#* user: hui.
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todos conocen a ÍNDIGO "INDY" COURONNE, pero su reputación está por descubrirse.
hui, ¡bienvenide a @aureliahillshqs! nos encanta tenerte con nosotres. a partir de ahora contás con 24 hs para enviarnos la cuenta, en caso de necesitar más tiempo, ¡no dudes en solicitarlo! pst! también queremos contarte que si todavía no rellenaste este form, nos serviría mucho que lo hicieras. ¡gracias!
nombre/alias: hui.
¿tenés más de 21 años? sí / no.
zona horaria o país: argentina.
nivel de actividad estimado: un 6-7 de 10.
triggers: non con, maltrato infantil/animal, torturas explícitas, arañas.
¿aceptás que tu personaje se vea involucrado en las intervenciones realizadas por la administración del grupal? sí / no.
¿algo que agregar?: 🤍🤍
nombre: índigo "indy" duarte couronne.
faceclaim: ivana baquero.
cupo: #31.
edad y fecha de nacimiento: veinticuatro años, 19 de septiembre de 1999.
descripción física: oscuro cabello parece imitar el exacto color de su mirada, aquella que siempre luce un brillo particular. de facciones redondeadas, baja estatura ( apenas 1.58cm ) y un andar que se caracteriza por ser calmo y relajado. en cuanto a lo estético, es una joven que opta por lo simple, desde el maquillaje hasta sus prendas, no acostumbra a lo extravagante y prioriza siempre la comodidad. remeras estampadas, jeans, abrigos oversized y zapatillas son el común denominador en su armario. cuenta con numerosos tatuajes de distintos tamaños y en cuanto a piercings utiliza el septum, más allá de los clásicos en las orejas.
descripción psicológica: índigo cuenta con una personalidad más bien reservada, pero no por eso menos sociable; y esa es tan solo una de las bastantes contradicciones en su persona. pasional con aquello que disfruta, desde un buen libro hasta su comida favorita, y este mismo aspecto se traslada a cuando lucha por algo que vale la pena. la curiosidad muchas veces se lleva lo mejor de ella, y por esto mismo puede pecar de distraída. testaruda como nadie, recibir ayuda rara vez es una opción para ella, motivo que la lleva a enfrentarse a la frustración a diario, misma con la que no sabe lidiar de la mejor manera. encantadoramente desordenada, tanto por dentro como por fuera.
historia o datos curiosos:
tw: muerte.
UNO. índigo nace del amoroso vínculo entre los herederos de dos de los viñedos más importantes en la provincia de mendoza, argentina. ambos hijos únicos de matrimonios de inmigrantes españoles que se habían establecido en el país hacía largos años, ganándose así un reconocido lugar en la industria. unión no es tan solo familiar, sino también económica, ya que se fusionan para formar una única sociedad.
DOS. crece entre uvas y barriles de madera, aprendiendo de algo que fascinaba a sus padres pero a ella no tanto; infancia si bien transcurre en la comodidad económica, no tanto así en lo emocional, ya que debido al negocio sus padres viajaban demasiado, lo suficiente como para que la mayor parte de su crianza estuviese en mano de sus niñeras y abuelos. es quizás por este motivo que encuentra compañía el las letras, interesándose en los libros que aquella enorme biblioteca del hogar guardaba, en historias que contaban aventuras tanto más emocionantes que las que ella podía vivir.
TRES. es precisamente por la similitud de negocios que el matrimonio duarte y los couronne entablan un vínculo amistoso que parece inquebrantable, desde viajes en conjunto, hasta negocios y confidencialidades. sin embargo, ni en un milón de años, índigo hubiese creído que terminaría portando aquel apellido. lo último que recuerda antes de enterarse del fallecimiento de sus padres, es el rostro de su abuela, consternado, desorientado. índigo tenía diecisiete años, y de un día para el otro, era huérfana.
CUATRO. adaptarse a su nueva realidad no fue algo sencillo, se encerró en sí misma más de lo que ya lo hacía normalmente, sus abuelos también sufriendo una pérdida no sabían cómo lidiar con una adolescente en duelo. fue allí que apareció el matrimonio couronne una vez más, acogiéndola cuando más lo necesitaba y tratando de mostrarle una vez más lo lindo de la vida; algo que definitivamente lograron. con el apoyo de sus abuelos y propia voluntad, es que termina estableciéndose con la familia de manera definitiva, adoptando su apellido por cuestiones más que nada legales y de conveniencia burocrática.
CINCO. los años vividos en francia no son suficientes para acostumbrarse a lo que significaría su llegada a aurelia hills, un espacio y ambiente completamente distinto a lo que acostumbra, e incluso hasta el momento continúa sintiéndose bastante ajena a lo que la rodea; sin embargo, le encuentra cierto encanto. asimismo, se encuentra estudiando literatura ( su verdadera pasión ) y capacitándose en lo que significa ser heredera de uno de los viñedos más prestigiosos de argentina, reconocido a nivel internacional por su excelencia, del cual su vino más reconocido es el 1999 ( nombrado así en honor al año de nacimiento de índigo ).
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merodeando en el emerald está emilia "azpi" azpilicueta, ¿estaremos tratando con la responsable del atroz crimen cometido? finley hearst y laurence ulrick ciertamente no descartan la posibilidad. ahora queda en la inquilina del departamento #515 probar su inocencia.
¡hui, te damos la bienvenida a apt225hq! a partir de ahora, tienes cuarenta y ocho horas para confirmar tu cuenta. de tener alguna duda, ¡acá estamos!
nombre: emilia “azpi” azpilicueta.
pronombres: femeninos.
edad: veintitrés años.
fecha de nacimiento: 15 de octubre del 2000.
nacionalidad: argentina/española.
rostro reservado: kiernan shipka.
perfil psicológico:
de espíritu paciente y compasivo, azpi tiende a la pureza en sus acciones, desde el vicio culposo de la nicotina hasta la pasión que siente al dar clases, de lo mal hablada que es cuando utiliza el español hasta lo poético de su prosa cuando escribe; todo lo que hace parece acomodarse perfectamente con su persona. volátil enérgicamente, puede una semana no parar un segundo y a la otra necesitar tomar siestas todos los días. algo similar le ocurre en el ámbito emocional. exploradora y compañera, fiel a los suyos pero desconfiada con los demás, incluso aunque no lo deje ver. aprendió a disfrutar de su soledad y es un atributo genuino de su persona, pero ya no la domina como en otros tiempos. de rebeldías sutiles y, como dijo charly garcía alguna vez : “una chica que vivió la euforia de ser parte del rock, tomando té de peperina.”
i. llega por accidente y casualidad a la vida de natalia, ella estaba cerca de cumplir diecinueve y regresaba de un viaje por europa cuando el test de embarazo dio positivo. en ese momento se encontraba en la capital de españa, estudiando relaciones internacionales en una prestigiosa universidad. luego de dar la noticia a sus padres, decidió que sola se ocuparía de criar aquella nueva vida, pero pasó menos de un año con emilia en brazos cuando se dio cuenta que necesitaba ayuda. ii. es por ese motivo que emilia ( bautizada de esa forma en honor a su abuela ) crece en territorio argentino, más específicamente en bariloche, sur del país. sus abuelos, inmigrantes españoles, son dueños de una importante cadena de hoteles desparramados por distintos países, por lo cual las comodidades, viajes y aventuras no faltaron en su vida. su madre se graduó y comenzó a trabajar, bastante, lo mismo ocurría con sus abuelos, y emilia poco a poco comenzó a sentirse sola, quizás demasiado. iii. en la escuela no tenía muchos amigos, le resultaba difícil relacionarse con personas de su edad porque había pasado sus primeros años en compañía de adultos; le gustaba leer, aprender de sus profesores y escuchar música que no era la que quizás estaba de moda, lo que provocaba que los demás niños la hicieran a un lado y aquella oscuridad se adueñara cada vez más de ella. fue su abuelo quien lo notó, quien se mostró alerta, también fue él quien comenzó a llevarla a las sesiones de terapia y más tarde a sus clases de teatro y escritura. iv. actividades extracurriculares y el cambio de escuela fueron los ingredientes perfectos para que azpi ( como comenzaron a llamarla en teatro ) descubriese su verdadero yo y recuperara aquella autoestima que en un momento parecía no existir. se encontró con que era valiosa, conoció y aprendió de cosas que antes le eran ajenas y el rumbo de su vida comenzó poco a poco a alejarse del blanco y negro y pintarse de color. v. sus abuelos decidieron regresar a españa cuando emilia se graduó, y ella optó por seguirlos, después de todo, su madre trabajaba demasiado como para justificar quedarse con ella. si bien le dolió dejar su país y a sus amigos, tomó la decisión con coraje. estudió educación y parte del profesorado de letras en la misma universidad de madrid de la que se había graduado su abuelo; ella lo hizo también, con honores, y la oportunidad de trabajo en londres llegó gracias a una de sus antiguas profesoras en la universidad. vi. dejar a sus abuelos no fue nada fácil, pero después de todo londres no estaba tan lejos, la propuesta era tentadora y la oportunidad una que no podía dejar pasar. es por ese motivo que se encuentra viviendo en el departamento #515 del edificio emerald hace poco más de un año, dando clases de literatura en una escuela y confiada de que finalmente está donde tiene que estar, que todo a su alrededor simplemente… funciona.
seudónimo: hui.
pronombres: femeninos.
edad: veinticinco.
triggers: non con, maltrato infantil/animal, torturas explícitas, arañas.
zona horaria: gmt-3, argentina.
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Queen Seiko when I catch you
#Fugetsu deserves better#and Kacho deserved better#hxh#yall seen the theory that shes Silent Majority user#its pretty good#fugetsu hui guo rou
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༊* 「 JULIA DALAVIA . 23, ELLA/SUYA 」 MILLARAY “MILA” ROMERO forma parte de inusual paisaje de Real del Valle, el viento silba con su voz desde hace dos años y medio. En esta dimensión puedes encontrarle en CINE Y TEATRO ORIÓN, y su temperamento es angelado & salvaje. Le gusta armonizar las noches tranquilas con peperina de serú girán. Quienes le conocen cuenta que su presencia les recuerda a; cabello desordenado, el aroma del mate en las mañanas y un rayo de sol entrando por la ventana en un día frío.
☾✶ · 𝖘𝖔𝖑𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖙𝖚𝖉 𝖆𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖇𝖆𝖉𝖆 . ¡ HUI ! Gracias por seguir los pasos & ser parte de este proyecto. Se te conceden 48 hrs para el envío de la cuenta de MILA, si necesitas más tiempo no dudes en pedirlo. Y recuerda pasar por tu canasta de bienvenida al ayuntamiento. 🦋
[ hui, 25, gmt-3, triggers : torturas / abusos explícitos, maltrato infantil / animal, arañas. ]
millaray nace en el sur de argentina, más específicamente en la ciudad de bariloche, río negro. desde el inicio, siempre fueron ella y su madre contra el mundo, ya que figura paterna nunca existió y sus abuelos estaban radicados en la capital del país. infancia transcurrió de ensueño, al igual que adolescencia.
a los dieciocho se muda sola a la capital para estudiar, y un año después su madre plantea que irá a vivir al pequeño y olvidado pueblito en el cual residen sus abuelos desde su retiro, aquel que habían visitado tantas veces en las vacaciones : real del valle. sus abuelos ansiaban con vivir cerca de su hija una vez más, y el importante puesto de médica jefa de área que se abrió en el centro de salud era la oportunidad perfecta para la madre de mila.
años más tarde, tras considerar que sus días en la capital habían sido suficientes ( al menos por el momento ), millaray tomó la decisión de viajar a méxico también. ya conocedora del pueblo por las vacaciones que había pasado allí, encontraba en él un encanto especial, de ese que tanto llama su atención. es por eso que espíritu libre decide radicar, al menos por un tiempo, en “el vallecito”, como ella le llama. trabajo en el cine orión resulta ideal para quien gusta de la poca formalidad, y personajes que la rodean nutren su día a día en momentáneo hogar.
tablero de pinterest.
#* rdv : aceptados .#user : hui#fc : julia dalavia#te amo; te odio; dame mas (8)#una chica que sabe lo quiere y va por ello ; we stan
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los directivos analizan datos de michaela “mimi” tarantino para recibirle en su segundo año de curso. se encuentra estudiando medicina en la st. margueritte d'youville y ha sido asignade a la mansión nueve. todos los datos parecen ser correctos en lo que estampan sello para declararlo como procesado. sin embargo, días después expediente desaparece y en su lugar dentro del archivo, una hoja con la firma de una sociedad secreta queda como demostración de lo que fue robado. ¿ganar o perder? todavía nadie lo sabe.
HUI, bienvenide al universo de condenados. ¡nos encanta tenerte entre nosotres! esperamos que tu estadía en el grupal sea larga y que disfrutes de cada cosa que esta maravillosa historia tiene para ofrecer. esperamos la cuenta de tu personaje en las próximas 24 horas.
nombre: hui.
pronombres: femeninos.
edad: veinticinco.
país / zona horaria: argentina.
triggers: torturas / abusos explícitos, maltrato infantil / animal, arañas.
¿aceptas que tu personaje reciba cualquier tipo de intervenciones? obvio es toda suya.
¿algo que agregar? i’m so excited !!!
nombre completo: michaela “mimi” tarantino.
faceclaim: katie douglas.
pronombres: femeninos.
edad: veintiún años.
fecha de cumpleaños: 25 de diciembre.
lugar de proveniencia: córdoba, argentina.
descripción psicológica:
michaela es una joven por demás astuta, sabe qué decir y cuándo, accionares que parecen aleatorios o espontáneos cargan con análisis detrás y un espíritu que arrasa. se sabe una persona decidida, defiende ideales con uñas y dientes. desvergonzada y elocuente, atributos que la convierten en una persona con quien es fácil entablar vínculos y son armas para intrínseca seducción; sin embargo es bastante desconfiada, al menos para sus adentros. carga con demonios personales pero no es usual que los deje ver.
descripción física:
michaela es una de esas personas que llama tu atención con tan solo verla : largo cabello oscuro, andar suelto pero grácil, esencia que a pesar de su baja estatura no pasa desapercibida. cuando se trata del uniforme escolar, suele optar por camisa y falda. fuera de ello, prioriza su comodidad, sin dejar de lado la elegancia que parece casi intrínseca a su persona. esconde tatuajes en distintas partes de su cuerpo, los más visibles son un pequeño mate en el lado interno de su muñeca derecha y una pelota de fútbol en el mismo lugar de la muñeca contraria. esta imagen describe a la perfección estética y esencia de argentina.
almuerzo navideño se ve interrumpido por la llegada de michaela, o como sus madres repiten cada vez que cuentan la historia, “el mejor regalo que nos pudo tocar”. una de ellas italiana, actriz. la otra argentina, abogada. historia de amor digna de convertirse en una película.
michaela nace y crece en córdoba capital, a sus 14 años se mudan a buenos aires para que ella pueda perseguir su carrera en lo que parecía ser su destino, el fútbol. los años pasan y mimi, o “petisa” ( como ha sido apodada en las canchas ) se destaca cada vez más. comienza a sonar el teléfono de europa, es convocada a la selección de su país, y cumplir el sueño está cada vez más cerca de convertirse en una realidad.
se muda a francia apenas termina la educación secundaria al ser transferida de river plate al olympique lyonnais, mejor conocido como olympique de lyon, uno de los mejores equipos de fútbol femenino a nivel mundial. su vida era lo que debía ser, hasta que luego de un partido en el que tiene que salir reemplazada, le encuentran un defecto cardíaco de escasa relevancia, pero la suficiente para obligarla a abandonar las canchas de por vida; al menos de manera profesional.
devastada con su realidad llega a st. mary magdalene. sus madres, ex alumnas, prometen una experiencia enriquecedora, más allá del prestigio educativo, y como quien busca agua en el desierto michaela siente conformarse con un charco. sin embargo, a medida que pasan los meses, encuentra en la oscuridad que recorre los pasillos una comodidad y sentido de pertenencia que le sabe dulce; y definitivamente ha aprendido a disfrutarlo.
dato adicional opcional: removido por la administración.
¿estudiante matriculado o becado?: matriculada.
facultad: st. margueritte d'youville.
carrera: abogacía.
año de curso: segundo año.
extracurriculares: club de debate, club de portugués, danza contemporánea, soccer ( mediapunta ).
¿cuál es la sociedad secreta de su interés? removido por la administración.
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Some of my observations about Link Click: Yingdu Chapter
⚠️Spoilers for S1, S2, & Yingdu Chapter, but mostly the Yingdu Chapter⚠️
Now that the final episode has aired and finished with a bang, I can properly start another observation and theory post without the threat of immediately being proven wrong💀As per usual, feel free to correct me on anything and add your own info should I not include it.
A post-Bridon interview between director Li Haoling and Hui Xiao Hui revealed that Xia Fei held onto the cat ears hat the whole time and returned it to Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang.

That same interview also had the director hinting at the possibility of Liu Xiao having more than one power, along with the fact that Liu Xiao has planned everything early on and that S3 will reveal his motives.
Considering Li Haoling's comment about the three ways someone could inherit powers (1: genetics, 2: passed through death, and 3: killing to steal), this could mean Liu Xiao has either received a power by having it passed to him from someone on their death bed, killed someone for their power, or is genuinely adopted, chat did y'all manifest this—
One major reveal from the interview was the confirmation of Lu Guang having looped through one timeline, not branching off and jumping to new timelines as many (including myself) grew to believe. A.k.a., there are no parallel universes or multiple timelines. I went over this in the notes, but imagine overwriting a cassette tape or hitting the reset button on a device.
Though there are still a number of discrepancies this fact fails to explain or clear up, Shao Yuanyuan telling Cheng Xiaoshi to not concern himself with investigating her and his father lends credence to him not knowing where they are or when they're coming back in S1.
The person Vein speaks to over the phone certainly isn't Liu Xiao, namely because Liu Xiao spends half of the episode playing faux Tetris on his phone, but also because Vein strictly uses English while on the phone with this mystery person. Perhaps he was in contact with someone associated with Yingdu's Chinese Chamber of Commerce (Vein is the leader after all), or simply an unknown figure that he has ties with and was informed by that person that Wang Qing has possession of the notebook.
Late addition: the show speaks for itself, but Vein needed Wang Qing's student ID, along with any other bits of information Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi discovered about her, to track her down with the help of whoever he remained in contact with.
Another late addition: It's been confirmed in the interview that Vein wants Cheng Weimin's book for himself, just like Liu Xiao.
Wang Qing's power involves faking death, something that's been hinted at by her student ID number translating to "fake death ability user."

The information of Wang Qing's classmates has been blurred out, but it's all unique text and some of it can even be made out. The pages for Amy and Blair (the girls that bullied Wang Qing) appear briefly, and though Amy's information is harder to make out, Blair's is somewhat discernable.

The kid that used his power during the test also appears, but the most that can be made out from his page is a middle initial. It should also be noted that Wang Qing had the most absences among the students we saw pages for, and that Cheng Weimin wrote, "Intervention needed," on her page.

We finally know the fates of Cheng Xiaoshi's parents. While Cheng Weimin is certainly dead from the fire at Bahati (confirmed by the ISBN number of the Sonnet Shakespeare book), Shao Yuanyuan is still alive somewhere.
Shao Yuanyuan's use of possession through a photo confirms that Cheng Xiaoshi received his ability through genetics. While we don't know if she is the original holder of the power or if she gained the power from Cheng Weimin after he died, it's clear Cheng Xiaoshi gained his power from either of his parents.
Li Haoling confirmed that death results in the passing of one's power, meaning there's a chance Lu Guang can still possess someone through a photo they took. But while it certainly appears that Lu Guang possessed Wang Qing and used her fake death power on Vein, it doesn't explain how he could've possessed her without having a photo she'd taken in that very moment (Shao Yuanyuan received the photo she took of Cheng Xiaoshi and possesed her that way). Edit two days later: a new video of an interview had Liu Haoling confirming that Lu Guang did not possess Wang Qing
One user on Twitter pointed out a detail on Liu Xiao's phone: the date on his phone is not the current date in Yingdu (June 2019). They also stated, "This is the evening, probably around 5 pm, which would be the same time as 00:05 September 13 in China."

While the above point could be an error, it should be noted that a box of text appeared during Bilibili's and seemingly only Bilibili's version of the episode: "Three years later, after the Li twins case." This whole thread is interesting actually, give it a go.

Speaking of errors, Li Haoling stated that Cheng Xiaoshi's eyes being yellow as he and Lu Guang run from Vivian's situation in EP1 was an animation error. The entire season, particularly the earlier episodes, are riddled with errors like these, most likely due to the schedule changes (this season was originally set to premiere in April of 2025 at the latest but was rushed to Dec of 2024).
On the topic of dates, Lu Guang came to the reset timeline on April 11th and passes the 12 hour mark once the clock hits 5:32AM (meaning he possibly and originally met Cheng Xiaoshi four days prior to the guy's birthday).
Vein interestingly uses darts on Cheng Xiaoshi and Wang Qing rather than real bullets as he's done in the EP1 opener. It's also unknown if he's aware of powers, let alone that Shao Yuanyuan was in control of Wang Qing as they fought.
This is another late additon, but a fan on Twitter compiled a full timeline of S1, S2 and Yingdu, also heavily detailing a lot of the inconsistencies that's been plaguing the fandom in a concise manner.
It's implied that Wang Qing needs a person's real name in order to use her fake death power on them, though it's unclear how she knows Vein's real name.
For once we ended the season without a death, though we have no idea what happened to Xia Fei and his former colleague Jack, who were both reported to have recently gone missing after we cut back to Lu Guang in present day China.

Vein's real name is Xiao Weiying
Back to the book with the eye (the same book Cheng Weimin had in his desk), it's being heavily speculated that the book contains either classified information on the students of Bahati (particularly the ones with powers), or something deeper. Either way, Shao Yuanyuan's statement about the fire being started on purpose supports the idea of someone starting the fire in the hopes of grabbing the book while Cheng Weimin leaves it behind or dies.
The idea of it holding information on the students' powers, or simply being a catalogue of all of the powers Cheng Weimin has crossed paths with, seems likely with Liu Xiao potentially being another seeker of the notebook.
Liu Xiao was the one seen unzipping Vein's body bag in the post credits scene.
Qiao Ling asks why Cheng Xiaoshi changed the studio's name from "Hero Photo Studio" to "Time Photo Studio," and while he gives his indirect answer of being connected through time, we can infer that changing the name is his way of keeping his promise with his mother after leaving Bridon. To make things clearer, a flashback in S1E10 confirms that the name of the studio hadn't changed while Cheng Xiaoshi and Qiao Ling were renovating (which is also when Qiao Ling first meets Lu Guang).
Lu Guang hasn't blushed once in the Yingdu Chapter, but Cheng Xiaoshi has (which makes for a grand total of two blushes from Cheng Xiaoshi and a stagnant five for Lu Guang).
Li Haoling stated in the interview that Cheng Xiaoshi will die in 2022.
When asked if Xia Fei was a survivor of the Bahati fire, Li Haoling dodged the question.
Soon after the fire at Bahati took place, Shao Yuanyuan tasked Wang Qing with allowing her to speak with her son through her someday. Since Wang Qing was still a student and in the hospital at the time, this means she's remained in contact with Shao Yuanyuan for 10 years.

Li Haoling commented during the interview that Lu Guang doesn't know about Vein having come back to life.
He also stated that Shao Yuanyuan would have interactions with Lu Guang in S3.
Actually, here's a full thread of translations for the interview, and a slight summarization of what was said.
The artwork Bilibili released to commemorate the series reaching 700 million followers on their site has this message in the tweet: "The game between "Hunter" and "Mastermind" continues, turning over the cards in the mystery and throwing the final chip." We can infer from past context clues that Liu Xiao is the hunter and Lu Guang is the mastermind.
Cheng Xiaoshi volunteered to play the flower fairy in the third grade despite the role calling for a girl (among other embarrassing stories Shao Yuanyuan told to make Cheng Xiaoshi believe it's her in Wang Qing, she's quite the charcter).
Shao Yuanyuan's speech about saving Cheng Weimin implies she's on a similar journey as Lu Guang (they're both desperately trying to save someone they're close to by resetting the timeline).
Wang Qing goes by the alias "Chris" for her psychiatry business, though it's unknown if her business is still continuing after she disappeared with Cheng Weimin's book.
Considering Shao Yuanyuan's lines when she finds Cheng Weimin in the fire, she was likely not meant to be there at the time, and possibly confused Cheng Weimin. That would explain how blasé he appeared to be about leaving Cheng Xiaoshi in China, if we're to believe that Shao Yuanyuan would usually be in China with their kid while he's in Bridon at the language school.
Cheng Xiaoshi changed the background of his conversation with Xia Fei to a picture he took with him during their modeling gig.

Aight, my well has run dry, and once again I'm certain I'm forgetting something (definitely forgot to go more in depth with the two pieces of artwork that dropped around EP6's premiere), but I hope this is satisfactory in some regards. Again, correct me or add anything I may have missed, time for me to hunker down for the long 2+ year wait until S3 arrives😭
#anime#donghua#link click#shiguang daili ren#时光代理人#shiguang dailiren#time agents#shi guang dai li ren#yingdu chapter#bridon arc#analysis#cheng xiaoshi#lu guang#qiao ling#vein#link click vein#xiao weiying#xia fei#liu xiao#cheng weimin#shao yuanyuan#wang qing#link click observations#link click s2#时光代理人 2
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MRS CLARKEY | g. clarke
summary: a scroll through your internet presence as 'mrs clarkey'. [social media AU.]
pairing: fem!reader x george clarke
faceclaim: steph hui
notes: first piece for mrs george out of the wag universe. steph is gonna be the main fc I use for mrs clarkey, hopefully you like it! this is the longest one I've done so far.. definitely want to do a fic for their first meeting and for the useless hotline podcast- maybe even the ski trip!
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yourinstagram happy halloween 💋💋
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user you're literally so hot y/n
user I want to be you so bad
user how can I look like that
user jeez u flexible or something baby?
user the dress? the hair? the makeup??? unreal
yourinstagram thank you!! I did it myself xxx
user shes godly
user have fun tonight!!
user she's the only girl I know to have an impromptu photoshoot and then go out drinking
yourinstagram gotta take the outfit for a spin!!!
liked by chrismd10, arthurtv and 58,283 others
georgeclarkeey you should've seen the other guy!
view all 198 comments
user george wth
user its the vomit on the cheerleading outfit for me
chrismd10 looking good mate
wroetoshaw nice eyebrow....... eyebrow singular
georgeclarkeey yes I got that thank you
user I KNOW!! I came from her tweets after everyone tagging this guy
chrismd10 you getting referred to as 'this guy' on your own post is so funny to me
georgeclarkeey well, you're huge aren't you?
arthurtv loving the new look mate
user waiting for y/n to join the comments 🫣
user me too 😶😶
yourinstagram its great to know what you look like with both of your eyebrows george! a pleasure to have met you, despite the circumstances...
georgeclarkeey my left eyebrow was too intimidated by seeing betty boop in the flesh it ran away!
user my heart 😭
liked by georgeclarkeey, max_balegde and 37,192 others
yourinstagram went on the useless hotline podcast this week to talk about me saving the george clarke! thank you very much for having me boys 🤍
view all 302 comments
user she's just so pretty
user as if model queen y/n saved youtuber george clarke 😭 not over that at all
georgeclarkeey always a pleasure, you're welcome back anytime you feel like scraping me off of the pavement
yourinstagram anytime you need me, I'll be there to call the ambulance
user LOVE that coat
georgeclarkeey also feeling something.. or someone.. is missing from this post?
yourinstagram idk what you want from me here clarke
max_balegde ahhhhhh!!!!!! such a pleasure to meet the woman that singlehandedly saved my co-host from death <3 thanks so much for coming on, martini besties for life now
yourinstagram call me anytime you need multiple olives!!!
max_balegde three olives, extra dry!!
user stop I hope they all stay friends 😭
liked by georgeclarkeey, chrismd10 and 39,219 others
yourinstagram casual 'saved your life/face' dinner post
view all 331 comments
user nahhhhhhhhh because this is a date
user y/n looks so good 😭😭
user lets not ignore George Clarke wearing something other than a t-shirt
chrismd10 impressed you managed to get him in slacks!
georgeclarkeey your mum brought them for me
user I just wanna be you y/n
user George has major cake its not funny
max_balegde literally should be criminal
georgeclarkeey you saved my life I am eternally grateful
yourinstagram 👽👽👽
liked by georgeclarkeey, chrismd10 and 40,938 others
yourinstagram visiting the mountain tops with some new friends x
view all 370 comments
user bitch we know that's george clarkey, fess up
max_balegde the love of my life really tbh, you look sooooo good
yourinstagram max I'll cry
user drop the link for the jackets!!
user that is george clarke's watch missy
user so you just so happen to be on a ski trip at the same time at george and his friends?????????? coincidence? I think NOT
user I know george is using ever fibre of his being not to comment on this right now
liked by yourinstagrm, miniminter and 59,902 others
georgeclarkeey there's 'snow' way it's this cold in the mountains
view all 286 comments
user we literally know it's her
chrismd10 handsome fellas
user literally just tell us you're dating guys
wroetoshaw high altitude my friend
user love these pics of the boys together
arthurtv distinguished skiers and snowboarders
charliehutchens really good ones too
user do you think y/n had to throw her phone out of her hotel room to stop herself from commenting?
user yes, yes I do
liked by georgeclarkeey, wroetoshaw and 37,981 others
yourinstagram out and about ✈️🗺️
view all 320 comments
user should we tell y/n that she posted a picture of George in the 4th slide and then proceeded to cut his head out of the 6th one????
user let her live in peace I guess???
user wow, no one is immune to stupidity these days 😭
user can't believe they took her so young :(
georgeclarkeey you're not getting that poster back
yourinstagram if you do not return my harry styles poster I will sue
georgeclarkeey I am best friends with a real legit lawyer, so good luck with that love
liked by yourinstagram, stephentries and 61,192 others
georgeclarkeey chris informed us that you all know we're dating so no more discreet photo dumps I guess?
view all 401 comments
user quick everyone act like we didn't see this shit coming
user the way he tried to do her dirty in the last 3 pics but he literally can't
user she's just so pretty
user I wanna be her
max_balegde mrs clarkey!!!!!!
yourinstagram !!!!!
chrismd10 you're so welcome mate
user she's so gorgeous
user kills me
user george x y/n girlies won today
yourinstagram 🤍🤍🤍 love you big stupid idiot 🤍🤍🤍 once I posted the invisalign it was over..
georgeclarkeey guys gotta eat
liked by georgeclarkeey, arthurfhill and 43,938 others
yourinstagram casual 'I can finally post my boyfriend' post!!!!
view all 493 comments
user guys I love today
user this makes me so happy
chrismd10 the power of drunken lime bike rides!
yourinstagram thank you lime bikes
user the alien picture kills me
max_balegde can't wait to have you back on the pod as mrs clarkey
yourinstagram a promotion, for me???
user george is so cute, I envy y/n!
arthurtv it's about time tbh
user I've been waiting for this one
georgeclarkeey was worth losing half of an eyebrow I guess
yourinstagram maybe the eyebrows were the friends we made along the way?
#george clarkey x reader#george clarke x reader#george clarke#george clarkey imagine#george clarke imagine#george clarkey#cel's social media aus#mrs clarkey
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Camp Seventeen Taglist
This is the taglist for Camp Seventeen! If you wish to be added, have changed your username or wish to be removed, please leave a comment under this post! (I am making this change as it has unfortunately been a bit inefficient dealing with requests for tags under individual chapter comments T.T)
@bbyobbyo @okiedokrie-main @todayiscloudyday @tomodachiii @letsplayitcool
@lovrehani @3lilredroses @foxinnie8 @lleercy @rainysundaysonthecouch
@aaniag @porridgesblog @goodbyetwenty @pandoora-the-pink-goth
@asyre @hoeforboo @wolfgurl2600-blog @cookiearmy @ceruissleeping
@hoshiwhore @mrsjohnnysuh @strawberry31 @watermelon-sugars-things
@jeanbob @bath1lda @unlikelysublimekryptonite @gem-gem @thepoopdokyeomtouched
@coupsbestleader @kiyoomisbimbo @sarabencze @jungkooknippleanddicksucker @asphyxiated-aspiration
@wonwoos-wineparty @luminouskalopsia @hanbinniesmango @zdgx1 @darkypooo
@ilobtinycats @vanteel @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @novody @sooncheolsgurl
@strxwberry-skiess @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @kawennote09 @afetepositivamente @gihloveshyuck
@vlurdao @tjjth @woo8hao @stormy1408 @yoonzzziino
@chanichanvhan @hui-ranghae @alltheshineofthestars-blog @iamawkwardandshy @kyoongchannie
@ohmyteez @seokqt @onedumbho3 @lilydaisylily @slayyyy767
@shinaely2 @hyukaboosgf @moonlightwonu @luvseungcheol @haneulparadx
@tezarasblog @amanda08319 @gotta-winwin @soonyoonswoo @kwonhs96
@chimmy-bts @emily505 @min-has-trusttissues @coupddeongie @ooriwoo
@minvxq @blackb3ll @evangeline6243 @flwrshwa @catzachvsvt
@kibs-and-bits @minhanniejoong @hongtyong @raye94 @endeav0rsb1tch
@gyuslilies @dreamingoneverything @severuslovebot @ateez-atiny380 @codeinebelle
@wonuskie @fairyhani @lexyraeworld @blushimi @itsaya
@tahanan-at-puso @jolvsgyu @bunnychui @duhduhdana @melissat1254
@crookedwolfruins @amazexng @iarayara @kazuharas @user-0921601333
@cherrymoonchild @smiileflower @livelaughloveseventeen @jadesniall @fancypeacepersona
#I'm sorry for the sudden tag#chapter 3 is going to be out soon so I'm just getting things in order#if I've missed you in the taglist#I'm terribly sorry#please drop a comment#I hope I can be more efficient this way!#camp seventeen#seventeen ot13#there will be another taglist for reverse tropes#not to worry#I will post that when the time for installment 3 is near
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Got my account wiped out for the 2nd time. I know you guys r sick of it ok
REBLOG to help me find my followers
I’m @lardlardlardlardlardlard
-In the true crime community, probably since 2017 technically since | had an interest in that shit for a long time starting that year.
-I like lesser known/talked about killings/mass murders.
Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs, Scream Killers, Adam Lanza, Seung-Hui Cho, Mr. Anime (Trey Sesler), William Atchison, Dylann Roof, James Holmes, Randy Stair/Andrew Blaze, George Sodini, Academy Maniacs, Alyssa Bustamante, Brenton Tarrant, Brandon Hole, Jeffrey Weise, Evita Kolmonen, Salvador Ramos, Jeffrey Dahmer, and so so much more.
-I have sympathy for perpetrators and their victims.
-Sucker for infoposts and edits. Editor and occasional art maker aswell (also I make music too)
Also chill with anything literally, I won't judge you if you have a paraphilia or if you’re actually effed up. DMs are open but I suck at comforting 👍
I really enjoy “aesthetic” things.
No DNI list at all by the way.
Disclaimer: If I ever get termed again my discord is lardisnothere, or my next user is usually something like lardlardlard. Will have this Timothy pfp too always
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wracking my brain because my head is spinning, hui xiaohui's clarifications on the yingdu arc have gotten me to think more about the climax in episode 6, and that i have a theory in regards to the fake death ability
first is that we have confirmation that lu guang was NOT vein's murderer. he took advantage of his knowledge of how events played out in combination with his presence in that moment to utilize the butterfly effect. in making this small change, lu guang delayed vein's meeting with wang qing and instead he meets shao yuanyuan
the difference with this encounter and the one from the original timeline is that i believe vein used the tranquilizer darts on both cheng xiaoshi AND wang qing, whereas shao yuanyuan was able to dodge his shot and hold her own against him
due to this change, wang qing had a chance to use her ability: faking ones death

her change in eye colour, the confirmation that bahati was a school for children with supernatural abilities, and the code "fake death ability user" originating from her student id makes wang qing an extremely likely candidate to be the one to have this ability
using what happned to vein, i am going to share how i think the fake death ability works:
wang qing looked at and shouted vein's name, xiao weiying, followed by him dying to a sudden myocardial infraction
from then until the after credits scene, vein remains dead for an indiscernible period of time
we see the after credits scene where his body bag is opened by liu xiao and he quickly awakens
how i think this ability works is that the fake death ability can cause someone to die by meeting a certain condition, whether it is knowing one's name, being in the same presence as them or both. this then "kills" the victim with a heart attack for any period of time. finally, this ability can be used to revive them, hence the fake death.
so what happened? if it was not lu guang controlling wang qing, and wang qing was not the one to revive vein, how did liu xiao revive him? it is this last point where it clicked for me:
supernatural abilities can be taken away. while described as an idea, i believe in the time between the yingdu arc until present day, liu xiao has gained the ability to take other's abilities away (i.e., he gains it from the death of someone who originally had this power)
liu xiao took wang qing's fake death ability and then used it to revive vein
#link click#sgdlr#yingdu chapter#yingdu arc#link click spoilers#yingdu spoilers#lu guang#link click vein#wang qing#shao yuanyuan#liu xiao#qulo talks#didn't add it here but it is absolutely liu xiao who opens vein's bag as he is wearing the same rings
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IVANA BAQUERO queda reservada en el CUPO #31 de la FAMILIA COURONNE a nombre de HUI.
¡muchas gracias por tu interés en @aureliahillshqs! el primer paso ya está hecho, ahora contás con 48 hs para enviar el formulario, en caso contrario, la reserva será dada de baja. si llegaras a necesitar más tiempo, no dudes en solicitarlo y ante cualquier duda, ¡nuestro chat está disponible!por cierto, si querés unirte al servidor de discord del grupal para hablar con las demás users en la familia antes de armar tu form, ¡podés hacerlo!
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* kiernan shipka ha sido reservada como inquilina del departamento #515.
hui, a partir de ahora cuentas con 48 horas para mandar el formulario. ¡te esperamos!
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THE NETHERLANDS - Martina Stanislavova, Elles Nijkamp & Alexandre de Paris
Let's start with the Queen's hairdresser. Máxima is mainly in the hands of Martina Stanislavova, whose hair salon La Martina is in The Hague near Noordeinde Palace, but she also works with the hair & makeup artist Elles Nijkamp, who was the one that did Máxima's whole look for Willem-Alexander's inauguration in 2013.

The dutch royal family have their own hair salon in Huis ten Bosch Palace that was recently renovated to add a few more stations for the team of hairdressers to work not only on the senior royals, but the younger generation too as they're coming of-age and starting to participate in official events.
While Elles has been working with Máxima for 15 years, we don't exactly know when Martina started and it's a bit unclear who made which hairstyle each time as they have similar working styles.

Both Martina and Elles usually use hair extensions and hairpieces to create Máxima's signature look: the asymmetrical or side bun. We all know that Máxima wasn't blessed with a head full of hair, so to have those twisted or braided locks they have a little bit of help. We've even seen Máxima just wearing extensions in a simple ponytail.

According to Mode Koninging Máxima, Elles as well Martina have been accompanying Máxima in state visit overseas, like Elles n Belgium or the United Kingdom, or Martina in Portugal or the Caribbean tour where we saw her fixing Máxima's hair on site. Also, Martina was the one behind Amalia's updo in the latest state visit from Portugal.

While we talk about Martina and Elles as the main hairdressers, we do have to mention Hildo Groen who worked with Máxima since 2008 and from time to time he does her hair. I also found the name Ilham Mestour as a hairdresser of hers but didn't find a time or an event linked to her.
A now to a heavyweight in the hairdressing world: Louis Alexandre Raimon. And you might be asking yourself "who's that?", maybe you know him better by his artistic name Alexandre de Paris.
Alexandre de Paris was the most famous hairdresser to ever exist, the one that styled old Hollywood stars like Elizabeth Taylor, Greta Garbo or Audrey Hepburn and another royals like Grace Kelly, Queen Sirikit or Farah Pahlavi. He was so important that he was the president of the Organization Mondiale de la Coiffure for 15 years (from 1978 until 1993).
And what's the link between Alexandre de Paris and the dutch royals? He was the mastermind behind Princess Beatrix' iconic voluminous hairstyle.

Young Princess Beatrix was in need of a signature style, and the Palace hired the best of the moment, Alexandre de Paris, who designed the new look of the Princess, a hairstyle with volume and the ends in a twist. She debuted the hairstyle on her 18th birthday portrait (seen above).
As we all know, Beatrix has been sporting the same hairstyle since she was a little girl, wearing her permed hair short, Alexandre only added the glamour that reigned at the time and a lil bit of structure and a recognizable hairdo was born. The only change over time is that Beatrix in her youth wore mostly a side part and over time she favored the style without a part and everything swept back and the side twists.

We don't really know the name of who kept styling Beatrix' hair after that, but as I said at the start of the post, there's a hair salon at Huis ten Bosch and before it was renovated, there was only one work station for the palace hairdressers to work on Beatrix as she was the only user the longest time until Máxima came into the picture.
It is said that Beatrix had her hair washed twice a week and was styled everyday, but with two exceptions: on vacation or when wearing a hat, it's Beatrix herself who styles it. And the secret to the hair is out, so if you want to try it at home and feel like Beatrix (lol) you just need to use electric rollers for 3 minutes, comb it all backwards and tease it 7cms above the skull, and industrial amounts of hairspray.
Going back to works we know Alexandre did, both Beatrix and Irene's wedding looks and during the state visit to France in 1991, he was also in charge of the Queen's hair.

I would love to talk more in depth about Alexandre de Paris and how transcendental he was for the hairdressing world, so maybe sometime in the not-so-distant future I'll dedicate a whole post to him.
Sources: x x x x x x x x
#royal hairdressers#queen maxima#princess beatrix#dutch royal family#Martina Stanislavova#Elles Nijkamp#Alexandre de Paris
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☾✶ · 𝖘𝖔𝖑𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖙𝖚𝖉 𝖉𝖊 𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖔 | .
HUI : el rostro de JULIA DALAVIA como EMPLEADA DEL CINE Y TEATRO ORIÓN está siendo procesada.
real del valle te da la bienvenida. cuentas con 48hrs para el envío de la siguiente parte. ante cualquier duda o pedido de tiempo adicional, contáctese a la brevedad. ¡ gracias por el interés !
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043.miembro del club de debate.
065. miembro del club de portugués.
101. media punta en equipo de soccer femenino.
171. miembro del club de danza contemporánea.
¡gracias por unirte a condenados! esperamos el expediente de ingreso en las próximas 48 horas. en caso de necesitar tiempo adicional, no dudes en pedirlo.
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IG LIVE || Director Liu Kuang Hui Oct 06
These translations are taken from Twitter (X) user sa_hk_
The producers are working hard to make S2 happen, they didn't think the series would be so popular overseas
They plan on making 12 episodes as well for the second season
Main cast will be the same of course
After BT and LDQ are done with their current projects they will try to make a fan meeting happening
Merchandise as well as OST purchases are planned
Season 2 will have more intimate and sad scenes, but a bit more sweet scenes ;)
S2 is definitely a happy ending, but before that, there will be struggles
The series costs 6 times more than the average TW BL
Episode 8 Welcome home scene was the most emotional for cast and crew
It might be possible to start shooting at the end of the year, but nothing is promised
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