#(what is his goal? oh they don't want to talk about it because getting consumed by it is bad :( )
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icharchivist · 29 days ago
this game has their abandonned capital due to magical reason still divided between upper city and lower city specifically to showcase a worldbuilding on class and how it was still an important notion of the old hierarchy, even though everything is in ruins,
meanwhile da4 that talks about Solas' rebellion against the Evanuris, which was about ending slavery, never ever showed any idea of class or even society from the old elven ways, and Arlathan itself is a mess of corridors that means nothing leading to status that means nothing
Like yes the whole city is supposed to be gone, at least according to the codexes, but it's not exactly the vibe of Arlathan forrest and we still learn absolutely nothing about the world of the Elven. Because god forbid we give any weight to the (new, retconned) arguments Solas make about "restoring the old world"
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christopher-bangnaldoskzz · 11 months ago
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Soft Dom Bangchan x Female Reader Sub!
Word count: 2.7k
Warnings: This is strictly 18+ MDNI fan fiction.
Summary: A sub needs a dom, a dom wants a sub but what happens when feelings overlap with contracts and love creeps in? Will a contract remain only a contract? Or are emotions like love too hard to keep in check?
A/N: would also like to dedicate this story to @daceydeath​ , thank you for always putting up with my deluluness, also thank you for putting up with my drama fill life honestly. I wouldn’t be still writing if it wasn’t for you encouraging me. Also thank you so much for writing my summary xx
You walked into the living room, relieved to be out of that uncomfortable outfit. The shower helped you relax, but you were still uneasy about the situation. Chan smiled at you from the couch, gesturing for you to join him. "Come, Princess."
You snuggle into his warm embrace, nestling your head on his chest. His strong yet gentle arms wrap around you, making you feel safe and cared for. As you listen to the steady beating of his heart, he leans down and places a tender kiss on the top of your head.
"I uh want to talk to you about something," he said, adjusting his body and causing you to sit up straight. 
"Sure, what about?" You say, getting comfortable on the couch, turning to face him and crossing your legs.
"Last night….I ah," he was really struggling to get the words out. You grab his hands in yours, hoping it will help him get them out, lightly stroking your thumb over his knuckles. 
He takes a deep breath before saying, "I heard you crying. . . because of me." You smile lightly but think to yourself that's only half true. Chan had yelled, and that's what started the tears at first. But really, you were mostly mad at yourself.
You take a deep breath. "It wasn't your fault. I was disappointed in myself for not being honest." Your gaze falls to the ground as you speak. You never wanted Chan to feel guilty for expressing his feelings.
Chan looks at you with soft eyes. "All I want is for you to trust me. That's been my goal this whole time." He gently lifts your chin up so you're looking at him. You notice his gaze drift down to your lips briefly before returning to your eyes.
You looked at him, unsure of what to say. "I don't know why I didn't tell you earlier."
He softly caressed your lips with his thumb and whispered, "It's okay. I just want you to know I'm sorry." 
Leaning in, placing his lips on yours, time seems to stand still. Chan's soft lips press against yours, consumed by the intoxicating feeling of his hands caressing your hips. His tender kiss leaves you breathless. 
Your eyes remain shut as he pulls away, giggling cutely as he realises you are chasing his kiss. 
"I have to go", you said, trying to grab your bag from Chan's hands. 
In an effort to keep you there longer, he pulls it away from you playfully as you attempt to grab it. "Chan," you say, pouting as he laughs, "I really have to go. I have to pack. The movers are coming next week." 
"Oh, that reminds me." He placed your bag and did a light jog to the main bedroom.
"This is not how I wanted this weekend to go….but I was supposed to give you this last night." He came down the hallway with a jewellery box, running his fingers through his hair.
"Open it", he smiled as he handed it to you. You snap open the box, and inside is a key. Your head shoots up to look at Chan as you blush. "It's the house key….I wanted to give this to you last night at dinner, but….we got rudely interrupted." 
He was right. This weekend did not go according to plan at all. The fact that you may not see each other for a couple weeks while Chan goes to Japan for his dome tour, resulting in you having to pack up your apartment alone, makes you sad. You thought this weekend was going to be some sort of sex-filled dream. However, that did not end up happening for obvious reasons. "I may not see you for two weeks", you pout as you suddenly become in no rush to leave. 
"Mmm," he hummed as he pulled you closer to his body. "See, you should stay," he smiled as his nose brushed your cheek, giving you goosebumps. "I have a lot of other things I was planning this weekend that we didn't get to do." He placed a light kiss just below your earlobe.
"We can't. You have a flight at 6 am tomorrow….and I have the movers coming at 9," you said, placing my hand on his chest, trying to put some space between the both of you. 
"But 2 weeks without you may just kill me." There he goes again, being all sweet. 
"But when you return, I'll be fully moved in." You smile, kissing his lips with a light peck. 
He glides his hand down your back, realising you're not wearing a bra. He pulls you in closer, lightly brushing his thumb over your nipple, instantly making it hard. 
"When I come back, I want to take you out on a real date," he said out of breath.
"I'd love that" you smiled, gripping your bag and stepping out of his reach, his hands falling to his sides. "Bye, Channie," you say sweetly.
"About to leave for the plane… I'll text you when I land." 
You send him a picture of the live YouTube video you are watching of the airport. 
“Are you watching me 😳…..are you sure you are not a stalker 😉” 
"Fine, I'll turn it off." 
"No, I find it adorable." 
"Safe flight, sir." 
"I'll call you tonight." 
It was only a short time before the YouTube live you had streaming on the TV went active, showing the guys rocking up to the airport. 
The camera zoomed in on Chan, making a heart shape with his hands. "Dork", you laughed, shaking your head. 
As they walked through the airport, you couldn't help but be nervous for them as people started swarming around them to get any sort of photos or even a quick touch from them. 
Your heart beats so fast in your chest as one of the members falls; you can visibly see the frustration in Chan's face as he struggles to keep himself calm. Eventually, they push through the crowd and head to security clearance. 
"Omg….are you all okay?" 
"I'm fine" 
"Is it always that hectic?" 
His short answer makes you believe he is indeed angry. You decided to call him.
"Hello," he must be in professional mode.
"I know you said you're fine….but you're texting like you're angry." You just came out with it. 
"Guys, I just have to take this. I'll be back…order me something," he excused himself from the group. 
"Did you see the way they just swarmed us?" He snapped. "They could have hurt Ji", he growled.
"It's okay…just breathe." You could hear him take a deep breath in. 
"Thank you," he said, breathing out. 
"Okay, good….now have a safe flight," you said, about to hang up. 
"Wait…" He said quickly. "Did you see my heart? I did it for you?" Even through the phone, you could see him blushing. 
"Mmmmm….I did…. You're a dork," you laughed. "I better let you go. Text me when you land", you smile.
"What… you're not going to watch YouTube live", he chuckled.
"I ah…think I'll give it a miss….it made me nervous," you said 
"Cute, you worried about me." You could tell by how he said that sentence that he was grinning. 
"Bye, Channie," you said before hanging up. 
But you couldn't help yourself; when the video of the boys arrived in Japan, you ran to the TV; this time, it was a much calmer arrival.
They looked so happy and excited to be there. Chan even smiled and waved at the camera, almost like he knew you were watching. Chan pulls out his phone as they walk outside and into the car.
"I made it, princess….in the car on the way to the hotel." 
Before you could reply, your doorbell went off. "Coming," you said, running to the door. 
You had been so busy moving that a week and a half had gone by in no time, and it was finally time to move your stuff into channies officially. Well, the things you took with you. 
When you arrive at his house, Chan calls you to meet the small moving van you hired. 
"Hello," you say sweetly.
"How's the moving going?" You know he is watching you on the camera. He has them everywhere. 
"Are you watching me?" You laughed. 
"I'm always watching you… it's my favourite pastime." 
"That's creepy, Chan," you say as he laughs. "But while I have you…where would you like the couch you requested me to bring?"
"In the living room," he laughed.
"Chan, don't we should just get a new couch? Mine is so old." 
"I love that couch..." 
"It's ugly," you say, rolling your eyes. 
"It's not ugly… it's perfect." 
"Whatever?" you mumble. "I have to go….. they're here." 
"Okay, I'll see you in a couple of days", he said before he hung up. 
Ting Ting
I open my eyes to check my phone. "Fuuuckkk", I growl as tears begin to form in my eyes from the light's rays. 
"Unknown number", I whisper to myself. I don't want to wake Minho up from his sleep. 
Unknown number
"Don't worry, buddy…. I've been looking after her."
My heart races as I re-read the message, desperately hoping it wasn't meant for me. As I clumsily grab my phone, almost hitting myself in the process, I frantically open the camera app with shaking hands. Scrolling through the outdoor security feeds, my blood runs cold when I don't see her bedroom light on. Dear God, where could she have gone? The house sits empty as I plead for her to be safe inside. I feel a sense of dread wash over me - where is she? Please let her be here. 
I flick the camera into the master suite, and my panic subsides. "Oh, thank God," I breathe. She's curled up all cozy under my silk sheets. I watched her breathing so calmly and peacefully for a few minutes. Her chest rose and fell with such grace; she was simply stunning with her lips pressed together in the cutest sleepy pout. If I were there right now, I would not be able to control myself from planting the biggest kiss on those beautiful lips. My body gets all tingly just thinking about it, and I can't help but push those thoughts aside for now. The worst part about sharing rooms on tour is honestly not being able to care for myself whenever the urge hits. But now that I know she's safe and sound asleep, I continue to check the house for signs that she is alone. I don't care if I have to watch these cameras night and day; I will not let anyone touch her.
Morning finally arrives, and I open my eyes to find that Y/N has left our bed. This is the first time I've even had a thought like that about a woman… "Ours," I say softly, still staring at my phone screen. It's such a strange concept to me. The thought of sharing with a person makes me so happy. I look over at Minho, who is still asleep. Thank God…the last thing I need is for him to wake up and find me staring at my security cameras like a possessive monster. 
But that's what I am, a man obsessed with her, and after last night's text message, I need to hear her voice. Seeing her on my house camera is not enough. 
I step into the hallway as the phone rings. Minho is still sleeping but shouldn't hear me if I keep my voice low. 
"Hey you", her sweet voice was like music to my ears.
"Hey," I say back, and my nervousness vanishes. 
"What's up?….why are you calling so early?" I can hear her talking with her mouth full. 
"Is now a good time to talk?" I say, and I'm hoping she agrees to continue this conversation because now that I have her, I don't want to let her go. 
"Sorry…. I'm just eating breakfast….is everything okay?" I can see her now in my kitchen, eating toast and frowning. 
"Yeah…..I just ah," fuck how do I say this without seeming like an utterly love-sick puppy? "I ah", I keep choking on my words. Why can't I just say it? 
"I miss you too, Channie." I can hear her giggling on the other end, and it makes me smile to know she misses me just as much. 
"That obvious, huh?" I look at the floor as I kick my foot out. 
"That, and I figured you'd call me after I heard you snoring through the camera system this morning" My eyes widened…..could she really hear me snoring FUCK. 
"I ah….I can explain," I panic, fuck, who am I going to explain this without her thinking I'm an absolute creep.
"I'm just joking, sir….When I woke up this morning, I saw the red light and figured you were just checking in." The strain in my chest subsides as I relax my muscles. 
"I hope it's okay that I slept in your bed last night." I want to correct her and say our bed inside. I chuckle.
"Of course….keep it warm for me." I smile and hear what sounds like Minho walking towards the door.
"I have to go, but I'll call you later, okay?" I hang up the phone before she can answer me, and just in time as well….because as I place my hand on the door handle and open it, Minho practically falls out. 
"Spying on me…are we?" I laugh as Minho groans on the floor.
"Who are you even talking to this early?" He squints his eyes as he looks up from the ground. 
"Wouldn't you like to know?" I say, stepping over him and back into the room. 
"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't." Minho gets up off the floor as I charge my phone. 
"I'm going to take a shower", I say, grabbing my towel and heading into the bathroom. 
"Oh, and Minho," I say, peeking my head out and catching him red-handed, looking at my phone. 
"No peeking, yeah", I laugh as I turn back into the bathroom; he could try to get into my phone; however, I changed the code as soon as Y/N and I got together. 
For the first time, I think I actually miss someone. All the boys have gone out to eat and walk around Tokyo sitting, and I can't help but lay here in my shared hotel room and watch CCTV footage of y/n in my house. 
I wish I was there to help her; it's not like I can go home early, either. We have our show tonight. However, after our last show in Tokyo, the boys decided to stay for a couple of days. Still, I was reluctant to because everything I needed was at home. 
I've been sitting on the Korean Air website, deciding if a 6am flight back home is going to piss the boys off or not. They would be supportive if they knew why, but it's too early to let them know I'm seeing y/n. Especially when they only know her as a JYPE staff member.  
"What are you doing?" Minho said, coming out of the bathroom.
"Do you think the guys would be offended if I left tomorrow?" A question I only trust Minho to answer.
"Want to get home that fast?" 
"I just have so much I need to do….I just really don't have time for a holiday right now." A few days off with the boys would be fun; a few days off with y/n is my priority. After we had that huge fight before I left, I felt I needed to make it up to her. 
"I think they won't mind", he said, drying his hair with the towel. 
"Okay, I'll book this ticket then," I said, moving my hand to click the checkout button. 
Minho smiles. I know he's onto me, but he will never immediately ask me. That's not what Minho does. 
"This wouldn't have anything to do with a girl, would it?" He grins.
"No, Minho", I say, pretending to be annoyed and rolling my eyes. 
"Because we will support you 100% if it is?" 
"I know…but it's not." I smile, knowing it has everything to do with a girl. 
Master list: @bellamuerte1987 @nightrayseishina @9900z @armystay89 @dreamstarsandskz @fosfopirite @neyangi @princesspanda16 @krishastumblernow @agnes-king @bangtanmix73 @khemrose @fawnpeaks @missrobyn81 @dreambelieveinme @umbreonwolfy @jisungiexx @scarletrosesposts @choisoorin @izzathequeen @binnies-minsung-fanclub @jetblackbelle @bunnyxoxodarling @berryberrytan @sky-outta @zerefdragn33l @shiningnono @tinys0ftie @zinnichong @tuggybug @nokacchan @amaranth-writing @seungbinis @jisunglover3409 @kimseungminsprincess @goblin-waifu @skzswife @uwuitsjungwoo @marrivmel
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cloudzoro · 9 months ago
omg can I request headcanons for one pice girls and what they're like when they're jealous?!
of course! I love writing for women so PLEASE feel free to request more one piece girls
when they're jealous ♡
characters: nami, reiju, robin, tashigi
Nami is, in my opinion, the most jealous and easily riled up. She sees someone else talking to you and is immediately filled with rage. She has to take a few deep breaths and regain her composure before walking over to you.
As you're watching her walk over you can see her eye twitch and you can tell her smile is fake.
“Hi baby, I missed you” she says, wrapping her arms around you. She presses a kiss to your shoulder and looks up at the person who's talking to you. They look uncomfortable, which was Nami's goal, and walk away after getting the hint.
However, if they don't run away then she gets loud and vocal. You're hers, she's yours. no one else can have you. It is slightly embarrassing to you but it works.
Reiju is not so much jealous as she is possessive. You're hers and she loves to show you off. When it comes to other people flirting with you, she just thinks it's funny. It's laughable to her that anyone else thinks they have a chance with you when it's her you go home to her everyday.
She sees someone approach you while you're out shopping together and just stands behind you, listening to what the other person is saying and audibly laughing at their lack of game.
“C'mon baby, let's get out of here.” She says, when she no longer finds the flirting amusing. She was listening in so she knows that you weren't reciprocating, and the guy just couldn't take the hint. Now, she just wants to take you home and mark you up so everyone will know you're taken.
Robin is the least jealous. You two have had deep conversations with each other and vowed to be honest with one another. She's not worried about you running off with anyone else, nor is she bothered by anyone else thinking they can win you over.
When someone approaches you while you're out, she'll simply assess you to see if you need any help and if not she'll leave you to finish your conversation and send the person away. If you do require assistance, she'll simply knock the person out with her powers and walk away with you. If that would cause too much trouble she'll join the conversation and say something weird to freak them out before dragging you away without another word.
On the rare occasion Robin does get jealous, it's probably because whoever is talking to you has a similar personality to hers. In that scenario she'll linger around you until she gets the chance to enter the conversation and change the topic to distract them from talking to you and then she'll shut down any further talk and take you away to discuss how she feels (and eat you out as an apology for interrupting your conversation.
Oh lord, poor Tashigi 😭
I headcanon Tashigi to be inexperienced in relationships. She's in love with you and she doesn't even realise how irrationally jealous she gets.
She sees someone talking to you and getting awfully close and she goes into a blind rage and confronts the person, telling them to back off because you're taken. After the person leaves she's immediately consumed by embarrassment and cringes at her own behaviour. You don't seem to mind but she thinks about the interaction for the rest of the day.
She does eventually apologise to you saying she doesn't know what came over her but when you tell her you appreciate her and aren't upset with her she feels a weight lift off her shoulders
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crimison-sun · 9 months ago
Hello I'm going to rant about a theory about Sylus possible myth story, it will obviously have spoilers on Sylus story and character, and also some light spoilers on the boys myths so beware
I noticed how everyone myth had something to do with getting married or talking about marriage, the closest one to achieve that goal was Rafayel but his married life didn't lasted much lol
But yeah that's a theory, a game theory I'm going insane
I think that for Sylus myth it would be different, I think him and the MC were actually normal people living a normal married life. From how he would hold MC hand in the story whenever he was angry or maybe scared for her at the start of the story (?) he always reached for her hand as if he had done that many times before, plus how angry he was for MC evol not resonating with him but with other guys yes?! He was angry and if my theory is right because he wants his wife back, her memories to come back and to resonate with him in every way like once upon a time. Plus all the "we are the same" as if saying I know you boo. Now since we're talking about love and deepspace of course every boy has to suffer lol, I believe in his myth Sylus may have killed MC or have been a cause that led to her death, from the scene he was so okay with MC killing him with the pistol and also the voices telling MC to consume him and that's he's hers? Yeah that's totally not couple behavior. And I also want to add how in the card where he's with his shirt up, I got it bc I don't know he wants me what can I say, the way she dreams dreads of him getting injured? The way he ask which tie suit him best? The way he lets his wifey dress him however she wants even if possible making wear all red?? Yeah.
Edit: important update of my delulu, I saw this video on insta
And listen, he and MC were planning to have a baby, idgaf you can't pry away this thought of my mind of him and MC decorating a nursery meanwhile he sings this song and MC "the baby is going to love your voice!" PLEASE EVEN IF MY THEORY ISN'T RIGHT I STILL TAKE IT AS A HEADCANON BECAUSE IT'S SO SWEET. HE WANTS HER TO REMEMBER SO BAD AND HE'S DOING HIS HATRDEST BUY SOMETHING IT'S KEEPING HIM BACK OH MY GOD MY BABY
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throwaway-yandere · 1 year ago
hello, hello! i wanted to drop by to say that your kaveh + dr ratio fic was amazing. i only finished reading it just now, so excuse me if i sound like i consumed excessive sugar but anyway— i adore the way you played around with the concept of "expy"!! at the start of the fic, i already know that something was gonna tie both ratio and kaveh together (although i don't think we were made aware of ratio's intentions at first besides hints here and there??) but man, reading it till the end filled me with catharsis. it felt so good, everything was so neatly tied and weaved together. you did such a marvelous job. also, one of my favorite parts about the fic were the flashbacks veritas had about him and his (y/n). i think those were crucial in giving us a solidified view about the relationship between them and not to mention, the little 'lie' he did. ANDDD OH OH i loved the way you wrote kaveh's dialogue when he first saw his delam awake. something about how he stuttered/mumbled (?) in such relief made me feel like i could feel his relief myself. this may be because you introduced his despair over our loss so well somewhere in the beginning, so thank you for that!!! or really, thank you for writing this delicious fic in general.
anywho, i think i've said far too much on here but i just had to— wishing you a good day/evening! AND SORRY FOR THE RAMBLE.
[From this Yandere!Kaveh &/vs Yandere!Dr. Ratio x Reader]
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Kaveh: What lie were they talking about?
Veritas: Nothing. Do not mind them.
Kaveh: If it's pertaining to (Y/n), I find that request difficult to follow.
[Author's notes utc]
Yeah it was meant not to be explicitly stated in the beginning what Ratio was up to (≡^∇^≡)!!! I just thought it'd be a nice "plot twist" when it's revealed Veritas also has a (Y/n) [although it's prolly obvs it was leading up to that haha].
His lie is actually pretty solid too. No one can deny or verify those claims. Not when he did leave those notes on (Y/n)'s computer [those quick little "Good morning, I love you. — R." messages he put in by hacking lol]. Not when he can say they were hiding their relationship. Doesn't help that his (L/n)'s colleagues can provide testimonies that they did use to be close enough to exchange jackets.
If Kaveh found out it's a lie there's no way in hell he'd allow Veritas to share you.
Speaking of our boy, Kaveh's parts are fun to write too. He nearly made me make the fic more sadder but my goal for these next fics is to be more lighthearted with a "willing"/compliant darling 😭😭😭 I love our boy very much. He doesn't have any will to go on but now he has something to get excited about and wake up for with you being here.
Aight I'll shut up now HAJSJAIISOQKA Ty ty ty (≧∇≦)/!!!!!
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kuroshitsuji-scenarios · 1 year ago
welcome back, im glad to see you again!! <3
i wanted to send in the idea of undertaker x bizarre doll reader! i do writings of my own take on this with an oc of mine, and wondered what your take would be like!
hope youre doing well~
Your idea is very interesting, I don't think I've written anything like that before. 🤔 Thank you!
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First and foremost, we need to consider whether Undertaker would fall for one of his Bizarre Dolls or would make his beloved one one of them. Regarding the latter, I believe it's very possible that he would reach for such methods if his lover would pass away—especially if it was due to some sudden accident or illness and not old age. While he would be able to prepare for you eventually dying if it was because of the sheer nature and your mortality, the possibility of abruptly having you taken away seems like it could cause quite a shock for him and make him do everything in his will to bring you back.
Either way, I don't think Undertaker is capable of handling the death of his closest ones in a healthy manner. Not anymore.
In some eerie, disturbing way, he certainly would be very attentive and caring for his lover's body during the whole process of changing. He would caress your hair, hold your hand and constantly reassure you that it's alright, that he won't let anything bad happen to you anymore and that soon you'll be able to talk again. As twisted as it sounds, he would still remain rather respectful—asking for permission before bathing you with a sponge and gently putting on new clothes, careful to not touch you in any way which could be considered inappropriate. He would be here to help you, after all, not to profane your body.
The amount of waiting would be the worst and somehow it would surprise him that his patience is growing thin in this case. He has always considered himself as a rather patient person, valuing time and effort instead of spontaneous decisions but when it comes to you, he would find it difficult to focus on anything else. Undertaker would keep an eye on you, constantly making sure that you're safe, your head rests against the soft pillow and your favourite scent fills the air. He would want to make you feel like home, as if it was nothing but a long nap.
Once he would have you back, however, he might be rather... disappointed. It was completely different when it came to strangers or people he didn't care about in the slightest but you—oh, he could clearly see how you changed. Not in a physical way, not necessarily, but your behaviour, your humour, your whole personality... He could pretend to not notice it but deep inside he would always know that you went to the place far away and no matter what he did he couldn't completely bring you back as a whole.
He would be devastated. Holding you close, smelling your hair and running his thumb up and down your shoulder, he would consider letting you go. Still, the mere thought would cause him even greater pain than the possibility of never meeting you in the first place. Undertaker would remain loving and caring, trying to humour you with his jokes and constantly keeping an eye on you just in case someone tried to take you away from him again. Unfortunately though, the guilt and loneliness would keep consuming him from the inside.
Things would be rather different when it comes to him falling for someone who was already one of the Bizzare Dolls. At first, he might not get any interest in you, your personality, your past or anything related to you, too focused on his own goals to pay attention to the nameless pawns... But as the time passed, Undertaker could notice that you were somehow peculiar. You weren't a mindless creature as his first Bizarre Dolls, on the contrary, you were amusing and fascinating. His interest, however, would be based purely on the fact that he didn't know you before. Perhaps he would grow fond of you even more while you were still alive but this kind of situation was out of subject so he wouldn't dwell on that. What mattered is that, how he actually enjoyed your company.
It was hard to tell whether death sharpened or dulled your personality but Undertaker knew one thing—this version, the current version, was something he liked. As ironic as it sounds, you made him feel almost alive, relieved after a day of hard work and content in your arms. You would be one of the few to prove to him that his experiment was, indeed, a success.
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emojellyace08 · 2 years ago
Hii uh I read your NSFW headcaon of Daniel this gonna be curious about UI Daniel and crazy Daniel in bed..I was wondering if u could..Write them railing reader in bed. I hope am not asking too much I do apologize if this request sounds weird!! If u don't want to do it than I respect it your free to ignore this Anyways have a Nice day!!♡
UI/Crazy Daniel Park x Reader (Smut Headcannons)
I haven't wrote smut for a while lmao don't worry Genre: smut/lemon🍋 Slight warning: cursing, mentions of sex, NSFW, penetration, dirty talking spanking/hair pulling, biting (ex. giving hickies reader receiving), choking CHARACTERS ARE AGED UP (female reader, though I will put male parts)
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We all know Daniel is a shy person when it comes with showing his affection with you. But the moment he gets used on making love he'll sure start to show off his side that you rarely see. I can see him going on his heat mode (no pun intended :) when he's really stressed out or insecure about himself. Sure, he reached his goal to change and to become more strong and confident. But that doesn't mean that his insecurities are just going to fade like some kind of magic trick. He'll get really agitated about it. And the idea of lashing out his stress in a different manner excites him.
It's somehow rare to see Danny consumed with lust and neediness. He's mostly nervous with making the first move and initiating the idea of sex despite doing it a bunch couple of times since he doesn't want to make you feel uncomfortable. But if you're up to his mood, he won't hesitate to ruin you. His usual kisses will be dominant as he slips his tongue inside your mouth. He'll will also leave you lots of hickeys on your neck and chest (which god damn hurt) since he'll be so proud to flex his horny partner on his friends when he's out of his comfort zone.
Crazy Daniel will be super kinky contrasting his usual soft and gentle approach. He'll definitely pull your hair while he pounds his thick and long cock inside you while you cry out for mercy to slow down his pace. But he knows that you liked being dominated and humiliated by no other than him only. As your boyfriend, Daniel will make sure that he'll make you cum so many times that even himself couldn't keep a count on it. "Fu-fuck Danny! Da-darling. Please, please not too fast Oh!" you whimpered as your know how worked up Danny is as he pushes his length inside you making you let out a lewd mewl. "Me? Slow down? Huh, don't be fucking ridiculous right now. I know you like being fucked like this. Look at you now, you're moaning like a little whore, just for me." he responded back as he mocks you, You can see the devilish smirk he's making despite Daniel having an angelic face. He's so entertained by how loud you moan and how you cry out for his name despite protesting to pull out. He knows you secretly enjoy this a lot.
Though the Daniel you're used to is still there because he'll stop the moment you take things seriously and actually started crying. Like, he knows that he's horny and his cock needs to get some coochie. But he also hates hurting you too much. So he'll definitely stop and 100% apologize and make up to you like cuddling or getting a glass of water with pain killers when your legs hurt. Just give him a signal for him if you're enjoying his company and he'll do what you like, though it will be in a form of a dirty talking style. "Tell me what you want. C'mon, you want my dick inside you right? Be a good girl/boy and I won't hesitate to fucking ruin you this time" he will whisper on your ear as you sobbed and cling on his muscular body. Daniel will still be in command and if he notices that you're just denying to hate having sex with him on his crazy mode. Oh girl/boy, he wouldn't let you walk for a month (forget even thinking and having braincells he's definitely going to fuck you up).
Daniel will also choke you while thrusting his hips on a fast pace. If you're doing doggy style he won't hesitate to give your ass a nice little slap. Trust me, he's trying his best right now to be gentle but he couldn't control himself. The way you moaned and begged for more, how beautiful you are and the sounds you make, and him just drowning at the mix of pleasure and power he holds right now just makes him more motivated. And he'll also rub your clit so harshly that he'll make you release so many times (he'll also stroke your dick if you're a dude). This man is so good at multi-tasking. Now you don't even know if it's the hard way that he holds your neck, how many times how he slapped your ass that it would probably leave so many marks on your skin or is it because of how rough he is with you right now that makes you really drowsy.
His go to positions will be definitely where he's going to be the top. If you don't like missionary and G-whiz, your preferences will change the moment he goes hard on you. His thrusts will be fast, powerful, and deep because of his adrenaline rush. And he also likes doggy style since he gets turned on by the sight off you where he can see your ass. And if Daniel asked you to dominate him, do it. He also likes to see you struggle to take him while you ride him. And he also likes being choked and the sight will be super hot because no matter how hard you put pressure on your chokehold, he's still far stronger than you.
He's also very good at eating you out. He likes 69ing and going fast just to hold your orgasm back. He likes overstimulating you a lot and he finds it entertaining when you loose your temper. I also headcannon him liking using belts as whips but not exactly sex toys since he wants to make you feel good with his body.
Now when it comes to his UI mode, it's a different story. This side of Daniel is a monster. So don't expect him to be "lovey dovey" with you. I just personally think that he'll just smash your face the moment he saws you (remember he's unconscious). And it's a bad thing if you can defend yourself from him since anything he sees is considered as an enemy. But I think the moment he learned to control it he will probably recognize you and he'll be a lot more responsible of using UI (once he gets better at combat he can probably just turn it off and on, idk it's just my theory I'm trying to be a bit realistic here).
And he'll be more harsh than his crazy mode. You'll probably won't be able to walk for a year bc of how fucking strong this guy is. So just imagine if he thrusts inside you in a fast and strong manner remember this guy can break concrete walls 💀 (rip little pussy/ass)
UI Daniel will be flexible considering of how many martial arts this guy knows. So he probably knows lots of sex positions. He's also superior when it comes to fingering and eating you out. You can see that monstrous eyes as you're being overstimulated and crying while he laps at your cunt and shoving his 3 long fingers inside you. Curling the correct way just to perfectly hit your G-spot as he sucks your clit so harshly. "Da-Danny PLEASE SO DOWN! I-I'm gonna cum!" (he's also good at giving bj's he probably has unbelievable gag reflex).
He'll also leave you lots of hickeys on your body (like everywhere). His stamina is not like super crazy (based on manhwa so far) so expect a confused naked Danny on the bed as he panics. "Y-Y/N I don't know what came up to me I'm so sorry!"
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suzy-queued · 6 months ago
Hi! I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your writing. I've read several of your fics on AO3 and they never disappoint. I've written some as well but I still consider myself very new lol. I wanted to ask you, how did you get started with writing and do you have any advice for new fanfiction writers on how to improve their writing? Thanks!
Oh, wow! This really made my day!! You have quite a few fics on AO3. I look forward to checking them out. 😍😍
I got started in writing very slowly and then all at once. I worked in fields related to writing, like as a newspaper editor and as a proofreader. My goal was to be a cover artist, so I hung out with a lot of authors. I met my husband (an author), and he and I talk about writing craft all the time. He said for … oh, 15 years or so … that I should write. I refused.
I dipped my feet into writing some YA fantasy (original works), but that never gained traction. When I watched Shameless, I got this tingle up my spine and said, "These are the characters I've been trying to write into all my failed stories. How did they crawl out of my brain?!"
The pandemic was tough, emotionally. I felt trapped and defeated in 2020. I said, if I could do absolutely anything without fearing judgment from anyone, what would I do? And the answer was, write Shameless fan fiction. So I did. And it made me so happy. Still does.
I could talk for hours about writing and tips and advice. I'll try to pinpoint the most important things, for me.
Read. Consume other stories. Read them with a critical eye. Ask what works and what doesn't. Study the way they punctuate and break their paragraphs and put words together. Pay close attention to anything that moves you and try to dissect what you like about it. Always keep your antennae up for inspiration, because you'll find it in unexpected places.
Don't take it too seriously. I love love love AO3 because you can put works up whenever you want. It's my refrigerator, and I'm a child drawing with crayons. Look what I created! The way to improve is to continue to create. The way to continue to create is by not letting your stupid mind get in the way. Just write stuff. Write silly stuff. Write half stories. Take chances. You will develop your own sense of what works and how to improve your craft. That will come naturally with repetition. Don't get hung up on making something perfect (my inner perfectionist laughs defensively).
Keep it fun. Maybe that means talking about your writing with a friend. Maybe participating in fandom events (@galladrabbles are wonderful for making you think about every single word you put down). If writing is a chore or a grudge match, that bitterness will come out in your prose. Hey, this is your happy place! Make sure you actually enjoy it. It's easy to obsess over readers and comments, but do the best you can to write for only YOU. Keep yourself satisfied.
I am so happy that you reached out! Thank you for the love! I wish you nothing but the best with your writing!
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pinkinsect · 11 months ago
okay I LOVE your blue lock sociolect concept but I have to ask. where does the "devouring" thing fit into all of this. like in relation to blue lock's fostering of aggressive behavior the institutionalization of immense mental strain underlying that (blue lock is a psychological pressure cooker and that is entirely intentional) and of COURSE the homoerotic overtones I know that's getting its own dedicated section in the hypothetical in-universe linguistic studies at the very least
like. they really mainstreamed mid-match cannibalism threats. or not even threats like just the CONCEPT that overcoming someone as a player = consuming them physically. that was a thing that happened
oh certainly. they're studying the development and normalization of that sort of language for SURE.
i've actually been thinking about this for a while since i wanted to give an answer better than "the repressed homosexuality is emerging." i did a little skim-reread and unless i missed something, the first person to mention devouring is naruhaya, after isagi adopts his technique of getting in a player's blind spot, and uses that to score the winning goal.
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he doesn't actually say that out loud, though, so it really does seem like isagi also comes up with "devour" independently during his second 3v3 match.
leading up to this, while ego hadn't explicitly instructed them to "devour" one another the way he spoke of "chemical reactions," he did talk about how important it was that they were "hungry" for goals so they could become the best striker in the world (chapter 39), so the foundations were there, in my opinion.
before the 2v2 match against barou and naruhaya, nagi explains to isagi that this is a test of the "power of the individual," (chapter 49) something that isagi clearly hadn't realized prior to that point (because the first selection had a larger teamwork element, what with the full sized teams). already going into the match with the goal of self improvement, specifically to outclass barou, when faced with naruhaya telling him that isagi isn't a player who can play on his own (chapter 52), isagi becomes even more motivated to prove his power as an individual. that entire match is about using another's skill as one's own to improve; "devouring", as opposed to a "chemical reaction."
it's during the 3v3 match with nagi and barou on his team that isagi explicitly develops the mindset of devouring an opponent—until then, it had all been about chemical reactions and sparking with another player. but his inability to actually work as barou's teammate changed the question he asked himself for the sake of victory from "how can i make a chemical reaction with barou [to make use of him, to adapt]?" to "[in order to adapt, i don't need to make use of him,] i need to devour barou." (chapter 61).
isagi (great contributor to the blue lock sociolect) went from a mindset, and the associated terminology, with the imagery of individual molecules creating something new in their reaction with each other, to one where something new is created through the consumption, destruction, absorption, and use of another's pieces to continue building one's own form into something new.
i could say "devour" is a coincidental result of some masculine forms of japanese words gaining a sexual slang definition (perhaps because of the combination of these forms being used for dominance + the language's tendency for indirect mentions of such things).
i could also say it fits into the sociolect as part of a greater pattern of the phrases being ways to express individual dominance. cannibalism in most cases is a lot more one-sided than two volatile substances mixing is.
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fabdante · 10 months ago
*spins* I guess this counts as drabble more than an ask, but anyway, tell me what you think?
Reboot Dante frantically running from survivor's guilt that started in St. Lamia's Orphanage and just grew from there, trying to bury it all behind a facade of hedonism, selfishness, and apathy. (Remembering his family and what happened to them added to this, tho being able to remember a time when he was safe and loved and had a normal family and home life helped more than it hurt. Most days, anyway.)
But even then, sometimes he'd still care about people, even through all his defenses. Sometimes someone would be kind to him, and he couldn't help it. Sometimes he'd get close to someone, form some kind of connection... and then the cycle would repeat- the demons would do what they always do, and ruin everything. In oh so very many, many different ways. In whatever way hurt the most. There was no escape.
[I'm sure you can add ways that things with Vergil and the Order fucked him up, too, but I'm skipping ahead a bit, for now.]
Vergil coming back as the King of Hell and having a whole host of information on all the people Dante was involved with that the demons hurt, and throwing that/those failures (at least that's how Vergil would phrase it) in Dante's face as a reason why Dante needs him (Vergil) to handle ruling the demons and the humans. As proof that Vergil's way is right, no matter how twisted Vergil's methods have gotten thanks to the power of being King of Hell going to Vergil's head. "All that matters is absolute power", and all that.
And it works! At least, that last part does. Just not in the way Vergil had hoped it would. Because that's the thing that finally pushes Dante over the edge into, "Okay, fuck it" territory, and his goal for this fight goes from "Talk my dumbass little brother out of this" to "Kill him. Kill him, or die trying".
("I hope I die. I hope this kills us both." Because he knows that after this, he's not going to have anything left to go back to, really. Or at least, he knows Kat isn't going to want to see or talk to or hear from him ever again. Which is worse than just dying here, honestly. Or getting trapped in Hell or where ever else.)
Because all that matters is power, right? So then, that's how they'll settle this.
I keep picturing this as after Vergil's stabbed Dante in the chest and taken Dante's amulet, after Dante and Kat have tried over and over to get through to Vergil, and it just. Doesn't work. And now its just Vergil and Dante, and the blood. Dante's kneeling there, impaled on his own sword, but that's fine, because it's the Rebellion.
"Feels good, doesn't it, Vergil? Better than the pain. The fear. The loneliness. All that power... Anyone tries to hurt you, and you can just slip back into that and not care. At least, for a little while. But it all catches up with you, eventually. Bet you know that, too, don't you? That's why it- all this- still hurts."
One last little attempt at talking sense into his little brother, before Dante lets the power the Rebellion is waking up inside him fully consume him. It doesn't work, of course, tho it does kinda unnerve Vergil a bit- which he of course tries to ignore and cover with bravado. And then...
there's no more talking. At least, not from Dante. The most Dante can manage right now is a sort of guttural, snarling roar. Or screaming.
The fight goes from "epic swordsmanship + gunplay battle" to two brothers beating the ever-loving SHIT out of one another- yes, with swords, and guns, and gauntlets, and demonic/angelic energy, but also just with their bare hands. And teeth. No finesse. No fancy moves. Just lots of snarling And blood and raw, brutal violence. And it ain't clean or pretty.
I'd HOPE Dante would snap out of this before he actually killed Vergil, tbh, or that Vergil had the sense to run away before Dante killed him... but then again, he might not.
Don't really have a set "end" for this, so I'll just leave it here.
oh this is fun!!
i do think the like issues with the reboot twins are a lot more um...Violent then the preboot twins, I suppose. idk how to word it. it's just a lot more personal and volatile like idk if i can see the preboot twins ever being pushed to the point of ever wanting to kill each other on purpose. the reboot twins on the other hand...totally different story.
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curio-queries · 7 months ago
you said the production diary was assembled poorly, and yet you don't want to get into financial backing by the company? the company can keep jungkook's music playlisted for months, but chooses to let jimin's songs drop off playlists because they don't want to pay for it. the writing's on the wall and it shows who decided to allow bh to have more control over their work and it's jungkook. you really think jungkook, who, until seven, said he was sitting on his couch and had no intention on making music, had a documentary crew waiting for him to accept the song and film everything from that moment to his album release? the company planned it and you know that. it's ridiculous to not discuss that when you're a shipper.
Oh anon, your timing is impeccable. I was just discussing the other day how I don't get these types of asks. I'm answering this one because you briefly touched on a subject I do have some thoughts to share but the majority of this ask is steeped in bad faith statements. I won't be entertaining any further that don't provide for further discourse. Like I said before, the fanwars just are not interesting to me, so any of you that are looking to battle on that front will have to go play elsewhere.
Now, back to the parts of your 'ask' that are interesting:
Yes, I dont think too highly of how Jimin's Production Diary was assembled. But I feel that way about most of BTS's content. I've reviewed over 80 episodes so far of Run BTS and 66% of my rankings are mid to poor. (Sidenote to any that are following along with these, I know I'm so far behind on my postings. The next Episode has proven to be a challenge making the silly gif so I end up using the time to watch more instead of post. I'll get back to it eventually.)
Anyway, like I said at the start of my JPD post, I'm a very critical consumer when it comes to film so I always find something to critique. That doesn't mean i don't enjoy it or find value in the content. Quite the contrary actually; if I didn't enjoy it, i wouldn't spend the time evaulating. The part where you and I seem to be misaligning is, you seem to think any critique can be used as evidence in whatever battle you've decided to wage. Alas, that's a lesson you'll have to learn for yourself. Here's something I CAN help you learn though:
There's a spectrum in the planning and execution pipeline of knowing how the content will be released. Not every piece of content we receive is released as it was planned. Sometimes, it will be captured without having any definite plan for release at all. Let's go through some examples:
On one end of the spectrum is BTS's music videos. As a key component of the main product, these have the utmost level of planning. It is clearly outlined how this content will be released. The edit is highly controlled and scrutinized. The scope is defined, everyone involved knows what the goal is and what the deliverable requirements are for their participation. Another example of this level of planning would be their brand deals, commercials, ambassadorships, etc.
Below that, I'd actually list current Run BTS. This show has evolved over the years but the last chunk of episodes as very formulaic. They clearly have some dedicated resources that ensure the quality aligns with the approved standards. This is why brands have been able to sponsor specific episodes. They are able to make assurances about exactly how their brand will be featured, they content surrounding it, and an expected level of engagement.
But Run BTS wasn't always this way. In the early stages, it's very clear that they didn't have everything nailed down and some episodes were expanded into multi-parters when they likely weren't planned that way. There is a lot more to say about some supposition I have regarding the development of Run as a show but I'd like to get through reviewing all of the episodes first.
Next, I'd like to talk about Are You Sure?!. I'd wager this show was initially pretty small scope-wise. Yes, it was always going to be a travel show and when I say small, I don't mean impact/anticipation. I mean the scope of production: the idea to create a travel show with only a partial roster of members. There was absolutely some likelihood that brands wouldn't be as interested in this kind of show which would impact the kind of content they'd be able to create.
Again, I feel the need to remind us all that there was HUGE speculation regarding BTS's transition to the 'hiatus'. Would it be just one giant pause? Would ARMY stick around? Would there still be enough of a draw for brands to want to continue investing. Shows like Bon Voyage, In The Soop and Are You Sure would typically not be paid for by album sales. There is absolutely sponsorships and a partnership with wherever it is being released.
That's what's so interesting about AYS. I'm hoping by the end, we'll have some more clues but right now there's absolutely a possibility that this show started filming without knowing that it would be released on Disney. They could have shot the bits in the US as proof of concept to shop it around. They knew they'd be able to direct release on WeVerse even if it didn't get bought. So the risk is relatively low but still none of us are privy to the details of their partnership with Disney as a distributor so any statements made in that arena are purely speculative.
Like I said in my AYS ep.1&2 post, Jimin was leery enough of the content they captured to state that it might not get released. JK also makes a statement in ep.3 that he's not sure if this content will be classified as a new season. Which leads me to a point that I was expecting to talk about at some point in the airing of AYS:
Don't forget that certain elements known to us when we consume content, are not known to the members when they are filming it. In regards to AYS, we know exactly how many episodes there will be and the locations of these episodes. We know roughly how long the members were in each location. We know exactly was other content has been released as of the time AYS is airing. Even if they already had the deal with Disney in place, and if the release dates were already blocked in, there's no guarantee of the surrounding content. We've seen that they do shift around and delay their album releases. We know it, they know it, I just see many people forget that there are certain variables that surround any content released by BTS.
Getting back to JPD, the content left me wondering about the scope. I still haven't been able to properly watch any of the other BTS documentaries released on Disney so I can't yet form any thoughts if there's any discernable differences in content that was released there vs weverse. It's absolutely something I'll be on the lookout for when I am able to watch.
I'm not really sure how to wrap up this post since you didn't actually ask me any questions other than listing statements I didn't make for verification. Hopefully you're at least open to discourse rather than declarations but in either case, there is always more we can learn about the content we consume.
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kaeyacollection · 9 months ago
Hi, I don't play genshin but sometimes I like to lurk through other people's fandom to spice things a bit on my brain. Anyways, recently I saw some posts talking about some red moon eye-like god (? Something like that, having strong Naruto flashbacks here btw) and I was wondering:
(What with all the eyes?
I mean, visions look like eyes (and the name lol), the fallen nation's king had a single eye, Kaeya covers an eye, Furina has something weird in her pupil, that god is an eye.
That was really not the point tho.)
Is that eye god stuff the reason visions exist or celestia really said "oh, yes, lets give these tenacious mortals who have reasons to hate me a way to become stronger, there's no way this fires back at me"? Or is the eye god stuff Celestia? Or are all higher up gods just eyeballs? (Half joking with this one but that would be kinda fun) Though according to religious stuff, biblically accurate angels would look like eyeballs or something.
Anyways, I know you probably don't know the answer (since the game seems to be like an unfinished book with the real plot still unfolded), but I wanted to share the senseless questions in my head with someone and the chosen one (by my brain) is you (based on vibes).
Lmaoo hell yeah I passed the vibe check 💖💖💖
But you're right in that currently we're only working off of speculation for Visions
And oh boy did this become a long one lmao (tldr at the end ✨️)
The most popular theory back in the day was that Visions were the eyes of Celestia
Because as you said, they've also been given to people with reason to hate them, so this was a way to keep an EYE on them lmao
As we continued our journey we learned the archons would set aside a fraction of their power for those who hit certain marks in their life in order to be granted a vision - but they had no control over who got them or why
What finally challenged this theory is that Neuvillette, a dragon (that the ever composed Zhongli, ex archon, hid from), also set aside some of his power to be handed out as visions. Something that wouldn't seem to line up if they were actually harmful to the humans he's come to care for
And then we got his Friendship 6 Vision story:
"To continue to subdue and control the resentments and loathing of the world, the usurper and one who came after created the Gnoses together. So it came to be that an order was made to be upheld, and thus did humans come to only possess these seven remembrances ... From that day on, whenever a person's wishes reached the heavens, the seven overseers of the material realm were duty-bound to grant them a gift.
... And when one so gifted completed their duty... the gift the gods would receive in return would be more abundant still."
Neuvillette was also opposed to the fates/constellations before later caring for humans and allowing his own mark to be etched into the sky
"He did not initially care much about such, for the puppet strings glossed as "divine rules" would one day be burned away by the fires of judgment."
"And could it not be, he would explain, that King Nibelung had been wrong, and that the black void could only be opposed if all life were to band together as one? Thus did he, in the end, come into his own "fate." The skies had left a special, ennobled place for him, one reserved for the overseers and those who could defy the world itself — that of his own reflection."
Obtaining a Vision, and therefore a constellation, seems to represent a unity of goals instead. Not of a hatred for the Usurper but of an unbreakable will to keep pushing forward. A Will that when unified together, like in the fight against Ei, can become something more. It's easily why many Vision holders get theirs in dire situations, when faced with death they stand defiant against despair.
Perhaps when facing off against an all consuming void that threatens the world created by the Usurper, a darkness that would also threaten their very lives, these Wills will be at their strongest to push back the calamity, at least for a while longer.
To counter the despair of the world is to rise to your own judgment and demand to have a place in the world anyways... or at least that can be one interpretation 🤷
'Cause you see, the Narzissenkreuz Institute also brought up the belief that "one's own will is an obstacle, and that obtaining a Vision is a "guaranteed path to destruction." "
Whether a dramatic/poetic interpretation of giving up your Will to act as a battery for some anti-void machine, or much like Fontaine's prophecy, a twisted truth, it's not a line that should be disregarded so easily.
(Could also mean that having a will to stand in defiance would really fuck up their plan of everyone giving up their identities to seek shelter in the one water droplet during the end of the world. So "guaranteed destruction" in the belief that their plan was the only way to survive, and not that the visions themselves were the cause for the end)
So all in all, what we know about visions is that it's soft locked behind poetry and lines we don't have the full context for, and I suck at reading poetry (looking at you Fischl istg) ✨️
As for why eyes in general? Genshin takes inspiration from a LOT of mythos/stories/religions that ALSO have a thing for eyes
Like at this point I think they went through their own red string conspiracy of eyes throughout history and decided to compress it into a single story lmao
But man you just reminded me of the "Natsuhiboshi red eye" Naruto song I used to listen to a bunch lmao
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achubbydumpling · 1 year ago
I'm not sure if you ever finished the fat camp Bucky AU, but I'm curious as to what he and Steve are up to when the next summer rolls around?
Like it's summer again and this would be about the time Bucky would be getting signed up for camp, but… he's certainly outgrown the camp by now, considering how close he was the previous summer. But just how much has he outgrown it? He has def passed 600lbs, ofc, but by how much? Now that he and Steve (assumedly) live together, are they actively fattening Bucky up? If so, he's almost certainly passed 700lbs by now, possibly more
And considering how out of shape he already was, he's only gotten worse, and heavier on top of that, so is he immobile yet? Close to it? How close, close enough that a big part of their dirty talk and foreplay is talking about how fucking fat Bucky got, how just over, what, 3 years? He gained somewhere around 300lbs, how immobility is fast approaching especially since he's so sedantary and only getting bigger?
I'm just curious as to where you were picturing them that following summer and maybe even further ahead than that! Apart of the most recent part of the AU you have posted that's one of my absolute favorite parts of the AU is the shock everyone has when they see just how fat Bucky got over quarantine, so I wonder if that would be a thing after Steve and Bucky move in together?
Oh also! Just had an idea (sorry for the long ask lmao), but what if Steve has to go back this one last summer, but Bucky can't go since he's too big, so he stays home. What if he has a new goal to get as huge as possible and surprise Steve when he gets home? So he starts making weight gain shakes and chugging heavy cream, and with how sedentary he is and all the calories he's consuming, he's hitting somewhere between 25 to 30 lbs per month, and after 3 months of this… there's a noticeable difference. After all, Bucky has gained between 70 and 90 lbs since Steve last saw him!! If he thought he struggled getting around before, he and Steve will be surprised at how much he struggles once Steve gets home!
haha I'm joking, but that's basically what I imagined for them, we're on the same wave length, nonny
I definitely think they'd move in together, I do think Steve would still work at the camp but I imagine this is the last summer he does. Just so he can focus on his degree fully in the last semesters.
While it's tempting to say Bucky would just keep gaining, I do think 700lbs is probably the upper bounds he gets to. (Which you know is still freaking huge! even if he's what? 6' in (movie) canon)
Also like everyone's weight naturally fluctuates, but Bucky's maybe a bit more? Especially after writing that Greased Watermelon Wrestling prompt, this Bucky has been cemented in my mind as loving summer and that he loves spending time outside during the summer--in a park, on the beach, maybe little walks in the woods. Nothing too far or strenuous, it's about enjoying nature, the outside.
Meeting with friends! He's a social butterfly, he loves to hang out with people. Just chatting over a cool drink and something to snack on :D haha I lowkey have this entire idea of him and why he might've struggled particularly over lockdown and self-soothed/medicated through food?
but anyway let's actually get to that idea at the end, because I love it! him and Steve apart and Bucky decides to gain as much weight as he possibly can, it's a fun challenge, he wants to see how much he can push himself but also what Steve's reaction will be (I mean obv positive haha)
they still talk every day, maybe they have video calls too? imagine Steve going crazy because he's sure Bucky's face is looking rounder, his cheeks look so plump and his double chin has gotten bigger, hasn't it?
but Bucky is super non-commital, says "oh, maybe, I mean I haven't changed anything and I usually drop a few pounds during the summer, so don't be disappointed when you come back" while he can literally feel that he's heavier, his belly feels even more vast, reaching all of it in the shower even with a reach extender (is that the right word?) is a chore and a half but he wants to surprise Steve and it's not like the added struggle isn't hot, but sometimes he just wants to take a damn shower, you know?
anywayyy, I hope you'll enjoy Part 5 of the Fat Camp AU!
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buzzybee26 · 2 years ago
A Rant About Witch Hat Atelier
Read all of Witch Hat Atelier this past week and, my god. Where do I even start? It's like if Owl House had good world building (I might complain about that on here at some point.) This likely won't make a whole lot of sense, so buckle up and get ready to read a whole load of nonsense (or don't, I'm not your mum)
The whole thing is amazing, but the highlight for me is easily the magic system. Both in its mechanics and its use in the story, magic is handled so much better in this series than anything else I think I've ever consumed. It actually manages to stick to its consistent rules and the explanations of those rules don't feel like padding or wasting time because the mechanical function of magic is very relevant to the story. I love how most of the conflicts in the story are built around the pointed hats' restriction on magic and the opinions people have on those restrictions, and yet there's not really one group of people your routing for (other than the children, obviously.) On one hand you've got the pointed hats who restrict magic to a fucking unreasonable degree, and on the other you have the brim hats who are all "Yeah, we want magic to be free and limitless and also we will kill and traumatize children to obtain that goal." which (hat atelier) is also not good, so you're just kinda sat there watching these children try to navigate a world that is entirely against them at almost every turn with just each other and their teachers.
Speaking of the teachers, Qifrey and Orugio are my favourite magical husbands and I will 100% be reading their cooking spinoff. That's all I really have to say about them for now, I'm gonna wait for some more developments on Qifrey's end to talk about my opinions on these guys.
Instead, let's talk about Iguin. I love this guy. Like, fuck this guy, but he's my favourite character. I have a soft spot for villains who just suck in every conceivable way and are also a bit weird and mysterious, so Iguin is literally the character for me. The bit where Qifrey is inspecting the bottle and Iguin just shows up, breaks it and disappears without a word is my favourite seen in the manga so far because it perfectly establishes this character and how he operates whilst still managing to keep him mysterious so it's cool when he shows up and is an actual character later. This scene shows us that Iguin gets shit done with ruthless efficiency, but also has the patience to plan ahead and make sure that he has room for things to go wrong. He doesn't bother monologing to Qifrey about his grand master plan to turn Coco into a brim hat because that's not the point here. There's no "Oh, you thought you could figure me out by analyzing this bottle?" moment, he just rocks up, breaks the thing and leaves. He generally keeps his cards very close to his chest, not because he necessarily needs to, but because there's often no point in not doing so. He's not bothered about people knowing he's smart or better than them, he's single mindedly focused on the execution of his plan and that's what makes him such a big threat, especially compared to the other Brim Hats. The other brim Hats have another motivation or character trait that they are focused on, be it anger, arrogance or personal connection, and this is often the reason they fail, but Iguin is solely focused on bringing down the Pointed Hats and returning magic to how it used to be, hence why he ha not yet been beaten. I have more I want to say about Iguin and the rest of the series, but I am running out of brain power so I'll end this one here.
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twucks · 1 month ago
"It's just for you"
This is a quote from a livestream circa 2018 on the youtube channel Kotaku. Tim Rogers said this when endorsing Dragon Quest XI, pitching it as a game that's "just for you."
This quote has lingered in my subconscious. It is a message I needed to be told, without knowing I needed to hear it. I want to talk here about what it means to me.
I am young, I have grown up engulfed by the internet and interconnectedness. For most of my life I have played games on a system that upheld an everpresent informating me of what games my friends among my friends list were playing. I could say "Oh, Josh is playing Star Ocean, that's cool." There was always a division between seeing my 7th friend that's playing Halo, and that one friend playing a single player game. Most of my socialising and friend making was within those multiplayer experiences such as Halo, it was the norm that we were Halo people and we got our social fix playing Halo. What is Josh doing playing Star Ocean? Get on Halo dude, come hang out.
I didn't ever stop playing single player games, but in the age of online matchmaking and queueing with friends, it wasn't a center piece. Gaming has become social, our friends list constantly informs us of who we can jam games with and quench that desire for socialising. Even achievements/trophies were a way of touting your gaming accomplishments and were highly social, I'd get notifications on what my friends were achieving.
I spent the past month with a broken foot, I haven't been able to move around much. When I found the comfort to sit at my computer for gaming sessions which I so very craved I set myself a special goal, a bit of a *no life* one, yet a goal nonetheless. Achieve what I always dreamed of in Diablo II, get to the endgame and grind that gear that I saw so distant. I played Diablo II for a while, but I found a lack of purpose. I felt demotivated and seeked an alternative. I found it shortly after, an MMO for Minecraft called Wynncraft. Its inspirations are drawn immediately from Diablo's loot and progression systems. I started playing and was mystified by how much more gratifying it felt. I had concrete, online server proof of my successes. Every step I took was a friend logging in away from showing all I've done. I was alone in Diablo, so I chose the evidence confounding mmo over it.
I played Wynncraft the entire past month up until about a week ago, I got caught up with other stuff and stopped gaming. Until I got a random craving for Final Fantasy XII, a game I started in late June of 2023 and halted in early July of the same year. I didn't finish it despite my memory holding it as one of my favourite gaming experiences ever. I love so much about the game, yet I was pushed away toward something that I don't even remember. Probably another mmo.
I have now returned to Final Fantasy XII and I realised I'm doing it for myself. In the past when I saw a big plot point in a game I've always excited myself over the book clubian desire to tell a friend about this moment. I've only now realised how not for myself that way of experiencing stuff is. I am now trying to enjoy games as though they are just for me, because they are.
Additionally I'd like to point toward Video Game Dunkey's video about Gamer Cred. Dunkey has always had a loose philosophical depth to his comedy, and this hit me most profoundly. It's a parody of something I believe is adjacent to this. Gamer cred is the concept that playing or consuming gaming media not for yourself, but for a fictitious social reason. I think there's a good likelihood a lot of people are trapped into what I've described here and to some extent are victims of this absurd concept existing. Just having an awareness of "gamer cred's" absurdity doesn't distance you to not be a victim of gaming, even those of solo experience, as being social. Josh was cool for playing Star Ocean, I ended up playing Star Ocean too, but the truth is it was mostly to feel as cool as him. Only now have I realised that parasitic behaviour and I hope moving forward I can enjoy games solely for myself.
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vanehernandezblog · 1 year ago
Project 6 - Idea Developement (PITCH)
Bad Omens Album Narrative
Like I said in my previous post, I will explore my main ideas through a fictional scenario using the band Bad Omens as an example; or kind of a case study; of what I have in mind. Both of my ideas are ideas to improve or innovate things that already exist in the market, like live shows, immersive experiences and brand activations, but I want to redirect the way they have been made and used until now; the goal is to upgrade those experiences and create a new way for artists (and brands) to implement marketing strategies, promote their music and create engagement with the fans.
So for me to make this pitch/example, I have to set the background of what the band has been doing with it´s current album and live shows.
The band has created a whole apocalyptic narrative around the album, not only are the songs and music videos following this narrative and aesthetic, but this is also implemented during their live shows. I will show some examples below.
Music Videos
Live Show Visuals
The band even dresses as characters of this fictional world, like some kind of soldiers or gangsters for the apocalypse; they even created like some clips emulating a movie to complement the narrative told during the live shows.
Fandom Background.
For me to explain my idea, it's also important that I mention that this band just blew up recently thanks to one of their songs going viral on TikTok. We know by now that social media has a really great impact in everything we do today and they are also a vital part of well, everything we consume nowadays. The reason I mention this is because the band grew up their fanbase significantly because of this, and they now have a pretty big and many times crazy fanbase. Since the band mainly blew up on TikTok, their fanbase is basically interested and obsessed with the vocalist and his looks; really, if you don´t believe me go search 'Noah Sebastian' on TikTok, haha; cause he is 'handsome' and obviously very talented, and as we know by now, sometimes fans can get a bit creepy around the artists they idolize. Even at live shows you can see that many of the attending fans are just interested in recording the viral song; when they play that song you can only see phones up in the audience; but oh well, I guess that it is an unavoidable part of any live experience from any artist nowadays. As an example of this sometimes crazy fandom, the vocalist not so long ago struggled with some crazy online rumors started by a fan about a non-existent relationship between Noah Sebastian (the vocalist) and said fan. This obviously blew up on social media and was kinda sad seeing people talking about this and speculating about the private life of the artist, even insulting him at the beginning before the rumors were proved to be false, all of this just because some fan decided to have an imaginary relationship with him.
Another example of the crazy behaviour is that during the pandemic Noah Sebastian used to make Twitch streams to keep in contact with fans during quarantine, but somehow fans figured out where Noah lived, just by these streams, and started sending him gifts to his house and leaving things on his doorstep... creepy right?
It makes me so sad that not only Noah Sebastian, but many artists have to go through things like this just because they are famous, at the end of the day they are just humans like all of us, and they don't deserve to have their privacy violated like that.
As part of the band's recent success, they started doing VIP meetings with fans before their shows, or at least they used to have them until recently. During this experiences, the fans that payed for the VIP Upgrade could meet the band members, have a quick chat with them and take a picture. But as you can imagine, sometimes this were also kind of weird interactions for the band cause many times the fans didn´t have limits or overstepped a little. I imagine it can even get annoying for the band at some point, having to interact with so many people just before performing must eventually take a toll on you, but I also understand that fans obviously want to meet them cause they admire them so much and it's part of being in any fandom having this dream of meeting your favorite artist one day. I think this is a very complex subject cause at the end of the day, the record label and artists are obviously interested in making money and selling and promoting the band´s music, and this VIP meetings are a huge part of the ecuation, but in my opinion this kind of fan events can get out of hand and even represent a risk for the band members per-se, not just because of potentially crazy fans but to their health as well; just recently over their last North American Tour, Noah Sebastian got sick and could not perform the last shows of the tour cause he couldn't sing. Almost immediately after this they cancelled their future VIP Meetings for their European Tour next year. The speculation was that this was because of Noah getting sick from interacting with fans during the VIP's but also because there were some weird interactions from fans during these. Obviously fans were pissed and dissapointed, and I totally understand them, but I also understand the possible reasons from the band to do this. We don´t know exactly what the reason was, but whether it was this or that, I can argue that this experiences have their pros and cons, but there´s definitely room to improve them or even create something better where the artists and fans both have their needs met, cause at the end of the day, they both 'depend' on each other, but it´s important to find a middle-ground to all of this.
So, now let me explain why I tell you all of this and how it is relevant to both of my ideas.
Idea 1: Pop-up Store - Immersive Experience to promote the album
For my first idea, I had the idea to create this kind of pop-up installation that follows this aesthetic of the album and creates this 'apocaliptic world' immersive experience using things from the band's narrative and general lore. (similar to what Stranger Things does for their brand activations). This experience is obviously targeted to the current fanbase but is also intended to bring new fans to the fandom, and it is intended to "upgrade" the existent VIP Meetings formula that is always used by artists: pay, make a queue, have a 1-2 minute chat with the artist, take a picture, have some free gifts and an autograph, and bye.
Like I said before, artists and fans depend on each other, but it's important to create a healthy 'relationship' where both parts are safe and satisfied. Cause let's be honest, this VIP upgrades are sometimes too expensive for what they are, many times the experiences don't turn out great for the fans and they are dissapointed or just feel like they spend so much money for nothing. So my idea's goal is to change that and try to find a middle-ground for this type of experiences so it can benefit both the artist and the fans.
During this immersive experience, the room would be decorated with all the aesthetics from the music videos, kind of easter eggs all around the room; and since the general theme is very futuristic-like I would like to video project some glitchy futuristic visuals all over the room, or maybe even project the music videos on the walls, kind of what is done in the Van Gogh Alive Experiences. With this fans will be immersed in the Bad Omens Fictional World and will feel closer to the band in some way.
I was very inspired by the holoraphic technologies we saw on class, so I had this idea that I think could maybe replace the VIP in person meetings but will still create this engagement with the fans, kind of what Imogen Heap did with her VR concert to connect with fans all over the world mixed with my example of the Holographic Class. During this immersive experience, the band members would be there in the room as Holograms and they would kind of interact with the audience in some way. This not only will follow the futuristic aesthetic but it's also a great way to keep artists safe but still engage with their fans. The whole idea is to bring the Fictional World they've created to life, and make it an immerive experience for the fans that can also serve as a marketing stunt to attract new fans.
Idea 2: AR App for Live Shows to create an Immersive AR Experience
For my second idea, I would like to create this AR App for live shows.
We know by now that cellphones and social networks are a huge part of how we experience life nowadays, it´s very common today to see people recording everything, everywhere, all the time. It is how people nowadays 'prove' their experiences to the world. I honestly don't like that we have become so dependent to our cellphones and that we live and experience everything through a screen, but what can I do, I think we are more into the rabbit hole than out, so all that's left for now is to take advantage of that.
If during a live shows people are experiencing the performance through their phones anyway, why not make it fun and turn it to the advantage of the artist?
The visual and design part behind every album, artists and live shows is very important and it plays a huge role in their success and wether it becomes memorable or not. It is very important to create a connection with the audience in all ways possible and through all the senses, not just with the music alone.
My idea is to create this app where the audience can, yes record the live experience, but they not just see the artist throught their cellphone screen but they see their fictional world come to life and interact with the venue, artist and audience, or even see the background visuals coming to life through their phones in a 3D sort of way; kind of what Gorillaz did for their Live Performance in Times Square but targeted to live shows. Maybe even depending on the song that is playing the app shows specific visuals and makes it a more tailored experience.
I think I still have to think this idea better cause I don't know how viable it would be during live shows, maybe it can just be a complement for the Immersive experience in my first idea.
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