#(we could easily go !!! about our respective muses)
familiaanteomnia · 2 months
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Alone, was the best possible circumstances and also waves of pain. Yet no idea of where, or when. Wind tunnel of whirlwind intense emotions being felt too strongly. Not ready, mystery that didn't want to be figured out or charted. The whole topic had been meant for entirely different circumstances. So had no idea that it, repressing it was practically an beacon of energy. Like an cosmically sadistic fingerprint. Not even an thought in their mind. Too focused on fighting it; bargaining that being able to stand on their feet meant could suppress it. The emotions, all the pain which only magnified with stubborn refusal. Unable to notice when no longer alone; too much internal wiring going haywire to which swayed more on their feet. "This is so insufferably laughable." Grumbling the words to themself to try help with circumstances.
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plushieclan · 9 months
Prologue part three
TW: Injury, Implied death
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The snow was melting, and the grass was starting to come back. It was Newleaf, finally. Nightpaw had spent the last moon of leafbare with her new friends and old family as an apprentice, something she had once thought impossible.
Shimmerpaw, Sandpaw, and Gingerpaw were close good friends by this point. Leopardcloud had just had her kits, so Nightpaw had mostly been training with Firestorm and Shimmerpaw.
Currently, the four apprentices were having a little spar. Well, it was more like Sandpaw and Gingerpaw pummeling Shimmerpaw while Nightpaw sat off to the side. She was a bit distracted at the moment.
“Do you think Sunspot will let Nightpaw come with up to the Gathering this moon?” a muffled question came from Shimmerpaw.
Sandpaw shrugged. “Who knows what my mother will do.”
“I hope so.” Gingerpaw mused, “I think you deserve to come with us this time. You need to meet the other clans.”
“Yeah… I hardly remember them. I know Grangeclan used to be a big ally of ours, but I can’t remember much about Marshclan and Treeclan.”
“Well, for starters… there isn’t a Marshclan anymore.” Shimmerpaw started, “They took Bayclan’s old territory and reformed into something called Swampclan.”
“Swampclan…” Nightpaw looked away, her thoughts stuck on the past.
“Something on your mind?” Sandpaw asked.
“It’s just… I’ve played it over in my head tons and tons of times, but I don’t get it. Why did Marshclan attack?”
Gingerpaw, Shimmerpaw, and Sandpaw all looked uncomfortable.
“I heard they wanted the Great Lake.” Shimmerpaw mentioned. “Rainfeather and Starleaf were talking about it.”
Gingerpaw interjected, “We shouldn’t speculate about this—”
“At the Gathering, I heard a few of the apprentices talking about some prophecy. Maybe that’s it?” Sandpaw said.
“A prophecy…” Nightpaw thought for a moment, “that might be it. My mother participated in a prophecy when she was younger. They tend to make cats… do things they wouldn’t normally.”
“Well, we can’t really know,” Gingerpaw said nervously, “and I’d really not like to speak it into existence.”
The four heard a noise behind them.
Nightpaw could see Lionmane, one of the warriors, running towards them.
“Apprentices! We need you back at camp, quickly!”
“What’s going on?!” Shimmerpaw asked.
“Swampclan’s been spotted at the border with what looks like an invasion force! The nursery needs protection— now!”
Nightpaw met her friends’ eyes. This was serious.
When they made it back to camp, all Nightpaw could think of was that fateful day as a kit. Blazestar’s horrified face as she fought off her attacker was burned into her mind.
Things would be different now, she thought. She wouldn’t let her new clan suffer the same fate as her old one.
She and Gingerpaw stood in front of the nursery, flanking the entrance. Shimmerpaw and Sandpaw were in the cleric den, protecting the herbs with Rainfeather. Starleaf was inside the nursery, calming the kits. Blossomtail sat in front of Leopardcloud. Lionmane had not rejoined the rest of the clan, instead pacing in front of the two apprentices.
“Shouldn’t he be with the others?” Nightpaw whispered to Gingerpaw.
“I think he’s too worried about Leopardcloud and the kits.” he whispered back.
“Firestorm has kits too, but he went to the fight.” Nightpaw retorted.
“They’ve got different ways of showing their protection, I think. I definitely prefer Lionmane being here though— I’d be too worried without him!”
Gingerpaw had a lot of respect for Lionmane, Nightpaw had noticed. She wondered if Lionmane was his father— after all, Gingerpaw used to be a kittypet, and so were Lionmane and Leopardcloud. They could have easily been his parents. But now wasn’t the time for speculation.
A lone cat walked through the entrance, bleeding heavily.
Nightpaw tensed up. Could it be a Swampclan cat?
As the figure stepped into the light, his familiar dark pelt came into view. It was Darkstar. She immediately relaxed.
But where was everyone else?
“Dad? Where is everyone else?”
He huffed, collapsing, “Gone. We chased them all off but… they got every single one of our patrol. Redstar… he attended personally.”
Rainfeather rushed to Darkstar’s side, instructing Sandpaw and Shimmerpaw on what to fetch from his den.
Nightpaw approached Darkstar. “I don’t understand… why?”
“He heard the rumors.” he panted. “Somehow he knew… you were back.”
Nightpaw paused, her mind racing. She needed to know more.
He stopped, going limp.
Rainfeather yelled. “Give him some space!”
Nightpaw was horrified, “No…”
“It’s alright. He’ll be fine. He’s just losing a life.” Sandpaw said. He seemed to have noticed her distress.
“H-How many does he have?”
“A lot still. No need to worry.” Sandpaw smiled, “He’ll be fine.”
As if on queue, Darkstar began to stir. She released a sigh of relief.
“Stay down. You’ve lost a lot of blood.” Rainfeather placed cobwebs on his long gashes. “What are our casualties?”
“I managed to recover Firestorm and Riverdrop’s bodies. I think Grassfoot managed to escape… but I haven’t seen her since. Sunspot… fell into the stream, so it isn’t likely they’ll go looking for hers to throw into the Great Lake. I wasn’t able to take anyone else with me.” he coughed weakly.
“What did you mean by earlier… by him hearing the rumors about me?” Nightpaw asked.
“They were looking for you.”
“But… why?”
“I don’t know why. They’ve never mentioned. But that night, they killed Ravenkit, and one of Swanjaw’s kits. They deliberately went after all black kits in Bayclan. But they spared every other kit in the nursery… and even some warriors,” he sighed, “For your safety, i want you to masquerade as Shimmerpaw’s littermate. We cannot risk another attack of this nature.”
She nodded. “If… if that’s what I need to do to keep the clan safe.”
Darkstar let out a large huff of relief. “Good. I think I need to sleep… for a while… Rainfeather, I need to you promote a new deputy. The apprentices can wait for another mentor… but we need a deputy now.”
He closed his eyes, and went to sleep.
Rainfeather scowled. “Oh… damn it all to the lake… who am I even supposed to promote?”
“I’ll take deputy for now.” Starleaf stated. She must have left the nursery when Nightpaw wasn’t paying attention.
“Are you sure?” Rainfeather asked.
She nodded. “Yes. Darkstar still has a lot of lives left. I’m certain he’ll be able to appoint a new deputy in the future that will be able to take over. But for now, I’m the only able warrior who’s had an apprentice before.”
Rainfeather sighed. “Alright. Apprentices, help me take Darkstar to my den.”
Nightpaw looked around at her clan. With a clan made up of mostly kits and apprentices, the future seemed rocky.
But she knew they could not give up. They’d rebuild, just as they did before. And she’d do everything in her power to help.
After all, this was her clan, wasn’t it?
Nightstar’s Clan
Moon 0
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sanpatron · 4 months
Plotting/Relationship Call
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Hello, friends. Have you ever thought of your Muse befriending a retired crime lord? Perhaps even forming a deep, personal connection that could very well shake up their respective lives? No? Well too bad, nerds. Below is a fine selection of dynamics one could have with the former Boss of the 3rd Street Saints aka Mister Django Foley.
I think Django, for the most part, can be rather versatile in regards to dynamics. So if there's something I haven't listed below that you would potentially like to explore, please let me know! I'm all ear. Also, consider this a permanent plotting call as well (as if the title didn't already imply it). By liking this post/commenting/reaching out to me, you are signing a legally binding contract in allowing me to do the following;
Reach out to you via IMs in order to plot and discuss our Muses
Make you random starters if so desired
Send you real dumb shit that reminds me of our Muses
Some fourth thing
And, most importantly, have a good tiiiiimmmmeeeeaaaaagggghhhh
Anyway, below the cut are some examples of relationships your Muse could have with Django. Once again, let me know what you'd potentially like to do, and we can discuss things further! Also, I'm more than happy to do something pre-established as well since I know for sure that all of us can get pretty tired of coming up with first meetings.
Friendship: The time spent in Spirale has certainly helped Django in overcoming his severe trust issues. Which makes things a bit easier whenever attempting to form connections with other people. Even so, Django really isn't the type to go and initiate such things—at least not as openly as some people might. It takes a little bit for him to acknowledge the fact that he considers someone a friend. Yet, regardless of whether or not he can be that vulnerable, befriending Django means having someone who you can easily consider ride-or-die. He is loyal to a fault and will go to great lengths in order to help out his friends. At this point in his life I would say that he would greatly appreciate anyone who can help him try to relax. To remember how to breathe. It's been a long time coming, but with his acceptance that he will not be able to return to to being a criminal again, he can finally start to rest easy.
Associates (Business or Otherwise): I would imagine that given Django's background, he's still going to do what he can to form connections with other people around the island and its many branches. So long as the relationship is mutually beneficial towards both parties, he will pursue it. And yes, just because he's retired from being a gangster doesn't mean he's exempt from working within the shadows. Old habits die hard, and sometimes you gotta do what you can to survive in this crazy environment.
Clients: With Django running two different businesses—the fashion company known as GANG☆STAR, and his own handyman services. I would imagine that some people on the island might be regular clientele for him. These are folks who have a good standing with him and regularly hire Django for either help with outfits, or assistance with just about any kind of odd job you could imagine. There's definitely the potential to have some of these form into actual friendships. But for the most part, it's strictly business.
Enemies/Antagonistic: There is absolutely no guarantee that most people would like Django, or that he would even like them in return. That's just fact. This is a man who has lived his entire adult life so far being hated by most of the world he comes from. And if anyone here were to have a problem with him—whether it be due to personalities clashing, differences in ideals, in morality, or anything else under the sun—it would not surprise him. I mean shit, he might even find it amusing. That's just the type of man he is. However, on the rare chance someone out there is capable of bringing out that one side of him; the kind that is capable of displaying such an inhuman amount of anger within him. Then I will say "congratulations" and "I hope you enjoy the enemy you've just made".
Frenemies/Rivals: Take whatever animosity you get from the previous section but make it much more funny. Like just imagine how stupid it can get. Especially if they wind up building each other up.
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demonsfate · 6 months
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Seen Pucca talking about this and I figure it's a good time for me to share my RP server horror story. Pucca's experience reminded me why I don't ever join servers at all anymore. Okay, so I was a part of this DC server (directed toward a specific franchise but y'all probs know what it is if you know my other blog) and my GOD. It was wild. One thing, people weren't all that interested in threading with me. And usually when my muse does get acknowledged, he's either treated like the butt of the joke or for ppl to "put down." (Understandable in a way since the comics themselves do that to the poor guy. But my characterization was a very serious one that I wished people would respect)
My character brags, he gets put down, my character jokes about something, he gets put down, my character gets jealous - feelings don't matter. And it'd be one thing if these were how the characters would realistically react to mine. But then there was one of the mod's characters, and he had very similar traits to mine - arrogant and all that. Except... every muse hyped him up. For some reason when my muse brags, arrogance is bad. But when this muse bragged, arrogance good. Clearly it's a bias for the mod - who was a real big problem themselves but I'll get into that shortly.
Then there was a problem with a guy who was clearly jealous of a ship I had - they tried to do all they can to catch my ship partner's attention and try to "woo them". This eventually lead into a kind polyamorous thing which I didn't want because my muse, being a super jealous type, wouldn't so easily enter one. And again, when he expressed that, he got put down. And tbf, a lotta this arise from a proper lack of plotting with the ship partner, but it still stressed me tf out.
The mod I mentioned before was a huge jerk. They clearly had a lotta money (which is probs another reason why everyone "worshipped" them) and then like a snobby rich person, they put down everyone who buys anything "cheaper". They spend HUNDREDS, sometimes even THOUSANDS, on those ball joint dolls. Then they openly teased (made fun of) me for buying cheaper figures. Even though it's like, my current mental and physical state does not allow me to work rn and also? Even if I could? Not all of us are in a position where we can afford to buy pricey af dolls. Go fuck yourself.
What I'm about to talk about is a little controversial but. A trans woman wanted to play a "gender-bend" version of a male character (but as a female) and basically the cis people gained up on her to tell her how bad she is for that and everything. She gave her reason, that playing male characters makes her dysphoric and whatnot, but then they asking her why she wants to write the character despite the fact she gave her reason over and over again. It basically ended with her apologizing after being bullied for it and saying she won't do it. This one, of course, is a touchy topic but the fact that cis people were talking over a trans person flabbergasted me.
OH YEAH, and after that... somebody wanted to "brighten the mood" so sb @ me to give facts about my character, since I was hyperfixating hard and knew so much about them (y'all know how passionate I get!) and then this other fucking person starts GUILTRIPPING ME???? acting like I'M bad because that person was interested in my muse?? And THEY start going on about how nobody cares about theirs and how I'm ""lucky""?? Despite the fact they had WAY MORE threads than I did at the time??? Like literally wtf!
And finally... the weirdest fucking thing... nude posting. Despite the fact that this is a DC RP SERVER, almost EVERYONE started posting their nudes??? Some even posting videos OF THEM GETTIGN FUCKED BY THEIR SPOUSES?! Like it's so wild, it's almost hard to believe it was real. Like I knew I felt like I was on drugs when I saw what was happening. Eventually that same mod came back and even they were like "uhhh?? guys??? Maybe let's not post our nudes in a server full of STRANGERS?? You never know what weirdos might be here??" and then that's when people stopped. But it was like... holy shit. I just never saw that happened before??? These weren't even ppl with OnlyFans or something. It was just so bizarre. And I'm ok if ppl are fine with showing off their naked bodies and stuff if they wanna. But is a RP group really the appropriate place??? Especially when there's nothing inherently sexual about the server??? Like it felt highly inappropriate to me and just weird.
It got to the point where the original creator of the server (a mutual of mine) told me how nervous the place made them and how they don't feel comfortable going on. They thought it was their fault but then I explained that it is a horrible place full of toxicity and everything. They left the server, and eventually, so did I. This isn't the only reason why I don't join RP servers anymore. There was also another where whenever I spoke about my headcanons for my character, another person who rps that character would get so fucking upset and basically try to change the topic or get me to stop talking. Or straight up say they don't agree. OR when I point out how one of my "headcanons" IS canon, they literally called original writer STUPID! (Therefore calling me stupid too because I abide by that canon???) And one time when we agreed on something they said "omg I can't believe we finally agree on something!!" and made a big deal out of it and I literally told them we didn't have to agree on anything, that our takes are supposed to be unique to oursevles and it's something they shouldn't have to worry about (or get upset about lmao) and I've had other bad experiences, but this server was just the Worst. I think there are more bad moments too, but this is all I can remember rn.
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dane-ffxiv · 3 days
Prompt #25: Perpetuity
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“Do you suppose we'll stay here forever?” The question came suddenly, verbalizing a single string of the young girl’s thoughts. She laid in the boy’s lap as he weaved wildflowers through her golden hair. This field was their haven, a quiet spot they shared under the sun.
“...Uh.” He paused, processing her words quite literally. “I’s gettin’ dark... we gotta go ‘ome soon.”
“I meant… here, in this town.” She tucked a flower in his shirt collar, the furthest her hand could reach. “We've lived here all our lives. When we're older, would we move on? Would we be together?”
Her musings were complicated compared to his; she worried about the future, bracing for the worst, and he rarely entertained thoughts of change. Their life had been peaceful, allowing the feelings they had for one another to grow with each passing day. Tomorrow remained an extension of the present, and she would always be by his side.
“Yeah.” His pinky traced over the bridge of her nose. “I'll follow y’ ferever. An’ I know y’d follow m’.” He sounded sure of himself, so she chose not to doubt him. His bright eyes and smile wouldn't lie to her.
This was the memory they both had chosen as their last. Laid to rest in the void before their fractured souls rejoined, a brief moment that lasted an eternity. Navigating through their short years of life, grieving a stolen future.
Hydaelyn tried over and over to correct their fates, but those under Zodiark had influenced him far beyond saving. Love for their family twisted into revenge, funneling hatred and darkness into his heart. She managed to retain the girl who only wanted to secure the love that remained. To survive by his side.
Love could both heal and destroy so easily.
Countless regrets stalked them to death's door. But the decision they'd never amend was that final moment together. On the cusp of the star's salvation or destruction, neither granted their true wish. And perhaps that wish had the power to transcend space and time, reaching their respective source, and reuniting them without divine intervention.
“What of our story? Our ending?”
Hydaelyn had no answer. She could only pray fervently and wait for their next life. One brimming with flowers that never turn to ash.
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quietlyblooms · 29 days
Shipping Info | Answer the following for your muses so people know how shipping works on your blog
What is your OTP for your character(s)?
since chiyo's an oc, i'll just say chiyo and any character who qualifies as " annoying " on some level bc it's always a fun and amusing dynamic to write :' )
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
if i'm writing chiyo as an adult, then it's less about the age gap and more about ensuring that the actual ages are appropriate. she's 28 in her main verse, so i'd prefer anyone she's involved with to be at least 20. if they're older than her, i'm not too concerned about the gap in age as long as the relationship feels natural.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they are considered NSFT?
probably the easiest thing to say is once the clothes come off, but tbh if hands start wandering to certain places or the conversation becomes a bit graphic, i’m likely to go ahead and tag it.
Are you selective when shipping?
sort of? but not really. i’m selective in that i need to feel chemistry between our muses, and i want the other person to understand that chiyo needs time before she can start dating someone. if the chemistry is there, it might be easy to jump around the timeline — that i don’t mind! but she’s not someone who easily lets others in, and it’s difficult for me to write her opening up if we don’t establish some foundation first.
other that that, i’m not selective. you could even tell me at the start that you think our muses would be cute together, and i’ll keep it in mind and talk about it with you. so long as we’re respectful and know what we’re getting into, i’m down!
Who are other characters you ship your character with?
please see my currents ships 💜
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
it’s very much appreciated bc i’m anxious — it may take me a while to suggest it simply bc i’m afraid of upsetting someone, even if i feel the chemistry. but if you’re also anxious about the conversation, sending in a shippy meme, liking a ship call, etc. are good alternatives!
Are you ship-obsessed or ship more-or-less?
hmm maybe closer to ship-obsessed, though i think that’s a strong word asdfg shipping is very fun bc i very much enjoy writing the development of a romance, and it’s something that i’m almost always in the mood to write. but i love all dynamics and tbh!! would love to write more sibling and platonic dynamics with chiyo!
What is your favourite ship in your current fandom?
considering i’m multifandom and indecisive, that’s hard to answer :’ ) if anyone’s particularly curious about fandom characters i ship with chiyo, i can talk about it at some point, but tbh it makes me nervous to reveal that sort of thing.
Finally, how does one ship with you?
it comes down to writing with me, feeling the chemistry and seeing the potential there, and then either talking to me about it or sending me a meme or something! it’s really something i’m laidback about, so please don’t worry about me being mad or against it 💜 i’m happy to try shipping together, and it’s no hard feelings if it doesn’t work out!
Tagged by: stole it! Tagging: anyone who hasn’t done it yet!!
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rosies-emporium · 7 months
send 💔 for my muse to talk about an ex
Husbands covered: 1/7
[MOD TALK] Time to begin those Rosie headcanon lore drops! So excited to slowly explore her story and descent into remorseless cannibalism as it unfolded in my head haha <3 Enjoy, be mindful of the tws + of this all being mostly headcanon, and send 💔 if you wanna hear about the next one in the line!
tw: cannibalism, blunt force murder, domestic violence mentions, miscarriage mention, period-typical misogyny, alcohol mentions
𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓲𝓮
🥀 🥀 🥀 🥀 🥀 
You know, I wasn't born into high society. If I have anyone to thank for the life I was lucky to lead back in human world, it'd be my dear late father. He worked his fingers to the bone to gift me those opportunities, manners, and the proper education, that he did. And like all hard work with a goal, it paid off. Throughout the years, our shop saw many well-heeled patrons. And when one of them invited me to an upcoming ball, I was more than ready. I met my first husband at that ball and trust me, at the time it felt much like a fairytale! He wasn't even that old, only 'bout seven or eight years my senior, and from a well-respected line. Tall, gruff, no-nonsense, scowlin' type. No love at the first sight with this one, but you can't blame a girl for settling when it came with oh so many perks... We married, of course, and fast. For a while, it wasn't even quite so bad to live alongside him. Sure, he could stand to devote some more time and attention to his wife than to his beloved investments, but for the most part, I was left to my own devices. If anything, I enjoyed the independence when he was out 'n' about throughout days and evenings. Started thinking about children, too. Why, my father was aging fast, and began talkin' more and more about how he'd love to meet his grandkids still...
Sometimes I still wonder if it was only his stocks tanking or also my first unfruitful condition of expecting that changed my husband into this distasteful despot he's become. Oh, naturally, it was the bottle too, he started reaching for it far too easily. And trying to suppress me. Suddenly all my advice was nagging, and my vigor was exasperating. Can you imagine? It bugged me enough already, but divorce, you know it, wasn't really on the table. I'd rather not end up like poor Emma, gossiped and scorned by everybody. So I grit my teeth and persevered. And oh, could I put on a cheerful act! Among our neighbors, no one even suspected that we could be having any trouble...
Until the day he first raised his hand at me.
Say you were in my shoes, would you just take it? I didn't. I couldn't. One's first time is rarely premeditated. It's only with time that you learn to plan and execute. Practice makes perfect, and back then? I didn't just have any practice yet.
Our fireplace poker was heavy duty and too close to my reach. It only took a second to grab it. Twenty hits until he stopped moving took me only as long as I needed for the tears to cease their flowing.
It's amusing in retrospect. I was such a scared, unseasoned lamb back then! I stood there over his body in a pool of blood, and my hands wouldn't stop shaking. I felt so much, you know. Fear, mainly. Of consequences, of being found out, of myself and what I've done. But even back then... nowhere among those feelings was regret.
I knew I had to get rid of the body. Hiding it wasn't an option, the house would surely have been searched, and going outside with large bags would draw attention. It was pragmatic, really. Did you know that's how most cannibals start? You'd think it's the curiosity, but not really, not in most of cases. Most often it's the hunger... having nothing else to eat. Or, simply, as it was for me... the idea comes up as a method of disposing of evidence.
So I cooked him up. As the stew bubbled, it smelled nice, but oh, he tasted horrible; must've been this booze filling every crevice of his meat. Still, having a bite was... satisfying. Like a moment of victory, a symbolic thing. I fed the rest of him to dogs. Before his disappearance has been noted, there was nothing more to find.
When some time has passed, and his 'missing person' status got changed to a 'likely dead' one, playing a widow in despair wasn't much more toilsome than playing a happy wife had been...
Can you even blame me?
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So that resurrection scene kind of brings up something for the general Kaine vs Ben and Peter debate- it looks like the Jackal did enhance his powers/mutate them beyond what Peter could do? I know there's the argument over whether Kaine is meant to look exactly like Peter/have the exact same powers but this seems to support the idea that he was deliberately designed differently from Ben. And the Other would have resurrected him perfectly; so these secondary mutations he's initially resurrected with are implied to be part of his natural powerset? I've been trying to figure this out for years and no one can agree lmao
Oooooh, thank you so much for sending in an ask, because this is a topic I could talk about endlessly. :D
Disclaimer: the continuity surrounding Kaine and the Clone Saga as a whole is uniquely snarled even beyond typical comic book whackiness, so while I will do my best to back up my reasoning using comic book evidences, I am, at the end of the day, just a person on the internet and you should take everything I say with a grain of salt hahaha Oh, and another disclaimer is that I’ll mainly be drawing from the material I have read for this read-through so far. It has been a couple years since I last read Scarlet Spider vol. 2 or any of the more recent works Kaine has been in, so I may go back and add to this post in the future if I stumble upon any more interesting and relevant material. 👀
The shortest and most direct answer to your first question of if the Jackal specifically made Kaine differently from Ben with the aim of the former being “stronger” than Peter is from the “Echoes” story in Web of Spider-Man (Vol. 2/2009), #1 by J. M. DeMatteis.
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Further supporting evidence in this vein can be found in the story I believe you’re referencing in your ask, “What I Did for Love,” Spider-Island: Deadly Foes (Vol. 1/2011), #1.
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All of these can be editorially explained by the staff scrambling to answer the question of “wait, if we’re going to bring Kaine back in the year of our Lord 2009, how on earth are we going to explain how he, out of all the Parker clones (including Ben at this point), didn’t degenerate when degenerating was one of Kaine’s defining characteristics???” That’s where I believe the narrative of “the Jackal designed Kaine to be stronger” is most definitively explicated; however, I have further “evidences,” musings, and discussion of how The Other changes spider people beneath the cut if any one would like to read more. :D
There are other, even earlier indicators, however, that Kaine was built to be stronger than Peter. The first examples that come to mind are Kaine’s precognitive flashes and the infamous Mark of Kaine. The latter is a more easily defendable claim as, while Peter has demonstrated that in moments of extreme rage like in Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1/1963), #598 and #637 he is not above sticking to someone’s face, those instances seem to be more like examples of extreme adhesion as opposed to the unique burning/acidic quality of Kaine’s “Mark.”
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Peter in Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1/1963), #598 vs. Kaine in Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1/1963), #631 and #636, respectively.
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Now, Kaine’s precognitive flashes actually being Peter’s spider-sense amped up to 11 is a bit harder to defend, as that requires near-apocryphal material as evidence. Specifically, Marvel editor and writer Glenn Greenberg described Kaine’s pre-cog flashes as such in part nine of The Life of Reilly, a joint project with Andrew Goletz and various other Marvel insider interview subjects on the complicated editorial history surrounding The Clone Saga. Greenberg goes on to state in that same part that “it was well established in the stories that Kaine was physically stronger than Peter, and he was clearly much taller and more massive” (qualities we will get back too), but that all of Kaine’s abilities directly paralleling Peter was never actually explicitly stated in the text, much to all of the writers’ chagrin.
So, in light of that statement, I would like to throw my hat into the ring on the “is Kaine stronger/bigger than Peter” debate (what could possibly go wrong hahaha).
As early as when Kaine first revealed himself to be a Parker clone, he was described by multiple sources, including Kaine himself, the aforementioned Jackal, Ben, and Peter, as being stronger.
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Spider-Man (Vol. 1/1990), #60 by Howard Mackie.
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Spider-Man (Vol. 1/1990), #66 by Howard Mackie.
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Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1/1963), #634 by Joe Kelly.
Now, whether Kaine is actually stronger or just more willing to cut loose and use his strength to its full lethal capabilities is an argument I am definitely willing to entertain, as there is no doubt that Peter is strong, but willfully holds himself back (I don’t think I’ll ever forget that time Peter held up the entire Daily Bugle building on his back in Spider-Man (Vol. 1/1990), #98 or the time he beat Firelord, a herald of Galactus, in Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1/1963), #270, and he is a self-proclaimed juggler of cars according to Peter Parker: Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1/2017), #6). (…and then there’s that whole debacle with the “““superior””” Spider-Man and the Scorpion’s jaw).
As for if Kaine is physically larger, I stand by Greenberg’s statement that Kaine was consistently drawn as larger than Peter throughout the 1990’s and most of the 2000’s, with even the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Spider-Man (2005) listing Kaine as being 6’4” while Peter has reliably been 5’10” for ages (or as listed in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: A-Z (2009) if you want a specific source hahaha).
In fact, from what I have gathered, Kaine wasn’t portrayed as being physically similar in size to Peter until Slott’s Spider-Island event in 2011 (which,,,I feel like critics might be able to make a snide comment from that about how much Slott cares about the Spider-Man franchise, but that is WAY too far afield hahaha).
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Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1/1963), #672.
Okay, so after all that, I also wanted to discuss what you brought up about the Other and resurrecting Kaine with his innate skill set. The facetious answer would be “yes, kind of???”, but considering Peter’s own experience with being connected to the Other, the powers Kaine developed post-resurrecting are not all actually as unique as, say, his precognitive flashes or his Mark.
Interestingly enough, a lot of the powers we associate with post-encountering-the-Other Kaine were actually explored with Peter in the early and mid-2000’s, with each power being unlocked after investigating Peter’s connection to the Spider-totem concept or other inherent spider-related matters.
Namely, Ezekial Sims first hints that by tapping into the totem Peter could communicate with spiders in Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 2/1999), #32 by J. Michael Straczynski.
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That concept is further expounded upon and made to be a reality in Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 2/2003), #20 by Paul Jenkins, when the Spider-Queen enhanced existing spider-like qualities and DNA in Peter (in a rather horrific arc that solidified my hatred for the Spider-Queen but that’s just me hahaha)
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During that same arc, Peter also got organic webbing.
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Finally, Peter did briefly have a pair of Kaine’s infamous wrist bone blades (pictured here from Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (Vol. 1/2005), #3 by J. Michael Straczynski), but, being the kind of guy who typically tries to avoid disemboweling people (Morlun here is an exception since he broke MJ’s arm), Peter just didn’t use them all too often.
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So anyway, tl;dr, what happens with Kaine post-resurrection could definitely be described as “enhancing powers that were already there if perhaps inert,” but there is a compelling argument (if you take all comics from all eras as equally valid/canon), that those powers are buried within Peter’s DNA/totemic connection(???) as well and were thus passed onto his enhanced clone.
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masquenoire · 2 years
Send me a ★ and I’ll bold what applies to your muse.
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“It’s just a car. It’s not going to eat you when I close the door.”
I like you / I hate you / I dislike you / I love you / You are family / I would take a bullet for you / I would shoot you / I would lie to your face / I would say something cruel to you on purpose / I would say something cruel to you accidentally / I would cheat on you / I would physically hurt you / You annoy me / You amuse me / I’d laugh at you / I’d laugh with you / I’d manipulate you / You scare me / You confuse me / I wish I knew you better / I trust you / I don’t trust you / You inspire me / I consider you an equal / You are beneath me / You’re better than me / I would trust you with my life / I think you’re mean / I think you’re petty / I think you’re childish / I think you’re smart / I think you’re stupid / I think you’re a bad person / I think you’re a good person / I’m not sure what kind of person you are / I wish you would listen to me / I want to make you proud / I wish you would notice me / I want to impress you / I would hurt other people for you / I’m not sure how to make you happy / I’m a bad influence on you / You deserve better than me / We make a great team / I’d have a one night stand with you / I’d have a relationship with you / I would marry you / I fantasize about our life together / I would trust you with my most treasured belonging / I would tell you my darkest secrets / You disgust me / You intimidate me / I hope I intimidate you / I’d hug you / I’d let you hug me  / I’m scared of losing you / I don’t think you like me / I want to be better for you / I respect you / I don’t respect you / You’re my mentor / You’re my friend / You’re my best friend / I have a crush on you / I could easily watch you die / I’d get drunk with you / I’d party with you / I’d comfort you / I’d prank you / I’d spike your drink / I’d act behind your back / I’d abandon you / I’d hurt you to get what I want / I would choose my happiness over yours / I would choose your happiness over mine / I despise how much I care for you / I need you / I’m dependent on you / I don’t know what I’d do without you / I’m scared of you leaving me / I’d give my life for you / You frustrate me / I’d call for you in a time of need / I would protect you / I’d visit you in hospital / I’d carry you if you were hurt / I’d feel guilty if I hurt you / I’d let you be near me when I am vulnerable / I’d ignore a phone call from you / I’d call you at 3am / I’d break you out of jail / I’d get angry at you / I would shout at you / You’re too loud / You’re too quiet / You’re too sensitive / You can’t take a joke / You embarrass me / I feel nothing for you / You’re reckless / You’re bossy / You bore me / I would ask your advice / I would blame you for something I did / I would cry in your arms / You have the power to hurt me more than anyone else /
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gaygxnslinger · 2 years
Send me a ★ and I’ll bold what applies to your muse // accepting!
@destinyanddumbassery​ asked: ★ Cayde and Rietta (be it before he died, or ghost-cayde and Rietta's current state, hehe)
decided to go with both, under readmore for length
Cayde & Rietta, Past
I like you / I hate you / I dislike you / I love you / You are family / I would take a bullet for you / I would shoot you / I would lie to your face / I would say something cruel to you on purpose / I would say something cruel to you accidentally  / I would cheat on you / I would physically hurt you / You annoy me / You amuse me / I’d laugh at you / I’d laugh with you / I’d manipulate you / You scare me / You confuse me / I wish I knew you better / I trust you / I don’t trust you / You inspire me / I consider you an equal / You are beneath me / You’re better than me / I would trust you with my life / I think you’re mean / I think you’re petty / I think you’re childish / I think you’re smart / I think you’re stupid / I think you’re a bad person / I think you’re a good person / I’m not sure what kind of person you are / I wish you would listen to me / I want to make you proud / I wish you would notice me / I want to impress you / I would hurt other people for you / I’m not sure how to make you happy / I’m a bad influence on you / You deserve better than me / We make a great team / I’d have a one night stand with you / I’d have a relationship with you / I would marry you / I fantasize about our life together / I would trust you with my most treasured belonging / I would tell you my darkest secrets / You disgust me / You intimidate me / I hope I intimidate you / I’d hug you / I’d let you hug me  / I’m scared of losing you / I don’t think you like me / I want to be better for you / I respect you / I don’t respect you / You’re my mentor / You’re my friend / You’re my best friend / I have a crush on you / I could easily watch you die / I’d get drunk with you / I’d party with you / I’d comfort you / I’d prank you / I’d spike your drink / I’d act behind your back / I’d abandon you / I’d hurt you to get what I want / I would choose my happiness over yours / I would choose your happiness over mine / I despise how much I care for you / I need you / I’m dependent on you / I don’t know what I’d do without you / I’m scared of you leaving me / I’d give my life for you / You frustrate me / I’d call for you in a time of need / I would protect you / I’d visit you in hospital / I’d carry you if you were hurt / I’d feel guilty if I hurt you / I’d let you be near me when I am vulnerable / I’d ignore a phone call from you / I’d call you at 3am / I’d break you out of jail / I’d get angry at you / I would shout at you / You’re too loud / You’re too quiet / You’re too sensitive / You can’t take a joke / You embarrass me / I feel nothing for you / You’re reckless / You’re bossy / You bore me / I would ask your advice / I would blame you for something I did / I would cry in your arms / You have the power to hurt me more than anyone else / 
Ghost-Cayde & Rietta, Now
I like you / I hate you / I dislike you/ I love you / You are family / I would take a bullet for you / I would shoot you / I would lie to your face / I would say something cruel to you on purpose / I would say something cruel to you accidentally  / I would cheat on you / I would physically hurt you / You annoy me / You amuse me / I’d laugh at you / I’d laugh with you / I’d manipulate you / You scare me / You confuse me / I wish I knew you better / I trust you / I don’t trust you / You inspire me / I consider you an equal / You are beneath me / You’re better than me / I would trust you with my life / I think you’re mean / I think you’re petty / I think you’re childish / I think you’re smart / I think you’re stupid / I think you’re a bad person / I think you’re a good person / I’m not sure what kind of person you are / I wish you would listen to me / I want to make you proud / I wish you would notice me / I want to impress you / I would hurt other people for you / I’m not sure how to make you happy / I’m a bad influence on you / You deserve better than me / We make a great team / I’d have a one night stand with you / I’d have a relationship with you / I would marry you / I fantasize about our life together / I would trust you with my most treasured belonging / I would tell you my darkest secrets / You disgust me / You intimidate me / I hope I intimidate you / I’d hug you / I’d let you hug me  / I’m scared of losing you / I don’t think you like me / I want to be better for you / I respect you / I don’t respect you / You’re my mentor / You’re my friend / You’re my best friend / I have a crush on you / I could easily watch you die / I’d get drunk with you / I’d party with you / I’d comfort you / I’d prank you / I’d spike your drink / I’d act behind your back / I’d abandon you / I’d hurt you to get what I want / I would choose my happiness over yours / I would choose your happiness over mine / I despise how much I care for you / I need you / I’m dependent on you / I don’t know what I’d do without you / I’m scared of you leaving me / I’d give my life for you / You frustrate me / I’d call for you in a time of need / I would protect you / I’d visit you in hospital / I’d carry you if you were hurt / I’d feel guilty if I hurt you / I’d let you be near me when I am vulnerable / I’d ignore a phone call from you / I’d call you at 3am / I’d break you out of jail / I’d get angry at you / I would shout at you / You’re too loud / You’re too quiet / You’re too sensitive / You can’t take a joke / You embarrass me / I feel nothing for you / You’re reckless / You’re bossy / You bore me / I would ask your advice / I would blame you for something I did / I would cry in your arms / You have the power to hurt me more than anyone else /
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changqwi · 2 years
[ CLAIM ]  our muses are arguing because receiver is worried and overprotective of sender,  but when they get up in each other’s faces they end up kissing and groping at each other.  (I know we haven't talked them out yet but Xander and Thalia b/c i am curious)
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a low growl leaves her lips when alexander continues to insist on committing to his decision , she doesn't like it . it's not safe . sure , she's been in multiple situations where her life have been in DANGER , but she grew up that way , it was her way of life . perhaps she's overly protective , she didn't know much about alexander . . . but she knows that the slums -- her home -- isn't NORMAL , the dangers it harbors is not normal .
" you're not listening , " she says , irritation easily flooding her visage . rarely does she bear her emotions for people to see , but with those she trusts , she allows them the glimpse of her mind . irritation . upset . concern . it all shows on thalia's face as she grits her teeth , " it's not SAFE , " she repeats , " what it's like out there is not what it's like in here , if it was . . . would we have struggled for so long ?? " she asks , as quickly as her irritation showed , it melted into worry .
this fight was going nowhere , thalia was getting worked up over this . . . she was stubborn and so was alexander . she ponders just chaining the man to the wall until the situation passes but she doesn't . she respects him . she knows that he could probably handle himself , she just didn't like the prospect of him not returning . she's lost too many people already . . .
just as she opens her mouth to speak again -- definitely another denial and angry retort , she's tugged close to the other and her lips sealed by the man . " !!!! " a gasp goes swallowed by the other's lips as his hands found way to her waist , holding her close . thalia struggles against the male for a few seconds , but she melts into the other's figure as he embraces her . she can't help but to give in . the kiss muddles her mind , a distraction . . .
she barely registers alexander's hands slipping lower , resting upon her hips before it traverses upwards , his fingers tracing the edge of her crop top , skirting just beneath the hem . his hand wanders the expanse of her torso , and she shivers . " wa-wait . . . " she stammers , but she's not given a chance to speak . . . lips sealed again , this time more deeply , more passionate .
her hands grip at alexander's shirt , crumpling it beneath her palms , as if it'd anchor her to reality as her mind melts from the way he's touching her and kissing her . it's too much and all the same , too little .
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skyheld · 27 days
💕 - Karlach, Aylin, and Isobel (I mean I already know how we ship them but I love hearing about it XD don't mind me I love the best buddies, family unit we got LOL)
Send 💕 and I will tell you some muses of ours I think could work as a ship. | accepting!
karlach and ameridan are ride or die for each other and i think she brings out the more chaotic side in him. it gets lost sometimes because they things they're dealing with are so serious, it feels like they can't afford to treat anything like a fun adventure... but sometimes they can and it makes it easier to keep going, and i think she reminds him of that when he forgets. and in return he makes sure to always be there for her when she needs it, keep her from losing hope.
ameridan adopting and/or getting adopted by the silverblood family *chef's kiss*. is he a friend? a relative? once his hair is completely grey he'll look like he could be related to isobel and honestly? she'll always be melodia's daughter but if she wants a living family member... they bond so strongly in the shadow-cursed lands, more strongly than he's bonded with some of his companions at that point and maybe ever will. which isn't that strange, some of them are just not the type he befriends easily, but it does really mean something to him, coming out of that place with her and aylin and feelings stronger for it.
and aylin herself is just!! he's someone who's typically respectful of those who are close to gods, but doesn't put them on a pedestal. he treats her like a person who's been through a lot, and with all of her strength still needs support. he won't coddle her but he will be there for her if she needs it.
0 notes
queenharumiura · 1 month
Hibari x fem!Tsuna (I really like this ship so I would like to know what do you think about it 🙂)
[My KHR ship game] ||Accepting|| @squalettaReminder: As with the last one, take my thoughts with a grain of salt because I can only speak on what I know about your muse, who is a canon divergent gender bend. Forgive any inaccuracies.
Hate it |Am Neutral to it| Ship it| love it! |
I say neutral because I mean- I am not entirely sure how things would go due to variables of- Tsu-chan is not exactly a canon character in the sense that I cannot use canon to accurately depict events and how scenes unfolded between characters. Some scenes obviously had to change in the event of her being female. I do see the potential though.
That disclaimer out of the way, let's get started on my thoughts!
A few parts may be copy pasted from the last one that I answered for Tsu-chan, because… it would make my life a bit easier lol. These things get long so I’m sure I can be forgiven for that.
Just like when I answered the Xanxus x Tsuna one, I personally do not like Hibari x Tsuna for the same reason as before. The shippers always make him the most uke to have ever uke. The megaladommed of ukes. I hate it. Tsuna is made to be a fearful lil dude and pretty timid but he’s not actually like that. He has some back bone to him. He knows when to take a stand. Moreover, he would at least put up a bit of a fight. He’d be panicking at the very LEAST, but not just crying through everything. Bruh.
So, with that, we have the contrasting Tsu-chan as I like to call her. We’ve established before in a ‘how do I see your muse’ kinda meme that happened a while back. [x] Linked for reference. I enjoy the fact that she has more fight in her in the form of sass/sarcasm. She’s more willing to just take charge initially as opposed to Tsuna who normally takes a more nuanced neutral stance at first before he finally decides ‘okay I need to act’. I am going off on a limb to assume that some of this can come about due to the fact that Tsu-chan is a woman.
She likely had people who doubt her ability to take charge and to lead a massive famiglia like the Vongola. Not to forget that she was quite young when Reborn first came into her life to train her to become the 10th. Women in general are usually told to just be pretty and it is best to be subservient to a degree. Just let the men do all the work, or to simply listen to men as that’s their place. That is a mentality that a lot of places tend to have though things are better in more modern times and in some countries.
I think, Tsu-chan had to take the stand and had to prove herself time and time again to the point where she’s just so used to having to prove herself that it resulted in her faster and stronger response to altercations than Tsuna did. He has a more passive kind of attitude to things but she does not. She’s also seemingly more ambitious than (M)Tsuna likely was. That’s the vibe I get. She may be respectful towards others, but she can easily take it back. She will take shit from NO ONE. It isn’t to say that (M)Tsuna doesn’t have fight in him. It isn’t to say that TYL him didn’t have ambitions either. However, canon him was always shown to be more gentle and passive until you went over a line and then he acts. Then everything he was holding in comes forth and he’s a force.
Tsu-chan, I have the gut feeling, has a much lower threshold, than (M)Tsuna. Also possibly had less insecurity issues than that of (M)Tsuna. I cannot speak to all iterations of how you write her, but at least based off the premise of our interactions, Tsu-chan had a childhood friend and one she got along well with.
Haru is such a positive bean (THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!!!!) and she’s such a caring and supportive person (THE BEST WAIFU OF MY LAIFU!!!!!!!!) and so I think that as opposed to (M)Tsuna who didn’t have friends, she would certainly have a bit less of the sociability issues that he had. From this, you could say that she has more emotional intelligence than he does. This may turn into her having a stronger sense of self, which then means that she’s more willing to assert herself. So, from a younger age, she was PROBABLY (I’m just guessing) more willing to be honest and speak up than (M)Tsuna was.
From the backstory tinkering that I had to do when I took on Yamamoto as a muse [x] linked for reference, these changes do make an impact on things, even if a bit small in some aspects. Hibari, as we know, is very fond of Namimori. Anyone who breaks the rules or sullies the sanctity of his beloved Namimori is gonna die, plain and simple. Initially, he doesn’t like her that much when he realizes who she hangs out with, the loud one, and the one that needs to get bitten to death on the daily. (How dare he smoke on premises!) Yamamoto is okay in his book. Additionally, Reborn is quite the interesting little baby, so he adjusts his opinion of her slightly. She at least can survive on the day to day basis. He does really detest it any time she does her lil ‘stripping act’ as he probably terms it. Public indecency is no good and it disrupts the order of the school. A repeat offender. It’s Reborn’s fault but--- still a repeat offender.
Due to her presence in school, Namimori has been hassled a lot. Let this guy rest and enjoy his school life in peace!! But nooooo because she’s here, his beloved school gets turned into a fighting ring, students get targeted for their teeth, students go missing for months, etc. He gets SO CROSS with her, I swear to god.
Still, as we know from TYL arc, he does come to respect her and he has acknowledged her fighting abilities. As a person who appreciates strength and finds fun in a challenge, that is something that would catch his attention and amuse him. He just likes capable people, really. If she is capable in fighting, or leading a mafia, or anything else, that can catch his attention. Anything that can cause him to respect someone, even minutely is a good thing. I honestly haven’t really seen Tsu-chan interact with a Hibari much at all, so I can’t really say—but my gut feeling is telling me that even if she’s the boss she still treats him with respect. I feel like she never truly loses the respect for him as a senpai, but will still exercise her right and authority as boss over him if absolutely necessary.
I doubt it happens all that often though. If you know how to talk to Hibari properly, it won’t ever need to come to that, and I’m sure she’s smart enough to figure it out. It’s quite important to him that she wouldn’t treat him like she’s above him and is his boss. He would much prefer it to be like she acknowledges what the ranks may be, but she still sees him as something similar to an equal and treats him as such. A part of it is his pride, and another part of it is his strong sense of independence that would prevent him from truly seeing her as his boss in a true sense. I have always had the feeling that he merely sticks around because it’s sometimes amusing (the engaging fights) and because their ideals align just right. He wants to keep Namimori (his territory) safe, and she also wants to protect everything and everyone near and dear to her. So having similar goals is a way for them to join forces so to speak.
It does parallel the fact that Alaude did create the Cedef which is more or less an independent entity that’s still affiliated with the Vongola. He’s really a cat who is like I’m not one of you, but sometimes I work with you for the sake of what needs to get done.
Given what I think I know about her, I think she would respect his individualism and wouldn’t push him to see her as his boss. I don’t think she really cares for that? Sure, she acknowledges him as her Cloud Guardian and it would be important for her to ensure that he wouldn’t betray anyone in the Vongola and it is important to be able to ask him to go on certain missions—and that’s the extent of it. She doubt you portray her in a way where she feels the need to exercise power over another person to feel superiority. I think she moreso would choose to collaborate with others based off trust and faith.
IF I am right in thinking Tsu-chan is like that, then it’s important to him because his sense of self is very important to him. He cannot be chained and refuses to be chained according to someone else’s ideals. He will choose for himself what he wants in life and he is quite picky about those that he allows to be in his circle. He is a bit prickly //motions to Dino and Kusakabe. Even those pretty close to him aren’t spared from the tyranny that is his blood-thirsty tonfas. Still, he does have some level of care for those that he’s allowed to stay around him.
I’m not entirely sure for what reason she would have to like him… perhaps it’s his stubborn nature that is admirable. Man was poisoned with something that can take down and elephant and Hibari really said FUKKA YOUUUU I BITE THIS TOWER TO DEATH!!!!!!!! Even though he had broken bones, he was still able to move with Gokudera until they got to where Mukuro and Tsuna were and could still try to fight. That is an incredibly stubborn person who is full of a lot of drive and will power. That is really admirable.
If you look past his violent tendencies, he actually has shown signs of being considerate towards others and having some level of compassion. He can be gentle, especially to his lil animal friends. It is what I call DANGEROUS GAP MOE and that’s a powerful thing.
As for Hibari, I think he could be drawn to the fact that despite the fact that she never wanted the life of being in the mafia, she eventually had to accept it and she made the best of the situation what she could. She made the most out of her life and she continues to strive to do more and do better. As a stubborn mule, it’s super difficult to force Hibari into doing anything he doesn’t want to do, but for the greater good, she accepted the task of being a Vongola boss and she is taking the initiative to change things to fit what SHE wants. This aspect not only shows a level of drive of making sure that she can forge her own happiness, but it also shows that she’s willing to step down for the greater good and that’s a really big sacrifice that many aren’t willing to take.
It takes a lot of courage and heart to do such a thing, and I think that though he can’t understand it, he finds it respectable of her. She strives to do her best and even though she faces adversity due to being a woman, she doesn’t let that hinder her. She fights for what she believes in, she fights for others, and she’ll defy anything that goes against her morality. He’s seen for himself how powerful her will is, and how her stubbornness can rival his own- so he respects her for that in the TYL.
I don’t know if you’ll have it where she sometimes shows a bit of the canon fear that Tsuna does towards Hibari, or if she’ll rather take on a more teasing nature with him or what. I sadly do not have any material to go off to really speak more concretely about how a ship between them would go. How she interacts with Hibari is quite important to how he would view her.
Teasing him can be okay, but to a point. It depends on how and how often. Depending on the type of teasing, it’ll just piss him off or turn him away. Only some types of teasing (ie ones that would spark fighting spirit) is something that catches his interest. It amuses him. Fighting back against him also has good sides and bad sides. If she fights against him in a way to appeal to her own standards and morality, that’s something he can respect. IF she tries to fight against him as a way to exert control or power over him that would royally PISS HIM OFF and he won’t stand for it. He hates to feel confined and controlled. Like a cloud, he is a free spirit. If she teases him in a way that it feels like she’s looking down on him or doing so in a way that’s like ‘you can’t even fight back because I’m your boss’ that would also piss him off.
These are just examples, I don’t actually think Tsu-chan would do that. This is mostly to explain how he’s quite the fickle guy, and if you don’t go about it the right way, he can instantly be turned off from a person, and when that happens he’ll never go back. Once you’ve been put in the ‘this person is a monkey’ list, you aren’t ever getting out of it- so give up on romancing him.
I feel like maybe it could work, a ship between them. It honestly truly would depend on interactions. If they were to be a couple, I think it would be interesting. He quite frankly doesn’t give a shit about politics or rules. If he decided to love someone, that’s that. Literally anyone can try and tell him ‘but she’s your boss, you ca-’ clean up on aisle fuk u. As a lover, I do think Hibari is the type to be quietly supportive. He would support her in whatever she wanted to do, and have faith in her abilities to see things through. If she had decided on something, he won’t argue against her and instead just support her. He values his independence and self-governance, so he would give her the same right.
He wouldn’t try to force anything upon her. HOWEVER, he does seem to have some traditional values/interests from what I’ve seen, so he would be pretty strict on some matters. He’d be strict about not showing too much PDA out in public or instance. He would be very clear about the level of intimacy that either party can show to others. He wouldn’t stand for anyone getting too close to her or vice versa, he wouldn’t allow anyone to get too close to himself. He’d get extremely irate if she were to get too close to someone. Euro-style greetings like kisses on cheeks and stuff is fine, by the way. It’s anything that feels like she’s getting too close to another person that may vaguely feel like cheating territory, he’d never stand for it. Unforgivable to him.
Will state that I don’t say this as a means to suggest I think she’d cheat or allow someone to touch her without her permission. I mostly explain this to focus on the fact he’s VERY TERRITORIAL. He does have a bit of a jealous streak, as well as a tendency to enjoy marking his territory. He just enjoys the act of marking what’s his because it’s his. It doesn’t mean he is insecure about a relationship or thinks she’d cheat. HE simply just enjoys the feeling and knowledge of: this is mine. Consider him like a greedy dragon, honestly.
If she can’t handle that, Hibari is not for her lol.
Though, I will state that people sometimes forget that he too has a silly side to him. He’s quite sarcastic and such, and he’s a bit rude. He does have some traditional mindsets, but the biggest aspect about him is: HE DOES WHAT HE WANTS AND HE FOLLOWS HIS OWN RULES.
If he personally thinks some rules are stupid, they don’t exist. So some traditional values may get thrown out the door, but some other values he will keep iron clad.
My fingers are starting to hurt so I’ll stop there. There’s not much I can really say because I honestly don’t know how the two would interact.
This is to preface me saying because I have no actual interactions to base off of, I have no way of being able to come up with cute ideas between them. Sorry again, gonna have to make due without that section again.
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Eyebrows slightly knitted at Jiyan as they listened to his encouragement, they mused, "I could say it's less boring this way, too." They gave him nods and hums of approval, allowing him time to talk as they began walking their way to the Norfall Barrens.
Jiyan's remarks had them chuckling, Xuejun couldn't help but comment, "I'm going to add your optimism as one of the things that will take me a while to get used to here." Their voice lighthearted, they tried to add something else, "You're like... actually, nevermind."
In an attempt to match their pace with his, Xuejun began carefully observing his gait, eyes flickering as the rain fell on them. His advice on overthinking had them, well, thinking, staring down his boots for a moment. "I guess that is true," Their mouth hung open in an attempt on a meaningful reply to his advice, but they turned away to scan their surroundings instead, preoccupied with his statement.
Xuejun blinked and faced him back when he asked them about their curiosities. "There are a few things," They proceeded to hum, pondering their question, "What's life like in here? Do you- or does anyone in the camp, have time for recreation?"
- Xuejun 🎨
Jiyan chuckled softly at Xuejun's comment about his optimism, the sound blending with the patter of raindrops around them. "Optimism can be a rarity out here," he admitted with a small nod, his expression thoughtful. "But I've found that a positive outlook can sometimes make all the difference, especially when facing the challenges of the frontier."
As they walked, Jiyan matched Xuejun's pace easily, his movements steady and deliberate despite the uneven terrain. He noticed Xuejun's contemplative gaze and respected their silence, allowing them time to gather their thoughts.
When Xuejun posed their questions about life in the camp and recreation, Jiyan considered his response carefully. "Life here is... different," he began, choosing his words thoughtfully. "It's not easy. We live on the edge of the known world, constantly vigilant against the threats that lurk beyond. But despite the hardships, there's a sense of camaraderie among us, like found family."
He glanced at Xuejun with a warm smile. "We embrace each other's oddities and quirks because we understand the precariousness of our situation. There's a bond that forms among soldiers here. It's not just about duty and defending the borders, although that's our primary mission."
He glanced at Xuejun, his expression earnest. "In this line of work, we've learned to cherish the present moment because tomorrow is never guaranteed."
As they continued walking, Jiyan considered their question about recreation. "As for recreation," he continued, "many rangers find ways to occupy their downtime. Some indulge in hobbies like reading or crafting, while others train or practice their skills. It's important to stay sharp and maintain a balance between duty and personal well-being."
He paused for a moment, reflecting on the resilience of the rangers under his command. "We make the best of what we have here, Xuejun. Despite the challenges, there's a sense of solidarity and purpose that binds us together. It's what keeps us going, day in and day out."
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irastayshome · 10 months
Change requires courage, but not changing doesn't signify the lack of it. There are reasons beyond what my own thoughts can rationalise as to why I can't bring myself to hire a maid.. or continue in this job.. or move in with my parents.. or finally admit I am now single and behave like it.
A book I've been trying to read - keyword 'trying' because my mind can't seem to focus on anything cognitive for long these days - had a profound perspective. The unconscious mind has wisdom far beyond what the conscious mind dictates. If I were to give voice to some of these wisdom, it would sound so odd and misplaced, maybe even stupid. Like if I were to say that I do not wish to hire a maid to solve the daily struggle I have in getting enough sleep before going to work the next day because I was up doing dishes and laundry.. and justify it by my assertion that this space, confined by the walls that witnessed his decline and his demise and our arguments and our reconciliations and all the quiet moments that could easily be lost and swept away in memory.. it is sacred.
I know we do not bring anything or anyone to the ground with us when it is our time. To Him we belong and to Him we return. But allowing a stranger to step in, clean the mess and carnage left behind, someone who has no idea the significance of every receipt or broken household item or anything else one might sensibly decide to throw away without question.. it is too risky. We are still in a bubble.. where the slightest curve in the breeze makes us all unhinged and anxious about when it will all pop. When he will fully be gone from our lives.. when we will finally be forced to move on, even if we aren't ready to let go. How else would I explain all that sensibly, other than how I just did? It sounds like big allegories that may seem empty, but it really isn't.. not for me. Its even more concrete and real to me than a simple "a maid would solve all your sleep and caregiving struggles". The unconscious mind has a far more powerful effect on the will than the conscious mind. Its wisdom commands more respect than most of us are willing to give.
The job.. it's just a job honestly. Its for bills, and for escape, and for some semblance of achievement to keep me from spiraling into despair. But if I'm being truly honest, it's also to fight the loneliness I feel deep in my core. Not the kinda loneliness that makes me wake up heart racing after dreaming about being kissed so passionately and embraced so intensely that it broke my heart a little when I literally woke to reality - though this kind of loneliness I must admit is getting a little too much for comfort. The loneliness I feel deep down is not having anyone to hear what I feel about the genocide in Palestine, or about the political satire in PAP lately, or about my worries for AI taking over, or what I honestly feel about my 6 Yr old falling "in love" with his classmate. Its having a mate.. to laugh with, to muse with, to watch things you don't wanna watch alone with. Someone who just gets you, and accepts you wholly, and calls you out when necessary because they want you to win.. while they're right beside you.
So, in that manner, no. This job does not fight off this loneliness. It drains my bank accounts even more because my impaired mind keeps making lots of financial and ethical blunders, costing us so much more than if I were just unemployed. In terms of achievement and helping the less fortunate, nothing feels satisfying when your own house is on fire and you're not able to save your own family first. That's just how it is for me. Those boys are more important than anything else in the world now, and I'm completely replaceable at work, but not at home.
Sigh. Who are these musings even for. Are you reading this yang, somehow? You've always hated long texts from me.. why would you start liking it now right.. I really do feel like I'm going crazy sometimes.
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hollywoodcannon · 2 years
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Anonymous asked: There is such a cool duality in the two "moan" post that involve Niccola. In one, we see them after they have essentially gotten together and have Brian Jr on the way and then we get to see how an oddly vulnerable yet so very hot pre-relationship moment 'between' the two. Poor Brian. He really didn't think Niccola had any interest in him at all? That he wasn't worthy of Niccola? And yet his need for her seems overwhelming at that point.
Even seeing her in such a state, he didn't even think once it was because of him. And shockingly, seeing such a scene didn't even bolster him to be brave and try for what he desired. Even if he didn't want to admit to getting a show, he could have easily teased her about how pretty the flush to her cheeks were and maybe ask her to something more than their usual hangout date. He's always so confidant in everything else yet not when it came to Niccola. Such amazingly insightful yet so blazingly hott writing! Love reading things like this!
Thank you, sweet anon! I really enjoyed writing out both responses. It was great to explore how Brian would react within each scenario! Definitely having that established relationship with Niccola, them being together as a committed couple, with a baby on the way, played into how he would go about releasing some of that excitement that he had pent up. They’re more familiar with each other than they had been when they were just friends. He could act upon that lust of his - as loud and as obnoxiously as he could want, LOL. He isn’t afraid to love Niccola, nor for the world to know that he loves and adores her. A bit of exhibitionism, if you will. Hey, Brian holds no shame! 
But in regard to the second thread about our sweet lovers, he truly didn’t think that Nickie did. For him, he figured that Niccola only thought of him as a friend, partners in crime. Why would she be masturbating to her best friend? Obviously, Brian was in love with her, but he couldn’t just go around admitting to that. Normally, I do think he would’ve been brave about approaching her. Just knocked on her car door and took over, but again, that’s his friend. Brian might be a real crazy man, but he isn’t disrespectful, least not with such intimate moments nor to the people he cares about most. That was something private between Niccola and her person. It would be respected. Not to be teased, least not for a little while! He would certainly have to poke fun at it at some point. He wouldn’t be able to stop himself! Trust that, within the next few days thereafter, he’d make some sort of silly comment to Nickie. With a smirk on his face, too. Oh, but best believe, he TOTALLY would’ve jumped at the chance had he known, at the time, that Nickie liked him too. Certainly would’ve spoiled her with a fancy dinner of some sort, a proper date, only to lead to them chasing each other naked by the end of the night! 
Confidence would return, then, that’s for sure! Again, thank you for your kind message, love. I’m so flattered! I LOVE that you loved reading it! Truthfully, I get a little nervous when it comes to writing intimate threads/replies. I want them to be sexy. I want them to be exciting and emotional. There’s so many talented RP writers out there, who just master that form of writing, that I worry that my own isn’t up to standard, maybe a little too much, maybe not enough. I also don’t want to disrespect mine, or anyone else’s, muses, too. Putting them into sexual situations, sometimes things can go too far and be too extreme. I never want to push over that limit. But, really, thank you! Your words make me feel not just at ease, but more confident. <3
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