#(the --old-- order isnt childhood friends in that
mystic-helena · 1 year
hello! can i request a kuroo x reader where kuroo and the reader are childhood friends but he doesn’t know how to tell her he loves i love your blog by the ways its really cute ok have a great day bb hope you’re doing well ♡︎
Childhood crush ft Kuroo!
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Kuroo had always been there for you and you’ve been always there for him.
Since the beginning of times—okay, maybe not the beginning of times, but the beginning of your life—Kuroo has been there, it could be laughting at you when you fall after helping you get up or simply existing beside you on a sleepover at a half past eleven when you both should be sleeping—because for twelve-year-old kids that is pretty late according to his parents—but are instead looking at the bedroom ceiling and forming constellations with the glow-in-the-dark stars he has over his bed.
Right now, as strange as it may be for you, Kuroo isn’t glued to your side...
...because he’s talking to his reflection in your bathroom.
For the past twenty minutes.
His hands are on both sides of the sink, upper body leaning towards the reflective surface, brown eyes digging holes into it, as if starting too hard would magically put his ideas in order.
“Tetsuro, we both know how the childhood best friend never gets the love interest—he said while pointing at the mirror, eyes fixed in his own face—, but, we also have advantage because our fate isn’t written as if we were mere characters in a book. Wait, maybe that’s even worse”
“Tetsu, you’ve been there for forever, come out already” you practically yell, cheek pressed against the coffee table in your living room “you know I promised I won’t laugh-”
Oh, right. He almost forgot about it. The reason why he was at the bathroom.
“-if you finally admitted you are shit putting make up on and finally let me help you.”
Many ‘make up stuff’ as he named it, was untouched in front of him. All of it belongs to your cousin, who also implanted the idea of downloading tiktok in your head. Which is also the reason why he was supposed to make himself look like one of those people who had glitter almost all over their faces, imitating the Euphoria series look, thing he agreed to do just because you asked him with the only reason of him being ‘pretty’ and having perfect skin. And yes, his heart skipped a beat when you called him pretty.
“I’m done y/n, just give me five more minutes” he says as he rapidly tries to find the ‘black thingy’ they used on videos to ‘paint lines on their eyes and look like a cat’. He thinks he should have paid more attention when you were telling him which thing does what. But five seconds prior that you called him pretty. Not handsome but pretty, how is he supposed to feel about that? He has mussels, has a deep voice, is tall and is very intelligent. Why would you call him pretty? I mean, being called pretty is better than not being called pretty. And now he’s back to staring into his reflection.
With much difficulty he steps out of his spiraling thoughts and finds the eyeliner—that’s what it’s called, he celebrates—and tries to paint a straight line on top of his eye. It’s comes out pretty decent, he’s glad his hands are steady. He goes for the other eye. This one is a little bit wonky but probably you won’t notice, he thinks as he puts down the eyeliner and looks for the glitter. He’s gonna regret this later, glitter gets everywhere when he opens the little container. He coughs and closes the glitter container.
“Are you ok over there? You sure you don’t need help?” you sound concerned and he cringes when he looks at the mirror and sees the glitter got into his mouth. How did he do that? Shit, that will be a pain to take off. Well, another problem for future him, he shruggs and thinks a way to stick the glitter to his face and make it look good. The lipgloss is looking at him and he’s looking back.
Kuroo opens wide the door—he was in there for more than 5 minutes—and looks at you. You were about to fall asleep on the couch but bolt right up at the sound of the bathroom door slamming against te wall.
“Took you long enough” you wipe your eyes and stare at his face for a couple of seconds. He stares back and hopes he’s not turning red, why are you staring at him? Did he fuck up that badly? Are you amazed by his make up techniques? Maybe he should say something. “Take a photo, it will last longer” he winks at you and smiles when he sees your eyes widen for a second.
What were you thinking in that moment? You looked shy for a moment before smiling wide and getting up. You walk towards him and grab him by the wrist and drag him to the couch. Kuroo sat and watched as you did the same next to him, and he knows he should be thinking about what to do on the tiktok you were about to do but instead he was getting distracted by how close you are. Maybe one day he would tell you how he feels but for now being your best friend was more than enough.
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pastanest · 2 years
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to the very lovely friends who have relentlessly sifted through tumblr archives to recover them, thank you all so much!! ♡
WARNING: spoilers for end of Deathly Hallows Part II, and also some HEAVY angst in this one
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Glass Heart
George’s tired eyes turn to the window, finally seeing the sunlight he had restlessly been waiting for. Sitting up and bed and swinging his legs over the side, George sighs, hanging his head and closing his eyes. He wishes more than anything that he could allow himself to sleep, but he knows what will greet him if he does, and he cant face it, not yet.
Strolling down the hallway, George’s footsteps echo down the eerily quiet flat, setting his teeth on edge. He catches sight of the envelope that he left on the table yesterday. He recognises the handwriting on the front as that of his mother’s, and he knows that it’s a Howler of some kind. Judging by the fact it hasnt exploded, it isnt an angry one, which disappoints George a little. All night he was waiting for that explosion of his mother’s voice, the anger that he would love to hear in response to the pranks that filled his childhood. He’d choose to hear that over his mother’s sadness any day, and due to this Howler not revealing itself as Howler’s typically do, George worries that his mother’s sadness is exactly what is concealed in the envelope.
Unfortunately for George, his selfless love for his family gets the better of him, overtaking his own grief and anguish in order to hear his mother’s words and try to help in whatever way he can. Popping open the seal, George drops the envelope back on the table and leans against the wall, knowing there’s no way he can prepare himself for whatever he’s about to hear.
“Hello George, dear.”
The gaping hole in his heart aches at the softness in his mother’s voice, tears already stinging his eyes.
“I worry about you, up in that flat. Will you come home soon? We miss you terribly, your father and I…it isnt easy, for any of us, but with you not here, it almost feels like-“
His mother is too broken to utter the words that George knows she wants to say. With him not there, it feels like she’s lost both him and Fred.
“(Y/N) misses you terribly, too, you know.”
She changes the subject, the mention of you lifting her spirits even now. You were still back at the Burrow, where you had spent most of your life thus far. That first year at the train station, your muggle parents happened to ask the Weasley’s for help crossing onto the platform that they’d previously denied the mere existence of. Your parents both worked overseas, so even if you hadnt ended up as a witch, you would have been sent to a boarding school of some kind. When the Weasley twins returned home from their first year at Hogwarts to tell their parents all about what a wonderful friend you were to them, and explained that you wouldnt really have a home to go to, they were more than happy to have you stay with them, and you did. On occasion, your parents were home long enough to spend a few days with you, but for the most part, you were the Weasley’s plus one, and you couldnt have been happier.
“Ever since you moved out, she’s been quieter. She wears that old jumper of yours everyday, I have to sneak into her room just to clean it when she’s not home!”
George’s mother laughs, and the sound brings a smile to his face, despite the tears rolling down his cheeks. He didnt know you were still wearing that jumper he gave you after your fourth year. Well, technically he didnt give it to you; Molly accidentally placed it in your laundry pile and when you tried it on, George told you to keep it because it looked better on you anyway.
He last saw you on the worst day of his life, but before that, it had been months since he’d laid eyes on you. Having already moved out of his family home by the time the whole world started to change, he only heard about what had happened to you through what his family told him. Apparently, you’d gone into hiding with your muggle parents, because they were always travelling from place to place and with their absence in your life, nobody working for the dark lord would ever think to look for them. Still, you sent coded letters to the Weasley family by owl whenever you could, wishing them all safety and telling them not to worry about you.
Seeing you that day, running straight for him and stupifying anyone who got in your way, George remembers the feeling of his heart getting caught in his throat. Wrapping his arms around your waist and lifting you off the ground, clinging to each other like it was the last chance you’d ever get to do so, because you didnt know if it would be. Neither of you spoke a word, there wasnt time, in seconds you were placed on the ground and standing back to back, fighting evil from two fronts. He remembers his heart pounding in his chest in the aftermath of holding you close, feeling like he could win the battle singlehandedly because he knew you were safe. That heart is long gone now.
“She’s quieter now…we all are. Your father and I arent sleeping well, and so many nights I’ve walked by her door, hearing her crying, and when I go to check on her, she’s sleeping.”
Fresh, invisible wounds tear through George as he relives all the times he’s heard you cry. In your first year, when you found out your parents wouldnt be able to afford taking time off for Christmas, and Fred and George had to beg their mother to let them stay at Hogwarts with you while they went away to Romania. In your second year, when you were scared that your muggle blood would get you killed in the Chamber of Secrets, and George kept you safe. In your fourth year, when you came up with a cover story to get Fred and George out of trouble and Umbridge forced you to write with a quill that carved the words “I must not lie and think it is brave”, and George very nearly stormed into Umbridge’s office to destroy her, but you clinging to him as you cried held him back. In your seventh year, when Fred and George left Hogwarts to open their shop, and moved out of their family home to live in the flat above it; you cried your eyes out and told George that you loved him, but there wasnt time to explain what that meant. And finally, on the worst day of his life, when you screamed and sobbed beside what was left of Fred.
“She dreams about what we’re afraid to dream about, dear, and she needs you, just as much as you need her.”
If his mother had said such a thing at any other time, George would have disagreed. Before, there was never time to explore whatever it was between you and him. The twins were always off planning new pranks and inventions, and while sometimes you were their accomplice, there was never a moment long enough for you and George to just talk. Every time the twins were around, it was like you were living life at a higher speed, everything happened so fast and it only slowed down when they were gone. They were a force to be reckoned with, and you adored them for that. It was only when George told you about their plans to leave Hogwarts that things really set in for you. Like the Hogwarts train had hit you at full speed, you realised that you had wasted every moment with him, and although those moments had been fun, they could have been so much more, and then he was gone, just like that.
Before, George would have agreed that he was always too busy, too excited about whatever was coming next for him and Fred. His world had slowed down to a speed he didnt like, ever since his other half had gone, just like that.
“I think it would be good for both of you if (Y/N) came to live with you, she’d liven up the flat a bit. Maybe she could even help out with the shop someday! You need her, George.”
He can tell by her voice that Molly Weasley has never been more sure of anything in her life, and George isnt in any position to challenge her on that. Soon enough, he finds himself showered, dressed, and lifting his wand. By no means does he think he’s ready to accept help from anyone, but he will do anything to get out of that flat, and regardless of what his mother really means, he knows that she’s right. He needs you.
Apparating outside the Burrow, George feels miserable. His family home is still in the process of being rebuilt after the war, and seeing it barely standing is almost enough to make him want to turn back, until he hears laughter. From the other side of the front door, George can hear his mother and father actually laughing. It has been months since he’s visited home, and that sound was a forgotten memory even then. Gently pushing the door open so as to cause as little disruption as possible, George steps into his family home. He’s immediately greeted by the sight of you teaching his mother a silly dance in the kitchen, while his father watches, and all of you laugh together. You’re wearing an apron over the jumper George gave you, and splatters of countless ingredients cover it, as well as stain your face in places, but George swears you have never looked more beautiful. The sound of the door closing brings three pairs of eyes to him, and the laughter stops quite suddenly.
Before he even has time to register what’s happening, George is in the arms of his mother, who still manages to hold him even when he’s so much taller than her. His father hugs him next, as tearful as his mother as they embrace the son they were beginning to worry they would lose to grief. Neither of them say anything, they’re too shocked to speak, and they move to stand either side of George so that he can see you.
With Ron living with Hermione, and Ginny living with Harry, it would make sense for you to go and find a place of your own, fly the nest like the rest of them. But you stayed, to care for the people that had cared for you when you needed them, to help them feel a little less lonely.
And there you stand, your hands covering your mouth as tears blur the perfect image of George Weasley standing before you. The first genuine smile he has felt in months wobbles on his face as he stares at you, and unlike the last time you saw him, you dont run at him. You take one careful, unsteady step, and then he strides over to you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his chest.
“Missed you, Georgie.” Your shaky voice reaches his ears, and he feels the shattered fragments of his heart tremble, the fight to bring themselves back together reigniting.
“Missed you too, sweetheart.” George sniffles, and you feel your own fractured heart clench at his words.
Sweetheart, that was something he first called you in your second year, when you were crying in fear of being killed for being muggle born. George had pulled you into his arms and told you “I wont let anything happen to you, sweetheart, promise”, and ever since, he has been your safe place. Every single time he was there when you needed him after that, that is what he would call you.
“What are you doing here?” You question, pulling away from him to wipe your eyes.
Obviously, you’re ecstatic to see him, but if he’s just dropping by to pick something up and leave again, you dont want to get your hopes up.
“I was wondering if you’d like to…move in, with me. Maybe help with the shop, if you’re up to it. Supposed to be a two-person place, after all.” George had planned to chuckle as he said that, but the weight of his own words cause a lump to form in his throat instead, and he can no longer hold your gaze.
He doesnt see the way you cast a worried glance to Molly and Arthur, who both shake their heads and smile at you encouragingly, assuring you they’ll be fine if you choose to go. And he doesnt see the way you look up at him, staring into the anguish that sits deep behind his sad, sad eyes, that are too scared to meet yours.
“It would be my honour, Georgie.” You tell him, causing his head to snap back down to read your face, checking for any sign of doubt, and when he cant find any, he smiles, and you smile right back.
“But first, have you had breakfast? I was just making some.” You gesture to your dirty apron, which has consequently smeared George’s clothes with some stains as a result of the hug you shared.
“I havent eaten, no.” He admits sheepishly, knowing before he’s even finished his sentence that you’re going to give him a disapproving look, and you dont disappoint.
“Well, that’s one thing we’re gonna have to sort out when I go back with you: regular meal times! Routines are important-“ You begin, but George cuts you off by rolling his eyes playfully.
“-because they help make everything feel more manageable, I know.” He finishes your sentence, having heard that phrase from you a thousand times. Glancing at his parents, George knows for a fact that if it hadnt been for you, the two of them would have fallen into the same irregular schedule, ruled over by grief. You saved his parents from that, and in turn, their company saved you. Well, as much as their company could. You were always a little lonely whenever George wasnt around.
Molly and Arthur choose to go and sit outside while George follows you into the kitchen. He leans against the counter, watching as you busy yourself with cooking spells.
“I’ve heard that you’ve formed quite the attachment to that jumper.” He cant help commenting, a cheeky smile on his face as he effortlessly slips back into the flirty banter that the two of you have always had, but something about you doesnt quite feel right.
Looking over your shoulder at George, you sigh dramatically. “Guess you could call me the clingiest witch in the west.”
George chuckles at that, shaking his head. “Nah, not clingy. Utterly adorable, but not clingy.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Oh, utterly adorable, am I?”
George smirks. “Definitely.”
Silence ensues, throwing you both into the sickening realisation that at this point in your flirting, Fred would usually interrupt. Sadness casts her cloak over the two of you, shrouding you in a grey, slow haze.
“Im sorry I didnt save him.”
And there it is. Your words cut through the air like a knife, straight to George’s heart, or rather, the place where it would have been. By no means was your happiness an act, but it was something you exaggerated to help heal his family, it was only a matter of time before its permanence wavered in his presence. George has always been able to see right through you.
“What are you talking about?” He questions carefully, very worried about what you’re going to say next as you fix your gaze on the dishes you’re washing with your bare hands rather than a spell. In the background, your spells continue to cook whatever wondrous breakfast you have planned. Washing up is your chosen distraction, or subtle punishment.
“If I hadnt stayed with you, if I’d gone to find him, I could have- he could still- even if it meant…” You close your eyes, tears slipping down your cheeks and you squeeze your lips inside your mouth to hold back a sob.
“Dont even think that, not for a second.” George’s voice is low, firm, and deadly serious.
You shake your head, eyes opening wide as you stare at him. “I cant stop thinking it, George. I have seen this family in so much pain, people I adore living through such agony every single day, and you disappeared completely! If I’d been with him, if I saved him, if it had been me, none of this would have happened! All of you would have been better off.” You look away from him again, and George takes the single stride necessary to reach you, gently lifting your hands out of the soapy water and grabbing a towel to dry your raw fingers that have been scrubbing through your anxiety-fuelled vent.
“Listen to me, (Y/N). There wont be a day that goes by where I dont miss Freddie.” That’s the first time he’s said his name since that day, it chokes him up immediately. “But I would never, ever want you to trade places with him, to have you gone instead of him. If you had gone, none of us would have been able to hold the rest of us together like you have, like you’ve always done. You are everything, (Y/N), and I wouldnt trade your life for anything, or anyone. I cant even think about a world without you in it-“ George shakes the thought out of his head, tears stinging his eyes as he’s briefly sent to kneeling at your side and holding your cold hand, sobbing and begging you to just open your eyes.
Your warm hands on his face bring him back to the present, your bright eyes staring up into his.
“Im sorry George, I cant imagine a world without you, either.”
Holding your hands against his face, George sniffles. “You’ll never need to.”
A small smile curls in the corner of your mouth, and he cant help mirroring it.
“You and me, we’re gonna get through this, you hear me?” You raise an eyebrow playfully, making George chuckle through his tears.
“Loud and clear, sweetheart, loud and clear.”
And as if by magic, he feels the first shattered piece of his heart slowly slot back into place.
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rimzieiei · 1 month
some of the ocs for the harbinger!kaveh au! :3 (more about their lore beneath cut)
warning for me making shit up
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kunjal and raahki !
they are two members of a mining company that was based in the girdle of sands. the company disbanded during the cataclysm.
kunjal was born and raised in the gavireh lajavard. when she was old enough to do it, she started her own mining company. the first person she hired was raakhi, her childhood best friend.
the girdle is the only place in teyvat where trishiraite (called tattva pre-cataclysm) can be found. the stones are composed of packed together elemental energy, making them valuable to scientists and inventors.
most of the time, kunjal and co would trade with the khaenriahns (because the enterance to the nation is right there). occasionally though, theyd trade with merchants from the rainforest and fontaine.
the girdle isnt a super populated place, being mainly composed of wandering eremite tribes. but! there would be a few permanent settlements like aaru village.
raakhis family came from the desert of hadramaveth to the girdle. she is a direct descendant of king deshret. while kunjal is the leader of the group, raakhi is the navigator. making sure the company stays safe while traversing the caverns.
the three other members of the company were iham, a talented haggler and musician. vainavi, a rebellious teenager with a penchant for mischief. and trishira, a joyful guy that has too much strength for his own good. (designs coming eventually i swear)
anyways theyre all a silly little found family and i love them so much! such a shame they have to go through the horrors...
the main part of their lore begins in a mining trip gone horribly off the rails.
during this trip, raakhi would propose to kunjal. giving her a beautiful promise bangle that matched hers. they planned to get married after they returned home.
unfortunately! the cataclysm would end up starting during their expedition. trapped in the caves while hell broke loose around them, kunjal tried to lead the group to safety. they would try to seek refuge in the khaenriahn factories, only to find them abandoned.
the company would be stuck in the caves for around a week, plenty of time for everything to go to shit! most of the ways out of the tunnels caved in, but they end up finding a way to the surface.
however, a massive monster would end up blocking their path. it was injured and probably dying, yeah, but it could definitely kill the whole group.
the monsters was one of golds creations. an earlier prototype of durin and elynas so its not totally a dragon but its getting there.
kunjal, understanding if they didnt make it out soon they would all die, set a plan in motion. they would wait until the creature fell asleep, then they would sneak past.
as the monster fell asleep, kunjal began to have second thoughts about the plan, but decided to keep going with it.
the group crept past the giant beast, but halfway through the monster started coughing. it was internally combusting. its final exhale sent a cloud of abyssal poison and particles of the monsters flesh into the cavern.
and in genshin, consuming parts of dragons (even if theyre weird prototypes) is not a good idea! in every casr weve seen, the individual ended up as an abyssling.
thats what ended up happening to the mining company. they were forcibly corrupted by the abyss inside the monster. to a lesser degree than other abysslings, but they still lost control over themselves.
finally on the surface, the mining company were changed people. they struggled to recall past memories, leaving their companionship as their only lifeline. they were also horrifically changed. bodies shifting from human to animal, and thoughts glazed over by abyssal fog.
the new, controlling void in their heads gave them orders; cause havoc.
so thats what they did! with the transformations came access to elemental powers, making the group a force to be reckoned with.
in the lore the cataclysm is implied to be yknow, a year or two of chaos. so much destruction wouldnt happen in like a couple months.
the mining company terrorized the people of the girdle, eventually earning themselves a new name. rakshasa! to the normal people of the girdle, they were said to be demons straight from the abyss. creatures of mayhem and malice. (completely unaware of the actual origins)
people would leave in droves, desperate to escape the heart of sumerus cataclysm. they would bring the stories of the rakshasa to other parts of the red sands, leaving people hesitant to return. (part if my explanation for why nobody lives in the girdle in game,, literally theres nobody there besides the pari! not a single permanent civilization besides the defunct ones)
the reason i chose rakshasa the name for the mining company to be called is because of trishiraites in game name… the name itself is a reference to a real rakshasa from hindu myth! but no where else in genshin do the idea of rakshasa appear. which is suchhh a missed opportunity cause theyre so cool!
also about trishiraite! i mentioned it was called tattva precataclysm, thats because (due to the sheer amount of bloodshed he caused) trishira had the blood red stone renamed after him. (also because everything in teyvat is composed of elemental energy and trishiraite is concentrated er so when something dies its er could form into the rocks—)
the rakshasa wreck havoc for the majority of the cataclysm. that is until egeria comes to cleanse the sign of apaosha.
unfortunately, raakhi ends up getting turned to stone. she was too close to the vorukasha oasis when egeria went out with a bang.
however, as the harvisptokhm took form and cleansed the abyss from the girdle, the fog was lifted from the rakshasas minds. it didnt crystalize them because the concentration of abyss in them wasnt high enough. it also didnt reverse the physical transformations.
after this, the gang goes through a lot of mental anguish. dealing with raakhis death and how much blood they have on their hands.
raakhi and kunjal (a bit distracted by the abyss in their heads) didnt even get to be married. <//3
the rakshasas eventually decide, after holding a funeral for raakhi, to part ways. iham, vainavi, and trishira end up leaving the girdle. leaving kunjal behind with only her memories.
because of the abyssal corruption, the rakshasa are effectively immortal. the only thing preventing the abyss from taking control of their minds was the harvisptokm, so the rakshasa who left the girdle return to being bloodthirsty and evil.
kunjal walks the desert as a husk of her former self, lost without her family. after an undetermined amount of time, the sign of apaosha returns and the abyssal fog comes right back!
i think a yapped a bit too much but! i love my doomed yuri so much :3
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scarriestmarlowe · 1 month
interested in the call of cthulhu campaign, you got any favs there as well? : 0
aughhh probably my current top faves r specs & dior!!! sasha is definitely up there but ive been playing with those two more lately in my head.
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this is all my specs art! aurelius “specs” juno, she/he, she’s a 34 y/o private investigator, who also fights monsters & has a deeply complicated relationship with her childhood best friend.
on his 18th birthday, he got into a car with an avatar (the campaign is a tma/tuc merge!) and was brought out to a forest, forced to dig his own grave, and had his face practically branded with a deeply painful scar. the avatar was going to kill her, telling her nobody would ever want her as she was now, and she ended up managing to kill the avatar.
however, he was still deeply ashamed and embarrassed he’d “let” this happen to himself, and worsemore, that he’d enjoyed killing the avatar. even though the avatar was hurting her so badly, she couldn’t accept the fact that she could enjoy killing something. out of shame, he ran away from home, and away from his childhood best friend.
overtime, she started hunting and killing “out of control” avatars, and in fact met her best friend, sasha, by nearly killing him in an alleyway.
also, she has dermatillomania, harm & morality ocd, ptsd, catatonia, autism, avpd, & bed!
then theres dior!
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dior, or calista alto, she/it, is a physically & mentally 15 year old (though she has been around for 51 years) vampire. she immigrated from portugal when she was 10, and she was turned when she was 15, and walking home from a party her friend convinced her to go to.
the vampire who turned it was a european tourist, who yanked it into an alleyway, tore its throat open, and then made it drink his blood because he thought itd be interesting to turn someone. he then vanished, went back to europe, and left dior reeling in his wake.
she stopped talking to her family when she was 19, unable to express to them that she was going to stay 15 forever, and instead tried her best to make the most out of college. bouncing between jobs, and doing her best to find blood in between, ends up with her joining a blood distribution ring in order to get food.
this is how it meets mike (pc, divorced dad.) mike gives her animal blood (which the blood distribution ring had begun cutting the blood bags with,) and gradually, they grow closer. when it eventually leaves the blood ring, it’s inable to properly feed itself, and sleeps instead, sleeping for literal days straight and scaring the hell out of mike.
mike offers himself to be a blood bag, and in her hunger, dior isnt able to unlatch before she’s taken too much blood. in a fit of panic and fear at being alone again, she turns mike into a vampire.
so now as it stands, she’s trying her best to be the sire she never had for her father figure.
also! she’s autistic, narcoleptic, has a mild stutter, and unspecified bipolar disorder.
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thealmightyemprex · 2 years
RAnking the Shrek/Puss In Boots Movies
With the recent release of Puss in Boots the Last Wish , I was inspired to revisit a franchise I hadnt revisited in a long time.So I watched all SIX Shrek/Puss In Boots movies
For those who dont know this franchise the basic premise is this is a fairy tale world that makes fun of ,subverts and plays with fairy tale tropes .For the first four films we follow an ogre named Shrek who falls in love with a princess ,and in the last two we follow one of Shreks sidekicks ,the dashing outlaw Puss In Boots
Based on a childrens book Shrek! by William Steig (Which I have read ,and I think might have been an influence on me as a creative) the film franchise became reallly big....And then it went kinda dormant.It has a weird legacy ,where it changed animation forever ,some of it not in good ways , and it was memed to hell . So I went into this project curious what my thoughts were gonna be , I had seen all the films save for the fourth one,watched the first two ALOT in my childhood ,but I hadnt thought about the series in forever ,till this new Puss In Boots came out
Well I watched all the series in order,and here is my ranking from worst to best
Minor Spoilers going forward cause I am talking about these stories out of order
Number 6 :Shrek the Third (2007)
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Shrek goes on a quest to find the next heir to the throne of Far Far Away while coming to terms with the fact he is about to be a father ,meanwhile the kingdom is being taken over by an army of villains lead by Prince Charming
Yeah this might be the least surprising ranking on the list,this movie is bad ,The film has like a million ideas it wants to do and it doesnt do them well. I hate the new characters it introduce and I just cringe at multiple scenes (I say the death and funaeral of the king is the worst scene in the entire franchise ).I feel kind of bad putting it so low,as I dislike the film above it slightly more.....But the more about the Third the more I realize how BAD it is
5.Shrek Forever AFter(2010)
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Shrek frustrated with the changes in his life makes a deal with Rumplestiltskin to spend one carefree day being a terrifying ogre in exchange for a day from when he was a baby,.,,,Unfortunately he gave up the day he was born ,and must find a way to break the curse before he vanishes at sunrise
Tedious and dull.Look I know this movie has its fans but I am not one of them , I kind of really dislike this film and its cause I dislike Its Wonderful Life pastiches . I dont know if I laughted once while watching .I dont care about these new ogre characters we meet and I dont really care about these alternate takes on the main characters.I also admit ,I had gotten really sick of Shreks woe as me shtick cause he grumbles about his damn swamp every movie . I kept flip flopping over whether to place this or three at the bottom,cause I think,personally I dislike this more then three .That said....Its better made then three ,there more of a plot ,we have a clear goal,Rumplestiltskin is kinda fun ,the climax is good and I think Mike Meyers gives a really great performance as Shrek .I kept flip flopping over whether to place this or three at the bottom,and truth is three is worse ,I can see general audiences not having the hang ups I have .This movie isnt bad ,I just personally dont like it
4.Puss In Boots (2011)
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Puss teams up with his old friend Humpty Dumpty and professional thief Kitty Softpaws to steal magic beans Puss and Humpty has been after since childhood
This one is OK . I think it gives Puss much more character then he got in the previous Shrek films ,Antonio Banderas and Selma Hayak give very solid performances as Puss and Kitty rspectfully ,it had moments I found really hilarious and as its a whole its a fun action adventure story. My big problems are the last act where bifg threat is a giant goose is underwhelming and.....Look I am just gonna say it Humpty Dumptys design freaks me the hell out ,hes very unsettling to look at.Dont like his character or performance much either .Its not a bad film but its just a fun action romp and not much more
3.Shrek (2001)
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Shrek,joined by Donkey , reluctantly goes on a quest to save Princess Fiona in order to get a bunch of fairy tale creatures off his land
The first Shrek ,though it has aged in the 22 years since its release (God I feel old ) ,is a special film that I think is very good .I dont even consider it a family film,theres a lot of stuff that goes over kids heads in this .To me this both a buddy comedy / rom com first ,fantasy animated movie second .The main romance and moral are great ,I love the pop song soundtrack ,the voice cast consisting of Mike Meyers ,Eddie Murphy,Cameron Diaz and John Lithgow are great , theres some memorable lines ,and I like that the film is both salty and sweet ,sweet with the relationships Shrek has with Fiona and Donkey ,but salty with the satire agaianst Disney and vulgar/mean humor ,which works in this film cause its has a point .Now I do think the film can be too mean,specially with all the short jokes pointed at the villain , theres an annoying third act misunderstanding , not all the jokes land and I'm sorry the animation has aged like milk,the human characters especially look ugly .Overall though ,Shrek has become a classic,and I think it deserves to be called that
2.Shrek 2 (2004)
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Shrek and Fiona arrive in Far Far Away to meet Fionas parents ,not knowing that their marriage has interferred with a bargain King Harold made with the Fairy Godmother to set Fiona up with PRince Charming
Shrek 2 is a legit great movie and possibly one of the best animated comedies I have ever seen ,like I cant stress enough how friggin funny this movie is .The returning cast are all great,and we get some great new peformances by Antonio Bandera,Jennifer Saunders ,John Cleese ,Rupert Everett and Julie Andrews.Animation has held up well ,the villain is amazing,this film introduces Puss who is a ton of fun here ,the pop songs are again great.....And the film has one of the best scene in any morie:The Holding Out For A Hero scene ,the movie is worth watching just for that scene .Overall I think it just does what a sequel is supposed to do ,in that it builds on the first film,and I think surpasses it
And now we get to my favorite film in the Shrek film.And I must ask.....WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE FEARLESS HEROOOOO-
1.Puss In Boots the Last Wish
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Puss is on his last life ,and sets out on a journey to find the wishing star,however he is not the only one after it so the race is on
This is a very recent film.....And I have already watched it three times.....This might not only be my favorite film in the Shrek series,,,,,This might be my favorite Dream Works movie .....I kind of love this movie.What can I say ,I love movies about diffrent characters questing for a goal ,I love action and the action is fantastic ,and I adore good villains and we have two great villains here plus a group of very entertaining anti villains .What I really love is that it actually explores its characters ,and Puss and Kitty are given a bit of depth here .Its also the most gorgeous Shrek movie going for a more stylized look ,this might be one of my favorite animate films ever and it is definately my favorite of the Shrek/Puss In Boots series
What are your thoughts?Lets discuss this series
@autistic-prince-cinderella @themousefromfantasyland @princesssarisa @the-blue-fairie @goodanswerfoxmonster @angelixgutz @ariel-seagull-wings @marquisedemasque @amalthea9 @filmcityworld1
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It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to
Martyn has no issue with getting older, none at all, but still, every year, when his birthday comes knocking, it's another dread to the list.
Tw!! Feelings of self doubt and hate, crying, isolation
Not beta read or edited!!
And like always, it's here again.
Martyn’s birthday.
If you were to know anything about martyn is he hates being touched when overwhelmed, but he still craves that touch. 
He also has to wear the same two coats everytime he leaves the house, and they both look exactly the same except one is bigger on him.
There's also assigned seating in his house. He always sits on the left end of the couch, next to the end table that has a lamp. And it really bothers him when someone else sits there.
He also puts his closet rainbow order. 
And he hates chocolate cuz it makes his mouth greasy.
And when he gets scared, he thinks he hurts his friends and cuts them off out of fear he's making things for them worse.
And he hates holidays.
Gods how he hates them.
OK. He doesn't hate holidays. He loves the idea of them, really!! But, in practice? The only he really ever takes joy in, is halloween. You can't fuck up halloween. He just, he can't remember having a happy holiday? Maybe it's childhood trauma, maybe he's being dramatic, but also every holiday he can remember, was tainted in some sort of way, by some just, awful event. 
And as you can probably assume. Martyn counts his birthday as a personal holiday.
Its 12:32am, and martyn is a year older, and martyn feels sick. The numb sort of sick, where you aren't necessarily connected to it, but you can still feel your stomach turning in knots. He's scared. He sits on the kitchen counter right by the sink. The light above the stove being the only light on besides his phone screen. 
12:33am. The numbers taunt him. 
He realizes he probably won't do anything about it. He has the day off from work. So his plan is probably just stay up too late, because he never gets the peace of mind to get good sleep, if any at all during holidays, natrually, sleep in, make something to eat, watch shitty TV, go grocery shopping, hop on the discord vc, hang out, talk with who ever is there, and then read until his eyes feel heavy. Just like every other day.
Martyn decides to update his discord status. The silly profile picture of a picrew greats him. The background is an ace and unlabeled flag, and martyn feels his heart sing for just a moment, before the rot in his stomach takes over again as he taps into his status. Erasing the song lyrics without hesitation.
'Lvl 25!!' 
Yeah. That'll work. 
It's 12:36am now. It's 12:36am, and martyn is scared.
He isnt sure what he's scared if. But he feels the frantic beating of his pulse. Martyn gave up on figuring out what he was so afraid of years ago.
It wasn't getting older, no, he'd been raised on the internet, a constant state of feeling like he should be older, and feeling like he shouldn't be this old yet.  An odd limbo, so it wasn't the fear of getting older. 
And it wasn't necessary the fear of the future, of course the future is scary and he had his fair share of issues with it.
It's more of, every year, is just a reminder, that he's going, absolutely no where. He has nothing to show for it. No friends with tales about him, no one to sit in his one bedroom apartment and tell him, they're happy he made it another year.
He knows in full certainty, it's kinda his fault. And a part of him wishes, as he stares at his phone, that someone, anyone. Sends him a text without him reminding them. It's 12:41am and martyn sees a tear hit his phone screen. 
Another year passes, his age just goes up another number, and he hates his birthday more then he hates any other holiday. And still.
He's insignificant at best.
Author notes
And once again, annual birthday post, and like always, I put my feelings about my birthday onto a character. If I post on February 26th, just assume it's a vent post. I'm not feeling awesome, but I will live, and post more later, I'm writing a few really fun aus right now actually!! :)))
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termagax · 11 months
whats the watch order for dbz i know theres a lot of shows and movies. i wont skip any i am a one piece fan i watch everything
watching ALL the movies is a level of commitment even ive not done my friend. if you wanna start with z (the space opera stuff) you basically just start there and go straight through, OR you can start with Dragon Ball proper and get all of gokus zany childhood adventures in there too for good measure. db is good fun but its humor is at least 60% based in sexual jokes about 16 year old bulma whenever shes around so like yk. youre also not really losing anything by skipping it, most people just start with Z and are fine.
the main show order tho is db -> dbz and then you can branch into either GT or Super, both take place some time after the end of Z and neither are very good (though theyre bad in different ways). GT is considered "noncanon" but at this point its honestly just personal preference
for narrative chronology w/movies this is a solid list. ignore anything about DAIMA that show isnt out yet and we know nothing abt it. also most of the movies are noncanon except for a couple of the more recent ones.
good luck on your journey i hope you have the most fun ever ✌️🫰
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kathrynalicemc · 2 years
Next Gen/HPMA Connections
So everyone is doing this so I figured i would make a new one myself. I did do one recently but it wasnt super in depth and I also made some new kids since. So once again, hmu if you want friends/rivals/dormmates/ships, etc. Im not gonna order by house and instead will order by years. NOTE: Did not include Renee & Rhys Mcclarnon or Lennox Arcano-Thorne as they are shared kids with @thatravenpuffwitch and @endlessly-cursed. Let me know or msg them if you are interested in them!
Dayamanti Arcano - 1994
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Child: Mckenzie Foy Adult: Anne Hathaway
Sexuality is tbd, offer anyone
Loner, burdened older sister who has to raise her sisters vibes
Just wants to be alone from her sisters for once
Conflicting feelings of secretly wanting to protect them all the time
Blacksmith later in life
Talented at dueling (magical and greatsword), plays quidditch as a chaser
Nessi Lucerne - October 20th, 1996 (hpma)
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FC: Cara Delevingne
Half kelpie
ADHD vibes
Doesn't understand human culture and can seem niave or dumb
Very loud, energetic, friendly. Will make you be her friend
Doesn't really understand people making fun of her
Dafne Arcano - January 5th, 1997 (hpma)
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Young: Milly Alcock Adult: Julia Almendra(?)
Lesbian (Shes Taken maybe??)
Depression vibes
Loves dead things and the history lost to time
Bullied for being a freak as a kid so she purposely drives people away by being cold
Secretly loves her friends and is just a nerd
Kiri Amaryllis - July 14th, 1997 (hpma)
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FC: Elle Fanning
Asexual (Still feels romantic, but shes Taken already)
Huge Anxiety vibes
Half house elf (4' tall ish)
She was abused by her aunt for her entire childhood so she is very sensitive and has anxiety. Very hard to befriend
Loves plants and uses them for healing later in life
Might steal any misc trinket or garbage you have (buttons, paperclips, etc)
Siv Arcano-Thorne - December 2nd, 2000
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FC: Hailee Steinfeld
Takes after her dad Kaari in being reckless and bold. Not gryffindor because she will do anything she wants to get what she wants. Including breaking rules and crime. Doesn't take shit from anyone
Loves dragons. Has an antipodean opaleye named Zepheline
Plays quidditch as a chaser
Loves pizza, rock and roll 80's music, old trucks
Dragonologist later in life. Also becomes a vigilante to stop dragon fighting rings and egg black markets
Mikael Arcano-Thorne - 2002
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FC: Ethan Peck
Sexuality tbd; offer any
Huge nerd like his cousin Dafne. Except he loves ancient languages, runes included
Talented linguist
Plays quidditch as a seeker or keeper most likely?
Least of the Arcano cousins to want to fight but is trained with a sword
Soft spoken, quiet, kind
Dielle Arcano - 2002
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Child: Freya Allen Adult: Morfyyd Clark
Sexuality tbh; offer any
The baby of the 3 Arcano sisters, was young when their parents died
Pure heart and takes care of others first
Healer and her gift gives her forcefield shields to protect
Trained with a bow
Secretly wants to prove herself to her sisters that she isnt a little girl anymore and can be badass and a leader
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seefasters · 2 years
Regina spektor anon again (hi!!!) Getting through mash at an unbelievable pace cus ive been putting it on while i ink a 20-something page comic. Im at the end of s7. Margaret being part of hawkeye and bjs little crew is amazing. Her lightening up a bit and also getting more, like, consciously written as sad and hardened by her experiences is soo good. Also i think by s7 theyve finally (correctly) landed on the idea that she does not need to be paired off with hawk or charles or any main cast male in order to justify her presence. Thank god for that cus her Platonic Chemistry with ppl, esp hawkeye, is off the charts. Shes my favorite character i think (her and hawkeye anyhow)- shes just so compelling. Shes also getting a little more masculine sometimes. You see her in fatigues and shit like that which yknow👀. Sapphic hotlips agenda (i know what was up when that old childhood friend came to visit). Btw I love Charles. Hes awful and elitist and a chauvinist but hes definitely a far better foil than frank cus he's capable of holding his own against bj and hawk and he's not a warguy rlly. (I say this with great affection for larry linville and for frank as a character, cus he was great too!! Its just that i like charles more) and watching charles warm up very slowly is great. I tend to not be on charles's side but its very satisfying to watch hawkeye get put in his place sometimes and it also makes it a lot more satisfying to see ppl get one over on charles because its actually a challenge. Speaking of which, i loved in love and war and inga Very Much. What stellar episodes. I demand More slamming hawk into the ground about his misconceptions and fuckups (affectionate) especially regarding women. Also the show made me cry again- when hawkeye tells radar off and makes him cry, margaret's little dog monologue, and especially especially when mulcahy punches that wounded man during the xmas ep??? :,>( the shame he felt was so relatable and touching. again thanks for introducing me to this series, its such a joyful experience to get to know this piece of art and experience it. Ooh oh also, i wanted to weigh in on the Where To Start Debate. While im not a purist and i think any way a person comes to a piece of art is valid, imo the best way to do MASH is to start from the start. The sexism and racism was genuinely very disheartening, and the cornier, sitcom-ier writing does make it feel a little less essential than subsequent episodes and seasons but honestly if you're in for the longhaul it ultimately deepens the experience cus so much of subsequent MASH is invested in interrogating its past, generally thru giving margaret more of a voice and by complicating Hawkeye's role as the guy we the audience are meant to agree with and identify with. The satisfaction that comes with deepening Margarets characterization and taking her problems more seriously is partially predicated on, for example, the early shows casually dismissive attitude regarding instances wherein she was sexually assaulted or harrassed or demeaned. I hope they continue doing that. I know that that isnt an experience everyone wants, but it feels rlly cool to watch the show learn empathy and grow from its crueler, fratbro-ish perspective to something more holistically empathetic. Sorry thats soooo many words dont feel obligated to respond if its too much. I just have thoughts. Thanks.
aaaaaaa hi anon!!!!!! i love reading your thoughts dw <3
margaret's character arc is definitely one of the best things in mash. everyone say thank you to loretta swit for fighting for her character
and yes wlw margaret is so real!!! some ppl hc her as a lesbian, i personally prefer to think of her as bisexual bc her relationships with men on the show are too important to her character to consider them comphet. 2 me. all headcanons are beautiful though love is love
i'm so happy you like charles! he's definitely a more fitting antagonist for the kind of show mash became by season 6. the way his character is explored does add a lot more depth to the show (and at some point i feel you'll find yourself rooting for charles too lol. maybe! maybe not) and dont worry there will be more slamming hawkeye into the ground. maybe too much even
and i think you're right about starting mash from the pilot! part of my enjoyment of mash is about seeing how it changes, evolves and confronts its own shortcomings. for some people that might not be the case though, so i generally think if someone's not vibing with season 1's pacing or jokes but still wants to check out the show, s2 is a solid place to start. it has a soft pilot AND it's one of the best seasons of television ever like literally win win
youre always welcome in my inbox!!! i'm v jealous of you experiencing mash for the first time tbh so i'm living vicariously through you lol
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mekatrio · 2 months
started tota last night... when i rly SHOULDNT HV.. cuz i hv irl things i should be tending to. but playing style savvy recently rly helped picked up my mood its like wow... video games.... makes me happy 🤯 and i forgot what it was i saw last night but smth made me go 'fuck it i wanna play a jrpg again' so here i am 😗 my thoughts so far
luke is a little bit annoying but in an endearing younger brother sort of way. he kinda reminds me of a 4 year old w the way he knows nothing about cooking... or exchange of goods and services... or the military.. or anything really. but is arrogant regardless. really reminds of me of toddlers ive babysat who are so certain that negative consequences do not exist for them. kinda awesome. and very very funny
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i think tear will be a temporary party member which makes me Sad cuz her dynamic w luke is really fun. im making a wild guess but i think maybe she and luke were childhood friends or something. i definitely think luke is from malkuth or wherever the hell we are cuz its sooooo convenient that he doesnt have any childhood memories... like wowwwwwww sureeee. theres many possibilities for lukes backstory w this setup so im very curious abt where thatll go.
also i barely know whats going on but its fine cuz its the very beginning. but constantly getting terms like The Order Of Lorelei or The Malkuth Empire or THE FON MASTERS thrown at me is like egajxhsjfbsj theres so much. i dont feel like i was ever this overwhelmed w an ff game but maybe i was and its just been a while. but i appreciate that there isnt a massive room of exposition (As Of Now and hopefully never) the way tht ff likes to do it. please show off the world rather than telling it to me.
also im very pleasantly surprised w how smooth this game is. menus open up very quickly and battles are fun and dont hv long loading times. and movement on maps in both cities and the overworld are really smooth, and at a good speed. im very happy a jrpg runs this smoothly on a handheld.
and lastly, a gripe i hv with this game is the lack of subtitles during animated cutscenes. i could not tell you anything being said during the opening cutscene bc i could not hear a single thing. i searched it up and it seems like there just arent any subtitles for animated cutscenes in the entire game, which is veryyyyyy fucking annoying 😑😑😑 especially considering that this is a port from what, sometime in the 2010s.. there is no possible excuse for not hving subtitles in ur cutscenes 😑 if anyone knows a mod that will add subs pls lmk, bc i hadnt found any 💔 luckily the game is charming enough for me to keep playing it even with this hurdle. hopefullyyy i dont miss any super important plot beats due to this.
also this guy looks freaky
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reminds of kristoph gavin. scary face. dont like his red eyes. oh and everytime the dark wings are mentioned i keep thinking of the gullwings. so until i learn who these wing fellas are im gonna keep visualizing them as the ffx-2 girlies
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hanabeeri · 1 year
my mind has been in dark places recently. so im trying to pull myself out, by planning some stuff that i want to do soon.
i would like to continue a painting that ive started roughly a year ago. i havent worked on it in a long while, partially because i cant decide on the dress that i want to paint. ive been thinking about something with a lot of lace in pure white. i want to continue watching one piece and oshi no ko. i want to work on an old thesis of mine i wrote when i was still doing my alevels. it wrote about the experiences of transgender people throughout history; back then, i remember there was this big issue (and still is in many parts of the world) whether transwomen should be allowed to go to female bathrooms (answer: of course!!!), which lead me to pick this topic. i would like to meet up with my childhood friends because i didnt see them in awhile. maybe we could go on a picknick near a lake, go for a swim and maybe play some drinking games, as always. i would like to finish two books im currently actively reading. maybe ill pick up jjk and reread it, because yesterday i talked to someone about it and today i saw a video of sukuna, so perhaps its a sign. oh and i want to pass my exams. im not sure what ill do next semester if i do, because i still have to take some seminars for my other major in order to finish it. im not good with handling stress TT
i learned from yesterdays experience that drinking on my own really isnt my thing. als der rausch dann auch kam war mir einfach sehr langweilig. normalerweise trinke ich nur mit freunden und dann unternehmen wir auch dinge, die spaß machen. i just laid on my bed, feeling a bit woozy but not woozy enough. and usually my mind is so full of thoughts and sounds but when i drink it gets really quiet haha. so while i may have had a nice time not thinking, it was quite boring.
also recently i was studying with a friend and another student and sometimes i would write kanji out with my finger in air and it was so strange to me when they couldnt see what i was writing. people say drawing is a skill not a talent but in moments like these i beg to differ. because when i do things like that around fellow artists they always get it jgfhsjdkgh like, wdym your eyes only follow my finger but your mind doesnt picture the image i am drawing in the air. look harder.
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grandmasickomode · 1 year
ok so I wanted to do something like @unmecha's oc pages for their ocs so here we go.
TYPES: Poison and Dark predominantly but will keep any Mon that suits her fancy
CENTRAL STRATEGY: Depends on the upcoming fight but mostly focuses on disrupting existing strategies by any means.
Paulinus TECHNICALLY isnt a Pokemon Empire oc, shes from the Lobotomy corporation universe but im not gonna make a brand new oc for these games.
Paulinus is wrapped up with the royal family in ways she's willing to disclose... not that you can tell if she's lying. She will say shes an illegitimate heir one day, then say her family has worked with the royal family for generations.
The fact remains that Paulinus has internalized her role in the royal family's lives as the unofficial Official Black Ops unit and Evil (tm) Advisor to the crown. She's more than willing to step over the line if it means that the Royal family is put back where they belong. She personally will put the council's heads in pikes if she has to, and stand there and take the blame.
Ultimately, she isnt a total barbarian. Paulinus is a calm, supposedly unflappable young woman, who does her research. She doesnt like going in unprepared, and will always want at least SOME modicum of knowledge relating to what lies ahead before she takes a step forward.
While she seems charming and amicable, she also is not here to make friends. After all, friends are jettisoned once shit hits the fan, and she would prefer not to deal with the emotional fallout and ties. Unfortunately, life happens so the few people she marks as 'friends', she will personally move heaven and hell to make happy. Even if it conflicts with her morals, she rationalizes that its all part of the plan, that she can use this opportunity later. That they will owe her for this and that they will need to do things for her to repay their debt.
In Empire, the game gives you two childhood friends. Pauli likes neither of them and tolerates them for the sake of appearances. Well, with Alanah at least. Alanah is a good link to the Council's movements and rumblings, and North is... in Pauli's words, 'a simpering barking little Council pet who would lick their boots to feel some sort of satsifaction with his life." She DESPISES North and once he stops being useful, he's going to be stabbed in the back and burned to ashes.
And yet, she cannot help but have a fondness for Jeanne, @unmecha's oc.
Her non-Council, non-Royale mindset are 'adorable', and she would gladly assist her in her many endeavors... for favors, of course. She thinks that she's simply misguided, that her talents might do better on a more refined side. She also adores Jeanne to piss Taylor off, and doesnt hesitate to sneer and comment on everything taylor does. Never in a rude tone,just rude enough that the message gets across.
Pauli's battle strategies are what she calls 'run and gun', meaning she will generally opt for the typical strategies one uses in a pokemon game (stats up, baton pass, sweep, or hazards abd whirlwind strats). She also will use any strategy in order to handle whatever is in front of her, be they gym challenges or rivals. However, if she can get away with it, she prefers to deal with slow debilitating statuses, as well as changing pokemons type to remove stab, and expose them to adverse hazards.
Hwr naming schemes tend to be old timey names, usually inspired by greek or roman naming schemes. But she cannot help but get lazy naming her mons if she catches them at a late hour. Such examples include Euripedes (Poison/ice Boreaptor), Antigonus (Fire/Dragon Chemera) and Bart (Gulpin).
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The Origin Of The Order [C4]
“Soren…it seems that you’ve forgotten that we’re only children…” Voice calling out into the gentle light blue of pretty morning, Soren’s feet frantically paced him back and forth, Soren’s mind itself desperately striving to come up with a plan of which he and his friends could become renowned heroes that day. Granted, the ginger did understand that legends weren’t simply summoned out of the thin airs; they had to begin somewhere. Somewhere mild. Somewhere simple. Somewhere tedious…After all, there wasn’t all that much that was “heroic” for children to do without getting cold stares and judgement gazes from adults and kids alike as time itself hardened, annihilating his self-confidence and positive atmosphere alongside his determination and encouraged character while piercing mocks haunted within his head, throughout the rest of his life. Oh, and that’s only a portion of Soren’s illusion, if you were curious. There had to be something impressive that they could do! Something–anything that would get them acknowledged! As the ginger continued to sink back into the darkened blacks of deepened, desperate thought, his friends were beginning to recognize that their dear friend, Soren, was losing more of his unprotected patience by the moment. Even more so when Ivor made that comment as if he wasn’t already aware of that. And continued. “We’re not going to get famous overnight…” “I know that!” Soren corrected, almost aggressively. Almost. I don’t think any of them would like Soren when he’s angry, “I just…want us to be known…” “We’ll get there, Soren!” Gabriel encouraged, “It’s just going to take some time! We can start small for the time being!” “Exactly!” Ivor added, “It doesn’t really even need to be something grant that we do…!” You know that moment when you keep talking for no reason? Even when you don’t really stand by what you’re saying? Even when it’s completely pointless? As if you’re unconscious? “Even something small, like…” “…Community service…?” Did Magnus just try to bail Ivor out, saying that slowly? Well, if he was, that was until everyone’s judgmental stares instantaneously darted at him, donning expressions that just screamed how stupid that he sounded saying that. Even Magnus himself recognized how out-of-character it was for him to suggest such. Why did he? Glancing away, desperately trying to evade eye-contacts with his friends and change the topic whist keeping his pride up, “Alright…” “Or…!” Ellegaard suddenly perked and spoke up, “We could try to get our parents to take us to EnderCon…! If I remember correctly, they have all sorts of contests and conventions and…! We’re all so varied…! We could really shine individually there!” “Yeah, let’s just ask our parents to take us hundreds of miles to EnderCon!” Magnus mocked, “’cause that’s gonna work out oh-so-well!” “It was only an idea, Magnus,” Gabriel interfered. “And it’s a good one!” Soren insisted, “Maybe we’ll be able to go this summer! How long do we have before the con?” Speaking up, Ivor momentarily sighed, “Not long, I don’t think…you’d need tickets in advance to go…” A breath of disappointment from a ginger, “Well, there is always next year and… next year we’ll have more experience in…well…clearly everything!” A sentence of optimism from a green-eyed. Of course, everyone’s spirits were slightly uplifted by Soren’s words of encouragement, however, despite that, this isn’t some sort of Disney-princess story; they still hindered at this standstill for as what to do to get themselves accomplished and acknowledged amidst the sickening streaks of overlook, frantically streaming through the world of ordinaries and evils. There they were, fleeting a few moments of being showered in sun, alongside each other’s diversified personalities, not sure what to say. That is, before Gabriel had a suggestion. “Maybe we’re looking at this the wrong way then–we’re all so worried about getting noticed in the world when we don’t even know what our ultimate intention is…” Thing is, the entire idea of the Order of the Stone was Soren’s idea, so was it official that he was the leader? Maybe he just did the majority of the talking. Guess that’s why Gabriel turned to him curiously. Alike to the rest of the group, “what is our goal, Soren…?” “To become the world’s greatest heroes, of course!” Soren exclaimed, “To be able to help so many people and revolutionize the world with our exploits!” “Then we just need to start by saving someone!” Magnus noticed aloud, “That shouldn’t be too hard, yeah? We’d just have to find someone in danger…!” Of course! It was so simple! Why didn’t they realize that sooner? In fact, everybody in the group agreed without too much of an extra comment! Besides Ivor, that is, “But…we save who…?” Perhaps he was the most down-to-earth. Perhaps he was a pessimist. Regardless of which one, once again, everyone had become grounded in a standstill, stuttering, trying to figure out what to say. 
Feminine sigh. “I mean, I guess we could just walk around until we find someone to rescue…” Train of thought. “Then…they’ll…really let us know how much they appreciate us and tell the tale of The Order Of The Stone–the kids who saved them!” 
Though that was a perfect idea, who’s to say that that wouldn’t be harder said than done?
They didn’t have a compass…
They didn’t have a trace…
They didn’t have a clue…
Of where to look.
They just…
Hopelessly wandered around their towns.
But mainly their forest.
The children desperately sauntered throughout the broad proximities for several hours, striving to locate someone in need of help. They asked people about their problems, looked at “missing person” fliers, questioned their parents if they needed assistance with anything but, of course, nothing was there that children could truly do. Naturally, the one day that they were actually aiming to listen and fix people’s difficulties, there was no one in need of any sort of support. Then again, they were expecting what? Evidently, everything was just as peaceful as ever. Not that the hushed atmosphere was a complaint though; if it was dangerous about, it was dangerous about. Despite that, that didn’t stop Soren from sighing fiercely, becoming frustrated with, to put it simply, everything;
“Why is it just so hard to find someone with a problem?!”
“I mean, it’s not like the world’s in peril,” Magnus reminded, “Everything’s been peaceful for a long time around these parts…!”
“Well, sometimes I wish that something more interesting would happen around here…” Soren stated unobtrusively, “It gets boring when everything’s so tranquil…” 
“I mean,” Gabriel suggested, “we could always go and explore another cave.” 
“I’m not sure…” Ivor spoke up shush-ly, glancing away to avoid eye-contact with anyone, “Caves’re dangerous…”
“Yeah, that’s a terrible idea,” Ellegaard added, “Don’t you remember what happened last time? Besides, I don’t think anyone, especially Ivor, is too keen on going back until we have something other than wooden swords.” 
“Well, then we just need something to protect us then!” Magnus debated, “Maybe armour or bigger and better swords and weapons!” 
”Magnus,” Ellegaard continued, “Where are we ever going to find ‘better and better weapons?’ You’re forgetting, we’re all kids…! We can’t use them; they’re too dangerous!”
“Well, I miss going caving!” Magnus proceeded, “We need something to protect ourselves, otherwise we’re never gonna have any fun anymore!” 
“It’s not a matter of that, Magnus…!” Gabriel explained, “Our parents aren’t going to allow us to use anything better than wood! They’re too dangerous…!”
“We’d be careful…!” Magnus claimed.
“Magnus…!” Ivor told-off, Magnus, himself replying after, “They’re not going to trust us, even if we ask!”
“Why not?” 
“We’re children!” Soren belated asserted, “They’re swords! They’re dangerous!”
“We just need to get them to trust us…somehow…!”
“How?!”  Everyone simultaneously chanted back.
“I don’t know…!” Magnus shouted, “I mean…maybe, as Soren said, we find somebody to save?!”
“That’s idealistic!” Ellegaard argued.
Magnus slightly irrelevantly returned, “This is all idealistic!” 
“What…?!” Soren retorted.
“Ugh!” Magnus without thinking calls-out, “You really think that we’re gonna become a gang of legends?!”
“Magnus…!” Ivor stood up for Soren, saying that debate-ly; Soren was just too stunned in the abrupt-nature of that sentence to speak, only being able to haphazardly stutter.
“Yeah, Magnus…!” Gabriel spoke up loudly, continuing the argument tone, “This isn’t-!”
Suddenly, a powerful wail fiercely howled beyond and throughout the enigmatic forest, sweepingly sending vibrating chills up the children’s spines, everybody effectively freezing in their tracks as they gawked at each other in both confusion and fear. The deep howl just sounded so…unhuman. Sure, the kids were generally, genuinely looking for an obvious indication of disturbance but…that? In fact, none of the kids even knew how to react. They just kinda stood in place for a moment or two, giving themselves and their friends time to comprehend what the actual hell had just cried out…not that that really helped when trying to think of a slight clue on what had presently called.
“What on earth was that?!” Ivor was the first to ask, kinda afraid of what the indefinable being may’ve been, alike to the rest of the group.
As Soren began to run off in the direction that the creature howled from, his voice called, “Whatever that was, it came from this way…!” 
- - -
I think that people will be peer-pressured into doing things that they don’t really want to, at least, once in their life. That wasn’t really the case here. Sure, Soren’s can be a bit more impulsive than an ordinary child, but that doesn’t mean that his friends weren’t curious as well, though they were scared. Honestly, none of them were really thinking when they started to pursue the howl. That is, the creature they had wailed its voice into the atmosphere didn’t call any other tie, I mean. For all that the group knew, the entity had already left the proximity. It didn’t whimper at all, it seemed. Not loud enough to be heard at a few-minute distance anyway. After the group traced the creature’s cry through the woods, none of them were able to do anything but stare nervously yet inquisitively at the discovery that they had stumbled upon. 
“It’s…” Ivor quietly murmured as he knelt down and extended an arm out to get a closer look at the being and gently touch it, “…It’s a wolf…” That is, before the critter protectively growled and barred its teeth and the group, startling Ivor to swiftly shift back onto his feet, the other four to take a smaller step retrograde, “…I’ve never seen one before…” Indeed he hadn’t. Especially not one that had such outrageously red, stained fur. The wolf’s natural, ruby-coloured, blood continuously depleted from its owner, cause of an arrow vigorously lodged into its side, overwhelmingly suffocating the children’s thoughts of anything else other than the injury fixed against the pitiable animal.
“But what could have struck it with that arrow?” Gabriel asked.
Soren casually answered, “Likely to be a-” Suddenly, something rather slender and remarkably fast intensely thrusted past the group, including Soren, “SKELETON!”
Some of them tripping to the ground, they all heard a noise that they recognized all-too-well. As they concurrently glanced at what had sounded, red-flags violently began to go off in their heads by survival-instinct. Heavily. Because, dear god, If they didn’t have reflexes, they would’ve died. Or, at least, would’ve been in extreme pain. Brutally. In front of their friends. In the middle of nowhere. Yeah, did I say that a shooting arrow was a laughing matter? One of which their red-flags had been was that, if there was a dart, a skeleton must be in proximity, no? Sure enough, as the team coincidently glimpsed upwards, in the shade of a tree, stood a skeleton, frantically preparing another arrow for its antagonists.
Fortunately, Gabriel was competent enough to lash out the boarded sword which he had always carried alongside him and sprinted towards the skeleton, but not before Soren instinctively, instantaneously shot out one of his arms, as if he could just stretch out and grab Gabriel, stopping him that easily–stopping him from jeopardizing his life, him not getting much of a personal benefit. However, luckily, the darker-skinned was able to efficiently evade the monster’s ranged assaults and strategically lure it out into the day’s sunlight, where it eventually, inevitably began to smoulder and shortly blazed into its hushed, ash grave.
As Gabriel started to saunter away from the deceased enemy, the children all turned their heads to get another look at the wolf yet again, which they had nearly forgotten about following the entire “and-there’s-a-skeleton-now” thing. Although every one of the kids was absolutely fine with acting as passive as could be to the pure-white-furred critter, they could clearly see that the animal definitely didn’t feel likewise. Evidently. The wild fiercely glared back at them, defensively snarling and growling its fangs, giving an obvious warning to anyone who had dared to come near it and, god help, touch it. The children could swear that the wolf’s eyes were nearly gleaming into a bright red, its fluffed tail hissed. Looks can be deceiving, guess…?
“Since it was attacked, it seems to be hostile…” Ellegaard mentions, “And…since I like wolves more than I like people, I wanna help it.”
“Thanks for the input, Ellie,” Magnus rolled his eyes and sighed before continuing, “Right…and we don’t know if it’s rabid or not…I don’t wanna touch it…Maybe we should tell someone else about the wolf instead…?”
“But…!” Ivor quarrels, “Couldn’t this be out chance…? Couldn’t we save this wolf and show the town…?” 
“It’s not a tamed wolf, Ivor!” Gabriel responded, “If we bring this wolf back to town, it’d just attack, the townspeople killing it!”
“But if we help it, wouldn’t it trust us?” Ellegaard insists.
Ivor comments, almost angrily, “We help it how though?”
“We don’t!” Magnus interrupts, “It’s a wolf.”
Ellegaard and Ivor debated simultaneously, “Oh, come on!” 
Whist the four diversified children were sharply bickering regarding the plan for the animal, Soren slowly began walking towards the wolf, delicately and cautiously reaching a hand out to it, seeking to assure the wolf that he and his friends weren’t any sorts of threat towards it. He believed that all that they needed to tame this wild was to thoroughly persuade the creature that they weren’t going to harm it more than what was already done. Sure, Soren unquestionably didn’t want to risk him or his companions getting bitten, scratched, or generally attacked by it, but, at the same time, he did feel like they were obligated to help it. After all, they did dedicate several minutes only to assisting this creature of they didn’t even know what it was, when they started. Even beyond the endless squabbling, Gabriel was able to notice Soren kneeling towards the wolf out of the corner of his eye;
“Soren!” The other three turned to glimpse at the purple-eyed in a concerned matter as Gabriel shouted that, continuing his sentence, “Get away from it!”
Soren didn’t listen. The wolf emphasized its aggressive, bared teeth and intensified its snarling growl of self-defence as Soren approached her. Soren, himself, only performing as much as a quick, brief pause, but not fiercely flinching his hand away in panic like the wolf appeared to have rathered him to. I mean, of course, Soren was actually somewhat apprehensive about touching an untamed animal alongside the incredibly menacing appearance that the wild bestowed him and his comrades with. 
“Shhhhhhhh…” The ginger soothed in a quiet, calming tone as his friends remained radio-silent, “It’s alright…we aren’t going to harm you…” The white-furred upon hearing that had been hushed to suspend its guarded growling with Soren’s reassuring pitch, but it still persisted with the intimating expression that it had worn, still not exactly trusting anyone yet. Soren’s arm halted in place for a moment or two. He was waiting for something. He was waiting for the wolf to stop hissing its fangs. It did slightly, but that was just fine with Soren. Better than nothing. Soren lowering his palm before the wolf, he dropped his hand to the wolf’s head, animal closing its eyes, troubled expression in tow. After all, the kids did just destroy the thing that had hurt it. Besides, what could they possibly do to it? As Soren released the somewhat heavy weight of his hand insignificantly, he warmly smiled and fully knelt down, bringing his other hand upwards to pet the mane on him.
“Hush…” Soren quietly murmured to the creature, the animal letting out a weak whimper as it softly shifted its head forwards, reluctantly streaming her tongue over Soren’s face, the ginger himself to crackle a small laugh as his emerald-green eyes playfully glimpsed back at his friends who had, for whatever reason, remained soundless throughout all of his hazardous experience with the white-furred cutesy, “See? We can help it now!”
The others anxiously strolled over, evidently acting extremely cautious of the barely tamed animal that was literally gnarring and threatening them two minutes ago, them hoping that it wouldn’t abruptly lash out on them as they sat down. Especially when they began to settle their fingers on the arrow, obviously intending to take it out of its wound. Luckily, Soren, Magnus and Ellegaard were able to keep the wolf sidetracked with lots of pettings and cuddles as Gabriel and Ivor took care of the dart, to which the wolf let out a surprised yip suddenly started to growl, mainly at the purple and blue-eyed yet again, prompting all of the children to instantly stand up and take a step backwards, away from the animal in case it tried to make any violent actions onto them as its dark-red blood began pouring from the wound as the children observed the injury in disgust.
“Ugh,” Magnus said, “we need to cover it with something…” 
“Thank you, Captain Obvious…” Ellegaard gibed, sighing after, “Anyways, I don’t think that it’s been injured for too long, so we just need to stop it from bleeding to its death.”
Everybody quickly, briefly glanced around the proximity with no success with spotting anything that could possibly be used to be enveloped around the white-furred. As Soren skipped his eyesight from left to right, scanning for something to bind the wolf’s blood in, he noticed the scarf that was neutrally wrapped around his throat, gently choking him. Sure, scarfs couldn’t really be washed properly but what was the most important this right now, was that they save this animal’s life. After he generously unhitched his grey-or-sable sash from around his neck, he benevolently waved his hand over the eyes of the critter, aspiring to reassure the creature that it was only him and to somewhat divert it. Once the animal had stopped the majority of its growling, the ginger settled his scarf up to the wolf’s bloody fur and firmly pressed. 
- - -
“I can run home and grab some medicine for them!” Once the scarf had belatedly absorbed all of the flowing blood, they removed Soren’s sash, and although the scar had appeared to stop bleeding, a scarf wasn’t going to work forever. The cut would just open back up, obviously. The children needed a permanent fix for the harmed animal. That’s why Ellegaard suggested that. “My parents are scientists and they work with medicine–I think that they may have something for her!”
With that, she was off to get some supplies.
“So what’re we gonna do with it?” Magnus urged, “We can’t just leave her here.”
“Well, they’re in no condition to walk,” Gabriel explained, “It needs to rest up.”
“When Ellie gets back, we’ll see how she’s feeling,” Soren added before being licked off the stroke of wet togue from the wounded.
“He really seems to like you, Soren…!” Ivor quotes, “He’s been doing nothing but showing affection to you since you got to her.”
“I’ve had a cat before,” Soren mentions, “But she died when I was younger, so I don’t remember them all-that-much. Perhaps I just have a way with animals?”
“Or perhaps this wolf just likes you,” Ivor proposes.
Soon enough, Ellegaard had eventually returned alongside all sorts of medical supplies in her arms although they definitely didn’t need all that she had brought with her. Granted, she does explain how her father was at work and that she already knew that her mother wouldn’t allow her to take any sort of medical equipment. Fortunately, they didn’t really have to tell them. However, it was a bit of a risk of how they sort of just…randomly chose a treatment and applied it onto the bruise. Luckily, sure enough, it appeared that the scar was actually beginning to heal and seal up. The…the kids had done it…? They actually saved someone, rescuing this wolf’s life…?! Of course, they were hoping that it would but…they had actually achieved something?!
“Wait…we actually did it…?!” Magnus asked more than said, “The Order of the Stone’s first official mission was a success…?!”
“The Order isn’t even official yet,” Ivor answered pessimistically.
“YET!” Soren corrected, “The Order isn’t official yet!”
“Right…” Ellegaard added.
“Well,” Gabriel urged everyone, “we should head home now, don’t you think?” 
“Wait!” Soren brought to everyone’s attention, “What do we do with the wolf?”  
“Um, leave them?” Magnus reminded, “It’s a wild animal.” The wild animal growled slightly at that, Magnus looking at it, back at the rest, “I don’t think that any of our parents are gonna let us keep it.”
Soren peered down at the critter again, “They can stay with me!” Soren realized that the stone was slightly cold as he sat next to the wolf, “My parents love animals! We’ve been thinking of getting a dog anyways!” The green-eyed looked curiously at the creature, “Whatcha’ say, buddy?” He directed, “Wanna come home with me?”
“Yay!” He cheered, hugging the wolf, “I knew you’d want to, Krita!”
“Krita?” Magnus asked, “Is that their name?”
“Yes! I just came up with it!” Soren explained, “Pretty nice name huh?” 
“Actually, it’s kinda dumb,” Ellegaard added, prompting Ivor and Gabriel to angrily glare at her for lowering Soren’s self-confidence.
“Well, if Krita’s coming with us, let’s head back,” Gabriel declared, “I don’t wanna be caught out in the forest at night.”
Soren earnestly nodded and stood onto his feet, urging the newly-named dog to accompany and follow behind them. Well, more like “follow alongside them.” Although the canine distinctly staggered, still injured, it shadowed among closely. Occasionally, the children would take a glimpse at the said animal, only to notice that it seemed more peacefully open-minded than anything. Which was fine. They were completely okay with that as long as it refrained itself from violently clawing their hearts open. But at the same time, it certainly seemed to be friendly. And fierce. But it was unquestionably better than nothing.
The kids continued to saunter to Soren’s address and to everyone’s surprise, the ginger’s parents actually allowed him to keep the previously-wild hound that was clearly threatening to end their lives and literally rip them to shreds twelve minutes ago! Despite that, she was properly tamed and even got a snazzy new collar, padding down its furred chest. Of course, not all can be good. Several of the other kid’s parents were a tad annoyed that their child put themselves in dangers, only to save a desert creature; That said, they were at least pleased that they were able to help it. 
Unfortunately, none of the children actually got many recognitions for bettering Krita’s well-being. Though that was the whole purpose of this mission, nobody really heard about it. In any of their villages. Of course…there’s always a bright side…At least now they had what they had lacked! An identifiable and iconic mascot for their smaller team of heroes! Krita would be a supplementary charm that everybody amidst the world of sin would acknowledge and know of! That is, alongside its famous owners, obviously! And, of course, who would be famous, well-trained, legends! This was nothing more than another factor in their required acknowledgements!
Everything just falls into place sometimes, doesn’t it?
In bad ways too.
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nctsplug02 · 3 years
Can I request dad!johnny? he cheated with y/n so they broke up and 3 yrs later he saw y/n with their son (y/n a single mom) but johnny isnt still aware of it that it’s his kid? Angst-fluff maybe? Thank you!
get your popcorns ready, this is gonna be a long story.
genre: angst, fluff
You and your son were waiting in line for some ice cream, he heard the ice cream truck and asked to get some, of course you agreed since it was so hot outside. “Hello,” you greeted the man in the ice cream truck. “Hi, what can I get for you today?” He asks and you hum. “I think I’ll get vanilla. What do you want, baby?” You ask your three year old. “Can I get the brown one?”
The man chuckles and nods before heading back into his truck to get the ice creams. “Okay, here you two are! It’ll be five bucks.” You hand the man a five dollar bill before bidding your goodbyes.
“Y/n?” You turn your head to the direction where your name was called. “Oh, Mark? Taeil?” You’re shocked to see your olds friends standing in line, waiting to order their ice creams. “So it is you! Hyung, you owe me twenty bucks,” Taeil rolls his eyes at the youngster and nods.
“Anyways, how’ve you been? It’s been so long!” The young boy cheers. “I’ve—,” you feel your dress get tugged on. “Mommy, who are they?” Your son asks, hiding behind you. “These.. um,” you look back at Mark and taeil. “They are my friends from a long time ago.” You smile at the two men in front of you.
“Wait, your a mom now? Wow!” Mark covers his mouth in shock. “Mark, youre too loud.” Taeil tells him, Mark apologizes and lowers his voice. “Uh, yeah.. I’m a mom now.” Mark crouches down and holds a fit out to your son. “Hi, buddy! I’m mark!” Your son tilts to the side to look at Mark. He looks up at you who just smiles down at him. “I’m Sungchan.” Your son quietly introduces himself and hi-fives Marks fist.
“Nice to meet you, sungchan.” Mark giggles at the three year olds shyness. “Where are you guys off to?” Taeil asks while Mark tried to start a conversation with the three year old. “Just back to the park, what about you guys?” You point to the park that had no people. “Well, we came here to get some ice cream for us and the others, so we’re headed back.. over there.”
He points to a place behind the cars that were all parked and lined up. “Oh, who’s all over there with you guys? Maybe I’ll come with and say hello to them.” You smile at him, thinking about the others that you hadn’t seen either. “Well, there’s taeyong, Jeno, yuta, Doyoung, and Johnny.” He lists them out, you pause at the last name.
“O—oh, um, actually I think me and Sungchan are just gonna head home after this.” You hug Sungchan to your leg. “Oh, well. Here, how about we swap numbers so you can come over tonight? I mean, we are throwing a little party.” You think about it, what could go wrong with reuniting with some old friends?
“Sure! I mean, it’s been years since we’ve all talked and seen each other, so why not?” He laughs a little and pulls his phone out. You and him swap numbers before you and Sungchan left home.
Mark and Taeil walk back to the little group with ice cream cones in their hands. “Okay, take your ice creams! Me and Taeil have to tell you guys who we just met.” They all take their ice cream and wait for Mark to continue.
“We bumped into y/n at the ice cream truck, she looks better than ever!” Mark announces with a giggle.
Later that night, Taeil had texted you, telling you to come over for a bit. You got worried and asked if you could bring Sungchan, he said yes and that he didn’t mind.
You got Sungchan out of the car and knocked on the door. The door swings open and you see Mark at the door. “Aye! You actually came!” He gasps when he sees the three year old standing besides you. “Ahh! Sungchan!” He giggles and starts to jump. “Hi, Mark.” You giggle at how excited he was to see your son.
Mark shuts the door after letting the two of you in. “Are you hungry? Yeah, okay. Why don’t you go play with uncle Mark while mommy grabs you some food, yeah?” Your son nods and looks up at Mark. “Let’s go!” Sungchan grabs Marks hand and allows Mark to take him to the basement.
You sigh and start looking around for the kitchen. “Oh,” you find the kitchen filled with food that they had just barbecued. You hum and start looking for plates, paper plates are sitting on the counter which you grabbed. You filled with plate up with some chicken and rice. You reheat the cold food and while waiting a voice scares you.
“Y/n?” Oh, you knew that voice, you knew it well.
You turned around to see your ex lover standing in shock by the door frame. “Johnny, hi.” You inhale sharply. “Is.. is that your kid?” He points behind him.
- few moments ago -
Johnny sighs and opens the bathroom door. “Yo! Watch out, man!” Mark yells and pushes the tall man back into the bathroom. “Woah, who’s kid is that?” Johnny asks pointing to the three year old.
“Mhm.” You nod confirming his question. “Oh, well, how’ve you been—?”
beep, beep, beep.
The microwave saves the awkward moment. “I’ve been good, how about you?” You grab the food out of the microwave. “I’ve been.. good too.” He nods and tucks his hands in his pockets. “That’s good. Can you show me where the basement is?” He nods and gestures you to follow him.
Entering the basement, you could see your son playing with Mark. “Oh, my god! Y/n? It’s been so long!” Jungwoo gasps and sits up, running over to you and hugging you. “Hi Jungwoo!” You giggle and pst his back as he swayed you back and forth. “Gosh! So that baby must be yours, huh?” You nod and scrunch your face up. “Okay, well I see you have a plate of food so, go on.”
You walk over to Mark and Sungchan who are playing with some action figures. “Channie, come eat food.” You sit down and place the plate down. “Okay, mommy.” He crawls over to you and sits in front of you. “Here, ahh.” You open your mouth and so does he. “Omm, nom nom nom.” Your son giggles at your food noises.
After feeding your son, your son got tired and wanted to go home. “Hey guys, me and Sungchan are gonna head home. He’s getting really tired and cranky.” The guys frown and whine, not wanting you to leave just yet. “I’ll see you guys next time, okay?” Mark walks you to your car with Sungchan in his arms.
“Okay, bye y/n. Drive safe, alright?” You giggle and nod. “I’m not that bad of a driver, Mark. But yes, don’t worry. Goodnight Mark, don’t drink too much.” He laughs and nods. “Okay, mom,” he jokes, “goodbye channie, see you soon! Bye buddy!” He waves the little boy off before running back inside as you drove off.
For days your son had begged you nonstop if he could spend the night at Marks, and honestly, you didn’t know if Mark would be up for it or if he would be able to take care of your three year old. “Okay, I’ll call uncle Mark to see if he lets, okay?” The three year old cheers and nods.
You pick up your phone and start calling Mark.
“Hey, what’s up y/n?” The man sounded so lively. “Hi Mark, can I ask you something?” The boy nods and hums. “Okay, so lately Sungchan had been asking and begging for me to let him sleep at your place, so is it alright if Sungchan sleeps at your place? For like, a day?”
The man on the other line freaks. “Dude, of course! Send me your address I’ll come pick him up.” You giggle at his excitement, him and Sungchan are growing up as best friends. “Alright, ill send it.” The other line goes silent, bitch hung up.
“Channie! Go get ready! Uncle Mark is coming to pick you up!” The little boy cheers and runs into his room, quickly packing some of his toys and some clothes.
“Im ready, mommy!” He says with his backpack on and his shoes on the wrong way. “Good job, baby! Let’s go wait for uncle Mark outside, yeah?” He nods and runs towards the front door.
You and him are outside, youre sitting on the steps while he sat next to you. “It’s a pretty day, isn’t it?” Your son nods and looks at the flowers that were planted by the big tree in front of your house, it had a swing on it from your childhood.
A car pulls up and you grab Sungchan hand. “Oh, it’s uncle mark.” You let his hand go as he slowly walks down the stairs and then runs to his uncle. “Uncle Mark!” He jumps into the mans arms and makes the older man giggle. “Hey buddy!” He lifts up the three year old and looks over at you, who is walking towards them.
“Hey Mark, take good care of my baby, okay? He’s the only one I’m having.” Mark and you laugh, but soon after he nods. “Hey y/n?” You look in the car to see Johnny sitting in the passenger seat. “Oh, hey Johnny, didn’t see you.” He slightly laughs and then looks back in his lap. “Alright, ready to go, buddy?” The three year old nods.
“You go and be good, okay? If someone tells me you were being a bad boy, then you don’t get to go back to uncle Marks, got it?” The little on nods. “Okay, give mommy a kiss.” You turn your head and point to your cheek. You pull away when you feel his little lips press against it. “Okay, bye bye, baby.” You ruffle his hair. “Bye mommy!”
Later that night, you had ran to that store for some food and bumped into someone very attractive. You and him swapped numbers and starts going on dates after that. While on those dates, Mark would babysit for you, you offered to pay him for every time he watch your son but he didn’t accept it.
Tonight was a rainy night, you and jaehyun couldn’t go on a date so you both decided to stay in with Sungchan.
- a little recap of their night -
“Happy 8 month anniversary, babe.” Jaehyun says and clinks his wine glass with yours. “Happy 8 months, baby.” You take a small swig. “Mommy, happy happy day.” Sungchan holds up his cup of apple juice. “Aww, happy happy day, baby.” You giggled and clinked your cup with his.
It was so late and the rain made the three of you guys so sleepy, so the three of you ended up sleeping early.
A sudden faint knock could be heard from the living room. You sit up frantically, another knock. “Who the f.. it’s so late..” you groan and get out of bed, making your way down to the front door with a bat in your hand.
“Johnny?” You see Johnny standing in front of your door all soaked, he looked.. intoxicated. “Y/n..” he slurred and wobbled, he couldn’t even hold himself up. “Johnny, it’s late, what are you doing in front of my door at this time?” He laughs but it sounded broken. “I.. I miss you so much..”
he was just drunk talking, you said to yourself.
“Johnny, should I call Mark—?” He quickly shakes his head. “No, please don’t. If you do then he’ll yell at me.” You sigh, the cold breeze making your legs shiver. “I just miss you so much, I miss holding you at night, I miss the way you kissed me, please just take me back—“ you stopped his rambling, his drunk rambling.
“No, johnny, you don’t get to do this! I’ve finally healed after 4 years of our break up. I was so heartbroken that you cheated on me with some random chick from the bar. I was so hurt that you hid it from me and that I had to find out from Renjun and Chenle. This ain’t fair, johnny!” He laughs and nods. “He’s my son, isn’t he?” Great, a new topic.
“So what if he is? It doesn’t matter anymore, you were never in the picture anyway so why does it matter?” He looks up at you. “He’s my son—“ you shake your head. “No he isn’t, he isn’t. He may have your blood but he isn’t your son.” Silence took over, all that could be heard was the raining showering. “Just leave, please? I don’t want to ever see you again.” He steps closer with tears streaming down his cheeks.
“Y/n, please let’s just talk—“ the door opens wider. “She said to leave.” Johnny looks at the man besides you and then back at you. “Alright, I’m sorry..” Johnny turns back around and walks out of your property.
Jaehyun closes the door shut and is immediately taken into your embrace. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up.” He shakes his hand and taps on your thigh, telling you to jump, so you do. “It’s okay, let’s just go back to bed.” He says carrying you back up to your room.
a/n: i got really tired and confused at the end. hopefully you can see where i ran out of words and ideas for this story. and by confused i mean like, not knowing anymore words, not knowing what to write and etc. hopefully i can fix this and make it better because it isn’t really that good. I’ll try my best next time! :)
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dramioneasks · 2 years
hi do you have some recommendations fics that similiar to Nice Things by lizzie_carlile where the malfoys are so ooc that they are very sweet (even lucius) and at the same time h isnt a granger (can be black, nott, potter, or even zabini)? thank you ia
Alexandra By: Gallopin’ Gorgons - M, 35 chapters - After restoring her parents memories, Hermione finds out she isn’t who she always believed to be. However, she decides not to let this new development affect her live at all. Problem is, life does seem to happen when you’re busy making other plans. Especially, when a charming Draco, a meddling Narcissa and 2 rogue Death Eaters turn it upside down. M for a reason
Evenly Matched - sweetestsorrows (katschako) - M, 12 chapters - Hermione Jean Granger Nott is an enigma among purebloods. Raised by a French mother with a high opinion of Muggles, she learns from an early age the value of an open-mind. Along with Theo and Draco, Hermione lives an idyllic childhood. Tragedy strikes shortly before the start of her magical education, and Hermione must learn how to cope with several unexpected challenges. Meanwhile, Draco adjusts to life without his two closest friends. He lashes out, in a desperate attempt to regain what he thinks he lost, and only drives a wedge further between himself and Hermione. In the process of the growing up, he learns what’s truly important, and what he can’t live without.
Thorns & Snakes - Elle_m2 - M, WIP  - In the wake of their fourth year at Hogwarts, the Tri Wizards Tournament chooses Harry Potter as a champion, and life changes irrevocably for two members of the Golden Trio as Hermione finally sees her opportunity. A change of House, an hidden identity revealed, a secret powerful soul bond discovered, and Old Rituals awakening…What would have happened to the Wizarding World if Hermione Granger wasn’t who everyone thought she was?
The Long Game by lozlol - M, 15 chapters - When his wife and their mother is murdered after birth, Voldemort and his children decide to take their revenge by playing the long game with the unsuspecting Order. DracoxHermione, HarryxDaphne. Rated M for some language and maybe sex scenes later on.
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demadogs · 2 years
I love t swift and I love byler
What Taylor songs do u think represent byler?
did you read my mind i was just about to make a post talking about this thank you for giving me an excuse to do it.
DOROTHEA!!!!!!!! NO ONE TALKS ABOUT THIS ONE WHEN THEY BRING UP TAYLOR BYLER SONGS BUT ITS THE PERFECT ONE!!!!! its literally about losing touch with a childhood best friend after they move like come ON!! its the epitome of best friends to lovers. it sounds like its to will from mikes perspective.
the song opens with, “hey dorothea do you ever stop and think about me? when we were younger down in the park honey making a lark of the misery”
“making a lark of the misery”: shes talking about making light of the trauma they endured in order to cope. this could be applied to them continuing to play dnd even after facing the monsters in real life.
“you got shiny friends since you left town, a tiny screen’s the only place i see you now and i got nothing but well wishes for ya”
el’s lies in her letters probably made him think that will also made a bunch of new friends. “a tiny screen’s the only place i see you now”. shes referring to social media posts on phones in this line but since its the 80s this could be applied to mike looking at old photos of them or maybe even will’s old drawings that he still has up in his basement.
“this place is the same as it ever was but you wont like it that way”
i think this line is saying that objectively their town is the same and has the same people but it just doesnt feel the same since she left. this sounds like what mike said to will. “max, lucas and dustin, theyre great. its just hawkins, its not the same without you”.
“its never too late to come back to my side, the stars in your eyes shined brighter in tupelo”
this lyric can be applied to how will isnt as happy in california as he was in hawkins with mike and mike is telling him that he missed him too.
“hey dororthea do you ever stop and think about me when it was calmer”
“when it was calmer” could apply to them missing times in their childhood before will went missing and before they knew anything about the upside down.
“are you still the same soul i met under the bleachers well i guess i’ll never know”
this lyric is about losing touch with each other and not knowing if they’ll be the same after. “i feel like i lost you… but i think it’ll be easier if we’re a team”.
this song is wlw and makes present day references but other than that its WEIRDLY accurate to s4 byler. i bet there will be even more to connect it to after volume 2. i love this song so much.
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