#*​lucas munch
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bibliosims · 1 year ago
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acuar-io · 5 months ago
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llamatail · 3 months ago
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gee luca, how come your mom lets you have both the black cat and golden retriever besties
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gunthermunch · 11 months ago
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Happy three whole strange strange years of munch to YOU🎂
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modernlex · 1 year ago
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townie makeover wips - windenburg edition
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abbysimsfun · 3 months ago
Sims In Bloom: Generation 2 Pt. 96 (Making Amends For Past Mistakes)
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Conrad arrived in Henford after dark and walked right inside the Nesbitt home. Henford was the kind of place where no one locked their doors, which was a large reason why he'd wanted Heather and Lavender to spend an extra night in town.
He found his daughter cuddling with River's wife in one of the bedrooms. "Oh you're here!" said Cass warmly. Lavender smiled up at him, and he was happy to stumble on the two of them first. "Heather's still over at the Finchwick Winter Fair, but she should be back soon."
He took Lavender from her arms, sitting with her on Heather's childhood bunk bed until she fell asleep. He chuckled at a goofy selfie of Heather as a child hanging on the wall nearby. She was missing her front tooth, grinning wide in front of the statue of Sophie the Snail.
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He smiled at their sleeping daughter, cuddled against his chest. No matter what Heather had to say to him when she got back from the fair, their love was strong enough to create someone perfect, and he held on to that belief as fear gripped him.
River and her parents had seemingly made themselves scarce - perhaps they were enjoying the fair, or maybe they were avoiding him. Whatever the reason, he cherished the quiet with his daughter. The calm before a possible storm.
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At the Finchwick Winter Fair, Heather entered some of her homegrown dragonfruit into the produce competition, winning a first-place ribbon! She posed for a photo for the town's community notice board to celebrate her win, met her sister Hazel's boss, Mayor Varner, and even ran into her old acquaintance, Lucas Munch, who she'd failed to flirt with back in her teens.
"Lucas, hi! Did you and your girlfriend, Gabi, live happily ever after?"
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He smiled. "We got married after she graduated and I moved to the Bramblewood with her and her parents. I love it here, and it's a great place to raise our son, Luka."
(The game decided the son of Lucas Munch and grandson of Paolo Rocca would be named Luka and I was all for it.)
"Luka's a nice name," said Heather kindly, but she was distracted thinking about home. She thought she'd seen Conrad's cruiser pull in behind her parents' place, but she stayed until the fair wound down, going for a spin on the ice rink for old time's sake. Open despite Henford's notoriously mild winters, Brindleton Bay never put up a rink, though she often wished for such a place to take her kids in their own hometown.
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When she returned to her parents' home across the emptying village green, she found Conrad in the bedroom. Without a word, he put Lavender in the crib where Heather had slept as an infant and glanced hopefully in her direction.
"Let's go for a walk," she said. He followed easily. They made their way to a bench in a small park lined with stones and short greenery, and she was the first to start talking. "Your past doesn't upset me, Conrad. That you thought you couldn't share it with me is what made me so upset."
"I'm so sorry I lied to you. I was always just trying not to hurt you."
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"I never thought I'd be the girl who broke her own promise to herself after my last relationships - if he ever lies, he's just not worth it - but I can forgive you. If you promise that nothing is too dark for us. I can handle anything, but we have to keep the kids safe together."
"I promise nothing is too dark or us. I know how strong you are, and I'm sorry."
"What do I need to know about the investigation?"
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He took a deep breath. "George Brindleton's involved. He pulled security from the pier to show off and then a body turned up, so we're going to have to bring in some of his guy's for questioning."
"Did he try to show off because he was angry at us?"
Conrad shrugged. "It's the least of my concerns for now... Ximena's missing. She's the prime suspect, but they're going to put a police detail outside our house and the clinic until we find her, so there's no way she'll come around you or the kids."
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"What about the school?"
"No one gets out to Deadgrass Isle without a boat, and every boat gets logged at every dock."
"John Brindleton made it to the island without being noticed."
"Heather, they check everyone who walks into the school."
"I can't believe this woman is making me fear for the lives of my kids. Who the hell does she think she is?"
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"Right now she's desperate. If our suspicions are right she doesn't have anyone. Her one ally in the world is missing."
"And now no one's looking for him..."
He looked anxiously at his feet. "Actually...the captain put me on the case to look for Rafa. Officially."
She frowned. "I thought you were done with the case because it was too personal."
"I gave the captain a way to do this without opening an investigation into the cartel. He doesn't want me to lead but he wants me involved in case Ximena comes out of hiding and tries to find me."
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"Conrad, what could she do to you?"
"She's not going to do anything to me, I swear to the Watcher. I promise you, Heather, we're going to find her and put her away where she belongs. And I'm going to find her brother. I need to."
Heather thought a moment, swallowing her anxiety in the face of his conviction. "The minute she reaches out to you, if she does, you have to tell me."
He stood from the bench, and she reached slowly for his outstretched hand. "I promise I will tell you."
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They stayed outside for a while in the mild moonlit night, and Conrad finally had an opportunity to tell Heather about his wild night at Bella Goth's.
"I finally used her seance table to travel to the Realm of the Dead. I was hoping for guidance from the mentors but I relived my first year of college, instead. I didn't go to some new school, and Bella said this only happens when they want to send a warning."
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Heather peeled back in fear, but he shook his head. "I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out what the mentors wanted to show me, but after everything that's happened this weekend, I think they were trying to warn me about the body that turned up at the pier. And the way I make amends is by finding Rafa and putting Ximena behind bars."
"Conrad, I know you," said Heather. "Now that you don't have to hide anything, you'll figure it all out. You'll find Rafa and you'll be able to help him. And I'll help keep us all safe."
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They returned home after everyone but Neal had gone to bed. He followed them inside with a smile, but Conrad felt a chill in his future father-in-law's demeanor. As they laid together on the pull out couch upstairs, Conrad turned to talk about it. "I think your dad and your brother might have a harder time forgiving me for this than you did."
Heather nodded. "I haven't told them anything about it, but River knows that you lied to his face, and my Dad's afraid you can't keep us safe. I tried to cover for you this morning, but they want to hear it from you."
He was up most of the night thinking about how to defeat Ximena. His mind drifted to Rafa, and who he might find to give insight into where he could be, but he couldn't come up with anything resembling a solid theory.
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As dawn broke, he got up when he heard Lavender babbling in her crib. She enjoyed riding around in a carrier, staring at the world with curious delight, and he strapped her to his back. He found River in pajamas and they shared knowing glances. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you what was really going on. I couldn't tell you before I told Heather, but you made me see that I wasn't managing it and I'm glad you did."
"Even though backing out of the case made your ex leave a dead body out front of the Salty Paw?"
He froze. "Did your father eavesdrop on me and Heather last night?"
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A gruff voice called from the other side of the door. "I was looking out for my daughter."
Conrad looked back to River with a helpless expression and River shrugged. "Put your ex behind bars and he'll believe you're keeping Heather and the kids safe," he said. Oblivious to the conversation, Lavender cooed happily in her seat behind Conrad's broad shoulders.
"That's the plan," Conrad assured him.
"Good. I'm not even that mad you lied to me, dude. Lies are bad, and they always cause trouble, but I just want to be sure they're not about to get caught up in something that has nothing to do with them. Heather loves you, but she didn't sign up for a life running from cartels."
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"When I said I'd do anything to keep them safe, you have to know I wasn't lying about that."
"I know that," River said. "That's why I left your house knowing you were lying to me about everything else."
"You have my word. I won't rest until Ximena's behind bars and I can put her entirely in the past."
"I believe you, man. But...why are you still in your work clothes?"
"I honestly haven't really slept much. I need a shower before I put on something clean."
(I told you, I like him in this outfit! Shameless.)
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Having made amends with Heather and River, Conrad was determined to win back Neal's respect, and his own peace of mind, by ensuring Ximena got what she deserved. ->
<- Previous Chapter | Gen 2 Start | Gen 1 Summary | Gen 1 Start
NOTE: Heather really did go to the fair, met the latest mayor, chatted with Lucas, and won first place for her fruit, but I was bad at taking photos and jumping between too many sims. When it was time to restage for better shots in the photo save they were too far away from another fair so I used TOOL to place a stand but couldn't feasibly restage everything and couldn't get the dragon fruit to place on the stand with TOOL and gave up.
TOWNIE TREE NOTE: Lucas Munch married Gabi Rocca-Chopra, daughter of Lavina Chopra and Paolo Rocca. She's a half-sister of Rahul, who's still living happily with Bella's onetime bartender boyfriend, Diego, after his wife Rashidah died of heatstroke and left him a widower. Rahul's daughter, Thomasine, married Heather's former, mediocre vet tech Marcus Flex, and they live somewhere.
Rahul and Gabi have another brother (also Lavina and Paolo's) named Rocco. Rocco married Rikissa, the third daughter of Bjorn and Clara Bjergsen (also born in game), and thus far they're the only sims to have triplets in this save. Glad I'm not playing them tbh. 😂
Lucas' brother Wolfgang is married to Everett Pancakes' younger brother Kash and they live together in Brindleton Bay with Wolfgang's elderly mother, Mila. Lucas and Wolfgang's eldest brother, Gunther, married Catarina Lynx and they have three redheaded daughters - Felina, Yasmine, and Lindsey.
WCIF Poses Used? @helgatisha's Model Poses 21 posepack (pose 15) next to the stand where the dragon fruit is supposed to be. It's fine that the dragonfruit defeated me, Heather looks ️‍🔥 in the shot, anyway. For the conversation on the bench I used @simmerianne93's Conversation posepack 5, and I think it looks fantastic! Really suits the mood of their conversation, for me. Thank you creators, for sharing your creations, as always! ��
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honeymoonsimmer · 4 months ago
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playing on my off save and my sim just grew into a teen along with her best friends! here's some of them (aka my fav sims in the whole game)
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simmersofia · 4 months ago
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Autumn Windenburg, later that evening
Wolfgang: Remind me again how you managed to convince me to go to this thing? Surely some highly illegal sedatives were involved? At the very least a gun was pointed at my head at some point.
Morgan: Stop being such a fucking drama queen, Wolfgang.
Cassie: Ever heard of the power of a positive outlook?
Mo: Yeah, this will be fun! And if not, we’ll be too drunk to notice we’re miserable.
W: Whoo, win-win.
Lucas: Are you guys going to a party? Can I come?
W: Sorry, buddy, this ones for the big kids. Maybe next time.
Lu: Yay! Mom, Wolfie said I can come to the next party!
Mila: He said WHAT now?
Ca: He’s adorable. You’re lucky to have such a close family.
W: Ahh, they’re all a bunch of nerds.
W: Alright, let’s go. Get this shit over with.
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akitasimblr · 6 months ago
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🌼previous | next🌼
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - [light spooky story] 5 - florence: oopsie!
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stargazerlounge · 25 days ago
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perhaps a sequel to my other alexander goth piece
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pamsimmerstories · 2 months ago
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I was like... I'm not going to make a big wedding for rose, I'm just going to take some pics in her wedding dress... and yet here I was... You bet he changed his name to landgraab now haha
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meateatersims · 1 year ago
Hello hello could Please put wolfgang for download? Hes looks amazing!
hiiii!! i'm so glad you like my version of him :') i can definitely put him up for download for ya!!
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download wolfgang (gd) (cc included, pretty hefty)
alsooo here's my entire munch family for funsies :)
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download (gd) (cc also included, even more hefty)
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tricoufamily · 2 years ago
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THE BITCH IS BACK (jacques, not me fuck you)
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llamatail · 2 months ago
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can you tell someone discovered relight eheh
early happy new year everyone 🥂
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gunthermunch · 1 year ago
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But you can't look back It's impossible
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adelarsims · 1 year ago
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finally made a lucas for my wolfgang
because gosh my old makeover was painful to look at from 2023
and also it only worked with my old wolfgang: i purposely make lucas from wg's face, just more squishy and round, less bitchy and sleep deprived, so their makeovers only make sense together.
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