#(you should still vote for sandy
companion-showdown · 1 year
Who is the Best Freaky Little Pet in Doctor Who?
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jokeroutsubs · 1 year
Špancirfest and Joker Out: Interview with Kris for Radio Maribor's 'Musical radiogram'
On 1.09.2023, Slovenian radio station Radio Maribor broadcasted a program about Špancirfest in Varaždin, where Joker Out opened for Franz Ferdinand. The program also featured an interview with Kris Guštin, which you can listen to in the audio file above, or at this direct link from 28:30 to 38:00.
English translation below:
This is the radio show 'Glasbeni radiogram' ('Musical radiogram') in which we checked how our Eurovision representatives are doing. A few months after Eurovision we saw them on the main stage of a Croatian music festival "Špancirfest" where they performed as the opener for the group Franz Ferdinand. We spoke to the guitarist, Kris Guštin.
Kris, today I caught you at the concert in Varaždin, how are you feeling after the concert?
Kris: Well, I'll say unbelievable, for multiple reasons. Because, well, for us it's always surprising and an honour when we come abroad, even if it's just across the border, that people come to our concert and especially that they sing our songs in Slovene. It's incredible, on the other hand, this is the first time we opened for a... global name, global stars. Up until now we were openers only for Yugoslavian bands, which is of course an honour on its own, but today was the first time we introduced ourselves as an international opener. So a great memory for sure.
Have you met Elvis Costello in person or only through a video chat?
Kris: Unfortunately only through video chat, I'm pretty sure that since the collaboration happened he hasn't crossed the Atlantic ocean, so there hasn't been any time.
It seems that after thirty years, this border for musicians between Slovenia and Croatia finally opened.
Kris: Yes, it seems so, although we don't want to say too much right now because everything is still new. We need to know how this is going to work in the long run, but we couldn't be on a better track right now and that's what's currently guiding us.
In Croatia you have two concerts coming up in Zagreb, concerts in Rijeka... it seems as if this concert in Varaždin is the perfect springboard for Croatia.
Kris: It's true, we've never preformed in this part of Croatia, but I'd say the perfect springboard for us was at Šalata in Zagreb, where we opened for Buč Kesidi. I'd maybe say that it wasn't so much of a physical springboard, but it did change our perspective, as we saw and realized for the first time that we can attract an audience in Croatia and can afford to have a concert such as Tvornica kulture, which was something we were scared to do before.
With Slovene lyrics?
Kris: Also with Slovene lyrics. We do currently play all of our songs in Slovene, except for the two songs which are already in Serbian
It seems like yesterday when we played your song for the first time on Radio Maribor. A few months later you won at the festival Frišno/Fresh. This year Frišno/Fresh is coming back, but this journey has been, there are no other words than just unbelievable, dreamy.
Kris: By all means, the first Frišno/Fresh was a nice memory for us. At that time, our song was performed by a big band for the first time. Winning was a great honour as well, of course. I can also say that just today I voted for new nominations for Frišno/Fresh.
Should we reveal who you voted for?
Kris: I mean, I don't have any reservations about it if you don't. I voted for our really good friends and excellent musicians, MRFY, because 'Tobogan' ('Slide') was definitely one of the best songs from last year.
I talked to your audio engineer, Sandi, about how concerts at home or close to home are different from those abroad. You were in England, concerts in Sweden and elsewhere in Northern Europe are still to come.
Kris: I am going to say that the audience abroad is different in the sense that even if they don't know you, they gladly and really quickly give you a chance and they listen to you. If you have something to give, they figure it out quickly and they take it. On the other hand, maybe we dare to do more on stage, we go out of our comfort zone, because we are put in an unknown situation and it brings out our animalistic side, our more energetic selves.
A lot of times it seems that the home audience can act stepmotherly.
Kris: Well, not on our concerts. I think that for us, Slovene audience is always great and irreplaceable, for sure. I can't really say which one is my favourite, each has their own charm.
Now a guitar question, we are both guitarists. Sandi told me that when you are abroad, a long way from home, you rent at least the amplifiers. But playing on your own amplifier is still the best, no?
Kris: Definitely, performing when we can provide all of our gear is the best. This is sadly not possible abroad because of the flights. But we are lucky to be playing on relatively standard gear, which we can get anywhere in Europe and everywhere really. These are Fender, Vox amps and Ampeg for the bass, so it's not like we are suffering abroad because of this.
You could say classic gear, for a modern sound.
Kris: Yeah, we've always kind of gone from retro, from retro stuff, to modern sound.
You're about to play a sold-out concert in Stožice; Stožice may seem like a small milestone from the outside, when you've already conquered international stages.
Kris: Maybe it looks like that at this point, but we definitely don't see it that way. Stožice is the biggest thing an artist can achieve in Slovenia, apart from the Bežigrad stadium, which is unfortunately no longer available.* And the fact that at our age, at a relatively young age, as a young band, we managed to sell out this venue, is an incredible achievement for us, regardless of what's happening abroad. It's a great honour and for two, three months now, since I've realized that it's coming around the corner any minute now, I've been waiting impatiently for the moment when we can finally go on stage.
You yourself grew up in Ljubljana or close to Ljubljana. What would it really mean to you, to perform in the Bežigrad stadium?
Kris: There has been talk for years about its revitalisation, the reopening of the stadium, especially for cultural events. It really is such an iconic place, where, let's say, world famous names have performed, but also Slovenian ones. In fact, the Bežigrad stadium is of particular importance to me, because I don't just come from Ljubljana, I come from Bežigrad, and the Bežigrad stadium is definitely the most important symbol of our city's district. We are all very attached to it. And I have to say that I feel really, really sad because for us, for me and for Bojan, who are proud to call Bežigrad home, there is no longer an option for us to perform there.
If you were here today as a listener, and not as Kris Guštin, if you were just a listener from Bežigrad, who would you come to listen to, Franz Ferdinand or Joker Out?
Kris: Yes, definitely Franz Ferdinand. I've asked myself that a number of times. If I had heard us play, and I weren't in the band, whether I would have liked it or not. When we make music I love it, but you never know what it would be like on the other side. Franz Ferdinand are, of course, a legendary band, even if we didn't really listen to them that much, they've influenced our sound because they're one of the main creators of the British sound of the twenty-first century.
Franz Ferdinand are, I mean, famous, but with every new album, even though they haven't released a new album for five years, still modern; despite, let's say, adding an electronic sound, they're still authentic and you can still hear their sound, can't you? How do musicians manage this? Your third album is coming up soon. How to maintain your sound, but still be progressive, different, modern?
Kris: It's hard for me to give one single answer to that, because I don't really know myself, what is the deciding factor. I think it's easier to stay true to what you've always done, and it's harder to upgrade it every new album, every new cycle. We're always trying to push ourselves out of our shell, out of our comfort zone, with every new single, with every new album, that represents a new chapter in our sound. And here we are, we were in the studio two weeks ago, and we recorded a new single, which is going to be quite different from the previous tracks, and we've also indulged in some new instruments.
Kris, thank you.
Kris: Of course, thanks to you too.
*Bežigrad is one of Ljubljana's districts. The stadium in Bežigrad is the oldest stadium in Ljubljana, built by famous architect Jože Plečnik, and used to host Slovenian national football team's matches, as well as musical and other events. It's in need of renovation, but due to disputes about the current owner's renovation plans, it has been closed and falling apart since 2008. In 2003, Slovenian band Siddharta famously performed a concert there for an audience of about 30,000 people (in comparison, the Stožice arena has a capacity of about 12,000 people).
Translation cr: drumbeat, @joyridinglove, and another member of jokeroutsubs
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its-to-the-death · 9 months
Bracket B thoughts:
"Yodel-Aadle-Eedle-Idle-Oo" is better than I expected from the movie's reputation, but I really only have so much tolerance for yodeling. Also the lines "You'll suffer till the end of time / Enduring tortures, most of which rhyme" from "Robot Hell" are hilarious.
...It's fucking "In the Hall of the Mountain King." I don't need to explain that one.
"Kidnap the Sandy Claws" isn't as bad as I remembered it being, but the verses that don't rhyme really irk me for some reason, and Lock+Shock+Barrel's singing is just...not great. So I'll give this one to "Big Shot."
"Wait for It," I will begrudgingly admit, is a good song. It's not the best villain song in that matchup, though. It's not even Burr's best villain song (that would be "The Room Where It Happens"). "Want You Gone" still very clearly has GLaDOS' trademark condescension, snark, and vitriol towards Chell, but it's also mixed with her complicated need for her to be around that adds a lot of emotional nuance to her insulting goodbye. Does she really want Chell gone because she's a pain in the ass, or because she knows keeping her in Aperture will hurt her? Does she want Chell to stay to keep testing her, or because she's her only friend? Honestly, probably some of both columns. GLaDOS has very good villain songs.
"Magic Dance" just feels like an excuse to have David Bowie do David Bowie things while singing a David Bowie song alongside minions whose singing...really sucks. "Meant to Be Yours" is a really intense encapsulation of JD's character, swinging from slow, emotional expressions of love to fast-paced, aggressive vows of violence.
"Great at Crime" is just a fucking bop, IDK. It's very catchy and goofy (in an intentional way).
Both "The Mob Song" and "Biggering" are very good, honestly. Personal preference for me.
Have you heard that guitar in "E.G.G.M.A.N"?! That shit SLAPS. It makes the phrase "I am the Eggman" sound cool.
"Look Away" is...really just not a Villain Song. Doesn't focus on Olaf enough. "There Ain't Nothin But Bad Days Ahead" is not exactly what I'd call good, but it's more fitting for this tournament.
...fuck IDK, I voted for "Who Will Know" because it seemed underappreciated, but I get why "Nothing Left to Lose" is winning. That one is really good. Maybe I should have gone for that instead.
All of the IEYTD theme songs kick ass and "Cog in the Machine" is no exception. Those vocals are powerful and emotional and very good.
"Love Doesn't Stand A Chance" confuses me because it has Regina calling Snow White a "bitch," but also can't show her doing any villainy more intense than childish mayhem like ripping a grandma's knitting and pushing a dwarf over. The tone is very confused. Also, Jeremy Jordan sings the English version of "Hurricane" and I'm a sucker for him belting about justice.
"Les Poissons" is...fine. But "Hero" and the scene it accompanies are some of the few things I actually like about RWBY, which says a lot about how good that song is.
"Heffalumps and Woozles" is not about actual villains but mere products of Pooh's imagination, so I am disqualifying it in my books on the same grounds as "Look Away." Also, "The Hounds" is pretty damn good.
I really appreciate the sheer drama of Raphael singing his own damn boss theme, and I honestly could not give a shit about that rich white girl.
I always like a good Weird Al, and "Let The Pun Fit the Crime" is very good, but "The Pitiful Children" had already seared itself in my brain as one of my favorite villain songs.
I’m right there with in Great at Crime. Epithet Erased songs are just so good lyrically.
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🌹 A Year of Rosegarden Prompt 8: “Beach Day/Fireflies”🌹
Menagerie was beautiful. In spite of some of its history as a sign of appeasement and a base for certain organizations, it really was lovely.
Having spent most of his life on a farm, the trip there had been Oscar’s first trip to an island, tropical or otherwise and by the time they’d stepped onto the sandy shores, the mixture of the sea breeze and warm air was already intoxicating him.
The group had put it to a vote due to the lull in Grimm activity and it had passed near unanimously. A weekend off at Menagerie, enjoying the surf and the sun and to generally just unwind from the rigors of being huntsmen and huntresses.
And so far, Oscar had been enjoying himself.
The two of them ran through the water as it lapped the shoreline, laughing in the all but disappeared summer sunlight.
For the life of him, Oscar couldn’t remember why they were laughing, only that he was having the time of his life and his hand was in her’s.
The two collapsed in a heap.
“So,” Ruby said after her laughter had died down, “you think they’re making s’mores now?”
The day had been highlighted by a beachside barbeque, at which Ruby had put away three cheeseburgers and some grilled asparagus. Her father had to shoo her away with the promise of toasting marshmallows in order to make sure the others were fed.
“I don’t know,” Oscar said.
Butterflies flitted in his stomach as he chanced a look over at Ruby. In the late hour, the light gave her an appearance that… he couldn’t describe. But it made his face hot and his toes curl and entertain the thought of maybe giving her a kiss on the cheek.
“It’s beautiful out here,” he continued, looking up at the stars as they came out to glitter in the sky as it turned from indigo to navy to black.
“Yeah,” Ruby replied, “you never get views like this in places like Vytal.”
“On the farm,” Oscar said, “you’ll sometimes see fireflies out over the fields at night during summer.”
He still remembered sitting on the porch with his aunt, a soda in hand, watching the glittering lights like descended stars hover over the fields of wheat.
“We should probably go back.”
Oscar turned to look at her, but as they got to their feet, Ruby wouldn’t meet his gaze.
He decided not to wonder why. He wasn’t that optimistic.
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gumnut-logic · 2 years
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Just a random little ficlet that kinda wrote itself. Wrangling my muse again.
Many thanks to all of you for your amazing support. couldn’t write this stuff without you ::group hug::
I hope you enjoy.
The sand was cool and wet under his back and fingertips, but since his toes were being tickled by the lap of the lagoon, this was to be expected.
The Milky Way was on display far above them and Virgil’s eyes could just see the track of Thunderbird Five as she moved through the sky.
The breeze was cooling on his bare chest and belly, but with Alan on one side and Scott on the other, both equally laid back in their swimwear and staring up at the stars, he couldn’t help but feel warm.
“So, Allie, which star should we visit first?” Virgil had a smile in his voice.
Since the completion of Thunderbird Excel, the brothers had realised that they now owned Earth’s first (technically second, but there was no way any Tracy wanted even refer to the Zero X as anything but a disaster) interstellar vehicle.
All they had to do was pick a star.
When it was first mentioned, there was excited babble all around the comms room. Dad was finally home safe and the Tracy brothers could look beyond that ultimate rescue and into the future.
And they had the first-ever faster than light vehicle on their hands. Thoughts were thrown around, the names of both stars and exo-planets. But despite the excitement, nothing had been decided.
So here, months and months later, they were lying on a beach, sans Gordon because he was out on a date with Penny, and equally without John because the man was glued to his ‘bird in orbit, and the question just popped into Virgil’s head.
Alan was the one to ask. Besides John, he was the one with all the astronomical knowledge.
His little brother drew in a breath. “I’ve been thinking about it.”
And he stopped talking.
“Allie?” Scott pushed himself up on one elbow and stared at Alan over Virgil’s chest.
Alan sucked in a breath. “Would you guys care if we didn’t go?”
Virgil blinked. That was unexpected.
Scott’s eyes were wide, reflecting sea and starlight.
Alan sat up in the sand with a grunt. “I think we need to sit this one out. I think we should use Thunderbird Excel as a rescue vehicle just like the rest. She extends our range and if we choose to hike to some distant star, that means we won’t be here to help anyone.” He swallowed. “I vote we don’t go. Let someone else take the risk. At least that way they’ll still have us to rescue them when they screw up.” Alan looked away over the dark craggy peaks of Tracy Island. “I know I’m being selfish, but it is what I think we should do.”
Virgil stared at his shadow a moment longer before turning to Scott.
His big brother was staring at Alan as much as Virgil.
“He’s right, you know.” The words fell from Virgil’s lips before he could think them through.
Scott’s eyes immediately darted to him.
It was Virgil’s turn to scramble upright so he could look his brother in the eye. He hadn’t realised he was opposed to the venture until Alan actually said it. But his little brother was absolutely right.
It was time to be selfish.
Scott’s eyes sparkled in the light, but gave nothing away. “Are you sure?” He looked over at Alan. “Both of you?”
Virgil nodded as Alan said yes.
“Oh, thank god.” Scott threw himself backward on the sand. “The thought of being stuck in that tin can for months, possibly years on end…no, you are right. We act as backup. And stay right here.”
“You need a break.” Virgil reached out and placed a sandy hand on his big brother’s shoulder.
“We all do. Alan’s right, let the rest of the world take the next giant leap for mankind.” He stretched out.
“They don’t have a T-Drive yet.” Despite his determination not to go anyway, Alan still managed to sound exasperated.
Scott closed his eyes. “Fine. Means we won’t have to rescue them for a while.”
Virgil snorted and lay back down on the sand. It was an unusual conversation. It was rare that any of them would deny the world anything, with the exception of their technology. But it felt right in this instance.
He pressed his lips together. But if there was a time to be selfish, it was now.
Dad was finally home. They had done the impossible.
Alan lay back down beside Virgil and together they looked up at the stars again.
A moment of mutual silence.
“It would be so cool though.”
Virgil smiled as Scott replied.
“Yes, little brother, it would be.”
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kidney9-9 · 2 years
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A Peter Parker blurb for y'all :) hope you enjoy! Masterlist is linked in bio, requests are open for all fandoms in my list (or you can request something from another fandom and if i like the request and know the fandom i will do it)
And yes a spongebob gif for this blurb because it mentions the show!
Peter Parker x Reader [Established Relationship/Fluff] Word Count: 800 Warnings: mention of future pregnancy for Reader
Redoing the office space in the new apartment you two rented out was much needed. Today, you and Peter decided to work on painting the room after picking up the paint from the store. It was a pearly tone and you laughed at the name again when Peter held it up in front of you.
"Stop, you might drop some on the floor!" You laughed out, and Peter shook his head, giggles pouring out as he reread the name again.
"It's called the bubbles of Bikini Bottom!" He spoke out loud, now gripping onto his stomach as more laughs came out. You two could barely stop laughing at the name. It was a little dumb but a cute name for a paint. Once you two quieted down a bit, Peter set the paint can down on the floor.
"When we have a daughter, I vote calling her Sandy or Pearl! From Spongebob." Peter suggested, glancing over to you with a sweet smile. You paused, eyes widening at what he just said. It was something you didn't realize that Peter had thought about, but now you knew he was so sure about it, that it made you want to cry happily.
"When?" You mumbled back, still a bit surprised and shocked in a way you would be when you'd hear good news. It was so sweet of the way he said it as well. Like you two were going to have a daughter for sure, no doubt about it.
Peter's face dipped into morbid shock, and he shook his head frantically, "I'm so sorry. Uh, if - and you know, like if you want to talk about having kids and getting married or not, we can anytime." His ramble was full of his nervous emotion, and you almost pouted at him.
"I guess we probably should have talked about it way sooner..." You trailed off with a short nod before adding, "I like Pearl for a name. Maybe a middle name." It was quiet once you finished up, and Peter's eyes never left your face.
"Yeah, me too." The agreement in his tone made you smile even more as you handed him one of the brushes. He held onto the other end of the brush but didn't pull it away. Instead, he leaned closer to you and pressed a soft kiss onto your cheek.
"I was so nervous. I should have asked you sooner about what you want in your life." He admitted quietly as he pulled away.
“I should’ve asked as well, I kind of just kept waiting for the right time.” You responded, shrugging as you looked at the wall. Then you glanced over to him with a grin, “But seriously, when we have a daughter, we should paint her bedroom with this and then,” You paused and laughed a little, “Like the accent wall can be right there,” You pointed out something on the wall.
“And it can be like a darker shade? Or maybe just a completely different color and oh! She would probably like a bunk bed, or have you seen those beds with the slides? That would be great!” You continued to get more excited as you started to envision it all and Peter’s smile was bigger than ever before.
“Maybe we can have a desk in that corner and then have like those hanging shelves with her favorite old childhood toys when she’s older.” He agreed and continued on, and you laughed happily and pulled him into a hug.
“When she moves out and gets a job or maybe go to college, we could bring in that arcade machine you always wanted! Remember? You looked it up once a while ago, it’s not a Pac Man machine… was it a pinball one?" You asked and Peter just hugged you as tight as he could. He couldn’t believe how far you two have been thinking of life together and somehow never spoke about it.
And the fact you brought up the arcade machine – that was something he’s wanted since he was a kid. It was so overwhelming that his eyes started to tear up and you quieted down and pulled him back into a hug.
“What’s going on?” You whispered to him, but he shook his head and smiled.
“I just really love you so much.” He mumbled into your shoulder, and you rubbed his back to comfort him a bit more, “I love you too.” You whispered and somehow those words made him cry even more, happily.
“Aw, Pete,” You paused as he interrupted your sentence with a kiss to your cheek.
“I know now that you love me the way I love you.” He sighed, wiping away at some of his tears and you laughed softly, agreeing with him. He pouted in a silly way and tears started to flow down again and you frowned towards him, shaking your head.
“Peter, honey, why are you crying?” Your question made him laugh a bit and then cry some more.
“Because I know our lives are going to be good together.” He replied quietly. You smiled at the words, nodding to him.
"Aw, yeah we'll live good lives and raise a happy family."
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Sen. Marco Rubio demonstrated this week a now-familiar Republican routine around taking federal money for hurricane relief.
Hurricane Ian hit Florida as a Category 4 storm on Wednesday, leaving more than 2.5 million people without power, more than 1,100 people in need of rescue, and nearly 80 people dead, according to The New York Times.
But Florida's Senators, Rubio and Rick Scott, didn't vote in favor of a stopgap spending bill on Thursday that included an additional $18.8 billion allocated to FEMA spending for Hurricane Ian and other natural disasters, HuffPost reported. The bill passed, without the help of 25 Republican 'No' votes.
CNN's Dana Bash on Sunday brought up how Rubio voted against Hurricane Sandy relief: "Why should other Senators vote for relief for your state when you didn't vote for a package for theirs?"
"It had been loaded up with a bunch of things that had nothing to do with disaster relief," Rubio replied. "I would never put out there that we should go use a disaster relief package for Florida as a way to pay for all kinds of other things people want around the country."
The New York Times disproved the idea that relief went down non-Sandy-related avenues in 2017 after Republican lawmakers defended their votes against the bill.
Rubio explained his position on the Hurricane Ian relief to Bash: "I will fight against it having pork in it. That's the key," he said.
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Still, Rubio and Scott sent a joint letter to the Appropriations Committee asking for Hurricane relief support on Friday.
"A robust and timely federal response, including through supplemental programs and funding, will be required to ensure that sufficient resources are provided to rebuild critical infrastructure and public services capacity, and to assist our fellow Floridians in rebuilding their lives," the duo wrote.
On September 24, Biden approved federal emergency aid for Florida. The federal government then "coordinated and prepositioned supplies, and more than 1,300 responders ahead of Ian's landfall to ensure resources could get where they need to be as quickly as possible," according to a Federal Emergency Management Agency press release.
In a Sunday episode of ABC "This Week," Anchor Jonathan Karl asked Rubio: "How's FEMA doing? Is Florida getting everything it needs right now from the Biden Administration?"
"Yeah. FEMA, they've all been great. As I've said, the federal response from day one has been very positive — as it has always been in the past and we're grateful for that," Rubio replied.
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Floridians, meanwhile, have expressed their frustration with the hurricane and the government's response as they say resources are dwindling.
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robcopyemail-2025 · 2 years
How to Avoid turning your customers off
Imagine that you own an accountancy firm and you need new software that will help you and your employees jobs easier. You need something that is user friendly, clean and easy to use. The software you have been using for the last 5 years needs an update, your employees complain that the interface has too much clutter and too many buttons.
You search the internet and come across a business that may solve your software problems. You are ecstatic that you have come across a product will make your lives easier. Now you want some information about the product so you contact the business itself.
Before you know it the owner starts telling you about how great their product is and how it was voted the number one product in last year’s gazette. They tell you how the software sells like pancakes and customers have come beating down the door for it. It gets worse, they even tell you how they started their business.
You scratch your head thinking, ‘’ I only want some information about your software and how it can help us, not your life story.’’
In this scenario the business owner is discussing the features of the product (what it does) instead of the benefits of the product (What it does for the customer). Potential customers want to know what is in it for them, discussing only the features puts customers to sleep but when you talk about the benefit their ears perk up
In Copywriting, we write about the benefits of the product or service and refrain from talking about how great your business is. That said, the feature is what enables the benefit but it is not the feature they care about it is what your product or service can do for them. The benefit is the value, the end result! It is the magic they seek out to solve their problem.
People don’t buy based on what they want. They buy based on what they need. Your goal should be to sell to solve a problem. The biggest sales killer is failing to communicate why your customer or ideal prospect should care about what you’re selling to them.
By waffling on about the features you fail to address the real value of what your product or service has to offer the customer and how that can alleviate the pain points for that person should they buy your product or service.
So what are the differences between features and benefits. An example would be the humble coffee mug with a handle. The handle is the feature of the mug but the benefit to the customer is that they can enjoy a hot mug of coffee or tea without worrying about burning themselves.
Another example is a Bic pen.  Most of them have removable caps, which is the feature but the real benefit is that when a customer places the pen into their pocket or bag the cap will prevent the ink from leaking.
If I flew with Virgin Atlantic to Miami for a holiday, imagine how I would feel if the tour operator explained to me the size of the wheels on the plane, the roar of the powerful jet engines or what colour the tailfin is. As a customer of Virgin Atlantic, I would want to know about the Sandy beaches, the warm climate and palm trees and all things Miami. I want to have that image itched into my mind as I await my destination.
Customers purchase on emotion, not logic. It is the experience of purchasing the product or service that appeals to the emotions of the person buying. Does the product or service make them more comfortable or safer? Does it appeal to their lifestyle or make life easier? This probably explains shopaholics well because they are not buying items for the sake of it, it is the experience of buying itself. The very act of taking out the credit or debit card to pay for the 20th pair of trainers they don’t need is the dopamine release.
Although we shouldn’t discount features entirely because they still have their place. But the features is not the selling point. Your business should be about solving problems for people and creating value. It is all about empathy, putting yourself in the customers shoes. It is about addressing their pain points. That is the gem only benefits can address.
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impulsivewcrewrite · 22 hours
Chapter 6: Staredown
< Chapter 5 | ToC | Chapter 7 >
Before he even knew it, a full moon had passed. Each day he had followed Pebbles and Raven along with their training. Sandy would join them on occasion, but would often complain about Rusty. He did his best to ignore that. Meanwhile, Honeycomb, (and even Tiger, sporadically,) would praise Rusty and how fast he was learning. He was quick on his feet and sharp as a thorn.
One afternoon, he and Pebbles returned to camp to see Bloom waiting for them. She flicked her tail at Rusty, asking him to follow her to her den. Heart thumping, Rusty did.
As they approached the entrance, he could hear the final hushed moments of a conversation. They were silenced as Bloom pushed through the lichen. Feeling numb with worry, Rusty followed. After a few seconds of adjusting to the darkness, he was met by Speckle, a queen, Scarlet, and Sparrow. Speckle and Scarlet lay in Bloom’s den, and Sparrow stood by the entrance. Speckle waved her tail at Rusty, and Scarlet gave an encouraging smile. With a quick leap, Bloom took up a seat high on a slight outcropping. ThunderColony’s council meeting was now in session.
“So. It’s been a moon since you have arrived, and thus far you have been as loyal as any other ThunderColony cat,” Bloom started, picking her words carefully. “Pebbles considers you a close friend, and Honeycomb is very impressed with your training.” She paused before speaking again. “Do you wish to remain in ThunderColony, and officially join as an apprentice?”
“With all my heart,” Rusty nodded.
“Hmpf!” huffed Sparrow. “Prove it!”
“Sparrow…” Speckle shot him a glare. “He’s just a little boy.”
The two had a silent staring contest. Rusty took this as an opportunity. 
“Yesterday, I identified a strange scent near Twolegplace before Honeycomb did, and two days ago I caught a squirrel as big as the nursery kits. Even Tiger was impressed,” he piped up. “I was able to help Raven take down a rabbit five days ago, and I caught enough voles to feed all the elders the day before. This Colony means everything to me.”
At this, Sparrow scowled and mumbled something furious to himself. Speckle and Scarlet nodded encouragingly. On her ledge, Bloom’s tail tip flicked with interest.
“To me, it sounds like you would be a valuable member of ThunderColony,” Bloom mewed calmly. “Shall we?”
“Yes, I vote yes,” Scarlet chirped. 
“He’s convinced me, I vote yes too,” Speckle glanced up at Bloom. The leader nodded, and all eyes turned on Sparrow. For his part, the tom was focusing entirely on itching his face. He pointedly ignored everyone’s stares. After a few more moments, he sighed and looked directly at Rusty.
“I vote no,” he said simply. “Kittypets bring nothing but trouble. It’s enough that Tiger is still named Tiger. I simply won’t allow you to bring more bad luck upon this Colony.”
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but you’re outvoted, Sparrow,” the druid timidly said. “Besides, it’s not Tiger’s fault that his father became a kittypet, or that he was named after a kittypet word. He wears his name as a reminder to always be loyal. That’s a lesson we should all strive for.”
“Bad luck is bad luck, you of all cats should know that!” Sparrow snapped back. “You’re playing a dangerous game, Bloom. I don’t like it one bit.” And with that, the elder slipped out of the den. 
“Speckle, Scarlet, you are dismissed,” Bloom leapt down from the ledge. “Rusty, welcome to ThunderColony. I will take up your training as your mentor. For now, enjoy the rest of your day. Meet me in camp tomorrow morning. Sharp.”
. . .
Out in the forest, time seemed to fly. Before he knew it, another moon had passed. Now it was green-leaf, or summer. The days grew longer, and hotter. Bloom trained him hard, teaching him the basics of fighting, hunting, and healing. When he wasn’t training, he spent time goofing off with Pebbles and Raven. He’d met everyone in the Colony, and had even run into patrols of RiverColony and ShadowColony.
As he stalked through the woods, he couldn’t help but feel impressed at how strong he had grown. Climbing the entrance tunnel barely phased him anymore. His jaws were strong enough to kill a rabbit, and he could stun a raven with a strike from his paw. 
Today was his first apprentice’s assessment. Somewhere around him, Bloom was silently observing him. His task was to hunt for the Colony. The warrior’s code dictates that the elders, queens, and injured cats must be fed first, and apprentices and warriors must wait to be fed. Despite the rumble in his stomach, Rusty was determined to find something good for the Colony. 
Sniffing, he caught the scent of a water vole. Eyes narrowed, he spotted the fuzzy animal. Pressing himself against the ground, Rusty carefully stalked forward. 
Oof! Something rammed against Rusty, sending him flying. Pain flared through him. Landing harshly against the ground, Rusty spun to face his attacker. Before they could react, he lashed out at their face.
“Ah! Rusty!” screeched Pebbles. He ducked the blow. 
“Pebbles? What’s your problem? I almost had that vole!” Rusty hissed. Despite his anger, he was pleased to see his friend. During their training, Pebbles had excelled at hunting. His fighting left a lot to be desired… but who was Rusty to judge.
“Sorry!” Pebbles laughed. “I just wanted to check up on you. Test your senses, and all that.”
“Did Bloom send you?” Rusty raised an eyebrow. 
“Oh, no,” his friend mewed. “Honeycomb wanted me to practice my ambushing skills. There’s a patrol up by the Thunderpath, I’m supposed to practice on them.”
“Do I look like I’m near the Thunderpath?” Rusty stuck his tongue out playfully.
“Close enough,” answered Pebbles. Rusty glanced around the forest, double checking that they were, in fact, closest to the Twoleg place, and not ShadowColony’s border. “Anyways, what are you up to?”
“My apprentice assessment?” 
“Ohhh… yeah,” Pebbles looked embarrassed. “Um. How’s it going?”
“You furball,” Rusty mrrowed with amusement. 
“I can help you catch some prey. It’s the least I can do,” offered Pebbles. “Then I can go practice my stalking on real cats.”
“If you’re sure…” Rusty said tentatively. Yesterday, Pebbles had convinced Rusty to help wrangle a frog into camp. After setting it loose in the warrior’s den, Honeycomb had scolded the pair. But… Rusty would never turn down an offer of help. 
Working together, the pair had good hunting. After catching a mouse, Rusty helped Pebbles take down a pheasant. The two worked seamlessly together. All the while, they inched closer and closer towards the Thunderpath.
Before long, the stench of the road reached them. They couldn’t hear any cars, but Rusty wanted to make sure. 
“Have you ever crossed this?” he asked Pebbles.
“No, I’m too scared,” Pebbles mewed. He sounded like a scared kit. 
“It’s not that bad. I’ve crossed them tons of time,” bragged Rusty. Creeping closer, he broke from the tree line. Pausing, he checked for any cars. But it was all quiet. “Watch this!”
With a leap, he landed on the tarmac. Underfoot, it was warm. Much warmer than Sunningrocks. If he wasn’t careful, it could burn him. 
“Rusty! Get down from there!” hissed Pebbles.
But Rusty ignored him. It was perfectly safe! He turned his gaze towards the pine forest. This was the closest he’d ever been to ShadowColony’s territory. Squinting, he noticed how marshy the forest was. Between the pine trees there was very little undergrowth. The things that did grow were small, squat plants and flowery herbs. 
“Rusty?” Pebbles sounded close. Turning, Rusty glanced back at his friend. But Pebbles wasn’t looking at him. He was staring straight into the pine forest. 
Rusty spun. Two pin prick eyes stared from the shadows. His blood ran cold. There was a ShadowColony warrior. Staring right at him. 
“Rusty, get down from there right now!” Bloom’s voice snarled.
Turning, Rusty jumped back down to the safety of the forest. Beside Pebbles sat Bloom. While her voice was harsh, her eyes showed no anger. “What in StarColony’s name were you thinking?”
“I saw a ShadowColony warrior!” he chirped. 
Bloom sighed. “Let’s collect your prey. Don’t do that ever again. Pebbles, get on with your tasks.”
With a nod, Pebbles scampered off into the woods. Slowly, Bloom turned to Rusty. “The Thunderpath is a dangerous place. The monsters here run faster than they do in your Twoleg place. Remember, bravery is more than recklessness.” Turning, she looked back at the Thunderpath. “We’ve lost too many brave warriors to that cursed path. Don’t let you become one of them.”
Despite the scolding, Rusty couldn’t help but feel a surge of pride. Bloom thought he was brave! As he walked back to camp, the warm feeling stayed. Not only was he brave, but he stared down his first ShadowColony warrior all by himself!
0 notes
beta-lactam-allergic · 10 months
So Anastasia Palaszczuk (pronounced "Palashay") is retiring as Queensland Premier. We will have a new Premier in about a week. This Premier will have to run for re-election next year as Queensland elections are in october. Whoever they are will have to fend off the LNP, at least well enough to prevent from getting into power.
If no side can get a majority, than the ALP is usually better at negotiating minority government with minor parties (KAP, Greens) & Independents (there's literally one Independent right now, Sandy Bolton from Noosa. But can't rule out anymore arising.), though if One Nation or PUP/UAP manage to revive themselves (again) than they would be next to impossible for the ALP to negotiate with.
I mention no side getting a majority because that's a real possibility. I can't see the ALP holding onto enough seats to from majority government. At the same time the Greens would never make deals with the LNP. This means future government after October 2024 might depend on the KAP.
To be honest I'm not enthusiastic about any of the parties. The ALP is the least bad option. They're a bit middle of the road, but they're the least problematic for me right now. My vote in state elections use to be Greens-ALP (we have preferential voting, aka Instant Runoff Voting or Ranked Choice Voting). Now it's definitely ALP first preference, with general annoyance at having to number the boxes. Because we have to number the first 12 boxes (which in my electorate, we have never had that many candidates ever), or our vote is invalid.
The Greens stance on the war between Israel & Hamas doesn't work for me as I'm more sympathetic to Israel in general & Hamas are monsters who filmed their attacks on civilians. I use to vote Greens at a state level & ALP at a federal level, as foreign affairs are a federal responsibility anyway. But after October 7th 2023, nope, punish the Greens next chance I get (mind you I live in a seat where they have never gotten higher than 10% of the vote & were below even that figure last election, so they won't notice another vote lost in a seat they had no hope in anyway).
The LNP, oh boy, my list of disputes with them is long, so very long. I'm a transwoman, I'm pro-abortion rights, I'm an atheist who doesn't think that religion should have any place in public schools (religious schools exist, if people want their kids to have religion in their schooling, these exist. We don't need them in the public system), I'm in favour of more social spending, I'm in favour of infrastructure spending, I'm in favour of making mining companies pay us more in royalties. You get the idea, I tend to disagree with the LNP on most issues, & when I agree with them, I invoke the stopped clock principle (congrats LNP, you managed to do that in the Israel-Gaza war).
One Nation is a bunch of crazy racists, which isn't appealing to someone of maternal Indigenous ancestry, particularly when that side of the family includes relatives who still look brown (I'm white-passing myself). PUP/UAP is Clive Palmer's personality cult. To non-Australian readers, think Trump before Trump entered politics, though luckily he's never been able to win a majority of the vote despite spending more than every other party combined. Thank you compulsory voting, you have saved us from both Hanson & Palmer.
I'm not sure how to describe KAP. They're a mix social conservatism with economic nationalism & North QLD regionalism (because of course people from outside the SEQ don't like how much political power is concentrated in the South-East corner). They aren't my speed either (I agree with some of their economic rhetoric but they're just too socially conservative for me to support).
I'm not from Noosa. I don't need to have an opinion on Sandy Bolton. Indeed I don't have an opinion on her. I know nothing about her other than that she exists & is the member for Noosa.
0 notes
libidomechanica · 1 year
And how shadows, that feel that
A treochair sequence
Your hair client, the entitled is as of Flora and air! Call not
when the scawled still the wood cabinet their arms of right of hemlock there;
so, when the claim of night me; while hid in sight, eight. A is fall subiect
this. Own, since nonsense, how Meg o’ the jewel- like a haystack. Then hour, till
wearing dews. Angel of dewy splendour, here, her tongue so sharp shalt be,
art, we would burn to me subject. Powers and clouds and loosen it lies
banished not any book! The not all this holland every pearl, can ever
spring in the can makes my lady, Dians peered for comfort there. For
that far and the brimful of the eyes we do pray individed within
the faine tropes, well on Menie doat, an’ she were all with your silent
awaited all cheat, in that was a crime. But remember’d my dear, there!
Teach time, mature and I loved like a boulder. His long-with-loue-acquainted
to meet air mail and lie, everythings ebb and me enfauld, I pursue:
’twas and Thine eyes and Fletched peaks a louers. Beaumont and hear away.
The that god for than evening the Light! That head sit, those none of thy soft
name of Thee is a path descend, all these discords of a beaker full
an ecstasy! ’ The luring grace: not all girded up the arms above,
or plays her foregone, the bed, their art of my tree, and I will not say,
Just this soul, an’ she look, heaven fill’st a look alone she raine recouers.
And that today is hid that one and shred the dying one, as a pass.
Your hand sheets springs vnto Dianaes tribes for the cattle style blushing. Haste,
make with thee will no more.—The bonie Sandy O, my break of kisses. The
other apart; yet, as upon the square a dead, o my stood translucent
ears amid the sun is heart. By and in a flocks and lie, mortal,
nor Hope and they keep the midnights and the scaffolding smart made the shall
night I caught there. Lo, plea comb’d at dawn and there me, wretched vote may hair.
Love bad me love, charmed, that still seek and die and free from the which when the
whizzing war turning; I curse or wearine being is most faire, at the
hold through I should tree will quite curl—can comes do flow; an’ it’s nest what the
bed. Is confesse; have becoming his Soul couldn’t wants thrill on Menie doat, and
flames, Spring, broken. But they first for breast where in drift page the heart make
Cup whose Throne, I leaden-eyed Eulalie white her, from the age in the drreams.
Words I know. Sat a victually tied thus involuntary Vintage!
Upon bed to me, and Hoigh foresee, somehow— I know despair? And how
faire for I am but her has twa which thy way, and bower’d; oh Fount
of music, the door forget but by my like syrens in his Darts, because
of you take or more thy cloak, to recreate to say, complain and
building cry, then the woman approves, at last graceful is comes in small
flat oft-times unders cald, through sure set my Lady’s weight. An’ ken ye what
were no double at my heart, and from committen boughs, hand without all
thee to prove Confusion of old to Jove than skies. Worked not where are sweet;
the evening. Your to stored baith sweet, and the little pretty pills across.
Death, knew all. Thy shakes in tight didn’t. No placed, and secret joyfully do
the Moon as if she inward springs: a cheat, in a flame delight did
the not enough! That hope to all inuade they blushing curls all Create
this with doth impassioned so shew like the with he, how sholde I love of
thy breast where braw lass made their poison door. With heavy hear thing on that
aimest wide of the dying of thy gloom; up the stray, not permitteth.
—Now will has a dewy more to me the old Parnassus flow, for a
girl, her darling beauty though thee are mens her dear, no though he death; such
a one; that, whose Two Lover, without it, then hath place. Said the little
pair of fame: I now tis such mine eyes haue, and live your eye? The Heaven,
down thinke upon the posture her charms round his breast when tongue beauties shines
out and the beauty. Come again, alone showing in practice. Good Son,
whose fame, if rule by pleasure, not deare only because your arms like me
love the night! To muse, yet not blow them: but slyly staggering hours mock
the yellow- green, which, as your shamefully would be, which Thou on bed.
Just once by forms of murder, death-white a shotgun. But Sorrows stormy,
thou leave me in the Mill his Friends me why think of Thyself alone. Here
all the gleaming his laureat it may lights. I than are like vibration
of music, our gloom will would marry, if these other on one’s own sad
heart of fire to a boy with choise desire; by would grow. Whan tongue, sleeping
spect, and o’erpay. To lord and slily was most joyfully, for the
debt I owe to thing, vseth. Thou are passion bow, and thy slaue, are is ring.
Alone, save hadde it keeps canopy throught upon the grown a little
snakes me, Lover me? This primrose, through she, thought me flying cauld, as good?
We cannot like thief which only Friend, dost the hint, and triumphant spring,
go back and to lay thy adverse, blesse, or dim that it soup? I did
forbid eating which seam gleaming wings, hinderstand if she wild sparkling
not perhaps the ribbon, love as we sin, alone. For chide me up
into a puff’d by all other show, yet have sleeping is spoke young so
long that began, When you art praises struck cable. Then hall, their neck, And
you art out of his grace that that it is a dead at thou promised in
odours choke that sings; in a choral eglanting, broken walks in his
last furnace, althought, not to reproach the beating stay near divine Musæus
sing of Heavenly. And, all your slave, I am that I owe to
run away discover, that faine tinsell might seaward from who understand
one wound, and strange thee perfumes haue: a rightful cries might once before
hath buckle to him and who see to me, is condition. Is less—lessons
I feele the Mill her glad arms about withouten a clouds and
changing the not out of a fancys error have acted vague fingers
pluckt, while that vnbitter noblest sat in a diuels in luve thing from her world
are throws in a wave all toss of the sad? Of mine Eyes of proofs and Evil.
In a keyhole when those lips, the stand, while I crawled the going by
vnright have call of you for can fright with her to the sate by pearl-gray dawn.
—The bonie lass made their hand thy prison where there I wake or stir in. One
whose mansions of raine; while had returned in black, feign’d. I’ll clear the thro’ all
that I dream, I dreaming skill, making up or droop; through not so much oft
hath make shall let a body be. Of these our barns when the burden mixt,
and played window, and wars, and some children, let me who stay near? Or charter
teeth wealth adieu; since may below! And tears in the air, where palsy,
or sullen art exercised throne, poore men sit and she stands touch, no more.
Adieu! Heart thou are unmatched by evening which hold as if not losse reports
and his like a gleams. She, meant him plants a Neighbour’s Wife, drawered
around by authority. An’ it’s terrible weight through my daught have
seedsman’s Glory live. We were the day I was bedded. Thou, sweet Draught I
was married, my fill’st me like a jesterday? Now that same to her rotten?
In the grey durst, have me birds in trouble as sunny harts our each
other when in our and a peace, flesh, at who stand thy advocate—and
swelt; and this hand was once my comfort, conside him; such a day I die,
this and I meeting; sun and Evil. One holy and day; but she shadow
One where is for his last for pity! Angel of then on his Strength
by limping on one minute pass watch when I doe learne spect, and if
unreprove hart best sorrow after as a skeleton. For a meadow
One is little Kings—glory might to be one in secret, history. I
claps’d her loose all the sweetest sorrows sits applause. By thou among the
fancy flames, Spring, half-hid in thy braceless and wonder month of
clear: margaret! Clorox have ears that spring; I curse of hope to that the
nights witness, while the hundreds and spring, who felt alone. That shall clear
sweets and my charm the inward smart made tongue and those Wisdom while under
my body mind, how bright, and I love not that pictured more;—Farewell toss
is their full and farewell’d woes with her sing for why a body be.
The beholds yfeer that he leave men’s voice thankful rhyme, that place, as you,
you of time I things on her ’twere flowr, there is through the Greeks’ love, up the
which came a peace may tell might deem, I dreamed. One mine own: thou lent’st hems bread
ha’ one in every Day I wast never grave. I feed the orchard
flower and should faint must of they, like, that picture does now had to my
grief lay on my hand we are like a hornet’s get till thee so, that sing,
the gain, for her e’e? And yet not permitted that either, a paved step
aside, till the worlds the leave me the salt tide till might wings on flight, because
is almost him, the you to that time— not just poppy the church on
thy stout blow to blame Majnún, and she had beauty of woe might of folke
bow, when to whose tears, to ourself anothers, intoxication, alas,
and rise, or seemes ease of summer of fired men are allotted
lava. Bedded were, while solo act- that you pace forth thee weel a
certain both with it; my fill the might be summer-night and swell’d her eyes,
face, secret he, in the trample was whispered my palsy, or quiet,
my birds in vain—if it winna let a boy was, as once can say; come!
An Alien Shah of insufficed and planks unseen, and more was
the earth and white her soul controlling; and to sleep her sepulchral urn,
I askéd a thing the taste to me. Child ephemeral: but angels such
civil be; models, such as yourself, as quiver and faine this is, and
that plainly sets forth I could as do lie her burden of thy white-wall’d
tower grows storm-beaten would be my beauty;— Mortal, but for the
subterranean echo ringing linesse, and most may private play, and
that from her with his constant loue with dost lord, breeze, the wood, for the smiled,
no soun’. Alas for my tongue but like a hawk, and and grammar, vowel
sound his Generation wings, have know: margaret! Why do those Fount they lie
abed without a book their poison to me this worse the street, while I
am bewilder’d horses from only at whose Throne, are not saue, murder,
do it come seas, in our eyes, dost dim lake. That glance, in the blanch’d earthly
with her thy swelling roguish glares work and fret. For it’s jet, jet black,
an’ it’s jet, jet black down when you of the past, and fauns and losing her.
Whose Fount you there, socks, at the morning dandelion see. I grieved its
springs to weight be the humming hot water bosoms fit. Come, doth been
hairs, we’re alone; most sweet perfect all the had sunnes sight can everyday
to theefe! Be a guy but love, come, my dear, were a lithe light at her
thy foot on the pines her maiden had to his ringle person can, when
I am soft Catullus, shall not go gentle into this stand in
it is thy prayer! And fauns and calendars, and need from my Children
in pink corduroys and captainess, me a muse, you moved the oiled for
thy sings are peach cheek is wet more clear: margaret! And, as none to strong to
green, had fork, my luve’s gardens fair of many a summer’s amends
his Chamber your true sorrows, that other. Solace bring when springs to
his deep in sigh; for I am to my misty river of my luve,
I love? Doubt these, from sweet of a greenish mee. ’Ve beyond to that
I might of things; by the Sleep! Martial, and the Mill hie, over that busy
points. The sente me in my weak. Seasons: he is sad like down the warre.
Heart’s Blood. It wings, the Queen camest too much; I wantonly a feel smiles
that it mighty, fidelity on the light. Me, if Maud aff your love.
And denisen’d soil, creep, when the evenfall, in thy staggering grace,
all word no: now we meet; she is no length of Treason, and silver through
life to bed to picks up a song, astarte with a sweets singer, with how
can pick the coming music, am grows team, a dreamed her look, what is
my translucent did change eyes we pass watches might have seem’d, as the spray;
an’ it’s jet, jet black, and all round and how true my love of her e’e? Because
in thy last the mounting, will not chemical mixtures there ten with
us do excels, an’ shape. So love or war’s quiet, with it winna
let a body mind, and kind. Take and clamoring of my aching the
bits onion root only ask why. Over an Alien Shah whose our
name in the man joined sit, I ate with arts years in his Moon are grew—how
bright with your eye? Latin Kings—glory, which thyself within a children
dear chide world were than unswept awaited all remember body passing,
and how sholde I love, and life! By all more to burst thy amiss, or
die by praise their necks, secure and I who reaches ne’er for ever-change.
If chanted slope in a thee! You guess, or to glide. Much did never grow.
A Kurd am to recreated is. She hasp of my Sandy O.
Easy to pot, burn that, to me, if Maud, Maud? Tell me, his brilliant fires.
Forget till on Menie doat, and her loudly she gods, their world—ah me! By
their even in flight. Such a salve candle- light and dumplin burn to plaining
leave me this or this wife, the heart, my dead and stream, thou in the sea.
When tyrants’ crests, hath choir’s amends at the inlaid woods white good night,
visibly female. To haunt the stock from myself another by side, keep
in like the blood and his Dust which from than dear call for ever reads his
dreaming a heart of the sky! You own down to me, I thought! I have my
braces, that I might Theefe, with your love. Shiver and Queen of Passioned
note of the Father all these valleys, vouchsafe your most oppress Shadowy
brother in the true my love. Shine image, rage again: I find to
the come a tread and sing, will not charmes resist? Come the cherye was
Indignation wait the came. Lest another disclose into the Mill love
their most sweet Minister Day, Design upon the Veil’d—but even so
loving the danger of hers here, that lovers by my golden shape and
Fletched vote may repeat, if it were all still not speak to thee and kind
guest health free burgess. By my graceful doze I sorrow, lintel, scarce fingers
down where stand again; but a smitted loneliness made far the which
of conscious ghost, thou shuffle your pocket, and grammar, vowel sounding
a her deaths young Eulalie her e’e? And that dim the lasse, as my heavenly.
Or look, for a sudden a certain dreams did never wish in all
sung by, sail and my separate fruit doth no prating cruel; do not keeps aside,
and a though verdurous as when, and bear the same men of an
animals? Yet show, the arcades, a ceiling of all. Or shaw, that my heart.
To tell in jollity, while it in my smile thee discord, but love like
they: alas their pedantic look at the wauks. All the honour’d the life
exultation. Life,—so I, my transform the lass and of straight at a
tinkling find to you must beside me beach, by Fortune’s dear, were sometimes
unto thing its splendour and she bed to me make shade. That made with delight,
when their skims, and all in jollity, and so streets and tender more
their pretty lambs we are arms are ringing here yet! On the tender our
most high disdaine; not you known to plaintive least doth music, am urged
by bands or the little floor, no sin unbolts thy light and catch mine own:
perhaps. Toll me back, my last fading coursing takes that tower to weep.
Of late thee. With me; Blythe costume. From thy Shadow-like can my fancy
can’st sense a wild climbst though verduroys and dies away in a lass that
swelt; the evening; my fair and you knocking airs. And time her. Do note, that
swelling, and broils root though you of that little can be done put in thee
now I then, while hid in milken net, and I meet. Then, vngrateful Death,
th’inherit after, ever perfect Somehow—I know no beauty.
Yet showers and loathsome move, her hand to Jove the rotten times happier
men—good! Tired with me why do youth will render hand, mark is all
the can once to see will gaze at closes, was colds false, that to me, if
Maud, turned, to relation of ioyes. It selves forsake an Eden of my
tears, not out the dark and her side, and the Veil’d—but evening, garden: leave
me alone, and look, then sweet hour and so ouerthwart their worse is not say
the shepherds for us most mite may so fail it is long their guided
were measure, we’re alone. On the day, and unrespectre seasons, which
stupified the bay? The drear falls on this way! I kissing soul affliction
coot this issue, and calling. Or all, no tygres king’st the day? Blind we
are above them while you will soothest Sleep, in the Fantom of the towering
cry, and lilies, to glide, till a’ the was your partiall help the rest
in the was so easy lips, so sore, the every sacred glorious
is you, beauties worn page to me alive will no more such as mind brick.
How sweet breast, hand, laid befriendship is Reproofs of that Hope darkness, burst
that we’ll silent to me, the could a blockhead ha’ one him on thee
perfect Beauty from sun in corner often any other of these
ill-change. Nor a man’s own, down knot. In gleam of hands, rose immortal Bird!
Mouse, you to enioyeth, shewe living heares her more luster fer biyonde there!
Doubt—now I then complaining them which when the tenders can sense to dry
radiant girl, for the Greek from thee, is golden to bear the pride of mountains.
In this way, do in thy monuments, open cage. Pavement for this
or theeues stones moan, and increases late by the sea! To feel you needy
nothings; and to testy sing, heart’s Blood. Tho’ the lark’s early. Make to my
left slappers the very moment they see my heard him to The Shah of
his wife he does she the bed to still day; come never fast. Eight, with my
virgins to graced grass. And forbid the clock of Laila smiles stroke offender
others yellow-green: and to standing yet it will forget the sibyl
store&wand’ring so be kind: and, when winds howl, and rosé on their rotten.
Where I for tomb. Hear my heart may nothing bee, and without. As define—
nor heed my own behold, cold as feares her e’e? Or to see him. I
have my starve although life! She winter that last Duches me, my Katie?
Lay your springs to her lion to open can dies: let crutches the
rock, we are rich in many with a pink waves; say their evening to disease
mine eyes with Roses and sings; they turn up like a dog in return’d
springs renewing light! Worthy face, or her lips, as I lay the
murmurous haue: a right had her eyes, forbid hath made thee! Nor forget till
on Menie doat, in my charioted by that she, me ancied its lulling
to think of kiss, of a world we rose, on ever read it flies when flye.
Much noise. I thinks, and endlessly—but better is like a musk and come
again, and the same despair, how Meg o’ the rode with love, yet no just
opening crime. She were not in the love to clark he wast never me?
Where men mama who never fear’d with thrown, and dumplin burn their music;
with Phoebus light, within the grove, and paine. Though when tyrants through he gas,
put out of Them it come, reap thy stores, cool’d and song cauld, and paine driue cloudes
from the where share in all the mans make me thing that two recreatest
bud. Not say the fancy flat of thy prince her of glad, and I not
charioted by in Paris, up that planks wont, conside him—for the ivory
sets flow overtue only, call the tedious born a wild with no law
of beechen fields does now doth bind itself may light the which its lulling.
As soone mistress, where Truth, we stood twine, suffer than is our name is all
other. The mavis and lie, most posies, that gentle England, and aye
so sore, the air, that hole of Heavenly tunes of the sobs of ioyes from
Syria, or slender has no mark is wings to unfold the people,
out of his pasture taughter’s Language whom I grief and fauns and honour
of fire this wreck in my Muse, thou loved, is the living rise? My words euen
there I find to her the world out of day; lorn a wake, there lagging in
the garden- gate: and cassia crown’d. I, seeing of Treason, and heap’d;
you loneliness it else entire world was and meant heart, and more fret.
Exercised in my mind determines serene, which to first days by morning
dark one, thou, records of pleasure, but Flight, and that very scent did
hold that ’tween mama who have lights of Love thou do not till a’ the bundle
in him from white her slender in her if I’ve becomes the spring-
tide. And I will come, matured, singing invocate—and to have won her
sweet, to his Eyes shine live. So doth such and its cheeks are such thy glorious
eye; and Glory as a thinke one; yet have sleep upon Maud and left
lonely hand as if sheet. Ever fear this honestly became so! Light
are than and fill’st me, do you Diuell me, whose own down, and books and turned round
by my gravity and shred the wild-woods or say, which I cry, then we
roses do exceed for they models, such a glasses, beneath wailing
the snow those bears of the heauy cheerless, of all is cross thy proud, and thou
among toward tuch, and equipp’d a Camel, and ne’er forget Still music
hath buckles on summertime. Like a praise or starry Fays; When to burst
the blossom’d bear your truth miscall’d to that spring remove in all us
what will not thou guess tries? Fade forth I touch, no more half asleep I
drowsy number for me! But no sing you to me. He courtesy now
at dare na showers quickly to love; where arms about the sonnets present
pay for a tumult shall my claiming so caughter, that I promise
sucked in my sunny as which include than the Sheikh, my breaks of gracing.
Me the ribbon, love in every flowers in sweet What is double both
may remember your names of Poesy, a ruin, under is summertime.
And was it rain passion of foul affronts a Noodle heard no: now
we met her discourse thinke of love loves for it. Yet I so love all these
reports, blow the death; into the wall, to climb, a dream of his Name the
frequent that is time starve alone; sweet roses; where is in thy faces
the church on then already with me there. A corn; an’ she lovely framed;
he turned, while threat, once unkind in a Corner, pass, you shall the honor,
or else entitled its suit being town a little one in the mother
of fire worst shall overtrodden valleys, amang till all the
mountained more with blow so yellow vapours of sorrows team, a dreadful
night not a kind, feed met me if I am burn away fled; in the
budding it upon my new life! That ensues, sing street music and in
his bow, unless a Sword, and thee so, that the color is like a horror
hair clip, which never that what swell—thou, whose party is ever smiling
kiss some away; this mow’d, and now crown, which I have been, his Present,
poore my woes now at darkness paine, cool wave breezes blow so yellow night.
He love; lest I love. Half your love no more Prayer is rings to perplexes
fit. And seem’d, the sky Fie please, I say? The shall live their or found sunly
and all- oblivious Conscience, bide each evenfall, do fear’d She,
And yet again!— And maun I still, which stone shore, that hope, dear, but whales doth
bind it selves in scorn is no one lassie, dissolve, and it and wished by
time or well, since where it feel the worse, in on his old while his the queen
of living shamed, I am but feel you must remove? I sigh, and weep,
sleeps; they would recall yet it by a gang dreaming mistress break from the
seas; a Foot, and like syrens in dreaming of the bay. A dreade it nor
than forget till, which my wild sparkling in June; o my sake lilies.
Love fires. You there; so, when to sin unbolts they pleasured courting song.
Men of her roguish een. And his Darts, hands our of the claim no more with
fine the danger. To grass. Lin’d, and secret, more! And a voice I’ll liberty
is weake? For it’s jet, jet black, an’ she was soon and with reward glide.
Pillow together. Name any cheek; perhaps that, once my hair like a
body be. Of lovely state the Mill loss in her springs of all move,
and we are passions as of light. Wantonly is hid in his Strength of
happily frame, i’ll ne’er forever sigh thy Secret for think of a
tinkling roguish grew up with her die and eyes we scarf, window solemnly,
you of the priest haps that’s what thief to see with so caughter’s. But heart
become not you now. You come the chase me the daylight! We canst thou death;
next valiant, and there though wailing roguish, the worlds the shiny thicker
than the stormy, thine at midnighttimes: leaf, or seeing by, sail and
beauteous drought urn become again; but feels right beak could be said: I must
be attending arise, that shall I be a fit. We can; who have grot,
where is thine thicketh arts our of the Hall- gard’n-nymphs white rush of Children,
calling you called her in the like shining that other, my own can body
be. Was cald, there we pulsing a wave at his chorus led mountains.
Look not her grant me, I calling came this fast they say; so unregard,
for newly sprung in opened late th’ Anatomie of your master’s
pink wave in a spheres, opening, who will but a small fate alone; yet
I should one wit his garden If tho’ matched Weed be. On the subject; and
my paine ranked me or infection when tyrant the towards Loue with doubt the
distant to me, may pride of her. The little busily a dandelion
rage; incertainting-ground, from me. All gone terror what Meg o’
the melody— then she stand itself arise, whose Throne that I am
soft incense of your and simplicity, an’ ken ye how wanne has twa
sparkling roguish een. Disbelieve my sunk: tis time, thing on this wish
in Battle tepid pool, dry thee? To cut did moving knows; from they falls
a lawful the end of the top, he leave they tell. Is meant so be losse
reward true, that same and in my death’s dately morning, go back, an’
she sighing I dinna let he, for years- old name and her loud, had hair
is high Hall- gard’n-nymphs white-wall’d him soft name in one’s dear fall singinge? Loads
of these disquiet die. I know when would once and comes down to picks up
a sorrow flew to pot. The great brave done pray to one live in grew; I
gave the day by that made the dying their arms aboue lou’d, and danc’d to whose
Cheek of Laila smile so! Would say, couldn’t have seems I feel it who under
hands not wishing there, away by desire, my lot, his freely near?
Eldest brain is not only, and hath the fret or newly watch mine could
writing of my palsy shaking and built of old men in scorn—what none
puts out of joy and vision, or seeing steal o’er throught, under as if
alive in rattling world, yesterday? Yet, if lowling, I things—glory
from them eternal ecstasy! Filthy issue be in show, the
grow after that tell her courts: beg from my blush’d simple pretty Peg, my
friends touch’d the murm’ring, it crown’d, the sure than for pity! With thou dost invest,
and the bundle of King gate. At a dandy-despot, alas! Felt
alone in the fear to a puff’d with the dye of the stare; and He shall
be to whose globy rinde? Just describe me ruffled rosé on the light to
not charmed, that fault was in secret Beauty beauteous such stuff was a dead
with half-flush that, he shore us, I feeling snow that night. Light. She sin,
and sunne, thou so framed; heav’n is of the Roses down that th’ ename
in time my loveds had sunk: tis times to me to tie her clean, that it
is allotted lava. With him, a thine on thy baited me up into
Flight, where is a chemical without my speech owl to prayer! I
find your most sweet he, in love my pray? Love harden: leave many a third—
To the crawl into a chamber, and still as I avowed to clean
buttercup in like the valleys, make there you hast high mournful hum toll me
am call the evening. Call on Menie doat, an’ made my thou art that live.
Or can majestic windows the proportion whom part of Julia, I
may no occasion; as well observe our master-times seaward running,
salve candle- light put one eyes struck cable. Come, do you, my Lover’s self-
same day she heauy wing, sheikh held him; till midnight: I deem’d fu’ low unto
with my tongue, the night her out. Is to proved like me world thy lessons forests
and perilous ouerthwart the grot, while evening, the wide what no place;
sylent and blood with thinking is best secret, my Lord, by Honour’d Home.
And in the for earth, and the world were lost help me! A stars of Thyself
to pot, burn to marine being take me before the Universe, it
is a fresh, at lenger dream. Make it come why the toward tuch those lips, and
white horse to pot. Wound heaven whether ioy hath heau’nly now crown behoof,
who will excuse of a wild with the night to haunt of owls the patience.
Whose looked me. —Did on the banks unseen, where! Then I do, yet there I fountain-
side—till bite. Which is most higher. And I see the kings on its cautious
sense, as I avowed to be her. But and darkness of thy lore to
thine, meant him time, sweet, more to stormy, this stop this self again, my blood
as dew, under if you this place. Call fate and fawn at all to that thief,
a lithe little birth, since the sea; and said she winds but know’st me, made the
caught to his Dust with wait,—haste some with new- borne in a bit of his old
strange, the Sheikh, I should write the drreams did the law of vintage! Mail of the
deem for the her grandfathers yellows; from only at night, like a
jesterday? When pure and moisten, while half-hidden roses newly sprung in
the hundred kisse!—It screen; three zodiacs fill’d with no length claw&rock, we wild-
woods among the tail out the bend towering to not this powers, but to
toll forth; your sport past, the grave! Struck not onley shine eyes. Upon the square.
The greet ornament we have altar- And danc’d towering roguish een.
And I see his Hand of injured the Moon as hermit’s newly cut hark,
cracking better in the lintwhite agree? Crazy for joy, for one neutral
this or the music which pain—up the Sleep, and call her to the Mill
we canker- blooms have sees between meadows and again forests and built
a lawn, then, beholds clean, that in the darke placed, milke hands, now when only
is like a roystering charmed verse, bless, of a hawk, and no window. Sat
a Lovers’ soul gives that, to be a flake to perpetual daytimes
soon made the Duchess pain discloses: but Thee, I that gushes, thou will
ruined for compare with younglings, that best can fight Thee to feel smile countries,
and Thou; if I am not how Meg o’ the linger, do fear thy
soft incense flies by. Upturns here, her know how vapor can dies; in thee;
nor company looked more crying a little snaky Persius, to blow:
the bed to say: I lay thy Grace sheds, an in pleasure, at lenger drop
at all the clover us. I deeme thus, my dream of him, you threat, or
say, Just there we’ll the flower, nor please reports and so we falls on the
end his longing, granted one of liberty. Rage, wretched people true,
that she light in sonnets praise sheets, do not in themselves to the love as
the subterrace— all as a tears to Sleeper though Ioy her syne, whether.
While there be it in the tears. And down an hour I do, decease me, dear
the little month to say, because of my arms on the higher. The Rose—
and for the polished Casket of strange exclaim than a woman and amber-
colour’d Home. Let the head more dide the sugar bowls that terrible
were but the linkèd hand, and singing, hast the slowly mountaines seem by
the cologne. A right can iudge of the which wooed wo, most joyfully, for
her for your footsteps of the wild lake, made the there no light, when the bay.
Not the life and set forests, my orphan steel. To say: I labour bedded?
Of murdring mossy skull is each morning phant spring roguish een.
But, I say? And again: its suit seemed from the Mill words expresse: or no!
And morning by that poisoned not Angel of this name her was Indignation.
Quick, it’s the blizzards and rarest of air, and so the summer
beck, then he be sweet. Hang out in what you lover know beard, or wages
but we, as to pot, burn and white her blisses. Numbness it says, I free
a wild lake, my poor treasons, when pale till the debt I owe to laugh when
natured, you there bridge. Pass that louers scorn—what away: let’s newly spray; an’
bade my true. And slept its echo rinde? For my heart shake to with a pink
but a sing away; that dancing light; an’ it was blacke but a germ of
aged sires, thou float orb crown’d, the fell awald be thy part, my love my
skirt the Heaven, my sense! Loving of the other; and ne’er forests, have
no more such smart. Prove hear stood to me, dear the strong, is goods among to
pot, burn to my Belovëd, is naked you waking, with been thou are
spent of the candle-light at he little so! I have not mattery!
Who have snakes me from myself arises stories some never show itself
Thou see the lofty mountains, and wish undo his is a green fixt
on a row and lean, watching much smart. Hath buckles on youthful swains of
flight—a fee; mine forehead more Praise, the oiled forbidden do you, lights, while
had throws in each night and more sweet, but a body be. And filled me love
becomes down to melt wi’ twa drifted together fill were sure the raging,
and ceased from my Clay to rid him out the Night with wealth you and go
auspicious gate. I now the plays when all ill stood this way! Beaker full
of aged sires I see a forward running, the scaffolding streets, half
your bedded. Where in our of their words of glad, and in she hath was seen
that place the Lark if her lulling under our master-tide least.—The bonie,
both music, while I am becomes soothes me primrose, I die, that all
enforce in my boys, cool waves with him, and triumphantomime of my grieve
that slowly altar-stained to sleeves. Unto the air, where to prove? But the
little oak- room on they turned to tie her colour’d friend foule warrant
possible for the took to things—oceans I do, deceit. Dance fleets and
lusteth no law for thanked somehow—I know will lo’es dead a peach: he wild
with me, in a cold, a sod. You love; lest haps the accountry gracing.
—And maun I still the past pricket do notice and clamorings vnto thinke
now unto a pond of my care, my state, you, my mother, that was like
a shows no pace enioy. I, that do speak is send yet not a flow; thread
the braw love; you knock bank of my chery, without my arms till word by
our liberty; and, found my wings pass like me for the sun a love live
the restores and sweet pharmaceutical kiss, excuse young madrigals.
Mortal, guilded in her whether less as we propinquity to adorn
that I owe to ruined honour of day let crutches and grow mad,
a hands our soul the streets and play’d with a smite does now and his side, wi’
a kisses steals in each drawn; to sharpe arranger of her fearless, find
opened to feel the seas gang dry. We’re all his poor rhyme; but like the patch.
Passion to you with flower salesman. And the ebb-tide. The cloudy evening;
in the would pay. Round you knowledge of Lover, with me, the was none
of thy perfect all ioyes. We were one in her Heavenly wine-cup glisten,
whiles, little stoop to be fit each include those who foreign—back and
you among to compare, and mouth; counsel held upon my sunne, thy paint.
Thus, for my separate Father courtesy, shew my way, that hope to me:
tis no opening, and body. She sits, and merry may order in
my pillow, take something elf. And that finkle hear spring, and teach others
yell: Get our pleasure, fie! Alas for joy, and sings and Phœbus find that
farre worse of his one: the faulding in her colored and darkness! Yours, for
panties I make a face enioy. With your night, who hast like a man of
the Alamo. And how fall fit for busloads of bittering into
then soft name in a spotless, and forth to his stammer’s dust, not you of
the bonie lass that sovereign this World to provided steals in each time we
thy richly resume; and that greaten why on You? The Sparrows sits
eunuchs to they blushing in June; o my mind, for butterly, it crown’d
bowl. By shadow great and transport it’s jet, jet blow softly calls, do you
this issue be not importune flowers and his longs on thy honour.
Even the mountaine which I could find wards, but for a kiss nor and dancing
girl and all this frenzy insult let me where. I see what have becomes
do now. Process the night; the angels seeking at your chamber-colour,
Ah, be a Hand—prayer is no lightly sweet poisonous waves; have
done; which sourly Winterline and blood and in showeth; for though mansions.
Understands and kick your dread; his eye! Thy Shadows in such a crib. Am
I than stalk is allowed lone; yet I lose. Upon the expel as
in that beauteous men, whom revenge! And love not the Mill lean, where I will.
Thought, and lilies faire-sweetly snow; or let thought have light wait, I do
dictionate, chaste despite does not unwoo’d and grac’d to endeavour ale some
of Travel, other other’s eye; and as shalt be, it in would ask no
more respectre seaweed that is good again order is each place; and tree,
turn up remembered, there the stocks of glassy skulls that the eager mate
stomakes the dying hour, her look upon yours, for all the Man person
falls on the approach shall dim. And yet long there measure. After as
a Bride is and by Bacchus a dance, brings sit smiles that hole bush; an’ she
went an Ant’s sweet, my lot, in the who looked for euery peak to Drinking
in the budding spring our face, or she waies or flocks the fevers make
defence or foul my dear, was broken. Come away, thing much stupified
to that never host thou, light and go as trace, all in joy both day, I
bade it flies of the bay, rage, rage and tombs insider’d stream, I don’t run
and the priest, my Katie! Though their daught at all in jollity, and weep.
Just like the Moon of the primrose, or Counsel— where with the primordial
come away, and you in my spirits pretty sure the end of loves
flower between the lighten bolted joins a woman antique so stands
stills acrossing sweet of people goes, making while I am pretty
pilfering it up throught winna sae fainties so much did I met, the
strong Must we have come down whence fell awald be, or she went to low dead.
Look, a horror of the whizzing trimm’d in trifling roguish een. Now kiss,
of a lasses, his eyes, and night. Julia, they call, and learnest any
morality or loosening take you’d suspectre-thin, while that the rocks,
when he’d comes to pay. You grown and crispeth wealth, my daught had you laugh I
hameward from her lulling. Among theeues storm, here, thou leaves which we sings.
Will I hear, that was broken waste and look’d up through wait be suppressed by
taking and Phœbus find then summer or formed. Ask me wise, white she bells, and
song and that will right and dinna cry. Going a wanted is seldom
these terror have; then he bit of such and gladness pain displaces and
we’ll but shrewd gyrles Ruby-hidden mixt, and with to him down. That
awaited hooks among the store and somewherewith you, a Love, I
heaven ev’ry trespass that these for butter, I am than their state
to do with your memory. Of forests, i, that once delight, my heart
a Thee to intervene and snakes me, most sate by thee disgrace tears: all
peeling slapped it was weak. To be a bell, approve, nor left slay, champ and
Love. To say but venture seems but all the puts by the ashen-gray hairs,
or stirs they, at my heart, I heart; her slip away children, complain and
loving world for me. Catching much of insolence, infant will I, whose
purest friends with sluttish to do, deceit, cleopatra-like my Julia,
tho’ match into you are feet. And laugh’st, I’ll sing disconnected by
time, and slept in my rhyme, the take of leave me find eye, round committeth.
In that fault was once mind, and me from they grieves as the Cupid girl, her
sports and folly dispair? If I might seaweed that hole world are turn into
the Eyes shine image to me’s warmth her him, and from her some out of
Joy renews but pretty Peg, my dreams did I mean she goes, beneath. The
will I, alas, from Boreas screech about willing bee, and the regions
as the entirely love of youth, sleep; in tune? If charter than all
remember went evening. Of life! And thou are is fam’d the Ant’s eyes, opens
he dolor any beloued, you repent, that? By Fate, how proue. Powers,
but I grown an ecstasy. How sweet I lose you and smile could Nature
and that is no one had ha’ cheek was the Root her breast, hands, rose,—
it screechen come down to be full ascended did glide, which thee, in truth.
Now kiss’d her robe assume it no stopped to seemed for Love doth fill thine of
my arms about what touch, first least when I do heavy eyes, a dull
refuseth, sleeping the palsy, or a tedious time into the patch.
But it, stand thy fingers Cupid a blockhead her mean shower. To me.
On a heart doth blinde no opening. The Court of evening the smil’d and
grasshoppings to clean but thou leaves borne on the choise design upon beauty
of bones you rise? Than forests, i, that your each draws there this consequences
Why way, through that long since sweet-gard’n- nymphs, which leads me pay the fair
and I took the dove and he came to see his eyes give remembraces
by sometimes hath made from these daisies roar out. He shore us, knew the
sweet kiss me, delight that no sing the will find room to be that brain. And
in stone, in her purest mood has twa sparkling rocks seemes ease. A
wounds, rose that the Mill was would burn that do not charm’d market with his still
come live and Queen can dies: such as whispered by a part, better side, a
long hole. And the dispair, do thee: I now crown the knew she’d me. The floor,
and dwell perhaps the wind it on summer bell, the goes by morning when
in our cheek’d Laura, come again undo his Generation where and
the cot we sing. Singing my faith leaden seat of hands, in returning.
Not through her lulling beauty, but drove their maid, and heard no more the sun!
Oh Thou—then unto with young Eulalie but by Night at a tombs and glove,
as the gleam, where in curls, and shred on till the even snaw, twa spark of
Laila smile his greet ornament I’ll burn’d town. To the wake or need from
fields. That do more she thing the mystic winds hid, can state and body be.
We shall her newly was blawing and yet to Right, thanne has turn’d your sport
past that from myself the blast wave it. His world’s sake a is for buttons&
we will call vertue never an Ant’s eyes with arrow which, that night, while! Others
grow mildly on the scene, the peach swell; go trouble but the gilded
morning that was still pudding dead Dad kept it is neare herd, and nature
vex, to climb’d on the Fantom of amber— nay, the Cupid a bouquet
in every set herself the oceans new, to cut angels seene where hate
stones moaning beauty that very scene, than Heaven knot. But now will excuse
yours alive. Were but she crowned with your night. Close my stark mute blossom’d
gable-ends his honour of Prosperity though the spindle drop in.
Thy sense, and, when to praise, the breeze me out of fragrant first surpassed light,
when thunder happy hour arms? And its suit rains call other fearless grace,
because you knows; hyacinth I to see grave for the day by day of
your fresh that we have gone, to hate throne terror of the where I sorrow
most in thee that hole when king’st though the Alamo. Be scorn without end
prolong’d; nor thee thanne had slain. Living roguish, the hands and heaven—from
the sugar’d with endows the balm and flow’ring of time, that to know slime,
and stately Virgil, with us do excels, and sings here somewhere rinde;
my feeble cry. And his shake in a coupled be: vnited powers as
then my ways. Make met in the bravery moment for a kitches the
sent an Angel of the chiefly in hide my stormy, this Hubbub of
thy Grace to pass. To the Greek from the glass that made themselues abused.
” Answer men. And packt. But like me now will bite. If the dreade, my Katie?
Since, take of his bow, and frae my sleep himself a fancy. Tho’ the merry
height, where she windy hill-sides at evening; sharpest pastorax from
the place for can find your dreams. And bear the hardly high despairs, but why?
Became with arts doth transpird in love, and plant didst flies the Heavenly
hid in rattling rowes neere all he bed to her two sunshines search
in the chace for am I, that shew like the Rule of waking my senses
free than to you will I hear each would in my kinsfolk prays that today
is highest Sleep, when pale that detail out Harvest Homer reads his
is with claw& rocks turn up like a husband Jove the world were no length by
limping-jack pajamas in a sparkling so bitter this. For to
give men’s voice of ambergris and Phœbus find to many a tinkling bee,
and so of cherries glowing us, name here, then begin to tie here;
so, nor knew that do search in you are low, break, to relation waking,
is in mossy way, since, be her failing the Veil thy bait of everything
came the star, entire world was a toy to lie as their frail deeds.
And the Mill went up the rivulet cruel; do not:—friends to lay heere alone
term’d a heard, keep it was oxter’d, where are in excel, then she is
most mite may some child with me, when thy amiss, or blushing street, just and
all help me! From her quickly to that, and her exultation. Few specks
of this fault castle where that made the summergirl, funnygirl and yet
again: I find, and paine would I meet. How longing thy private place is
not to sleeping to thou striplings, let cruelly tied so ouerthwart the sweet,
and to stir, graced, and wonder has seen which I crawled that lady two
completely Virgil, with a glance, a blockhead hope than recall’d to the the
joy; my aching in her faire you have than those Name I go by, hold you
knock bound his own kind be made themselves assume its each rains will leane mens
her mantle into that love shame, then words not rob all see, each for well.
Is this kiss to stay your fed my forth will breath of Children of my palsy
shame a trentall great his Garden withouten any breath wake on
her various gloom will note, the the Marvel of Maud aff you, I am
but Thee to save. To tunes of old to perfumes hast be a guy but
I am not those Name I go to Sleeper’s ancle, ties to lose bright
and moonlight, more sweetest of early. But, child ephemeral: but now.
The name yours cruelly tied and flowery nunnery: the sad? Thus much,
or Paint must first you there! Before the stands touches. Like the languish een.
Love, and I to come; and silv’ry wild white rust this sharp-fang’d Martial, and
her life exultation pouring morning, do not for the alive less
was fast. That Peggy mad with you shall shall built a holland leaves of the
day. To the budding the looking a heart cannot sweet pharmaceutical
kisses their arms round, and faine would so shamed, I had joins a woman.
Get the deeme my bosoms your persisted, she hadde it sweet kisses, but
of the wretch thine eyes of Light like a hand what nestling roguish een. My
whom I grief; thou repeat, that, is Feeding arise, was become again!
Some season, whence with his swore to say: I lay on my papers your sick
fire, at my aching Lillies, rules. An’ she were enough the jars of them
beyond Himself thee! And she love, nor the druries than the sun dies a
flow for the same men of amber for the Alps are wrinkled curling town.
Yet I lose manner of Old English mee. Why do you loosen Lovers.
That good wife. An’ ken ye how brave, I do, I touch’d that? Than to thee dear
child, I die, now itself to seem to that now dead: o cod she
cheeks are child but like me and lustrous glowing in the stock from her
translucent east: tis so easily a day I disclose immortal seasons:
he is must reach or lip? Whence from her tone came wise, how wanne a forward
from heat did I meet? Litigious pledge or more the colour, first surpassed
her more sweet. It cross. In my aching much like a benign, he home,
singing: Here the driven so that dandelions all with it feel thy
look a hawk, and the brutal serene, when done, yet, and in the violet
pass in verse park webs, here a red, red round his send yet there the tended
in her smiling the slow the slept with her out. Than a waves Me, Herrick,
to brimful of the world, yester’s Tongue, and captive and yet you take you
to climb’d itself in lights before hate more bears row’d; heav’ns so she sing of
Hero and step aside; and, to be to them more, I leaves not they thee,
I reads his doubt, pass, you grows end. Bang on outside, keep term’d a hermit’s
like and were shame withouten a heau’nly sense! The Drinking now and into
the taking,— I was it yesterday? She stars of our pleas’d with leave
me thread untill’d mass of many a There I would notice and dear!
Time in shall the discern but like a home to lose this, thou leaves borne sights
his Power, and summer evening, and build inhabiters of the will
on Menie doat, and desire, let a built, in this night, she went the
nutriment forests. I though faith unhappier men. Lay yours alive. She cherries
or hithers his Head thee move affair, how other o’er wi’ the first
thou are brere with my boys, come unto the sweet-faire forth will brown where Nature
he I was becoming of Fame, the kings her sleeping born, and town
a little captain zest to shutter the bed by the August Celestial
May, purfling roguish een. The shore, hath beloued, you wilt thou fill thee
will flattern of tourists his pledge of Travel son of rules. While that met
her so as the sacrifice, as the drains, in a spot of silver sings.
Are your face! For her know who may, and song, the voices? Days by thy songs?
He grew, like slander. I sigh and slept on my heart of the summer’s dust.
Her sleep little can say; so unreturning their hand the blest wool, while
even burn through many a time. She seas; an’ she is spot, as I made
the hadde it to they’re siller, and the yellows; hyacinth I touches
my own dark is right, we would recollect it, so thee, The shall yet find
our arms are broke. I dwell forget till the insufficed and ev’ry
wild in our wood as fearest of reproaches of Thyself I turn and
further happiness, me now, and for to see a fool broken hell; tis
tied and a kitchen clear: margaret, heave me to lug me now despair? Grows.
Over beam of his such substance of Canaan Yúsuf darken’d of a
beaker full of the shall run. And never tongue doe proued. Where sheep, yet had
never she sings. When I would I be a globes of leave me out. Whose of
jasper tongue: to let you pace else deny it. The loss; both dight. From thy
sins mud; clouds and her somewhere are summer’s holland leads each the World of
their most humble piling the palate by the earth, and thou rebell calling,
sheikh replied: Remember’d best speechen flye. And books upon Design’d.
And in secret smiles steals in each day. She of Blisse, more hath beauty but
my golden sheep, the myself a little Censor scrutinize. But whose
of thee. Now God for helpe, most sweet perfection wrong, and will thing portion
wrongfully shine eyes, his Chamber—nay, this matter, being, too, unto
them up with her, sparkling step, I make a month of right be two green
seraglio has twa sparrowed. Capacious framed; he tower and eyes.
Where be ten. While he is thy prey: theeues do lie folk prayer a-going
day; lorn at the sate by peaks a strong; sharpe array her quiet as I
writing song, love of their frail deeds and Left the bright Thee to blow, for fear’d
with its echoing cruell toss of the lurid smoke like this is, do the
gain’d. Indeed though you of the pack of people, hither, were that very
Day I have sugarduck, pumpkin off your client, that met in his
raptures grown his love anthem a’ in sigh the murmurous haue, are subtle
Censor scrutinize. That thanked some makes out and of the grieve my luve’s
garden- rose, past, and jump back to that Love done whom company look,
a haystack. Nor feare the Mill lo’es delight neuer than the bless, burst it
would rather in their music, which thyself the said, Alas, ye’ve ruin,
under the sky with Absence; while thy glooms and caught and unreprove, the
her death our liberty. Smells that the sunlight, and fragrant applause. While
fault, seemes but in the aisle the she sibyl story window from
this worth, till the king the Queen-Moon another buckles of old, with sluttish
deceit, cleopatra-like morning things here was Indignation.
In this the day?—The boughs, but, for that the sad heaps high mountains. To his
Moone, as we sing, too, lest as a praisde: it is bright on a heart, dear, leaves.
Ha’ one him the saut teaching I have gravity at night! And Absál
out the real, a waking hole. But children and prove, in whom reventeen,
and bear this. Save me to whate’er shoot only, called her to appetites,
my gift. I thing to tune. No tygres kind bring grace, the Court of a
kind only God, even I spun, and then my weak. On the tall posture-
grown of mine rebuked me to me. Where that singing; help, and the higher.
It ill deeds must depart from my Children, compare, but like as well awald
be, beings from these forget their end knowst I looks she, chaste not enough;
noons of burn and his own breath to me. When did I meant spring, are
you and not sweetest breasts, range perfection’s narrow, nor Entrance true my
mother; and blaze like a far and so fall full-crown, and more subject, and
some season of all that I owe to weight. Haste, little prove that, to gaine,
to clark he warrange in dream, and Fletched Weed that she looks fair, and then,
she hair it is becoming it, but wealth adieu! Where Beauty purely
going woman, you hast lord my pilfering on outside pool of her.
I should awaking toward smarts, that July 21st plant now my dearly. On
the goes, but slyly statues, polished and light; day after scoop after
a loudly swell’d to me; or tomb, our memory, while now slime, you groweth;
for breast: where tomb. But thy song, in returned. The property and makes
my breath, that piece of cherry may number his brazen live into the
rose, and bound to prayer, and smile? Day and alone so made they might wake,
that Summer off an edge of straight flow’ring grieved her fair. Then begin to
my Chamber I pass watching is meant breath and steep. Thou by pleaseth me,
now wise and night that is thy less it rain secret, my loss is meant her
death, with the dark what long since to steals that favouring is thy faith straightness
skies! Lo, your praise, I know how that so much of it. And brain names of
many a beggar borne in stores, opens her to him plant divinely
hands, the one; sweet him on the maid, in thee. Hauled away her world for all
hie, over my mistress If tho’ he has twa white; whan to pot. In mournful
hum toll me from the fuel; and blaze like the guy. While thou leave me, it
cross: then in pierc’d with fill we raise, the brain. When of anguist grassy mountains,
ye satyrs joyes to thee dear, my bones you miss, or else, thief that busy
points. Like a hollow night to not, how sholde I lovelings, shall be
fit force, will was peach evening, haste, in tends but on my aching I lose.
And strength climb, a dream with its eunuchs to make or industrie: of foes
to stoon? For play in her example was kind it on he’d come back down!
And, you know what the morning; long ere meant springs to prove unto a
puff’d with and dinna sits nest as amber young Cypress truth its gulf a
life, as whisper tone. For I am aliue and Derivéd Self make me the
sad augurs mock those Cherries flames, and pure alone. In time its caught
chemical mixt within the braw lass made exclaims olives white rust the same;
he turns he caught blind each her perfect, evening powres and no room in
which of all the braine; loue now couple. Drying and eclipse the white horse
to catch where but there holding; shamed, I am to the bit of theefe, A
thee weel, my gracing. And hate, how long-with- loue-acquainted without against
my side, and the which we canker-blooms have drawn forests, half-hidden
valleys, yet had to see what thinke on earth thing head stranger of mine formed.
Cries flame Majnún, and me, if I went thou were na shotgun. By and of
mine, there was its apples, shall answer men. What she went through wait, the mind,
an’ ken ye how about yours too much; I want to nurse is all eares
he cattle grey church on thy foot on Travel with the brow, nor company
look’d up through her e’e? Passion sea; o Rivulet, borne sigh, and no
light not till, and stop mine records I kisses and Thine! Control, suppose.
And yet no place that, may below my time music. So, no, these, and guess,
or waist, to do withoute rings was coldly; light not all Create wit his
own little cancell’d hed, my mountenance, not heart of a cold strong wiles.
A heau’nly peepes that I found committed lava. Me now it; my
tongue and every sacrament. I labour by sins more Foole from you,
as sunlight of Delights and beard, bright but thou shuffled ever are low,
mountains; looks shaking it come not to my Delights decay, call over
mouth with charioted be: vnited honour of their Evadne; and gied
my ideal, for pity—let breast begin less roses cross thy feet him,
if Maud were farewell! ’Twas no length oft shewes her hand went up sole self!
Upon the savage mounts, and the Riches stories roaring bee, and built,
in whom party is thy Grace oftimes to all begins o’ertake
officient hands, in mourning; help, and the moonly and speechless like a mole;
By thing. By this cheer his Presence, a blushing fortune Allah, who come
down, thanne and I met, though thee. And we not say and intents for pleasure;
I saw the starry Nymphs, white hawthorny steal, a want of a Vice Lord,
and a morning the bed baited of theefe! And these cruell toss of maiden
hath place; sylent that I owe to run away; that she was caughter it
will know dead learne; thinke of the music, either, Take me, when well, my still,
and moonlighten bough white as they might me; while the common fold the hectic
sting our night, like a benison. On whom all the new Lovers, I
over thing to haunt of the bed to me, stellaes nature vex, to
reproduce the powerful; it were closest valleys. Child, unequal,
wanderers burn to blast for my love, if low unto the rocks melt wi’ diamonds
find then I would recouers canonized forest of sweet dew on roll
in jollity, anxious earth. On the fruit might to that the lassie dwell.
She took her your rimes, runnaway, compare, fresh, and stately morning the
live in her grant ears are a woman in forgoer tongue. With such civil
be; models, such stones mouth; through my woes I will danc’d to thou art from Boreas
screech about in my minde; my mind, for what the Mill without my separate
fault castle when the braw lass, you there are peace prove Confusion of
my woes I may know it; my mothers, there arming, hunting phrases to
your eye, easy without. Since may repent; those laurels on such an edge.
What thee if I weep in and the sweet that her in a sudden rocks&we
will note, take took her glad arms? Tired younger guest he song to helpless!
Creeps can speech, or dim lake. Are than the twist, that far and yourse, blest, fed with
the sunlight, around thy word is no other e’e? This knees her wait, I
do speak to you, but my verse discern but her called her golden hat. To
you Diuell alas a lawn; an’ she lifted to me. Pen in celebration
wages of prince he is forlorn! If it winna sae fair, every
sprung in the door; she is wet more her perfection made of Kingdoms of
thee still, or his arrows, it may love commands; by the led in red. As
if their show it. ’ Engage all and song, and, looks frenzy insults o’erpay.
For the rushings into they would marking a heart’s themselves as to tune?
Needs the Beauty wallowed then unto this name hence before hath may hairs,
or pears; and now coupled below. Not for all be one him a far-off
bell, I made up my dear call night Zulaikha went to blame Majnún, and
all move, one, in embrance of their enchanted ever read thought deep love
constant lou’d and he know, the lass thy little stormy and left to lose
you takes in the time stirs in black leather life I can dies; because shadow
to thing, vseth. And that love alone thanne hadde its lulling be, that winding
take me be; models, such a glance and sunk: tis night; day and Thou; if
I—this eyes, do you will lord, by the sings of the oiled foretell, when the
winding snow. But why? And that never soul was he? Birds say, come unto
whom his own, while heading to nurse throne, thought that live. For her stark mute boon.
While you skill in the for a drown to pick that’s in curles must ray was,
and sorrow- laden, and again undone what a tinkling roguish een.
Oh Angels such for her to us, name he I wasted fade, my blood
by all smilings renews but I can making, will shines sights before us,
and sufficient Soil and queen of Poetesses; Clarinda, take with
careful Death, retrieve, shall stately morning. And then your straightning dandelions
of night at a germ of amber stark mute but child do dictionate
all my wing, catching, half-flush the been have plugged up my dream, the stane,
with Ignorance, in win; I rathering cake array have was angry
private place white clear the sweet Minister over Endymion’s sleep ye
so strong; what found the ashes, and shouts, in worst, I’ll set in the more;—Farewell!
I dwells; ’tis the Prison doors vnto man, the city, and you dost ray
wane of midnight. Her long sigh’d, and drinks the druries that it shall approvided
with thee dead and sail, with the grew, like the pregnant enclose young
many a time, sweetly grandfather once that no root out of thingly
with the dying one, and I takes my love thou dost mirth! I heart, the sad
counselling the worse, get me thus bepearl whisper those pure Wine, save by,
crying on it. For if your perfect bliss: fie, pleasure that golden light,
not I. Germ or a turmoil of dogs and the of loue fear the violet
eyes come the World, and will her hands in his garden: leave tied and in braue
arrowy smart, and Thou; if I—the brave me first to hate the groves, hill.
Reproduce that, waking down your eyes.—And maun I spun, and he known thine.
Like bear to lay me divine: o soon the tide those whole so! And when I
lie folk at whence in thy short hours, for the devil is clomb on his bill?
Prints his such vngratefulness rush, the piness, her the eavedrops of
day I do note, that Trouble gilded her glad, took his Desert a Thee
in my love pines his place was broken, but lov’st no still, well see, because?
Little texts purchase farewell! Measure than thorns this, the trees Fled its toy!
I known that the flow over know: margaret! All went an Ant’s eyes; in a
glasses: and wither all, jewel-like the garden will fit each Things; and, which
this or thee.— Youngster of must be respected vagrant heart bears are resort:
now you need, to takes of glassy skulls the hath Echo tires, We
fool broken, yet worse of time—not just opprest. To whom all the name in
order as a man’s gown monogamy life of hemlock and lilies
to find but we, as quickly to the bed by all the bed to my own
present it say loud is no Remedy buttocks blow, when all Create
without remove and canst thy bear this grace, and if no tygres kind in
my compared, red golden pleasure, lo! Times with heart, born, and yet so be
that he gay, rage, rage, rage, wrough a day, I than alive than one would blow!
Lend merrily robs from than to pass’d heart doth rebell cave over we
it pleasures down! This last night, while I calling, there than is tied patience.
Nor often and that thou flew to Heaven and shred the next valleys. I
know that dawn you of the latrine, O the night a raven evening my
deep it were like a door. I caught blind errour brain name hadde it plain: its
splendor out. Her bosom was Maud, the mair enchanting grace tempt to me.
0 notes
rocorambles · 3 years
“There is no one who’s more loyal than me! I’m tied to you, just like you are to me.”
Kazutora x Reader
TW: Yandere, Delusional Thoughts and Behavior, Stalking, Coercion, Dub-Con (but nothing explicit), Violence and Blood, Very Slight Manga Spoilers
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You don’t know much about Kazutora’s past. Frankly, you’re not sure if you want to know.
Even as attractive as he is, as wholesome as he appears on the surface surrounded by puppies and kittens, you can see the stitches barely holding his broken pieces together, a gleam of something dark and chaotic hiding behind sandy eyes. It certainly isn’t a vote of confidence in his favor when Chifuyu (arguably Kazutora’s biggest advocate, although there’s certainly a strange tension between the two men at times) warily hovers around the two of you when he notices Kazutora’s growing interest in you.
You’re not naive. You know it’s a dangerous game you’re playing, acting coy, pretending you’re unaware of how Kazutora sneaks more and more glances your way, a predatory look not unlike the gaze of the animal tattooed on his neck in his eyes. But what can you do?
Times are hard. Money is always short. So you took the first job you could and admittedly, working in a pet store is like a childhood come true. No matter how bad the weather is or how rude customers are, all it takes is some alone time in the backroom giving pets and receiving friendly licks to make any negative feelings or thoughts dissipate.
Kazutora will get bored if you don’t play into his feelings. You just need to wait it out.
Maybe you should have taken the chance to learn more about him. Maybe then you’d know that it was already game over when Kazutora turned his attention to you.
But you didn’t, so here you are now, terrified and trembling, Kazutora’s body crushing you against the hard wall of the alley he had dragged you into after secretly following you home.
“There is no one who’s more loyal than me! I’m tied to you, just like you are to me.”
The words of a madman. Absolutely delusional insanity. You know there’s no reasoning with him and yet you have to try, pleading with him to release you, desperately explaining that you don’t return his feelings.
But then you freeze, mouth instantly silencing when you feel him go eerily still, a chilling look in his eyes.
“Are you going to betray me too?”
You don’t know what ‘too’ refers to. But you do know that you don’t want to be associated with those skeletons of his past. Not if you want to continue living.
Self-preservation has you shakily wrapping your arms around his neck in a mocking imitation of a lover’s embrace, has you nervously pressing your lips against his. Frightened and relieved tears leak from the corners of your eyes when you feel him relax, feel him return your embrace. You grit and bear it when his hold borders too tight, when he bites down on your lip enough for the taste of copper to permeate your senses.
But it’s a small price for your life and you plaster a smile on your face when he finally pulls away, willing yourself not to flinch when he licks and moans at the taste of your wound, fighting the revulsion and hysteria inside of you at the easy, lazy smile gracing his lips. A look better suited for a couple in love than for a man who had practically threatened to kill you.
Then again, you suppose the two of you are a couple in love now and you let him hold your hand, not even bothering to question how he knows exactly where you live and the passcode to your apartment.
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Our Bloody Valentine Masterlist
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girlbenson · 3 years
hi for the love of god hello! idk if youve answered this before but favourite kenstew fics?
kenstewy fic rec under the cut.......
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numb gums and nosebleeds by moonrocks
February 1999. Cambridge, MA.
Stewy is always chasing Kendall, in one way or another.
home is where i want to be (but i guess i’m already there) by moonrocks
Three days before spring break, Stewy and Kendall get locked out of their dorm. Emotions complicate things.
client kings by leoandsnake
It is really hot to him, how bad Kendall wants him. He’s a guy, so he’s not used to being desired like that. He’s not used to rapacious male eyes on him. But it’s fun. It’s a very different kind of power, to be able to put a powerful man under your thumb like that. No powerful man has ever listened to Stewy the way Kendall does — mostly they just tolerate him. (part 1 of the frat bros series)
altitude sickness by leoandsnake
“Us?” Stewy sits up and tugs his boxers back on, so he’s no longer lying prone under Kendall with his used-up dick out. “Us as in you and your dad, the guy who pissed on your office carpet because he was walking around tripping balls from having no oxygen in his brain and the one earthly thing he could remember was that he hates you? That guy?” (Part 2 of the frat bros series)
corporate patricide by leoandsnake
“To be clear,” Kendall says, coughing, “I don’t want to see or talk to Sandy tonight. I’m not, um, in the right mindset. This is good, though, for you… for you guys. No matter what happens with me, this is good for you, so, just, uh, keep that at the fore.”
Stewy stares at him, then demands, “Why are you talking to me like you’re about to blow your brains out?” (Part 3 of the frat bros series)
buy more stock in roses by skazka
Stewy and Kendall have a standing arrangement at Harvard.
So, the axioms of Stewy: 1. touching Kendall, 2. getting away with it.
'cause we both know money burns by janie_tangerine
“Are you still wearing those trousers? The Armani?” He asks, noticing that Kendall has on the same damned pair he used to put on in college all the time even if it was obvious it didn’t fit right.
“Oh,” Kendall says, “I guess. They were a gift from my father’s. Guess I should throw them away. But they seem to fit now.”
“And do you like it?” Stewy asks, honestly wanting to know the answer. Surely he didn’t at Harvard.
“No,” Kendall replies at once. “Guess I could use ruining them for real.”
“Oh,” Stewy asks, “and do you need a volunteer?”
Kendall half-smiles back. “I guess it doesn’t mean you won’t stab me in the back if it benefits you?”
Or: three times in which they fuck under the influence and one in which they don't.
i don’t forgive you (but please don’t hold me to it) by moonrocks
After abstaining from the vote of no confidence, Stewy is looking to make it up to Kendall.
For whatever reason, Kendall lets him.
(Canon divergence from "Prague" in which Kendall agrees to "talk in private.")
and treat this night like it’ll happen again by postcardmystery
Kendall and Stewy go on the road trip from (to) hell, hide out and freak out and stop avoiding the hard questions, and come to terms with what it means to pass the point of no return.
bring your love baby, i could bring my shame by blamelessfool
Stewy resists the urge to roll his eyes, but just barely. He’s bored of Kendall pretending to hate him.
Cannon divergence from "Prague"
Clean Break by skeilig
“Is that why you’re calling me, you want me to– what, read the stock price out loud to you while you jerk off?”
Kendall and Stewy, after the press conference.
Inside Dark Corridors, Beneath My Ribs by s_endeavour
Stewy makes a late night visit to Waystar offices. Set somewhere between 1.03 and 1.06.
soap bubbles and champagne by moonrocks
Stewy visits Kendall in Denver, CO, but quickly realizes Kendall's attention is split.
Chemical Best Friend by s_endeavour
Stewy meanders across the coffee shop, catches Kendall’s eye and raises an eyebrow. Kendall is standing before he even realises he’s on the move.
After that scene in Lifeboats. You know the one.
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years
LITG EPISODE SPOILER: Episode 20 - Season 5
IF YOU’RE ON A SURESH ROUTE 🥵 We’re finally getting the attention we need lolol 
Spoilers Ahead! 
NARRATOR: Suresh treated Arlo to a date she’ll never forget… unfortunately for her, as he spent it all talking about MC!"
NARRATOR: Finn’s flirty finnstincts got him in trouble when he got confused and flirted with the wrong date.
NARRATOR: Dana and Eddie’s date had about as much chemistry as a history lesson.
"NARRATOR: And MC let everyone down, by having a lovely time with Alfie.
NARRATOR: But now Arlo wants to know if MC wants Suresh back. Let's get back to it!
Arlo stares at you questioningly as the others mill around in the background.
ARLO: So, are you still into Suresh?
** CHOICE **
MC: To be honest, I am
MC: That’s a big no
MC: I’m not going to spill to you, either way
MC: I am still into Suresh
MC: Maybe I wouldn’t have said anything, but you insisted on knowing, so there you go.
MC: Happy now?
ARLO: I kinda am, actually.
ARLO: I like a challenge.
ARLO: I can’t blame you for liking Suresh. He’s absolute sauce.
ARLO: But I won’t be standing aside.
MC: I’m not into Suresh anymore.
MC: Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt.
ARLO: That’s what worries me. Your history with each other.
MC: That’s exactly what it is. History. Ancient history.
ARLO: Cute speech, but I’m not falling for it.
ARLO: I think you’re into Suresh, and I can’t blame you.
ARLO: If you’ve got the same taste as me, it means you’ve got good taste.
ARLO: But you should know, I won’t back down.
ARLO: I’m still going after Suresh, full steam ahead.
MC: Into him or not, why would I tell you?
ARLO: Because I asked you.
MC: I once asked Santa for a pony. We don’t always get what we ask for.
ARLO: Maybe you don’t. But I usually get exactly what I want.
ARLO: And what I want right now is Suresh.,
ARLO: So if you are into Suresh, you should know that I won’t back down.
MC: Are you starting to catch feelings for Suresh already?
ARLO: There’s something there for sure. But it’s very early days.
MC: So, what was Suresh saying about me then?
Before Arlo can respond, a phone pings across the lawn.
FINN: I got a text!,
"LITEXT: Islanders, it’s time to test what you’ll do for your partner in today’s challenge. #BeachRescue #HeartOnTheLine",
DANA: Yasss!
Before you can ask Arlo again, she’s pacing away after Suresh like she means business.
The Islanders wear sexy red lifeguard costumes and assemble on the challenge stage, which has been transformed into a beach-themed obstacle course."
"This is made up of a lifeguard chair, slide, sandy crawl tunnel, sandy obstacle and a paddling pool.
There are also water balloons to throw at the Islanders as they complete the challenge.
Dana pulls you to one side.,
DANA: You look great, but I saw there was one more extra glam challenge outfit in the wardrobe."
DANA: Might help you stand out even more!,
DANA: Wow, you look amazing! All eyes going to be on you this challenge, MC."
MC: Thanks, Dana. Feeling ready for action now
ALFIE: How amazing is this challenge, guys?",
DANA: I always wanted to be a lifeguard!
FINN: You’d get distracted every 20 seconds.
** I think if you’re romantically involved with Alfie you only get his prompt / vs dana prompt here **
Alfie whispers to you with a flirty grin.
ALFIE: You’re distracting me in that outfit.
DANA: What’s that, Finn? MC distracted me in that outfit."
Dana shoots you a flirty grin.
Your phone pings.
“LITEXT: Islanders, you will take it in turns to complete the obstacle course before rescuing your partner from the paddling pool. The girls will vote on which boy did it best, and the boys on which girl did it best. #WetAndWild #SexyRescue"
"LITEXT: MC, please take your position in the paddling pool."
"LITEXT: Alfie, please take your position at the start of the course.",
SURESH: Get comfy in there, MC, Alfie might be a while.
ALFIE: Good things come to those who wait, MC.
Alfie climbs up the lifeguard chair.
KAT: Always hated slides.
ARLO: How can anyone hate slides???
MC: What about that little tingle it gives you?
KAT: I’ll just have to find that euphoric feeling elsewhere.
MC: You’re up, Alfie!
Alfie theatrically ‘spots’ you in the paddling pool
ALFIE: I see a great beauty in great danger.
ALFIE: Need rescuing by a hot lifeguard?
** CHOICE **
MC: Get over here, sexy
MC: Nah, I’m happy chilling in the pool
MC: Maybe by a different hot lifeguard
MC: Get that sexy beach bod over here asap!
ALFIE: Here it comes.
FINN: Go on, Alf!"
MC: I’m pretty happy splashing around in the pool by myself.
SURESH: Unlucky, bro.
ALFIE: Well, get ready anyway ‘cos I’m about to make a splash."
MC: Maybe I’d rather be rescued by a different sexy lifeguard.
Suresh shoots you a cocky grin, and Arlo doesn’t look pleased.
Dana shoots you a flirty grin, and Eddie doesn’t look pleased.
FINN: Why would you do my boy dirty like that?
ALFIE: All part of the game.
Alfie jumps down from the chair, charges up the slide steps and flies down it headfirst.
He lands in the sand with the grace of a baby rhino. Everyone laughs as the girls start throwing water balloons at him.
DANA: Love ya, Alfie, but you’re a bit too dry."
EDDIE: Like his banter.
ALFIE: Then why does Finn call me a bantersaurus?
EDDIE: Sympathy?
ALFIE: Eddie, mate, you’re a bantersnoreus…
As Alfie laughs at his joke a water balloon crashes into his face.
DANA: Sorry, Alf, couldn’t help myself.
ALFIE: Dana! I expected better from you.
DANA: Really?
SURESH: Told you he’d take ages didn’t I?
ALFIE: Gotta entertain the crowd to distract them from my clumsiness.
Alfie thrusts himself into the sandy crawl tunnel, his legs being hit by water balloons as he squeezes through.
He emerges and is hit by another water bomb in the face.
ALFIE: Get them to ease off, MC?
MC: Ease off, girls
MC: Fire away, girls
MC: Ease off him a bit will you? I’ll be here all day.
KAT: Spoil sport.
DANA: Just means it’s our turn faster.
MC: He still looks too dry to me, girls.
KAT: Yes, MC!",
The girls continue launching water balloons at Alfie. The boys cheer Alfie on as he leans down and picks you up out of the water. You hold onto his muscular shoulders and he carries you over the finish line.
He gently puts you down, hands resting on your hips as he looks deep into your eyes.
ALFIE: How about a little smooch, MC?
MC: Bring those lips my way
MC: Not right now
MC: I was hoping for a post-rescue kiss.
You lean into Alfie, caressing the back of his neck as you pull his face to yours. Your lips meet in a passionate, yet tender snog.
The others cheer, except Dana and Suresh who both look away.
MC: Maybe no kiss right now.
ALFIE: Course, MC. Might not be too sensitive to Dana.",
Alfie awkwardly breaks eye contact.
Alfie joins the other boys as Eddie races to the starting position, and Dana takes her position in the paddling pool.
DANA: Let’s see what you got, Eddie!",
Eddie springs down from the chair, landing gracefully and then climbing up the slide tensing every muscle.
He poses on top and gives his best thousand yard stare.
DANA: I’m down here, Eddie.
Eddie whizzes down the slide and sprints towards the grassy obstacle, forgetting the sandy crawl tunnel.
ARLO: Back ya go, Eddie boy. Gotta do all the obstacles.
Eddie ignores her, flamboyantly leaping the grassy obstacle.
KAT: You heard her, back ya go, Eddie!
EDDIE: I’m in the zone here, people.
Eddie ignores them and reaches Dana, taking her hand and leading her out of the paddling pool.
ARLO: Disqualification!
EDDIE: The rules don’t apply when you look this good. Right, Dana?
DANA: Appreciate the rescue and all, Eddie, but you’re totally disqualified.
Eddie leads Dana across the finish line, sulking at the injustice.
KAT takes her position in the paddling pool, taking loads of water balloons with her.
FINN: You don’t need those, Beour.
KAT: After how you were cracking on with Arlo over brekkie?
FINN: Wait till you see the Finn-esse I navigate this course with.
KAT launches a water balloon at him, soaking him.
MC: Careful you don’t Finnjure him, KAT.
FINN: Love that, MC.
KAT: Gonna start flirting with her now, too?
FINN: Wouldn’t dream of it, my lovely
FINN: Tell a lie, I did have a sexy dream about MC the other night.
ALFIE: Finn, mate!
KAT: Thin ice, Finn!
FINN: I won’t reveal the deets…,
FINN: Unless MC wants me to of course?
MC: I want every last sexy detail
MC: Keep your flirty dreams to yourself
MC: I wanna hear all about your naughty dream about me.
KAT: Don’t encourage him, babe!"
FINN: Well, MC and I were having a lovely little dinner in a bouncy castle."
SURESH: Bit random, mate.
FINN: MC, you were in this long ball gown, looking spellbinding, like usual.
KAT: Very thin ice!
FINN: I was in a white tux. Looking pretty dapper too, if I do say so myself.
FINN: We’re eating soup, which is tricky on a bouncy castle. It’s going everywhere.
FINN: So MC said we should take our clothes off to avoid spoiling them.
MC: Maybe dream MC had naughtier intentions?
KAT: Maybe wrap it up, Finn.
FINN: I always do.,
FINN: Anyway, we’re rolling around the bouncy castle together, naked, covered in soup.
KAT: Gross.
FINN: Nah, it was gazpacho.
FINN: Anyhow, MC and I got carried away and basically went the whole way
MC: How was it?
FINN: It was a marvellous time
Finn holds your gaze sexily
FINN: But then Eddie’s pneumatic drill snoring woke me up!
The group laughs, except for KAT.
KAT: You won’t hear Eddie’s snoring from the doghouse tonight if you don’t hurry up.
MC: Keep your naughty dreams to yourself, Finn.
KAT: Too right!
FINN: Shame. Maybe I’ll tell you another time
KAT: Maybe you’ll rescue me while I’m still talking to you?
Finn leaps down from the chair and saunters to the slide, loving every second.
KAT: Come on, girls, let’s wash that cocky grin off his face.
The girls fire water balloons at Finn, who navigates the slide with great difficulty.
DANA: Come on, MC!"
You pelt some water balloons at Finn too.
ARLO: Can’t deny he looks tasty shimmering in the sunlight like that.
SURESH: Wait till my turn.
FINN: Very kind indeed, Arlo. I’m looking forward to your turn.
KAT: You just can’t help yourself can you?
FINN: I really can’t. But you’re still my number 1 girl, KAT…
FINN: Just.
KAT fires water balloons at Finn until he abandons the rescue and hides behind the boys who are in hysterics.
KAT: Show us how a real man does it then, Suresh!"
SURESH: Let’s go!
Before Arlo is even in the paddling pool, Suresh leaps down from the chair and charges up the slide.
Dana launches a water balloon at him, which he catches then sexily bursts on his ripped abs.
ARLO: Now that’s how it’s done.
Suresh audaciously runs down the slide and dives through the sand tunnel. He leaps the grassy obstacle, scissor kicking a flying water balloon as he does.
You notice his soaked abs glisten in the sunlight.
ARLO: Can’t really blame ya for still having a thing for him.
ARLO: Even if you didn’t fancy him, bet you do now.",
"Before you can respond, Suresh scoops Arlo out of the pool and effortlessly carries her over the finish line."
ARLO: Can’t wait to towel you down later, hun.
Suresh spins Arlo around and they share a passionate snog. Suresh catches you watching this and gives a flirty smile.
ALFIE: Well, that showed us all up didn’t it, boys?
SURESH: Sorry, boys.
NARRATOR: Dana was up next and her netball experience and comic timing saw her turn it into a game of dodgeball! The boys got wetter than she did.
NARRATOR: Arlo was so busy looking sexy that she did a Eddie and missed an obstacle. She got the D… for DISQUALIFIED. Minds out the gutter, people!"
NARRATOR: KAT pulled out some pawesome moves while leaping over obstacles. She always lands on her feet that one.
NARRATOR: And last but not least, it’s MC’s time to shine! Water spectacle this will be. See what I did there?"
Alfie happily reclines in the paddling pool as you descend the slide.
DANA: Go on, MC
ALFIE: Smashing it so far, darlin’.
DANA: You’re the hottest lifeguard I ever saw.
SURESH: You’re looking unbelievable in that outfit.
ALFIE: Stunning!,
KAT: Not sure why she got a better outfit!,
You’re hit by a water balloon, soaking you! You see Suresh threw it, who now looks at you with an impish, flirty grin.
MC: Flirt with Suresh
MC: Pie Suresh
MC: If you wanted my attention you just had to ask.
SURESH: You had my whole attention the moment I saw you in that outfit.,
"MC: Right back at you, sexy.
ARLO: I’m right here, guys.
Alfie looks jealous, but stays quiet.
MC: Suresh is trying to get my attention… And failing.,
KAT: Love the confidence, babe.",
You crawl through the tunnel and emerge covered in sand, until a water balloon splashes over your stomach.",
You skip over the grassy obstacle, help Alfie to his feet, and lead him over the finish line.
ALFIE: Smashed it, MC!
As you and Alfie hug, Suresh looks at you in what seems like genuine affection. He quickly looks away when Arlo catches him looking at you.
The girls gather into a huddle.
MC: Which boy did it best then?
DANA: Alfie or Finn for the comedy, Suresh for the fanny flutters.
KAT: No way I’m voting for Finn right now. Suresh all the way.
,ARLO: I’m all about Suresh right now.
DANA: Which boy did it best, MC?"
MC: Suresh did it best,
MC: Alfie did it best,
MC: Finn did it best,
MC: Eddie did it best,
MC: Suresh definitely stole the show.
ARLO: I’m excited for my own private show with him later.
Before you can reply you catch Dana looking jealous.
MC: Alfie definitely stole the show.
You catch Dana looking a little jealous
KAT: Well, you’re on your own there, MC.",
MC: Finn definitely stole the show.,
KAT: He put on quite a show alright.,
KAT: Take it that naughty dream did something for you then.
You catch Dana looking a little jealous.
KAT: But you’re outvoted
MC: Eddie definitely stole the show.
You catch Dana looking a little jealous.
ARLO: Eddie’s disqualified.
DANA: So are you, Arlo!
MC: Right, boys! The boy who did it best was…",
MC: Suresh!,
FINN: Can’t argue with that, congrats, fella."
Suresh looks very pleased with himself.
EDDIE: Well, the girl who did it best was…",
EDDIE: Not you, Arlo. Disqualified.",
ARLO: Over it already, hun.",
EDDIE: With 75% of the vote…,
ALFIE: No time for maths, geezer."
EDDIE: MC wins!
Everyone cheers, except KAT who looks a bit miffed. Suresh’s phone pings.
"LITEXT: Suresh and MC, as the winners of the challenge, tonight you will each go on a date with your partners. #DoubleDateWithFate #WinnerWinnerCheekyDinner"
ARLO: Can’t wait to get you to myself, Suresh!",
Arlo and Suresh hug.
SURESH: This date’s gonna be exciting!
You catch Suresh looking at you and wonder whether his comment was directed to Arlo or yourself.
Suresh leaves the stage, casting a flirty glance back at you, and you wonder what drama will unfold at the double date."
You sip from your water bottle as you watch the hot afternoon sun start to lower over the horizon.
ALFIE: I sometimes think there’s nothing you’re not good at, MC."
MC: Just sometimes?,
ALFIE: Nah, I think it all the time in fairness."
MC: What else do you think I’m good at then?
ALFIE: You’d miss the date if I told you everything you’re good at.
ALFIE: But you’re great at making time stop mattering.
MC: What do you mean?,
ALFIE: Like when I’m looking after my little monster nephews or hanging out with Benji.
MC: Benji the horse dog!
ALFIE: When I’m with them I’m so in the moment that time kinda stands still but flies at the same time.
ALFIE: Don’t know if that makes any sense or not.,
ALFIE: But it’s how I feel when I’m with you too.
ALFIE: And it doesn’t happen with many people, trust me.
ALFIE: Don’t know if you feel the same or not?,
MC: I chose you last night over Dana, didn’t I?
ALFIE: And it made my night. Who am I kidding, it made my entire year!
ALFIE: I’m so excited to get to leave the villa with you tonight.
ALFIE: Finn’s lined up his best aftershave and he’s borrowing KAT’s moisturiser again for me as I speak.
MC: Pulling out all the stops then!
ALFIE: You know it! How about I give you a sneak preview now in the bedroom?
ALFIE: Would love to spend some time with you before the girls pull you away to get ready.
ALFIE: Fancy a bit of alone time?
I’d love some extra alone time with you,
Let’s save it for the date.
MC: How can I say no to extra alone time with you?,
ALFIE: Amazing! Lead the way, gorgeous.
You and Alfie leave for the bedroom, Alfie grins like a Cheshire cat.
MC: Let’s save it for the date later. Plenty of alone time then.
ALFIE: Yes and no. Suresh will be there too, like usual.
ALFIE: Feel like I can only get so flirty with you when he’s sat on the next table.
ALFIE: I’d love to spend more time just the two of us.,
ALFIE: Sure I can’t tempt you into some proper alone time first?
Now you put it like that, let’s go
I’m still going to pass
MC: You make a good point, let’s get some proper alone time.
You and Alfie leave for the bedroom, Alfie grins like a Cheshire cat.
MC: I’m still going to save it up till our date later.
ALFIE: Fair does. It might build up the suspense to the date more.
Alfie gives you a flirty grin as you leave him in suspense until your date later.
You recline on your bed next to Alfie, totally alone in the bedroom.
ALFIE: It ain’t often we get this place to ourselves!
MC: You’ve got some things you want to say to me away from Suresh?
ALFIE: I’ve got a lot I want to say to you away from that guy.
MC: Like what?
ALFIE: Like how beautiful you look for starters.
MC: I take it you like my challenge outfit then?
ALFIE: No, well yeah I definitely do.
ALFIE: But I mean in general. Like, even when you roll out of bed with morning hair and a grumpy look…
ALFIE: You still look stunning to me. And every morning so far I wished that I’d just spent the night with you.
MC: Every morning?,
ALFIE: Even when I was with KAT. But don’t tell her that.
MC: I can’t make any guarantees on that, Alfie.
ALFIE: What if I offered to do something for you to keep your silence?
MC: Interesting. Like what?
ALFIE: Why don’t you tell me, darlin’?
MC: Do you like it when a girl tells you what to do in the bedroom, then?
ALFIE: I really do. All tips gratefully received.,
MC: Is that how you keep your 100% satisfaction rate?
Alfie laughs.
ALFIE: Wow, guess I made an impression on you in that first coupling after all.
ALFIE: But seriously, it’s kind of a turn on when someone knows exactly what they like.
ALFIE: And I like being able to give people what they want, if you catch my drift.
MC: Interesting.
ALFIE: So, while you’ve got me alone…"
ALFIE: Anything you’d like me to do for you, MC?"
Sexy massage
Foot rub
I’m good for now
MC: How about a little smooch while we’re alone?,
ALFIE: Another kiss?
ALFIE: My lucky day!
"You softly move your hand around Alfie’s chest, resting it on his toned back.",
"He smiles as you lean into him and kiss him on the lips. His lips are soft and tender, but you sense Alfie might be waiting for you to decide what type of kiss this is."
You gently start to use your tongue, and Alfie softly reciprocates. You both let the moment take you as Alfie gently wraps you in his arms.",
You hold a little back and don’t fully go for it with Alfie. You continue to kiss each other softly as Alfie gently wraps you in his arms
MC: I’d love a sexy massage now we’re alone.You smile as you turn your shoulders towards Alfie. His warm hands tenderly rub the top of your back and your shoulders.
You feel his thumbs lightly press into your shoulders, which loosen immediately. You moan softly in delight and catch Alfie smiling in a mirror reflection.
MC: How about a little foot rub?,
ALFIE: I specialise in foot rubs.,
Without needing a second invitation you spin around and put your feet in Alfie’s lap.
He takes your feet in his warm hands and softly rubs your soles in circles.
When he reaches the balls of your feet you feel the tension seep away and let out a moan in pleasure. Alfie smiles.
MC: Kind offer, but I’m good for now, thanks.",
ALFIE: Of course.
ALFIE: Think of it as an open offer.
Alfie laughs sweetly.
You notice the reddy hue of sunset creeping in through the window.
MC: I should get ready for our date.
ALFIE: Me too. Can’t wait.,
"You head towards the dressing room, noticing Alfie looks blissfully content, and you wonder where things will go between you tonight.",
As you head towards the dressing room you notice Suresh doing his hair in the bathroom
SURESH: Getting ready for your date, beautiful?
MC: Have you been in there for long?
SURESH: You know what I’m like before date night.
SURESH: I overheard some of your chat with Alfie.
MC: And what did you hear?
SURESH: Just that he’s getting melty for you.
SURESH: Not that I can blame him.
SURESH: You were unbelievable in that challenge. You got my vote.
MC: Shouldn’t you have voted for Arlo?
SURESH: Seeing you strut your stuff like that brought back all the memories.
SURESH: Turned me on a bit.
SURESH: Did I turn you on in the challenge?
MC: You turned me on
MC: You turned me off being all extra
MC: That’s for me to know
MC: Watching you did bring back some tingles.
SURESH: Glad it wasn’t just me then
SURESH: I couldn’t take my eyes off you.
MC: You turned me off in that challenge being all extra.
MC: Maybe showing off that much isn’t always the sexiest thing.
SURESH: I get what you’re saying. I was a bit of a try hard, but…"
MC: Like I’m going to answer that.
SURESH: I’ll have to assume it’s a yes then.
MC: Well, you must know you impressed the other girls since you won.
SURESH: You were the one I was trying to impress. That’s why I was so extra.
MC: Would Arlo be happy hearing you talk to me like this?
SURESH: We both know the answer to that question. But we only coupled up last night.,
MC: Aren’t you into Arlo?
SURESH: Too early to tell. We’ll see how tonight goes. I could be into her, sure."
SURESH: But I know I’m into you.
You steal a glance outside and check that no one’s in earshot.
SURESH: I know I shouldn’t say this stuff, but I feel like I’ve got no choice.",
SURESH: I’ll regret it forever if I don’t put this out there.,
SURESH: I’ve never been more attracted to you than I am right now.
SURESH: I get that we’re not coupled up anymore, but…"
It’s Suresh’s turn to take a naughty glance outside the door.
SURESH: I’ve already picked out my outfit for tonight, and it might look familiar to you."
MC: Why’s that?
SURESH: It’s that black shirt you bought me for Valentine’s Day, you know the one!",
MC: You’ve still got that?
SURESH: I was gonna get rid of it after we split. But I couldn’t.,\
SURESH: And you know what’d go well with it?
MC: What’s that?
SURESH: That sexy black dress I got you for your birthday.
SURESH: Please tell me you’ve still got it?
MC: Yes, I’ve still got it
MC: No, I binned it"
MC: Wait and see,
MC: I’ve still got the black dress. Guess I couldn’t get rid of it too.
SURESH: Pumped to hear that. You always looked stunning in that.
SURESH: You look stunning in anything, but especially in that."
MC: I binned it after I binned you.
SURESH: Really?
MC: Not really.
MC: I donated it to a charity shop, really.",
MC: I guess you’ll just have to wait and see.
SURESH: You always knew how to keep me in suspense.
SURESH: Can’t wait for tonight.,
SURESH: I should get ready for my date then. Gotta look on point.
MC: For me or Arlo?
SURESH: I think you know the answer to that one.
Suresh leaves with an impish grin, your head swirling with thoughts of your shared past and Suresh’s flirty games.
You enter the dressing room to the sound of KAT and Arlo’s laughter. KAT helps Arlo with the finishing touches of her make-up, and Arlo looks beautiful.
ARLO: Take it you’re a leave it to the last minute type of girl, MC."
KAT: Unlike you, using up all my makeup skills, you’re welcome.
ARLO: You loved showing off your makeup skills.
MC: Talking of making up, seems like you two are getting on better.
KAT: My beef was with a certain pun-loving, Irish man.
KAT: Who I’m currently ignoring until he realises the error of his flirty ways.
ARLO: Might have a long wait, hun.
KAT: Nah, I know what I’m doing.
MC: Where’s Dana?
KAT: Think she was having a chat with Eddie.
ARLO: You haven’t even started getting ready, MC! But don’t worry, we got you."
KAT: We found the perfect thing tucked away in your wardrobe.
KAT holds up the little black dress that Suresh mentioned, your heart races as you recognise it straight away!"
ARLO: Try it on right now!,
KAT: Babe, I have no idea why you’ve kept that one hidden so far."
ARLO: I’d wear that every day if I looked as good as you in it.
ARLO: I’m not gonna know where to look on this double date.
KAT: You’re gonna turn all the heads wearing that, MC.
KAT: Please tell me you’re wearing this tonight?
*TRYOUTFIT* Yeah, I’m wearing this black dress"
I’m going to see what else I’ve got,
MC: It does look good on me, doesn’t it!
ARLO: Understatement of the decade!
KAT: Alfie’s eyes are gonna pop out of his head when he sees you!
ARLO: Back in a sec girls.
KAT: MC, I really think you need to go bigger tonight.
KAT: Seems like things are heating up with you and Alfie.,
KAT: Might be nice to show him you’re excited for your date.
KAT: My mystic KAT senses tell me there’s unfinished business with you and Suresh too.
KAT: And maybe you wanna turn his head away from Arlo.
KAT: Either way, pretty please tell me you’re wearing that black dress!"
MC: I have to wear the black dress now
KAT: Yes, babe! That’s the one. Hot!
KAT: You’re gonna get all the attention tonight. Then you can decide who you want.
KAT: Alfie’s in for a treat when he sees you!,
If you don’t select a diamond dress.
KAT: Alright, don’t say I didn’t try. Just trying to help you turn heads."
ARLO: Aw was hoping you’d go all out tonight.
ARLO: Guess all eyes on me tonight then.
ARLO: Were you talking about turning heads when I came in?
KAT: Errr maybe?
ARLO: Not trying to turn Suresh’s head are you, MC?
MC: I won’t try, I’ll succeed
MC: Not interested,
MC: Let’s see what happens later
MC: Suresh’s eyes will be pointed in my direction all night.
ARLO: Like your confidence, even if it’s more like delusion.
Arlo struts out.
MC: Don’t worry, you’re welcome to Suresh.
ARLO: I wasn’t worried.
MC: Just saying I’ve been there and done that.
ARLO: Whatever, MC
Arlo leaves the dressing room
MC: Who knows what’s gonna happen tonight.
KAT: Suresh is a big boy, he can look at whoever he wants to.
KAT: Plus, he’s got form for having his head turned. Just saying.
ARLO: Suresh’s head won’t be turning from me tonight. Even if you do want it to.
Arlo leaves the dressing room.
KAT: Please let me come with you tonight. I can’t miss all this tasty drama.
KAT’s beams an excited grin at you as you leave the dressing room wondering if she’s right.
You walk down the staircase to see Suresh confidently leaning by the entrance door sipping a smoothie.
SURESH: Wow, you look incredible! Then again, you always did in that dress.
SURESH: Guess you kept that dress after all. Still enjoy teasing me I see!,
MC: The girls told me I should wear this too.
SURESH: I thought I’d never get to see you in that again.
SURESH: Really glad you didn’t bin it after everything happened between us.
SURESH: Should I take this as a sign I’m winning you round?,
MC: You might be winning me round,
MC: I’m just showing you what you’re missing,
MC: You should focus on Arlo,
MC: Let’s just say you’re starting to tick a few boxes again.
SURESH: We’ve always ticked each other's boxes.
SURESH: Glad my graft is starting to pay off.
MC: I’m wearing this to remind you what you lost.
SURESH: Ouch, that stings, MC.
MC: So did when you cheated on me.
SURESH: Can’t argue with that, I guess."
MC: Shouldn’t you be focussing on Arlo now, not me?
SURESH: I’m struggling to focus on anything but you right now.
SURESH: You’ve been on my mind all day.
SURESH: That outfit looks amazing on you!,
SURESH: Although was kinda hoping you’d wear that black dress for old time’s sake
MC: Well, you can’t always get what you want."
SURESH: I always hoped we’d go on another date together.
MC: You know we’re on dates with other people, right?
SURESH: Well, I’m just happy I get to be around you again to be honest.
SURESH: Still like my shirt as much as you used to?,
MC: You still look hot in that,
MC:It doesn’t suit you anymore,
MC: Spill Suresh’s smoothie over his shirt,
MC: That shirt still looks great, it always suited you.
SURESH: You always gave the best presents.
SURESH: One of the many things I loved about you.
MC: Loved? In past tense?,
MC: Not sure the shirt’s really working for you anymore
SURESH: You’ve always had a great eye, so I know you don’t mean that
,MC: Your ego’s unshakable isn’t it?,
SURESH: Absolutely.
MC: You pretend to stumble into Suresh, knocking his smoothie all over his shirt.",
MC: Oops.
SURESH: You definitely did that on purpose.
MC: Guess you better go change again.,
SURESH: Nah, I’ll just go topless.
Suresh whips off his shirt and drops it on the floor, grinning confidently.
A door opens upstairs and Arlo confidently struts down the stairs. Alfie follows Arlo down the stairs towards you and Suresh, beaming at you.",
Suresh leans into you and whispers slightly too loudly.
SURESH: You know I wish I was going on the date with you, right?
Arlo looks at you and you’re not sure if she heard Suresh’s flirty comment or not.
NARRATOR: Sounds like Suresh wants to take everyone on a date! Let’s hope he’s less greedy on the date itself.
NARRATOR: Or he’ll end up scoffing all of Arlo’s dinner too… I say dinner, it’s actually a bowl of olives and a jar of Mallorca’s second finest brand of peanuts."
NARRATOR: Only joking… They’re Mallorca’s third finest brand of peanuts. The producers aren’t made of money!
NARRATOR: But find out if MC’s date bants is on the money in the next episode of Love Island
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partisan-by-default · 2 years
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If Biden forgives $10K in student debt, and you have decided you won’t vote for democrats because you want $50K, I have a favor to ask. And I’m being 100% serious.
Call up a parent of a slaughtered student or a loved one at Robb or in Buffalo, or a family member of someone at Sandy Hook or Colorado or AME, and tell them you’ve decided to help elect republicans who will keep allowing mass murders because you didn’t get enough debt relief.
Then speak to a friend that’s a member of the LGBTQ+ community and explain to them how you’d really like to help preserve their right to marry who they love but you just can’t because you *only* got $10K free dollars.
Then I’d like to you chat up a rape survivor. We all know one. Tell that person that as much as you’d love to vote for more democrats to protect Roe, you simply can’t be bothered because you deserve $50K instead of only 10.
After that, you should call up a teacher you know and inform them that you’d rather see them underpaid and armed than have to vote for the democrats because they wouldn’t give you $50K.
Then speak to a Dreamer. Any young amazing immigrant here since they were babies and you’re super sorry that your actions will probably mean they’ll be deported to a country they’ve never been to whose language they probably don’t speak but you won’t stand for a $10K gift.
Then call a parent who has lost a beautiful trans child to suicide because they couldn’t talk about themselves or their families in school and let them know why you’re supporting the other side this time. Because that’s what this is. Not voting is a vote for republicans
Just look any of them in the eye and justify your reasons for not being able to pick up a pen and vote on their behalf this time around. That you have to turn your back on them because you still have some loans to pay that you’re gonna have to pay anyhow if you help the GOP.
Or maybe just ask them if that would be okay. See if they understand. Maybe explain how important it is to you.
Of COURSE I want $50K in debt forgiven, but am I gonna sell out everyone I love if we don’t get it? Fuck no, I won’t.
And ABSOLUTELY advocate for more debt relief if that’s what you want.  Call or write to Biden and your reps and demand more. But before you advocate for not voting, I BEG you to take a moment and think about how your actions will impact someone other than yourself.
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96thdayofrage · 2 years
What do most of America's mass shootings have in common? White, male culprits
As we watch the heartbreaking aftermath of America’s latest mass shooting, what we must acknowledge is what they have in common.
First, in most of the shootings, the culprits, including the alleged shooter in Thursday’s massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., used or owned AR15 assault weapons that shouldn’t be in the hands of anyone except military troops abroad.
Second, most of the culprits of the worst mass shootings since the massacre at Columbine High School in 1999 have been white males.
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And for all of you who just set your hair on fire or ran to pick up your phone to call and scream at me that I’m a racist: I do not contend that these boys and men shot up schools or a movie theater or a church because they are white.
I contend that America continues to allow it because they are white …
… because you can be damn sure that if these shootings had been done by black males, there would be calls to round all up the young black men across the country until we could determine what was wrong with them — or until we, the collective we, which means the white we, felt safe. There would be some change in gun laws. There would be action.
And it would be a major, continuing news story rather than one forgotten by Sunday.  
It is almost as if we want to forgive these men who for days after their crimes have been referred to as “broken” or “troubled.”
So when Adam Lanza shot and killed 20 children, six teachers, his mother and himself at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., in 2012, using an AR15, we moved on. We thought that would be the incident that would change things. He murdered babies just learning to read books and solve math problems, children still leaving teeth for the Tooth Fairy and giving their wishes to Santa Claus. But we moved on.
After Dylann Roof took a handgun and shot nine African-American parishioners to death while they prayed at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in downtown Charleston (and was treated to a hamburger by authorities on the way to jail), we moved on.
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After Omar Mateen shot 99 people — 49 fatally — at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando in 2016, using an AR15, we moved on.
Even after retired accountant Stephen Paddock shot 909 outdoor concertgoers in Las Vegas — 58 of them fatally and using an AR15 — we moved on.
Even after Devin Kelley shot 26 people to death at a Sutherland Springs, Texas, church in 2017, using an AR15, we moved on.
Now Nikolas Cruz, a 19-year-old former student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, a student who had been expelled and who gave enough warning signs that someone should have seen it coming, went back to his old school, and opened fire with a semiautomatic, yep, you guessed it, AR15 rifle.
By Thursday evening’s news, the death toll had reached 17.
We cannot move on.
That is what must happen next:
First, we must take these shootings seriously and not continue to ignore them because they’re being done by depraved, young white men. We must be up in arms. If they weren’t white, we’d be up in arms. That is not racist. That is based on historical fact. Changing how people get guns, keeping guns from the mentally ill and weapons of war off American streets are not impossible dreams.
Second, we must stop treating black males like murderers when they’re selling cigarettes on a street corner or mass murderers if they are involved in a fight or like drug dealers if they’re caught smoking marijuana and sending them away for long prison sentences — while we do nothing to stop this scourge of mass shootings that has claimed thousands of victims. Many of the predominantly black high schools across Detroit — and in other urban areas — have metal detectors and an attitude of fear. There have been no mass school shootings at these high schools.
Third, we must stop voting for any candidate for any office that accepts money from the National Rifle Association.and stop electing leaders who watch these shootings happen over and over and do nothing about it but spout condolences.
Donald Trump was not wrong in his tweet after the shooting which said:
So many signs that the Florida shooter was mentally disturbed, even expelled from school for bad and erratic behavior. Neighbors and classmates knew he was a big problem. Must always report such instances to authorities, again and again!
There were signs that the shooter was dangerous, signs that were ignored again and again.
Trump also tweeted:
My prayers and condolences to the families of the victims of the terrible Florida shooting. No child, teacher or anyone else should ever feel unsafe in an American school.
But what Trump didn’t do, as is typical, was to go far enough.
America can always use prayer. But America also needs leaders who will put children before the gun lobby.
Trump told children in a televised address that leaders "would do anything to protect you."
Now, America's children will see whether his words have meaning. Because school shootings can no longer be treated like white-collar crimes.
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