ravirussell · 4 months
for: @aurorabaystarter
where: dealer's choice!
Armed with a tennis racket in hand and a ball, Ravi let the fuzzy green sphere roll along the strings as he sought out an appropriate space to practice. Like most temptations, wanting to actually hit the ball got the better of him and his swing serve accidentally launched the ball further than he had anticipated.
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"Hey! Duck!"
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mackmontgomery · 10 days
open for: anyone! // @aurorabaystarter
where: carnival
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"I can't decide if I want to propel myself down the fun slide or yearn on the ferris wheel first," Mack says aloud, hands on his hips as he weighed up both options in his mind and found equal appeal, "Where you at with it?"
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grapefruitey · 5 months
open to all, whatever would fit or message me for ideas !
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The fear coursed through her, a primal spike of adrenaline urging her to run, to flee. Temperance scrambled back, her eyes locked on the threat. There was no way out, just the corner that she literally backed herself into. This couldn't be how she died. After everything, Temperance knew she would have to fight. But summoning the strength and not cowering in fear seemed impossible.
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sunliights · 6 months
open to anyone. muse: charlie masterton. 24 years old. bisexual. she/her. botanical science student. plot: enemies to… is that… sexual tension?
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“i hate you. the fact i have to breathe the same air as you? it’s insulting.” charlie's words might have held a little more weight to them if her gaze didn’t flit down to their lips before meeting their eyes again. she shook her head slightly, as if that would break up the thoughts in her mind, and tried to harden her resolve. “you should just stay out of my way.”
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thesongbiird · 20 days
Beth is hunched over, furiously scribbling in her notebook.
"What's another word for beauty? But like, not typical beauty. Kind of like a spooky sort of beautiful?"
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snnydcys · 1 month
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short open starter
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“what  do  i  want  for  my  birthday?”  the  actress  thought  for  a  moment,  “i  don't  know…  maybe  a  cheese  basket  or  a  cow.”
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maybestronger · 5 months
OPEN TO → MUTUALS (random abba lyric) Let this be either romantic in nature or her talking about something more supernatural. Truly I don't mind.
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❝There  was  something  in  the  air  that  night. ❞
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ccrusso · 2 months
open starter @bhqextras location: in front of barney's
cecelia was making her way down the street, on her way to get some coffee before running some errands for the salon when she gasps, looking up in front of her to see the barney’s building she had seen on her screen during many a rewatch of sex and the city, quickly looking around her and pointing to the nearest body. “you! hey, hi, can you take my picture?” in an instant she’s practically already handing the phone over and touching up her hair a bit before starting to pose. “how’s this? ooh, should i stand like this so it looks like i’m walkin’ out?…wait are you catchin’ my good side? ‘cus if not i’m making you start all over again, so that question’s more for you than it is for me.” she states matter-of-factly while still posing with a hand on her hip and a foot pop, switching sides and beaming all the while.
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keolalagaaia · 2 months
for: @aurorabaystarter
where: wherever ur heart takes u
“– No, I’m just saying I could have been as rich as Jeff Bozos by now,” Keo explains, speaking to the person at his left, his right arm swinging some as he walks with no real aim through the city at night. He likes the night air, it feels nice, his van could get stuffy at times. Close to claustrophobic on a night where his worries managed to penetrate the weed smoke he almost always had around him like some sort of shield. 
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“I’ve had maybe six ideas that would have landed me on Forbes. Problem is, I was high every time I thought of them and I never write shit down. It’s a tragedy, I think.” 
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sacriiilegious · 2 months
OPEN STARTER : anyone, no t*boo please !  MUSE : maekar montfault, twenty-one. he/him, bisexual. prince + dragon rider. harry collett fc. PLOT: fantasy verse. they’re headed to war and maekar learned that your muse had an encounter with the enemy. connection could be anyone !
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“do  you  think  it  is  of  good  tone  to  have  you  dancing  with  our  enemies  when  war’s  a-brewing?  what  if  someone  had  caught  glimpse  of  you  two  together?  do  you  not  realize  how  weak  we  would  be  seen  as?”
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ziggykyeons · 9 months
for: @aurorabaystarter
where: choose ur own adventure
Ziggy did his utmost best to not look a little smug at the push notification he got from an Instagram DM that contained a screenshot of a DeuxMoi story.
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"Question," He doesn't wait before he asks it, "Would you feel bad if someone you knew got exposed on the internet?"
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mackmontgomery · 7 months
mack 📲 open.
Mack: Ok real talk Mack: Should I get rid of the blonde Mack: 💇🏼‍♂️ The upkeeps a bitch I might buzz it off
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whitneyxrossi · 3 months
In my sorrows / Open
It had been too long since she left her apartment. Or so Whitney had decided that morning when she woke up on a regular Friday. Once again she had skipped school and simply lain in bed, wondering what the point of it all was. One by one, those she loved the most seemed to be taken from her. It left her feeling paralyzed with fear and riddled with helplessness. Wasn't it just a matter of time before her brother would be taken too? Another one of her friends? Her mother? Though the last one she sometimes, in darker moods, found herself wishing had been the one to go before her father. Which was an awful thing to think, but then again the woman did not seem to understand her daughter at all. Finally she had dragged herself out of bed, put on clothes to match the weather and taken one of her favorite books and a blanket with her to the park. Under a large willow tree, she had decided to read for as long as she could. So when a shadow came across the pages of her book, she glanced up with poorly veiled annoyance. "Can I help you?" she asked without really seeing the person. All she wanted was quiet and solitude. Maybe going out among people had been a stupid choice..
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sunliights · 7 months
open to anyone. muse: alix carter. 25 years old. bisexual. she/her. horror movie writer. plot: based on the post in the source but tldr: your muse is in a relationship but alix thinks they could do better (by better, she thinks her, maybe).
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“you know dating her makes you look stupid, right?” alix has been the good friend. the supportive friend. she's bit her tongue. she's listened to their endless complaints and she gave advice. that all comes to and end now, though. “like, you keep putting up with the same crap over and over again. you let her walk all over you. it’s pathetic.”
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theleonardkatz · 4 months
CLOSED, set on a random street wherever
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Leonard knew just about everyone in town, an impressive feat. Almost everyone that was, except for the people who were so new that they barely unpacked. Or they were exceptionally unsocial. He was engaging in one of his favorite activities in the world: politely accosting people on the street. Lounging in his decked out golf cart, Leonard gestured the person passing over to them. "Come be part of this new tik tok trend I've started." Despite having over a million followers on his sporadically used account, Leonard still referenced the app as two words. "You have to make the sound best associated with your zodiac sign. You see, I'm a Leo. Leo like lion. Lion like cat. Cat like Katz. Katz like Leonard. Leonard like Leo, my zodiac sign. The sound, you may ask? Slam poetry."
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luriddaze · 10 months
OPEN: f/nb 21+ (mutuals and non-mutuals welcome !)
PLOT: the cliché enemies/frenemies to lovers.
MUSE: richie connolly, 24-27, he/him, journalist.
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"it looks like our friends ditched both of us, so at least let me buy you a drink to be civil. you might even find that i'm not all that bad once you get to know me." richie didn't know why the two of them butt heads so often, but he had taken a liking to their company - even if a majority of the time was spent roasting him.
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