#*aotp aurelia carrow
fictumlibrary · 3 years
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oc lore meme  /   an oc with a tragic backstory. 9/? ft. aurelia carrow.
“If my mother was still alive and my father wasn’t in Azkaban, if Flora and Hestia hadn’t taken me in, I would have been disowned the moment that Sorting Hat left my head.”
taglist: @raith-way @kendelias @ocsandallthatjazz @foxesandmagic @decennia @ocfairygodmother
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fictumlibrary · 3 years
some aurelia carrow content because i am incapable of being productive, apparently.
taglist: @raith-way @kendelias @ocsandallthatjazz @foxesandmagic @decennia @ocfairygodmother @stanshollaand​
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fictumlibrary · 3 years
And what are Aurelia's favourite subjects at Hogwarts? I don't know why, but I'm sensing Charms and Potions for some reason. ^_^
honestly she's good at most of her subjects, but charms is definitely one of them! she finds professor flitwick easy to understand and she feels safe in his class. her other favourite is care of magical creatures since she's interested in other species and what she can learn from them. when she starts her sixth year, alchemy also becomes one of her favourite subjects!
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fictumlibrary · 3 years
OK, I gotta know! How would Aurelia's parents punish her for her curiosity?
when she was younger, they would lock her in her room without her books and send her to bed without supper, but when she started asking more and more questions, they'd send her to amycus and alecto, who would use hexes, jinxes, and curses on her. that's why the two of them are her boggart. that's what would happen when you questioned pureblood ideals in the carrow household. long story short, everyone except flora and hestia suck.
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fictumlibrary · 3 years
Hi, Sarah! You're on my OC Bingo card, and can I just say I am in awe of the number of OCs you have created! Aurelia Carrow stood out, what with her family's ties to the Dark Arts and all, so please share 5 titbits (or more!!) about her? Thank you! :-D
hello!! and thank you, i like to call it a lack of self control sdklfjsldkf. but i can definitely share some stuff about aurelia! watch me ramble on for years
she's the niece of amycus and alecto, so you can imagine the way her childhood was surrounded by dark magic. her parents were just as bad as her aunt and uncle.
her father, apollo carrow, was in the same year as the marauders at school, and of course there was no love lost between them. apollo survived both wars, but as of apparitions of the past he is currently imprisoned in azkaban.
her mother, ferah serif, died in the second wizarding war fighting for voldemort. neither she or her husband were very good parents.
with her parents gone, aurelia lives with her older cousins, flora and hestia. they're much nicer to her than she's used to.
as a young child, aurelia was very curious. she would read a lot of books and was good at studying, and at first her parents were proud of this, but then she started getting too curious. asking too many questions. she didn't understand why muggleborns weren't considered wizards when evidence indicated that they were just as adept at magic as purebloods. she wondered why people still idolized voldemort when he'd been defeated by a child, supposedly. and when she asked those questions, she'd get 'punished'. those punishments became a regular thing.
so yeah, she's definitely shy and cautious by the time she starts attending hogwarts. people judging her for her surname doesn't help either.
her boggart is amycus and alecto.
her patronus is a bat, though i haven't decided what species of bat yet. it'll definitely be a microbat, though.
out of the ravenclaws in her year, she's the one who knows the most random facts. you bring up a niche subject and chances are she's heard of it and is willing to impart some knowledge (not at first, she's too shy then, but as time goes on she's more willing to open up)
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fictumlibrary · 2 years
Hello BINGO friend! Describe Aurelia's family. Who raised them, and who had the most impact on them? Did they have any siblings? Who were they closest to? What were the family dynamics like?
hooooo boy, aurelia's family is something else. so she was raised by her parents, apollo & ferah carrow who were death eaters in the first war and death eaters in the second war, so you can imagine the conditions aurelia was raised in. they tried to raise her the same way, but she was always a curious child, and she would read books on all sorts of different things from different points of view. she started thinking more for herself and questioned the whole pureblood ideology, which her parents didn't like, and her uncle amycus and aunt alecto definitely didn't like. they would 'punish' her for reading certain books, saying certain things, for basically being curious and having a different opinion than then.
she doesn't have any siblings, but she was close to her older cousins flora and hestia growing up. being rather intelligent themselves, they encouraged aurelia to think outside the box and always treated her with kindness. after the second wizarding war, when aurelia's mother died and her father was sent to azkaban, they gained custody of her and are now raising her, so her home life is much better.
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fictumlibrary · 2 years
Hi! Hi! BINGO friend! Does Aurelia have a “tell” for when they’re lying?
hi hello sorry this is so late!
not really, honestly. with the way she grew up, she learned how to lie convincingly so she wouldn't get into trouble. she doesn't like to lie, but if she has to for whatever reason, she usually does so without anyone suspecting anything.
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fictumlibrary · 3 years
📸 for aurelia carrow ❤
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the woman pictured is either flora or hestia (they have the same fc) who are aurelia's cousins and guardians! she also never takes pictures of herself and loves bats skldjfslkdfj
Send me 📸 + OC and I will share 1-6 pics that they have in their camera roll
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fictumlibrary · 3 years
gimme letters e , p , g , a , l 🔫😈
in recent years she's become the ambassador for the magical aspect of neverland (tigerlily is the ambassador for neverlandians not affected by any magic) and many of the old idiots of auradon thought she would be easily manipulated. they were very wrong. now everyone knows that if elinora tilts her head and smiles at you with cold eyes, you're about to be the clown.
despite being an ambassador, she spends as much time as she can in neverland and away from auradon, which she can barely stand.
she would absolutely fight peter pan. the only reason she doesn't is because she likes tinker bell enough not to.
she hates how finicky the olympians can be, as with persephone handling the underworld in hades' absence, demeter is constantly whining, and thus won't help with spring and summer, so changing the seasons is solely on the never fairies' shoulders.
she's glad that never fairies are immortal, not only because she would miss her friends and family, but because it means her parents will have the means to be in power for a long time and won't feel particularly inclined to pass their crowns over to her. she's good at her job, but she doesn't want to run both parts of the hollow's forests by herself.
her red glitching happens randomly, but she's more prone to it when she's exhausted, when she hiccups, or when she sneezes.
call jellybean her servant and all bets are off. you better pick a god and pray.
she's isolated from the rest of the isle, not only due to being a video game character in an arcade machine, but because turbo went to great lengths to conceal the truth of who he is, what he did, and where they are from her. the only reason she found out about the outside was because of sour bill.
her hair is naturally pink and she loves to boast about it even though it’s not an achievement.
the moment she has access to a car it’s over for everyone.
for g i’ll go with gabriel king
gabriel has been briefly mentioned in the published chapters of aotp so far and is mentioned by his older sister, evangeline, who is dennis’ best friend.
he’s a bit snarky and often mutters quips under his breath when people aren’t listening.
the reason he’s in hufflepuff is because he cares about matters of fairness. after hearing about the war and prejudices from his older sister, he formed his own opinion, the bottom line of which was that everyone should be treated equally, magic or not, and he won’t hesitate to speak up about it.
his parents are muggles, making him and his sister muggleborn, and they all went into hiding from 1997-1998.
gabriel’s first proper role in the story will be in part one, around the easter holidays when ella gets to have a real conversation with him for the first time.
for a i’m going with aurelia carrow bc i am always ready to talk about her sdfjsdlkfs
amycus and alecto carrow are her uncle and aunt as well as her boggart.
being in the carrow family, she was raised to believe in pureblood supremacy, but her curious nature led to her doing her research and developing her own opinion. this is why her own family targeted her from a young age.
her mother died fighting for the death eaters during the second wizarding war and her father was incarcerated for the same thing. she is now being raised by her cousins flora and hestia, who are barely of legal age themselves. they treat her much better, though.
due to amycus and alecto being such prominent death eaters at hogwarts during the 1997-1998 school year, she’s often ostracized by those around her. the first person to speak to her was reena and everyone thought she was crazy for doing so.
for such a shy and cautious person, she isn’t above researching in her own time and experimenting, testing the boundaries of magic (as long as it won’t hurt anyone) and what she can do.
one day lyra is sure she’s going to explode from keeping her emotions in check around audrey. she loves audrey and desperately wants her to realize she’s more than what her grandmother wants her to be, but it’s a long and tough process.
since magic is banned in auradon, she has never seen her own wings. she knows she has them, but she’s forbidden from using them or even letting them loose.
she has some resentment towards her mother and aunts for how they focus more on audrey than their actual children. she knows that if they don’t they’ll get in trouble from audrey’s grandparents, but it doesn’t stop her from being frustrated.
speaking of audrey’s grandparents, she straight up does not trust them in the slightest.
she gets along with ben until after the events of the first movie. she never thought he and audrey were good together, but him jumping to mal and not speaking to audrey about it (even after the potion wore off) pisses her off beyond belief.
Send me a letter and I’ll pick an OC who’s name starts with that letter and give you five random fun facts about them.
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fictumlibrary · 3 years
Blue lagoon and manhattan for aurelia?
what does your oc wear to sleep? do they have a dedicated set of pajamas or do they just wear whatever?
she has a silk blue nightgown that flora and hestia bought for her after she was sorted into ravenclaw, and they adjust it every year for her as she grows because she loves it and wants to keep wearing it because it's a present they bought for her.
what kind of people does your oc hate the most?
bullies, which makes sense considering she's often a target from them. her parents, her aunt and uncle, sebastian and his cronies. they make her feel helpless, to say the least, and she doesn't feel she can stand up to them. yet.
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