#**ooc** PHEW
tvlandofficiall · 6 days
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full lineup of keychains from the deltarune gashapon!
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book-of-legends · 5 months
Birthday Celebration 2024 🎉
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[Full quality image here]
Thank you to everyone who joined and allowed me to draw their OC this year! I'm not going to try to tag everyone in this, but just know if you got tagged in a "Doodle batch" your OC is on it.
I'm sorry I couldn't draw everyone D: there wasn't enough room and I couldn't possibly remember every single amazing Pokeask blog in the community, there are so many! Hopefully next year I can get even more!
Thank you for making my Birthday an amazing experience, and to everyone who wished me happy birthday on my previous posts (and on the 11th) that meant the world to me. I love y'all so much you have no idea, but that's all I have to say for now so.
~ Thank you! Have a wonderful day!! 💖💖
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peaches2217 · 9 months
TW: Dissociation, Implication of Trauma/PTSD
EDIT: AO3 link!
“Come back to me.”
This was the second time he was hearing it, Mario realized, that exact combination of sounds. He hadn’t understood it the first time. Heard it, but couldn’t process it. That was Peach’s voice, right? So those sounds were probably directed at him. Maybe?
“Come on,” she spoke again, “come back to me, darling.” Her voice conveyed urgency, yet it was soft all the same. Was she in distress? Where was she? He hoped she would say it again. Something in his chest fluttered at the sound of her voice. It tickled, come to think of it. Was that good or bad?
He tried to breathe, and he did a bit too well at it; it came in a deep, audible gasp, strong enough to drown that fluttery feeling. It kind of hurt, actually. He forced the air back out as quickly as he could and that almost made it better, but now his eyes were watering.
Bad, he decided. Definitely bad.
He blinked. Pink. His hands hovered over pink fabric, partially obscured. They looked strange. They were undoubtedly his hands, callused and hairy, but what was that attached to them? Peach whispered a few more sounds, but he couldn’t quite process them, and the attachments on his hands moved. The sensation was familiar enough, ingrained enough, that he recognized them as another set of hands. Peach’s hands, slender and soft.
Where were his gloves? He had been staring at his own hands for what must have been hours. He remembered, or at least he thought he remembered, her hands peeling back the upper layer of his skin. She had taken them off. She wasn’t wearing gloves either. It had always amazed him, how soft her skin was, how cool her hands felt within his. But now they felt oddly warm.
His right thumb stroked the back of her left hand. Some dull thought permeated the back of his skull, some mix of dread and surprise. His thumb barely moved, tracing an aimless line back and forth across her skin, yet his hand tensed and shook from the effort of moving it.
“Good,” Peach said, and her hands tightened around his fingers. “Squeeze back?”
He worried sometimes, worried that he might hurt her, worried he might forget his own strength at the worst times in the worst ways. So he did his best to follow her request as gently as possible. His fingers twitched. His thumbs pressed into her hands. A tingling sensation crawled up his arms and into his shoulders; the discomfort made him tighten his grasp, which made the unpleasant sensation spread.
“Good!” she repeated. The pink fabric shifted and her voice came nearer. “Very good. There you are.”
He pulled air in too quickly again, and all at once he was slammed back into his own body.
The weight of it was crushing, the numbness in his legs, the tingling in his arms, the ringing in his ears. He relaxed his grip on Peach’s hands and hunched over, shutting his eyes tightly. Dizzy. He was dizzy. The world was spinning around them, as though trying with all of its might to fling them apart, and the very thought of losing her made him groan with terror and grip onto her even harder.
She shushed him, a lone source of calm in the chaos that ensnared him. “Can you speak?” she asked. He could feel her now, her nose pressed into the top of his head, and he wanted nothing more than to kiss her, kiss her deeply and endlessly until his feet felt solid on the ground again. 
But he couldn’t find the energy. He couldn’t lift his head, and he couldn’t pull her any closer, and he wasn’t even on his feet to begin with. He was sitting on his knees in some dark room not far from the meeting hall. She had pulled him in here and urged him into this position; the memory was hazy, but he remembered all the same.
What happened? he wanted to say. He knew what happened. Thinking about it just made the world spin faster. Maybe if he could hear it again from a voice that brought him nothing but comfort, it would stop, it would all go away. Maybe he would realize definitively just how stupid it was, how inconsequential the trigger for this episode, and that would snap him back to normal.
No sound came out when he opened his mouth. His eyes stung, and he grit his teeth against the unshed tears.
She let go of his hands and drew him in closer, and Mario couldn’t help but sigh in both shame and relief. Her sweet perfume washed over his senses and wrapped him in another layer of familiarity. 
“That’s okay,” she whispered, pressing a kiss to his hair. “It’s okay. We’re safe. Everything is alright.”
If everything was alright, then the great hero of the Mushroom Kingdom wouldn’t be crumpled in a quivering heap on the floor, unable to speak or even raise his chin. He couldn’t express his frustration properly, in words. All he could do was huff.
Peach shushed him again. Another kiss. “Here, lie down. You’ll feel better if you lie down.”
Mario wanted to protest. They had been in the middle of— they needed to get back to— there were people waiting on them, on her, because she had— because he was too weak to even open his eyes.
He nodded instead.
Letting her hands guide his motions, he collapsed heavily to the floor, curling into himself on instinct. Carpet. Not as plush as the carpets in the private chambers, a bit scratchy against his cheek. Peach’s fingers cupped the side of his head, lightly pressing upward; he somehow found the strength to lift his head and keep it there, just long enough for her to make whatever adjustments she needed.
A sound like a whimper escaped his throat as his cheek met silk. He was so disoriented he felt it in the pit of his stomach. He gulped and made a few more pathetic sounds, because he was almost certain he would vomit otherwise.
Fingers in his hair brought him back. He focused all of his attention on them: the gentle scrape of nails against his scalp, his curls bouncing back into place with each pass, the sweat dripping down the back of his neck. He was clammy, he realized for the first time. He was cold. 
His guardian angel’s voice cut through his shivering. She was giving more instructions, and he held to them like a lifeline — “…without us. Just take good notes and I’ll review them later. If you could bring us some water first? Thank you.”
These weren’t instructions for him. There was a world beyond these few square feet around them. She was willfully shunning that world for his sake. He willed himself to open his eyes, get himself together, go on about his day so she could go about hers because he wasn’t supposed to be dragging her down with him. He wasn’t supposed to be like this in the first place.
All he could see was pink. His head was in her lap. That knowledge sent a wave of solace crashing over him, intense enough that his breath caught in his throat and he began trembling uncontrollably once more. Or maybe he hadn't stopped trembling in the first place.
Pathetic. He was supposed to make her feel safe. He was truly pathetic.
“Stay with me,” Peach said, her urgency replaced with quiet tenderness. “Take your time. Rest. But stay with me.”
Gulping again, Mario nodded. This wasn’t right. His burdens shouldn’t be hers to bear. He shouldn’t be a burden, much less her burden. But for now, he was, and she had ordered him to stay. So he closed his eyes and focused on her fingers in his hair, steadying his breath and coming back little by little, back into full awareness of the world outside of him and her and all of his uselessness.
“You’re alright, Mario,” she soothed, and just for now, just until he was strong enough to cram his weaknesses back down so that they'd never bother anyone again, he let himself believe her.
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no1psychic · 7 days
there are two wolves inside of me. one says keep scrolling on tiktok. the other says watch the new season of the bear
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attroxx · 20 days
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y'all better be proud of me cause i managed to throw six replies / asks into my queue for this weekend and did a lil extra. hmu on discord cause i'll be checking it even while i'm out of town <3 ( softsalem666 ) goodnight friends ~
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smilingmxsk · 21 days
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
“When you laugh like that, it just — you’re so beautiful, you know that?” for the ficlet prompt pls !! love your writing so so much ❤️
Tim is a very serious guy, busy doing very serious work.
"—still don't know why anyone would write this! Actually, who the fuck paid them to write this?! Is this the state of journalism in today's world?" Bart flails a hand at his laptop screen, laughing so hard he's turning red. "Someone—someone got paid to write—to write this?! This is a self-help article?!"
"I just don't—why would you—" Kon stares at the screen, too, fingers steepled and pressed to his lips in deep consternation. "I can't even finish my dramatic reading! Why would—why would—who even wants to phone a friend in the middle of doing an enema?"
Tim is a very serious guy, busy doing very serious work, by which he means playing Minesweeper while listening to his very un-serious friends read a how-to guide on, for some reason, coffee enemas. It happens. He really did mean to get work done, but sitting in the common room was a mistake; he's just been listening and swallowing laughter for the past ten minutes.
"I can promise you this. If any of you ever phone me with anything up your ass, we are not friends anymore," Cassie says, sounding disturbed.
That does it. Tim's finger slips and clicks a bomb instead of a safe tile as he wheezes with sudden, explosive laughter.
All three of them whip around to look at him; Bart is the first to crack into giggles, too, then Kon smothers a chuckle into his hands, and finally Cassie slumps back onto the cushions behind her, cackling. Tim really, truly does try to get ahold of himself, but it's a losing battle at this point.
"Where did you even find this article, Bart?" he manages, grinning breathlessly. "Send me the link." It sounds like a great way to harass Dick, and Tim needs to do that yesterday.
"Why?" Bart shoots back immediately. "Feeling inspired?"
"You better not call me when you try it out," Cassie wheezes.
Kon, meanwhile...
Oh. Wait. What's up with Kon? He's still grinning, but it's a softer look than before; his eyes sparkle with warmth as he looks at Tim, perching in the bay window. That's a very, ah... fond? Yes, fond. A very fond look for someone whose companions are currently losing their shit about a self-help article about coffee enemas.
Tim meets his gaze and quirks an eyebrow. Kon blinks at him, seeming surprised; did he think Tim wouldn't notice him gazing over like that?
"Sorry, sorry," Kon says, though he certainly doesn't sound particularly sorry. “When you laugh like that, it just—man, you’re so beautiful, you know that?”
Tim's face immediately flames. That's rich, coming from the most beautiful guy in not just the room, but the entire city. Country. World? Yeah, world. "Uh."
"Oh my god, shut the fuck up, you're so sappy!" Bart groans, smacking Kon on the shoulder. Kon, because he's Kon, just preens at his complaints. "Stop being a cheese before I kick your ass!"
"Be careful that it doesn't have coffee in it!" Cassie snickers into her hands.
Normally, Tim would join in on the ribbing. Right now, though, he's still a little stuck on Kon just casually calling him beautiful for laughing. What the fuck. They've been officially dating for two weeks! He can't just spring that kind of thing on Tim! And the worst (best) part is, because he's Kon, Tim knows he's being completely genuine about it!
Why did this have to happen during this, of all conversations?
"Now, Bart," Kon says, and aggressively ruffles Bart's hair. "You know Tim is the only one here with the rights to touch my ass, kicking or not."
Bart blows an obnoxiously loud raspberry. Tim drops his face into his hands.
Yeah, he's a serious guy, alright. Real serious about... starting a new game of Minesweeper and listening to his friends continue to be a bunch of comedians.
♥ soft sentence starters ♥
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mythvoiced · 2 months
hiatus 🥺
saw Ferre's post from a few days ago and felt WELP might as well make it official on my end as well~ no worries or concerns, i am merely either working or completely devoid of any creative juices, truly, i stare at my fingers and dramatic music starts playing as i wonder where my writing has gone
i plan on cleaning up around mythvoiced while i take an official break from invading y'all's notifications, and that will probably entail a drastic cut on muses. DRASTIC! my deepest apologies to the people who i might impact like this (yknow, our lil threads 🥺) but i just think it's?? better to put those folks on ice that i can't wring anything out of anymore, those damn idiots DAMN IT gosh i haven't posted anything in here in what feels like ages i have lost TOUCH with the VIBES
but yes, thank you for your patience & pls have a lovely timezone TELL ME IF SOMEONE'S MEAN, I'LL FIGHT
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mamorigami · 1 month
i log in. i spam daynes inbox. i log out.
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2ndsk8terboy · 5 months
got any muse headcanons?
1. He's bi
2. Is really bad about talking about feelings, so he expresses affection through actions.
3. On the note about feelings, he's a serial emotion bottler.
4. Got into trade school and started working out like crazy when Ramona dumped him
5. He went to trade school for HVAC or maybe like auto collision (Idk exactly what yet)
6. He didn't finish trade school cause he got an acting contract at the beginning of his senior year
7. He had to go back and get a GED too like a year before the scott fiasco
8. Probably still has a a decent relationship with his parents
9. Is usually super duper flat broke after paying for groceries bc he has to eat a lot to maintain his physique
10. When he back it up that dump truck goes BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP
11. He wasn't actually that bad in school, he was a C and B average student
12. Really wanted to join Todd friend group so bad but they told him no cause he was a loser and it broke his lil heart
(If it seems like I have a lot of headcanons about his highschool experience, that's cause I'm in highschool)
13. When Todd and Ramona got together he (after making his resolutions after Ramona dumped him) relapsed and got a brief crush on both of them at once (the mspec experience or maybe just me)
14. Was super awkward and had no confidence when he first got into acting, but built a huge ego on it as he quickly got more famous
15. The only things he misses about living in his mansion are the big bed, the pool, the skate ramps, and not having to clem anything himself (so a lot but having all that space wasn't really necessary huh?)
16. If you're ever in a situation with any heavy lifting involved tho, he'll be more than glad to show off
17. He shows off to crushes with "feats of strength" (throwing heavy stuff around with smug look on his face)
18. Minor alcoholism (similarly to wallace except with whiskey instead of martinis)
19. Is a starwars fan. He's seen all the main movies, watched all the spin offs, and even played the game. He's not into fandom though, he thinks getting too excited about stuff online makes him cringey
20. Though he likes to SHOW affection through actions, he gets insecure if he receives it in an indirect way. He loves attention.
21. Worries that he's not manly enough bc he's bi
22. He thought he was well over Ramona but seeing her again in episode 4 reopened old wounds and he was secretly pretty torn up, even after he spilled his guts to her and they resolved things
23. Doesn't eat sushi bc after the first time he tried it he was telling ppl at school about it and one dude said it that was gay
24. Serial after work sunshine napper (when there's sun obvi)
25. Tries to smoke cigars socially to loom cool but thinks they're yucky secretly
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tvlandofficiall · 22 days
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i really like seam. with a sizable amount of dialogue, a wonderfully composed theme song, some very interesting connections, and a sharp personality that lends well to thinking up interesting character interactions, they’re a character who more than deserves to be recognized in their own right. surprisingly though, i don’t see a whole lot of analysis out there when it comes to this slept-on stuffed animal, especially when compared to more recent introductions to the speculation scene like dess holiday or big plot movers like the knight. a lot of the analyses i have seen, both the kind that aligns with or has informed my own reading and the kind that does not, has either been long-deleted or lost to time. but tucked away inside seam’s seap is one of the most interesting characters in the game to me, and i want to shine a light (or perhaps, more fittingly, take a step into the darkness) on just what makes them such a fascinating addition to deltarune and its writing here, since most of the other seam analyses i’ve seen around are either long-deleted or are few and far between. 
to start talking about seam (or any darkner, for that matter) we’ve got to talk about fate. 
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after all, fate and agency are all but literally the name of the game here. and seam has quite a bit to do with both of those things. right away, they tell us a couple of very important things. the lightners, they tell us, are like gods to the darkners, and they’re the ones who give the darkners their purpose.
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they are actually the first to bring up the concept of a darkner’s purpose to us, and for good reason. 
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purpose is a concept set up all throughout chapter one, and then paid off at the end of it – once we see that the darkners are all objects, it all comes together. 
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an object’s fate is to serve and assist the person using it, much like kris’ fate is to serve and assist us as a player in using the game deltarune. (you need a player character to play, after all.) this setup lets the concept be further explored in chapter two, especially with spamton, but we’re here to talk about seam.
seam, being a darkner, is an object – a stuffed doll, to be exact. they’re actually the one ch1 darkner with a unique sprite in the light world, interestingly enough – so even if you end up missing their seap, there’s a little clue left to catch your eye and prompt you to seek them out. this is something that will come up again in later sections – they’re someone that’s made out to be quite important to a certain segment of the game.
but seam isn’t the soft and fluffy sort of personality a stuffed animal might typically be assigned as. (that honor goes first and foremost to the prince of the dark himself.) no, seam is a fairly snide old cat, and they certainly don’t have any pretense of considering you heroes when you first meet. they’re a doomy, gloomy, type of person;
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and they do it all with a smile on their face to boot. they’re also quite a nihilistic personality, making no secret of the fact that nothing much here matters and that they sure aren’t too bothered about that. unlike their king, they don’t express much anger at their situation nor struggle against it in any way. they’re plenty content to stay right where they are – they don’t even come out to celebrate with everyone when the party goes to seal the fountain! 
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and there’s an additional reason for that, too –
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seems they not only know the kingdom’ll vanish, but they know it’s fate that our party’ll make it happen, too. (lancer, as a contrasting example, doesn’t know until it’s already happened.)
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as for the fate of an object, though – well, they tell us themselves. neither light nor dark hold anything for them.
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as demonstrated through the other characters; be a useful object, and you’ll be rewarded with fulfillment, love, and attention. be a useless object, and you’ll be left abandoned, unfulfilled, and desperate. but either way, every object becomes useless eventually – no matter how many times you’re patched up without a choice in the matter. either way, you’re still an object – and either way, your fate is a pretty bleak one.
so why try fighting against something as steadfast as fate? it’s fate, after all! seam’s certainly not spamton – they don’t bother themselves with any pretense of breaking strings or defying destiny. and unlike the companion that led their worldview down such a dark path in the first place, they don’t find any freedom in their nihilistic outlook or in the kingdom’s purposelessness. 
though such nihilism does, in an ironic twist, cause them to be the one who poses the question – if they’ve lost any care for the light or for its absence, could they find “purpose” in another darkner instead? could they find meaning in what little is their own? 
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jevil and seam used to be quite close. before the knight arrived and all four kings ruled together, the two of them were a part of their court – seam the court mage, jevil the court jester. one day, jevil met a strange someone, and the things he’d told seam since that time have led their worldview to grow – in their own words – darker yet darker. this seems to have been the cause for the mindset described above – if the seeds of such a mindset hadn’t existed already. 
seam doesn’t exactly know if they’d consider him a friend. but he was the only one who could match them in the games they’d play together – but match up to what, exactly?
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through the power of setup and payoff, we can find out. when talking to jevil before his battle, the jester mentions wanting to play one of his games with everyone once he’s out. and he’s happy to play this game with the party, too. 
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the game itself is, of course, his boss battle. it’s a deadly “numbers game” where he holds most of the cards as one of the (if not the) strongest bosses in the game. and so when seam mentions playing games with jevil before he began to see the whole world as such, we can infer from this context what those games were. it’s a payoff to what jevil set up during his fight – like two people throwing a ball back and forth in narrative form. 
we get some good characterization out of this, too. seam’s not just a fan of the games they played with jevil, they’re downright ecstatic about them – even asking the party eagerly to tell them what happens when they meet with jevil, saying they almost wish they could watch! a little chaos is nothing short of thrilling to them. 
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but this isn’t the only setup and payoff seam’s got going on. jevil’s fight also introduces the secret bosses’ main throughline – the shadow crystals. after the party defeats jevil, a crystal is added to our inventory, and talking to seam lets us do something with it. 
the shadow crystals are a popular point of speculation, and seam is sitting at the very center of the mystery. it’s they that collect the crystals, supposedly to stitch together something incredible for us. there’s also the added mystery of the unused purecrystal item – seemingly, seam may also have the ability to purify these crystals too – but i’ll get into that in a later section. for now, let’s talk about the crystals.
to bring seam the crystals at all, we’ve got to talk to them in their relocated shop. they’re the only shopkeeper who retains their full shop menu in castle town – spamton is absent from town altogether, rouxls and swatch do not have menus at all, and sweet cap’n cakes’ shop is remodeled into a jukebox with limited options. as such, they are the one to retain the updating, lengthier talk menu afforded to the shopkeepers. they also retain their unique shop theme – a waltz remix of the battle theme, “rude buster”. already, they’re set up to stand out. 
and when we do talk to them, they has a number of varying reactions to the crystals based on the order in which you collect them. many of these contribute to the mysterious nature of seam as a character, as the context in which they occur changes what would otherwise be quite similar dialogue. 
if you defeat jevil and bring his crystal to seam, they’re surprised to see that he had one. but, if you haven’t, seam pesters you about it – clearly implying they know you’d have gotten a crystal from him if you had. still, they’ll say the same surprised dialogue once you do bring jevil’s crystal to them – causing you to wonder if they were playing coy about it or not the first time around too. how do they know how that mechanic works? was there some strange intuition how they’d learned his defeat gave us the crystal, or did they know all along?
regardless, we know one thing’s for certain – seam knows what a shadow crystal is. they recognize the first crystal you bring them immediately, explaining what a shadow crystal is, that they’re held by powerful darkners, and later, implies they may come from special connections to the lightners. they’re obviously quite familiar with these crystals, leaving us to wonder just how they did and what the extent of their familiarity really is. what exactly do they want with these crystals? why do they know so much about them? why do they act so sketchy when we talk to them – there are quite a few moments that read like they’re trying to scare or bore us away given how often they say such things. 
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(seriously, they do this a LOT.)
and there are a few more moments where they allude to knowing things they shouldn’t, too – like the power of the next foe we’ll face and the nature of the neo body.
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this mystery is, as mentioned before, another way in which setup and payoff are used to keep seam within the loop of the secret bosses’ storyline. seam prompts us to discover more crystals and tells us how to do it, we go to discover more crystals and meet spamton (who has both incredibly important thematic stuff and a difficult boss fight in his arsenal), and we bring spamton’s crystal back to seam. this sets seam up as the connecting thread of the “secret boss” arc of the game. (in other words, similarly to how ralsei and susie are central characters of the main story, seam is the central character of this section of the story.)
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(and if you've ever played slay the princess, these segments are another good point of comparison.)
overall, they’re telegraphed as an important character both thematically and to this storyline of the game in a more strictly mechanical sense. 
to really get into the weeds of why seam is being telegraphed as an important character, i’d like to talk a bit about some extracanonical material as well. this information, while less immediately relevant to the game itself, is recent enough (specifically, it is all official content published after ch1’s release) that it’d like to consider it here – albeit in its own separate, much smaller section. 
there are several pieces of extracanonical material and one or two unused items that are relevant to seam. the first of those is the seam ripper, a weapon detailed in the undertale cross-stitch book.
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there isn’t much to say about this that isn’t explained in and of itself.  
the second of those is this answer from the twitter qna that followed the spamton sweepstakes;
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“cat/puppet” seems to match up to seam pretty accurately. plus, in addition to the obvious “puppet” status that darkners have at the whims of fate, “poppet” can be another word for “doll”.
finally, there is this unused item that draws a fair bit of speculation.
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because it remains unused, it is far more dubious than the former two in terms of relevancy. it could end up remaining unused due to not making sense with the presented version of the game, or it could end up being implemented later due to it seeming like something to be introduced later as opposed to an older concept that got scrapped. however, because it is such a dubious item, i likely won’t be dwelling on it in this section as much as the former two things i’ve mentioned. still, i feel it’s worth mentioning. seam may have yet another trick up their sleeve when it comes to the crystals.
keen-eyed players may have also noticed another thing cueing seam as important – namely, their similarities to a certain character from undertale. deltarune, being a game not only about us as players but about us as players of undertale, uses symbols and signifiers of it to induce a variety of reactions in the player. although they are not identical to these characters – nor should they be, as this is a story about a new cast first and foremost – the cues still let us know these new focal characters can at times be similar to ones found in undertale. think of it a bit like how a character losing their shoe on a staircase can often be meant to make you think of cinderella.  
seam has a few of these cues. the first is their eye – a dead ringer for one of flowey’s creepy faces. it spins clockwise just like a face flowey makes before his boss fight at the end of a neutral run. this cueing makes a lot of sense, given flowey’s also a bit of a nihilist (i’d suggest going back and watching flowey’s monologue at the end of a no mercy route – the whole thing is very relevant.)
they’ve also got a face that, when flipped horizontally, looks much like the mysteryman sprite – often speculated to be gaster – as well as the aforementioned drop of the infamous “darker, yet darker” line in reference to their descent into madness. 
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the secret bosses all seem to have more than a few signifiers of the man, and it makes perfect sense that the darkner standing at the center of the mystery would have them too. perhaps such a strange person is a part of what motivates them… 
overall, however, we don’t yet know much about seam. they’re keen to tell us a lot of things about a lot of people, but their own story and motivations remain unknown at this point in the story. however, that doesn’t mean they’re unimportant – i’ve detailed here why i think they’re set up to be a central character to the secret boss arc, and i think that they’re far more worth keeping an eye on than they might seem at first glance. 
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priesm · 9 months
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,, ♡ ︰ USAGI & LUNA ﹒🌙 ୨୧ ˖˚⊹
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signetied · 22 days
sorry for being mia. we’ve literally been changing everything in our house and i’ve been so sleepy.
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godblooded · 1 year
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the cat was the world's most prolific data thief with unmatched mechanical skills & a penchant for jewels.
ind. hathacat selina kyle of the nolanverse as wrangled by kat valentine. heavily mixed with ocean's 8 canon & feat. hollyanne kyle/a reinterpretation of daphne kluger.
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hellmxses · 7 days
y'know when you write something and choke up bc it hurts
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shevour · 7 months
i am going to be doing a bit of cleaning on this blog, including deleting some old things and sb’ing a few ghost/inactive/people i haven’t interacted with followers. before i do please know that it is nothing personal. i’m just trying to clean out my space and do what feels right for me since it’s already feeling a bit cluttered here despite my lack of a presence. going forward with that, i’m moving this blog from selective to extremely selective. i thrive best when i’m in a space creating things with people i have a prior connection with, however if we haven’t talked yet, and you still see a mutual follow between us it means i am very much interested in creating a dynamic with you!!! i’m dying to get this blog off the ground in the next few weeks and i thank everyone for their patience these last few months!! <3
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