#*Starts Vibrating violently* yes I feel normal
gunsatthaphan · 2 months
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It’s starting…. 👀
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kerubimcrepin · 3 months
Wakfu Manga - Tome 1, Part 2
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Until this point in the manga, Joris did not have his stupid log. I am assuming that this means that he can summon it, OR, which is more likely, that he pulled it out of the previously shown haven bag.
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"FUCKING CALM DOWN!!!" He says, aiming a brick at her head.
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I am. Insane. YES rub his height that he's sensitive about and his morals and his mortality into him. Kill him. Kill him.
(I don't like Jiva as a person, or as a character in this manga, at all. But I LOVE it when Joris's feelings are hurt.)
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He immediately tries to pull the rank card and Polite Speech, and it's so not working lmaooooo. And Jiva sees right through him — to her, he is just an insolent mortal, hiding his fear, and his hurt feelings, and disappointment in her, and care for other people, behind some stupid speeches.
These aren't "Yugo's and his friends". These are Joris's precious new fwiends <3. and she is going to hurt them all violently. And she doesn't give a shit if it's deserved or not. They're all mortal insects, just like Joris.
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As I have said, Jiva is one of the founders of Bonta. Obviously, they had worked together in the past, considering his allegences. And obviously he's disappointed and betrayed (Ngl, kinda illogical. He should expect this kind of thing. Nobody in his city is sane, him included.)
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i think i hauve covid.
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Yeah, he is just one of the many insects to her. And an insolent one.
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I know I make a lot of jokes about Joris using his magic wand to break people's bones, but.
Joris breaking people's bones counter: 1
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The classical "little guy leg grab" move that all of Joris's opponents perform at least once.
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If Joris heard Yugo (whom he is normal about) say this about him, he would have to excuse himself and start quietly vibrating from excitement that Yugo (Yugo!!!!!) (literally a random teenager) thinks he's THAT cool.
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Tot writing male villains: you see, hes immortal and his family is dead, and also he has done warcrimes, and he is so, so sad and morally vague, due to his interesting moral code, and he has moments of kindness with the main cast which complicates things and also he cries.
Tot writing female villains: she is irredeemably fucked and evil and hurts children and kills everyone indiscriminately and is bad to everyone around her and tortures little kittens too. And she is so evil it makes her braindead actually, like she can't make a single rational or kind decision. Isn't it crazy? Isn't it hot? Anyway now you have to cheer and clap because she actually did this all because her boyfriend is dead. And this makes all of her past decisions pretty morally gray and rational. Like that time she pummelled some random kids and killed an entire family. Her tits are big too btw, if it sweetens the deal.
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He wants to be friends so baddd.
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This is the handsomest most prettiest guy ever. Now cheer and clap.
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I am very pleased that Joris is described as shy. He would hate it so bad, if someone said that he is shy in front of him. He would hate it and be like "I'm not???" even though he literally is.
Also: "He who claims to really know master Joris must be quite clever!"? Wrong! I am stupid. And so are his dad and uncle.
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newgenog · 1 year
Notes: This is part two of chapter four. If you're just stumbling across this, and haven't already done so, please stop and start by reading part one of chapter one.
This #Batwoman AU is based on the ABC tv series #Revenge. Our Ryan Wilder had something else besides vengeance to fight for - the symbol. This one starts out with nothing to lose, and no one to try and change her mind (and she doesn't have a cape or cowl).
As the longest chapter to date, this one will be shared in 5 parts, the first four of which will be shared here on Tumblr each Friday first. You'll get the 5th and final part with the entire chapter on AO3.
Here we go!
Ryan goes after the psychologist who evaluated her after her mom’s death, and determined that she should serve out her time in a youth correctional facility.
Ryan walks into her loft and sets her bag and stack of mail on the counter to the left of the stove. At the top of the stack is a matte black envelope with her new name and address on the front. The back is sealed with an embossed stamp of the initials HK. She opens the envelope and finds metallic silver cardstock inside with blue font providing the details to the Halmilton-Kane Independence and Wellness Banquet. Atop the invitation is a sheer sheet containing a handwritten note from Evan. 
I had enough time to send you a formal invitation this time. This is my favorite event of the summer. American cocktails under a rainbow lit sky is a fabulous time! Can’t wait to see you! 
She places the invitation on the fridge with a magnet, knowing that’s what a normal person would do. Then, she goes to the cupboard above the stove and pulls out her mother’s box. She places it on the opposite counter, to the right of the stove, and gently slides her fingers over the symbol that reminds her someone in this harsh world would have done anything for her once, and did. 
Her phone vibrates, and it’s the reminder for the virtual meeting she’s supposed to sit in on. Not even a full moment later, her phone is vibrating again, and it’s Luke. She’s missed several of his calls, and hasn’t responded to any of his text messages, but she knows she can’t avoid him any longer. She swipes to accept the call, but doesn’t get the chance to say anything. 
Luke: “Next, I was going to show up at your door and let myself in. You know I can.” 
Ryan: “That would have been an extremely unnecessary risk to take.” 
He's very aware that an unexpected intruder would walk into a violent greeting. 
Luke: “Clearly, I’m willing to risk a lot for you.” 
Ryan: “You’re welcome to stop at any time.” 
Luke: “You know I can’t do that.” 
They’re at an impasse. 
Ryan: “Well, what you can do is get me set up for this call.” 
Luke: “Or, we can talk about how you ditched me last night because your ex-girlfriend is working at the bar run by your new whatever Sophie is to you, who by the way, was very, I’ll go with confused by how you ran away from her, and that’s being generous…”
Ryan has no idea what Sophie is. She’s supposed to be a memory…She can't bring herself to utter words that might suggest she means nothing, nor can she start analyzing how she's made Sophie feel. Not now, and it's probably best if not ever. What she’s certain of is that Sophie will fare better if she stays far away from her, and Angelique for that matter.
Ryan: “I’ll deal with Angelique.” 
Luke: “That’s your response to everything I just said?” 
Ryan: “Yes. Now, will you focus on this meeting?” 
She could almost hear him clench his fists in exasperation through the phone. 
Luke: “Is your computer up?”
Ryan: “It is. I was getting ready while you were whining.” 
Luke: “Whatever.” 
Ryan doesn’t actually have to do anything but wait. At exactly 6:15 PM, a window pops open on her screen, as Dr. Rhyme and Jacob Kane join the meeting. Jacob recently scheduled a counseling session with her, and Ryan wanted to know what would be discussed. The notes on the booking stated that he’s been facing a fresh wave of grief from the loss of his first wife, and he’s been struggling with feelings of failure at being a husband and father. 
Ryan: “I’m in. I’ll talk to you later.” 
She ends the call so she can listen to Jacob’s therapy session. He’s gone to Dr. Rhyme before, so she doesn’t need to be brought up to speed on the history of what led him to make an appointment. 
Dr. Rhyme: “It’s been a while, Jacob.” 
Jacob: “I know…”
Dr. Rhyme: “So tell me why you felt it was time to schedule another appointment? I’m sure that wasn’t an easy decision to come to.” 
Jacob: “The nightmares are back.” 
Dr. Rhyme: “The ones triggered by your guilt?” 
Jacob: “Right. I thought we’d gotten rid of them.”
Dr. Rhyme: “Indeed, we worked through a lot together... If those old feelings are back, an event must have occurred recently to stir them up.” 
Jacob breaks eye contact with his camera.
Jacob: “I had an affair with my wife’s best friend, among other things.”
Dr. Rhyme: "That has the potential to be a catalyst for some of what you're experiencing.How did that relationship come to be?”
Jacob: “I think you’d say it was self sabotage.” 
Dr. Rhyme: "As in, you wanted to sabotage your own happiness? So, you believe you were happy before the affair?"
Jacob: "I had everything I've ever wanted…"
Dr. Rhyme: "Money and notoriety are not everything. For instance, you no longer have your first wife. You have a complicated relationship with your daughters. And Catherine…how were things with her before the affair?"
Jacob: “Catherine is beautiful and she does a lot in the name of our family…She’s also…a challenge. Things with Candice were easy.”
Dr. Rhyme: “Your secretary…? Doesn’t that fall under her job description: to make your life feel easy?”
Jacob: “Perhaps.”
Dr. Rhyme: “I haven’t encountered a couple that would describe marriage - a lifetime of partnership, that is - as easy.” 
Jacob: “Hence the guilt.” 
Dr. Rhyme: “I’m not here to judge you, Jacob. I’m just offering perspective. You’re here, so I assume you’re looking for some understanding and answers…”
Jacob: “Honestly, one should suffer some sort of consequences in life, shouldn’t they?”
Dr. Rhyme: “So you want to be held accountable for your actions?” 
Jacob sits back in his chair and clasps his hands together, contemplative. 
Jacob: “Don’t things always catch up with you one way or another? I sometimes wonder if this luxurious life isn’t a version of purgatory that we designed for ourselves. We seem to straddle the line between collapsing into hell and being just out of reach of heaven. And, I wonder if everything we say we’ve done for our family…has it actually just dammed us?”
Dr. Rhyme: “This picture you’re painting seems to be of one where things will just happen to you at some point. But Jacob, I don’t see you as someone who sits and awaits his fate. You’ve always taken control of your own destiny, by any means necessary. Yet suddenly, you believe you’ll be helpless while your world falls apart around you?”
Jacob: “Because, I can’t tell if this is my subconscious trying to warn me of something or not. And what can I really do at this point? Admit to everything that was required to arrive at and sustain our current position?” 
Dr. Rhyme: “What do you imagine as the real consequence if some of those truths come out? And what if it was actually the opportunity to tackle things head on, instead of wondering what might come to pass if your secrets become known?” 
Jacob: “With all due respect, Doctor, we both know I’m not the only one who will suffer if my secrets become known. Honestly, it’s probably best for everyone if I can just get back to sleeping at night.. Is that something you can help me with?” 
Dr. Rhyme: “If you’d rather not reflect and process what you’re feeling, then reprogramming how you look at the things keeping you up at night, like we did before, would be the most effective alternative.” 
Jacob: “And that’s why you’re the best.” 
As they discuss when Jacob will be available for an in-person appointment, Ryan pushes her chair back from the table, disgusted, and walks over to the counter where she'd left her mama's box. Why would Jacob Kane ever want to be held accountable when he has the best hypnotherapist in Gotham at his disposal? Evelyn Rhyme could make people believe literally anything she wanted. She and Ryan seemed to have that in common, though… 
Ryan opens the large box, which is the only thing from her past she keeps with her. She'd begun storing any and all memories she wanted to retain with it: the few pictures she'd been able to capture during high school; every piece of news coverage from her case that she could get her hands on; research and bios for everyone involved. She pulled out a clipping of an ad for Evelyn Rhyme's new private practice, which opened the year after she'd met Ryan. It was conveniently located in New Gotham, in the Burnley neighborhood. 
Back then and now, there are no coincidences in timing when it comes to the people Ryan has come into contact with. The reality is, pretending Ryan's reckoning isn't happening would do neither Jacob or Evelyn any favors. Ryan is justice, and the days of denying her were over.
Ryan sat alone in her small room, on her bottom bunk, staring at the blank white wall across from her. Her door was open, because it was free time, but she had no desire or energy to do anything but sit and stare. At night, she wept or relived the past in her mind during what restless sleep she could come by. She couldn't understand how she was in this place, and yet she had no clue how to get out of it. Feeling trapped and helpless left her so depleted that all she could do was follow the same routine, day after day.
Today, the routine was interrupted by a visitor who broke her stare by walking in front of her wall, and leaning back against it.
Dr. Rhyme: "Hi Ryan. I'm Doctor Evelyn Rhyme. Do you know why they asked me to see you today?"
Ryan's eyes rose up until they met the doctor's face. She was a plain dressing woman, wearing structured tan slacks and a white, long sleeved button up. Stereotypically, she wore black framed glasses and her brown hair sat at her shoulders.
Ryan: "No. I don't even know why I'm here… My friend is an orphan. She was always talking about social workers, but I never got to see one…"
Dr. Rhyme: "You said you don't know why you're here, as in: you're not aware that you were charged and sentenced for the circumstances that led to your mother's death?"
Ryan: "No. I'm aware that they blamed me, but I don't know how that makes any sense. I told them what happened, but no one is listening to me."
Dr. Rhyme: "Ryan, it seems you might be demonstrating signs of disassociation. You're unwilling to take accountability for the actions that contributed to your mother being shot. It's understandable that one wouldn't want to believe they could be responsible for the things that caused them to lose their only parent, or loved one for that matter, but if you can't align yourself with the truth, it'll be difficult for anyone to have confidence in your ability to be rehabilitated."
Ryan: "Rehabilitated? You said you're a doctor? Because you sound crazy, lady. Nothing is wrong with me! I didn't do anything! That white boy who shot my mom did! And that little brunette who told all her friends to run while my mom bled out - are you asking her about accountability?"
Dr. Rhyme: "The thing is, Ryan, yours is the only version of the story with that specific sequence of events. And while it's perfectly common to have some variation in accounts of an incident, there are far more consistencies with the other witnesses' stories than with yours. Frankly, yours sounds imagined."
Ryan: "I'm not making anything up! I don't know why they're all lying, but they are. And they're all friends. I don't even know them!"
Dr. Rhyme: "Now is that true, Ryan? You don't know any of them? Didn't your mother work for Beth Kane's family."
Ryan: "Stop saying my name like I don't know it. And of course I know Beth Kane. She's friggin famous, but I don't know her like that!"
Dr. Rhyme: "But you see, that you talk about her like you'd never seen her before that day, and yet you do know her, is an example of your tendency to share information as it serves whatever story you're hoping we believe. It does nothing for your credibility."
Ryan: "What kind of doctor did you say you were? Because you're obviously not here to help me."
Dr. Rhyme: "Well, that's just the thing. I was asked to speak with you to explore if I could help you, and sadly, I'm not sensing that I can. That you're so closed to considering the possibility that your story has gaps in it, and that your perspective is meant to protect you above all else, suggests you're not going to be able to evolve beyond where you are right now. And, unfortunately, that means you'll have to follow through with your sentence, and serve your time."
Jordan: “You know, staring at that hallway isn’t going to magically make Robyn walk through it.” 
Sophie: “What?”
Sophie looks at Jordan, confused. She’s behind the bar, on her tablet, sorting through her merchandising order to replenish their inventory, and the proximity of Jordan’s voice surprises her. 
Jordan: “You’ve looked over in that direction like a hundred times. Did she say she was coming down, or something?” 
Sophie: “No. We don’t even talk like that. And, I’m not waiting for her anyway.” 
Jordan: “Sure, sis. But wait, you mean to tell me you haven’t even asked for her number, yet?”
Sophie puts her tablet down, and looks at her sister with more focus, trying to decide how to answer her question. They’ve never done this before. Usually, conversations about crushes went the other way around, with Sophie picking up on when Jordan was talking about a kid at school a little more frequently. And, Sophie moved away when Jordan became old enough to really pay attention to who she might be interested in. 
Regardless, Sophie isn’t even sure if that’s what this is: her being interested in Robyn or not. She does know that Robyn has been a positive addition to the mixed up bunch of people that seem to be Sophie’s friends. And, it isn’t as if she’s bad company, or hard on the eyes. That said, she hardly knows her.
Sophie: “We have not exchanged numbers, no…” 
Jordan: “Sophie. Be for real.”
Sophie: “What Jordan?! I think you’re jumping.”
Jordan: “No, I think you’re sitting, when you should be running to the fine ass woman who’s gone out of her way to take care of us since she walked through that door.” 
Sophie: “I’m pretty sure she’s not even into me.” 
Jordan: “I can’t with you. What are you even talking about?”
Sophie: “I don’t know. We ran into each other yesterday - literally - and talk about running…she nearly sprinted in the other direction. I had to check if I had B.O. or something.” 
Jordan: “Maybe she feels some type of way about the fact that you’ve had soooo many opportunities to ask for her number and haven’t yet.” 
Sophie sighs, exasperated, and ready to be done with this conversation. 
Sophie: “Is this what you came over here for: to give me a hard time about my dating life?” 
Jordan: “Nah, I wanted to talk about something else…” 
Sophie: “Okay… This sounds serious.” 
Jordan: “Well, I know you wanted me to go away to college last year, and you didn’t love that I took a year off, instead. And, that you’re expecting it was just one year, and I’ll be enrolling this fall…” 
Sophie: “Right…why does it sound like you’re about to drop bad news on me?”
Jordan: “Well, I did start the process, it’s just that… Man, this school is hella expensive, Soph. I mean, we have a family business. Why do I need to go away to school, when clearly my destiny is to run The Hold Up? And I get it,  you want me to get an education, but I can enroll in community college, and stay close to keep helping you and mom out. Especially now that we’re paying a whole extra bartender, do we really need to be spending money to send me to school?”
Sophie: “Jordan, it’s not your job to worry about money. It’s your job to worry about getting the best education you can, and setting yourself up for success so that you will be in better shape when you graduate. Hopefully you’ll end up with a job that affords you benefits.” 
She says that last part under her breath. She’s all for entrepreneurship, and a part of her loves that her mom is a small business owner - yaasss Black Girl Magic and all - but there are some tradeoffs to this life.
Jordan: “That’s the thing. I don’t even know what I would want to study. I’m just going to be wasting our money while I try to figure it out.”
Sophie: “As much as I appreciate this sudden interest and accountability for how this family manages its finances, that’s exactly what you’re supposed to do in college: go figure stuff out. You deserve that chance, J. We’ve grown up pretty fast, as it is. You don’t have to rush everything.” 
Jordan: “I don’t know, Soph. Leaving you guys feels pretty selfish. AND, you just got back. Let’s be real…we’re just now starting to get along again. How’s me leaving going to help anything?”
Sophie drops her shoulders, and pulls her little sister into a forced hug that Jordan doesn’t even bother trying to fight. 
Sophie: “I see you’ve thought a lot about this, and I don’t want to minimize your feelings. I also really want you to think about some of what I’ve said. So, what if you give me a chance to look into the money stuff, and we regroup over a sister dinner to talk it all over. And, we can celebrate whatever decision we come to together with a movie?” 
Jordan responds against Sophie’s shoulder. 
Jordan: “We’re both going to take the night off, and spend it together?!” 
Sophie: “You just said we have extra help, now. We might as well take advantage and have a little more fun.” 
Jordan looks up at her sister and smiles the most genuinely that Sophie’s seen since she got back. 
Jordan: “Alright, deal.” 
She breaks away, seemingly cheered up, and returns to the table she’s supposed to be serving. Sophie pulls her phone out of her back pocket and finds Tyler’s number. 
Sophie Cell: Fine. I’ll help. Can you be here tomorrow morning at 9AM, so we have a couple of hours for you to fill me in before the bar opens?
Tyler Cell: I’ll be there. 
To be continued...
Weekly Reminders:
Come back next Friday for part three.
All #Batwoman things I do now are in the name of #SaveBatwoman. Go follow all the social handles and support the cause, please.
Did you see the new shirt designs?
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siriusly-sapphic · 2 years
Hello love! Can you give me any info about stars around my scars? 💓💓💓
Hi!! yes for sure! (content warning for sirius/narcissa)
(This is for this WIP game!)
So Stars Around my Scars is a multichapter Sirius/Narcissa first war fic I started! It's intended to be canon compliant even though that's gonna hurt my soul, and is really mostly about the two of them trying (and failing) to make things work, and everyone who gets hurt in the process. There's a side of wolfstar, which hurts because poor Remus really deserves better than to be caught up in Sirius and Narcissa's mess.
I'm trying to make it a nice balance between how ugly their relationship can get, but also make it obvious why they continue and have the beautiful, happy moments in there plenty too. So there's painful conversations, violent arguments, but also carefree happy moments of walking around muggle markets and kissing in the middle of the street.
Little excerpt:
It’s not even a dangerous one. He won’t be recognised — he’ll be some anonymous Italian pureblood no one will look twice at — and as long as he doesn’t start a fight on purpose, he won’t get into one. Sirius knows damn well there are about a hundred assignments he could’ve gotten that would put his life considerably more at risk.
But he got this one. Play the pureblood guest at the engagement party of the one fucking witch he doesn’t want to get married. Ever. Sirius won’t get into a fight unless he purposefully starts one. But how in Godric’s fucking name is he supposed to get through that whole event without punching Lucius Malfoy in the face for the hell he’s sure about to inflict upon his stupid, naive, fucked up future wife who’d deserve better than him if she only wanted it?
He’s vibrating with pure rage, fists tightly wrapped around the railing that’s about to fall apart until he feels the wood sizzling beneath his palms and pulls them away from it quickly.
“You won’t have to go near your family, for the most part,” Remus offers as a consolation, missing the point of Sirius’ frustration by a mile because Sirius can’t explain it to him like a normal person. “It’s really just Narcissa you’ll have to say a few words to, I reckon. And compared to the rest of them— she’s not the worst, is she?”Sirius laughs, a near-hysterical sound that makes Remus’ frown deepen. “No, no, Narcissa’s a fucking delight,” he says bitterly, tears of anger in his eyes and when Remus reaches out to place his hand on Sirius’ arm, Sirius almost slaps it away but holds himself back at the last second. “Fuck, sorry Moony. I- fuck.”
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skelebonecentral · 16 days
bloodmoon naga finally gets a mate
the boys are too violent to let loose, but make havoc when they stay through their 'season' so...reader gets picked :)
words under the cut
You were set into the enclosure and swallowed nervously. Bloodmoon was a vicious, known man-eater of a naga, and the fact he was actually a set of conjoined twins made it worse because it meant he was doubly hungry. But this was a different sort of hunger you had been selected to deal with today.
He was one of the few in your recovery center that couldn’t be released for his own safety and that of the public. But that also means that he was never able to find a mate and thus his rut was brutal on his enclosure and the staff. A lot of death threats, scratching at the walls, attempting to attack all males who tried to enter their enclosure, and several of these attacks had resulted in researchers losing limbs.
But Naga were a protected species due to their sentience, and thus he couldn’t be killed for his aggression. So you, the only one who defended their right to life, right to care and safety, and one of the few females on the team, were chosen to be his mate this season to try and keep incidents to a minimum.
“B-Bloodmoon?” you mumble, the scent of sage wafting around the area, the closest your brain could get to what his natural pheromones smelled like. Even with how soft you’d spoken, the twins were on you in seconds, pinning you to the ground with a hand each as the other two began roaming your body and ripping through your clothes.
“Female is so ready, other,” Scarlet, the more suggestible of the two, growled softly. Both their cheeks were flushed darker red than they normally were, since the boys had deep crimson and soft carmine coloration all over their bodies.
Crimson, the more resolute one, purred, “Oh she is. I can smell her body, brother, all ripe and perfect for growing our seeds in. Humans have a use after all.”
“This is the one that yells at the males, also,” Scarlet noted as their slick, writhing penises lathed themselves over your legs. “Maybe she does it because she likes us?”
“Her scent is all over the gifts we get that aren’t food,” Crimson leaned down and pressed his flat face into your neck, “yesss, it is her.”
They both began to purr softly and grind against your core in slow, tandem movements, sharp teeth starting to nip at your skin anywhere they can reach.
“Sssssweet little thing, treats us well from afar,” Scarlet’s rougher voice vibrated through your bones, “gives us nest bits from their own, courting us without knowing.”
“Yes, and being so good and quiet now,” Crimson hefts you up and holds you against his chest as they head back into their nesting cave as his length slowly begins to worm its way into you, “but not for long, no. Soon we’ll have them screaming for us in the most delicious way.”
“I want them, other, please hurry,” Scarlet whined as they lay you down onto their nest, Crimson still thrashing his tendril deep into every corner of your insides. “I can’t wait like you can!”
Crimson grunted and nodded, “Just suck on their chest. They have to be ready for our young to do so.”
There was no time to relax with Crimson thrusting and curling inside you and Scarlet ravishing your chest with bites and strong suction, you soon lost your embarrassment at their compliments and bold actions and succumbed to the feelings of it all. Wonton moans and please for more came spilling from your mouth as your coil tightened, and the boys laughed and sighed happily. Their instincts were being satisfied at last, and the annoying itch of needing to mate was no longer going to bother them as soon as they both finished a few times.
“yes yes yes!” Scarlet groaned as Crimson shuddered and spilled into you, “my turn now, tasty treat! Make you have all the babies you can and then fill you up again next season. Doesn’t that sound so good?”
“Y-yes,” You’re panting as you arch and give a weak first orgasm as Crimson pulled out, “all yours, boys…”
“Knows her place,” Crimson rumbles quietly as he takes over lapping at your chest and humming softly as he flips you to let Scarlet get to your tunnel easier, “And so warm and soft for us, no fighting like our old mates did. Won’t end up getting eaten like them, either.”
“No no,” Scarlet huffs and shoves himself to the hilt inside, “this one’s courting US, this one looks at us like gods, THIS ONE wants our babies.”
“This one wants us, don’t you?” Crimson whispered and you nodded vigorously, “Yes, you’ve taken good care of us, so we’re going to take good care of you.”
Scarlet was whimpering and giving little gasps and wails of want, added to you squeaking their names and begging, was flooding your brain with the fog of passion and you soon hit a high again with a scream.
“Yes!” Scarlet leaned in and bit your side, huffing into your skin before pulling his teeth out, “ooh, your blood is so good. Going to love licking you clean after the babies.”
Your addled brain was just loving their babbling, and the way their red eyes raked over your body, the feel of Crimson’s hands holding you so delicately when you knew they could tear a man to bits in seconds. And even when he bit you, Scarlet hadn’t torn out a chunk, or gone too deep. Yes, you were bleeding but the bite was shallow and clearly meant to mark but not to maim.
Crimson bit your shoulder just the same, and Scarlet shot his seed into you at the same time, adding pleasure to the slight pain. “No one else will ever look at you without knowing we were here first.”
Scarlet’s grip on your thighs fell limp and the both of them curled tightly around you. “Later, another go,” he nuzzled into your stomach, which felt hot and full, “but now we rest. And we will feed you the things soft creatures like to eat.”
“Fruits and roots and the strange things we steal from the humans when they think we’re asleep,” Crimson’s sleepy voice was throwing your heart from racing into melting, feeling them lap at your wounds tenderly. “We know you humans do things to help us; we aren’t stupid. But disrespect is death in our world.”
“And you’re ours now,” Scarlet sounded so pleased, “so if they disrespect you like they used to…”
“We will make them regret before they die,” Scarlet finished with a kiss to your cheek, “sleep now. We have all the time in the world.”
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our-chaos · 2 years
Imagine Gareth whining and grinding against a vibrator on his cock, begging you to suck him or touch him, tears forming at the corner of his eyes just so desperate for any touch from you
I’m gonna be honest when I first read this I stopped breathing.
The thing about Gareth is I think he isn’t too fond of toys. I think he might even get jealous (as immature as that is) at the fact something else besides him is making you feel so good. He’d deny it, hysterically, rambling on about how they were just too loud or too expensive and he wasn’t gonna waste his money on something that he could easily do himself.
It wasn’t until you revealed you had your own set of toys kept hidden in your room that his mouth went dry and he froze in place. Oh god, and you were so sweet too. You always asked permission before trying anything new with him, of course, even if it was something that he normally wouldn’t even bat an eyelid at. (But I also headcannon that Gareth was a virgin before you) He felt guilty, shooting down your idea that you seemed to be so enthralled by. That’s how he ended up saying yes.
“Really?” You questioned, eyebrows raising in disbelief and slight apprehension at his sudden change of heart. Only moments before he was telling you all about what he didn’t like about them.
“Like, you actually wanna use toys?” You repeat, making sure you have some sort of clarification from him because this is too good to be true.
“Yeah, why not?” He’d shrug, turning to do something else so you wouldn’t see the blush on his cheeks at even the mere thought of the whole thing. (Which you already saw, but you won’t tell him that)
“Alright.. Lay down then.” You’d reply, a cunning smile on your face. That, right there, would make Gareth pause completely.
“What?” The boy looked like he had just seen a ghost, eyes wide and pupils dilated. Hell, he was even blushing up to his ears.
“I said.. Lay down.” You took the opportunity to run your hands through his thick wavy locks, which always seemed to get him going. It’s like he held his libido in his scalp or something.
So, that’s how it all started, that’s how you got Gareth Emerson down to nothing but his red checked boxers and a vibrator held up against his twitching cock.
“Please- fuck.. Please! It’s been hours!” He’d whine, obviously not used to the teasing and having to wait for what he wants considering you always gave and gave and gave to him so willingly. You couldn’t help it, he was your boy. Your favorite boy. Your favorite boy who was sprawled out, thick thighs trembling as he jerked with sensitivity. Gareth had never looked so desperate. No way.
“Gareth it’s been one hour. Not several. Pull it together baby, you’ve been doing so well..” You cooed, sitting in between his legs holding the violently shaking torture device against him. Each little move or spasm he made, any rut or buck of the hips was enough to send shockwaves throughout his body. He laid there, in his fuzzy minded state wondering how in the world you used this thing for fun.
“I can’t go anymore I-I’m telling you, baby.. Please, please, please, p-pleeease..” He sobbed, eyes like two blue blown out pieces of glass, all shiny and crystalline. His hands were feverishly gripping for you, but all he could clench in those knuckles of his were the wrinkled up grey sheets of his bed.
“I want you to admit it.”
“Admit what? Fuck- anything I don’t give a sh-shit.”
“Admit that you like this… Or..” He knew that tone in your voice. Knew it from when you were about to tease him or make some kind of joke that you knew would get his tummy twisting.
“Or admit you’re jealous of them.”
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goldentsum · 4 years
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━  pretty submissives.
CHARACTERS: miya atsumu, miya osamu, sakusa kiyoomi, and suna rintarou
WARNING: smut, 18+ content, bdsm, sex toys, pretty subs who cry, overstimulation, orgasm denial, mommy kink, hard dom! reader, soft dom! reader, lingerie on males, maid outfits on males, degradation, praising, anal play (male receiving), oral sex, handjob, riding
AUTHOR’S NOTE: seeing the “doms” become subs and cry makes me so excited! sub! male characters supremacy!!!
part 2 - tsukishima, kageyama, oikawa, kuroo
— atsumu ♡
• a brat and a masochist 
• likes it when you go hard on him. make him cry. hurt him. atsumu likes it. he loves it even!
• when you manhandle him, not giving a fuck about how loud he is and just chasing your own pleasure, using him, makes him whiny and it triggers his orgasm! 
• slap him, spank him, mark him, degrade him, he’ll cum untouched!
• atsumu’s a cocky little shit outside of the bedroom, telling people how dom he is but you both know who moans like a little bitch when spanking sessions goes a little harder than usual. 
• his expressions are the best! his usual cocky smirk turning into a lewd face. eyes rolling back to his head, mouth wide open as drool trails down his chin, and a delicious red blush on his cheeks. the way he shivers and trembles under you is breathtaking. 
• if you overstim him, he’ll cry and scream, jerking violently on the bed. he becomes really sensitive, even more sensitive than normal, and he comes way too quickly but he recovers fast so dw~
• sub! atsumu is super fun to play with especially when he’s being a brat about it. 
• but your aftercare makes him super soft! he gets really cuddly afterwards! clean him up though or he’ll whine about it in the morning. 
“i-it’s too much-!” atsumu cried, your hand still stroking him. the mess from his earlier orgasms makes it easier to stroke him back to hardness. his thighs quivered at the intense pleasure, sensitive from the past orgasms. 
you smirked down at your boyfriend, loving the way he tremble and weep. his face was a mess, drool on his lips and chin and tears running down his cheek, his nose red. atsumu gasped when you placed the bullet vibrator against his spent cock, the intense buzzing making him shriek. 
his moans are so cute. so pretty and loud. 
your eyes admired his bruises and hickeys. his inner thighs red from your bites, chest covered with scratches, and his neck with your lovebites. 
“have you learned your lesson, tsum?” you hummed absentmindedly, still running the vibrator along his length while you other hand squeezed and massaged his cock’s swollen and red head. atsumu whimpered, hips thrusting. 
“y-yes! please! i-i can’t come again! it hurts!” he whined, squirming on the bed. new set of tears running down his cheeks from the pleasure. 
“hmm~ give me another one then i’ll believe that you’ve learned your lesson” atsumu moaned at that and let his head plop down back on the pillows, eyes closing from your actions. brows furrowed, mouth opening again to let out series of broken moans. 
you removed the vibe making atsumu sigh in relief, breath stuttering a bit. he panted, chest heaving.
you snickered at the fucked out expression on him. the calm moment quickly dissipate as he choked on a moan when you wrapped your lips around his cock, tongue swiping at the swollen head and your hand massaging the prominent vein that run along his cock.
“aAAH-!” raspy moans escaped the male, hips jerking as you started to bob your head. atsumu hics as his lips trembles
if anyone asked you what was your favorite moment was with your boyfriend, it was definitely when he’s like this. when he’s your little slut. 
— osamu ♡
• a soft princess~ <3 
• he will do anything you ask. model a piece of lingerie? he’s already wearing it. show you how he touch himself? done. lay on your lap for his spanking session? he’s there. asap. 
• osamu is a obedient baby but he still gets a little playful at time, testing your dom side. 
• but when you turn hard dom on him, he’ll cry. in anticipation and in excitement. 
• if you deny his orgasm, he’s gonna cry. even if it’s only one orgasm, he’ll whine and tells to you that he has been a good boy. only a good boy. no bad boy! 
• a crybaby!! 
• he’s already sensitive normally but if you deny him his orgasm, he gets really antsy and get really sensitive making him squirm and pout. 
• if you degrade him, he’ll be really pouty and teary! only praises for baby samu! 
• tell him how pretty he is. praise how well he fucks you. tell him that you like it that he’s your obedient little princess. he’ll be putty in your hands~
• if you bring food in the bedroom, licking it off him. he’ll get really shy! also, if he sees the food outside the bedroom, he’ll probably remember what you did and get hard pft 
• samu loves the feeling of your tongue on him!
“tsk. you’ve been really bad, princess” you scolded, watching osamu whine. a pretty laced collar on his neck, his body shivering as you massaged his prostate. 
“n-no! ‘m good-!” he whimpers out, hips grinding down to your fingers. you spanked his ass, gripping the red flesh. osamu gasped at the impact, eyes rolling back to his skull. 
you thrust your fingers in his ass, his tight walls clenching down. your other hand went to his balls, cupping it tightly. osamu mewled, tongue sticking out of his mouth. his body shuddering when the tips of your fingers brushed again and again against his prostate. 
“really now? you don’t remember that you were being a brat earlier when mommy had to work?” 
osamu sobbed, toes curling when your fingers quickened. his teeth biting down his lips. he sniffled and stared up at you, eyes teary and red from being denied his orgasm 3 times now. 
“’m sorry, w-wanted mommy’s a-attention!” he confessed, body quivering. you stopped making him whine at the lost of pleasure. taking your fingers out of him, you climbed on top of him. 
leaning closer to him, you kissed his lips. he chased your lips, desperate for your affection. osamu opened his mouth, an invitation to slither your tongue in. you hummed in appreciation and entered your tongue in his cavern, playing with his tongue. 
the male moaned against your mouth as you swallowed his pretty moans. his body violently jerked, surprised at the pleasure, when you started grinding your clothed pussy on his sensitive cock. he cried, trying to make you quicken your slow grinding. 
you moved away from his lips, his gasps echoing in the room as he quivered under you. your lips trailed down to his neck, sucking on the soft skin. 
“you wanted mommy’s attention? you have it, princess~” 
— sakusa ♡
• a touch-starved baby! 
• please handle with care :( 
• pretty boy gets embarrassed really easily so please tone down the teasing. but i don’t blame you if you want to try. he gets really red, the contrast of the red on his pale skin and dark hair is stunning!
• stare at him while you pleasure him and he becomes more responsive, your eyes makes him squirm! 
• loves it when you suck him off, admiring his body. do not degrade or he’ll be really hurt about it and might not do anything for a longgg timeee
• any form of physical affection makes him really shy and he’s really embarrassed when he pops a boner because of it! even if it’s the most innocent touch, a sudden boner will pop out of nowhere. 
• when you overstim him, his pretty dark eyes gets shiny with tears and turns half-lidded as he blubbers incoherent words.
• if you give him gifts, lingerie and/or collars, he would react strongly at first! getting shy and being a tsundere but as soon as he wears it and you praise him, telling him how he looks so good, it’ll make him super happy! 
• please wash him after the fun though, the gentle atmosphere contrasting from what happened earlier makes sakusa soft. he loves your hands. running up and down his body, caressing the skin that no one but you gets to touch. 
water splashed against the large tub as you rode omi. his breath getting more uneven and hitching when you clench down at him. 
sakusa hid his warm and red face at the crook of your neck, he can’t look at you. if he does now, he feels like he’ll cum just from the way you look at him with pure desire. 
you run your fingers through his wet dark locks, massaging his scalp. sakusa moaned against your wet skin, lips biting down on his bottom lip as he tried to muffled the loud moans that was threatening to escape him. 
“don’t hide your pretty moans, baby~ let me hear you” you whispered, hips moving faster, loving the way sakusa’s large cock hits your sweet spot dead on and the way the tip reach so deep inside you. 
the dark-haired male whined, hands gripping your hips as his legs shook. he panted against your neck making you shiver when his hot breath hit your cold skin. 
you let your hands rest on sakusa’s wide shoulders, using it to help you move up and down on his cock. you hummed in satisfaction when you hear his moans getting louder and you tugged his hair, making him look at you. you looked at him in awe and lust. 
he’s so pretty. his dark eyes half-lidded as it gleam with tears and lust. lips red from the earlier biting. the red blush across his cheeks and neck was absolutely delectable. 
“you getting close, omi?” you whispered as he nodded, whining, brows furrowing. you leaned closer and started littering his neck with bites, breaking the skin. 
sakusa moaned at that, hips thrusting up making you moan when his cock grazed your cervix. you licked the column of his neck then slid your tongue into his open mouth. 
he kissed you back with a hint of timidness, still a bit shy. he let you take the lead with the kiss as always. omi loved the way your dominance oozes out of you but still maintaining this certain softness that makes his heart full. 
omi gasped into the kiss when your fingers pinched his nipple, rolling it sensually. you broke the kiss and looked down at him, a lazy smirk on your lips as your hips rolled. 
“you’re so pretty, omi~” 
you loved the way his body reacts with praises. his eyes rolling into his head, head threw back, and mouth open. you trailed one hand to his lips, fingers going into mouth and played with his sleek tongue. sakusa moaned against your fingers, sucking and working on your fingers like a good baby he is~ 
— suna ♡
• a pillow princess! 
• he loves it when he just lays there, letting you do all the work, as you work him into his high~
• suna loves it when you dress him up, caressing his skin. 
• lingerie and maid outfits with cat ears are his faves! thigh high socks are also his go to! 
• and when you praise him, cooing at him about how good he looks and your fingers playing with the bell on his collar makes his heart skip a beat
• suna also has a masochistic side! all soft sex aside, he loves it when you fuck him hard. use him for your own pleasure, remind him of his place. also after sex when he looks in the mirror, seeing the bruises you give him rises a weird satisfaction in him
• he would let you do anything! just talk about it with him before actually doing it. 
• pretty boy looks good in dresses! his small waist is amazing! 
• i said it once and i’ll say it again, he’s a pretty pillow princess! 
• he loves the way you stalk towards him, eyes dark and filled with lust. it makes him squirm with excitement, waiting for your next move.
• fucking him while his ass is stretched by a butt plug that’s attached to a tail, his maid outfit messy and covered with his cum, and his bell ringing every time you fuck him would make him so dazed and fucked out! 
“what a cute kitten you are, rin~” you cooed, fingers trailing on his bruised back down to the crack of his ass then to his ass where the tail hang. you grinned and pushed the plug deeper inside him, marveling at the way his body arch and his whines getting louder. 
the skirt of the maid outfit was bundled up on his waist, showing his pretty ass to you. you then tugged a bit at the tail, suna whimpering at the way the butt plug drag against his walls. 
you then turned him around, manhandling him to the way you like. suna looked up at you with dazed eyes, his thick cock standing proudly against his stomach, the now soiled lacy panties pushed down to his thighs. 
“fuck, you’re absolutely gorgeous” you praised. suna moaned when you held his cock, stroking him as you positioned yourself up on his thighs and lined him to your folds. 
the male gulped at the sight of you and relished the way you slowly sunk down to his length. your moans mixing together, savoring the stretch of suna’s dick and the way your walls sucked him in. 
once he bottomed out, you panted on top of him and your hands on his chest, touching the soft fabric of his outfit, steadying yourself. 
“p-please move... please..” you heard after a little bit, you gazed down at him and smirked. hands fondling his chest, admiring the way his adam’s apple bobbing as he gulped and the way the bell on his neck, rung. 
“want me to move, kitten?” suna nodded, opening his lips to slur out pleads. how can you deny the cute kitty when he moans so prettily for you so you started moving, clenching down on his dick. the way his cock felt was amazing as always, filling you up so good. 
suna moaned when you started going faster, his hands gripped at the blankets beneath him. he laid on the mattress, moaning like crazy, letting you ride him to oblivion. 
you cooed, panting a bit, as you admired him. you reached down and tipped his chin towards you. he opened his fucked out eyes to gaze at you, a blush coating his cheeks. 
“you should see yourself right now, baby boy. you look absolutely delicious~” 
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kookscrescent · 3 years
A Needy, Desperate Fuck Up (m) │ pjm
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❒ pairing: jimin x female reader ❒ summary: jimin’s desperation leads to a fuck up. ❒ prompt: "Fuck fuck fuck fuck, that's not fucking good!" and "Fuck! I'm not on the pill!" ❒ rating: nc-17, 18+ ❒ genre: smut, pwp ❒ warnings: unprotected sex, oral sex (female receiving), dirty talk, cursing, accidental creampie, rough sex, multiple orgasms, slight overstimulation, choking, crying, Jimin is neeedyyyy for that puzz puzz ❒ word count: 3.1k │ unedited ❒ release date: may 8th 2021 ❒ disclaimer: This is all fiction! Nothing mentioned/written are facts and/or real! So please just keep that in mind when reading and enjoy! Thank you ♡
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The door to your bedroom barely has a chance to close properly before Jimin has you pressed flat against the wall. The coldness of the exposed brick wall has goosebumps rising on your rapidly heating skin, and you shudder at the contact.
But you don’t care. All you can think about is the way Jimin feels pressed against your body – the hard panels of his toned chest and abdominal muscles, not to mention his hard length growing against your leg.
You can’t help but moan at the feeling. It’s been way too long since you and Jimin have had sex! He’s been extremely busy with recording for the new album, and his schedule is almost jammed packed every day, and on the rare occasion that he has a few hours of free time, you would much rather have him spend it on catching up on some rest.
But something had come over him the minute he opened your front door and stepped inside. Like you normally would, you’d yelled out a hello to him, letting him know you were in the kitchen, with your hands buried in the dirty dish water as you were cleaning the few dishes you had neglected since the day before. You hadn’t heard him call back a hello to you like he normally would, but you thought he might just be tired and didn’t really think anything of it. However, you did hear him entering the kitchen and stopping just behind you. About to ask him if he was hungry and if he wanted you to make him something, you’d dried your hands on the nearest rag, but you didn’t even manage to get a proper look at him before his hands were in your hair and his lips were claiming yours in a hard kiss.
It took your breath away. Literally. The rag fell to the floor without a sound and without pulling away to question his sudden behavior you grabbed his face in your hands, trying to bring him closer. He took the hint and stepped forward, pushing his chest and pelvis against your body. he was hot and cold at the same time. His clothes cold from the slight breeze outside, but his hands and lips warm and hot against your skin.
Things escalated pretty quickly from that point and you honestly can’t really remember the journey from the kitchen to your bedroom. Every breath you each take is rushed and breathy, and all you seem to recall is hands frantically trying to remove pieces of clothing and said clothing landing haphazardly on the floor in a line behind you. Hard and wet kisses to your lips and neck, and your hands desperately trying to undo the string on Jimin’s joggers.
At this point you’ve both managed to get each other undressed, both of you now lying naked on the bed, Jimin hovering above you, your legs caging him in and his hard cock resting between your soaked folds as he slowly grinds himself against you. Your mouths are a hot mess, lips slipping and sliding over each other and your tongues erotically dancing.
It’s like all hell have broken loose and the both of you have just lost it. You have no idea what has spurred on his sudden desperate need to claim you, but you can’t say that you mind one bit. You’re equally as desperate to have him, not having felt him inside of you for almost three weeks!
Throwing your head back, you groan as the tip of his cock nudge your clit. “Shit, that feels so good!”
“Yeah!” You find his eyes, hoping to god he won’t stop moving against you.
He leans down for another kiss. “You have no idea how much I’ve missed your sweet pussy!” He rumbles, lifting to his hands so he can watch his cock effortlessly slid between your folds, your slick coating every thick inch of him. “Fuck, I need to taste you baby.”
With a jerk he moves down your body, your legs automatically parting wider to make room for him. Once settles between your legs, Jimin looks up at you from under lust clouded eyes, his pupils so dark and intense that you become slightly nervous. Pressing a kiss to the juncture of your thigh, he gently and ever so slowly runs the tip of his pointer finger down your slit, collecting your juices before sucking his finger clean.
He groans and you almost dissipate on the spot. His finger returns to your heat as another kiss is pressed to the juncture of your thigh. He repeats his previous action – running his finger down your slit, collecting your arousal, but he stops at your entrance, teasingly circling your hole. He pushes in just an inch before retreating and you mumble a frustrated please. You lock eyes, just as a second finger joins the first and he pushes in all the way to his knuckles.
Your head hits the pillows in a sigh of relief. He pushes in and out of you in a slow and tantalizing rhythm. It has your head swimming, and you need more.
“Please Jimin, please! Don’t tease me.”
“Don’t tease you baby?” he repeats and following with a kiss right above your clit. “Why not?”
Arrogant shit, you think!
“It’s been so long…” you mumble, your voice muffled by the pillows when he begins to pick up the pace. “Make me cum!”
“Hmmm,” he places another kiss above your clit, so close to touching but never enough to give you the relief you want. He begins scissoring his fingers inside of you, and the familiar fire starts in your stomach. “Want me to make you cum with my mouth babygirl?”
You nod frantically! “Yes yes yes ye- ahhhh!” You’re abruptly cut off by the feeling of Jimin’s tongue finally making contact with your clit. He gently licks it – long fat swipes with his warm tongue.
The sounds coming out of you is only spurring him on. Two fingers turn to three and he sucks your clit so violently it has your hips rising from the bed. He easily folds one arm across your lower abdomen, holding you down as he continues to suck.
The fire picks up, and your cries grows louder and louder with each suck of his mouth and each thrust of his fingers. You can’t remember a time where you’ve ever wanted, no needed, to cum so desperately. You can almost taste the release on your tongue. So close.
You can feel how eager Jimin is to make you explode on his tongue as well. He pushes the entirety of his face into your soaked pussy. His tongue working you so feverishly, his nose bumping your sensitive clit.
You grasp at his hair, pushing his face deeper into you and he groans in respond. The vibration sending a wave of tingles through your clit and all the way down to your toes, making them curl. You feel like your brain is no longer connected to the rest of your body, your legs and hips having a life of their own – bucking wildly against his face, trying to reach your high.
Slipping his fingers out of you, he reaches up to press your hips to the bed with both of his hands, making you completely immobilized.
You’re about to whine at the loss of his fingers inside of you, but Jimin is quick to replace them with his fat tongue instead.
“Ah…ah Jimin- oh god!” You moan.
He continues his feast. Slurping and sucking every inch of your wet pussy. You’re so close, so fucking close to cumming, every nerve in your body is on high alert, ready to explode in a fit of euphoria.
Jimin moans between your legs. Loving the way your sweet juices cover his face and tongue. If he’s not careful, the mere taste of you on his tongue combined with the way you sound when you’re losing control, he could probably cum.
“Don’t stop, don’t stop!” You plead, digging your fingers deeper into his scalp, yanking at his hair.
He doesn’t stop. Jimin keeps going, your moaning pleas urging him to go even faster, and he throws his fingers back into the equation. Plunging two fingers into your tight hole and working them at the same fast rhythm as his tongue on your clit.
When your grip on his hair becomes almost too painfully tight, he knows your cumming.
“Shit shit shit shit shit! Ohhhhhhh…!!”
He keeps lapping up every inch of you until he’s sure you’ve ridden out every small inch of your orgasm. Only when your hands fall limply to the bad, does he ease up.
You’re panting, trying to catch your breath as Jimin kisses his way back up your body. He seems just as out of breath as you are, but you can tell that he’s no way near finished with you.
And you would be sourly disappointed if he were.
“God you’re so hot!” Jimin breaths, lips hovering above yours, barely touching. He thumbs your lower lip, drawing it down before flicking his tongue across it. Locking his eyes on yours, he holds your gaze as he works his hips between your legs.
Supporting himself on one elbow, he lets the other arm travel behind your body to roughly grab onto your ass cheek, squeezing it tightly as he grinds his pelvis against you, letting his pelvis rub against your still sensitive clit as his cock is nestled deep inside of you.
Lifting, you reach for his mouth, your breast pressing against his sweaty chest. You whimper into his mouth as he slowly begins drawing back his hips and pushing his cock back inside with a hard thrust. He repeats this several times. Each time pushing a little deeper and thrusting a little harder.
Nibbling at your bottom lip, he whispers, “I’m gonna make you cum so hard on my cock.”
“Would you like that?”
“Yes! God yes!”
He forces one of your legs over his shoulder as he moves to sit on his knees, trapping your remaining leg between his. This automatically causes you to roll to your side, changing the position and making him go deeper.
Fisting the sheets, you hold on for dear life as Jimin begins fucking into you at an almost violent pace. He kisses your shin as he uses your leg as leverage to push himself faster and deeper inside of you.
It’s a bruising pace – hard, fast and rough.
“I-I… Jimin!” You hoarsely call out his name as heat washes through your body and the knot in your stomach begins to tighten.
“Shit! Are you gonna cum baby?” His eyes zero in on the way your pussy swallows his cock so desperately, your wall tightening and sucking him in. “Fuck you’re getting so tight!” He whines almost painfully.
You cry out, your orgasm crashing through you like a volcano erupting. Your entire body is convulsing and tingling with the sweet feeling of the release you’ve missed so much. And even when you’re spend and don’t think you can take much more, Jimin keeps going. He fucks you through the waves aftershocks till they subside, and you feel a new knot of fire starting to form.
Your pussy spasms around his cock and it feels like he’s splitting you open. “Oh my fucking god!”
“Fuck! How do you keep getting tighter?!” He throws his head to the ceiling with a deep growl, his fingers digging into your flesh and he slows down to let your both catch your breath.
“Kiss me please,” you manage to stammer out the few words, needing to feel him close to you again.
With your leg still over his shoulder, he leans down on his elbows till he’s able to slot his lips over yours in a sweet kiss. You claim his mouth, your hands cupping his cheeks as your tongue licking its way inside. It’s wet and messy, and Jimin switches his rhythm to match the pace of the kiss. Slowly, he grinds his hips against yours as your mouths make love. It’s a complete switch of mood from what it was mere seconds ago. But none the less, the know forming in the pit of your stomach keeps on growing.
Jimin pick up the pace once again. Frantically, desperately snapping his hips against yours – the sound of your skin slapping together and the squelch of your juices as the pumps in and out, filling the room.
“Fuck,” he breaths and finds your neck, licking a fat stripe from your ear to the juncture between your shoulder and neck. He bits down softly and your face contorts in pleasure, hands scratching down his sweaty back.
You don’t know how he’s able to keep going like this, but you’re not about to tell him to slow down or stop. Not when the tingling feeling of another orgasm starts spreading through your body. But before the feeling can take full flight, Jimin stops to sit up on his haunches, and you whine loudly.
He laughs, running a hand through his thick wet locks. “Don’t worry babygirl. I’ve got you.”
And he does. He doesn’t waste a beat and immediately pick up where he left. He spreads your legs wide, his eyes focusing on the way he sinks his cock into your sweet heat, the way you drink up every inch of him. The sight nearly makes him cum on the spot and he has to concentrate real hard not to blow his load inside already. He’s not done with you yet!
Having gone so long without being inside of you, he’s not ready for this to be over!
“Jimin- ah ah ahhhhh- hnnng!” Your back arches off the bed as the crown of his cock rubs against your sweet spot. Jimin responds with his hand on your throat, putting just the right amount of pressure. You can feel your eyes tearing up at the intense amount of pleasure running through your body, he’s everywhere! You can feel him everywhere! And you don’t know how much more you’ll be able to take, feeling spend and used after 2 orgasms already.
“Baby please,” you beg him teary eyed. “Need you to cum!”
Jimin shakes his head, his hair falling over his eyes as determination takes over his features. “Gonna make you cum again!” he rasps, throwing his other hand into the mix as well – using his thumb to draw harsh circles on your clit.
Your hips buck against his touch and the fire in your stomach intensifies to the point of pain. “I-I can’t…” you sob, and you desperately try to find something to grab onto, eventually settling on Jimin’s thighs, your nails digging into his skin. You’re sure that will leave a mark in the morning.
“Yes you can!” Jimin growls, teeth biting into his bottom lip and he begins pounding into your so ruthlessly and desperately. He fucks you so hard and fast, that you’re almost positive that the bed will break.
He squeezes your throat a little harder, making the tears stream down your cheeks – wetting the pillow below you.
“Fucking cum! Cum around my cock baby!” he breathes, leaning down to kiss the tears from your cheeks.
The slight change in position, has his cock reaching so deep inside of you. Your eyes roll to the back of your skull, fingers clawing into Jimin’s back – trying to hold on for dear life as he pounds you to your third orgasm for the night.
“Jimi- fuck…ahhhhhh!” you cry hoarsely, as you cum so hard that spots start dancing in front of your eyes and your breath catches in your throat when Jimin tighten his hold on your throat the slights bit – adding fuel to your already too intense pleasure.
“That’s it,” he grunts, continuing his abuse and fucking you through your orgasm, now chasing his own as well.
“Oh my god, please!”
You’re so desperate to feel him fall apart, to feel him lose control as much as you are. Wrapping yourself around him, you pull him as close as possible, your hands grasping his ass, pushing and pulling him towards you and your hips matching him thrust for thrust.
“Yesssss! Fuck ____, just like that. Just like that,” he chants, and you cry out in relief when you feel his muscles tensing up under your fingers and his cock twitching inside of you as he cums in hot spurts.
He continues to swirl his hips slowly as you both come down from your high. He finds your lips, placing small, sweet pecks of love over and over again as you both try to find your breath.
“That was…” you mumble against his lips.
He cracks a smile, “It was.”
Eventually Jimin stops moving completely, just lying on top of you with his arms caging you in and his hands running lovingly through your sweat soaked hair. You really need a shower before you go to bed. But you stay like that for what feels like an eternity. Just kissing and touching each other. You’re pretty sure you won’t be able to move once you have to get out of bed, your legs feeling completely numb. But at this rate, you’re not even sure you want to get out of bed at all – the way Jimin feels on top of you, his weight pressing you down, the way his cock feels inside of you and his warm cum still filling your-
“Did you come inside of me?” you ask him abruptly, your eyes going as big as saucers.
He looks down to where your bodies are connected, confused for a second. “Did I? I guess I did.”
“Jimin!” You begin to panic, your voice going up an octave. “Fuck! I’m not on the pill!”
Jimin’s entire body stiffens upon hearing your words. “What?!” He still asks, not sure he heard you right.
“I’m not on the pill right now!”
“What? Why? You’ve always been on the pill!” He says, sitting up and pulling out of you. You wince at the slight sting he leaves behind from pounding you so thorough and good.
“Yes, but remember last month when I had my doctor’s appointment because I was having really bad cramps? She told me to stop taking them for a while to see how my body would respond! I clearly remember telling you this and that you needed to wear condoms!”
“WHAT?!” he practically screeches in disbelief, watching as his cum slowly leaks out of your abused entrance. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck, that’s not fucking good!”
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wonderfilworld · 4 years
Tease - J.P.
James Potter x reader where you tease him all night and he loses it.
a/n: this is for a request: “so i wanted one which like y/n was teasing james all night and when they go to the room dom james and like punishing us”
word count: 3.3k
warnings/contains: NSFW!! smut: daddy!kink, oral, choking, unprotected sex; kissing, cursing. Let me know if I missed anything!
Masterlist   Send in a request 
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It started before you left for dinner. 
James noticed you decided to wear that dress. The dress that showed off a little cleavage and a lot of leg. And it wasn’t that James didn’t like the dress - the opposite, actually - but let’s just say that James can’t exactly control himself around you in it. And how could he? You looked like an actual goddess and James was just doing his part by worshipping you. 
So no, the problem wasn’t that you were wearing the dress, the problem was that the two of you were going out to dinner with some friends tonight and, well, he couldn’t exactly jump your bones in the middle of a crowded restaurant. 
Well he didn’t really have a problem with it, but he figured you would so that’s why he respectfully tried to jump your bones before dinner, like a gentleman. 
“You’re so beautiful, baby,” he said as he stood behind you. You were in front of the mirror trying to put your earrings on. It was proving to be a bit difficult, however, with your boyfriend nibbling on your earlobe. 
“James, stop,” you said as he started planting wet kisses on the side of your neck. They were hot, open mouthed kisses, and when he got to the base of your neck he started sucking and licking, and you knew what he was trying to do. “We’re going to be late.” 
“Don’t care,” he said, words muffled against your skin as he kissed his way back up your neck. His hands were wrapped around your front, one making its way to your breasts, giving them a firm squeeze one at a time as he takes your earlobe between his teeth once more. 
You drop your head back on his shoulder and indulge him a little, letting him have his fun before you had to leave. Truthfully, you did wear that dress for a reason, you know he loves it on you, and you thought it would be fun to tease him a little bit, know he can’t resist you when you wear it. 
The hand that’s not fondling your breasts are traveling down your front, hooking under your dress and sliding up your bare thigh. You finally stop him then, grabbing the hand that’s inches away from your cunt and pulling it out of your dress before turning around to face him. “Nuh-uh, we’re leaving,” you tell him.
James actually pouts, bottom lip jutting out almost comically, as a whine leaves his throat. “Just five minutes, baby, please. Let me make you feel good.”
And his hand tries to make its way back under your dress as he leans in for a kiss. You grab his hand, holding it away from your body - but you do give him his kiss, planting a quick peck to his lips. 
James huffs as you walk away, watching the way the fabric of the dress hangs to your hips as they sway from side-to-side. He readjusts his pants, praying the tent in them has disappeared by the time you meet up with your friends. 
During dinner, things only got worse. 
The two of you sat side-by-side, thighs touching as you laughed along with your friends. Every so often you would place your hand on his thigh, squeezing the muscle as your friends talked. 
James was sure you were doing it on purpose, the way your hand moved up and down his thigh was too similar to the way you moved your hand up and down his cock, squeezing every so often. He was so sure the tent would return to his pants; his dick straining against the fabric, desperate for your touch, and James was going to fucking lose it. James absolutely hates being teased; he’d much rather do the teasing, likes it very much when you’re writhing under him as he gives you orgasm after orgasm, your pretty body covered in sweat begging for more because you can never get enough of him.
It made him angry, almost, at the fact that he had tried to have you before the two of you left, but you said no. He knows you didn’t care about being late - you never have before - so he was sure you did it just to get a rise out of him. 
And it was fucking working. 
By the end of dinner, James was ready to leave that stupid fucking restaurant, take you home, and ask you what the fuck you thought you were doing. 
Thankfully, that moment came sooner rather than later as your friends said goodbye to you for the night, and James quickly grabbed your hand and apparated you back home. 
You arrived in your living room, stumbling from the way James practically threw your arm out of his grasp. He shrugged off his jacket almost violently as he stalked towards the bedroom. You follow him timidly; your brazen actions from earlier starting to create feelings of regret deep in your gut. You had hoped that once you got home James would pounce, devouring you and showering you in love and praise like normal. But now he seems almost mad, and you desperately wish you could go back in time. 
When you get to the bedroom, you see the bathroom door open and you can hear James brushing his teeth. You go to join him, toeing your shoes off as you tuck your hair behind your ears. 
You stand in the doorway and see that James has removed his shirt, and you watch the way the muscles in his back flex as he moves the toothbrush within his mouth. His pants are unbuckled, hanging low on his hips as he stands there. 
You look into the mirror and see him staring at you; his eyes are blank, almost bored but you know better, know that you’re in big trouble. Your hands shake slightly as you reach for your own toothbrush, spreading toothpaste onto it before running it under the water and bringing it to your mouth. 
You brush your teeth in silence - toothpaste comes out the sides of your mouth and he’s still looking at you and you want to tell him to stop, but you know you’re in for it already and you definitely don’t want to make it worse. 
James finishes, spits out the toothpaste, and rinses his mouth before leaving you alone in the bathroom. You sigh before repeating him, walking out and entering the bedroom. He’s removed his pants now, sitting on his side of the bed in only his boxers, and you strip to your underwear as well before you join him. 
“Did you think that was funny?”
You sigh, here we go, and say, “What do you mean?” 
He turns and looks at you, and you can see that he’s not in the mood for games, doesn’t want to listen to your excuses, and you gulp before you say, “I didn’t think it was funny.”
“But you did it anyway.”
“I’m sorry,” you tell him, and it’s partly true. You’re sorry that your plan didn’t go as you’d hoped, sorry that he’s angry at you for teasing him. “Jus’ wanna make you feel good,” you reason with him.
You lean over and place a hand on his back, rubbing softly before bringing your hand up to play with his hair. 
But James isn’t having it, grabs your hand, and yanks your body over until his face is a hair’s breadth away from yours. “You wanted to make me feel good by teasing me all night?”
“Daddy,” you pout, hoping the title he often bears in bed will make him take pity on you. “‘M sorry. Didn’t wanna make you mad.”
James scoffs but releases his hold on your wrist. “Y’wanted to make me feel good, hm?” His hand rests on your cheek now, almost sweetly, but you know better; can still feel the anger radiating off of him. 
But you nod your head furiously anyway, wanting desperately to make it all better, to have your sweet and loving boyfriend back. “Yes, daddy,” Your eyes are wide; rounded out as you pout. “Please let me.”
James studies your face; he knows that you know he’s angry, that he’s not going to be gentle tonight, and he wants to make sure that you want this before he continues. He looks for any sign of hesitation in your eyes but finds none. 
So with that in mind, he instructs you, “Get on your knees.” 
You waste no time, sliding to the floor and settling on your knees. The hardwood is cold against your skin, and you use it to ground yourself as James situates himself on the end of the bed. 
You’re between his spread legs, and you watch as he takes his dick out of his boxers, watches as he spits in his hand before grabbing his cock and pumping. 
You whine, you want to do that, but James gives you a harsh look as he tells you to “Shut up.” 
You watch as he strokes his cock, at the way he swipes his thumb over the head of it, and sighs through his nose. He looks so good like that - stroking his cock as he looks at you - and you pout again, silently begging him to let you take over. 
“Come here,” he instructs. You lean forward and go to grab his cock but he stops you, “Keep your hands to yourself.” So you place your hands on your thighs instead. 
You open your mouth and present your tongue. “There’s a good girl,” he mutters, watching as your lips envelop his cock. 
You swipe your tongue along his slit, swallowing the precum that’s gathered there. You moan, this is what you’ve been waiting for, and James groans when he feels the vibrations from it. 
One of his hands holds your hair, slowly guiding your head up and down his length. You look up at him, and god, he looks amazing: head thrown back, mouth hung open, eyebrows furrowed. You swell with pride at the fact that you can make him like this, and you want more, so you try your best to breathe through your nose as you sink down as far as you can on his cock. 
James chokes on his breath, and it’s not until you feel his pubic hair against your nose do you realize that you took all of him. But almost as soon as your lips meet the base of his prick does your gag reflex react, forcing you off his cock completely as you cough. 
You bring a hand up to wipe the spit from your mouth as you look up to James, “Sorry,” you say.
“Don’t be,” is all he says before grabbing your head and bringing it back down to his spit-covered cock. 
You open your mouth, taking him in as you sink back down again. It’s easier this time, and you find that you can make it all the way down with little irritation, but can only hold there for so long before you are forced to come back up. 
You keep this routine, mouth sliding up and down James’ cock as you run your tongue along the underside of it. Every so often you’ll stop to give special attention to the head, sucking softly at it before sinking right back down again. 
“Fuck,” James groans, he can’t tear his eyes away from the image of your head bobbing on his cock, can only focus on the sound your mouth makes as you suck him off. He can feel the way your tongue moves up and down, the way your mouth suctions around the tip and it’s making him go crazy. He wants to hold your head in his hands and use your mouth; fuck your face and watch as you drool all over his cock and you can’t do anything but just take it. 
But he doesn’t want to hurt you, and unless you specifically ask for that, he’s content with this - his hands are there as a guide for you; not pushing or pulling, simply a comfortable weight that he knows you love to have when you suck him off. 
He lets out another low groan before he speaks again. “You like sucking daddy’s cock, baby?”
You whine at his filthy words, the shockwave of lust they bring shooting south, pooling in your panties. You nod as best as you can around him, not wanting to part with his cock for even a second, wanting to drink every last drop he gives you.
But he tugs your head off of him rather harshly as he speaks, “Get up.” 
You do as he says, rising to your feet on shaky legs. James stands as well, directs your body to lie down on your back. His fingers hook under the waistband of your panties and he pulls them down, watching as the slick from your cunt connects to them.
He brings two fingers to your core feeling the wetness there. You moan as he plays with you, watch as he brings them back up to his face to stick them in his mouth.
James grabs at your legs and hikes them over the shoulders of his still-standing form and you whimper. 
“This is for my pleasure, do you understand?” His tone is harsh, and it sends a chill down your spine. His hand finds its way to your throat and he gives it a firm squeeze. 
“Yes, daddy,” you say quickly, not wanting to give him a reason to delay this any longer, you’ve needed him to fuck you all night, and now that you have the opportunity you are not going to let it get away. 
James wastes no time guiding his thick cock into your cunt; where he would usually go slow, he instead pushes in swiftly, knocking the breath from your lungs. You grunt, tilting your head back as your eyes shut tightly. James’ hand is still encompassing your throat, a firm, unyielding necklace keeping you from moving away from the harsh thrusts he gives you. 
He relentlessly pounds into you; your head bouncing off the mattress with each snap of his hips into yours. The swirling of arousal in your stomach tightens with each tap of his cock against the sensitive spot in your cunt. Your cries of pleasure are loud and they’re building by the second. 
“S’this what you fuckin’ wanted?” James asks, fingers of the hand not on your throat melding bruises on the flesh of your hip where he holds you. “Wanted me to fuck you like this?” 
And you try to say yes, but it’s so hard to speak as James manhandles your body. The sound of skin-slapping-skin echoes around the room, as does the way James grunts as your cunt repeatedly tightens around his cock. 
“You’re so fuckin’ tight - shit,” He tells you, ending his sentence with a firm squeeze to your throat. He’s not constricting your air-flow by any means, just keeping his hand there as a way to tell you he can if you’re not good. “I fuck you all the time and you still feel like a fucking virgin.” 
“Please,” you beg, “‘m so close.” your voice comes out shaky due to the distracting turning of your stomach and the way that James is still pounding into you without mercy. 
“Don’t you dare,” he warns. He pulls out of you then, and you cringe at the lewd sound your pussy makes when he does so. 
The hand around your throat leaves to grip the other side of your body as James picks you up, turns you around, and maneuvers your body until you’re on your knees on the bed, face pressed into the mattress as James continues his unabated rhythm against your poor cunt. 
You want to reach down and rub your clit so bad; it’s aching and you know you won’t get a reprieve from the burning in your belly until you do.
“Daddy,” you whimper. “Please, please, please.” 
“This isn’t about you,” he growls. “Now take my fucking cock.”
He’s mean and you can’t lie and say you don’t love it because you do, you know he can feel the way your pussy flutters around him when he says those filthy words.
But apparently, he wants more from you, doesn’t like how silent you’ve become. And it’s not because it doesn’t feel good - it fucking does - but you’re too focused on not cumming that you can’t cry out like you want to, can’t acknowledge the fact that his cock repeatedly rubs against that spot inside of you that makes you go fucking crazy. 
So, he wraps his arms around your front, one returning to your neck as the other anchors your bottom half on his cock, and pulls your body to press flush against his perspiring chest as he tells you what he’s going to do. 
“I’m gonna cum in this tight fuckin’ cunt,” he starts, speaking into your ear as your body rocks with his. “And you’re gonna take all of it.” 
“Yes, daddy,” you’re out of breath, body exhausted. “Want it all,” you mewl.  
He’s cumming then, hot spurts coating the inside of your cunt as he holds you against him. Your mouth drops open at the feeling; at the fact that it’s so much, still coming out of his spent cock and dripping out of you and down your thighs. 
You're gripping his arms like a vice, refusing to let go because you know you’ll fall face first onto the bed if you do. He’s still going, determined to give you every last drop. 
Finally he pulls out, turns your body, and lays you down on your back. He opens your legs, kneels on the ground and watches as his cum leaks from your pussy. 
He presses kisses to the inside of your thigh as he whispers, “So good, baby, so good for me.” 
You squirm from the praise and the feeling of James’ lips against your sensitive skin. You haven’t cum yet and it’s frustrating - there’s a burning knot in your stomach and it radiates through your whole body. 
“Daddy,” you say again, voice whiny and small. 
“I know, I know,” he says, and he brings a hand to your messy pussy and rubs his thumb against your clit. 
“Ah,” Your body jerks, nearly shoots all the way up - you’re so sensitive - and you didn’t expect it to be so intense when he touched you. 
But he’s rubbing small circles furiously on your bundle of nerves as you try your hardest to wiggle away, he has his other arm draped over your lower stomach and there’s nowhere for you to go. You realize that you’re crying, fat tears rolling down the expanse of your cheeks as you sob out for James, that you can’t take it anymore.
“Come on, baby,” James encourages you, “Cum all over daddy’s fingers.”
And the ball within your belly explodes, fire shooting through every vein in your body as you yell out a mantra of daddy, daddy, daddy! 
Your eyes are shut so tightly that you see white specs float across your eyelids. Your head is back, spine arched as James continues to play with your puffy clit, determined to help you ride out this orgasm as long as possible. 
Your body slumps back on the bed, chest heaving as James gets up and leans over your body to brush the hair out of your face. 
You open your eyes and are met with the concerned face of your boyfriend. “Hey, baby, you still with me?” 
You smile softly at him, you’re so exhausted you can’t manage anything other than to bring your hand up to his face, running your thumb along his cheek. “Hi,” you whisper. 
He smiles then, standing back up as he tells you, “gonna go get something to clean you up with.”
He walks off, and you lie there, chest heaving up and down, and you smile to yourself. 
“I love you!” you shout to him as he enters the bathroom. 
“Yeah, yeah,” he says, and you can hear the smile in his voice. 
So maybe your plan was a success after all. 
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bradtomlovesya · 3 years
Ⓦⓗⓔⓝ ⓣⓗⓔ ⓢⓗⓞⓦ ⓔⓝⓓⓢ Pt. 2 (final)
Warnings: Smut +18!, fingering, bad words, orgasm denied, sub!reader, Dom!Brad, spanking, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it)
Pic: @sash_maxwell on ig.
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I woke up due to the light coming through the curtains and got up totally naked to close them and let Brad continue to sleep. I knew he was very tired from the concert and from our hectic session last night.
I bent down to pick up my pantyhose lying on the floor of the room and put them on. I also took the red shirt that had started all of this in the first place and put it on just by buttoning a few buttons.
I turned my head to see Brad peacefully asleep. Today I had the day off so I tried not to make too much noise so as not to wake him up and so that he could get enough rest while I made some coffee. In the hotel room there was only a bed with a nightstand on each side, a three-seater sofa next to the balcony with a coffee table in front of it, a dining-type table and two chairs around it. On the little table next to the sofa there was a coffee machine and complimentary coffee so I decided to take advantage of it and prepare some fresh coffee for when he woke up.
I was preparing the coffee when minutes later his arms around my waist made me jump slightly with fright.
"Fuck! Bradley." I tried to catch my breath. "You scared me." I put a hand to my chest.
"I'm sorry honey." He said hoarsely and a giggle left his lips. "I didn't want to scare you." He flicked my hair to the side and placed a kiss on my neck that sent a huge electric current through my body.
I turned on my heel and wrapped my arms around his neck. "It's okay." I left a short kiss on his lips. "I woke you up?"
"No." He responded with his raspy voice and shook his head causing some of his unruly curls to fall across his forehead. "I patted next to me but you weren't there so I opened my eyes and guess what I saw?" He bit his lip with a smile. 
"What did you see?" I asked with the same smile.
He leaned close to my ear and his lips brushed my earlobe. "I saw you wearing my shirt." He kissed right at that soft spot behind my lobe and took me by the thighs and walked with me to leave me sitting on the table. "It looks so fucking good on you. I could swear the thoughts that haunt my head of the things I want to do to you right now are not healthy at all." He spread my legs, making me gasp. "Can I do the dirty things I'm thinking of doing to you?" He directed his eyes to mine and I could see that they were only his pupils. They were full of desire.
"Brad ..." I gasp. "You just woke up, how can you think about that?" I laughed slightly.
"It's your fault." He spoke seriously. "It's entirely your fault for wearing my shirt, Y/n." He crossed his arms. His expression was one of pure seriousness. "So now all I think about is fucking that cute pussy right against this table while you still have my shirt on so you think about your actions." He clicked his tongue. "However, you know that your consent is important so I need you to say yes."
I beat my eyelids over my white skin not believing what I was hearing. I felt the moisture slide back between my folds and, when I regained consciousness, I moved my lips "Yes, it is a yes, Love." I nodded quickly. My cunt throbbed to feel him inside me again.
"Good because I wasn't going to take no for an answer" He unfolded his arms and took a step towards me. "You shouldn't have worn my shirt if you weren't up for me to fuck you hard, right?" I was silent but he took my face between his fingers for me to speak. "Words, darling. That little mouth isn't just for sucking my cock. Use it to talk."
"Yes, I wanted that when you saw me with your shirt on, you wanted to fuck me" I replied in something a little louder than a murmur.
"Already knew." He released my face. "I just wanted you to accept it" he ran his index finger between my breasts until he finished on my pantyhose. "Look at that pretty face with a fucking perverted mind." He laughed hoarsely and pressed my clit a little with his finger over the fabric making me moan. "Awww, Love." He pouted. "Look how desperate you are for me to touch you."
"Bradley, please stop teasing me and playing with me." I begged. "Please just come into me." I tried to put my hands on the elastic of his boxer to lower it but he stopped me.
"Don't even think for a fucking second that this is about you and what you want." He rudely denied. "This is about me and how much I'm going to enjoy fucking you so fucking hard that all the people in this hotel will know your moans and the name of the person causing them." He put his hand under my underwear and patted my cunt. "So damn wet!" He grunted. He slipped two of his fingers into me without warning and jerked them against my walls that tightened at the feel of him. "Always so tight, my pretty little doll." He curled his fingers reaching up to my G-spot making me scream his name. "It doesn't even look like I had fuck that pretty pussy just last night."
"Brad!" I groaned loudly and threw my head back. "I'm sorry, I really ... Ah!" Another moan as he entered another finger and moved violently causing a series of obscene and delicious sounds that filled the room.
"Alright, I think that pretty vagina is ready to receive me" He pulled his fingers out and moved his finger in circles over my clit causing more moisture to flow down my pussy.
"Yes ... I'm ready" I answered between gasps with my eyes closed and tight. His finger kept moving and sending currents at my most sensitive nerve point. The brown haired boy made a little more pressure and, just as I was about to cum, he withdrew his finger from me making the feeling go away.
"You won't feel it until I decide you should." He brought his fingers to his mouth and sucked them clean. "Always so sweet." He smiled grimly. "Get off the table." He ordered and so I did. "It's time to fuck that cute cunt that only belongs to me" He put his hands on my hips and turned me around. He pushed my back down so my chest was pressed against the table and lifted his shirt off my body only until my ass was exposed. "Do you know what girls get when they misbehave?" He asked me.
"Spanking?" I asked with my cheek pressed against the hard, cold surface of the table's wood. My breathing was erratic, he had already denied me a precious orgasm so I just had to be good to him for him to give me a new one.
"How smart you are, my girl" He came over and placed a kiss on my head. "That's right, spanking." He pressed his hand against the cheek of my butt with force causing a great sound of. Smack!
"You know you should not misbehave" Another spanking with more force than the previous one but on the other side. My ass right now was totally red and the feeling was burning.
And so the spankings came one after the other until they added ten and He decided that had been enough.
"Now what should you say?" He ran his palm up my butt admiring his previous work.
"Thank you Sir." I answered between gasps and wedging my nails around the edges of the table to withstand the heat. Brad got down on his knees and left several kisses on my ass cheeks to make them stop hurting a bit and it worked. "Thank you" I repeated.
"You're welcome, darling" He lowered my underwear, ran the stitch of his crotch over my folds to smear it with a bit of my moisture and seconds later he completely sank into me with one blow making me scream. "Fuck! How good you feel" his hands went to my waist to support himself. "Can I continue?" He asked me leaving a kiss on my back over the fabric of his red shirt.
"Yes, you can ..." I inhaled deeply. "You can continue." Just as I responded, I felt his hips go back and then forward to push himself fully into me, making me whimper. “Fucking hell, Brad!” I yell/moan.
His hips moved in and out of me with needed speed. I didn't think it was possible but he was moving with more force and speed every time. The table legs were grinding against the floor, but we were so caught up in our own pleasure that we didn't care. One of his hands went down until it reached my clitoris and thus began to stimulate me with enough speed and pressure to make me see stars and feel that sensation again in the lower part of my stomach. This, combined with the moans, grunts and obscenities that left Brad's mouth were driving me straight into ecstasy and he noticed it.
His dick tightened me in the only way he knew how and they stimulated all my essential points to transform all possible pain into pleasure. We fit together so well that I could feel the veins of his cock on my walls. I squeezed my vagina earning a growl from him because I knew he loved that. "Cum on my dick, darling. Come on princess" He made a little more pressure on my clit and his thrusts did not lower the force but became sloopy giving me to understand that he was about to finish too.
"Holy shit! Bradley!" I moaned his name and my legs felt like jelly. My walls closed against his member, leading him to cum inside me as well, painting my walls as his. "Ahh!" I moaned again feeling his come and his hands went to my waist to keep me from collapsing on the ground. 
"Fu-ck!" He collapsed on my back and I could feel the sweat on his forehead dampening the fabric of the shirt. "I said I would fuck you with my shirt on and I did." He laid to leave a kiss on my back and his hand went up and down my leg.
"That's right," I nodded trying to normalize my breathing. "I love this shirt" I laughed slightly and felt the vibrations of his laughter on my back. "Babe, I really love you but please get off me, that's overstimulation." I bit my lip.
"Yes, of course" He withdrew his member from inside me with a giggle. I felt myself whimper at the emptiness. "I'm sorry, I just love being there" He held me in his arms and walked with me to the bathroom. "Did I hurt you?" He left me sitting on the edge of the tub.
“No, you’re really careful even when you’re being rude to me” I took his hand and kissed his lips “Come here, let’s take a relaxing bath.” I start filling the tube.
“It would be a pleasure” He leaned to help me take off his shirt and smiled while doing it. “What the fuck do this shirt has that make us so fucking horny?” He laughed.
“I don’t know, babe” I laughed loudly. “I don��t know but let’s use it more often”
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For writing requests: Hugging the Crusaders!!!!!!!! 😳🥺👉🏻👈🏻
this was very fun to write lol these guys suck
stardust crusaders x reader (?), part 3 obviously, 1.4k
You ask for a hug and he obliges instantly, starved for affection since his grandson will barely speak to him. His arms are warm around you, stronger than they should be at his age, and he holds you tight, like you’re the only thing in the world that matters. It feels like you’re the center of his universe.
Taking a deep breath, you wrinkle your nose. What is that smell...? Is that his aftershave? It’s like dust, almost, mixed with wet paper. Where on earth did he get something like that? Why does he use it? It stinks.
The hug is so comfortable, though, and you feel so loved, that you can ignore the weird old man smell. His shirt is scratchy against your skin.
After a long moment, he releases you, hands brushing gently through your hair. Then, something snags, tugging on your hair. Hard. Like, really hard. It actually really fucking hurts. You recoil instinctively, which just pulls your hair even harder, making your scalp burn.
“Oh no!!” screams Joseph, so loudly that you flinch, which just tugs your hair yet again, and you yelp. “Oh shit!! My prosthetic hand is caught in your hair!!”
“Why aren’t you wearing your glove?!”
He hisses apologetically. “I, uh, took it off when I went to the loo.” Oh my god, ew. What the fuck, dude? For a long moment, he stands there trying to undo what he's done, wiggling his fingers in your hair completely ineffectually. “I don’t think we can untangle this ourselves," he says eventually, taking the L. "Let’s go get my grandson.” He turns toward where the others are all standing and takes a slow but confident step forward.
Then Joseph, graceful as ever, trips over absolutely nothing and falls like a sack of bricks. You thoughtlessly brace yourself with your Stand to make sure he doesn’t drag you down, too, forgetting that his hand is very much still stuck in your hair. He falls and takes a hand-sized chunk of your hair with him, leaving you partially bald and sobbing from the pain.
You collapse to the ground, screaming, and the others rush over, finally noticing that something’s happening over here.
“Oops,” says Joseph, holding up a fistful of your hair.
“Nice haircut, idiot,” says Jotaro, looking at you with a tiny smile on his face, like today is Christmas and your partial baldness is his gift from Santa. God, fuck the entire Joestar bloodline. You hope DIO kills them all. They'd absolutely have it coming, though you'd miss Holly.
The only reason you don't abandon them is a promise from Joseph that he'll cover all your expenses until you're back home.
You ask for a hug and he squints, for second, as if unsure you meant it. When you smile encouragingly, he smiles back and steps forward to wrap you up in his arms.
The hug is warm, like sheets that have just been pulled from the dryer, complete with the clean smell of fresh linen. You’re not sure how he smells so good, seeing as you’ve been traveling in the desert for days, now, and everyone else stinks to high heaven, but you won’t look a gift horse in the mouth.
His jewelry rattles as bit as he starts to sway, still holding you tight. You’ve never felt so safe before, especially not since the group made it to Egypt, closing in on DIO in Cairo. As long as you stay in Abdul’s arms, nothing bad can happen.
He pulls back a bit to look you in the eyes. His expression is so hopelessly kind that you have to look away, overwhelmed with it. “Look at me,” he says, voice soft as anything, and you oblige. He says half of your name before his face contorts, as if he’s in pain.
“Abdul? Are you—” you get cut off when Abdul sneezes, right on your face, right into your open mouth. “FUCK!” God, it was so wet, you're going to fucking lose it. You can’t help but punch him in the shoulder.
Because he’s a nice person, Abdul is horrified by what he’s just done to you and also graciously ignores you hitting him. “I’m so sorry!”
It was an accident, so you really can’t get too mad, but you’re still upset. That was so fucking gross.
Something smells weird, now, too. Like smoke.
“Hey, noroma,” says Jotaro, calling you the little nickname he has for you—you don't know what it means, but you're the only one he calls that, which you kind of love. It means you're special to him. Him and the others are finally back from the gas station convenience store, arms full of snacks and water. Jotaro looks bored as ever when he tells you, “Your jacket’s on fire.”
Ah. That explains the smoke smell.
Ultimately, your jacket is ruined and you have minor burns on your wrists. You ask the Crusaders to drop you off at the Cairo airport, because you can’t keep fucking doing this, not after what Joseph did to your hair yesterday.
But then Polnareff makes some revolting-ass puppy dog eyes at you, imploring you to stay, and for some reason, you cave. Anything to get him to stop making that awful face.
You ask for a hug and he grins at you, big and stupid and pleased as punch. That's the expression he makes any time anyone is ever nice to him.
His hug is a little awkward, like he's not used to having someone so close to him. It'd make you feel bad for him if he didn't stink to high heaven. You kind of expected that—he's French, after all—so you're able to ignore it, for the most part. It's not like the others smell like a bag of roses, either, except Abdul, because he rules. (Destroyed jacket and burns that still smart something awful notwithstanding.) It's been a long journey.
After not very long at all, Polnareff starts to get antsy, almost vibrating in your arms. What is he, five years old? Can't he relax long enough for a single hug?
Then he starts giggling, which puts you on edge instantly. Nothing good can come out of him when he's snickering like that.
Before you can pull away, though, you find out why he's giggling.
He's still cackling when he presses his wet, sweat-soaked palms against the bare skin of your arms. You violently recoil and, with more anger than you felt even when Joseph partially balded you, you punch Polnareff right in his stupid fucking nose.
Blood erupts from his face like a geyser. Before you can even laugh at him, something hits you with the force of a moving train. It feels… naked?
Oh. It's Star Platinum. Great. Great! That's just what you needed today, to get your ass beat by Jotaro and his mostly-naked guy of a stand.
Maybe DIO's taking applications.
You almost walk off yet again, but Joseph reminds you of his promise and promises that you're allowed to sit in the front of every car from now on. He also stops Jotaro from kicking the shit out of you, so you stick around, though you suspect you'll regret it.
You ask for a hug and he looks at you like you have two heads. “Me?” he asks incredulously, looking around as if searching for the person you were really talking to. The others are all in the restaurant's restroom right now.
“Yes, you. Who else?” There’s literally no one else around.
“I don’t know,” he says. “I don’t really do hugs. Could you go ask Jotaro or something?”
Instead of asking for a hug—you know he'll just say no—you ambush him with one, waiting for him to turn the corner and walk right into your open arms. This wouldn't normally work, but you made sure to spring your trap when he was in a heated (though still playful) argument with Polnareff about whale sharks.
Just as you planned, he notices you far too late to stop you, and you grin wide as you wrap your arms around him. He feels solid and warm. You never want to let go.
Jotaro doesn't give you much of a choice.
"Ew," he says before summoning Star Platinum, who grabs you by the scruff of the neck like a naughty kitten. "This is why I call you noroma. Fucking dipshit." And with that, Star Platinum flings you bodily into the dirty ass canal running along the side of the road.
DIO is, in fact, taking applications. You get rejected.
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yayeetsonny · 3 years
Always Tell The Truth Part 2 ~ USWNT x Reader
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Okay so if you haven’t read the first part of this, which I will put here. Always tell the truth part 1 I suggest you do that, otherwise this one will make no sense. Also sorry... again for being gone so long. I hope you guys didn’t miss me too much. :)
“Those bruises, Y/N, where’d you get them?” 
“I. Don’t. Know.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Fine then, don’t believe me. First Alex, then Christen and now you. This is just great, my teammates think I’m a liar. Well I’m not and I’m telling you the truth.”
I brushed by her and stormed out of the room, now determined to avoid my teammates so they’d stop asking questions and questioning my honesty.
“I’m not a liar. I don’t know where I got the bruises, I don’t know why they won’t believe me.”
After I stormed out of the room I share with Ali I ran... yes literally ran out of the hotel and out into the street. Well okay it was more like the sidewalk but whatever, I’m going for dramatic story telling here. I was angry, hurt and confused as to why my teammates couldn’t just believe me. I’ve never lied to them before, not ever. If something was going on I would have told them. And I genuinely have no clue where these bruises came from, I don’t remember hurting myself badly in practices or games and I don’t do any other crazy activities that would warrant the sudden appearance of severe looking injuries. I knew I just needed to clear my head so I started walking in a random direction hoping to get my thoughts together.
After a while I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and knew it was probably one of my teammates looking for me so I ignored it. My phone stopped ringing only for a short time before it stared up again. This went on for several long minutes before it finally stopped. After each attempt from whoever was trying reach me there was a separate single vibrate indicating they left a message. I felt a little guilty for disappearing and probably worrying everyone but they shouldn’t have assumed or accused me of lying. Thinking they finally got the message that I didn’t want to speak to them I continued walking god knows where trying to think of what to say when I finally decided to go back. I was really deep in thought, trying to remember if and when I got the bruises. Obviously they don’t just appear like magic. They have to be caused by something, but... what? All the sudden I was hit with a vague memory
“Huh?... Wha- where am I?”
“You fell asleep on the couch dear. Don’t you remember? It was really adorable actually. My mom said super sweetly.
That’s weird, she’s never overly sweet with me, like ever.
“No, I don’t remember doing that.”
I looked around and the tv was on, which is also rare. It was playing a random comedy movie. Comedy? My parents don’t even like comedy movies.
“Oh well you did. Right after dinner, you dragged your feet over to the couch and was out like a light before we knew it.” She said casually.
My dad waltzed in like everything was totally normal. What the fuck is going on. Why don’t I even remember eating dinner? How long have I been here? Why does my body hurt so much?
I came back to the present feeling slightly uneasy. I remembered now a little bit of what happened when I got to my parents house and a little bit of what happened after I woke up from my nap. They managed to convince me everything was fine after that and I left assuming they were telling me the truth because I was too tired and too annoyed to argue. But the more I thought about it the more I wondered just how much of what they said is true. Why were there huge gaps in my time with them? And why do I get the feeling that the weird gut feeling I have isn’t a coincidence? I got lost in thought again but it was peaceful this time and quiet which I was relishing in.
Unfortunately the peace and quiet only lasted for a few minutes when I started to get what I assumed were dozens of texts. I finally got fed up and decided to silence my phone completely. When I unlocked it I saw a glimpse of some of the worried texts from the team. They all pretty much said the same thing;
“Y/N please come back. I’m sorry for saying I didn’t believe you. I’m just concerned about you. I want to talk and I’ll listen to whatever you have to say. Just please come back.”- Ali
“Hey kid, heard what happened. Wanna talk?”- T
“Y/n where are you? I heard what happened and that you left?? please come back, we’re worried.”- Christen
“Bruh what the hell? let’s talk?”- Ash
“where r u?”- Mal
“It’s not safe for you to be out by yourself. Ali told us about the other bruises. Whatever this is we’ll help you. We’re gonna start searching for you if you don’t get your ass back here soon. We love you.”- Alex
And it went on like that as every single member of the team texted me some variation of that and the voicemails they all left were much the same. I started to feel more guilty but let my anger keep me from replying to them. They can stew a little longer.
Meanwhile back at the Hotel...
“Okay, so tell us exactly what happened.”
“I saw the bruises when she was changing, which I happened to walk in on. I don’t think she was expecting me. I asked her what happened and she said that nothing had happened and I asked her about the bruises I saw on her arm, shoulder and spine and she continued to tell me she has no idea where they came from. I told her I didn’t believe her and then she got upset and she just... left.”
“Just like that? She didn’t say where she was going?”
“No, she was so angry she just stormed out and when I tried to follow after her she was already gone.”
“And she’s still not answering her phone. Damnit kid come on, where are you?”
“She’s not safe out there on her own, we have to go look for her.”
“And how are we supposed to find her when she doesn’t have her location on and is doing everything she can’t to ignore us?”
“I have no idea but we have to try.”
“We will, but we should give her a little more time. It’s possible she’s just around the corner cooling off. She’ll come back when she’s ready.”
“You’re right.”
“Guys I hate to steer us back into more serious topics but shouldn’t we be talking about the bruises she has that started all of this?”
“What do you guys think they’re from?” Megan asked.
“I want to believe her when she says she doesn’t know but I mean how can you just not know about bruises as severe as those?” Ash said.
“I mean... I’ve had some pretty bad ones I don’t remember getting from anywhere.” Mal said off-handily.
I saw some of the rest of the team nod silently, indicating that they too had, had the same thing happen to them. And I had to admit that I had my fair share of bumps and bruises that I couldn’t explain because they just seemed to appear but I was still concerned for our youngest teammate as it was getting pretty late and it was already dark outside.
“Oh god, you don’t think it’s her parents do you?” Tobin asked no one in particular.
We all paused for a moment to process what she was implying and I know we were silently hoping, praying that they wouldn’t do that to her. That they wouldn’t beat their own child.
“No, there’s no way. She’s told us that they love and support her and that even though they aren’t around much they still care about her.”
“Right, you’re right.”
“It has to be them though, I mean there’s no other explanation. She didn’t have them before or after practice right?” Alex asked.
“No, she didn’t.” Lindsey said solemnly.
“Do you really think parents can just flip a switch? Just like that? Be caring and supportive one minute and violent then next?”
“It’s possible.”
“No, just don’t even go there. I refuse to believe they would do that.”
“We would have seen the bruises if she had them before, since we all change in the same locker room together for practices and games remember?” I said
“Fuck. When I get my hands on them I swear to god...”
She didn’t get to finish her sentence because Y/n walked into the dining hall where we were all gathered.
“Get your hands on who?” She asked quietly
“Y/n holy shit, thank god.”
“And she lives!... not the time? Got it.”
“Y/N... we need to talk.”
“Why? There’s nothing to talk about. I don’t know what Ali told you, but I don’t know where these fucking bruises came from okay? I don’t know. I’m sorry, I know that probably isn’t what you wanted to hear but it’s the truth. If you don’t believe me that’s fine but i’m not talking about it anymore.”
“Sweetie please just hear us out okay? We’re worried about you and getting defensive about them isn’t helping your case.” I said, trying to reach out for her but she backed away from me.
“Defensive? I’m just upset because you all still don’t seem to get it.”
“We want to get it, please just talk to us.”
“Y/N, please just...”
“No! Okay, just no. I said we weren’t talking about it again and that’s final. What happened to “I’ll listen to whatever you have to say.” Huh, Ali? Good to know that was complete bullshit.”
“I’m sorry baby, please believe me, we just...”
“Oh believe you? For what? You clearly still don’t believe me so why should I give you that courtesy? You know what, this is all just fucking stupid anyways. I’m going to bed. Goodnight.”
And with that she disappeared up to the room she’s sharing with Ali. Leaving us all more confused and concerned than ever.
“Well... that went well.”
“Shut up Emily, so not the time.”
Okay so yes that is yet another cliffhanger of sorts, I’m sorry but I thought that was a good place to end it. Just know that Y/N genuinely doesn’t remember a lot of what’s going on, just like she says. Her parents are definitely sus asf.
I’m actually writing part 3 rn so that should be up within the next day or so. I know I keep disappearing but my life is totally a mess rn lol. I’m back now tho and am excited to finally get to all the requests I have. Im so sorry for those waiting I haven’t forgotten. Promise.
Not edited.
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cyncerity · 3 years
Mmmmm.,, thinking about how if Tubbo nommed Tommy and Tommy grew just enough in his stomach to make a little bump.,,
Ok when I asked for sizeshifter Tommy getting nommed prompts, you got the message. You understood the assignment completely, you genius anon. Funnier yet, I had the same thought about Tommy shifting while in someone earlier, so you’re pyscic and also very much pandering to what i like to write and it’s working very well.
tw: vore, cursing
Btw, I took my shitpost idea from this post and made it a full story
“Tubbo, no.” Tommy deadpanned at Tubbo, who looked back at him with puppy eyes. “Tubbo yes!! You actually studied for this and I didn’t and if I flunk another test my dads gonna kill me!” the shorter teen whined. Tommy pinched the bridge of his nose and let out an exasperated sigh. “Well then maybe you should’ve studied! I’m not gonna help you cheat this, I don’t even know how i would do that!”
Tubbo pouted and gave him a death glare that he ultimately couldn’t hold as long as Tommy could, so he sighed in defeat and started to get ready for school.
School went pretty well for Tommy. He’d been pestered about the test a few more times by Tubbo, but he ignored most of the advances. He was just walking from the class he’d taken the test in to his next class when he got a text from his best friend: ‘meet me in the storage closet by the caf.’ Huh. Odd. Nevertheless, Tommy shrugged and headed that way. Not like he had much else to do at the moment.
He soon stepped into the storage closet, the heavy door closing behind him and shutting him in almost complete darkness as he fumbled around looking for a light switch. He could hear things clattering around him, but every time he reached in the direction of the noise, more noise seemed to come from another direction. What was going on? “Tubbo?” Tommy whispered. “You in here, big man?” Tommy said, a bit louder. No response, except the noises. Tommy could feel himself start to shrink in a bit as his movements became more sporadic looking for the light. “Seriously man, this isn’t funny!!” Suddenly, a loud clap sounded from behind him, scaring him and accelerating the shrinking he had already subconsciously been doing as he shrieked, now a measly 3 inches tall.
Suddenly he felt himself be lifted off the ground as the lights finally came on. As soon as his eyes adjusted to the light, he looked up to see Tubbo holding him by his shirt collar, the heavy, large textbook that Tubbo had violently shut to make the clap noise now laying closed on the floor, looking smug with himself. Tommy glared daggers at him. “That was a low blow, Tubso.” “Of don’t be over dramatic,” the bigger teen smirked, “I’m just getting the help I need.” And with that, Tommy was tossed up into the air and quickly caught in Tubbo’s mouth. “Just what the hell do you think you’re doing!!” Tommy shouted as Tubbo’s tongue lapped at his face. He was unceremoniously pushed into the side of Tubbo’s cheek as he tried to respond. “You just took the test, I’m going in to take the test now, so you can at least help me get some answers.” “You little-“ Tommy tried to finish before he was cut off by a loud swallow.
Tommy felt his legs get pulled down into the tight muscles of the throat. He tried to punch at Tubbo’s tongue to get his friend to spit him out but he only heard Tubbo chuckle as the muscles pulled him down to his shoulders and eventually sucked him in completely. Tubbo left the storage closet once he couldn’t feel Tommy in his mouth anymore and made his way to class. Tommy landed in his stomach with a dull thud as he heard the storage room door close and felt Tubbo start walking. Great. Didn’t this asshole know he had school, too?
Tommy pouted and laid back one of the wet spongy walls and slid down, begrudgingly accepting defeat. Eventually he felt Tubbo sit down, and he heard the lecturer start to speak, before silence once again. Tubbo poked his stomach. Tommy kicked at the wall where he had been poked. “You can’t just eat me and expect me to help you. Prick.” Another poke from the outside. Tommy kicked again.
There was an annoyed scoff from outside and soon the small space Tommy was sitting in practically folded in on itself as Tubbo moved to sit with his knees pressed against his torso. “Oh, fuck off, you dickhead!” Tommy shouted. “I’ll give you the fuckin answers, Jesus, just let up!!” Tommy could practically hear Tubbos smug grin as he put his knees back down and sat normally. Tommy sat fuming, giving Tubbo the answers to the test, waiting for the signal tap that signified his giant friend was ready for the next answer. So as Tommy sat and mindlessly rattled off information, he thought about what he could do to get a little revenge for the impromptu nom session. It was hard to think of something good enough. He needed something that was funny, but inconvenient, and that he could do from the stomach he was stuck in. Something that would piss Tubbo off in a playful way, and nothing that would cause him pain, maybe a bit of discomfort…wait. That’s it, that would work, all he had to do was time it right. The logical and mature side of Tommy’s brain said it was a bad idea: he’d never tried shifting while in a person before. Well, that part of his brain could fuck off for all Tommy cared. He’d never listened to it anyways. ‘Oh, this is gonna be so funny…’
A half an hour later, Tubbo finished the test. He was pretty proud of his successful plan to get Tommy to help him cheat, and he couldn’t see himself getting caught. There was no physical evidence of it, and he knew that as annoyed as he knew Tommy was, his best friend wouldn’t rat him out. He even made sure to fill in some answers wrong, it was foolproof! Tubbo leaned back, feeling the minuscule weight inside him, and if he focused hard enough, could even feel Tommy breath. He’d never get tired of how weird that felt, no matter how many times he ate Tommy. It gave him a sort of peace. He felt kind of bad for practically forcing Tommy into sitting in his gut, but it was his fault in the first place! If Tommy hadn’t refused to help him, Tubbo wouldn’t have had to resort to this! And he knew that Tommy would try to reign hell on him for this, but for the moment, he put that thought aside. There wasn’t much revenge Tommy could do from his stomach.
Tubbo soon heard the bell ring. And as soon as he went to stand up, he felt something inside him move. No, not move, grow. Double, triple the size Tommy was when he was swallowed, bigger than anything he’d ever even try to get down his throat, and all within the span of a second. The sudden shock of the change mixed with the uneven and unfamiliar added weight in Tubbos body made him fall backwards with a yelp, landing on his ass and knocking over a chair in the process. He heard some kids laugh at him on their way out the door, and saw other just stare. He could feel his face get hotter from the embarrassment. He not only heard, but felt Tommy laugh at him, the shifters now louder voice making the stomach walls around him vibrate slightly. And, oh god, that was a weird feeling.
Tubbo clutched his gut for dear life as he tried to stand. He grabbed a nearby desk and pulled himself up, doing his best to steady himself. And as soon as he finally managed to get used to the weight, more was added. He felt his stomach stretch around Tommy, more weight being added, making him stumble a bit more before he elbowed himself in the stomach, pulled his hood over his head, and tried to walk as quickly as possible to anywhere private, ignoring Tommy’s laughing fit.
Ten minutes later, Tubbo found a private, hidden area under a set of outdoor steps near his school. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and put it up to his ear just to be sure that if anyone saw him, they wouldn’t think he was a crazy person talking to himself. “Just what the hell do you think you’re doing?!” Tubbo yelled, making Tommy laugh more. “Oh, you have no idea how much I would’ve paid to see the look on your face!” Tommy wheezed. “What did you do?” Tommy’s laughter died down as he tried to answer the question. “Well, I think that’s pretty obvious big man. I shifted.” “In me?!” “Well, yeah. Consider this payback for scaring me shitless and swallowing me without permission.”
Tubbo face palmed with his free hand and started to pace, feeling Tommy’s much larger form sway in his stomach and stretch it with every turn he made as he walked. “Ok, ok, fine I guess I deserved that. Just, why’d you have to do it in class? People were looking at me like I was an idiot. And how big are you even right now?” “Cause you are stupid,” Tommy answered part of the first question, but pondered the other. “I’d say a foot tall? Maybe a foot and a half?”
“A foot?!” “Yeah, that’s what I said. Listen, maybe.” “Alright, alright, ok, you’ve had your fun, now shrink so I can get you out of there and we can both go about our days.” Tubbo sighed. “No can do, big man.” Tommy replied simply, as if Tubbo were to have expected that answer. He didn’t. “Why the hell not?!” Tubbo yelled again, sitting on a step, to frustrated to keep pacing. “You put me in here in the first place. I’m now your responsibility, and you did this to yourself.” Tubbo felt a somewhat uncomfortable pressure on the front of his stomach and pulled up his shirt, partially horrified and partially amazed to see the front of his belly pushing forwards, slight imprints from under his skin. Tommy’s hands. Before Tubbo could even get a word out, Tommy finished: “Remember, I’m not stuck in here with you. You’re stuck out there with me.” The pressure released, and Tubbos abdomen went back to normal. Well, as normal as it could be. It still looked somewhat bloated for obvious reasons, the outline of Tommy practically indistinguishable from any other stuffed gut to everyone but Tubbo, but it wasn’t anything his hoodie couldn’t hide. Tubbo made it a point to stand up from the step quickly to try and jostle Tommy, but only succeeded in making himself feel a quick pit in his stomach, making him instinctually hunch over as it stretched downwards to accommodate Tommy’s weight. “Whatever. I’m done talking to you.” Tubbo replied sternly before walking off to his next class, which he was now horribly late for. “Sounds good, but I’m not quite done talking to you yet.” So the next 10 minutes was spent with Tubbo walking to class and Tommy rambling about increasingly bizarre topics in an attempt to irritate Tubbo, and with Tubbo unable to respond without being heard since he’d put his phone in his backpack like an idiot and now couldn’t reach it.
He walked into his next class 20 minutes late, and as quickly as possible made his way to his empty chair next to Ranboo, who started giving him weird looks a few minutes after he sat down. Tubbo gave him a weird look, and Ranboo looked back utterly confused and somewhat distraught looking. Tubbo shrugged and went back to his work, trying to pick up what the teacher was saying and drown out Tommy’s nonsense. Ranboo didn’t stop giving him weird glances though, and he seemed to be getting more and more anxious. Tubbo was about to ask him what was wrong when surprisingly Ranboo stood up and addressed the teacher. “Excuse me, I have a really bad headache. Like, it’s hard to concentrate and I’m seeing spots and it’s all around just really awful, can I go to the nurse, please?” He was given permission and was told to take someone with him, roughly grabbing Tubbo by the arm and practically dragging him out of the classroom as fast as possible.
At this point, Tubbo was worried. Ranboo was an introverted guy, there’s no way he’d draw that much attention to himself in class unless it was an emergency. He got even more worried when Ranboo dragged him past the nurses office and into a storage closet not dissimilar to the one Tubbo and Tommy had been in earlier. “Boo, are you alri-“ “Out of curiosity, where’s Tommy?” Ranboo interrupted. Tubbo froze. “Ummm…I don’t know, why do you ask?” He replied, trying not to sound as guilty as he was as Tommy, who had been silent since Ranboo had dragged Tubbo out of the classroom, mumbled to himself. Something about Tubbo being an asshole. “Oh, maybe because once you came in late and sat down I started hearing Tommy. Quiet, muffled, even, but I know his voice. That, and literally no one besides Tommy can talk about absolutely nothing for so long.” Tubbo heard Tommy let out an offended scoff and a “fuck you” at Ranboo, who apparently also heard it. “See, there it is again! You can hear him to, I know it. So where is he? I thought he was in your backpack, but you didn’t bring it with you to the ‘nurses office,’” Ranboo said, putting in air quotes, “so I don’t know where else I’d be able to hear him from.” Tubbo was left speechless again. Luckily for him, or actually rather unlucky, depending on how you look at it, Tommy was incapable of being left speechless. “In here, Ranboob!!” Tommy shouted, punching the front of the stomach walls, making Tubbo let out a hiss of pain as he punched himself in the stomach. Ranboo just stared blankly. “He’s…he’s in there?” Ranboo asked, pointing at Tubbo’s midsection. Tubbo sighed and nodded. Thank god he had to explain this to Ranboo and not some rando who didn’t know that he and Tommy did this regularly. “I thought that no one besides you could hear him when you ate him? I���ve never heard him from in there before.” “Probably because I’ve never been this big in a person before.” Tommy shouted in reply. “He’s a fucking foot tall, Ranboo. He’s making me miserable.” Tubbo deadpanned. “Just returning the favor!” Tommy shouted. “Ok, ok, wait, what happened, I’m so confused.” Ranboo questioned.
Tommy and Tubbo filled Ranboo in on what went down, who had his face in his hands by the end of the explanation, his thoughts clear to Tommy and Tubbo: ‘why do I have such idiot friends?’ “…ok,” Ranboo finally spoke out, “If anyone asks, I have a fever and you two, er, well, Tubbo helped me walk home. School ends in, like, 3 hours anyways, so it should be fine.” Tubbo and Tommy both seemed ok with that idea, so they went back to Tommy’s house, since Tommy’s family was at work, where Ranboo made both Tommy and Tubbo apologize for being assholes to each other, eventually convincing Tommy to shrink back down and finally give Tubbo a break. Tubbo didn’t spit him out though, and from the one sided conversation Ranboo was hearing, it seemed like Tommy was fine with that. Soon enough, all three were taking a nap.
At 2 o’clock, Phil got home, surprised to find the front door unlocked. He carefully made his way inside the house, looking for anything that could have been stolen or god forbid a thief still in the house. But nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Until he got to Tommy’s room, where he found Ranboo and Tubbo asleep on a backup comforter they kept around for the two when they slept over. Phil only had to wonder briefly where Tommy was, until his mind registered Tubbo’s hand, which was pressed protectively against his stomach. ‘Wait, shouldn’t they still be in school?’ Phil thought. But he took one look at the sleeping teens and decided he would chew them out later, turning of the light and closing the door.
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shslfanficreader · 3 years
Submissive Rantaro x afab Reader
NS//FW Alphabet
Requests are open!
Word Count: 3000+
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Rantaro would want to take care of you so bad, but at the same time he’s a babey and would also love for you to take care of him.
If he’s taking care of you he’d clean you up, maybe even lick you clean before getting a washcloth and wiping you over, and then he’d get water for both of you.
If you’re taking care of him he’d be so out of it and relaxed, just letting you do what you need and watching while you did all of it. He might whine as you wipe him over if he’s really sensitive or overstimulated, and it would be adorable. He’d thank you for every little thing and just act so in love in general. 
Either way, he will want cuddles and will be so happy and relaxed if you give them to him. He’d love to rest his head on your chest or be the little spoon.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves your thighs so much, loves to kiss and bite at them, but loves having them wrapped around his head even more. 
He would be enthralled with your body so much, and he’d love it no matter what size or shape you are, and if you were insecure he’d make sure to show that he loves you and what you look like no matter what.
He likes his hands. They’ve always been useful to him on his adventures and he’s found that they’re even more useful at pleasuring you. The best thing about them is that he can feel you all over with them, he just glides his hands over your skin and grasps you and it’s all so amazing. You taking his hand and putting his fingers in your mouth makes him so turned on and he’d be in awe of you. Not to mention he can rub at your clit, feel how wet you are and feel you clench and your muscles spasm when he crooks them inside of you.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He 100% has a breeding kink. Not as in “you must be pregnant and have my children” type of kink, but he just. Loves the concept. There’s some risk in it but you’re always careful, and he loves coming in you, marking you as his from the inside out. And he can’t help but want to watch it leak out of you, maybe even eat it out of you. He loves when you ask him to come inside of you, and it’s not like he can say no to you anyway. That being said, you want him to use a condom? That’s not an issue at all!
He’d also love to cum on you. Anywhere. Your tummy, back, ass, boobs, face, even over your pussy. Anywhere you’ll let him. He just thinks it looks so pretty.
Oh, and if you're blowing him and you swallow? Holy fuccccck.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
If he’s going to be away from you for a long period of time, say on an adventure of something, he might steal a pair of your underwear to take with him so he can think about you even more when he’s having “alone time.”
He’d whine and moan so prettily as he holds them and jerks himself off, maybe even accidentally coming on them, and he feels so guilty about it, so dirty, but he just wants you so bad.
He’d wash them a couple of times and try to sneakily place them back in your drawer, hoping you didn’t notice.
He accidentally lost a pair once too. He never told you. He hoped you just thought they’d been misplaced.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Rantaro had experience, but not a massive amount. Like, he knew what he was doing, but he was also always learning and trying new things, and that was definitely not a bad thing in his book.
He looks much more like a playboy than he actually is.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Missionary and riding. Yes.
Missionary because he can look at you and put his face right next to yours, have his ear close to your lips and listen to you moan for him. Missionary is his favourite position if you’re pegging him too.
He likes riding because you can set the pace and take control, use him how you want to. The view is a nice added bonus.
He’s a fan of any position that gets your thighs wrapped around his head too.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He’s very sweet in the moment, probably on the more serious side, but not against being goofy and having fun with you. When he’s feeling subby he usually just feels like being intimate with you and is a bit more romantic than normal. He’s just a needy boy.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
I’m not going to say whether I think it’s green or not, okay? (But probably, yeah.)
He keeps things relatively natural. He doesn’t shave or anything like that, but he might trim a bit to keep things neat.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
Oh, sub Rantaro is most definitely romantic. He likes to be sweet towards you and keep things nice and intimate. He definitely feels a lot more like you’re making love instead of fucking when he’s submitting to you sometimes.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Sometimes when you’re not around and he really needs you he’ll hump and rub against your pillow until he comes. He feels bad about it after. He always washes it before you need to use it again and usually pretends he spilled something on it. Hmmm, something…
He’s really sensitive on the underside of the head of his dick, so he pays special attention to that area when he jacks off, twisting his wrist as it reaches his tip with each stroke.
He also likes fucking himself, with his fingers and with toys, but he much prefers it when you do it. When he fingers himself he likes crooking his fingers and massaging his prostate. Pre-cum leach’s out of his cock almost the entire time he does it, it feels so good.
He likes fleshlights, dildos, butt plugs, vibrators, all that good stuff, but one toy he didn’t think he’d like as much as he does is wand vibrators. Like. Good god. That sensitive spot on the underside of his tip? Yeah, he just holds a wand vibrator there and it’s so good and makes him come so hard and so fast that it drives him crazy.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Bondage, praise, overstimulation, and edging, all the way.
He loves both tying you up and being tied up, but has a slight preference for being tied up when he’s feeling submissive. You being in control is so hot to him, and if he’s tied up you can do whatever you want. He’d never admit it but he loves it when you tease him when he’s bound. It just makes everything feel so much more intense. He loves being teased by having your fingers inside him, his cock in your mouth, a toy against or inside him, and especially by you fucking yourself onto him but just not giving him quite enough. He sometimes likes to be blindfolded too.
Does he like praising you or being praised himself more? The world may never know. 
He wants to do everything he possibly can to make you feel good and loved, but tell him he’s doing good and he’s gone.
When it comes to you he much prefers overstimulation than edging. He wants to pleasure you over and over until you can’t take anymore, and then he’ll still keep going if you’ll let him. 
He loves both overstim and edging when it comes to himself. He'll get so overwhelmed if you overstimulate him, sometimes he'd start crying, not because he wanted you to stop or it hurt, but because it was just so much, his face would be flushed red and wet with tears and sweat. He'd look like a wreck in the best way. 
When you edge him he begs a lot. His pleas of "please, please, please, I need it," would be so pretty and he would buck his hips up trying to get any friction and stimulation. He loves being edged and teased but he'll get desperate and needy faster than he likes. He wants to hold out and be good for you but once he's been edged a few times he just feels like he needs to come, so he can't help but beg.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
The best place is always a bed. You have privacy, can lock the doors, feel safe, and have everything you could possibly need.
But Rantaro does love sex in a lot of places. He loves sex on the couch, especially when you ride him, and in the shower or up against a wall. Anywhere you need him, he'll be there. 
He isn't the biggest fan of public sex, just because trying to hide can be a bit of an inconvenience. Not that the risk isn't hot. But there's also still like. The actual risk aspect, and he'd rather not get arrested. He's more inclined to want public sex if he's in a more neutral or dominant mood. There's something about being submissive that makes him want to be alone, in the privacy of his own home, secure.
He doesn't mind car sex, as long as it isn't like, on a freeway or anywhere crowded. He actually loves when you're together and suddenly you want to pull over because you want him and you just can't wait.
One place he's learned to love having sex is in tents. He has to stay in tents a lot when he's adventuring, so they've become a sort of second home to him. It gives the illusion of privacy being alone and intimate and still feels comfortable and homey but there's still a little bit of risk when it comes to getting caught because tents don't have locks or soundproofing. He loves having you alone with him in a tent.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Oh, the most mundane things turn him on. You could be reaching up and your shirt could ride up, or you could compliment him and it would go straight to his pants. 
And you wearing his clothes? No matter how poorly they fit, you're wearing. His. Clothes. How was the poor boy expected to see that and go on unaffected?
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Rantaro would be down to try most things, but wouldn't be into hurting you or having you hurt him too much. Like, spanking? Fine! Biting? Yes, please! Scratches and bruises? God, they look so pretty. But he'd never want to do something too intense or violent. He wanted to turn pain to pleasure, not seriously injure you for the sake of sex.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Hoo, boy, Rantaro loves getting oral. He loves having your mouth on his cock or your tongue in his ass. You look so pretty and feel so good with your mouth around him, and when you eat him out he's putty in your hands. He loves that you feel safe enough with him to do something considered so dirty.
But what he loves even more is giving you oral.
This boy is a giver, especially when he feels submissive. He wants to make you feel as good as possible, and he has a wicked mouth that he knows how to use. He licks around and into you but makes sure to suck at and play with your clit more so, because that’s when your hips buck into his mouth and your hands find his hair.
He loves eating ass. This is a fact. He loves feeling your muscle contract around his tongue, and he loves being used in any dirty way you want.
What better way to submit to someone than to have them ride your face?
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Rantaro prefers being slow when he's subby and emotional, because in that case he wants to be intimate with you, and he likes being slow and sensual for that type of thing. Of course, the closer either of you get to coming the faster and harder he'll go.
But when he's feeling subby purely for the sake of submitting? Ride that boy fast and rough until he cries. Better yet, order him to fuck you hard until you come. If he comes before you? Oh well...
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He prefers sex, especially if he's subbing. It's hard for him to deal with being in that headspace for a quick fuck, for you to just go about your days after. No, he wants to take his time with you.
That being said, if you're both in the mood and don't have much time. A quickie's better than nothing. Hell, it's still a magical experience, he'd just like that magic to last a little longer.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Oh yeah, Rantaro is absolutely game to experiment and take risks. He’ll try most things, but most definitely has hard limits that he doesn’t want to cross.
Let’s just say road head sounds like a great idea until you come and almost crash into a pole with your pants down.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
It depends. If you’re overstimming him every round, then he can’t go for as many. It gets really overwhelming for him. 
Oh, he can last, but not if you’re purposefully doing everything you can to make him come fast and over and over.
If he’s setting the pace and fucking you though, he can keep going for a long time. Of course, if you want him to go harder, faster, he will, but he might come a bit faster too, as anyone would.
But even if he’s overstimulated and can’t take any more that doesn’t mean his mouth and hands don’t still work, and that boy will do whatever you need until you’re satisfied. Say you have trouble coming from penetration, or coming in general. He will do everything in his power to get you there. If you can’t, he’ll be disappointed, but only because he thinks you deserve all the pleasure he can give you.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He most definitely owns toys, both for himself and for you. 
He likes using them on himself when he’s all alone and when he’s with you. If you want him to put on a show, of course he will. If you’re the one to use the toys on him it always feels so much more intense for him, probably because he’s not expecting what you do and just because it’s you in general.
He likes watching you use toys on yourself too, or using them on you himself. One of his favourite things to do is to fuck you with a vibrator whilst he sucks on your clit.
He owns both the basics and a few other bits and pieces that don’t get used as often but are still a lot of fun.
A few of the things he has are vibrators and dildos and butt plugs of all different sizes and colours, even a fleshlight. He has some rope and handcuffs and a paddle too.
A couple of his favourites are a prostate massager and a remote control vibrator that was a lot of fun if not a little bit embarrassing.
He also just had. So much lube. It’s everywhere. In the bedroom, the bathroom, his car, his travel bags, your car, the living room, even the kitchen. Who keeps lube in the kitchen? It’s bound to lead to something disastrous some day.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
When he’s feeling submissive he doesn’t tease as much as usual. Hell, he doesn’t really tease at all, he wants to be a good boy and do everything you could possibly want. He’s a service sub. 
He loves being teased himself though. Make him use that pretty voice to beg you to give him “just a little more please.”
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He’s not overly loud but he does whine and moan a lot. He whimpers and begs a lot too, especially when you edge him. 
He talks a lot too, but not necessarily dirty talk. It’s more like he doesn’t even know he’s speaking and incoherent babbling starts coming out of his mouth, but you can always hear a lot of things like “you feel so good,” “please,” and “I love you, I love you, I love you.”
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Two words: morning sex. Just imagine it. Rantaro wakes up first. He cuddles into you and he’s already half hard from a dream he was having. He still feels sleep soft and he has an insane case of bed head. He’s snuggled up to your back and slowly starts to grind up against you, he knows you wouldn’t mind. Once you wake up he doesn’t stop. As he gets closer he asks if he can fuck you. If you let him he’ll gently slide inside of you and fuck you slow and deep until he’s moaning and groaning at your ear.
If you say no, he’ll ask if he can fuck your thighs. He’d thrust back and forth, loving the pressure and wrapping a hand around you and holding on to your tummy or rubbing your clit, until he comes in between your legs and you come too, if you’ll let him make you.
If you say no to that too, he’ll take care of himself, fucking up into his own hand until he comes over his tummy.
He also loves waking you up by eating you out. His head under the covers, mouth gliding over and sucking on you. He loves when you wake up and you finally put your hands in his hair.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He’s about average girth and slightly above average in length. Honestly, he has such a nice cock, and he definitely knows how to use it. It isn’t massive, which he actually likes. He wouldn’t want to hurt you or intimidate you too much.
His cock always turns a pretty red when he’s close, and he doesn’t really like that, but the colour does look so pretty when it’s against your skin.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
His sex drive in general is a bit higher than average. When he’s submissive he always wants sex more because it’s a way for him to let go and feel intimate with you. You can tell he wants sex if he wants to cuddle and he puts his head in the crook of your neck to nuzzle there and moans fall from his lips. He also pushes his body against yours and just wants to be as close to you as possible.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He doesn’t always fall asleep, sometimes he’s content to just lay with you and maybe watch some tv. If he does fall asleep, it’s always after you’re both done with your aftercare and he knows you’ve been well taken care of.
Tags: @mius-imagination
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sugarsymphonyy · 4 years
alright, akaashi taking care of his catgirl!reader while shes in heat,, I've been thinking about this for a week straight I loooove the idea teehee
Akaashi x Catgirl!reader in heat
Warnings : NSFW, catgirl(duh), edging, overstimulation, Dom!Akaashi, squirting, very very light degradation, PRAISE, orgasm control, oral (receiving), dacryphilia, fingering, toys
I'm so certain that when he's dom, he's soft with his words and a huge meanie with his actions
Like- he's gonna be so sweet with you, tell you how well you're doing for him, call you his good girl, his sweet little princess, etc...
But then edges you for hours, makes you make yourself cum on his cock, then when you finally beg enough to cum, he'll let you cum again and again and again
Also- I'd like to take this time to point out the fingers on him
His hands are canonically bigger than Bokutos simply because his fingers are so long 🥵
Thank him, you know how to use your manners, use them
You and Akaashi both knew your heat was coming soon. It was nothing new, but he had just a little bit more work to finish up for his job, and his deadline was soon. You agreed to wait a little bit, you knew this was super important, and he promised it was just a little work anyways.
So naturally, after an hour and a half of waiting patiently for his help, you decided to go check on him. Face red, panties already half soaked, you strutted over to him.
"'Kaaasshhiiii~" you whined, running your hands over his shoulders then down his chest. Your tail flicked softly back and forth, lightly wrapping around his neck.
He looked up at you, "I know princess, just wait a little bit longer for me, okay?" He had kissed the back of one of your hands and smiled softly. "Just be a good girl for me a little bit longer princess."
You whined and then sat down on the ground next to him, rubbing your legs together, allowing him to work again. This didn't last long. After a couple of minutes, you get up and move to sit on his lap, then started grinding.
"Fuck... baby, I'm almost done, wait just a little longer." He still your hips with his hands, holding on tightly to be sure you stopped. "Just a little longer, then I can help you all night."
And as tempting as it sounded, you were already such a horny mess that all you could do was whine back at him and tried to grind again. "I need you now~" was all you could get out. "Pleaseee! I need you to make me cum~"
He tightened his grip on you and looked you dead in the eye, "Not yet" he hissed out, slightly agitated, "now be a good little princess, and wait"
You whimpered and got off his lap, deciding to go back to sitting on the ground where you were before. Akaashi smiled down at you, "good girl, now, I'm almost done. Wait just a little bit longer, I promise I'll make you cum if you do."
You nodded, not really as agreeing, but more as acknowledgment, you had your own plans. "Okay, 'Kaashi~"
...Like hell you'd wait any longer for pleasure, so you decided to take matters into your own hands and slipped off your now fully soaked panties. "Mmng~.." you whined, bringing your hand down to your folds and running your fingers along your slit, then up to circle you clit.
Akaashi just sighed, saved his work, then got up and look down at you. "You just couldn't wait, huh?~" You whined and whimpered, moving the fingers on your clit a bit faster.
He picked you up and took you to your bed, then laid you down softly. "Really are such an impatient, slutty princess~" He pinned your legs open, holding your thighs down. "Just so eager to be fucked stupid, hm?"
You nodded quickly, "pleaseee!~" Your tail was flicking all over sporadically, completely out of your control. Akaashi just smiled down at you, then went between your legs and sucked your clit. "Ah!~"
He chuckled against you, the vibrations adding to your sensitivity and only making you louder, encouraging Akaashi to keep going. "Fuck... you taste so good~"
You grinded down on him more, gripping his hair tightly and moaning loudly, needing more of his tongue. He only sped up, shoving a couple of fingers in, only for you to yell out pathetically, already trembling.
"So sensitive, hm? Already trembling for me" he said against your cunt, then curled his fingers to hit that soft, spongey part right inside you. "Fuck!~ 'm gonn.... 'm gonna cum 'Kaashi!"
He pulled his mouth away from you, stilling his fingers inside you. "Not yet, you don't get to cum yet... you were so impatient earlier, gotta teach you how to wait now" he softly rubbed the inside of your thigh, then slapped it, making you cry out with pleasure.
He softly planted small kisses along your thigh. "Be a good girl and wait to cum a little longer" He flattens his tongue and licks your pussy again, causing you to jolt, before he pulled away again. You whined pathetically at him, wanting more. "Be patient for me baby" he insisted.
You nodded and whimpered, trying to grind your hips against anything, to get any sort of stimulation. Akaashi gripped your hips tightly in one hand, stilling you, "I told you to be patient, or else you will have to wait a lot longer" he warned. You nodded and stayed still for him.
He slowly started to move his fingers in you again, pumping at an agonizingly slow pace, "There's my good girl~" His fingers curled to hit inside of you just right to make you scream.
You tried so hard not to move your hips, but its starting to get impossible now. "Please.. please more..!" All he did was kiss and bite the inside of your thighs, still moving his fingers slowly in you.
You really were trying not to move much, but it was starting to get too difficult after 5ish minutes of slowly being fingered and every once in a while having a tiny bit of clit stimulation. You kept begging and whining throughout the entire thing, but all of it got you nothing more than what you already had.
He only smiled a little bit at your attempts for more. "My precious little princess wants more? Look at you, such a crybaby~" and you really were. Fat, hot tears were rolling down your face, leaving Akaashi to wipe them for you. "You're so pretty when you cry for me..." he punctuated it with a sharp thrust with his hand, making you yell out in pleasure.
He kept up a quicker pace this time, only to have you moaning out loudly for him and how good it felt. "Awww, listen to yourself princess, you sound like the sweet little bitch in heat that you are~" he sucked on your clit, driving you insane. You were already dumb, humping against his tongue subtly, trying not to get caught. But, of course, it wasn't subtle enough.
He laughed at you lightly, vibrations going right to your core, making your mind hazy. You were clenching around his fingers harshly, making it hard for him to even move. "My good girl wants to cum?" You could only nod quickly, trying to string together coherent words, but failing miserably. He pushed his fingers even further in you, "cum then, cum like the needy little thing you are.."
You shook violently as you did, gushing around his fingers that didn't stop moving, driving further into madness. "Such a messy little thing... my pretty, messy girl" his tongue worked smaller, faster circles on your clit, licking down to your hole and his fingers then back up again every so often.
Your mind was blank, clouded by pleasure and pain from being so overstimulated, back arching and screams coming from your mouth. You were being sent hurdling into your next orgasm, and Akaashi could tell. "One more for me, just like this, then I've got a surprise for you"
He knew you wouldn't be able to respond with anything other than frantic nods and loud moans due to your heat making you much more sensitive than normal. You squirmed against him, the pleasure too much, and had your second orgasm. This time, it racked your body even harder, making you choke on a small sob of pleasure.
Akaashi slowed his fingers and mouth to a stop, kissing your thighs lightly, praising how well you've done. "Stay right here, I have to go get my good girl her surprise, okay?" He stood up, softly planting kisses up your torso, across your shoulders, then to your lips. You nodded to him, "m'kay..!" still a bit out of it, but excited to see what he was going to get.
When he came back, he was holding something behind his back. He walked to you, lightly slapping the inside of your thigh, making you whimper loudly. You tried to focus your eyes on him, but failed. He went back down between your legs, taking the small bullet vibrator out from behind his back and turning it on, trailing it along your thigh, getting closer and closer to your twitching cunt.
You whined and squirm, already feeling overwhelmed with all the previous and current stimulation, but still needing more. He circled around your clit, then down to your hole, gathering slick and pushing it in. Even on its lowest setting, it's still almost too much. "Such a sensitive little thing you are" he said softly, licking and biting at your clit again.
He turned up the vibrations slowly, getting more and more intense with his mouth on you. You looked absolutely fucked out now, and he loved it. "You look so pretty when you're all dumb for me, my good girl~" He pulled the vibrator out of you, swirling it around your clit, then pushing it on you roughly.
You thrashed against his arms, babbling out nonsense, incoherent thank yous leaving your mouth as your cum splashed against him. Akaashi chuckled deeply, not removing it until you were sobbing and pleading for him to slow down and to give you a break. He did so, turning off the vibe and putting it next to you both, standing up between your legs and leaning you over you. "So pretty for me like this.." he kissed up your torso and chest, to your lips softly.
"Feel good?" You nodded in response, still not able to fully form words. "You did so good" you whined lightly in response, on the verge of passing out from exhaustion. "Sleepy, baby? How about we get you cleaned up first, yeah?" You shook your head no, gripping his forearms, wanting him just to stay there with you as you fell asleep.
AHHH THIS TOOK SO LONG FOR ME TO GET OUT IM SORRY!!! But I hope you liked it! I really had fun writing this one❤
Send in more requests if anyone wants to!
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writing-in-april · 4 years
Spencer Reid x Female Reader
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Summary: Spencer and Reader get caught by one of their co workers in a bar bathroom after Reader couldn’t keep their hands to themselves.
A/N: This is the 1st of my 7 fics 7 days in a row for my 500 follower celebration! Thanks again for 500! Here’s another smut that’s in a clandestine spot lmao this’ll be my second public smut in a row plus I have one more already written that’s coming in like two weeks😂 Thanks to @imagining-in-the-margins who helped me get the ball rolling early on with dialogue and @definitelynotkatesblog for the original prompt!
Warnings: Dom!Spencer, Public sex, Unintentional edging, Humilation, Getting caught, Derek being Derek, Established relationship
Masterlist Word count: 1.5k
Sneaking off to go fuck your boyfriend in a bathroom at a bar was a little sleazy but, I had been desperate all day to find some alone time. The team had just finished a grueling case and I wanted nothing more than to order Spencer to rail me into next week. However, my plans had been dashed by Emily who had suggested we all go out to a bar to release the tension of the week before flying home in the morning.
We were all sitting in a booth at the bar that was a little too small to fit all of us and as a result I was practically sitting on Spencer’s lap, which was not helping my desperation at all in the slightest. Every so often he’d shift underneath me whether to get more comfortable or to pick up the Arnold Palmer he had been casually drinking. Each time he shifted I felt my panties dampen just a little more. This was tortuous.
My moment of opportunity came to me when Spencer lifted me off of his lap and said he was going to the bathroom. The bathroom doors were just hidden out of view from the table, so if I got up as well to go ‘to the bathroom’ no one would know if I followed in after him or dragged him into the woman’s bathroom. I quickly excused myself from the table as well after waiting a small amount of time to not arouse suspicion.
Normally, I’d choose the latter and pull him into the woman’s bathroom as it's universally known that they’re nicer. But, I had to switch to plan B when I saw that the ladies room was crowded with people.
I quickly checked my surroundings before slipping into the guy restroom. When I entered it was completely deserted besides Spencer, who was washing his hands at the sink. When he looked up into the mirror and spotted me behind him he spun around quickly with his eyebrows raised. I didn’t give him any time to respond before pulling him into the nearest stall.
“Y/N?! What are you doing?” He squeaked loudly as I reached forward to palm him through his slacks while reaching behind me to lock the stall door, I didn’t want to take my eyes off of him.
“What does it look like I’m doing? Now fuck me.” I said before slipping my shirt over my head revealing my bare chest to him. I sensed some hesitation from him, maybe because we had never done something so clandestine this close to our coworkers before. “Please… It’s not like we haven’t done something like this before.” A switch must have flipped in Spencer at my reference to our last dalliance that we had had in a risky location (That had happened at a park).
“You better keep quiet unless you want our coworkers to hear how desperate you are.” He said with venom in his voice while pulling up my skirt, dipping his hand immediately underneath my panties to run teasing circles on my clit and enveloping me into a harsh kiss. Pleasure started to overtake me, loving the way that he had suddenly ripped any sort of dominance of the situation from out of my fingers, but it wasn’t enough to get me anywhere near the edge of an orgasm. I whined in frustration at his antics so he tried to move his fingers away from my clit to finger me. Instead of letting him I bat his hand away, I was more desperate for something else, “I’m already wet enough I promise- just hurry up.” He looked a little irritated at the fact that I gave him an order but still obliged me by quickly freeing his cock. His pants were only opened just enough to free him but it still gave me a good look at his hard cock that did wonders to me. He hooked one of my legs around my waist and started to tease his cock between my folds. I whined pathetically once it had gone on too long for my tastes which he let out an annoyed grunt in reply.
Then with no warning he pushed into me, filling me swiftly all the way to the hilt. Pure euphoria coursed through my veins when he immediately started thrusting giving me no time to adjust to his considerable size. Even though we slept together quite often and had a healthy sex life, every time his size still took some getting used too.
He started to whisper into my ear about how pretty I looked for him when I was desperate and all I could come up with as a response was a high pitched Yes that was probably way too loud. I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth to try and muffle any other sounds that tried to escape while Spencer started to nip at my collarbone to stifle his somewhat now unable to say anything else into my ear because of the pleasure he was receiving.
The way that Spencer then pitched his hips in conjunction with the tight circles he started to rub into my clit again my release was hurtling toward me faster than I ever thought possible. My legs were shaking violently and if he hadn’t been there to partially prop me up I’d have probably melted into a puddle onto the floor. Though, unfortunately the sweet feeling of euphoria I was headed towards was dashed away just by a few words.
“I’m pretty sure the bathroom stall you’re in is supposed to have a maximum occupancy of one.” Suddenly was said loudly cutting right through the breathy moans from the two of us, we both immediately recognized the voice as belonging to Derek. Spencer let out a high pitched squeak and then froze up like a statue as soon as he had heard the voice reverting back to the shy Spencer we were all used to. The both of us hadn’t even heard the door open to caught up in our personal pleasure.
“That’s very ableist of you Derek.” My sudden nonchalant response came after a brief pause to Derek walking in on the two of us seemed to embarrass Spencer as his face had turned a dark shade of red. I moved my hands from Spencer’s shoulders into his hair to try and soothe his embarrassment. Though, I still decided to give Derek one last quip before shooing him out of the bathroom. I had been so close to finishing plus he had embarrassed poor Spencer, he could deal with some embarrassment himself from my words.“Sometimes you need two people. Right now was not one of those times but, you wouldn’t have known if you hadn’t heard me.”
I must have stunned Derek into silence because for a good 30 seconds there was silence on his end. Though, I never really ended up getting a full response from him. Instead, he gave us what could only be described as a mortified slash apologetic grunt; then leaving the room quickly afterwards not even bothering to care if the door slammed hard on the way out. I don’t think he was expecting that response from me.
Getting redressed took almost no time seeing as the only article of clothing either of us had removed was my top. In the hopes of Derek keeping his mouth shut Spencer and I decided to walk out separately. I paced in the small stall as much as I could in the small space while waiting for my turn to leave, hoping that no one would come in here or see me leave, but most importantly that Derek didn’t say anything.
“Well you took a long time.” Emily remarked slyly to me once I had slowly walked back before lowering her voice and continuing.”I’m assuming when Derek went to see where you to had gotten too he got an eyeful”
I flashed Derek a harsh gaze, assuming he had told everyone at the table. Though, I dropped it once Emily quietly pointed out to the hickey that had sprouted on my collarbone. However, my annoyance had not abated, my clit was throbbing, begging for attention after it had been cruelly toyed with
I was sure the teasing would all come tomorrow on the plane once Derek got over his residual embarrassment and everyone wasn’t so buzzed. I gritted my teeth in frustration, if I hadn’t been desperate before I sure was now after having my release stolen from me. Though, I was even more frustrated that Spencer seemed to be doing just fine. Throughout the rest of the night all I could think about was what Spencer could do to me when we finally got back to our hotel room. I wish Hotch had let us take an extra car so I didn’t have to wait. When we finally got in the car to drive back I was vibrating with anticipation all over again I couldn’t wait until we found someplace that was less occupied.
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