#* time to cast a spell / starter call.
bookished · 8 days
( a collection of starters. adjust phrasing as necessary.) feel free to make edits to better suit your muse, but please don’t edit or add on to the original post 💛 if you like, please consider supporting me through tips
"Every time you laugh, butterflies appear. It's beautiful, but… are you aware that you're standing in a swarm right now?"
"I know this sounds crazy, but ever since we kissed, I can see everyone's auras. Yours is the brightest I've ever seen."
"Wait, you're telling me that every time I blush, a flower blooms somewhere in the city? No wonder the parks have been so colorful lately…"
"I didn't mean to read your mind, I swear! It just happens when I touch someone's hand. So… you really feel that way about me?"
"Ever since we met, time slows down when we're together. I thought it was just a saying, but my watch literally runs slower around you."
"You know how I said I collect memories in bottles? Well, I accidentally opened our first date, and now the entire apartment smells like that coffee shop."
"I can't explain it, but whenever you're sad, it rains. Only around you. We need to figure this out because I can't keep carrying an umbrella everywhere."
"So, let me get this straight. Every time we argue, we switch bodies until we make up? That explains a lot about this morning…"
"I know it's odd, but trust me. When we hold hands, we can walk through walls. Want to try sneaking into the movie theater?"
"Remember when I said my grandmother was a witch? Well, she cast a spell, and now every text I send you appears as a constellation in the sky. Look up."
"I swear, every time you laugh, the streetlights flicker. It's like they're in love with you too."
"Every time you walk into a room, the air smells like rain, just before it falls."
"Did you notice the stars rearrange themselves when we first met?"
"The ocean called your name again last night. It sounded worried this time."
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goodnightmemes · 11 months
❛ I can't stay home and watch daytime TV for the rest of my life. ❜
❛ The almanac says today will bring an arrival of something. ❜
❛ We need someone to call out the corners-- north, south, east and west. ❜
❛ I am sorry. My defenses are up. People here have been really rude to me. ❜
❛ He comes on to anything with tits. ❜
❛ Everything in nature steals, you know. Big animals steal from little ones. ❜
❛ Maybe you're a natural witch. Your power comes from within. ❜
❛ I had a dream about you. In my dream, you were dead. ❜
❛ Man invented God. This is older than that. ❜
❛ Do you guys worship the devil? ❜
❛ Sometimes I will want it to rain, and a pipe will burst in my room and it will just get flooded. Or I will want it just to be quiet, and I will wish for it, and I will go deaf for three days straight. ❜
❛ Nothing makes everything all better again. ❜
❛ Maybe he was just trying to save face then... because... he's going around the whole school saying that... you're the lousiest lay he's ever had. ❜
❛ Why'd you lie about me? ❜
❛ Look, I don't want to go out with you again. Okay? Please stop begging. It's pathetic. ❜
❛ She's gonna cry, and then I am gonna cry. We're all gonna cry. ❜
❛ You girls watch out for those weirdos. ❜
❛ We are the weirdos. ❜
❛ Did you tell your friends? That you're a lying sack of shit. ❜
❛ Did you ever play that game, light as a feather, stiff as a board? ❜
❛ I think she doesn't want to be white trash any more. And I told her, "You're white, honey. Just deal with it." ❜
❛ Ever since I was a little girl I said, “All I want in life is a juke box that plays nothing but Connie Francis records.' ❜
❛ It's just that I can't stop thinking about you. I don't know why, but I think I love you. ❜
❛ I don't know what's happening to me. I can't eat. I can't sleep. ❜
❛ When you open a floodgate, how do you undo it? You unleash something with a spell. There is no undoing. It must run its course. ❜
❛ You should let him suffer. ❜
❛ It's not for you to judge suffering. ❜
❛ True magic is neither black nor white. It's both because nature is both. Loving and cruel, all at the same time. The only good or bad is in the heart of the witch. ❜
❛ Whatever you send out you get back times three. ❜
❛ You want to invoke the spirit? You must be experienced to do this. It's very dangerous. ❜
❛ You know, the serpent is a very powerful being. You should respect it. ❜
❛ Listen, all I am saying is I think it's enough already. ❜
❛ I know you think we're getting what we want now, but it's going to come back to us threefold. ❜
❛ Are we actually having a theological conversation here? ❜
❛ I mean, it's fun, it's scary. I mean, who gives a shit? ❜
❛ Stop trying to win them over, because it won't work. ❜
❛ How do you know what I look like? We're talking on the phone. ❜
❛ I disagreed with them once, and they turned their backs on me. That's not friendship. ❜
❛ Sometimes it's like we're one person. Know what I mean? ❜
❛ You should have seen the look in his eyes. It was so weird. They seemed empty, like it wasn't even him. ❜
❛ You're a witch! They were right. ❜
❛ The only reason you're in love with her is because she cast a spell on you. Sad, but true. ❜
❛ You don't even exist to me! You don't even exist. You are nothing. ❜
❛ The only way you know how to treat women is by treating them like whores! ❜
❛ He's sorry? Oh, he's sorry! He's sorry! He's sorry! Sorry, my ass! ❜
❛ Don't touch me! Everything I touch turns to shit. ❜
❛ You know, in the old days if a witch betrayed her coven... they would kill her. ❜
❛ I know I don't know you very well, but I just didn't know where else to go. ❜
❛ And now, it's like everywhere I turn, they're all around me. No matter what I do, ❛ they're still there. I don't know what to do. ❜
❛ She's inside my dreams. She knows what's going on inside my head. She can read my mind. ❜
❛ I can't control it. I always end up hurting somebody. ❜
❛ You must invoke the spirit. ❜
❛ If it isn’t real then why are you still bleeding? ❜
❛ Run! Run back up to your room like the little coward that you are. ❜
❛ What's going on? Why aren't you dead? ❜
❛ He came to me. Saved me. And he wanted me to give you a message. You're in deep shit. ❜
❛ By the way, what happened to [name]? They rushed out of here without even saying good-bye. That's bad manners. ❜
❛ Relax. It's only magic. ❜
❛ Look. I know I am a little crazy. I don't mean to be. ❜
❛ It all got out of hand, and I am sorry. No more games, okay? ❜
❛ We were just wondering, do you still have any powers? Because we don't. ❜
❛ Hold your breath until I call. ❜
❛ Be careful. You don't want to end up like [name]. ❜
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roserysttrpggarden · 1 year
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Hi there~! It's been a long time coming, but here it is, my attempt at reworking the 5e warlock, due to my dissatisfaction with the version presented in One DND (5.5??) feature a whole host of reworked and altered options so you may be the best devil worshiper you can be, the rest of this post shall go over some of the changes made along with my intention behind the changes.
The base class.
For starters, eldritch blast is now a class feature. Simply put, every warlock takes eldritch blast, doesn't matter if you're focused on support, damage, or you're a weapon wielding hexblade, eldritch blast is such a good option, so I might as well give it as a base class feature. Similarly the agonizing blasts ability to add your charisma modifier to its damage rolls was added for similar reasons, skipping over the spellcasting, pact boon and invocation changes, the contact patron feature from the One DND UA was added for thematic purposes, and eldritch master was reworked to instead allow your patron to concentrate on a spell, which yes, does allow you to concentrate on two spells at one (At disadvantage)
The One DND warlock features the rather unique ability to choose between intelligence, wisdom or charisma as its casting stat, while I enjoyed the concept I decided to take it a step further by tying your spellcasting ability to the otherworldly patrons themselves, essentially using their spellcasting stat in a way.
Additional changes include you getting your 3rd-level slot at 6th-level as opposed to 11th, cause the highest most dnd campaigns reach are around 10-11th level, and it feels bad having to wait all the way until then just to cast three spells a day, some other changes of note include the warlock being able to ritually cast, and the spells gained from their otherworldly patron are now automatically prepared, rather than added to the warlock spell list. Which i'm not sure why they did that? Unless they though it'd break warlock somehow.
The Pact boons.
Basically every pact boon got upped in power, such as pact of the blade and pact of the chain, alongside them growing in strength when you reach 5th-level, in addition, two new pact boons were added. The first being the Pact of The Gunpowder, based on the Pact of The Trigger by MonkeyDM, its an eldritch blast/cantrip focused pact for those who want to truly commit themselves to the eldritch blast lifestyle, alongside the Pact of The Idol, allowing you to sacrifice your hit dice to perform various features.
Eldritch Invocations.
A selection of (Mostly new) invocations were made for this document, my favorite would have to be the ones given to the pact of the blade. Admittedly in the rush to get this out by the deadline I chose to cut back on the invocations in particular, but who knows, maybe when I get to revising this someday I can add even more invocations to the list.
All of the subclasses were revised in one way or another, but for the sake of time i'll go other three in particular: The Hexblade, The Horror and The Undying. The hexblade is a rather infamous subclass within the DND community in no small part cause of how strong a 1st-level dip is for many characters (Cough, paladin) but the more I looked at it, the more I found myself bored of it. Don't get me wrong the 5e hexblade is rather powerful, but it just doesn't scratch the itch of the cursed item patron, and with hex warriors main drawing being ported over to pact of the blade, reworking was a must. The horror (Originally called the undead) I generally don't have to many issues mechanics wise, in fact it's one of my favorite warlock subclass, my only gripe is cause of how much if steps on the undying toes flavor-wise, speaking of which, the undying is possibly the subclass I had the most fun reworking, transforming it into a tanky summon focused as opposed to....Whatever the original was trying to accomplish.
Along with the revision of old subclasses, three new subclasses are included: The Arcanist, The Dragon and The Evergreen. The arcanist is a pact with a powerful being of magic (Such as an archmage) it allows you to learn wizard spells from your pact magic feature, manipulate your spellcasting and eventually imbue spells into trinkets, the dragon are for those that simply want blast their foes away, you can create bursts of draconic energy, absorb elemental energy and even assume the form of a dragon, lastly the evergreen is for those that couldn't decide if they wanted to be a druid or a warlock, allowing you to create a garden around yourself that damages enemies, alongside implanting magic seeds within your foes and protecting allies within your garden against spells, similar to an ancients paladin.
New spells
Because I like making more work for myself, a handful of new spells are available at the end of the document, so I apologize if they're a bit on the lower end quality wise, but I hope they'll be at least somewhat interesting.
That's about all I wanted to talk about in relation to this rework, keep in mind everything in here is untested, and I encourage anyone reading this to leave any thoughts or constructive criticism they may have. With that in mind, thank you for reading, go out and make something cool.
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Could you make some starters for fantasy muses? Lots of starters and things on this site seem to be geared only to modern muses. Thank you!!!
Absolutely! Here are some starters. If there's any specific theme you'd like, let me know and I'll work on that too!!
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Fantasy World Based Starters.
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Adventure themed:
"By the stars, did you see the size of that dragon?"
"The bridge ahead looks perilous. Shall we risk it or find another way?"
"We've got company. Two o'clock, [Enemy mob] approaching. Brace yourself."
"The storm clouds gather overhead. We must find shelter before it's too late."
"Keep your blade at the ready. We're not alone in these woods."
"The mist is thickening. We could easily lose our way if we're not careful."
"We're not alone in this cave. I can hear them breathing."
"The runes on this door... they're ancient and powerful."
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Battle/ Combat themed:
"Keep your shield up and watch your flank. Those [Enemy mobs] are sneaky."
"Focus your spells on the [enemy's] weaknesses. We need to bring it down fast."
"They're casting curses! Keep your mind clear and focus on breaking their hold."
"Stay close. We'll cover each other's backs as we advance."
"Stay behind me. My magic will protect us from their ranged attacks."
"This battle isn't over until we've vanquished every last one of them. Fight with all you've got!"
"I'm injured, but I can still fight. Cover me while I heal!"
"Don't hold back your magic. We need every advantage we can get."
"I've got your back, but we need to end this quickly. I can feel my strength waning."
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"I'm going to try a healing spell, but it might sting a bit."
"Stay with me. Don't you dare close your eyes. You hear me?"
"Keep your eyes open. I need you to focus on my voice while I heal your wounds."
"Don't move. I need to remove the arrow carefully before it causes more damage."
"Your wounds are deep, but I won't let you fade away. You're stronger than this."
"I'll transfer some of my vitality to you. It's risky, but we have no other choice."
"I'll brew a potion to dull the pain, but we need to find shelter first."
"I'll call upon the healers. They'll know what to do. Just hang on a little longer."
"The poison... it's spreading. We need an antidote, and fast."
"You're not dying on my watch. We have too many adventures ahead of us."
"The wound festers with dark magic... I fear it's beyond my ability to heal."
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"Every breath feels like knives... tearing through my chest."
"I can't move... my limbs feel like they're encased in stone."
"My magic... it's depleted. I have nothing left to fight with."
I'm alone... so alone. Please... someone help me."
"I'll walk it off... just need to shake off the shock."
"I'm sorry... so sorry. I couldn't protect... couldn't protect anyone."
"Tell... tell them I fought... until the end."
"The pain is nothing... just a scratch compared to what I've endured before."
"The pain is a reminder... that I'm alive, that I'm still fighting."
"The blade... it cut through flesh and bone like a scythe through wheat."
"I'm fine... just a scratch. Nothing a little magic can't fix, right?"
"I'll push through... I must. There's no time for weakness now."
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Harry’s life was full of low days.
Since the war with Voldemort ended in a truce, admittedly, those days have lessened. For a while, Harry found himself breathing easier, waking up each morning lighter, sometimes even finding the will to peacefully drift off to sleep at night, not a single nightmare.
Yet always, the low days persisted.
Depression, Hermione had insisted. We should get you a mind healer. They’ll do wonders in helping you talk things out and foster natural coping skills that simply everyone has—
But Harry didn’t want people in his head. Voldemort already had a permanent little home dugout in there; hell, Snape was bad enough when he tried to teach Harry occlumency. There’s no way he’d put himself through anything similar.
So Harry did what he did best when the world became too much; isolated.
There was comfort and torture in his solitude with equal measure. Time was too abstract. Midnight and afternoon blurred until it was simply boiled down to: I’m awake now. He didn’t take visitors but allowed the occasional floo call and owl. He supposed that patronus counted as well since his wards couldn’t deflect them.
But there was only so long Harry could hide away before his status and the demands of the wizarding world came knocking.
Nothing was ever done. His opinion was always needed. And try as Harry might to siphon off responsibilities when people weren’t looking, they’d almost naturally work their way back to him. Like a damn boomerang, or better yet, a homing missile set on destroying Harry with its inevitable return.
He didn’t have the answers they were searching for, or at least never the right ones. And Harry was so used to being a disappointment that by now, he thought these small things wouldn’t get to him like this. Yet they always hurt in new and unexpected ways.
With a sigh, he cast another noise-cancelling spell on the floo, refreshing the old one. Harry was all too grateful that Grimmauld Place only had one connection, given its age and state of disuse. And given Harry’s tendency to lose himself in personal projects, making him forget about the floo entirely. Very handy, that.
It was the perfect place to hole up even if over the years, people had started to realise this was where he scurried away to. Being one of the few Black Ancestral Homes left, its reputation was nothing to laugh at. Unrealistic horror stories about the townhome were told without much levity, completely different from how Sirius had narrated them to Harry.
But not everyone was so foolish as to believe a few tall tales and stay the hell away.
For starters, Hermione, Ron, and all of the other Weasleys definitely didn’t give a rat’s arse about it. Living in the house and cleaning it for almost an entire summer made it lose all of its dreary, potentially murderous charm. So they frequently tried to swing by and only stopped when Harry finally warded the door and stuck a note to it, requesting they give him some time and space.
Honestly, Harry thought the wards weren’t even enough to stop Hermione. Hence the note. He knew she’d respect that, at least. Though it had been a few months since then…maybe six? Which would probably explain the renewed vigour in the frequency of the floo calls. The calls Harry was still ignoring.
Maybe the wards were stronger than he’d thought?
He’s broken from his musing by three sharp raps at the door. The very proper kind, one that used the knocker and everything. No pounding fists and shouts.
Harry started, unconsciously taking a step back. He’d stopped silencing the door after he put up the ward, its barrier just encompassing the front step. So a knock meant someone had finally gotten past it. Speak of the devil, and she shall appear, Harry sighed.
But when Harry opened the door and readied to speak to someone other than Kreacher for the first time in half a year, his words died all too quickly. His mouth hung open, and no sound could escape.
So he stared.
And continued staring.
Until finally—“Might I come in, Harry?” Voldemort asked.
What was one supposed to do if not stupidly nod and hold the door wide open to invite Voldemort in? Because if there were something else that could’ve been done, Harry would like to know. To armour himself for next time.
Next time?
Voldemort swept in like a maelstrom of robes, holding a small bundle of something. He took in the overall look of Grimmauld Place with slight bemusement and remarked, “You’ve changed it.”
In Harry’s defence, six months was a long time, and he ran out of things to do on day three. Tearing apart the stately dreadful everything of Grimmauld Place was the best way to fix that. Kreacher hadn’t been on board for the longest time but eventually caved when Harry had worked himself to magical exhaustion one fraught afternoon expanding the library.
Knowing all of this and the extent to which Harry had gone for it to look even half as acceptable, he could only passionately agree. “Of course. Wouldn’t you?”
And maybe he was asking the wrong person because Voldemort frowned like Harry had made a particularly tasteless joke. “No. There were most likely decades, if not over a century, of history in these halls. Changing it is akin to burning it all down.”
Harry crossed his arms, “Or maybe I’m making my own history. Leaving my own mark and magic on these walls. I doubt a few structural and design changes will really do anything.” Harry scoffed, offended at the implication that he hadn’t treated his home with respect. It also irked him, funnily enough, that Voldemort might not like his preferences. He’d worked fucking hard, dammit.
Voldemort stayed silent, slowly assessing Harry from head to toe and back again. He relented, “I suppose it is… cosy.” It looked like it had physically pained him to say it.
“Whatever,” Harry shook his head. “What are you even doing here?”
Voldemort raised a brow, “Am I not allowed to visit my Horcrux and see if it’s fairing well?” He turned his back to Harry and wandered deeper into the house, poking his nose (and wasn’t that a marvel after so long seeing him without it?) into the newly painted and freshly refinished dining room.
“Uh. No. You are not.” Harry followed after him with a brisk pace, “And I’m not your anything. We’ve talked about this.”
And they had, at length, talked about Voldemort’s odd obsession with Harry’s Horcrux. Because that was what it was: Harry’s. It had been with him longer, literally lived as a part of himself. It would die without Harry, which practically made it a limb. Not that he needed the damn thing…though, it would be very odd to wake up one morning without its silent weight and sharp, jagged lines down his forehead and temple.
It would be even odder to be without the occasional glimpse of Voldemort’s thoughts and feelings that sporadically entered his mind whenever they were loud and forceful enough to make it past his constructed barriers.
Regardless, they’d talked about this. Harry’s Horcrux wasn’t like some pet or kid they had shared custody of. Voldemort couldn’t just drop in unannounced to do welfare checks or whatever insane nonsense thing he deemed reasonable enough. He acted like he’d come over one day to find Harry dead on the floor or holding a basilisk fang to his head—ah, well, that last one might have been truer some years back.
Voldemort only hummed, its vague tone merely implying he’d heard Harry and not that he’d agreed. His steps took him into the parlour and back out into the entry hall. “You’ve not been answering your floo,” he stated and started to make his way up the stairs by the time Harry looped back to him.
“Hey! Hold on a second-!” Harry called after Voldemort, only to watch him ascend to the first floor with little care for anything Harry was spouting.
Incredulous, Harry practically chased Voldemort around his entire home. From the drawing room to the guest bedrooms to the study and, inevitably, the library. Voldemort opened every door he came across—even the cloakroom!—like he wasn’t invading Harry’s personal space and rudely giving himself a tour.
Harry wouldn’t say Voldemort had done so with any decency, but he had stopped once he caught sight of the new library. And even though Harry was miffed and, for some reason, still hesitating on calling upon the wardstone to remove Voldemort forcibly, he was pleased that this room seemed to hold Voldemort’s attention long enough to make him pause.
After all, the library was Harry’s biggest undertaking and still wasn’t actually complete. There were a few nooks he had to sort out, not only for himself but for Hermione and maybe even Luna, for when he’d finally break out of his isolation and let them over. Its deep forest green was a nod to the Black Family’s Slytherin roots which paired nicely with the polished silver hardware on every sconce and metal accent.
The black leather couches could also be an aesthetic choice, but really Harry only picked them because they reminded him of Sirius. And he’d never say that out loud for fear of over-inflating Padfoot’s already abnormally large head.
Voldemort carefully walked through the shelves and trailed his fingers along their fine wood grain. Once he came upon the darker, moodier books with more personality and bite than books ought to have, he stopped and lifted his hand. He was rubbing his fingertips like a mother-in-law looking for dust. “It was once a deep maroon, did you know? Long before Orion and Walburga laid claim to the home. It was Arcturus the second, Orion’s father, who owned the house before him and had married Melania Black née Macmillan, a fiercely ambitious Gryffindor with a soft spot for cursed books.”
Harry watched as Voldemort started perusing the titles; he continued, “Lucretia often spoke about it, her mother’s prized library. Sensible rumours implied the woman was quite depressed after the wedding and requested the colour to adjust better to newly married life.” He turned back to Harry, “The other rumours, not so sensible, spun tales of the Black Family’s Library and spread like a fine duvet. Stories of how the walls were smeared thick with muggle blood and of the dark rituals that were required for the home to maintain its perfectly fresh hue without even a hint of an iron smell in the air. They were told to the younger Slytherins like a ghastly bedtime warning.”
Then Voldemort walked up to Harry—too close—and tilted his head down, his lips just a hairsbreadth away from Harry’s ear, “Between you and I, there may be some merit to them.” His breath tickled the side of Harry’s neck as he huffed a small laugh and stood straight once more. “Or it was all merely a power play by the entire Black Family. At the time, five of them walked Hogwarts’s halls together, and what a clever little tactic to establish superiority and cultivate fear that would’ve been.”
Say what you will about Voldemort, Harry sighed, his arms crossed. He certainly knows how to give a compelling monologue. He was confident he could leave a cardboard cutout of himself here for days, and Voldemort would go on and on and on, none the wiser.
But, Harry couldn’t help but smile ever so slightly. It was nice to hear.
“I didn’t know,” Harry replied and took one giant step back. “It was so mouldy in here that the walls were some kind of lumpy grey colour. I tried scraping the gunk off with severing charms, but it was a lost cause.” He shrugged, “They could’ve been red.”
Voldemort’s pleased look fell at Harry’s words. Harry couldn’t blame him. Gunk was not great imagery. No matter how accurate. “Well? Enough about the ‘good ol’ days’, old man. What do you think of my handiwork?”
Harry delighted in Voldemort’s scrunched-up nose. “You insolent child.” With a final glance around the library, he acquiesced, “It is acceptable.”
“High praise from the mighty Dark Lord,” sarcasm dripped from Harry’s tone. His thoughts shifted when he suddenly remembered, “And how did you know I haven’t been answering my floo?”
Voldemort looked very unimpressed, “Naturally, I tried to use your floo address and was promptly rejected. Your muggleborn friend seemed up in arms, ready to storm the castle if you will, because she hadn’t been able to breach the wards you erected.”
“What? When was this?” Harry couldn’t believe he’d somehow managed to block Voldemort’s floo access. Thank Merlin.
“That doesn’t matter,” Voldemort quickly sidestepped Harry’s question. “What matters is the amount of torment I’ve been subjected to because of your sudden disappearance for months on end.”
Voldemort was quiet for a moment. “And Granger mentioned you may be depressed.”
That previous shock, the one Harry had found himself in when he’d opened the door to Voldemort and his new pretty face and stupid nice hair, came flooding back. Harry’s body slumped with the surprise, arms uncrossing, utterly at a loss for words.
“I’m…” Harry tried to start, but Voldemort cleared his throat and talked over him, “It turns out she’s just ignorant. Had she gone through any of the books the ministry has falsely labelled ‘dark’, she would have found the counter to your wards much sooner. Wherever did you find the rune work?”
“She’s not ignorant,” Harry frowned. Hackles raised and surprise forgotten, “And take a wild guess.” He gestured to the room at large.
“Ah,” Voldemort stiffened. And though his awkward face tickled Harry’s satisfaction, Harry could feel Voldemort’s overwhelming relief leaking through their bond—Harry didn’t know how being made a fool could be relieving in any way.
Then Voldemort’s hand raised, and Harry watched as his leather lounges grew autonomous and walked closer together, a small glass-top table conjured between them. Voldemort did this, and Harry’s eye caught sight again of the small bundle he’d staunchly held since entering the townhome. He watched as Voldemort placed it on the table and gently tapped the cloth with his wand to reveal a warm, freshly baked treacle tart.
Like whiplash, that stomach-swooping surprise hit Harry again.
The evening sunset through the tall stained-glass windows of the library cast a golden glow on Voldemort’s features, and the silver-sconced candlelight flickered in the deep muddy red of his eyes, making them sparkle like garnets.
If that was the colour Melania Black had requested, Harry thought with substantial awe; I could see the appeal.
“Your favourite, I’m told,” Voldemort carried on like he hadn’t just done something incredibly thoughtful and considerate for what was no doubt the first time in his life.
It dawned on Harry just how lonely he’d been, isolated for this long with no one able to pull him out. The words slipped from his mouth uninhibited, “I…Thank you, Voldemort. I didn’t realise how badly I wanted to see a friendly face.”
The second wave, stronger and dizzying, of surprise, wasn’t Harry’s own. And he could see, now that Voldemort was in front of him and Harry knew to look, that surprise on Voldemort. “You think my face is friendly?”
Blinking rapidly, Harry responded with an inelegant, “Um…well….”
“That’s a shame,” Voldemort continued. A hint of something—laughter?—creased in the lines of his eyes and smirk, “I’d prefer intimidating. Or awe-inspiring. ‘Friendly’ isn’t the kind of face a Dark Lord should have.”
That might be so; Harry couldn’t suppress the fond smile that tugged at his lips and the way his shoulders relaxed, sinking with the thaw of his isolation. But—
“I think your face is just right.”
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corvuschriisti · 4 months
welcome 2 my twisted mind (aka housekeeping & updates)
hi everyone i finally made a mun page for this blog. it includes shipping / ask memes / post formatting / etc.
i'm going to be focusing on closing up ball threads this month, but i will respond to other threads as well!
these are the threads i have in my drafts:
can you pretend you never saw my family guy death pose? ; @indevouement
Hey Man, Can You Grab That Thing on the Top Shelf? ; @swordsmanoftranquility
beorcs and their interesting fashion choices. ; @goldoanheart
owed starters for @pryings & @viridescent-lance
voted fódlan's 'hottest and messiest dream team' 6 months and counting ; @nagaficat
𝘮𝘦, 𝘮𝘺 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘳𝘰𝘤𝘬 𝘪'𝘮 𝘨𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘵 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘰𝘧. ; @sayhwaet
until the darkness does recede. ; @fluxrspar
Look at this photograph every time I do it makes me laugh every time I do it makes me ; @nagaficat
i'm gonna cast this spell so we don't light on fire. what are we doing to our beautiful queens ; @losojos-decupido
𝙞'𝙢 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙠 𝙜𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙚𝙜 𝙢𝙖𝙘𝙝 𝙢𝙖𝙮 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙗𝙚 𝙖𝙘𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙖𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙖𝙡𝙡. ; @ulircursed
p · e · e · r · s ; @pirrhyc
𝗶'𝘃𝗲 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗱 𝗮 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝘄𝗼 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂. ; @laslow
𝘨𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘰𝘢 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘬𝘪𝘭𝘷𝘢𝘴 𝘱𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘤 𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘥𝘦���𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵. ; @goldoanheart
The Two Worst Men You've Ever Met Teach You How to Hold a Sword (They Don't Know How to Hold a Sword) @yukyunotabibito
It's the Gallagher Principle ; @sayhwaet
threads that i am waiting on:
if you give a raven a single coin that asshole is gonna demand 50 more ; @laslow
𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘱𝘦𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘮𝘤𝘭𝘰𝘶𝘥𝘴. ; @kingstalons
well, well! look what ashera dragged in. ; @thelightofcreation
remember that time you beheaded me? i sure don't ; @charmblooded
i hope quan signed your permission slip to go into the very normal and not at all dangerous mine ; @luminousrider
Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun ; @swiftlance
taking my best friend out to a rat concert (concert performed by rats) ; @serenegaldr
wake up to bird calls… and the bird is naesala and the call is You're Getting Flung ; @pridelessdaydreamer
𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘤𝘢𝘴𝘦 ; @pryings
No Remorse and No Redemption ; @peerlessscowl
ermmmm if i forgot anyone let me know but i have one million threads so i will not be upset if you wanna drop it ! i will be focusing on closing up quite a few of these, so if anyone wants to pingpong / me to prioritize a thread also let me know!
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miss-ari · 1 year
evelyn's curse & philip's self-inflicted glyphs
it's probably a little silly to speculate now, when the finale is just around the corner and i could so easily be proved wrong. but if i'm proved wrong, it means we got more backstory- i love backstory! if i'm right, i get to be smug- and i also love being smug! >:)
after the events of thanks to them, it is all but confirmed that belos/philip's unnaturally long lifespan is at least in part due to his regular consumption of palisman essence
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but a neat theory i've seen is that philip first began consuming palismen in this way to mitigate the effects of the final spell/curse that evelyn cast on him
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(let's just ignore that the high-res version of this painting seems to give philip the same profile/silhouette as caleb. pretty sure that's just an artistic goof.)
however, i have always been firmly of the opinion that philip was killing witches and stealing their palismen even before his showdown with caleb and evelyn.
now it is probably always going to be up for debate what the chronological order of the hollow mind paintings is. for example, the memory painting here, of philip seeming to lure two witches (with their staves in hand!) into a corner/alley/side street could very easily take place before philip finds his brother in the demon realm, or after
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and judging by the length of his beard and ponytail alone, i would normally assume that the painting that features philip consuming a palisman takes place after caleb's murder
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however, there a couple details to keep in mind here. for starters, he is still wearing his original mask. and secondly, the memories featured in a person's mindscape are significant. my best guess would be that this was the first time philip destroyed a palisman and discovered the power one can harness by doing so.
at the very least, belos has been consuming their essence since well before lilith and luz encountered him as philip in elsewhere and elsewhen
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more than anything though, the giveaway to me is in the memories of philip's first meeting with caleb and evelyn in the demon realm- note his glowing blue eyes
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now by the time philip ascends to the throne as emperor belos, we know he has three forms of magic at his disposal:
the lifeforce/soul/energy/essence of palismen
the power taught/bestowed by the collector
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but this is early days yet! that magical blue glow had to come from somewhere. and well...
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i've spent a lot of time discussing caleb, evelyn, and philip with @ashanimus and so allow me to piggyback off of her original theory here: that evelyn's curse was to externalize philip's monstrous actions- past, and future.
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and even though we see that philip/belos largely maintains his humanoid form from day to day, and has much finer control over this goop than one might expect
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it is not a perfect control.
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but then we have to wonder, how is he able to control it at all?
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philip wittebane is uniquely adept at combining glyphs in extremely complex ways to get his desired results
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we know the glyphs on his arm must have some purpose- he would never have cut into himself in this permanent way unless he was sure of the effects. and when he does carve the glyphs directly into his own flesh
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he bleeds green.
that isn't human blood, not anymore. that is magical rot and decay, his evil made physically manifest, a warning to anyone who crosses his path.
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another layer to my theory lies in the ending scene of philip elsewhere and elsewhen; philip is highly agitated, the glyphs are glowing, and he scrambles on hands and knees to find an intact palisman to crack apart. and then, he very noticeably calms down. and even in present day with the collector's magic to call his own, belos is still consuming palismen on the regular.
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rather than consuming palismen as a direct means of keep evelyn's curse at bay, as some have speculated, i'd like to believe that palisman essence gives his magic- his glyphs- a noticeable power boost.
and he would then create yet another vicious cycle for himself.
philip would need to keep destroying palismen without end- not only to keep himself preserved well past his expiration date, but in order to maintain the strength of these containment glyphs. and in doing so, he would increase the effects of this curse in turn.
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palaeophis-fr · 3 months
🍊A dragon you like based on looks
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I hatched Respite during NOTN last year and this look was too good to pass up. Blend is such a perfect match for the Pastel eyes here, and the Cyan Augment really pops against the pastels.
Her whole vibe is perfect for one of my worldbuilding projects that I've been collecting FR dragons for. Respite here is a futuristic ruined outpost that, with its magical life-support systems intact, became a populated city in the post-apocalypse.
🍋A dragon you regret exalting
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I had to kill off one of my starter dragons in my Kingdomlocke, and while it's very good for Plot Purposes, I am still so sad. I had them for like two years before they got got and they were one of my favorites til the end. o7
I really should work on that story. Especially with a whole new Water modern running around lol
🍌Three headcanons about how magic works in your lore
1- Since the Tidelord disappeared, Water mages can't draw power or get their prophecies directly from him. Currently, they have to rely on their own magic reserves and outside sources (such as artifacts and magic in the environment) to cast spells. (I've got a Water paladin who called upon the Tidelord directly for almost all her power before he vanished; she's not having a good time now. She misses dad)
In regards to prophecies, some Water dragons have enough of a gift to just get them airdropped into their heads. For all the other mages who have normal abilities, they now rely on various spells and divination rituals. These include cards and dice, hieromancy, interpretation of omens, and whatever else works. There's probably some weirdo out there with a literal Magic 8 Ball.
2- Dragons are magic-fueled creatures, and most of them have magic reserves big enough to sustain themselves and throw some spells around. Dragons can increase their innate magic supply by training, or temporarily with artifacts or other external magic shenanigans.
Some dragons are born with, or end up with over their lifetime, a severely reduced magic supply. These dragons experience chronic fatigue, weakness, and general malaise, among other symptoms.
The condition can be helped with things such as adaptive magic apparel intended to bolster the user's internal reserves, and (to a limited extent) the methods magically abled dragons use to train, but dragons with this disability will always have some limitations their peers don't.
3- In most of Sornieth there's not much advanced tech, but some lairs have magical equivalents of computers! Most of these can be found in Lightning, but there's been plenty of exports and similar inventions in Arcane and Light.
Since magic is Weird, sometimes these computers (or their programs) end up with a mind of their own. These sapient AIs can be created on purpose, but occasionally just pop into existence. They can be an immense help or an immense hindrance, depending on what they feel like doing to the network they live in.
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quillpokebiology · 1 year
How bout some facts and care tips for braixen?
Ooohhhh! This one has been in the back of my mind for a while!
Braixen Facts
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-The scientific name for Braixen is "Vulpes Puella" which means "Fox Girl"
-While solitary, wild braixen have been known to have meetups with other braixen, showing off their fire skills and communicating with one another. These are called, "Flaritch Rituals."
-Despite being fire types, their body can't handle too much heat. Their ears work as a way to cool themselves off and to dissipate unwanted heat
-Braixen stop eating sticks after they evolve from fennekin, instead becoming omnivores and eating berries and small pokemon
-The Fenniken line makes many sounds for comunnication. These sounds include whining, laughing, barking, howling, etc.
-In ancient times, when pokemon were still refered to as mythical creatures, Braixen were seen as dangerous witches of the woods. Though not as feared as delphox, they were still feared as they had a more mischievous nature than delphox, and were very good trickster. They would play pranks on humans and cast spells on them. Ancient Kalosians nicknamed them "La Renarde Leurre," or "The Luring Vixen."
-They can go up to a week without water
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-They're very popular with pokemon performers for their elegance and grace
-Modern day braixen were bred to be show breeds
-The Delphox line is related to the zoroark and ninetails line
-Braixen paw pads and noses feel really warm to the touch
-In the 1800s, the braixen line was hunted a lot for their fur, which was turned into coats. As a consequence of this, the braixen line was over hunted almost to the point of extinction, which is a reason why they're so rare
-Even before the fur hunting, killing a braixen and taking it's eyes was celebrated as the ancient Kalosians saw it as "killing an evil witch." Braixen eyes were also thought to ward off evil spirits
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If you're curious, here are Fennekin and Delphox facts!
Care Tips
Wild braixen shouldn't be approached, as they defend themselves by lighting fires around them. Wild braixen don't enjoy human contact.
Due to being starter pokemon, braixen are relatively easy to care for. Feed them a healthy diet of berries mixed with meat, and they're all set. They're light eaters, so two meals a day should be good.
Braixen can be litterbox or toilet trained. It depends on what you want.
Make sure you keep the humidity down, since they live in dry places in the wild. A room to themselves would be great. Not an entire bedroom or anything like that, but a room with a lot of sand and heaters. Make sure you keep it clean, because braixen hate getting dirty.
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abbzworld · 2 months
AN – Here’s the fourth story! Just two notes going in.
First, you could say that this is inspired by Harry Potter, but I’m not actually a fan of that franchise. I was just never able to get into it. However, if you’re a Potterhead and you see that reading this story, that’s fine. :)
Second, the word “vinculum” means “a unifying bond”. I thought it was apt and was unique enough. lol
Anyways, on with the story!
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“Alright, now repeat after me; Rain of Gain!”
Link watched as droplets from the faucet floated over to a small plant and gently “rain” down on it.
“Okay, you’ve seen how to works so try it yourself now.”
Link nodded before saying, “Alright. Rain of… gain.”
Unfortunately, nothing happened.
Zelda narrowed her eyes at him. “You’re not saying it right. You can’t pause in the middle of the spell and you need to say it with conviction.”
“I’m sorry.” Link chuckled. “It’s not your fault. I just can’t take a spell called ‘rain of gain’ seriously.” He rubbed his forehead as he continued to laugh.
Zelda rolled her eyes in exasperation before asking him, “Do you want to move onto something else?”
“Yes, that might work.” He snickered before sighing. “Is there any spell that I’ll be able to say without laughing?”
Zelda paused, thinking back on what she’d learned, before saying, “Well, there’s Sunlight Spike.”
“Oh cool. What’s that?”
Well, that’s a good sign at least. She thought to herself before explaining, “It’s along the lines of rain of gain in which it can help plants grow, which is what we’re learning.”
He nodded, smiling. “Alright. How do I go about casting it then?”
“It’s in much the same way, except you have to use actual sunlight instead of a source of water.”
“That makes sense. Well then, let’s get started!”
One hour later
Link had made some progress on casting sunlight spike, at the very least. Unfortunately, his plant had yet to sprout which wasn’t a good sign.
“Ugh, this is taking too long…” Zelda grumbled to herself, sitting on the floor.
“I agree.” Link sighed, sitting down beside her. “I wish this were easier… then I could move onto the cooler spells!”
“Unfortunately, things like that never come easy. I mean, I still struggle with some of the more advanced spells and I’m a grade ahead of you!”
“Hmm. That’s not promising for my chances…”
They both fell silent and they each could feel the frustration rolling off the other. Eventually, Zelda couldn’t take it anymore and said, “I’m sorry if this isn’t working.”
Surprised, Link looked at her as she continued with, “I’m top of my class yet I can’t even tutor someone…”
“Oh no! No, no, it’s not your fault!” Link quickly interjected. “You’re an incredibly intelligent and motivated witch, which is why you were chosen to teach me!”
He then sighed. “The problem is me. I’m just not smart enough, I guess…”
“That’s crap and you know it.” Zelda immediately said. “The fact that you’ve made it this far in the curriculum and are even at this school in the first place clearly shows that you’re intelligent! No, the problem we’re having is something else…”
“Like what?”
Zelda stopped for a minute, deep in thought, before she lit up and said, “I think it has to do with your motivation!”
“Think about it! Something either distracts you or leaves you feeling discouraged and it saps your energy, leaving you unmotivated. I’m sure if we figure out a system that would help you move your butt, it would do wonders! You would do wonders!”
Link couldn’t help but smile at her excitement. “You think that’ll work?”
“Yes I do! For starters, we’ll use a reward system.”
“Reward system?”
“Yep! Every time you succeed in doing something, whether that’d be learning a spell, finishing an essay, doing a 10-minute study session or something else, you get a reward.”
“I see. And what would those rewards be?”
“That all depends on how big your accomplishment is. For example, for finishing an essay, you reward yourself with a treat that you like. I know you like Hylian Donuts so maybe use that as your treat. Just don’t go overboard. And for finishing a class, you splurge on something bigger and more significant, like maybe a new wand or piece of furniture since I know you’ve wanted those things. Do you get what I’m saying?”
Link smiled. “Yes, I do. It’s a great idea!”
“Thank you.” Zelda smiled back before she said, “Now, let’s brainstorm ideas for this system.”
One week later
“…and our final demonstration for the day is Link Vinculum, who is going to be showing us his plant growth spells which he learned under the tutelage of Zelda Harkarian.” Headmaster Impa said.
Link smiled and walked up, feeling nervous but knowing that that was normal.
“Alright, now you’ve learned Rain of Gain, Sunlight Strike and Compost Crumble, correct?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Alright. We have just planted a sunflower seed in this pot and now you have to get it to sprout using the aforementioned spells. Are you ready?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Excellent. Please continue.”
Link took a deep breath before pointing his old wand at a nearby watering can and said, “Rain of Gain!”
And a significant amount of water rose up from the can and he carefully let it drip into the pot.
Once that was done, he said, “Sunlight Strike!” and carefully directed sunlight from a nearby window to shine upon the pot for about a minute. He could begin to see the soil gently shift around, which was a good sign.
Encouraged, he said, “Compost Crumble!”
And using that spell, he carefully maneuvered some fertilizer over to the pot, crumbled it over the soil and once that was done, it only took a few more minutes until a decently sized sprout began to grow before stopping.
Link grinned proudly as the Headmaster measured the sprout and said, “It’s half-an-inch tall! Well done!”
Link chuckled at the applause and said, “Thank you. However, at least half of the credit should go to my tutor, Zelda. It was thanks to her that I learned this much in the first place!”
“Yes, quite right. Well done, Ms. Harkarian!”
Zelda smiled and blushed as more applause rang out.
“That will be all for today. Have a safe journey home!”
Link walked up to Zelda, who grinned and hugged him. “Well done!”
He chuckled as he hugged her back. “Thank you. I meant what I said, though. You were a big help!”
She smiled at him as she pulled away. “Thanks.”
As they began to walk away, she asked him, “Now, when do you want your reward?”
“Soon. I want to relax first for a bit, though.”
“Fair enough. Doing spells can be exhausting.”
“Tell me about it.”
They both laughed as they walked away.
From that point onwards, Link and Zelda grew closer together, both academically and personally.
And by the time the end of the school year came around, he had finished all of his classes, earning top marks in some of them!
So what was the big reward he gave himself? A date with Zelda.
AN – I hope you enjoyed and see you tomorrow!
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webbedphantom · 2 months
Adapt or Die
[closed starter for @s1lver-bullet feat. Himeko; youngest daughter of Aaron and caramialunaestelle's Makoto]
Friday, July 29th 204X
Inokashira Park
The White Widow dives out of a hole in the ground, barely avoiding a massive energy blast. She'd heard rumors about a secret lab under the park, and though she'd told her Dad she'd take it easy this summer, she didn't see any harm in checking it out. She'd had her powers since she was too years old, had a large arsenal of powerful Personas, and defeated entire teams of villains with ease. She thought she was unstoppable.
She didn't feel that way now-
Language Himeko!
"Not the time, Sophie!!"
She turned to face her adversary as it slowly staggered out of the hidden lab. It was an android of some kind, a really old one by the look of it, with some bits of clothing that was reminiscent of her parents and their teammates. And for good reason.
Because this thing could somehow mimic the abilities of all of them.
"What the hell is that thing!?"
According to my logs, it's the Super Adaptoid, made by Madicce to counter the Champions back in 2018. Originally, it was a team of androids, but-
She moved to dodge another strike from the bot, barely managing to get clear. She'd already been fighting it for a while, and she was exhausted. The only advantage she had was it was in disrepair, and slowed down significantly after an attack. Perhaps it was reserving its energy for them??
Shall I call your father-?
"No! I can handle this!"
'God, I hope I can handle this-'
Still, she was running out of steam. And now that they were out in the open, it was only a matter of time before her parents found out what was going on.
And the increased potential of innocent bystanders getting hurt. That was important too-
She leapt towards the android, summoning Hecatoncheires to try to lay the smack down on it-
"Astarte descend!!"
-only for it to cast Tetrakarn at the last second, turning her attack right back on her, all while (poorly) mimicking the voice of her Aunt Haru.
She was send flying back, tumbling across the ground before colliding with a tree.
"Ugh... could this day get any worse..."
And then she saw a rather terrifying sight. The android's faceplate shifted into something resembling a dragon's head, before she heard it cackle as it yelled "PERSONA!!"
It was mimicking Akechi now. And Akechi had Megidolaon.
'Oh shit-'
"Uhhh Sophie, I might need some backup."
Okay. I'll call your-
"Not my parents!! Anyone but my parents!!"
She really didn't want to deal with a lecture right now. That, and the last time she fought alongside them... didn't end well. She couldn't let them get hurt again.
Okay..? There is someone I can call, but it's only supposed to be for emergencies-
She looked back at the robot, who was starting to charge something, and judging by the colors of its energy, it was exactly what she feared.
"This is definitely an emergency!!"
She struggled to her feet, trying to think of something, anything she could do to keep it from using that spell. If it went off, the damage would be catastrophic. To her, the park, and anyone else too close to the blast.
Okay, I got it. He should be arriving shortly.
She couldn't help but quirk a lense at that.
"He who?? Who did you call??"
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Just had the coolest Sky dream, and I've never been so mad to wake up and realize something wasn't real
TGC did some sort of mini-season that involved finding some pots and pans and such scattered around ruined places in the the realms. At the end of it, the spirit we were helping, with her kid, memory-led us through a hidden river cave in Prairie, filled with tiny jellyfish and little glowing sea slugs on the walls in places. At the end was a big cave grotto, with natural stone pillars and small stones in the water to jump across. There were ledges to rest on the walls to rest on and a larger stone in the water had a spot you could sit down and kick your feet in the water. The water was deep enough to dive in and filled with tiny glowing minnows and a few axolotls
Anyway, this spirit was now a permanent fixture in the game! There was a little restaurant carved into a corner of the cave, which the name was in Sky script but I think some quest had called it the Hidden Diamond or something. I think at certain times, other game spirits would hang out and sit at the counter like they do at the trees. You could sit up there too if you wanted!
This spirit, first of all, sold her outfit. Which was really cool. It was sunset orange and purple, with gold accents. Not just the cape, the whole outfit! There was a cape, pants, hair with golden accessories in it, and you could also get a pendant and earrings from her. She had a usable accessory that was a cast frying pan
But the big draw was that she introduced and sold things for a fun new mechanic! You could trade her unwanted spells (each having a set value in her currency), and she'd offer cooking ingredients. It unlocked a new tab, similar to the spells one, that held your ingredients—normally you'd have to be at a designated cooking spot or ruins to do this, but the frying pan I guess let you cook meals for yourself and friends almost anywhere. It was also kinda neat because the ingredients gave us a bit of incidental lore about plant life and such in the world of Sky—glowberries, luminous mushrooms, skysugar cane, glowmatoes, bird eggs, etc. Some you could also find in certain places in the realms occasionally
Some ingredients were base ingredients like tomatoes and bread and such. Others, like herbs and garnishes, provided certain special effects... kind of like a spell. Stuff like 'constantly, slowly recharges light energy slowly', 'slows light loss due to darkness', 'increases your luminescence'. You could cook meals with them, or sometimes leave them out just to make a fun snack for friends without using your effects up
I think it mightve been like Breath of the Wild where they didn't give you a recipe book, but when you opened your cooking menu in the pan item it would show you the recipes you had the ingredients for highlighted, with others grayed out. I think the recipes were like music sheets where future spirits and events could offer them, but you could buy some starters from the cooking spirit (her restaurant menu I think) and find some in places where spirits used to eat. They all had a very Sky feel to them, like lavender tea bread, prairie salad, soups, breads of various kinds, etc.
Idk, how useful it was but I found it a lot of fun! Kind of satisfied the urge to have food with your online friends bc your skykids would all sit around eating and being cozy. You had a lil prompt to take a bite/sip/piece :)
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exsanguinatc · 2 days
closed starter for: @oppulcnce plot: A witch casts a spell to try to get in touch with her ancestors, but it backfires and sends her back in time instead. muse: Poppy Lindholm, 27, witch
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It had taken a long time for her to even come to terms with the knowledge that she was a witch. Poppy had always known that she was adopted. Her parents had never hid that from her, telling her that her birth mother had been a friend they'd loved dearly, but they'd kept the particular secret of what else she was all her life. Apparently it had been her mother's wish to keep the truth from her for her own safety until she turned twenty-one and could make the choice if she wanted to pursue her magic or not.
For years, she hadn't wanted to. It had seemed impossible. In the past few months though, she'd taken more of an interest in it. She'd started researching and trying her hand at tapping into her power. It was like when she added something new to her routine in the gym and worked out a muscle she'd never known was there. There was no denying that she was a natural, but she kept feeling like she was hitting a wall. Something was missing.
Which was why she'd performed the spell in the first place. She'd felt confident going into it. Clearly though, something had gone wrong. Halfway through her incantation, the entire world had turned upside down. When it had righted itself, she was in a forest that she certainly didn't know. Of course, her there was no cell service. Her only option had been to start walking, to hopefully break through and find someone to talk to and somewhere she could get a text or call through. She certainly wasn't going to risk trying her magic again.
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loli-momo1908 · 9 days
Nature Healers seasons 1-3 concept plots and more
For those you know little of my first anime concept called Nature Healers, let me explain further of what its theme is and what targets the audience.
For starters, I can picture my anime targeting young boys and girls, including young adults because I want Nature Healers to be abit educational regarding the newest species of animals that have recently discovered and even I never knew it existed. And at the near end of each episodes, I've been visualizing it having a short education of how to take care of yourself and Earth. For example, pick up the litter of trash, and keep the ocean clean, and even how to be cautious when walking across the street. Something like that. Another part of the near ending would be a quick information of an old and new animal species and what it can do.
And for my concept itself, it'll  have at least 3 seasons. For season 1, the Nature Healers will defend Earth and its flourishing life from the Predatrons. At a season finale will be having Reina and her group being sent into a mysterious portal that leads to the Emerald Floratina realm after Earth has been coated in a protective barrier magic, thus banishing the Predatrons in the process.
For season 2, the Reina and her team will be ending up in Emerald Floratina where they were introduced to Mother Nature herself, who has explained that she's the one who cast a protection coating spell after regaining enough strength, thanks to the Nature Healers' powers of purifying floral lives from their home world. Now, with the Predatrons out roaming about to regain their master's strength by draining next flourishing life in each parts of Emerald Floratina realm, Reina and her friends must continue their duty of stopping the Predatrons. And during the season 2, there will be a 6th Nature Healer who's a female and her element is darkness while she is a nature healer of the wolf. And there will be power-up forms the Nature Healers will gain with the enemies' powers growing stronger. There's also gonna be 2 new villains that work for the Predatrons and they happen to be brothers, that will be based one of my older cousins, and my late cousin to honor him as well.
Now, for season 3, with the 6 Nature Healers together and the dark master of the Predatrons named Lord Draconis has been restored his full power to wreak havoc, the team must work together and save lives from his evil wrath of universal conquest. From there in the middle of season 3, the Nature Healers will gain a new group attack to purify the Skull-Stroyer, the upgraded version of the Sabaku, and save all planets in the universe. And I have an idea of the Nature Healers gaining their angelic super forms in the near season finale as they will battle against the dark master of the Predatrons himself.
I do believe that's pretty much all I could ever think up of. Let me know if there's any suggestions or opinions about my season 1-3 ideas. And I may be planning for the movie or perhaps 3 trilogy movies of Nature Healers. It's a plan in progress, but it's something I've been thinking of for a long time.
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superlustersnew52 · 1 month
I feel like I should just outright say it and be done with it so here goes
I've only really not talked about this openly because I know people don't like people posting about drama but if I'm getting anon hate over it fine then I'll just say my piece and be done with it
back when I first started up superlusters (side note: the "new52" came later when I moved it from sideblog to main blog), another person made a blog called "powerlusters;" my blog was all dc characters at that point so they made theirs all marvel
I did not know this person before this, but I went along with it for a while until their true colours started to show
I believe it was on that powerlusters (which briefly rebranded to partylusters) account that they posted a smut starter that used m.illie b.obby b.rown as a fc (mind you, this was around 7 years ago, and she is 20 years old currently), which got them mass reported and had their account terminated when others found that starter, I did not personally see this starter but a callout post made the rounds
they came back not too long later as schooloflust, I admittedly was too lenient on them and should've blocked them then and there but gave them a second chance
then there was the incident where they hopped into my messages (and at least one other person, who would publically call them out on it), wanting to do an rp wherein a spell was cast on their muse so everybody saw them as a child and they could not change out of childlike clothes (mind you, they intended for this to go sexual somehow!), and, at least with me, they really pushed for it and went "well what if we just did the clothes part" and didn't want to take no for an answer
seeing the other person call them out on this was what made me decide to finally block them
fast forward to when they remade schooloflust later on, and they followed me from the new account, and I swiftly blocked them again
they would still wind up on my timeline sometimes though so I can tell you they added a.ngourice r.ice as a fc soon after she turned 18 but used gifs basically exclusively from s.pider-man h.omecoming (she would've been 15 at the time of filming that), and added i.sabela m.erced as a fc like the week of her 18th birthday and again used old resources
at the same time as they ran schooloflust, they followed me from another account (I believe this was ofcherrybombs, but maybe with a c or x replacing a vowel there), no part of this blog looked similar to their other ones so I followed back and was immediately messaged about wanting to rp and was tagged in a starter before I even replied, this starter made me go "hey wait that feels familiar" and sure enough upon checking schooloflust the exact same starter was posted on there as an open starter, so I blocked again
fast forward a bit again and I'm followed by an account called tornvoid which again I come to realize is the same person (I believe it might have been ofvoid at first)
at this point I have become paranoid that any account that follows me might be them so admittedly I probably blocked some people that weren't them and most certainly stopped following people back nearly as often
fast forward to relatively recently, they have new blogs yet again and literally have muse ages listed as under 18 on their smut blog and post smut starters saying their muse is 16, so of course I have them blocked and reported them for trying to write sexual content about minors (which is not allowed on tumblr!) and upon vague posting about it the other day I can tell you one person popped into my private messages to say they were trying to pressure them into writing smut about 16 year olds
I have had this person blocked for ages, and yet I keep seeing them on my timeline though others, I'm done, if I see you interacting with them, you are getting blocked, I can't have this hanging over me any longer
I understand they keep making new blogs so it may not be the easiest to recognize them but I can tell you they pretty much always have an oc named brooke redmund portrayed by v.alorie c.urry on their blog so that should help you recognize them (not to mention that they like to have muses listed as 16 or 15-18 on their smut blog so that should hopefully earn a block anyways)
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ramonag-if · 2 years
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I was going through some old game files for The Hedge Witch and stumbled across a hedge witch guide and recipes that I created which was originally going to be used in the Choice Script version of the game 😅 I thought I'd share them with you, considering they won't be added to the Twine version. Yes, I had way too much time on my hands when I wrote these 😂
I've added the deleted scenes under the cut because it is quite a long read. Please do not try the recipes - they are all made up and will probably poison you.
An Introduction to Hedge Magic Welcome young hedge witch to the 4th edition of A Hedge Witch's Encyclopaedic Guide to Magic. In this book, you'll learn the basic concepts of casting your spells, making those herby potions and hexing those who displease you. Remember, hexing is reserved for those that are very dastardly. Any abuse of hexing should be reported to your local hedge witch society.
Spellcasting: Spellcasting is necessary when you decide to become a hedge witch. Every good hedge witch should know a few basic spells, including the all important healing spell. When casting your spells, make sure to use the exact measurements for ingredients. Anything more or less or even using the wrong ingredients can result in catastrophic results. Pronunciation of incantations are of utmost importance. If a syllable is stressed for too long, it will affect the nature of your spells. Particularly strong hedge witches do not need to incant spells when spellcasting. Never cast a spell if you're unsure in your abilities as a spellcaster. A good hedge witch knows not to cast a spell without proper preparation and knowledge. Always ask your mentor for help if you're ever in doubt!
Potions: Potions are the very reason that we, hedge witches, exist. From herbal tinctures to soothe nausea to bitter concoctions to cure the cold, potions are one of the oldest form of a hedge witch's magic. When creating potions, always make sure to have a clean workspace and that all ingredients and properly prepared. Using a dried out herb when a recipe calls for fresh herbs could result in incurable illness, vomiting and even death. If you suspect a hedge witch of making sub-par potions, it is your duty to report them to your local hedge witch society!
Hexes: Hexing another requires a strong mind of a hedge witch. While not illegal, hexing by a hedge witch is limited to extreme cases including hexing to stop disaster, hexing to stop death and hexing to stop anyone standing in the way of the greater good. All hedge witches that wish to hex freely must be authorised to do so by their local hedge witch society. Hexing for entertainment purposes, for laughs or just out of sheer boredom is forbidden and any hedge witch caught violating this rule will have their powers revoked.
Recipes from your Mentor: Dear Apprentice, as promised, here is a list of fun recipes that I picked up along my travels. Some are strictly for your familiar - use them at your own risk! My personal favourite is a Seelie dish called honeyed truffles. Make sure to feed yourself every now and then, even a hedge witch needs to eat.
Honeyed truffles: Honeyed truffles are a delicacy favoured by the Seelie Court. Both sweet and meaty, this dish serves as an excellent starter or appetiser at fae gatherings. It takes no more than a sun's wink to cook and it'll boost your reputation as a great cook! To make this dish, you will need the following ingredients: 2 cups of finely diced pixie truffles. 50ml of Seelie bee honey. 80g of holly leaves. 1 tsp of selkie salt. 5g of star anise. Method: Lightly fry the pixie truffles in a wide pan. Once the truffles have been evenly fried, add in the Seelie bee honey and mix together until the truffles are completely coated. Fry the mixture for around 5 minutes to let the honey seep into the truffles. Lastly, add selkie salt for taste and both the holly leaves and star anise to give your truffles an extra kick to it. Braise your truffles until the mixture is thick and gooey. Once done, enjoy it with a cup of tea!
Spiced Snow: Spiced snow is a popular dish in the Unseelie Court that has recently risen to popularity in the Seelie Court. A spicy bite, this treat is excellent to serve on a hot, summer's day or for dessert. This dish takes at least half a day to make, so make sure you're fully prepared for the hard work and patience you will need to make this dish. To make this dish, you will need the following ingredients: 150ml of spring water. 2 tsp of dragon fire. 1 bottle of a freeze-now potion. 3 tsp of toad slime. 20g of sparrow tongue or sugared ginger. Method: Mix the dragon fire into the spring water until the water turns a dark shade of red. Depending on the dragon fire you use, shades of red will vary from mixture to mixture. Once fully diluted, add the toad slime to give the mixture a thicker consistency. Stir it until you're happy with the consistency. The more you stir, the thinner the consistency will be. If you prefer thicker spiced snow, stir in the toad slime only until it's diluted partially. Once the ingredients are mixed, use the freeze-now potion to instantly freeze the mixture. The spiced snow is now ready to eat! For an extra crunch, you can add in lightly fried sparrow tongue or sugared ginger to the top of your serving.
Fae Wine: Fae wine is a type of drink that is consumed by both fae and mortal alike! While toxic in large quantities to many mortals, fae wine is still a sought after drink in the mortal realm. Fae wine is a great drink to bring when you're attending a faery ring soiree, just make sure to drink it in moderation! Fae wine takes at least seven moons to properly brew, but you can skip this wait by enlisting the aid of a mortal-portal to distort time. You will need the following ingredients: 500l of juniper berry juice. 250ml of poison ivy juice. 250ml of goblin spittle. 300ml of asrais essence. 50g of black cherries. Method: Pour in juniper berry juice into a large pitcher and slowly stir in the poison ivy juice until fully diluted. Once diluted, let the mixture set for two sleeps of a pixie's flutter. The mixture should now be a deep red and have a strong, acidic aroma. Now, add in the goblin spittle, making sure to stir it until the mixture has thickened slightly. Lastly, add in asrais essence. Once everything is mixed, put your pitcher in an ice bank or river to set for seven moons. You can skip this if you make use of a mortal-portal. Holding the pitcher, walk through the portal for seven times until your mixture is a deep red and the texture is runny and thin. You can now add in your black cherries for an extra garnish. Your fae wine is now ready to drink! Remember to drink responsibly.
Sabbath Stew: It's always time for Sabbath stew in any fae home. A popular dish especially in those winter months, Sabbath stew will offer you the heartiness of the nutritions you need to keep you strong on those cold nights. Sabbath stew is fairly simple to make and takes no more than a flower's bloom to make. And the best part? You can add in as many ingredients as you want. For this recipe, we'll provide you with a base recipe which you can tweak to your liking. You will need the following ingredients: 750ml of spiced broth. 50g of redcap mushrooms. 50g of starchy potatoes. 100g of pickled yams. 2 tsp of wart's eye. 8g of garlic cloves. Method: First, pour in the spiced broth into a large cauldron. Make sure to heat your fire until the spiced broth is bubbling. You can find spiced broth in your local fae bazaar or you can make your own by adding cinnamon, chilli and pepper to 750ml of spring water. Once your broth is bubbling, you can start adding in your vegetables. Let them simmer for a few minutes and when the vegetables are partially cooked, start adding in your wart's eye and garlic cloves. Remember, you can add in more vegetables if you want and even add in some meaty ingredients if you're so inclined! Let the stew broil until the broth has reduced into a thick mixture. It's now ready to eat!
Familiar's Lunch: Do you have a familiar? Are you planning on getting a familiar? Then this recipe is for you! Familiar's lunch is a chef-made dish that was requested by the Seelie Queen herself for her very own familiar. Created to strengthen the bonds between an owner and familiar, Familiar's Lunch contains all the goodness to replenish your familiar's essence and takes as long as a hop in the woods to make. You will need the following ingredients: 10g of hound fur. 3 tsp of eye of newt. 2 sphinx claws. 5g of crushed alder. 20g roasted almonds. 500ml kelpie water. 1 tsp of sea salt. Method: Lightly fry the eye of newt and crushed alder together. Once it reaches a light golden hue, add in the almonds and kelpie water and simmer for a few minutes. Gently, add in and stir the hound fur to the pan. Make sure to stir thoroughly so that the hound fur dissolves properly. Add in the salt and sphinx claws for seasoning and bring the mixture to a slow simmer. Once all ingredients have been cooked, you can serve Familiar's Lunch as a side to your familiar's regular lunch or as a gravy.
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