#*gives anon a new mp3 player*
icedmetaltea · 2 years
Have you ever heard RUNRUNRUN by Dutch Melrose? I thought you might find it interesting 👀
Well now I have and I can't stop listening to it and I blame yOU!! (/pos)
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newts-and-sharks · 2 years
*gives Jolty an MP3 player with their favorite tunes and genres* here! Since your new here you should receive a gift! ^^ I hope you like music! Heheh!
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Thanks! They had to make sure no one could hear them blasting their favorite Slipknot and Korn songs, but they greatly appreciates the music!
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hq--fics · 4 years
hi! could u pls write how kuroo,bokuto,semi and oikawa would react to going to the beach with their gf and teammates and getting jealous when everyone’s staring at her in bikini?💖
A/N:  Oh anon you’ve spoiled me with multiple boys to write! Thank you so much for the request. I really hope you like it and I hope that I wrote Semi well enough!
Prompt list: here or feel free to request your own scenarios **Requests are open**
“Going to the beach with their gf and teammates and getting jealous when everyone’s staring at her in a bikini” w/Kuroo, Bokuto, Semi, and Oikawa 
Words: 4247
Warnings: some swearing
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You both had planned this trip to the beach over a week ago; picking a day that you were both free and knew the weather would be great. This was to be a day for both of you to have fun and relax. Of course the entire team were invited to really make the most of the day, they needed the chance to unwind too.
When you all arrived at the beach and set up your own area to hang out and start having fun you blinked in surprise to see most of the guys strip down to their swimming trunks and make a beeline for one of the free beach volleyball nets while shouting out who would be on which team. Kuroo didn’t even give you a second look, his eyes set solely on the net. It wasn’t that you minded him playing it was the fact that he didn’t ask you to join them. Hell you would have taken a quick kiss on the cheek before he sprinted off, a sign that he hadn’t forgotten your presence was all you wanted.    
Glancing back you saw Kenma perched on one of the beach chairs, he’d changed too but obviously had no interest in playing volleyball. His eyes were trained on the game console in hand. You didn’t want to disturb him and looked over to smirk as Yaku had wasted no time in deciding flirting with some girls would be more fun and you felt your presence would probably throw him off. Not wanting to spoil the mood you pulled off your tank top and shorts to show the red bikini with white polka dots you were wearing underneath.
Grabbing the sarong from your bag you tied it around your waist only now noticing that Kenma’s game was silent you looked to see your boyfriend’s best friend staring at you, a small dusting of pink on his cheeks which you pretended not to notice. “Not that he will but if Kuroo asks, I’ve gone for a walk.” You said dropping your sunglasses from your head to settle over your eyes as you began to walk along the warm sand in the opposite direction of Kuroo.
When they stopped for a break the guys went to one of the coolers brought and grabbed a drink. By now Yaku had returned from his flirting and had been sunbathing while Kenma hadn’t budged from his seat. Only now did Kuroo spot what was wrong with the picture. With a frown he looked around, eyes drifting to the water in case you’d gone for a swim. “She went for a walk.” Kenma spoke up, not needing to look away from his screen to know what was going through his best friend’s mind. “She told me to tell ‘Kuroo’ if he asked.” The others winced and Kuroo felt nervous. You’d been together for so long that you only ever called him by his last name if you were annoyed at him.
Then from a short distance away they all heard cheering and your name. All attention turned in the direction of the commotion. Their eyes widened, jaws dropping in unison as they saw you in your bikini for the first time. To make things worse they watched your lithe form diving to successfully receive the ball spiked towards your side of the net and you hit the sand with a laugh. Your receive let your teammate deliver the winning spike and your game was finished. Kuroo tore his gaze from you to the spectators-mostly male he noted- eyeing you and he felt his eye twitch. Then you had to let one of them help pull you to your feet, his fingers lingering on your arm just a little too long for his liking. You laughed at something the guy had said and you looked down at your sand dusted form. Innocently you removed the sarong from your waist and shook off the sand before using it to wipe the remnants on your skin all while your admirers watched intently.
Unable to hold back anymore he crossed the sand closing in on you. At his approach you lowered your sunglasses to look over the rim at him. “Ah Kuroo, this is Sato, Ikeda, and Hara.” You introduced with a beaming smile. “They were so kind to invite me to play with them when they saw me on my own, wasn’t that nice of them?” Your tone was playful and light but Kuroo swiftly felt the sharpness of your point, the jealousy he’d felt brewing was now mixing with the stronger sense of guilt.
“Thanks for keeping her company guys,” he said not looking anywhere but you. Swiftly he took the sarong from your loosened grasp and draped it around your shoulders before pulling you close against his chest. His lips captured yours insistently. He would admit part of it was to make a point to the admirers who might have had deluded themselves into thinking you were single but mostly his kiss was to show you how much he loved you. “How ‘bout some one on one time? You can call me a dumbass the whole time.” “Oh Tetsu, you are a dumbass.” You laughed out before pressing a quick kiss on his lips “but you’re my dumbass.” You added as you ducked under his arm as you started walking back to the rest of the Nekoma team, allowing him a full view of you in your bikini as he gave chase.
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The trip was like everything with Bokuto, spontaneous. The sun was out, you were both free so it was decided the day would be spent with the beach. As you got your stuff together you heard Bokuto on the phone to the rest of the Fukurodani team and the managers to tell them where to meet you. Your excitement at the prospect of it just being you and Bokuto did deflate a little but as you listened to him ramble about how awesome it was going to be with everyone your mood picked up quickly once more.  
While the guys went to find a place on the beach for you all, you and the two managers went to change into your swimsuits. When you emerged the two girls squealed; being so unused to Bokuto’s quieter half dressed the way you were. Immediately you became self-conscious and bit your lower lip looking down at the black bikini decorated with a golden feather pattern. It showed off your form perfectly but now you wondered should you go back and change. However both girls grabbed you hands and dragged you out into the sunshine in search of the guys.
By the time you, Yukie, and Kaori arrived the three of you had already amassed an interested following. Mostly it was just long appreciative stares but on the walk some did try to approach but the two managers were quick to brush them off as they kept their arms looped through yours protectively. “Hey, hey, hey!” Yukie called out playfully when she spotted the guys already playing with a volleyball, passing it idly from one to the other. At the signature call they all looked over. Bokuto’s golden eyes widened along with his grin when he saw you, shamelessly looking your bikini and your exposed skin. He was the luckiest guy on earth, he seriously wondered sometimes how he managed to get a girl like you but so long as you were happy to be with him he wasn’t going to question it.
However Bokuto’s focus being solely on you meant he failed to spot all of the looks aimed your way from strangers on the beach. Well he noticed a few stares but to him that was natural, you were gorgeous why wouldn’t you get looked at? What he truly failed to pick up on was the true meaning behind the stares and before that could become apparent Konoha challenging the others to a chicken fight distracted him. Eyes shining, Bokuto grabbed your hand and grinned at you excitedly. “Want to play babe? Together we can’t lose!”
“I’ll play later,” you promised with a large smile, your previous nervousness about how you were dressed had melted away. “I want to soak up as much sun as I can first. You go on though.” That was all Bokuto needed to hear. After giving you a kiss he turned and bolted down towards the sea with the others wanting to play while shouting he was going to win. Laughing at his antics you settled onto the beach chair to read the book you brought and enjoy the sun’s warmth.
Unfortunately other people had very different ideas. Even with some of the guys playing nearby and Kaori and Yukie lounging in their seats on either side of you, guys still approached in the hopes of flirting with you, inviting you to go get a drink or snack, or wanting to know if you wanted to go for a walk or swim with them. Kind as ever you let each person down, your friends letting you handle yourself knowing only to step in should things take a turn. Thankfully everyone seemed understanding enough and left without much hassle.
On the one hand it was nice to be complimented but when it was incessant, each new approach chipped away at your relaxed, cheerful mood to the point you felt tense and on edge just waiting for the next ‘excuse me’ or not-so subtle clearing of a throat to get your attention. Grumbling to yourself you snapped your book shut no longer able to immerse yourself in the story and fished out your mp3 player. Headphones in and music playing you got comfy and closed your eyes already hidden by your sunglasses. Why hadn’t you done this sooner?
Down by the sea Bokuto hadn’t witnessed any of the attention you were getting but the others did to the point they started to make it their main line of conversation. At first Bokuto thought it was their strategy to distract him enough so they could win against him. “Can you blame people from wanting to talk to her? She’s funny and beautiful. She’s the best!” “I don’t think talking is all these guys have on their mind…” Akaashi finally spoke up and when he heard his best friend’s insistence that they were telling him the true he took it a little more seriously all the while trying to ignore the twisting in his stomach. “Look she can handle herself. She’s stronger than other people give her credit for.” He stated with a final shove against Konoha, sending him toppling off Komi’s shoulders and into the water. His victory cheer was cut short when he heard two guys talking as they walked by.
“Ugh, what I wouldn’t give to have a girl like that!” one told his friend who nodded solemnly. “Think her boyfriend was one of the ones close by?” “Possibly, maybe that’s why she said no so quickly. When they leave we could try again with her?” “Good idea!” the friend grinned before sighing wistfully. “Until then I have the memory of seeing her in her black bikini up close.”
Bokuto sprang into action faster than the others anticipated; sprinting up the beach he stopped beside your chair and in one effortless movement he scooped you and the towel you were lying on into his arms. You squealed in surprise and opened your eyes to see Bokuto lie down on the chair and settle you and the towel over him.
Both of you settled into a comfy position, your head tucked under his chin while he had one arm around you, his hand resting on your thigh while you absently played with the fingers of his other. “You win baby?” you asked with a content hum. A grin spread on your lips when his pressed against your head. “Damn right I did.”
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The beach had been your idea and Semi jumped at the chance. He couldn’t wait to have you to himself for once. He’d only recently noticed that his team would always be around you both. Yes, they couldn’t help that you liked to watch their practices but outside of that and school? Some of them were there hanging out too. One person in particular that was always there was Ushijima.
Normally he wouldn’t mind as he never saw Ushijima as a threat against his already established relationship but it wasn’t until Tendou pointed out how you and the ace interacted that he finally saw it.
Honestly how had he not seen the glaringly obvious sooner? You were the only one that Ushijima smiled at. You were a naturally affectionate person to begin with but Ushijima would reciprocate your affection when it went his way. You both even had some sort of inside jokes that he and no one else got. Seriously to an outsider it would look like you and Ushijima were the couple. Deep down Semi felt that made more sense. You and the ace of the academy were ten’s, he on the other hand felt like a six on a good day.  
“Hey sweetie guess what?” you grinned snapping him out of his thoughts as he got out of the car to see you looking at your phone. “Toshi and the rest of the team found out we were heading here today and want to join in on the fun!” “They’re crashing another date?” Semi asked a little too harshly making your smile fall slightly. He took a long deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose. It wasn’t your fault. You hadn’t invited them but he would bet money that when they asked if they could come you said yes without any hesitation. Rubbing the back of his neck he muttered a sharp ‘whatever’ and stepped onto the sand.
By the time the team arrived and found you both they could feel the tension. When asked what was wrong you could only shrug while Semi insisted that everything was fine. You scowled at that, knowing it was a blatant lie but said nothing. When it had been just the two of you, you’d tried to get Semi to open up to you and tell you what was bothering him but he refused to the point he lost his temper and shouted at you. You blinked suddenly when Ushijima stood in front of you, eyeing you seriously. “Want to go swim? I’m surprised you haven’t gone near the water yet since you love it so much.”
You failed to notice Semi’s clenched fist at the invitation and display that once again Ushijima knew something about you that he didn’t. With a smile and nod you stood and undid the tie of your dress, letting it hit the sand as you stood out of it revealing to everyone the deep purple bikini with black straps. Semi’s face burned and his eyes widened at the sight and watched as you headed to the water with Ushijima by your side, everyone watching you go as you passed by. “Now do you want to talk about it?” Tendou sang innocently at him.
It wasn’t long before he heard your laughter and his sharp brown eyes finally took in the scene with a hardened glare. Ushijima was holding you in the air, his hands shamelessly on your waist before he lifted you into the air and let you cannonball into the water. When you broke through the surface of the water with a grin he could hear you chanting ‘higher Toshi!’ It pained and angered him to see you so joyful and carefree because of someone else. Why couldn’t you see what was bothering him so badly? Oh right because you weren’t a mind reader.
Just as he stood to go and talk to you rationally he saw Ushijima move his hands from your waist to your thighs to lift you out of the water and place you to stand on his shoulder. Jealousy spiking and patience snapping Semi growled and charged down to water. “Wakatoshi!” he called out tightly when you broke through the water’s surface. Your smile fell and you looked at your boyfriend warily. Ushijima stared at his friend. “Tendou wants you.” was all he said. Not questioning the statement, Ushijima nodded and left the water.
When he was gone Semi looked at you still tense and riled up. “Why am I not good enough for you?” he asked and you had to check your ears for any water in case you’d misheard him. “Ita what is wrong with you?” you demanded stepping out of the water to stand in front of him, arms crossed against your soaked chest. “What’s made you think you’re not good enough? Why are you being so pissy about our friends hanging out? They’ve been this way since we got together and that was months ago. Why is it suddenly bugging you that they have no sense of personal space?” “You definitely don’t mind ‘Toshi’ and his lack of personal space…” you blinked at your boyfriend’s accusation and you couldn’t help but laugh. “Don’t.” he whispered, the last thing he wanted was to be laughed at for feeling lesser.
He flinched when you stepped closer, your body against his as you cupped his face to make him look you in the eyes. Semi saw your adoration for him shining and it was only made clearer when you hugged him tightly. “Idiot. I only laughed because Toshi is my cousin.” Semi reeled back and stared at you in bewilderment. “I know Toshi wouldn’t think to say we were related but I thought Tendou had already told you.” Semi was going to kill that red-headed monster but you pressed a kiss against his clenched jaw.
“I only have eyes for you. You know you’re sexy when you’re jealous…” you hummed against his skin, smirking when his hands trailed over your back and down to your hips. “Speaking of sexy…” Semi uttered with a smirk of his own against your lips. “I’m loving the bikini.” With a grin he grabbed you and threw you over his shoulder before wading waist high into the water and throwing you in as you screamed out with laughter.  
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“Oi why are the ones who invited us here the last to arrive?” Iwaizumi asked, his eyes narrowing in on Oikawa as he walked towards him. His head tilted curiously when he was his best friend and biggest annoyance in life was approaching the team alone. His posture was relaxed so he doubted she was far behind. Oikawa gave his best friend his usual playful smile as he took one of the free seats.
“The best looking people have to make the best entrances, Iwa.” He stated as if it was the obvious answer before he looked around the group with a smirk. “So who was the first to arrive?” a swift hit to the head with a clenched fist was answer enough. As he began to chat casually with his team he frowned when Kindaichi started to choke on his own words. He stared at his junior as his face turned red and eyes widened. Kunimi followed his friend’s stare and his usually bored expression took on one similar to the stuttering boy.
Slowly the others stopped their own conversations to see what the fuss was about and Iwaizumi cleared his throat while Hanamaki let out a low chuckle, clapping Oikawa on the back. “Well for once you were right. The best looking definitely make the best entrances.” Oikawa barely took in his words as he stared at you approaching, looking like the goddess you were. His eyes roamed over the aqua blue bikini adorning your body, when you were settling into the space on the seat he’d made for you to sit against him he noted the white outline of stars on the fabric.
Noting that the others were still staring at you he pouted and threw his arms around you in a playful display of possession. “Go get your own girls.” He taunted at them while sticking out his tongue at his friends while you laughed at your boyfriend’s antics.
“Nooo keep staring!” you pleaded with the boys while cuddling into Oikawa’s hold. “It’s so rare to see Toru jealous even if he is pretending. Makes a nice change from it being me all the time.” You grinned up at your boyfriend who stared at you blankly. “That’s ridiculous, you shouldn’t feel that way. Don’t you trust me?” he asked trying to lighten the mood and you arched an eyebrow at him. Was he serious? “Of course I trust you.” You said sitting up straighter and moving so his hold around you wasn’t so tight. “Toru think about how many times your fangirls have swarmed you and I’ve had to smile and watch and say nothing. I do that because I trust you. Think about how many waitresses have flirted with you when we’ve been out and I left the table for a second. How many numbers have been slipped to you when they think I was gone long enough. I’ve pretended not to see that or you trying to get rid of the paper before I come back into view because I trust you.”
You started to get upset as you slowly got to your feet. “I bet if you walked ten steps on this beach some girl would come and bat her eyelashes at you. I know it’s going to happen and I know you’ll let them down because we love each other and I trust you completely but don’t you dare imply that my feelings are ridiculous.” Roughly you ran your hand through your hair and looked at the rest of the group who looked awkward and stared at anywhere that wasn’t you or a gobsmacked Oikawa. “Sorry for ruining the mood guys. I’m going to get some ice cream.” You mumbled before walking away.
Before he could wallow his chair was roughly kicked out from under him. Wincing he glared at Iwaizumi who glared back at him ferociously. “IDIOT! GO AFTER HER!” He shouted hauling his clueless best friend to his feet. “She’s better looking than you at the best of time. Every guy on this beach will have been eyeing her up since she arrived.” “Add in that bikini…” Hanamaki added with pursed lips. “And the fact that she’s upset and alone…” Matsukawa dealt the finishing blow and Oikawa took off after you.
You didn’t get very far before the first group of guys came into your space and Oikawa saw as they all smiled at you and talked gesturing to the small space they’d previously been sitting at. He saw how you shook your head and wiped your eyes. One tried to step closer and put a hand out to you but you swiftly stepped out of his reach and firmly shook your head again before walking away.
Oikawa glared at the group as they continued to watch your retreating figure. Sharply he clicked his tongue and continued after you, closing the distance because of course you were dragged into a conversation by someone. Thankfully it was just one guy this time, definitely less intimidating to you than the group that had practically encircled you. Sadly though this guy had only one thing on his mind and Oikawa could see that from the way he looked at you, trying to be subtle about where his gaze would linger before returning it to your face. He was still a little ways away so couldn’t swoop in and rescue you. All he could do was watch you shaking him off politely before you continued on your way. Through all these interactions you were slowly becoming angrier that you couldn’t just get some ice cream.
Then you stopped when you heard the wailing. Looking down you gasped to see you’d ruined a little boy’s sandcastle. Forgetting everything else you knelt down to apologise and help the boy build a bigger and better castle. By now Oikawa was a few feet away and watched you give the boy a high five when the castle was finished. Even this little snake was after you and Oikawa watched as the boy kissed your cheek with a grin.
Jealousy already boiling in his skin from being unable to save you previously this was the last straw and he appeared scooping you into his arms as he stared in triumph at his confused and much younger opponent. “If you’re looking for a Queen for your castle shorty look somewhere else.” He teased the boy while holding you close against his chest. Immediately you sensed the difference in your boyfriend’s declaration and the way he held you compared to earlier. This wasn’t playful, this time he was deadly seriously. “This one’s taken.” He said as he carried you away and towards the snack stand. “Never thought it’d be a six year old that’d make you jealous…” you said with a small sigh as he set you on your feet but kept a firm hand around your waist as you walked. “Was all the others too.” Oikawa grumbled surprising you. “I’m sorry I was so dismissive of your feelings. Jealousy is the worst.” “You were right though, while it doesn’t go away fully it does help when you know you can trust the other completely to say no...and rescue you when needed.”  
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monomonomagines · 5 years
I really hope this is okay to ask for but it's totally fine if not. Could I get Makoto, Hajime, Chiaki, Nagito, Ibuki, Kaede, Rantaro, and Kokichi with a trans masc s/o who's feeling really down and insecure about his voice/softer features? Like, maybe was feeling pretty good about passing but the got called ma'am a lot throughout the day so he starts withdrawing and getting quieter or something like that. Thanks either way, I'm loving all that you've been writing so far!
Wow, I'm so honored to hear that you've enjoyed my writing. I'm not great at accepting compliments but hearing that really made my day. I hope this will maybe make your day as well anon and if anything isn't to your liking feel free to tell me!
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This is a literal sunshine boy. If you're feeling down about anything he won't give up until you feel better.
He loves everything about you but can understand how your softer features can be upsetting.
However, like you, he thinks you're passing just fine. He knows it actually and he'll do whatever he can to make you realize it too.
So what you may have some softer features? There are men that are born men that he's completely mistaken for a woman so you must be on the right track since he's never done that with you.
You might get a weird lecture on how you're perfectly passable despite what anyone else says but it's just him trying to make you feel better.
If he can't convince you though, he'll do his best to cheer you up another way he can.
It might be getting you your favorite foods and putting a movie on at home while he gives you words of comfort, or if you're way too down for his liking he might drag you outside to do something fun like mini-golf or laser tag.
Either way like I said he isn't stopping until he cheers you up! He isn't the greatest at understanding what troubles you but he always does his best to learn more to help where he can.
He's a lot calmer than Makoto, as in he'll simply sit you down to ask you to elaborate on what's troubling you and letting you cry if you need to on him.
He wouldn't be as clueless as Hajime since he normally learns a lot through helping others but he's calm enough to ask you to explain if he can't understand any part of your issue.
Once he's sure he understands what your issue is he feels awful for you. He just doesn't understand why people can't see you as you are and will do his best to comfort.
He won't force you to cheer up or be like Makoto but he will hold you and give you words of assurance as he holds you to his chest.
He isn't against doing something casual like videogames to cheer you up or putting on a favorite of yours but that won't happen until he's sure you're good.
Then he's trying to do everything he can to take your mind off of what's ailing you all while telling you time to time how he thinks you pass just fine.
She's normally too sleepy to deal with a lot but seeing you upset will immediately wake her up.
She'll want to know what's up and won't fully get it at first.
It's not that she doesn't understand your gender orientation or anything about being trans, she just really doesn't get how anyone would make such an obvious mistake as to call you mam.
She won't do much but like Hajime, she'll give you lots of words of comfort and hold you to her.
If you don't feel better after all that she'll simply pull out a ton of fun games together and let you choose whatever one you want.
She'll even let you be player 1 or use her favorite controller, whatever makes you happy.
In the end, you'll know she cares and thinks you pass just fine. It won't seem like she's just trying to cheer you up either. She believes in you being you and knows you'd do the same for her if she had similar issues.
Someone upset you and he's upset as well.
How could anyone do that to his hope? His obviously male hope nonetheless!
He might be a bit rude towards whoever made the mistake if anything happens when he's with you but he means well.
He's just him. He's him and he respects your gender and wants others to see you as what you are.
He'd immediately understand from reading up on the subject as soon as you two started dating and is furious that someone would make you doubt if you were passing.
He thought you were beautiful as you were, even if you had some more gentle features. He by no means looks manly himself so if anyone should be getting called mam he thinks it should be him and not you.
Regardless though he'll remove yourselves if possible and drag you out to buy you whatever you want.
He wants to cheer you up and will do whatever, like Makoto to help.
If that doesn't help though he'll go into a more serious mode where he acts more like Hajime and Chiaki, holding you and letting you cry.
He'll spoil you rotten afterwards even more. He'll get whatever you want for food. you can sleep with him tonight, you can have whatever you want. You could even hit him and he'd let you not that you would.
He just wants to make you feel better at any cost so he'll be more extreme than Makoto but don't worry, he won't force you to be. He wants to genuinely make you smile by the end of the day at least.
Aw yeah! Ibuki in the house!
This girl is a little ditzy at times so she might not notice at first if you are upset so things could go two ways.
You could tell her or wait until she does realize.
Regardless, once she does realize she is all over you.
She's being her usual hyper self, playing music for you and talking your ear off to distract you.
She is the least educated on this topic though so she'll be a little clueless with how to approach the situation otherwise.
She'll make sure you know you're loved just as you are more than really tell you how you're super manly or something to her but she does think you are.
She just probably won't think to say it until she ends up getting hit with the thought of, 'Hey I should tell S/o he's super manly and cool!'
The only issue is, this most likely occurs at sometime at 3 AM when you're not together and then she'll immediately call you like it's an emergency to tell you just that.
She'll ramble on after about some unrelated things once she's done telling you how manly and amazing you are but she's trying.
Before that she'll just perform all day for you and even ask you to tell her more so she can write an extra special song just for you!
If you're still down by the next day she'll have that song ready and waiting.
She'll probably even make an mp3 of it just for you to listen to it whenever you do feel self-conscious about any of your more gentle features.
Another great but clueless girl. She's not uneducated on purpose but she just isn't as knowledgable as someone like Hajime.
Regardless she'll try her hardest to help soothe you with your own personal concert.
It's the usual stuff she plays but it's filled with enough emotion that her love for you somehow is felt in each note.
She would want you to feel calmed and at ease so that she can question you about your problem more before fully approaching it.
Once she's sure she understands though she'll be a lot like Makoto as in she'll drag you out of the house to do all sorts of fun things.
She may even keep insisting to take pictures a lot to do something like uploading a bunch of posts about how great of a boyfriend you are.
She wants you to see how you two look together and how you pass as a male to her and all her friends.
She'd hope it helps you appreciate every trait of yours but if it didn't she'd turn to smothering you with affection.
She'd even stay the night with you if it'd help you and tell you the entire time how amazing she thinks you truly are.
Like Ibuki and Nagito, nothing sounds forced or as though they're just trying to cheer you up so there are no doubts but there really isn't with any of these teens.
One of the calmer out of the bunch. Rantaro would simply pull you aside as soon as he realizes something is wrong.
He'd notice so quickly that you wouldn't even have to explain that something is troubling. All you'd need to do is tell him what's going on and he'd be the most understanding.
He knows he's pretty feminine himself so he gets what it's like to feel misgendered and would want to make you feel better more than anything.
His methods would mostly be letting you cry it out while holding you and petting your hair.
But expect to go shopping afterward!
Rantaro is going to, like Nagito, spoil you to no end.
Want that great ensemble in the window of that expensive store? Done. Want a new videogame? You get it.
It doesn't matter what it is he'll buy it as long as it'll cheer you up.
He'll also insist that you stay with him so that he can stay by your side as you get a chance to enjoy your spoils.
He's more of a fashion person but if you got anything like food, a movie, or a game, he'd be open to trying it out with you without any hesitation at all.
He'll do anything for you and tell you as often as possible how amazing you are to him.
As usual, Kokichi isn't great at expressing himself to others due to his own secretive nature. However, that doesn't mean your issue goes unnoticed.
Kokichi isn't manly by any means but he's not as hurt if anyone ever somehow mistakes him for the other gender so it may seem as though he wouldn't be able to understand.
However, he somehow knows before you even say anything what's troubling you.
He's great at reading people so he probably knew of this problem for a while before really addressing it.
Now that you're so down though he'll want to cheer you up. It'll be in his own annoying ways and he won't sing your praises as much but you can tell he means well.
He'll try to make you laugh more than anything by telling a bunch of dumb jokes and memes to you or even by messing with people on the streets just for funsies.
Despite his questionable methods, he's great at what he does and will probably succeed at making you laugh a lot that day.
Once you two are behind closed doors he'll be a bit more serious but don't count on much.
He may start out snuggling you and telling you that he really thinks you're manly and that it's not a lie but soon after he'll go back to his previous antics.
He'll just be goofy and childish until it rubs off on you too.
Somehow though it all he makes you understand that you are perfect the way you are without even explicitly stating it.
What a powerful boy. Good thing he's on your side.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 5 years
Danny Drabble: Home
Still thinking about the anon with the MCR question and… this is what happens when you give me questions like that! Unapologetically sweet, recovery, all comfort and no hurt, have Danny having a really good day…
CW: Basically none. This is just our boy being genuinely happy for a few minutes. 
Tagging @spiffythespook, @special-spicy-chicken, and @bleeding-demon-teeth even though it’s a drabble and not whump, but it’s still Danny!
“Now I know that I can’t make you stay, but where’s your heart - where’s your heart… but where’s your- and I know, there’s nothing I can say, to change that part-… to change that part… to chaaaaaaaaange-”
Danny’s voice is hoarse and rough and hideously off-key, but he sings anyway, turning himself in a quick circle in rhythm, letting his head drop and then pulling it back up, listening to the guitar cut in, starts jumping along with the music anyway, letting it blare as he sings. 
He’s all alone in the apartment, and no one is listening, and he hasn’t done this in forever.
Ryan’s mp3 player is hooked into the speaker underneath the microwave, and his little brother hates My Chemical Romance but somehow he’d kept all of Danny’s favorite albums, held onto them through device after device while Danny was gone, just moved the whole pile of music from one to the next.
Four years and all his music was still here, just like Ryan and like everything else, waiting for him to come home.
He was supposed to be doing the dishes right now, cleaning the kitchen, but he lets himself stop just for a second.
Just because he’s alone.
Just to dance.
He spins again, letting himself get dizzy, thinking of the concerts he and Ryan used to go to, dragging his brother along to stand at the edges and make judging faces while Danny threw himself around with the others, pushing and jumping and screaming along with the singer and helping each other up when someone fell down, the clasp of a hand around his wrist as he pulled another guy up off the floor, heard his shouted thanks dimly through the music, and they all went right back to dancing.
Bend down, let his hair fall, feel the sweat- and back up, to feel his back stretch, eyes closed, hands loose down at his sides and for a second he’s not scarred, there’s never been the cold and the hurt and the rules, there’s only the music, the chorus, the beat.
“So many bright lights to cast a shadow… but can I speak? Well, is it hard understanding-… I’m incomplete… a life that’s so demanding, I get so weak - a love that’s so demanding, I can’t speak-”
He grins into the chorus, half-screaming the words more than singing them, covered in goosebumps, and he hasn’t listened to this song in so fucking long. “I am not afraid to keep on living… I am not afraid to walk this world alone, honey if you stay I’ll be forgiven, nothing you can stay could stop me going home.”
He dances through the song, all alone, turning the music up until the walls nearly shake with it, until he worries the neighbors might come banging on the door to tell him to shut up. He keeps his eyes closed.
“Can you see, my eyes are shining bright? ‘Cause I’m out here on the other side,” He sings, a note of defiance in his out-of-tune voice, because Abraham Denner is in prison and Danny is out of the woods and he’s out here on the other side, you motherfucker, and he’s never going back. 
You can’t have me anymore.
“Of a jet-black hotel mirror, and I’m so weak… is it hard understanding, I’m incomplete? A love that’s so demanding, I get weak… Oh, I am not afraid to keep on living, I am not afraid to walk this world alone, honey if you stay I’ll be forgiven, nothing you can say can stop me going home…”
Danny keeps dancing.
My name is Daniel Michaelson.
He spins and he jumps and he lets his body move in ways it hasn’t moved in four and a half years, his tall lanky body turning circles in the small apartment kitchen, singing with tears in his eyes, because he’s right here, this is real, this isn’t a dream, he’s right fucking here.
“I am not afraid to keep on living, I am not afraid to walk this world alone, honey if you stay I’ll be forgiven, nothing you can stay can stop me going home-”
He knocks into a kitchen chair and laughs at himself, shoves it further away, goes right back to dancing. He’s in the dark, in a club packed so tight the fire marshal couldn’t be happy with it.
“I am not afraid to keep on living, I am not afraid to walk this world alone-”
Somewhere in the club in his fuzzy memories Ryan has a drink and probably a new boyfriend or girlfriend by now, and Danny is alone in the dark but it’s not a darkness he fears, because he doesn’t know to be afraid of the dark yet.
“-honey, if you stay I’ll be forgiven, nothing you can say could stop me going home…”
He’s 22 years old, and it’s before he learned to be afraid - and he’s 26 years old and he doesn’t have to be afraid any longer.
“These bright lights have always blinded me, these bright lights have always blinded me… I say…”
I belong to myself.
He takes a deep breath, standing still in the kitchen, tilting his head back until he can see the yellow kitchen lights through his eyelids, until he can feel the tears running down his face past the smile, over his scars.
His voice goes soft.
“I see you lying next to me, with words I thought I’d never speak-… awake and unafraid… asleep, or dead?” 
The smile widens.
“‘Cause I see you lying next to me, with words I thought I’d never speak - awake and unafraid, asleep or dead?”
His voice gets louder along with the song, cracking with emotion, belting out the repeated lines over and over with pure, furiously elated sincerity, until the song reaches its crescendo, his voice shaking and loud, unashamed.
“Cause I see you lying next to me, with words I thought I’d never speak - awake and unafraid, asleep or deeeeeeaaaaad-”
There’s a sound and Danny cuts off, head jerking back to the doorway and eyes flying open to find Nate and Ryan standing next to each other, staring at him.
I am not afraid to keep on living
“Oh my god,” Ryan says softly, a smile starting to spread across his face, raising one hand to try and hide it. “Oh my god, Danny.”
“Holy sh-shit,” Nate agrees, and there’s a wholly different look on his face, one Danny hasn’t seen since they left the woods, the look that Nate sometimes wore that said if only we weren’t standing where we are, I’d want you so badly it hurt.
I am not afraid to walk this world alone
Danny, breathing hard and bright red with exertion and embarrassment, stares at them as the song continues to blare around them. 
Then, after a second, he starts to laugh again, laugh until he can’t stay standing any longer, until he collapses onto the kitchen floor, still laughing breathless and with his bad rib aching, laughing because they saw him and he wishes the floor would open up and swallow him, but laughing too because he’s here to be embarrassed, he’s here to be caught dancing.
Honey, if you stay, I’ll be forgiven
Ryan drops down next to him and, heedless of sweat, throws his arms around him, hands up in his damp red hair and Danny’s skin doesn’t crawl and the music is almost done and he’s here, he’s here, he’s home.
Nothing you can say can stop me going home.
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moonlight-breeze-44 · 4 years
Hey! Do you think you could write a Malec fic to the song of “Bones” by JC Stewart?
Hi, anon! Thank you so much for the prompt! I really hope you like what I did with it. (I was going to write something fluffy but then, before I knew it, I was staring down 2k+ words of angsty post-breakup writing.) In any case, I loved your prompt and I hope you like my fic just as much, you beautiful human!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Read on AO3
A World Without You
The evening had dawned sunny and light before, so Alec didn’t quite understand why the clouds had slid over the moon and darkened until they resembled the colour of pitch above. He heard a distant rumble of thunder and knew he should head for the Institute if he didn’t want to get caught in the storm. He shoved his hands in his pockets and began to walk. His fingers struck something hard and he reached inside his pocket to pull out the device Clary had given him a month ago.
An MP3 player, she had called it.
It was supposed to hold songs, music that he could listen to whenever he wanted. She’d handed him a pair of headphones and informed him that she’d taken the liberty of adding a few of her favourites onto the MP3 player for him.
Alec hesitated for only a second before he started the device and put the headphones in his ears. Maybe her music would give him something he didn’t know he needed. Maybe her music would be enough to calm his racing nerves and soothe the frayed edges of his heart.
Alec took a deep breath and scrolled through Clary’s list of songs until he reached one that captured his attention. It was called Bones. Perhaps the simplicity of the name, which left so much mystery to it still, was what drew him to it. Perhaps it was fate. Or perhaps it was just a chance of the universe, yet again playing tricks on him.
Alec pressed play.
~ ~ ~
Back in the Hunter’s Moon, Magnus was on his fourth martini and even Luke, who was perhaps drunker than anyone else in the bar, was telling him that he should take a break. He decided to listen and placed his drink down on the bar.
After all, alcohol could only do so much for him.
“Hey, Magnus!”
Magnus turned to face Isabelle and Clary, who were standing over a beat-up jukebox by the pool table. His breath caught in his throat when he remembered how he and Alec had played at that very pool table, listening to a song he’d chosen on that very jukebox only a few short weeks ago.
Magnus wanted, more than anything, to turn away and ignore them, but Isabelle and Clary were becoming insistent. He sighed, took a huge gulp of his martini, and wandered over to them.
“What is it, my dears?” he asked heavily, with a long-suffering sigh that had Isabelle rolling her eyes.
“We can’t decide between these two songs,” Clary said, pointing to two song choices displayed in gold on the jukebox. “Izzy thinks You Are The Reason, and I think Bones.”
Magnus raised an eyebrow. “And you need me why?”
“To help break the tie!” Isabelle said, leaving the ‘duh’ in her voice unsaid.
“I don’t know either of those songs,” Magnus deadpanned.
Clary rolled her eyes. “Yes, you do. I’ve heard you humming mine while you work when you come to the Institute to fix the wards. Don’t lie.”
Magnus sighed. “Fine, fine. Well, Isabelle, I’m sorry, but Clary is right; I do know her song. And it would be a shame for everyone to miss out on it.” He smirked at her. “You have good taste in music, biscuit.”
Isabelle groaned as Clary put Bones into the jukebox, shouting, “Thanks, Magnus!” and beaming gleefully.
Magnus shook his head in exasperation at the pair of them. “You’re welcome.”
He made his way back to the bar and was about to order his fifth drink of the night when the first chords of Bones began to play, and Magnus’s hand hesitated in midair.
~ ~ ~
All we are are ghosts
Shadows at the most
Our fingertips are holding on
To something that we know is gone.
Alec shivered in the cool night air and pondered the merits of his bright idea to listen to music while he walked home - no, not home. Home was the loft. The Institute hadn’t been home in a long time.
The notes of the song seemed to wrap themselves around his throat, and he had an overwhelming urge to take the device and throw it into the air. It would smash onto the pavement and he would never have to hear the godforsaken song that seemed to know exactly how he was feeling ever again.
Yet, something - maybe some hidden masochistic desire he wasn’t aware of - held him back. Something anchored the headphones to his ears, something made him touch the volume key twice more to turn it up. Something tethered him to the song, for better or for worse.
You say that you need space to breathe
Well, maybe you need space from me.
You know just what I need
You said you couldn’t give it to me.
The air had turned cold and chilly in the space of a minute or so, and Alec could see his breath. It made small white clouds in the night that hung in the darkness for a few moments before dissolving into wisps of nothing, like they were never even there. His heart clenched painfully when he thought of how similar it was to his relationship to Magnus. What they had was beautiful and precious and unique and like a live, burning light in a world full of darkness, until it no longer existed. Like the little clouds he had made, it had vanished into thin air between one breath and the next.
Alec guessed it must be true, what they say: nothing gold can stay.
Alec’s eyes burned with an insistent urge to cry, and he chided himself for being so ridiculous. He had no right being so affected by a song, for fuck’s sake.
His heart was heavy as he continued trudging his way, alone, towards the Institute.
~ ~ ~
Magnus took a deep breath and tried to steady himself. He’d heard this song before; it was nothing new.
So why, why was he letting it affect him this way?
What you say, what you say
Say what you mean to say
‘Cause I won’t wait, no, I won’t wait
If you’re gonna walk away.
Magnus remembered a different time, a time when Alec was so afraid to take a chance and do something for himself, for once, that he pushed Magnus away from him with such force that Magnus almost relented. He remembered a time when he told Alec he wouldn’t offer again. He remembered walking into Alec’s wedding and giving him one more chance than he would have given anyone else.
Magnus remembered it vividly.
Clary fixed him with a look, and he suddenly realised that he’d been staring into space for longer than it was appropriate to. He sent her a blinding smile back, to which she scoffed and picked up her phone. A second later, not to his surprise, he received a text.
C: What is going on with you?
M: It’s nothing.
C: It’s clearly something. I noticed Alec left early, too.
M: I don’t want to talk about it.
C: Fine, I won’t force you. But just consider this: I don’t think I’ve ever seen two people more in love with each other than you and Alec.
Magnus put his phone down and stared gloomily into the depths of his martini glass. He was centuries old. He’d lived through dozens of heartbreaks. This, however, felt different.
Magnus didn’t think he’d ever felt so open, so vulnerable.
Somehow, Alexander had managed to tear down all of the walls he’d spent so long building around his heart in a matter of weeks.
And Magnus didn’t quite know what he was supposed to do with that.
~ ~ ~
And down to our bones
I think we both know
I know we’re counting the cost
It’s better to have lost
Than never have loved at all.
Alec stumbled over a crack in the pavement and fell to his knees, breathing hard. Tears froze on his cheeks, though he barely noticed their presence, and his breath was coming in short, quick gasps. He ripped the headphones from his ears and shoved them, along with that fucking MP3 player, into his pocket. He cursed himself quietly, unable to reconcile his reaction to the song with his parents’ voices in his head, hissing at him that this was not how a Shadowhunter was supposed to act.
Alec got to his feet and made his way over to the slate-grey stone wall adorning a nearby shop building. He leaned against it, allowing himself the small comfort of closing his eyes.
The world was too dark for him.
Without Magnus, it looked nightmarish and hopeless.
Without Magnus, Alec didn’t know if he could believe the last two lyrics of the song.
He didn’t regret Magnus; he could never regret Magnus.
But if this was what heartbreak felt like, Alec knew for a fact that he never wanted to experience it ever again.
Alec opened his eyes and chanced a quick look around. He was fairly hidden by the shop; no one looked underneath the overhang far enough to see the young man covered in runes that stood there, shoulders shaking and hands twisting together in the midst of a thunderstorm that he hadn’t even noticed had begun.
He was alone.
Alec bit his lip and hesitated for only a second before he allowed the tears that had been threatening all night to escape.
~ ~ ~
And down to our bones
I think we both know
I know we’re counting the cost
It’s better to have lost
Than never have loved at all.
A single tear made its way down Magnus’s cheek at the final lyrics of what was once one of his favourite songs. Now, it brought him nothing but pain and regret. His hands shook on the stem of his martini glass and he found himself wishing, suddenly and painfully, for Alexander.
A small voice in the back of Magnus’s mind reminded him that he was the one who had broken up with Alec, he was the one who had ruined everything. It was him that needed to fix things if ever they had a chance of becoming an ‘us’ again.
Clary cleared her throat next to him, and Magnus startled, turning to face her. She smiled sadly and put a hand on his arm. “Alec isn’t mad at you,” she said.
“How could you possibly know that?” Magnus replied bitterly.
Clary sent her thumb flying over her shoulder to point at Jace, who sipped a beer behind her, watching Magnus with barely-concealed protective anger in his eyes. Magnus raised a lazy eyebrow at him, trying to let Alexander’s parabatai know he wasn’t intimidated by his glare.
“Alec isn’t angry,” Jace said, a hard edge to his voice. “Even though he has every right to be.” Clary elbowed him in the gut, and he grimaced and said, “I can feel his emotions through the bond.”
A small spark of hope bloomed in Magnus’s chest.
“He isn’t mad,” Jace continued. “He’s sad.”
Magnus’s eyes softened and he felt more tears rise to them. Clary made a soft sound of sympathy and wiped away the few that decided to fall with the pad of her thumb.
“He’s hurt,” Jace said. “He’s heartbroken.” He sounded less cold now and more sad, defeated. “But he isn’t angry.”
“Do you...do you think he would let me talk to him?” Magnus asked Alec’s parabatai. He was gripping the stem of his martini glass so tightly that Clary pulled it from his hands, setting it and his cocktail napkin, which he had begun to shred in his anxiety, away from him.
“Maybe,” Jace answered. “In any case, if you don’t go talk to him, I’m going to kick your ass into next week, warlock.”
Magnus ignored Jace’s comment and rose from his seat. He sent Clary a blinding smile and Jace a grateful glance, which was all he could manage through his guilt. “If you’ll both excuse me, I have some pressing matters to attend to.”
He found Isabelle by the jukebox again, debating between an old love song and something by Kesha. After directing her towards the Kesha song, he inquired about Alec’s whereabouts. Now that Jace had spoken to him, he finally felt like he might be able to right the grievous wrong that he had made.
“He left early,” Isabelle replied. “Said he was going home, so he’s probably at the Institute.”
“Thank you,” Magnus grit out, his heart leaping with anticipation.
“Of course,” Isabelle replied. Before he could turn away, she grasped his sleeve and said, “Alec’s been different these past few days - sadder, more withdrawn. He doesn’t smile anymore. Is everything okay between you two?”
Magnus felt guilt shoot through him like a lance and he winced. “Hopefully it will be by the end of tonight.”
“Are you going to - ”
Magnus was out the door before she could finish her sentence.
~ ~ ~
Alec felt a warm hand catch his arm in a vice-like grip, and he whirled around to face whoever had touched him. His breath caught in his throat when he recognised plum-painted fingernails and the silver ear cuff of the person he’d longed to see the most for the past few days.
“W-What are you doing here?” Alec asked, hating himself for stuttering. He used his free hand to try and wipe away the worst of his tears, but Magnus reached up and brushed them away tenderly before he could do so. Alec couldn’t stop himself from leaning into the touch, exhaling shakily.
Before he knew what was happening, Magnus’s lips were on his and his hot breath was fanning over Alec’s cheeks and Alec felt himself beginning to warm from the inside out. Rain fell in jagged torrents around them, and lightning crackled overhead, but Alec and Magnus had eyes and ears only for each other.
Alec closed his eyes and sank into the kiss, hoping against hope that it wouldn’t be the last one he would be allowed to receive.
Magnus finally pulled away and said, “Does that answer your question?”
Alec felt a small smile overtake his face and he pulled Magnus into a crushing hug.
“I love you,” he whispered against the warlock’s spiked hair.
“I love you, too, Alexander,” Magnus whispered back. “I was a fool to believe I had to choose between you and the Downworld.”
“I don’t think I can live without you,” Alec admitted. His voice was muffled against the other man’s shoulder, but Magnus heard him well enough to warrant a sharp intake of breath. He pulled back just enough to see Alec’s face, to see the intensity of his cool blue eyes, to see the truth of his love’s statement.
He didn’t know what to say to that - he knew it was a conversation for another time - so he paraphrased Alec, when they were first beginning their relationship.
“I’ve heard that relationships take effort.”
Alec chuckled. “That’s an understatement.”
“You know what isn’t an understatement?” Magnus sidled closer until there were mere inches of space left between him and Alec. “This.”
Magnus felt more than heard it as Alec sighed into his mouth, the tension bleeding out of him, and he couldn’t contain the smile that broke out across his face.
With Magnus’s lips on his own, standing off to the side of a crowded street in the middle of the night, Alec couldn’t help but think that if the universe gave him nothing else in his life, nothing else that he had yearned for and dreamed of, nothing else but Magnus, he would still be happy.
Alec was content to spend his forever on that street corner underneath the stormy sky as long as he was with Magnus.
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hyphypmic · 5 years
HypMic: Girl Group S/O
Anon asked: Heey, how would they react if they had a s/o who's an idol, like in a girl group, she sings and dance, but at the same time she can rap like a God?. Sorry my English is awful T_T Anyway have a awesome week <3
Thank you for the request honey!
Honestly he would be so blown away
And he would obsess pretty hard
Along with promotion on his fucking social media
And like he would hang around with the group and enjoy rapping with them
And they would have collaborations and they would blow up the internet because it’s so good
And their rap battles are things of legend
And like, okay, ichiro would have the best fun, not only giving tips, but getting some as well
Oh my god, he would be so gobsmacked and he would truly be obsessed with you
And like, he would also take videos of you and all that
And when he goes to your practices and all, he really enjoys it
And he would also do collaborations with you, and he would IG story it
Also the two of you would do dance covers that would have a ton of views on youtube
They would be the dynamic duo on stage and when they perform together it’s such a wonderful dance combination
He would personally take it upon himself to up your promotions
And he would be the one to post and suddenly he would be on your instagram takeovers
He would also have that collaborations with you and post them also
He would also have the best pictures of you during concerts
And he would take tips from you when it comes to rapping bc knowledge is everything
Amazing edits and all that, just genuinely being a big sweetheart
He would find it cool
He would ask the rest of MTC to stream your songs and buy your albums
And he’s not really a posting guy, but he would practice with you
One time he gave you a hypnosis microphone and he got he fell backwards, and it takes a lot for him to get a headache, much less fall back and be left reeling at it
And so he trains with you and honestly, its mind blowing because you’re both so good and all
Will kill all your haters if you allowed him to
And if he hears someone hate on you, he growls and gets severely mad at them
Oh he would subtly increase your security team
But he would also enjoy watching you and would buy your merch and all that
Is the type to wear your shirts, but like in a subtle way
And he enjoys listening to your music and sometimes during the music breaks, he freestyle raps and you video him doing it
The views skyrocket when that happens
And like, he has the best time when he watches you, but he would corner you after the concert and congratulate you privately
He is amused and like really enjoys the music
While he’s camping, he plays the music and he sings along with it
And when you dance, he really tries to copy you, and it works in a sense, but he prefers watching instead
And then he also raps with you and practices with your group mates
And when he gets invited on stage, everyone is so in love
And if they have like a military themed song, they go for it and have Riou
Full on promotion and he really advertises you
He wears the not-so subtle march and is a really big supporter
He also loves your music and begs to gust star in the music videos
And when he does, and when he raps, its the biggest, wildest collaboration ever
And its cutesy and all that, but on a darker MV, he goes for it also
And in general he has so much fun, especially when he does his IG takeovers
He does rap videos with you and it’s wild because they’re either cute or way too fucking intense
He also designs new outfits because he’s extra like that
He helps write songs because why not
He’s more of a lyricist than anything, and then he shows them to you for approval for his own
And you ask advice from him for your group’s lyrics
And he saves your music and listens to it so much
And he ends up memorising all of them and sometimes quoting them
Your rap collaborations are wonderful and the lyrics bring people to tears
He also enjoys your music and dances to it
He has a little MP3 player and he saves all of your songs
He unabashedly plays them even in public and sings them as he is walking
And he wears your merch a lot and just in general has so much fun
He also watches you and is basically your loudest number one fan, rival to the regular fans and he always does his best to watch, even if he can’t exactly get tickets
He drags FP with him anyway
Finds you amazing and regularly listens to your songs
Has it playing in his office when patients come in and he’s so happy to explain that its the group of his girlfriend
And like, he also lets you rap in front of him and gives you tips on rapping
And his praise is the most genuine thing, like he doesn’t also lie when he’s critiquing you
He also watches every show, or if he can’t make it, he picks you up
And if you’re away, he never fails to call and watch fancams on youtube
Posts on his IG or something on how proud he is
If he feels lonely, he plays your songs
And plus it calms him, regardless of how fast paced it is
And like when you rap with him, he’s so amazed because it’s beautiful and chaotic
And you end up videoing your raps together, even if he’s kind of shy about it
He’s usually a busy guy. But he watches your videos while in the office and promotes you there
He hums the songs when he’s doing paperwork because it makes time go faster and happier
he loves social media and promotes you a lot
He usually can’t go to concerts because of his job, at its at night, but when he can he’s so loud and is wearing all of your merchandise
And like, he would have social media takeovers
And when he hangs around with your group and to celebrate it’s at his club because well… you’re the only girl he’s not afraid of, the other members still scare him quite a bit
but yeah he’s a huge puppy and he’s gushing over you almost all the time because you’re so damn good
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crackimagines · 7 years
How about Sonia and Chihiro finding a DMX song and being surprised by all the cussing but really liking it and next time their friends see them they're cursing a lot much to everyone's dismay.
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Thanks for the ask anon, and I hope you enjoy!
Chihiro Fujisaki
Chihiro was looking on his laptop after class one day, extremely BORED. While browsing through the internet, he noticed a song on his recommended. He shrugged, and decided to click it. I mean, what’s the worst that could be on it-
Chihiro was…well concerned at the very least. Not the fact his laptop was blasting this at full volume, but the fact…it didn’t sound half bad actually. Chihiro decided to save it to his MP3 player, and give it a listen on his walk home…
The Next Day
Chihiro walked into his class’s room that next day, and sat down like normal.
(Mondo) “Ah, Chihiro! What’s up-”
Everything just stopped. Makoto and Sayaka stopped talking, and looked at Chihiro with such wide eyes, and Kyoko actually flinched and almost choked on her coffee that she was drinking. Byakuya almost dropped his book, and fell over on his chair. Leon failed to catch the ball that he was tossing up and down, and let it land onto Hifumi’s face, who was too busy realizing what Chihiro had just said to pay attention to his surrounding. Celeste full on dropped her books, and didn’t bother to try and pick them up. Hagakure, Leon, Taka, and Toko quickly turned aorund with such horrified expressions on them, as if somebody had been murdered in front of them. Aoi spit out her donut that she was eating, while Sakura broke the clipboard she was holding with her bare hands on pure reflex hearing Chihiro shout such vulgar words. Junko and Mukuro turned around, and while Junko was refraining from laughing, Mukuro was also among those who had a terrified expression. 
Mondo…well, he just cracked his knuckles.
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(Chihiro) “A-AH!”
(Makoto) “M-Mondo, I think that’s the real Chihiro!”
(Mondo) “Wha- Ah hell, Chihiro who taught you to say these things? Do I need to kick their ass?”
(Chihiro) “N-No! It’s…well, I uh…It’s from this song I listened to.”
(Mondo) “Song?”
Chihiro handed Mondo the flashdrive which included the song. Mondo held onto it for a moment before tossing it to Leon.
(Mondo) “Do it.”
(Leon) “Gotcha.”
Leon winded up his good ol throwing arm, and Mukuro ran to open the window, and he CHUCKED THAT SHIT OUT OF THERE. Chihiro was a little upset, but he just kept that to himself.
(Mondo) “Chihiro, I think me and you should have a talk, man to man.”
(Chihiro) “W-What for?”
(Mondo) “Well uh…J-Just come on.”
Mondo had Chihiro follow him outside the classroom to have a civil discussion about what to say, and what NOT to say when everyone thinks you’re a cinnamon roll.
Sonia Nevermind
Note- It’s going to be the same song she’s going to be listening to
 Sonia wanted to know more about the other countries since she had the chance to be just a normal girl. Her first stop for today, was going to be the music. 
She visited the store, picking out whatever caught her eye, and what did catch her eye, was the American section. There was music like rock and roll, hip hop, pop, and a brand new genre that she was not quite familiar with. Rap. She picked out an artist named…DMX? Such a strange name, but the more she widened her horizons, the better!
After she bought it, she went back to her room, and decided to give several songs a listen. After listening to several songs, like “Carry on Wayward Son” “Welcome to the Black Parade” “Nuclear”, she finally decided to give rap a listen. 
“X gon give it to ya”
(Sonia) “What could this possibly be-”
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The next morning…
(Sonia) “Ah, Chiaki!”
(Chiaki) “Sonia? What do you need?”
(Sonia) “Would you like to listen to this song I found?”
(Chiaki) “Um…Sure why not?”
Sonia excitedly gave her earphones, and Sonia pressed play on her MP3 player.
(Chiaki) “….Oh dear.”
Chiaki was about to say something to Sonia, but then she saw how bright Sonia’s eyes were, and how full of excitement they were.
I mean, can you say NO to this face?
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Chiaki then told Sonia that the song was good, but then Sonia said something that made Chiaki worry like none other.
(Sonia) “Should I try speaking like the man in the song for today?”
(Chiaki) “Um…-”
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(Chiaki) “…Sure.”
(Sonia) “Ah! Thank you for your input, Chiaki!”
Sonia quickly hugged Chiaki, then ran inside. Later, Chiaki heard Sonia cursing from the top of her lungs, scaring everybody in the Academy.
(Chiaki) sigh “What have I allowed to happen…?”
She went back to playing her PSP as she heard Sonia drop 50 F-bombs in the span of a minute behind her.
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gdelgiproducer · 6 years
This may be a obvious question that you get asked a lot. But what are your favorite musicals (and favorite cast albums of each) and what are your favorite musical theater songs.
Okay, new rule from here on out: if someone’s gonna ask me questions that require multi-pronged, lengthy answers, especially at a late hour (almost 11 PM, that’s 23:00 to anyone European, here), they can either do it with the anon off or not bother asking. Thank you!
Now, because I don’t like rudely dismissing someone, I’ve gone back and edited this. I’m giving you my top 5 of each.
Favorite Musicals (and Cast Albums Thereof):
Jesus Christ Superstar (1973 film soundtrack)
West Side Story (1957 OBC)
Godspell (I like all of them, but the playlist that gets constant rotation in my MP3 player has the opening track from the 2001 “yellow” album, “Prologue” and “Beautiful City” from the Jay Records studio recording, and the rest of the tracks a mix of the “red” and “blue” albums – here meaning original Off-Broadway and film soundtrack)
Hair (my own playlist combining OBC and DisinHAIRited tracks)
Tanz der Vampire (2009 Vienna revival, but with the last track replaced with the finale from the 2007 10th anniversary concert – in case you didn’t guess, my dislike for the “new ending” burns with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns)
Favorite Musical Theater Songs:
Draussen ist Freiheit (including “Die Roten Stiefel” and “Das Gebet”), from Tanz der Vampire
Carpe Noctem, also from Tanz der Vampire
Heaven On Their Minds, from Jesus Christ Superstar
Gethsemane, also from Jesus Christ Superstar
Somewhere, from West Side Story
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alightinthelantern · 5 years
Because the decade is ending I’ve been revisiting old interests and past fandoms from when I was a teen, and boy is it a trip down Memory Lane.
Listening to old Vocaloid songs from when I was in high school back in 2010, when I was 15 and new to internet culture, and it was one of the first Japanese culture I ever discovered. Apparently Vocaloids are still a thing? I knew Miku was still popular bc I’d seen stuff in the past year featuring her, but apparently the other Vocaloid characters are too, and there’ve been a whole bunch of new ones introduced in the past decade? I remember when the whole Daughter of Evil saga was being created. I remember all the alt characters people created by taking the main vocaloids and pitch-altering their voice banks. The Vocaloid community was fresh and thriving back then. That was back when Gender-Bending was a staple of fandom culture, and making male “versions” of female characters and vice versa was hugely popular. This was when “Caramelldansen” and “Ievan Polkka” weren’t Classic Memes, this was when they were new, and all the rage.
I remember the Gamecube days, back in the 2000s, and watching my stepbrothers battle my sisters interchangeably on it or the old Nintento 64 they had, in Mario Kart, or Mortal Kombat, or the original Smash Brothers (I, who had terrible hand-eye coordination, wasn’t fit for playing, but was more content to passively enjoy anyway). I remember when the Wii was first introduced (my mother didn’t believe in video games for a long time, and only bought a console for the family about four years later). I remember the GameBoy, I remember the release of the first XBox. I remember the online dress-up doll games. I remember when the Lego Star Wars video game was first released, and being an avid fanatic of those famous bricks as a kid enjoyed watching my siblings play that probably more than than anything else.
I remember how huge the cosplay scene was in the early 2010s, for all kinds of shows. I remember reading Emma: A Victorian Romance by Kaoru Mori with glee as a teen, siting in a bean bag chair in the Teen Area of my local library, because they had a dedicated manga section and had the entire print run. That was back before Borders was bought out by Barnes & Noble and ceased to be, and I’d often sit in the second-floor manga section of my local Borders and read the volumes that caught my eye for a half-hour or more, and the store clerks didn’t care because it was a different world then, a different culture, and I was always a polite, well-behaved kid anyway who always physically respected the books. Apparently the anime adaptation of Mori’s Emma from years ago finally got an English dub in the past year? I’m going to have to track it down and give it a watch.
I remember loving the Romeo x Juliet anime as a teen, that crazy and brilliantly original high-fantasy reimagining of the classic play. I loved that the English dub script was mostly in Elizabethan-era English. I remember Ouran Host Club and Baccano! too, and the first of those being one of the funniest things I’d ever seen in my life at the time. Same with The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. I remember liking Fruits Basket back in 1010, and only realizing years later how fucked up it actually was. I remember Baccano! and Nabari No Ou. I also remember some other shows whose names don’t bear repeating. I remember downloading their OSTs off dedicated websites that no longer exist. I still have these soundtracks in my iTunes library. I remember when burning playlists onto CDs was popular; they finally became obsolete and passé sometime in my high school years, after the rise of mp3 players and programs like iTunes crystallized the superiority of the .mp3, and then people would laugh when I mentioned my own burned CD collection.
I remember when Over the Garden Wall first came out, in 2014, and how groundbreaking it was at the time in terms of what an animated show could be, visually and plot-wise. That show still has a small bud dedicated fandom it seems. I remember the character ask-blogs that were so popular from 2014--16 on tumblr, both ones with drawn replies and ones with live cosplay photos or gifs. God, the ask-blog community was so huge at the time. That might have been the height of tumblr’s popularity, the mid-2010s. I remember DeviantART and the thriving fanart community it had before tumblr took over in the early 2010s. I remember all OCs people were making, and the ask-accounts before ask-blogs were a thing. I remember the roleplay groups. I remember all the fucked-up things people were into back then because the Scene Phase had come but not yet entirely gone, and because teens were emo little shits in general. I remember when anime pairings were written as “[name] x [name]” in full before people started mashing names together around 2014, I remember when words like y*oi and y*ri were the norm. Oh how times have changed. (And thank god they’ve changed)
I remember when the Twilight movies were being made and my high school health teacher put the first movie on in class one day and had the class point out different ways in with the romance was toxic and unhealthy. It’s mind-boggling that in 2019, after The Discourse had come, burned, raged, and gone, that people are still stupid enough to like those films. Even back then I was smart enough to see them for the creepy, badly-written dreck that they were. I remember when The Hunger Games was published (I never read it). I remember the first Hunger Games Movie coming out and the controversy surrounding Jennifer Lawrence being cast as the lead. I remember coming into school one day to find two of my teachers casually debating it (I never saw the movies, and didn’t particularly care about that conversation).
I remember watching an independent showing of Studio Ghibli’s From Up on Poppy Hill in 2015 at a local indie theater, and the audience roaring with laughter when one of the boys at the old club house asked “How can we make archaeology cool again?!” and another replying “We can’t!”, and then a woman in the audience said out loud “Archaeology is cool!”
I remember the birth, life and death of Vine, and despite The Discourse raging on tumblr at the time, the humor on that app was still largely Mainstream and often racist.
I remember Teen Wolf, and Glee, Sherlock and Supernatural and Doctor Who. I remember the emergence of “Superwholock” and the sheer insufferableness of the fandom before they eventually, blessedly died out. I remember the disappearance of shows like J*njou R*omantica and the rise of shows like Free! and Yuri on Ice!!!, Modern “woke” animes that still featured vapid, cliché-driven writing, with Modern “woke” audiences that were puerile-minded and cliché-hungry as ever, the same y*oi fangirls as those that had existed in the early 2010s, only now the shows had done away with the nasty R*pe-As-Romance and replaced it with cringey, ham-fisted pretenses of Realistic Psychology or Social Conscience. And I realized that anime fans my age weren’t worth their salt, and by that time I was too old for anime anyway so I finally dropped it. New animes have come and gone, new live action shows have come and gone, and all the same terrible fandom drama that has burned year after year regardless of show still burns. Same shit, different sewer.
I remember how different online culture was for teens a decade ago. I remember how different real life was for teens a decade ago. Everything has changed so much in the past decade. Teens were children when I was teen. Now, ten years later, teens are like miniature adults, thinking and speaking maturely, socially and politically conscious, wise beyond their years. Racism is acknowledged for the evil it is, and bigoted trolls are no longer socially accepted. When I was a teen, been an edgelord was in, and kids like me who were unusually conscientious were labeled Babies and Oversensitive whenever something didn’t sit right and we voiced objections. Anons telling people to kill themselves was routine. People were violent and ruthless online, and the culture was truly reminiscent of The Lord of The Flies, a cutthroat free-for-all among girls and boys of all ages.
But not anymore: as people keep saying these days, being an Asshole is Out, being Kind is In. Shit like H*zbin H*tel, that would’ve been immensely popular ten years ago, is acknowledged for the violent, vile crap it is. And the language around sexuality and gender has changed so drastically, and has opened up so much. There was no trans content a decade ago in fandom, and Gender-bending, when done to explore the social ramifications of a character as the “opposite gender” (because nothing outside the gender binary existed as far as fandom was then concerned), and not just for titillation, was always cisgendered and done by way of Alternate Universes.
I had a miserable experience as a teen, and I wish that I could have experienced this kind of environment in my formative years rather than the one I did. But although I never did, I am so happy for the teens of today, that they are able to experience this kind of social openness, that they can experience this kind of unity and conscientiousness that exists in a way it never did before. That, even with as bleak and awful as the world is, they are fighting to make it better for themselves. Because it really was them that changed it.
Because, as much as Millennials like to pretend otherwise, we didn’t make the internet culture what it is today, We were edgy shitlord brats who loved laughably bad media, whether it was edgy and featured protagonists who murdered for fun, or maudlin and featured Mary Sue protagonists. We had flame wars over who was “uke or seme” for characters that weren’t even gay. We were nasty piss-stains, and even the teens like me who were better than the rest still had our awful moments. I’ve done and said things as a teen that I’m ashamed of, and no amount of nostalgia can change the fact that fandom and the media it consumed was objectively awful a decade ago. And though “Fandom Moms” and other nasty, disgusting, overgrown-children may be a proud bastion and defenders of the Old Ways, reminiscing about their LiveJournal Days and telling themselves their age is somehow indicative of wisdom rather than how creepy and pathetic they really are, their days are numbered, and I can’t wait to see their +30yo asses slowly die out in the face of progress.
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All for "This or That"
You are my favorite anon-chan
(Rose) - Pick one of them to drink your blood: Subaru or Kou.
I have go with Subaru for this one.
(Baby’s Breath) - Pick one of them to drink your blood: Reiji or Ruki.
Ruki (Carnation) - Pick one of them to drink your blood: Shuu or Yuma.
This is a tough one but I’ll go with Yuma.
(Amaryllis) - Pick one of them to drink your blood: Ayato or Laito.
Laito always (Dahlia) - Pick one of them to drink your blood: Kanato or Azusa.
why do I have to choose between the adorable cinnamon rolls D: can I choose both? I’ll go with kanato 
(Allium) - Which date do you go on: Wandering through the cemetery with Kanato or studying microbiology with Reiji?
Cemetery with kanato. anything but studying with salty pigeon mom
(Amaranth) - Which date do you go on: Intense concert practice with Kou or shelving books with Ruki? 
Both would be lovely but a concert with Kou sounds more fun ^_^
(Anemones) - Which date do you go on: Being Shuu’s unmoving body pillow for eight hours or shoveling soil with Yuma?
Shuu’s body pillow
(Anthurium) - Which date do you go on: Totally unfair basketball practice with Ayato or dangerous game of darts with Laito?
Dangerous game of darts sounds fun :D
(Astilbe) - Which boy’s bad side would you rather be on: Yuma or Reiji
oh god what did I do .-. um I guess lets go with yuma it might be a little safer Reiji scares me sometimes
(Astrantia) -  Which boy’s bad side would you rather be on: Ruki or Kanato
Ruki would much better. I’d prefer not to be stabbed. Cause I feel like cake won’t resolve being on Kanato’s bad side
(Calla Lilies) -  Which boy’s bad side would you rather be on: Laito or Kou
.-. neither Kou scares me more though so Laito. I just gotta stay away from places that would result in being pushed off. 
(Chrysanthemum) - Which boy would you save from death: Shuu or Azusa
ahh fuck no I choose bboth. okay I would go Azusa gotta protect the cinnamon rolls
(Clematis) - Which boy would you save from death: Subaru or Ayato
This is even harding than the first one .-. but I’ll choose Ayato.
(Craspedia) - Which boy would you save from death: Reiji or Ruki
Ruki. I just hope the sakamaki mansion will remain intact somehow
(Daffodil) - If you got permission to clonk one on the head without negative consequences, who would you pick: Yuma or Shuu
I don’t know. I woulnd’t feel the need to do this to either of them but I guess I’ll choose Shu.(Freesia) - If you got permission to clonk one on the head without negative consequences, who would you pick: Ayato or Kou
Kou it would be kinda funny. Can I do this in front of his fangirls?
(Hydrangea) - If you got permission to clonk one on the head without negative consequences, who would you pick: Laito or Ruki
Ruki because he keeps calling me livestock D:
(Iris) - You’re pregnant! Who’s the dad: Reiji or Kanato
Guess what Kanato? You’re now a father(Orchid) - You’re pregnant! Who’s the dad: Subaru or Ruki
Subaru. *if you listen closely you can he walls being destroyed in the distance*
(Peony) - You’re pregnant! Who’s the dad: Yuma or Kou
Yuma better work on bigger garden! We’ll have more mouths to feed.
(Veronica) - Who stole your virginity: Subaru or Azusa
Azusa is a father (Tulips) - Who stole your virginity: Shuu or Ayato
Ayato because Ore-sama will steal all your firsts
(Aster) - Who stole your virginity: Reiji or Laito
(Iron) - Who gets to dominate you to his liking: Kou or Subaru
Tsunbaru ^.^
(Steel) - Who gets to dominate you to his liking: Yuma or Ayato
Yuma ;3
(Gunmetal) - Who gets to dominate you to his liking: Ruki or Kanato
(Silver) - Who gets to give you a haircut: Laito or Shuu
that’s a tough one considering I do my hair myself and I’m not a fan of letting others do things such as cutting or dying it( had a few bad experiences so I learned to do it myself) Tbh I wouldn’t trust either with this but I’ll go with Laito because he does seem to have some experience with dealing with hair *In more blood he does your hair
(Gold) - Who gets to give you a haircut: Ruki or Kou
Kou. He’s an Idol I feel like he would know what he’s doing 
(Rust) - Who gets to give you a haircut: Kanato or Azusa
Kanato. I feel like he would have better knowledge of hair cutting and is one of the 2 I’d trust with this
(Copper) - Pick a bad deed: burned Ruki’s favorite book or threw a spider at Laito.
Sorry Ruki but fuck your books I’ll by you new ones. Please don’t kill me lol. I hate spiders and refuse to touch one. I wouldn’t want someone throwing one on me so I wouldn’t do that to him. I understand the fear way too well.
(Bronze) - Pick a bad deed: stomped Yuma’s tomatoes or ruined Shuu’s MP3 player.
Sorry Yuma but you can grow more. Again I wouldn’t want someone doing that to my Mp3 player. I need my music. So I wouldn’t do that to Shuu
(Brass) - Pick a bad deed: knocked over Reiji’s alchemy ingredient shelf or got stains on Teddy.
Fuck your alchemy ingredient pigeon boy! I rather not die thank you very much.
(Nickel) - Pick a bad deed: threw away all of Azusa’s knives or hit Subaru with a Subaru and made a bad joke to his face.
Throw away Azusa knives. You don’t need be hurting yourself dear. If thats what it takes to make you stop.
(Zinc) - Whose heart did you break, u monster: Ruki or Kou
Kou Screw you Idol arse! jking .-. sorry Kou
(Titanium) - Whose heart did you break, u monster: Yuma or Reiji
Reiji. Sorry not sorry I refuse to be forced to your “ladylike” standards
(Aluminum) - Whose heart did you break, u monster: Shuu or Ayato
Sorry Shuu T_T
(Platinum) - Whose heart did you break, u monster: Kanato or Subaru
oh god why do I have choose between these 2 >.> sorry subaru but I can’t break the screaming cinnamon rolls heart I just can’t
(Tin) - You’ve been a bad girl, who gets to punish you: Laito or Ayato
Laito of course ;3. Totally wasn’t bad on purpose or anything ;P
(Lead) -  You’ve been a bad girl, who gets to punish you: Azusa or Kanato
umm.. well results are roughly the same here soo I guess I’ll choose the screaming cinnamon roll Kanato(Bismuth) -  You’ve been a bad girl, who gets to punish you: Subaru or Yuma
(Cobalt) - Who gets to rip out your heart and devour it: Shuu or Reiji
Reiji. He need something on this list that isnt a bad choice
(Palladium) - Who gets to rip out your heart and devour it: Ruki or Ayato
Ayato can have it
(Rhodium) - Who gets to rip out your heart and devour it: Laito or Kou
Laito (Mercury) - Who gets to rip out your heart and devour it: Subaru or Kanato
Kanato doesn’t he like that sort of thing anyway?
(Iridium) - Who gets to rip out your heart and devour it: Yuma or Azusa
Azusa. How could I say no to such a cutie.
(Thallium) - Pick the more preferable scenario: becoming one of Kanato’s dolls or being forever locked in the dungeon as Laito’s toy.
I’d be cool  with both options but I’d like to be alive so Laito’s toy it is( let’s be honest here I was going to choose Laito regardless)
(Seaborgium) - Pick the more preferable scenario: slowly eaten alive by Ayato or slowly stabbed to death by Azusa.
ლ(ಠ_ಠლ) Jesus.. well im dead either Stab me bb
(Vanadium) - Pick the more preferable scenario: drowning to death with Shuu or strangled to death by Yuma.
Drowning with shuu. If I’m doing I’m dieing via water. It’s my favorite element
(Chromium) - Pick the more preferable scenario: violently eaten alive by Subaru or Reiji’s toy until inevitable death.
... Reiji’s toy it is. Being eaten alive just sounds terribly painful.
(Sapphire) - Who would you rather cook dinner with: Kou or Subaru
Subaru. Can kou even cook?
(Ruby) - Who would you rather cook dinner with: Reiji or Kanato
Reiji cause I know I’ll be yummy.
(Garnet) - Who would you rather cook dinner with: Yuma or Ayato
(Pearl) - Pick one to be on your zombie apocalypse team: Shuu or Kanato
Kanato. He can just burn their undead arses.
(Amethyst) - Pick one to be on your zombie apocalypse team: Ruki or Azusa
Ruki. Sorry azusa but I need someone would prefer not being eaten
(Diamond) - Pick one to be on your zombie apocalypse team: Reiji or Laito
Reiji. He would be better. much smarter for this kind of thing
(Jade) - Pick the more preferable activity: building a pillow fort with Shuu or playing house with Kanato.
both sound awesome but I gotta go with the pillow fort
(Jasper) - Pick the more preferable activity: helping Reiji with his alchemy or wandering the rose garden with Subaru.
Rose garden with Subaru
(Peridot) - Pick the more preferable activity: assisting Laito with his crossword puzzle or cooking with Ayato.
both sounds really fun but I think crossword puzzles would be more fun :)
(Opal) - Pick the more preferable activity: silently reading with Ruki or hardcore karaoke with Kou.
I am horrid at singing so absolutely not kou. Silently reading with ruki sounds much better 
(Sodalite) - Pick the more preferable activity: picking strawberries with Yuma or admiring scars with Azusa.
I actually like both of these cause I feel like I could have a really deep conversation with Azusa and I love deep Conversations. Seriously you ever want talk to someone about whatever I’ll listen ^.^ 
I also really like strawberries and strawberry picking sounds really fun. I’ve never got to do something like that before. I think I’ll choose strawberry picking ^.^
(Lapis Lazuli) - Last, but not least, if you got to live any of the endings from any game, which would it be?
Laito’s Vandead Carnival ending
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