#*I guess*
chanafehs · 1 day
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concept: Mass effect renegade face cracks but for red hawke (bonus points for blood magic)
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eridude · 3 days
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thing from today
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lotussart · 2 days
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what if your vessel became your god
what if they offered your body to you in sacrifice and pressed it against your tongue and made you fight to feel them in your mouth, divinity under teeth and by swallowing the flesh of a god, you become holy too
what then
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pluckyredhead · 2 days
It's always a surreal feeling when you're happy for a fandom you're not in because their ship went canon, but it's especially weird when the ship is some guy/getting cannibalized irl.
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martanis · 7 hours
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less than a week until this one scene lol (x)
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Hey, you can refer to mod as N, i made this because i like pokemon and anon confession blogs. Send whatever you want, stories, complaints, insane thoughts about your favorites, anything really.
I probably wont comment on asks, if i do itll be me agreeing with a take. No like.. illegal stuff or whatever. Yeah thats abt it, ty!
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bugbear55 · 1 day
I feel like you mostly do rare pairs, but do you have any patrochilles content?
does this.. does this count…?
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[doctor is nestor, 3rd panel is (left to right) telemachus and neo]
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igotthis-egg · 23 hours
Uzi doodles from class? It’s more likely than you’d think
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I’m seriously so bored out of my mind during lecture so I use the time to draw since I can listen and draw simultaneously. It really helps those horrible, snail-paced 2 1/2 hour lectures to chug by a little faster. I have more but they’re more general and this is fandom-specific, so I’ll post some life drawings and some mlb doodles in a sec!
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thetouchof118 · 17 hours
just.. thinking... of buck who spits out science facts like its no big deal (canon) being with tommy who is able to makes niche science jokes/flirt with them (somewhat hinted, but now is my headcanon of him)
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venavuoto · 6 hours
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catch some z’s?
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bacteriophaggot · 1 day
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when they huffed paint thinner n painted a cat
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unnbatteryacidd · 2 days
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this sucks
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alienssstufff · 14 hours
why didn’t you post a screenshot of the grexes
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9 months scarian baby
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sadiejosworld · 2 days
i love jason todd more than the next guy and love how his story has progressed. but like, willis todd was this big man who was mean, a drunk, and hit his family. if young jason saw older jason, a trained assassin with anger issues who tried to kill tim, drinks (i think?), and is built like a brick shithouse… would he not just see willis?
as a child of an alcoholic, it is my worst fear to become my parent. i hate everything related to alcohol, and i know sometimes the abused becomes the abuser and all, but would he not like hate himself? idk just a thought, cause im angsty and like making my fav characters more traumatized than they already are.
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slimespecter · 3 days
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baking my long distance bf into a cookie bc i miss him
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thefirstflowers · 2 days
wait, so you're telling me it's been 3 months and Buck and Tommy are still 'figuring out what a relationship might or could look like'..
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