#(technically it is still June 6 in my time zone at the time of clicking post)
ct-7045 · 4 months
Remember, salute, and honor the fallen and the living. Their sacrifices and memories shall not die.
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suga-honey-icedtea · 4 years
That Summer Night | Seokjin
a/n: it’s been really steamy lately and i hope that everyone’s been taking care of themselves by drinking plenty of water! also, because it’s been steamy, i figured something steamy was needed about jin so this happened! i hope everyone enjoys and don’t hesitate to let me know what you think!
leave your thoughts: here
my other writing: here
word count: 10,032 words
 “I’m ready for the semester to be over with.” A groan erupted from across the room, a muted thump following as the body fell back onto the couch. “I’m sick and tired of all these fucking papers! Seriously, who is going to read eight pages of bullshit about macro molecules used for cloning purposes?”
 “I think your professor might?” Y/N raised a brow, watching as her roommate and friend, Doyeon, rolled over on the couch to glare at the former. She grumbled the whole time she sat back up, causing Y/N to chuckle and return to her own paper. She had to admit, the papers were a lot and due in such a short amount of time, as well. They had to be done, though, since both girls wanted to graduate as soon as possible.
 “I swear, when all these fucking classes are over, we are going on that trip.” Doyeon continued to grumble as she abandoned her laptop on the couch and made a beeline for the coffee machine in the kitchen. Y/N couldn’t help but roll her eyes at the empty threat of a trip, knowing full well it was near impossible. With a job lined up to start in the middle of July, Y/N knew any trips wouldn’t happen with her empty wallet. Doyeon liked to dream, though. “We’re going and I will drag you along if I have to.”
 “You know I can’t, Do. I have family things to take care of after the semester and then I start my job in July.” Y/N explained in a monotone voice, the information nothing new to either party. She could hear Doyeon grumbling again as she pressed the button to brew her coffee before her head was poking out of the kitchen to half glare at Y/N sitting at the kitchen table.
 “We can find time. Your brother’s graduation is like, right at the start of June. And then your mom’s birthday isn’t until the start of July, right? There’s totally time to go somewhere and come back!” Doyeon gasped a little, disappearing back into the kitchen to retrieve her coffee. When she came back out, instead of heading back to her laptop on the couch, she took the other seat at the kitchen table. Doyeon sipped on her coffee, watching Y/N type some more on her own laptop before the latter eventually looked up at her friend.
 “What about somewhere warm, like Hawaii? Or Miami? What about the Bahamas? Or Cuba?” Doyeon threw out the suggestions one right after the other, not pausing for Y/N to interject at all. When she reached the end of her short list, Doyeon gasped and quickly left the table to return to her laptop. Y/N feared it wasn’t for her paper, though. “Cuba would be perfect! You took Spanish, you could understand people.”
 “Doyeon, I haven’t taken a Spanish class since sophomore year--”
 “This hotel looks perfect! The plane tickets aren’t even that expensive. How long should we go? Is two weeks too long? Oh well! Two weeks in Cuba in the middle of June!” Doyeon sang as she clicked a few things. Y/N was the one to abandon her laptop this time, rushing over to see just what her friend was doing. “And done! It’s happening, you can’t stop it now.”
 “Doyeon! What did you do?” Y/N stared at the laptop screen in slight horror, eyes scanning over the confirmation page of the hotel and plane tickets that were just bought and booked. Turning from the screen to her smiling friend, Y/N couldn’t contain her frown of displeasure. “There’s no way I can back out, is there?”
 “Nope! You’re coming with me. Don’t worry, I’ll plan out stuff to do in between our beach bathing.” Doyeon waved her hand as if to dismiss the worry of lack of activities, though that did nothing to cure the small bubble of dread building in Y/N’s chest.
 This trip was going to be an adventure for sure.
 “So she really bought them?” The shocked gasp that resonated in the room left Y/N feeling even more dread building. She sullenly nodded at her coworker, Jimin, as she resumed the sweeping she’d been doing. “That’s so crazy! I’m jealous, though. I’d love to go to Cuba.”
 “Jimin!” Y/N whined, abandoning the pile of popcorn and straw wrappers to face him entirely. She pouted at him and he could only shrug in response. “It’s so sudden! My mom is going to flip out when she finds out I’m going to leave for two weeks to go to Cuba with Doyeon and I didn’t even buy the tickets or hotel room!”
 Jimin leaned against the counter with a pout of his own, causing Y/N to sigh and resume her sweeping. The lobby of the movie theater was mostly empty, closing time fast approaching. Jimin was one of the coworkers Y/N considered a friend, aside from the manager. The other was out due to a knee surgery and wouldn’t be back before Y/N left for good. She would definitely miss this place, but knew for sure Jimin and her manager, Yoongi, would keep her in the loop of the crazy stuff that happened in the theater.
 “I think you should just go with it, Y/N. Enjoy it and relax before selling yourself away to corporate life forever.” Jimin gave another shrug before spinning on his heel to start cleaning up the copious amounts of leftover popcorn. The large room fell into a comfortable silence as the two went on with their usual duties for closing.
 Y/N continued to wear her frown the whole time she swept, nearly grumbling to herself about her situation. It wasn’t even technically a problem, she knew that. Anyone would be lucky to go anywhere out of the country, especially somewhere warm and beautiful like Cuba. Part of her just felt bad that Doyeon had spent so much money to book everything for the two of them. Of course, Y/N knew it was cheaper for just the two of them then a group would’ve been. She also knew Doyeon wasn’t even using her own money. Doyeon’s parents were not only loaded, but they definitely spoiled the girl way too much. Which meant more money than Doyeon knew what to do with.
 Doyeon, of course, had spent money on Y/N before. Against her wishes, of course. She loved spending the money she had, especially on friends and family. So, that meant Y/N often got presents of new clothing or accessories, even intimate clothing as well. There was a certain bra and panty set sitting in a box at the bottom of her closet she still hadn’t worn quite yet. To be fair, Doyeon had bought it for Y/N to wear with her ex boyfriend without knowing that they had split the night before.
 Frowning as she thought of it, Y/N wondered if she should bring it with her on the trip to Cuba. Only then, she shook her head to erase the thoughts and groaned as she angrily finished sweeping up the lobby.
 “Seriously, Y/N. Don’t be upset over this. Just go and have fun.” Jimin smiled as they stood back later on to watch Yoongi lock the doors, gently patting her shoulders as her body slumped forward. “So many people would kill to be in your place, so enjoy it! Live a little!”
 “Go have fun where?” Yoongi grumbled a little as he approached them, shoving the keys into his pocket and leaving his hand there. Another groan left Y/N and Jimin couldn’t help his giggle as his hand dropped to his own side.
 “Y/N didn’t tell you? Doyeon got them tickets for a trip to Cuba.” Jimin’s eyebrows wiggled and Yoongi whistled a little before stepping around them. Yoongi was not a fan of the cold and there was still a slight chill in the air as the night settled on them. “They’re supposed to go in June.”
 “That sounds really cool, though. I’m guessing you don’t want to go, though?” Yoongi commented after Y/N had groaned once again. She sighed as the trio walked toward their cars parked a good distance away from the entrance.
 “It’s not that I don’t want to go, I’d love to go. Cuba is such a beautiful country.” Y/N explained, only to sigh again as her shoulders slumped again. “I just hate that she paid for everything. I also will have even less time to prepare for my mom’s birthday and my new job.”
 “Honestly?” Yoongi stopped walking as he reached his car, facing Y/N with a serious look. He was always serious, though, so his face just looked as it usually did. Y/N stopped walking with Jimin, the pair of them waiting to hear the wisdom that Yoongi had to give about her predicament. “Just go and live a little. Enjoy yourself and act like the young 20 something that you are.” He shrugged himself this time as Y/N groaned, Jimin laughing as he walked to his own car. 
 Y/N couldn’t help it as she stomped over to her own car, grumbling about people not caring about their financial situations and only focusing on their own freedom or lack of freedom. She needed to find people who sympathized with her and her struggles.
 “Why don’t they have a croissant?” Doyeon pouted at the menu, staring for a few seconds longer before completing the order that the pair had started at the breakfast place. Y/N yawned as they shuffled over to the side, waiting patiently for the food and drinks that they hoped to wake them up. 
 “I just wanted you to know that I hate you.” Y/N half hissed as they finally sat down to eat, placing her bag right next to her on the booth seat. Doyeon only giggled, taking a sip of her coffee before unwrapping her donut. Y/N had eventually accepted the trip, but when Doyeon had woken her up at 3 am for their 6 am flight, Y/N had gone back to hating the whole ordeal. Of course, Doyeon found it hilarious.
 “You’re so cute before you wake up.” She cooed over her coffee, only laughing more at the finger that Y/N shot her way. It fell silent for a moment before Doyeon pulled out her phone to check things over one final time. “So, when we get there, we’ll just rest up. Tomorrow, we’ll go to the beach and do some shopping. The day after we’re going on that historical hike tour.”
 Y/N zoned out as Doyeon rambled, sipping her drink and chewing her food as she people watched. Families bustling to find their gates and business people rushing to make sure their flights were still on time. People watching was nice, Y/N couldn’t say she hated it. It was only awkward when people stared right back at her.
 Which was the case as her eyes flitted over to two business men and their frantic looking assistant. One of the men, the slightly taller one with black hair, turned his head and locked eyes with Y/N as she sat and chewed her food slowly. They were both entranced, not really paying attention to their surroundings. The result was the man running into a trash can at full force, knocking it over and eventually falling on top of it as it rolled around.
 The loud crash knocked Y/N out of the trance and all attention was on the three standing by the trash can as several airport employees rushed over to help clean up. “That’s one way to wake up.” Y/N mumbled as she turned away, facing Doyeon once more with a smile. It was loud, sure, but it was funny.
 By the time they were shuffling onto the airplane for the long flight ahead, Y/N was fully awake and ready to nap once more as the caffeine was starting to wear off a little. Doyeon ahead of her quickly found her seat, Y/N sliding in afterward as quick as she could. Doyeon nearly squealed once the plane started to move, gripping onto Y/N’s arm tightly as the plane took off and she knew then that it was way too late to back out now.
 “Did you grab the sunscreen?” Doyeon called from the kitchen in the hotel room, a frown forming when Y/N called back a loud no in response. She sighed as she set her beach bag down once more to make sure it really was missing.
 It had only been four days, the pair only having been to the beach three times in that time frame. One time wasn’t even during the day, it was at night. The bellhop who had helped bring their bags up to the room had raved about the crabs on the beach at night, so the pair decided to go crab hunting in the dark. It was eventful, to say the least. It didn’t explain the missing sunscreen, though.
 “We can just get more at the convenient store on the way.” Y/N suggested as she emerged from the bathroom, placing her sunglasses on top of her head and looking at Doyeon. “Besides, I want to pick up some snacks from there. They have really good honey chips that I honestly think I’m addicted to.”
 “Snacks do sound good. Okay, let’s go.” Doyeon quickly gathered her things and they were off to the store to get a plethora of snacks and sunscreen. With the needed essentials in hand, they headed to the beach to the spot they had chosen when they were there last. “I love it here, honestly.”
 “I know.” Y/N groaned as she began putting sunscreen on her legs, pouting as she looked out toward the ocean. “I know I was having issues accepting the trip before we came but I don’t think I can leave now.”
 “Maybe we can just move here.” Doyeon suggested as she turned around for help on her back, which Y/N quickly obliged to. Once they were all covered and protected, the pair sprawled out on their towels and let the relaxation set in.
 On the way back to the hotel after spending all day in the sun, Doyeon hummed with happiness at the ice cream she was eating. “We should go out tonight.” She threw the suggestion out there after swallowing the bit of ice cream she had eaten before going back in for more. Y/N’s brows furrowed a little as she ate her own ice cream, glancing at Doyeon for a brief second.
 “You want to go out?”
 “Yeah! While you went to the bathroom in that changing area, this guy came up to me and gave me this flyer.” Doyeon explained, rifling through her bag to pull out a bright blue flyer. “He said if we showed up tonight with this flyer, we could get in for free and get a free round of their signature drink.” Doyeon’s smile was wide as Y/N took the flyer from her hands. She looked over the blue paper with a frown, slowing her ice cream consumption before her shoulders were going up and down in a shrug.
 “Let’s go! We don’t really have anything planned for the morning tomorrow, anyway.” Y/N explained before finishing off her ice cream and handing the flyer back to Doyeon. “Just that dolphin viewing thing in the afternoon that you wanted to check out.”
 “If we get blacked out tonight, I promise I won’t be upset if we miss the dolphins. Let’s go get ready!” Doyeon squealed as she grabbed Y/N’s hand, dragging her back toward the hotel to get ready.
 The club was packed, people already drunk and spilling out onto the sidewalk as they arrived. They were quickly let in at one glance of the flyer, and were just as quickly sipping on some fruity drinks once they were inside. With the music loud and alcohol slowly being pumped into her body, Y/N could feel the lingering stress that hadn’t gone away vanish with the pulse of the bass.
 “This stuff is so good! I’m going to get some more.” Doyeon half yelled to Y/N before she disappeared, though Y/N didn’t stop her. Part of her wanted to get so drunk she couldn’t remember the night they had.
 Doyeon seemed to have the same plan, as she came back with not only the fruity drinks but several shots of random liquor. Y/N didn’t question a thing as she quickly put them down, letting the burn sizzle for a few seconds before chasing it with another shot. Doyeon giggled at the face Y/N made after the fourth shot, sipping her drink fast. 
 As the music changed and the alcohol began to take effect, Doyeon dragged Y/N out onto the packed dance floor to dance with her. Somewhere along the line, more shots were offered and Y/N gladly threw them back without a question along with Doyeon. When she passed the shot glasses back, her eyes landed on a familiar face that recognized her, too. They were soon approaching her on the dance floor, squeezing through bodies to reach her.
 The last thing she could remember clearly was warm hands finding a place on her waist and a warm body pressing against her back. Her face didn’t hesitate to break out into a smile as gentle lips began peppering her exposed skin with light kisses, the trail inevitably leading to her ear. 
 “You look stunning, doll. Mouth watering, even.” The compliment was a hungry whisper, followed by teeth lightly grazing her warm skin. It left chills running down her spine and subconsciously, her body leaned back into the other holding her by her waist. “It’d be a shame if you went home with anyone else that wasn’t me.”
 “Is this your way of getting into my pants?” Y/N’s words were slurred as she clumsily spun to face him. Something about him was familiar but with her head clouded and the dark club filled with flashing lights, there was no way she could be sure. His face was handsome, though. Hair pushed back, eyes dark and looking like he really was going to devour her in seconds.
 In answer to her question, he simply shrugged while smirking, leaning back in so he didn’t have to shout over the deafening bass of the music. “And if that’s my motive in the end? Would you really deny me the pleasure of tasting you and pleasuring you as long as you wanted?”
 Her breath hitched in her throat at the suggestion, her thighs clenching together as the vague realization of just how turned on she was by that question surfaced in the fog. Y/N couldn’t hold back a whine at his suggestive words, her hands coming up to tightly grip his biceps.
 “Well, it’s working.” She ended up huffing with a pout and he laughed at her expression. He was gentle the whole time he took her hand, leading her out of the club and to a car waiting by the curb outside. 
 Y/N didn’t think to ask where they were headed as she climbed into the back and immediately climbed into his lap. She thanked fate through her clouded judgment for swaying her to choose a shorter dress for the night, making it significantly easier for her to straddle him in the back of the car. His hands found her hips and without any hints needed, his lips collided with her own in an already heated kiss. Y/N vaguely wondered if the driver was paying attention to them but the thought slipped away as his hands began guiding her hips back and forth over his growing problem.
 By the time the car had stopped at the hotel, the pair looked far too gone to have been simply just making out. Perhaps it was the alcohol in their systems but anyone who saw them knew for sure that they had either already had sex or were close to getting down in front of everyone.
 He pulled her through the lobby quickly, pressing the button for the elevator and stepping in quickly. His hands continued to roam her body, slipping under her dress a little as the elevator climbed the floors up and up.
 When they reached the room he was staying in, he dragged her quickly to his bed and pushed her back onto it. He slowed down finally when she was trying to catch her breath on his bed, slowly taking off her shoes before letting his mouth trail up her thigh from her knee. Her head lifted from the bed with a whine and his teasing ended as quickly as it’d started.
 His tongue wasted no time with exploring her throbbing heat, circling around her clit before his lips wrapped around the bud. Y/N gasped, jolting from the sudden feeling of his lips. His fingers soon followed his tongue, slipping into her easily and setting a steady pace immediately.
 It didn’t take long for her orgasm to explode through her body, loud moans echoing off the walls and surely disturbing the neighbors. He loved it, though, and made it known after his tongue gathered every last drop of her first orgasm of the night. “You’re so beautiful. You sound like an angel singing, doll.”
 “Your tongue feels like the fucking devil, though. Holy shit.” Y/N panted as she sat up, making quick work of ridding her body of the dress still clinging to her. Her hands quickly found his zipper after her dress had been discarded, unbuttoning and pulling the clothing down so it fell around his ankles. “Maybe you’ll rethink the angel bit after I’m done.”
 His teeth sunk into his bottom lip at her comment, sinking further when she solidified her insinuation of her more than unholy ways with a light kiss to his tip that was dangerously close to peeking out of his boxers. She let her tongue swipe over his clothed dick, smirking at the low groan she elicited from him.
 Teasing wasn’t on the agenda, though, and she was quick to pull his boxers down and slowly wrap her mouth around his tip. His jaw fell slack as he watched her take him inch by inch until he was hitting the back of her throat. His fingers weaved into her hair as she pulled back off him, taking in a deep breath before repeating the same action again. When he tugged on her hair after a third time, she looked up at him while he was down her throat.
 “Fucking hell, doll. Can I fuck your mouth? Will you be a good girl and let me fuck your mouth, doll?” His thumb came up to her cheek to swipe across it, a grin beaming as she hummed and nodded at him. His fingers returned to her hair after her consent and he held her head in place as his hips began to move back and forth, his dick slipping in and out of her warm mouth.
 After a few short minutes, he was spilling into her mouth and moaning as he watched some of it dribble down her chin. His lips met hers and they shared another heated kiss before pulling away for air. They stared at each other for a few seconds, chests heaving from the recent activities.
 “You are certainly no angel, doll.” He finally concluded, smiling as she giggled at the comment. His hands carefully cradled her face, eyes scanning every detail he could see as a smirk formed. “I’m certainly not done with you either, doll.”
 “Good. I was hoping there’d be more.” Y/N leaned up to kiss him again, sighing in content when he pushed her back onto the bed. The night was going to be long and she was definitely ready for some fun.
 The sun seemed to burn her eyes as consciousness found her once again. Y/N groaned as she rolled over to hide from the bright light, only to fall off the edge of the bed. Immediately, she was awake and alert, her head popping up to look around the room. Her things were on a chair in the corner, along with her clothes.
 It was then that Y/N realized she was naked.
 “Oh, what the fuck?” She sighed as she looked at the rest of the room. That was filled with various pieces of men’s clothing, like a suit. A suit? As the dots connected, shuffling came from the bed and a head of black hair poked out from underneath the sheets to look at her.
 “Well good morning.”
 “So, we had sex?” It was the first question Y/N asked after being given coffee, which only happened after her initial freak out. She had justified it to the man, her reasoning being she was naked in a stranger’s bed. 
 “Yeah, we had sex.” The man chuckled, drinking his own coffee in the kitchen only wearing his underwear. Y/N couldn’t deny the man’s sex appeal, not in the slightest. It was like god had created him by hand, honestly. For once, Y/N was proud of her drunk self for scoring such a hot guy. “You don’t remember it?”
 “I had way too much to drink. You weren’t like, sober, right? You didn’t take advantage of me or something weird?” Y/N nervously bit her lip as she watched him nearly choke on his own coffee. After a few seconds of trying to calm down, he eventually sighed and hung his head.
 “No, I was definitely just as drunk. So it was a mutual drunk lust event.” He assured her and Y/N felt her body relax at the revelation. “I do remember it, though. For drunk sex, it was pretty hot.”
 Y/N couldn’t stop a blush from forming and she only nodded at him, sipping on her coffee slowly. It fell silent between the two, the only sounds coming from the sipping of coffee. Y/N didn’t know what to say or do next, biting her lip again as she set down the empty coffee cup. Luckily, as she had noticed earlier, they were in the same hotel so going back to her room wouldn’t be hard. After chewing on her lip for a few moments, she finally built up the courage to speak.
 “So, um--”
 “Would you--”
 The pair of them quickly shut up, blushing in embarrassment as they realized they’d spoken at the same time. After a few beats of silence, he was clearing his throat and Y/N looked back to see his neck and ears were a bright red still.
 “I was going to ask if you’d like to get breakfast. You don’t have to say yes, though.” He quickly added and hung his head a little at the awkward blunder. Y/N shifted in her chair, chewing on her lip again before sighing.
 “Breakfast sounds lovely, but I should go back to my room. I have no idea where my friend went.” Y/N explained and the man nodded with a warm smile. She was relieved he wasn’t taking the rejection hard, at least not outwardly. “Besides, I don’t even know you.”
 He chuckled, opening his mouth presumably to give his name, but the sound of the door being thrown open made both of them jump. With wide eyes, a man in a suit came rushing in looking all around. When he saw the man he squeaked at him and then squeaked again when he saw Y/N sitting there with the empty coffee cup.
 “Sir, the meeting is in an hour! You’re still naked!” The frazzled man whined and the other, who had taken a sip from his cup, set it down and nodded. “You need to get ready!”
 “Don’t worry, Hoseok. I’ll be ready soon. Let me show the young lady out, first.” He gave a smile to Y/N before heading to the door. Hoseok only hung his head, taking a seat on one of the chairs scattered in the room, not acknowledging Y/N gathering her things or quickly scurrying off after the man at all.
 When she reached the door, the man gave her a sheepish smile while his hand rested on the door knob. “I’m sorry our time was cut even shorter. This meeting is rather important, after all.”
 “That’s fine. Good luck!” Y/N offered, smiling her brightest as he opened the door and let her step out. As she made her way toward the elevator, a shout made her pause and look back at the man still in only his underwear standing in the middle of the hall.
 “My name is Jin. It was nice to meet you--”
 Her smile grew wider as the elevator opened up behind her, sticking her arm over the door to hold it for a few seconds longer. “Y/N. It was nice to meet you, too.”
 “You can’t even remember?” Doyeon gasped quite loudly as they ate breakfast. Well, lunch, but it was breakfast for them. Doyeon had been passed out and sleeping quite deeply when Y/N had finally gotten back to their room. It wasn’t until about 1 pm when Doyeon finally rolled out of her bed and appeared in the kitchen for coffee. “Oh, man! You can’t even remember if his dick was big or not, how sad!”
 “Well, from what he told me, it was really good. Even for drunk sex.” Y/N only shrugged and took another bite of the strawberries they’d gotten. Doyeon frowned but it was quickly replaced as she dove into a story about some man selling plush mangoes that she ran into on the way back. Needless to say, she now had two huge plush mangoes and one was for Y/N.
 “Are you going to see him again? Jin, I mean.” Doyeon asked after a while, finishing up her coffee as Y/N only sighed. 
 “I doubt it. He’s in the same hotel and all, but that doesn’t mean I’ll see him again. Jin’s a busy man, from what it looked like.” Y/N frowned this time but Doyeon assured her that she’d catch another glimpse of the man at some point.
 Y/N didn’t take Doyeon’s promise to heart, seeing it as wishful thinking. Doyeon had been begging for Y/N to date even a little bit for so long and was most likely just hoping some fantasy scenario would happen where they’d fall in love and get married or something. That wasn’t likely but it was only three days later when Y/N was thinking maybe Doyeon’s fantasy for her wasn’t too far off the mark.
 “I didn’t think I’d run into you here.” The sudden shade and voice caused Y/N to peek her eye open, sitting up after registering who it was and smiling a little. Doyeon was soon to follow Y/N’s lead, eyes a little wide at the man seemingly looming over them.
 “It’s a small world after all.” Y/N shifted on her towel before motioning to her side. “This is my friend, Doyeon.”
 Smiling, he gently took her hand and shook it with a gentleness that left Doyeon blushing. “Ah, the friend who had possibly disappeared! I’m glad you found her.”
 “She was actually sleeping in the room when I got there. How’d your meeting go?” Y/N asked and watched as Jin took a careful seat on the end of her towel to continue chatting more comfortably. After a few moments of light chatter, Jin sighed and glanced at the way he had come.
 “Would you ladies like to come to our tent? We have a bunch of food and drinks there. There’s better shade under it, too.” Jin chewed his lip a little after he asked, and Y/N couldn’t help but find it endearing. She looked over at Doyeon, who was frantically nodding at her to accept.
 His tent wasn’t far from where they had been, reaching the moderately sized shelter in no time. Jin held the flap open for both of them, stepping inside afterward with a smile directed at the other men relaxing under the tent.
 “Usually when people go for walks along the beach, they find shells, not women.” One of the men commented, making the others chuckle as they eyed Y/N and Doyeon. Jin laughed along, carefully pulling Y/N into one side of himself and Doyeon into the other.
 “I think these two ladies make up for any shell I could possibly find. Gentlemen, meet Y/N and Doyeon.” Jin introduced, letting the information sit for a few seconds before introducing the men in the tent. “Ladies, these fine men are Taehyung, my business partner, Jaehyun, another business partner, Jinyoung, Jaehyun’s assistant, and Hoseok, Taehyung and I’s assistant.”
 Y/N awkwardly waved at the men and things quickly settled back to a more comfortable atmosphere as conversations resumed. Jin carefully led Y/N over to the food and drinks, his smile still on his face and looking quite dazzling, if she was being honest.
 “I’ll apologize in advance if any of these guys get boring. Our business lives take up a large portion of our time so it happens to be what we talk about the most.” Jin watched Y/N as she carefully picked up a snack, chuckling as she chewed and swallowed it then reached for more. She simply shrugged at his apology, though, flashing a smile his way as she ate another snack.
 “Business is going to be something I become very familiar with once I go home. So, it doesn’t hurt to start early.” She explained and Jin only nodded before he was pulled into a conversation by Jaehyun.
 As the afternoon went on, jokes and laughs filled the tent while the sun dropped lower and lower into the sky. Eventually, Jaehyun and Jinyoung excused themselves for an event they had to attend, leaving the two ladies with Jin and his partner and assistant.
 “Listen, there’s this party tonight, it’s on a partner of ours’ yacht.” Jin explained as it started to grow a bit cooler everywhere. “It’d be really awesome if you ladies could join us.”
 “Oh, that’d be wonderful! Definitely would liven up the party.” Taehyung smiled, winking at Doyeon and causing her to blush. She made eye contact with Y/N and with a smile, they both nodded.
 “Great! Wear something more on the formal side. It’s not a black tie event but it’s definitely on the classy side.” Jin said before they parted ways in the hotel lobby.
 As the elevator doors closed behind the girls while they walked down the hallway to their room, Doyeon couldn’t help but gasp a little in shock. “We just got invited to a fancy boat party.”
 “One of those businessmen winked at you.” Y/N stated and Doyeon scoffed as she rolled her eyes.
 “Yeah? Well, you slept with one of them.”
 “Fair point. Let’s go; I call shower first!”
 The soft lights that twinkled along the railings outside of the boat reflected off the warm ocean water below and made everything around look like it was glowing. To say it looked magical was an understatement. Doyeon and Y/N were breathless as security let them onto the boat, their eyes both wide and absorbing all they could of the large vessel.
 “You ladies look gorgeous!” Hoseok greeted them as they stepped inside the boat, his smile large and inviting. A comfort among all these fancy looking people, Y/N realized. They followed him through the people, heading right for a table toward the back. Jin was there, a seat next to him on either side with another empty seat next to Taehyung. The rest of the table was filled with various men and women, colleagues of Jin’s that he was close enough with to joke around.
 As they approached the table, Jin’s eye caught Y/N and his smile grew larger as he took her in. He quickly ushered the ladies over to their side of the table, Doyeon taking the seat next to Taehyung as Y/N got comfortable next to Jin. The table dissolved into idle chatter among everyone as the Y/N adjusted in her seat.
 “You look absolutely gorgeous, Y/N.” Jin’s breath fanned across her neck, making her swallow thickly. She had picked a red shimmery dress, not knowing why she’d brought it at first but now thankful she had. When she glanced up at Jin, he was smiling but his eyes hid something and it was only after his attention was pulled away for a brief second that she realized it was lust.
 A chill ran down her spine at the thought, teeth finding purchase in her bottom lip as her thoughts began to run in a frenzy. Was he really giving her such a look earlier? Sure, they’d slept together once, and he was the one who had remembered everything. But would he really give her that kind of look with so many people around?
 Her thoughts disappeared as soon as food arrived and her attention was brought to the food and table conversation. Y/N realized she had met Jaehyun and Jinyoung already, easily falling into a conversation with Jinyoung about nonsense things. By the time dessert rolled around, the comfort Y/N was feeling had grown immensely.
 It was only as she took a spoonful of the pudding placed before her that her body was freezing up and screaming at the sudden sensation. Jin’s hand rested on her thigh under the table, out of view of everyone around them. He didn’t move it, only his thumb brushed the bare skin of her thigh slowly back and forth. It took a lot of strength to relax again, the pudding on her spoon finally finding its way into her mouth. Butterflies were erupting when his hand slowly moved up a few inches, pushing her dress up that much further. People had to know what was happening, that Jin was touching her under the table like this.
 Nothing further happened as dessert finally came to a close and people began to branch off and explore different parts of the boat. Y/N nervously followed after Jin as he asked her for a walk along the deck, her face feeling hot with the lingering touch he’d left only moments before.
 The night air was cool against her warm face as they walked, Jin occasionally greeting people that passed by. Eventually, they reached a fairly deserted part of the deck where none of the guests or crew seemed to be.
 “You really do look absolutely stunning in that dress.” Jin commented as they stood near the rail, staring up at the stars above. Y/N blushed at the comment, opening her mouth to thank him, only for Jin to interrupt her and continue speaking. “I really couldn’t get the image out of my head of how you looked without anything on, though.”
 Y/N’s breath hitched as Jin turned toward her, his eyes reflecting that look she’d seen earlier. It was dark, almost dangerous. It left a warm feeling tingling in her stomach as she took it in. “Really?”
 “I kept thinking about how this pretty red dress would look as I took it off. As I pushed it off and kissed every inch of your body again and again.” Jin leaned closer as he lowered his voice, his lips brushing Y/N’s ear and setting her skin on fire. Her throat felt closed up, making it hard to voice how she wanted to feel his hands on her. She wanted to feel it all and remember every second of it this time around.
 Carefully, she took one of his hands and brought it under her dress so he could feel her panties. “I want it too, Jin.” Y/N whispered and she shivered as he growled in her ear. His fingers carefully maneuvered her panties aside, toying with her clit before sliding into her slowly. She couldn’t help the whine that escaped her and she quickly grabbed his arm to stop any movements he made. “I-I want more than that, please.”
 Jin nearly came at her plea, a soft moan leaving him as her hands reached out to shakily undo his pants. Beating her to it, Jin was pulling them down far enough to pull his dick out and was quickly pushing her dress up while holding her leg up and wrapping it around his waist. 
 “I want you to be quiet, darling. We can’t have anyone finding us over here, yeah?” Y/N nodded her head and quickly slapped a hand over her mouth as Jin pushed her panties aside and slid into her with ease. He stilled when he was fully inside her, his forehead resting against her shoulder for a few seconds as he tried to calm down some. “Fuck, this feels even better sober.”
 Y/N only whimpered in agreement, pressing her hand hard against her face as he began to move his hips expertly. She couldn’t deny that the feel of his dick inside her was the best feeling she’d had in a long while. She hated that she couldn’t remember what it felt like the first time it was inside her but the thought quickly left her mind as he began to pick up the pace of his thrusts.
 “J-Jin--” She gasped between her fingers, blushing at the volume of her voice. He only smirked, his fingers digging into her leg and hip as he held her against the rail of the ship. “P-Please, harder.”
 “My angel wants it harder, does she?” Jin smirked a little as his hand on her hip slid down to her clit, his thumb carefully rubbing the small bud as he slammed into her more forcefully than he had been. Y/N couldn’t help the loud moan that escaped her at that point, her orgasm so close that her senses were failing her. With a few more thrusts, her head was falling back and she was staring at the stars above them as her orgasm washed over her. Jin was close behind, burying his face in her neck as he spilled into her.
 They stayed like that for a few minutes, letting the atmosphere settle down around them. Jin was the first to move, pressing a light kiss to her neck before he carefully pulled out of her. He smiled at Y/N as he then cleaned her up gently, wadding up the tissues he had used and throwing them away in a nearby trash can.
 The silence that enveloped them was comforting, instead of awkward or embarrassed. When Jin came back over to Y/N, he was quick to wrap his arms around her and stare out over the ocean with her doing the same. The warmth of the breeze tickled her cheeks and Y/N smiled and let her head fall back against his shoulder.
 “At least this time you got me dinner beforehand.” Y/N quipped and Jin laughed while nodding. The rest of their time up there was spent staring at the stars and dark ocean water, quiet conversation flowing like a waterfall between the two as they stayed in their own little version of reality for a short time.
 It was only when the boat was docking again and they were standing on shore again that Jin promised he’d see her again. Y/N left him with a kiss that solidified that promise that  they’d meet again for sure, like he had said.
 “Are you all packed up?” Y/N watched as Jin pulled on his boxers that had been on the floor, shoving his shoes over toward his waiting luggage. The answer was obvious, but she wanted to fill the space with something before she’d have to leave. The word ‘goodbye’ was leaving a bitter taste in her mouth as it tried to crawl up.
 “I finished before you came over, except a few things. I’ll get those in the morning.” Jin explained before climbing back into bed next to her. His arms wrapped around her, only humming in content when she was flush against him under the sheets. Y/N smiled at the gesture, wiggling closer and sighing in content at the warmth he radiated. 
 Silence fell over them, sleep evading both of them as their thoughts ran wild. Like Jin had promised, since the night of the yacht dinner, they’d met up quite frequently. It was almost scandalous, Y/N had said one night after they had messed around. They were almost sneaking around even though there was no need to.
 They didn’t always just have sex, though. Y/N was thankful that sometimes when they met up, Jin would take her out for dinner or shopping or something. Almost like cute dates. 
 That was the catch, though. They were almost like dates, almost like lovers enjoying a vacation together. Y/N had told Jin before that a relationship wasn’t what she wanted, she couldn’t have one. Her career was important to her and Jin had said he understood that completely. Y/N wasn’t so sure if he really did.
 The silence only lasted a few minutes longer before Y/N was sighing and wiggling out of his hold and out of the bed. She avoided looking at his face, knowing he probably looked hurt to some degree. Her heart was already screaming at her for leaving but it needed to be done. She couldn’t stay with Jin forever.
 “Where are you going?” Jin’s voice was quiet, almost like he was afraid of it breaking if he spoke any louder. Slipping her underwear back on, Y/N finally looked back at him with a pained looking smile.
 “I have to go now, Jin. I can’t stay the night.” Y/N forced herself to look away as she searched for her shirt, slipping it on next. She was hoping this would be painless, quick. She wanted a shower and some sleep tonight before her flight home, after all. “My flight is really early tomorrow.”
 “Well, you’re all packed, right? You could just stay here and I’ll help you wake up--”
 “Jin, no. I can’t.” Y/N sighed and she’s holding her shoes when she glances at him. It was a mistake; she realized too late that she should’ve avoided looking at him all together. He looks so hurt, like Y/N was almost ripping a piece of him out and taking it with her. Maybe she was, after all.
 “Well, at least leave your number or email or something. I don’t want to lose you forever.” Jin pleads with her, almost desperate sounding. Y/N guessed that he was desperate, though. His eyes looked like they were glistening in the moonlight seeping in through the blinds. “I want you in my life.”
 “Jin, you know that I can’t involve myself with anyone like that. I have a career to focus on and so do you. Please, don’t make this harder than it already is.” Y/N takes a step toward the door, looking just as pained as Jin looks. He scrambled from the bed, approaching her and stopping a few inches away.
 “This can’t be goodbye. Please, Y/N…” He trailed off, his voice quiet again like it had been earlier. Y/N looked away, looked down at her toes and then at the carpet. Anywhere but him. The tension was stifling and when she finally opened her mouth to speak, Jin interrupted her. “At least...can I kiss you one last time?”
 It wasn’t a good idea, Y/N’s brain was screaming that but her heart won out this time. She gave a small nod and Jin carefully lifted her chin so their eyes could meet. Jin hesitated for a second before gently pressing his lips against hers. The kiss was bittersweet, soft and everything that Jin wanted to say shoved into one kiss. It didn’t last long, not as long as Jin wanted. Y/N was slipping out of his touch, out of the room, out of his life, sooner than he wanted.
 Walking down the hallway, Y/N covered her mouth with one hand and her body silently shook with the tears she was trying to hold back. Her heart was shattering and it was strange, but not really. She only knew Jin for two weeks and yet she felt so much for him already. It was crazy, Y/N thought she had to have been crazy. This kind of stuff only happens in movies and cheesy romance novels; not reality where they lived and breathed and everything that happened with Jin was real. In the real world, Y/N knew that things weren’t a fairy tale and wouldn’t work out like Jin hoped or Y/N wished for.
 Stepping into the elevator, Y/N let out a shaky breath and watched the doors close on the happiness that her heart finally found but was denied. She had a career to focus on, after all.
 Doyeon flashed Y/N another sad look as she made tea in the kitchen. The TV was set up for a movie, some random action film that Doyeon had wanted to see ages ago. Y/N was sitting on the couch, staring off into space and way more quiet than Doyeon had ever seen her.
 She knew it had something to do with the handsome businessman that shall not be named. The morning they had to leave, Y/N had looked like a wreck. It was obvious she’d been crying all night and Doyeon didn’t need to be told what it was about. Or rather, who it was about. She just let Y/N rest on her during the plane ride back home and didn’t say a word.
 It’d been two weeks since they had gotten home, and Y/N looked just as distraught as that morning. If Doyeon could only look into her brain, then she’d see the constant thoughts of Jin that ran through it.
 Y/N didn’t know why her thoughts were so focused on Jin. They hadn’t known each other for longer than two weeks at most; so why was he still there in her mind? She couldn’t get over his smile, his laugh, his hands, the way they touched her. Y/N missed him entirely too much for someone that she only knew for two weeks.
 Part of her regretted not keeping in contact with him. Maybe she should’ve given her number or something to him. It was cruel of her to just cut things off entirely. Y/N felt awful for hurting Jin like she had and wanted nothing more than to go back and perhaps fix things.
 Her mind wandered to how things could have been if she’d just let herself be human. Having a relationship wasn’t evil, she knew that. Y/N even tried to reason with her mind that despite wanting a career and to be successful in the career of her choice, she could still have a healthy relationship.
 The truth of the matter was that she knew that she didn’t have to push Jin away like she had; there could’ve been a healthy and great relationship there. Somewhere deep down, though, Y/N was scared. She was scared of being hurt and she didn’t want the hurt to consume her entirely. But maybe it already had consumed her.
 The thoughts quickly disappeared as she furrowed her brows and tried to remind herself for the reason why things ended like they did. She had a job starting soon and didn’t need anyone getting in the way of her doing her best. Y/N needed to focus on the goal here and find her determination again to start a successful career.
 That’s what ran through Y/N’s head as she stepped into the large building downtown three days later bright and early in the morning. Her nerves were chaotic as she nervously approached the receptionist sitting in the lobby of the building.
 “Hi! How can I help you?” The woman smiled brightly at Y/N, pausing her typing to turn her focus all on her. Taking a deep breath, Y/N smiled back and tried to look more relaxed.
 “Hi. I’m supposed to start working here today?” Y/N said more as a question than a statement that she was sure of entirely. The girl just nodded, though, turning toward her monitor and smiling wider after a few clicks.
 “Y/N Y/L?” When Y/N nodded, the girl nodded quickly and began gathering papers. “It’s great to meet you! Welcome to the company, I’m Sooyoung! I’m the receptionist down here but I hope we can be friends!” She excitedly explained before standing up and rounding the desk. Y/N was quick to follow after her after she motioned toward the elevators.
 “You’ll be working closely with the higher ups, actually! They’re waiting to discuss your duties in one of the conferences rooms on the 57th floor.” Sooyoung explained further before pressing the button. “I promise they aren’t that scary, really. Except Mr. Choi, he’s kind of creepy.” Sooyoung made a disgusted face but quickly replaced it with another smile as she faced Y/N. “It shouldn’t be a problem, though! I know you’ll do great.”
 The elevator stopped with a pleasant ding, and Sooyoung stepped off as soon as the doors opened. Y/N followed, taking in the office scene of cubicles and miscellaneous typing filing the air. Sooyoung didn’t stop, though, and instead continued down a hallway to the right of the elevator. She turned right again after a while and when they reached the end of a shorter hallway, she stopped and motioned to the room on the left.
 “Good morning Mr. Kim, Mr. Kim, and Mr. Choi! I have the new employee here with me!” Sooyoung called into the room, most likely offering them a smile before she dipped back out to hand the papers to Y/N. “Good luck, Y/N!”
 Y/N watched her walk away and gulped a little before cautiously stepping into the conference room where the men sat, now silent. “Good morning.” Her voice was light as she bowed a little in respect before standing up straight. 
 The world froze as her eyes landed on the person farthest to the left at the end of the table. His body seemed to freeze, as well, though his colleagues didn’t point it out. Y/N almost forgot she was supposed to move until a few chuckles were heard.
 “You can take a seat right here, Ms. Y/N.” It was Mr. Choi who spoke and Y/N could only nod at him. Forcing her body to move, she shuffled over and took the seat that he had motioned to moments before. “Welcome, officially, to the company. I know you applied for another position, but the three of us decided that you would fit better as one of our assistants. Specifically, mine.”
 The words that they spoke after that seemed to go in one ear and out the other, which was an issue since Y/N needed this information to do her job. Luckily, Mr. Choi was nice enough to have a document detailing her duties clearly available for her. 
 “Any more information or work that comes up will just be explained as it comes.” Mr. Choi explained, smiling as he clapped his hands and looked at his business partners. “Anything to add, Kim?”
 All eyes drifted to the left most person, who seemed to choke on air before shaking his head. “Welcome to the company, Ms. Y/N.” His voice was quiet and it was odd to hear. Y/N just nodded at him, muttering a thank you as the meeting came to an end.
 Mr. Choi led Y/N to her desk as she gathered everything she’d been given. After showing her the desk she’d be using, which had a computer set up and was quite isolated near his own office, Mr. Choi disappeared into his office and left Y/N alone to get settled. Y/N only dumped her things off, making sure to grab her phone as she bolted for the bathroom.
 Tears threatened to fall as she quickly locked herself into the bathroom once she found it, hands trembling the whole time she tried to dial the familiar number of her best friend’s phone. “Pick up, please.” She begged as the phone kept ringing constantly until a click was heard and relief flooded her system.
 “Y/N? Are you okay? Aren’t you at work?” Doyeon’s voice crackled over the phone and Y/N couldn’t hold back the small sob any longer. Doyeon’s tone quickly changed as she heard it, dropping something that she was holding onto the counter in the kitchen, most likely. “Are you crying? Seriously, Y/N, are you okay? Are you still at work?”
 “Doyeon…” She trailed off, sounding a little teary as she spoke. She was trying so hard to hold it back, not wanting to cry on her first day. But her heart was hurting from the unexpected shock she’d received only moments before. “Doyeon, how could I be so stupid?”
 “What are you talking about?”
 “How could I not research just who owned this stupid company?” Y/N ignored Doyeon’s confused question, still rambling to herself before she sighed. Doyeon would have to know more of the story if she was going to get any comfort out of this panic call. “He works here, Do. Jin fucking works here.”
 The silence that came from the other end of the phone was deafening until Doyeon was cursing in her ear. “Shit, Y/N. You fucked your boss…”
 “I know.”
 “Like, multiple times!”
 “I know.”
 “And then totally ripped out his heart and threw it away like garbage.” Doyeon sighed as she fell onto the couch. Y/N scoffed at that, rolling her eyes even if Doyeon couldn’t see her.
 “Thanks for reminding me, Do. Not like I wasn’t already reliving that the moment I saw him.” 
 “Sorry.” Doyeon sheepishly apologized and it grew silent again as Y/N chewed on her lip. This was quite the situation, not something she had expected in a million years. How was she going to survive working here? “What are you going to do, Y/N? Are you going to quit?”
 Y/N thought for a moment before sighing. “No, I’m not quitting. I don’t have to work with him in close contact, anyway. So I should be fine...right?” Y/N’s voice sounded hopeful and Doyeon was nice enough to return that same hopeful tone in confirmation.
 “You’re gonna do great, Y/N. I know that and you know that. All you got to do is just focus on your work. Do that and come home and then do it again.” Doyeon laid out, smiling on her end of the phone when she heard Y/N’s sigh. Even if she couldn’t see her, Y/N knew there was a smile on her friend’s face.
 When Y/N finally returned to her desk, finding some reports and things to work on piled up on the surface, she put her phone away and sorted things out. Doyeon had reminded her that her priority was working, not some guy she hooked up with on vacation. Y/N just had to remind herself she could do this and that her past wouldn't get in the way of her job performance.
 At least, Y/N hoped that things would go smoothly with Jin as one of her new bosses.
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