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supercantaloupe · 3 months ago
tag meme post thread was long as shit so i'm starting a new one instead. anyway tagged by @flammableengineering thank youu
i shall tag @tragedyposting @signawyvern @theresa-of-liechtenstein @malusienki and @leporellian
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ferni-mothofprophecy · 1 year ago
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The four designs :D
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arcadiii · 2 years ago
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the twt tl was being mean to sasharcy so you know. I had to join in
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robbiephile · 1 year ago
gloria, wearing a bad outfit: what do you guys think!
sasha: that looks horrible.
barbie: that’s your opinion
sasha: thankfully im correct on all things
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iamnathannah · 4 months ago
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Yup, we're back at it with another Glorbie Twitter post inspired by another famous post that got so much attention;
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This time, we've got Gloria being a teen activist and Barbie lusting over it, along with our usual Duolingo slander, Sasha just being embarassed by the horniness of her moms, the Mattel CEO tweeting despite his aversion to it after being attacked by She-Ra fans, and even a random celebrity cameo out of nowhere.
As always, the ALT text is here for fun and whimsy (and of course, accessiblity)! Enjoy!
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superzstars · 5 months ago
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╰   * "and you managed to get through my security at the front desk without me giving clearance?" she asked, almost teasing as she looked at the other with a grin on her face. "maybe i should be looking at getting new staff down there." / @thisgusting
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terrorsmade · 8 days ago
another tag drop for no reason At All
⋞thread⋟ ( sasha the kid sister. ) ⋞no good scheming pandoran scum⋟ ( sasha the kid sister. ) ⋞headcanon⋟ ( sasha the kid sister. ) ⋞aesthetic⋟ ( sasha. ) ⋞tales from the borderlands⋟ ( verse. ) ⋞post-tales⋟ ( verse. ) ⋞borderlands 3⋟ ( verse. )
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wyattxwheeler · 10 months ago
starter for @sashaxjones
location: kismet harbor beach
Wyatt did the dog walk every year with Isaac since owning the dog through the police station. Not only did he enjoy supporting the local animal shelter with the donations, Wyatt was a sucker for a good walk along the beach. The only thing missing? Nel. He'd been meeting up with her later, but until then, he was on his own. The walk had been going on for some time, but Wyatt had opted to take a break, kicking off his shoes and letting Isaac run into the water in an area that was no so crowded with people. Whistling for the dog, Isaac was high tailing it back to Wyatt when he became distracted by a familiar person. On the job, Isaac never disobeyed Wyatt but when he saw Sasha, he shook his head. Of course the dog would run over to her.
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alliannahvaughn · 2 months ago
𝘤𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘳 @sashaxjones
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Darts wasn't exactly something that Alli played when she was drinking, however, today she was feeling a little more confident in her skills. Granted, she'd been out here for about an hour now, and she'd been downing drinks left and right - she didn't even know what number she was on anymore - and was feeling as if she could take on the world. Of course that also meant she was a lot more vocal, which should've been no surprise as she turned, spotting a blonde close by, just as the song Livin' On A Prayer came on. That's when she pointed in the direction of the other, scream singing the lyrics as well. "You have to come play darts with me. Or dance, whichever you prefer."
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inferrnos · 10 months ago
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𐙚‧ "is that a wrap?" jasmine asked the crew sweetly, beginning to pull her mic pack out before turning to sasha, a wide grin taking over her face. "you wanna grab some food when it's all wrapped up here?" she asks the other, a hopeful chirp to her tone. / @allbettr
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arlocontreras · 3 months ago
𝘤𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘳 @sashaxjones
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Arlo had been standing in one spot, a giant candy cane in his hands as he was watching all the people of Kismet Harbor come and go, using various props to commemorate whatever memory they were wishing to remember this year. He'd take a few photos himself - in fact he was sure he had a selfie with nearly ever prop around him - and was genuinely just enjoying the vibes of being there in the moment. Being back in Kismet Harbor still felt a little surreal to him, but, he'd been determined to make the most of it, which is why he'd volunteered to help out at the photo booth. He was twirling the candy cane, using it as a prop for the dance he'd made up as he was humming along to Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree that was playing in his ear and wasn't paying the slightest bit of attention. Which was obvious when he twirled it once and immediately felt it hit something - or someone - and he let his mouth fall open, looking in that direction immediately. "Oh no." he apologized when he realized there was a person standing awfully close and could likely be the culprit. "DId I just hit you?"
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loveshard · 3 months ago
@cemeterysgirl sent: [⛸] our muses go ice skating on an outdoor rink from winter season & holiday based ask prompts
the crisp air bit at devon’s nose as he glided—well, stumbled—along the outdoor ice rink, his gaze sneaking over to sasha every chance he got. his heart thudded harder than it had during any full moon run, but he masked it with his trademark grin. when he said he could skate, that wasn't the entire truth. coming from the west coast, ice skating wasn't the sport top of mind. talented in lacrosse and soccer, those skillsets did little to transfer over onto a rink, feeling like a baby deer on ice. the façade was mainly a front to impress, as always, and he wasn't certain he was living up to any high-held expectations he led her to believe.
determined not to embarrass himself entirely, devon kept a brave face, trying to mask the nervous energy bubbling beneath his usual confident exterior. "hey, kerrigan. you training for the winter olympics or something? you have to hold my hand or i won't be able to catch you," he teased, finally managing to close the gap between them without toppling over. in reality, he needed her more than anything for stability and various safety concerns.
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bradleyxkincade · 3 months ago
starter for @sashaxjones
location: cobblestone cafe
It was no surprise to see Bradley working at Cobblestone Cafe, especially as the evening sun started to set in Kismet Harbor. He ordered his coffee and went over to his typical table that he tried to sit at, seeing that it was already occupied, "Already taking my table?" He joked with Sasha as he recognized who was sitting at the table, "Working on a case tonight or just catching up on paperwork?" He had been talking quite frequently with Sasha, more so recently as he started changing up where he graded his papers.
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nochedebrvjas · 4 months ago
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“sasha,” anuncia su llegada con ese tono diplomático que suele utilizar con sus clientes, sus profesores, y claro, sus padres. es natural y agradable, suele inspirar confianza y acompañado de su imagen impecable y sonrisa encantadora, atrae como un imán. sin embargo, con sasha la cosa puede ser distinta. aún así, lo intenta. “quiero hablar contigo sobre…” mirada se va hacia los lados un instante y luego vuelve a la morena. “la situación,” termina por decir, torciendo ligeramente los labios delicadamente decorados por el gloss. “¿tienes un rato libre?” y dicho esto estira uno de los vasos de café que lleva consigo, siendo esto una manera de ganar control, considerando que así podría presionarla a acceder. @livingdexdgurl
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mcronniearq · 6 months ago
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・  @littlfrcak summoned a starter﹐
                                    O que aconteceu com Sasha, foi estranho. Dizendo pouco ainda, não entendeu e talvez nem ele, o motivo de ter se sentido tão mal depois de um abraço. Talvez a dúvida tivesse agora contornos de preocupação, já que só depois que ele foi embora, confuso de porque ela quase desmaiou em seus braços, que Vee notou a grama morta perto deles. Era como se veneno tivesse tocado apenas um caminho, deixando um rastro agourento no ambiente. Só que, enquanto ela queria entender, para quem sabe ajudar, Sasha queria fugir. Conhecia o bem demais para saber que era isso, entendia a forma como ele se esgueirava para fora dos lugares a evitando, nem mesmo seu olhar ele encarava de volta. Já havia acontecido antes, então reconhecia o modus operandi dele.                                     Na arena, porém, ele não poderia fugir tão rápido. Quando entrou atrás dele, já sabia os horários das monitorias do amigo e sabia que hora acabaria. Esperou observando os últimos minutos do treino, acenando sorridente para os alunos que abandonavam a arena, e se aproximou do filho de Hades. Não sabe em que momento ele a notou, mas Veronica cruzou os braços e apoiou o peso sobre uma das pernas, o olhar estreito na direção dele demonstrando como ela estava decidida. ❛ Que bom que te achei desocupado, parecia que estava me evitando. Mas nada a ver né? ❜ Ergueu a sobrancelha, antes de voltar a se aproximar. Na sua cara, ele não teria como fugir. ❛ Como você está se sentindo? ❜ Questionou agora, num tom mais brando, e para provar que não tinha medo dele, ergueu a mão até o braço dele, um contato breve e sutil. 
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thisgusting · 1 year ago
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"no, no, no... — i'm quite alright, i woke up late..." that would explain sasha entering the building with a ceramic mug in her hand, messily attempting to tame her hair that was sticking out from underneath her shawl. "there's a meeting in te-... twent-..." a pause. the ceo turned to her assistant, brows knitted together as she hoped they'll shed some light about the situation. "lennae, wh-when is it ??" she questioned.
"oh, gods..." was muttered under her breath, right before a sip of coffee was taken. it's tomorrow. tomorrow !! this is definitely not the first time it has happened — despite the rigorous attempts to eliminate such habit as sleeping in for longer than she shoud, sasha couldn't help herself. sleep was like a little treat. sweet, sweet slumber; she doesn't have to worry about anything. because... well... how can one worry when they're basically knocked out unconscious, right ??
placing the mug on one of the intern's desks, she promptly took her coat off, handing it over to the assistant ( not without a genuine 'thank you', of course. she's not a monster... ). "uh... take-... take it easy today, everyone," easier said than done. "and... miss noh, there's a few things i would like to discuss with you... — i'll see you in my office in five, alright ??" // @wcvensouls
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