#*cartoon dust cloud indicating a fight*
crambonn · 10 months
I like Tennant x Dikke but I can only imagine the dynamic being Dikke chasing Tennant around the suitcase with her flaming sword like those cartoon chase scenes after learning of her various crimes.
In addition, Dikke and A Knight would be besties probably.
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dayurno · 10 months
Nora just said that Andrew and Jean would eventually get along if they interacted enough because Jean is like Neil in terms of personality and I have never believed in Death of the Author more
(like besides the whole Misery Business/Better Than Revenge mashup of it all, I think they would keep hating each other even if only for the Bit. They COULD get along they just don't want to.)
the thing about jeandrew is not even that i believe they couldn't get along it's just that it's funnier if they don't. yeah perhaps in another world they would have been best friends but in this one they're peforming the world's longest game of cat and mouse. and they're not sure who is who anymore
but whether friends or rivals the only thing that really matters is that if you put kevin day between them the aftermath would be like looking at roadkill in the blaring morning light. or perhaps a cartoon fight where one of the characters exits a dust cloud with a circle of spinning birds over their head to indicate that they just had an out of body experience
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thebrownssociety · 3 years
Across The Serververse Chapter 3
Hey! I'm back. Firstly, thank you to @thatsalotoftoons​, @preciouslittletoonette​ and @ananicoleta​ for commenting and reblogging this. 
Secondly, this chapter is what I like to call the 'explanation chapter'. I've tried not to info-dump, and I've edited it at least 3 different times trimming it down, so hopefully this is not to complicated, but I must admit the Serververse really intrigues me as a world and I'm really looking forward to exploring it through this.
See chapter 1 for the disclaimer and let's crack on.
Every other time Bugs had been to WB Central it had been buzzing, characters from all properties walking around, a few friendly arguments, a few hard-core fights, even a few drag races [usually the car kind, not the Queen kind] 
Now however, it was quiet. Vewy, very quiet as a certain well-known hunter would say. There were quite a lot of characters milling around the place, but none of the energy that usually accompanied them. Also, it was dark, Bugs realised, not pitch-black, but darker than usual. Like someone had placed a cover over a still-turned on screen. 
“Eh...what happened?” Bugs asked Pepe and Penelope.
They looked just as confused as him. “We do not know.” Pepe admitted.
“We’ve been on that cruise for 6 months, we’ve not been back here.” Penelope said, looking close to tears. “This iz awful”“ She added, tears springing to her eyes.
As Pepe started to try and calm her down, a familiar voice lifted Bugs’s spirit.
“Bugs, Pepe, Penelope! How lovely to see you all again!”
“Marvin!” Bugs exclaimed in delight, running over to the little Martian, picking him up and swinging him round joyously. “Am oi glad ta see you! What’s happened here? It’s like someone’s cut de power!”
“You’re more correct than you might think.” Marvin said, when Bugs had put him down. “Warner Brothers have seen fit to disable the entire system until they can get access to it again. Theirs's a problem, you understand. It appears the ‘famous Looney Tunes characters-” Here here made air quotes. “- have been put into different worlds. None of the humans can figure out why and are attributing it to a virus. They’ve called in multiple Information Technology people, but none of them can figure it out. Then again.” Marvin conceded. “I highly doubt any of them have dealt with a sentient A.I. before. All we know is it’s causing panic in the human verse - you can hear it if you get close enough to the portal - and what they’ve done is essentially put the worlds the other Looney’s have gone into into ‘freeze mode’ so they can’t shift or do anything else until they figure out what’s going on.” At the end of that rather lengthy explanation, Marvin sighed. “They may be there for quite some while.”
“So...lemme get dis straight.” Bugs said, thoughtfully. “We can’t get to the human world?”
“That is correct. Rhythm has blocked the portal into the human world to all WB characters.”
“And we can’t get in and out of the other worlds the rest of the fam are stuck in?”
“That is correct.” Marvin said, again. “Although-” He added. “-I think that may change now. Might I enquire how you guys got here?”
Bugs explained the events leading up to this moment - including how Rhythm had flung the toons to the other worlds - and Marvin nodded. “Interesting. I think I understand, but it requires a bit more explanation. Please walk with me while I fill us all in. Now, you may be wondering how I knew where to find you? I simply used my Tracker-3000 from Mars-” Marvin waved the device in the air. “-to track where you were. It’s a device I had gifted for me from the King Of Neptune. I had hoped I would never need to use it, but unfortunately I have-”
“-You’ve tracked us?” Bugs echoed, more than slightly disturbed. 
Marvin blinked. “Yes. Was that not clear? Please, do not think I did this idly. I hoped I wouldn’t need to ever use the trackers, but unfortunately I have had to. Anyway, I could see that you, Bugs, were in Tune Town, but none of us could get to you. I made further investigations with some of the more technically advanced characters here and it looks like Rhythm has placed a block on all current WB characters. None of us can enter or leave any of the other worlds. You may be able to see where I’m going with this?” he added, as an aside.
“Pepe isn’t a current character.” Penelope said, softly.
Marvin nodded eagerly. “Correct, sister. As Pepe isn’t a current character it seems he can travel between the worlds, and - judging by the fact you are here as well and the boat showed no issue with travelling - it seems that anything he is travelling on or with is likewise given ‘a free pass’, so to speak. Now-” Marvin cleared his throat. “I wish to seek clarification on this point, so please forgive my impertinence - but at the exact moment you and Pepe travelled through to Toon world were you...” A faint blush adjured the Martians cheeks. “...touching at all?”
“We were holding hands.” Penelope said, easily. “We were the second time as well.”
“Hold on, oi wasn't holdin’ hands with them.” Bugs said, quickly.
“No, but you were in ‘Big Chungus’ form, so that was probably what allowed you access. Now, with that information in mind, I would guess, Pepe, that anything you are touching - be it an inanimate object or another toon, will travel through as well. Or maybe it’s just everything that is on something you’re touching can travel as well?” Marvin added, thoughtfully. “That would explain how the captain of the boat could travel-”
Bugs groaned and ran a hand across his forehead. “Look Marvin, as fascinating as all dis is, it’s a bit much. Can you jus’ tell me where de others are so we can get going?”
“Certainly. Could you just remind me who actually got teleported, please?”
That was no issue for Bugs as the images would forever be burned into his mind. “Daffy, Porky, Lola, Elmer, Sylvester, Tweety, Granny, Speedy, Wile.E, Road-Runner, Foghorn, Taz, Yosemite Sam, Gossamer and Witch Hazel.”
“Well, I can help you with one of them.” Marvin said, as they finally approached the ‘Toon-Town’ section of W.B.C. “Just through here.” And he pressed open the door.
Inside the door was a world that was exactly like the ‘Toon Town’ from ‘Who framed Rodger Rabbit’ but without the Disney characters.
Marvin led Bugs, Pepe and Penelope through Toon Town until they reached Foghorn Leghorn’s barn.
“Look, I say, look who came back!”
Bugs’s grin threatened to split his face as he saw the rooster heading towards him, arms outstretched in welcome. 
“Foghorn!” The rabbit leapt on his younger brother and hugged him tightly. “Oh, I thought you was a gonner!”
“It, I say, it takes more than some computer to get rid of me.” Foghorn said, proudly. “I always come back!”
“Of course.” Dawg’s [AKA George.P.Dog’s] dry voice said, from about two foot away. “It ‘elps that your ‘random location’ was here and not - say - Game Of Thrones.”
Foghorn put Bugs down and said - as an aside. “That, I say, that’s a shout out, readers.”
“I think they got that, Foggy.” Dawg said, rolling his eyes.
It was at this point that Penelope interrupted, asking if Foghorn had just been transported to W.B.C or if anything else had happened.
“No, I just, I say, I just woke up here.”
“Woke up?” Bugs echoed.
Foghorn looked a bit sheepish and looked at Barnyawd.
George explained that 5 and a half months ago Foghorn had just literally dropped out of the sky and onto Dawg’s head. “Once I got da fat lump off of me, I saw he was unconscious and not funny unconscious-” Dawg clarified. “But actually unconscious. He was like dat for about a day or two before he woke up ag’in-” Dawg took a sharp breath as the memory hit him. He steadied himself and then continued with. “-And when he woke up he told us all what had happened. By that point though we knew something bad was going on because not only had this happened-” Here George indicated the dark surroundings. “But a few of us toons had tried to get through to the Human World and couldn’t. All it took was Marvin then double-checking the trackers he’s put on us-”
“-Yeah, cahn we go back to dat at some point?” Bugs asked.
“-An’ he saw the different worlds our family’s been split up into and then when Foggy woke up he confirmed the entire thing.” Dawg sighed and ran his hands over his face. “It’s been a nightmare worrying about them all dis time, because we’ve had no idea where they are or what they’re doing or if they’re bein tor-”
“Yeah, Oi did that spiel back in chapter 2.” Bugs said impatiently. “Right. Oi think oi get it now. Let’s go, Martian-” Bugs grabbed Marvin's arm and pulled him away. “We got a family ta save!”
“Wait, oh wait!” Bugs and Marvin skidded to a halt to see Junior [Sylvester's son] running towards them. 
“Eh...what’s up kid?” The rabbit asked, getting down to Juniors level.
Junior stopped sharply - accidently kicking a cloud of dust into the two toons faces - and, with one arm dramatically flung across his face, said. “Oh, Uncle Bugs, I know you have a lot of toons to get, but may I PLEASE request you start with my father? He is silly and often doesn’t think things through, but he’s my father and I love him so. May I please request you start with him and bring him back? I miss him.” At the end of Junior’s spiel, Bugs burst into noisy sobs and, getting a large handkerchief out of his pocket, wiped his eyes with it before wringing it out into a random bucket. 
“Of couirse I will.” he promised. “Jus’ watch me. Oi’ll aim to have him back as soon as possible. Now-” Bugs stood up and signalled to Marvin.  “-Let’s go, short-stack.”
“Now we wish to make this simple.” Marvin said, as he Bugs, Pepe and Penelope entered the spaceship. “So, if I just pull up a list-” He did so. “The trackers I put on you all will enable me to see exactly where you all are at any given moment.”
“Yeah, can we go back to dose trackers at some point?” Bugs asked.
Ignoring him, Marvin continued. "So, as you can see,  Sylvester is here." He pointed to 'Cartoon Network World'. "I'll just see if there's anyone with him. Bear with." A few moments of typing later and the trackers for Tweety, Yosemite Sam and Taz lit up. Marvin's eyes went wide and typed again. The screen zeroed in on Cartoon Network planet, showing a breakdown of the different sections of it. "Okay." Marvin said, slowly. "That is interesting. Sylvester and Tweety are both in Coolsville, AKA 'Scooby-Doo World' and it seems like there in the 1960's universe."
"Eh...it would hav' ta be Coolsville." Bugs muttered. "What wiv it's population of crazy crooks an' all."
"You just need to change into Chungus and then we can go." Marvin said, pointedly.
Bugs slapped his forehead. "Oops, I forgot!" He transformed into Big Chungus and gave Marvin a thumbs up.
Nodding the Martian pressed the 'arrive as close to as possible' button and the spaceship faded away.
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can we get some weretoon wally headcannons?
-Was infected by Joey who did that to him out of sheer spite. (The animator didn’t bite him.)
-Sammy helps him with the hard parts of the curse, while their strands are different, it’s the same basis: become an animated ‘monster’ every full moon.
-Wally’s strain is close to Buddy’s strain; he too becomes a wolf and only a wolf during those nights. But unlike Buddy’s curse, he’s less like a sentient bipedal wolf who can speak, hold things, and do other stuff, and is more like a border collie that looks like a cartoon wolf.
-Doesn’t looks like a friendly cartoon wolf, looks a lot more like a ‘villainous’ one that would tear up the hero limb by limb without hesitation. But nobody in the household/studio fears him because that tail of his is almost always thumping away.
-Speaking of him being more of a border collie than a wolf, Wally will try to herd Sammy when he’s in a sheep form or has enough sheep characteristics showing. Sometimes the musician is cooperative, sometimes he is not.
-He playfully roughhouses with other weretoons and it goes from the classic ‘cloud of dust with the occasional limb showing out of it to indicate a fight’ to these absurdly professionally choreographed, high budget, anime-esc, over-the-top fight scenes that humans, weretoons, and toons can’t believe what they’re seeing with their own eyes.
-Most of the latter are against Sammy. (Due to the constantly shifting Weretoon’s nature, sometimes these battles look breathtakingly beautiful/intense, and other times they look hilarious.)
-You know how it was Joey who did this to him? Well Carrie helps Wally get back at Joey by using the object toon as a Frisbee/chew toy.
-It’s hard to tell if Wally’s sentient or not like this, he doesn’t remember full moons and he can’t speak/properly use tools while he’s a wolf.
-His kiddos will try to ride him with varying levels of success.
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houseof-lamentation · 3 years
That's it- I'm fuckin' taking him, I'm taking Mammon and LEAVING
They didn't appreaciate him so I'm taking him, I'll appreciate him!!
That smug smile better drop off Lucifer face after he realizes what he's lost
Solomon better hold me back because I WILL smack a bitch
solomon's like "oh... oh no... i couldn't hold her back... lucifer is going to get his ass kicked... how terrible... if only he had a pact with me, i could somehow save him..." while there's a cartoon dust cloud with limbs sticking out to indicate a fight next to him
mammon deserves better. he really truly deserves better.
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