#*dialogue : thread.
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astralleywright · 1 year ago
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spent like an hour trying to find a post abt the disparity of origin companion's content in bg3 and couldn't so, hey, this fucking sucks
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alciedoodles · 2 years ago
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part 7 of 7 - confessions
[« previous] [full story in chronological order]
Thank you all for reading! Especially if you've been following since day 1 lol :) as a side note, this was meant to be only 1 page per day, but the final two parts got a little out of hand... for a total of 16 pages! (9 just for this finale)
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thegaissilent · 1 month ago
for: @halfofozsfavouriteteam
Being Glinda, the Good is, above everything else, tiring.
She can't even pinpoint what is the most tiring part of it. If it's the fact she has to perform way more than she did her entire life, if it's the fact the work never ends and she barely has time to stop and relax. Or if it's simply because she feels stuck in a loop and there is no way out.
Her entire life is made out of lies now. Having to listen to those rumors about her best friend and not being able to say anything against them, smiling and waving to the crowd while they stare at her like she's some sort of savior.
Getting married to Fiyero so she can finally stop thinking about her.
She is tired. She is so tired. And yet she can't stop it. She doesn't know how to. Because despite it all, despite the fact that this is wrong and repulsive, she can't help herself. She can't help the small amount of satisfaction that she gets when people are praising her. When she's celebrated, applauded.
It doesn't compare to real love, of course. It never will.
But it fills her up somehow. It's all that she's had for the last years and if she keeps trying, she knows she can pretend that they truly love her.
Plus, she's still trying to make moves to actually take down the Wizard. To destroy this awful, terrible system from inside. So maybe, one day, she will be able to clean Elphaba's name. And have her friend back beside her.
(Does she actually believe she can do that still, though? Or did that naiveté die with Galinda?)
Either way, her entire life is absurdly tiring and as soon as she reaches the Emerald Palace in her bubble, exhausted from a very long day, she only wants to soak in her bathtub, and then lie on her bed.
But instead, she's called by the Wizard and grunts at that as she makes her way to the room where he keeps the goddamn machine. Everyday, Glinda wishes she could set that thing on fire.
As soon as she walks past the door, she freezes, though.
Green skin. Black clothes. Dark hair with microbraids.
"Elphie!" She exclaims, throwing herself on her friend to hug her tight. "What... What are you doing here?"
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kacievvbbbb · 7 months ago
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padfootastic · 3 months ago
hohoho i am writing a remus & sirius confrontation that is ending up a little too mean and it’s verging on the edge of not fitting into FoD but by god, is it satisfying 😈😈😈
“Oh, stop pretending, Remus.” There’s a part of Sirius, not insignificant, that tells him to shut the fuck up. To bite back the words as he’d always done. They don’t expect it of him but he is perfectly capable of maintaining a civil tongue when needed. He just doesn’t want to, today. “You’ve always resented us, haven’t you?”
“Padfoot, do you even hear yourself—?” Remus’ amber eyes are bright, almost feverish, and Sirius knew that all he had to do was push.
So he did.
- brought to u by ‘i’ve been thinking about remus and i also recently read a fic that blindsided me w commentary on james’ and sirius’ social positions intimidating remus into compliance as an excuse for his cowardice and general temperament and got incredibly annoyed at how he is, yet again, victimised so i shall now endeavour to turn that idea around on its head using the ‘ol ‘u cannot help someone who does not want to be helped’ adage so help me god’
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godstrayed · 5 months ago
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“You possess an unnerving inclination toward self-destruction, with barely a flicker of instinct for survival. You waltz with the devil; only to wonder why your hands emerge charred and blistered, ignorant but aware to your own propensities.” It's not a professional assessment. Far from it. It's merely a curious observation he had spent time attempting to unravel. He is close but has not yet found that thread that will lead him to the end. “You're driving yourself headfirst to ruin, and I can only wonder why?”
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cinnamnt · 5 months ago
i know aai2 is a fan favorite but i’m ngl im on the second to last case and im still just Not buying it. mostly because they keep trying to force this theme of “oooohhh is edgeworth gonna leave being a prosecutor to become a defense attorney with his dad’s colleague ?? he’s already in hot water at the prosecutor’s office! what’s gonna happen next!” fucking nothing dawg. because you can’t make a character where most of their personality is learning to expose truths through prosecuting rather than defending and learning to make good with the hand that you’re dealt and then try to convince me that something would ever change that. like no i don’t believe edgeworth would ever become a defense attorney he literally underwent a massive ego death just to figure out you shouldn’t lie in court
there’s just. no suspense in this overarching plot because i already know what the outcome will be. you can see it from a mile away just based on how the character is structured. so like why should i CARE
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ploompkin · 2 years ago
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This started off as a joke but Melli absolutely would, wouldn’t they—
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shubaka · 1 month ago
The Wiꓘed Lies We Live  - Chapter 10
Pairing: KimChay (eventually) Warnings/tags:  Canon-typical violence, bodyswap au, slow burn   Chapter summary:  Sometimes you can't just sit around and wait. To start from the beginning (x)
An update! *throws confetti*
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threegoldfish · 4 days ago
A starter for @forevermuses ♥
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He's blinking up at the building, squinting because of how fucking bright the damn sun is, taking in the sight of that large circular window, the impressiveness of it...
...While being super disappointing at the same time.
Marc had just expected a building called the Sanctum Sanctorum to be... well. More than this. Granted, the window does look kind of cool and almost a little ominous, but besides that? Just another building situated in fucking New York, where everything happens all the time and god he's glad he's living in London nowadays.
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"Well, I certainly think it looks impressive!" Steven chirps, clearly happy to see something new for once that isn't London, despite him loving his home so much. He's already missing it, Marc knows, despite the curious mood he's in. "---I like the style of it!"
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"---People say it's more impressive on the inside, bebé." Jake sounds a little less impressed, more casual, as always, but he also seems to be in awe - there's a certain tilt to his spoken syllables that tells as much. "Looks like a normal building from the outside, but there's stuff going on behind the door. Cosas mágicas!"
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"Oh my days - we're about to meet Doctor Stephen Strange, THE Stephen Strange, the wizard... erm, magician? Both! Gosh, we even share a name! ---Besides the wrong spelling, but, anyways!"
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"Alright alright fanboys - keep your pants on, please."
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Marc rolls his eyes. Okay, he has to admit that he's also curious; Thing is, however, he's currently carrying an artifact inside his backpack that he feels truly uncomfortable with, simply because of Khonshu's reaction to the thing.
This is nothing like I have seen before, the vulture had called from that fucking branch he'd perched upon, It's magic feels unfamiliar. I'm afraid to inform that I am not the one who can handle such; You need to seek out Stephen Strange, master of the mystic arts. The object might be otherworldly.
Otherworldly - more otherworldly than however otherworldly an ancient Egyptian god is? Fucking thank you for that, really. Marc does not want to handle dangerous cursed alien shit that could potentially kill them, possess them, whatever - he wants it gone, now.
"You better be home, master of whatever magic.", he mumbles as he climbs the steps leading up to the front door; He knocks against it three times, cocks a brow, and waits.
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starlightfms · 25 days ago
open  starter,  (  @palmviewstarters )  !  location,  @  siren  karaoke  bar !
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he's  a  man  of  many  skills...  but  singing  ?   well,  to  put  it  lightly,  after  his  friends  heard  him  sing  back  in  the  day  for  the  first  time  they  all  agreed  he  should  be  a  tenor…  as  if  ten  or  twelve  feet  away  from  all  musical  instruments  at  all  times.  but  does  that  mean  he  lacks  the  confidence  of  grabbing  a  mic  to  potentially  (  definitely  )  make  a  fool  of  himself  on  a  friday  night  ?  absolutely not.  “  how  about  this…  i'll  sing  with  you  yeah,  i'll  even  belt  a  troy  bolton  but  you  have  to  get  this  chick  off  my  back,  “   daniel  muses  to  his  company,  motioning  towards  the  legged  blonde  that  keeps  on  eying  him  like  he's  on  her  tonight's  menu.  “  she  came  over  to  say  that  she  can  tell  by  the  way  i'm  ignoring  her  that  she  should  just  wait  for  me  in  the  backseat  of  my  car…  and  she  wasn't  even  joking,  “ 
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sanpape · 2 months ago
my porn without plot has really quickly turned into a plot without porn.
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distortedmoondisc · 1 year ago
Do you ever think about the parallels between Rinne and Aira
Not only they have a shared interest in protecting Hiiro and ensuring his well-being/growth as a person, (and it's extra interesting given how Aira sort of dislikes Rinne for how he dealt with Hiiro in general—by leaving him alone at their hometown and disowning him in the summer of the MDM—, so even though they have the same interests and goals regarding Hiiro, they aren't exactly friends nor like each other — though this is mostly from Aira's part, because Rinne does like Aira and even acknowledges him as someone important to Hiiro that he must keep in his life), but Aira kinda is what Rinne used to be, before his dreams of becoming an idol we're crushed by the new rules of ES.
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!! Main Story, Episode 171, "Revolution"
I've seen many people talk about how Rinne and Aira would get along because they're both idol otakus, but I believe that's a common misunderstanding of Rinne's character, because Rinne isn't an idol otaku (at least not anymore). He doesn't like the current idol system and the way Ensemble Square is running the industry. That's why he tried to change it by force in the !! Main Story by acting out. This is different from Aira, who loves the idols born from this system, and is a participant in the ES system that is going to hurt the industry in the long run (because ES is mass producing idols like a factory, stripping them from their own individuality and what makes idols especial in the first place — which is why Aira likes idols to begin with! Because they're different from ordinary people!)
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!! Main Story, episode 220, "Despair"
Aira is aware that the idol industry isn't perfect, in episode 171 he even acknowledges that the mass production of idols similar to items of consumption made in a factory is wrong and it strips idols from their beauty and value, but he doesn't have the insight and first hand experience with heartbreak as Rinne had, so he doesn't have the motivation to protest or change the way ES is running the industry. They both love idols and dreamed of becoming one, but Rinne isn't an idol otaku, because he can't be a fan of idols mass produced by the current system.
What Rinne does instead, is support underground idols that would otherwise be trampled or forced to disappear by ES because they don't fit their sets of standards (and because ES has monopoly in the idol industry, they can easily do this without much repercussions or public outcry) and gives them his protection. This is explained throughout the course of the story of Night Club.
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Nigh Club, Epilogue 2
Aira tries to impersonate an ideal idol persona, as the ones he watched when he was younger. He wants to embody a model idol and inspire others as idols inspired him in the past. Rinne used to be similar, but ES arbitrarily destroyed his solo career making him lose that dream, and that's why he embodies the wild and rebellious persona he portrays on stage, which is a complete opposite to how a traditional idol should act (and this is a constant point of conflict between him and other idols, such as Himeru; Himeru tends to scold Rinne for being so wild and doing whatever he wants because it goes against what is expected of an idol, but in Night Club he comes to understand that this is Rinne's soft way to protest against ES, despite having lost to them in the first part of the !! Main Story).
(Sometimes, I wonder if Rinne is happy being the wild and playful self he is with Crazy:B, or if he would prefer to be on stage as an ideal idol like he used to do years ago....)
However, despite their differences and the dislike/intimidation Aira might feel towards Rinne, he admits he understands his feelings and where he comes from, and that he can't help but to relate to him due to the fact that they both love idols. Aira scolds Rinne in episode 220 "Despair" to make him stop his pity party, but later in episode 224 "Flutter" he comforts and encourages him instead—telling him that he should not give up being an idol, because he recognizes that Rinne loves idols as much as he does, and that he still has a reason to live because he has fans of himself and of Crazy:B waiting for him among the crowd, meaning that he is still loved and accepted by someone, despite all the wreckage he had caused.
(And if I'm allowed to get personal for a moment, I just need to make emphasis in how important Aira is to the development of the Amagi brothers in the last arc of the !! main story, and this scene is a perfect example of that. Aira is the one who encourages Rinne to join the others on stage and sing, and after that it is Hiiro that pushes Rinne to give that step which finally leads them to perform on stage together 🥹)
So as we can see, Rinne and Aira have a lot of similarities, but they act in completely different ways due to their circumstances. They have similar backgrounds as idol lovers but they have different views and feelings about the industry and the profession, (however, they seem to share the same ideals as to what an idol should be, and love the same type of ideal idol inside their hearts). Adding to that their shared most beloved person, Hiiro, and how the two of them want what's best for him but they have a point of contention due to Rinne's bad actions in the !! Main Story, and their relationship becomes x10 more interesting, and I wish we talked about it more!
And we know Happyele hasn't forgotten about them, because Aira appeared in Rinne's recent relationship chart, just below Hiiro.
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(also, a little unrelated, bu i think it's funny that despite having a heart to heart at the ending of the main story, their relationship is still "want to tease him" and "he's a little scary" ahdks Aira, who scolded Rinne in front of hundreds of people in the MDM, regressed to feeling intimidated and troubled by him. A couple of friends commented that it was probably because Aira had a burst of courage in the MDM because of the severity of the situation, so he had the determination to call out Rinne, a senior that he particularly feels intimidated by, publicly without second thought. It is canon that after the fact, Aira admitted that looking back on the MDM he felt embarrassed for doing such a bold thing. Idk, it's just something i find very interesting and fun about their dynamic www)
So this leads me to believe that they haven't forgotten about the history these two had in the main story, and all I can do is just wait for them to expand on their relationship and dynamic more eventually in some future event.
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siffrins-therapist · 2 months ago
An obstacle of having major backstory plot points happen in a country no one can remember: Having NO blinding clue how to integrate that info into the main storyline.
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immobiliter · 2 months ago
anyone who can answer all of their inbox memes/asks and/or reply to all of their drafts always have my complete and utter admiration because i don't think, in the decade i've been on tumblr, i've ever completely emptied either on any blog i've ever written on lmao
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ffverr · 2 months ago
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It's extremely unfortunate to me that Mackay's Avengers is just him cycling through the weekly cmb twitter discourse
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