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skyheld · 3 months ago
"You can't blame yourself." from asharen to ameridan
ASKBOX MEME 059 / ARCANE S02E07-09 | selectively accepting | @mercysought
It's the second time he leaves a place where he was meant to die.
Stands up on shaking legs, brushes the dust of time off his clothes and picks through the remains of his old life for things he needs to keep. There isn't much left, now. He gave most things away when he joined clan Lavellan, to the few friends he has made in the last ten years, or to the clan itself. He had no need or interest then in riches or treasure. Only a few keepsakes.
Some people watch as he comes out of the aravel. The last few weeks as his strength waned he left is more and more rarely, and while many come to visit him, there are some faces he hasn't seen in all that time --- faces of those he was never close to, or who felt too uncomfortable to sit in a room with a dying person, seeing the way life left him a little bit more each week. When he steps out now with a small pack slung over his shoulder and the staff in his hand, he stands straighter than they've ever seen him. There's strength in his legs, carrying him down the landing, and in the hand that holds his staff. His eyes are unclouded, his lungs draw deep the air of the forest around them. But he doesn't look at those faces, even the ones he loved most dearly. He's afraid they'll turn away.
And anyway, how can he ask for them to look at him? How can he deserve a heartfelt farewell from these people when he failed them so utterly? They took him in so he would be safe, so he would know peace. He risked their lives, allowing a demon to possess him. He brought them war.
Thanks to that they live, but he isn't sure that matters.
"I do not blame myself", he tells Asharen as they meet below the aravel's deck. She sees through him, of course, sees the guilt clawing at him from the inside, but it isn't blame. "I did what I did to save them. Now I live with the consequences. I just wish... I wish there'd been another choice."
Hakkon looking out through his grey eyes, seeing the things he sees and adding his thoughts and emotions to Ameridan's mind, blurring them both. Hakkon coming to him that night when the clan was attacked, Hakkon's strength in his dying body, Hakkon tearing their enemies to shreds, laughing with Ameridan's voice but not his laugh, not his joy in the killing.
He wishes the others didn't have to see it. That they didn't have to look at him now and know that the one they called hahren and bestowed the name of their clan is an abomination. That his back is straight and his hands strong and that he stands in the sunlight again because something else is standing with him.
Ameridan Talvas Lavellan, he was for a while. But he cannot use that name anymore.
"We should be off", he says. A little further away, others are waiting for them to catch up. New faces, but they seem like good people. The one they call Rook has put together a capable group. Harding. He'll need to tell her too when they reach their sanctuary.
He's not sure if it's grief or shame that wells up and fill his eyes with tears, but he turns quickly, lowering his head to brush them away. He wanted to stay here. He didn't want to die, but he was ready to let it happen as he knew it would; he got the peace he always yearned for, and if it had to end, at least it would end in the best way possible. But now all that is different, and that peace is gone.
You are making this so much harder than it is. Hakkon has been quiet in his mind, and now that he speaks it sounds like mockery. And yet he is right in a way. Staying here, thinking about what he's walking away from makes the walking harder. He needs to just leave. Without another word he brushes past Asharen and joins the others, giving a single nod of his head when Rook asks if he's ready for the walk to the nearest eluvian, if those are all his things, is he is alright---
But before they've reached the edge of the camp, where signs of recent battle are still visible, blood drying brown in the grass where Hakkon's battleaxe tore throats and chests open, someone cries out behind them. A girl has escaped her parents' vigilant eyes and come running, calling his name.
Elirin. She's lost two front teeth since last he saw her. When he was strong enough to sit by the fire and tell stories, she'd ask for ones with Da'harel in them, then curl up with her head on his leg and pretend to be a very small wolf while he spoke. Now she wraps her arms around his legs and sobs into them until he manages to untangle himself from her grip so he can crouch down and hug her properly. Her parents wouldn't want him to. They'd worry about the demon. But he can't push her away, and he knows there is no danger.
She's holding a straw hat, like the ones the members of the clan make for themselves and to sell. At first he thinks she must have just been working on it when she saw him leave --- it's clearly her handiwork, childish and clumsy and therefor lovely --- but she presses it into his hands.
"Oh", he says, as his hands close round the brim. "Is it for me?"
She nods, her face set with determination.
There clearly is no fighting that. He would hurt her if he tried to decline. Blinking away more tears he takes the hat and puts it on --- it's a little large, probably not made for him to begin with, but it stays in place if he's careful. There are places where the straw sticks out and places where the woven pattern breaks. He loves it. One of the adult's perfectly crafted hats wouldn't have filled him with as much love as this one. "Thank you", he says, voice brittle. "That should keep me safe from the sun in Antiva."
Satisfied, Elirin turns to run back to her parents. Ameridan straightens up. The straw hat casts a shadow over his face until he turns back to the others, facing the sun.
Ameridan Talvas Lavellan. Maybe he keeps the name, at least for now.
"I'm ready", he says, and this time he feels it. "Let us go."
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broknfeed · 4 months ago
Annie, Katherine, Elena
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— “kill Katherine — per usual — , fuck Elena, marry Annie, of course.”
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carlosreyeswrites · 2 years ago
Isaiah/Your Choice [ talk ] [ dominance ] (can be reverse or not depending on Isaiah's preferences)
[ talk ]   your muse talking dirty to mine.
[ dominance ]   your muse taking the lead and dominating mine.
Isaiah held the other's hands behind his back as he lead him upstairs. His handcuffs came in good use sometimes. He could use them on the odd occasion when his boyfriend wouldn't stop trying to entice him. "You wanna fucking tease me so much in front of everybody - this is exactly what you get. Everyone here is staring at you now." He'd created a big scene. Everyone seeing Isaiah take his boyfriend upstairs with his hands clasped behind his back tightly. He lead them to the bedroom and shut the door behind them both; not bothering to lock it at all. "Now get on your hands and knees on the mattress. I'm gonna tease you so fucking much that everyone downstairs knows how petty and desperate you sound when you need my cock."
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evxnmeyers · 2 years ago
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Moodboard; Home
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dvmbsluts · 4 years ago
RAIL ME ( for michael? )
Send “RAIL ME!!!” and my muse will shove their cock into your muse and begin to fuck them silly.
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being the leader of a motorcycle gang meant that michael was used to always being in charge. he never let anyone tell him what to do or when to it because if he let someone else call the shots then he wouldn't be respected. this did not apply to her. when it came to her she was always telling him what she needed from him. so when he got a call begging him to come home to rail her, how could he say no? which his how he found himself at home, clothes strewn around the room as he pounded into her. each thrust louder than the last as he slapped her ass and thrusted deeper into her.
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nlustris-arch · 4 years ago
[ lit ]
❛     DON’T TELL HUGHIE..   PLEASE.     ❜       TEETH GRIT TOGETHER,   raising to the tips of her toes,   edge of her cigarette brushing butcher’s lighter.     it’s awkwardly personal,   the smudge of her lipstick  &  curl of her head.     it’s acquired grief,   a slight undertone of stress.     the sharp line of her jaw,   cut against the shadows  &  WE  BOTH  STARE  INTO  THE  SAME  DARKNESS,   KNOWING  IT  WILL  CONSUME  US  BOTH.       ❛     you know how he would react.     he’ll worry and fret about it.     ❜
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LAST NIGHT,   I LOOKED UP AT THE MOON & WONDERED IF YOU WERE LOOKING TOO.     ( you are a small creature,   you are something to be held  &  you are living in his bone marrow ).     she pulls away,   drawing it from her lips for a moment [ the soft roll of smoke blows away from him,   her legs drawing to third position ].     he is flesh,   tender meat  &  you exist as the child of a supernova and an eclipse:  you did not know that you could care for something that was not light.     I HAVE SEEN DEEP INSIDE OF YOU AND I FOUND EVERY REPULSIVE THING BEAUTIFUL,   she whispered to the moon he did not look at.     the tip of the filter glowing slightly brighter with her smile.       ❛     thanks,   butcher.     ❜
𝙽𝙾𝙽-𝚂𝙴𝚇𝚄𝙰𝙻 𝙰𝙲𝚃𝚂 𝙾𝙵 𝙳𝙾𝙼𝙸𝙽𝙰𝙽𝙲𝙴:     𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘮𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢 𝘤𝘪𝘨𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦, 𝘴𝘱𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘧, 𝘦𝘵𝘤. 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘦.
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bazz-b · 5 years ago
▲ who can bazz-b never betray?
( ask a question your muse has always wanted to ask mine )
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“I could never betray someone I respected, who was worth following. Worth dying for.”
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catferro · 5 years ago
26, 37, 43
26. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
Yes, Meryl Streep will forever be unobtainable.
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37. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
I will let life surprise me!
43. If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now?
I would love to just hang out with my sister, but anything would be lovely.
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sunsetxdreams · 5 years ago
♦ What’s an AU that you’ve always wanted?
Some sort of historical plot, I’ve always loved twisting history in plots or just throwing characters into a certain time period and see how they’d react. AU’s not in the current modern era are killer.
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skyheld · 2 months ago
"There's no good version of me." from the priestess to ameridan
MEME TAG | not accepting | @mercysought
But she is wrong.
She is wrong, and it angers him that she will sit here so calmly and lie to him. He thinks more highly of her than that. He expects better.
What she means, he thinks, is that he's yet again trying to fix her and she's yet again insisting he shouldn't. And on this account she's right. It was never said out loud, never even a conscious thought, but that was how it was: he wanted to fix her because he thought that he could, and if he could he had to. It was a duty and a right; a must and a need, and only when he pushed her to the point of breaking did he begin to see that it was wrong. The hurt she carried was never his to lift or carry.
He is learning, little by little, to remove that instinct as a piece of himself no longer useful: he's plucked from the place between his ribs where it lay chafing, and crushed it.
There is still the instinct to soften her purpose, and even more so her methods. When her cruelty shows itself, he sees Drakon slaying the Daughters of Song, and he wants to turn his back on her the way he did on Drakon then—they way he should have long before that. The instinct to mediate is still there, but the instinct to demand the means must justify the end is removed, taken from the lips where Drakon gave his last kiss, and with which Ameridan condemned him for his actions. The Priestess is not Drakon, and Ameridan is done wavering between one cause and another; Orlais and the Dales, mages and the Chantry, the Maker and the Creators. He has chosen. He will continue to choose this.
That does not mean he will be silent. He is still his own, and he has never been one to keep opinions to himself.
And on this matter, his opinion is that she is wrong.
"Good is subjective. There is a better version of you. I know because you would not be saying this if you were so far gone you could not see the fault in your actions; and if you can see the fault in your actions then she can choose to act differently. I have seen you do that. I have asked you to do that, and you have. You are already a better version of yourself. And every time you are not that version, that is a choice you make."
Just as he has made the choice to be worse than he could be. To embrace her decision to see this world end one way or another. That is his choice, and he has to live with it.
"At the end of the day you will do as you wish. Do not hide behind the statement that it is all you can do."
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daddariom-archived · 6 years ago
[X] ok but for all of them (ellie&sawyer, sophia&nik, maia&jay) bc I'm greedy
ellie & sawyer:
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sophia & nik:
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maia & jay:
(maia in the background: i don’t have a favorite picture of this absolute fool!!)
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kazxmp · 2 years ago
This is not your grave but you are welcome in it. ❞
“Keep that jaw shut you ain’t killin me anytime soon. who else gonna prep your shit by type?” not to mention he was way too good with this knife Dakota had given to him. sure maybe he was late AND on top of that managed to piss his boss off by doing something…. unholy in his back room, but was he really gonna kill him? nah. bad for business. Kaz waved the knife playfully, half smirk on his face. “you’re just mad you weren’t invited.” the goth knows that’s not true, but he teases anyways.
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evxnmeyers · 2 years ago
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Moodboard; Important Locations
Melton, Suffolk, UK
Vancouver,British Columbia, Canada
Las Vegas,Nevada,USA
New Orleans,Louisiana,USA
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dvmbsluts · 4 years ago
RAIL ME ( for andrew? hi :) )
Send “RAIL ME!!!” and my muse will shove their cock into your muse and begin to fuck them silly.
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andrew always got what he wanted, no matter where they were. one thing he always required of the women he surrounded himself with was for them to tell him whenever they were needing a little extra treatment. this time he had been on patrol when they called him, luckily he wasn't far from his place and he instructed them to wait outside for him until he got there. once he pulled up he got out of the car, grabbing them by their wrist and forcing them into the back seat of his cruiser. he pushed their shorts down to their knees, not even bothering to pull down their panties as he just pushed them to the side and shoved his cock inside of the other. "you're so needy for a little attention, aren't you princess?" he smirked, thrusting deeper into her.
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areumxmp · 2 years ago
❝ Do you want to see something strange? ❞
Dakota happened to ask that AFTER areum had his little mishap with eros at Kaz’s house and…. normally he would be all about saying yes but in this moment… he just might be a little too stranged out for the day. “You know man, I just saw some questionable shit so uh… if it has nothing to do with a scrunchie on the door then yeah i’m down..” still, he was cautious because now that weird bundle of people are burned into his brain.
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niji-iro-melody · 6 years ago
🎤 – To attend holiday karaoke/serenade my muse (With Kosuke, pretty please~?)
Winter Holiday Symbols || accepting || @ai-kizu-rp
🎤 – to attend holiday karaoke/serenade my muse
         It almost felt familiar to a certain movie. Attempting to stay unrecognizable, the redhead had worn his scarf and glasses, hair styled slightly different as his hoodie was supposed to cover most of his signature red locks. Expecting to enjoy a fun but low key evening with his friend, the idol couldn’t help but feel surprised as a microphone was suddenly pushed into his hands. The guitarist had mainly enjoyed the singing from a distance, but hadn’t quite realized that the people singing were being picked at random, hence the surprise as the duo was being pushed towards the stage.
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Gestures between the two were soon exchanged, hand soon rubbing the back of his head as he awkwardly greeted the crowd, making sure to leave out his name. As the number started playing, the redhead was soon dragged in by the canine male’s enthusiasm, even if he wasn’t too familiar with the song.
While his words sounded more like ‘engrish’, the idol had to admit that their harmonies still sounded quite nice. Actually getting a lot of applause, Otoya pulled Kosuke into a deep bow before rapidly leaving the stage and making sure they disappeared into the background again. Luckily they’d still be able to laugh about it in the years to come.
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