#temperance colt: starter
grapefruitey · 5 months
open to all, whatever would fit or message me for ideas !
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The fear coursed through her, a primal spike of adrenaline urging her to run, to flee. Temperance scrambled back, her eyes locked on the threat. There was no way out, just the corner that she literally backed herself into. This couldn't be how she died. After everything, Temperance knew she would have to fight. But summoning the strength and not cowering in fear seemed impossible.
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merrock · 4 months
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face claim: Luke Grimes
full name: Kaden Daniels
nickname(s) / goes by: Kash
pronouns & gender: cis man & he/him
sexuality: bi-sexual
birth date: January 25, 1986.
birth place: Vicksburg, Mississippi
arrival to merrock: Two weeks ago
housing: Currently an apartment in Historic Downtown. Looking to purchase a farm house in the Rural Countryside. 
occupation: Ranger
work place: Merrock State Park
family: Lucie Newman, mother of his unborn child
relationship status: Single
Positive Traits: Hard-working, Compassionate, Humble, Steady
Negative Traits: Guilt-Ridden, Blunt, Secretive, Withdrawn
Kaden was raised a proper country boy. His mother engrained manners into him from an early age. Yes ma’am and no sir. His childhood taught him the value of hardwork and when to find time for fun. It inspired his intense love for animals and enabled him to do the work that he does. He was once a hard-working family man and aspires to be that again someday. Someday being now as he has a baby on the way. Most would describe him as calm and stoic, the temperament needed to break a colt. Bravery and determination also describe him. Both were necessary to get on the back of a bucking horse. He is still much that same man even after his accident. The only difference is the anger. It was touch and go for a while but eventually he learned how to gain a hold of a temper he never before had to deal with. Along with a lot of guilt. The only real way to rile him up anymore is to make mention of his past: accident, addiction, or daughter. 
WRITTEN BY: Bird (she/her), cst.
triggering / sensitive content: tags: death tw, child death tw, drugs tw, injury tw
Born in Tennessee Kaden Daniels was raised along the banks of the Mississippi mud, never given a chance to be anything but the down-home country boy, which had always suited Kaden just fine. His daddy was a colt starter and former rodeo champion, having won national titles for roping and reining. From the moment Kaden could waddle he was following his daddy around everywhere, at first just watching as his father worked and as he got older helping with the chores himself. He found that spending time tending to the many horses was cathartic and volunteered for just about any chore that would get him around them. Never once did he need to be asked to pitch in to do what was needed at the family ranch, from picking vegetables in the garden for his mama to helping his daddy check the cattle fences. As far as most childhoods go, his was pretty perfect. Sure, sometimes his dad drank too much and sometimes his mom just would not stop fussing over him, but he had no cause to complain.
His father, seeing his boy take an interest in horses at such a young age decided to help Kaden begin to follow in his footsteps. As a kid he enrolled Kaden in the pee-wee portion of rodeos where his wife would take pictures of the young boy struggling to stay on the back of a wildly running sheep, but in the end, he stayed on. He almost always did. With natural talent like that his father was quick to get his son started on the path to becoming a bull-rider. His mama threw fits and got into fights with his daddy, it was too dangerous, he could be hurt, killed even, but as he got older and started to have a mind of his own there was nothing that he wanted to do more. So he practiced, and practiced. By sixteen he was competing on broncs, a safer alternative to the bull, and was cleaning up at junior rodeos, his room becoming full of belt buckles, the tack room full of all the special made trophy tack he had won. But being bucked was far from his only talent. At age ten he had broke his very first colt and at twelve he was winning local roping competitions. He even became adept at helping his dad sort and catch cattle, something he was never fond of but did anyways as it was expected of him. Despite how it sounds, his childhood wasn’t all work. While never the best in school he managed to get passing marks and had a group of boys he roughhoused and fucked around with who were constantly getting him into trouble as a teenager.
Fast forward a few years and he was one of the hottest young bull riders to hit the circuit. But his career as a rider didn’t last as long as anyone would have hoped. The reason? He fell in love. Some would have called the pretty woman he fell in love with a buckle bunny, what with her affinity of dating all the big rodeo stars, but when him and her spent one night together the rest was history. Now twenty-two and married with a baby on the way, Kaden knew he could not be as pell mell as he had been for the past few years. He now had a family to think about; and so, he quit bull riding and switched exclusively to broncs. It was still dangerous, but the risks less than if he was on the back of a bull. Life went on and for the most part the little family was happy, until tragedy struck. On the night of his twenty-eighth birthday, with his wife and little girl in the stands, he overtightened the strap around his hand. At first everything seemed to be going well, he had one of his best times, but as he threw himself off the bucking bronco his hand caught. It was an instant disaster. The animal began to panic, bucking harder and higher, with Kaden hanging on for dear life. His only blessing was that the first hoof to his head knocked him out cold. He was rammed into the side of the fence and drug for minutes before those in charge of wrangling the horse were finally able to calm it down. In the midst of the chaos, his wife, fretting over her husband, had not noticed her daughter slip down through the stands calling out for her daddy. No one noticed her presence in the ring until it was too late. All it took was one wrong move from the frightened animal and the sunshine of Kaden’s life was no more.
The blow to Kaden’s own head had been so severe that he was kept in a medically induced coma for two-weeks, giving the wounded flesh time to heal. When he awoke, his whole world was shattered. He grieved, and as he did his grief turned to anger. Anger at the situation, anger at the long arduous healing process, and anger at himself. But all that anger had to go somewhere, and with the only person around during his recovery being his wife, she took the brunt of it. It took him a little over a year to fully heal physically, and during that time he began to develop a dependency on his pain medication. He spent his days sitting in front of the tv drinking beer after beer on top of the opiates as his wife worked in a small diner to try and keep the roof over their heads. One day, a year and half after the tragic accident, the woman had decided that she had had enough. She gave Kaden an ultimatum, get help or she was gone. It led to largest fight yet, a massive blowout that made it clear where Kaden stood. Two months later Kaden was arrested for possesion with intent to distribute and spent two years in jail. 
When he was released he was nearing thirty-two and with nowhere else to go moved back in with his parents. His father though older now was still tough as nails and no patience for his son’s pansiness as he called it. He put Kaden to work. Sober or not he was expected to help, and if he didn’t, God help him. At first he railed, his rage boiling over and eclipsing everything. Rather than argue with his son, the elder Daniels simply gave him a new task. It would be his only job- start the colts. It was something Kaden had used to excel at, but his anger and rage at the horse’s mis compliance made things difficult. The gentle animals became scared of him and began to lash out. One colt in particular, a beautiful bay, resented Kaden more than any of the others, and he let him know it. That was Kaden’s wake up call. He ended up forming a bond with that colt that pulled him out of his stupor and set him back on track. His special relationship with that animal also earned him a nickname, Kash, because wherever Kash went, Johnny followed, drawn to the dolcent songs Kaden would always croon to Johnny. Hence: Johnny and Kash aka the country singer Johnny Cash. It was a clever nickname that soon became a permanent moniker. The pair competed in countless roping and reining competitions, and for the next years, Kash allowed himself to feel the happiness that had come into his life. The two traveled all over the countryside, with Kash picking up odd jobs such as stable hand or working cowboy. Until one competition where in the middle Buzz came up lame with an injury too bad to fix, leaving Kash the tough choice of having to put his beloved companion down. 
The loss of his friend sent Kaden ass-first back into the destructive patterns of his life, drugs and alcohol once more waging war inside his body. Only this time he wasn’t a young man, and the substances were taking a heavy toll on his health, not that he cared. His parents, unable to reach him, packed his things and kicked him out. Kash’s father, unable to completely give up on his son, reached out to an old friend who owned a dude ranch an hour outside of LA. For over a year Kash lived there, forced to claw his way back to sobriety through back-breaking labor. The option was always there for him to quit the job, fend for himself, but the company of the horses and being the source of looking after their well-being brought him back from the brink much like it had the last time. A year and a half later he was completely back on the wagon, though he can be known to slip with the drinking whenever the subject of his daughter is brought to the forefront of his mind, mainly around birthdays, his and hers, as well as holidays. 
Wanting more independence Kash turned in his resignation, thanking his father’s friend for getting him back on his feet. With a new horse and a firm grasp on his addiction, Kaden set back out onto the rodeo circuit. That’s when he met Lucie. Their mutual need for freedom drew them together quickly and soon they were officially an item. Things were good, though sometimes the mutual distance made it difficult. Lucie was someone Kaden could see himself choosing to settle down with a few years down the road when the time was right. Maybe even start another family. But then came the argument. It had started out trivially enough but a jab from Lucie about his past sent him over the edge. The fact that she had not only dug up his past, but used it to fling mud at him during an argument caused him to lose control of his temper. Tthe rage that spilled out put a nail in the coffin of their relationship. 
Since then he’s continued to travel and compete. Picking up odd-jobs along the way to keep his simple lifestyle afloat. He likely would have remained like that for the rest of his working years had he not stumble across Lucie on instagram one night. A very pregnant Lucie. Quick math told him the timeline made sense and before he could think better of it he was on his way to Merrock. There was no question, never a doubt in his mind that Merrock was where he needed to be. Despite his flaws he had been raised to place family above all else and the child on the way made Lucie and him family, whether she likes it or not. 
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coltwinslow · 2 years
starter for @vannrichmond​ at vann’s house -- 
Colt’s temper over the whole thing had cooled off within about four hours. He went to his buddy Tim’s and they spent the night under his arena lights and roping steers and otherwise bullshitting around. It was something that Colt had been also reserving for Vann, but the other’s fat fucking head was always in the way of his best laid plans. How did it go? Header goes first? Colt had always been the one to forgive and forget sooner. Vann, however? Nursed a grudge. So Colt gave it a week of respective silence, and then decided enough was enough. He was on the way back from dropping a horse off and then decided a drop in was enough.
Which was how Colt ended up with the windows down, his rig blocking Vann’s farrier truck, the radio up really loud with his best apology country music. Colt was sitting on the edge of the cattle guard, smoking a cigarette and watching all Vann’s neighnbor’s give him a dirty look. He was feeling like this some redneck, fucked up 80s movie style confession of love, but hell, if it worked it worked. Plus, it was tickling the death out of Colt. Tone deaf and annoying, Colt sang along, She’s actin’ single, and I’m drinking doubles. He paused to light the cigarette, and then kept up, my heart is breakin’. Beau started to bark. Colt started to choke a laugh at it. Sooner or later, Vann would either get really tired of him or have to leave, which he couldn’t because Colt had him blocked in with his own dually and four horse slant. Colt shouted out, “Come on, baby! I didn’t mean it. I got you a carton of cigarettes as an apology.” 
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raleighcarrera · 4 years
Could you do 23 and 27 for Colt?
23. “maybe i’d rather take my time.” 27. “oh god, how can you manage to switch from cute to sexy in under a second?”
this takes place in the same verse as my fic cliché but you probably don’t need to read that to enjoy it !!
50 NSFW starters 
“colt.” her voice is a low-pitched, high-stress whine where she’s standing beside the edge of her bed, the sheets folded and tucked in crisply in a way she always replicated whenever she visited his apartment but that he could never get quite right on his own, leaving him tossing and turning in a bed that felt all wrong when she was gone. “we have twenty minutes.”
he doesn’t lift his head from where he’s busy kissing his way down into the open front of her dress, finally giving in to the urge to slide his tongue along the cleavage that had been tempting him all day. “so?”
ellie sighs breathlessly, her fingers raking through his hair. “so, we need to hurry up.”
“maybe i’d rather take my time.” he smirks, fingers pushing the hem of her dress up her thighs. “we can be late, can’t we?”
“to my own fellowship dinner?” she demands, though her voice is doing that thing he likes, going all high with the words rushed together. “not really, no.”
“come on,” colt needles, walking his fingers in slowly to the insides of her thighs, pushing up under the scrap of lace she calls underwear. “you’re a dr. now. dr. wheeler. you can be tardy just this once, can’t you?”
she’s still wavering. he lifts his head to kiss her, mouth moving passionately against hers. ellie sighs against his lips, but predictably melts into his arms, and when he pulls away she’s pouting at him adorably, her eyes wide and her cheeks pink. “colt,” she whines again, “stop it.”
“stop what?” he asks, though he absolutely knows. his fingers don’t even pause in their pursuit to make her moan, and he’s gratified when his knuckles bump her clit and do just that, the little sigh she gives toeing the line between far too cute and devastatingly sexy. “i just want to congratulate my girlfriend, that’s all.”
ellie tilts her head back to consider him, her eyes narrowing. finally, she directs, “fine. then -- get on your knees.”
now it’s his turn to groan. the hand he’s got on her bare thigh squeezes her skin. “i’ll never understand how you manage to switch from cute to sexy in under a second.”
and back again. ellie beams at him, so radiantly he has trouble looking directly at her. “it’s a talent. but -- now we only have fifteen minutes.”
“in fifteen minutes i could make you come twice.” she sits down on the edge of the bed and he kneels on the floor before her, sliding his hands up her bare calves. ellie’s apartment -- or, what’s left of her apartment now that she’s graduated and is coming back home to LA -- is quiet save for the sound of her already labored breathing, most of her bedroom packed up into boxes around them except for the essentials: some of her clothes, the makeup on her vanity, and this bed.
it’s hard to be so close to ellie and not think about everything he wants to do to her. it’s been almost impossible for him to keep his hands to himself for most of the weekend -- ellie had finally graduated, yes, and he was so absurdly proud of her, but usually when he flew in to see her they barely left her bedroom, so the amount of socializing they’d done -- celebratory dinners with her father, drinks with the rest of her classmates, tours of her research facility -- was... different, to say the least.
not that he didn’t enjoy all of that, too, in a way. it was kind of nice, the proud way she showed him off to people. like she was the one who was dating a doctor, and not an aimless screw up still struggling to find something to contribute to their relationship other than orgasms and devotion. 
she deserved to celebrate this accomplishment however she wanted. but of course he had his preferred methods of congratulating her in mind.
so -- yeah, he’d rather take his time. but he’s determined to make her feel good in the little pockets she’s carved out for the two of them to be together, and she should know how appreciative he is of the fact that she’s set this time aside for them at all.
one of her hands winds into his hair, and colt pushes her skirt up into the other one, closing her fingers around the fabric for her and directing, “hold this.”
with her dress out of the way, he can slip her panties down to the floor, tossing them away carelessly and shifting to sling one leg over his shoulder. his mouth travels slowly up the inside of her thigh, pressing kisses first to her knee and then in a path up to the top, where he can see how wet and ready she already is for him. 
“poor ellie,” he murmurs, pressing his fingers between her legs while he works on sucking a bruise into the crease at the top of her thigh, “you’re a little worked up today, huh?”
“shut up.” she squirms slightly on the mattress, her unrestrained leg swinging out to bump into his side. “you know you look so hot in that suit.”
he does. still, he smirks at her, running his hand up the inside of her leg. “i guess you can be as loud as you want,” colt notes thoughtfully, eyes trained on the spot where his fingers are pressing into her cunt, slowly moving in and out. “give your neighbors a special send-off, eh?”
“you’re terrible,” ellie sighs, already a little breathless. her hand winds deeper into his hair, and she presses his face forward insistently. “and, also, your fifteen minutes are dwindling.”
“well -- the goal is to make you lose track of time.” he twists his fingers, eyebrows arching smugly when ellie rocks her hips on them with a moan. “is it working?”
“asshole,” she huffs, which means yes, it is. 
he grins, breath ghosting softly over her sensitive skin. his thumb rubs her clit when he gently murmurs, “come on. you’ll never have to see these people ever again. who cares if they hear you come?”
“colt.” that’s a little closer to what he’s looking for, but still not perfect -- she can definitely be louder than that.
his hand falls away to dig into her hip and he finally lowers his mouth, gratified by the immediate yelp that leaves ellie as soon as his tongue first pokes out to taste her. 
he doesn’t give her time to adjust -- just licks a slow stripe down the line of her cunt and then closes his lips around her clit and sucks, and after just a moment she’s reached a volume that’s undoubtedly able to be heard in the apartments immediately next door and above hers, if not beyond those, too.
as a reward, he switches from the tauntingly wide, slow swipes of his tongue to something faster and more precise, his movements zeroing in on the spaces he knows she wants him most, his focus narrowing to the nerve endings that are sure to make her scream. 
ellie’s body is attuned to even the slightest touch of his fingers, and he loves that about her. she’s always so responsive, so encouraging, so beautiful and soft and sweet under his hands. 
“fuck, colt.” she must be wound up, with the way she’s swearing at him today -- but maybe that’s because they’ve spent so much time with her dad, and her classmates, and way too many other people. ellie was always the most relaxed he’d ever seen her when they had time to themselves. she was stunningly, unfairly beautiful when she was calm and laughing and exactly herself, not pretending to be something she thought other people wanted her to be.
she never had to pretend, with him.
and she’s gorgeous like that, now -- loose-limbed and flushed, her hips straining forward urgently and the line of her spine curved off the bed. the comforter is slipping underneath her and her grip on his hair is white-knuckled, tight enough to temper his own arousal and remind him that he’s here, with her, and that this awful back-and-forth they’ve been doing for the last two years -- relying on phone calls and holidays and cheap flights to be together -- is finally coming to an end.
he’s so grateful just to be in the same room as her that he abandons his teasing; colt angles his head and delves his tongue in deeper, giving her exactly what she needs and what she’s begging for so emphatically above him until she’s shaking, her pussy soaked and tightening almost painfully around his fingers when he pushes them back inside her to get her off with practiced ease.
she comes on his face with the loudest moan he’s ever heard, shuddering on the bed, repeatedly gasping his name in a way that makes his head spin (”colt, colt -- colt!”). 
he holds still to give her time to adjust, gently dragging his tongue along her folds and letting ellie set the pace; the way she moves above him has him painfully hard where he’s kneeling on the floor.
colt licks his lips when he pulls away, smiling genuinely up at her. ellie’s even prettier like this, a little unsteady and catching her breath, her perfectly curled hair and expertly made up face just ever-so-slightly debauched. 
only he will know how they spent the little break before dinner, once they arrive and take their places with the rest of the standouts from ellie’s class. 
this is a piece of her that only he is privy to. 
ellie reaches for his arm to help pull him up, and colt plant his palms on the edge of the bed to lean over and catch her lips in a kiss, letting her taste herself the way he does. she tightens her grip on him and reaches for his belt, though ellie pulls back to glance at his watch face as she does so, and her expression falls. 
“shit,” she sighs, fingertips an inch away from the zipper at the front of his pants, “we have to go. we’re going to be late.”
he groans, resisting the urge to push his hips forward into her hands, to tell her he doesn’t give a shit if they’re late, to lock the door and keep her here in her bedroom all night.
this is important to her. so it’s important to him.
“it’s fine,” colt answers, pressing one last kiss to her lips before straightening, standing up and stretching. his face contorts as he tries to think of something to calm himself down -- anything -- and sighs heavily when he ultimately fails, lifting a hand to rub his jaw bashfully. “i’ll figure something out before we get there.”
“i love you,” ellie offers as consolation, smoothing her skirt back down and slipping back into her panties before she stands, too.
it is kind of comforting, made even more so by the way her arms loop around his waist to squeeze him close. 
what comes out of his mouth next is stupidly beyond his control. there’s no explaining it -- regardless of the fact that there’s no blood left in his brain, he should be better at keeping something so revealing to himself, but...
“you know,” he blurts, while he’s rubbing circles into her back between her shoulder blades, “we could always turn that dr. wheeler into... dr. kaneko.”
idiot. ellie goes so quiet he’s sure, for a moment, that she’s going to dump him on the spot. fucking moron.
then, she lifts her head and smiles curiously at him, her gaze searching his face for a moment before her cheeks flush a cautiously pleased pink. “dr. wheeler-kaneko,” she corrects, squeezing his side one last time before pulling away to find her shoes.
he stands in her bedroom staring dumbly off after her for longer than he’s proud to admit. 
then he remembers they’re late, and follows her back to the doorway to get his own shoes and jacket, and -- 
dr. wheeler-kaneko. he likes the sound of that. 
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hannahcartwright · 4 years
starter for @coltonrollins​
At this rate Hannah was going to have melt down, it was pretty consistent since the strawberry festival that Hannah’s kids were going on and on about getting a baby animal. Cows, goats, chickens, suddenly her city kids thought they lived on the farm and if she had to deal with one more temper tantrum about why they couldn’t have goat she was going to have a melt down. So when she saw Colt, she might have been a mix of exhausted, hormonal, and starving but it was the perfect storm for a woman six months pregnant. “Colton Rollins!” Hannah called getting his attention. “We got beef, sir!” She storming up to him, clearly not in her right mind. “Did you convince my children that having small farm animals was acceptable?” She asked pointedly. 
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yeskhanzadame11 · 5 years
2009 College Football Preview
Alabama Crimson Tide After an utterly unbelievable 2008 season, which was in by no manner short on thrills, the 2009 college football season is nearly upon us. Training camps are into high gear, and the season is roughly a month away. Recently the Preseason Coach's Polls were released, with the top of the rankings looking very familiar to their predecessor. Defending National Champion Florida is sitting at number one, with Texas and Oklahoma sitting squarely behind at two and three, with USC and Alabama filling out the remainder of the Top-10. All five of these teams are loaded, and it is a very real possibility that one of these five teams will be the BCS National Champion of 2009. So with that said, let's take a look at each of the Top-25 teams, and see what 2009 may have in store for them.
1.) Florida Gators
After winning their second BCS Championship in the last three years, Urban Meyer, Tim Tebow, and the Florida Gators look to add another one to the trophy case. Doing so will arguably make them team of the decade, which most would hardly argue with. Florida has 20 returning starters, and one of the finest recruiting classes in the country, which make for another run for a title very, very possible. Their schedule isn't near ly as difficult as it was the previous year, with the only real challenge coming when they travel to Death Valley to meet LSU. Seriously though, we could be witnessing history when it's all said and done. Tebow could win his second Heisman, and the Gators could win their third BCS Championship in four years. So, 2009 could very well feel like its predecessor, because the Gators are once again the team to watch, and the team that probably won't get beat.
2.) Texas Longhorns
After defeating Oklahoma last year, the Texas Longhorns were denied a spot in the National Championship Game. As a consolation prize, they had to settle for besting Ohio State in the Fiesta Bowl, which isn't bad either. However, that is the past, and Mack Brown and Colt McCoy are shooting for the moon, as they look to be playing in Pasadena come January. McCoy was outstanding last year, and is now protected by a bigger, more experienced line, which should open holes for a better running game. At times last year, McCoy had to run the ball too often, but that shouldn't be the case this year. Defensively, there will be changeover as the Longhorns lose a number of defensive linemen from a unit that accumulated a nation-best 47 sacks. With all that said though it's going to come down to the game in Dallas where their rivalry with Oklahoma will reconvene. The winner of that game will almost guaranteed a spot in the BCS Championship Game.
3.) Oklahoma Sooners
Despite coming up short in the BCS Championship Game, the Oklahoma Sooners are poised to make another run at that crown. Bob Stoops has reigning-Heisman winner Sam Bradford behind center once again, and deep backfield, the best tight end in the country, and a number of blazers at the receiver positions. The defense is back intact too, with better depth, and more experience from a unit that was the team's weakness a season ago. They allowed too many big plays in 2008, and need to be better in 2009 if they wish to get to Pasadena this January. The most important thing for stoops to attend to is the offensive line, which returns just one starter from last years group, which was scary-good. Bradford was rarely touched last year, but he might have to get his jersey dirty this season.
4.) USC Trojans
It was business as usual for Pete Carroll and the Trojans in 2008, as they won their fourth consecutive Rose Bowl, and finished in the AP Top-4 for the seventh straight season. This was tempered a bit by their loss at Oregon State, which ultimately kept them from competing for a BCS Championship. The unexpected loss of quarterback Mark Sanchez would seem like an issue, but for a program that is as loaded like USC, there are a number of very capable passers just waiting to step up. They have a very experienced, deep offensive line, and the best skill position players in the nation, so whoever is behind center should fair very well. The defense, which was historically great last season, lost a number of playmakers, particularly the linebackers, but has more than enough talent in waiting to plug the holes. The Trojans will challenge for another National Championship, but they will probably end up in their fifth consecutive Rose Bowl, which really isn't all that bad.
5.) Alabama Crimson Tide
In just his second season as the headman in Tuscaloosa, Nick Saban kept the Crimson Tide atop the BCS standings for the majority of the season. However their last two games weren't that savory. Alabama fell to eventual National Champion Florida in the SEC Championship Game, and was then embarrassed by Utah in the Sugar Bowl. What Saban doesn't have this year is an experienced quarterback, but he's got just about everything else covered. The defense will be a monster, and the skill positions, and special teams are dynamic. It shouldn't be overlooked that the Tide lost three starters on the offensive line, which was arguably the best in the nation last year. Alabama doesn't face Florida in the regular season, and another Top-10 finish is very likely for the highest-paid coach in college football.
6.) Ohio State Buckeyes
Last year was a bit of a transition for the Buckeyes, who handed the reigns over to super-frosh Terrelle Pryor early in the season. Pryor had his ups and downs, but the dual-threat quarterback is the firm starter in 2009, and its a matter of time before we start to see the consistency he lacked last season. When this happens, look out. What could hold him back is inexperience at the skill positions. Both leading receivers are gone, and punishing back Beanie Wells is too. The offensive line needs tinkering with as well, especially at left tackle. Think replacing all of that is bad, then take a look at the defense, which won't be as polished or as deep as it was last season. Let's not forget about the looming matchup with USC in the Horseshoe, for the Trojans annihilated the Buckeye's a season ago. There are also road games at Penn State and Michigan and this could be a challenging season for Ohio State. But you know what? I got a feeling that Jim Tressel and Pryor are up to the task.
7.) Virginia Tech Hokies
Could it be that Virginia Tech once again looks to be the class of the ACC? Even after a supposed rebuilding season, the Hokies were able to muster another appearance in the Orange Bowl, where they thumped Big East Champion Cincinnati. Sophomore Tyrod Tyler is the unquestioned starter at quarterback, while Frank Beamer will benefit form having 17 starters return from last year's unit. Taylor's ability to break down a defense with his feet makes us reminisce to the day's of another Hokies passer, while a deep staple of running backs should give Beamer the luxury of being able to run the ball on just about anyone. The offensive line is arguably the ACC's best as well. The only real issue for Virginia Tech is the inexperience of the defense. With that said though, they are still oozing with talent. We'll see just how good these Hokies are early because they'll open their season against Alabama in Atlanta, which is no easy task.
8.) Penn State Nittany Lions
2008 nearly became Joe Paterno's ride into the sunset, as the Nittany Lions' flirted with the number one ranking in the country all the way into late November, before they fell on the road at Iowa. Despite that shortcoming they managed to win their second Big Ten Championship in the last four years. Leadership is something that Penn State has returning this year, which is a very good thing. Dynamic quarterback Daryll Clark is back for one more season, while linebacker Sean Lee leads an always-imposing defense. The problem for Paterno could lie with the departure of three big time receivers, as well as two of his top offensive lineman. That considered, it would be unrealistic for the Lions to put up the staggering amount of points that they did a season ago. They do however have a very easy non-conference schedule, and get Ohio State at home this season as well. Look for Penn State to challenge for another Big Ten crown, with another ten-win season in the cards.
9.) LSU Tigers
Despite a season that saw them get thumped by both Georgia and Florida in ridiculous fashion, the LSU Tigers closed out their title defense with a very impressive demolition of Georgia Tech in their bowl game. From that game came the emergence of sophomore quarterback Jordan Jefferson, who will be expected to take the Tigers back to the top of the BCS ladder. His improvement could give LSU what they need to vault past Alabama in the SEC West. Les miles has the conference's best group of running backs and receivers at his disposal so expect this unit to fly. Alabama Crimson Tide The only things that could slow the Tigers down for an eventual meeting with the gators in Atlanta is the fact that they lack experience on the defensive front, and that their chief competition in the conference, Alabama and Mississippi, don't have to play Florida.
10.) Mississippi Rebels
Before Houston Nutt took the Job in Mississippi, the Rebels were winless in the SEC. In his first season, the reverend drove his team to five SEC wins, one of which came against Florida in the Swamp. They then finished up a six-game winning streak with a beat down of Texas Tech in the Cotton Bowl. So what will Nutt do for an encore? During that winning streak, quarterback Jevan Snead threw 16 touchdowns and just 3 interceptions. Big things are expected out of the young passer, for he is probably the best pro prospect in the nation. Snead is surrounded by a fine collection of receivers and backs, one of which is Dexter McCluster. There are also 16 returning starters for the Rebels, which might just be enough to put them in their first-ever SEC Championship Game. But then again, that just might be a year away.
11.) Oklahoma State Cowboys
Look anywhere throughout this Top-25 Poll, and you'll be hard pressed to find another team that has the firepower on offense that the Oklahoma State Cowboys have. Between quarterback Zac Robinson, running back Kendall Hunter, and wide receiver Dez Bryant, the Cowboys have arguably the best player at their respective position in the country. The problem though for Oklahoma State is that they are perennially one of the biggest risk/reward teams in the country. Yes they put up a lot of points and a massive amount of yards, but they don't play much defense, which is the primary reason they haven't overtaken Texas or Oklahoma in the Big 12 South. For example they scored 41 points against the Sooners, and still lost by three touchdowns. In fact, the Cowboys haven't finished better than 74th in the nation in total defense since 2001. With that said, don't expect them to overtake the giants of the conference until they find a way to stop their opposition.
12.) California Golden Bears
California has proven to be one of the most consistent programs I the nation since Jeff Tedford took over the job in 2002. If not for USC, they very well might have ended their lengthy 51-year Rose Bowl draught by now. With USC reloading, this may be the year for the golden Bears or maybe not. California was hit hard by the draft losing six starters to the NFL, and needs to find a quarterback. There are 15 starters coming back from a nine-win season, so there is quality depth for the Bears. Tedford has been a wizard when it has come to developing quarterbacks in the past, but Kevin Riley has yet to take the proper steps towards making Cal one of the nation's elite. He doesn't have much help in the passing game both as the receiving corps hasn't matured and lacks experience. What Tedford does have though, is arguably the most explosive running back in the country, in the form of Jahvid Best. Best averaged 8.8 yards per carry a season ago, despite dealing with injuries late in the season. He was so explosive, that he had seven rushes of at least 60 yards in 2008. If Cal does in fact overtake USC this season, best will be the catalyst. However if Riley can't take the next step forward, neither will Cal.
13.) Georgia Bulldogs
This time last season the Georgia Bulldogs were a lot higher on this list. In fact, they were the Preseason Number One in 2008. Well, that was not to be as Mark Richt's unit finished at a very respectable 10-3. Now Mathew Stafford and Knowshon Moreno are gone, leaving a number of talented players to fill the roles of the former stars. Richt has recruited well, and the offensive line is a much more experienced group than they were a year ago. The Bulldog's fortunes could rest on the arm of quarterback Joe Cox, who has had experience in the past as the starting quarterback. The defense should be strong once more, with defensive tackle Jeff Owens returning from a knee injury which sidelined him all of 2008. The Dawgs will open up the season at Oklahoma State, and will eventually have to endure the rigors of the SEC, which is no walk in the park. Still, Georgia has yet to finish outside of the Top-25 under Richt's watch; so nine wins shouldn't be a stretch for the Bulldogs.
14.) Oregon Ducks
Changeover is the theme in Oregon, as Mike Bellotti is no longer roaming the sideline in Eugene. Former offensive coordinator Chip Kelly was elevated to the position, as the Ducks look to capitalize on USC going through a change in passers (for what that's worth). Kelly's "read-option" offense has the pote ntial to be explosive, and with Jeremiah Masoli running the show, a third consecutive Top-10 finish in total offense is very possible. Masoli, who won the job amidst multiple injuries, rushed for 718 yards and 10 touchdowns in 2008, and looks to take the Ducks back to the top of the polls. What could hinder them from doing so is the fact that there are only 10 returning starters on this year's team, which is the lowest in the conference. Oregon also gets a tough test to open the season, as they travel to Boise, Idaho, to take on the 16th ranked Broncos on the blue turf. However when it comes to conference play, the Ducks will host both USC and Cal this season. Ten wins and a Rose Bowl bid could be very probable for the Ducks in 2009.
15.) Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets
Paul Johnson's first year at the helm at Georgia Tech was truly an impressive one. He brought his famed "triple option" offense to the ACC with fantastic results. The Yellow Jackets put up ten wins in 2008, and 17 starters back on both sides of the ball, including ACC Offensive Player of the Year Jonathan Dwyer and dual-threat quarterback Josh Nesbitt. Nesbitt suffered a balky shoulder towards the end of the previous season but has looked great thus far in camp. Besides he's just as dangerous a threat on the ground as any of the other four running backs that Johnson has in his arsenal. One thing that Johnson must address however is the defensive line, which lost all four starters from a very stellar unit. If they can fill the holes left on that defensive front, we could be looking at a team that is primed to join the ranks of the nation's elite.
16.) Boise State Broncos
If not for a 17-16 loss at the hands of TCU, the Boise State Broncos would have been joined Utah as the only undefeated team in the nation. With that performance aside, the broncos averaged 49 points per game, and did so with a freshman quarterback and 11 different starting combinations on the offensive line. The experience gained by Kellen Moore coupled with continuity up front should make Boise once again one of the most prominent offenses in the country. What could stifle them though is the fact that they only have one returning starter on defense to start the season. That shouldn't be too big of a concern, for the Broncos usually just outscore all their opponents anyway. With that said, we'll know where they stand after their season-opening matchup with the 14th ranked Oregon Ducks on the blue turf in Boise.
17.) TCU Horned Frogs
Does anyone find it odd that there are there are three Mountain West Conference teams ranked in the Preseason Top-25? The winner of this conference has finished 16th or higher in the polls in each of the last 5 years, two of which they finished 2nd and 4th. Well it shouldn't come as a surprise that the first of these teams, TCU is occupying this spot. The Horned Frogs have been no stranger to the polls over the last 5 years, and look poised to be there once more. There is experience and efficiency at quarterback with Andy Dalton, and perennially one of the nastiest defenses in the nation. The Horned frogs haven't allowed more than 18.7 points and 330 yards per game in each of the last four seasons. What could hinder them though is that they only have 4 returning starters on that side of the ball, but one of them is defensive end Jerry Hughes who posted 15 sacks and 6 forced fumbles in 2008. They also get two solid no conference games to start the season, opening up at Virginia before facing Clemson in Week 3. Look for TCU to win their first MWC Championship since 2005.
18.) Utah Utes
After finishing the season as the only undefeated team in the nation, it was understandable as to why the Utah Utes had such a gripe with the BCS. They finished ranked 2nd in the nation, after overwhelming the powerful Alabama Crimson Tide in the Sugar Bowl. However with great success apparently comes great departures, as Utah must replace both coordinators, their best offensive player (quarterback Brian Johnson), best defensive player (defensive end Paul Kruger), and the best combo kicker in the nation (Louie Sakoda). While they may not be BCS-caliber, they still have the potential of making headway, as they have three tough road games at Oregon, TCU, and BYU, which will go a long way in determining where they will be at the end of the season.
19.) Florida State Seminoles
With a cheating scandal hanging over their heads which could possibly cost Bobby Bowden to vacate a number of wins from a few seasons ago, their was one good thing to come out of 2008 for the Seminoles; they found a quarterback. Ponder proved to be an outstanding athlete that took to playing the position well last season, but Florida State will now need him to take the next step if they want to get back to the days of dominance in the 90's. Bowden wants to run the ball, and it looks like this season he just may have the offensive line to do it. The defense looks to be up to the school's lofty standards again, but the special teams unit leaves a lot to be desired. The Seminoles open the season up against Miami at home, and have tough road games against both North Carolina and Florida to close out the season. With all that said, 2009 is all about Ponder, and whether or not he can take this team to the next level, because if he can't, we could be looking at the end of an era in Tallahassee.
20.) North Carolina Tar Heels
With the ACC throne figuratively vacant at the moment, the North Carolina Tar Heels could be the team that vacates that position. Butch Davis has quietly built a monster, which very well could explode this season. The defense returns 9 starters, four of which comprise a defensive line that has the potential to be dominant. The Tar Heels are solid at quarterback with T.J. Yates, but must find a way to replace arguably the most explosive receiving corps in the conference, which featured first round pick Hakeem Nicks and Brandon Tate. The backfield could be explosive though. The only other real possible obstacle for North Carolina is ironically the health of Yates, who missed time last season with a broken ankle, and even suffered a thumb injury catching a Frisbee in the spring. Look for the Tar Heels to improve on their previous 8-5 campaign, but don't be surprised if Davis and company are still just one year away.
21.) Iowa Hawkeyes
After being a surprise contender in the Big Ten last season, Kirk Ferentz and his Hawkeye's must find a way to replace all the things that made them great last year. They must find a replacement for rugged running back Shonn Greene, who rushed for 1,850 yards and 20 touchdowns to lead the conference. They must also find replacements for both the interiors of the offensive and defensive lines. The defense does return 8 starters, and if they can muster the type of performance they did a season before where they held the opposition to just 13.0 points per game, then Ferentz could really have something brewing. What he absolutely needs more than anything is for quarterback Ricky Stanzi to take the next step forward, after the first-time starter had an impressive first season at the helm. Stanzi was key in IowaâEUR(TM)s upset of undefeated Penn State as he engineered the game-winning drive. How he handles more of the load this season will go a long way in determining Iowa's success in 2009.
22.) Nebraska Cornhuskers
The rebuilding process that second-year Head Coach Bo Pelini is amidst in Nebraska is proving to be a tedious one, but after an 8-4 regular season, the Huskers pulled a nice upset of Clemson in the Gator Bowl to build some momentum going into 2009. The talks of a revival should simmer down a bit, or at least until Nebraska makes it out of the first month of the season, which features games at 7th ranked Virginia Tech and Missouri. Winning the Big 12 North however is very possible for the Huskers; especially with Missouri likely taking a step back this season. Pelini will have to coax steady play out of junior quarterback Zac Lee, who is taking over for the productive Joe Ganz. Remember, Nebraska has played in only one Big 12 Championship Game in the last 10 years.
23.) Notre Dame Fighting Irish
The Irish were 7-6 a season ago, and won their first bowl game in what seems like ages. Things are definitely looking up for Notre Dame in 2009, and their ranking in this very poll is evidence of that. They may not be contenders for the BCS Title, but the Fighting Irish definitely look like they can win ten games this season. First and foremost Jimmy Clausen and the offense look like they finally have experience to put up huge numbers. Charlie Weis has the kind of depth at receiver and running back that he hasn't had since his first season with the Irish. The defense has been making strides too, as they could field possibly one of the best secondaries in the nation. However, there are question marks across both the offensive and defensive lines, where experience is sorely lacking. The kicking games are suspect as well. The overriding factor though may be the schedule; for the Irish face all of their tough opponents at home, and with the exception of USC, they're all very beatable.
24.) BYU Cougars
Last season, BYU reached as high as 10th in the polls before falling to the bottom of the Top-25 after losses to both TCU and Utah. For all the boasting that they were a Top-25 caliber team, they were a combined 49 points worse than their two superior conference counterparts. Fortunately, they have just about all of their explosive offense back intact; quarterback Max Hall, tight end Dennis Pitta, and running back Harvey Unga, who will be responsible for lighting up score boards this fall. This year they get both Utah and TCU at home, as well as Florida State, which could cement the Cougars into the Top-25 this season, and possibly give them a different destination come bowl season aside from the Las Vegas Bowl. They will however, get a test of epic proportions to start the season as they take on 3rd ranked Oklahoma on a neutral field in Arlington, Texas.
25.) Oregon State Beavers
After pulling the upset of season in knocking off number-one ranked USC, the Oregon State Beavers fell one game short of their first Pac Ten Title since 2000. In 2009 for the Beavers to contend, they will have to rely on their offense, and the game-breaking talents of twin brothers Jaquizz and James Rodgers. These two tailbacks are electrifying, and are the prime reason why they were able to upset the Trojans last year. There is however a bit of a quarterback controversy brewing in Corvallis as Sean Canfield and Lyle Moevao battle it out. The offensive line will be revamped, but the real questions are on defense, where there are only three returning starters. Rebuilding a defense tends to lead to trouble, and the Beavers must replace their entire secondary. There will also be three new defensive lineman on the front as well, so the defense could be a major detriment for the beavers in 2009.
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mlb.json,display_name:MLB,color2:,color1:},breaking- api v1 tags breaking-news.json,display_name:Breaking News,color2:null,color1:null}},template:,title:Wil Myers Trade Rumors: Latest Buzz and Speculation Surrounding Rays Star | Bleacher Report,meta_tags:,scripts:; n nfl jerseys cheap t_cbm.push ,, datePublished : T-05 , dateModified : T-05 , author :, publisher :}, description : Tampa Bay Rays outfielder Wil Myers is headed to the Padres a rumored three-team deal involving the Nationals.
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grapefruitey · 6 months
open to all ; based on the second bullet point in this
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Temperance stopped. The restraint was almost complete except for the flexing of her fingers with their dangerously sharp nails. She let out a long breath. Their voice cut through the noise in her head. Her fangs were still extended and desperate to sink in, to tear through skin and drink until she was filled. But not with their hand on her arm and their smell beginning to overwhelm her.
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todaynewsstories · 6 years
NFL notebook: Jags CB Ramsey blasts NFL QBs
Jacksonville Jaguars cornerback Jalen Ramsey gave critical and blunt assessments of several NFL signal callers in a GQ interview that was published on Wednesday.
NFL Football – Jacksonville Jaguars vs Baltimore Ravens – NFL International Series – Wembley Stadium, London, Britain – September 24, 2017 Jalen Ramsey of Jacksonville Jaguars celebrates Action Images via Reuters/Andrew Boyers
Among his targets were Atlanta’s Matt Ryan, Buffalo rookie Josh Allen, Pittsburgh’s Ben Roethlisberger, Indianapolis’ Andrew Luck and Baltimore’s Joe Flacco. Allen, the seventh overall pick in the 2018 NFL Draft, got the worst of it.
“I think Allen is trash,” Ramsey said. “I don’t care what nobody say. He’s trash. And it’s gonna show too. That’s a stupid draft pick to me. We play them this year, and I’m excited as hell. I hope he’s their starting quarterback.”
Ramsey, who first failed to come up with Ryan’s name, called him “overrated” and suggested his MVP season was a product of the system he ran. Among Ramsey’s other claims: Roethlisberger is “decent at best,” Flacco “sucks” and as for Luck, “I don’t really think he’s that good.” Allen told reporters he doesn’t “care one bit” about Ramsey’s comments, adding he cares only about how his teammates view him.
—Tempers flared during a joint practice between the Texans and 49ers, leading to a fight between Houston wide receiver DeAndre Hopkins and San Francisco corner Jimmie Ward.
The fracas erupted after Ward knocked Hopkins’ helmet off jamming him at the line of scrimmage, and the two began throwing punches early in the session. The pair tumbled to the ground had to be separated. Hopkins was sent inside the practice bubble, while Ward was reduced to running on the sideline as practice resumed.
“Yeah, it’s ridiculous,” Texans coach Bill O’Brien said. “Just have to move on.”
—Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Nick Foles told reporters he’s not worried about the fact that New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady didn’t shake his hand following Super Bowl LII.
Asked if he’s heard from Brady since the game in February, Foles said he hasn’t, but made it clear that he doesn’t see any unresolved issue between the two.
“We both have a lot going on in our lives so, you know, in time,” said Foles, whose Eagles visit Foxborough for a preseason game Thursday night. “It will happen when it happens. We practiced with the Patriots several years ago, and I got to stand there and talk to Tom for quite a bit. He’s a great guy. I have all the respect in the world for him. …I think everyone’s making a really big deal out of this and it’s not a big deal at all.”
—Dallas Cowboys center Travis Frederick visited a specialist in Los Angeles to have his shoulder examined after he suffered a few stingers in recent practices at training camp.
“We just wanted to make sure he was squared away,” head coach Jason Garrett told reporters, adding that the team would know more about how the check-up went later Wednesday. The issue is not one that Frederick — who has sat out practices in recent days — has dealt with before, Garrett said.
Multiple outlets reported Frederick’s trip to the specialist, Dr. Robert Watkins, was done as a precaution, and the team is not seriously concerned about the issue. Frederick, 27, has started all 80 games and hasn’t missed a snap since the Cowboys took him 31st overall in the 2013 draft. He has made four consecutive Pro Bowls.
—Broncos defensive end Adam Gotsis will not be charged in a rape investigation, after the case was dropped by the Fulton County (Ga.) district attorney’s office.
Gotsis, who turns 25 next month, was arrested on March 7 and accused of raping a woman five years earlier while he was at Georgia Tech. The case had been under investigation since his arrest, but the DA’s office announced that no action will be taken.
“I’m just relieved that everything’s been taken care of,” Gotsis told reporters after practice. “I’ve got faith in the legal system, and I have faith in the lord and family and friends, and great support from everyone around me — Broncos, friends, family. Just glad that it’s over with and I can just focus on football now.”
—The Seattle Seahawks agreed to a deal with former Indianapolis Colts linebacker Erik Walden, according to Walden’s agents.
The terms of the deal were not announced. Walden played for the Tennessee Titans last year on a one-year, $2.75 million deal.
Walden, who turns 33 on Tuesday, collected four sacks and 36 tackles in 16 games (two starts) for Tennessee last season. He played the previous four years for the Indianapolis Colts, starting 60 of 61 games and tallying 23 sacks in that span, including an 11-sack campaign in 2016.
—The New York Jets placed offensive tackle Ben Ijalana on injured reserve, ending his season after he suffered a shoulder injury in joint practices with the Washington Redskins this week.
Ijalana, who turned 29 on Aug. 6, was expected to serve as the Jets’ swing tackle behind starters Kelvin Beachum and Brandon Shell. To fill his roster spot, the team signed veteran lineman Gino Gradkowski.
Meanwhile, NFL Network reports starting guard Brian Winters is expected to be held out of all preseason games as the Jets take it slow in his recovery from an abdominal injury that plagued his 2017 campaign.
—Broncos receiver Carlos Henderson, who has yet to report for training camp, was suspended one game for violating the NFL’s substance abuse policy, the league announced.
Henderson, 23, was arrested in Louisiana in January on a marijuana possession charge.
A 2017 third-round pick out of Louisiana Tech, Henderson spent his rookie season on injured reserve with a thumb injury and then did not report for the start of training camp this season. Head coach Vance Joseph told reporters Henderson is dealing with a personal issue and must decide “if he wants to continue to play football.”
—The Oakland Raiders claimed defensive tackle Gabe Wright off waivers from the Miami Dolphins and placed defensive tackle Ahtyba Rubin on injured reserve, the team announced.
Wright was waived by Miami on Tuesday, one day after he reportedly blindsided teammate Kenyan Drake — who was without a helmet — with an elbow during a testy practice.
Wright, 26, is joining his fourth team since he was a fourth-round pick by the Detroit Lions in the 2015 NFL Draft. Rubin, who turned 32 last month, suffered a torn biceps last week during joint practices against the Lions.
—The Houston Texans are signing former Washington Redskins and Los Angeles Chargers kicker Nick Rose, according to a Houston Chronicle report.
Starter Ka’imi Fairburn has been nursing a small, short-term injury, per the Chronicle, that may keep him out of Saturday’s preseason game against the 49ers. Rose, 24, made 11 of 14 (78.6 percent) field-goal attempts and 23 of 26 PATs last year, his first season in the NFL.
—Field Level Media
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The Patriots attempted one of the worst onside kicks you'll ever see and it was a fitting end to their ugly loss
New Post has been published on http://foursprout.com/wealth/the-patriots-attempted-one-of-the-worst-onside-kicks-youll-ever-see-and-it-was-a-fitting-end-to-their-ugly-loss/
The Patriots attempted one of the worst onside kicks you'll ever see and it was a fitting end to their ugly loss
The New England Patriots looked terrible on Monday night but were still alive in the final minute.
Unfortunately for the Patriots, Stephen Gostkowski’s onside kick attempt looked half-hearted, at best.
Jon Gruden called it “the most bizarre onside kick” he’s ever seen.
The New England Patriots had one of their worst offensive performances ever during the Tom Brady era against the on Monday night against the Miami Dolphins, and yet they were still in the game until the end. That is, until the onside kick.
The Patriots only gained two yards in the first quarter, their worst showing since Brady’s first season as a starter, and they went 0-11 on third downs, something a Brady-led team has never done. And yet, after a field goal in the final minute, the Pats trailed the Dolphins by seven, 27-20, and needed just to recover an onside kick for a shot to send the game to overtime.
Then this happened:
What. Was. That?
Not only did the ball not travel ten yards, but the Dolphins recovered the ball easily.
That literally looked like Stephen Gostkowski was throwing a temper tantrum and decided to ignore Bill Belichick’s order to actually attempt a reasonable onside kick.
ESPN commentator Jon Gruden may have summed it up best, saying: “That’s the most bizarre onside kick I’ve seen.”
Needless to say, the Dolphins went on to win the game.
SEE ALSO: Bills and Colts play in a whiteout after snow takes over Buffalo stadium — and fans can barely see the field
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NOW WATCH: JIM ROSS: Hulk Hogan will make a huge comeback to the WWE in 2018 — here’s why
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foursprout-blog · 7 years
The Patriots attempted one of the worst onside kicks you'll ever see and it was a fitting end to their ugly loss
New Post has been published on http://foursprout.com/wealth/the-patriots-attempted-one-of-the-worst-onside-kicks-youll-ever-see-and-it-was-a-fitting-end-to-their-ugly-loss/
The Patriots attempted one of the worst onside kicks you'll ever see and it was a fitting end to their ugly loss
The New England Patriots looked terrible on Monday night but were still alive in the final minute.
Unfortunately for the Patriots, Stephen Gostkowski’s onside kick attempt looked half-hearted, at best.
Jon Gruden called it “the most bizarre onside kick” he’s ever seen.
The New England Patriots had one of their worst offensive performances ever during the Tom Brady era against the on Monday night against the Miami Dolphins, and yet they were still in the game until the end. That is, until the onside kick.
The Patriots only gained two yards in the first quarter, their worst showing since Brady’s first season as a starter, and they went 0-11 on third downs, something a Brady-led team has never done. And yet, after a field goal in the final minute, the Pats trailed the Dolphins by seven, 27-20, and needed just to recover an onside kick for a shot to send the game to overtime.
Then this happened:
What. Was. That?
Not only did the ball not travel ten yards, but the Dolphins recovered the ball easily.
That literally looked like Stephen Gostkowski was throwing a temper tantrum and decided to ignore Bill Belichick’s order to actually attempt a reasonable onside kick.
ESPN commentator Jon Gruden may have summed it up best, saying: “That’s the most bizarre onside kick I’ve seen.”
Needless to say, the Dolphins went on to win the game.
SEE ALSO: Bills and Colts play in a whiteout after snow takes over Buffalo stadium — and fans can barely see the field
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NOW WATCH: JIM ROSS: Hulk Hogan will make a huge comeback to the WWE in 2018 — here’s why
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junker-town · 7 years
Fantasy football start/sit, Week 11: What to do with Ben Roethlisberger Thursday night
Big Ben is looking at another positive matchup, however, his struggles make him a leery fantasy starter.
Pro Bowl quarterback Ben Roethlisberger has not been the producer he one was for the Pittsburgh Steelers just a season ago. The five-time Pro Bowler struggled against the Indianapolis Colts’ worst-ranked defense in the league Sunday. He completed 19 passes for 236 yards, two touchdowns, and an interception on 31 attempts in the win. Roethlisberger only has two games with over 300 yards this season and he is yet to throw a three-touchdown game.
On paper, Roethlisberger has a favorable matchup at home against the Tennessee Titans Thursday night. The Titans’ passing defense is average at best, allowing the fourth-most touchdowns to opposing offenses. They are also tied with the Oakland Raiders and New York Giants for fewest sacks on a quarterback in the NFL.
Fantasy impact: Something is clearly going on with Big Ben and it is affecting his play in a major way. At this point, owners cannot trust him even when he has a good matchup in front of him. Also, Tennessee is a little better than the stats may suggest with former defensive coordinator Dick LeBeau returning to Heinz Field. The Steelers could have their Pro Bowl starter or a dud under center Thursday night. Given the matchup, owners should try to be optimistic, but temper your expectations starting Big Ben this week.
Recommendation: Start with caution
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grapefruitey · 9 months
open to all ; tempy in her supernatural hunter verse or any type of horror sitch
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Temperance staggered forward to their door with her hands clasped over her side. The pain had subsided to a dull throb but her hands still felt wet with something. It had taken all of her strength to get to their home. With a shaky hand, Temperance reached out to jab at the bell and left a red smear. There wasn’t anyone else she could go to, she didn’t have anyone else. As soon as the door opened, Temperance took a halting step forward and tried to get her gaze to focus on their face but everything was still dizzying. “I didn’t have anywhere else to go.” She murmured as her eyelids fluttered.
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grapefruitey · 1 year
open to all | temperance is a high end freelance architect | house of leaves vibes
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She lay the rudimentary sketches down on the table. The exterior dimensions of the house were written, as well as a calculation of what the interior area should be. Temperance tapped that with the back of her pencil. “The first floor should be 3250 FT.” She pulled out an old blueprint of the house when it was first built and compared the two. “Look, they’re the same. The house exterior is the same as when it was first designed and constructed.” Withdrawing the final sheet on semi transparent paper, Temperance layered it over her drawing of the house. It overlapped. There was another calculation written out. “This was done using the interior measurements. The first floor is 3278 FT.” She pushed the pencil behind her ear and stepped back to look at them. “The house is bigger on this inside.”
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grapefruitey · 9 months
open to all
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“I really have to clean up everyone’s fucking messes, huh?!” Temperance thundered, pulling the shirt on as she made her way through the building. “What the fuck is it? Did you forget to pay someone? Did you sleep with someone’s girlfriend? Why the absolute fuck did you wake me up at two in the goddamn morning?!”
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junker-town · 7 years
6 reasons NFL fans should get to know Lamar Jackson
Lamar Jackson is one of the most exciting young QBs in college football right now.
Lamar Jackson is must-see TV.
The Louisville quarterback earned a Heisman Trophy in 2016 when he roasted opposing defenses for 51 total touchdowns — 31 passing and 20 rushing. The sophomore finished the season 10th in the nation in rushing yards, just 32 yards behind the No. 8 overall pick in the 2017 NFL Draft, Christian McCaffrey.
It’s likely Jackson’s turn to be a top draft pick next. While he’s a junior and could return for another year in 2018, he’s the favorite to win the Heisman again this season and he’s running out of things to prove against ACC defenses.
Louisville was no match for Clemson, especially the defense, but Jackson still had a solid outing. He finished with three touchdown passes and one pick, completing 21 of 42 attempts for 317 yards. He also ran 17 times for 64 yards. Most of his passing numbers came in the fourth quarter, when the Tigers defense finally dialed back the pressure just a bit.
1. The 2018 quarterback class may be thinner than you think
Shortly after the end of the 2017 NFL Draft, SB Nation’s Dan Kadar posted his first mock draft for 2018. While an NFL and college football season will warp most of Kadar’s predictions, he was optimistic about the class of passers on the horizon.
USC’s Sam Darnold, UCLA’s Josh Rosen and Wyoming’s Josh Allen were projected as the top three picks, respectively. Not far behind was Oklahoma State’s Mason Rudolph at No. 8 and Jackson at No. 11.
But Allen struggled in the spotlight at the start of the season and the two quarterbacks in Los Angeles may not even enter the draft in the spring.
"I continue to hear that it's possible that Sam Darnold is going to stay in school, and I continue to hear that it's possible that Josh Rosen is going to stay in school," ESPN’s Adam Schefter said on WEEI’s Kirk and Callahan Show on Friday.
There’s a very real possibility that Jackson will end up being a candidate — if not the favorite — to be the No. 1 overall selection for whatever NFL team is “lucky” enough to be that bad.
2. Jackson is fun as hell
Even if you’re tuning in with your super serious scouting clipboard to take notes on Jackson’s NFL aptitude, it’s pretty easy to appreciate why he’s so fun to watch in the first place.
He makes a LOT of people miss and has enough strength and instincts as a runner to run north and south rather than just beat people to the edge with his speed.
Even when defenders get him dead to rights, he may go straight over the top.
Nobody in college football has a better highlight reel and, if nothing else, at least appreciate the times he’ll inevitably makes you say ‘wow’ Saturday.
3. Jackson has improved on the things NFL teams look for
While his ability to run is what makes him so exciting to watch, his capabilities as a passer will ultimately decide whether or not he’s an early draft selection and a successful NFL quarterback.
There’s no question he has the arm, but he’s shown better accuracy, anticipation and pocket presence in the first two games of 2017.
Against North Carolina, he avoided a pass rusher and — rather than take off and run, which he has been prone to do — reset his feet and fired a dart that traveled about 50 yards through the air and into the arms of his receiver for a huge touchdown.
Later in the game, he connected on a wide open 30-yard touchdown pass, but not to his first read. He was looking left at the beginning of the play before firing to a seam route.
not a perfect throw, but love him looking left and wasting no time to pull the trigger when he finds the seam http://pic.twitter.com/z5d6F4IItp
— charles mcdonald (@FourVerts) September 9, 2017
Jackson isn’t a polished product yet, but Louisville coach Bobby Petrino has made an effort to prepare his quarterback for the NFL with more complicated looks and plays under center.
It’s still early in the season, but Jackson’s development from 2016 to 2017 is a good sign that he’ll be a player who can continue to hone his abilities as a passer when he moves into the professional ranks.
4. Clemson will be one of the last games for Jackson vs. top competition
Sometimes the hardest part about watching and evaluating a college quarterback can be parsing through blowouts to find positives that weren’t just handed to them by a bad defense. The NFL is a lot faster with a lot bigger guys, so it’s important to see players tested against defenders that are actually going to make plays.
Seven of Louisville’s nine wins in 2016 were by at least 30 points. The team’s two wins to open the 2017 season haven’t been as drastic a margin (35-28 over Purdue; 47-35 over North Carolina), but that’s still 82 points in two games.
After Clemson, the only other team on the Louisville schedule that’s currently ranked in the top 25 is Florida State. So there could be plenty more touchdowns and scoring for Jackson in 2017, but Saturday they could be tough to come by.
A year ago, Jackson passed for 295 yards and rushed for 162 yards, but his three total touchdowns were topped by Deshaun Watson’s five passing touchdowns in a 42-36 loss. It would take an even more heroic effort for Jackson to have the same kind of numbers this time around.
5. Expect to see Jackson running for his life
Ok, so it’s not exactly a reason to be excited about watching Jackson against Clemson, but it’d be smart and realistic to temper expectations a bit.
"NFL fan, do not judge Lamar based only on this game,” SB Nation’s college football editor Jason Kirk warned. “If he balls out, like he did last year, be astounded."
The key matchup — and the biggest reason Clemson is a road favorite — is the Louisville offensive line’s dubious matchup against the Clemson defensive line.
The Cardinals’ offensive line allowed Jackson to be hit far too often in 2016 and is still a big question mark in 2017 with three new starters. Meanwhile, the Tigers ate up Auburn last week to the tune of 11 sacks — nearly breaking a school record.
If an NFL fan is looking for more than just a quarterback when they tune in for Louisville and Clemson, defensive tackle Christian Wilkins is a hell of a place to start. The 310-pound defensive tackle is athletic enough to do the splits and was the first defensive lineman off the board in Kadar’s 2018 mock draft.
While you should probably temper your expectations for Jackson on Saturday, watching how he handles what will presumably be a lot of pressure could be telling.
6. Don’t kid yourself, Jackson is a quarterback
Former Colts general manager Bill Polian joined the ESPN LA Morning Show this week to talk football, but said Jackson may need to consider a transition to wide receiver based on his “girth and skill set.”
He’s not alone. Others have, and others will, make the same suggestion in the next few months.
Thankfully, the group of radio hosts — including former NFL receiver Keyshawn Johnson — reacted incredulously to Polian’s statement and disagreed. As well they should, because it’s ridiculous.
Jackson is a 6’3, 212-pound passer who can effortlessly launch balls with flicks of the wrist. Did you not see the gif earlier? Here have another:
He added size in his lower half during the 2017 offseason and is absolutely a quarterback. Being able to run and make the dazzling plays that earned Jackson a Heisman Trophy in 2016 is not a disqualifier for the position.
There’s a long history of implicit bias in football with players at many levels still placed — intentionally or otherwise — along racial divides.
“There is evidence that various levels of football still practice ‘stacking,’ placing athletes in certain positions based on racial stereotypes,” SB Nation’s Tyler Tynes wrote in 2016. “Most commonly: white men are pushed into alleged ‘authoritarian’ or ‘thinking’ roles (quarterback, offensive line, middle linebacker), where black men are pigeonholed to ‘athletic’ roles (receivers, cornerbacks, running backs).”
It wasn’t that long ago that ESPN’s Todd McShay said Robert Griffin III would be a fourth-round wide receiver. Attempting to do the same with Jackson would be just as misguided.
Lamar Jackson is a quarterback, ladies and gentlemen.
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