#*drapes them both in the bi flag* they should kiss right
prince-of-khrysalis · 2 years
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That one Schismist who insists that he's The Wizard's equal, he can TOTALLY beat them in a fight, and he's just like some rando that fought the wizard one time before and got his ass beat instantly. Yeah. That guy^! I made a character outta him, say hello to Denkichi, Spiral's most pathetic man. Feat. a very tired YW (Persephone).
SO absolutely obsessed with the npc dialogue, compelled into basing an entire character around it, I've been possessed for days making him and I am THRILLED, I haven't made a new wizard in years, okay. The story goes as follows ofc, that being that Denkichi, a former Ravenwood student and heavy YW admirer, developed a very weird one-sided complex with her. That being that they are rivals - nay, MORTAL ENEMIES, destined by the gods themselves! Persephone may not even know his name but shhh!! He swears it to be true! So fella just up and joins the Schismists SOLELY to try and fight her and prove their rivalry. He doesn't know what the they are even doing<3 He has no clue why it even exists, he just heard they hate the YW and said haha bet?? Not as much as me though- It's going to lead to him becoming her new travelling companion after the events of Novus! In that he decides that the Schismists are annoying, not letting him fight The Wizard enough, and that if he just trailed after her like a lost little puppy... then he could have many more chances. Tada! B...Best friends... (Sidenote: In game the mob/boss is balance. But I wanted him to be storm in my version, so I could make fun of storm magic even further, AND so that he could be a yokai! He's a raiju, a sparky, blue golden retriever. My nonhuman wizard agenda prevails.)
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kikis-writing-world · 3 years
Flags and Labels
Part of Writer Wednesday by @flightlessangelwings​ & @autumnleaves1991-blog
Pairing: Modern AU, pan!Din Djarin x Bi!Reader (GN, no pronouns, no Y/N)
Word Count: >2k
Rating/Warnings: Mentions of a religious upbringing and trauma from that past. Essentially Din grew up in “The Children of the Watch” and was very sheltered, but is now exploring the real world. If I’m missing anything else I should tag in this vein, please let me know.
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pride  /  “Kiss me again, like you mean it.”
You smiled brightly at Din as he gazed around, a look of wonder on his face. The street was alive with colour. Walls, windows, fences, parking meters: Everywhere you looked were multicoloured flags of every kind, representing the various people taking to the streets to celebrate their freedom to be who they are. The people themselves in the streets were just as colourful. They sported flags and bright colours and all kinds of eccentric accessories, showcasing who they’re proud to be. The joy in the air was palpable, contagious even.
You had been friends with Din for nearly two years now, the two of you having met at the local library. He always took out such interesting books on a variety of subjects, both fiction and non-fiction, and shortly after becoming acquainted with him you found out why. He had grown up in a very strict religious sect - some would go so far to describe them as a cult - and had been sheltered from many things until his early adulthood. When he became comfortable with you, he had just as many questions for you about the “real world” as you had about his past.
One topic that had come up as you two talked about Din’s past was his sexuality. He had known from a young age that something was different. His religion had been strict about heterosexual couples being the only way, shunning all other types of love. You happily helped him find books and resources he could look into, to further explore his feelings. You also opened up, sharing your own personal journey and experiences as you came to terms with your bisexuality.
When you suggested taking Din to this year’s pride, he was both nervous and excited. He still wasn’t a fan of large crowds, a side effect of his upbringing. He also didn’t know what to expect when he got there. With some research and reassurance from you that you wouldn’t leave his side, he agreed. You were so glad he did now that you were watching him take it all in. 
“All these people…” Din trailed off, losing his voice.
“They all support love.” You finished the thought. “Regardless of labels, they all just wanna be who they are, love who they want. There’s always some protesters, but whatever, don’t pay them any mind. We outnumber them.” You chuckled.
“I had no idea this was out here, all this time.” He breathed.
You had to bite your lip to keep your own emotions in check. The look of awe, the unshed tears in his eyes. You felt drawn to the sweet, quiet man like a moth to a flame. You’d been falling for him for months, the embers of your crush only stoked when he opened up about his sexuality and yes, you were in his spectrum. The glimmer of hope that he might be attracted to you dangled in front of you like a feathered cat toy… but you just couldn’t risk it. He had opened up to you, come to you for guidance and a shoulder to cry on. You felt guilty taking that away from him if you pushed that line too far. You’d crush on him silently while remaining a pillar of support.
“C’mon,” you wrapped your hand around his forearm - a safer place than taking his hand or feeling the enticing muscle hidden under the sleeve of his t-shirt - “let’s dive in.”
You watched Din carefully as you two walked the streets and took in all the sights. You wanted to know if he was getting overwhelmed or uncomfortable, but he took it all in stride. He had lots of questions about the performing drag queens, and not all that you could answer yourself. You laughed heartily at the look on his face when one queen draped her boa over his shoulders with a shimmy. 
There were people doing tarot readings, which while he seemed intrigued about, didn’t want to miss anything else by waiting in the long line. You shared a rainbow coloured ice cream sundae which turned your tongue different colours as you went, both of you laughing as you stuck your tongue out periodically - you forced yourself not to think about how the flavors would taste on his tongue every time it came out a different colour.
You made a point to stop at some information booths for local groups, picking up flyers for Din to look over later. Sports teams, choirs, friendship/support groups; Din was absolutely shocked to find there were arms of religion that not only accepted but supported LGBTQ+ rights. You knew he was struggling with reconciling his religious teachings with the “real world” and thought maybe these groups might be able to help navigate it more than you could with your limited experience.
A face painting booth caught your eye and you dragged Din over, not that he was putting up much of a fight. There were a few people doing the face painting, some clearly artists who would do a full-face of whatever you requested, but also there were some that were simply painting pride flags on cheeks for the price of a donation to a local queer youth shelter.
You and Din looked over the board they had set up of different flags, all that you had seen throughout the day as you explored.
Dropping some money into the bucket, you sat on the stool and asked for a bisexuality flag. Din stood by and watched as the artist painted. You kept quiet, not wanting to cause them to mess up.
“Well? What do you think?” You prompted when they were done.
“It looks nice.” Din nodded.
“Did you want one too?” The artist asked, looking Din’s way.
You looked over to Din, smiling as you waited for him to answer. As comfortable as he’d grown in your time walking around and meeting new people, you didn’t know if he was ready to wear anything pride related. It was his call, but you looked as encouraging as you could.
“Um, can I get this one?” He asked, pointing at the Pansexuality flag. Your heart soared for him. It wasn’t exactly a declaration of finding the right label, but feeling comfortable enough to display the flag on his cheek was definitely progress.
“Of course!” They answered, gesturing for Din to sit in the stool as they got the right colours ready. As he sat, you gave his shoulder a squeeze. He looked up at you with a soft smile, eyes shining with excitement.
“Have you ever had your face painted before?” You questioned, realizing that it probably wasn’t the kind of thing he’d grown up with.
“I don’t think so.” He shrugged.
“Oh, it’s been a while since I had a virgin.” The artist teased with a wink, making you laugh as Din blushed bright red. You ran your hand across his shoulders to soothe him through the embarrassment, although all it did was make your own face flush as you felt the firm muscles twitch under his shirt.
“All done!” It took the artist only a few moments to swipe the three colours evenly along his cheek. They lifted a handheld mirror so Din could see for himself. He nodded his approval with a quiet thanks, adding some more money into the collection bucket.
“C’mere, let’s get into the sun for a picture!” You suggested as you skipped ahead of him. He followed, grinning at your excitement as you found the perfect spot and opened up your camera.
He leaned over you, head nearly resting on your shoulder as you started snapping selfies. Happy ones, goofy ones, serious ones. Your thumb automatically tapped every few seconds as the two of you made different faces. When Din pressed his lips to your cheek, the picture captured every ounce of surprise you felt.
“Thanks for bringing me here.” Din smiled as you tucked your phone away, trying to hide your burning face.
“Y-yeah. I’m glad you enjoyed it.” You stuttered, picking at some non-existent lint on your shirt.
“Did I do something wrong?” The flatness in Din’s voice made your head shoot up. He was frowning, the excitement of the day all but vanished from his expression.
“No. W-W-Why… Why would you think that?” You shook your head, internally cursing yourself for the reaction you had to a simple, friendly kiss.
“I kissed you, and you…” He trailed off, gesturing at you in lieu of verbalizing his thoughts. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.”
“No, Din. Don’t apologize-”
“I’ve been trying to tell you for a while now-”
The two of you began speaking at once, only to both pause when you realized the other was talking.
“Trying to tell me what?” You asked, feeling that familiar heat rising up your neck into your cheeks.
“I… I like you… more than just friends…” Din admitted, looking down and kicking at a rock on the ground. “I guess today just… made me feel… brave.”
“Really?” You squeaked, voice malfunctioning as you fought to keep your body under control. You wanted to jump, sing, cartwheel, hell you would fly if you had the ability.
“You don’t have to like me back. I don’t want it to change anything.” Din continued, still focussed on the rock.
You tucked your hand under his chin, forcing him to look up and see with his own eyes how you felt about his confession. His eyes widened a fraction when he took in the wide smile you wore ear to ear.
“I definitely like you back.” You confirmed. “And you are one of the bravest people I know.”
A sigh of relief gave way to a matching smile on Din’s face, the two of you smiling at each other widely, neither sure what to say next.
“Kiss me again, like you mean it.”
The only regret the two of you held from your first real kiss was the smudged flags on your cheeks.
Tagging @wickedfrsgrl​ @din-damn-djarin​ @seasonschange-butpeopledont​ @kesskirata​ @phoenixhalliwell​ @vonschweetz​ @insideafictionaluniverse​ @driedgreentomatoes​ @computeringturtle​ @spideysimpossiblegirl​
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akakeiiji · 4 years
this is kind of a weird request so sorry in advance and you don't have to write it if you don't want to of course!!! but could i get hcs for atsumu, oikawa, and terushima with a lesbian best friend? i feel like lesbian + flirty boy is such a power duo because she can give girl advice and they don't have to worry about feelings making things awkward dhkshdkdh sorry again!!
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS REQUEST FBWBBDSF I love the dynamic these three would have with a lesbian best friend, it would be so chaotic, I love it. I based some of these with how I am with my guy friends, I’m not a lesbian but I’m close enough HAHAHA
Also, happy pride you guys 🥺💕  from your local chaotic bi
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-`,✎ Atsumu, Oikawa and Terushima with a lesbian best friend
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Miya Atsumu
You guys are like the ultimate power couple except you aren’t a couple
Everyone thinks you guys are dating at first because Atsumu isn’t the type who’s openly close and touchy with a girl but when he’s with you, you two are basically attached by the hip, even more so than he is with his brother
But surprise!! You’re gay as gay can be
When you first told him, he didn’t even bat an eye
“I already knew.”
“What?? How?”
But he’s so genuinely happy you trusted him enough to tell him, also he was beginning to worry you were going to tell Osamu first
He’s surprisingly the most supportive best friend ever
If anyone ever tries to give you shit for your sexuality then they will have to face the wrath of an angered Atsumu (+Osamu ofc)
He was already pretty blunt with his words to begin with, just imagine him angry
You two do this thing where you sit somewhere in public, usually munching on snacks from the convenience store, people watching
When I say people watching, I mean checking girls out
“Look over there, she’s cute.”
“Ew, she’s way out of your league.”
“What do you mean?!”
He’d smack your ice cream to the ground when you say this and he’d have to buy you a new one after you started smacking him with your bag
He’ll never admit it to anyone except you but he sucks with girls
Basically: He’s a dork
He goes to you for love advice, mostly because he trusts you and because he knows there’ll be less teasing (Osamu would never let him hear the end of it)
Plus you have more experience than Osamu hehe
He’d drape himself over your lap as you’re working and tell you about all his woes
“Why do I keep scaring her off?”
“Listen, Tsumu, you just gotta cut the sarcasm and try not to sound condescending all the time.”
“I don’t sound condescending all the time!”
“Are you deaf??”
Not gonna lie, people are lowkey intimidated by you two
He’s pretty protective of you, like in an older brother type of way
Listen he knows that guys are trash but he knows how ruthless girls can be, he doesn’t want to see you get hurt
He ends up unintentionally scaring away other girls from you which you def weren’t happy about
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Oikawa Tooru
His fangirls hate you with a burning passion
You’re the one girl he’s completely let into his life, you were one of his closest friends
He was just drawn to you, you know? You two just clicked immediately
Mostly because you both radiated the same crackhead energy
But also because you weren’t the same as the other girls in his school, you didn’t look at him with this starstruck look in your eyes like he was some idol, you saw him for who he really was
That sounds so sappy, he would never tell you any of this, you’d tease him too much
He’s so cute though, he calls you his platonic soulmate
He’s a super affectionate person
He always has his arm around your shoulder or linked with your own, another reason why his fangirls have it out for you
Subconsciously, Oikawa knew that you would never fall for him and he loved that about your relationship, he didn’t worry about you becoming a fangirl or losing the bond you two shared because of awkwardness
But he just thought it was because you really only saw Oikawa as a friend and not because you were gay
When you did tell him, he was so surprised and he internally slapped himself because “I should have known!!” He knows you better than anyone, why didn’t he see the signs??
He’s so great about it though, he immediately takes you in his arms and tells you that you’re amazing and thanks you for telling him
“(Y/N) this is so great, it means we have more in common!”
If anyone, I mean anyone, whether it be fangirl or classmate or stranger on the street, says anything bad about you he will not hesitate to throw some hands
Listen, Oikawa may have a reputation to uphold but if anyone talks shit about his best friend then he’s going to go feral
You were definitely Oikawa’s go-to for girl advice
When he had a crush, when he didn’t know how to deal with his fangirls, when his girlfriend dumped him, you were the first one he went to
“I can’t believe she broke up with me.”
“Pfft, you could do better. I told you not to date her.”
“Would you have dated her?”
“I mean she was hot but come on, she was a bitch.”
sorry i just hate his ex-girlfriend even tho we dont even know her
Okay but you two are like this ultra attractive chick magnet when you’re together
You’re probably popular at school if you have Oikawa by your side 24/7, you probably have your own fangirls too
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Terushima Yuuji
Funny story, you and Terushima first became friends after he hit on you during your first year
“Hey, couldn’t help noticing you earlier, I’m Terushima but you can call me babe.”
“Okay, first of all, I’m gay. Second, what the hell was that pick up line? You’re never going to get anyone’s attention if that’s the best you’ve got.”
You two immediately became best friends
Your friendship mainly consisted of you teaching Terushima how to actually pick up girls at first but you two still stuck with each other even after he mastered the art that is being a fuckboy
i love him so much but come on, he’s a total fuckboy
Now your relationship mainly consists of vine references and you trying to revoke your knowledge of picking up girls from him
You regret teaching him those things all those years ago
In all seriousness though, you two are basically family to one another, he trusts you completely
And yeah, needless to say, he is totally supportive of you and loves you unconditionally
At first glance, you two look like an overly touchy couple, he always has his arm draped around you and isn’t afraid to kiss you on the cheek and forehead
He’s constantly surrounded by a whole number of girls but he always tells people that you’re his #1
You two constantly have these moments where you’re both out and a pretty girl walks by and you both just halt to a stop and check her out
Afterward, you both turn towards each other and freak out over how attractive she was
“Holy shit, (Y/N) she’s wearing a bi flag bracelet, go get her number.”
He always tries to set you up with other girls, you don’t even ask him to but he does anyways
“Are you free tomorrow?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Perfect, you have a date at 2, she'll pick you up at your place.”
“Wait, what—”
However, if you ever like someone then your boi Terushima will be your ultimate wingman
He just wants to see you happy okay?
So he will do absolutely anything to help you get your girl, no doubt about it
If anyone tries to hurt you then he’s gonna call the bois and beat them up, he will not let them slide
He will definitely go to pride with you, he’ll arrive clad in full rainbow attire
“What do you mean you won’t wear the matching rainbow cape, (Y/N) I paid good money for this.”
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The Protector and his Peace Maker
Title:  The Protector and his Peace Maker
Word Count: 1,003
Warnings: None that I can think of! This is just fluff!
Ship: The Ripper’s Rose (Raiden x Myself)
Summary: Sometimes it’s cool that my dreams are so vivid. It just sucks that the unsettling parts are as well, so I wrote a short story of myself telling Raiden that he appeared in my dream and his reaction that I really do see him as nothing less than my protector.
Rebecca’s eyes fluttered open and hastily glanced towards the scarlet light that shone ever so brightly in the corner of her room. A quick yet relieved breath escaped her lips. 
“Hey,” The gravelly voice of her long-time love, Raiden, murmured. His voice just above that of a whisper, “You alright?”
It took a minute for the plum-haired woman to fully recognize that she was no longer in the weird world of her unconscious but when she did, her body trembled slightly still. She shook her head before letting it fall into the plush of her pillow. Her eyes, still blurred by the heavy allure of sleep, threatened to close and send her back once more.
“I had a bad dream,” She began in a voice as quiet as his, recalling the most vivid parts of her dream, “Like a casual nightmare I guess.”
Raiden’s arm that had been draped loosely around her small stature this entire time had become a firm grip. He closed the small gap between the pair as Rebecca shuddered involuntarily once more. The coolness of his metallic fingertips running along her skin soothed the young woman further and granted him a soft smile. Though it was hard to see within the dim light, Rebecca could make out the quirk in Raiden’s brow. It expressed the silent question of what a ‘casual nightmare’ could be. His inquisitive expression only made the small smile on her lips stretch a bit farther. 
“It’s like when a dream has both bad and unsettling parts while also having parts that can be seen as enjoyable. Or at least they’re weird enough to take away from the unpleasant nature of it all. I’m already forgetting some of what happened, but I do remember that you were there.”
Raiden’s grasp eased itself and his mindless tracing stopped in its tracks when he heard this. His subtle expression of contentment had fallen away as his brows furrowed and his lips became a tight thin line. His mind was already filling in the blanks of his partner’s unspoken words. She had seen the reality of who he was and now her mind was trying to show her the red flags she was too blinded by her love to see in the real world. What if he had hurt her or worse? The mere thought of ever doing so, even as an accident, made Raiden's body sting with a sense of sickness. Without thinking, he shifted away from Rebecca, bracing for when she’d tell him what this nightmarish version of himself had done to her.
But Rebecca ran her fingers up his forearm and grasped it. A quiet moan for him not to leave breaking through his racing mind as she did so. Raiden glanced out the doorway of their room for a moment before reluctantly placing his hand on Rebecca’s waist once more.
This seemed to appease the sleepy lilac lady, so she continued her explanation. “You had come in at just the right time. I was on this forest path that I guess led to the outdoor section of my old school and I could sense that some strange man that I had seen in another clearing off this path was following me. His intentions were disturbing... Not only that but there was a weird bi-pedal goat that was trying to subdue me as well, and he got really close..”
Rebecca trailed off for a moment when the greasy, black fur and unnatural sideways pupils that were way too close to her gaze flashed in her thoughts once more. To comfort herself, Rebecca retreated further into Raiden’s embrace, burying her face in his bare chest. It had caught Raiden off guard, especially since he was without his cosmetic skin right now, but seeing Rebecca cling to him in such a way comforted him as well. A peaceful silence had washed over them while the two stayed in this protective hold for a few minutes before Rebecca went on. 
“But then you came and cut the weird goat thing, it might’ve been a demon or something, I don’t know, down and saved me! The sinister feeling of that man also disappeared when you showed up. Not only that, but you then took me to where I needed to go in a car with you. I don’t remember if I told you in my dream so I’m telling you now; thank you! There were some other fucked up parts of my dream but I don’t really remember them. I just remember that the whole time I was with you I was safe and happy. So again thank you for always protecting me both in my dreams and in the real world too. I am so, so grateful...”
Rebecca then leaned back and placed a tender kiss on his lips, despite the hard, chilled sensations of his lower lip. She then laid her head against Raiden’s chest again as his tight hold had transformed into a crushing hug. There were so many things that the cybernetic soldier had wanted to express to his partner, yet he felt like none of them could truly describe the overwhelming peace that Rebecca granted him. He simply settled for planting a kiss on the crown of her head and allowing his lips to linger as their hearts both slowed to beat as one...
"You know I kind of get the stalking guy. but I have no idea where in the hell my memories got the goat or what it had to do with anything!" Rebecca mused, her voice slightly muffled from the way she pressed her face against his chest.
Raiden couldn't help himself from chuckling as he brought one hand to scratch the back of Rebecca's head. "Maybe you should stop leaving YouTube on in the background then?"
Although her face was still laid against his chest, Raiden could feel the low buzz of her grumbling as her lips formed a small pout. All she replied with was a quiet, "Maybe..."
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alecmagnuslwb · 4 years
Young Fools
Writer’s Month 2020 Day Twenty-Nine
Read on AO3
“And lastly with the Salem witch trials, Zatara and Constantine,” the teacher says just before the bell rings. John startles from where he’d definitely been napping through most of class.
Oh fuck, he thinks first, because group projects are absolutely not his thing. And double oh fuck, he thinks when he realizes who his partner is.  
John Constantine is unaffected. He walks through the halls of school head held high, beat up trench coat with a bi pride flag pin on it not giving a fuck. Ever since his mother moved them to the states to get away from his father the English transfer has made a name for himself as the school’s resident bad boy. Late to classes, always getting caught smoking and telling off anyone who looked at him sideways.
He’s perfectly content with everyone thinking he doesn’t give a damn about them and that he’s an asshole.
Except her.
Zatanna Zatara is the genius goth princess of his dreams and the only thing that’s left him truly feeling something other than annoyance or anger since they moved.
He darts out of the classroom as soon as he can though, just because he likes the girl doesn’t mean he’s going to happily do a group project or worse yet make a fool of himself in front of her.
“Hey Constantine wait up!” she shouts running after him in the hall. He doesn’t know how she manages it in the chunky boots she’s wearing, but she catches up to him in seconds. She trips a little when she reaches him grabbing his arm for stability. It’s in that moment he realizes this is the closest they’ve been in the year they’ve been attending school together and this is most definitely the first time they’ve touched.
John looks at her the uninterested demeanor he’s maintained on full display.
“Hi,” she says smiling at him and John feels his steely demeanor slipping away already. “You ran off on me there, partner.” Her arm drops and John misses the contact immediately.
“Uh, yeah,” he says scratching at the back of his neck. “Sorry, ‘bout that. I’m just not the best at teamwork.”
Zatanna nods her lips twisting up in thought.
“Well I can work around that,” she says with a confident pat to his arm. “Meet me after school in the parking lot, you’re coming over and we’re working on this project.”
She walks away leaving him no room for argument strutting off to catch up with her friends. John watches her go in interest and in confusion. No one, save for Boston who forced his friendship upon John and who he’s fairly certain just talks so much he misses all social cues, has ever ignored his standoffish behavior before. No one’s ever really fought back against it before until now.
There’s no way he’s getting out of this project without breaking his don’t give a fuck attitude around her and he just knows it.
For some reason even though he could very easily just skip the rest of his classes and not show up in the parking lot, he sticks around until the final bell rings, attending all of his classes and everything.
Zatanna walks out with her little pack of friends she’s often with and smiles when she spots him. She turns to them throwing a wave and then makes her way over to John.
“Hey,” she says once she gets to him. “Not gonna lie I thought the chances of you not showing were 80 to 20 not in my favor.”
John huffs a laugh. “More like 70/40.”
Zatanna laughs at that a genuine thing that lights up her dark blue eyes even more.
“Come on, my cars this way,” she says tugging on his sleeve. Across the lot a series of wolf whistles sound from Zatanna’s friends as they all pile into another car. Zatanna stops and rolls her eyes.
“Ignore triple a,” she says gesturing to the end of the lot.
“Triple a?”
“Abby, Alec and Andrew. They’re my best friends and it’s just easier to call them that than list them off,” she shrugs then nods at a black vehicle once they’re in front of it. “This is me.”
John looks at the car that previously he could only see the front end of and realizes starkly that it’s a hearse.
“Um, do you drive a hearse?” he asks walking to the passenger side.
They both get in and Zatanna chuckles.
“Yup,” she says starting the engine. “My family’s in the funeral business.”
“I thought your dad was a magician?” John says recalling some conversation he overheard when a couple of jocks were mocking her for her style. They’d ended up with live fireworks in their lockers the next day courtesy of him, not that she or they know that.
“He is on the side, funeral directing is the main source of income though,” she explains a little hesitantly. It’s clear some people have judged her families work. John is the son of a full time alcoholic and a grocery clerk so he’s not about to be one to judge.
“Creepy, and kinda cool,” he says with a smirk. She tilts her head to look at him briefly biting her lip holding in a smile. The rest of the ride is spent mostly talking about their project and John finds himself actively caring about something from school for the first time ever.
“You sure know a lot about witches being burned at the stake for a seventeen-year-old,” he says after they park in the driveway outside of her house which also serves as funeral home.
She chuckles opening the large double doors.
“Grow up around dead bodies and you find yourself into all sorts of spooky stuff,” she says gesturing for him to follow her upstairs. They walk past two large halls where he assumes funerals are held and a casket display room. John wonders how inappropriate it would be to ask her if they can go down to the mortuary before he leaves.
She comes to a stop at the top of the stairs pulling John into the first door on the right and just like that he finds himself in her bedroom. In the past year they’ve said maybe a three dozen words to one another, John always just noticing her from afar, and now he’s alone with her in her bedroom.
She pulls a wheelie chair from her desk gesturing for him to sit down as she crosses her legs and sits on her bed.
She dives right in basically planning out their entire project on her own, but asking for his input anyways. He listens closely while she talks, but surveys her room as well. The room is at least seventy percent books ranging from classics like Frankenstein to specific movie themed cookbooks. Her wall space that isn’t bookshelves is scattered with an array of indie band posters and photos of her with her friends. The thing that catches John’s attention most is the top hat and wand sitting on the desk on top of an old book he can’t read the title of. He wonders if maybe there’s a little more to her love of witches and her father’s side gig.
It doesn’t take long before they have a game plan, that shockingly he plans to actually follow if for no other reason than to not let her down, and John learns that she may or may not already own painted mini figurines of Salem witches for their diorama. They migrate downstairs after that both seemingly prolonging their time together with conversation swerving away from school.
Draped across a row of fancy folding chairs with an empty casket at the front of the room John finds himself telling Zatanna little bits and pieces of himself he hasn’t told anyone since coming to the states. In turn she tells him about her family and incredibly specific music tastes.
“Thank for not being weird about all this,” she says gesturing to the room at large after a while. “Or asking to see a dead body.”
John coughs at that bit glad he refrained from asking earlier.
“Most people don’t get it or think it’s too creepy,” she goes on picking at her fishnets lightly. He’s constantly in awe that she gets away with wearing them at school surprised he’s never seen her in detention for dress code violations with him.
John just shrugs. “So you live in a funeral home, I live in a shitty trailer park where my kitchen, living room and bathroom are basically all one room. Everybody’s got different lives, no point in judging someone else’s.”
She stops picking at her fishnets and looks up at him from under her choppy bangs with a smile. Her eyes catch on the clock behind him.
“Oh, shit you should go before my dad gets back. He’ll absolutely kill us both if he finds out I was alone unattended with a boy who willingly wears a trench coat,” she says after seeing the time. It’s already almost eight and John has no idea where the time has gone.
He turns down her offer of a ride, even though he’d kill for a few more minutes alone, opting to walk home instead. She walks with him to the front door pausing and tugging on his coat once he’s stepped outside.
“We should have lunch tomorrow, John,” she says leaning against the doorframe and calling him by his first name for the first time.
“Oh, I wouldn’t want to impose. You and your friends got your thing,” he says. Part of him would also admittedly feel a little bad abandoning Boston, would he just sit there and talk to himself for forty-five minutes if John wasn’t there?
“Well you and your talkative friend can absolutely join us sometime if you’d like, but I was thinking more just you and me tomorrow,” she says reaching out and fixing the lapel of his jacket quickly. “I bring my lunch most days since I’m a vegetarian and I’m sure you know all the good spots where a teacher can’t find a couple students for a whole period.”
He smiles at her shoving his hands in his pockets so he doesn’t do something stupid like reach out and kiss her, especially if he’s reading this wrong.
“So we can work on the project?” he asks wanting to be certain.
Zatanna purses her lips in thought for a second and then morphs into a smile.
John chuckles, “Well in that case I know all the secret spots.”
Her smile just gets brighter at that. She pushes off the doorframe and leans in to kiss him on the cheek lightly.
“Great,” she says pulling back and slowly closing the door. “See you tomorrow.”
And then all because of a kiss on the cheek resident bad boy John Constantine can’t stop smiling the entire walk home.
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waytooattuned · 5 years
Book: The Elementalists *sobs*
Pairing: Griffin X MC (Nelle)
Rating: NSFW (please do not read if underage)
Summary: Determined to learn a new Thief-related spell, Nelle and Griffin head alone into the woods to train. As the sun sets, their struggles bring them closer than they’ve ever been.
Disclaimer: These characters (except the MC, Nelle) are owned by Pixelberry Studios
Word Count: 2792
Tag list: @griffiinlangley @questionablespecies @bi-choice@griffinshoodie@drakelangley @emomoustache @queen-beanzzz@acoustickitten @cherry-strings @judediangelo75 @fan-of-all-trades @griffinsboyfriend @frugalchoicer@the-everlasting-dream
Author note: I know we’re all still shocked and saddened by the main TE series ending so suddenly. I started this fic long before we got the news and I hope it fills a void for some of y’all. Finishing it certainly helped me.
This fic starts out very very very magick heavy (and laced with a tiny bit of angst), gets crazy smutty as time goes on, and ends in the fluffiest way imaginable. Enjoy!
(I hope you guys don’t mind me using my tag list from my first fic)
And an enormous thank you to the illustrious @mellorax for GORGEOUS work of art!! You brought my fic to life and I’m so so grateful <3
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Griffin and Nelle stand across from one another in a clearing deep within the Penderghast woods in the early evening, panting, gazing at one another.
The slowly setting sun’s rays peak through the trees as they both try to ignore the tension between them and focus on the task at hand. But their eyes wander, and they each take in each other’s bodies, draped in black and gold, pulsing with adrenaline.
After a third failed attempt, Nelle wavers.
“I’ll never get this, Griff. Let’s just call it a night.” she utters through a sigh, defeated.
“Nelle, I’ve seen you blow up a dozen shadow monsters by yourself,” Griffin chuckles, “it’s basically impossible for you to not master this spell.”
And what a spell it was. During the Thief semi-finals just hours ago, Nelle watched in awe as Griffin plunged his hands into the ground to create a solid platform of earth beneath him that grew upwards high and fast enough for him to deftly snatch the flag off an air-attuned opponent’s belt as they soared above the treetops. Amazed, Nelle cornered her teammate after the final buzzer and demanded that he teach her how to do it.
Now, though her muscles ached with regret, Griffin’s steadfast belief in her compelled her to do everything she could to not let him down.
“…fine,” Nelle breathes through a rueful smile, “let’s try this again.”
“Alright,” Griffin says immediately, back in future-Captain mode. “Remember, plant your front foot firm on the ground and bend your back leg to crouch low, reach down into the dirt while pulling your magick up inside you, then let it rise from the top of you. The higher above your head you’re able to pull your magick, the higher the roots will propel you. And don’t forget that once you start to rise, plant your back foot and stand with both knees bent to steady yourself. That’s the key.”
Nelle stands slowly and centers herself.
“I’ve got this” she mutters over and over again, struggling through body aches from the game and previous attempts, trying to convince herself.
She follows Griffin’s instructions to the letter, voicing the steps in her mind, plunging herself into the same deep self-reflection that makes it easy to access her sun-magick, sure that this technique works just as well with earth. As she stoops and forces her hands into the dirt, her inner voice gently encourages her. Her confidence surges when she pulls her magick and body upward and feels the ground elevate, her platform of earth shaky but stable enough to lift her. The platform climbs higher than all her last attempts and her mind races with excitement, still chanting to herself, I’ve got this, reaching into her own energy, straining desperately to make it above the treetops. 
But in all her concentration she keeps herself crouched on the mass of rumbling earth, more concerned with climbing higher than steadying her own body. Missing this vital step causes the soil to loosen beneath her. She plummets, her back foot slamming into a tree branch on her descent. She watches the platform crumble under her in slow motion, dirt and roots raining down as she falls. She hastily gathers her air magick in a cocoon that wraps her in a gentle breeze and glides her downward, almost back to where she started. Her foot sears with pain. She hovers slightly above the ground, trying not to touch down and put pressure on the injury.
Griffin sees the disappointment in Nelle’s eyes and meets her where she floats, wrapping her in a warm embrace while letting her body hang, her face much more level with his own than usual.
He kisses her forehead and lays her down gently on a patch of soft grass, then lays beside her wordlessly, staring up at the setting sun.
Frustrated, Nelle finally breaks the silence. “Listen, I’ve been thinking about what Professor Englund said on the first day of class,” she huffs. “Some elements compliment a person’s attunements and some work against them.”
“So?” he asks absent-mindedly, already brainstorming ways to heal her so she can try again.
“So before Kontos figured out my sun attunement, the first magick he sensed in me was air, Griff. Earth’s polar opposite on the elemental scale.”
“What are you saying, Nelle?”
“I’m saying…I’m saying maybe earth magick is just too unattainable for me. Too different from what comes naturally.”
“You think you should give up.”
“No, it’s not that! Maybe,” her words grow quieter, “Maybe I shouldn’t fight it, is all.”
“Nelle, look at me.”
Recognizing the tone of his voice, she obliges. She groans under her breath and positions herself gingerly on her side to face him, in pain but already enraptured by her own expectations. The determination in his voice was familiar; this was the voice he used to address the whole team right before every Thief game, one that oozed such conviction and strength that those feelings seeped into the consciences of every teammate. He had a way of making them feel like champions before the first buzzer even sounded.
“I know we’ve talked about this a hundred times, but I still feel like you don’t get it yet. When I pulled you out of that lake all those months ago, something in my magick shifted,” Griffin started.
Nelle knew where this was headed, and she desperately wanted to change course. She’d say anything to steer away from the ‘You are the chosen one’ conversation she’d heard from far too many attuned; a conversation that she’d never admit filled her with just as much dread as it did pride. She quickly mulled over how to turn the tide of this pep talk, and when she spotted the way his eyes briefly flitted to her lips, she knew just how to distract him.
“You sure it wasn’t because I was cute and soaking wet?” she teases with a sly grin.
Griffin clears his throat, flustered, “Uh, that might have been part of it.”
He shakes his head and tries to laugh off his intrigue at Nelle’s sudden flirting, but lands on a shy smile instead. He rubs the back of his neck and explains, “It wasn’t just my magick that shifted; everyone’s at this school did, hell—maybe everyone who can do magick at all.”
Nelle rolls her eyes and starts to speak.
“I know, scoff all you want, but it’s true, we all felt it. Students, professors, everyone. Potential radiates off you, Nelle. I think the only limitations someone like you has are the ones that are in here,” he says, reaching over to tap her head.
She only nods, allowing him to continue, deciding to give in to his conviction, letting it wash over her.
Griffin inches closer and plants a soft kiss on her lips, ignoring the dirt on her face. He lingers there for a moment, hoping she can feel just how much faith he has in her. He refuses to let her give up.
“All I’m hearing from you is what makes our attunements different.” He says, still close enough to feel her breath on his lips.  “What do they all have in common?”
“They all stem from our emotions.”
“Exactly,” Griffin explains, on a roll. “You told me before that the psychic ability you get from your sun-magick only works through inner reflection.”
“My prescience? Yeah, it’s like instant meditation, almost.” Nelle replies, hanging on his every word.
“Right. Earth magick’s kinda similar, but it comes from somewhere—uh—slightly different.” He says, averting his gaze.
“What do you mean?”
Griffin pauses, carefully choosing the right words, “You have to do a lot of deep soul-searching to be able to do advanced sun magick. But to do advanced earth magick, it’s the exact opposite. You grab hold of the first, strongest emotion you feel in a moment, then you push that energy into the earth around you. It sounds nuts, I know, but do you see what I mean? Earth magick isn’t about searching for a feeling, it’s about—”
“Instinct.” Says Nelle, eyes suddenly piercing through his. It’s clicked. She understands.
She springs up from her place next to Griffin, ignoring the aching in her foot.
“Wait, what about your—”
She shoots him a look so fierce he stops midsentence. Griffin’s lips curl into a knowing smile as he stands and backs away, eyes fixed on her, granting her the space she needs for what he knows comes next. Whether she succeeds or not, he’s already proud.
Without another word, he watches as she bends and burrows her hands into the soil.
Nelle stares intently at him and latches on to the feeling she gets from the gleam in his eye; that unwavering faith of his is all she needs. She continues to push her hands deeper into the dirt as she pulls her magick up within herself. No internal monologues this time. Just instinct. She stands slowly from her crouched position, lifting her magick with her. The ground responds and hardens into a sturdy platform of roots and soil beneath her. She pushes her energy up and above her head without a second thought, and the platform surges upwards.
She remembers to bend her knees slightly this time after she stands, steadying her limbs, letting her pride well up, oblivious to her injury. The mass of earth rises as her pride swells, and before she can stop to think about what comes next, she realizes she’s standing still, fixed in a battle-ready stance a full 30 feet above the treetops.
She hears rumbling and turns to see Griffin standing 10 feet beneath her on his own platform. He moves his hands and creates a staircase of earth from his mass to hers, and when he reaches her level, he merely stands, hands on his hips, beaming at her.
Not even his triumphant smile could keep her adrenaline from wearing off. The sting returns in her ankle all at once and she wilts. Griffin quickly spouts a spell to keep the platform standing tall as he shuffles forward to catch Nelle before she falls.
He repeats his loving gesture from before, setting her down gently in the middle of the earthy mass and sitting beside her, this time watching the last few rays of sun peak over the mountains in the distance. Nelle lays her head on his shoulder, and Griffin speaks.
“I’m no Aster, but…” he gingerly takes her ankle in both hands and mutters something under his breath. The pain nearly subsides, a small fraction of the agony she’d only just felt.
“Thank you,” Nelle sighed, unsure if she meant for the healing or for the incredible lesson he’d taught her. Before Griffin has a chance to reply, she continues, turning to face him.
“Down there” she says coolly, gesturing to the ground, “when we were talking about instincts, you got kinda nervous, I think.”
“I was nervous,” he smiles and admits, not taking his eyes off the view. “I still am.”
“Why?” Nelle probes coyly. A quick glance down at his shorts gives her her answer.
Griffin bites his lower lip. Screw it, he thinks to himself.
“What do you think my instincts tell me when I’m near you, Nelle?”
She follows her own, and gathers his gold jersey into her fist without another word. She roughly tugs his torso towards her, then leans in, rolling over on top of him to sink with him onto the floor of the platform. She parts her legs as she goes, pushing her hips into his, and presses a searing kiss to his lips that ends in a long deliberate bite.
He gives in immediately, blurting out a clumsy inquiry for permission before pulling her jersey haphazardly off her body, quickly discards his own, then pulls her to his chest, absolutely desperate to feel her skin on his. They both giggle as he struggles with her sports bra, and she rocks into him again as she helps him remove it.
In less than a second his mouth is on her chest, lips closed around her nipple, sucking and exploring. His hands roam down and find their way to the waistband of her shorts, and he slides them underneath, pinching at the ass she knew she saw him admiring during the game.
She braces herself for him to squeeze, but instead he moves his hands slightly upward and pulls the waistband down, exposing her ass above him. He slaps it, hard, making her cry out before having a realization.
“You don’t wear panties under your game shorts?” he asks as he sucks in a breath.
“mmmm, it’s bad enough I have to wear a bra. I don’t like being restricted.” She replies, loving that they’ll always share the secret of her bare underneath her uniform.
Watching him squirm beneath her at this revelation she reaches her hands into his shorts. He bucks as she takes him into her hand, moving deliciously slow and drawing out groan from him as he buries his head into her neck, his breath pulsing erratically at her collarbone.
He can’t take it anymore. With his hands still on her ass he pulls her shorts down her legs, leaving her totally bare on top of him. He immediately reaches between her legs and moves one finger gently up her folds before opening them to swirl it around her sensitive nub.
“Ooooohhhh” she moans, pleasure building.
Encouraged by her cries he plunges a finger inside, feeling her grow slicker every second. Before he can fully appreciate his work, she pries herself off him and pulls down his shorts.
Knowing she’s finally ready enough to take him in, she wastes no time, sinking herself onto him, allowing him to fill her with her hands planted firmly on his muscled chest for purchase.
“Nelle, oh my god” he groans. It’s so sudden and so damn good he could let go right then and there, but feeling determined to make her reach this height with him, he grabs hold of her hips and moves with her, helping her find a rhythm.
They push into one another with more force than they’ve ever used. Their movements are wild but deliberate, with him guiding her hips right where he needed them and her rocking him so deep inside her that he never wants to leave.
Nelle throws her head back, eyes rolling up to the newly emerging stars above her, letting this feeling course through her veins, mesmerized by the pleasure of it all.
She lowers her torso onto his as she continues to move. He responds to the welcome pressure of her chest on his by slowing down to push himself even further into her. Overwhelmed, she digs her hands into the earth for balance. Griffin lets out a grunt so deep it feels feral. He wraps his arms around her, pulling her tight to him as he begins to lose control.
His sudden urgency pushes Nelle over the edge, and she cries out so loud that it fills the sky with echoes. Intoxicated by the way she screams and pulses around him, he finally allows himself to let go, moving recklessly and spilling himself inside her with a final rasping groan.
They kiss feverishly while coming down off their respective highs, not ready to disconnect, barely stopping to breathe. Then they push apart gently before positioning themselves with their legs intertwined, holding one another close, taking time to gaze up at the stars and down at each other, panting again, for a much different reason than before.
When they finally have their fill of the stars, they decide to leave their platforms of earth formed as a reminder of what they were capable of. They kiss again before they retrieve the uniforms that had miraculously not fallen over the edge and reluctantly pull them back on. Nelle stands on her tip toes and maneuvers her hands around Griffin’s neck, forming another cocoon of air around them both. Hugging him, she floats them down slowly, taking in his earthy smell, and basking in this most surreal of moments.
When they finally touch down, Nelle snorts with laughter.
“I can’t believe we did that!” she giggles, absolutely giddy.
Griffin shrugs, “I can.”
She had been referring to their intimate moment, but she knew he wasn’t.
“I knew you could do it.” He says with a quiet resoluteness, eyes fixed softly on hers.
Overwhelmed again, Nelle doesn’t speak, only snakes her arm around his waist. He does the same and they walk lazily back to campus in loving silence, still holding one another, content and full of pride.
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Real life shipping discourse and Taylor Swift
Theres apparently discourse going on on tumblr rn about real person shipping. I figured I'd add my 2 cents since.....well this is absolutely not a shipping blog, but I do blog about a real person, and a lot of swifties have brought up kaylors in this debate.
(Disclaimer: I do believe in kaylor, and occasionally reblog some stuff about them, but pretty much only things taylor does/says. K*rlie has made it clear she plans on staying in the closet for now, and I respect that. I also think her """husband""" is an evil crook, so I dont feel like giving her pr while shes doing this. If kaylor broke up, then I am absolutely no longer a k*rlie fan. Anyone who would marry into that family for real, I could never support. But personally, I dont believe she has much of a choice now because of past choices. Anyway that's my current feelings on them. On to gaylor)
I absolutely agree with a lot of what's being said. A lot of fans of different pairings have really gone over the top and genuinely hurt people they say they love. That's absolutely inappropriate. I also find any explicitly sexual (nudity or sexual acts other than kissing) fan art/fanfiction/serious speculation about real people's sex lives to be absolutely gross and appalling. I know there are people who think Taylor is bi/gay and/or believe in kaylor that engage in those activities, and I do not support or engage with them. That is absolutely invasive and inappropriate. Anyone who does that about Taylor and joe is just as invasive and inappropriate. We do not have the right to that part of her life.
However, speculation not only doesnt do any harm, but has been encouraged by taylor. She has never explicitly said shes straight. She has never said that people that think she is bi or gay are wrong. She could immediately shut down theories and rumors and she doesnt. She encourages it. Now you can argue that she does that because she wants people to know shes not straight OR you can argue she is straight and just knows that theres nothing wrong with being gay and it makes her money. I think the second is stupid, but whatever, I'll give you that as a slight possibility. But regardless, she has done nothing but encourage speculation about her sexuality.
There is nothing wrong with being gay. There is nothing wrong with being bisexual. Speculating/theorizing people may be lgbt is NOT wrong. It's actually an entrenched part of our community and culture. And a lot of antis ignore/misunderstand that fact. Some people are genuinely closeted and dont want speculation. Those people shut down rumors and avoid any links to the community. I dont blame them, and I don't bother them. I may be able to clearly tell they're gay, but they dont want anyone to know. Taylor has never explicitly done this. In the past, yes, she has distanced herself more. Shes clearly only now actually in the coming out process. But she left enough hints, and shes explicitly said she leaves hints, to know that she never wanted to be 100% in the closet. If she did, she would've denied this shit many times in the past. And she never has.
I dont care that much about straight people having gay rumors. Theres nothing wrong with being gay, and if it bothers them, they're not good people. OBVIOUSLY, sexual stuff about them (gay or straight) is fucked up. But just saying they might be gay or bi? That's not bad, because it's not bad to be those things.
Stop attacking lgbt people online because some gross perverts write sexual things about celebrities. Sometimes the same people may do both, but not everyone does. and simply engaging in the cultural activity of interpreting gay signaling and having gaydar, doesnt make you a bad person.
What does make you a bad person (or at least an ignorant one) is finding any excuse to deny someone might not be straight, just because they havent said the words point blank. No one should have to do that, because no one should have to come out. If they align themselves with the community, repeatedly mention having girlfriends or reject gendered terms, literally use female pronouns in a romantic sense, and constantly drape themselves in pride flags, it is HOMOPHOBIC to throw them back in the closet, slam the door, lock it, and claim you're trying to keep them safe. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING LGBT. Regardless of whether taylor is really bi, if you think there is zero to slim chance she is, YOURE A BIPHOBE. And if you are a huge fan who follows her closely and you think there isnt a STRONG chance shes bi, YOURE A BIPHOBE. Ignoring soft come outs is at the very least painfully ignorant and accidentally homophobic, and at worst intentionally and viciously homophobic.
And that's that on that.
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bards-witcher · 5 years
What about a fic of your favorite ships at Pride since Pride month is in less than a day? You don't have to rush it and finish for the first day. Just post anytime in pride month or maybe next year 😂😂 Thanks in advance!
So I kinda did this?? and I’m sorry this took so long, but I really wanted to get this out before the end of June, next year I might try and do something more pronounced, so sorry about that :(
Anyway, I hope you like what’s here anyway, the main pair is WildOhmToonz and the others more implied, but you can still figure it out.
He couldn’t keep the smile from his face as his eyes scanned the massive crowds around them, sitting atop Tylers’ shoulders he bopped his head a little to the music, having already been chastised when he’d tried to dance a bit more vigorously, causing him to almost topple them both.
Tightening the rainbow flag he had draped across his shoulders, he then weaved a hand through Tylers’ hair to keep himself steady as he brushed his other hand through his own hair, looking at the glitter now coating his hand before reaching out towards Luke, however, the other man quickly noticed him and moved away.
“The fuck did I say about the glitter, Ry,” He could barely hear the shout over the music but and he couldn’t help but laugh as he instead wiped the glitter off into his beard, careful not to smudge the rainbow stripes he’d painted on.
“You’d better not be putting that shit in my hair either or I’m droppin’ your ass” He laughed again before tightening the hand he still held in the taller man’s hair, already swearing to himself that he’d get the other two covered in glitter before the day was through.
The two of them were more subdued than him in their looks, the both of them simply wearing casual attire with the Bisexual flag draped across Lukes’ shoulders, barely able to make out the Bi colors painted high on his cheeks from the sunglasses he was wearing, whilst Tyler simply had the rainbow colors on his cheek, the flag around his own shoulders representing them both in the crowds.
“Luke, can you kiss Tyler for me and promise him I won’t put anything in his hair…yet”
The older man just rolled his eyes up at him before he moved in front of Tyler and leaned up to kiss him, his smile softened at the sight, the overwhelming noise of their surroundings fading away around him as he watched the two of them.
He moved the hand from Tylers’ hair to tangle into Lukes’, keeping the two men pressed close together, tugging harshly at it and feeling Tyler’s chuckle as Luke moaned into their kiss.
With a smile, he loosened the hold on Lukes’ to return to his task of watching out for their friends who were supposed to be joining them.
When he’d first mentioned to the group about the three of them were going to pride, the others had been quick to tag along with them and given that Tylers’ house could just about house them all it was a done deal.
However, he feels they should’ve planned this out a bit better, that their friends should have all arrived the day before so that they could get here as a group but he supposed that by their random recording schedules it was clear that planning was not their forte.
What he didn’t expect was to feel hands around his waist tugging him slightly, and it’s with a shriek that he’s trying to cling onto Tyler, who’s still making out with Luke, the taller man’s hands quickly grabbing onto his calves to keep him in place before the both of them turned to face whoever had gone for him, a look of murder on both of their faces and he could see Lukes’ fists clenched at his sides.
Upon sight of the culprits though they quickly relaxed, in front of them were Anthony, Scotty, and Marcel, all dressed rather casually except that they each sported a rather garish pair of Pride sunglasses, with Marcel sporting the colors of the pan flag on each cheek.
Once over the initial shock that he wasn’t actually in danger, he aimed a bright smile to his friends, watching as Luke went forward to hug them, followed by Tyler who cautiously embraced each one in an effort not to make him fall.
“You’re like a fucking beacon with all that glitter in your hair, Ryan, or maybe it’s just cause you’re sat on this fucking giant” He chuckled a little as Tyler reached forward to smack Anthony’s arm, watching as the other man moved away in mock pain.
“Well you’re right about the fucking part, just ask these two” His cheeks turned red at the comment, ducking his head to hide his face whilst the other three groaned, all while Luke unashamedly leaned up to kiss Tyler again until their friends were begging them to stop, only doing so when he aimed a gentle kick into Lukes’ chest.
The two of them broke apart laughing, easily falling into what chatter they could over the music whilst he resumed his search.
Maybe Anthony was right in calling him a beacon, given that over the next 20 minutes they’re joined by John, Smitty, and Brock with Brian in tow.
He’s somewhat surprised at how full out everyone went, the two younger men having come out with rainbow everything, shirts, pants, shoes, hell Smitty even brought a rainbow wig, the both of them only just outdoing Brian who instead sported the Bi colours but had chosen to wear jeans as opposed to the offending coloured pants the other two did.
Meanwhile, Brock was more subdued, simply wearing a rainbow shirt as he kept an arm wrapped tight around Brian, chuckling a little when he heard Brock chastise the Irishman when he started to pass around cans of beer.
With that he returned to his search, the only two people left to join them being Jon and Evan, and after a few minutes finally spotting them in the crowd as they gradually weaved their way towards them.
He was about to wave in greeting and let the others know of their late arrivals, but he could just about see the two men press their fingers to their lips in lieu of telling him to keep quiet, and with a smile, he did so.
Whilst he’d tried to have been somewhat organized with the glitter he’d put on his body, he could see that Jon and Evan hadn’t put in the same care, patches of glitter and paint littering their hair, faces and clothes, having to keep back his laugh as he thought about getting them to help him glitter up Luke and Tyler, and perhaps one or two of their friends.
Apparently, they were already a step ahead, he watched them stalk closer to the still unsuspecting group, each with a bag in one hand, barely catching the glimmer of what he thought to be glitter in their hands, gesturing to the rest of their friends who’d seen them to keep quiet as they had done to him, all of them electing to drink from their cans to stop their smiles.
It was then he decided to grab a hold of Tylers’ hair, giving an appreciate glance to Anthony who was already moving behind the taller man, ready to catch him should he fall given his reaction to what was about to happen.
In the next moment chaos erupted, Jon had snuck up behind Luke and dumped the entirety of his bag over his head, his crazy laugh just being heard over the furious shouts of the older man who proceeded to put him into a headlock and mess up his hair, all while trying to shake as much glitter and confetti as he could out of his hair and onto Jon, however, it made little difference.
It was then that Evan quickly darted in front of Tyler, throwing his own handful of glitter into his face, the taller man already sputtering out glitter from his mouth, which had been open from laughing at Jons’ antics.
As suspected, Tyler jerked back, and for a moment it was reminiscent of being on a bucking bronco where he fully expected to fall, however, strong hands on his legs keep him in place, but he didn’t have to see Tyler to feel his silent fury.
Knowing he was free, for the moment at least, Evan then proceeded to make his rounds amongst their friends, half-heartedly trying to throw glitter and confetti at each of them until Brian finally managed to grab the bag off of him and dump whatever was left over the Canadians’ head.
He cringed a little at the amount of glitter he could see covering Luke, he felt like they would be clearing it up from their bed and themselves for what he was sure to be months.
With a final glance at the events happening around him, smiling again in excitement, he gave a couple of taps to Tylers’ head and then the other man was kneeling down so that he could awkwardly get up off of his shoulders.
However, before he could even take a step, he felt a hand grip his wrist and the next thing he knew he was in Tylers’ arms, a brief glance at the other man’s glitter-covered face all that he needed before he was laughing uncontrollably.
He watched the frown on Tylers’ face whilst he kept laughing, quickly reaching a hand up to keep the other man’s face away from him in an effort to remain somewhat cleaner, but the feeling of kisses being pressed against his neck made him jolt, giving Tyler enough time to lean down and kiss him.
The moment the taller man’s lips pressed against his own all fight left him, no longer caring about the sparkly mess that was sure to be covering his own face when they parted as Luke kept pressing gentle kisses across his neck, occasionally feeling a hand brush through his hair that he’s sure is from Luke transferring more glitter to him.
He was barely given a moment of respite when they parted before he was being turned and suddenly he was kissing Luke, with Tyler now nuzzling against his neck, paying no mind to their friends who he could hear making gagging noises at them.
However, Jon barrelling into Luke is what breaks the moment between them, a quick look to his left shows a couple of their friends looking rather sheepish, namely Marcel and Evan, suggesting that the other man had been shoved, something Luke didn’t care about as he once again tried to bring the younger man into a headlock.
“The fuck you do that for, Jon?”
“Cause you guys are being fucking disgusting with your PDA” They turned to look up at Scotty as he spoke, Tyler giving him the middle finger at which only got him one in return, whilst Lukes’ hold loosened enough to allow Jon to escape it.
“Yeah, you guys are bein’ fuckin’ gross, I don’t need to see my brother doin’ that shit” He chuckled a little at Jons’ statement only for it to turn into a grunt when he felt Luke grip at his cheeks, pushing them together causing his lips to purse so that he could do little else but make garbled noises.
“Look at this cute little face, ain’t nobody resistin’ that, besides, I don’t give a fuck what you guys think” With that Luke freed his cheeks from their prison, but kept a hand cupping his face as he leaned down to press a small peck on his lips, chuckling a little as he heard the groans from their friends.
“Everyone for leaving these gross fucks to go watch the parade say I”
He rolled his eyes at Anthony’s statement and the resounding chorus of I’s from the group, before he was grabbing Lukes’ hand to begin dragging him through the crowds and towards some of the stalls he’d spotted earlier when on Tylers’ back, only stopping briefly when Luke had leaned back to grab a hold of Tyler.
The rest of the day went by in a blur, taking in a constant stream of food and drink, and despite being on the verge of being sick by the continuous intake of food, he couldn’t help himself, using the excuse that it was a special occasion when Luke gave him a disapproving look and attempted to cut off the food supply, as if Tyler wouldn’t have smuggled some to him anyway.
At some point in the day he made it back up onto Tylers’ shoulders, much to the envy of some of his other friends with Anthony having to quickly intercept Smitty’s attempt at getting onto John’s shoulders, lest they receive the ire of the people around them who they’d already bumped into a couple of times in their venture, and instead having to settle for a piggyback.
It’s only when the day’s activities drew to close and the streets begin to come alive with lights and music as drinks flowed more freely, people becoming a bit too friendly with one another, that Tyler got them to leave with the promise of their own little after party back at his house.
He gives an appreciative smile at the other man, despite having had a great day out he was beginning to reach his limit, the constant bump of strangers against him was starting to aggravate him and set him even more on edge, the comforting arm around his waist from either Luke or Tyler, or sometimes both, the only thing keeping him sane.
Feeling somewhat exhausted after the day’s events, he was left leaning heavily against Lukes’ side as they walked to Tylers’ car, the older man having had enough of dragging him and instead picked him up, letting out a small giggle as he nuzzled his head against Lukes’ neck, wrapping his arms tightly around his shoulders whilst Tyler just rolled his eyes.
“You spoil him too much”
“As if you weren’t about to do the same thing, bitch” Tyler just scoffed at Luke before picking up his pace slightly, all whilst Scotty trailed after him saying that he could always carry him if he wanted to carry someone, only causing him to laugh again as Brian and Evan joined in the plead to be carried.
With a final smile he settled down in Lukes’ hold, pressing a small kiss against his collarbone which earned a small smile from the older man before he felt hands tighten around him, letting the voices of his friends comfort him into sleep, which he was sure to be teased about later, but he couldn’t bring himself to care at the moment, far too content in Lukes’ arms with Tyler by his side watching over them.
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magnuslightwoodbane · 7 years
(you are) rarer than diamonds
written for day 4 of malec appreciation week: alternate universe
(it’s 4:50am on day 5 where i am, but better late than never right?)
3.1k words, alec is a jeweller, magnus is a ceo and Certified Most Beautiful Man In The World™
ao3 link
If you’d told Alec Lightwood at 18 that he would drop out of law school and open a shop, he wouldn’t have laughed in your face, because he was too subtle for that. He would, however, have given you a Look that made it clear what a fool he thought you were.
Well, more fool him, he thought.
Adamant that he’d support himself through school, he’d by some miracle gotten a part time job at a jewellers near campus his first year. Originally hired to lend a hand around the shop, his boss had like his drive so much he’d sent him on course after course. Despite the mountain of work school gave him, he lapped up knowledge in all forms and soon was legally and officially qualified to be a full-fledged jeweller.
His second year was full of conflict, indecisive about whether to pursue his dream (read: parents dream) of graduating, starting a law firm, jacking it all in to become another stone faced politician and dying with a brood of spoiled kids left behind to squabble over his riches, or to pursue the whole jewellery thing. He’d grown to like work more than school; in some way, he was impacting people’s lives in a real, tangible way to him. A necklace to woo someone and help them realise possibilities; a ring bound to catch the eye at the next fashion show and set the wearer on the track to stardom; wedding rings to give each other forever…
If you’d told Alec Lightwood at 18 that he’d still be consistently single at 25, he’d believe that one.
In what would have been his third year, when he was able to access his trust fund, he used the money meant for a law firm to purchase a middling-sized shop with a one room apartment above it. His parents’ money had to be good for something, right? (It wasn’t that he wasn’t grateful. He knew how lucky he was to have rich parents and a kick start in life). And he took it on board.
Not a fan of how jewellery was so often the plaything of the rich, he deliberately sought out more affordable jewellery and advertised it alongside the precious gems and metals that cost far too much. It helped that his brother’s girlfriend was an incredibly creative craftsman herself; and that her mother was an artist, which meant his decor and stock was sorted out in one fell swoop. All in all, he was content. Five years of running his own business, going from strength to strength and getting a name for himself. His parents had even grown to accept his drastic career change, even if they continually bugged him about his perpetual singledom. He was fine with it.
Until the most beautiful man in the world walked into his shop. Obviously. He was tall and muscular, burgundy henley clinging to his arms and necklaces draped around his neck, hanging various pendants at various lengths on his chest. He was obviously in the right place, adorned with various pieces, of which Alec could see were expensive and very well made. His black hair was carefully styled back and up, with short sides and red streaks at the front. His eyes were a warm brown, with dark and precise wings and champagne glitter smudged under his waterline. And his lips, oh his lips - Alec had never wanted to kiss anyone at a first glance quite as much as he wanted to right now.
It took a minute for Alec to realise that he’d been staring, and what’s more, the beautiful man had been staring back at him. They both came to the realisation at the same time, and Alec blushed as the other man chuckled nervously and rubbed his ear, the one with the silver cuff.
“Hi! Uhh what can I, uh, do for you today?” Alec stammered out.
“Hi,” he said, and Alec nearly melted at the sound of his voice.
“Hey.” They both blushed this time.
“So,” the man blinked a couple of times, shaking his head a little as if he were righting his thoughts, “a little bird told me that you stock Clary Fairchild’s work?”
“You know Clary?” Alec asked.
The man smiled wistfully. “I’m an old family friend of theirs, known her since she was 8. She wanted to give me some pieces, but I’d rather buy it and support her, and Luke told me about this little palace of wonders. I’m Magnus, by the way. I don’t think we’ve been formally introduced.”
“Alec,” he grinned. “This, uh, “palace of wonders” is mine.”
“You stock it?”
Magnus looked around the place, impressed look on his face. “You clearly have good taste.”
“Clearly,” he whispered. Magnus raised an eyebrow questioningly, and he stammered “Uh we should, you know, get back to uh-“
“Shopping, right!” Magnus smiled.
Magnus kept coming back, every week.
One week he bought a ring, and he told Alec about the media conglomerate he’d built up here in New York. Alec told him about how he moved from law to retail. He didn’t know why, but he found himself telling Magnus about the college party that made up his mind; about how he’d overheard some rich stuck up dick being homophobic, all his drone buddies laughing, and how Alec had punched the guy in the face and could only be talked down from rage by his best friend Lydia.
(He did know why, but he didn’t want to think about how much he really, really wanted Magnus to know he was gay.)
The next week, Magnus bought a necklace, and told Alec about how he’d inherited a lot of money from his mother and stepfather; they’d made an absolute fortune in importing cut flowers from the Netherlands. He told him about how he met his real father once, and automatically decided he didn’t have one. The way he said it was so Magnus that Alec found it hilarious; he definitely didn’t think that at their third meeting he could already tell what was particularly… Magnus-y about Magnus. Alec told him about Maryse and Robert; he more animatedly told him about Jace and Izzy and Max.
“It’s amazing how much you love your siblings, I’m a little jealous,” Magnus smiled.
“Jealous?” Alec asked.
“Well, on second thought, I don’t think we should be siblings…” he smirked, leaving the shop with an “Until next time, Alexander” and the chime of the bell.
The week after, Alec couldn’t even remember what Magnus bought, only that he offhandedly mentioned an ex-boyfriend and Alec’s heart soared.  After Magnus had left that day, he dug out the little rainbow flag on a stick he’d gotten at the first Pride he went to, and stuck it to the register. The only other employees there were Clary’s friend Simon and his friend Maia, neither of whom were straight either, so even if Alec cared for their opinion about it he knew it would be a non-issue. Maybe he’d even let Simon put little pan and bi flags with it, he was having that good of a day.
Magnus came in at least once a week, and always bought something, but Alec found he couldn’t care less about the money. He got to spend roughly an hour every time talking freely about everything and nothing with him, and Magnus’s visits quickly became the highlight of his week. He’d never been so comfortable with someone that wasn’t his family.
After a couple of months of regular visits, on an exceptionally quiet Tuesday, Magnus came in as usual, but with his right arm in a sling. Alec dropped the watch he was carefully fixing on the counter, not for a second considering the delicate workings, and rushed over to him.
“Magnus! What happened?” he asked, concerned.
“I got into a fight with Dwayne “The Rock Johnson,” he said, completely deadpan. Alec just gave him a look.
“Fell off the dinosaur I was riding through Times Square?” he pouted.
Alec tried to keep a straight face, he really did.
“Oh come on Magnus,” he laughed quietly. Magnus grinned.
“Okay fine, I was drunk and messing around by my pool with friends. I slipped, fell in, and sprained my wrist. And my pride. And my watch. Which is why I’ve come to see you today, Alexander!”
“Well, I can’t fix your wrist, but I can fix your watch if you need?”
“I’m sure you could kiss it better,” Magnus winked. “But to be honest, I was after a new watch anyway. And also, to see your pretty face.”
Alec blushed, but kept smiling anyway. “This way for watches,” he beckoned.
It turned out Magnus was quite particular about watches, in a way Alec could appreciate. It also turned out that with a hand down, it was up to Alec to put them on and take them off, and it took all he had to keep breathing every time he touched Magnus’s impossibly soft skin. He pretended not to notice that his own hand lingered on Magnus’s skin far longer than necessary. He definitely couldn’t help but notice Magnus did the same to him.
“What about that one?” Magnus said after trying on the ninth watch so far. Alec looked to where he was pointing, to see the one he’d hastily forgotten about as soon as Magnus walked in.
“Well, that one is being repaired right now, but if you don’t mind waiting, it can be yours?” he said.
“One of your own that broke?” Magnus asked.
“No, uh. I have this thing where people bring in their old broken watches, and if I think I can get them good as new, I’ll buy them off them. Sometimes I’ll buy them for parts. I mentioned Jace?” Magnus nodded. “Well, he runs a charity dedicated to bringing music into schools, you should hear him play piano, it’s incredible. I sell the fixed watches and donate the profits to him,” Alec said, looking embarrassed.
“Does he know it’s you? Donating the money?” Magnus asked. Alec shook his head, still looking at the floor and scuffing his feet on it. Magnus scoffed, and caught Alec’s cheek with his palm. Shocked, Alec looked up to see Magnus smiling, warm eyes searching his own.
“Why are you embarrassed?” Magnus whispered.
“I guess, I just don’t… I don’t like playing myself up. If it’s right, I just… do stuff. I don’t really think about it,” Alec whispered back.
Magnus’s thumb skirted Alec’s cheekbone, and his breath hitched. “Alexander, you never cease to amaze me.” There was something electric in the air between them, exacerbated by the contact of both hand and eyes, and the last words whispered hung in the empty space. Alec’s eyes dropped to Magnus’s parted lips, and Magnus’s did the same. It would be so easy to…
Alec groaned, very quietly, as Magnus’s hand dropped from his face and their heads turned to see Simon walking in for his afternoon shift.
“Hey, bos- oh hey, Mr Bane!” he greeted them both enthusiastically.
“Oh, Sherwin, I didn’t realise you worked here,” Magnus said. Alec snorted.
“Uh, yes sir. Clary got me the job.”
“I hope you thanked her properly, Samuel.”
“Bought her new brushes with my first pay check!” Simon grinned. “Good to see you Mr Bane!” he called as he made his way into the back.
Alec laughed. “Do you actually know his name, or-?”
“Oh yes, but it’s much more fun pretending not to. Sooo, how much for that watch when it’s repaired, then?”
“I got it for fifty, so let’s say… a hundred dollars?”
“Make it $200, and you’ve got a deal,” Magnus said very matter-of-factly.
“Magnus! That’s-“
“A small amount for a good cause,” he said, counting out ten twenty-dollar bills. “When will I see you next for it?”
“I bet I can get it done by Thursday, for you,” Alec grinned, still bowled over.
“It’s a date,” Magnus grinned back. Alec choked a little, but Magnus was already on his way out and mercifully didn’t see. Regaining his composure, Alec poked his head round the back to see Simon coming out in his work clothes.
“I need to concentrate on fixing this, do you think you can handle the place?” he asked.
“You got it boss! Anything for love, right?” Simon grinned. Alec spluttered.
“Watch it, Sherman.”
Simon mimed being shot in the heart. “Ouch. Well anyways, I’ve got it. You go literally… watch it.” and he headed into the shop. Alec shook his head at the stupid joke, but laughed anyway, as he went to get to work.
Thursday came, the watch was finished, and Magnus didn’t show.
He didn’t show Friday, either.
Or Saturday.
Or Sunday.
He didn’t show for three whole weeks.
Alec kept the watch by, of course, but he knew that it wasn’t about the watch. He missed Magnus, wanted to see him. He prayed to the god he didn’t believe in that if Magnus came back, if he got another chance, he’d ask him out, ask him to dinner, he’d tell Magnus that he was beautiful every day if he could.
On the Thursday three weeks after Magnus was meant to come in, Alec found himself particularly miserable about it. Maybe he wasn’t meant to have a beautiful, generous, funny boyfriend. Maybe he was being dumb as hell. Magnus was a customer, for Christ’s sake. A man with business interests like Magnus, and hell, fashion sense like Magnus, probably went to a bunch of different places. Variety, and all that.
“Hey, Alec?”
Simon was leaning on the counter, with an uncharacteristically serious look on his face, and Alec had been so wrapped up in his thoughts he hadn’t even noticed him come in. “Yeah, Simon?”
“Can I ask you something personal?” Alec shrugged, as if to say Go ahead. This day can’t get worse.
“Do you uh, like Mr Ba- ah, Magnus? Like, as in like like?”
Alec didn’t even have the salt or energy in him to act annoyed. He merely sighed and nodded. He guessed it was obvious; the last three weeks he’d barely spoken a word, leaving Simon or Maia to handle the actual customer service.
“I thought so. I uh, spoke to Clary, and-“ he held out a piece of paper. “I can handle the shop tonight.”
Alec frowned, and stood up straight. “What?” he said, taking the paper.
“I got the address of Magnus’s office from Clary, who got it from Jocelyn, and I think maybe you could… go to him instead?” Simon grinned nervously. A slow smile spread across Alec’s face, reaching his eyes for the first time in weeks.
“You’re the best, Samson.” Alec grabbed his jacket.
“I’m not even mad!” Simon called after him, as he left.
Alec gave the address to the first taxi he saw, spending the whole journey nervously bouncing his leg. It only took ten minutes, but he felt like time had slowed, keenly aware of everything around and how damn reckless this was. What if Magnus hadn’t come back for a reason? What if he didn’t feel the same?
Could Alec live with not knowing?
No, he thought. Better to be rejected than to wonder what if.
He arrived in front of a large glass building, several storeys high and somewhat imposing. It had a large revolving door, which he stepped through into an equally large lobby. The floor here was black marble, gold accents everywhere and the decorations minimal yet quirky. He felt Magnus’s influence all about this place. He approached the reception, where a bored looking young man sat, name badge simply stating “Elias”.
“Uhm, hi. I’d like to see Magnus Bane?” he said.
“You and hundreds of thousands of others, sir. Did you have an appointment?” Elias asked.
“Um, no. He knows me. Can you tell him it’s Alexander here to see him?” he asked (he did not plead. Alec absolutely did not plead.)
Elias seemed to struggle to contain an eye roll – Alec was very familiar with the gesture. “Unfortunately, Mr Bane has-“
“You’re that jeweller, aren’t you?”
Alec turned to find the source of the voice, a scowling young man in a black suit. “I’m A jeweller, yeah. Alec Lightwood.”
“Well now I see why Magnus keeps going back there,” he said, rolling his eyes.
“Magnus! Is he okay? I haven’t seen him in a couple weeks, and I was worried, and-” Alec stuttered to a halt, suddenly keenly aware that he was being overly panicky.
“He’s fine, the idiota. He should be here any sec-“
“Alexander!” He knew that voice. He’d know that voice anywhere.
“Magnus,” he breathed, seeing the man come through the revolving door with luggage in tow.
“I am so, so sorry Alexander, truly. You remember my birth father, I mentioned him once? He finally died the day after I last saw you, but being his only living relative, I had to fly to England and sort out his affairs, and I just got back-“
“It’s okay, Magnus,” Alec said.
“No, it’s not, I tried to find your number online, but I couldn’t, and I feel awful about leaving you hanging Alexander, I really do. And I – well, it’s probably weird but I really quite missed you, and-“
“Magnus, it’s okay!” Alec cut him off, voice happier than it had been in a while. “It’s okay, really, it’s not your fault. These things happen. And uh, there is something good about it, because over those three weeks I realised- I realised that when I saw you again, I,” Alec paused and swallowed, looking up at the sky, mustering his courage. “What I really, really wanted, was to, um. Ask you on a date?” Alec chanced a look at Magnus’s face, unsure what to expect. Magnus’s features were still, but his eyes twinkled, and Alec hoped-
“Oh, that is good. Because I was going to ask you out when I got back.” Magnus smiled.
Alec cleared his throat, utter relief coursing through his veins. “Well then, uh, Magnus, do you want to go on a date with me?
“I’d love to. Alexander, would you like to go to dinner with me?”
He grinned, happier than he’d ever been before. “I’d love to.”
If you’d told Alec Lightwood at 25 that in three years’ time, the most beautiful man in the world would give him one of his own wedding rings and the rest of his life, he wouldn’t have laughed in your face, because he was too subtle for that. He would, however, have given you a Look that made it clear what a fool he thought you were.
More fool him.
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