Snow recalled, as she got a haunted look on her face. Xander nodded.
"That would be him. There is other things I could tell you about what he does to people, but it's too horrific and I'm not going to do that," he added, as they looked at him.
"I'll tell you everything you need to know, but I will not tell you the specifics of what he does to people, even children, inside those rooms. You won't be able to handle it," Xander said firmly. Snow shuddered and David let that lay, as he turned his head back to the window.
"Enough about the sick bastard...what about her?" he asked.
"She is Malina Pizarro, born in Spain and if you know anything about the history of the Conquistadors, yes, she is of that Pizarro bloodline. The conqueror of the Incas was her ancestor and she has continued her quest to pillage and destroy indigenous cultures all over the globe," Patricia replied.
"Born in 1936 to her powerful and wealthy parents in Barcelona, she followed in her family's footsteps and led many expeditions that resulted in the destruction of ancient sites, their history, and complete pillaging of their cultures," Patricia added.
"How are evil pieces of crap like this not in prison already?" David hissed in frustration.
"You know why, David...that's the reason you and your family are here," Patricia reminded him. He turned back to the window in frustration and then stood up straight.
"They're not getting anywhere...I'm going in," he said, as he walked out of the room. He drew his sword and barged into the interrogation room.
"Excuse me...we're in the middle of an interrogation," Agent Green argued.
"And for normal perps, your methods might work...but not for this evil scum. Get out," he ordered. Agent Green huffed, but when Patricia entered the room and motioned them out, they reluctantly obeyed her order.
"Uh oh Malina...Prince Charming is here to intimidate us," the doctor goaded and she smirked back at him. David responded by kicking his chair out from beneath him. The man cried out, as he fell to the floor, but not before he hit his chin on the table on the way down, causing him excruciating pain. Blood leaked from his mouth from busted teeth and he glared up at the Prince.
"You ignorant brute…" the doctor hissed.
"You're going to tell me where Junior is off to or you're not going to live to see another day," David warned. The doctor chuckled.
"Right to the death threats…" he laughed.
"Believe it or not, your Highness, you don't scare me. I've done things that would make you double over and retch where you stand," he warned.
"So I've heard," David retorted.
"Oh no...you haven't heard the details, because you're still standing," as he turned his attention to the window. It was one way glass, but somehow he must have known she was there.
"I remember seeing your lovely, fair wife in Atlantis...your children too. None of you ever saw me, as Clayton forbade me contact with you, for he knew I wouldn't be able to help myself," he goaded.
"Specimens like them...now that would have been a glorious experiment. Magical blood...I begged him to let me at her, but alas, it didn't happen. I imagined her tortured screams though and watching her red blood slide down her white, delicate skin…" he said, as he licked his lips. David lost it at that moment and picked him up, before slamming him against the wall.
"Last chance to keep breathing. One more word about my wife or children and it's over for you," he warned.
"If you want information...then we want a deal," Malina said calmly.
"Not happening...the only deal you're getting is life in prison and not a needle in your arm. Your list of crimes is extensive," Patricia replied. She smirked.
"Then do your worst, Major Donovan. My family is powerful...I won't spend one day in your jail," she said confidently. But it was Patricia's turn to smirk.
"Oh, it won't be an American prison if you don't cooperate," she revealed.
"Your crimes in other countries have them clamoring to prosecute you. I just put out the word that I have you in custody, thanks to my newest and very special agent," she said, referring to David. She frowned.
"The American prison is at least humane. You'll get meals and a bed and even a few privileges. But the other countries prisons won't be so nice, but not even those are the ones you have to worry about, because if I turn you over to the people that your family has destroyed for centuries...your life is done and your death will not be swift," she threatened.
"You can't do that...your court system does not work that way," she countered.
"It does in this case...do you really want to test me or him?" Patricia said.
"Fine...those in the states that can still translate a quipu are all at Universities, which would be too risky now. So Junior is likely going to Peru. That's about the only place where you're going to anyone that can still read them and even then that's going to be difficult. It's a dead language, as are the Inca people. But I know of one family near Cusco...and so does he. That's where he'll go," Malina revealed.
"And this family? Will they tell him willingly?" David asked. She smirked.
"Definitely not...his father helped the Conquistadors destroy their ancestors, as well as countless other cultures. But like his father...Johnny will get what he wants, one way or another," she replied smugly.
"It's too bad...I'd love to participate in the coming torture," the doctor said.
"Reminding me that you're still breathing isn't wise," David snapped at him, as he walked out.
"We're leaving aboard the Jolly Roger in the morning and those two are going to lead us to them," he said to Patricia. She nodded.
"I'll have them put down in a holding cell until then. Agent Green and Agent Brooks, you and your team will be responsible for transporting these two to the Harbor and joining us. We're going to Peru, O six hundred," she ordered, as she saw David pull Snow into his arms and kiss her. Some of his stress melted away at her kiss and her touch, at least in those quiet seconds.
"David…" Xander interrupted.
"You tucked Clayton's son in at night while your granddaughter was alone in a group home!" he roared.
"It wasn't like that," Xander insisted.
"He was a neglected child that grew into the shadow his father left behind," he added.
"You worked with these people!" David shouted.
"You ate with them! Talked to them! Hell...you even slept with some of them!" he ranted.
"And I hated all of them! And mostly myself most of the time, but Clayton was very convincing! You have to believe me! I wanted nothing more than to get Emma from that group home and bring her to you! But he told me it would be a disaster!" Xander insisted.
"He lied," David growled.
"Yes...and I realized it far too late. I helped him destroy people, because he promised me that in the end, it would lead me back to you and my family," Xander replied. David snorted.
"Well...he was right. Too bad it took you almost thirty years to get to us when you knew exactly where we were," he said, as he took Snow's hand and started to walk away.
"David please...you have to forgive me," Xander pleaded. He stopped and turned to him partially.
"No…I don't and I'm not sure I can," he said.
"David…" he begged, with tears in his eyes.
"How many times?" David asked.
"What?" Xander asked.
"How many times did you stand over my comatose body in that hospital!?" he roared. Xander swallowed thickly.
"Too many," he answered and David shook his head.
"You could have brought Emma to me...hell, you could have brought Snow to me too and you didn't! You were too busy working for that psychopath and sleeping with his operatives," David hissed, as he turned away again and Snow cast a glance behind her, as they walked away from him. She was torn, for the last thing she wanted was for her husband's relationship with his father to implode. But her loyalty was to David first and he had every right to be angry.
The village burned with roaring fire, making it certain that it would be wiped off the map when the flames died. A tall man of Greek descent emerged from the fire and approached his team.
"Did you get it?" he asked, as one of his excavators unwrapped the cloth and presented the jeweled necklace to him. He examined it, but his hope faded and he tossed it back at the worker.
"This is fake!" he cried.
"I'm...I'm sorry sir...the chief finally revealed its location after hours of interrogation. This is said to be the necklace of Harmonia," he replied.
"It's a fake replica! Costume jewelry!" he ranted, as he tossed it into the fire.
"I need that necklace! It can give me eternal youth and find the treasure I seek," he growled.
"The necklace of Harmonia is with Zeus...you'll never obtain it," a voice said, as there was a blue flash and a woman appeared before him.
"A fairy…" he said with intrigue.
"Yes...and you are the man known as the Collector," she replied.
"Sirius Clayton…" he introduced himself.
"Now, if you'll excuse me, I must continue my quest for another source of eternal youth if I am to make sure I live long enough to find Atlantis," he said.
"I can help you do that...and more. I can make your entire bloodline for centuries to come...legendary," she offered. He stopped and turned back to her.
"I am not a good man and you are a fairy. Why would you do that?" he questioned.
"Because I want power...just like you and I need a mortal to get that power," she revealed.
"But don't worry...you'll have the ultimate power too," she said.
"Tell me more…" he inquired.
"There is a chalice, created by Gaia herself and gifted to her favorite daughter, Dione. In turn, Dione has gifted to her precious one, Aphrodite," Blue explained.
"Goddess of love, beauty, and desire," he recalled.
"That's the one...the apple of Zeus' eye and instead of giving the chalice to his new wife, Hera, he has given it to his naive, virginal daughter that still thinks that true love is real," Blue said.
"Fascinating...and where do I come in?" he asked.
"Before Dione died, she intended to gift the chalice to a true love pair that she deemed worthy of it to champions of love and heroes to mortals. But she never discovered a pair that she deemed worthy enough," Blue explained.
"Her daughter is determined to keep those standards, but she is wildly more naive than her wise mother," she continued. He smirked.
"You want me to find some woman and convince your naive Goddess that we are the pair she should gift her chalice too," he deduced.
"You are sharp...but it can't be just any woman. It has to be someone convincing and able to pull off the act," she replied. He smirked.
"I think I know of someone," he said.
"But what kind of power are we talking about?" he questioned.
"Unlimited power and eternal youth," she promised. He smirked.
"Where do we start?" he asked.
Xander sat at the hotel bar and hadn't even bothered to go to his room that night. It was almost two in the morning and they would be kicking him out soon. A glass of scotch sat before him and his stare burrowed into the amber glass of liquid, as a blonde climbed onto the seat next to him.
"Please tell me you haven't touched that, Gramps," Emma said.
"Don't worry...I'm just looking at the thing that kept me from my family for so long," Xander replied.
"You know, I don't blame you, right?" Emma asked. He snorted.
"Your father does...maybe you should. I could have spared you years of unhappiness, Emma. When the Swans sent you back...I should have told Clayton to go to hell and took you straight to your father," he replied.
"You know Clayton would have stopped you or tried to. He might have killed you," Emma surmised.
"And you know Dad...he'll come around. He's almost as forgiving as Mom," she reminded him.
"I don't know, Em...I've never seen him this angry," Xander replied.
"Mom will bring him around...she always does. Just give him time," Emma assured him.
"I hope you're right…" Xander replied.
"Go up to your room and get a little sleep. We're leaving early," she suggested.
"I'm not sure David wants me there," Xander said.
"Yes he does...and you know Clayton's operation better than anyone. Not to mention that you now have a daughter out there that's on the wrong side. You can either stay here and wallow in self pity," Emma said, as he looked at her.
"Or you can fight for your relationship with my Dad and maybe even one with your daughter," she said.
"Her mother has poisoned her against us," Xander replied.
"And we thought George and later Clayton did the same thing to James and now I call him Uncle James," Emma reminded him, as she pushed the glass toward the bartender.
"He won't be needing this," she said, as she threw some money down for it. Xander sighed and followed her to the elevator.
"We always tell you how much like your father you are, but you are every bit your mother's daughter too," he mentioned fondly. Emma smiled.
"I know...I've seen the hope thing work for her time and again, so I took a page from her book on this one. Dad will come around," she assured, as they got in the elevator.
Snow awoke in the middle of the night, noticing that the warmth of David's body was gone. She got up and padded out to the outside balcony of their hotel suite in her long, white silk nightgown. She found him there, staring off into space and slipped her arms around his waist, before resting her head against his naked back.
"Oh baby…" she murmured, as her heart ached for him.
"I just got used to having a brother...and now a sister…" he muttered.
"A sister that was raised in Clayton's world," he said.
"Not all the people in his network are killers," she offered, as he took her in his arms and kissed her hair.
"I hope...I mean, the stealing I can get passed," he said, looking at her fondly and she smiled back.
"You do have a thing for bandits," she teased.
"Except you were stealing to survive. She steals...for treasure," he said bitterly.
"Then it's your father that's mostly bothering you," she surmised.
"I knew he had killed people...I mean, I've killed people too. We're not so different...at least that's what I told myself," he said.
"But if I knew my grandchild was out there, somewhere alone, being abused...I would have moved heaven and earth to get to them!" he said fiercely.
"I know...I know, my love…" she soothed.
"What if Merlin hadn't nurtured her belief by giving her the book? It would have been ten times worse for her, Snow," he fretted.
"At least the book showed her how much we truly loved her and how we didn't choose to be separated from her. It gave her hope…" he continued.
"But my father could have walked into that adoption agency, submitted to a DNA test, and proved he was Emma's blood. But instead, he was sailing around other realms that weren't frozen by the curse, collection things for Clayton! Treasure and gold and inanimate objects over our daughter!" he stressed.
"Over you...you can say it, my love. He chose those things over you and it was wrong," she said.
"You are a much stronger, braver man than he is. You are your mother's son," she said fondly. He sighed.
"The killing...I can get past as surprising as that sounds. I got past it with James. He was raised by a tyrant. It would have been a miracle if he didn't become a killer," he said.
"But what else has he lied about? There could be so many things we don't know about him. I knew that...and I ignored it. I can't do that anymore. I need to know everything," he added.
"And you will," she assured him, as she led him back inside.
"Until then...we should go back to bed," she said, as he sighed.
"You know I can't sleep now…" he replied. She smirked and gently let the thin straps on her nightgown fall away and it became a puddle at her feet.
"Then let's do some...not sleeping," she replied. His eyes glazed, as he drank her in. His beautiful wife was a master at distracting him and though he knew they would have to deal with all of this in just a few short hours, he welcomed this distraction. He walked to her with purpose and kissed her passionately, while cupping her face in his hands. She mewled into his kiss and then yelped in excitement, as he lifted her up and she hooked her legs around his waist. He carried her to bed and for those few hours, they became lost in each other...
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elleberquist6 · 6 years ago
Play Upon Me Like This Piano - chapter eighteen
Summary: In many ways, Phil’s life is perfect: he loves his life in London, he has a wonderful brother and parents, and he has a great job as a radio DJ for BBC Radio One. There’s only one thing missing in his life… A rumor reaches an executive at the BBC about a talented local piano player named Daniel. The executive decides that Daniel would be the perfect guest on Phil’s radio show, so she sends Phil to speak with the evasive and mysterious piano player.
When they finally meet, Phil starts to think that he has found the person who will make his life complete. Unfortunately, Dan has a secret that will make getting close to him difficult.
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 1691
Warnings: Smut
Siren fact: Competition with the Muses: After some time, Hera came to visit the Sirens on their lonely island. She had heard praise for their songs, full of beauty and anguish, and she was not disappointed by the live performance! So the goddess decided to give the girls a challenge. She invited them to enter a singing contest against the nine muses. After consulting together, the Sirens agreed to enter the contest. Of course, they had heard of the Muses’ legendary music, but they also knew that the power of their own songs.
The competition produced some of the most haunting music that the Greeks had ever heard, with the Sirens pouring all of their arresting heartache into their music. Still, the Muses—goddesses of music, where the Sirens were mere mortals—won the competition. To celebrate, they plucked out the Sirens’ feathers and made crowns for themselves. The Sirens returned to their island in humiliation. [https://mythology.net/greek/greek-creatures/siren/]
By the time Dan finished his coffee, the pain killers had kicked in and he felt more like himself. After putting the empty mug in the sink, he walked to the bathroom to see if Phil had an unopened toothbrush he could use. He found one in a linen closet with the towels and tore open the package. When he was spitting foamy toothpaste into the sink, he heard Phil’s alarm clock going off in the next room. As he rinsed his mouth, the alarm stopped making noise and he knew that Phil must be awake.
Dan looked at his reflection in the mirror. There was a smile on his face, put there at just the thought of seeing Phil. Dan hastily combed his fingers through his tangled fringe, wanting to look good when Phil saw him this morning, but his fingers got caught in the dried blood he hadn’t realized was clumping his curls. He winced and the motion tugged at his sore scalp as he extracted his fingers from the knots.
Sighing, Dan gave up on the idea of looking good. It’s not as if fixing his hair would improve his looks much, since his forehead under the curls was black and blue around the cut. Really though, Phil had seen him at his worst last night. Hopefully the morning after wouldn’t come as a shock. Dan was startled from his thought when the bathroom door was flung open. Phil stood in the doorway, gaping at Dan for a moment before sucking in a shuddering breath. He had a funny look on his face as he continued to stare.
Dan asked, “What is it?”
“I didn’t know where you were.” Phil swallowed heavily before continuing, “I woke up, and you weren’t there. I didn’t know what had happened to you.”
“Oh, Phil, I’m fine.” He stepped closer to give Phil a hug, but Phil leaned in for a kiss instead.
Phil’s lips were warm and soft, and the kiss was gentle. When Phil leaned pulled back from the kiss, his eyes roved over Dan’s face. Dan was watching Phil carefully too, seeing how he had relaxed a bit but still looked worried. He lifted a hand like he wanted to touch Dan’s face, yet didn’t want to hurt him and his eyes lingered on the bruise. Phil asked, “How do you feel?”
Dan shrugged. “I woke up with a headache, but it went away after I took some pills and had some coffee. I feel okay.”
Phil bit his bottom lip. “Maybe I should call out from work? I’m supposed to leave soon, but I can…”
Dan smiled and shook his head. “Go to work. I’ll be fine. I’ll probably just take a nap, and when you get home…” Dan’s eyes widened as he realized he had made an assumption. Would Phil feel comfortable leaving Dan here in his home? This was only the first time Dan had spent the night here, so maybe not. If he couldn’t stay here, where would he go? Not to his own apartment, where the psycho might be waiting. Nowhere else seemed safe. Tentatively, Dan asked, “Is it okay if I stay?”
Phil leaned in to place a kiss very softly on Dan’s cheek. Then he said, “Of course. You can stay as long as you like. And it would make me happy to thing that you’ll be here when I get home from work.”
“I’ll be here,” Dan said with a smile.
After Phil went to work, Dan knew what he wanted to do – he located Phil’s game console in the living room and started playing Mario Kart. Whenever he felt frustrated, nothing helped him to relax more than kicking the asses of random strangers online on Mario Kart. As he joined an online race, Dan smiled. He was picturing the possibility that perhaps he and Phil had unknowingly crossed paths in this way before. Or they may have even been nearer than they thought before, since they both lived in London.
That’s not to say that they met before – Dan felt sure that if he had seen Phil he would remember him – but he liked the idea of them both moving around the city, perhaps standing in the same line at Starbucks, or sitting a row apart in the movie theater, or just randomly walking down the street. As they unknowingly passed nearer and nearer to each other, they moved like ships in the sea being pulled by the current until they finally came to this common destination. The thought warmed Dan’s heart. It felt like fate.
Dan’s phone rung, startling him from his thoughts. The game was on the menu screen, so he just muted it before answering his phone. He hadn’t bothered to check the caller ID, and his heart pounded as he realized it might be the police calling to tell him that they had caught the man who tried to kidnap him. In a breathy voice, Dan asked, “Hello? Who’s calling?”
“Dan! It’s me, Robert.”
“Robert?” Dan’s voice rose in surprise. While he had been forced to see Robert at the bar where they worked, they hadn’t spoken a word to each other since the day Robert accused him of not caring about music and Dan had flipped him off. Unsure why he was calling, Dan asked, “Do you need something?”
“Just calling to check up on you, man. The police knocked on my door this morning to ask me if I saw anything suspicious last night. They told me that someone attacked you! Are you okay?”
“Oh…” Dan’s eyes got a bit misty as Robert’s concern touched him. “I’m going to be alright. Thanks for asking.”
“I am so sorry. I wish I hadn’t let you go outside alone. I could have left the bar with you when you walked home. If I had, then you would have been safe.” Dan started to make a sound of protest because that was ridiculous, but Robert talked over him, “And the worst part was that I saw that bastard! I noticed him staring at the door when you went in the back. He was obviously waiting for you and it was suspicious, but I didn’t do anything! Dan, I’m so sorry. Don’t worry, I gave the police a good description – they’re going to catch this guy.”
“Thanks, Robert. And please don’t blame yourself. None of this was your fault.” Dan bit his lip as he thought about what he’d said to the doctor and Phil at the hospital, as he blamed himself for his attacker’s insanity. Phil had been horrified as he said, Don’t you dare think like that. Not for one second. You’re perfect and you’ve done nothing to deserve being treated like this. As he listened to Robert irrationally blame himself, Dan had to wonder if he had sounded the same way. Did that mean that Dan was wrong to blame himself and Phil was right? Was none of this his fault either?
“I’m just glad to hear you’re okay,” Robert said. “You’re not in the hospital? Are you recovering at home?”
“Oh, I’m at Phil’s actually.”
“Phil… wait, the BBC guy?” Robert laughed in surprise. “How did that happen? The last time I spoke to him he said you didn’t like him.”
“Yeah, the BBC guy,” Dan said, and he chewed on his lip as he thought about what he might have done to make Phil think that. Well, the answer to that question was obvious. He told Robert, “I was being an idiot. I realized that after I got to know Phil a bit better recently.”
“He’s seemed like a nice guy whenever we’ve spoken.” There was a pause in the conversation.
Dan could tell that Robert wanted to ask if he and Phil were just friends or more, but he didn’t want to be rude. Appreciating that Robert wasn’t being nosy, Dan offered, “Yeah, Phil’s a really nice guy. The nicest guy I’ve been with in… well, my whole life. He’s great.”
“That’s awesome,” Robert said with an audible smile. “He sounds like just the sort of person you need in your life right now. I’m glad you’ve got someone like him around, taking care of you.”
“I’m glad, too,” Dan said, thinking about how amazing Phil had been.
There was a pause before Robert said, “Listen, I’ve got to go. But give me a call if you hear from the police please? I want to know the second they catch this bastard. If it seems like they’re not giving your case the attention it deserves, they’re going to get a complaint from me.”
“I’ll call you,” Dan assured him. “And I’ll see you the next time I come to work. Bye!”
As Dan hung up the phone, his stomach squirmed at the thought of going back to work. He couldn’t go back until this kidnapper was caught. He couldn’t even go home. He didn’t feel safe and the only thing grounding him right now was Phil.
Thinking of the note on the calendar on Phil’s fridge, Dan resolved to ask him about it when Phil got home. He couldn’t be alone right now.
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tarisilmarwen · 7 years ago
“Heroes of Mandalore” Liveblog
A little late, but hey.
I have been waiting for this for ages LET’S DO THIS PEOPLE!
Some familiar barren Mandalorian desert here.
Aaah, this episode is going to spoil my filthy sabezra heart, I can tell.
I’m so proud of Sabine.  So, so proud.
Aww, Ezra is having problems adjusting to his jetpack.
You wanted one Ez, you don’t get to complain now.
Such banter.  Much cute.
Wooo Sabine!
Lol and Chopper was totally like, “Here we go again.
Hnngh oh gosh the animation is so fluid and smooth.
Sabine and Ezra banter aaah it’s so good!
Noooo Sabine! D:
Ezra, the last time y’all were pinned down like this you went all Dark Side on the chicken walker, you’d better not--
Oh good, he’s learning.
Hi Bo-Katan!
Ha ha I love how Kanan isn’t even using a jetpack, he just Force Jumps.
So I imagine the Satine references are probably making some Clone Wars fans cry, but I never really cared for her so...
Awwwww, Ezra looking all concerned at Sabine.
And now they’re going to have a talk, good, good.  Feed my thirsty shipper heart.
(Sidenote: Holy cats this music cue ashlfakhsflakj--)
Chopper go away, they were having a moment!
Oh hi Mom Wren.  Hi Tristan.
Kanan and Hera are having marital bickering lol.  And it annoys Chopper.
Oh but Hera honey, slow down and stop being all, “BUT THE MISSION!”  You’re not Batman.
And back with my sabezra babies they are having more cute banter.  D’aww.
Can I just... sit here and watch them interact forever?
They’re so precious.
Oh no, “the weapon”.  Problem.
Oh, that’s a nifty use for those transport side pockets.
Kevin Kiner have my children.
Lol Chopper.
Go Kanan.  Woo!
“Are you with Sabine?”  “Yeah I’m with her.  I mean--I’m not with her with her--”
“I’m just friends... with her.”
Oh my gosh Ezra you dork.
I can die happy now.
Ho ho ho shit Ezra got awesome.
And there’s Sabine to grab him.
Aww hugs.
Hey, Mom Wren’s helmet looks like it has cat ears, kinda.
Oh shoot, there’s the weapon.
And poor Sabine!
Just... ouch with Tiya’s voice-acting here.
That was one of her cousins probably.
I mean, that had better not have been Tristan.
Nope.  I refuse.
Sabine blaming herself naturally.
Ursa and Tristan are alive OH THANK FORCE.
Wrath of Sabine.  Wow.
Fang fighter to the rescue!
Or, wait... is that the Gauntlet we stole from Maul?
...It’s a Gauntlet at any rate.
Lol aww Ezra.  You sure you don’t wanna be a Mandalorian?
Please go away.
Aaaand I was right.  The weapon targets Mando armor specifically and fries people inside it.  Yikes.
Heh.  Thrawn is thinking through the practical implications of threatening a Proud Warrior Race with a direct affront to their battle pride.
“I only have pieces of the prototype.”  Ha ha because Sabine wrecked it, didn’t she?
Thrawn does not like your lack of appreciation for “art”.
Awww Mom and Dad Wren!
Ezra moving to defend Sabine of course.
Ezra offering a very practical solution.  Unfortunately cultural pride is more important to Mandos than it is to Hera.  *cough*
Aaaand here we go with people giving Sabine grief again.
(Ezra’s so protective of her aaaah!)
Time for planning!
Sooo... Can Rau/Katan be a thing?
I bet they’d be cute.
Here we go, let’s get to the capitol.
The weapon is named after Satine?  Pfft--I’m sorry just--ha ha ha--that’s... that’s too perfect.
Lol-ing forever.
Noooo Sabine!  (Again.)
I see Saxon 2.0 is as arrogant and obnoxious as the first mode.
Go Ezra, save Sabine!
Such good action.  Much excite.
She turned it on the stormtroopers didn’t she?  Ha ha, and Saxon 2.0 is gonna flip the switch.
Oh, careful!  Ezra’s scout helmet!
Sabine showing off her slightly bloodthirsty revenge side, as in “Protector of Concord Dawn”.
I see Ezra is not the only one going to be exploring the theme of How We Fight this season.
And I can already hear people kvetching about the schematics between Sabine turning the weapon on the stormtroopers versus them dying in the explosion she caused.
Look it’s really not that hard: there’s a distinct difference between actively murdering your enemies out of revenge (while they’re defenseless, after deliberately making them suffer to boot) and them dying incidentally as a side result of you performing your actual mission.
Motivation, people.
Anyway, glad Bo-Katan is there to be the voice of wisdom.
And she’s also stepping up to be Mandalore’s new leader awesome.
And a lovely music cue to close us out.
So!  That wasn’t as much of an emotional wrecking ball as last season’s.  (Though let’s be honest there isn’t that much that can top the return of Kanan’s “I’ve got you.” at the most appropriately tearjerking moment of the episode.)
But very good!  The action was so fluid and dynamic and Tiya’s voice acting broke my heart in places and SO MUCH EZRA AND SABINE INTERACTION YES GOOD.
My only disappointment is that Ezra and Sabine never got a back-to-back saber fight.
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theabominableblogger · 7 years ago
Best Bits of Star Wars Rebels S4 Pt. 1 (Ep 1-8)
Pretty sure most of this list is going to be screaming so just heads up
The awesome shout-outs to the chase scene and the pilot fight scene in “Raiders of the Lost Ark” with the convoy attack to get Sabine’s dad and Zeb fighting the Trandoshan foreman
Relatable Chopper is relatable
Sabine hugging her dad
The return of Bo-Katan
The overall animation.  Holy crap.
The awesome shot of Ezra that’s a callback to Obi-Wan in “The Lawless” in TCW
Motherfreaking Kanan pulling a Rogue One and wiping out stormtroopers in the complete dark
“Are you with Sabine?”  “Yeah, I’m with her.  Not ‘with her, with her,’ I’m just friends... with her.”
Kevin Kiner’s orchestral score throughout.  It’s awesome.  When is @starwars releasing it on an official CD?
Genevieve O’Reilly and Forest Whitaker giving their all as Mon Mothma and Saw.  I mean, holy crap, their argument was spectacular.
Chopper slamming against the satellite dish controls face first.
Sabine taking any opportunity to drag Ezra
The Loth wolves *mic drop*
The white loth wolf’s leitmotif by Kevin Kiner
Kanan finally addressing Caleb Dume as his birth name
Thrawn low-key stanning Hera
Sabine’s new look
Ezra’s impersonations
All the Rogue One connections.  All of them.
Kanan being his super snarky S1 self and it is flipping glorious.
Also, Kanan getting really pissy whenever his moments with Hera are interrupted
Hera jumping to hyperspace through an Imperial construction hangar (and possibly having the highest kill count out of the whole Ghost crew)
Kallus officially being a part of the Rebellion (and having floppy hair)
The debut of Rukh into official canon, and being voiced by Warwick Davis
Ezra having to crawl through ventilation shafts again
Lots of callbacks to previous seasons.  Lots of them.
Hera piloting an X-Wing
The return of Mart Mattin (who clearly now knows what a Star Destroyer looks like)
Rukh running on top of the buildings on Lothal on all fours like a chimpanzee
The first chronological appearance of X-Wings in Star Wars canon
Ezra freaking waving at all of his enemies
Guys, get the prayer circle ready!  Part 2 of the final season is coming soon!  Stay tuned for the mid-season premiere on Disney XD!
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aceofstars16 · 8 years ago
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEL!!!!!! Soooo, it’s @meldy-arts birthday, so you should all go say happy birthday to her because she is awesome! <3333
I really wanted to do something fun for you, Mel, and I’ve had the idea of writing about Ezra’s birthday for a while. And I decided, why not write a fic about his birthday on your b-day! It’s got a little bit of angst and quite a bit of fluff. And I hope you like it! Thanks for being such a great friend and screaming with me about headcannons! I hope you have an amazing birthday!!!!! <3333 *smooshes in a hug*
Fic below the cut:
Empire Day. For some it was a celebration. For most it was a reminder of all the Empire had destroyed, all they had taken away from the galaxy.
Once upon a time, Ezra had celebrated it. Not for the Empire’s reign – his family would never celebrate that – but for his birthday. Hazy memories were brought back every Empire Day. Of his father’s smile, his mother’s laugh. Small little gifts that might not have looked like much, but they had meant the world to Ezra. It hadn’t been perfect, but it had been good.
And then everything had fallen apart. On the streets, every day ran into the next. If it wasn’t on Empire Day, Ezra might never had realized it was his birthday, but he was always reminded of it. One more year without his parents. One more year of surviving on the streets. One more year of wondering if life would ever get better. Or if his lot in life was to simply survive as long as he could, until his luck ran out.
Then he had joined the Ghost crew. That first birthday with them had been hard. Facing those memories, the loss - it would always be hard. But it hadn’t been all bad. He had found some healing that day. He had realized that he wasn’t alone anymore. There were people that cared about him, that looked out for him. And maybe one day, they could become a family.
But even after that, Ezra still hadn’t liked thinking about the day. His birthday was hard. He had to accept the fact that it would always be hard. The crew – who were quickly becoming the family he so desperately needed – gave him space. Sometimes there was a special meal, or a small gift, but they never drew too much attention to his birthday. If they were able to celebrate, it was usually a few days after the fact, when the memories had eased, when things felt normal. Or as normal as they could in a war.
That tradition continued, even after the war had ended. Partly because Empire Day had now become a day of remembrance for all of those fallen. Some people celebrated the memories, others simply took the day off to think, to mourn. Ezra usually spent the day looking at the only picture he had left of his parents, and sometimes, he would talk about them. Other times he would just listen to other’s stories of loved ones they had lost.
It was never cheerful, but there was a bittersweet comfort in knowing that you weren’t alone. Everyone had lost someone in the war, no one was entirely whole.
Years passed, and Ezra slowly accepted the fact that his real birthday would never be a happy day. It would always be hard to face, though over time it had eased a little.
Today was no different.
Ezra woke to the quiet calm of the early morning. Most days he would roll over and go back to sleep, but not today. Even after all of these years, a weight still grew on his chest when he remembered what day it was.
Closing his eyes, Ezra didn’t fight the wave of memories that washed over him. Some good, some bad. A few of them were only the faintest of a memory - a scene his mind had constructed, trying to fill in the gaps to the point that he didn’t know the difference between what was real and what was make believe. But some of it had happened, and he knew the parts that were true. The soreness in his throat from screaming for his parents, the bitter cold of the streets, the gnawing hunger of his stomach, the anger at people celebrating when he was suffering. People who didn’t even knew he existed, because he didn’t matter. But a few good memories always sifted through the bad. A laugh, a small gift, a smile from a stranger. One that always came back to him was the first time someone had said happy birthday to him in seven years. The genuine kindness in her tone, and the gift she had given him was one he still cherished to this day. Sabine had helped him heal that day. And every day since. Even before they got married, she had been there for him. And he would always be grateful for her, on the good days and bad.
A smile grew on Ezra’s mouth at the thought of Sabine. His light in the dark, his constant companion, even after all these years. Looking over at her, his smile grew even more.
Her hair was a mess, soft snores escaped her mouth, and a bit of missed makeup smeared her skin. But to Ezra she looked as beautiful as ever.
And as Ezra looked at her, Sabine’s eyes opened – still fogged over with sleep. But as she saw him, she smiled.
“Morning,” Ezra said.
“Mmm,” Sabine mumbled as she scooted closer to him, snuggling into his chest. “Too early.”
Ezra couldn’t hold back a small laugh. “I thought that was my line.”
“Shut up.” Sabine said, hitting him lightly on the arm before tucking her head under his chin. And as she did so, Ezra wrapped his arms around her. There was no mention of what day it was, and to him, that was better than a ‘happy birthday.’
Closing his eyes, Ezra was met with memories, but this time the good prevailed. The weight on his chest was lighter – though he knew it wouldn’t go away fully. Sleep pulled at his mind and he didn’t fight it, but just as the world started slipping away, the door slid open.
Mira jumped on the bed as she yelled the greeting. A grin lit up her face as she jumped up and down before she flung herself at Ezra, who – along with Sabine – had instantly sat up in surprise at the awakening.
Laughter escaped Ezra’s mouth as her small arms tried to wrap around him, though they could only reach halfway.
“There’s my little Firefly, I knew something was missing,” Ezra said, returning the hug.
Jumping up, out of Ezra’s embrace, Mira jumped to the floor and grabbed his hand and started pulling. “Daddy, daddy, come! I have a surprise for you!”
Ezra glanced at Sabine as he let himself be pulled out of bed, but she only shrugged.
Mira dragged him to the hallway but then let go of his hand and ran into her room. She ran back out and handed him a piece of paper before running off again.
Looking after her for a moment, Ezra frowned then glanced at the paper. It was a hand drawn picture of their family and he couldn’t help but smile at it. Even though it wasn’t a master piece, it had clearly taken her a while to draw – she had included Kanan, Hera, Zeb, Chopper, and Dawn in it. However, as he looked at it, he saw something that didn’t seem to fit, a loth cat – much bigger in proportion that it should be – next to Mira. They didn’t have a loth cat…
“Happy Birthday Daddy! I found her last night, she likes fish and hugs!”
Ezra looked up and saw Mira holding a loth cat in her arms. It was small - still a kitten -and it looked very malnourished. But from the grin on his daughter’s face, you would think she had just found the best thing in the entire world.
The kitten wriggled out of Mira’s grasp and landed on the ground, hunching down a little in wariness. Out of instinct, Ezra reached out his hand, feeling with the Force and sending calming thoughts to the small cat. She tilted her head towards him and reached out cautiously, sniffing his hand. After a few moments, she took a step towards him and he gently stroked her head.
“Yay! She likes you!” Mira said, jumping up and down, clapping.
The kitten jumped at the sudden noise and bolted down the hallway.
“No kitty! Come back!” Mira started chasing after the cat, but Ezra quickly scooped her up.
“Why don’t we give her a little bit of space. I’m sure she’s not used to humans.” Ezra said, watching as the cat turned a corner and disappeared out of sight.
“But she’s your present! She’s supposed to celebrate with us,” Mira said, pouting as she looked in the direction the cat had gone.
“I’m sure she’ll come out later,” Ezra said, setting Mira down, only to have her race after the cat. “Mira wait!” Shaking his head, Ezra laughed quietly.
Then he caught sight of Sabine – who had seen the whole thing. She raised an eyebrow in question. Mira already had one pet, and taking care of a kitten was hardly an easy task. Looking in the direction that Mira had gone, Ezra glanced at his wife and shrugged. “I have always kind of wanted a loth cat. And I’ll help her take care of it.”
Sabine rolled her eyes, but a smile played on her mouth as she walked forward and poked his shoulder. “You just don’t want to say no to her.”
“Well…” Ezra said, recalling the grin on his daughter’s face when she had walked up with the cat.
A laugh broke out from Sabine’s mouth and she shook her head. “Come on, we better make sure she gives that poor cat the space it needs.”
Now it was Ezra’s turn to laugh. And as he watched Sabine head towards the living room, he realized that the weight on his chest was barely noticeable. His birthday might never be an easy day, but as he walked into the main room and saw Sabine and Mira sitting on the floor, watching the small cat crawl under the chairs, he realized that maybe it could still be a good day.
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agent-7-at-your-service · 8 years ago
Future Plot: Project Titanomachy - Chapter 30
(( Camille, Lee, Janine, Pac-man, and Depiction of Callie belongs to @inklingleesquidly
Nebula belongs to @myzzy and @agenttwo
Blueshift belongs to @myzzy
Depiction of Agent 2 / Marie belongs to @agenttwo
Celeste and Willow belong to @alpinesquid
Agent 0 and Suzy belong to @son-of-joy
Nebulous and Arsenic belong to @a-demo-of-a-hero
The Galaxa Gems belong to @splat-tendency and @eiden-squid
The Frosted Gems belong to @askvincent / @asktheseastars and @evora-flux
Nexus Corp and Neo Nexus Crop belong to @alphadeathsquad
Agent 7, Agent M, Agent C, Kitzeh, Justinian, Telemachus, and others belong to me
Those not mentioned belong to @twelvetailedkitsune and @petit-blu-inkling and others.))
Parthenon, Athens, Greece - Sunset
Camille quickly woke up in a bed in the Parthenon, Athena’s home. She gets out of the bed and fixes her green tunic. There was the sound of a flute playing, and Camille followed the sound. It was coming from the garden.
When she reached the garden, Athena can be seen in her gazebo, playing the flute to a normal-sized owl.
“Athena?” Camille stepped closer.
Athena stops playing the flute. “Hello, Camille...” She puts down the flute and gets out of the hammock. “You did it.”
Camille could’ve sworn Athena called her by her real name. “Don’t you mean Camilla?”
“....No.” Athena got nervous
“Then how do you know my name?” Camille questioned.
“I think this should need some explaining.” Athena sounded guilty.
((Background Music (BGM): Athena’s Confession https://youtu.be/afkngRhuZkg ))
Athena took Camille to the ledge where they sat and ate meals when she personified as Princess Camilla. Athena confesses that she and Morpheus needed to find a way for her and her family to communicate with their Champions, so reliving memories before, during, and after the Trojan War was the only way she can think of.
Camille was kind of upset that Athena did that to her and her friends.
“So all this time, those dream of me and my friends as your friends is just an illusion made by Morpheus?” Camille questioned.
“Yes.....” Athena looked down.
A servant walks up to them and each of them a pastry and a cup of grape juice. Camille thanked the servants.
“That’s really mean of you, Athena,” Camille commented.
“What was I supposed to do?” Athena looked at her.
Camille looked away, wanting to ignore the spirit of the wise goddess. “Hmph. Some wise-ass goddess you are.”
Athena was not offended. “I know, I know, it’s cruel for me to the that....... but please forgive me!” She grabs her hands. “I never met a friend like you since I meet Camille... And I might not see one like that again...... and I should’ve just simply approached you face-to-face in your dreams! And my greatest sin...... my greatest sin... it’s that I made you relive my best friend’s memories!”
“.....Athena.....” Camille soon embraced her. “Apology accepted... I can’t stay mad at you.....and it was fun hanging out with you.”
Soon they sat closer, eating pastries and grape juice.
“.....This might be the last time we’ll be together, huh?” Camille wondered.
“It is going to be the last time,” Athena answered.
Camille was now reconsidering to not forget this adventure. “But at least we had a blast, right?”
“I can agree with that, Camille.” Princess Camilla sighs. “What about you Athena?”
As the sunsets, Camille began to glow; she’s fading away and leaving her dream.
“There’s one more thing I need to tell...” Athena then got closer to whisper in Camille’s ear. “There’s still an Olympian that has to be stopped.”
Camille thought her adventure was over but kept that in mind as she knew what to do. “....Goodbye, Athena...”
“I miss you very much,” Athena replied.
“I’ll miss you too...,” Camille soon closes her eyes. She shed one tear.
((End of BGM))
Point of No Return, The Titan Fortress - Moon’s Orbit- 1:30 PM
Camille comes to her senses and wakes up for real. She pushed away a wine cup that was placed at her lips. She was panting and coughing out water. Hera puts Hebe’s Wine Cup aside and calms Camille.
“Don’t worry... you’re still here,” Hera began.
Camille and her friends were back on the Point of No Return. There was no longer an arboreal bridge nor is there a corpse of Cronus. Everything was peaceful.
“.....I-it’s over, right?” Camille asked.
“Well we sent Typhon flying into a black hole that closed up minutes ago, I bet he returned to Tartarus to be fed to the beasts dwelling there.” Telemachus still stood where he was, staring at the blackness of space.
“And look at us! We saved Inkopolis, the world, and the whole universe!” Celeste couldn’t wait to get some reward and recognition.
“Calm down, Celeste,” Nebula giggled.
Camille still remembered she freed an inkling that was stuck to Typhon’s body. She quickly got up and walked over to the inkling that was lying on the ground.
It was a maiden with a tattered up dress made from a sail, beads and threads of gold, and sheep’s cotton. The Typhonian crown was no longer on her head.  There was a snake ring on her ring finger; a small Greek inscription on it that’s translated as “Ophion”  Her inkling hair is completely black, but the roots showed her ink was original a very white periwinkle. She carefully opened her eyes which were the colors green and blue, the colors of water-meadows.
“Who are you?” Camille asked.
“Eurynome... Mother Goddess.....,” The maiden replied, “You... you save me..... Typhon was really my husband, Ophion....... Oh, how our conflict almost brought chaos back....” She was close to dying.
Nebula, Telemachus, Celeste, Justinian, and Hera got a bit closer to look at Eurynome.
“Why did your husband do this, and how did he become that monster?” Nebula asked.
“We fought because he wanted more credit for creating the world..... I had to banish him to Tartarus... I had no choice... but his envy and hate turned him into the monster you fought. He consumed me when I tried to destroy him.” Eurynome paused a few times to breathe. “If he can’t be respected for the world we created together, he would destroy it instead of watch it thrive.”
“And those bound to his influence?” Celeste asked.
“....They were all just his pawns spreading the word of his coming. The Titans were the last sign made by a certain Olympian....” Eurynome smiles a bit when she gazed upon the Earth. “But that Olympian doesn’t matter for now..... All I want is to see the world thrive.....” She looked at Camille. “Thank you....” She then closed her eyes and turns into gray ink which quickly evaporated.
Camille sighed and gets up. “Rest in peace...”
After a moment of silence, the six inkling need to return home.
“We still have to return back to earth,” Justinian reminded, “No idea how we’re going to get back.”
“I..... I think I know a way.” Athena spear was beside Camille, and she picks it up and pointed it directly at Inkopolis. “Guys hold on.”
Everyone gather and place their hand on Camille’s spear. Lightning strikes the spear and in a flash, they’re back in Inkopolis.
Streets of Inkopolis to Alexandria District - 1:50 PM
(( Background Music - Victory! : https://youtu.be/aAs7Wxvc1_o ))
Trumpets sounded, drums were beats, and Amazons chanted tunes. The Greek Mythos Force were marching into Inkopolis and to along with Agents and Heroes. Calypso and Leviathan, Nexus Corp, Neo Nexus Corp, and Inkopolis Defense followed as well.
Agent M and Agent C were carrying Camille on their shoulders while Nebula, Celeste, Telemachus, Justinian, and Hera were being carried by Amazons on their shoulders. Willow, Nebulous, Arsenic, and Kitzeh were behind the six champions. Hephaestus was behind them with Hermes and Anteros, Suzy was behind helping a patched up Agent 0 in the parade, and behind them were the Minor Olympians.
As this victory parade passed by the safety zone, everyone was cheered for them. The Galaxa Gems, The Frosted Stars, Janine, Myzzy, Pac-man, and much more were applauding.
When the victory parade reached Alexandria District, Camille, Nebula, Celeste, Telemachus, Justinian, and Hera walks up the steps to meet with Agent 7 who had Lee, Callie, Agent Blueshift, and Agent 2 by his side.
Camille and her Party salute; Agent 7 salutes back. Camille’s parent run up to Camille to give her a hug. Callie is about to cry tears of joy, Lee is glad his daughter came back in one piece. Blueshift and Agent 2 did the same with Nebula. Agent 7 walks up to Telemachus, Justinian, and Hera and he nods in approval.
Camille lets her parents let go for a moment so that she can look at everyone and raise Athena’s spear in the air. Everyone was applauding.
((End of BGM))
The Titanomachy is over.
One day later...
Earth and several planets started to recover from the Titans’ wrath and the coming of Typhon. All the forces that defended Inkopolis were returning to their normal lives. Camille and the Olympians had to return Mount Olympus to do one more thing.
The Olympian Vault - Hephaestus's Forge, Mount Olympus, Greece - 7:00 PM
Hephaestus has made notified those with Olympian artifacts to return them back to the vault. Hermes and Anteros were an exception since Hermes is still alive while Anteros was inheriting his brother's artifacts.
(( Musical Number: https://youtu.be/ehLVcUJj6ME ))
When the Olympic Champions returned one more time to Mt. Olympus, Hephaestus actually has a gift for them: a play. Hephaestus’s story tell was praising Agent 7 more, but the Muses appeared out of nowhere and decided to tell the story their way.
Living Murals retold how Camille and her friends are fighting the Titans with a bit of over exaggeration. And it was quite entertaining with it music and singing.
((End of Musical Number))
When it was time to return the Olympian Artifacts, Hephaestus took the Champions to the vault.
Arsenic returns the hammer and tongs to Hephaestus. “It was nice using these to make weapons.”
“My blessing onto you, Arsenic.” Hephaestus pats Arsenic’s shoulder. “May my blessings help ya.”
“Aww... I really liked to keep these, they’re awesome,” Celeste complained, putting Hestia’s heart back in its rightful pedestal.
Willow puts Asclepius’s Staff on its pedestal. “Cheer up, Celeste, at least this war against the titans is over.”
“Same here,” Justinian agreed, returning Demeter’s shoulder bag and Persephone’s Staff back on their pedestals.
“We all have to return these, we can’t keep them forever.” Hera places the goddess Hera’s Scepter and Hebe’s Wine Cup back on their pedestals.
“At least my daughters are avenged.” Agent 0 places Ares’ weapons and armor back on the pedestal. Camille gave him the honor to place Apollo’s Bow and Artemis’s Antler on their rightful pedestals. “There’s no point in possessing such powerful items.”
Kitzeh drank one more canteen of Dionysus’s wine before placing the wine god’s belongings back on its pedestal. “Yup.... gonna miss that.”
Camille rolls her eyes and looked at Athena’s spear. She sighed and placed the Spear on its pedestal, but she stopped as the pedestal of Athena and the pedestal of Zeus have a barrier of black apple tree roots formed over them.
The pedestal of Hades, the pedestal of Heracles,  and the pedestal of Poseidon have the same barrier.
Hephaestus is alarmed. “This can’t be.....”
“What’s the meaning of this?” Agent 7 questioned Hephaestus.
Camille soon realized what Athena meant when she said there’s an Olympian that still needed to be stopped.
“OH COME ON!!!” Camille shouted.
Underworld(?) - Time Unknown
In the darkness, a young boy stood silent. Before him, a silhouette of a woman was looking down at him.
“They may have won... but my true intentions are from the stone,” The woman stated.
The boy showed her the Omphalos Stone.
The woman takes it and giggles. “Perfect~” Her yellow ominous eyes can be seen. “Soon my son, we’ll rebuild Olympus... with me as the ruler, and no one can stop me.”
[Continues in the 3 Part Epilogue]
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morizoras-cave · 4 years ago
Paper Bag (Request)
MCU Cast x gn!teen!co-star!reader
Genre: angst, fluff
Request Description: Hope i am not bothering you but can i request one of avengers cast x teen!reader,where the reader gets acne and they think their ugly so they put a paperbag over their face but the cast notices and they ask them what's wrong and the reader removes their bag and say that they are ugly but the cast is like its normal to have it and you're beautiful.
Warnings: insecurity, self hatred, body hate, language
(A/N): berlin was AWESOME. i slept the ENTIRETY of yesterday so today i will post as well as tomorrow and monday too! enjoy the fics (hopefully) :D
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You’d been in Marvel movies as a returning character for years. Your character was growing up, just as you were, and you loved every moment spent with the cast. They’d known you since you were about 6, and your bond with them was as real as could be. 
Knowing them all for so long, you’d been able to tell them most of your problems. The early problems with fame, love troubles, friendship drama, and general weird thinking about the world. They had in many ways raised you. 
But there was one thing - something that brought such a dark shadow of shame over you, so maddening and humiliating you’d never ever told them. You were insecure about how you looked.
It was ridiculous. I mean, you’d always kind of disliked your body type, and as you grew, you wished you had certain other features. Some of the insecurity came with fame, but the root of it just always seemed to have been there. 
That’s why when you looked in the mirror to see your first pimple, your reaction was not as simple as being bummed out. You felt disgusting. So disgusting, in fact, you stayed in your trailer and cried and cried and cried, and eventually covered your mirrors, because the reflection you saw was an evil taunt. It told you that you were ugly. 
But the mirrors being covered didn’t help. You couldn’t feel comfortable with the cast anymore, not knowing a bright red pimple adorned your usually untouched forehead. Not knowing you looked so stupid. Your mood was ruined, and your reflection was seemingly everywhere to bully you.
It reflected you on smooth surfaces, like counters and shelves, in glass and in bathroom mirrors. You cried each time you were reminded of your frank ugliness. It only worsened when you got several more pimples, and you felt yourself scrambling to fix everything, to stop the taunting that was so constant in your brain. 
The moment you pulled the paper bag over your head, it stopped. You were anonymous again. No fame, no beauty, no ugliness. Anonymity was a superpower. 
The first time you wore it, you only wore it at home, and then struggled the rest of the day with your crippling self hatred. After two days of this, you couldn’t resist it. Wearing it to work. You knew it looked weird, but you just wanted so, so desperately to feel comfortable again. 
“Woah, who’s that?” Anthony asked as you walked onto set that morning, paper bag resting on your shoulders, and three holes (two eyes, one mouth) cut into it. 
“It’s me,” you said curtly. It was a fair group of people you had accidentally run into. Anthony, Scarlett, Sebastian, Chris (Evans), and Elizabeth sat in the break room where you were trying to get some coffee in. You wanted to avoid everyone as long as possible. You knew your actions would raise questions (questions you really did not want to answer), so you’d planned to not speak to anyone outside of the filming. You would take it off in front of the camera, and then grab it as soon as possible, to minimise the agony and self hatred that had caused it in the first place. 
“Y/n? Why are you wearing a paper bag?” Scarlett’s joking tone signalled she (and probably the others too) thought it was a joke of sorts. A prank, maybe. You ignored her question and put a mug beneath the dispenser, pressing a couple of buttons. Coffee was dispensed. You waited silently. 
“Are you okay?” Sebastian called from the couch. 
There was an uncomfortable silence. You just wanted to leave. If only wearing a paper bag everywhere was socially acceptable. 
“What’s with the paper bag, sweetheart?” Elizabeth asked worriedly. They had probably realised by now, that it was more than just a practical joke. You panicked. 
“I’m doing a.. It’s an experiment.. For school,” you lied. You went to pick up your mug, but, regretfully, you realised your hand was shaking. A lot. In fact, your entire body was shaking a little bit. They were just a little bit too close to the truth. To the shame.
You grabbed the mug and took it, backing out to exit the room, but you went to quick, hand slipping, and the mug as well as its contents spilled out onto the floor. The mug shattered and the hot, brown liquid flooded the floor. 
“Hey-” a hand found your shoulder, making you jump away and shriek. The paper bag rattled at the motion. It was Chris who’d walked up to you (very stealthily, may I add) and was now looking at you with those concerned blue eyes. “Are you okay, N/n? What’s wrong?” 
The mug was shattered. The coffee was on the floor. You had pimples on your forehead and you couldn’t stand yourself. You started crying. 
Silently crying, but visibly shaking, you lowered yourself to your knees on the floor, grasping your head through the paper bag in agony. You hated yourself. It was such a loud feeling. 
“Y/n..” you heard Chris mumble, squatting down next to you and stroking your back. The shuffling of feet came closer, until the cast was standing next to you. The paper bag rattled once more, as this time, you took it off.
“I’m so ugly. I’m so ugly, Chris, I can’t stand myself,” you sobbed, now audibly, tears running down your face and some dripping into the spilt coffee. You saw your reflection in the liquid, and shame overtook you once more. “I’m so ugly-”
“Stop. No, you’re not.”
“Yes, I am. I’ve got- I’ve got pimples on my face and I-” you croaked, but broke off into a sob once more. 
“Hang on, is this about pimples?” Sebastian intercepted, stepping forward. You shook your head.
“No.. Well, yeah. But it’s just.. Everything. I always hated how I looked, and I.. This just made it worse, I guess..”
“Oh, sweetie..” Scarlett mumbled, as both her and Elizabeth pulled you up form the wetted floor, and into a hug. They rubbed your back and squeezed you tight. 
“You’re such a stunning young person, N/n. In every way. And pimples! They’re the most natural thing on the planet. I had pimples, Scarlett had pimples, Sebastian, Chris, Anthony! We’ve all had it,” Elizabeth said, as your raking sobs turned to sniffles in the ladies’ warm embraces. You nodded into her shoulder. 
“Please, believe me, N/n, when I say that you’re one of the most gorgeous humans I’ve ever encountered. Inside and out,” Scarlett’s voice had never seemed as comforting as then. 
“For the record, we don’t think you’re ugly either. You’re the definition of beautiful. I’d let my kids date you. And that’s a huge compliment!” Anthony jumped in, semi-jokingly, but gaze as serious as could be.
You wheezed a laugh. The pimples, that previously had seemed as bright and glowing as Rudolph’s red nose, seemed less significant now. Actually, you realised you’d never felt as comfortable as you did then. The insecurity that had had so many ties over you, had been cut loose. You were free and floating. 
You almost felt stupid for not telling them sooner. The confidence you felt, was something you’d never gotten to experience. 
You pulled away form Elizabeth and Scarlett, smiling and wiping your eyes. 
“Thank you, guys. I’m sorry for being so dramatic,” you giggled now, face puffy and cried-out, but still you felt beautiful. 
“Hey, no. You weren’t being dramatic. You were struggling with something and we helped you. Simple as that,” Sebastian said, ruffling your hair and smiling encouragingly. 
“And don’t hesitate to tell any of us, if you feel like this again. We will jump to comfort you at any time of the day,” Chris added, patting your shoulder. You wiped your eyes once more, smiling like a dork.
“Can I get a hug?” you asked. 
They hugged you, and you felt so loved and beautiful. You truly had somewhere, you thought, that you could always tell anyone anything. You had something so incredible. You had a family. 
Tag List:
@hera-the-writer @marvel-madness @40srogcrs @whatthefuckimbisexual @snarky–starky @garbage-potato @lozzypoz321 @allthecreativeonesaretaken @missamericana713 @rororo06 @shady80smusicsingercolor @ireadfanficforfun @deephideoutmilkshake @rae-is-typing @sophs-library @herecomesthewriterwitch @alicedanganh @eviemarvel @idk123906​ @xiumin-girl99​ @frostedgiant
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fearofaherobrine · 8 years ago
Roleplay Server Log #155
“Alexis the Sleeper, Talk of Coronations”
-Before long the castle comes into view. Steve is outside in the garden picking cocoa pods.
[Herabrine] Sneaks up on him and hits him with a little ball of water.
[Steve] YOW! That's cold! Herabrine!
[Herabrine] snickers. -Where's Doc?
[Steve] Creep - Is patting himself off with a wool square- Look up.
-The big yellow dragon is laying like a limp ribbon, draped over the corner of the castle roof with hir tail hanging down.
[Herabrine] Lazy ass.
[Steve] Hey, xe was up all night. They usually are.
[Stevie] Comes from the direction of the carrots carrying a web root- Other Steve! Look what I found!
[Steve] Oh hey, let me see that. This is a really special plant Stevie. It's actually a type of medicine. Don't ever eat these okay?
[Stevie] - Okay!
[Herabrine] I remember those. They do weird shit.
[Steve] Yeah it has some side effects. They still work though.
[Stevie] Sees Alexis- Hi pretty lady!
[Alexis] - Hi Stevie!
[Steve] We've had some fun, he stayed the night and we mined together. Show Alexis what you found Stevie.
[Herabrine] And now you're gardening. Wheee....
[Stevie] Pulls out a bit of gold, lapis, red stone, and a lot of coal and cobble- See!
[Alexis] - Wow, that's a good haul!
[Herabrine] Mimes a yawn
[Steve] He killed a big spider too.
[Alexis] - That's so awesome! Good job!
[Stevie] - It was super big!
[Herabrine] So if I throw something at Doc, what do you think the chances are they'll fall off the roof?
[Steve] Don't do that....
[Alexis] - Well we kinda need them to give me a once over...
[Herabrine] Whatever. I'll just give em a good poke. - Flies up and gives Doc a hard shove on the snout.
[Doc] Meeeeeehhhhh Whaaat? WHOAH! - Xe flops sideways and manages to catch hirself on the random protrusions of cobble on the walls
[Doc] Slides slowly down to the ground ripping down a ton of vines and flopping on the patio - Whhhhhhhyyyyy?
[Herabrine] You're needed.
[Stevie] Giggles-
[Steve] Shakes his head. - Brines.
[Alexis] - Hello Doc
[Doc] Yawns, xe curls around into a snaky knot and changes back into hir human shape before flopping down on the bench under the giant mushroom- Something on your mind Alexis?
[Alexis] - Well I was wondering if you could go over my code. I was with the other Alex's today and it dawned on us that there could be something harmful in my code
[Doc] Is a now a bit more awake - Harmful how?
[Alexis] - Uh, well you see, I was made by the NOTCH that tried to remove CP
[Doc] Shit.... really? Do you think.. you were made as some kind of distraction for Stevie?
[Herabrine] No I think she might be programmed to stab Cp in the back if she tries to ally with him. She seems predisposed to hate brines.
[Alexis] - What Stevie and I were told was that I was to be a companion for him. and it's more like I can't let go of hate if someone done something harmful to me
[Doc] Well there's nothing wrong with having emotions. Lots of people find it hard to forgive.
[Herabrine] That's bullshit, but it explains a lot. Do you actually love him? Or you just think you should?
[Steve] Was listening in- Our Alexsezia came second too, but she was supposed to be a more perfect being then the Steves. She was supposed to be entirely self-sufficent.
[Doc] That would explain why the other Alex's are ace, but you aren't, Alexis.... If find out that you're just programmed to love him, do you want that removed?
[Alexis] - I... I don't know...
[Doc] I can't make that decision for you Alexis. I feel bad sometimes that Deerheart is in that same boat, but I have to believe her love for me is real because she was generated as a response to the love I was already giving to what created her.
[Alexis] - I was told I was a companion, that doesn't mean lover all the time. So maybe my love is real?
[Herabrine] You've been alone for a long time now, are you content at all?
[Steve] I was made to be a companion too Alexis, but my love took time to grow. We didn't even know it was the case until later.
[Alexis] - No, I'm not content, my heart hurts without him...
[Stevie] - You're hurt?
[Steve] Sometimes when people hurt Stevie, it's not visible. They just feel sad and it's uncomfortable.
[Doc] Then I'll just take a look - Xe puts down a command block and moves one of Alexis hands onto the surface to begin scanning her
[Doc there's a sudden widening of hir eyes that only Hera spots and xe quickly copies a file from Alexis's code and deletes the original before anyone else sees.
[Herabrine] Gives Doc a hard stare.
[Doc] Well, there's not much here, I think your problem is mostly emotional. It's hard to forgive and forget. I do know one thing that will make you feel better though. - types- Deerheart can I borrow your Shaymin? I'm outside near BEN's old froom.
[Deer] - I'm on my way
[Deer] Arrives with Shaymin in her arms-
[Doc] Thank you my love. Now this little dude has shown all kinds of talent for reclaimation. Try holding them Alexis, see how you feel.
[Alexis] Gently takes Shaymin- I already feel calmer
[Steve] Hedgehog bush. That little critters so cute.
[Doc] It wouldn't hurt you to visit Sweet Alex and bug her for one of her magick hugs either.
[Alexis] - I wouldn't want to intrude...
[Herabrine] BAH. She loves company.
[Stevie] Is picking some flowers-
[Doc] She's right, Gk never sleeps there, but he's over there constantly, Enderbro too.
[Herabrine] That's cause he prefers sleeping in his dragon form even if he has to do it outside.
[Doc] Well it is comfy.... It's much harder to accidentally get in a pose where you wake up cramped and sore.
[Alexis] Is feeling very calm holding the Pokemon-
[Stevie] Ruins back over with s handful of flowers and holds them out to Alexis- Here you go pretty lady!
[Steve] Kinda looks like he might cry.
[Doc] Stevie... could you come over here? I want to give you a quick once over too. Just put your hand here.
[Alexis] Smiles at Stevie and takes the flowers- Thank you Stevie
[Stevie] Looks at Doc- Okay!- He runs over and puts his hand down
[Doc] Run a quick scan and then does it again before speaking- Okay, your code is clean, and you're healthy as a horse. Thank you Stevie, you can go play some more.
[Stevie] - Yay!- He runs off to play by the pond
[Doc] Casually- Has anyone seen Cp today?
[Herabrine] Yeah, he's banging Lie.
[Doc] well then.
[Alexis] Blushes a little, remembering what they saw-
[Alexis] - Hera had quite the laughing fit over it
[Herabrine] He was naked and angry, it was funny as fuck.
[Doc] Seen that one a few times myself.
[Alexis] - I mean, he's really not that bad to look at...
[Doc] Turns a bit pink - well... he is good in bed. Not nearly as nice as being with someone who actually loves me, but technically proficent.
[Herabrine] What the fuck Doc?!
[Steve] Last to know huh Herabrine?
[Deer] - Lie was there too
-Above them an honesty flitter is sunning itself on the remains of the vines-
[Doc] Yeah, but I didn't do anything with her, she was just.... on me. - Turning red-
[Alexis] - I have thought about trading Stevie with the thought I'd a threesome's with either one of them... Not exactly sure how it would work...
[Doc] You want to fuck Cp? He's awfully territorial. He was more okay with me violating his rump them touching his wife.
[Herabrine] What the hell is wrong with both of you?!
[Steve] Is looking around-
[Alexis] - I don't know... So you said my coding was okay Doc?
[Doc] OH. Yes... you're fine.
[Alexis] - Your sure there's nothing harmful there?
[Doc] Is visibly straining - No, you're fine now!
[Deer] - Are you okay love?
[Alexis] - What do you mean by now?
[Doc] I... I have to go! I'll talk to you later Alexis! - runs inside
[Herabrine] Stomps after hir-
[Alexis] - Weird...
[Stevie] - Look! Flitter!
[Steve] Narrows eyes. - hmmm... Maybe you should go check on your mate Deerheart.
[Deer] - Got it, it was good seeing you Alexis
[Alexis] - Same, take care
[Herabrine] Following Doc - Get back here dammit!
[Deer] Rushes after them-
[Doc] Darts down a ladder and into a lower room full of armor stands. Xe's panting lightly.
[Deer] Catches up to Hera- Hold on Hera, where did xe go?
[Herabrine] Down there! You go first.
[Deer] Pokes her head down- Love? What's wrong?
[Doc] Is leaning on the counter red faced and furious - I'm gonna kill that fucking NOTCH.
[Herabrine] Which one?
[Deer] - What is it love?
[Doc] It was everything in me not to tell her what that... animal did to her....
[Herabrine] Growls- what did you find? I saw that face.
[Doc] Spits the words furiously - it was two exe commands and a set of floating coordinates I recognized. Laid there when she was made. Her own fucking unwillingness to have anything to do with Cp saved her life.
[Deer] - What exactly do you mean love?
[Doc] I MEAN, I mean... geeze.... if she would have made a contract with him, and entered into his space... his agreements have their own codes to change behaviorial parameters... it would have triggered the commands.
[Herabrine] English or binary please!
[Doc] If the contract were done and she was in his inner sanctum it would have fired off the exe commands. One of them would have... deleted her. The other would have spawned a Wither on the same coordinates. Both eliminating her for being a traitor to her NOTCH and causing serious damage to CP and his base.
[Doc] I want to kill him. Just twist him up and wring every drop of code out of his miserable shape.
[Deer] - But doesn't CP control his withers?
[Doc] Not a freshly spawned one, and this was double size with the mob griefing parameters doubled as well.
[Herabrine] Is speechless.
[Deer] -Why... Why is this necessary? What would drive a NOTCH to do this?
[Doc] What would drive him to destroy a happy family?
[Deer] - Should we tell CP?
[Doc] Yes. I'm going to make good on my promise to help him. I think he'll be just as mad as I am
[Deer] - Well, perhaps we should give him a bit more time first...
[Deer] - Oh and love, it probably would have been easier to lie to Alexis if there hadn't been an honesty flitter there
[Doc] You're right as usual and it's dumb to run off half-cocked, but I am quite pissed right now.
[Herabrine] THEN we go kill him
[Deer] - But we don't know where he is
[Doc] We know he frequents Cp's server. Nether we could probably use Cp as bait.
[Deer] - He wont like that...
[Doc] He never likes anything, that's nothing new.
[Herabrine] But this guy nearly destroyed Cp. You're gonna need an army.
[Doc] But Cp already has an army and that didn't help him at all.
[Deer] - But he didn't have more brines
[Herabrine] I wonder if you could frame him for something so Slender would kick his ass for us?
[Doc] That's incredibly devious Hera.
[Deer] - Wouldn't Slender already know?
[Doc] Know about what?
[Deer] - The NOTCH
[Doc] Know what, that he hurt Cp? I have no idea. If he knows it raises the question of why Slender hasn't already killed him in retailiation for hurting CP.
[Deer] - CP could have his reasons
[Doc] To conceal his identity? You mean because he still was unsure about what had happened? Well he knows now that the person who betrayed him wasn't his real father at all, so he certainly has no reason to keep it a secret now. Unless it's just a petty revenge thing where he wants to be the one to make the kill.
[Deer] - We wont get very far speculating when we could just ask him
[Doc] Do you think they're done... having their intimate time yet? He won't tell us squat if he's angry.
[Herabrine] It's been several hours....
[Deer] - Then lets go
[Herabrine] Is already up the ladder.
[Doc] Hugs Deerheart briefly, just because xe's still upset and then follows.
[Deer] - I'll stay here to keep an eye on Stevie
[Doc] Okay, Steve probably needs a break anyway.
[Herabrine] You coming or what?
[Doc] Yeah yeah.
[Doc] Seems to be lagging behind a bit, because xe's still fuming and unsure how to tell Cp.
[Herabrine] Drags hir along faster.
[CP] Is curled around his naked and satisfied wife- Why don't you sleep?
[Lie] - No, I told you, I don't want to sleep after what I've just been through...
[CP] Huffs a little before holding his wife a bit closer- Alright, then we'll just rest like this
[Doc] Gets under the bridge and paces a few small circles thinking what to say.
[Herabrine] Yells- HEY CP!
[CP] Groans and yells back- WHAT!?
[Doc] I need to talk to you. It's important.
[CP] Groans again and slips out of the bed, pulling some pants on.  He steps out onto the bridge and looks over the edge- What is it now?
[Doc] I have to show you this. - Xe holds up a small digital file. - I.... I found it hidden in Alexis's programming.
[CP] Jumps down- In Alexis' files?
[Doc] I gave her a checkup, her first. I didn't tell her I found it. I just made a copy and deleted it from her.
[CP] - Can I see it?  Or will it set something off?
[Doc] No, It was specific to her. It won't work outside her coding.
[Herabrine] Her unwillingness to trust you may have saved both your lives Cp.
[CP] Reaches out and takes the file, he stiffens after reading over it.  A look of panic crosses his face- I need to go...
[Doc] Snags his wrist - Don't! Don't go alone. I promised to help you do this. I'm angry too, but this has been simmering for years. We need a plan.
[CP] - Doc, what about Stevie?
[Doc] I checked him. He's clean. And Endrea can't have anything or it would have fired off already. I think it was specifically designed to punish Stevie if he made up with you. To kill you and take away the help-meet that was made for him.
[CP] Still a bit panicked- Or to push us farther apart...
[Doc] Exactly. It's horrible and it makes me physically ill to think about it.
[Herabrine] Is now obviously puffed up since it was her idea to send Alexis to Doc.
[Lie] Has pulled on CP's shirt and looks over the side of the bridge- Is everything okay down there?
[Doc] No... but it's something that's been wrong for a long time and I'm just now finding out about it.
[Lie] - More Insanity stuff?
[Doc] No. Cp's NOTCH left a nasty surprise inside Alexis and I removed it.
[Herabrine] Flies up to the bridge and whispers some specifics into Lie's ear.
[Lie] - That's horrible!
[Herabrine] Yeah. I agree. I think we should shred him like bad files.
[Lie] - But if CP and his army can't do it, then we'll need help
[Doc] Scuffs a boot in the dirt. - Too bad Slender hates me...
[CP] - He wouldn't be able to help anyways.  I asked him about it when I first joined the pastas.  The amount of energy he would let off would destroy my seed and everything in it.
[Doc] I was going to ask why Slender didn't kill him for you. Could we lure him to an empty one?
[CP] - It takes him awhile to find where we've moved to whenever I've moved seed
[Herabrine] Has a horribly evil look - Does Offenderman like guys? I bet he'd like a playtoy that can't die.
[CP] - No shit he does
[Doc] Turns white as a sheet -
[CP] - You fail to understand that I have seen him fuck furniture before
[Herabrine] Nearly falls off the balcony laughing.
[CP] - But I'd rather he be destroyed
[Doc] Even you're not that mean, huh? I guess that's good to know.
[CP] - Oh no, I'd just rather be sure he'd have no way of coming back
[Herabrine] He can't come back if he's held captive in Offenders fuck-dungeon Cp!
[CP] - I'd still rather not risk it!
[Doc] Have you ever tried to take him out with a computer virus?
[CP] - Yes, didn't work
[Doc] Damn... when your army goes up against him, what do they do? Just attack him physically and directly?
[CP] - Pretty much, but I only send in my strongest and most well trained mobs
[Doc] Excuse me for a moment. - types in the chat- Endrea? Are you anywhere near Lie's house?
[Endrea] - In the library
[Doc] I need to talk to you.
[Endrea] Looks at the baby dragons with her- Umm...
[Doc] And Ashe.
[Endrea] - What do you want with my child?'
[Doc] I have a tactical question and sometimes the best way to solve a difficult problem is to ask a child.
[Endrea] - Just a moment, GK?  Can you babysit?
[GK] Is already playing with Willow and Oak. - Sure!
[Endrea] - Thank you, come on Ashe, Doc wants to see us
[willow and oak] -oak is trying to climb gk and willow is gumming his leg-
[Ashe] - Yes mama- He gets up and follows Endrea back to Lie's place
[Doc] Watches the big dragon land and walks up to her. - Endrea... I found something terrible in Alexis's code that was put there by the same NOTCH that made you. I need you to tell me and Ashe everything you know about him.
[Endrea] - I don't really remember much, he mostly left me to my own devices.  I remember receiving my instructions to destroy CP and that death was a disappointment, but that I'd grow stronger each time.  He didn't really have any contact with after the first time I grew up...
[Doc] I see. Ashe? Remember how I told you you should be a tactician, not a warrior?
[Ashe] - Uh-huh
[Doc] Is scribbling on a sheet of paper with a quill. - These are the parameters of the enemy and what's already been tried. I want you to think about it and come back to me or Cp with whatever ideas come to mind. No suggestion is stupid and even things that seem improbable might only need a little tweaking to become possible. Can you do that for me?
[Ashe] - Yeah!
[Doc] I'm sure you'll make everyone proud. Take your time and really plan it out too. Okay?
[Ashe] - Okay!  But what if Oak and Willow get the papers?
[Doc] They'll eat them. Just keep them in your inventory when you're not reading or writing.
[Ashe] - Understood
[Endrea] Looks at Doc- Your planning on attacking that NOTCH?
[Doc] I've been promising to help Cp destroy him since I found out what he did to Cp and his family. I won't risk the server, but it will happen one way or the other.
[Endrea] - I will sit this one out, I cannot chance leaving my children and having to stay in an egg while they grow
[Doc] I wasn't going to ask. We have plenty of dragons and I'm not sure a full on assault will work anyway. I'm open to ideas, and everytime I talk to Ashe he seems to have gotten smarter. I thought he would be a good person to ask for a fresh perspective on the problem.
[CP] - I feel like I need to check in on my generals...
[Doc] I want to go with you.
[Herabrine] Can I come too?
[CP] - Why not- Makes an opening to his seed and steps through
[Doc] Trots after him-
[Lie] Sighs- Wait for me Hera, I'll come to in case I need to calm him down- Starts to head for the door
[Herabrine] Steps in and stops short, she's wobbling on her feet. - huuurk!
[Doc] Turns to check on her
[Lie] Steps through and notices Hera's condition- Hera?
[CP] Shuts the portal- WINSTON!
[Herabrine] What's wrong with this seed?! - She's turning her hands over and over and her shortness compared to the others is much more apparent.
[Lie] - It's a higher resolution, you're okay, it will take a bit of time to get used to
[Herabrine] I feel nauseated...
[Winston] Rushes in- Master?  What's wrong?
[Herabrine] Drops a block and sits down heavily.
[CP] - I need you to send out a summons to the other generals, they are to gather immediately.  We'll meet in the conference room
[Winston] - Yes sir- Winston quickly turns and rushes out to do as his master commanded
[Doc] Looks around as they wait. The room seems larger from hir human perspective.
[CP] Digs through a few drawers in his desk, gathering some blank papers and quills and ink-
[Lie] - CP, you'll need a shirt
[Doc] I'll fix it.
[Doc] Quickly copies what Lies wearing and hands him the copy
[CP] Pulls it on quickly- Alright, I think that's all I'll need...  The Nether generals should pretty much already be gathered, but the Overworld generals will take a bit more time...
[Doc] Thinks for a moment and then copies hir own pants before offering them to Lie.
[Lie] - Hm?  Oh!  Thanks...
[Lie] - Hera?  You gonna be okay?
[Doc] Best to look decent for Cp's officials.
[Herabrine] I just need to sit for a minute so I don't puke.
[Lie] - Okay, just let me know if you need anything- She pulls the copy of the pants on
[Herabrine] I could probably use a water bucket.
[Lie] Spawns one of hers- Drink it quickly before it heats and evaporates, we are in the Nether
[Herabrine] That wasn't why I wanted it! - She pours it out quickly and then turns away to throw up in it.
[Doc] Well that was considerate at least....
[Winston] Returns- Sir, the summons have all been sent
[Doc] Self-conciously checks hirself over and fluffs up hir hair.
[CP] - Good- He turns towards Doc and Hera and holds out a bundle of code- You'll probably want to at least be able to temporarily understand my generals during this in case you have anything to add
[Doc] Hesitates and then claps an eggshell around it instead of handling it directly.
[CP] - Really Doc?
[Herabrine] I can understand them already.
[CP] - Alright- He dismisses the bit of code
[Winston] Is standing there patiently-
[Doc] Holds it near hir ear - Winston, can you say something to me?
[Winston] - I don't understand why, but alright...
[Doc] That's perfect. Thank you.
[CP] - Winston, how many are already here?
[Herabrine] Has composed herself and hidden the bucket of sick under the nearby desk
[Winston] - The Nether Generals are all here as are Eliza, Samson, and Charles
[CP] - So we're just waiting on Zacharia, Samantha, and Magnolia...
[Winston] - Yes sir
[Lie] - CP, what do you expect to come of this?
[CP] - I don't know yet
[Doc] Takes up an honor guard pose beside Cp.
[CP] - We'll need to inform them of everything that has happened recently, and then start coming up with some tactics
[Doc] Will you tell them about... your father...?
[CP] Stiffens- I...  I don't think it's necessary to let them know right now.  They don't know yet that there were two...  Well, other than Winston that is
[Doc] But the fact that some of the NOTCHs are peaceful might be important. And.... if they actually respect and care about you, it might fire them up to help more agressively. You're asking a lot of them.
[CP] - They hate this false NOTCH just as much as I do, they don't need to be more fired up
[Doc] It's up to you. They're your mobs and I do respect that.
[CP] - They don't need to know yet
[Lie] Comes up and places a hand on CP's arm-
[Herabrine] Forces herself back up again. - No way I'm missing this-
[CP] - We may as well head to the conference room now.  Winston?  Can you bring some more chairs?
[Winston] - I've already done so, you're mates seat is to your right
[CP] - Thanks
[Doc] Is there a place for me?
[Herabrine] Pushes herself off the floor and floats so her head is level with Cp's face. - I don't need a chair.
[Winston] - There is a seat for all of you
[CP] - It's there if you want Hera
[Herabrine] Nods and floats along behind them.
[Doc] Follows Winston - thank you
-They enter the large conference room, Endrea's usual spot has a few chairs placed in it. Most of the other chairs were filled with the generals-
[Doc] Finds a spot to sit and Herabrine joins hir quietly-
[Lie] Takes a seat to CP's right.  Giselle notices and glares at Lie-
[Herabrine] Whispers to Lie - what's her damage?
[Lie] - She has delusions of being CP's mate
[Herabrine] A little too loud- Oh, so she's stupid. Got it.
[Giselle] Her glare now shifts to Hera- And who is this bitch Master?
[CP] - Don't start Giselle
[Herabrine] I'm Herabrine. And if your head isn't as full of gas as most ghasts; you'll take it down a notch.
[Giselle] Huffs- You have no right to talk to me like that little bitch, I'm a general, you look like a squeaker toy
[Herabrine] I'm a brine. You're just another mob flunky to me.
[Giselle] - Ah, but this isn't your seed tinker toy, so behave like the good little slut you are
[Herabrine] Slumps for a second - her astral form rushes forward like a ghost with steam boiling off of it and shoves Giselle with tremendous force into the opposite wall before snapping back.
[Giselle] - You little bitch!- Prepares to launch fire balls
[CP} - ENOUGH!  Giselle you are toeing the line and I am this close to removing you from your station!
[Doc] Is holding the egg to hir ear - I would anyway. She's got some serious attitude issues.
[Giselle] - But Master!
[CP] - No Giselle, this is your last warning
[Doc] He's just not into you Giselle, you need to get over it.
[Giselle] Huffs but does go silent-
-The door creaks open and the last three generals enter and take their seats-
[CP] - Good, all of you are here now
[Eliza] - Master, why have we been summoned?
[Doc] Just turns quietly to Cp. Not wanting to shame him in front of his subordinates.
[Herabrine] sits back and puts her boots on the edge of the table
[CP] Takes a steadying breath- There has been a development regarding NOTCH, he apparently placed some code within Alexis which would have dealt damage to not only me, but this place as well
[Charles] - What sort of damage sir?
[CP] - A wither, not as large as the one I have, but it would have caused a lot of destruction
[Doc] Is wanting badly to say it's been taken care of, but not interrupt either
[CP] Mentally- Go ahead and chime in, I know you want to
[Doc] Stands with a bit of swirl in hir coat. - I've already removed the code. And I have scanned to see if Endrea or Stevie had the same and come up clean. I think it was specifically designed to assassinate Cp if Alexis betrayed her NOTCH and made a treaty with him. It would have also driven a further wedge between Cp and his brother and broken Stevies heart as Alexis would have been deleted in the process of the codes completion.
[Grayson] He is a huge lumbering pigman, standing almost as tall as CP- Why is that a bad thing?  That wimp is useless anyways
[Lie] Actually growls a little-
[Doc] Stevie? No Steve is useless. And if you think they are, you haven't been on the receiving end of a really determined one. My friend Father Steve has and would again walk through fire for his Herobrine.
[Grayson] - They're dumb and stupid!
[CP] - Grayson, not now
[Doc] Then I hope your stubbornness and lack of knowledge doesn't cause your end someday.
[CP] Mentally- Remember, he may not be smart, but his kind judge their leader on sheer strength alone
[Doc] Sends a loud thought - then we'll have him visit us one day. Steve wrestles with TLOT regularly. He'll pick this piggy up and dump him in the bay.
[CP] - He can try
[Doc] Trust me, he can do it.
[CP] - Back to the matter at hand, how strong of forces do we have?- He listens patiently as each general lists off their available forces
[Herabrine] I thought you said a full on attack wouldn't work anyway?
[CP] - It wont, but it will help
[Doc] As much as I'd like to just hunt him down like a dog, we need a better plan.
[CP] - We do know that he shows up here every once in awhile
[Doc] Is there anything of his I could use to make an alarm? Even a scrap of clothing could be enough to write one.
[CP] - No
[Lie] CP's curt response has her a bit concerned
[Herabrine] - slowly- Do you think... maybe he's coming back to look to for Alexis and Stevie?
[CP] - It's possible...
[Lie] - Or maybe the humans...  Before Doc moved us Stevie did mention that he would mention us to NOTCH to see if he could help...
[Doc] Well whenever someone logs on it shows in the chat. If one of them came back here, we could bait him to come out of hiding.
[CP] Is nervous about doing this, thinking of NOTCH finding the young Stevie-
[Doc] It doesn't have to be Stevie.... he created Alexis. She might be the more important one to him.
[CP] - Maybe...
[Blake] - Master, are you seriously suggesting working with them!?
[Doc] Who? Us? He has been for quite some time. We are both brines after all.
[CP] - Circumstances have...  Changed Blake, for the time being there is an uneasy agreement of sorts
[Herabrine] Yeah, one's heartbroken and the others helpless. They don't have much to lose.
[Lie] Puts a hand on CP's leg-
-The Generals murmur and speak to each other as CP gives them a chance to talk with each other about the subjects broached-
[Doc] Do they not know the circumstances of where you went and what's transpired Cp? Beyond that you found a mate?
[CP] - They know a little, but I haven't filled them in completely
[Doc] Why not?
[CP] Shifts uncomfortably-
[Doc] It's not like there's a stronger brine there who would want to take your place.
[CP] - It's more how they view me...
[Doc] Loudly in hir head so he'll answer mentally- And how is that?
[CP] Glances at Doc before responding mentally- Doc, they know me as their ruthless ruler who still protects them...
[Doc] Aren't you?
[CP] - Well yes...  But...
[Doc] Then what's the problem? Just because you're not crazy any more doesn't mean you can't lead. And while you may not be as murdery anymore I don't think you'd hesitate to set anyone on fire who challenged you.
[CP] Shifts again-
[Doc] Is the crown sitting heavy Cp? You know I won't make fun of you. I'm fully aware of how onerous responsibility can be.
[CP] - No, I will not abandon them
[Doc] I wasn't suggesting you would, just that you're not as enthusiastic about this as you once were. Maybe partly because using them as an army still didn't make your problems go away.
[Lie] Leans on CP a bit, feeling his unease-
[Magnolia] Appears to be made of red slime, she commands both Slimes and Magma cubes- Sir, who are these people you have brought with you?
[Doc] Decides to answer for him since he seems uneasy. - We are also Herobrines, but ones with different and lesser powers then he has. - Kicks Hera before she can speak-
[Lie] Takes a steadying breath, knowing many of the generals had never seen her before- And I am also his mate
[Doc] This is Lie. I am called Doc, and this is Herabrine.
[Herabrine] Gives a sarcastic wave
[CP] - They are to be shown respect, especially my mate
[Herabrine] Looks a bit surprised but takes her feet down and sits up a bit straighter.
[Doc] Giselle... I was here last time you had a meltdown. I'm telling you. I did surgery on these two to give them a greater soul connection. Cp will never belong to another.
[CP] Sits there stoned face for a moment- Hera, feel free to blast her
[Giselle] Is sitting there supremely angry-
[Herabrine] Too much effort - She makes an idle gesture and a water block is suddenly encasing Giselles head.
[Giselle] Thrashes a little-
[CP] - Careful, I do still need her to lead the ghasts for a little while longer
[Herabrine] Is holding out a fist- Tell me when. I'm not sure how many hearts she has.
[CP] - She's probably already half way
[Herabrine] toys with the block for a moment more, letting it heat up and then finally releasing it before Giselle can fully drown in it. - Anyone else want to start some shit?
-The generals remain silent-
[Lie] Gives Hera a small smile-
[Herabrine] Huge satisfied grin. -
[Doc] As you have a treaty with Cp, we have a treaty with him, mutual defense.
[Eliza] - Sir, since we are discussing matters at hand, how would you like word of your mate spread?
[Giselle] Under her breath- Not at all
[Doc] She's the queen. Nothing simpler.
[Eliza] - Ah yes, but how will we get word of it to the lower mobs quickly and accurately?  We don't want any accidental attacks or misinformation
[Doc] Isn't it a good rule of thumb anyway to not attack anyone with the eye glow?
[CP] - True, but they've also seen her as a human before and had orders to capture and harm if necessary...
[Herabrine] A queen needs a crown then, right?
[Lie] - Hera...  What are you getting at?
[Herabrine] Some big to-do with food and whatnot, parade her around so they all see who not to fuck with. Or just have her summon some offensive flowers and bite the shit out of a few people you don't like in front of the others.
[CP] - Are you seriously suggesting something like a coronation?
[Herabrine] Why the fuck not? You're king here, aren't you?
[Doc] Shrugs-
[CP] - That would take some time to set up, plus I can't think of a space large enough off the top of my head...
[Lie] Shrinks a little in her seat-
[Doc] We can always just invite a few of the trusted one's over...
[CP] - How about no.  Any time any of the mobs have been moved it's been to invade...  I don't think we want that
[Doc] Oh. Yeah, never mind. Surely you can find a suitable bit of mountain to just knock out some bleachers on the side of.
[CP] - Why are we even discussing this?
[Doc] Shrugs again - You were the one that was worried. And everyone is here, right?
[CP] - Well yes, but that's not why they were gathered...
[Doc] How about this, if any of you guys are awful to Lie, I'll punch your head into the next zip code. Is that clear enough?
[Giselle] - And why should we even perceive you as a threat?
[CP] Quietly groans and puts his head in his hands-
[Doc] Cp? May I? It's your seed.
[CP] - Sure, why not
[Doc] Gets up from the table and takes a step back and then another.  Xe drags one iron heel against the floor making an ear-rending shriek of metal and then shifts as xe charges forward. The gigantic yellow dragon flies across the table trailing lightning and sparks and grabs Giselle in hir jaws. Xe flips her up in the air and uses hir tail to bat her like a ball very hard against the far wall with a painful crunch. Xe turns and roars so loud the ceiling shakes and there are small explosions as lightning falls to hit the lava outside. - That’s why!
[Giselle] Grunts as she pushes herself up off the floor- You bastard...
[Doc] Shows hir huge teeth, swishing hir tail back and forth. - Come get some.
[CP] - Giselle, I suggest you rein yourself in and stay silent
[Doc] Steps up next to Cp and sits at attention, trying to look formidable. - Are you sure? I could just make a dragon snack out of her. She seems crunchy.
[CP] - No, she should behave for now
[Giselle] With a huff she stands and storms out of the room-
[Herabrine] Flips her off. - Dumbass.
[CP] - Does anyone else have any issues they wish to voice about my mate?
[Blake] The blaze general obviously wants to say something but smartly keeps his mouth shut-
[Doc] Is suddenly in his face and snorts so his hair goes back briefly.
[Blake] - And what do you want?
[Doc] I know of you, you're also a troublemaker. I've got my eye on you.
[CP] - Rein it in Doc
[Doc] Immediately snaps back to attention and sits artfully with hir head high .
[Magnolia] - Sir, will we be holding a ceremony then for your mate?
[CP] Sighs- Fine, but it will be awhile before it happens...
[Doc] Loud thoughts to Cp. - Maybe I can convince Deerheart to come shifted. Me and her, and Endrea and Gk would make quite the honor guard.
[CP] - why would we need an honor guard?
[Doc] It looks menacing? You could ride standing on my nose, I can walk smoothly if we're not going fast.
[CP] - No
[Doc] Makes a very slightly pouty face. - Here I thought you'd be happy because I'm making myself look like your attack dog.
[CP] Groans-
[Herabrine] Do I have to dress up?
[Samson] The skeleton general leans forwards a small amount- Sir?  Are you alright?
[Doc] geeze.
[CP] - Since it was your idea Hera, yes.  And I will be fine Samson
[Herabrine] Aww dammit.
[CP] - Don't worry, I know someone who can make you something quickly that you'll like
[Doc] Well you didn't have much of a wedding, this could make up for it....
[Herabrine] Is suspicious now-
[CP] - This is going to be a fuck ton of extra paperwork...
[Doc] You have the help you need, all you have to do is offer it to him. I wonder how piggy-butt over there would react if he knew his new coffeemaker and breakroom jukebox was courtesy of a Steve?
[CP] - Wait what?
[Doc] Oh, he approved some small requests on the last batch. He denied their request for a month off and AC for the training rooms though.
[CP] - There's something I need to grab from the training room before we leave...
[Doc] nervously clicks hir claws on the floor - Don't go off on him okay? He didn't get crazy with your budget.
[CP] - No, just going to show him why I generally don't approve those types of requests...
[Doc] Bites hir lip - Cp....
[CP] Looks at his generals- You're dismissed.  I have things to think about...
-The generals respectfully stand and leave-
[Doc] Makes the 'eyes on you' gesture at Blake.
[Blake] Walks out in a bit of a huff-
[Doc] You should really fire both of them....
[CP] - Honestly I'm surprised they haven't died yet.  However, despite their behavior, they are exceptional generals
[Doc] Maybe we could trap them somewhere with one of Lie's offensive plants. Then it would both look like an accident and keep them busy.
[Lie] - I don't know how I feel about that...
[Doc] They're fucking eachother anyway, they just want to include Cp in it.
[Lie] - Still....  But are we seriously doing this coronation thing?
[Doc] I'm just going to pout because Cp doesn't want to have a small phallanx of dragons to lead him out.
[CP] - It seems a bit overkill
[Doc] Juts out hir lower jaw so hir bottom teeth stick out in an obvious pout.
[CP] Stands from his chair- If you're hungry there's food in the kitchen, Doc you should remember the way?
[Doc] Mutters- I can look regal. Oriental dragons were the symbols of kings you know. Okay I don't have the heavenly five claws, but I've got three. That's good enough for low-tier royalty.
[Herabrine] Oh shut up.
[CP] - Endrea will already be there, she is one of my generals after all
[Doc] Huffs. - A pouch full of squeaking babies kinda takes away from the menacing air.
[CP] - Yes, but the other generals do keep their distance from her
[Doc] You're no fun.
[Herabrine] He let you knock Giselle's block off.
[Doc] mmmpph.
[Lie] - CP, who else should we have there?
[Doc] Any of the brines who want to come. I guess we should take some creepypastas too if you're sure they won't diss you in polite company.
[CP] - Yeah lets not
[Doc] Not even Splender? He'd love it.
[Lie] - I'm sure TLOT and Steve would like to be here...
[CP] - Especially not Splender...
[Doc] But.... it's the Nether....
[Lie] - Exactly why I said like to
[Doc] Wilts a bit- I bet Gem and Mix would come.
[Lie] - That's true
[Herabrine] GK will come.
[CP] - You guys keep talking, I'll be right back
[Doc] If I ask around some of the other brines might come too, even though I know they're busy.
[Lie] - Just thinking about all this is making me very nervous
[Herabrine] Why? All you have to do is let them put a hat on you and then wave at everyone.
[Lie] - And talk and not piss everyone off...  Well anyone who isn't already pissed...
[Herabrine] Fuck em. You're not going to be here 24/7 anyway
[Lie] - I also have to wear a fucking dress...
[Doc] I hate wearing dresses.
[Lie] - Yes well it seems like you'll be in your dragon form so you're getting out of that
[Doc] He doesn't want me to be. I offered. I think he just thinks I'll embarrass him....
[Lie] - I wonder who he was referring to when he mentioned someone able to make clothes...  I mean I know hos spider general can...
[Doc] Well...there is Trenderman.... I wonder what kind of disposition he has?
[Lie] - I don't know...
[Herabrine] He can eat my ass. I'm not wearing a dress.
[CP] Returns- So, are we heading back now?
[Doc] Yeah... Gods this has been a frustrating day... actually? Can you let me out of your fortress for a few minutes first?
[CP] - Sure, follow me- He leads them down to the main hall, large columns and towards the main doors which lead to a bridge which crosses what is essentially a lava moat.  Lie recognizes the path that she took to freedom in the past
[Doc] Thank goodness. Give me like five minutes. I assume no one is going to shoot at me?
[CP] - No
[Doc] Good. - Xe scrunches up and takes a long flying leap off the bridge and hits the lava with a tremendous splat.
[Herabrine] Yeah, someone is a little stressed...
[Lie] - CP?  What about Stevie?  Who will watch him during this or will he come with us?
[Doc] Breaches like a whale and sends a couple of blazes flying out of the lava on the resulting wave.
[Herabrine] Well it's not like you can bring Markus...
[CP] - Oh he will definitely be staying on the other server...
[Doc] Flips sideways and hits a wall to make a bunch of soul sand rain down into the lava.
[Lie] - I bet if Markus were to wear a disguise he could come if he wanted
[Doc] Does a bit of paddling on hir back and shakes hirself free of the glowing muck as xe rises up again and scuttles back onto the bridge. - Okay, we can go. I feel a little better now.
[CP] Makes an opening and gestures everyone through-
[Doc] zips through and flops on the grass.
[Herabrine] Well that was harrowing. Your seed is way too high-res Cp.
[CP] - Maybe for you, but not for me
[Doc] It's hard on us that aren't used to it CP. Hera came from an even lower-res seed then this one.
[CP] - Eh, you'll get used to it
[Doc] Rolls around in the grass. - So good to be home- xe starts tapping out a message. - Sorry Deerheart, we had to go to Cp's seed for a bit.
[Deer] - Understandable- Stevie's getting homesick for Lie's place
[Doc] Well bring the little squirt over.
[Deer] - Anyone else you want me to bring as well?  I'm sure there are things you want to discuss with TLOT...
[Doc] I'll talk to him when we both get home afterwards.
[Deer] - Alright, I'm coming over now
[CP] Stretches- I'll give Winston a couple days to get all the paperwork together
[Doc] Wiggles hir paws in the air. - This just feels too good. I used to chuckle at GK for rolling around in the grass, but I get it now.
[Deer] Arrives riding the Mudsdale with Stevie in front of her-
[Stevie] - Brother!
[Herabrine] Kicks Doc - When are you going to fix me you turd?
[Doc] Ow!
[CP] Can't help but smile a little at Stevie as he pulls him off the pokemon- Hey there
[Doc] Makes a happy purr at Cp's facial expression
[CP] Glares at Doc-
[Deer] - How was the trip?
[Doc] Most of Cp's generals are decent, some of them suck, and Herabrine puked.
[Herabrine] Kicks Doc again for good measure-
[Stevie] - Brother, I'm hungry
[CP] - Then let's get you some food- Heads for the house
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theabominableblogger · 7 years ago
Rewatching “In the Name of the Rebellion”
OK, once again, I had to split up the reactions between Parts 1 and 2 because I babble waaaaaayyyy too much while watching...
Part One
*Sabine playfully punches Zeb*  Yay!  More Sabine and Zeb being siblings!
*Hera’s squadron comes crashing in*  WELL SHIT
Oh, I like that shot of the landing gear coming out
*Hera lands the Y-Wing*  Another happy landing.
Oh she [Hera] has her S1 outfit on!
Aaaahhh Kallus!  Ahh he cleans up nice!
“How does Saw’s ragtag group have better intel than we do?”  “Because Gerrera has absolutely no qualms about how he acquires it.”  Kallus is not messing around!
Oh snap.  Totally forgot that Saw was the head of the rebel group whose Lasat mercenary killed off Kallus’ team back then.  Dang, no wonder he’s so pissed.
*slides Dave Filoni $50* Another Kallus episode would be nice...
“We don’t call it the Ghost for nothing.”  Heck yes
“What about Lothal?”  Ezra, not now.
Can we talk about Forest Whitaker and Genevieve O’Reilly in this scene?!?  Holy crap this is probably one of the best scenes in this show.  First time I saw it, it gave me chills.
Also, holy crap, the script is so good oh my gosh
Man, nobody’s happy
There’s been a lot of emphasis on Kanan telling Hera that he doesn’t need to see in order to figure out how Hera’s doing
I swear to God, if they kill off Kanan, I’m gonna-
I like this between Kanan and Hera though.  It’s a nice call back to their little conversation in “Ghosts of Geonosis.”
In fact, all these little callbacks to past episodes.... I love it
“I like abstract art; I just don’t wanna become it.”  Best line of the episode.  Right there.
*Chopper slams into the antenna face first*  Pfffftttt....
“What was that you said about how this could be worse?”  Ezra, c’mon, Murphy’s Law...
“Chop, give me comm control.  I’ve got an idea.”  Ezra no
“Is this some kind of a joke?  I am Commander Brom Titus.”  OH SHIT
The tagline for this episode should be “Slip ‘N Slide”
*Ezra waves at the Imperial cruiser*  Oh my God no
“We got two TIE Defenders coming in fast!”  Oh crap
All those Stormtroopers are dead
This canyon chase with all the fog is awesome
“Boy, I [Hera] must really trust you [Kanan].”  “I know you do.”  STOP
Freaking proton bombs?!?
Aaaand there’s one supporting Imperial villain [Brom Titus] dead
Two Tubes!
Even Saw refers to Ezra and Sabine as Hera’s “kids”
*mouths along to closing theme*
Part Two
I think Saw and Two Tubes’ ship is a U-Wing...
“The words you’re [Ezra, Sabine, and Chopper] looking for are ‘thank you!’“  Pfffttt...
For a moment, I actually thought Two Tubes is played by Seth McFarlane because he sounds an awful lot like Krauss in “Hellboy 2:  The Golden Army” but nope it’s actually one of the sound editors for "The Force Awakens”
They’re really amping up the xylophone use in this episode for the score
“Pretend you’re still prisoners.”  “We are still prisoners!”  Pfffttt.... that dude’s voice though oh my God...
I freaking love the detail that only Force-users can hear the kyber crystals
The sound they used is awesome
Oh my Gosh Chopper!  “Well how about that?”
Man, this scene with the Death Troopers and the fog is also awesome!
Oh I like Saw using the Death Trooper body as a decoy
She’s voiced by Jennifer Hale too!
“Alert Director Krennic and Imperial command.”  AAAAAHHH
Which begs the question:  how far along is the construction at this point?  S4 takes place shortly after S3, which took place in 2 BBY (so 2 years before the Battle of Yavin in “A New Hope”)
“Saw, you shot me [Ezra]!”  “Let’s be more precise:  I stunned you.”  Pfftt, I mean...
Oh snap Captain Slavin!
“Farewell, friend!  I [Saw] hope we meet again!”  Actually no
Quick question:  where’s Jyn during all this?
OK Ezra cannot take down a Death Trooper like that.  C’mon...
What the heck are those Imperial drone things?
Aaaand another supporting Imperial villain [Captain Slavin] dead
Tag yourself, I’m Sabine facepalming next to Ezra
There are a lot of callbacks to “Breaking Ranks” this season...
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