#(unless the muses of inspiration and motivation visit me)
Logicality stans how we feelin
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triinitas · 1 month
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Respond to the following prompts out of character, then tag others you'd like to get to know a little bit better!
ROLEPLAYER NAME: bun or bunnie. always has been - started because i had an overbite that was uncannily like a rabbit's, my zodiac sign is the rabbit, and my auntie always called me "little rabbit" when i got to visit her at pow wow.
ROLEPLAYER PRONOUNS: she/her is preferred but i don't mind they/them either.
MUSE NAME: zorah, demenia, and freiora.
PREFERRED COMMUNICATION: i dont really mind ! discord is usually my fave but the it really doesn't matter to me. im just happy to chat with people wherever theyre most comfy :)
EXPERIENCE: i started rping a very long time ago, i think i was around 10 or 12? my step-aunt (?) introduced me to the world of writing and then rping and ive been at it since. that's just wrtten rp, too; i started playing d&d and other ttrpgs before that, introduced by my brothers.
PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE: oh gosh i'm not sure what this is supposed to mean?? i guess para-style lit rp. the experience of essentially writing a story with someone is what i crave. its soooo rewarding.
PET PEEVES & DEALBREAKERS: no rules, no age mentioned in them, witch-hunting/callouts for petty stuff.. anything that tends to disrupt the sense of peace i try to maintain in my little corner of this site. ive been around long enough to see some absolutely insane stuff happen - i was literally stalked as a minor due to someone acting crazy on this site - and i want to avoid that kind of thing at all costs.
PLOTS OR MEMES: yes yes yes. i love both. memes are always fun; the spontaneity is a blast. but im also a sucker for plotting - tbc, i don't mean like... we have to literally storyboard the whole dang thing or whatever, i just like knowing what the general premise/goal of the thread is going to be. it helps me keep up motivation.
LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES: it depends? i usually fall in the multi-para realm, but that doesnt mean novella length replies. sometimes, especially in casual threads or conversation based threads, i'll manage one decent paragraph and call it good. i rarely (unless doing crack or something silly) will only eek out a few sentences.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: whenever i have the motivation ! or less so motivation and moreso time. im an extremely busy person && real life always comes first for me. i'm in medical school, juggling that with a part time job, and trying to deepen my relationship (i think i may be getting proposed to soon?????) so that definitely takes precedence. my partner is a firefighter/paramedic and works 48+ hours a week so anytime i have with them is precious and when they're home i will always prioritize time spent with them.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: in small ways. i think it's normal to have characteristics shared. having multiple muses means i'm not really like any one of them, but certain traits i have are dispersed among them. i have the nerdiness and sweetness that demenia has (i try to at least!!!!), the ambition and "constantly working" that zorah shows, and frei was more inspired by my partner && is sort of an outlet for me to empathize with their chosen profession.
tagged by: @shdwtouch tagging: @accultant @grief-worn @ceruleanscarred @tamestray @likemosaic @dcviated && whoever wants to!!!
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
I wish I was a writer who wrote more. I put more obstacles on myself than words on the page
Ooh! What obstacles are you facing, Anon?
Writing is hard. And we all have what works for us. Sometimes our inspiration and motivation wax and wane. The words might come easy some days, or not at all others. That's alright.
It's also valid and normal to want to be "more", whatever we see as "more." I wish I wrote more, but really I probably write plenty enough as it is. I wish I wrote better. There are so many beautiful writers I envy! Such gorgeous prose! And plot! I wish I could do a great plot, but I always veer more towards hype focusing on characters way more than plot. At times I wish I had it in me to write great epics, but that's not really me.
It's okay if you see what others do, or what others have, and want it. But it doesn't do much good to hyper fixate on that and go on a downward spiral of "why can't/why don't I?" What are your strengths? What are your interests? What works for you?
Is mental health getting in your way? You might need to address those first. Therapy and medication and doctor's visits might not be feasible, but if they are, do that. If not, do what you can do to take care of yourself. Take walks, journal, listen to music, eat well, stay hydrated, clean your space, talk to friends, whatever helps.
Is it stress? Is it life stress? Again: take care of yourself! If stress is in your way, you probably won't get far while it's still there.
Is it stress about the writing itself? Why are you stressed? Are there any stressors you can take away? Unless you're writing for money (and if you're in my inbox, I doubt that's the case), there's no real need to stress about it. Again: it's normal and valid to stress, but it's okay if you can't perform right now.
Is it a deadline? Are you writing for someone? Is it self-imposed pressure? What can you do to take away as much of what's stressing you as possible? Do that! If it means asking for extensions or taking breaks or changing tracks, do that! It's okay.
Is it lack of focus? Lack of time? Focus issues could be a health issue, so address those as stated above. But there are ways of creating more structure around your writing that might be beneficial. Make a schedule! What will work for you? Maybe an hour after work you dedicate to writing. Write all that you can in that time. And whatever you manage in that timeframe is a win! And if you dedicate a little time every day, that's progress! Even if it's only on weekends, that's better than nothing!
Are you on Discord servers? Maybe writing sprints will help. I know lots of fandom servers have sprinting bots and people who do writing sprints. Maybe the community aspect will help, or having a space and people with which to hold yourself accountable.
Maybe a word count goal will help? Personally that doesn't help me, but it works for some people. Say you make a goal to write 500 words a day, no matter what. However good or bad. At least it's writing. And you can always edit/fix it up later. Just throw it all at the wall and clean it up afterwards.
Maybe it helps to remember that all progress you make on your story "counts" as writing, be that work on an outline, jotting notes, research, daydreaming, brainstorming with friends, etc. It counts! Might not be "words" but it counts towards writing! It's progress. It's an accomplishment. You're allowed to feel good about that!
Anyway, the point is, I think all us creatives struggle in our own ways. Especially the more we care about what we do. I don't know very many people who do it purely for fun without a care in the world. And not gonna lie, I envy them sometimes! But you're not alone, which can help to remember.
I don't know if any of this blathering was helpful to you, but my inbox is always open if you need. And in the meantime, I'm sending you all the good writing vibes! May the muses be with you, Anon!
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hoodedchishiya · 1 year
Garnet Shine, Garnet Core, Makeshift Stone, Sapphire Beacon, Aventurine Calling, Fluorite Cloud, Moonstone Luster, Quartz Cluster
Stonework Headcanons
Garnet Shine: How devoted are they to their loved ones? Would this devotion delve into the obsessive side? Chishiya doesn’t have very many loved ones, instead opting to always look out for number one instead. Therefore, he isn’t very devoted to anyone unless they really matter to him or he needs something from them. He isn’t the type to get obsessive over anyone either, it’s usually the other way around where others get obsessed with him. There is one person he’d go above and beyond for though (Kuina) but other than that? Devotion really isn’t his thing, especially when it comes to family. For all he cares, they can all rot in hell.
Garnet Core: What sorts of things would they be willing to do for friends? For family? For their significant other(s)? Honestly? Nothing. Often described as a selfish prick, Chishiya lives up to that label perfectly. He has the mind set of ‘Why should I do anything for anyone? They should be doing things for me.’ But if by some off chance that somebody actually managed to capture his heart.. Chishiya would do everything in his power to keep them safe. Knowledge is power and he has plenty of that.. he would definitely use it to help then through Borderland, sticking close to their side and helping them through games by letting them in on his plans. Hell, if he cared about them enough he’d kill for them.
Makeshift Stone: What does their internet search history usually include? Are there any parts of their searches that they’re embarrassed by? Most of Chishiya’s search history is DIY websites and hardware stores. He likes to make things, and therefore likes to read up on which tools he’ll need in order to perfect his latest creations. He’ll often research medical questions too in order to further his career and knowledge of the medical world. There is a darker side to his internet history though.. often paying visits to the dark web out of mild curiosity. Don’t ask him why, it’s best not to delve deeper into that part of his history..
Sapphire Beacon: What kinds of things inspire your muse and does your muse tend to inspire others? Music is what usually inspires Chishiya. If he needs motivation for his next game, he’ll listen to his favourite songs. He’ll often listen to songs where he can relate to the lyrics— they don’t make him feel so alone in the world. As for inspiring others.. no. Chishiya has no interest in becoming an inspiration to other people and he could not care less about it. If people don’t find him inspiring, so be it.
Aventurine Calling: Do they believe in luck? If so, would they consider themselves lucky or unlucky? No, Chishiya does not believe in luck, nor does he believe in fate or karma. He believes in skill and intelligence: they are what get players through the games and anyone who rants on about luck is delusional. But if he did believe in luck, he would consider himself quite lucky considering how many close calls he’s managed to get out of unscathed— especially his first encounter with King of Spades and the rain of bullets that were fired at him. He’d say that he has nine lives.. sort of like a cat. He’s the only person allowed to claim this though, anyone else would receive the death stare.
Fluorite Cloud: If they had the opportunity, would they prefer to know what’s going to happen in the future or not? Why? If Chishiya had the chance to somehow see into the future and gain the ability to know what’s going to happen, then of course he would grab it with both hands. Much like most other people, the unknown makes his stomach churn and at least if he knew what was going to happen he could plan ahead for the worst. The knowledge would also help him deceive other players too, making it easier for him to win the games. It would also give him a head start on the rules of the games, granting him enough time to figure out a sturdy enough plan to ensure his survival.
Moonstone Luster: Are there are any items they own that have sentimental value to them? There is only one item that Chishiya holds dear to him and that would have to be the tie that Kuzuryū gifted to him to wear for a formal Beach Party. Kuzuryū having many ties already and being the kind man that he is, allowed Chishiya to keep it. Not that he will ever admit it, but Chishiya holds it dear to him because Kuzuryū is like a father to him and he secretly admires that man more than anyone he’s ever known. The tie held even more sentimental value to him after the King of Diamonds game, and Chishiya regrets not retrieving it from the Beach before it burned down..
Quartz Cluster: What kind of textures (e.g. silky, rough, slick, etc) do they prefer? Chishiya loves the texture of cotton and polyester, which is why most of the time he’s found to be wearing sweatpants and hoodies. He can often be found rubbing the smooth of the fabric on the arm of his hoodie whenever he’s in a daydream, the feeling of the softness soothing his mind. He also likes the texture of silk too, evident in the silkiness of his bedsheets.
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lesdemonium · 4 years
I’d Be the Choiceless Hope Chapter 2
Ship: Geraskier Word count: 5801 Chapter: 2/16
“Such a nice, beautiful sound,” the fae crooned. “If only he were this way always.”
Julian’s mother stood up. She claimed she was prepared to stop the fae, to protect her baby, but in Julian’s darkest moments he doubted this part of the story. His mother loved him, of that he had no doubt, but she had been young and weary, and even years later, she couldn’t quite get the twinge of exhaustion out of her eyes when she recalled Julian’s infancy. Even if she had been keen on protecting him, the fae was too close, too fast, too set on his plan.
“A gift, for the new mother,” the fae continued. He leaned a hand in to stroke Julian’s cheek. “I give you the gift of obedience.”
As a baby, Jaskier was visited by a fae, who gifted Jaskier’s mother with Jaskier’s obedience. As Jaskier grew older, the “gift” became more of a curse.
Additional tags: AngstAngst with a Happy EndingHeavy AngstUnrequited LoveNot Actually Unrequited LoveAlternate Universe - Canon DivergenceCanon EraNot Canon CompliantCursed Jaskier | DandelionAlternate Universe - Ella Enchanted FusionCurse of ObedienceRape/Non-con ElementsImplied/Referenced Rape/Non-conJaskier | Dandelion Whump
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Life on the road was harder than Jaskier expected. He was talented, that was for sure, and he often could make a fair bit of coin if he played the works of other bards. But that wasn’t what Jaskier wanted. He wanted to make a name for himself with his own work, and so he kept trying. He tried to write, he tried to perform, he tried to eek some sort of feeling and poetry out of his history lessons and his own personal experiences. They were lacking. He almost didn’t blame his audiences for throwing food at him, though it was still quite rude . At least he got a meal out of it, usually.
When he saw the witcher in the corner in Posada, Jaskier hadn’t approached him thinking he was a gift from destiny. In fact, he had only one thing on the mind, and he hoped to have it inside him in some capacity by the end of the day.
That didn’t happen, but still he followed Geralt. He probably reeked of desperation of two different kinds: he still was incredibly interested in proving his theory that the witcher made more noise in fits of passion than in general conversation, but now he also needed his expertise. If anyone would know about the fae, it was a witcher. Jaskier needed Geralt, more than he would have liked to admit.
If nothing else, he was a particularly effective muse. Jaskier had never written something so quickly as he had “Toss A Coin” and never had he gotten something with such a good reception. Even Geralt warmed to the song eventually, in his way. Not the song itself, Jaskier was sure, but what the song did for him.
With Geralt, there was a certain sort of freedom. Most of his commands Jaskier was happy for. He had never lived on the road quite as much as he did now, and Geralt telling him what needed to be done made things easier on Jaskier. Jaskier’s compliance also made him appear more helpful than he actually was. Any other orders Geralt had for him were easily satisfied.
“Go away,” Geralt said, and Jaskier stumbled a few wayward steps away from the witcher.
“Shut up,” Geralt said, in exasperation. Jaskier’s mouth closed and he hummed loudly until Geralt was forced to bark out, “Stop!”
The vague orders, Jaskier had learned, largely went away on their own. The less specific the better, and luckily they didn’t seem to build on each other too much, unless the orders were specific and goal-oriented. His mother had gotten her way by saying “Do not speak for the entire night.” “Shut up,” seemed to only last until another order was given.
Traveling with a witcher also afforded Jaskier a certain amount of protection from others. It was an easy way to stay away from people, like the fur trader in the red coat who had stared at Jaskier as if the bard was a decoration he’d like to add to his collection. When Jaskier was with Geralt, people stayed away, or if they didn’t, Geralt was there to prevent anyone from stealing Jaskier away.
Not that Geralt realized that was what he was doing. Jaskier was sure that, on some level, if the witcher had been at all aware, he would have allowed the stealing. He let Jaskier stay, nonetheless, and though life with a witcher took adjusting to, Jaskier was up for it.
“This is where we part, bard,” Geralt said, time and time again.
“So you can go fight a striga without me again? Hardly, Geralt,” Jaskier scoffed. “I had to make up half the details, then deal with you bemoaning me for being incorrect on the details, only for you to then refuse to correct me . It’s far easier for everyone if I’m just there.”
“You weren’t going to come with me for the striga, Jaskier. You would have died.” Geralt’s voice was flat, resigned, but he allowed Jaskier to continue following him out of the town.
Jaskier waved a dismissive hand. “Death is merely an unfortunate side effect.” He glanced up at Geralt, only to see a look almost as powerful as Geralt’s igni in burning him on the spot. “Oh, alright . But a rotfiend is hardly the same as a striga. Besides, taking one out does not involve fighting it until dawn inside a castle. There are a great many more places for me to watch from a distance. A safe distance. And, this way, you won’t have to hurt yourself with your attempts to be verbose.”
Geralt seemed satisfied by this answer, if his grunt was anything to go off of. Considering how much time Jaskier had spent around Geralt, he supposed the grunt was quite a bit to go off of. He had commanded Jaskier to stay in town until he returned before, but this time he allowed Jaskier to continue along beside him and Roach.
The rotfiends--it turned out there was a pack of them--were disgusting. Jaskier was pretty sure he would have a few stanzas on the smell alone . But Geralt was incredible. Geralt always had such a dancing quality to his fighting, and more than once Jaskier had distracted himself on this detail alone. So far, he hadn’t truly been able to capture just how graceful the man was in his songs, but he was pretty sure no one would believe it anyway. Usually people did not look at a great beast of a man like Geralt and think “graceful,” no matter how foolish Jaskier thought they were for it.
Then again, they also didn’t look at Geralt and see “beautiful” which was truly a travesty in and of itself. While Jaskier had initially hitched himself to the witcher’s wagon for selfish reasons, he had to admit that they were no longer the reason he was here. Sure, he still would do just about anything to have Geralt pin him to the ground and have his way with him. And, sure, eventually he was still planning on finding a way to casually bring up his interest in the fae. He had to do it without alerting Geralt to his true motivations, which was tricky, and the main reason it hadn’t come up yet in the now four years he had been acquainted with the witcher. Now, though, now he was here because he just… wanted to be. Geralt was brave and noble and a true friend, even if he kept Jaskier at an arm’s length. He was skilled in battle in a way that was amazing to watch, and a solid, safe person to be around.
When Jaskier looked at Geralt, he saw amber: warm, bright, and beautiful. Secure in a way he had never felt before. With Geralt, he could reach out and embrace danger, and know that he would not be harmed. Even his monsters, like the rotfiends, had a simplicity to them that Jaskier’s monsters never did.
Hours later, when they had found their way back to town to collect their coin, and made it into a small, warm room, Jaskier still could only see amber. He hadn’t wanted to perform, beyond an almost half-hearted display of “Toss a Coin to Your Witcher” to prompt the villagers into fair payment. Jaskier pretended it was because he was trying to compose a new song, but he knew it was truly because he wanted to keep feeling amber. Performing meant oddly shouted-out commands. Jaskier wasn’t in the mood to be clever.
Jaskier perched upon his bed as Geralt worked, reorganizing the saddlebags for probably the hundredth time. He always insisted they were off-balance, and Jaskier had learned long-ago not to interrupt Geralt in his fiddling. Surly witchers were a pain to deal with. Jaskier pretended to be involved in his composing, but he turned just enough to sneak furtive glances Geralt’s way.
“Geralt,” Jaskier finally said, dutifully keeping his voice even.
Geralt hummed in acknowledgement. He didn’t pause his work or look up, but Jaskier didn’t expect him to. Didn’t want him to, really. This would be easier to do if Jaskier pretended that this was an idle conversation.
“You’ve met a great many creatures in your time,” Jaskier began. Geralt snorted. “Any particularly interesting ones?”
“Don’t you already have material for a new song? Rotfiends not poetic enough for you?”
Jaskier feigned affront, a hand to his chest as he shot Geralt a scandalized look. “A true artist, as I am, can turn even the most disgusting of creatures into inspiration. Though I will have my work cut out for me to make my audiences trip over themselves in interest, rather than lose their suppers at the thought of the smell .” Jaskier scrunched up his nose, then continued on. “This is for curiosity’s sake. I am a seeker of knowledge, Geralt. I wish to know more of the creatures in the world. Perhaps a particular sort of creature. One that finds itself woefully lacking in printed information, but what is there paints a very peculiar--”
“Speak plainly, bard.”
Jaskier huffed. If he wanted to, he could get around that one, but why bother when the curse was giving him an out to get direct information? “Have you come across fae?”
Geralt paused for a moment. “Once or twice.”
“What were they like?” Jaskier’s heart was beating fast, and he tried everything he could to slow his rate down. He forced his breaths to slow, hoping that soon his anxious heart would get the hint and stop giving away all his secrets to the witcher’s enhanced hearing.
“Tricky,” Geralt answered with a hum.
Jaskier shot him an exasperated look. Geralt was still looking at his pack, but the small smile on his face told Jaskier that he was being taciturn on purpose . Jaskier did not appreciate it.
“Geralt, for once could I get some information out of you without pulling your teeth? Honestly, for someone who has benefited so much from me singing your deeds and praises, you sure are unwilling to offer me any information.”
“I thought this was curiosity, not material?”
Jaskier huffed again, finally dropping the notebook in front of him onto his bed. “It is , but that was more of a blanket statement. It’s not like I can go and find a book on the fae, that’s guaranteed to be chock full of the misinformation you so loathe . So, since you have a wealth of information on the monsters of this region, why don’t you bend my ear with your expertise for once?”
Geralt answered with a huffy laugh and shrugged. “They’re not monsters , exactly. Most witchers won’t take contracts on fae. They’re tricky, they’re vain, and they’re not to be messed with. But they’ll largely leave humans alone as long as they don’t insult them,” he answered with a shrug. “Both times I got mixed up with a faery, I narrowly got away.”
“How would you go about finding one? Any one, or a particular one? Or… or a court, or--” Jaskier cut himself off. To go further down this direction would likely add too much suspicion. The searching, suspicious look Geralt gave Jaskier confirmed this suspicion.
“If you’re smart, you don’t.”
“But it can be done?”
Geralt sighed. He stood, putting away the bags he must have finally been satisfied with. “To find a particular one, you would have to find the court they belong to. Unless you just happened to get lucky--or unlucky--enough to stumble upon them. But the court would know where its subjects are.” Geralt began to undress then, and had it been any other conversation, Jaskier was sure this would have distracted him. Even after all this time, it was hard not to get distracted by a bare-chested Geralt, covered in hair that Jaskier just longed to run his fingers over. This conversation was too important, though, and his dedication to making it seem unimportant even moreso.
“And how would you find the court?”
Geralt raised an eyebrow at Jaskier, then returned to his bed. “Fae tend not to venture too far away from their own forests, unless for particular business. If someone was looking for a particular fae they had met before, likely they would find it near where they met the fae in the first place. Then you just… look for the entrance. Humans usually stumble upon the entrance on accident. You can track it with magic. It’s not easy, but it’s not impossible.” He paused, then shrugged. “I can’t say I know the specifics beyond that. Haven’t tried it. Like I said, if you’re smart, you don’t.”
Ah. So that meant a return to Lettenhove. That, Jaskier was not excited about, not in the least. But if he wanted to find Lazuli, he had little choice. For now, though, he could put this off. He felt far from ready to face the fae that cursed him, much less an entire fae court .
Jaskier only realized he had been too quiet, too thoughtful for too long when he finally looked up to see Geralt staring back at him strangely. His eyebrows were furrowed and he leaned forward, and Jaskier was pretty sure he had never studied Jaskier’s face that diligently. Jaskier tried to laugh and make a joke to throw Geralt off, but Geralt cut him off.
“Why are you asking, Jaskier? You aren’t going to try to find a Seelie court, are you?” Geralt asked. His voice held no humor. Honestly, he sounded almost concerned , and wasn’t that just touching?
“Geralt, come on, I told you, I’m just trying to--”
“Tell me the truth, Jaskier.”
Bollocks. Well, Jaskier had gotten around this one before, he could do it now. People never seemed to specify which truth they wanted. “You’re very knowledgeable, Geralt. It’s actually quite impressive to me. All my years of private tutors and my time at Oxenfurt, and I still think you could fill far more books with your knowledge than I could with mine. Then again, you’ve had quite a bit more time to gain that knowledge than I have, so it only seems fitting that you--”
Jaskier sighed. “I have no plans to go find a Seelie court, Geralt. I believe you that it’s dangerous.” He had already fulfilled the restrictions of the curse with his previous truth, but even this wasn’t a lie. He didn’t have plans to find the court--yet.
Geralt sat back, satisfied. He nodded, then laid down on the bed and rolled over. Tonight, he would probably actually sleep. The fight with the rotfiends, though Geralt would not admit it, had worn him out, which was why Jaskier had insisted on renting a room rather than setting up camp. Geralt didn’t sleep well on the road, and rarely slept well in an inn, but he seemed to do marginally better in an inn on nights when Jaskier stayed with him, rather than finding another bed to warm.
Jaskier was pretty sure he was not going to sleep even a moment. Not while this new information turned over and over in his head.
read chapter 3
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madamhatter · 4 years
@more-than-a-princess​ / ghost busters befrienders.
Life's sadist quota always seemed to be filled by the Hatter. No matter how she arranged and coordinated her life and manipulated all else around her, some bitter form of irony and hurt would always visit her. An oddity, it was not. Her existence was intended for such treatment; it wasn’t of her right, but it was of her ‘fate’ that such misfortunes occurred. Sacrifices were needed and she must give.
Yet, all was worth it when seeing the silver-lining of smiles and laughter it brought. 
Upon the first reference of ‘ghost,’ the Ultimate Princess springs onto her feet, beaming, and already in motion to move everywhere else but back to her desk. Said desk with the monumental papers on top of it. Such eagerness in her body language and objective, Sophie questions whether or not Sonia had been waiting for any opportunity to remove herself from her current work. Yet, judging from the particular print and word Sophie spots from the papers, the princess most definitely needed a mental rest before returning into her royal duties of memorization.
“I’m certain, Miss Nevermind,” the young student nods her head and she rests the broom in her clutch against the wall. Her fingers make a feeble attempt to correct the licks of deep copper hair sticking out from her bun; one or two of her true silver locks had peeked out, but Sophie tenaciously forces them back into hiding. “What else would’ve brought upon us a sudden and new resident with an incorporeal form?” She rolls her hand in explanation as the blonde addresses her own appearance by flattening the wrinkles from her skirt bottom.”Miss Fujisaki and Mister Souda, perhaps, gotten a spark of innovation and inspiration to collaborate. However, I must admit, I wouldn’t take either of them willing to experiment,” or in this case tamper, “on kitchen appliances wittingly, unless someone else had prompted or requested them to do....which I, for once in my life, can confidently assume didn’t happen.” 
Keys jingling and phone acquired, the Novoselic student appoints the new objective and the Hatter slowly rests her head against the wooden door frame. She stifles a pained noise, right leg tensing. Only with a quiet yet uncomfortable breath leaves her. However, she prioritizes intently listening and brushing aside her pain. 
Sonia had a natural presence that could easily captivate, and it wasn’t one bred from her royal blood and instilled into because of her status. That much Sophie understands was a core of Sonia’s personality, quickly invested and motivated, but as powerful in her positive presence. Yet, as magnificently driven as she could be, she could be as magnificently terrifying under the right circumstances. 
“I attempted inquiring about their name and their origins,” the Hatter grabs her broom once more, “however, they were more resolved to swing the oven door persistently. Several whistles from steam and heat, but nothing that could’ve been humanly understood.” And it smacked my leg and burnt me. Those particular details were withheld, for in Sophie’s opinion, they didn’t matter much to the current situation. What mattered more, however, was if the oven would hurt the others.
Following the other’s movement, and abiding to her hand gestures, both girls had finally left Sonia’s room and embarked on confronting or introducing themselves properly to their newly founded roommate. “Let’s go then,” Sophie mutters, accompanying the other and keeping her eyes peered for any flying utensils.
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The kitchen was, as Sophie believes the popular term is, ‘up in smokes’ by the time the both of them arrived to further investigate what happened. Chairs and tables had been launched to either side of the room, thankfully all still in one piece, creating a large and empty space in front of the fuming, smoking oven. The hatter slowly steps forward, avoiding to hobble as often as she can, going to forewarn the princess that her excitement might need to take a step back.
However, something glistening and shining catches her eye. Sophie raises her head, glancing to the closest wall to her right hand right. Irises widen to find herself seeing her own reflection, now small and obscured, in the blade of one of the butcher knives. Not only had their been cutlery  spread across the floor, several and most of the dangerously sharp ones had been stabbed into the wall by the unseen force. A sharp gulp leaves the Hatter as she steps close to the blonde from behind. Though, she takes a deep breath and reaches out her hand, determined to stop her from getting closer.
Yet, as Sophie closes her hand, all she gropes onto is air and not the soft plush fabric of Sonia’s puffed sleeves. Her brows furrow, her head jerking to see that the princess had already began rearranging the kitchen to her benefit. Sophie quickly walks after all, still as determined to protect her friend.
The oven was already fuming again, gray and thick smoke slowly begin to fill the room. But, Sophie had already opened the windows before she retrieved the Ultimate Princess, and their lungs would be spared the smog. The sight of the kitchen overall was reminiscent of the American horror films that you like, Sophie muses, glanced at the elegantly seated Sonia as she begins welcoming the spirit.
“Pleasure to make your acquaintance again,” the Hatter murmurs, hands folded in front of her, as she stands beside the seated princess as if she were her personal guard. “Miss Nevermind, I hope this works,” she glances between the blonde and the oven, “As many questions as you’re wanting to ask, getting answers without a mutually shared language, be it by voice or otherwise, may prove this to be futile.” 
A long and tired sigh soon leaves the Hatter, noticing the soft nod given in her direction. Wordlessly, she leans in close to hear whatever it was that the princess wanted to keep private between them. With her cupped hand, Sonia whispers new and exciting plans.
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A even longer and even more tired sigh leaves her again, considering how much worse the situation could get with their classes joined together to welcome the new spirit in the dormitory. As the princess did, Sophie flattens her hands and leans in, whispering into Sonia’s ear, “I understand your enthusiasm on the matter. Truly, a rare and unique opportunity that hasn’t ever been recorded before on HPA history. However, we both must admit that not all of our peers might be as excited and warm towards a spirit. I have to worry about their safety as much as the spirit’s.”
“As well, we shouldn’t be overwhelming the spirit, no? I take it that the supernaturally enlightened and curious should be informed. Those who are vehemently prone to disproving spirits, or screaming at the slightest sound, or punching or kicking at any opportunity, shouldn’t be told..at first. I am not ill-equipped to handle burns and fires. But, I’m not sure how it’ll bode with Headmaster Kirigiri if he catches wind of a student trying to fight a possessed oven. ” 
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princess-of-luxure · 5 years
The Angel and the Devil
When a mysterious devil rescues you from being taken hostage by a fearsome enemy, you fall quickly and hopelessly in love. Turns out, his girlfriend's like an angel too. You're so screwed.
Fandom: Devil May Cry Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Relationships: Nero (Devil May Cry)/Reader, Kyrie (Devil May Cry)/Reader, Kyrie/Nero (Devil May Cry), Kyrie/Nero (Devil May Cry)/Reader Characters: Nero (Devil May Cry), Kyrie (Devil May Cry) Content Warnings: None
Written for day four of Whumptober, prompt was 'Human Shield!' This is another one that ended up being only loosely inspired, and it ended up being more fluff than angst, but hey, just means when I do write angst (like Half Hearted), it's gonna hit so much harder. I kinda lost motivation for this after the first section, so I hope the quality doesn't suffer too badly from it!
Fic under read more.
You should never have been involved in this. It was a fairly average day for you, making your way down the sidewalk of a busy street, groceries in hand while you bickered with your best friend on your cell phone.
“Okay, yes, my ex was kind of a dick, but listen, I’m desperate—” The rest of their argument was cut off as suddenly, the ground heaved underfoot, your purchases spilling to the ground as you lost your balance, crashing down with a heavy thud. Screaming began to cut through the air not a moment later, people running for their lives as thick cracks began to appear in the road, soon splitting into a gaping abyss.
Paralyzed with fear, you found you could only sit and watch with wide eyes as two sets of scaly talons peeked over the mouth of the canyon. A gigantic creature, draconic in nature with four wings, two heads and red and blue mottled scales climbed up from underground. Lava streamed from the jaws of the head with orange eyes, while a frost permeated the air with every breath of the blue-eyed head.
The creature shook its wings out, toppling buildings as it surveyed its surroundings. It rose onto its hindlegs for a better vantage, swishing its flail tail as it did—with a crash, several more shops turned to rubble. The mutant dragon thing didn’t seem to notice.
“Well, well, the human world at last,” the fire head mused, its growling, guttural voice like nails on a chalkboard. Smoke hissed up from the gravel beneath it as the dripping lava ate away at the road. “So many tasty morsels, brother… aren’t you excited?”
“Mm, excited, yes, yes, brother,” the ice head agreed, its voice more of a hiss. “Delectable scents… I can’t wait to have a bite! I must sample some of Earth’s delicacies!”
“Humans… I suppose we shall finally know what they taste like,” the fire head snarled in earnest. “That accursed Sparda may have denied us in our youth, but he cannot stop us now!”
“So, you’re looking for a meal, huh?” Both you and the demon turned to look at the newcomer. From this distance, you couldn’t make out much other than his short white hair, navy blue coat and the fact he had a sword slung over his shoulder, but it was still enough to strike an imposing figure. “Too bad you aren’t getting one here.”
The two heads growled and hissed in displeasure, collapsing back onto their forelegs with a thud that created craters in the road as their body lumbered towards the stranger. “Sparda’s kin!” the fire head roared, lava splattering everywhere. “You will not stand in our way!”
“Yes, yes, you will not stand in our way!” the ice head snapped. “We came here to feast, and feast we shall! And you shall be the appetizer!”
The stranger seemed utterly unperturbed by the threats as he drew his sword, planting it into the ground and revving it like a motorcycle. That was weird, but you were still too shell-shocked to question it. “Sorry pal, but I don’t think I’d be all that tasty. Too chewy, yknow?”
The demon dragon let out a roar, taking to the sky with a flap of its mighty wings that send more debris falling to the ground. The ice head was the first to take the offensive, swooping towards its opponent and exhaling a storm of frost as it swiped with one of its massive clawed forelegs. It hardly seemed to bother the stranger, who easily skipped out of the path of the chill, meeting the strike with a swing of his sword, the edge of the blade glowing red hot. It cleaved through scale and bone with ease, and through your shocked haze, you couldn’t help but think of the one hundred degree knife videos on YouTube as the beast reared back in agony.
“You’ll pay for that, Sparda’s kin, yes, yes, you’ll pay for it!” the ice head snarled, enraged. “Nobody strikes the great Dugoron!”
“Really?” You were now in awe of the stranger as he deftly brought his sword up again. “‘Cause I think I just did. You’re not so great after all, it seems.”
The ice head gave another furious snarl and seemed about to attack again, when the fire head glanced around, glowing orange eyes landing on you. You barely had the time to think oh shit before a thick, scaly tail was wrapping around your midsection, hoisting you into the air faster than you could blink. You tried to scream, but no sound came out, fear stealing the breath from your lungs as the creature dangled you in front of it.
“Would you look at that, brother? Even the kin of Sparda doesn’t dare strike us if a puny human is in his way,” the lava head cackled. This close to the dragon, you could feel (and unfortunately smell) its unbearably hot but simultaneously freezing cold and stinky breath wash over you.
The frost head snickered as well. “Yes, yes, I see, brother! What is it humans call it… empathy?”
As the two heads mocked and taunted their attacker, you twisted in their grip despite the blood rushing to your head to properly look at him. He had lowered his sword, and from what you could tell, he appeared to be shaking, with anger or anxiety or something else entirely you couldn’t tell.
You didn’t have to wait long for clarification. “You know, I’d be careful mocking humans, if I were you,” he began, voice trembling with a barely concealed rage. “We might be STRONGER THAN YOU THINK!”
You couldn’t possibly comprehend what happened next. One moment, there was a flash of blinding blue light, the next, the demon dragon was crashing to the ground and crumbling to nothing, and you were safely cradled within the arms of the stranger, who now looked anything but human; he had transformed into the visage of a devil, spectral wings folding against his shoulders and back as glowing orange eyes looked at you with concern, clawed hands holding you gently.
The transformation dissipated as quickly as it had appeared, aside from the wings, which remained furled. “Are you alright?” your saviour asked quietly, his demeanor shifting now that the threat was gone.
“I, uh…” It processed in your mind that the handsome stranger was still holding you, and your cheeks flooded with color. He seemed to realize this only a moment later, as he turned red as well, quickly placing you down on your feet. “I’m alright,” you managed to get out.
The other opened his mouth to respond, but before he could, there was a screeching sound as a van pulled up beside you both. A woman stuck her head out the window, yelling, “Hey, devil boy, you better get in now unless you wanna be late!”
“Hey, sorry, I gotta go,” your savior apologized to you, quickly searching in his coat pockets. He pulled out a scrap of paper and a pen, quickly scrawling something down and handing it to you. “Call me, alright?”
You nodded, still slightly stuck in processing what had just happened, watching in a daze as he hopped into the van and it drove away. Only when the van was long gone did you glance down at the paper he’d given you, reading the scribbled numbers there and a name just below them.
~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~
It had taken some time for you to gather the courage to call Nero after the incident, but once you had, an arrangement was quickly made for you to come over one night and have dinner with him and his girlfriend, Kyrie. Your best friend had teased you about it when you’d told them about it initially, but they’d quickly shut up once you’d mentioned that Nero was already taken.
You weren’t quite sure what to expect when you rang their doorbell, palms sweating. You certainly weren’t expecting Kyrie to be so heart-stoppingly gorgeous; ginger hair fell neatly to her shoulder, brown eyes sparkling with warmth and a kind smile on her face. Nero was devilishly handsome and Kyrie was angelically beautiful, and you had no idea how you were going to survive the evening.
“Oh, it’s you!” Kyrie spoke your name, her melodious tones setting your heart aflutter. “Nero told me you’d be visiting. We’re delighted to have you! Come inside, I made stew for dinner.”
Kyrie ushered you inside the house, escorting you to the kitchen/living room where you were immediately assaulted by the mouth-watering scent of food. You didn’t have long to get distracted by it, though, taking notice of the familiar figure sprawled across the couch and idly inspecting what seemed to be some sort of prosthetic arm, the TV droning on in the background.
Nero looked up and your gazes met; a moment later, a casual, smug smirk curled across his lips. “Hey,” he greeted, and as he said your name aloud, you knew you were in for one hell of a dinner.
~*~*~*~*~ * ~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~
Spending the evening with these two perfect beauties and knowing they were both off the table was agonizing. As soon as you could, you were quick to excuse yourself, heading for the door as fast as your feet could carry you, ignoring Kyrie’s surprised call of your name and Nero calling for you to wait.
You were in the hallway when Nero caught up to you. “Wait!” The single word combined with your name was combined with so much desperation that you couldn’t help but obey, turning to the devil hunter without looking him in the eyes, wringing your hands anxiously.
There was a beat of silence, and when it became evident that you weren’t going to break it, Nero sighed softly. “Why did you run like that?” he asked, and to your shock, he didn’t sound mad in the slightest.
You chewed on your lip, still not looking at him; still, you figured you owed him an explanation. “I think I like you both,” you mumbled.
“Sorry?” Disbelief laced Nero’s tone. Understandable. “I don’t think I heard you right.”
You sighed, dragging your gaze up to his face and daring to speak a little louder. “I said, I think I like you both.”
You could see this process in Nero’s mind for several long seconds, then he slowly asked, “Like… like like us?”
That had been a lot of likes, you mused to yourself as you nodded. Nero shook his head, expelling what almost seemed like a sigh of amazement, running his fingers through his hair. “Well, would you look at that,” he muttered, mostly to himself. “Kyrie was right after all.”
You tilted your head, furrowing your brows. “Right about what?” Nero leaned against the wall, cheeks taking on a pink flush. He didn’t look at you as he explained, “I told Kyrie I thought you looked kinda pretty, and I wouldn’t mind getting to know you. We’re in an open relationship, you know. Kyrie reckoned there was a good chance you liked me back, but I didn’t believe her.” He closed his eyes. “I shoulda known better than to doubt her. She’s amazing like that.”
You blinked as these words processed in your mind, then you smiled. Nero was still rambling away, but you had mostly tuned it out as you approached. His eyes snapped open as you stood on tiptoes (damn, he was tall), cupping his cheeks in your hands and whispering his name.
“May I?” you asked softly, searching his expression. You saw him swallow, surprisingly shy, before he nodded, and you leaned in.
Kissing Nero was a near-indescribable experience. At first, the kiss started out slow and chaste, a tender and trembling meeting of lips and feelings. However, Nero quickly found his groove, hands coming to embrace you tightly as he poured more fervor into the kiss, your combined passion surging through your bodies.
It was the kind of kiss that left you both breathless, and neither of you noticed Kyrie standing in the doorway until she spoke. “You two are adorable!” she complimented, eyes sparkling and a hopeful smile on her face as she approached. She turned to you. “Do you mind if I try?”
It took a moment for her request to process, but when it did, you couldn’t help but chuckle, disentangling yourself from her boyfriend to step over to her. Kissing Kyrie was very different from kissing Nero; where he had been full of passion and fire, everything about Kyrie was soft and sweet. It was no less breathtaking, though, and it left you feeling like the middle ground between heaven and hell itself.
Nero smirked at you when you pulled away from his girlfriend, though the slight blush that painted his cheeks offset the expression slightly. Anticipating his question, you couldn’t help but laugh. “I’d love to join you guys, if you’ll have me.”
Nero and Kyrie exchanged a quick look, before they both pulled you into a hug. “We’d love that,” Kyrie murmured beside your ear, and your heart rejoiced.
The love of a devil and an angel. How lucky were you, after all?
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ofdicnysus · 5 years
(  chae hyungwon,  cismale,  he/him,  25.  )  —  LEE  HANEUL,  better  known  to  the  authorities  as  DIONYSUS,  has  been  working  for  the  kumiho  for  around  THREE  YEARS  as  an  ADVISER.  rumor  has  it,  they  can  be  DECISIVE  &  CHARISMATIC  but  also  CAUSTIC  &  VOLATILE  which  is  why  gucci  cologne,  silk  ties,  glasses  of  wine,  and  bodies  tangled  in  sheets  makes  me  think  of  them.
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          hello  there,  it’s  your  favorite  korean  …  ness,  and  i’m  so  excited  to  interact  with  y’all  !  i  use  the  pronouns  she/her  and  i  also  live  in  the  eastern  standard  timezone.  i  really  like  chemistry  but  have  a  few  things  in  mind  for  connections  so  if  you’d  like  to  plot  something  then  don’t  hesitate  to  send  me  an  IM  or  add  me  on  discord  @  𝐫𝐮𝐧 𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫, 𝐣𝐚𝐞𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧#0666
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐎𝐍𝐄.      /      HISTORY
alright, this is going to be a little all over the place since he’s a new muse but expect this to be updated later to look a little nicer
let’s buckle up, yeehaw 🤠
he’s somewhat inspired by lelouch vi britannia from code geass
haneul was born and raised in seoul, south korea with a silver spoon in his mouth and everything he could have ever wanted at the tips of his fingers. his father is a wealthy chaebol executive, and his mother a socialite whom were arranged to be married to solidify an heir to the lee family hotel chain
he’s got a little sister, hana, who is now seventeen and haneul’s favorite person in the entire world. when she was diagnosed with blindness and paraplegia, their father saw these medical conditions as imperfections and sent her away to jindo island to be raised by a staff of people. the girl’s as gentle as a flower and watching their own father throw her aside like she was nothing made him incredibly bitter towards his family, especially when their parents refused to visit and simply acted as if she never existed
growing up, he was allowed once a year on her birthday to visit her and spend the day but those visits stopped when he reached the age of sixteen. their father believed it was time for him to start learning about the family business and visiting hana was a distraction that he felt was holding haneul back when really it was one of his biggest motivations
i haven’t thought up how exactly he was recruited and maybe i’ll leave it that way since haneul is a private man. if you asked him how he joined, he’ll probably give some kind of story that sounds like it could be true but will change it when you ask again because he’s a smartass. the important thing is that he dropped out of business school in his last year due to some health complications of his little sister and despite coming from money, his parents definitely would not pay for any kind of medical assistance, so he joined the kumiho at first to pay the expenses but has since stuck with it
haneul got the code name dionysus so y’know this man is hedonistic as the god himself
he’s v flirty but at the same time he’s picky when it comes to those he actually gets into bed with???? like don’t think anything of it if he makes a pass at you tbh
he usually has a poker faced expression and keeps his actual feelings quite hidden
lowkey views everyone as somewhat of a pawn
a manipulative little fucker who knows how to get what he wants
shameless af but classy
he cares about the crew members ( as much as someone like him can or will admit ) and tries to look out for them even when it doesn’t involve a heist. i’d think of him as that person you go to for any kind of advice ?  he’s more of a listener than anything else but when he does call shit out he won’t sugarcoat anything, he’ll be straight up and won’t hesitate to tell you when you’re being a dumbass ... unless you not knowing you're being a dumbass benefits him in some way
tough love ? nope, it’s just tough with him bc love is a romantic concept which he hasn’t quite grasped
NAME:  lee haneul
AGE:  25 years old
ZODIAC:  leo
GENDER:  cismale
PRONOUNS:  he/him/his
ORIENTATION:  pansexual/romantic
HAIR COLOR:  black
EYE COLOR:  dark brown
HEIGHT:  181 cm. ( 5′ 11″ )
WEIGHT:  63 kg. ( 138 lbs. )
PIERCINGS:  earlobes, double helix ( right )
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rxbelling-hxrald · 5 years
So I’ve been thinking
Dangerous I know but seriously for a moment, I feel like I’ve kinda hit another stand still point for the demon-dork where I’d like to do more stuff but either I don’t have time or motivational struggles.
I’m honestly more of an inspired moment RPer, So I’ll tend to have one moment of wanting to pursue something then unless I get that mood again I’ll lose the idea or want to try something else. This doesn’t help in the slightest in trying to push Dan’s little adventures further against his foes and how he develops in general.
So I thought to myself, instead of directly trying to come up with this entire score and risking dropping events (as I have done previously for reasons stated above) I might just instead come up with roughly 3 timelines of varying degrees where Dan does retain his current knowledge of worlds and muses but shifts enough so it doesn’t feel so restrictive from his own personality or issues.
More underneath if interested.
These timelines are 
1. Current, Completely the same as you already know him at the point of mixed emotions on his mission for survival, power and ending his battle. Not too much to say here as its the same old, same old :)
2. Future Light, A slightly aged up Dan adding another 2-3 years onto him where he has successfully defeated his father and is the current ‘Lord of Darkness’ sporting improved prowess and abilities. However he tries to keep this to himself, so much so most probably wouldn’t even imagine him being anything as given his carefree attitude and tendency to live freely akin to his old methods in ‘Current’. Dan still suffers from a few stresses taking the form of revolts from the demons whom survived the ensuing chaos and not wishing to submit to a ‘Dark Lord’ whom is so relaxed and acts nothing like what the title suggests but asides from that he’s a lot happier and open, finally able to relax himself without being paranoid even if his work is not completely over with the new responsibilities on him.
3. Future Dark, A slight AU variation of ‘Light’ the main difference being is in the process of his rise, Dan gave into his fears and lust for power as he followed desperate methods to acquire the strength necessary. Memories and mind are still intact but has embraced the ‘might makes right’ attitude, demanding respect and was quickly successful in forcing his remaining kin to obey with plans to subjugate all other ‘demons’ to keep them in line. While he does still hold respect for his friends and the realms he previously visited, he believes they are too weak to do what is needed considering the many injustices he witnessed, such as the common actions from villians such as Dr Eggman. Ideas of forcibly doing what he believes should be done are frequently on his mind. He may not be a tyrant or a destroyer like his father, but he’s on the edge of crossing that line completely.
I might end up making a 4th one where Dan failed to defeat his father from a preemptive move and was captured, though things don’t work out entirely how either of them wanted, leaving behind a broken mind of obedience with cracks of the previous individual and a body further transformed beyond belief, tremendous power but the lack of any direction without a forced hand moving it but I’m not entirely sure how it’ll work yet.
Now these aren’t guaranteed to take place but its what I’m leaning towards doing right now so I have more creative freedom both with Dan and with your muses.
Please do let me know what you guys and gals think, would you be at all interested in interacting with these differing phases in Dan’s timeline? Do you have questions about them? Honestly, ask away or let me know your thoughts.
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canyouhearthelight · 6 years
The Miys, Ch. 25
Hey Everyone!
Wow. Chapter 25.  I started this story as a response to a writing prompt, and it has just escalated so quickly from there.  I am super grateful for everyone who has joined the ride.  Don’t worry, this isn’t the end yet.  I hope to keep writing until they reach the new planet, so no idea how long the entire story will be.
This chapter is kicking the drama up a notch, and was beta’d by the lovely @parisconstantine, who rated it a full “Dun-dun-DUHHHHH!” on the drama scale.  Hope you all enjoy!
The next day, I ended up visiting my sister where she was holed up, still in bed.  “I’m sorry to break this to you, but you smell awful, Tych,” I told her once I sat down at the foot of her futon.
She flung her arm as she rolled over, groaning. “I’m not even surprised.  I felt like I was on fire yesterday.  I may have sweated more than I drank.”  She gestured at the small pile of empty water bottles next to her.  “Food was right out.  I was too tired from burning up to eat, and hot liquids were not happening.  My veins were on fire, I swear.”
“Did you take anything?” I asked, worried.  The only time I had seen her like this was during a really dark period, just after we started speaking again Before.
“Just acetaminophen and ibuprofen, I swear.”
“I believe you,” I reassure her.  “I was just checking in case someone gave you the wrong thing for a headache, thinking it would help.”
“Nuh uh,” she muttered.  “I know I get sick from some stuff, so I just asked for the lowest thing I could think of. No clue what set it off.  But I’m fine now, just worn out.”
“You hungry?” I asked. “I have savory grits and chorizo. Well, sorta-chorizo.”
She propped herself up, squinting. “Who the hell asked for grits and chorizo?  It was Japanese food last I knew.”
“I don’t know, but I thank them heartily,” I chuckled.  “Yesterday was vegetarian food, which was delicious but I was very glad kinda-eggs were on the menu for breakfast.  I also have a vanilla protein shake with an entire cup of black coffee added, if food is too much for you right now.”
“Gimme both,” she grumbled, making grabby-hands.  After a slurp of the coffee-protein concoction I handed her, she attacked her food with a delicacy that belied how hungry she clearly was.  I contented myself with the second coffee-protein shake I brought while she quickly ate the first solid food she had in two days.  When she finished, she washed it down with the last of her water before gulping her caffeinated protein shake again.  “Have I missed anything?” she gasped after chugging half the shake.
“Not really,” I crushed the urge to laugh. “Everyone is exhausted and grouchy, we’re on our fourth planetary satellite trying to get what we need to fix the sensors.  So far, we have less than a third of what we need, and after this satellite we will need to relocate from Eenie to Meenie.”
“Okay, but what aren’t you telling me?”
“You know about the sabotage, right?” She nodded. “Derek and Zach are working like madmen to figure out who hacked the system.”
“I thought it was just a smash job? Wreck everything?”
“Yeah, but it was apparently planned in advance.  Whoever did it made sure to take down the sensors from every public area to the storage bay from an hour and a half before until just before Huynh and Noah went to get the backups.  In five-minute intervals, no less, so the sensor data we have is useless.  Which also means that this was certainly deliberate, if we had any doubts remaining.” I rubbed my neck and twisted it.
Tyche caught the gesture and furrowed her brows. “Stress migraines?” she asked, concerned.
“Yeah,” I huffed.  “They happen. I’d be more surprised if I didn’t have one, honestly.  I’m doped up enough to keep it to a dull roar, so I’m good to soldier on.”
“You know you don’t have to do that right? Not anymore?  Everything going on is out of your jurisdiction.  You can rest.”
“I know, I know, but the Council agreed that we need to make regular updates to keep the rest of the ship as up to date as we can on the situation, try to keep everyone calm.  We’re worried it’ll be like the End riots all over again.  The biggest factor then was a lack of information, so we want to keep everyone in the loop.”
“Including the sabotage?” she asked skeptically.
“Not that,” I shook my head.  “It would defeat the purpose.  People would start being suspicious of their neighbors all over again, and we just got past that.  As soon as the investigation is over, we’ll release everything, but not until then unless we absolutely have to.”
“What’s going to happen to them?” she whispered.
“Whoever did it.”
I sighed heavily. “I honestly don’t know.  We are woefully unprepared for this.  The humans on board this ship are supposed to represent the best of us that were left.  The brave, the kind, the brilliant.  I feel like we’re supposed to be proving that we are worth this entire effort of being saved by Noah’s people, and the idea that someone would do this….it feels like a huge betrayal of us all.” I shook my head again. “Anyways, we gotta find them before we can even figure out what to do about it, so we have a little bit of time to think on it.”
“A Darwin award should be involved,” she mused. When I scowled, she just laughed ruefully. “What!? They could have killed everyone on board, including themselves, with that stunt. Between that and the fact that what’s left of us on Earth won’t make it more than a couple of generations, they could have single-handedly ended humanity, just like that,” she snapped her fingers for emphasis.
Ice ran down my spine, making me shiver.  “I have been fervently avoiding that thought, thank you.  All this shit we did in our history, including inventing planet-busting weapons before we made it to the moon, and all it would have taken is one person with who-knows-what motivation to make us all just less than a footnote in galactic history.”  I finished my shake to brace myself before standing up.  “I’m heading back to the ‘bridge’.  Grab a shower and join us when you’re ready.  Antoine has been lost as to what to do with himself.”
She waved her hand vaguely. “Okay, okay.  I get it.  Meet you there.”
Back on the area we had dubbed the ‘bridge’ – the main room of Level One – I did my standard checks with my fellow Councillors, looking for updates.  To my chagrin, they had nothing for me, so I couldn’t even send out a ship-wide update.  Resigning myself to doing nothing until something changed, I snagged a plate of snacks and a server of juice before hunting down Arantxa.
“Have you heard anything from Derek or Zach?” I asked quietly.
She shook her head. “They haven’t found anything yet, but they both promised to tell me as soon as they do.”
“Why you?” I asked, curious. “Wouldn’t they tell Xiomara, or her aide?”
“Usually, yes,” she tilted her head in agreement. “However, Xiomara’s aide is one of the drone pilots, and so is Pranav’s.  Xiomara is keeping an eye on the pilot teams, making sure they rotate when they should and keeping Maverick from interfering with them until we need to move to Meenie.  So I volunteered, since you don’t really have anything for me to do.” She shrugged.
“Yeah, that makes sense,” I admitted.  “As bored as I am right now, I can’t imagine what it’s been like for you.”
“Eh,” she made a gesture of dismissal.  “I’m still managing the food as it comes and goes, and making sure we have sleeping space and showers sorted.  The things I would normally do.  Although, I think you should take over deciding the menus,” she wrinkled her nose. “I don’t think I’m doing the best job on that, honestly.”
“You decided on the chorizo?  That was inspired, believe me,” I chucked. “Although I have to admit, the all vegetarian options, all day yesterday, was probably not the best call.  You do realize that all the meat is synthesized from raw protein, right?”
“That did not occur to me until later,” she confessed.  “Not to mention I realized I have a very limited knowledge of vegetarian dishes.”
I patted her hand consolingly.  “Tell you what, I’ll grab you when I make up the menu for tomorrow so you can pick up a few pointers, okay?”
“Thank you,” she sighed.  “I just learned to cook.  Trying to decide what nearly one hundred people would be eating each day was – what is it, biting off more than I can chew?”
“Yep, that would be it,” I confirmed. “Usually, when you have to do something like that, someone shows you the first few times until you get the idea.  So, let’s back up to that part, okay?”
“Gladly what?” my sister asked as she sat down.
Arantxa laughed and gestured to me. “My wonderful friend and boss here just agreed to take over the menu for the food brought in, and is going to show me how to do it.”
When Tyche quirked and eyebrow, I clarified.  “Apparently, Arantxa is responsible for both the chorizo this morning and the vegetarian nightmare yesterday.”
“Hey, vegetarian food isn’t that bad!” my sister tried to defend our companion.
“It is when you aren’t very familiar with cuisine,” Arantxa admitted sheepishly.
“Oh. Ohhh.  Ew.” My sister wrinkled her nose, setting off more laughter. While I was trying to pull myself together, she finished off my juice.  “Mmm.  What’s that?”
“Pinkish?” I shrugged, still giggling.  “I thought it was grapefruit, but it wasn’t.  Tasted good, though, so I didn’t mind.”
“Tomato and orange virgin sangria,” Arantxa explained.  “One of the drone pilots requested it.”
“So, gotta get that recipe,” I mused as Tyche went to refill my glass and get her own.  Once she was back, I brought Tyche up to date on Arantxa’s missed date with Conor for lack of anything else to do.  Arantxa let us know that she had been sending Conor messages back and forth, and that she finally made sure to tell Conor she hoped she could reschedule their date. We were so engrossed in the developments between two of our favorite people that I barely noticed my sister scratching at her arms.
Suddenly, Tyche sat bolt upright, her face pale, before she reached over and knocked my drink out of my hand, shattering the glass on the floor. “Don’t eat or drink anything!” she shouted, standing up.  “Something is spiked!”
“What are you talking about!?” I cried, swiping uselessly at the juice now covering my clothes.
“Vicodin,” she hissed.  “We both have bad reactions to Vicodin, Soph. My veins are on fire, and you’ve had a migraine since after the food started coming in, right?  Doesn’t get better no matter how much painkillers you use? What does that sound like to you?”
Holy shit, she was right. “Get Xiomara. Now. And Grey.  Tell them to drop whatever they are doing and come here, right now,” I demanded. She nodded before hurrying off. “Noah!” I called, looking around. “I need you right now.  Rants, I need you to clear the food and drink, except anything that is sealed.” She bolted to the tables that had been set up against one wall.
Noah and my sister arrived at the same time, Xiomara and Grey in tow. “Xiomara, do you have bad reactions to any painkillers?”
“Yes,” she responded, confused. “Paracetamol. I had it once for a broken leg, and it just gave me a migraine on top of the pain from my leg.”
“Grey, what is paracetamol?” I demanded.
“Um, a narcotic, commonly known as hydrocodone or Vicodin,” they answered, equally confused.
“Have you ever taken it before?”
“No. My family does not believe in painkillers?” they looked uncertain at the line of questioning.
“Noah,” I turned, a pleading look on my face. “Can you please check all the consumables, as well as everyone on this deck, for traces of that drug?  We have very strong reason to believe someone has contaminated everything.”
“Huh?” Xiomara and Grey squinted at me.
“Tyche has an incredibly specific reaction to Vicodin.  It’s the only reaction any of us has had that can’t be passed off as stress.  It started, just now, about twenty or thirty minutes after she ate and drank some of the food that had been brought in.  She was fine this morning, after being holed up with nothing but bottled water for twenty-four hours, then suddenly it started again. What did you eat yesterday, Tych?”
“I didn’t,” she confirmed. “I was so miserable that I just couldn’t bring myself to eat anything.”
“Zach took you something,” I insisted. “He told me so.”
“Yeah, he brought me plain scrambled eggs, but I never ate them.  After I sent him to make sure you were eating, I dumped them in the nearest disposal.”
“Tyche, you are one-hundred percent sure that your reaction isn’t just stress?” Xiomara demanded.
“All due respect, Councillor Kalloe, but stress doesn’t turn your blood into molten lava,” my sister responded snarkily.
“Fair enough,” Xiomara agreed.  “Grey, what are the side effects of taking Vicodin?”
“Dizziness, light-headedness, difficulty concentrating, headaches, nausea, vomiting, constipation, anxiety, and mood changes,” they rattled off before tilting their head. “Yes, I do agree that most if not all of those can be also attributed to stress in a situation like this.”
“The drone pilots are dizzy, all the time,” I started. “Grey Hodenson can’t concentrate.  Xiomara and I have had constant migraines, among a few others. Nearly everyone has been lightheaded, dizzy, or just spacy in general. Add to that Tyche’s allergic reaction, there’s nothing else it can be.”
Noah shuffled and dipped, their version of a nod. “I will test everyone on the deck and any remaining consumables.  I will also start testing any food or drink that is brought in before allowing anyone to consume it.”
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ofhaneuls-blog · 5 years
(  chae hyungwon,  cismale,  he/him,  25.  )  —  LEE  HANEUL,  better  known  to  the  authorities  as  DIONYSUS,  has  been  working  for  the  kumiho  for  around  THREE  YEARS  as  an  ADVISER.  rumor  has  it,  they  can  be  DECISIVE  &  CHARISMATIC  but  also  CAUSTIC  &  VOLATILE  which  is  why  gucci  cologne,  silk  ties,  glasses  of  wine,  and  bodies  tangled  in  sheets  makes  me  think  of  them.
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               hello  there,  it’s  your  favorite  korean  …  ness,  and  i’m  so  excited  to  interact  with  y’all  !  i  use  the  pronouns  she/her  and  i  also  live  in  the  eastern  standard  timezone.  i  really  like  chemistry  but  have  a  few  things  in  mind  for  connections  so  if  you’d  like  to  plot  something  then  don’t  hesitate  to  send  me  an  IM  or  add  me  on  discord  @  𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐋𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐎𝐍𝐆#5752  because  i’m  too  scared  to  approach  first.
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐎𝐍𝐄.      /      HISTORY
alright, this is going to be a little all over the place since he’s a new muse but expect this to be updated later to look a little nicer
let’s buckle up, yeehaw 🤠
he’s somewhat inspired by lelouch vi britannia from code geass
haneul was born and raised in seoul, south korea with a silver spoon in his mouth and everything he could have ever wanted at the tips of his fingers. his father is a wealthy chaebol executive, and his mother a socialite whom were arranged to be married to solidify an heir to the lee family hotel chain
he’s got a little sister, hana, who is now seventeen and haneul’s favorite person in the entire world. when she was diagnosed with blindness and paraplegia, their father saw these medical conditions as imperfections and sent her away to jindo island to be raised by a staff of people. the girl’s as gentle as a flower and watching their own father throw her aside like she was nothing made him incredibly bitter towards his family, especially when their parents refused to visit and simply acted as if she never existed
growing up, he was allowed once a year on her birthday to visit her and spend the day but those visits stopped when he reached the age of sixteen. their father believed it was time for him to start learning about the family business and visiting hana was a distraction that he felt was holding haneul back when really it was one of his biggest motivations
it was then that haneul began truly living and following in his father’s footsteps quite literally, spending most of his time outside of school sitting in on company meetings and watching his father work. ( tw: abuse ) he’d often talk back and refuse to cooperate but that’d only end in bumps and bruises at the hands of his dad. haneul soon learned that there was no point in fighting his inevitable destiny that’d been set in stone before he was born.
i haven’t thought up how exactly he was recruited and maybe i’ll leave it that way since haneul is a private man. if you asked him how he joined, he’ll probably give some kind of story that sounds like it could be true but will change it when you ask again because he’s a smartass. the important thing is that he dropped out of business school before graduating due to some health complications that suddenly popped up for his sister and despite coming from money, his parents definitely would not pay for any kind of medical assistance, so he joined the kumiho at first to pay the expenses but has since stuck with it
haneul got the code name dionysus so y’know this man is hedonistic as the god himself
he’s v flirty but at the same time he’s picky when it comes to those he actually gets into bed with???? like don’t think anything of it if he makes a pass at you tbh
he usually has a poker faced expression and keeps his actual feelings quite hidden
lowkey views everyone as somewhat of a pawn
a manipulative little fucker who knows how to get what he wants
shameless af but classy
he cares about the crew members ( as much as someone like him can or will admit ) and tries to look out for them even when it doesn’t involve a heist. i’d think of him as that person you go to for any kind of advice ?  he’s more of a listener than anything else but when he does call shit out he won’t sugarcoat anything, he’ll be straight up and won’t hesitate to tell you when you’re being a dumbass ... unless you not knowing you're being a dumbass benefits him in some way
tough love ? nope, it’s just tough with him bc love is a romantic concept which he hasn’t quite grasped
NAME:  lee haneul
AGE:  25 years old
ZODIAC:  leo
GENDER:  cismale
PRONOUNS:  he/him/his
ORIENTATION:  bisexual/romantic
HAIR COLOR:  black
EYE COLOR:  dark brown
HEIGHT:  181 cm. ( 5′ 11″ )
WEIGHT:  63 kg. ( 138 lbs. )
PIERCINGS:  earlobes, double helix ( right )
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upslapmeal · 6 years
Answer the 11 questions you’ve been asked
Nominate 11 other bloggers
Ask your nominees 11 questions
Let them know you’ve nominated them
I got tagged by @ilwinsgarden​........a while ago whoops (I may have put this in drafts to think of questions and then forgotten about it)
1. What do you look forward to in 2019?
2019 is the first year I’ve actually made concrete resolutions that aren’t just things like ~go to sleep early~ and ~read more~ that I mean to do but don’t (although I will, as ever, mean to do them) so I’m looking forward to completing these goals that I actually want to do rather than aiming to do Things To Make My Life Better that I have no actual motivation for
Also I’m hoping I’ll get a chance to properly explore the region I’m living in in the next 6 months before I leave!
2. Is there something (craft, activity, whatever) you would like to try but didn’t have a chance (or courage or money or whatever) yet?
I’ve always loved the idea of getting to direct or edit a film or something but it turns out that needs Knowledge and Experience and I have neither, and on a smaller scale, me walking around hobbycraft is just non-stop ‘OH that looks fun but also money’
3. If you won (or inherit) a huge amount of money what would you do with it?
If I’m being boring and practical: pay off parents’ mortgage, pay off student loan, put some into savings, charity
If I’m pretending I don’t need to do any of that: visit some cool places, go to hobbycraft and buy all those things I wanted to try doing, adopt cats and dogs and not have to worry about costs, not have to look for a job
4. Is there any place in the world you’d like to visit (and hadn’t been there yet)?
The first place that comes to mind is St Petersburg, but also Japan. And then there are places I’ve been to/lived in but don’t remember much/at all and would love to go back to like Prague and Muscat and Jakarta.
5. Is there something (anything) that you use to cheer you up when you’re feeling down?
Honestly? I have a recording of my cat purring that I listen to lol though now that just makes me sad too so it’s A Mess
6. Do you follow some YouTuber (for inspiration, ideas, education, tutorials, whatever)? If not - do you watch YouTube sometimes and what kind of stuff for? (music, documents, short movies, etc.)
I follow a bunch of pretty different channels but recently I’ve been sucked down the Numberphile hole and have spent hours watching videos and missing maths bc I’m v cool
7. If you were a flower or animal (pick what’s closer to your heart :). Or answer with both :) ) what would it be?
Flower: sweet pea Animal: cat BAM
8. Do you like to take picture of yourself when you go to some trip?
I can’t bear the idea of taking selfies in public unless I’m on holiday with a group of people and it’s someone else taking the photo, so usually the photos I take are of the place/the people I’m with and I just hope they get some of me lol
RIP me when I went alone to the DW Experience, at one point I went up to a stranger and asked them to take a photo of me bc I could deal with that more than taking another selfie
9. Do you like to prepare things and pack the suitcase when you travel somewhere?
Listen if I’m travelling anywhere then there is a 90% chance that I’m not packed before 3am the day I leave, I am always unprepared and the 10% is when I’m around family/friends that are stressed by my unpreparedness 
10. When was the last time you laugh very hard?
I’ve laughed at tv shows etc but the last time I properly couldn’t stop laughing was probably with my brother when I was home for Christmas
11. Do you enjoy playing board games? If so, what’s your favourite one?
I like board games but my favourite games are usually card games (if not always deck-of-cards games) - I got my family really into Cabo over the holidays. I also remember really enjoying Chicken’s Foot which used dominos, should have a go playing that again
Ok right here are my questions:
What was the best bit of 2018 for you?
What’s a song or a sound that takes you back to being young and without a care in the world?
Is there a food that you love the smell of but not the taste?
What’s your favourite photo you took in 2018?
What’s your handwriting like?
What’s something you want to do this year?
What’s a job that you’re absolutely not qualified for but you think you’d be good at?
What was your favourite song of 2018 (or just a song you discovered recently that you really like)?
What’s a stereotype that you fit into?
What’s a language you don’t speak at all but would like to learn/magically know?
What are your feelings on banana sandwiches?
I feel as though a lot of you have probably done this before but they’re different questions so @brilliantfantasticgeronimo @stardust-musings @asongoffandoms @the-desolated-quill @musicalhog @atomicbaz
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paleciity · 3 years
11 Mun Questions.
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𝟎𝟏. 𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐒 / 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄 : Crown
𝟎𝟐. 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐘 : 3 / 3
𝟎𝟑. 𝐙𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐂 𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐍 : pisces
𝟎𝟒. 𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 : 5′5
𝟎𝟓. 𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐁𝐈𝐄𝐒 :  writing, drawing, d&d, and guitar technically!
𝟎𝟔. 𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐑 :  most darks but blues, greens, and reds especially
𝟎𝟕. 𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 :   oh gosh uhhh the Legend of Ga’hoole series holds a very special place in my heart because childhood but shoutout to Zeus Grants Stupid Wishes for being genuinely funny as hell
𝟎𝟖. 𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐎𝐃 :   good soup! a go-to meal of mine is some chicken broth with miso, bok choy, chopped veg, and udon noodles :]
𝟎𝟗. 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐌 / 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖 : The Legend Of Vox Machina !
𝟏𝟎. 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 : EXCELLENT QUESTION. I have no idea. Listen man the kid just showed up in my mind one day and refused to leave until I made him a blog, and now we’re here! Unless we’re counting some of my fellow mutuals though, in which case god are some of yall are incredible writers holy shit. 100% when it come to writing style? you people are my inspiration, without a doubt. So much of my motivation just comes from wanting to self improve for the sake feeling on the same level as you guys dkjfhgdfkj (seriously though there’s a few people I follow here I could gush about for a whole other paragraph I SWEAR-) In terms of headcanons and whatnot though, I honestly just pick up little ideas from all sorts of places! It’s pretty random when a thought will pop into my head, though a bulk of heavy character building is just done by me analyzing tiny game details and letting that snowball into something much larger (ex. there a photo of a child who looks like mono in the hospital level? Alright! Let’s make a chunk of his backstory surround him visiting the hospital frequently in the past due to his father-)
𝟏𝟏. 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘 𝐁𝐄𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐔𝐑𝐋 : Couldn’t think of a good name that was centered around Mono, so I decided to branch out to the game location! (which came in handy when I threw RK on here as a bonus muse)
tagged by: was held at gunpoint to steal it tagging: uhhhhh if you’re wearing blue or grey, do it <3
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naraht · 6 years
Hey, when you have nothing better to do with your life, would you consider making a post about your writing/ficcing process? I love your stories and would be really interested to learn more about the ... sausage-making = ). Thanks
I write to please myself. Of course if I can write something that I know will please someone else, then I’m thrilled to gift it to them. But I know that my taste is idiosyncratic enough that I’m never going to be able to write to please the crowd (my ability to subvert tropes when I try to write tropefic is unerring, whether I’m trying to or not). The longer I’m in a fandom, the more niche the characters/pairings I write about - this seems to be universally true.
Luckily, or perhaps embarrassingly, I am my own biggest fan. My core motivation for writing is to get my stories down on paper so that I can re-read them later. Even before they’re finished. Often my writing gets slowed down by the fact that I spent so much time re-reading and tweaking the parts that I’ve already written. Or I write really slowly because I’m so much enjoying being immersed in the scene that I’m envisioning.
So what this means is that I go over my writing a lot. Prose style is really important to me. I want to get the balance of each sentence just right, and the texture of each paragraph. I won’t post something until the prose has the right ring to it and I spend a lot of time adjusting details here and there while I’m re-reading. I don’t even think of this as editing. It’s all writing and re-writing.
I don’t tend to outline unless the story is so long that I’m coming up with ideas for scenes faster than I can remember them. However I do start almost all my fics with a fairly clear concept and have an ending in mind. Most of these concepts involve some sort of character arc or evolution. I am not a plot-driven writer. If a story of mine has a strong plot arc, it’s almost always ripped from history or real life.
I am inspired by reality if that makes any sense at all. It’s very important to me that my stories have the texture of real life, the sort of little throwaway details that give them grounding, stop them from feeling surfacy. I often get an idea by taking something that canon has suggested and not developed, and then trying to find out more about it. For example: what would it be like to be a sporting hero under the Soviet Union and then find yourself coaching decades later in a completely different landscape? Having trained as a historian, I am a compulsive researcher and I will read, read, read until I feel like I know what I’m talking about. I hate putting something in a fic without knowing whether it’s true – and if I know that I’m taking liberties with the truth then I have to have a very good reason indeed.
Places also inspire me. Being able to envision the setting of a story really lights my imagination. I strongly doubt that I ever would have finished ‘nothing gold can stay’ if I hadn’t been lucky enough to visit St Petersburg and Moscow last summer.
By and large I write from start to finish, though I leave gaps when I lack inspiration for a particular scene or transition. (Sometimes I later conclude that if I was too uninterested to write it, it shouldn’t be in there.) I rarely shuffle scenes out of their original order except in long stories; I sometimes shuffle dialogue around in a scene in order to get the emotional arc of the scene to snap into place. I always feel like the reader is going to see the seams afterwards, like Frankenstein’s Monster, but after a few days I can’t spot them myself.
I wish I were better at writing more explicit scenes. It’s completely a failure of boldness rather than imagination: it always seems a bit embarassing to me on the page, even if I don’t feel that way when I’m reading other people’s fic. I feel I’m still too reserved as a writer: everything has immense emotional vividness in my head but I still sometimes pull my punches or write more subtly than I think I’m writing.
That’s probably enough musing for one post. But thank you again for asking, I am really flattered that anyone is interested! I mostly tend to post about my writing on Dreamwidth, so if you’re in the mood for more navel-gazing you can find it at: https://naraht.dreamwidth.org/tag/writing
And obviously feel free to ask here if you want to know anything else specific. I’ll never complain about being asked to talk about my writing. :)
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killthebxy-archive · 7 years
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          PLEASE NOTE, before anything else, that this verse is based on my knowledge of the movies + my independent research only. i never read the books and possibly won’t any time soon, therefore, if you would like to discuss anything with me before (or during, or after) we start writing, so that we’re more on a same level, please feel free to --- i am always more than glad to learn more and improve my own ideas. this verse is also heavily influenced by headcanons and by my talks with @wildmoored & @ofherage (bless you both precious souls), and contains some lines of inspiration derived from the Life Is Strange video game. i purposefully leave the default timeline of this verse as vague, so it can easily fit any setting: golden trio era, Marauders era, Tom Riddle era, etc.
          with that said, in this verse, the Starks are an ancient pure-blood family in the wizarding world, well known for the same characteristics they have in the ASOIAF canon: brave and noble hearts, quick temper, honorable and ever ready both to help & for a good fight. despite their nature, though, they aren’t anywhere close to wealthy, and are known to struggle with money every now and then, especially now that their family includes six children. Jon himself was adopted, around the same time Robb was born to Ned and Cat, when they found a newborn baby abandoned nearby their home. they decided to adopt and raise him as their own, and, while Jon is aware of this, he has a very close and positive relationship with his parents and his siblings, no matter the lack of real blood ties. to some surprise, this adopted child eventually proved to be a wizard as well, but Ned and Cat treated it naturally and prepared Jon to attend education at Hogwarts, much as they did with Robb. the two of them joined during the same year, for being practically of the same age save for a few months.
          Jon was sorted into Gryffindor, as tends to happen for most Starks, based on traits such as courage, chivalry, and bravery of heart. he retains most character traits from the ASOIAF canon, still an introvert and relatively shy and very observant, though to a much lesser tragic scale --- aka not having to deal with half his family being murdered, being murdered himself, the end of the world, etc etc. for the most part, he’s as common as any other boy his age, and, while not the top student, still a fairly good one and one always motivated to learn more and improve. and, while he’s far from being a social butterfly and much rather prefers to do his own thing, he still has a few good close friends. on the other hand, and despite having a loving family and having had a very positive upbringing, Jon has quite low self-confidence and self-esteem, and falls easily to both bullying and manipulation --- for motives to be better explored in the next paragraphs.
          having grown up with magic, and with Robb as his rival and best friend, Jon has a natural liking for spell casting. he may not be the most powerful caster, but his spells are usually very precise and he can perform them with relative ease --- as well, just like canon!Jon with Longclaw in hand, he is rather graceful in the casting of his spells. because he’s also naturally curious, with an interest in learning and improving his own performance, it’s not rare to find him (even on his own) trying to master more difficult spells. he’s also decent at brewing potions, though it’s not too big of a deal for him --- more like something he doesn’t mind doing for class, sometimes for fun, but definitely nothing like a goal he’d truly invest in.
          where Jon’s talent truly shines, however, is in the art of Divination, for motives that dwell much farther into his story --- because, in this verse, Jon has a very close connection with the deathly hallows --- namely, with the Second Brother in The Tale Of The Three Brothers. please note that what i am going to state next is my personal headcanon, and slight deviation from the real tale as we know it.
          Meanwhile, the second brother journeyed to his own home, where he lived alone. Here he took out the stone that had the power to recall the dead, and turned it thrice in his hand. To his amazement and his delight, the figure of the girl he had once hoped to marry before her untimely death appeared at once before him. Yet she was silent and cold, separated from him as though by a veil. Though she had returned to the mortal world, she did not truly belong there and suffered. Finally, the second brother, driven mad with hopeless longing, killed himself so as truly to join her. And so Death took the second brother for his own.
          before this happened, however, before the Second Brother killed himself, some events took place. being driven mad with grief for his lost lover, as mentioned, he made a final attempt to reunite with her, even if in a different life, and, for this purpose, mastered the art of separating his soul into parts to be guarded within objects and entities --- creating a few horcruxes as one last, desperate hope to be able to continue existing and, this way, be able to reunite with the woman he loved yet again. throughout the sands of time, these horcruxes were either lost or destroyed; all except one --- a newborn baby abandoned in an alleyway. the same baby Ned and Catelyn Stark adopted as their own, making Jon the final recipient containing the soul of the Second Brother.
          Jon is unaware of this, as are all who live/contact with him (note: this is adaptable to thread), though some quirks in him easily raise suspicion that something is not completely regular about him. from a very young age, he would be plagued with dreams about times past that he could not entirely recognize, but that felt familiar in an unexplained way, and, occasionally, would have actual visions of events yet to happen. despite being an overall healthy child (and then teen and young adult), due to this connection to the Second Brother, he suffers from almost constant headaches and, whenever one of these episodes is more intense (particularly, the visions of the future), he will break down in a fever that lasts for a few good hours and has no bodily explanation, otherwise. these visions are cryptic and symbolic almost always, similar to Melisandre’s visions in the flames, and it takes Jon quite some effort to be able to precisely predict an event.
          another clear manifestation of the Second Brother’s essence in Jon is his deep longing for a girl he doesn’t know about and never met or saw before in his life --- the constant feeling that he is incomplete and aching to reunite with his other half, without the awareness of why this happens or where it comes from. the only clue he has about this mystery girl is the image of a long mane of fire-kissed hair. note: as default for this verse, this girl, who’s also the Second Brother’s lover, is represented by Ygritte --- however, i am open to discuss this and adapt it to different thread ideas. Jon tends to be rather secretive about this story, mainly because he can hardly understand it himself, but it is an overarching theme in his daily life. for example, he’s got a liking for drawing and painting, and the bulk of his spontaneous creations are related to this girl.
          yet another manifestation has to do with the manipulation of time-space. again, this is something that i am headcanoning out of my own musings, because (as far as i know) we do not have information about any sort of spells or anything else able to alter the time-space dimension, save for the time turner device. because the Second Brother was able to project his obsessive will throughout the centuries, however, creating a horcrux in the form of a baby in modern days, Jon retains a little bit of this gift. he cannot do it at will at all and it is a very consuming process, but, whenever his emotions are in strong disarray (e.g., very angry, very sad, very anxious), at times it provokes minor mishaps in the time-space --- such as rewinding a few minutes in time without meaning to, or accidentally warping objects or even to make them disappear.
          on the other hand, Jon’s biggest flaw as a wizard comes from a rather mundane fact: that he has severe phobia of heights. logically, this greatly hinders his skill to ride a broom, which is something he avoids as much as possible. during his first year at Hogwarts, he actually scored a very brilliant last place in Madam Hooch’s flying class and was only able to push through it by means of exceptional willpower and determination --- but make no mistake, he’s the worst broom rider ever and will cling to you for dear life & squish your ribs flat if you make him fly anything else at all with you --- this, if he actually doesn’t slip off it altogether and smacks himself down on the ground below.
          as far as his faithful companion goes, and no surprises here, in Jon’s case it is Ghost. wolves (a regular wolf, not a direwolf, in this verse) are usually not a welcome presence on the school grounds, but, thanks to the good relationships between the Starks and Rubeus Hagrid, and once the animals proved to be well trained and no threat to the students, they were allowed to live in the Forbidden Forest and to visit the castle’s outside areas, though not the castle itself.
a sum-up of general details:
default verse age: varies between 11 and 18, depending on the school year;
in post-school year threads, Jon is a professor at Hogwarts and responsible for the Divination class;
bisexual and biromantic (note: because of his longing for the mysterious girl, building up a romantic relationship with him will take time and effort, though i am not opposed to it if chemistry is present. for this same motive, unless otherwise plotted beforehand, the default, no matter Jon’s age, is that he never had a relationship before, at both sexual and romantic levels);
social drinker, more for the fun of it than anything else, and doesn’t smoke;
no tattoos and no piercings, because he personally doesn’t see the appeal in it;
is quite short-sighted and wears glasses;
sucks at winking because he cannot blink only one eye at a time.
wizarding world details:
Jon’s wand is fir wood with a unicorn hair core, twelve inches, and rigid flexibility. 
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          Gerbold Octavius Ollivander always called wands made of fir ‘the survivor’s wand’, for having sold it to three wizards who subsequently passed through mortal peril unscathed. this wood, coming as it does from the most resilient of trees, produces wands that demand staying power and strength of purpose in their true owners, and they are poor tools in the hands of the changeable and indecisive. fir wands favor owners of focused, strong-minded and, occasionally, intimidating demeanor. unicorn hair generally produces the most consistent magic, and is least subject to fluctuations and blockages. wands with unicorn cores are generally the most difficult to turn to the Dark Arts. they are the most faithful of all wands, and usually remain strongly attached to their first owner. minor disadvantages of unicorn hair are that they do not make the most powerful wands (although the wand wood may compensate) and that they are prone to melancholy if seriously mishandled, meaning that the hair may 'die' and need replacing.
          if, in any situation, Jon was to face a Boggart, it would shift into the shape of a broom --- more concretely, one actually poking at him and trying to get him to ride it. this is the symbol of his deep fear of flying and, ultimately, his deep fear of heights. to counter it, his Riddikulus spell would change the broom into a cute dancing one, worthy of any Disney movie.
          Jon’s class record goes as follows, with little fluctuation during the different years (Arithmancy was a third option allowed exceptionally to him when picking the classes to add to the core ones, based on his great talent and liking for the subject):
Arithmancy:  (O)utstanding
Astronomy: (E)xceeds Expectations
Care of Magical Creatures: (E)xceeds Expectations
Charms: (E)xceeds Expectations
Defense Against the Dark Arts: (E)xceeds Expectations
Divination: (O)utstanding
Flying: (D)readful
Herbology: (A)cceptable
History of Magic: (A)cceptable
Potions: (A)cceptable
Transfiguration: (E)xceeds Expectations
          finally, Jon’s Patronus charm takes the form of a Thestral --- more information HERE. Jon is also able to see real Thestrals, for having witnessed death before --- not in his current life, but in his past one. this fact brings confusion both to him and to those he tells about it, exactly because, in his current life, he’s never witnessed a death. it is yet another remnant of his existence as the Second Brother, and the tragic loss of his lover.
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tarnishedxknight · 3 years
This is a side blog, so follows will be from @fallxnprxnce​. Mun, blog, and rules information can be accessed from this promo post.
I have a weekly schedule (see below) to divide activity for all my currently active RP blogs (see below). Outside of a few exceptions if I get inspiration for something, I will only be posting for blogs on their scheduled days. You can send me asks, memes, and reply to threads on off days, but I may wait to respond until that blog is scheduled. Note: I'm a night owl, so most of my writing is done between 9PM and 5AM (EST).
{{ FAIR WARNING: This blog is heavily canon-divergent and headcanon-based!! Many of these headcanons are of a dark, violent, adult, medical, or psychological nature in order to flesh out the canon plot of the game and to provide more detailed, harshly realistic backgrounds, character development, and overall stories for the muses. Be advised that many of them cover triggering topics. If that’s not your cup of tea, or if you prefer a more faithful-to-canon FFXII portrayal and experience, this blog is probably not for you. I do my best to tag all major triggers on my thread replies and heacanon posts. }}
INFORMATION ABOUT THE MAIN MUSE: Basch will be canon unless otherwise stated, however there are a number of details about his background or details that I add in headcanons (particularly in the Dark!Ivalice AU that I am currently writing up, see below) that may be different or not part of his original canon material. Basch’s main “About” post is here, and his rp verses are here.
ADDITIONAL CANON MUSES: I do write other muses on this blog as well (Ashelia, Noah/Gabranth, and Drace), however, as I am somewhat less confident in my interpretation of them, they are considered private muses (mutuals only, but possibly by request if we discuss it beforehand). I started with Basch and added others along the way, so how I distinguish between “side” and “alternate” muses was just my own system at the time that I am now too lazy to change the tags for, haha. Basch is my main muse, Ashe and Noah are written almost with as much frequency as he is, and Drace is written a bit less often.
Side Muse: Ashelia B’Nargin Dalmasca - Her “About” post is here, and my rp verses for her are here.
Alternate Muse: Noah fon Ronsenburg, a.k.a. Judge Magister Gabranth - His “About” post is here, and my rp verses for him are here.
Alternate Muse: Judge Magister Drace - She is just getting started, so bear with me while I develop her. Her “About” post is here, and my rp verses for her are here.
OC MUSES: I have three OC muses on this blog, but they are all very new and still being developed.
OC Muse: Munoh - An Independent “Heretic” Occuria. Their about post is here.
OC Muse: Caelen B’Nargin Dalmasca - The sixth son of King Raminas and Ashe’s brother. His “About” post is here, and my rp verses for him are here.
OC Muse: Soryn Vedrai - A Knight of Dalamasca who becomes an Archadian Judge Magister. His “About” post is here, and my rp verses for him are here.
Muse Directory: If you would like to read more detailed information about all of the muses on this blog, including meta topics, headcanons, AUs, and in-depth ask answers, please visit this directory post. =)
Dark!Ivalice AU: I’ve been writing up this AU for a while and it just keeps growing, heh, but basically, this is the “adult” version of the FFXII storyline and backgrounds for certain characters, specifically the ones I write here. This AU includes a more realistic, often harsher, and more traumatic take on the backgrounds, lives, and relationships of a number of FFXII characters. The most notable headcanons for this AU are various traumatic experiences had by Basch, Ashe, and Noah, a considerable amount of detail on their backgrounds and early childhood, a development of Noah and Drace’s relationship, a much darker take on Vossler’s actions/motivations with regard to Ashe, and the fact that Noah is actually Larsa’s biological father. Once I finish fully writing up this AU, I will post it and link to it here. I have explained some aspects of it in the muses’ “About” pages. I prefer to always write in this AU, as it is my personal canon, however, I realize it is not for everybody. With new partners, I will always ask first what your preferences are so I know whether to include details of this AU or not, but feel free to ask me about it if you have any questions!
(Note: “Free” nights are when I’m busiest. I may not be on at all, or I may use those days as spillover for the blogs scheduled immediately before or after them, if time permits.)
MONDAY: @thenexusofsouls (multimuse blog - current muse list)
WEDNESDAY: @freewillacquired (Matt Addison / Nemesis, Resident Evil) @youmissedone (Carlos Oliveira, Resident Evil) @checkxmaster (Chad Kaplan, Resident Evil)
THURSDAY: @tarnishedxknight (Basch / Ashelia / Gabranth / Drace / +OCs, Final Fantasy XII)
SATURDAY: (These muse groups are written every other week!)
(1st Group) @armed-and-alxne, (Luther Donovan, Red Widow) @nightacquainted (Vincent, 80s TV series Beauty and the Beast) @medjaichieftain (Ardeth Bay, The Mummy / The Mummy Returns)
(2nd Group) @thiscrimsonsoul (Wanda Maximoff, MCU) @fasterthanmydemons (Pietro Maximoff, MCU) @notbigondoors (Red Vision, MCU) @introspectral (White Vision, MCU)
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