#(when Wilbur was revived)
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yuttikkele · 9 months ago
i like how while the dsmp was going on we were all like “awww the brothers! ctommy and cwilbur the brothers!!!” and now we look back and all collectively say, “their relationship was incredibly toxic, actually.”
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redmaycare · 27 days ago
none of you better double check on my dsmp lore accuracy for 101 ive hit road block after road block while reading the wiki and ive decided that the only parts that matter are the ones that line up with my vision
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cdroloisms · 19 days ago
Saw people say that c!Tommy “had a ghost who was crying all the time and repeating that c!Dream killed him while he followed Ghostbur around” so naturally I’m like that’s not true, right? Because I would remember this as the fandom would’ve flipped the fuck out. They send me a clip of Glatt talking to c!Quackity in his gym. He mentions c!Wilbur visiting and then mentions c!Tommy visiting with him and only repeating that c!Dream killed him while mocking the sputtering he does. So like, the only confirmation would be that he had a ghost, if that.
im crying ??????? ? this is so fucking funny
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Are we really not going to talk about this animatic????
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kaz-oooo · 1 year ago
So glad I’ve reached a point in my life where the only maths I know how to do is the most basic multiplication and figuring out the time dilation in DSMP limbo.
Anyway Ghostbur’s been in limbo for 83 years, 4 months and 13 days.
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10piecechickenmcnugget · 2 years ago
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bronzetomatoes · 2 years ago
Dying to know how you all got into DSMP. Like I want you to be EXACT what is the first stream/video you watched, how did you find it, where were you at the time, what time of what year, any other relevant information bc it's fascinating
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a1sart · 1 year ago
i like to imagine that the only time Kristin came to see Wilbur in limbo, if she ever visited at all, was to see him off as he got on the train back to the living world
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celestesparlour · 2 years ago
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EEE YES i would like to think their feelings towards one another would be different in this au. because it would be SUCH a very long time until if ever pandora decides to set out on the overworld. it would be extremely awkward between each other, as they no longer can recognize who they are anymore
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gnawer-of-table-legs · 1 year ago
Someone annotated the ho16 Wilbur poem and rightfully so it’s a banger
hitting on 16 annotation dump
originally created march 24th 2022
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transcript below for easy reading + extra notes at the end i added that aren’t in the image
Keep reading
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free-my-boy-grumbot · 2 years ago
absolutely love how the multiverse works in mcyt. like, most servers all have their own character regardless of where the cc has been before. for example, dsmp!wilbur and qsmp!wilbur are different people that come from different universes. they’re even different charcaters between seasons, for example empires season 1 and season 2 jimmy are different people. Generally, even the most powerful mcyts like Phil can’t travel between universes.
hermits on the other hand can and frequently do multiverse travel with ease. for example, hermitcraft season 6 grian and season 9 grian and even evo smp grian are all the same person. hell, most seasons end because the mere presence of the hermits caused a portal to open up or the world to end or something else strange. hermits are inherently harbingers of chaos and all the other mcyt charcaters are a little terrified of them.
also it’s worth mentioning that they can’t really “die” like the other mcyts. every other mcyt (unless they have some other reason to be immortal) can permanently die. sure, they can be revived or come back as a ghost, but they will never be the same person they were when they were alive. Hermits don’t experience this even in the slightest. A hermit can literally watch the universe collapse around them, they can be hit by the moon, they can be canonically killed like in trafficlife, and every single time they just dust themselves off and get back up like nothing happened.
anyways tldr most mcyts are confined to their universe but hermitcraft members have something more Sinister going on.
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appleflavoredkitkats · 8 months ago
fuck it. ultimate dsmp quiz because i want to hear people deliberate about it again. answer some (or all) of the questions in the tags/reblogs, but do not start fights!
what did l'manberg ultimately mean to each of its members, and why did wilbur blow it up on november 16th?
why did dream pursue the path of villainy?
what was quackity's justification for the creation of las nevadas, and where did those principles originate?
explain how techno views allyship, from his more secure allies in the syndicate, to shorter-lived allies like with dream and tommy
how did sam justify why leaving tommy in the prison was a safer option, even if it meant risking his death?
why did schlatt die, and what did his short-lived arc in manberg represent?
what was wilbur truly aiming for when asking different members of the smp for forgiveness?
what did ranboo mean by his preference of being truly factionless?
define wilbur and fundy's father-son relationship (bonus if you can extend it to phil)
what did eret's betrayal signify for the dream smp's overall theme?
what did the inbetween and the other side really mean?
describe the egg, its powers and its weaknesses
what did tommy's discs signify?
why was memory such a prevalent issue in the dsmp?
what is enderwalking?
how did the community house explode?
how do you revive someone via the revival book?
what is limbo and what were the different states of limbo each dead person experienced?
why did phil kill wilbur?
how did sam have multiple bodies/personas?
what was the importance of outsider perspective, both found in phil and michael mcchill's respective lore?
who was pandora's vault built for?
who is dreamxd?
what is the overall attempted general theme of the dream smp?
how would you have changed the dsmp?
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bonesandthebees · 2 years ago
something I really love about qsmp is how you can see the growth real time as it shifted from a goofy event to the cc's actually caring about ALL the eggs and not just their own out of necessity. like in the very early days you had charlie kill chayanne (admittedly he didn't have a choice bc of the devil but he wasn't that guilty about it) and phil immediately went to kill juanaflippa in turn.
but now the entire server seems to run on the idea of 'it takes a village'. I think bbh was the first to really take this approach to making an effort to ensure all the eggs were taken care of, but now (most) of the parents will protect the eggs regardless of if it's theirs or not. especially with how they keep setting up teleporters around the server so they can all get to each other faster if an egg goes down. like today when phil was meeting cellbit to talk, one of the first things he said was that he needs to set his waystone at cellbit's place in case richarlyson goes down and needs to be revived quickly, despite the fact that (as far as I know) phil has had limited interactions with the brazilians outside of forever. or how even though roier and wilbur hadn't seen each other since the first day of the server, the moment roier saw tallulah got knocked down he sprinted to wilbur's place as fast as he could despite not being nearby at all just so he could try to revive tallulah.
there's just no question about it anymore. all the remaining parents are in this together. it truly takes a village to raise a kid, and I love seeing this kind of community parenting really take its shape.
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rainystressed247 · 8 months ago
Hello! This is about your the villain needs therapy au:
Ok soooo Wilbur. Alone,. With Dream . Oh boy
I have so many questions, how did he got in? Does sam know about this ? And omg the first Wilbur does is choke Dream like..does Dream think he is his new "sir" ??cuz if he does then I guess rip Wilbur 🙏 and when was Wilbur revived, was it before or after the "incident " this is just sooo interesting !!😆😆😆😆
I'm so in love with this au🥲 honestly been brainrotting so hard
Anyway I love your au and your art! is just *mou7* chef's kiss ❤❤
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Casualties +1
Note: them looking alike is a reference to Wil and techno being ‘twins’. Sam is running on no sleep for a week, you can see how he gets them confused.
This occurs after the ‘incident’ as Dream is in a straight jacket. He was only put into the straight jacket after the ‘incident’ so this will ease you guys in identifying the timeline!
His memory is sporadic and depending on who is in front of him, he will have different response! And while he doesn’t see Wil as ‘sir’, it doesn’t mean he can’t return what is done to him.
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schlatt-is-president · 5 months ago
(going ahead, feel free to answer whenever)
Wilbur sat in some local bar, outside of the ruins of Las Nevadas. Sipping at a whiskey with a sigh. He hadn't seen Oves' ghost in some time, which was odd in his opinion. Typically ghosts seemed to hang around people, but maybe not. Unaware that he'd been revived so soon..it took thirteen years to revive him, after all. And he wasn't as bad as Schlatt!
He huffed, keeping up small talk with the bartender and ordering another whiskey when he was done with the first.
He walled into the bar, wearing a suit. The only noticeable difference being a white streak in his hair, and having small spots of rotting skin. He didn’t seem to notice Wilbur.
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tobi-smp · 5 months ago
one of the things that still annoys me with the dream smp's decline is how they treated the passage of time when there was scheduling issues
because it Didn't have to all be in real time, there were Multiple instances in universe of time passing differently for the characters than it did in real life (fundy was just straight up on a different time scale entirely).
I think Some amount of lampshading worked, but at the point where the timeline was just swiss cheese it baffles me that they wouldn't just. put things on hold and then establish that no time had passed between streams.
it wouldn't have fixed All of the pacing issues, but it would been SOMETHING.
Somewhat relatedly, it Does also frustrate me that the cc's looked at what tommy and wilbur did with limbo and decided to interpret it as a literal timescale to be measured and not that limbo is Unknowable And Disconnected From Reality.
it really took the sails out of the Reviving Ranboo plotline when he's been in there for like a hundred years because the stream a week after he died fell through. it just like, Fundamentally changed how that plotline Could have gone and I have to wonder if we would've ever seen a conclusion to it if that weren't a factor.
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