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devowostation · 1 year ago
GG8 Theories!
With Gudaguda 8 coming within the week, I thought I'd post some of my theories as to who may be summonable! I'll only be using characters we KNOW exist in Fate currently because there ain't no way I'm predicting bitches that aren't even mentioned yet.
SABER, TOYOTOMI HIDEYOSHI (Monkey has been mentioned pretty consistently throughout the Gudaguda Events; Hell, last Gudaguda had his misdeeds as Regent as one of the main driving forces of the story even *happening.* He's the Second of the Three Unifiers, and already has a kit in lore. All that remains is actually adding him.)
AVENGER, YODO-DONO (The Adult Form of Chacha! She's also been hyped up since Chacha's introduction, and had a near-appearance in GG7. We have an idea of her personality thinks to Chacha's Materials, and know that she's dangerous enough to drive Chacha to actively try to AVOID becoming her.)
PRETENDER, IEYASU TOKUGAWA (The Third of the Three Unifiers; He has no CANON class, but since his ability in Koha-Ace was hotswapping between all 7 Main Classes, Pretender seems like the most realistic option. He's not AS likely as the first two, but it's a pretty safe assumption that all 3 Unifiers are gonna get in the game eventually.)
ARCHER/CASTER, MITSUHIDE AKECHI (He's been in NPC Jail since year 1; I may not be his biggest fan, but like...how are they gonna keep dragging it out?)
ASSASSIN, TAKECHI ZUIZAN (He, like Izo, made a HUGE splash in the fanbase. I admittedly don't know him as well as I know the Sengoku characters...The less NPCs, the better, no?)
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revistapipazo · 8 months ago
Semana Santita [Cap. 2]
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Después de aquella fatídica caída, donde me hice cagar el cráneo, tuve que pasar en esa linda posta por un pinchazo de Dipirona, su yodo en la herida, y era.
“Váyase nomás, no tiene nada. Oiga, y no tome más, mire que por eso los curaos con malas caídas incluso se mueren.” -Me dice alguien que no era médico, ni enfermera, ni nada similar. De seguro era el hueón que trapea los pisos.-
En realidad no tenía nada, sólo un tajo de medio centímetro que chorreaba sangre a borbotones y que ni puntos merecía. Lo peor era el estado etílico que agudizaba el escándalo del momento.
La Loreto estaba desesperada por arrancar de ese antro feo y pobre, y yo también. El olor era nauseabundo, y la gente que me rodeaba más que enfermos, parecían delincuentes mayores, así que cómodas no estábamos.
“Bueno, qué hacemos al final?” -Me pregunta la Lore, con claras ganas de que vayamos a Viña de todas maneras.-
“Todavía querís ir a Viña, hueona?”
“Sí poh! No quedamos en éso?”
“Ay, no sé, necesito dormir, me siento como la callampa, culiá.”
“PF! Dormís en el bus y allá vemos poh. No te pongai cuática!”
Como la insistencia de la Loreto era “vamos o vamos”, y no tenía ganas de atado alguno, le dije que bueno, así que salimos medias asustás a eso de las 15°° hrs. con ganas de NO encontrarnos con los pacos culiaos y tener que mamarnos sus pajas, cual delincuentes prófugas de la maravillosa justicia shilena.
Como no había moros en la costa, rápidamente tomamos un taxi y en 15 minutos estábamos nuevamente en el terminal de buses. A esas alturas todo mal momento ya se había olvidado, así que íbamos felices como perdices camino a 4 días maravillosos de relajo y juerga.
“Llegamos, buscamos dónde quedarnos, duermo unas 5 horas, y listo para organizar nuestra regia salida.” -Pensé yo, ilusamente.-
Para partir, no habían pasajes en ninguna cagá de línea, encontramos pasajes en el terminal Santiago en un bus hecho mierda, sólo hasta Valparaíso, con pasajes inflados en un 5003%, un auxiliar que vendía arriba huevos duros, pan amasado y NINGUNA puta hueá para tomar “Porque llevamos ‘bibias’, pero están calientes, shiquillas”; así que cagadas de sed y hambre, viajamos todo el puto camino conversando puras hueás, escuchando música, leyendo el diario y sin dormir ni medio segundo.
Llegamos como a las 18°° hrs al terminal de Valparaíso, y no nos la pudimos para ir a Viña. Decidimos quedarnos en Valparaíso, buscando dónde quedarnos, con algunos datos que nos dieron en el terminal. Todo copado, y lo desocupado era una mierda demasiado expensive.
Ya rendidas, fuimos a comer algo por ahí, cuando un tipo nos da un “dato” en el antro donde comíamos.
“Buscan alojamiento? Shiquillas, tengo un dato súper bueno, barato, limpiecito, con ‘telecable’, agüita caliente [?], comidita casera buena, lugar tranquilito, nadie las va a molestar ahí cabras, ah!”
“En serio? Cuánto es ‘barato’? -Preguntamos.-
“Aer, esperen, voy a llamar al tiro, para que se vayan directo”
El asunto, es que la ‘pensión’ está emplazada frente al terminal de buses. Ésta es una hueá fea, hedionda, húmeda, oscura, mal… pero cobraban 7 lucas por noche, en una pieza con dos camarotes de palo, una cerradura que constaba de un candado coreano, un tubo fluorescente por lámpara en el techo de 5 metros de altura, y la bendita televisión con cable. Ideal para mí, que lo único que quería era echarme como vaca y dormir alguna hueá.
“Iso, yo me voy a duchar para que salgamos, Wiiiiiiiii!” -Me dice la Loreto, cosa que a mí no me causó gracia alguna.-
“Lore, a ver? Qué hueá voh? No pensai dormir algo?”
“Ah, voh creís que vine a dormir?” -Tirándome claramente la caballería encima.-
“Hueona! No hemos dormido nada, y yo no tengo gana alguna de salir ahora! Además es Jueves Santo, tú creís que vamos a encontrar algo abierto para huevear?”
“Ah, no sé yo, pero de seguro que algo hay. Aprovecha de dormir un rato mientras me arreglo, pero de que salimos, salimos!”
Quedé con ataque al píloro, porque me vi obligada a salir con esta cabra culiá, así que me acomodé para dormir al menos un par de horas. PICO! En 40 minutos, la hueona reculiá conchetumare, maraca de la Lore me estaba despertando y echándome la foca porque no tenía ni la más mínima intención de levantarme.
Por la súper chucha, me tuve que levantar, duchar y acicalar para salir con esta perra culiá deseosa de que se lo pusieran en semana santa.
“Señor, dónde podemos ir a tomar y comer algo acá, hoy?” -Pregunta la Lore al chofer.-
“Pucha, difícil por la fecha, pero en la subida Ecuador, demás que encuentran algo abierto.”
“Llévenos, por favor.” -Fue la orden maldita de la Lore.-
Increíblemente, la cagá de subida estaba atestada de hueones, pero todo ese paraíso rasca de antros tóxicos estaba cerrado en un 90%. Sólo habían un par de hueás abiertas, cuál de todos más feos, entre ellos un bar metalero, “El Martillo” creo que se llamaba, -hueá que yo no pisaría ni por hueveo-,  cuando preguntamos a una pareja de lagis qué nos recomendaban:
“Chiquillas, el ‘Coyote Quemado’, obvio!”
Partimos a la hueá directo, que estaba en la punta del cerro, literalmente.
La cagá estaba casi llena, nos atiende una mina, nos pasa la carta y OH, SORPRESA! La hueá era ultra barata! Copetes a $500, $1.000, $1.500, así como mucho muy caro. La Loreto estaba vuelta loca, queriendo tomarse toda el bar, pidió cuánta hueá se le ocurrió:
“Tráeme para partir unos golpeaditos, un Margarita, unas tablas, y blá. Qué querís tú, Iso?”
“Un té.” -Fue mi en extremo lacónica respuesta.-
“Quiero un té, ojalá con leche. Tengo frío, tercianas, me cago de sueño y no estoy ni ahí con tomar copete. Yo quiero un té. Tienen supongo?” -Le digo a la mina, mirándola con cara de asco.-
“Eeeeh, no. Acá no vendemos té, esto es un PUB.”
“Entonces no quiero ninguna hueá. Punto.” -Protestando sutilmente ante mi no pescada negativa a salir.-
“A ver, déjeme preguntar si le pueden preparar un té.” -Con una evidente cara de entre plop y asco.-
La Loreto me quería matar, odiaba mi resistencia a lanzarme, y quería cortarme las tetas. Pero a mí, realmente me importaba un soberano coco de leproso. Yo quería dormir.
En fin, después de pasar toda una ETERNA noche tomando tecito, que mi mal estado físico me llevara a buitrear 1503 veces, que me quedara dormida como 5 veces en la mesa, que la Loreto se tomara todo el bar, que nos echaran con grúa de la hueá;  AL FIN nos fuimos tipo 5 am.
Al salir y querer puro morirme, había un grupo de hueones metaleros afuera del “Martillo”, que al vernos pasar nos gritan dicen:
“Oye minas! Vamoh a un after!”
Yo casi lloro, porque sabía que la Lore se prendería con la hermosa “invitación”, hasta que quedó la cagá.
“VAMOS!” -Me dice la Lore.-
“No hueona, yo me voy. Si querís, anda tú, pero yo no puedo más… en serio.”
“Puta la hueá, no sé pa’ qué chucha vine contigo, nunca podís carretear más de dos días seguidos! Sabís qué más? Ándate a la mierda, mañana voy a llamar a la Sú y la voy a invitar. Ella sí que jamás se negaría a carretear y lanzarse como corresponde. ÁNDATE HUEONA, ÁNDATE NOMÁS! ARGH!”
La Loreto se fue con los metaleros, yo me subí a un auto, y arriba del taxi logré captar que al llamar a la Sú, se vendría el infierno.
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depressedhatakekakashi · 2 years ago
God of Storms AU - Sand Siblings (Temari not included since I already created her with the original list)
God of Mirages. Patron of Craft
Animal Companion: Scorpian
Symbol: Broken glass and Puppets.
Birth: Crafted from the union of Baki and Genma, Kankuro came into existence when the two of them set aside their differences for the first time and spent a night of passion together.  During their activities, Genma collided into a mirror and sent it falling towards the floor, shattering into hundreds of pieces.
While attempting to repair the mirror with sand from Baki’s storm, Kankuro came into being with strings attached to his fingers.
Lore: Chiyo, goddess of time, taught Kankuro how to create puppets he could control with those strings.
Kankuro spends most of his time in the desert with his brother Gaara. When he’s bored he’ll often create mirages for those lost in the desert to see, leading them into certain death with his tricks. When the mortals get close enough, he’ll have his puppets lung at them.
Those with an impure heart will meet their end to Kankuro’s puppets. However, children and those who are kind will simply get a scare, often causing them to close their eyes in panic. When they open their eyes once more they’ll find themselves standing safely outside of a village with Kankuro’s laughter ringing in their ear.
Kankuro loves to spend time in Genma’s workshop creating additions for his puppets and talking to Tenten about all the different weapon’s that exist in the world among mortals and gods.
Love: Tayuya and Tenten
God of Sand, Patron of the deserted.
Animal Companion: Tanuki (Shukaku)
Symbol: The symbol for ‘Love’ carved into his forehead, and the Gourd that he carries on his back.
Birth: Born a mortal to his mother, Karura (a priestess of Baki’s temple), Gaara was made into a god by Baki after he found the child crying in his temple with his mother’s dead body curled protectively around him, stab wounds in her back from. The temple had been attacked by those who did not believe in Baki and wanted to steal what little wealth there was in the tiny temple, and while there they murdered the temple priestess when she refused to step aside and allow them to do as they wished unchallenged.
Lore: After turning Gaara into a god, Baki placed his mother’s spirit into the gourd of sand that he gifted to the child, so that even as a god she would be able to protect him.
Gaara became Guardian of the deserts. The one who cares for the desert plants and the people who venture out into the harsh sands.
Gaara became close with Knakuro and Temari shortly after they met, forming a sibling like bond with both of them. The two of them were the one’s who stood by his side and helped him adjust to his quick growth and new life.
Spends most of his time hanging out with Kankuro and checking in on the settlements in the desert.
Gaara is also close friends with Naruto, the messenger god, and will only leave his domain in the desert if it’s Naruto calling for him.
When he’s a bit older and used to his role, Gaara finds a young mortal boy lost in the desert. Concerned about a child roaming the desert alone, he takes him under his wing and protects him. Ultimately, the boy becomes like a son to Gaara and is made into a god himself, Shinki the god of lost children. Shinki spends most of his days with the desert spirits Araya and Yodo.
Love: N/A
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peachmusesarc · 6 years ago
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as a baby , yodo was sensitive to loud noises --- she still is but she’s able to filter things out a lot easier than before. her parents couldn’t deal with her crying constantly due to her ears hurting as well as sensory overload and ended up abandoning her at the orphanage. they ended up dying on a later misson. yodo doesn’t know anything about them. 
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koorinohebi · 2 years ago
A Desire for Devotion
Sometimes, I find it amusing that some servants on this blog would berate Kiomi for being so steadfast and loyal when it comes to Izo. It’s not like they’re doing it to make her feel bad either. Sure enough, people like Mitsuhide Akechi, Takechi Zuizan, and even Serizawa Kamo do not think much of the manslayer so they often wonder what he had that elicited that kind of commitment from their master…
…because they want that. Not his qualities, but the devotion of the master that’s constantly pining for him.
It’s not that they want love either. They can do without that, but they want loyalty; the kind that was denied of them when the only thing they did was do their job for the sake of their lords or for the land in general.
Coz see, in Akechi’s case, he felt like all his achievements were thrown aside when Hideyoshi came along. It felt like a slap in the face to him that as a senior general he had to back up some upstart hick. Nobunaga also berated him in public constantly, Nobunaga actually got his mother killed (some sources do say it was his aunt, but for this blog’s lore, I go with his mother), etc. So for someone who had dedicated his life and career to the Oda, all of this felt like an affront. Take note though that he could have taken all of this, if only the warlord didn’t show too much favoritism for the monkey.
Takechi who started out as a Goshi, well… those times were tough. Back in Tosa, even if you were the most loyal person to your domain lord, if you were Goshi, you’re treated very differently-- and this is still putting it lightly, you were treated like some kind of animal, insect, livestock-- you just weren’t human in the eyes of the higher ranking samurai known as the Joshi. Takechi who eventually rose up to the latter rank thanks to his accomplishments, still couldn’t escape the stigma of being a former lower ranking samurai. With his extremist ways, instead of getting the favor of Yamauchi Yodo, he incurred his ire and slow-burned planned his demise. And Takechi was the type of person who was so loyal that he’d take matters into his own hands (like the assassination of Toyou Yoshida), believing that that’s what’s going to be good for the domain and for Japan in general.
Now, I have very little on Serizawa so I’m just going to go by what I’ve seen from FGO and some snippets of history. So because of his character… which was negatively intense in a lot of levels (drinks too much, is super violent even in public, extorts people, etc), he was trying to usher in an age that would have been beneficial to Japan…to the point where he doesn’t mind playing the bad guy in order to do it. As someone who will do anything for his goals, he went with the more drastic approach which of course, garnered the attention either in the form of “he’s too dangerous to be kept alive” or “everything will fall apart if Serizawa continues to act the way he does”. So he just had to go. Of course, he’s painted as a villain, but if you’ll listen to Okita, Serizawa is not always like that. Even at the end of the first Yamatai event where he literally pushed Yamanami to where the rest of the Shinsengumi were and saying that he, Serizawa, alone had to be swallowed by the darkness-- reasoning with them his principles and why he didn’t need a Shinsengumi who was more akin to Kondou’s style of leadership. He’s a bad person, sure. But he’s accepted that-- and in that sentiment has accepted that the others chose Kondou over him.
So in this blog (and of course all of this is just my interpretation, you’re free to have your own, I just play them this way based on my analysis of what they could possibly want) they have lingering thoughts of “what if”. What if Nobunaga-sama chose me? What if Yodo-dono acknowledged me for more than just my previous status? What if I could have led the Shinsengumi to the potential that they truly deserve? These are just some of the things that go hand in hand with the question, “What if someone was loyal enough to me that they understood my cause? See where I’m coming from.”
And these three men right here actually had someone like this in their lives. Whether it be their wives, a concubine, their apprentices, their own retainers… maybe if those people were in position, or had a say in certain things, something could have changed for them. But of course, the past is in the past. Hoping for that was like a pipe dream, because these people got betrayed by the ones who they believed in the most.
So seeing a master like Kiomi who is rather indulgent, who doesn’t give a crap about whether they were traitors in the past or have a track record that would send them straight to hell is like watching something so fleeting within their grasp. And they want to monopolize it for themselves. Because while the past cannot be changed, the present which leads to the future can be. They are still holding onto something, and everyone, even servants still have things they want to fight for. These people wouldn’t have tried to change things upon being summoned as servants if their convictions werent hauntingly persistent. Which is why seeing their master’s devotion wasted on someone who didn’t seem to have any ambition feels like a huge stab to their egos.
Kiomi saying things like, “My life belongs to you”, “I will give you everything that I have”, is something that Kiomi tells her most trusted servants. It’s not just Izo (although it does mean different when it’s applied to him. You frequenters of my blog already know this). For example, the entire Guda Guda Oda Shogunate has her by the heart. She is literally going to die for them if she has to. Specially where @nobuverse is concerned, Kiomi doesn’t give a crap about the trauma or the phobia. She’s going to go to Nobunaga's aid even if she has to craw through burning coal just to do it.
Mitsuhide, Takechi, and Serizawa wants in on that.
They want this reckless abandon for reason, they want this obsessive need to be their support. They want her life, her convictions to revolve around them. To have something tangible that believes in them; that they’re right, that their struggle was worth something, that someone believes their goals, their strife had some value; that they didn’t die in vain. Of course, they will never say it; so of course they will have to get it by any means necessary. Not in the way where they bend to her, but in a way where she bends to them whether she wants to or not.
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r0semultiverse · 7 years ago
I just-does her chakra come out her hair or how does this work??? I want more info on this character!! 💜 So mysterious!
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Shikadai Vs Yodo
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peachmusesarc · 6 years ago
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yodo’s affinity’s are : wind & earth. she’s also highly skilled in taijutsu. 
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