#* pulls out a history book of receipts / starter call.
aadmelioraa · 7 years
Mind the Neighbors
Happy (early) birthday, @flawlessbanshee! I know your 25th year will be as incredible as you are ❤️ 
Modern AU, 2k, fake dating, fluff: Bellamy’s new neighbor seems rather irritated with him, until it turns out she might need his help.
For the third time that week Bellamy had come home to a passive aggressive note from his downstairs neighbor. In the six years Bellamy had lived in that apartment, he had never had half as much trouble with one of the other tenants. But since his new neighbor had moved in that summer, she had found nothing but problems with him. The only things he knew about her was that her name was Clarke, she was a doctor, and by all signs she didn’t much care for him.
It was always the noise. She worked early shifts at the hospital, and when he got home late from parent teacher conferences or the occasional date apparently his normal tread would wake Clarke from the deepest of sleep. She had appeared at his door one night, clad in pajama pants and an oversized sweatshirt, hair mussed from sleep, and (almost politely) asked him to be a little quieter when he came home late. He had apologized, refrained from suggesting such a light sleeper should wear earplugs, and casually noticed that his new neighbor was pretty cute.
Since they worked such opposite schedules, the next time Bellamy saw Clarke was when he was taking out the trash late one night a few months later. He’d accidentally dropped a bag on the first floor landing. Clarke had opened the door to her apartment, wearing her scrubs and only half awake, and told him dryly he was lucky she was already up for work. He laughed and apologized again, but she brushed past him before he had a chance to reply.
The notes were new. The first one, which he found taped to his door on Monday night, read: “You either have a leak in your kitchen or you’ve left the faucet running for two days straight. For the love of god, please turn off the damn faucet or get it fixed. Mind the neighbors.” He’d rolled his eyes, but she was right…there was a leak. At least she’d caught it before the water bill did. The next note, on Thursday, simply read: “Please consider investing in house slippers.” He’d chuckled and made sure to take his shoes off as soon as he got home in future.
The third note came on Friday. He found it when he’d gotten home from work around six o’clock. He was starving, and just wanted to make some pasta and turn the history channel and put off grading papers until tomorrow. Instead, he saw Clarke’s tell-tale light blue stationary attached to his door. He sighed preemptively, and pulled the note down. It read: “If you don’t have plans next Friday, text me. I could use a hand with something.” Clarke had written her phone number at the bottom of the note. Bewildered and curious, Bellamy dropped his books on the coffee table and made his way downstairs. He had seen Clarke’s car, and heard music playing on his way past her door, so he knew she was home and awake.
She answered quickly at the knock, wearing leggings and an oversized sweatshirt, but frowned when she saw it was him. “I thought you were the Chinese food. Didn’t I ask you to text me?”
Bellamy smirked at her terse manner. “Sorry, I just knew you were home. What did you need a hand with?”
Clarke sighed and opened the door fully. “Come in, you’re letting all the heat out.”
Bellamy stepped inside and followed her into the kitchen. Her apartment was messier than he would have expected. Not untidy, exactly, but there were a few piles of clean laundry on the couch and the sink was full of coffee mugs.
“So…what did you need a hand with next Friday?” Bellamy asked, leaning over the laminate top of the island as she took a seat on the counter next to the sink. “Leaky faucet?”
Clarke laughed at his bad joke, and Bellamy grinned back.
“No,” she replied, looking a little sheepish, “I actually need a date.”
Bellamy didn’t bother trying to hide the surprise on his face. “A date? That’s what you need a hand with?”
“Alright, so I didn’t make the best choice of words. It’s been a long week. Anyway, are you free?”
“Yeah, sure…what’s it for? And why I am on your list of potential dates?”
Clarke sighed and launched into her story. “Every year the hospital where I work throws a big holiday gala. It’s black tie: catered, open bar, full band. I kind of told my coworkers I was dating someone and now they expect me to show up with you.”
“With me?” Bellamy asked. “You told them you were dating a person you’ve talked to a grand total of twice?”
“Four times if you count the notes,” Clarke replied. “Yeah, you were the first person that popped into my head for some reason.”
Bellamy ran a hand through his hair, utterly confused. “I didn’t even know you knew my name.”
“It’s on your mailbox. Not a name you’re likely to forget even if you only see it once.”
Bellamy laughed. “Alright, that checks out.”
“So you’re in?” Clarke asked, looking excited. It was cute.
“Sure,” Bellamy agreed, smiling at her. “I don’t have plans, and it sounds like a fun party.”
Clarke sighed, clearly relieved. “It should be, now that I can deflect people…do you have a tux?”
“Not exactly…”
“I’ll cover a rental, no worries,” Clarke cut in quickly. “Just save the receipt for me.”
“Ok, that seems fair.” Bellamy bit his lip, looking around her apartment. “So, what’s our story?”
“Our relationship story. For starters, how long have you been telling your coworkers we’ve been dating?”
“Oh, that…about two months. Not to get too personal, but I had this kind of awful breakup last year, and the rebound wasn’t great either.”
“Sorry to hear that,” he replied genuinely.
“It’s fine, I’ve moved on. They just don’t believe that I have.” Clarke rolled her eyes. “So now I’m going to show them I’m with someone else, and then we’ll ‘break up,’” Clarke did air quotes, “and they’ll let me alone for a while.”
Bellamy raised his eyebrows. “Your friends sound like a handful.”
“They are, but honestly they mean well. You’re right, we’ll need to exchange all our personal details in case you get questions.”
Before Bellamy could reply, the doorbell rang
“Food’s here!” Clarke jumped down from her perch on the counter and headed for the door. “Why don’t you stay for dinner? We can talk and get our story straight. I always order way too much, save me from the leftovers.”
Bellamy grinned. “Sounds great.”
On Friday night, Clarke took Bellamy’s breath away twice in the space of a minute. The first time was when she opened the door to meet him. She wearing an incredibly flattering red dress, her hair was swept up and off to the side, and she was already smiling—that was new. Second, when she leaned up to kiss him on the cheek.
“Sorry, just thought we should get into character,” she said lightly when he froze up.
“No, that’s good, that’s fine,” Bellamy murmured. Clarke’s eyes glinted mischievously as she gestured to her dress. “You like?”
“You look amazing.” Absolutely no point in lying, he supposed.
Clarke’s laugh wrinkled her nose. “Benefits of you only seeing me scrubs or pajamas before, I guess. Come in, I’m just getting my shoes. Tux looks good, by the way,” Clarke called as she walked into her bedroom. “You have your receipt?”
“Yeah, uhhh….it’s ok, though.” Bellamy replied, meeting Clarke’s eye as she reemerged with a pair of strappy pumps. “It wasn’t a problem, I don’t need you to reimburse me.”
Clarke sat down on the couch and began to put her shoes on, the slit on the side of her dress falling away to reveal almost the entire length of her leg. “You sure? It’s no problem, you are doing me a favor after all…”
“I’m sure,” Bellamy replied, trying his best not to stare. “It would make me feel less like a gigolo.”
Clarke snorted and glanced up at him, eyes twinkling.
“Besides,” Bellamy continued, “I’m getting dinner and drinks out of this, so it’s a fair enough trade.”
“I’ll say so,” Clarke grinned up at him. “Not to mention I’m a damn delight.”
He chuckled, and offered his arm to escort her out to the waiting car.
The gala was being held at the Arkadia, an upscale hotel and the nicest venue in town. The decorations were spectacular, and Bellamy was again reminded of the relative poverty of his chosen profession.
Clarke seemed far more comfortable on his arm than he had expected, so Bellamy didn’t have to try very hard to appear like a convincing boyfriend. He had privately felt a little like James Bond since putting the rental tux on, and Clarke certainly could pass for a Bond girl with that dress and those shoes and that everything else…
“You want a drink?”
Her question startled him back to reality. “Please.”
She grinned and took his hand, leading him towards the bar.
“Gin and tonic and a tequila on the rocks, please,” Bellamy ordered, remembering Clarke’s preferred inaugural drink.
“Thanks,” she smiled up at him, then turned to face the room. “Ok, so I see Monty and Miller over there, you’ll like them both.” She glanced back at him. “You ready for this?”
Bellamy took a sip of his cocktail and nodded. “Bring it on.”
Clarke slipped her hand into his again (he was already sort of used to that feeling), and they made their way across the room.
“Griffin!” a voice behind them called, and Bellamy turned to see a petite dark haired woman waving at them.
“Who’s this, Raven?” he whispered to Clarke under his breath.
“Nice,” she replied appreciatively in a low voice and called back, “Hey, Reyes.”
“So this is the mysterious boyfriend,” Raven said with a smirk, giving Bellamy a once over. “I don’t know why you were hiding him, you’ve got nothing to be ashamed of here.”
Bellamy smirked and glanced at Clarke, playing the part. “Yeah, babe, you embarrassed of me, or something?”
“Oh please,” Clarke elbowed him playfully. “Like any of us have a lot of time for socializing anyway.”
“Well, we were all starting to doubt that you existed, is all,” Raven replied. “Happy to be proven wrong!”
“Starting to doubt who existed?” a man had just appeared at Raven’s elbow. He glanced over at Bellamy. “Oh, holy shit, is this the infamous Bellamy? You’re real, huh?”
“Yes, Murphy, he exists,” replied Clarke shortly.
Murphy raised an eyebrow as he handed a drink to Raven. “Well, I guess I’m going to be losing some money on that betting pool.”
Bellamy laughed and placed a hand on Clarke’s waist. “Sorry to disappoint, man.”
“You’ve done anything but that,” Raven chimed in, giving Clarke a look that said nicely done.
Clarke rolled her eyes. “Well, now that you’ve both been proven wrong, excuse us, we have to make our rounds.”
Bellamy continued to enjoy himself more as the night wore on. Clarke’s easy manner with him helped. She was quite physically comfortable around him, or she acted like it. She was constantly running and hand over his back, pressing up against him, or playing with his hair. She wasn’t even tipsy, just—very convincingly playing his girlfriend. If he wasn’t careful, he’d believe it too.
Clarke’s coworkers were all very friendly, if a little too invested in their “relationship.” The rehearsed “how did you meet” story went over with a smash every time. Even Dr. Jaha, Clarke’s boss, complimented them on being a lovely couple. The dinner was great, the speeches bearable, and the booze continued to flow freely throughout. By the time the gala was wrapping up, Bellamy hated that he would have to go back to being just Clarke’s upstairs neighbor.
“You ready to get out of here?” Clarke asked, fighting back a yawn, as guests started to filter out of the ballroom.
Bellamy knew he wasn’t ready for the night to end quite yet, but they had made their agreement, and he was going to stick to it. He nodded.
The car ride back was pretty quiet, and though he had an urge to wrap an arm round her, he resisted. They were in private now, and that wasn’t part of the deal. He walked her to her door of course, arm in arm, but it was cold so that just made sense.
“So, thanks for tonight…” Clarke said when they reached her apartment. She had unlocked her door but had yet to step inside. She was still lingering in the hallway for some reason. He hair had started to fall down from its styling, and her lipstick had faded, but she still looked stunningly beautiful. It wasn’t making walking away any easier for him.
��Yeah, I guess it’s time for us to break up,” Bellamy replied, regretting the words before they left his lips.
Clarke bit her lower lip, still hesitating in the doorway, a curious expression on her face.
“Or—“ Bellamy continued hurriedly, “What if we didn’t?”
“Didn’t what?” Clarke asked, taking a step towards him. “Didn’t break up?”
Bellamy bowed his head, flushing slightly, but didn’t waver. “Yeah, I just mean…I had a lot of fun tonight. You can go back to leaving passive aggressive notes on my door, but maybe we can hang out again sometimes—“
Clarke grinned widely. “How about we just do that now?” and she kissed him. It was a good kiss, long and deep, her hands tangled in his hair and his arms wrapping round her waist. He pulled back after a moment, completely dazed but smiling ear to ear.
“You want to come in?” she asked in a husky voice, kicking the door open behind her.
Bellamy smirked. No more hesitation. He lifted her up in a single motion and her legs wrapped around him.
“Bedroom’s that way,” Clarke murmured, not bothering to stop kissing him, just vaguely gesturing with one arm behind her, throwing his bow tie aside as she did so. 
“Make sure we keep it down,” Bellamy whispered teasingly as he laid her on the bed, “We’ve got to mind the neighbors.”
Clarke grinned and pulled him towards her by his collar. “No promises.”
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Travel to and Day One in Rome
Our last morning in Lucerne was rather uneventful. We woke up and had our showers and got ready for the day before heading out for some breakfast. We tried McDonalds but were shocked to see that they were only open from 10am onwards so we ended up going to a supermarket to purchase some pastries and ended up with some croissants and some nutty, chocolate log thing. We went back to our hotel and sat out on our balcony in the sun as we had our breakfast. We then spent the rest of the morning packing up our bags and I worked on the blog while Mike watched some videos.
Just after 11am we went downstairs to checkout before heading to McDonalds for an early lunch. We ate our meals and then walked across the road to the train station where we hopped on our train to Milan. We were initially a bit stressed as we were unsure which coach we were meant to be on as the ticket wasn’t clear, which meant that we got on the train after the initial crowd of people who took up all the rack space with their luggage. We were able to fit Mike’s bag in the overhead rack easily, but my bag was a bit more of a challenge considering it is so fat. After putting it up on the seat, opening it up and pulling out a few items we finally made it thin enough to fit up above us. 
The train ride to Milan seemed to pass by slowly, Mike played a thousand games of solitaire while I read another Harry Potter book. We arrived in Milan at around 3:50pm and made our way to our connecting train to Rome. This time there were no luggage racks but we got on early enough to manage to shove our bags up above us, mine was a very, very tight squeeze. Unfortunately on this trip Mike and I weren’t seated next to each other as we had booked our tickets so late, so he sat in an aisle seat around a table with a group of three people, while I sat by the window around another table with a pair and a solo traveller. The three hour journey felt even longer because of this. 
When we arrived at the Roma Termini train station it was 7:50pm and it was dark out which was making us feel slightly on edge as we tried to figure out how to get to our accommodation. Google Maps for once was not being helpful in telling us if the buses were running and which one to catch, fortunately I had a copy of the instructions that the Airbnb host provided us with and we figured out what we needed to do. We exited the train station and walked across the road to the bus station and managed to find the correct stop for our bus, purchased our tickets and waited with the crowd for the bus to arrive. 
We hopped on the bus and were on our way to our accommodation, arriving within half an hour and just before the cut off where we would’ve had to have paid extra money for a late check-in. Our new Airbnb is very cosy and consists only of the bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom and is located in an old building with a small courtyard. It is down a little alleyway in an old neighbourhood and is located right in the middle of many attractions and restaurants that I have on my list to visit which is great.
 I had forgotten that this particular accommodation didn’t have a washing machine so we  had to spend a bit of time after getting settled, hand washing some tshirts, socks and undies in the kitchen sink so Mike we would have clothes for the next couple of days. Even though we had skipped dinner and were feeling a little peckish, we decided it was too late to try and go out to get anything so just went to bed. 
This morning we woke up around 7am and got ourselves ready for the day. We headed out to go to this cafe I had on my list that apparently served great coffee and pastries. Our walk through the streets of Rome was very cool as we walked along the cobbled streets down alleyways and amongst beautiful, old and weathered buildings. We made it to the cafe and placed our order - I got a jam stuffed croissant and a hot chocolate, while Mike got a chocolate stuffed croissant and a cappucino. We stood up at the bar to have our drinks, just like the real Italians do. Mike really enjoyed his coffee and croissant, and I found my croissant to be a bit more dense than the ones we had been having in Paris (I have been spoilt) and my hot chocolate was unlike anything I had ever had before, so thick and chocolate-y and bitter. 
After breakfast, we walked literally around the corner to the Pantheon which was just incredible, what an awesome building to have stood the test of time. Fortunately it was free entry so we walked straight inside and were so impressed with the size of the place and the dome design that included the open oculus in the ceiling. We walked around for a while and took a seat in one of the pews for a moment before moving on to the next site. 
A couple of streets away we visited the Trevi Fountain which unfortunately was not turned on and being cleaned at the time withall the coins from the bottom of the fountain being cleared out. It was still impressive to look at but we decided to just come back either later that day or on another day to see the fountain in action. 
We then began walking the streets in the direction of the Colosseum and ended up coming across the “Wedding Cake” building, rather known as the  Monumento Nazionale a Vittorio Emanuele II. We walked up the steps of the building and began exploring the different levels, balconies, terraces and statues. We saw a great view of Rome and of the Colesseum in the distance. We decided not to take the lift all the way up to the top, satisfied with the view we saw from the terrace and instead headed inside. Here we went through a short display which we think was about the history of Rome and it’s identity. It had some pretty cool displays which included Dante’s Divine Comedy and a video display that transported Mike and I to different sites in modern Rome.
We left the exhibit and building and continued making our way to the Colosseum, walking past several old ruin sites. We figured the crowd at the Colosseum was going to be hectic considering the number of tourists we had already seen out that day and we were correct as there were people everywhere and a long queue. We decided to come back for our visit on another day. We walked around for a bit, checking out the outside but grew tired of the many, many people asking if we needed help buying tickets, or if we wanted to skip the queue so we moved away in the direction of Palentine Hill. The line here was a bit shorter but we figured we would just do these two attractions in the one day so instead did a short walk around the exterior of the site, which just lead to a dead end so we turned back.
We then decided to check out Nero’s Domus Aurea upon Dad’s recommendation. However upon googling we saw that it is only open on weekends and Mike and I leave on Friday. We still walked to it’s location through a bit of a dingy park, but only got to see a very small part of it that was the above ground part. We’ll just have to come back Dad and make sure it’s on a weekend!
It was super humid and Mike and I were feeling very warm so began our walk back to where we originated from this morning in search of lunch. We headed to Cantina e Cucina where we got a snug seat in the back of the restaurant. We ordered some bruschetta for starters, pasta carbonara for me and spaghetti and meatballs for Mike. Everything was super tasty and rich in flavour - Mike’s dish in particular was very nice. After lunch it was only reasonable that we get gelato for dessert, so we headed off in the direction for this gelato shop that was also on my list called Giolitti. 
After a short walk we arrived to the large, traditional looking gelato store. We had to prepay and line up with our receipts to be served by one of the gelato servers. It was very difficult to choose which flavour since there were so many, but Mike ended up with a cone of chocolate and caramalised fig, while I got Vanilla Creme and Raspberry and a dollop of whipped cream on top (which was free!). We went outside with our gelato to stand and eat them in the street and it was like I died and went to heaven. They were so creamy and flavourful - we just loved it!
After our gelato, we then headed back to the Trevi Fountain which was now running again! We threw in our coins, took our photo before sitting down just to watch the fountain for a while. It’s so big, with so many things to look at, if there weren’t so many people around it would have actually been quite peaceful. 
I next dragged Mike along to a shop that I wanted to check out which was a short distance away where I did a little shopping and ended up with a pair of sandals. Once I was finished, we began the walk back to our accommodation, stopping along the way at a supermarket to pick up some breakfast supplies. We have since been chilling out at home, watching some Netflix and updating the blog. Our plan is to head to the Vatican tomorrow!
0 notes
thesydneyfeminists · 6 years
RBG Film Review
By: Brittany L.
8 August 2018
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I moved to Sydney a little over a year ago. I’ve made a life, set down tentative roots, fallen in love with the rush of the city. Still, I feel an uncontrollable pull towards “home.” The mountains, fresh air, overwhelming burden of knowing every face in a small town. My yearning for the States is messy and complicated. I hate what it has come to represent for so many people around the world. And something deeper. Even in the city I was born, I live on stolen land soaked in blood. Most days it seems impossible to even try to rectify the individual and structural wrongs of a country as large and powerful as the United States. Rectify isn’t even the right word. It’s more about smashing, burning, reassembling, building. Never forgetting. Despite my complicated feelings, I smiled when I received confirmation acknowledging the receipt of my absentee ballot form. In November, I will exercise my right to vote and maybe help make life a bit less horrible for my fellow countrymates. By happenstance, this news from my local government official arrived on the same day I went to see RBG in theaters. It couldn’t have been a better coincidence. Leaving the theater, I felt the kind of hope I hadn’t dared feel since the 2016 election results. For a woman born and raised in the United States, sitting alone in a movie theater 10,000+ miles away from home, RBG was literally life-giving. It’s bigger than that, though. RBG sends a vital feminist message to people of all genders: your voice matters. Your voice can inspire change.
For starters, RBG is not a film I’m capable of detaching myself from emotionally. By that I mean, I was fully and completely engrossed throughout the entire 97 minutes and for days afterwards. Emma Gray describes the film as “a love letter to Ginsburg’s life. If you’re hoping for a critical analysis of her more centrist tendencies, this film isn’t it. But it does humanize the justice, who is not her “Saturday Night Live” caricature or her “Notorious” memes or the “vile” woman some decriers would paint her as. She’s a human woman, with complexity and vigor and a great sense of humor” (Link here). Of course, there are important critical discussions to be had about the film. Plenty can be said about white privilege, class privilege, educational privilege, etc. – the many institutional structures in place in the United States that allowed Ginsburg to become such a cultural and political powerhouse. Still, Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a woman with monumental courage and grit. If nothing else, the film is a well told and thoughtful portrayal of the life of a beautiful and powerful woman. For that reason alone, it is (sadly) unique. For me, though, RBG represents much more than a single woman. It is a call to all women and feminists to remember our histories. Her documentary shows how far we have come, while simultaneously reminding us how much work is left to be done. I cried because Ginsburg fought so long and hard to gain a place on the Supreme Court. I cried because she did it anyway.
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It would be difficult, if not impossible, for any review of RBG to properly encapsulate the many emotions this film instills in its viewers. From the opening shot of Ginsburg wearing a “Super Diva” sweatshirt and lifting weights with her personal trainer to the sequences of empty court rooms filled with poignant voiceovers, this is a film you really do need to see to believe. In her review for Bitch Media, Bedatri D. Choudhury writes, “Betsy West and Julie Cohen’s new documentary, RBG, explores how Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg practiced radical patience as she carried out her mission of building a gender-just legal system” (Link here). The term “radical patience” nicely sums up the film’s depiction of Ginsburg. Time and again, I listened to Ginsburg’s friends, family and coworkers describe her as a small, quiet, slightly timid woman. She didn’t participate in any of the radical activist movements of the 60s, 70s or 80s and, in many ways, walked a tightrope between U.S liberalism and conservatism. To use a phrase normally associated with another woman in U.S politics, “nevertheless, she persisted.” Decades before our time, Ginsburg was eloquently lecturing groups of men on mainstream issues such as abortion rights and the pay gap. In the face of unfettered gender discrimination and political-fueled hatred, Ginsburg effected huge, systemic change in U.S law. With these sentiments, I was encouraged; it is possible to make your voice heard not only over a megaphone or on a brightly painted poster, but in whispers, pen strokes and the clacking of a keyboard.
Surprisingly, one of the major threads tying RBG together was Ginsburg’s relationship with her late husband Marty. At first, I was a bit skeptical. Why was the story of a heroic woman like Ginsburg centered around a man? However, by the end of the film I was convinced it would not have been complete without Marty’s presence. As one reviewer points out, “Cohen and West wisely make this story the emotional heartbeat of the film, as well as a source of levity to balance out the more sober story of Ginsburg’s rise” (Link here). While their romantic relationship is touching, Marty’s inclusion in the story plays another role as well. His unobtrusive encouragement and silent acts of love paint a picture of what gender equality may one day come to mean. Although the writers included more than a few clips of Marty speaking, his words were always either about or aimed at Ginsburg and her achievements. Marty uses his voice and his actions to center and support his wife. This subtle message is one of many such examples of feminist influences on the film. However, like Ginsburg herself, RBG is a multifaceted and, at times, conflicting film. It captures the many complexities of Ginsburg’s long life, including ways in which she has changed and grown. It is a film with which viewers are supposed to bond emotionally. But it is also a call to physical action. In the words of Ginsburg herself, “the more women that are out there doing things the better off all of us will be” (Link here).
 Editor’s Note: Tickets to this film were provided courtesy of Icon Films. Book your own tickets to see the film at the Dendy in Sydney!
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0 notes
acvitas · 4 years
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it is...6am so ima sleep. but ima work on icons (redoing my style) tomorrow so like this for a SMALL starter.
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acvitas · 4 years
tag drop   ( ooc )
* functioning on my last brain cell / ooc.
* this is gonna be all i talk about / save.
* the empire are weak lil bitches / psa.
* pulls out a history book of receipts / starter call.
* the lord yeeteth and the lord yoinketh away / closed starter.
* it’s all fun and games / inbox.
* but the fun stops when you’re a sore loser / answered.
* support the kita brand / self promo.
* in this house we stan / promo.
* local knife lesbian / kita.
* hand in marrIAGE/ iconning.
* screaming in photoshop / edits.
* ah shit here we go again / self reblog.
0 notes