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mimisaur5000 · 3 months ago
gosh. got a new ipad for my birthday and finally got the motivation to use it!! vriska's so fun to draw
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irradiatedpathogen · 25 days ago
apparently mfs are allergic to num8ers 3XXXXD, some people need to get a life
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theinternetfroggi · 3 months ago
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Re-disigned my shoes, put some Homestuck refs and added Demigirl+Pan flags, the Bill Cipher's been there since I first doodled on these, so I brought him back. Idk what I was doing with the back part of them but the green and orange parts keep reminding me of bkdk for some reason😭
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average-freak · 6 months ago
would y’all be interested in a humanstuck vriska cosplay
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serketchaos · 1 month ago
i wish i could be normal about nico but im just insane about him and the direction the series has gone has made me SO unhappy, so its hard to enjoy u feel me
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dappersfm · 2 years ago
unfinnished wip
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so i just remembered i have like 45 different unfinnished wips (aka like all my art) and i remembered i was going to make som e art for a sound i found on tiktok, i never finnished it duh but heres a frame of the "not animation but its like 3 different images that change when the time is right so its basicaly an animation but now im rambling and entirely forgot what i was talking about because my brain is entirely focused on being gay". i thought this frame was the funniest
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misanthropyvsme · 1 year ago
The 8est song in all of the gr8 8 8lue seas.
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vantasei · 2 years ago
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num8skull · 2 years ago
Pro8a8ly should not 8e getting lightheaded when I stand up.
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nochrissy · 2 months ago
I fucking miss you mom I'm so sorry
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odeggy · 5 months ago
it's so joever if my family finds this account
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tacticalgemini · 1 month ago
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8LUH 8LUH 8LUH!!!!
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shoegazingmonad · 17 days ago
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Hussie's commentary on page 2340 suggests that Bluh panels usually involve a person being exposed to something they'll grow a taste for later, giving the example of Kanaya drinking her lusus' blood as foreshadowing of her becoming a rainbow drinker. So far we've gotten two of these panels in HS2.
Tavvy, Vrissy and Vriska all share a bluh, which sucks because this could either mean whatever's being foreshadowed here applies to all of them or is a case-by-case situation. The combined '8luh,,' would imply it's all three, but I think it's worth discussing other options anyway.
The subject being applied here is suspiciously colourless water with Gamzee's corpse suddenly wrong-side up within the context of the panels before and after, graciously framed to look like the water is spewing from him rather than the sprinklers. Great start.
I shouldn't have to state the obvious here - this is just another one of homestuck's classic bukkake jokes. You could interpret this as them having toxic masculinity shoved down their throats since this is something worth gagging over, or it could indicate gender and / or sexuality changes later. Candy is very focused on cisheteronormativity, so it's possible that Tavros might end up dating a guy or that Vrissy might end up being a guy.
There's also the 'seeds as bombs' interpretation, which is an arguement applied to doc scratch's cueballs but I still think works fine here, as though the seed / bombs raining down on them is an omen of Jane activating her 'contigency plan'. Though right after this we get GC associating bombs with self-destruction / sabotage, so this could mean that they might adopt those tendencies in the future.
My first thought for the water interpretation involves Rose's new species; we know they're aquatic and that Vrissy is (likely) in contact with one of them, and that they seem to be romantically interested in her, so it could signal a developing relationship between the two. There's also connections between drowning and loss of control - the panel does make it look like that's what's happening here after all, which could make it another reference to how out-of-control everything has been getting in Candy recently.
You could also interpret the water as sweat, as though his very essence is rubbing off onto them perhaps in the same way that his aspect tends to rub off onto people. Or as milk - which in the search for a plausible explanation has reminded me that in Gamzee's 'redemption arc' rituals he uses milk in a way John' compares to baptism. It's as though Gamzee is washing their sins away - and all of a sudden the choice to depict 3 characters simultaneously makes sense to me; they're supposed to represent a trinity.
Baptising someone is defined as 'sprinkling or pouring water on the head, or by immersing in water either partially or completely, traditionally three times, once for each person of the Trinity.' Since Tavros, Vrissy and Vriska are all being baptised together at once rather than thrice per person, it's likely they're stand-ins for each trinity member. The order of 'Father, Son and Holy Spirit' commonly uttered during baptism could apply to the order they're in here, with Tavros as Father, Vrissy as Son and Vriska as the Holy Spirit... though as of now, I'm unsure as to how this applies to them at all.
There's the odd timing of this symbolic 'redemption', too. I'm not sure why they're being redeemed now, what for, or by who specifically but Gamzee forgiving them for killing him doesn't seem too unbelievable seeing as he'll probably just be back later.
Yiffy's has a few obvious topics, Jade's doting, embarrassment (what they state the situation to be), maternal love and vulnerability, - something they've shown to take issue with showing in front of others. There's the option that this somehow ties into the previous Bluh's themes of christianity, too.
So back to that for a moment; there's a noticeably devilish aspect to Yiffy's design with the dog ears looking like horns, the general sharpness and the red. I guess you could propose them as an 'antichrist' because of that but it wouldn't fit much with the panel itself, so it's unlikely that it's got much to do with the previous bluh.
Anyway, easiest suggestions for what it means would be that Yiffy'll come to appreciate Jade's affections later, or get over their insecurities regarding vulnerability / public embarassment. There's the narration to go off of too, as Yiffy's described as 'an unconscious patient in the clutches of their sadistic nurse' with the 'nursing' being the relentless kissing. This brings to mind corpse smooching, which frames Yiffy as a possible substitute for Dave?
Jade does say herself that Yiffy exists because she needs her to, and I'm sure that extends to Yiffy as someone she can genuinely love and care for in a way she doesn't seem to be able to with Dave considering how awkward their relationship is in the epilogues (and also the fact that they were somehow so distant that Dave never even learnt Yiffy existed). Perhaps when Jade finds someone else she can love unconditionally and wholly without complaint, Yiffy will miss the attention Jade gave them?
Or maybe I'm going the wrong direction with the corpse smooching arguement, and Yiffy's annoyed that Jade is trying to kiss the life back into them after their scuffle with Jane? I'm a little less sure of a deeper meaning for this one.
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ghostlygustie · 2 months ago
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back in november of 2024 i was like yeah ill draw 88 vriska drawings but only ever reached 8 lol, here are most of em.
was trying to experiment with art styles and variations of vriska
when i see fanart where the trolls look more alien-like, i think thats super cool, like the ones where sollux has 4 ears or where more characters have tails instead of just nepeta. the creativity in this fandom is so awesome :O
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serketchaos · 11 months ago
i need a new place to lore dump about my ocs
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clouds-soup · 2 months ago
It's my last semester of high school! So I have been reliving my middle school years
And nothing is more middle school to me than broadway Homestuck so uhm
I decided to listen to ALL of the albums they had on spotify 😭
And many hours later... here are my scientific findings
I cant belive that this was a real person behind all of these songs. Like a team of people im assuming? There are people out there who are fully grown who know they were apart or breadway homestuck what an insane legacy to have
Stuck This Way (the first album..)
Least painful - You Can't Fight The Homestuck (so so so nostelgic)
Most painful - probably hussies lullaby or the 12 Trolls of Christmas
Okay, this one wasn't my favorite because I always liked the like character songs more than the fandom songs. I think that's all there is to say on that matter!
Treblestuck was the second one
Least painful - i hate to admit it but I actually enjoy a lot of these songs 😭 (S) Karkat: Be A Fanboy was my favorite in middle school tho
Most painful - does Cue Gross Sobbing count? That was a hard listen. If not then maybe reveal glorious plot twist.
Karkalicious, Strider Be Mine, GFDI Dave, Be A Fanboy, A Gristmas Carol, Love Me Drowned......this one has all the most iconic songs.
I also liked do things in your own way, we won't join the rest, I'm still here, horns over heels....okay this album was awesome
Broadway Karkat vol 1 was the third collection
Least painful - i unironically love Ave Mary Am and i am not ashamed to admit it that song FUCKS HARD. I also liked Shut Up!
Most painful - okay this one had some rough ones. Moonlight Tsudere in 2024...rough. strider owes me $20....rough. I also didn't like La Siene but it wasn't rough. Crab Guy was ROUGHH
Broadway karkat vol 2 is the FINAL ONE. I was tired at this point for listening to like 5 hours of homestuck parodies so it might not be my most unbiased opinion but this was my least favorite :(
Least painful - I don't know if any super stood out to me. So it's more like an "i didn't hate". I don't hate hey there harely, or either of the won't say I'm in love parodies. Write a letter was good.
Most painful - this is Broadwaystuck was rough 😭. Karkahontas was just wrong...
✨️✨️✨️FINAL STATS✨️✨️✨️
But most of this album wasn't good or bad.
5 hours and 15 minutes(ish) total!
Overall okay experience. I laughed some. At one point it was like 2 and I was so exhausted I did cry tears. (Don't listen to ALL of broadway homestuck back to back)
My favorites, in no particular order
1. Ave Mary Am
2. I'm Still Here
3. Strider Be Mine
4. Horns Over Heels
5. Be A Fanboy
My least favorites, in no particular order.
1. The 12 Trolls of Christmas
3. Hussies Lullabay
4. This is broadwaystuck
5. Crab Guy
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