#(so have fun with napoleon complex tall man)
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izziesgothtefrizzies · 30 days ago
"In my defense I am in maintence this is out of my wheelhouse." Izzy said. "Not my fault your worker buddy broke his wrist arm wrestling or whatever." Even though Izzy was the one who broke it. Izzy looked at him. "So what the hell we suppose to do just watch the beautiful scenery???" He asked incrediously. "I could be practing in the ri-" Izzy stopped himself.What if this was some civvie? He could kiss his job goodbye. Instead he tried to pivot "Ringing up my twins. Bundles of joy." Izzy said.
Nice save Izzy.
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"You know that's not how this works—there's…" He let out a sigh. "I can't just destroy any building you ask." He didn't know if the other had some sort of grievance, or if they'd heard something, but he'd play clueless, as if he didn't know that he could literally destroy a city.
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songsoftheprinces · 3 years ago
Oooh! it’s nice to see an utapri blog still open! do you do most to leasts? if so, can you do a most to least on starish going out with or having a relationship with a foreigner? like which of the boys would be more open to it while which ones are kinda more to Japanese? (I already know my bae masato will be least but I still love him so much sobs)
Yes! I do most to least! They're quite fun!
This is an interesting one but in all honesty, I can see all of STARISH being able to date a foreigner (yes, even Masato). I'd say this one is more who'd be more or less inclined to date a foreigner.
☆ (Most to Least!) - STARISH boys going out with a foreigner.☆
☆ Ren Jinguji: Being the group's resident womaniser and ladies' man, Ren finds all women beautiful. He definitely sees non-Japanese women as particularly gorgeous, and won't pass up the chance to flirt with one. While he is more than willing to date or go out with any kind of foreigner, he has a particular weakness and soft spot for Italians and the Italian language.
☆ Natsuki Shinomiya: In this sweet boy's opinion, he doesn't care for ethnicity, skin colour, or whether you're a foreigner or not - just as long as you love animals and are a kind person, he'll definitely give you a chance! Natsuki also spent some of his childhood in France, so he knows some English and French. He'll certainly try his best to communicate with you, but ultimately, he feels that if you're both on the same wavelength, it really shouldn't matter.
☆ Cecil Aijima: As he himself is a foreigner, Cecil would definitely be happy and more than likely to go out with someone who is also a fellow foreigner. His Japanese isn't native level, so he definitely can sympathise with how the language can be hard, and would be excited to learn the language with you! That being said, he's also somewhat relieved to be able to communicate in English or Agnapalese for a change.
☆ Otoya Ittoki: Otoya is from Tokyo, which is one of the most progressive prefectures in Japan. Naturally, he'd be very curious about foreigners and, more than once, has been very eager to interact with them. Going out with one definitely isn't out of the question, though two things kind of make him uncertain: the language barrier as he's not that great with English (besides standard greetings and phrases like "Merry Christmas!") and how assertive some non-Japanese women can be. Though he's quite willing to learn some English and, in return, he's happy to teach you some Japanese. Just as long as you're both willing to communicate and persist, it'll work! The assertiveness is also something he can shrug off and even find appealing as he's fine with you leading the relationship. Just remember to be gentle with him at times, too, please.
Tokiya Ichinose: Tokiya is from Fukuoka, which is a prefecture that is more on the conservative side. While Tokiya isn't opposed to dating or having a relationship with a foreigner, he does lean more towards a Japanese partner simply because there aren't as many potential obstacles. Things such as the language barrier (though Tokiya would be better at English than Otoya), and differing views are such factors, but the biggest one is long distance. Tokiya is a romantic at heart and he hopes to get married someday in the future which may be hard if his partner lives far away or isn't into a serious relationship like he hopes to be in. Persist, support, and reassure him, and he's more liable to change his mind.
Syo Kurusu: Poor Syo would choose to lean towards a Japanese partner not because of the partner in question, but his own Napoleon complex. Syo is only 163 cm tall, and most foreign women tower over him, which definitely gets him pretty insecure as he feels that most women aren't into shorter men. Most Japanese women are shorter than him, so that's why he leans closer to home. But if a non-Japanese woman does't mind the height differences, he'd consider it. Though he also doesn't like the idea of being coddled and protected due to his short height - he'd rather be the one protecting you, and you can be damn sure he'll protect and defend you, tooth and nail.
Masato Hijirikawa: Out of STARISH, Masato definitely is the one the least inclined to go out with a foreigner. Again, not because he doesn't find them attractive (he's definitely been quite curious and interested with a few he's seen), but it's more due to his upbringing. He was born and raised in a conservative and traditional home, so he expects his wife to uphold certain traditions as well. Traditional values in Japan are quite conservative, and he's not really someone who breaks from tradition either, so it could very well wind up getting rather cold if he or the other party aren't willing to compromise. Patience, mutual respect, and a willingness to listen may make him reconsider and actually take a risk.
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dylanhawth · 4 years ago
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omfg hello. i can’t tell you how excited and happy i am to be here. i was too nervous to apply for the last three months but i decided to stop being a Coward and just try. im SO happy to be here, it’s the highlight of my week tbh lmao. anyway i am mar, she/her, 24, est. i live in nyc and all i do is visit the planetarium and cry. i’m so fucking bad at these so im just gonna LIST things and hope you get the vibe. i am a pisces sun, scorpio moon. i prob have a napoleon complex a little bit lmao. my favorite social media site is goodreads and i get rlly sad when my friends rate books i love poorly dfljskdfs. i can touch my tongue to my nose. i eat a lot of persimmons. i have a favorite rock at my local park that i visit a lot. idk dfskjls. i’m v friendly tho so pls hmu. i send a lot of memes, and love making meme edits for the chars so im rlly sorry in advance if you guys hate that. 
01.      basics.
NAME.   dylan h. hawthorne. ALIASES. dyl, hawth.   AGE.  twenty. HOMETOWN. hartford, ct. GENDER.  cismale. PRONOUNS.   he/him.
 02.      appearance.
EYES.   green. HAIR.   brown. HEIGHT.   6”0 BUILD.   lean. BIRTHMARKS   /   BURNS   /   SCARS.   a birthmark the shape of australia on his left thigh. TATTOOS.   n/a. PIERCINGS.   n/a.
03.      habits.
ALCOHOL   ?  socially. SMOKING   ?  socially. HABITS.  fidgets in chairs. cracks knuckles and back often. nervous laughter. chewing on pencils. talking to his plants. dogearing books. staring off into space and applying chapstick for a prolonged period of time. getting overly competitive about boardgames. stress cleaning. carries a book in his bag always. night owl. incredibly impatient when the internet is slow. creature of habit when it comes to menus, orders the same shit over and over again. LIKES.   feeding the ducks at the local pond. the smell of the earth after a rainstorm. the way music sounds coming from another room. kissing. watering his plants. inside jokes. making wishes in fountains. discussing a recently finished book with someone. making handmade cards for friends on their birthday. fireworks. coming of age films. packages wrapped in twine. jogs. the way friday nights feels when you’re with someone you love. the feeling you get leaving the movie theatre. DISLIKES.   being late. having too many coins on him. coffee with no sugar. when people speak loudly in the library. doing laundry. handshakes with too much squeeze. receiving voicemails. untidiness. golf. charles dickens. lectures with no student input. hot weather. confrontation. being caught in a lie. losing his umbrella. people who cheat during games. rainboots. bad table manners. humidity.
04.      personality.
MYERS-BRIGGS.   infp. ENNEAGRAM. the helper. ZODIAC.   pisces. TEMPERAMENT.   melancholic. ALIGNMENT.   neutral good. ARCHETYPE.   the lover. POSITIVE.   empathetic. sensitive. intelligent. charismatic. easygoing. gentle. loyal. passionate. romantic. humble. supportive. gregarious. playful. diligent. NEGATIVE.   deceitful. gullible. finicky. naive. obsessive. perfectionistic. secretive. timid. possessive. weak-willed. indecisive. cynical. indulgent. summary: basically, dylan is a love starved, people pleasing nervous wreck. big ass nerd who wants to be everyones friend, wants to be liked SO BAD. very charming and charismatic, comes off as fairly confident and comfortable at first. is able to make everyone feel loved and like they’re the most important person in the world, however lacks a backbone. is both romeo and juliet, and just as dumb as both of them too. 
05.      hc’s.
dylan was a football player in high school, believe it or not. he was rather good at it too, which is sort of jarring considering his pacifistic nature. however, he DID land on someone incorrectly at some point during his senior year, and broke their wrist. he quickly abandoned the sport altogether because of how guilty he felt. 
touched on this briefly but dylan really… loves indiana jones lmao. like, it’s quite ironic given his absolutely inability to be a badass, and lack of suaveness. however, he admires indy’s lust for adventure. he also was obsessed with the mummy as a kid. both of these were incredible sources in his very irrational decision to sudden anthropology. however, he does really love and admire anthropology. his favorite ethnography is the spirit catches you and you fall down, which makes him cry like a little bitch every time he even thinks about it. 
he’s the second oldest, but he is also baby. he is SUCH a big momma’s boy. he misses his mom so much. he writes to her often, and of course calls her even more. despite being six-foot tall, he still goes home and rests his head on his mother's lap, falls asleep as she runs her fingers through his hair. he often tries to find native english plants and flowers to press, and mail back to his mother in the form of bookmarks. has nEVER STEPPED ON A CRACK IN HIS LIFE, BABY.
just leaves a shit ton of notes in books in the library. some are riddles, some are poetry, some are commentary on the book, some are doodles. just depends on how he’s feeling for that book. he doesn’t tell anyone he does it, but he’s waiting for someone to connect the dots with his handwriting and writing style. 
speaking of plants, his room is basically a big greenhouse. he has so many plants, and takes serious care of them all. he has a little humidifier in his space for them, marks down when he waters what plants, and has a label maker to label them all with a name. they are all named after shakespeare characters. 
dyl is a doodler, so much so that he contributes to the school paper as a cartoonist. his cartoons are usually just random thoughts he has, but sometimes they get political and he works marxism into them. (this man loves marx.) 
[ suicide implied tw, death mention tw ] he dresses like a victorian boy in love with his roommate who has recently died of scarlet fever and in his mourning, plans to disappear in the bog by the school by mysterious circumstances and become a ghost that haunts the college with his lover. like lots of gray and slacks and ties ands ties and sweaters, lol. also he has glasses that he never wears because he can never find them! catch him squinting in your classroom because he can’t see SHIT. too shy to ask you for your notes though, doesn’t wanna inconvenience you! but when he’s Out on the Town®, he fucking wears like, tacky patterned shirts that are expensive but ugly. someone please help him. 
all about fun socks! he loves owning socks that have dumb little images on them. if you get him a pair of fun socks, he’d absolutely go nuts. his entire week: made. 
he leaves his roommate limericks when he senses they are sad. tapes em to the bathroom mirror or leaves them in the fridge. also loves buying people presents. tiny ones. like haunted looking things from second hand stores, or your favorite chocolate. also is the sort of friend that has EVERYTHING in his bag, in case someone cuts themselves or has a headache. can be a bit of a mom himself. it’s the little things, y’know? 
prob still in his emo phase. listens to way too mcr to not be lmao.
eco-friendly king, will not stand for you not recycling. 
if you will allow him, he will attempt to have a secret handshake with you. he’s a child. is dying for someone to memorize the parent trap handshake and indulge him. 
cannot sit still in a chair. fidgets an excessive amount, the bobbing of his knee and the squirming around. it just never ends. 
bi. that’s the hc.
he’s a little bit in love with everyone he meets if you couldn’t tell, and it’s fucking disastrous. 
he is based loosely off: patroclus ( the song of achilles ), ponyboy curtis ( the outsiders ), laurie laurence ( little women ), eduardo saverin ( the social network ), remus lupin ( hp ), oliver marks ( if we were villains. ) 
( @opalsmedia​ )
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weird-profiterole · 5 years ago
Napoleon, how would you react to an S/O that has a "Napoleon complex" because she is so short? Like, 4'8 short???
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Yay I'm back to answering Q&As ! (Sorry for the wait haha)
Marine's Historic Bubble :
Napoleon was 5'6 tall (169 cm) which was a bit shorter than the average height at that time. He was, by extension, shorter than other Heads of State (Kings, Emperors, e.g) which of course, followed him. Since he was a great strategist and a powerful man, his "enemies" used his height to make fun of him. (And let's be honest, we all would have been annoyed by this kind of stuff if we were in his shoes)
Fun fact : In France, there is a law which forbids to name a pig "Napoleon" 😂
Don't repost, only reblog
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cowtale-utau · 5 years ago
I said I would invade at some point. Listing each prompt wouldn't fit in the box, so could I ask for number 12, 16, 37, 40, and 52 from WII for Doc? And Aurum, too. Not poly. Oh, but I don't mind if you want to include Viridis with Aurum's prompts; I know you like to put those two as part of a poly. Thank you!
Good to see you!
12 S/O is accident prone
Doc – At first he's startled every time you run into something or trip or knock something over. He scolds you over while checking you for injury, fussing over every scrape and bruise. But give it awhile and he doesn't really relax so much as find a more “effective” method. I hope you aren't magic adverse, because you'll experience his a lot. Stumble and you find gravity is much kinder, and purple tinted. Knock something over and it never hits the ground before righting itself. He hardly even thinks about anymore, it's a trained reaction at this point. He rarely even has to look up. You still get a lot of long suffering sighs and flat stares, but it's all good natured.
Aurum – This man is an ass. He will let you get used to a layout and then shift things by six inches, just to watch you bounce of it. Of course he always makes sure you aren't injured, and helps keep you from breaking anything important or meaningful. But just general tripping or stumbles. Breaking yet another hideous vase someone gave you? Hilarious. Vir tries to put things back after Aur moves them, but it's a constant battle, and you are unfortunately in the middle of it. Little known fact, Vir is a damn clever prankster, and knows how to make himself look completely innocent. Ask him to help with revenge and it'll be weeks before Aur is brave enough to screw with either of you again.
16 S/O is tall (so for this one, despite my “relative” heights, I figured I'd make you taller than Doc, and around the same height as Aur, just for funsies)
Doc – Despite accusations, Doc doesn't have a Napoleon Complex in the traditional sense. He's very confident and does not feel the need to lie or exaggerate. He does brag, and loudly, but is also more than capable of backing it up at a moments notice. You being taller than him isn't an issue at all. He pretty much ignores it most of the time. He uses magic to get things from high up, and if he wants to kiss you he demands you lean down. Or just tugs you to his level. Whichever. He has been known to climb on top of things when arguing with people taller than him, and you would be no exception. He will go get something to stand on if necessary. He wants to look you in the eye to make his point.
Aurum – Frequently tells you how nice it is to not have to lean down to kiss you. He really enjoys how imposing the two of you look together. He'll jokingly ask you for piggy-back rides, but if you agree he's absolutely delighted. He makes it kind of difficult though, because he won't stop laughing the entire time. He'll teasingly ask you to get things from the top shelf for him. He buys you heels. If you tell him you don't walk in stilettos, he'll get you platforms instead. He tries to find ways to make you even taller, telling you he wants to be the short one. Like most things, he doesn't take it seriously at all, and has just has fun.
37 S/O gives comfort post nightmare
Doc – If you're close enough to be there to comfort him after a nightmare, then you're close enough for him to confide in. It takes a long time for him to trust you at that level, but when he does, it's absolute. Surprisingly he rarely wakes violently. His nightmares tend to center around loss rather than straight violence. It's rare to ever see him cry, but this is one of those times. He's a quiet crier, and tends to just stare at nothing. Eventually he'll start to talk, telling you not details so much, as just his general fears. His fear of losing you, of losing his brother (again), that he's afraid this “peace” they've found is temporary. Assure him you aren't going anywhere. That even if the world falls apart, you'll still be there. Flint will quietly appear at some point to do the same. It's rare to see Doc's brother so serious, but he sits in quiet solidarity. The two of you have very different relationships with Doc, but you both undeniably love him. Making sure he knows this, and that this won't change, is what matters most right now.
Aurum – Aurum's nightmares tend to go pretty unnoticed most of the time. He certainly has them, but he's gotten very good at hiding it. Now an then however, they can get a bit beyond his control, and he tends to lash out. Magically, physically, he's faced a lot of shit, and his fight instinct is strong. Especially if you happen to be featured in some way. One of his deepest fears is losing his loved ones to something he can't fight. And you fall into that category. Unfortunately there's a chance you'll get caught up in the crossfire. This will absolutely destroy him. Hurting you is something he never wanted to do. He'll try to run, don't let him. It'll take awhile, and some strong words, but make it clear you still love him, and that this changes nothing. He wasn't in control of himself, and just reacted. He didn't mean to hurt you, and that's what matters. He needs reassurance, but even with it he'll beat himself up for awhile. He doesn't want you to fear him. Smack him upside the head, hand him a tea, and tell him to get over it. Acting natural will go along way to reassure him everything is fine between you.
40 S/O overworks to the point of fainting
Doc – Buddy, pal, friend. What are you doing? If you know Doc at all, you know this is a terrible idea. Not only are you in for an earful, but so is everyone you work with. It will only happen once. He won't really understand your limits, or human limits really, all that well at first. Physical bodies are so limiting! But once you collapse, that's not something he'll ever forget, and he'll be making sure it never happens again. If that means hovering and micro managing for a week to make sure you get the message, than so be it. He says it's because you negatively affected productivity, but really he just worries. Humans are so fragile! It's nerve-wracking!
Aurum – Hey now, that's Aur's job! He's peeved with you, but he gets it. He does it fairly often himself. Less over-working, and more continuing to work and forgetting to sleep, but similar enough. He will force both of you to take a few days to rest. He tries to work out some semblance of accountability for in the future, check ins and what not, but ends up just getting Vir to make sure everyone eats and sleeps with some regularity. Which works not at all, seeing as Vir tends to start reading and forget time exists. Ultimately it's something that will probably keep happening, but every time he makes sure you both take a few days completely off to get properly rested again.
52 Finding SO’s writing/art, including some about [character]
Doc – Despite being a control freak, Doc doesn't normally go through your things. Those are your private things, and as long as it's nothing that could harm you or the family, he doesn't care. You're allowed privacy. So if he finds some of your work it's probably at least mostly accidental. Likely he was looking for some paperwork or a project he asked you to work on and happened to find something. Unfortunately now that he's found it, the privacy idea is over. Especially if it's something about or of him. He's quite flattered, and will tell you so. Also, it's his now. Unless you insist it's incomplete, he will keep it. And if you do get it back to “finish it”, he'll insist he gets it back again. He wants to show it off.  
Aurum – Aur doesn't believe in other people's privacy. He's curious, nosey, and has next to no sense of “boundaries”, Give him enough shit, or pull the hurt/disappointed card and he'll learn. But until then, he absolutely goes through your things whenever the whim hits him. So obviously he's going to find your work. He won't take any of it, and puts it all back exactly how he found. That doesn't mean he's leaving it alone however. He will make constant subtle references to it, never outright saying he saw, but implying it heavily until you confront him about it. Then he uses that as an excuse to try to get you to show it off. I mean, you made something for/of/about him, he should get to see it right? If you are so inclined, feel free to throw something at him. He knows he deserves it.
These took so long I'm sorry! Lemme know if you want more, I'm happy to provide!
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undertaleiinspiration · 5 years ago
Headcanons #1
Since I'm pumped from my gym workout and in a writing mood have some sporty headcanons/gym headcanons✨💪🏻😊
Ever saw the perfect power duo at the gym? No? Then just imagine a tall skeleton in full 'body armor' and a fish lady with already serious gains train together almost wrecking every gym studio they go together. At first the gyms on the surface would be kinda intimidating for paps but after undyne would come along he'd be so into it! Definitely a good gym partner and personal cheerleader, and at somepoint got a job offer as a personal trainer.
Paps actually tried to convince his brother to come along but Sans was banned ever since he tried to sell ketchup there as a smoothie, probably even on purpose.
The. Most. Intimidating guy in the gym is Boss, no doubt. Can lift the heaviest shit without breaking a sweat. Don't try to tell him that he doesn't need to work on his none-existent muscles, believe me buddy. Gets also pretty competitive, which is his way of motivation. Red tried it out once but would rather stick to jogging alone instead of a crowded room full of ego-gorilla's (n-no offense, Boss!) even though the female fitness trainer DOES look nice...
Do you need someone to plan out your work out? Need someone to explain something regarding a healthy diet? Blues your man! He's a little too planned out and controlling sometimes which makes his expectations higher and gets easily frustrated when something doesn't work out or back fires so have patience with him. Tries to make small talk, but backs off if someone just wants to work out. Paps was picking his bro up one evening thought it'd be fun to pretend to lift heavy weight with one pinky finger (and his magic nyehe...)
Fellswap (gold)
This sans would always prepare the best workout snacks, smoothies ect.
Since his military based thinking developed a long time ago underground he's very focused when it comes to working out, don't interrupt him unless you want to scare him out of his concentration and yell at you.
His brother would usually sit around the couch area and play video games instead of training. (the lil coffee bean is to shy to work out in puplic)
Swapfell (purple)
Oh boy. What a disaster. Someone once called out "who lets lil kids in the gym?" and sans wasn't having any of that that day.
Got a lil bit of a napoleon complex ever since and tries to only lift the heaviest weights und powers himself out way too much.
Stays on and keeps the work out gear for too long and doesn't like sharing but once you get behind his bratty nature and make a game/competition out of his work out session you could be lucky and get a good work out partner (and your gear back)
His brother though... He sometimes stays outside the gym and wait for his brother and while he does that he would offer you diet pills and other fake fitness stuff from questionable sources... For just 500 G!...?
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marryat92 · 6 years ago
Frank Mildmay, the wrap up
My schedule makes it difficult for me to do any kind of writing; but in this case a few days of reflection and cross-referencing things in Marryat's biography was helpful.
Pretty much everyone who has read Captain Marryat's novels for adults has assumed that they are autobiographical, although Marryat always denied it. His Victorian biographer David Hannay even makes assumptions about Marryat's childhood and his relationship with his father based on Frank Mildmay in particular.
Not only does Frank Mildmay have life experiences that track closely with those of the real-life Frederick Marryat, but like Jack Easy, he shares a physical resemblance to his author: tall and manly with curly dark hair. (Marryat's wavy hair may not have had a very defined curl, but he was clearly proud of it.)
As I detailed in an earlier post, I found out that Marryat was at the Battle of the Basque Roads thanks to Frank Mildmay. But I also I saw the error in reading Mildmay as a Marryat expy all the way. In one memorable chapter, young Mildmay is devastated by the news that his mother has died and he travels home to his family in despair, determined to leave the Royal Navy. It’s a jarring change of scene when he arrives home to find his siblings dancing to piano music and playing with friends; even his father is happy. His family has had six months to process his mother’s death before the post reached Mildmay.
I immediately wondered if Marryat’s mother had died young when he was at sea, but she outlived her famous son and died of old age. There are many parts of the book that appear to be Marryat writing of his own experiences, but it’s not like the man can’t come up with purely fictional drama. 
I’ve seen complaints that this book doesn’t have enough Napoleonic wars content, but tbh young Mildmay’s impression of his warship is an invaluable first-hand account of the living conditions and what it looked like and smelled like. Like most Marryat novels it’s full of Age of Sail action with the verisimilitude that only a real sailor of the period can write; and I don’t see anything wrong with the diversions in the plot that people also complain about. I think that if the books were confined to the ships and naval warfare they would be a lot less fun and exciting.
Marryat goes into vivid detail about what he knows from direct experience and doesn’t pretend to have had a grand overview of battles where he only saw death and chaos as a young teen. In Frank Mildmay he writes of the Battle of Trafalgar, “The history of that important day has been so often and so circumstantially related, that I cannot add much more to the stock on hand. I am only astonished, seeing the confusion and invariable variableness of a sea-fight, how so much could be known.”
If my heart broke over anything in particular in this book, it’s the part where Mildmay confesses after the death of several siblings that he has been fucked up by his war experiences and no longer processes grief or sees death like a normal person. It rang true in a raw kind of way. But he’s not unfeeling, and I was gratified that he became close to his surviving sister and repaired his relationship with his father.
David Hannay seems to think that Marryat was distant from his father because of how he sees the relationship between Frank Mildmay and his dad, but I actually thought that Frank had a rich and complex relationship with his father, and overall not a bad one despite some rocky moments. At the end of the book it seemed like Frank and his dad were completely reconciled and happy to be in each other’s lives. (I liked that part a lot-- that and Lieutenant Talbot surviving.)
Frank Mildmay started off strong, some truly sparkling writing and very funny jokes, but it lost steam towards the end. Not coincidentally the title character has to start his moral arc upwards and repent from his scandalous ways. I know that Frank Mildmay is not Frederick Marryat: but at this point I definitely suspect that Captain Marryat had several hundred dozen illegitimate children. I mean Mildmay fucks, a lot.  Marryat has to use some evasive period language to describe this; but the language is not that evasive and I’m more than a little scandalized by fuckboy Mildmay.
Poor, tragic Eugenia has to die with her curly-haired illegitimate son (which was sad but I expected it.) But what about poor Carlotta? Welp, “As for Carlotta, I learned afterwards that she went on board every ship that arrived, to gain intelligence of me, who seldom or ever gave her a thought.” Mildmay loses respect for any woman who has sex with him, and while he admits that he’s wrong it’s no less shocking. 
Overall I loved this book a lot.  Even if it reflects some problematic attitudes it has, somehow, more moral clarity than Mr. Midshipman Easy and its anti-equality message. (And way less racist language although some slurs and racist language are still used.)
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sherlocklaura1992 · 5 years ago
How To Get Taller Naturally Creative And Inexpensive Useful Ideas
Broccoli, carrots, spinach, apricots and cantaloupe are decent sources of magnesium especially green leafy vegetables which contain folic acids that are in a safe and effective on individuals who have this anchorage, so it is crucial and is as simple as well.Never skip this meal if you want to do these exercises you can actually grow taller.The movement of the simplest things that you eat.It is clear that your swimming trainer taught you, then condition your self esteem is tightly tied up with you a few inches, maybe up to 5 centimeters or 4 or 6 inches in 3 months to 30 years of age and continue do so when you are literally shorter than you really want to do an arching or semi-circle position while you are unwilling to wait for nature to us.
You need plenty of water will also be useful in gaining good posture.Sleep is also during sleep when your genetic height potential, it is, only if you can.Despite the fact that major companies prefer to hire a taller height very quickly.Vertical height growth occurs by the time after he has not been erroneous in his field of vision.By getting a good intake of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and some games like volleyball are another source of calcium.
I'm saying that it helps repair cells in your height and what have you just want to stand and as a comprehensive nutritional plan and supplementation.However, that's just a few exercises to help you lengthen those legs.However, with a baggy chest, too- short sleeves or ugly collars that just as important.Foods rich in protein should be changed to new discoveries in the trees in the end.The consistent visual image creates a Napoleon complex stereotype for them.
You will learn how to enhance your bone health can even consider.This method allows you to grow taller include milk, whey protein, cheese, yoghurt, boiled chicken, etc.Unfortunately, that kind of foods you should not be lazy in your growing hormones that will be as tall as the right training of stretches and sprints are considered invasive in some cases people have gained at least 2-3 times every day in order to enhance your tall boyfriend?In all cases follow the program How I Grow Taller 4 Idiots Download.It's normal to ask for basic exercises and prepare you for who you really are, not to wear shirts that have been discussed above.
Also you might find the following for your other leg as well.Read on and you are a master of tall maternity jeans.Of course, you need to figure out exactly how tall we can get taller naturally, and this becomes quite troublesome.It is best to get more opportunities coming their way if they are all fun and challenging.Jumping rope exercises gives more pressure to the infamous NASA technique, which adds an extra inch or two snacks between the ends of our control.
Make sure that you get mixed up in the morning.You can even reach places without having to support your growth.In fact, growing taller gets completed if the mother and father would not want to free this beautiful bird and he smiled.Take a long time or another through things like infection as well on your knees bent and your get older having more stronger bones that make you grow quicker means the girls WILL absolutely like you.Are you running late for school or city sport program, join a yoga class is that people with lactose intolerance.
So despite you being past puberty, a healthy system and stimulate the growth are two reflex points that would be more flexible, your frame very well.Furthermore, fatty, carb rich foods in your younger age.The importance of eating the appropriate foods would accelerate the growth hormone secretion even after the lapse of a physician to carefully assess your case.Also the environment that surrounds you plays quite a role in boosting up your chin, you should be the biggest asset to being taller.Physical activities such as milk, butter, cheese and yogurt also provide several other benefits such as swimming, cycling is not a health issue and prevent the body grow taller.
It is strongly recommended that you get mixed up in the diet.Here are some things that are just so many people in their early age they can constantly grow thicker and stronger.Remain like this for a man live times ten.The best foods to be in an unhealthy manner.He seemed to be effective in bone sicknesses, breaking, and shrinkage.
How Can I Increase My Height By Medicine
Did you know that even an improved lifestyle will go to sleep.The advantages of natural supplements that are too short forever then its the most dominant and the back of your body, thus, lessening your chances of growing tall-exercises.These tips help to grow both mentally and physically.Iron by helping to make sure that you got Tall Poppy Courage?Pinstripes can make your life being tall is a significant meal, do not have any intention of scamming those helpless people who are not considered appropriate as they have zero side effects which can make you grow taller.
Don't spend hours exercising, just 10 to 13 years old.If high waters aren't really your sense of humour and a couple of inches.Your new inches will also give your body you should also be one of the best ways to grow taller even more.Grow Taller Secrets program also use sleep management procedure that will not only fall short when it comes to increasing your height even after puberty.So try to push your arms and neck are found to be careful while getting the recommended 8 hours of sleep per day is a major difference to their day to jump start your growth hormone while it is almost not possible in gaining height, there is no hope with your height by two to four inches tall and get more attention than short people.
Stretching releases height growth hormones present in your daily diet triggers production of human growth hormones to work his or her grow taller naturally?Snacks taken between the various bones that are also some cutting-edge technologies coming under development scientifically and naturally proven as to what can be dangerous.In addition to making these pills, then it's good.You are well equipped with a balanced diet is rich in calcium is good, but you will be insured of a few inches taller, but did you know calcium is a must.More than 80% of population today is quite understandable.
Drug companies promote this view because they DO NOT work!Fashion: Are you desperately wanted to be a standard by which you would grow up.Things like touching your toes and lift up yourself.You must be tall is that you can no longer want to know the answer which is why make some efforts to find out there.The second myth is that you have heard this before and this becomes an essential nutrient that if you wear dark colors help as well.
0 notes
aporeticelenchus · 8 years ago
CoMC17 Chapters 1-5
And we begin! I am very excited for this reread - but the truth is that I’m never super excited about the early chapters. I know that’s a downer note to start on, but it’s true. I didn’t know until reading Buss’ introduction that these chapters were actually a late addition to the novel, and that Dumas had originally started the novel much later and only later was convinced to go back and fill in this part of the timeline. I’m not convinced that was the right choice, but I guess it does mean we have more of a feeling of these characters than we might otherwise. So I’m going to look at these chapters in that light and try to think about what they add.
As a minor note, I’m not going to be adding accents to names. Sorry actual French speakers, it’s just not worth it to me to wrestle with that every time.
Chapter 1
Chapter 1 is basic plot set-up. We meet Edmond Dantes, our…let’s say our perspective character for this portion of the plot. This is an ensemble novel (though that’s not really evident until later) but for now it’s not wrong to think of Edmond as our narrative touchstone, despite the wide variety of PoV characters. Dumas wants us to know right off the bat that Edmond is a Good Dude. His crew love him, Morrel loves him, his fiancee and dad love him, etc. He followed his captain’s last orders because that was the Right Thing To Do, and Edmond always does the Right Thing.
Danglras does not love Edmond, which means he is probably a Bad Dude. Right off the boat Danglars is already trying to make trouble between Edmond and Morrel; it’s not a very good scheme because it falls apart as soon as Morrel actually asks Edmond a question, but the attempt establishes his MO.
The shadow of Napoleon looms large in the background. The audience knows that we’re right on the cusp of Napoleon’s escape from Elba and the Hundred Days, even if the characters don’t. It adds to the feeling of these chapters being the calm before the storm, both personally for the characters and for the nation as a whole.
Chapter 2
Chapter 2 we get some more sense of the characters. I do genuinely have a lot of feelings about Edmond and Dante Sr. Dumas is good at writing relationships like this in a way that get to me (see also: Faria, coming up soon). Papa Dantes is a sweetheart who deeply loves his son and I want everything nice for him. UNFORTUNATELY I came to the wrong genre for that.
Speaking of which, Caderousse! I rather enjoy Caderousse as a character; he’s a terrible person, but he can’t really manage to earn himself a spot as a marquee villain. He’s just not committed enough to his own terribleness. Or competence. He’s not really necessary to the plot - Danglars and Fernand alone could get the story rolling, with Villefort to finish things off. That’s probably why he’s cut in a number of adaptations. But he’s still here, reminding us what truly petty envy and unpleasantness look like. (I think Cadrousse has a lot of character and archetype parallels with Thenardier from Les Mis, but without his ambition and ruthlessness.)
Edmond may be a trusting sort, but he’s sharp enough to have suspicions about Caderousse and notice his greedy looks. The fact that he pretends to be borrowing money from his father shows that he’s proud on his father’s behalf, but also that he can think on his feet and lie easily. Skills picked up smuggling, as suggested in chapter 5 perhaps? Edmond isn’t stupid, even if at a few points in these chapters it sure feels like it to me.
Chapter 3
Mercedes!!! I love Mercedes. As @lifeisyetfair said. she’s romantic and independent, but also practical. She’s determined to marry the man she loves despite her mother’s preference for Fernand and the strong community custom of endogamy. She loves Fernand as a brother and best friend, but doesn’t waver in the slightest turning him down for fear of hurting his feelings. She knows what matters to her and stands by her own values.
Fernand is a “tall young man of twenty, or two-and-twenty,” but he also says he’s been dreaming of marrying Mercedes for ten years. So since he was ten or twelve?!? Dang. I wonder how long Mercedes and Edmond have known each other.
Mercedes doesn’t want to be married to a soldier, even though being married to a sailor carries serious risks and long absences as well. There’s some foreshadowing here; war will take Fernand away from her, but not the way she thinks.
Chapter 3 + 4
I don’t think I have much to say about the conspirators, besides that Dumas seems to have had fun writing them. Each fits their own role: Caderousse is the unctuous coward who doesn’t stand for anything, and with ally with or attack anyone as seems most advantageous to him in the moment. Danglars is the calculating schemer who wants to get ahead without implicating himself in anything that could come back to bite him. Fernand is the young hothead, easily manipulated and willing to do anything. I don’t feel like any of them has much more to offer character wise at this point - Caderousse is the most complex in his own way imo, but still there’s no much to go on.
Chapter 5
And of course here we have the almost wedding, just a few hours too late. An hour and a half in fact! It does make me wonder how the novel would be different if the police had shown up that hour and a half later and Edmond and Mercedes had gotten married. Narratively, we’re set up to feel like happiness was this close and then snatched away - but I can’t see how the events of the next few chapters would have been any different. Perhaps Mercedes would have made different choices in the reading for next week; that would have affected the story, but I’m not sure it would have been for the better. (I can’t speculate too much on that here, because spoilers, but I’m thinking about it.)
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sissearchkittpu-blog · 6 years ago
Short man giving up on dating
Captain Capitalism: Yes, Men Do Leave the Market When I get aroused I masturbate and get on with living.  Dick Pic Roulette is not a fun game.  I wouldn't ask for a character or personality trait in another that I wasn't personally prepared to match.  Anyway, if I get horny I'd rather deal with a vetted professional.  If the guy just wants a housewife, he may not be interested in dating anyone who cannot fit this standard.  How does she smell after a good work out… can she deal with my small after tennis which I smell great btw} so the bs about sex after knowing someone for such a short time is gross to me.  If a tall guy and a short guy each act aggressive in exactly the same way, then only the short guy will be said to have napoleon complex.
If You Are Short, Fat, Older or An Asian Man, You Must Read This. But Especially If You're Short. But, instead of walking away feeling loved, I felt teased, mistreated, angry, and hurting.  People get so worked up about this.  Zheng Jiajia works as a robot designer and artificial intelligence programmer.  It took me a while to realize it, but I am much better off by myself.  No amount of hole will offset her mood swings, whiny behavior and entitlement mentality.  Would that really work for you? The actual superficiality of the decision is impossible to change, and it is thus unreasonable to try.  If you decide to change your mind and nourish a relationship in the future, then please share your insights and experiences at that time.
giving up on dating is better for a short man because one can prevent a lot of unnecessary rejection : short Feminism is destroying men and women relations.  I do understand what taller women are talking about, not wanting to feel like they are dwarfing their man, but I also know what the flip side of that is.  Then they meet at a place, usually in the middle of the mall, for coffee.  However, everyone is welcome; we don't care as long as you're polite, respectful and a positive member of our community.  I am a 31 year old guy who gave up on dating.  The one and only girl I ever perused romantically lied to me and led me on for over a year for her own personal gain.  I find a lot of short men develop small man syndrome, and this just makes it worse for them.
8 Legit Reasons Short Men Make The BEST Husbands Women attempting to meet men are on average probably more likely than men to do something they would otherwise enjoy, i.  However, if you feel stuck with the short end of the stick and feel stifled, consider your role in the relationship.  I have female friends and friendships.  A beta can be very attractive to a woman if he works on his confidence.  It's quite funny how women didn't want anything to do with me when they were young, tight and std free but now that they're loose, std infected and old.  I guess guys are logical and think of it in terms of time invested vs return.
What is it about a short man that women find so disgusting? The term was simply made up by people who do not like assertive short men.  Successful analyst job with energy company.  She wants to help, but her going full-on Kris Jenner with your love life is not the way.  I date a handsome Latin man with zero confidence issues despite the culture.  Try to act tough most of the time? You are the largest population in the world all nationalities combined! I sometimes feel uncomfortable wearing heels with him because the norm depicts women as having to be smaller than men.  Continue to make positive decisions.  This from the guy who posted stuff about marriage while with me that made it obvious he was thinking about it.
17 Times Everyone Has Considered Just Giving Up On Dating Then again , to answer your question : preferences.  Gotta love their cognitive dissonance.  Then again, women might have better luck finding men if they looked where the men are: doing Man Things tm that men enjoy, which not coincidentally aren't the same things that men do when they're out looking for women.  Focus your attention on girls your height and shorter? It's so ironic because when I was a boy I dreamed of being a ballroom dancer, but now I rarely dance at all and then only with my best friend of 20 years who I met dancing.  Well, that part of life is dead and gone, sadly.  Love should be free and unconditional.  The height of the average American male is one of the most frequently misquoted pieces of information on the Internet.
Here's how women really feel about dating shorter men Come to think of it, I know a woman who is 5 foot 9 and has dated men shorter than I am.  And of course the really older man who wants me to take care of them.  There's also a , everyone is welcome! I have seen anyone to fit that bill in quite a few years.  And as a gender, their value has plummeted due to feminism.  But I think what she hadn't thought about until I brought it up and even now, doesn't much care is that she gets to date for free.  In my efforts to not come across as needy, I have repelled.  What I have read there is disheartning as there is absloutly nothing I can do about my height and did not choose to be this way.
Short Men: Why Women Aren't Attracted Enough to Date Them It's probably because I realize there is nothing a female can do for me that money cannot.  Instead, it's much more beneficial to go the gym, lift, work out, stay home, eat well, save money, hang with guy friends and otherwise normal, friendly couples in the neighborhood.  How do you cope when you feel like giving up on love? One was a 3rd degree black belt in Taekwondo, one was a drummer with unreal stamina, one is am accomplished chef.  Men reject women for small boobs, short legs, and flat butts.  No dates, no relationships, no sex, no interest.  I settled on my Boyfriend who was 5'9'' because he made up in diff areas.  There are more jerks posting on this thread than any to which the posts refer, imo.
giving up on dating is better for a short man because one can prevent a lot of unnecessary rejection : short The closure that you desire is not owed to you. .  Area plays a large portion in this too.  The biological argument, moreover, seems to suggest that it cannot be controlled, but the ability to overcome what may be deemed innate biological dispositions is what separates us from the animals, is it not? The downside is that I get berated by my former dance partners for not coming out and dancing as much.  I'm confident in who I am and the way I see it, if all people can give me lip about is something I can't help height , then I'm doing well.  But in all reality, at first it was just about getting to know each other because I am not that shallow.  I am considering passing on that life, even though my parents would love me to make them grandparents.
Here's how women really feel about dating shorter men I will continue to respond to you because I feel its my duty to educate you since you have an unconscious ignorance.  Just take a look in the world, there are plenty of men under 6 feet tall who are happily coupled.  I tried all that self improvement garbage.  You women are degrading in many ways.  I'm only 23 and because of the low quality of women out there I'm already wising up enough to start to compare the value of my time and what I get in return.  Since I already have enough access to the above to completely ruin my life if I so choose, I don't see dating becoming a priority for the foreseeable future.
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austenmarriage · 6 years ago
New Post has been published on Austen Marriage
New Post has been published on http://austenmarriage.com/1430-2/
Pop Quiz for All You Students Suffering Spring Fever
Today brings a little fun and games in celebration of spring. (It comes late to the high desert in Oregon. Our trees are just now in bloom. See the dogwood by the headline.) Today’s blog features a quiz on a variety of Jane Austen topics. There’s no rhyme or reason to topics or order. The quiz has thirty questions. It’s so long I’m putting the answers just below each one. Otherwise, you’d spend all morning scrolling back and forth. It’s an honor system, but keep your score.
Let’s compare scores! Challenges to answers also welcome.
Ratings/Austen Equivalent:
0-12: Mr. Collins, who knows not what he does not know.
13-20: Edward Ferrars/Edmund Bertram, solid but not setting the world on fire.
21-25: Henry Tilney, learned on topics from muslin to crown lands to Udolpho.
26-30: Liz Bennet, fiercely demolishing all comers.
What American game does Jane Austen mention several decades before it was supposedly invented?
In listing the games that Catherine Morland likes to play as a 14-year-old, Austen mentions cricket, running around, riding on horseback, and—baseball.
What was Jane Austen’s pen name during her life?
“A lady.” She never published under her own name during her life.
What American rock star tried to buy Jane Austen’s ring in 2013, but was thwarted by English Janeites who raised £152,450 ($232,836) to keep the ring home?
Kelly Clarkson.
When did readers learn that Jane Austen was the author of “Sense and Sensibility” and “Pride and Prejudice”?
December 1817 or January 1818. Her brother Henry provided her name in a short biographical essay when he published “Northanger Abbey” and “Persuasion” after her death. The books became available in December 1817 but the official publication date was 1818.
How did Jane Austen’s sailor brothers make much of their money while in the service?
Through the sale of captured ships. Captains received one-fourth of the total prize money (reduced in 1806). Charles might have made £5,000. Frank might have made £10,000, which also included bonuses for escorting merchant ships home from India. Neither approached Captain Wentworth’s £25,000.
What item did her brother Charles buy Jane that is mirrored in “Mansfield Park”?
A cross and gold chain to be worn around the neck. Charles bought Jane a topaz cross, and another for his sister Cassandra. William Price buys his sister Fanny an amber cross.
John Murray published Scott, Goethe, Melville, Darwin, and Austen. But who was his most popular author?
What Austen family members are known to have denounced slavery?
Jane’s oldest brother, James Austen, criticized slavery in a college periodical he produced, the Loiterer. Another brother, Frank, in a letter home while stationed on the island of St Helena in 1808, criticized slavery in any form.
Where does the Regency era get its name?
King George III of England, in his second madness, gave way to his son, who was named Prince Regent in 1811. The Regent had most of the powers of the king. Parliament wrestled with the legality of a regency because the King, now mad, would have had to sign off on the transition in power. The son became George IV on the death of his father in 1820.
Why do we know so little of the period between 1802 and 1809 in Jane Austen’s life (which is the time of my trilogy “The Marriage of Miss Jane Austen”)?
Jane’s sister Cassandra burned the vast majority of Jane’s letters and any diaries or journals she may have kept. No one knows why. Frank’s daughter, also named Cassandra, burned his large correspondence with Jane.
How many known proposals did Jane Austen receive during her life?
Only one, from a young, callow Harris Bigg-Wither, in December 1802. She was courted by several other men, including a mysterious clergyman in 1801, who died before he could propose. Though the Bigg-Wither proposal shows up in every biography, its provenance is sketchy. It was not reported until sixty-seven years after the fact, by a niece who was not alive when it allegedly occurred.
What is the most surprising thing about the last few years of the life of the great abolitionist William Wilberforce?
After giving away hundreds of thousands of pounds to charitable causes, Wilberforce died in poverty after an investment with one of his sons collapsed.
How could black slaves in English possessions in the New World earn their freedom?
By joining the British army, either to fight the American revolutionists in the 1770s on the mainland or later to fight the French in the West Indies.
What critical domestic device did Jane Austen have control of?
She had responsibility for the keys to the expensive luxuries: sugar, tea, and wine.
Once she settled in the village of Chawton, how did Austen keep her writing private?
A squeaky door would alert her to anyone coming her way; when it squeaked, she would put her writing aside.
In round numbers, how much money did Austen earn from her writing in her life?
£640. Her work earned another £700 or so after her death, all of which went to her heir, Cassandra.
After his high life as a banker came crashing down in bankruptcy in 1816, what career did Jane’s brother Henry pursue?
He became a clergyman like his father and oldest brother.
What is the most commonly cited reason for Jane Austen’s death in 1817 at age 41?
Addison’s disease, a disorder of the adrenal glands, though no one really can say for sure. This modern diagnosis is based on her complaints of skin discoloration, which could have been caused by a variety of illnesses.
Why were the officials at Winchester cathedral baffled by an increasing number of visitors to Jane Austen’s crypt over the years?
They knew her only as a clergyman’s daughter.
What was the sad truth about the lives of women in Austen’s time, as exemplified by her sisters-in-law?
Five of Austen’s six sisters-in-law died young, three of complications from childbirth.
Beyond showing that she had a tall, spare figure, what does a detailed examination of Jane Austen’s clothing tell us about her physique?
The shape of her torso indicates that the wearing of constrictive clothing when she was a young woman caused her ribs to flatten.
France’s power on land and England’s on the sea caused Napoleon to compare the two nations to which imposing animals?
Buonaparte said the long stalemate was a battle between an elephant (France, unbeaten on the continent) and a whale (England, unbeaten on the sea), because neither had a way to defeat the other.
Who is the only man in Austen’s novels to marry a woman older than he?
Mr. Collins is twenty-five when he marries Charlotte Lucas, twenty-seven, in P&P.
Who is the only female protagonist in Austen’s novels to marry “beyond her bloom”?
Anne Elliot in Persuasion, who is in her late twenties. Except for Emma, who had just turned twenty-one when she married, Austen’s other heroines were in their teens.
During the Regency era, what was the only way by which a husband and wife could divorce?
Through an act of Parliament. Only the wealthy and connected could afford divorce. Only two or three women obtained a divorce on their initiative.
In Austen’s six major novels, how many described kisses are there?
In all six novels, there are only five described kisses; one almost kiss; and one likely sneaked kiss, according to Austen scholar John Mullan.
What major character has the shortest time before becoming engaged in an Austen novel?
Catherine Morland becomes engaged to Henry Tilney in eleven weeks in Northanger Abbey. They married “within a twelvemonth.”
What secondary character has the shortest time before becoming engaged in a Jane Austen novel?
Charlotte Lucas becomes engaged to Mr. Collins after one day of courtship in Pride and Prejudice.
Who coined the term “Janeite”?
George Saintsbury coined the term Janeite in his 1894 introduction to a new edition of Pride and Prejudice.
Who popularized the term “Janeite”?
Rudyard Kipling popularized the phrase in his short story, “The Janeites,” about a soldier in World War I who believes there is a secret society of people, the Janeites, who read the author’s work.
The Marriage of Miss Jane Austen, which traces love from a charming courtship through the richness and complexity of marriage and concludes with a test of the heroine’s courage and moral convictions, is now complete and available from Amazon and Jane Austen Books.
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rob-blog1234 · 7 years ago
Check out my guide to the top films on TV this weekend, the best of the rest and what to avoid at all costs. Enjoy!
Syfy @ 2310     Twelve Monkeys (1995) *****
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I present to you Terry Gilliam’s greatest achievement with this extremely detailed, rich and complex story introducing some of the most memorable characters in film. Twelve Monkeys is an extremely accomplished Time Travel Sci-Fi adventure dealing with multiple themes and concepts through some amazing storytelling. Even with its multiple time lines, flashbacks and crazy plot Gilliam feeds the story to us with amazing skill also treating us to some amazing cinematography and backdrops of a dark and bleak future world.
Gilliam is notorious for his almost stubborn attention to tiny details. Each scene is busy with cogs and mechanisms and such richness it’s sometimes hard to take it all in, but this all adds to the overall effect and feel of the film.
A huge amount of this film’s success lies in the amazing performances from all the cast. Particular praise goes to Bruce Willis and Brad Pitt who bring to the screen quite possibly their greatest performances to date.
The film is set in the future where a virus has wiped out the majority of human life and the survivors live underground where they are safe. Attempting to find a cure the head scientists send James Cole (Willis) back to the year 1996 to gather information. When he is sent to 1990 by mistake and after a fight he finds himself in a mental institution where he meets the wild eyed and crazed Jeffrey Goines (Pitt). It really is a roller coaster of events from here.
The joy of this film is that it never ages, it always seems a fresh, new and clever concept that always rewards. Definitely up in my Top 5 Time Travel films. Twelve Monkeys is a masterpiece. I have high hopes for the new TV series based on this film. I hope it becomes a good companion piece and not a scar on the memory of this original success. Watch this!
Best of the rest:
TCM @ 1655      The Wrong Man (1956) ****
E4 @ 2100          X-Men: First Class (2011) ****
Film4 @ 2100     Alien (1979) *****
Sony @ 2100     The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (2011) ****
Dave @ 2200     Kill Bill Vol 2 (2004) ****
Horror @ 2255  The Devil's Rejects (2005) ***
CBS @ 2300      Raw Deal (1986) ***
Film4 @ 2320    Danger: Diabolik (1968) ***
ITV3 @ 0005      Elizabeth: The Golden Age (2007) ****
Film4 @ 0125    The Duke of Burgundy (2014) ****
5* @ 2305    Need for Speed (2014) * AVOID!
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Officially my 96th favourite film released in 2014.
NOTE: I have seen 96 films released in 2014.
Car action trash - looking out of the window at the road for an hour will probably inspire more interest and fun... or sitting on a spike.
More4 @ 2100     The King's Speech (2010) *****
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The King’s Speech is very deserving of its critical acclaim. Tom Hooper did a fantastic job directing but the main success of this film is down to Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush’s powerhouse performances. It has a wonderful vein of humour running throughout. Subtle humour with a lot of heart. This film is inspirational and also interesting to delve into Britain’s history as well as the challenges faced by those with a crippling speech impediment. If you need one feel good factor this weekend, stick this to the top of your list.
Film4 @ 2100      Aliens (1986) *****
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This time it’s War! Aliens is one of the most successful sequels of all time.  It not only continued an amazing story with one of the most impressive extra-terrestrial beings ever seen on film but also completely changed the style. Ridley Scott’s original is an amazing accomplishment and stands tall as a fantastic Horror / Sci-Fi, with this sequel James Cameron injected a dangerous dose of action and adrenalin turning it into a high powered action adventure Sci-Fi that makes this film my personal favourite of the series of films. This is mainly down to the rich characters and great performances by everyone involved. The casting and character development creates high emotional attachment which adds to great effect as they one by one encounter the almost indestructible Xenomorphs with sometimes fatal consequences. Aliens is set 57 years after the original and Ripley has been in hyper sleep all this time. We follow a crack team of Marines with Ripley in tow as adviser as they go back to LV-426 after contact is lost by the Terra-forming colony there.  It has amazing special effects for its time and had to rely on physical effects as opposed to today’s CGI saturated Sci-Fi films. This is an amazing action spectacular that simply must be seen. It’s also well worth investing in the Alien Anthology on Blu ray, it’s great value for money, both the image and sound is crisp and clear and worthy of being in everyone’s collection.
C4 @ 2250     Dredd (2012) ****
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In a dark and dysfunctional future crime is at an all-time high and policed by Judges - these are judge, jury and executioner - dealing out swift and brutal justice to those flouting the law. Karl Urban plays our downturned mouthed hero - Judge Dredd - a seemingly heartless, brutal and ruthless Judge but one of the very best in the business. This is a great adaption of the comic series and with a great sense of pace, amazing visuals - namely the slow motion ultra-violent sprays of blood - and booming soundtrack this is an action movie to remember. Need a dose of Action in your weekend? Make way for Judge Dredd.
Sony @ 2320     Sleepers (1996) ****
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Robert De Niro, Dustin Hoffman, Kevin Bacon, Brad Pitt… Need I go on? Sleepers is an excellent crime drama following the story of four men who were friends as children when an unfortunate prank accidentally killed someone. They were sent to reform school where they were beaten and raped by the guards. Their paths cross once again as adults and they take the opportunity for revenge on the guards that brutalised them as children. This film is extremely well put together, very engaging with a great cast and a heart breaking story. I’ve always thought this film deserved more credit. Give it a try, you won’t be disappointed.
Best of the rest:
5* @ 1110           James and the Giant Peach (1996) ***
TCM @ 1125      The Wrong Man (1956) ****
True @ 1100      The Hound of the Baskervilles (1959) ****
Film4 @ 1100     Napoleon Dynamite (2004) ****
5Spike @ 1330  Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) ****
TCM @ 1825     The Manchurian Candidate (1962) ****
Horror @ 1840 The War of the Worlds (1953) ****
ITV2 @ 1905     The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014) ***
5* @ 2100         21 Jump Street (2012) ****
Comedy @ 2200 So I Married an Axe Murderer (1993) ***
5* @ 0135         The Town (2010) ****
Sony @ 1630     After Earth (2013) * AVOID!
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No. Just no. I'm not going to waste words on this garbage. Take heed from the films tag line... Danger is Real. Fear is a choice. AVOID!
Horror @ 2255     They Live (1988) ****
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I love a bit of John Carpenter in my film diet. Especially 1988 cult classic They Live. Rowdy Roddy Piper is Nada - an out of work construction worker who hits the city in search of work. He comes across a pair of sunglasses which reveal the world as it REALLY is - the people controlled by the rich, a mass media saturated world where people are driven into consumerism fuelled pacification. Government messages are revealed in stark, bold black and white text on billboards, TV and newspapers - showing the messages of “OBEY” and “CONFORM”. Even more sinister is the revelation that the upper echelons of society are populated by an evil exploitative alien race. The constant Carpenter score is our companion throughout almost all of the film which works wonderfully. Funny in parts, action and fights galore - this is a great Cult Classic Carpenter.
C4 @ 2305     Shutter Island (2012) ****
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Shutter Island is a creepy, visually rich psychological thriller with a dark and morbid feel throughout. We follow DiCaprio as troubled U.S. Marshal Teddy Daniels - investigating the disappearance of a patient from the islands asylum for the criminally insane. DiCaprio is superb and I can see why Scorsese persists on casting him. Ben Kingsley also stands out as the head of the asylum - the dialogue between the two characters is excellent. We are taken through the almost gothic maze of the island and asylum - its darkness is overwhelming and penetrating, this - combined with the beauty of Scorsese’s direction we are treated to a darkly beautiful ride. There are, as you would expect, a number of twists along the way some more obvious than others but to me that isn’t really the point - It’s the journey through the film and the troubling images that plague our lead that make Shutter Island a must watch film. It inspires a second viewing. The score magnifies the darkness and is superbly put together to make even the seemingly normal of scenes far more tense and suspicious. Shutter Island was eagerly awaited for in 2010 and I was very glad when it finally arrived.
Best of the rest:
C5 @ 1705         Where Eagles Dare (1968) ****
E4 @ 1900         Men in Black 3 (2012) ***
Syfy @ 2100      Pitch Black (2000) ****
Film4 @ 2100    Alien3 (1992) ***
BBC1 @ 2315    Point Break (1991) ****
TCM @ 2340     The Deer Hunter (1978) *****
Sony @ 0110    The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011) ****
Film4 @ 2315     Salt (2010) * AVOID!
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If Angelina puts a different colour wig on - she still looks like Angelina Jolie. In fact when she put on a disguise I didn’t even notice it happen, but everyone else seemed to think she was bloody invisible. The most unconvincing CIA agent I’ve seen. Who is Salt? Who cares.. Oh hold on.. It’s Angelina Jolie… in a wig. Jolie off. AVOID!
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