#(which he genuinely is! as is covered above the guy is a powerhouse)
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maxiemumdamage · 2 months ago
My best guess would be that his role is to hamper Ozpin’s recruitment capabilities. Like, Salem wand to divide humanity, to deprive Oz of allies — having a guy on her team who you could trick someone into thinking is generally morally decent and loudly hates Oz for the fact he lets innocent children die for his “greater good.”
Essentially, it’s her way of using Oz’s goodness/desire to work with good people, and his willingness to sacrifice them, against him. And I think Salem doesn’t usually need a strong reason to bully Ozma.
Weird thought I had while working on an answer to that list of Salty Asks:
Does anyone else feel like Hazel is just a bit... undercooked, as a villain? At least when compared to Cinder, Tyrian and Watts.
To be clear, I'm not saying he's a bad character. He's got his great moments and his whole arc and conflict with Oscar and Ozpin is solid. It's more that he doesn't exactly have the same presence as a VILLAIN like the others.
Now you can certainly argue that this is part of the POINT of his character; that he's not actually a bad person and is being manipulated via his grief and anger by Salem. But particularly looking back in hindsight that kind of puts him in a position of the villain we're all just waiting to have his big change of heart and switch sides. Even as early as Volume 4, Hazel was pretty obviously the 'least-villainous villain' of Salem's crew, and he never really stops being that. He never really even DOES anything all that real overtly villainous. Well, aside from the all the child-punching.
Plus this ties into an even bigger contrast/sorta-issue: Looking back at Salem's inner circle, Hazel has this distinct 'What do you actually DO here?' vibe compared to everyone else.
Cinder, Tyrian and Watts? Each of them have very clear REASONS why Salem would want to recruit them, particularly in hindsight:
Cinder is Salem's loyal Maiden, key to the Vaults and possibly part of her Grimm-Hybrid experiments.
Tyrian is an absolutely deadly and fanatically loyal murder machine.
Watts is the absolute hard counter to ALL things Atlisian. And also tech support.
And Hazel is, uh... extra muscle, I guess?
You see what I mean, right? Why exactly DID Salem recruit Hazel specifically?
There's even an argument that each of Salem's four underlings have qualities specifically geared towards getting Salem one of the Relics:
Cinder is obviously the Fall Maiden who can open the Vault of Choice. Watts, again, is the secret weapon to cracking open Atlas to get at the Vault of Creation. And we may find out that Tyrian's skills make him particularly effective in Vacuo.
So then... HOW exactly was Hazel specifically meant to help get the Lamp of Knowledge? Again, when you look back at the Battle of Haven at the end of Volume 5, it feels like he was just there to be extra muscle.
Now I don't think all this is a huge problem for Hazel. Like I said at the start, I think as a character he's pretty solid and has a great arc and payoff.
I guess it's more that when compared to a lot of the rest of RWBY's villains, especially his three co-henchmen to the big bad, Hazel feels a bit underdeveloped/toothless.
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shinobirain24 · 3 years ago
It was a Saturday afternoon and Weiss and Neptune held hands to meet his parents for the first time. It was then that the two looked at each other and blushed, smiling. "What's wrong, Snow Angel?" Asked Neptune.
Weiss ran her hand into her cheek in nervousness. Thinking of the reaction of his parents once introduced. "I don't know, Neptune. Ever since we got engaged. I am not sure how your parents would react, cause you know..." Weiss said.
Neptune figured that because she is a Schnee. She thought she would get rejected. But he knew otherwise that her personality counts and not her name. "Hey, don't worry about it. I am sure my parents would have to get to know you first. Least my brother won't be here to ruin the mood. On the bright side when I met your mom, she is actually nice, and too exciting when we told her the news."
-One month ago-
Willow gripped on Neptune's hand a bit tightly as she just got excited for their engagement. And saw some kindness in him. Unlike Weiss' father, Jacques. Weiss never saw this side of her mother before. Normally she would be more composed.
"Give me grandchildren!" She told him. Making Neptune eye-widened. Weiss is also jolted at this reaction.
"Mother!" Weiss and Whitley sighed.
"Sorry about that. I never saw this side of my mother before. But she seemed better than before since my father is now gone." Weiss said. Even a bit shocked at her mother's reaction. She was glad that she accepted her fiancé. If her father were here, he would've went after him like a tyrant, which he already was.
"Hey, don't worry. I'm glad things gotten better since the wars." Neptune said. Recalling the events of meeting Willow. "Also, I might have to want you about my sisters." Neptune stammered. Weiss looked at him with surprise as m she did not know he has sisters.
"I don't know you have sisters." Weiss blinked. "What about them?"
"They are triplets, Vesta and Juno went to Haven together, while Ceres is a doctor, she's sweet and all, so there's nothing to worry about cause I think you might get along with her just fine. Needless to say, Juno and Vesta can be a bit of a powerhouse. It's safe to say they are overprotective of me. The last guy who picked on me got sent to the hospital after Juno and Vesta beat him up badly." Neptune rubbed the back of his head.
"Oh, I guess they couldn't help but love their little brother. Take it from my sister, she always believed I have to be on my own feet. But it doesn't stop her from helping me find my own ground." Weiss said.
Then minute they knocked the door. Weiss breathed a bit to keep calm when meeting others. Then when the door opened and Neptune's father Saturn is the first on the front door. "Son?" He greeted.
"Hey, dad. Sorry it's been too long...and..." Before he could say anything, Saturn greeted his son with a hug. "I am so happy you finally come for a visit!" He teared up. And then turned to Weiss. "Oh, who is this lovely young lady?" Weiss then introduced herself.
"Please to meet you, Mr. Vasilias. My name is Weiss Schnee, and your son is very wonderful." She smiled whole blushing at the same time seeing how sweet the reunion was between father and son. "It's a pleasure, Miss Schnee." He greets.
"Saturn, what's this all about?! I thought I heard panic, but..." His wife, Lydia covered her mouth in shock to see her son in person. She then launched herself into a hug. "My baby! Look how big you've grown!" She noticed his height almost as tall as her husband. "Great to see you too, mom."
Weiss is a bit astonished to see her fiancé's mother looking a bit younger than her husband. She must've been in good health. Lydia turned to Weiss and greeted her with a smile. "Oh my goodness. Neptune told me about you and you looked very beautiful!" Lydia squealed. As Weiss paled a bit that she never expect this kind of greeting before but did not say a word.
"Uh...thank you..." Weiss stammered. "You look also lovely as well." She told her back to ease up a bit. That's when Lydia gave her a hug, unexpectedly. The same reaction far joyful. Like Willow. "Come here!" She said. Weiss blushed, a little taken aback by the surprise. But tried to be polite. Then Lydia wrapped her arm around Weiss as she showed her the entrance. "Come on in, teriyaki and sushi can't eat themselves. Help yourselves!" She said cheerfully.
Then they all entered the house for a meeting. Later in the living room. "So I heard your sister is leading the military now, you must be very proud of her." Lydia said. Weiss nodded in agreement. "I am, she taught me in some way of gaining my own ground. Since my father is long gone, our family is free to chose our own paths."
Lydia sighed in relief for the mentioning of Jacques now deceased. "Well, I for one relieved. Ever since he framed Saturn for weaponry trafficking. I had to defend him in court. Not once he was ever locked up until now." Lydia recalled the case. This made Weiss paled a bit. But maintain her composure. "I for one, agreed. Not once did my father paid the price. I am also happy he is out of our lives."
"I am sure you don't deserve your father's treatment towards you. Your mother and I had been close at a young age. And for some reason, Jacques had been depriving her right to contact me. I couldn't help but feel bad for her. And as a result of the past, Jupiter grew to resent your sister."
"That I did not know. But once the wedding starts. You and my mother can make up for lost time." Weiss insisted. This got Saturn and Lydia surprised to hear that word. "You don't mean...?" They paused as Neptune and Weiss nodded as she showed them a silver ring that he used to propose to her. "Yep, he proposed to me." This brought joy.
Later, after the meeting. They decided to have some time to themselves. "Your parents are actually nice. Never have I thought they would be this joyful." Weiss admits. "From what I heard, your dad and your mom. They did work together on multiple cases. They seemed so happy together." Weiss said. A bit jealous that she never had parents like that.
"How so, Snow Angel?"
"The thing is, my parents were never like that. Form what I can remember, my father always kept his distance from my mother. All he did was give her a cold shoulder. For me, it was way harsher. The more I saw this, the more I thought some parents are like this, but it just wasn't right." Weiss told him.
"I get where you're coming from. Mom saw cases like that before. That's why I decided to work with law enforcement. To help others in need. When I was a kid. I used to call myself a coward. All those negative thoughts kinda blocked me from reality. I hate hurting others because of my semblance."
"Maybe that makes two of us. I'm glad you decided this yourself. I for one learned one thing. Seeing the world today, it was crazy, but it was also fun. If I were to still be an heiress, I wouldn't have met you today." Neptune took her by surprise by wrapping her arms around her in an embrace.
"You are the best one that's ever happened to me. I promised you, I'll do whatever so can for you. I don't care if you're a Schnee anyway. Your happiness is my happiness."
"Neptune, there's no need to be worked up about this! I appreciate it, really! But..."
"But I really mean it." Neptune finished. As they looked into each other's eyes.
Later, Saturn and Lydia present them the kimonos they were never familiar with. "Ta-da!" Lydia cheered. "Mom, what are these?" Neptune asked, a bit confused.
"These are what your father and I wore for our wedding! Black for the groom and white for the bride! Those are actually Mistral's traditional wear. Dont they look so beautiful?!" Asked Lydia.
Weiss and Neptune looked at each other. "Actually, they are. What do you think?" Neptune is at a loss for words. "I am not sure..."
"Come on, son. It won't hurt if you tried it on first." Saturn said. Suddenly they heard a crash from the kitchen and they ran to check it out. It was two of the triplets, Vesta and Juno. Standing above a Nevermore they killed and made a hole in the walls. "Haha! Another day, another Grimm down! Take that!" Vesta then paid attention to her parents. "Sorry, Daddy! Juno is not the type to find landing spaces." Vesta apologized while Juno is too busy celebrating another hunt completed.
"Guys, seriously?!" Neptune groaned. Then his sisters jumped off to hug him. "Our baby brother is back!" Making Neptune feeling embarrassed. "Nice to see you too! Please let me go!" Neptune pleaded while his sisters gripped on him, being overly affectionate. "Aw, come on, don't be baby! Just a few more minutes!" Juno cheered. Then eyed on Weiss. "Who is she?"
"Um...hi." Waved Weiss. Suddenly, Ceres came home from work in the hospital. "Daddy! I'm home! I heard Neptune's back and...!" Ceres paused to see her sisters and the Nevermore. The turned to Weiss. "You must me Weiss. It's nice to meet you. Sorry about my sisters. Also, I have to warn you. Don't get me wrong. I love my brother, but he is a flirt." She whispered the last thing near her ear.
"Don't worry about it, it's nice to meet you too." Ceres seems genuine, but more likely to save other girls from heartbreak. Since she seems to be gentle but strict out of the triplets. Not sure is her brother changed or not. "Ceres! I'm not that guy anymore!" Snapped Neptune.
"Don't worry, I knew you grown. I am sure your sisters are amazing too." Weiss assured. Then Lydia grasped her hand. The same reaction Willow had shown before. "Please say you'll give me grandchildren!" Pleaded Lydia. Making the rest of the Vasilias household, except Vesta and Juno, paled. "Mom!" Shouted Neptune.
"Lydia! It's too soon to ask something too personal!" Saturn joined Neptune. "Mom!" Added Ceres. As much as Saturn wanted grandchildren, he knows patience is a virtue. And Lydia did not seemed to get any older, physically. As for Vesta and Juno, they are getting too excited to have a niece or a nephew. But for Weiss and Neptune, it was getting too much. But decides to wait until things have calmed down a bit.
"Eeek! Did you hear that?!" Juno squealed.
"Yeah, just give us a niece or a nephew! I don't care!" The sisters held hands and jumped up and down. Much to the dismay of their third triplet sister, Ceres. "Vesta, Juno, not you too. Did you not see the damage you caused there." Ceres gestured at the broken walls. "Lighten up, sweet sister! Think of all the fun we can have with their kids!"
"Want my advice? Get yourselves some boyfriends." Ceres advised strictly. But they are not listening.
"So, when's the wedding?" Saturn asked. Awkwardly rubbing the back of his head. "We've been thinking a month later." Weiss replied. The couple looked at each other and smiled, knowing that it might not be a perfect wedding, but it will be a great time to spend with their families.
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lurkerwithcomputer · 5 years ago
(1) Hi, I’m the anon who sent the MHA internship ask to hamliet. I don’t have a tumblr account, so sorry for this roundabout way of replying to your comment.
(2) I just wanted to say that you answered a lingering question I had about why Shouto would train his fire side under his father’s tutelage when Endeavor is the reason why he’s too traumatized to use his flames properly in the first place. Shouto’s probably hoping his peers would distract him from his PTSD triggers.
(3) I think that’s especially the case with Midoriya, since Izuku’s the one who inspired Shouto to summon his flames for the first time in years and forget Endeavor for a moment. Shouto may hope that Midoriya’s positive influence will negate Endeavor’s toxic one.
(4) Though I don’t think Shouto knows Bakugo heard his whole backstory from behind the corner, I do believe the former has come to trust the latter during their remedial lessons. Plus, Shouto saw that Bakugo wasn’t afraid of Endeavor when the flaming narcissist decided to drop in on their first hero license class.
(5) In other words, Bakugo won’t cower from or grovel toward Endeavor, which I assume would be a welcome change for Shouto. I am curious to see what would happen if Shouto found out Bakugo knows. I’m not sure if it would help them build a sense of understanding or just make things uncomfortable for them.
(6) What are your predictions for future chapters? Hawks says the League and Re-Destro’s Army will attack in 4 months, but I highly doubt Dabi’s going to wait that long. I mean, he has acted on his own before, but I don’t think he’s going to reuse the Noumu approach.
No worries Anon! I happily take discussions and asks as long as people aren’t being rude/trolls/jerkish behavior in general.
This is gonna be super long.
First things first - Shouto definitely doesn’t want to walk into the lion’s den alone, as it were. There are definitely ulterior motives on Shouto’s part, when asking Izuku and Bakugou specifically.
I very much think Shouto is looking to Endeavor for mentorship, but possibly in a “flip-the-script” way. Endeavor tried to use Shouto - so Shouto will use Endeavor to get stronger. If this is true I think it will backfire - because BNHA has repeatedly framed using people for what they can do, rather than seeing people as people - as a bad thing. Even the villains get this lesson - the Overhaul Arc taught the LoV that comrades are not disposable.
Yes, I agree again - Shouto trusts Izuku and Bakugou to counter Endeavor’s toxicity. (Some irony there, considering Bakugou’s own attitude and treatment of others). Shouto might be relying on his friends here, which is definitely growth for him. Also, Endeavor can’t pull much of his abusive bullshit if Shouto is never alone, something that I think factored into Shouto’s decision.
Will Shouto finding out that Bakugou knows about his home life end up causing friction or causing bonding? Honestly, both. Friction first, which the two of them need to work through, then a renewed, deeper trust. Regardless of that part, Shouto knows Bakugou won’t hesitate to call out Endeavor. I mean, the first thing Bakugou says about Endeavor when he shows up for the internship is “Dude’s a hard-ass.”
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Now about part 6: I have lots of them - but predictions are a tricky thing, and I might get just about everything wrong. Here goes.
I definitely think we’re due for the Dabi-is-Touya grand reveal - Horikoshi has teased the audience for long enough that there’s plenty of evidence.
There’s some really blunt and pretty sinister foreshadowing by Glass Wizard Guy - Endeavor is definitely being set up for a hard fall. He even got the Number One spot, the thing he’s supposedly always wanted. The only way to go from the top... is down.
Dabi’s an impulsive guy - there’s no way he‘s going to wait four whole months if he spots an opening.
Hawks is probably going down, too - he’s got a bunch of Icarus symbolism around him and Endeavor, as a duo. Along with what could be Fallen Angel symbolism - his wings are shaded to look black quite a few times in recent chapters.
Oh, and this child-soldier stuff the Hero Commission is pulling with the UA kids? It’s gonna blow up in their faces because the UA kids are smart, headstrong and definitely not the kind of obedient that the Commission expects. Add in that the staff hate this idea even if they have no choice in the matter - I wouldn’t put it past the teachers to pull some under-the-radar interference to protect their students. Depends on how badly the Commission just turned the teachers against them.
Character interactions that need to happen because there’s set-up:
Dabi and Endeavor, of course. That’s likely the crux of this arc.
Dabi and Geten, because they’re mirrors of each other and both of them need to look at the toxic beliefs they’ve internalized.
Dabi and Shouto, because they’re both foils and family. I don’t think Dabi hates Shouto, and I think he’ll get less vitriolic in his attitude towards Shouto when he realizes that Shouto isn’t Endeavor 2.0.
Dabi and the League: time for burnt bacon to open up.
Himiko and the League: might be interesting, with the emphasis on the Todoroki family secrets, if Himiko open up about her estranged family.
Shouto and Endeavor: I think Endeavor needs a reminder that what Shouto wants to see out of his father is a better father, not a better Hero. Endeavor needs to actually listen to his family when they tell him how badly he done fucked things up.
Shouto and Bakugou: I do think Shouto will find out Bakugou knows about Endeavor’s abuse in this arc. See above for how I think that probably works out.
Bakugou and Endeavor: Bakugou needs to see that this guy isn’t who he wants to become - Bakugou is being shown someone who values nothing but power, his worst-possible-future-self incarnate, and he needs to reject that to have positive growth.
Izuku and Bakugou have had their fight and cooldown conversation about what went down in Kamino - but it never covered their past, not really. I think Izuku and Bakugou will end up fighting again, if not in this arc then at some point. It’s the only way Izuku can get through to Bakugou (unfortunately) - and for all his compassion, Izuku isn’t quite the cinnamon roll the fandom likes to treat him as. He’ll gladly throw hands, and Bakugou needs another wake-up call about how he treated Izuku.
When the Villain Crew crosses paths with the UA kids in this arc:
Himiko and Izuku: They’ve interacted at least three times so far, with set-up for more. Himiko has told Izuku her genuine thoughts and feelings twice so far. “Will you really save everyone?” and “I’m so happy, Izuku baby!” Izuku needs to give her an answer on that first one.
Himiko and Ochako: these two are another set of foils. Himiko even took Ochako’s form and used her Quirk in the Villain Academia Arc. Hopefully we don’t get some token catfight over who loves Izuku more. (Miss me with that tired stuff please). Let them have a serious, dangerous fight, and also at least attempt to communicate. Worth noting that Himiko has genuine, if quite warped, romantic interest in both Izuku and Ochako.
Things that are probably entirely wishful thinking but I want anyway:
A showdown between Twice, who can duplicate any person or object he knows accurate physical measurements for, VS Momo, who can create any object she knows the structure of? Perfect playground to get creative with their Quirks.
A battle of wits and hacking between that shaggy-hair hacker guy VS Principal Nezu and Hatsume Mei. Again, a playground for seeing smart, sneaky, creative Quirk use (and tech use.)
Mt. Lady VS Gigantomachia. An opportunity for one of BNHA’s chronically underplayed ladies to be an absolute powerhouse. Also just the sheer, Kaijuu-style spectacle of that fight.
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xladyalaeria-ht · 6 years ago
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The images above are not mine. I found them on Pinterest and Tumblr. 
( katie mcgrath, 23 (30), cisfemale. )  ♟  raise your glass for ( alaeria hightower ), the ( lady ) hailing all the way from ( oldtown ). the word on the kingsroad is that they’re known as the ( wildcard ), and apparently they can be ( - subserviant ) and ( - secretive ), but at least the gods blessed them and made them ( + charming ) and ( + creative ). no one is positive as to their intentions but they’re loyal to house ( hightower & targaryen ), so they can’t be all bad.  Hello my lovely friends, it tis I, the slowest turtle in the planet finally finishing up and posting my bio for Alaeria. If anyone wants to plot a connection or a thread with her, please do feel very free to hmu, sweethearts!! <3
Ok, so let met first start off by saying what some/most of y’all might have suspected or guess by now, that my girl's  no.1 biggest secret is that she's actually not the real Alaeria Hightower! XD But, she is a Hightower by blood though, as her dad is the current ruling Lord of Hightower. Now let the story begin...
So about 2 yrs before she got married to Drogon Targaryean, she was actually the very secretly unknown, bastard child of Lord Dietrich Hightower from an extremely discreet liaison he had with a woman (who is actually a descendant of the Free Folk & also from another land/kingdom ( i haven’t really decided which one just dfghjklkjh ^.^”). He was a lustful dickhead of a guy who basically just wooed and charmed her mother with fake promises of love and he hid his true identity from her. When she got pregnant and thus found out her lover's real identity, she then immediately left, (to his relief as well as he didn't want to fuck up his marriage and spoil his shiny & extremely proud reputation) because she didn't want her child to known as a bastard and also to prevent her from getting gossiped about , bullied, etc...And also cos her mom still hopelessly cared for that idiot lover of hers despite knowing better. XD
Alaeria and her father never once met until one day, 2 years ago, thru a chance meeting and it was hard to not believe that she was his child as she had a unique birthmark which only members of his line would have, and she was the exact spitting image of her paternal great-grandmother XD They also eventually came to find that she also possessed quite a mixture of a few physical & non-physical traits of Maris the Maid, one of the most legendary Hightower ancestors.
Dietrich Hightower’s  only legitimate daughter with his legal wife, the current ruling Lady of Hightower, was the real Alaeria Hightower. She was a rather sickly and a pretty weak child. She also had the misfortune of having some facial scars and horrible looking birthmarks on her face and neck, and was also slightly disfigured due to a terrible accident while growing up. Her overly-proud and image conscious/ shallow parents were pretty dismayed by her appearance and was extremely fearful that she might not be able to make a good & strong match with other great houses. So from when she was 8 or so, onwards, they kept her carefully hidden in Hightower and she hardly went out of their fortress of a home. Plus whenever she had to be presented out for public events , they covered her face with pretty but dark-coloured veils and spread word that it was "prophesied that she had been both blessed and cursed with great beauty upon her 5th birthday and whoever who caught any single glimpse of her face from that point onwards, before she was married, would be struck down with  a great misfortune at a major point of their lives." So yeah, they managed to make many people believe this bullshit fake prophecy with asking a few servants to spread rumors that she was an incredibly beautiful baby & toddler & a few daredevils who had tried to sneak a peek of her face properly when she was 10/ 11 had been afflicted with horrible accidents and disastrous illnesses. The ruling couple also were planning to tell their in-laws after she managed to be wedded, that “this gift of beauty of her was also two-edged curse as she would be struck with a minor harmless affliction (ugly facial marks and stuff) after her wedding night”  XD rofl
They also obviously never told anyone that her health wasn’t that strong and constantly on a see-saw condition ;)
Ruling Lady Hightower was overly-protective of her poor little girl and devoted a lot of her time to pampering and spoiling her daughter so much, that the real Alaeria Hightower, grew up to be quite the brat : shallow, entitled  & extremely lazy young woman that was only interested in material items and frivolous matters, never bothering to study much or read nor get well-versed with current political events (despite having pretty sharp brains). She was also pretty selfish, never genuinely concerning herself at all with the welfare of anyone but that of herself and her beloved mom. She never ended up being close with her father at all as well.
In the meantime, my baby ( who I’m still struggling with deciding on her real, original name asdfghjkl, forgive me ^.^”) had been growing up in a pretty nomadic lifestyle with her loving mother, who had quite of a wandering soul in her. Despite never truly having a proper home or a long-term abode, she was pretty happy with her life as a travelling low commoner. She adored her mother and her mother cherished her right back, always making sure that she felt safe and secure. During all her many years of growing up, she had travelled to many & all sorts of lands and kingdoms & had a very rich past filled with memorable experiences and cultures as well as meeting all sorts of people. Her mother taught her to always be kind, loving and to be compassionate no matter what, as well as to always hold on to the hope that there will always be a light shining in the darkness in end. Her mother also always(!), highly stressed on filial piety and thus her daughter become an extremely dedicated & very dutiful daughter, that rarely counteracted nor really argued with whatever decisions her mother made ( even if very secretly sometimes doesn’t really like it nor agree with it :p)
In the end through it all, Her personality is that of a warm, genuine, sincerely charming and pretty affectionate woman. She's also pretty gentle sometimes. She's happens to be quite witty and pretty knowledgeable as she has a huge thirst for knowledge and was always very eager to learn as much as possible about anything & everything from when she was a child till now still. She's very loving and always tries her best to smile a lot no matter what, and also is very generous. Her flaws are that she is pretty naive towards the noble-people’s  manipulation, cunning & wicked ways since she's so open. She gets anxious(TM) easily at times and can be quite the worrier over some matters. She's also too docile/ overly-fillial towards her elders which would be her dad, his wife and all the older relatives of Drogon's family. ( this would give them a bit of power over her and it's kind of second nature to her to feel obliged to obey whatever they demanded of her...for now) She  is actually rather clumsy on some occasions, but now she has to try her best to be elegant & graceful  as much as possible ( so hard tbh XD) . She actually doesn't like the idea of battles and war and doesn't fully enjoy being a royal.  All she ever wants in life is to just live simply, happily and peacefully with her loved ones and that's it. Poor gurl. She likes spending time outdoors a lot and her hobbies more lies with cooking on her own, making small herbal soups/drinks (which she learned a great deal from her mother), swimming, riding and wood-crafting and playing with animals. She also has a pretty curious nature and high penchant , nay desire(!), for exploring all kinds of new places.
Now back at Hightower: (3 and a half years ago, before everyone came to King’s Landing) ;D: Shortly after Drogon's mother & his privy council and the rulers of Hightower came to an agreement & set arrangement to wed Drogon and (the real) Alaeria in the near future, the real Alaeria unfortunately got infected with a fatal and incurable, long-term, disease. Lord Hightower was panicking hard over what to do with the marriage arrangement as he really wanted to strongly bind their house with the great House of Targs, (cos despite whatever their current status may be , he wisely deemed that this powerhouse could potentially rise up to take over the Iron Throne again in the future & if not, well, it was better to be allies with this formidable house than be enemies ryt incase of any future wars?)
And this is when he unexpectedly & finally met with his bastard daughter at this critical emergency time. Upon meeting her and seeing some potential in her, he then had this brilliant but crazy & extremely risky solution, that my baby should take over her royal half-sister's place and pretend to be her for the benefit/good of the kingdom.
My baby had been seeking hard for her biological dad a few months prior to that life-changing event, as her beloved mom had just recently died but she managed to tell her daughter the truth of her real-parentage and told her that if her dad ever accepted her as his own & welcomed her  , she (my baby) must promise to be an obedient and filial daughter to him as my baby had been to her all these years.
However, when her father revealed his plan of deception to her, she immediately didn't  wanna do that plan with her dad as she was so damn scared that it would quickly derail and go wrong and they'd be exposed within the first day of her setting foot in Dragonstone XD Plus, also she ever truly wanted was to meet her biological dad and get to know him, not to be powerful lady! She was fearful for both hers & her dad's lives if they were found out and that she might either be facing life imprisonment , exilation or the worse of all, death, if her future husband and his council was so enraged over the whole major deception and wanted to punish them badly. BUT because of her promise to her mom and also because her dad eventually managed to sway her with lots of showers of affection and eager interest to bond and get to know his bastard daughter, which Dietrich quickly detected that she longed for fatherly love and acceptance ( half of this stuff he did,  was subtle manipulation which my poor baby will not realize until later) she then eventually did reluctantly agree to go with the whole plan.
Thus they spent that two years, before the day she was to step foot into Dragonstone for the engagement party and the wedding, coaching her relentlessly on how to become  perfect princess. The becoming Araelia part was easier to get into bcos,  nothing much was really known about the real Araelia outside of Hightower, since she was kept hidden most of the time by her parents, and had minimal interaction with folks during any major public feasts & events happening there and only a handful of highly trusted folks in Hightower knew of this whole matter. SO basically my baby could really be her own character & personality when she was and is still, now going about as "Lady Araelia.”
Atm, my poor gurl feels so conflicted internally, cos she loves Drogon so, so much and she's so torn over whether to  finally tell him the truth rn or continue holding it a secret to her grave. Cos she doesn't know how he is going to react!  She's in so much agony over her current dilemma right now, because the one thing she's no.1 scared of,  is losing him and his love . She's felt so happy, secure and at peace with him eversince the day they got married till now hence, she's so scared of losing him & this happy marriage forever if she confesses.But then again, she feels so horrible for still continuously lying to the man she loves, every single day.
Also, eversince arriving at King’s Landing for the past few days, she’s been holding an ever-persistent anxiety  at the back of her mind  over her true identity being discovered out. She’s been trying very hard to hide and keep her anxiety & stress at bay as often as possible. The current occasion she was attending and the place where it was held was the most riskiest of situation to be in at the moment, as there was the fearful possibility that someone from some other place which she could have bumped into during her past life of nomadic living with her  mother, would chance upon her and recognize her. Thus, inadvertently exposing her real identity and bringing the dreaded drama that was sure to follow.
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kunalkarankapoor · 5 years ago
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"Other actors just play their character but Kunal lives that character and makes it alive in our hearts n memories forever. Such is the magic of Kunal. We can't save ourselves from it and frankly speaking we don't want to." - Ruchi Gupta
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"Honesty, passion and connection. These words define Kunal. Are visible in each of his character." - Ruchi Gupta
I don't know where I stand with him. And I don't know what I mean to him. All I know  is that every time I think of  him, all I want to do is be with him. Do you ever just think about some one and immediately get really happy because their mere existence is a source of joy to you? 'HIM' - Just one word, yet one person comes to my mind, 'Kunal Karan Kapoor' People lets admit it. we love him.  we seriously do. Its crazy Kunal because I don't even know when you became so important to me. Its like watching a  snowstorm .  I see the flakes falling, but I didn't realise how they added up. Then suddenly my whole lawn  is covered . Every little thing of yours has added up, and you are my snowstorm, baby. When I first saw you I honestly had no idea that you would be so important  to me.. When I think , the whole world disappears  and, its just me and kunal. in my whole little world kunal love is broad ; If you love someone, you love all things , not just their looks. Love is narrow ; you love one and only one, compared to  you, no one else matters to me Have I told you yet... How much I love  you, how much you mean to me.. Have I told you yet.. About all the happiness you bring to me.. Have I told you yet.. That you mean the world to me. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me.. Just in case I have not.. I want you to know.. I love u.❤ Kunal Mania 
vinitagill: “Each scene lingers in your mind because of what he brings to it !” k_mavourneen: “The more I see him, the more am in love with him.. gosh..” kunalisthan: “Kunal sir's natural acting never fails to connect us with the situations.it seems as if we are travelling through a web of various emotions and can feel the agony,happiness and any kind of emotions the character is experiencing. Mohan Bhatnagar was a character which was given life by kunal sir.I don't want to think mohan just as a character written by any writer.the character had a soul,voice,a real existence in our minds.and it could never have been possible without this powerhouse of talent, Kunal Karan Kapoor.”
pujam_andal22: “His eyes and actions speak more than his words... Love that part in whole season of nbt😘😘 No one can speak through eyes..😘😘 his eyes r Magical!!”
ipsita_kia_224: “His amazing acting brings to life every character portrays in screen”.  
ashapurna5: “Everyone's story is coming at a similar point.. 😍 When I 1st saw the promo of this show season 1 that was really an OMG moment.. Maine already kunal ji ko pratigya me as angad dekha tha.. So it was hard to believe that is this the same guy.. He's looking so handsome here.. Actually the show's promo was catchy and different.. It was released at a time wen all the TV Shows name was based on a song.. Nd I suddenly remembered this song.. But could nt watch at that time as my 12th board exams were approaching .. But managed to watch somehow as I had that craze ki nahi mujhe toh dekhna hi hai.. Dheere dheere became an everyday part of life.. The spiderman chawanni was the 1st bond which was like dil jeet lena type.. Nd then all was like heaven.. The scene in which mohan professes his love for megha in front of whole family seriously broke my heart.. It felt like it was kunal and not mohan.. If I watch that scene 100 times.. 100 times I'll cry just by watching it.. 2nd season is way more mature and good.. It just made megha and mohan cry so much.. That sometimes makes me sad.. Every year I watch both the seasons 1 nd 2 on voot♥️♥️😍 there's really once in a while a show like this comes..to make u drive crazy for years and decades to come. Thank you @kunalkarankapoor “.
ashapurna5: “Jiski aankhein ho ruhani.. Jo bole dil ki zubaani.. Adaaon me ikhtiyar.. Jisse karein poori duniya pyar.. Chehre me base noor.. Wahi toh hai Kunal Karan Kapoor😍 “
ashapurna5: “Some people express by their words.. Some people impress by their eyes... But only few people can express and impress both by their eyes... He's one among them♥️♥️😍”
ashapurna5: “Teri hasi dekh insan Dard me bhi muskuraye.. Jaise mili ho khuda ki inaayat ban jaye.. Toot kar bikhre huye raahi ki aakhri umeed ko.. Jaise mila ho aashna uske wajood ko.. Keep smiling always like this KKK♥️ “
ashapurna5: The person with a distinctive uniqueness.. With a golden heart.. Nd a genuine smile.. With a lively aura.. That's KKK... WHEN YOU SMILE THE WHOLE WORLD STOPS AND LOOKS FOR A WHILE♥️♥️♥️  His every reply or ans directly comes frm the heart.. Nd that's what shows his originality and genuineness.. His humble and down to earth nature is what makes him stand alone with pride frm the crowd♥️♥️
sumita_0227: “One of the reason we love his ivs is PURITY.dil mein jo jubaan mein woh.he never pretended to be the perfect.he presented himself the way he is(we have got many evidences).jo bhi karte ya bolte hai dil se hota hai ek chote bachche ki tarah.GENUINENESS HUMBLESS and INNOCENCE.this world is a very difficult place for innocent people.they often get hurt.but still he never stops to be innocent and genuine.so i call him brave as well.chahe duniya jo bhi bole....he is the best and wll remain the best.💕💕 “
duskyhues: “Omg.. what a performance. I have told it many times. Would like to reiterate dat kunal Karan kapoor carried the entire season 2... on his shoulders... with his impeccable performance”.
sumita_0227: “There are somethings which are difficult to express in words.it can only be felt and that's what kunal sir make us do.he makes us connected with every emotions of him or rather the character's.it seems as if we can see his soul through his eyes.dialogues are not needed when the eyes and body language can emote so much.it's soul exposing.it's like a magical song he sings to us and we get drown into it's melody.💕💕 “
ashapurna5: “The more I see you.. The more I admire you.. The more I fall for you.. Change is constant.. But you are the one who make that change worth of acceptance.. Love you KKK in all aspects ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️😍 “
vinitagill: “His voice sounds so husky n sexy in this scene!” 
paviviji: “Expression king I bet u no one can beat his expressions” 
k_mavourneen: “He's an amazing actor.. just too good..” 
priyark31: “Har scene main jabardast performance di hai kunal ne. Tareef ke liye saare words kam lagte hai. Thank you @kunalkarankapoor itne khubsurat itne memorable scenes ki gifts dene ke liye. These serials n scenes r an all time hit. Thankkkk youuuuu so much. 😘😘😘😘💕💕💕💕 “ 
sonalipahuja65: “Extremly talented kunal” 
priyark31: “Kunal ne har scene main jaan daal di hai, har baar utana hi maja aata hai scenes dekhane main jitna pahli baar aaya tha. #kunalkarankapoor you are the best . 💕💕💕💕💕💕😍😍😍😍 “
kunal.kkk.admirer: “Kunal's Speechless acting without any word He expressed His all pain in this very short scene ❤ Every time He proved that He is truly a King of Expressions 👑❤”
priyanka.m58: “Everytime when I watching your face,or just even single actions from you I don't know what happened inside of me....It's more and more gives happiness and I started smiling like a child...love you..love you lot..Kunal. And special thanks to Ani..you're editing & your works👏 it's made me to feel good day by day...Hats off to you.💐”
priyark31: “Full of emotions, talkative n most beautiful eyes.💕💕💕💕”
shivangisainisimpleI: “guess not a single scene can describe his commitment...n dedication...all scenes r just magical” 
niveditha_niri: “His eyes speaks everything..no dialogues are needed for him❤️💕..his expressions tells everything”   
priyark31: “Brilliant,👏👏👏 what an actor he is. I think no words can describe him. He is above all appreciation.😍😍😍😍💕💕💕”
vinitagill: “He owns every role he does ...you feel it was meant for no one else but him ! “
sangeetha0606: “Having said that actor like @kunalkarankapoor is par excellence and even the story can be moulded not just because of TRP, but also should be because of a character's reach to the audience..this also challenges the writer and the director..this way the TRP will automatically go up...” 
kunalisthan: “Waiting to witness many more amazing chapters in this beautiful journey. Many more memories are yet to be made and so many new stories and adventures are yet to be unfolded by him. So many characters are waiting eagerly for him to get a life through him. Their emotions are waiting to be expressed through his eyes and expressions. And I am ready to discover him more and more through this wonderful journey.❤️😊”
priyark31: “Truely remarkable...It's a delight watching Kunal's acting, how an amazing actor can give meaning to three different characters and portrait their personalities with such perfection. @kunalkarankapoor is one and only... “
ruchi_kajalvarshney: “The best part is he completely dissolves in the character whether it's funny, intense romantic, sad Or shattered.. He lives that character❤️and makes it alive forever in our hearts ❤💞 “
arpitaoscar: “Kunal sir.. I think koi bhi aisa award abhi tk ni bana jo apke acting ko ja sake coz... Sab awards apke acting k liye kum hai.. Bestest actor... “ 
kunal.kapoor_22: “Hardwork never fails... For each and every scene he put lots and lots of effort and moreover sometimes the normal scene itself become the most beautiful scene because of his presence and effective effort... Such a wonderful brilliant actor 💞👏👏👏” 
Shweta Deshpande: “His ever talking eyes are his best assets. Love them and the gentleman who owns them.” 
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themusicenthusiast · 6 years ago
Thursday, June 21st, 2018 – Rosegarden Funeral Party Pulls Out All the Stops for Box Garden at Legacy Hall Gig
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Photos by Jordan Buford Photography More than a month since its official opening and the Box Garden at Legacy Hall is proving to be an interesting venue. Located in the Legacy West development in Plano, the three-story food hall that is Legacy Hall has something to offer just about everyone. Foodies will love the variety of restaurants (and bars) housed inside the complex, and it also makes for a great outing to hang out with friends or unwind after a long day. The Box Garden outside is an even more ideal spot for all of that; and with the World Cup currently going on they’ve been catering to sports fans by showing some of the games on the screen outside. And when the night falls the stage is ready to host various bands from around the D/FW area – at least on a few nights out of the week. That’s where it’s interesting, because the clientele is definitely different from that of a venue dedicated exclusively to live music and the fans that come with it. The crowd can range from those who ventured out to Legacy Hall specifically to see the band to people who are there just to get a meal and could take or leave the live entertainment; and with this being my second consecutive Thursday night spent at the Box Garden it’s obvious that it’s just a slow night in comparison to the throng of people the place attracts on the weekend. A decent gathering of people were spread out among all of the tables, though things were still sparse by the time Rosegarden Funeral Party took the stage at 9:03.
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The gothic rock/alternative quartet had made the trek from Dallas up to the northern part of the suburbs for this show, a show that would have them being one of the most intense bands yet to perform on the Box Garden stage. From releasing their debut EP to touring and currently well into the stages of preparing another album, 2018 has already been a banner year for the young band, who would pull out all the stops and then some during the 70-minutes that they had the stage. To begin, they knocked out something from The Chopping Block, “Eden” proving to be a sensational opener. It demonstrated to everyone – regardless of how long they planned on being there for – just what Rosegarden Funeral Party was about. Like much of their music, that song evokes their musical influences from the ‘70s and ‘80s while also showcasing their interpretations of it and even their individualism from acclaimed gothic rock groups that have inspired them; Tate Christopher’s drumming setting a thrilling pace for the track, one that was best fleshed out by the roaring riffs interspersed among the dreamy soundscape. It certainly succeeded at capturing one’s attention and intrigued a few new listeners.
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They would perform much of that EP, with plenty of new(er) songs also woven into the show; “AMC” further perpetuating the enchanting aura that Rosegarden Funeral Party was casting over the Box Garden. Those first two numbers highlighted the striking tones that frontwoman and guitarist Leah Lane operates in, going from channeling a pristine and heavenly quality on the first to unleashing the huskier side of her voice on the latter. Instantly recognizable, it’s raw and primal – even operatic in some regards – qualities that were all behooving of the heartbreaking tale which explores the flood of emotions one is left to sort out in the aftermath of a relationship, haunted by their ex. “…Thanks for hanging out…” Lane remarked afterwards, the songstress going above and beyond to form a rapport with everyone who was receptive to them this night. From graciously thanking everyone for listening or the folks at Legacy Hall for having them out, to, at the absolute least, informing everyone of the title of the upcoming song, she put plenty of effort in to forging a relationship with the audience they had. It was nice to see because it was all so genuine, the appreciation from her and on behalf of her band mates being evident each time she addressed the spectators.
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“Never Coming Home” was one of the standouts of their more recent batch of songs (a track Lane said would be on their next album, apparently due out in September), the bass that Wil Farrier was so masterfully wielding being exceptionally heavy and in charge. Adding to the dramatics of it was how animated Lane became, motioning with her hands (quite expressively at that) when she was able and belting out the lyrics with absolute passion. That behavior persisted throughout “Follow”, a song she noted was one of the first ones they wrote after forming the band. “We’re pulling it out of the closet for you guys!” she exclaimed as they tore into that blistering and seductive rocker.
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The four of them had a nice chemistry going from the moment they stepped on the stage, though they began to find and settle into their groove the deeper they got into the show. By that point they were entrancing and absolutely fierce, radiating an overwhelming amount of confidence. Those dynamics would perpetually be pushed higher, right up till the end of their 14-song set. Such was the case during their lone cover song of the night, which afforded Lane an opportunity to fully embrace the role of frontwoman, moving her guitar to her back for a brief time. It was done with finesse as she handled herself casually while still being utterly compelling. Like the subtle move of resting one of her arms on the mic stand. Casual, though authoritative in the way she did it.
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One of the most epic songs of the night was “Seeing You Here and Now”, the lengthy track ebbing and flowing in a spectacular fashion, being moody and equally as vicious as it is serene; the introspective lyrics being something most everyone can relate to on some level. “…But I’m not what you wanted. I’m not what you need. But every part of me seems to see something in you. And every part of me will always want some part of you…” That’s the painful realization of “Seeing You Here and Now”; a subtle devastation seeping into Lane’s impassioned delivery. That ushered in a series of unreleased/unrecorded material, those songs more prominently featuring Mikka Vanya Brightheart and his meticulous work on the keys/synth. From dark and even ominous to shimmering and airy, he helped establish whatever mood was necessary; songs like “Martyr” being incredibly up-tempo, even catchy, while “Fade to Black” was a powerhouse.
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The best had been saved for last, their lead single, “Blitzkrieg in Holland”, ultimately capping off Rosegarden Funeral Party’s time in Plano, the rip-roaring track allowing for a gritty and vigorous finish. It was during the instrumental bridge that Lane dropped to her knees and proceeded to shred on her axe, looking every bit the part of the idealistic rockstar before they finished it in epic fashion.
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This was a totally different Rosegarden Funeral Party from what they were the only other time I had seen them, back in the spring of last year. That’s meant both figuratively and literally, a slight lineup change bringing Brightheart into the fold; while Lane has since taken on the role of lead guitarist, doing so without sacrificing the ferocity of her frontwoman persona. Then there’s the fact that they have maintained a pretty healthy show schedule, be it around D/FW or their West Coast tour they did a couple of months back.
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All of that has really allowed Lane, Farrier, Christopher and Brightheart to hone their dynamics as a unit; each mostly operating independently this night, though their underlying chemistry was always present and displayed periodically. They deserved a larger audience than what they had this night, though those who were interested in hearing some live music became quite transfixed by the sights and sounds playing out on the stage of the Box Garden, the four-piece outfit giving it their all and subsequently had no trouble in capturing and holding the audiences’ undivided attention. Rosegarden Funeral Party is certainly one of the most intriguing currently active acts in the D-FW music scene, simply because they are doing something that is more different in comparison to the vast majority of other acts out there. Their British influences are evident, with a dramatic rock flare and some indie components spliced in with it, resulting in music that has a primal edge while still being refined and calculative. Songs that roar to life at just the right moments, capitalizing on the emotional chords they aim to strike.
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And they are definitely emotional, Lane not holding back when it comes to pouring her feelings into the pieces that she pens, in terms of both the lyrics and singing them. Since the previous project that she was a part of she has been hailed as one of the next great things in Dallas music with the potential to go well beyond, and she is definitely doing everything to aspire to that title. There’s an aura about her, one that could never be accurately described. Instead it has to be witnessed, that star talent seeping through ever second that she’s performing, and it’s magnificent. The Box Garden at Legacy Hall may be an interesting venue, though that’s all the more reason of why people should visit it, particularly to see a band. You’re certain to see a good act or artist, and maybe even an exceptional one, as was the case this night. The show was even over shortly after ten. Pretty early for a weeknight and ideal for anyone who may not want to be out late. The calendar is looking pretty good through the next month; and maybe, hopefully, Rosegarden Funeral Party will be brought back sometime, and possibly even given a prime Friday or Saturday night spot so they can wow plenty of patrons.
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Their next area show will be on July 19th at Three Links in Dallas and they will be returning there on August 11th. A gig at Doublewide in Dallas is also planned for August 25th. They’ll also be doing some light touring, visiting Atlanta, GA and New Orleans, LA on July 14th and 16th at The Masquerade and Gasa Gasa, respectively. An Austin show is on the books for July 20th at The Electric Church and they’ll be in Los Angeles, CA on July 24th performing at The Echo. More details on their current tour dates can be found HERE; and be sure to check out The Chopping Block in iTUNES or GOOGLE PLAY.
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