#(sic - plural)
skyeventide · 8 months
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cb-writes-stuff · 1 month
Since you're wanting some system related asks:
What made you work out you were a system?
Does you have a headspace and does it look like anything?
Also your "me and me and-" had more colours than the three you posted about before, do you have more alters?
Obligatory I'm a singlet so I'm rlly sorry if I got any terminology incorrect please feel free to correct me /gen
First off, thank you for asking. I really appreciate it.
What made you work out you were a system? Um… I’m not entirely sure. I read something about someone discovering their own plurality once, and I later had an anxiety attack in which I suddenly and repeatedly acted like very different versions of me to deal with the anxiety as different coping methods failed, which was very distressing. I talked with my therapist about it, and he recommended reaching out and such. I didn’t much feel like doing that.
Then I came on [tumblr], stuff happened, and I finally decided to reach out. I decided to start looking for advice from people while I figured some things out, and now we’re here.
Does you [sic] have a headspace and does it look like anything? Sort of? I explained it in a post before, but I won’t make you go looking for that. Basically, we have the Void. It’s not that it doesn’t look like anything, but rather, it looks like nothing. My brain isn’t good at visualizing things, so an internal landscape with fully-formed people feels fake, or too forced. Instead, my brain conceptualizes—in my imagination, things are concepts by default. So the others, their appearances, their actions, even the Void itself, exist conceptually in my head, because that’s what comes naturally.
Also your “me and me and-” had more colours than the three you posted about before, do you have more alters? I don’t like to use the term “alters” myself, but yes. (I don’t dislike other people using it for me, so you’re fine. I just haven’t figured out what term I want to use yet.) There’s several more. I don’t know how many, if any, are comfortable being talked about, and I don’t see why I’d talk about it anyway if I’m still me and I don’t have to. As a little anecdote, one of them started out as just a name and a function with no appearance, but then she saw Siffrin with no hat and cloak and made them her facetroject (I think I’m using that term right? Someone who looks like a person/character but isn’t that person/character), even though it has nothing to do with who she is. She just likes it.
I’ll still be posting as myself though, as I can’t see any reason not to.
And really, thank you for making an effort. It’s always reassuring that I’m not scaring away my moots with all this.
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sexhaver · 2 years
i’m sorry i’m like this too.
but this site is so fucking WEIRD about john green. the cock monologue is whatever, but you also have a post about green being “weirdly chummy” with fans and. come on that was the actual problem in 2014. he was getting accused of pedophilia and grooming which was disproved at the time and remains completely untrue.
john green wasn’t predatory for writing YA novels with teenage girl main characters. he wasn’t predatory for interacting with fans who sought him out. he wasn’t predatory for creating an online community that remains safe for minors to participate in currently. he’s not a predator and he isn’t weird to his fans. it’s genuinely messed up to imply and keep implying that a YA author was being predatory towards fans after it was disproved. he had a public social media account before it was common for authors to engage that way. we were teens and we got weird about it.
it is actually serious to say john green was being inappropriate towards children and it’s important for all of our safety that we stay Very Very Clear about what predation is and who is Actually Dangerous To Children.
first off, no, you're not sorry, if you were sorry you would realize this ask sounds ridiculous and not send it, and yet here we are.
what really gets me the most about idiots such as yourself is that you make such a painstaking show of recounting How Things Really Happened, as if there's a massive conspiracy of historical revisionism afoot with the end goal of smearing a middle-aged YA author when like. i was literally there. i used this website before john green joined. i watched him get popular, i watched as we all took the piss by editing his text posts like we edited 10000 other text posts, i watched as a teenage girl called him a "creepy uncle at a pool party" and he responded by siccing his adult YA author friends and fans such as yourself on her so hard she deleted, i watched as he called nerdy girls an "underutilized resource" in a video targeted at boys, i watched as he jerked himself off in the notes of a gifset of his own movie ("is this the FIRST TIME the GIRL has kissed the BOY????"). i was (and still am) mutuals with the guy who edited the iconic copypasta over his announcement about hitting 100k followers or whatever.
i did not suffer through all of this, the worst fucking years of this hellsite, to be talked down to by tiktok users who deign to cite the deep magic to me. he was not targeted with post editing copypastas (yes, plural, it had been ongoing for months) for being neurodivergent. he wasn't even targeted for being creepy or predatory, although that was definitely a discussion being had at the time. he was targeted because he was fundamentally cringe before the word "cringe" had been discovered, and because he took himself so seriously that you were guaranteed to get a response from him every time.
imagine if Lin Manuel Miranda made an account on here now, and you could edit his posts, and every time you edited them, he would reblog it back from you saying "haha, very funny guys, but this is an edit! i didn't say this!", which you could then edit again, and so on and so forth. and then imagine if, a full decade after this happened, people who weren't even there started calling this practice "violent harassment" because someone edited his post to the "what the fuck did you fucking say about me?" copypasta once. and furthermore imagine that when you laugh at these people, they get really really indignant and demand you take them seriously and imply that somehow you're losing the debate by refusing to engage with them, and also that this is a debate all of a sudden instead of them embarrassing themselves
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mimeo-tan · 3 months
telling an old acquaintance [we're plural] and their response is "you mean like DID? that's scary. i hope you're okay. [sic]"
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knottahooker · 2 years
why did you use 'they' for napster lol, it's a site, you might use IT or do old websites identify with they?
I was genuinely going to respond with a grammar lesson about collective nouns, using singular vs. plural language with them, and how a company is a group of people until I got to, "or do old websites identify with they?" [sic] and then I realized you're probably a transphobe looking for someone to back up your arguments against singular they (first used in 1375, so miss me with your grammar prescriptivism) and that doesn't fly here on my blog, so my guess is you: 1) are mad about the NO TERFS ALLOWED post I made a few hours ago and went combing through my blog back to February to find something to argue with me about; 2) don't realize the irony of coming at me about my grammar usage with a message formatted like that; and 3) are a coward for messaging me that on anon instead of under your own name because you didn't know I like roasting people in run-on sentences that are technically grammatically sound.
Run back to your hole, nonny. I've got better things to do than deal with your kind.
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aeide-thea · 10 months
so i was doing a little weeding-out of my queue, right, because it's, uh, literally full at this point and i'd sort of like to be able to add things to it again? and in so doing i re-encountered a bit of Quintilian On Education i'd saved which features some ~relatable observations~ but also a prominent typo, and which i'd hung onto with some vague idea of reposting an edited version; and when i went to do a bit of googling to that end just now, i discovered that the translation it cites—which was published in 2018—actually renders the text more overtly male-exclusive than either the original latin or the translation from 19-fucking-20 that's on perseus???
like, don't get me wrong, i do think quintilian was talking abt Boys and had Boys in mind really, because like. gestures at the realities of historical schooling. but as far as what's actually on the page goes, puer esp. in the plural can in fact technically be gender-neutral?? and then there's stuff where like. the original audeat haec aetas plura et inveniat et inventis gaudeat gets rendered in 1920 as 'The young should be more daring and inventive and should rejoice in their inventions,' and then fucking habinek turns it into 'Let the young child takes [sic] risks and exercise his imagination, and enjoy doing so.' like. haec aetas is not in fact masculine: it's grammatically feminine and semantically gender-neutral. we have a semantically gender-neutral third person pronoun in english. it's right there. a british classicist who died before habinek was born managed to lay his hands on it just fine. and yet this nominally-modern rendition reaches instead for 'he.' flames on the side of my face.
to be clear, i'm not saying classic(al) texts should be bowdlerized to suit my personal agender sensibilities! just that imo, when you manage to render a latin text more sexist in translation than it technically was in the original, you've betrayed both your author and the readers to whom you've accepted the solemn responsibility of introducing him; which i'll take the liberty of rendering into a more contemporary idiom as: you suck. lol, lmao, &c.
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stml · 2 years
"The second mountain, Mount Elaius, is some thirty stades away from Phigalia, and has a cave sacred to Demeter surnamed Black ... the Phigalians say, they concluded that this cavern was sacred to Demeter and set up in it a wooden image. The image, they say, was made after this fashion. It was seated on a rock, like to a woman in all respects save the head. She had the head and hair of a horse, and there grew out of her head images of serpents and other beasts. Her tunic reached right to her feet; on one of her hands was a dolphin, on the other a dove. Now why they had the image made after this fashion is plain to any intelligent man who is learned in traditions. They say that they named her Black because the goddess had black apparel. They cannot relate either who made this wooden image or how it caught fire. But the old image was destroyed, and the Phigalians gave the goddess no fresh image, while they neglected for the most part her festivals and sacrifices, until the barrenness fell on the land." - Pausanias, 8.42.1–4.
'A xoanon (/ˈzoʊ.ənɒn/ (listen),[1] Greek: ξόανον; plural: Greek: ξόανα xoana, from the verb Greek: ξέειν, xeein, to carve or scrape [wood][2]) was an Archaic wooden cult image of Ancient Greece. Classical Greeks associated such cult objects, whether aniconic or effigy, with the legendary Daedalus. Many such cult images were preserved into historical times, though none are known to have survived to the modern day, except as copies in stone or marble. In the 2nd century CE, Pausanias described numerous xoana in his Description of Greece, notably the image of Hera in her temple at Samos. "The statue of the Samian Hera, as Aethilos [sic[a]] says, was a wooden beam at first, but afterwards, when Prokles was ruler, it was humanized in form".' - Xoanon
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viscerasmoothie · 3 months
First video is over 500mb, so Tumblr is throwing a tantrum about it and not letting me upload it. It got split because my camera app timed out for some reason. Here's the second video, also I have no clue why my voice sounds like that, I'm like 50% sure that I sound a lot less prepubescent irl but idk, if you know me and are on here then please confirm if I sound like a fucking 9 year old or not.
For video ID : M = me (OP), G = my grandma
[Video ID: A video of me shoving a flathead screwdriver into the semi-opened corner of my laptop in a futile attempt to brute force it open. Two blankets are visible in the background, one dark grey and the other multicolor. The sound of a loud fan is in the background. The laptop is upside down.
G: "Oh it must've timed out, right?" (In reference to the fact that the first video ended abruptly)
M: "You might've accidentally hit the home button."
G: No, I've got just my thumbs along the black edge." (referring to my phone case. It's a semi-transparent dark blue, which makes the edges of it look black)
M: "Okay yeah it might've timed out."
[I make a barely audible sigh expressing the emotion I like to call "WHY THE FUCK WONT YOU OPEN AAAAAAA"]
M: "This is absolutely not good for the case." (Two flathead screwdrivers are in the case and have been for a couple seconds, one with semi-transparent yellow handle and a thicker metal part holding the case open, and a thinner one with a semi-transparent red handle being used to try and pry the rest of the case open. In this shot I was working on the left edge (It appears as the right edge due to the laptop being upside down), and my head is in frame because I'm a stupid idiot who can't see what the camera does)
M: "Might be electronic(sic) jammed up the side." (The "(sic)" part is because either my brain wasn't braining or you can't hear me pluralize(? Is that a real word??) the word "electronic". I wasn't having any luck with getting the side opened, which is why I think components might be shoved against it, preventing me from prying the case open)
[frustrated sigh from me as the yellow screwdriver falls/slightly pops out of the case and into my laugh. My grandma laughs at my misfortune]
M: [Might be yawning while saying this idk] "Staring to think we might need the screwdriver for these, [chuckles]" (there's screws that are almost definitely holding the case together, but they're probably proprietary HP screws, AND they're super fucking tiny)
[Another disgruntled sigh from yours truly, who is probably misusing the word "disgruntled"]
M: "No clue where we'd get them though." (in reference to the screwdrivers. I'm now working on the front side of the case)
[Yellow screwdriver falls out again]
G: "Yeah those little tiny screws, are they, attached to something?"
M: "This one isn't-" (In reference to the one near the corner that was propped open)
G: "Oh okay"
M: "-I think"
G: "You sure?"
M: "What do you think? [She laughs] This is coming out."
[camera gets closer to the corner (IT DOES NOT ZOOM, my grandma didn't zoom in cus our phones are different)]
G: "Okay."
M: "This one ke-" [pause to readjust the yellow screwdriver] "This screwdriver keeps popping out."
[some sort of noise??? Idk man]
M: "[inaudible, sounds like "I don't think"] any of this is a fan of anything I'm doing right now."
[no dialogue for a couple of seconds]
M: "I hate proprietary screws."
M: [in a whiney voice] "Open." [brief pause] "Why won't you open."
M: "I don't care that I don't have the wro- the right stuff."
[one final semi-angry sigh]
M: "Yeah no we might need the screws." (Idk why I referred to the screwdriver as screws fuck you. Also can you tell I watch way too much dankpods and the "yeah nah" has rubbed off on me /rhetorical)
G: "Huh?"
M: "We might just need those screws." [grabs phone near the camera cus I'm a big stupid idiot]
G: "Need what screws?"
[Video end]]
Writing out that entire video ID was mentally exhausting LMAO, and it probably sucks ass. Sorry for visually/hearing impaired people who come across this but I'm just dumb. Also two things, if I get doxxed cus of the pride shirt I was wearing I will kms, and don't mind how fucking ugly I am. If you find me attractive then I suggest therapy. /s
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bllsbailey · 3 months
Gavin Newsom Delivers Dark State of the State Speech, Obsesses Over Gender Politics, Abortion
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California Gov. Gavin Newsom couldn’t be bothered to show up at the state Capitol in Sacramento Tuesday to deliver his State of the State address; instead, for the fourth year in a row, he aired a pre-recorded message. Appearing somber, his speech was anything but uplifting, and like Joe Biden, he painted his political opponents as dangerous zealots who hate progress. He tried to depict the Golden State as some sort of utopia despite the crime epidemic, the explosion in the number of homeless people, and the unaffordability of the state.
He obsessed over abortion, as that is one of the few issues that Democrats believe they can win on. However, since he will be termed out in 2027, his heart didn’t really seem to be in it and he lacked energy.
Ignore all California’s very real problems, Newsom seemed to say, and instead let's focus on the evils of the conservatives:
Repeating familiar tropes of past political speeches, Newsom cast the state as a force of light against dark conservative forces and boasted about California’s work to protect civil rights and the rights of women and LGBTQ+ communities. “Our values and our way of life are the antidote to the poisonous populism of the right, and to the fear and anxiety that so many people are feeling today,” Newsom said. “People across the globe look to California and see what’s possible, and how to live and advance together and prosper together across every conceivable difference.”
He returned to his familiar rhetoric regarding abortion, in effect saying that it was California’s number one issue:
The governor used the speech to attack conservatives nationally over reproductive rights, an issue Democrats have tried to capitalize on in the 2024 election. He described them as “telling a woman she’s not in charge of her own body.” “When it comes to reproductive rights, their lies are designed to control,” Newsom said. “Their draconian policies are driving women to flee across state lines, as fugitives from laws written by men more than a hundred years ago. Some even go so far as to force victims of assault to give birth to their rapist’s babies.”
Another One Bites the Dust: Adam Carolla Blasts Newsom As 'Slippery Eel of Nothingness' As He Exits CA
RECEIPTS PROVIDED: Violent Crime Skyrockets in CA But Newsom's Attempting to Block Tough-on-Crime Reforms
Newsom Crows About Rise in CA Retail Theft Arrests—Gets Roasted for Creating Lawlessness in First Place
Where Newsom really went off the rails, though, was when he tried to make differences of opinion into some sort of “Star Wars” scenario where the armies of the Good must use The Force against the battalions of the Darkness:
“We are presented with a choice between a society that embraces our values and a world darkened by division and discrimination,” Newsom said. “The economic prosperity, health, safety and freedom that we enjoy are under assault. Forces are threatening the very foundation of California’s success — our pluralism, our innovative spirit, and our diversity.”
That last line was possibly his most laughable, “The economic prosperity, health, safety, and freedom that we enjoy are under assault.” What economic prosperity, health, safety, and freedom are you talking about, Governor? The state is an absolute disaster, and people are leaving in droves. The assault you describe is the one that you and your one-party rule have sicced upon us.
Newsom seems to have pretty much lost interest in the job and clearly is angling for a position on the national level—perhaps in Biden’s Cabinet, or maybe even as a presidential candidate in ’24 (depending on whether Biden lasts) or ’28. In the meantime, he’s headed to Atlanta to be at the presidential debate Thursday night. He’s expected to do interviews before and after the event, during which he can be counted on to further attempt to gaslight the public about what’s going on in California and continue to describe anyone who doesn’t agree with his extremism as a “threat to democracy.” 
But the reality is, Gov. Newsom: the state of the state is very, very bad.
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Posted on 08/05/2024 (GMT 08:55 hrs) This sarcastic paper-letter shows Rabindranath Tagore’s ideology of no-nation, his dedication towards pluralism and tolerance as well as his stand as an internationalist humanitarian beyond the postulation of the commercial “man” (sic). The authors of this paper-letter try to show the Hindutva lensing of Tagore in a sort of militant deconstructive pretend…
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ilearhmajeste · 5 months
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At first glance, takes down the prison chefs sushi recipe
And so following all that they elected to alter the functioning of the Tumblr app for one A.Would's Samsung device, now missing...LINEAR
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toboggan hamlet blivious
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Yeah ok now I know y'all heard this before, mexicans are friends not 4fieldWork...when I am talking t( o´ェ`o)o...I then throws a dangy sandy hissy fit, mosh pit, hotwires a jeep目 Like your chruk
Background Casr.SHOUTING ^Usuk rooki
but... given the numerouse:
and Nice Revelations...you can't gear that someone's saying flaccid he is treading water...Nope thank Ms.Bra zinfidellaMarion palmda hot rod for coastal waters IDF. Bragg
Yeah, that's a former "owner?vehicle^RedFerret'NORDtooldrivン saying chopchop the niceBTway......QUOTed as.y
This is a nice place to point out a leaner pattern ... How 'bout it here sexylicious? Christian Slater*smoke in your face*"ye'like it.。o○♪(´ε`*)
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Oh hey, if it was even sort of "true" where does the word Agriculture come from?
having been said so, pronounced a-so because I want you to think I think I'm better than you.bitch
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spankyou T'meh !!(゜ロ゜ノ)ノ👺❣️
Hamtarro and pals
No sweet kitties near!
8 ~ 23WE
Binoculars, that is all
-Laura Ingraham
Eugene Levy changes from fox to Mercury just in time to see kanye and rick mention he was supposed to be playing pikmin
When I was a young whipperSnapper we didn't go on the box and talk about a hot flash
But then Mulrony became A.General Kim
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It klepts zone of the hyperlinx from time to time
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Bed, bathン
in Latin, which apparently no one but I ever was... black people can hear you back to yourself
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Abraham is "NINE 'nine is in the middle' jewel like 玖C.apacity
Turning the deed
In the distance, the dwarf, the elf, and the Ranger hear the horn of Gondor and sic.42Prisnooze fail
What's happening to your neice
Sarah:I'm crying, that guy actually hit .e
The horn of Gondor has been salted to huey
Middle finger left hand digging into w key left click combo compendium woooo
Then realized every characters the same but 4 lasting memories
Unclear but perhaps Their Protection, Their Shield.
Possibly from (1) the verb אבר (abar), to be strong or to protect, and (2) the 3rd person plural pronominal suffix הם (am), their.
Related names
• Via אבר (abar):Abraham is a name of Hebrew origin, meaning "father of multitudes"The biblical patriarch Abraham was originally named Abram, meaning exalted father, but God changed his name to Abraham, meaning "the father of many people"The name change occurred when God reiterated his promise to give descendants to Abraham through his wife, Sarah, starting with Isaac’s birth
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anendoandfriendo · 5 months
The sun is bright and passionate as in "it destroys everything in its path without an anchor, it will BURN YOU if you stare into it for too long, it can be harnessed only if you're gentle enough" and the moon is calm and stable as in "I control the very tides of the ocean that is your emotions, staring at it too long will actually put you into a stupor because its almost too gentle, its possessiveness is a much different monster than the sun" and the earth is home as in "so corrupted by the hatred of the other committed by its most sapient its populations, it is crying constantly, erratic, sometimes it becomes an angry motherfucker and sics a storm on someone, its trying its best but its So Much" fuck you the sun and the moon and the earth need each other so they don't fall apart that is the only way life can go on
This is as much of a shipping post as it is a sysian post as it is a shitpost, which we are sure our plural followers can tell but probably not anyone else, so, here you go, for clarity.
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nucifract · 5 months
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Liebe. Apr 2024
Etwas unwirklich. Fast wie ein bei irgendeiner KI in Auftrag gegebenes Bild. Dabei ist es ein ohne Stativ aufgenommenes Abbild der Realität. Ggüber dem Berliner Abgeordnetenhaus steht eine Skulptur von, ich nehme an, demselben Künstler, Schriftzug AIDS, allerdings aus hochglanzpoliertem Stahl. Letztere ist von oben bis unten beschmiert und beklebt.
Insofern entspricht dieses Bild also nicht der Realität, als es etwas abbildet, das mit dem Leben fast all meiner Zeitgenossen NICHTS zu tun hat: Eine Tag und Nacht bewachte öffentliche Fläche und einen Gegenstand, der sich zufällig darauf befindet.
Wir Normalos dagegen müssen damit klarkommen, daß der Ewige Landfriede von 1495 in den Öffentlichkeiten (sic*), in denen wir uns bewegen, faktisch aufgehoben ist. Entweder man verteidigt sich selbst, (was aber allen Beteuerungen zum Trotz auch verfolgt wird), oder man steckt die Gewalttätigkeiten der Mitmenschen demütig ein.
-- *Öffentlichkeiten? Das ist der neue Soziologenplural, der z.B. auch von "Politiken" oder "Wahrheiten" spricht. Ich warte darauf, daß sie auch Begriffe wie "Deutschland" oder "Gerechtigkeit" in den Plural setzen.
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dankusner · 6 months
Ann Coulter, other prominent figures will debate border security issue at event in Dallas
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Two high-profile pundits will meet in Dallas on Thursday to debate the issue Texans have said is at the top of their minds: border security.
“Should the United States Shut Its Borders?”
This will be the day’s question at a debate held at Dallas’ Majestic Theatre, where speakers will face off before a live audience.
The event was organized by The Free Press, an Internet-based media company based in Los Angeles.
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The Free Press’ founder and editor, Bari Weiss, described the debate — which she will moderate — in a press release obtained by The Dallas Express.
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She referred to the values of honesty, doggedness, and independence as “the bedrock of great American journalism.”
“Those values are why we are so committed to reviving civil, passionate debate about the most urgent issues facing Americans. Including immigration,” she said.
Weiss also nodded toward the greater political impact of the issue and its implications for the presidential election.
“On April 11th, at the historic Majestic Theatre in Dallas for a debate about the topic voters left and right say will determine the election in November,” she said.
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“Bestselling author Ann Coulter and Sohrab Ahmari, founder of Compact, will face off against Nick Gillespie, editor-at-large for Reason Magazine, and Cenk Uygur, founder of The Young Turks.”
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Weiss has long worked to support pluralism and tolerance of alternative political voices.
Before resigning from The New York Times in 2020, she regularly penned columns critical of political intolerance.
She also defended older free speech advocate staffers at the paper of record while they were being attacked by what she called younger “wokes” during a controversy regarding the publication of an op-ed by Sen. Tom Cotton (AR-R) calling for soldiers to be sent to support police efforts to prevent violent riots.
The speakers invited to the debate are known in whole or in part because of their views on the topic of immigration border security.
Ann Coulter and her partner will be arguing in favor of a restrictive immigration policy.
One of her best sellers is her 2015 work Adios, America: The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole, which former President Donald Trump called a “great read” before he announced his candidacy in 2015, according to The Atlantic.
Coulter also authored the 2016 book In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome! supporting Trump’s presidential bid because of his tough stand on unlawful migration and other issues, and she spoke on behalf of his candidacy at a rally in Iowa.
Both Coulter and the book Fire and Fury by Michael Wolf, chronicling Trump’s days in the White House, noted her early status as an outside advisor to the 45th president.
However, Coulter’s relationship with Trump soured when she claimed he was not pursuing the issue of border security hard enough, amongst other faults she saw in his administration.
Gillespie is popular in libertarian circles and has previously supported a more open immigration policy, calling for “an Ellis Island approach to immigration.”
At times, Gillespie couches his view of immigration in personal terms.
“The grandson of four uneducated, poor, unskilled immigrants who would not be allowed entry into the country under today’s laws, I will proudly and lougly [sic] argue the US should not shut its borders to peaceful, law-abiding people,” Gillespie said in a post on X promoting this week’s event.
Coulter and Gillespie’s partners are both foreign-born American citizens.
Ahmari was born in Iran but received a law degree in the United States after teaching for several years in South Texas near the border with Mexico.
Uygur was born in Turkey and previously ran for Congress in California.
If the debate has piqued your interest, there is still time to get tickets. There will also be a VIP afterparty, but be quick to reserve your spots because “they’re going fast,” Weiss said.
Ann Coulter was hoping Texans would write in Greg Abbott for the GOP presidential nomination
After The Free Press and the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression held a roughly two-hour-long debate on Thursday evening addressing whether the United States should close its borders, a number of participants spoke with The Dallas Express.
The debate was held at the Majestic Theatre in Downtown Dallas, where Ann Coulter, Cenk Uygur, Nick Gillespie, and Bari Weiss spoke.
Like the debate, the post-debate interviews with the guest speakers focused on immigration.
DX asked Coulter, the author of numerous bestsellers, including ¡Adios, America! The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country Into a Third World Hellhole, a 2015 attack on U.S. immigration policy, what she thought about Gov. Greg Abbott’s move to secure Eagle Pass.
“I was hoping something would incapacitate Trump so you [Texans] could write in Abbott’s name for the nomination,” Coulter quipped.
Coulter had previously supported former President Donald Trump, speaking at his rallies and releasing a book in 2016 titled In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome!
However, her relationship with him soured when Coulter believed, among other things, that he was not keeping his promises when it came to unlawful migration and immigration policy writ large.
In 2024, Coulter supported Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, whom she often called “miracle Governor Ron DeSantis” because of his work to protect personal liberties during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns.
DeSantis even appeared on Coulter’s podcast, UNSAFE, shortly after he announced his presidential candidacy.
DeSantis eventually dropped out of the 2024 Republican primary, stating in a January 21, 2024, video, “It’s clear to me that a majority of Republican primary voters want to give Donald Trump another chance.”
Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, also mentioned Trump when speaking with DX.
“Biden should’ve had his own immigration policy, and he never really had one,” Uygur said. “Biden is begging Trump to do Trump’s policy.”
Uygur clarified that he opposed Trump’s stance on migration but acknowledged that the 45th president’s plan contained a vision: “I don’t agree with Trump’s plan, but it signaled to his voters and his base that he was willing to do something.”
Gillespie’s sentiments were more expository. When asked about Eagle Pass and whether unlawful migration was a state’s rights issue, the former editor-in-chief of Reason.com and Reason TV said, “In general, border control is a federal issue, but whenever it fails, it gives rise to the states.”
He compared the matter to the issue of marijuana laws, noting what appears to be a political realignment concerning state rights because the federal government has been widely perceived as failing when it comes to unlawful migration.
True to her role as moderator, Bari Weiss did not speak to any issue directly. Instead, she spoke generally about the debate itself.
“The fact that Ann Coulter and Nick Gillespie can be on the same stage in 2024 gives me hope,” Weiss said.
She said the April 11 debate was “so exciting” because it was “in the spirit of the free press,” the namesake of the outlet she co-founded with Nellie Bowles after Weiss resigned from The New York Times. To Weiss, the event offered a “passionate, civil, and urgent debate to cities across the country.”
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feminerds · 1 year
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25 March 2023
First quarter of the year is about to draw to a close.
Same old bad brain, well if it isn't me breaking my own heaart. I wish I just didn't feel or process things, I do [sic] the way I do.
Always thinking 'About Adam'
"Hey Bird! I know the true name of god."
Without really thinking about it, I have started yelling this at wild animals that look at me. I think I say it because it's what I hear or feel when animals look at me. I'm curious if this is something I've seen in a film or picked up from somewhere, if feels affected, but I honestly cannot place it, or at least I cannot place it, to a place outside of me?
Mangawhai, Aotearoa
Do you suppose birds know about negative space and gaps and silences in the text? (This is kind of a joke about the QLD English syllabus in 2004)
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21 March 2023
Solving <Laceration Gravity?
Solving Wobbly Stars
Gravity vs Yearning
An icon for the growing plurality of voices and perspectives? in STEM? In the world?
Lens and Light
This is kind of the main ideaa I've been noodling with for a[nother] zine I want to eventually make about the star as symbol. Like it's definitely cool and interesting that stars are one of the constants in all representational art. Like celestial bodies are one of the first things we record, as culture, as people, we see them and we want to draw them! Currently there is a trend or movement or feature of a lot of indie art in the late 2010/early 2020s to include twinkles or sparkling ornamentation in illustrations. Ornamentation, of course, is hardly new, and neither are stars in art (the seven sisters babyyyyyyy), but the twinkle style is kind of evolving at the moment. With what I recognise as a recent spike in representing the star/twinkle as irregular or wobbly. This is also an evolving aesthetic in many areas of contemporary life, I see it especially clearly in jewelry design right now. Previously stars were represented as point lights, and then regular radial point lights, not exclusively but predominantly. I think that the transition from point lights to regular radial point lights is related to increased access to lenses and viewing apparatus. The anime style four point twinkle, made enormously famous by shows like Sailor Moon, rose to its huge cultural status in lockstep with the deluge of space images from the Hubble Space Telescope (and other contemporary terrestrial telescopes which also featured photographic artifacts or diffraction patterns derived from the four struts used to support the primary mirror), which of course impacted contemporary artists. We are already beginning to see the impact of the James Webb Space Telescope in contemporary art/fashion/popular aesthetic. However I place the emergence of the "wobbly star"TM not solely on the shoulders of JWST, but on the subsequent realisation that the change in the star pattern from HST to JWST, broke the spell of the four point star as a given, the four point diffraction pattern for the first time since We started receiving space photographs was recognised as an artifact not a natural aspect of stars. Astronomers and Physicists stayed knowing this, of course, but we needed the images to change to know this - maybe that's true for them too?
Any way, this change in the image then supposes a new series of questions for us.
Where is the image constructed?
The Star itself? The collisions that create the photons? The distance the light traverses? The atmosphere it then travels through? The increasing molecular density that filters it? The lens that refocuses it? And then the lens that refocuses that? The housing of that lens, its shape, form and material? The sensor/s that captures the light? The codex used to record the data? Or the codex that in turn decodes this data into an image? The screen that projects it? The printer that produces it? The eye that captures that reflection? Or the mind that understands it?
How many lens known and unknown does light pass through before we recognise it as an image?
The wobbly or irregular star, in some ways implicates the 'suture lines' of the optical nerve, that to each person create a unique diffraction pattern, in each eye separately. It implicates the messiness of receiving an image, the unusually unique circumstances of receiving an image. I like to think of it as a sign or symbol of the beginning of understanding the necessity and value of diversity in STEM (maybe, at least I hope it is) and maybestars more broadly just in people. I think the wobbly star comes very specifically out of this moment, from modernity and identity politics and anime and space telescopes and instagram and printers and physicists, and that's all very exciting. I like when society sublimates a thing happening in many places into an aesthetic and a symbol. That stars can be so many things to so many people, points, like a star in many directions. To our diversity, but also to our sameness. That we all look up.
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Hello stranger songs (What You Wanted)
bx rap -> luceat lux tua has popped up a lot in cix’ theory. it’s not a direct quote from anywhere, but a paraphrase (?) of a quote from the bible. Matthew 5:16 (new testament) in latin says: (sic) luceat lux vestra (coram hominibus … )
Luceat lux vestra means ‘let your light shine’, with vestra being the plural you. luceat lux tua also means ‘let your light shine’, but with tua being the singular you. maybe a cute personal touch from c9 to the fans :)
Hello series masterlist
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