#(very minor but still! where there is maya there is franziska!!)
troloyunu · 17 days
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Maya Fey the girl that you are...
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Thoughts on Ace Attorney?
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Ace Attorney and Professor Layton were the main games I played in the mid-2000's, outside of Pokemon. They weren't bad, although I confess Phoenix wore on my patience a bit (his origin story is very lackluster). He got better in Trials and Tribulations, but I definitely was not a fan of the spirit medium elements in the series. Call me old-fashioned if you like, but I generally prefer grounded court dramas. Stuff that doesn't heavily involve channeling spirits, seeing victims' final moments, or even magical bracelets.
... Although the last one could be explained pretty reasonably, I think. So I tend to cut Apollo more slack than Phoenix, who's more like a bull at a rodeo and goes where he pleases. I'm also in this apparent minority of people that didn't fall in love with Maya at first sight... or thirtieth sight... or... Yeah. lol Don't get me wrong. I'm cool with loveable goobers. There's just... a number of things that I don't like that much about Maya. The medium stuff is one thing, the running gag of getting kidnapped or framed for murder is another, she doesn't help Phoenix understand crime scenes or law better (she's literally a teenager in that first trilogy, and still a kid at heart in Spirit of Justice), and this incessant shipping with Phoenix by her cousin Pearl is one of the most uncomfortable things I've had to suffer through... XD It's just my opinion, but Phoenix feels more like an older brother to Maya and Pearl. They're related to his old boss Mia, and it's cool he wants to look out for them... I just don't ship Phoenix x Maya. That's just me~...
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That said, do I have Ace Attorney ships? Ehhh... A few. I'm not too passionate on shipping in AA. I like Phoenix x Iris. I like Phoenix x Franziska. Mia x Diego, of course. I don't mind entertaining Miles x Kay when Kay grows up a bit (for some reason I vibe a lot more with Kay than Maya, probably just the fact she's a 'thief' and not a medium~...). Gumshoe x Maggey is alright. I like Apollo x Ema. Apollo x Athena is fine. I wouldn't mind Bonny and Betty joining the Wright Anything Agency, though I don't necessarily ship them with anyone... Maybe Apollo, if I was so inclined. Rayfa is cute, but she's a kid. No pedos in this house, no sir. (人◕ω◕)**
I honestly have no ships in the Great Ace Attorney duology, though. I'm neutral to Ryunosuke x Susato, I don't object to them. They are cute. I just don't ship them cuz my mind's on the lovely plots and characters of GAA~...
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If I had to do a tier list for Ace Attorney games... Let me see...
Tier 1 (Masterful) - Great Ace Attorney 1&2, Ace Attorney Investigations 2, Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright
Tier 2 (Great) - Trials and Tribulations, Spirit of Justice
Tier 3 (Passable) - AA1, Investigations 1, Apollo Justice, Dual Destinies
Tier 4 (Abysmal) - AA2 (Justice For All)
Obviously, not a perfect tier list. A couple titles in the 3rd category are close to Tier 2 level, there's just some aspects of each game that take away my enjoyment somewhat. I loved Rise from the Ashes in AA1, and I liked the ending of Case 4... I enjoyed Edgeworth's flashback case in Investigations 1 (Detective Tyrell B A D D~). Apollo Justice had sleek designs and a more tempered protagonist I thought. And Dual Destinies introduced Athena and had mostly okay cases....
It's just. The rest of AA1 was meh to me, outside the last two cases. Investigation 1's Case 5 was dragged out so unnecessarily. Apollo Justice's Case 4 felt short to me and tried covering way too many bases; not to mention he kept getting shunted to the side by Phoenix, getting led along by the nose. And Dual Destinies, well... Overall, I just wasn't wowed by the writing. Phoenix was brought back, and Apollo and Athena took backseats; they had cases, but they weren't anything to write home about. By the time you hit the case at the space center, I'm barely sold on the bonds they have. XD Although I will say this: Attorneys interacting are much better than spirit mediums thrown into the mix. For all the criticisms we can throw at Phoenix, Apollo, or Athena depending on people's biases, it's nice to see the Wright Anything Agency get a staff again... Athena might not be level-headed like Mia, but I feel she'll get there in time. In her own way. Apollo's rebuilding a whole judicial system in a foreign land, so his arc's pretty much over. lol
I'd love for more Miles adventures. See more Agent Lang, Judge Courtney, even Prosecutor Debeste... But it's up in the air if they'll ever do a 3rd Investigations game. I've already been proven wrong about ever getting an official localization of Investigations 2, so I'll shut up since Capcom's been on a roll recently. (人◕ω◕) Took them some thirteen years, but they finally brought the best Investigations game over. Or will, in a month's time. Honestly, though? I'll probably be stubborn and favor the Scarlet Study fan translation. That's been around for the past decade, and they worked hard on it. I can almost guarantee you their fan translation will have fewer typos than the official one... But I'm looking forward to having Investigations 2 on a portable console. So. I'm sucking it up. (人◕ω◕)
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I've rambled on enough, but the gist is that I'm more for plot and characters in Ace Attorney franchise than shipping. XD Not too surprising that what ships I do have tend to stray from the mainstream favorites (Phoenix x Maya, Miles x Franziska, the yaoi and yuri which I don't touch... and yes, I'm aware of the absurd amount of that in the fanfic community...). I'm built differently from most people, I guess. (人◕ω◕)
And I'm aware some people will have different opinions on my tier list for the games, too. Fite me. I stand firm. (人◕ω◕)
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yesterdoesart · 4 years
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⚖️ Saiban Superheroes AU ⚡️
(Updated Feb. 10, 2021) I'm RIDICULOUSLY excited to bring you all this AU, which both golden.ghostie and naribug (@zelandiangelo) of instagram helped on. Presenting Turnabout Heroes: An Ace Attorney Superhero AU!
Basically, this is an AU where basically everything is the same except some of the characters are superheroes/villains on the sides. I plan on writing a bit about how this affects the cases!
If you want to see more of this (or if you want to make content for this; I'd love to see it) I'm using #saiban superheroes to keep track of everything!
Singular references are below the cut because Tumblr keeps ruining my formatting. You can also find more info on the characters and designs under the cut bc I like symbolism :) There ARE spoilers for the trilogy and minor AAI/AAI2 spoilers though.
Each hero here has three powers: Two that they can do easily anytime, anywhere - a go-to. The third is what I'm calling a Trump Card. Trump Cards are powers that require a lot of energy and only work for short ammounts of time in one go. Think of it as a last resort that can change the course of a fight.
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Phoenix Wright → Turnabout Terror
Powers: Super Strength & High Constitution. His super strength is inspired by the number of un-open-able doors Phoenix has barreled his way through. His high constitution is based on the sheer number of times Phoenix should have died, but did not. Trump Card: Negation. Turnabout Terror can briefly cancel out another person’s superpower. His Trump Card is based on how underestimated Phoenix is as a lawyer. Power negation felt like a neat way to characterize the way he’s able to get past his opponents tricks and catch them off their guard. Character Notes: Phoenix gained his powers after he ate the necklace during the trial of State v. Wright (2014). Contrary to the court’s belief, there was enough poison in Dahlia’s necklace remaining to theoretically kill Phoenix. Instead of this, though, the poison caused his powers to develop. Turnabout Terror’s name comes from the fact that he’s very good at saving the day when things seem like they’re at a loss. The design for his costume is based on Signal Blue from the Signal Samurai! I took a bit of inspiration from Power Rangers for his sleeves, as Signal Samurai give me that vibe, and I think that it gave the costume a cool modern twist. The emblems on the top are, of course, based on the Attorney Badge! I felt like adding the scale was too obvious though.
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Maya Fey → Mystic
Powers: Perception Alteration & Fighting Skill. Perception alteration is inspired by the Magatama, which changes the way the user sees things - Granted, this is less in a literal sense, but I still found it fitting. Fighting skill is something I added that the Fey family would practice. They’d likely practice jujutsu - This is a Japanese martial art with a long history, and it is based on disarming & pinning, which I feel fits with the Fey family - You’d need to pin a medium without hurting them to conduct spirit severing. Trump Card: Channeling. Mystic is able to channel spirits and borrow their energy to unleash. This is almost directly from canon, but I added the part about harnessing energy. I felt that this fit best as a trump card as Maya usually channels Mia when the going gets rough. Character Notes: Mystic is a mantle that has been passed down generation to generation in the Fey Family, similar to how the title “Master of Kurain” is. Before Maya became Mystic, her sister Mia held the title. Before she became Mystic, Maya used the mantle “Fuji Senshi”, meaning “Wisteria Warrior” - This is a nod to her love of the Steel Samurai and Pink Princess. Speaking of Pink Princess, Mystic’s costume is based on the Pink Princess - I gave the design furisode and a side-part opening, like her. It’s also based on the Kurain and Hazakura training robes. Since the mantle is passed down, I imagine that while Pink Princess-esque is Maya’s special spin, all heroes who take the mantle of Mystic draw from Kurain tradition in their costume.
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Miles Edgeworth → Glacieus
Powers: Ice & Impossible Mobility. Ice was the perfect power choice for Edgeworth, who’s noted for his cold stares and chilly demeanor. He can both create ice and freeze surfaces. Impossible mobility was chosen for his ability to roll with the punches in the courtroom - Even after he’s thrown completely off guard, he’s able to quickly recover and keep fighting. Trump Card: Checkmate. Glacieus can create a trap covering a square area. When his enemy falls or steps into it, it temporarily paralyzes them, rendering them unable to make any moves. This is based on his Logic Chess from Ace Attorney Investigations II, as this is his way of cornering people and getting them to give him the information and opportunities he needs. Notes: Miles’ powers were passed down to him by his father. In his family, powers are either passed down to the next generation as a right of passage or upon the death of the previous wielder. This factors in to Miles’ fears that he accidentally killed his father in the DL-6 incident. “Glacieus” is based off the word “Glacier” - An icy name for an icy hero. His design is based off of kamishimo, which is a type of Samurai formal wear. This is both a nod to the Steel Samurai and to his eloquence and formality. While most of the masks I created are blindfold-esque, this was a conscious decision for Glacieus, based on the concept of “Blind Justice”. 
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Franziska von Karma → Zenit
Powers: Weapon summoning & tracking. Franziska’s already a powerhouse in game with her whip, so it made sense to base her power on this. While she can summon other weapons, such as swords or knives, her whip is still her weapon of choice. Her tracking ability is based on the way she tracks Gumshoe in “Justice for All” - She can track people she’s met in person. Trump Card: Impossible Stamina. Zenit has the ability to push herself past her limit, unleashing extra power in a fight. This felt like an ideal Trump Card for her because Franziska is stubborn to a fault and refuses to give up - She always works extra hard to meet her own (and her family's) high standards. Notes: Zenit is German for “Zenith”, which refers to the time where something is most successful. Franziska strives for perfection, trying to prove her worthiness to her father and to herself, so it makes sense that her mantle would also boast this perfection. Her costume is based on Medieval German knights - Franziska is very much a fighter, so this felt fitting for her. It also fits because she, like Miles, is very tied to her honor, so I like the motif of a noble knight for her.
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rivalsforlife · 4 years
15 and 47!
15. Least favourite ship?
Ahahaha you mean I have to pick just one? My blacklist has like twenty...
There are a LOT I don’t like. I’ll try to pick out of the most common ones I’ve seen? Uh most common ship I cannot stand is Phoenix and Maya, for a lot of very personal reasons. Namely that it is so SO rare in fiction to find male-female relationships where they’re not related and it’s one of if not the Most Important Relationship to them (at least before Phoenix adopts Trucy) and they have absolutely zero romantic interest in each other, so I have dug my little aroace fingers into it and will never let go. AA has quite a few of these but Phoenix and Maya is the most prominent. I just really love their friendship so much, it means a lot to me personally, so the ship... upsets me. you have so many other pieces of media with the leading male and female character getting together. Let me have this! And also like. Maya literally calls herself Phoenix’s sister in at least two points in T&T... so I don’t get how people don’t see them as a familial relationship, honestly.
I also hate Miles and Franziska as a ship, they are! siblings! Much like Phoenix and Maya it’s less common now, thankfully, so I don’t see it often, but occasionally I will and ugh. really. Adopted siblings still count as siblings... how people can look at a relationship where one refers to the other as their “little brother” on a frequent basis and go “is this romantic?” baffles me.
Also one time I saw someone shipping Kay and Miles and literally saw red for a moment. Probably not a very healthy reaction for me haha Grace stop getting so upset about opinions on fictional characters! but oh boy. That’s definitely one of the ships that I hate the most. Not only are all of their canon interactions when Kay is a minor and Miles is an adult (plus 9-10 year age gap) it’s also pretty heavily implied they have a father-daughter sort of relationship. I really, really love their relationship, so seeing people argue it’s romantic it upsets me more than it should haha.
... and finally in an effort to make this not all het ships, one that has more attention than I think it should is Phoenix and Apollo. Apollo is Phoenix’s daughter’s brother. ... how do people even think that would work? ... this is a rhetorical question btw please do not answer if you ship it just block me or something, please. The most I can get is Apollo maybe having a sort of celebrity crush on Phoenix pre-disbarment when he was a teenager, like Ema’s idolization of Miles, but nothing seriously.
47. Capcom suddenly announces an Ace Attorney movie! Would you prefer it being live-action, 3D animated or 2D animated?
... I’m guessing this ask list was made before the actual ace attorney movie haha, which was live-action. Honestly if they were to make another one, I would prefer it to be 2D animated because that makes the most sense with the art style, you can do more fun things with it. It’s been a while since I watched the movie, but I remember it had some takes with it being a darker/grittier retelling of AA1? Like to the point Redd White was unrecognizable. I didn’t mind it, but I also feel like an original story would be a cool movie, because I am constantly grasping at any new content, pathetically,
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browniesnivy · 3 years
hiii brownie idk enough abt yugioh but *insert one of ur yugioh faves* and umm maybe franziska for that character ask game :]
Franziska Von Karma 
How I feel about this character- FRANZISKA LITERALLY SO AMAZING...I love how she’s introduced as just as terrifying and cruel as her father, but then you see that she really does care about helping other people throughout her determination to avenge Edgeworth and to help Phoenix save Maya in Farewell My Turnabout despite taking a bullet to the shoulder (such a good parallel with her father on its own!)... and then with the scene at the airport she’s is allowed to be emotionally vulnerable without being any less of a competent prodigy of law! She’s just... so fucking cool I LOVE HER!
All the people I ship romantically with this character- Maya Fey! I love the contrast between both of their personalities making them seem like total opposites, but when you look at their connection to a family legacy it becomes obvious they have a lot in common. I wish the games had expanded on their dynamic more, but unfortunately lesbians are oppressed :( 
My non-romantic OTP for this character- VON KARMA SIBLINGS... Mieke I know you agree with me on this! They grew up with the same terrible expectation that come with being a prodigy, and so they’re really the only ones who’s can comfort and understand each other... they obviously both feel such an obligation to protect each other and it makes me so CRAZY UGH. BROTHER AND SISTER! 
My unpopular opinion about this character- I don’t think this is an unpopular opinion but I wish she’d kept the shorter hair design from the concept art where her hair is slicked forward to contrast with her father’s slicked back hair, not only because I’m a lesbian and that hairstyle was SO GAY but because I think it could have highlighted or even foreshadowed how she differs from Manfred. Maybe since she hasn’t been able to abandon his influences by Justice for All it wouldn’t make since for her to have such a “wild” hairstyle, but I think that if she returns it would be amazing to see her with that hairstyle to represent how she’s moved on after a decade.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon- SHOW HER DENOUNCING MANFRED VON KARMA FOR REAL. I can understand that it would take time for her to fully accept that her father was not as admirable as she’d been least to believe, but by this point in the timeline I think it’s time for that aspect of her character arc to be resolved. The natural conclusion of her development requires her experiencing the same acceptance of defeat as her brother, so I really hope that if they bring Franziska back at some point she’ll be allowed to admit that her father was awful and that victory isn’t an indication of worth.
Rex Raptor
How I feel about this character- HE IS MY FAVORITE CHARACTER IN ANY PIECE OF MEDIA EVER. I know that he isn’t meant to be a deep character at all and he isn’t given much narrative focus at all but he is just SO DAMN ENDEARING TO ME OKAY. I have an unhealthy obsession with how he is initially introduced as being crass and inconsiderate while Weevil is more polite and strategic, but then it turns out Weevil is a total asshole while Rex is just... a kid who likes dinosaurs and duels for fun? Like even though he’s a total dumbass (the best character trait) who can be a bit rude (not even mean-spirited if we’re being totally honest, like most of his remarks are just him being snarky), the manga describes him as “having to the spirit of a true duelist” and he never really seems as bitter about losing as his counterpart Weevil (except in the Season 4 filler arc, which although I adore for giving me so much more Rex content, makes a lot mistakes by characterizing him as basically interchangeable with Weevil... BUT that’s ANOTHER STORY for ANOTHER DAY). I mean he has more justifiable reasons to be upset than Weevil given how he was LITERALLY cheated out of the Battle City tournaments by Espa (which Mokuba the official rule enforcer LETS THEM GET AWAY WITH and then doesn’t do ANYTHING to compensate Rex), and he STILL tries to warn Joey to stay away from trouble despite him being the guy he supposedly dislikes because he took his best card, totally disgracing him and ruining his entire career. I could keep going but this paragraph isn’t probably already sickeningly long and I still need to be able to make posts about him in the future, so in a nutshell... he seems like a funny and good kid. OH AND WHEN MAI ASKED HIM THE “what can you see but cannot see” RIDDLE AND HE ANSWERED TAKOYAKI BECAUSE YOU CAN SEE THE DOUGH ON THE OUTSIDE BUT NOT THE OCTOPUS ON THE INSIDE? LITERAL CUTEST SHIT EVER KING OF COMEDY I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU. Ahem. Sorry.  
All the people I ship romantically with this character- Weevil Underwood. They’re both teenagers who got famous, let it get to their heads, and then lost everything... considering that they seem like the types of kids who would be bullied relentlessly (they're already constantly being made fun of by mostly of the character anyway), I think the fact that they end up befriending each other is a good sign that they can find some comfort in each other and discover other things to be fulfilled by beside card games. I love how even though this friendship is framed as a begrudging alliance between two self-servings jerks half of the time, the other half of the time it’s about best friends starting a shit together for petty reasons and always being by each other’s side no matter what. The way that they tease each other constantly but then always stand up for one another when others pick on them... it’s so obvious that they actually really care about one another! I just love their dynamic so much it’s unreal, hence the blog.
My non-romantic OTP for this character- Although I primarily think about his relationship with Weevil, there is still a lot of potential to be explored with other characters! Mako is another minor character obsessed with a type of animal, but where’s he differs from Rex and ESPECIALLY Weevil is his sportsmanship, being able to become friends with Yugi and Joey even after being defeated by them. I think that difference mostly comes down to Mako being significantly older than Red and Weevil and therefore having more perspective on gaming fame, so I feel like he would be a great influence on them. On Rex specifically, I think Season 4 missed a big opportunity to expand on Rex and Mai’s relationship. Mai had been a major contributor to Rex losing in Duelist Kingdom, but now they both feel like washed-up failures. I think given the circumstances they could have comeback to an understanding, maybe even have Mai apologize for throwing him under the bus to screw with Joey? I think showing Rex that not everyone who has wronged him in the past had/still has bad intentions would be really good addition to his character arc in Season 4. Then of course there is Joey... to me, the main difference between Rex and Joey is that Joey is stupidly lucky while Rex never seems to catch a break. Otherwise they’re both recklessness dumbasses who prioritize brawn over brain, but Joey is nevertheless able to triumph through sheer dumb luck while Rex gets anihilated over and over with basically the same strategy (minus the RNG cards, Joey’s strategy is just big monsters after all). While the previously mentions she relationships were hypothetical, this dynamic between Joey and Rex is actually given some focus in canon, and I found it very compelling! I only wish this difference between them hadn't only been used to increase Joey’s confidence in his skills as a duelist (which I will remind you is mostly LUCK, no offense to Joey because I do love him BUT I MEAN... only being able to beat Rex because of a lucky Time Wizard isn’t peak strategy ), but to develop Rex’s character somehow as well. 
My unpopular opinion about this character- JUST LIKING THIS CHARACTER IS AN UNPOPULAR OPINION MAN... tons of people hate him so much! I know he isn’t an important character at all but he isn’t nearly as much of a jerk as people make him out to be, and I mean even if he was he’s just a kid! I won’t pretend that he is always portrayed favorably by the narrative, but the fact that some people feel nothing but disdain for a child whose accomplishments were robbed from him by forces outside of his control and who received no sympathy for it, causing his self-worth to deteriorate... it’s a bit concerning to me that so many adults in particular are so disgusted by that. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon- I’ve talked QUITE a lot already about things that I wish had happened to develop his character more, but above all else I wish his character arc in Season 4 had been given a proper conclusion. The writers set up this interesting conflict where the insignificant minor characters are upset that they aren’t allowed to be successful when the more important characters aren’t involved and shows the consequences that their defeat had on their lives and self-image... BUT THEN AFTER THEY’RE DEFEATED THEY ARE FORGOTTEN ABOUT FOR THE REST OF THE SEASON UNTIL THEY WAKE UP IN THE HOSPITAL AND INSTANTLY REVERT BACK TO BEING COMIC RELIEF GRRR GRRRRRRRR! There wasn’t no resolution to this arc AT ALL and it drives me UP THE GODDAMN WALL because it absolutely captivated me in concept... but like with many things in Yu-Gi-Oh! the execution was totally ruined :( 
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Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Justice for All Farewell, My Turnabout Review
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Phoenix, Maya, and Pearl are invited to attend an awards banquet by Will Powers. The award goes to Matt Engarde, the star of the Steel Samurai’s successor series. Shortly after, the hotel where the event is taking place is put on lock-down as Maya is discovered to be missing. Juan Corrida, who has been in a fierce rivalry with Engarde, has been killed. Maya is being held hostage in order to force Phoenix to take on Matt’s defense. Nick thinks Matt is innocent, but the evidence is stacked against them with Maya’s life on the line. 
What can I say about the case that is many fans’ favorite? At the heart of it is a serious moral dilemma. Engard may not have physically done the deed, but he is responsible for Juan’s death. While Phoenix would rather not have anything to do with him, de Killer has unfortunately planned for every possibility. Does Nick allow Engarde to be rightfully found guilty and sacrifice his friend’s life, or does he save her and let someone get away with murder? The player is actually forced to make this choice late in the second day of the trial. That would have been a heavy burden for Phoenix to bear if things had worked out differently, based on the bad ending. I can’t imagine how I would handle having to make this decision in reality; either choice has so much bad and good in it. There’s also the fact that if Engarde is found not guilty, an innocent person will take the fall.  
The fact that de Killer is willing to go through the trouble to frame someone on behalf of his client shows his dedication to his principle. Honestly, he’s terrifying but in a very different way than Engarde. I’m also confident that I’m not the only one who found cross-examining him over the transceiver kind of funny. The sprites were a good visual gag, if nothing else. 
Adrian Andrews is the other thing that makes this case so emotionally affecting. She’s just so fragile and vulnerable under the facade she puts up. Adrian’s pleas for Phoenix’s help when de Killer names her as his client are heartrending. It’s such a shame Celeste didn’t just see Corrida and Engarde as beneath her as they were, or at least turned to Adrian for support. Things would have been so different for them both if they had just left the actors to fight it out without their involvement. Though, I suspect Corrida would have wound up dead eventually.
Yes, Engarde is that horrible, it probably would have come to that. He very likely has some severe psychological problems-his breakdown is clearly not the first time he’s scratched his face. I was aware of Matt’s true appearance, and I still screamed when I finished his magatama sequence the first time. Taking Engarde down and having him beg for a guilty verdict is not only satisfying, there’s such a sense of relief knowing Maya is fase.
Of course, Phoenix doesn’t get there on his own. Gumshoe has some of his best moments in Farewell, My Turnabout. While he has some excellent moments in Trials and Tribulations, mostly in Recipe for Turnabout, this one feels more dramatic. He was in very real danger from de Killer when he went to collect the final pieces of evidence. Franziska had been shot and was very fortunate to have relatively minor injuries. (Or, maybe she’s also made out of whatever makes Phoenix invulnerable. Plot armor?) Then there’s the return of Edgeworth to the courtroom.
We finally have the Miles Edgeworth we will see throughout the rest of the series and love. His dedication to uncovering the truth truth is honorable, though...I find him slightly cold and detached at times. This won’t be the last time Edgeworth chooses not to treat a defendant or witness delicately. (The other one that would come to most fans’ mind would be Athena in Turnabout for Tomorrow.) Miles is also very tough on Franziska, which it seems is what she needed at the time. That’s fair, but I would expect a little more affection towards someone who’s like a younger sister to him. Maybe I’m misunderstanding their dynamic in Investigations, especially Turnabout Reminiscence. I’ll be discussing Franziska individually in my overall review. 
There are several cameo appearances in this case, in addition to Will Powers from the beginning of the case. Lotta Hart shows up for the second time in this game alone, though they do foreshadow this in Reunion, and Turnabout. Oldbag is hilarious and not overused, with the breaking of her psych-locks being particularly funny. They add some much needed humor to a very bleak situation.
This case also has one of the most iconic Reminiscence variations, Steel Samurai’s Ballad. It’s almost painful to hear the beloved series’ theme song sound so sombre and express such pain. Plus, the return of the Great Revival! The one thing that surprises me about the music for this case is that Engarde does not have an individual theme; he may not be the big bad that appears in multiple cases over the course of a game like Dahlia and Kristoph, but I feel he deserves it.
In short, Farewell, My Turnabout is memorable in the best possible way. It asks you not only what you would be willing to sacrifice for the sake of justice, as well as how far you would be willing to go to save a friend. What did you decide?
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thelibraryoflazy · 7 years
Farewell, My Prologue
Thanks to this post and youtube slyly recommending me a bootleg of The Great Comet of 1812, I wrote an Ace Attorney song parody of “Prologue.” Unfortunately I don’t have enough people and musicians in my back pocket to take a stab at recording it, but here are my lyrics and original song for reference.
There’s a man carrying out a plan somewhere
And Maya isn’t here
There’s a kidnapper hiding out there somewhere
And Maya isn’t here
There’s a man carrying out a plan somewhere
And Maya isn’t here
There’s a kidnapper hiding out there somewhere
And Maya isn’t here
And this is all in your record
You are at the courthouse
Gonna have to study up a little bit if you want to keep with the case
‘Cause it’s a complicated kind of murder
Everyone’s got five psyche locks
So look it up in your record
We’d appreciate it, thanks a lot
Da da da
Da da da
Da da da
Pearl Fey is young
She loves her cousin with all her heart
She loves her cousin with all her heart
Pearl is young
And Maya isn’t here
Mia is good
Wright’s first advisor and brightest friend
Wright’s first advisor and brightest friend
Mia is good
Pearl is young
And Maya isn’t here
Miles is trusting, an old friend to Phoenix
The prosecution, he’s just arrived
 ALL: The prosecution, he’s just arrived
Miles is trusting
Mia is good
Pearl is young
And Maya isn’t here
 And this is all in your record
You are at the courthouse
Gonna have to study up a little bit if you want to keep with the case
‘Cause it’s a complicated kind of murder
Everyone’s got five psyche locks
So look it up in your record
We’d appreciate it, thanks a lot
Da da da
Da da da
Da da da
Matt Engarde is hot
He spends his money on murder and wine
He spends his money on murder and wine
Engarde is hot
Miles is trusting
Mia is good
Pearl is young
And Maya isn’t here
De Killer is precise
Hired assassin, extraordinaire
Hired assassin, extraordinaire
De Killer is precise
Engarde is hot
Miles is trusting
Mia is good
Pearl is young
And Maya isn’t here
Franziska is fierce, and harsh with the foolish
Quick with a whip, and perfect at law
Quick with a whip, and perfect at law
Franziska is fierce
De Killer is precise
Engarde is hot
Miles is trusting
Mia is good
Pearl is young
And Maya isn’t here
 Miracles and evidence, do we still have the time?!
Our Witnesses!
Adrian Andrews is anxious
And Gumshoe is brave
Testimonies, totally messed up
And Oldbag’s just for fun!
Oldbag’s just for fun!
Oldbag is fun
Adrian is anxious
Gumshoe is brave
Franziska is fierce
De Killer is precise
Engarde is hot
Miles is trusting
Mia is good
Pearl is young
And Maya isn’t here
 And what of Phoenix Wright?
Dear, bewildered, and hardly alright
What of Phoenix Wright?
Scared, determined, and fighting for time
What of Phoenix Wright?
What of Phoenix Wright?
What of Phoenix Wright?
And now for my commentary because I worked hard and want to write my own retrospective. If I could put a read more UNDERNEATH a read more, I would.
The original joke I made half an hour into an eight hour work shift was “And Miles isn’t here.” About twenty seconds later the weight of “Maya isn’t here” hit me, and I spent the next seven and a half hours trying to write this song parody and work at the same time (and worked more on it on and off for the next four days). I nearly changed course while thinking about the entire musical as a whole because the idea of disbarred Phoenix singing “I used to be better” is deeply upsetting. Since my gateway song was Dust and Ashes, I also considered going the Rise From the Ashes route, but ultimately kept on with Farewell, My Turnabout. Something about this musical and Farewell, My Turnabout just feels right to me.
I couldn’t find anything as succinct as ‘There’s a war going on out there somewhere’ so I settled for changing the lyric a few times. I considered making all four different, but I liked having the whole company echo Phoenix’s lines back to him. Also, most of my other takes were goofy. “There’s a cat making noise in a house somewhere” and “There’s a bear with a lens in it’s eye somewhere” felt a shade out of place (though the dream of sticking the line “Stuffed bear snatched up by Edgeworth” into this musical remains. Don’t let me take on this project). I also had “There’s a blackmail tape out there somewhere” which I do like but I feel that it’s a bit too specific for this intro.
I like how the name sequence wound up. Maya, Pearl, Mia felt appropriate. Mia was a tricky one to write because the names Natasha, Anatole, and Pierre are all HORRIBLE to work around, but I kept her description as good because she fits any definition of the word. Pearl loving Maya very much felt like a very sweet, natural fit. I stand by my decision even if loving one’s cousin makes half the internet think of the ‘localization choices’ of a certain Sailor Moon dub.
Miles is a grande dame of Moscow in part because I wanted more syllables to work with, but I also like having him a little earlier in the song to mark his importance. I left writing his piece to last because it deviated a huge amount from the original text and I also wasn’t sure where to begin. And yet, after all that consideration, I decided to make fun of him instead by drawing attention to how he’s ‘just arrived.’ Rude.
I considered keeping old-school because... it’s not wrong? What are you even wearing around your neck, Miles (and where can I get one)? A friend of mine who is partway through Rise From the Ashes suggested ‘fuchsia’ and while that is absolutely hilarious, I did already make fun of Miles once. Twice, if we count ‘and Miles isn’t here.’ I went with trusting for a few reasons. One is that this is the first time we see him talking about pursuing the truth. And he really, really, TRUSTS in that. He smiles so much in the scene where he first comes back? I had forgotten? Just how much? That’s not entirely relevant, I’m just overwhelmed because I watched that earlier. We also see him trusting in other people much more readily than before, and trust in general is a big deal in this case. Phoenix TRUSTS HIM?! OOPS I MADE THIS ABOUT NARUMITSU.
Matt Engarde’s part wrote itself (as did the chorus, oh my god. It wanted to be written). De Killer, on the other hand? THE WORST. I had more trouble with his part than anybody’s. It’s partly because his name is KILLER and assassin is so many syllables and good synonyms are hard to come by and I couldn’t make hitman work and the names Anatole and Pierre had the nerve to be in the line originally. But, I won. Take that!
Franziska had to be fierce. I wanted to use “Franziska is fierce and always perfect” because perfect has to be somewhere and I think Dolokhov’s original line about not being too important would be truly insulting to her (Show him how it’s done, Franziska). Unfortunately, I was having trouble with her second line, so I swapped things around a bit.
I threw out ‘minor characters’ in favor of ‘our witnesses’ so even though I think Gumshoe is good, ‘Gumshoe is brave’ is probably the best sentence I’ve ever written in my life. Adrian Andrews is anxious because co-dependant is a lot of syllables, and I think it’s fair to say she’s got a lot of anxiety. I feel, really, really bad that I couldn’t fit Will Powers in. I ran out of room.
Now you might be saying, “Objection! Oldbag isn’t fun!” And you would be right. It makes me laugh because CAPCOM thinks Oldbag is for fun. Why else would she be in so many games? I considered making the line “And Corrida is dead!” but ultimately decided to make the speaker a witness. And the tone doesn’t quite suit Will Powers, he’s a bit shy for the last rousing call. I’m sorry, WP.
And what of Phoenix Wright? Goodness, that was a near save. The stresses on Pierre don’t fit anything! I did originally want to keep the line “Dear, bewildered, and awkward’ intact by adding ‘at times’ to the end, but then when I went for ‘fighting for time’ in the other line, I switched out awkward. Writing that last bit about Phoenix made me emotional. I love him.
And that’s Farewell, My Prologue!
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birdboyjustice · 7 years
Strap in everyone, this is 16 years worth of content. Disclaimer: may contain minor spoilers and Opinions™. Also, I tried my best, but this still isn’t a conclusive list. If you have any additions/corrections, please let me know! (under the cut for length so mobile users need to click through)
Main series games (including availability)
Spin-off games (including where you can access)
Other official media (including stage plays + links)
Notable fan media (musicals + Youtube)
First things first, the core six games (release dates are of western release) :
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (2005 [DS])
The game that started it all. This game deals with Phoenix’s first cases as a lawyer, and has a really solid internal arc that has appeared in so much other media now that I don’t appreciate it as much as I probably should anymore. Edgeworth is main prosecutor. Five cases. Available on DS, 3DS eShop, Wiiware, and iOS.
 PWAA: Justice for All (2007 [DS]) 
The second game carries on character development and gives more background on the Fey clan, introducing the concept of Psyche-Locks. The last case of this game is my favourite in the series because I live for the #drama. Franziska is main prosecutor. Four cases. Available on DS, 3DS eShop, Wiiware, and iOS.
PWAA: Trials and Tribulations (2007 [DS])
This game finishes off the initial trilogy of games. Includes flashbacks where you play as Phoenix’s mentor Mia when she was a rookie, so you get to see young Phoenix. The last case of this one is another one which completely owns me. This game gets kinda fucked up. Godot is main prosecutor. Five cases. Available on DS, 3DS eShop, Wiiware, and iOS.
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney (2008)
Takes place 7 years after the previous game, focusing on new lawyer Apollo after Phoenix was disbarred. Introduces the ‘Perceive’ feature that lets you see people’s tells when they are lying. This is like…… a really good game, you guys. Separate from the original series, could be played as a standalone easily enough. Klavier is main prosecutor. Four cases. Available on DS, iOS, and Android.
PWAA: Dual Destinies (2013)
Phoenix Is Back. This game features anime cutscenes and voice acting, which was Very Exciting at the time and Sam Riegal is there. Introduces Athena and her ~mood matrix~ which lets you work out the truth from people’s emotions. Mixed opinions these days but most people are fucked up about the Phantom. Blackquill is the main prosecutor. Five cases + DLC. Available on 3DS eShop and iOS.
PWAA: Spirit of Justice (2016)
This game is mainly set in a separate kingdom and the revolution of that legal system. Adds a new branch to the Kurain mythos linked to the Fey clan that doesn’t make loads of sense but I loved the game so whatever. Introduces seances so you can see the victim’s final moments. Nahyuta is the main prosecutor. Five cases + DLC. Available on 3DS eShop.
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth (2010)
This game series focuses on the investigation part rather than the court part, and you can run around the map which is pretty cool. You play as Edgeworth as more bad things happen to him and you get to see some more of the prosecutors and police. Origin of Deid Mann. Five cases. Available on DS.
Ace Attorney Investigations: Prosecutor’s Path
The sequel is arguably better than the original and there’s flashbacks to Edgeworth’s dad which is heartbreaking. It’s not released in the west, but instructions and links to play it in English with an emulator can be found here.
Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (2014)
This crossover features elements from both games, so you solve puzzles and do court cases. Also it’s medieval and there’s magic. It’s another one with cutscenes and voice acting, which is great but also TRAUMATISING. Barnham is main prosecutor. 12 cases + DLC. Available on DS.
Dai Gyakuten Saiban: Naruhodō Ryūnosuke no Bōken
The DGS games follow Phoenix’s ancestor in 1800s Japan, though it is partially set in Victorian steampunk London with Sherlock Holmes. It’s really, really good. Another one not released in the west, but you can watch the entire thing subbed here.
Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2: Naruhodō Ryūnosuke no Kakugo 
This one has only recently been released in Japan and so is not subbed in full yet, and can only be played on a Japanese 3DS. Looks good though. The subbed trailer is here.
Kodansha Comics Manga
I don’t know loads about this series but the one I read had a giant spider mutant in so. Phoenix and Maya are the protagonists. There are 15 overall, and you can get them through Amazon.
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth (manga) 
This manga series is based on the AAI games but there’s a lot more to it. The protagonists are Edgeworth and Gumshoe. There are 25 overall, again I think they can all be found on Amazon.
Ace Attorney (Film) 2012
This live-action film features cases 1, 2, and 4 from the first game. It’s got a great cast and some real tongue-in-cheek humour about how ridiculous the game is. It’s also just really cute in the way they show the characters and relationships and stuff, I would definitely recommend. You can watch it subbed here.
Anime 2016
There’s currently only one season of the anime, covering the first two games and including a couple of extra bits, like more detail on Larry, Miles, and Phoenix as kids. I’m not a massive fan of the art style and find the writing a bit dull, but the story is obviously good, the OP is a Jam, there’s good voice acting and it’s cool that it exists. You can watch the whole season for free on crunchyroll here, which I assume is legally supporting it also.
Turnabout Spotlight/Farewell, My Turnabout
It’s hard to tell, but these seem to be official stage plays. The former is a new story, whereas the latter is a dramatisation of the final case from the second game. They can be downloaded in Japanese here, though I’m not aware of any full subs available sadly.
The Truth Reborn: Musical
Capcom teamed up with Takarazuka Revue to make this all-female musical. It’s really good. It’s based on the fifth case of the first game but altered so Phoenix is more in the middle of it. It is all in Japanese, but the music is good, and it’s all very professional. You can watch it subbed here. Its success led to two more musicals, though I can’t find the second one anywhere and the third one (you can watch here) hasn’t been subbed yet.
Special Edition CD Dramas
These Japanese stories are companions to the games. Translations can be found here. [Note - the linked blog translates many other AA-related media]
There’s loads of great fanworks in this fandom so this is by no means a comprehensive list, but it’ll get you started.
Turnabout Musical
Honestly? If you like Ace Attorney and you have any interest at all in musicals, you need this in your life. It’s incredible. This fan musical covers the first four cases of the first game. The songs are amazing and sample relevant music from the games, and the characterisation and interpretation of relationships is on point, in my opinion. There’s some great counterpoint too. You can watch a live production of the musical here (where the third case was cut for time), and download the full soundtrack here. The team(?) are also currently working on an Apollo Justice Musical, and you can follow their progress here.
Phoenix Wright: The Musical
This one is more of a parody, with some dumb jokes and silly costumes. Maya is arrested for murdering Larry. There aren’t a lot of actual songs, but the ones that exist are pretty good (especially Franziska’s, and, weirdly, Payne’s). You can watch it here. 
Youtube: Boot to the Head
Listen. I wasn’t gonna not include this. The MOST iconic ace attorney meme, audio from a comedy sketch put to sprites. Link.
Youtube: Gay or European?
This one uses the audio from a Legally Blonde song to be about Klavier Gavin and it is canon. Link.
Youtube: Bohemian Rhapsody
This is a slightly less well-known video but it makes me emotional and I still think of it every time I hear Bohemian Rhapsody so yknow. Link.
Like I say, please message me if you have any additions or corrections!
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mylittleedgey · 6 years
Contains off screen Edgeworth x female oc and shamelessly written for the punchline.  Old KM fic
Although it shouldn’t have been surprising at this point, Phoenix still found himself stifling a scream as his former assistant performed a running tackle, clearing three steps and knocking onto the hood of Edgeworth’s car.  “NICK NICK NICK YOU’VE BEEN GONE FOR SO LONG NIIIIIIICK!!!” she squealed.  “I’ve got something to show you it’s AWESOME!”  as soon as her feet touched the ground she was dragging him towards one of the other buildings in the village, one he’d never been in.  
“Wait, what?” her enthusiasm was as contagious as it was bewildering. “What happened?!”
She turned to him, mouth pursed in a vain attempt to keep the news in. For 3 seconds.  “Lilly had a BABY!”
“A baby? That’s it?”
Maya was distraught.  “She’s the MOST ADORABLE thing EVER, NICK! Cuter than CATS on the INTERNET!”  she emphasized, clenching her fists in genuine rage.
He was about to tell her that cats with poor grammar didn’t hold the same level of fascination for some humans as it did for her when he heard Edgeworth behind him.  “Lilly, one of the visitors at your…ceremony?” he wasn’t sure what to call the party where she had been proclaimed the Leader, and honestly he wasn’t sure if she knew a proper name for it either.  Fortunately, she didn’t go into detail.
“Yaaaay! You remembered!” Maya ran over and hugged him as a reward.  “Don’t you think she looks like she makes the CUUUTEST babies?”
Miles paused. “There were so many people there.  She was the one studying literature, right?”
“I dunno.” Maya shrugged.
“Well, who’s the father?”
“I dunno.” Maya shrugged again, obviously disinterested in the line of questioning.
“You don’t know?” Phoenix protested.  “I mean, it’s kind of important, isn’t it?”
“Not really.” she replied.  “Dads don’t stick around much here, anyway, remember?  But it’s a girl, so she’s going to stay part of the family, and that’s what’s important.”
“But, financially…” Edgeworth pressed.  “Shouldn’t he be responsible?”
“There’s not much to spend money on out here.  And like, what if you bought something big, like a car? Drive it ten feet from the training grounds to the temple? Everywhere else, it’s better to use the train.” she turned to them, walking backwards to face them.  “You guys are waaaaay over thinking this.  Just come look at her baby! You won’t believe how cute she is!” she turned back and ran into the next room.
“So…. Babies.”  Phoenix said apologetically, knowing Miles didn’t care much for children.
“They’re cute, Phoenix.  Girls like them.  I can’t help but wonder, though. Men aren’t exactly readily available out here.”
“GUUUUYYYYS!” came a warning roar from the next room, followed quickly by what sounded like a terrified baby girl. They hurried to the door to find Maya hugging the child attempting to calm the poor thing down with a bouncy dance that was clearly traumatizing it further.  Another woman, presumably Lilly, read a magazine casually,  either unconcerned for the sanity of her child or assuming the spiritual leader of her religion knew more about raising children than she did. Phoenix rushed to take the child from her.
“MAYA!” he yelled, and then gulped as the child screeched and her mother looked up archly.  Yes, apparently Maya was the only one allowed to give her kid Shaken Baby Syndrome.  “It’s ok, princess.” he cooed, and heaven help him, it WAS a freakishly adorable baby. “You’re alright, it’s ok.”  she stopped crying now and looked at him, huge eyes teary and fascinated.  “Everything’s okay, angel.” he continued. She giggled, and his heart melted.
“Aren’t her blue eyes sooo pretty, Nick?” Maya cooed.
“Most newborns have blue eyes, Maya.”  Edgeworth informed her.  “They change color later.”
Maya stuck her tongue out at the back of his head as he poured some tea.
“He’s right, Maya.”  Phoenix added.  “But her hair is so unusual… It looks almost like Franziska’s.”  He didn’t add that Franziska seemed like the type of woman that seemed able to impregnate other women by terror and sheer force of will, but the chuckle from Miles showed that it was clearly implied.  “It’s so fine, it looks almost grey.”
Miles choked.
It was a few seconds later, when Miles was still choking on his tea and the child’s hair was still very grey that a possible reason began to sink in. “Miles. Are you…?!”
“Am I?!” he parroted hoarsely.
“IS HE?!” Phoenix demanded of the mother, who shrugged coyly in response.  Maya made the wisest decision she had made in months and took the child back as Phoenix’s face changed color.  “You BASTARD!”
“Are they…?”  Lily asked, gesturing with a shoulder at the two men. Maya nodded vigorously, rolling her eyes.
“You bastard!” Phoenix repeated, grabbing a magenta lapel and dragging the other man out the room.
“Look, I didn’t know…”
“Didn’t know what?!” Phoenix hissed.  “That putting your cock in ladies could get them pregnant?!  How long have you even LIKED women?!”
“I don’t!” Miles protested.  Phoenix raised an eyebrow, fuming. “Look…” he started again.  “I’m gay, I’m not some sort of frothing misogynist, I don’t actually have anything against women, I just prefer the company of- God Phoenix, can you just breathe? You look like you’re about to pass out- I prefer men, I prefer YOU.” Phoenix scoffed again.  “I just… it was an accident, it was a party, and I had some drinks, and you weren’t there, and…”
“I WAS PRAYING WITH MAYA UNDER A FROZEN WATERFALL ALL NIGHT LONG!” Phoenix returned furiously.  “I don’t even know what the fuck I was praying too, I was just vaguely asking the universe to please not freeze my dick off.  Although APPARENTLY I should have been asking it to freeze yours off, because I can’t leave you alone for ONE SECOND….”
“I’ve never cheated on you before.” Miles returned firmly.
“Oh really?” Phoenix snorted.  “Is this actually not cheating, or ‘I’m not aware of any other illegitimate children I might have created while your back was turned’ kind of not cheating?”
“Listen, would you? It was an accident.”
“What kind of accident?! ‘I’m sorry, I accidentally penetrated your vagina with my penis, I should probably take that out before OH! Now I’ve gone and ejaculated!”
“I don’t think that’s fair.”
“You want this to be FAIR?!”  Phoenix yelled.  “What the hell was so exciting you couldn’t keep your dick in your pants?!”
“We were having a fascinating conversation about gender roles in 18th century English literature, if you must know.” Miles returned calmly.
“Oh God…” Phoenix hid his face in his palm.  “You got a LITERATURE erection?”
“Well, the conversation continued…” Miles continued, blushing slightly. “We ended up on the subject of…. How traditional values affected contemporary fiction…” he bit his lip.  “…And the conversation turned to…. Well…”
“The fandom of The Steel Samurai”  he sighed.  “I never claimed to be a saint, Phoenix.”
“You…” Phoenix coughed.  “You cheated on me… over  FANFICS?!”
“Not mine! More like the general idea of….. Shit, Phoenix, I was really very drunk, and she was, as you must have noticed, visually attractive, and I was very absorbed in the conversation, and at some point I remember noticing her hand going down my pants and thinking it sounded like a good idea, and… Look, I really am sorry.”
“Not sorry enough to tell me?!”
“Damn it! What did you want me to say, ‘I fucked a girl, it’s not normally a problem for me, I know you were literally 300 yards away, but you can be sure it hasn’t happened before all those months I’ve been overseas and it will never happen again, I promise and you can trust me.”  he sighed.  “Yes, I should have told you.  I was a coward.  I AM a coward.  You know that.”
“You’re not a coward, Miles.  You’ve gone out of your way to piss off some of the most terrifying people I’ve ever met, including Damon Gant and Franziska Von Karma.  You’re just bring selfish.”
Miles cringed.  “Yes, I guess that’s fair.”  he looked up weakly. “Would it make things worse if I spoke to Lily?”
“About what?!”
“About her financial state, about healthcare options…. Look, I’m not trying to start a family, I’m just trying to take responsibility for a kid I apparently helped make…”
“…Do whatever you want.”
The echo of Miles’ footsteps sounded overwhelming as he left the room. However, they were soon drowned out by louder, more violent footfalls.  “YOU’RE DUMPING HIM, NICK?! HOW COULD YOU?!”
“I didn’t say I was…. Maya! I’m not the bad guy here! HE cheated on ME!”
“With LILLY!” She huffed.  “Lilly’s like the sweetest, nicest, prettiest girl ever, and she makes delicious burgers, and she shaves her legs, and you could learn A LOT from her, Nick!”
“He cheated on me over the STEEL SAMURAI!”  before the words even came out, he realized this was the worst possible crowd to use that defense on.  Maya slapped him.
“Like you’re any better!”
“I… what? What did I do?”
“You know…” Maya lectured furiously.  “You act like him bringing  a kid into the relationship is this huge deal, but you DID THE EXACT SAME THING!”
“I WHAT?!”
Phoenix choked.  “Maya, there’s a difference between making a kid and adopting it!”
“Really?! Like what?!”
The conversation continued, in increasingly loud and frustrated terms, as Miles inspected his new daughter warily.
“You DID tell me you were in a relationship beforehand, I’m sorry.” Lilly offered gently.
“No, it was my fault.” he sighed.  “So, what sort of education is she looking at?”
“Well, depending on her spiritual capabilities…”  Edgeworth snorted, and she smiled, remembering when their conversation had turned to the nature of religion.  “She may become an acolyte, or a minor head of a branch family, or an attendant to a higher member…”
“Sounds… delightful…” he muttered.  “What about college?”
“Few go.” she replied.  “Sometimes the ones with the least power are sent to get them out of the way.” she lowered her eyes in false modestly.  “And I had a scholarship too.”
“So, given your spiritual power… no offense… the likelihood of her being a necessary member of the community is unlikely?”
Lilly smiled.  “I hear your boyfriend is into adoption, if that’s what you’re asking.”
He raised an eyebrow nervously.
“To be honest… no offense… I was much more interested in the possibilities of pursuing a fascinating evening with a handsome and cultured young man after several months in a very secluded temple than I was at the potential of creating an offspring.”
Miles looked back at the child with growing terror.  As mad as Phoenix was, adopting the kid seemed right up his alley.  Given the nature of there relationship now, he didn’t want to think of how infinitely more complicated things would become with an infant child.  He thought of a question he should have asked earlier.  “Does she have a name?”
“Not yet.” Lilly replied.  “Normally they’re given a name at a special ceremony at three months, but given your closeness with Mystic Maya, I’m sure you could influence it.”
“What do you think of the name ‘Franziska’?”
“It’s ok, but why?”
He sighed.  “Because Karma’s a bitch.”
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rivalsforlife · 5 years
7 and 13!
7- Least favorite ship?
there are so many I don’t like I don’t know where to begin. first: I cannot stand Phoenix/Maya, for very many reasons - the whole seven year age gap is super icky to me especially considering Maya was underage when she met Phoenix and it’s not like there’s a sudden level-up in maturity as you go from 17 to 18... speaking as an eighteen year old who constantly forgets she’s an adult. also you know the whole “developing attraction the moment they turn of legal age” is creepy, too. I know if any of my friends started dating someone 7 years their senior I’d feel uncomfortable and be wary of it. And it is pretty clear that Phoenix thinks of Maya as a kid, even after she’s technically an adult. But also Phoenix and Maya are just best friends! And as someone who grew up with a weird inability to talk to boys my age because I was terrified someone would either assume we were dating/they would develop romantic feelings for me/etc, seeing male&female friendships in media is very important to me, and Phoenix and Maya have one of the closest friendships I’ve ever seen. So seeing them portrayed romantically really disturbs me and I try to avoid it whenever possible.
That’s just the most common one I’ve seen... but all the Edgeworth/women ships bug me too. Not the least because I hc him as gay, but also because all of the women he’s close with are... really not people he should be shipped with...? I’ve seen him shipped with Franziska, who even if she’s not his adopted sister, they both clearly consider each other siblings and I find it pretty gross as a ship. Adopted siblings still count as siblings! And then I’ve seen some people ship him with /Kay/, and I don’t even know where to begin with THAT, because Kay is ten years his junior, all of their known interactions together were when Kay was a minor, and if you can seriously go through aai2 and come out of it without the impression that Kay is supposed to be a daughter-figure to Miles, then I honestly don’t know what to tell you. like the whole scene where Miles handing her the promise notebook segues into her receiving it from her father? and the time she actually said talking to him was like talking to her father? really now. I’ve seen a few instances of him being shipped with Maya too, and again, massive age gap I’m not comfortable with! And honestly, Miles has such a strict moral code and sense of justice that the idea of him being in a relationship with someone where there’s any chance of it being untoward or morally ambiguous seems unreasonable to me. I don’t think he would stand for that.
There are others I don’t like, of course, but this just said least favourite ship and I already listed four I don’t like so I’m going to stop myself there.
13 - Favorite witness?
As far as favourite non-villain non-main character witnesses go... I actually really like Herman Crab from Dual Destinies’ DLC case. just... the grumpy antisocial aromantic penguin guy is incredibly relatable. And he didn’t ever try to deliberately disrupt the trial, he was pretty upfront and honest and didn’t make things difficult like other witnesses (LOTTA HART) and idk, I liked him. You could tell he wanted to know the truth behind anything and didn’t twist it for his own ends. Just off the top of my head I think he was my favourite, though I’m sure as soon as I publish this ask I’ll remember someone else haha.
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