#* reborn rich legacy
wabbitablet · 1 year
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going to a bar and making out with some random stranger might not be the best coping mechanism when dealing with an unwanted child
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yandere-wishes · 4 months
𐙚 𝕬 𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖋𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝕷𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖔 𝕯𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖚𝖑𝖆 𐙚
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Wednesday February 14th xxxx
Dear Dracula:
I find myself pondering if, deep down, in the heart you deny possessing. There still exists a chasmic rhyme and reason for all which you do. They call you monster, fiend, abomination. Yet aren't they the ones that maim and slaughter for reasons as thin as thread? Thus why should we possess the burden of such an accursed name?
Valentine's is upon us. Maybe such sacrilegious festivities can be blamed for my intrepidity. We've yet to consort outside our nocturnal affairs, outside our world of half-spun truths and forgotten anecdotes. I pray you forgive my effrontery. I pray you comprehend my need for making such inquiries.
But my dear precious Dracula, I have to ask. Do you still remember your mother, your home, your heritage? Many deny that one as egregious as you could possess such mortal things. And yet aren't those the fundamental pillars of who we turn out to be? Isn't one man's evil another man's crusade?
So I, a mortal who believes she may have fallen for you in all your atrocious glory, ask do you remember being a son, a child? Being innocent and naive enough to believe every lie and fable? Do you still yarn for your mother in the dead of day? Recalling her scent and the bouncy curls of her hair, tasting nostalgia on your blood-soaked tongue.
What was it like in the sand, in the snow, in the green valleys and rocky outskirts? Did the coarseness of sand and the roughness of rocks and the tickle of flowers leave phantom pains across your body? Did you play with the snakes and climb fig trees? Did you laugh with others of your kind?
Do you recall your ancestrial home? The bronze walls of your mother's temple. Her fingers wafting through your hair as her smile radiates brighter than the moon. I zealously trust the visions that flash before my eyes on moonless nights. Images of a frail batling wrapped in kaleidoscopic blankets tucked under his mother's arm. Your mother mingled with owls, I wonder why she constructed you in the likeness of bats, of wolves, of snakes? Did she wish for you to serve as a cacophony to the detested, to those we so quickly forget? Did she wish for you something she could never have herself?
They seldom recall you are one of the sons of flames and stardust. Do they forget we share a legacy? One I believe you fought for. Both descendants of the divinely blessed. Both lost children arid for blood and retribution.
I too know of the darkly sweet tang of rich blood upon the tongue.
I too know the fragile elation of scraping blood from under one's fingernails three days later.
I too know the sensation of being a monster in everything but intentions.
I cherish the two lone bites you've left upon my neck. I cherish the cuts your claws have left upon my hips. You never say a word when you fall. When melancholy and memories obfuscate your judgment. I know you refuse to act human, to pretend and be something you are not. Thus I won't ask for sweet nothings from you.
Yet still I long to hear you call me "love".
When did you realize you were equal parts hellfire and shamshir?
When did you realize that humanity deserves to suffer for its every injustice?
My sweet, sweet Dracula, I regret to inform you that as of late my bones feel faulty and brittle, as do my thoughts. Can we still call ourselves holy? Do we still have that right? Can we still repent for our sins? Who decides what a sin is anyway? Will we ever be innocent to someone?
Are you torn too? Broken in all the wrong places? Do you feel the open wounds and amputations, when you stare up at the stars? I wonder if I owe you an apology. I wonder if you owe me one too…
Dearest Dracula, would you ever understand if I told you that I am tired of being a monster, a villain, an abomination? Would you understand if I told you I need to rest inside a glass coffin, to be rejuvenated and reborn into the world as something useful?
Would you believe me if I say I believe in you? That I lay the burden of my aspirations upon your unwavering shoulders. Should there exist any mere slivers of hope, I shall bestow them upon you in trim vials of gold.
Where did our obligations go? Where are they buried so that I may pay my tardy regards?
Dear Dracula,
I hope you understand every star I've spilled to you.
I hope you comprehend the love I harbor within my defective heart.
I hope you adore the blood I've penned this letter with.
I just hope you understand…
In your absence, thorn bushes grow across my cadaver. suffocating and desolate. Without you, voids grow inside me, where hope once flourished. Dracula what I've been trying to say this whole time is…
I think we're both monsters.
I think I could love you.
Sincerely me…
Think of me as you feast upon your latest victim. And I shall think of you as I fall asleep to the city's empty tunes.
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I need an origin story for Dracula.
sorry for the cryptic love letter.
But hopefully this way everyone can identify with it in some way.
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simlishpiadina · 2 months
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Call Me Oppa - A KDramas Legacy Challenge
Welcome everyone to this brand new, shiny legacy challenge! Based on the most iconic tropes from k-dramas, the Call Me Oppa Legacy Challenge will make your dreams come true. Romance, drama, adventure, this challenge has it all.
Will oppa finally notice you?
Sure he will… you’re the main character after all, aren’t you?
Find the legacy document HERE!
(Please, tag your posts with #CallMeOppaChallenge so I can follow your stories!)
Call Me Oppa is a 9 Generations Legacy Challenge based on the most common and iconic K-Dramas tropes. Each Generation has the name of a K-Drama, but you won't necessairly have to base it on that one drama, it is just a rapresentative drama that uses that trope.
The Generations are:
Generation 1: The Heirs (poor girl rich guy trope) Generation 2: So I Married An Anti-fan (enemies to lovers trope) Generation 3: Hometown Cha Cha Cha (from the city to the village trope) Generation 4: True Beauty (cinderella story trope) Generation 5: Our Beloved Summer (past lovers trope) Generation 6: A Business Proposal (workplace romance trope) Generation 7: Reborn Rich (revenge drama trope) Generation 8: My Demon (supernatural lover trope) Generation 9: Castaway Diva (idol drama trope)
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smokesandsonatas · 11 months
Theory and Analysis
The Legacy of the Shroud and Draconia Families: The Prodigy and the Miracle
I haven't posted anything in ages, but in the span of a day, I have caught up to everything happening in TWST. All I could say is -
Should I miss or incorrectly put the lore, feel free to correct me.
Warning: Spoilers, long post, language, and crude humour.
Without further ado, let's get into the post. All credits belong to their owners.
The Shroud clan
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The Shrouds have been in existence for a really long time. Their ancestor was "appointed a Gatekeeper back in the age of gods and goddesses." Let's assume that was thousands of years ago. Due to this task of essentially keeping the balance in TWST World, Tartarus was built, and henceforth S.T.Y.X was 'formed' about 100 years ago.
Due to their long history, the Shrouds are rich, rivaling the Al-Asims in terms of wealth. According to Vil, they are a branch of Jupiter Enterprises. An influential conglomerate that essentially built Google Chrome, or maybe Facebook, and Amazon of TWST.
The Shrouds reside on the Island of Woe. It is not on any map, therefore it is completely hidden from the public due to the fact it is literally built under the sea.
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For the secret organization, Lillia said that a legend goes like this, "When a wizard forgets themselves and succumbs to their own power, punishment from the Island of Woe shall befall them."
The Shrouds are tasked with such a heavy job that about a hundred years ago, they were cursed, preventing them from escaping their duties. This curse manifested in their flaming blue hair, burning off accumulated blot. But if there's no blot to burn, the curse instead eats their magical energy. That's why the Shrouds, especially Idia having inherited the curse from his father, must now be in constant close state of OB to survive.
Idia's grandmother, Aidne/Idone Shroud, is known to have this curse. Both her and her son, Mr. Shroud are using magical devices to combat it.
The Shroud Prodigy and Tragedy
Idia is a prodigy. Born a genius in the Island of Woe. As a child his intellect far surpasses the adult researchers at S.T.Y.X. With this impressive show of his potential, his fate is sealed: Idia will become the next head of the Shroud family.
Ortho's life is a tragedy. He was born, and then he died. Then he was reborn again as a humanoid robot that Idia created while in complete isolation for 2 years. Complete with the 'real' Ortho's memories, personality, and appearance.
This is Idia's way of coping with the guilt that consumes him. Blaming himself for his only brother's death.
Why wouldn't Mama and Papa Shroud do something about this?
I like to think that they did try to console Idia. From the looks of it, they do love their children equally. But they also have to grieve too. They also suffer the same guilt Idia feels because suddenly the portal that they're supposed to monitor as the Director and Chief Engineer of S.T.Y.X breaks open, resulting in the death of their younger son. [But I think Idia's unique magic has something to do with the incident.]
It is important to note that Mama and Papa Shroud treat 'Ortho' as their real child, not a replacement of their dead son. With the events ending in Ignihyde chapter, Ortho is on his way to becoming his own person.
Combining his brother's 'death', the responsibility of running S.T.Y.X in the future, the constant state of near OB just to stay alive, and the isolation made Idia the genius, foul-mouthed, introvert prodigy dorm leader of Ignihyde.
As of Diasomnia chapter, Papa and Mama Shroud, the Director and Chief Engineer of S.T.Y.X respectively, are trying to get in touch, or are now in touch, with Queen Maleficia, Malleus' grandmother.
The Draconia family
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The Draconias are nocturnal fae, tracing back their long lineage to dragons. They all possibly have horns protruding from their heads. Their lifespans can go on for centuries. A Draconia will reach adulthood at the age of 1,000 years old. That lifespan is longer than the kind of fae like Lilia.
If Malleus reach 1,000 years old, he'll be only known as an adult Draconia, but for Lilia, 1,000 years is his whole lifespan.
In the current events of TWST, we only know 3 Draconias so far.
Queen Maleficia, Princess Mallenoire/Malenoa, and the only known male heir, Malleus.
Not much is known about them, except the current queen (has been for a long time) is Queen Malefecia, the grandmother. She adopted Lilia and Levan, the father of Malleus and Princess Malenoa's husband. The royalty in Briary Valley is complete with senators, dukes, royal guards, and is just basically a monarchy of faes.
The Draconias, and most fae creatures, reside in Briar Valley. There are forests that are pitch black, giving an advantage to nocturnal faes, like Lilia. It is also rich in magical minerals.
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In Diasomnia chapter, Malleus put up a barrier of thorns that is going around or extending throughout Sage Island, essentially marking it as his domain, and everyone in this domain will remain asleep, dreaming. It is worth noting that Malleus is said to be one of the top strongest mages, as evidenced by this:
"S.T.Y.X. together with the Magical Force, and the Briar Valley’s royal family attempted to break into Malleus Draconia’s domain, but… "
"Neither physical nor magical attacks could make a dent."
"The thorns do not discriminate between humans and fae, and anyone attempting to enter just get sucked into the field."
Because he's a fae, he gets energy from his surroundings. Therefore if Malleus' keeps extending his barrier, he will get stronger. Heed that not even Queen Maleficia can get through the barrier her grandson had created. With this scenario, it effectively puts Malleus, a little bit stronger than her.
The Draconia Miracle
I contemplated saying the Draconian Miracle but either way is fine.
If we are to consider Malleus as a miracle manifest in itself, let's first look at the way he was born.
The prelude of Malleus' birth is chaos.
During or even before he emerged from his shell, Briar Valley is going through a fae-human war. Starting when the humans started populating and abusing the place. Note that their population started with only a small sailing ship, and throughout the years they multiplied.
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Princess Mallenoire/Malenoa/Mallenoa is the mother of Malleus, and she, by far is the strongest defense of the land, as said by Lillia.
But before Malleus can even crack the shell, his mother is already gone. Going by the angst route, let's assume she died protecting her egg that houses her son.
Makes you wonder how brutal the fight must be to 'kill' a mother dragon protecting her only child.
Levan/Revern, a raven fae or a dragon duke in some sources, is his father. He is a diplomat of Briar Valley, therefore his task falls into making allies, not enemies.
Yet, he did not return.
It is presumed that he died in an ambush, or possibly has a new identity. If he is alive it is cruel for him to not come back to his unhatched son. I am not saying Crowley is Malleus' father but there's a chance that Crowley is related to the Draconias, in one way or another.
Now, why is Malleus considered a miracle?
Because he was born against all odds. His birth is a highly impossible event, yet it did happen.
Due to his parents' absence, this effectively made the hatching of Malleus uncertain. Dragon eggs can hatch within 2-3 years of laying if showered with love and cared for.
[ This part is taken from the accounts of Lilia's dream in the Diasomnia chapter, where Silver is also surprised by the huge gap of the war and the dragon heir's birth.]
Malleus' birth is delayed by 200 years, because he has no one to care for him. It is truly pitiful that even before his birth, Malleus is abandoned.
Why wouldn't Queen Maleficia love her unhatched grandson? Is her love and power not enough to hatch Malleus?
I bet she did, but she also has grieve the death of her only child. On top of that, she has to be strong because she's a queen of a country. Any sign of weakness can mean the humans threatening her or even one of the faes betraying them, putting her family and the nation in danger.
The thought of the Draconia bloodline ending with her likely filled her with depression. Also, Queen Maleficia is not Malleus birth mother, only his grandmother. So that is not enough for a dragon egg to hatch, since it needed the love from his birth parents. I like to think that this part is where Lilia, as his caretaker will come in. Lilia's loyalty to Draconias extended to Malleus, softening the heart of the war-torn general, enough that he had the sympathy to adopt a human child.
It took 200 long years for Malleus to emerge from his egg shell and when he did, Briar Valley celebrated his birth. Matter of fact, his birthday is a public holiday.
Defying the odds is another powerful instance why Malleus is born to be a king faes, the valley and the abyss.
The parallels between Idia (the prodigy) and Malleus (the miracle)
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[Is it me or they both look good?!]
Both Malleus and Idia grew up in isolation.
[Island of Woe and Briary Valley are two places in the middle of seven-knows-what. Anyway...!]
With Malleus as the only heir, and Idia as the first born, they both have huge responsibilities on their shoulders. We're talking about responsibilities scaling nations and the safety of huge populations.
Idia's childhood is tragic with the death of his brother. But we can argue that Malleus' childhood is tragic too, with the disappearance of his parents.
Malleus grew up isolated and protected in the castle. His only confidant for decades is Lilia, his caretaker. And even then, Malleus said that Lilia is prone to going away for long periods of time.
For Idia, his only companion for the 2 years he locked himself in his room is the prototype of Ortho that he's building.
Idia represents the uncanny future, and Malleus represents the eerie past.
Think of it this way, if you put Malleus in Island of Woe where everything is about technology, I bet he will say something about the importanc of the past and teleport back to his place.
If you put Idia in Briar Valley... man's not even going to survive the night. He will lament his poor WiFi connection.
They compliment each other well: One doesn't want to be approached and the other is unapproachable.
Both Idia and Malleus are some of the loneliest students in NRC. Idia doesn't have social cues, and Malleus... doesn't have good social cues either.
They're both so awkward when interacting with others it becomes endearing.
As awkward as they are, both are arrogant too. Every time Idia regards himself as the acting leader of S.T.Y.X and Malleus as the future king, sends a thrill or.pride to whoever can hear them. [Go forth children! Be the leaders of the TWST world.]
And they will be leaders. As heavy as the mantle of Shroud and Draconia is, Idia and Malleus will have no choose but to shoulder on. That's why I think the battle between (yuu), Idia along with NRC against Malleus will be tragically beautiful.
Fun fact: Hades tried to ask Maleficent out in a date once, lol.
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There's a reason why all of a sudden the story of TWST started to become more serious in the Ignihyde chapter and just hit the fan in Diasomnia. Soon, were about to find out why.
Idia and Malleus are the complete opposite yet their existence compliments each other so well.
One is a keeper of the underworld, and the other the blessing of maleficence.
And then there's Yuu, trying to uncover the secrets of Twisted Wonderland.
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showmey0urfangs · 10 months
to be fair lestat's kidnapping is definitely framed as a rape though. your comment wasn't that deep and they should leave you alone but i think it's a bit inaccurate to say magnus only kidnapped lestat to create an heir or son figure
Hi Nonnie! Yes, I was obviously joking with that comment, as indicated by the “🤣” at the end of that sentence. But evidently, it flew over some people's heads.
Of course, what Magnus does is a rape and a violation of Lestat's bodily autonomy and consent. And in actuality, it is also a murder; Lestat died that night—and was reborn as a new being, but he still died. And the human life he had before is gone forever. It's the most traumatic moment of Lestat's existence and I was in no way trivializing that.
But if we look at it from the other perspective, Magnus stalks Lestat for months and chooses him specifically because he wanted someone to “inherit” his vampiric powers and fortune before he threw himself into the fire.
There was also a room full of lookalike corpses in the basement because Lestat was not Magnus's first attempt. Magnus wanted someone with a specific physique, eye colour and hair colour to replace the “son” he had lost. He was essentially doing an emotional transference onto Lestat.
I mean, that part of TVL is quite literally called:
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Legacy /ˈlɛgəsi/ [noun] — from the Latin verb, legare, meaning to appoint by a last will, to bequeath. A synonym of inheritance.
It is a legacy that Magnus passes on to Lestat—against Lestat's will, and it is very much symbolic of the act of succession of a dying father.
The power and fortune that Lestat inherits—though he asked for none of it, does still allow him to change his social and economic status virtually overnight and it makes him infinitely more powerful than other fledglings of his own age or even a 400-year-old vampire like Armand.
It is, so to speak, an unfair advantage that Lestat has not “earned” and it's one of the sources of conflict between him and Armand/the children of Darkness; Lestat is rich and powerful from “birth” i.e. from the time he was born into the blood. Therefore, I get to jokingly call him a blonde nepo vampire baby.
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atla-genderbender · 4 months
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"Just as the world will be reborn in fire, I shall be reborn as the supreme ruler of the world. From this moment on, I will be known as the Phoenix Queen!"
Concept sketch for "Phoenix Queen" Ozai.
In my previous sketch of female Ozai, her crown as Fire Lord is inspired by Chinese fengguan. Since this crown is already intricate, her crown as  "Phoenix Queen" needs to be even more elaborate. To embody her vanity, madness, and megalomania, I took inspiration from apsara crowns. By appropriating the costume of an apsara, she visually declares herself an all-powerful goddess of fire. I felt this was fitting, as in ATLA Ozai appropriates Buddha imagery to create a cult of personality that carries into the comics.
The crown that sketched here is not entirely accurate to an apsara crown. Here it is depicted as an enormous, continuous crown, fused together with gold. There are a couple of reasons I decided to do this, but the main reason is because of a scene which occurs in the TV series finale. Before Ozai fights Aang, there is an impressive shot where he is shown standing on an air balloon. In the genderbent AU, I picture female Ozai standing in the same position, wearing this massive crown. From a distance, it should appear like she is wearing a massive flaming bird on her head, or a mass of comets. This was easier to achieve by making her crown a single, fused unit. Additionally, I picture her tearing off her crown in a single smooth moth, then burning off her cape in the moments before her fight with "Aangi". This is also easier to pull off if her crown is a single, fused unit. While this design is not culturally accurate, I think it is appropriate, as she is exploiting the imagery of benevolent goddesses for evil purposes.
Depending on how you view it, her crown is supposed to look like fire, comets, or a flaming phoenix. So much gold and jewelry is employed that it might look garish. When she is turned to the side, the centerpiece of her crown should resemble the head of a phoenix. When viewed from the front, it should resemble a comet, or the Fire Nation symbol that Iroh draws in the sand.
By taking inspiration from Southeast Asian cultures, I hope it helps divorce her from association with Wu Zetian. I don't think it would be appropriate to only have the villains inspired by Southeast Asian cultures, which is one of the reasons why I also took inspiration from Southeast Asian cultures when designing "Zuka""s comics outfit. These decisions are meant to pay homage to the rich heritage of Southeast Asian cultures, rather than associating them with villainy.
An earlier iteration of this design was more inspired by the naga crowns worn by depictions of Queen Soma, where the naga heads were replaced by phoenix tailfeathers. I decided against this, as Queen Soma was a real person and it felt disrespectful to her legacy.
To differentiate her from an adult Azula, I've drawn female Ozai with a more square facial structure, and red eye makeup.
Here is what her hairstyle looks like without the crown:
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Like what I’m doing? Consider leaving me a donation via Ko-Fi.
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jahdiel-death · 28 days
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passionesolja · 1 year
I can’t believe that ChatGPT ripped off pieces of my fanfic Blood Tribune. So, I’m going to post it below the cut and then let y’all read it. I’ll post my commentary of what I think the computer stole from me after the cut.
The CHAT GPT Rip Off of Blood Tribune
Title: "Sith Pureblood Chronicles: Bloodlines of Korriban"
Chapter 1: Echoes of the Past
Centuries have passed since the fall of the Sith Empire, and on the remote world of Korriban, the Sith Purebloods have carved out their own independent civilization. Shielded from the prying eyes of the galaxy, their society thrives in secrecy. Led by the Council of Blood, a ruling body of ancient Sith Lords, the Sith Purebloods embrace their heritage and continue their pursuit of power through the dark side of the Force.
Chapter 2: The Hidden Citadel Deep
within the catacombs of Korriban lies the Hidden Citadel, a sacred stronghold where the Sith Purebloods conduct their rituals and train in the ways of the dark side. Aspiring Sith warriors, such as the protagonist, Ardan, strive to prove themselves and earn a place among the elite. Ardan, born with potent Force sensitivity, carries the weight of his family's legacy and seeks to unleash his full potential.
Chapter 3: The Path of Ascendancy
Ardan embarks on a treacherous journey to master the Sith arts. Under the guidance of his enigmatic mentor, Darth Veritus, he learns to harness his anger, fear, and pain, channeling them into raw power. Alongside his fellow Sith acolytes, Ardan faces grueling trials and duels, testing not only his combat prowess but also his resilience and cunning.
Chapter 4: Shadows of Intrigue
While the Sith Purebloods enjoy a tenuous peace within their civilization, darkness looms on the horizon. An ambitious Sith Lord, Darth Maldera, plots to overthrow the Council of Blood and seize control of Korriban. Manipulative and ruthless, Maldera's actions threaten to unravel the fragile balance that has kept the Sith Purebloods united for centuries. Ardan finds himself entangled in a web of political intrigue as loyalties are tested and alliances are forged.
Chapter 5: Forbidden Knowledge
As Ardan delves deeper into the mysteries of the Sith Purebloods' past, he uncovers a hidden archive containing forbidden knowledge. The ancient texts reveal the secrets of forgotten Sith rituals, lost techniques, and untapped sources of power. Ardan becomes consumed by the desire to unlock these ancient arts, even if it means challenging the Council's authority and risking the wrath of Darth Maldera.
Chapter 6: The Battle for Korriban
The tension between Darth Maldera's faction and the Council of Blood escalates into open conflict. Ardan must choose a side, torn between loyalty to his heritage and his own quest for personal growth. The Sith Purebloods' civilization becomes a battleground as rival factions clash, unleashing devastating displays of Force power. Ardan's choices will not only shape his own destiny but also determine the future of the Sith Purebloods. Epilogue: Legacy Reborn After a cataclysmic clash between Darth Maldera and the Council of Blood, the Sith Purebloods stand at a crossroads. Ardan emerges as a pivotal figure, leading the remnants of his people towards a new era of unity and strength. Guided by the lessons of their tumultuous history, the Sith Purebloods reaffirm their commitment to the dark side and forge a path towards greatness.
"Sith Pureblood Chronicles: Bloodlines of Korriban" explores the rich and complex society of the Sith Purebloods, delving into their customs, politics, and spiritual beliefs. It is a tale of power and ambition, highlighting the eternal struggle for dominance within a civilization consumed by the dark side. As Ardan navigates the treacherous landscape of his people, he must confront his own demons and ultimately decide the
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emcads · 1 year
some notes on my newly minted a/soiaf au, mostly for my own reference
Lord Rafael de Sevilla is a warlord of Braavos who commands a respectable fleet of ships and pays allegiance to the Sealord. He himself commands a large, 2-deck dromond as flagship named The Talion, which formerly belonged to the royal fleet at Dragonstone as (under the name Sea Falcon) but was abandoned in the stepstones with her entire crew lost to the butterfly fever. she still bears Targaryen colors, with a dark hull and sails dyed red rather than the traditional Braavosi purple –– as such, she can occasionally be mistaken for a royal Westerosi ship. Esmeralda remains with Rafael almost constantly, and serves as an officer on The Talion when at sea. Rafael's right hand is a Tyroshi lieutenant by the name of Luis Montoya, who has died the tips of his mustache and beard maroon.
The Sevillas have a legacy as an ancient family of Myr, having built their wealth through trade, particularly in lace, fire wine, and fruit. Unlike much of Myr, the family did not utilize enslaved or Unsullied labor, which attracted attention from freemen and fostered rebellions among other enslaved populations in Myr. Although Rafael did not campaign for the end of slavery personally, considering such revolutionary sentiment as a threat to his own power, the lord's influence, along with the richness of their holdings, threatened the rule of the magisters. When Gabriel chose a formerly enslaved Naathi bride, Zephyranthe, and named his daughter his heir, the magisters were incited to turn against Rafael (though unwilling to dirty their own hands) Hired sellswords killed Gabriel and Zephyranthe, and razed their home and set fire to Rafael's fleet, of which only one ship survived. Rafael escaped with Esmeralda, only a child, and her Naathi nurse, on this ship and fled to Braavos.
The Sevilla family have worshiped R'hllor for generations, Esmeralda included. After the fire, from which they were both reborn, their faith grows ever-stronger: Don Rafael believes that Esmeralda's unlikely survival marks her as uniquely protected by the Lord of Light, and sends her to study in Volantis as a ward where she becomes practiced in the arts of the faith. But she rejects the prospect of giving herself over entirely to the Temple and flees to Braavos to find freedom with her grandfather as a teen. Having since grown to adulthood in Braavos she also acknowledges deities such as The Merling King, The Moon-Pale Maiden, and the love goddess of Lys, although they rank far below the Red God. she tends to believe in their suspicions, rather than dutiful practice.
While in Braavos, Esmeralda trained extensively in the water dance style of swordfighting, and became a better swordsman than even her grandfather (who was schooled in a heavy-handed, old-school warrior style of combat, as opposed to the deadly elegance of Braavosi dueling). though she is not technically a bravo (as Lord Rafael cherishes her much too closely to let her be so reckless in silly fights) she adopts many of their attitudes, including their sense of style. Esmeralda tends to either dress traditionally, in the style of a Myrish lady, or crossdressing as a swaggering bravo with sword on her hip. she has a Volantene flame of R'hllor tattooed on her hip, in commemoration of her faith as well as the slaughter that lead to her true birth.
Politically, the pair of them seek to enact revenge on the magisters and their abetters, within Myr and the other Free Cities. Lord Rafael is very careful to maneuver through channels of power and to leave the chosen target vulnerable before any physical violence is enacted; Esmeralda tends to err on the side of bodily impulse, whether that be violence or seduction to achieve what she wants. Rafael also wants to see Esmeralda restored to the proper status owed to her, and aims to marry her well, which is easier achieved as they grow more successful, restore their wealth, and ruin their opponents in Myr, but occasionally threatened by their forays into less-legitimate violence and piracy. Esmeralda has less ambitious goals in that regard, and would much prefer to find love than power in her own hand. but she serves first and foremost her loyalty to Lord Rafael, and though occasionally rebellious, opposes him openly on very little, including marriage schemes.
She's distantly related to Bellegere Otherys through her mother: among the few memories Esmeralda has of her are hearing her stories of the pirate queen.
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inikyokai · 7 months
~Rich Blood
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wabbitablet · 2 years
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meet hei-ran moon, the founder of my newest legacy challenge inspired by one of my favorite kdramas, reborn rich!
hei-ran is a neat, ambitious, and self assured sims who has an affinity for books and the outdoors. recently moving to windenburg with only a 64x64 lot and 100 simoleons in her name. hei-ran can only hope that she can start a family of her own and have enough money to support it.
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cooledtured · 8 months
Summoning Nostalgia: Exploring Netflix’s Global Premiere of Akuma-Kun and Its Supernatural Journey
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Anime fans, brace yourselves because the Akuma-kun series made its Netflix debut on November 9, 2023, paying homage to the timeless legacy of Shigeru Mizuki. This adaptation promises a new era for fans of the mystical universe first spun in the 1960s manga. Let’s unravel the excitement surrounding this long-awaited debut and dive into the supernatural world it unveils.
A Global Premiere: Netflix’s Exclusive Showcase
Netflix took the global stage by hosting the worldwide premiere of the Akuma-kun series, seizing the spotlight with its exclusive showcase. On November 9, 2023, fans worldwide tuned in as Netflix introduced the extraordinary Akuma-Kun, a character reborn once every 10,000 years, captivating screens across the globe. Netflix’s exclusive distribution wasn’t just a strategic move; it was a thoughtful approach to captivate diverse audiences, demonstrating a mindful content delivery strategy.
A Nostalgic Homecoming: Original Cast and Fresh Voices
In a nostalgic nod spanning over three decades since its 1989 predecessor, the new series introduces a fresh face — Ichirō Umoregi, voiced by the talented Yuuki Kaji. Kudos to the OG cast members Yūko Mita and Toshio Furukawa making a return in their key roles. The mix of familiar voices and fresh talent injects a profound richness into the narrative, creating an engaging auditory experience.
Unveiling the Supernatural Realms: Plot Exploration
As the story unfolds, viewers are taken on a gripping adventure where demons, drawn from global myths, hold the key to unlocking humanity’s latent potential. The narrative follows Akuma-Kun’s quest for a world free from strife and conflict, with his alliance with Mephisto III laying the foundation for unraveling mysteries and uncovering the protagonist’s mysterious origins.
Behind the Scenes: A Stellar Creative Ensemble
The creative minds behind Akuma-kun’s stellar production, including Junichi Sato, renowned for his work on the Aria franchise and Sailor Moon, deserve equal recognition. With Sato as chief director, alongside series director Fumitoshi Oizaki and script overseer Hiroshi Ohnogi, the team meticulously crafted a visually stunning and narratively compelling series.
Cultivating a New Wave of Fans
As we get lost in Akuma-kun’s rich story, there’s this subtle excitement among fans, a feeling that maybe, just maybe, this classic anime could be the spark for a whole new fanbase. In the vast universe of timeless anime and manga, the idea of Akuma-kun reaching a new audience feels like handing over a cherished legacy. Picture the future, where upcoming generations stumble upon the enchanting world that started in the 1960s manga, unraveling the spellbinding tales penned by the legendary Shigeru Mizuki. “GeGeGe no Kitaro,” another manga created by Mizuki, helped popularize Japanese folklore and Yokai so there is a possibility that this new adaptation of Akuma-kun ends up being rather memorable.
As the global audience immerses itself in the enchanting appeal of Akuma-Kun, the anime’s release on November 9 marks the beginning of a new chapter in Shigeru Mizuki’s illustrious legacy. With its widespread appeal, a seamless blend of seasoned and emerging voices, and an enthralling storyline, the Akuma-Kun series is poised to carve itself a place in the annals of supernatural classics, leaving an enduring imprint on anime enthusiasts worldwide.
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bluedevilsrpg · 1 year
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GUNNER. W. ( 30-34 ) Jasmine Daniels.
YOUR RUINATION BEGINS THE DAY YOU ARE BORN. The history of your family begins with the patriarchal legacy of madmen. Your father was no different with his relentless pursuits for strength and subjugation. In those stark, cold eyes, you with your delicate bones and quiet disposition could never compete with the legends of your forebears. Your father convinced himself of your incompetence when in truth, he desired a male progeny. There was no violence in his disregard but you never dared to meet his gaze; that was his cruelty - for a daughter, you must know your place. Was it mercy or was it malice that you were cast from paradise from your very first breath? 
You realize your place could only be made by your hand, that your life was yours to live. You buried yourself in a makeshift grave the day you chose to die. It was the last act of grace for your self-preservation. The silks that adorned you, the flowers that decorated your tresses remained in memory of the beautiful girl who sacrificed herself for fruitless piety. Girlhood is like godhood is what you learn. It awakens your potential. You are reborn anew in a baptismal of blood, finding new meaning in tearing things apart. Carnage calls to you as your new Goddess and you swathe yourself in your newfound worship of me, myself and I. You will anoint yourself into the palace of Saints where myth remembers you as the one who died for your place among Gods. Father, aren't you proud? Look at what I have become. 
The throne was almost yours to claim. A future Queen that would rule nations, you never dreamt of becoming a damsel in distress. You were a reflection of your father’s ruthless nature, his stubborn ambition and his talent for conquest. But due to centuries of tradition and your brother, it was you that was thrown away like a disposable pawn. You loved your brother at first but this love festered into twisted hatred. He who was kind, sweet and gentle in disposition was given all that you had ever wanted. You saw the privileges that came as heir as you were forced to stand aside with your head bowed. You seethed and plotted for a place of your own. There shall be a day where all others regret that you weren’t the one to lead. You left on your own accord and when you see him again, you see a newfound torment that replaced the child prince. You can’t help but grin, so this is the weapon your father has made him. Your hostility remains and his face reminds you of a world that should have been yours. You bide your time to see what he’s worth, you won’t hesitate to show him how it feels to bleed. The world is a cruel place brother so I must teach you how it works. 
You became the woman you are now with the help of a captain who found you and taught you how to sail the seas and become something beautiful and something equally terrible. You weren’t the only one who she saved and your days were spent with BELLS OF HELL and SUNKEN WITCH who were as carefully selected as you were. You never truly liked BELLS OF HELL, with her crude personality and her starvation for attention. Where you utilized all you had been taught to shift the turning tides of a country, she abandoned herself completely and became akin to scum. Her strength was in the brutality of her tongue and the piercing nature of her voice; both which never ceased to grate upon your nerves. SUNKEN WITCH, who had nothing to her name or history, became enthralled with riches and all things beautiful. At one point, even you were infatuated with her loveliness but you refused to trust a woman whose only interest was in making profit. Beyond a lingering kiss, you desired nothing more. The bond that connected the three of you was fragile and it instantly vanished the moment you were left to fend for yourselves.
A heartless soldier who only cared about his own desires, he refused every proposition you offered. You remember the day he detained you with his cold, apathetic nature. You attempted to bribe him with the thought of a coup and when that didn’t unravel in your favor, you chose more violent means. Yet despite your attempt on his life, he carried out his duties with little care. His arrogance and strategy was something you considered promising once upon a time but his refusal to bow to your status and power was a big enough bruise to your hubris that it marked him an enemy. You’ll never forgive him for what he has done. You lived your life so gloriously free from the place you were discarded that to be dragged back into the hell of your royal cage only stirred carnage in your heart. Your several attempts to run resulted in severe consequences that will forever be imprinted upon your memory. One day, he will taste the very same suffering he has caused you and you will relish it when you are the one seated on the throne. 
Her devotion to you was blindly granted and if there was anything more satisfying than submission, it was narcissistic devotion. At first you saw little use for her beyond the pleasures of shared companionship between the sheets. But slowly, you began to fan the flames of her twinkling greed. You could see how badly she desired to be more than what she was born into, and you dangled it all before her. She was a prized tool that would be an extension of your own political agenda. Despite your fondness for her, your own ambitions and dreams stood above every living being. When a pawn was no longer useful to you, you made no hesitation to toss them aside and she was no different. Your last act of grace was permitting her to live, a favor for old time’s sake.
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shinesato · 1 year
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inventorymessblog · 2 years
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sollb · 2 years
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