#(sheep are also in caprinae)
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cacodaemonia · 4 months ago
Misleading names image is from here:
I have just learned that Mountain Goats are NOT, in fact, actual Goats.
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internetdruid · 1 year ago
oh my god what is the Creature in your pinned post pls I’ve never seen it before what a beautiful beast
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My all-time favorite animal!
It's a Takin (Budorcas taxicolor), a large Caprine native to Bhutan, India, China and Tibet.
despite sharing a similar appearance with and being within the subfamily caprinae with the Muskox (Ovibos moschatus), Takins are more closely related to sheep.
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There is an interesting myth behind the creation of the Takin (Budorcas Taxicolor) that contributed to its high religious significance and therefore led to its adoption as Bhutan’s national animal.
Legend has it that in the 15th century when Lam Drukpa Kunley also referred to as “The Divine Madman” arrived in Bhutan from Tibet he delivered religious teachings to the people whereupon they requested him to conjure up a miracle. He agreed on the condition that he would be fed lunch – a whole cow and a whole goat.
Doing as he commanded, the people offered him his massive lunch. The Tibetan saint devoured the flesh of both the animals and left out the bones. Then he fixed the head of the goat onto the body of the cow and with a snap of his fingers uttered a mantra. The animal instantly sprung to life and began grazing on the meadows. He then named it the “Dong Gyem Tsey” (Takin).
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vind3miat0r · 5 months ago
redacted demon horn hcs i came up with so i dont have to change my demon designs 💕
within every demon race there are horn variations so they dont all end up having same horn syndrome (like same face syndrome in art but with horns 👍)
empathy — most common variation are the ram horns, most rare are the inverse ram horns. empathy daemon's horns will always be small and will always be in the capridae family
sadism — most common variation are the gazelle horns, least common are the curved gazelle horns. sadism demon's horn will always be large and tall
shock — most common variation are the gemsbok horns, least common variation are the four-horned antelope horns. shock demon's horns will always be pointed straight up, as if in "shock"
inchoate — inchoates have multiple horn variations, so it is hard to pinpoint the rarity of each variant. the most common come down to the indian bison horns, bharal horns, and a set of "classic" demon horns with two smaller horns protruding from the base
fear — most common variation are the greater kudu horns, most rare the the blackbuck horns. sizes always vary, and horns will always be swirled in some way, with the exception of the unicorn horn varient
misery — most common variation are the tibetan argali horns, most rare are the bighorn sheep horns. misery demons' horns will always fall in the capridae family
elation — most common variation are the ibex horns, most rare are the red hartebeest horns. sizes can vary, but usually are medium
serenity — most common variation are horns that belong to an animal that are most likely related to bharals, most rare are the fallow antlers. serenity daemons, interestingly, have horn variations that belong to two separate families: caprinae and cervidae. while the cervidae antlers have more variation, the mysterious bharal-like horn variant is still the most common. serenity daemons are also the only daemon race outside of empathy daemons to have digigrade legs
strife — most common variant are the eland horns, most rare are the addax horns (which sometimes results in a strife demon being mistaken for a sadism or fear demon). a more uncommon yet well-known variation is the triple horn set
desire — similarly to inchoate demons, desire demons have a multitude of horn variations, the most common being the markhor horns and "classic" demon horns paired with a small set of ram horns
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erose-this-name · 7 months ago
The Goat is a Scapegoat
Since I’m writing this before the update, so still don’t know WHAT THE HECK IS GOaT’S DEAL LIKE WHAT EVEN ARE THEY? I’m just analyzing the symbolism.
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I think the Goat (I like to call them Billie) is not a goat for no reason. Obviously, goats are very heavily associated with demons and the occult, which is kinda this game’s whole thing. 
But, I don’t think the Goat is just some generic sabbatic goat, I think the Goat is specifically meant to be a scapegoat.
The Lamb is literally a sacrificial lamb (which is a metaphor of someone that is sacrificed for a greater good, e.g. Jesus “Lamb of God” Christ. And our player character’s story in the game is based on that. Lamb’s first death was for the “greater good” of the Old Faith, and every death after that was again for the sake of someone else [Narinder]. You only later get to take fate back into your own hands by refusing to be sacrificed again.). 
So, it’d make sense if player 2 the Goat is also inspired by existing religious/occultic symbolism and metaphor. Out of all the associations goats have, scapegoat makes the most sense to me. A scapegoat is someone who is sacrificed to absolve another of sin. It’s similar enough to the concept of the sacrificial lamb to work as a foil while still being interestingly distinct.
(Which, by the way, I’ve seen some people imagining what players 3 and 4 might look like, but it’s always just another caprinae? An antelope? I feel like the fact goats and sheep are related is coincidental, Massive Monster is going for the sacrificial animals/satanic symbolism here. Player 3 and 4 would be a bull {Moloch} and a snake.)
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In my head cannon, the Goat wasn’t sacrificed by the bishops to prevent a prophecy, their death was not meant to avert some wrath from an avenging death god. But they sure as heck were hunted. 
In Goat’s universe, Narinder (who is a doggy, of course) is never imprisoned, so there was no prophecy. Even so, the Bishops are still cursed by their sin, guilty of acts so profane and unnatural they are unforgivable except by death. They committed a horrible crime against Shamura, the most innocent, who cared for and raised each of them as if they were their own spiderlings, Shamura is the one they love most of all. 
So intense is the Bishops’ guilt and regret, so pure their sin, it’s begun to eat away at them and physically deform them, blinding, muting, deafening, maddening, paralyzing. And it corrupts their divine domains, where there were once benevolent gods of Peace, Plenty, Healing, Knowledge, and Death, there are now bitter gods of Chaos, Famine, Plague, a-and Death still —but, like, even scarier death!
Since the only way to be absolved of such a crime is to die, and they don’t wanna do that, they must find a surrogate to die in their stead. So they blame it on some random vulnerable minority. The goats! So they genocide all the goats until there was only one left, “the Goat”, who now both metaphorically and literally holds all the gods’ sins. With their death, the bishops' atonement shall finally be complete.
Yeah, except that Shamura, corrupted into the fell mad god of war, has not forgiven them, so makes the Goat their undying Vessel and sends them to deliver just punishments and executions to the four bishops.
As to why the Goat is helping the Lamb? While Lamb is a messianic figure, Goat is a sin-eater. The Goat can never escape their nature of being a perpetual scapegoat, always taking on the guilt and responsibility of others, whether they want to or not. Forced to swallow the sin of four dark gods, burdened by it since the very moment they were born, certainly can’t have any positive effects on the soul, metaphysically and psychologically. Even though they’ve cleansed themself of sins in a baptism of divine ichor, that cavernous void it left in their heart will just refill again. 
Why could I not save the goats? Why did I sacrifice so many of my own followers?
No matter what choices the Goat makes, they will always feel guilty about something, because they have never gotten to know what it’s like to be allowed to be innocent. 
Perhaps, by walking their path a second time, by atoning twice, by helping another in a similar position to themself, by dying repeatedly in their stead on the field of battle, Goat will finally be free. 
Goat never kills Shamura since that would not redeem them, it would not allow them to stop being a scapegoat like how it allowed Lamb to stop being a sacrificial lamb. That would only be possible through enlightenment, by finally internalizing that it was never their fault.
Then again, maybe Goat is just a heckin’ weirdo who really likes fighting and mogging sheep. They are the chosen vessel of war, after all.
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arsonistmoth · 10 months ago
-whispers- you've stumbled upon my trap card: caprinae lore- Perhaps only the bravest of sheeps n goats venture into the caves... a right of passage even, to show bravery against the beasts that would hunt the flock and steal away young lambs in the spring. Their reward? s a l t. oh and pride in facing their fears but cmon, the salt's the real reward here.
Knowing goats/sheeps it'd be funny if the way to return sillybilly lamb was just...salt. Hold up a salt lick. silly billy sticks their tongue out and fixes on it like a missile-(they crave that mineral-)
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i drew this in such a rush holy god this idea is brilliant
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toba-the-tura · 11 months ago
i have. some very strong opinions on this one.
what is the difference between a sheep and a goat?
goat and ram are not interchangable words. they are two different species. a ram is a male sheep, whereas a goat is its own species.
there are a couple of different ways to tell the difference!
first, look at the tail! sheep's tails hang down, while goat tails stick up! (images are a sheep and then a goat):
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this is because sheep tails are docked! (aka they naturally have longer tails that are cut shorter (which for sheep is done to prevent disease)) here's what they look like undocked:
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you can also look at their horns! female sheep (ewes) don't have horns, and some domestic sheep breeds don't naturally have horns, but when rams do have horns they're usually thicker and more curved than goat horns (ram and then goat):
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goats also typically have a little goatee! (ram then goat):
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there's a couple other nuances to tell the difference between the two, (eg sheeps' split upper lip), but these are the most obvious!
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markhors-menagerie · 2 years ago
🦍Markhor’s menagerie masterpost🦌
Primate kin
Colugos. Not quite primates, but I love them anyway.
Basal primates
Basal animals are those which are closer to the base of a particular section of the tree of life. A more traditional word for this concept is primitive. So for example, amphibians are basal land vertebrates. Here I have classified basal primates as any which are not monkeys and/or apes, including Strepsirrhini and Tarsiiformes.
A group of basal primates found exclusively on the island of Madagascar.
New world monkeys
Monkeys which are native to the “new world”, or the Americas. They are the only non-human primates found here. It is thought they arrived to the Americas tens of millions of years ago, when a group of African monkeys were blown out to sea by a storm. They survived the journey across the Atlantic on a natural raft of floating vegetation, and founded a new group of primates: Platyrrhini.
Old world monkeys
These are monkeys native to the “old world”: Africa and Eurasia. Also known as Cercopithecidae.
A group of large old world monkeys most recognisable by their lack of a tail. More formally known as Hominoidea.
Lesser apes
Consists of all the gibbon species, found in the treetops all across Southeast Asia.
Great apes
Includes orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, and humans. All living species of great ape have been documented using tools.
Odd-toed ungulates
Odd-toed ungulates, of course, have an odd number of hooves. They include horses, tapirs, rhinos, and their extinct relatives. They might actually be less closely related to even-toed ungulates than you’d think!
All ungulates from here on out are Even-toed ungulates:
These have an even number of hooves, and include most living hoofed mammals. Whales are technically included in this group, but they’re best left for another time.
Consists of camels, llamas, and their extinct relatives. They are often adapted for harsh climates such as deserts and mountains.
Pigs, hippos, & kin
This isn’t a “real” group, but I’ve put them together to make classifying extinct species simpler. This includes peccaries, pigs, hippos, and a bunch of related extinct animals. Whales are also in here, but again, are best left for another time.
All ungulates from here on out are Ruminants:
Ruminants are a group of even-toed ungulates with a robust digestive system to get as much nutrition as possible out of their food. They will regurgitate their food in order to chew it again, in a process called chewing the cud.
Also known as mouse deer, these are the smallest of all ungulates.
A strange group of extinct ungulates, once found in North America.
Giraffes & kin
Pronghorn antelope, okapi, giraffes, and their extinct relatives.
Deer & kin
Mostly deer, but I’ve included musk deer as well for simplicity’s sake. No, musk deer are not deer, apparently.
Bovidae is a group of incredibly diverse ruminants. They’re also quite complicated phylogenetically, including everything from bison and antelope to gazelles and goats.
Cattle, bison, buffalo, and some more of their relatives.
A group of mountain-dwelling bovids, including sheep, goats… and markhors!
This isn’t a “real” group as much as it is a bunch of bovids that kind of look alike. For simplicity’s sake I’ve included any bovid that isn’t in the two above groups.
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bbeelzemon · 2 years ago
me: yeah i feel like i dont have any particular attachment to members of the caprinae subfamily (specifically sheep and goats) like theyre cool but i never really consider them as an option when im doing oc stuff yknow
also me: [by now has offhandedly given two different ocs sheep/goat influences and had those ocs turn into MAJOR blorbos that make me just a little bit obsessed with those animals now]
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tanjirou-no-au · 2 years ago
My mind is a soup of KNY, RWBY & Parahumans, so...
Salem’s still the main villain, Muzan’s one of her enforcers.
Yoriichi is combined with Tanjuro here, making him T&N’s father, a SEW (ofc) and the Summer Rose equivalent.
Used to be on a team w/ Michikatsu, Gyomei, and Tamayo, w/ Shinjuro, Amane & their team being their seniors.
Nezuko inherited his Silver eyes, Tanjiro just inherited his looks, birthmark, earrings, and a whole host of father issues.
The Kamados (just Yoriichi, Tanjiro, Nezuko & Kie) are Caprinae faunus, w/ Kie, Tanjiro & Hinatsuru (Kie’s little sister) being Argali sheep, and Nezuko somehow coming out a Himalayan Tahr.
Michikatsu is transfem and Mui/Yui’s deadbeat mom.
Inosuke is a boar faunus whose trait is his ears, thus leaving him a pretty boy, to his own dismay.
Tanjiro, Inosuke, Kanao & Zenitsu are on a team. Zenitsu leads. You did not read that wrong.
Nezuko is on a team w/ Genya, Muichiro, and one of the Ubayashiki kids. Or Senjuro, who’s in a Jaune-like situation.
Giyuu (fox faunus), Sabito (hare faunus), Sanemi & Kanae were a team. Tengen and wives are a team. And Kyojuro, Mitsuri, Makomo & Shinobu were a team.
Obanai is ex-White Fang, and Nakime’s twin.
I have most of their semblances & weapons figured out, but they’ll be detailed in a separate post.
Parahumans AU
The less developed one by far, (though longer, ironically) still thinking up powers and triggers.
Muzan is a Master/Brute/Trump, with regeneration and the ability to enter “contracts” with Parahumans, enhancing their own power & regeneration in exchange for being able to kill them at will AND gain a crude copy of their power.
Kagaya is his cluster mate, a Thinker/Master who can discern someone’s beliefs and opinions through conversations, and a voice that both calms them and predisposes them into believing he has their best interest in mind.
Yoriichi is once again the Tanjirou & Nezuko’s dad, and served on the Sentai Elite w/ Michikatsu & Shinjuro.
He was basically Sun-themed Legend, powerful light based breaker state that eschewed lasers for solar flare abilities/whips, with a thinker power that allowed him to perceive the world in slow motion. This power had the caveat of the more people that looked up to him, the more powerful he was.
Kokushibou shared Yoriichi’s Thinker power, but was otherwise a Combat Tinker, specializing in miniaturized fusion powered devices such as a plasma cutter, a specialized combat suit, and a specialized training dummy.
Nezuko is a Brute/Striker/Trump, having the bog standard demon toughness and regeneration, alongside generating flames that could negate other Parahuman powers.
Tanjiro is a Brute/Thinker, who can perceive emotions as scents, along with generating a prismatic forcefield around him, parts of which could break off and explode. Gains a second Trigger which allows him to shape the forcefield into crude weaponry, alongside gaining a Master power that allowed his flames to perceive how his target’s hurt people, and turn said pain back on them.
Muichiro is a Breaker/Stranger/Shaker, who can dissipate into an amnesia inducing fog he can also manipulate and move through.
Shinobu is a Bio-Tinker, specializing in alchemical creations, specifically poisons and medicines, along with altering her own chemistry to become toxic, and devices meant to deliver them.
Sanemi is a Brute/Blaster, who by cutting open his skin kick starts aerokinesis that aerosolizes his blood into a disorienting gas, combined with a somewhat limited healing factor.
Genya is a Changer/Trump with some Brute characteristics, just tougher and with a healing factor, who by ingesting the flesh of others can take on their physical characteristics, including Parahuman abilities.
Inosuke is a Brute/Changer, rubbery body and flexible organs combined with a wereboar transformation that becomes more and more monstrous the longer he fights. Imagine Lung, but admittedly less powerful.
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turtle-trash · 7 months ago
It is occurring to me the sheer amount of ungulates that’s in my vbros animal stuff
The ventures are the obvious culprits, being goats. But that means that the extended parts of that messed up family tree are also part of caprinae in some way. The monarch is a goat, with his mother also being one (considering making his dad an ibex) and Dermott is a goat-sheep (appearing slightly more like a sheep), with the rest of the fictels being sheep
And that’s just the ventures, I haven’t drawn him yet but red death and his daughter are horses
And now I need to deliver the big bomb drop. Whales and dugongs are considered ungulates. Check wiki I’m being dead serious. That means wide wale and Dr dugong are also part of the amount of ungulates
Fuck having the majority of your animal au cast being dogs or cats. I’ve made most of them ungulates
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addaxbones · 1 year ago
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I can give you some cool goats if you want since he's a goat, for this we shall turn to the caprinae subfamily under capra genus, (ovids or sheep are also in caprinae btw so they are really close)
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first off an Ibex ( Alpine Ibex here to be specific) I think of doc as this because of the texture on his logo's horns, they also make up a large portion of the Capra category
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Nubian Ibex, Iberian Ibex, Spanish Ibex for reference
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East Caucasian Taur
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And West Caucasian Taur, (It is also known by the names "zebuder," "zac" and "Caucasian ibex.") (thank you wikipedia)
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of course you have your many smaller domestic goats
and my fav of this category
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Markhor, look at these horns (I almost made my branding after them and there exists a photo of me meeting one of these in real life and I'm making the shocked youtuber face and pointing)
anyway thanks for listening
I have ended up on wikipedia (evil intent)
look at these fucking sheep
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Racka sheep
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Istrian milk
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manx loaghtan
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terulakimban · 2 years ago
Hi! I saw your post about the tiefling and wanted to ask: is a shofar from a dragon or an extinct animal, like a ram's ancestor, kosher?
Oh! This is a fun one.
Starting with the easier one -the ancient proto-sheep. But first, I would like to note that I am neither a biologist nor a rabbi, and while I have consulted (albeit minimally) with both for the making of this post, I am not the best source. I can provide links to some useful reading, but tumblr being tumblr, with the link-eating that that entails, I will not be putting the links in the post itself.
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This is the family tree map of the suborder Ruminantia.
As previously established, sheep are valid sources for a shofar. So too are goats and ibices (if I'm going to pretend to be scholarly, I'm going to use the technically-correct Latin plural) -the mishna even specifically addresses ibex horn as a possible source. Thus if our proto-sheep is still within tribe Caprinae, it is a valid source for a shofar.
What I did not address on the other post is that kudu (and gazelles, oryxes, etc) are also acceptable source animals for shofars. Antelopes, like bovines and caprines, have horns, rather than antlers. The requirement for the shofar is that it be a horn, not a bone -that the bone be covered with a keratin sheath. We can thus move further backwards, and authorize any ancestor still within sub-family Antilopinae.
And here is where we need to take a step out of modern science. The laws of kashrut predate genomics, and are often more rooted in morphology than phylogeny. A whale is not an unkosher animal, it is an unkosher fish, because it is fully aquatic. A bat is not an unkosher animal, it is an unkosher bird, because it is a warm-blooded flying creature.
Halachically speaking, if it looks like a cow and acts like a cow, and has the general criteria we associate with a cow, it's a cow. And cows are not acceptable source animals for shofars.
So if we move further back and reach a common ancestor in the family Bovidae, whether it's an acceptable source for a shofar depends on how cow-shaped it is. An aurochs, for instance, is a cow. While I was unable to find any sort of artistic rendering of the presumed last common ancestor at the divergence of Bovinae and Antilopinae, the earliest bovid I could find was Eotragus sansaniensis, which definitely seems closer in shape to an antelope than a cow. It is thus theoretically possible that an ancestral species in Bovidae might be permissible, with more cow-shaped bovines being specifically set aside from the rest of their family -in much the same way that we colloquially apply the term "reptile" to all non-bird modern diapsids. If that is the case, we would then move backward to the last common ancestor of bovines and cervines in suborder Ruminantia. (We might then be able to move forward along the deer tree until antlers diverge from horns, but that is not an ancient sheep, it's an ancient deer.)
We've got our rules on animals. Now we look at the shofar itself. Optimally, the shofar is curved, rather than straight. A straight shofar meets the technical requirements, but if you want to be as stringent as possible, a curved shofar is better. (That said, eland and gemsbok shofars are incredibly striking.) Per the mishna, even ibex horns are considered too straight to count as curved for this particular discussion -and ibices are specifically discussed as an acceptable source. (We used to use shofars for more purposes than we do today. There was a discussion about when to use the straight one vs the curly.)
Now, given that the shofar-making process usually involves some degree of straightening it in order to hollow out the mouthpiece, there is room for debate here. There are those communities and individuals who prefer striking or resonant shofars, and thus accept the larger ones obtained from various antelopes. There are also those communities that ban even a minimal amount of straightening of a ram's horn. Once we're arguing specific stringencies with common precedent for the lenient opinion, though, I think we can say we're in the clear for permissibility.
However. The previous post mentioned the issues with lacquering and otherwise decorating a shofar, which gets into another concern. Namely, the horn being used cannot possess any cracks or breaks from the end of the mouthpiece until one is past the minimum required length for a shofar.
And, unfortunately, old bones that have been around for millennia tend to have some wear and nicks on them, often of the sort that would invalidate a shofar for use.
So in conclusion, one can use the horn of any proto-sheep still within Ruminantia, unless they were too cow-shaped before diverging within Bovidae, in which case, one can use the horn of any proto-sheep within Antilopinae. But it must have either been phenomenally well-preserved, or the proto-sheep must have lived close enough to contemporaneously with the maker of the shofar that the horn has not sustained damage in the interim -ie, this must be a story involving time travel, cloning, or some sort of alternate history situation.
This is long enough already, so I will reblog with my thoughts on dragons in a separate post.
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alienmiilk · 2 years ago
some bllk x ak reasonings no one asked for but i have a lot of fun doing it so im gonna explain
classes [dollkeeper] bachira: swaps w monster cuz, hes got that [executor] chigiri & kurona: they both go fast [trapmaster] nagi: entirely a joke [merchant] reo: also a joke [deadeye] kaiser: metavision, and deadeyes have some form of global range [reaper] rin: i think being an op who can't be healed by allies is very him, esp with his 'im not alone??? disgusting' [musha] sae: i was gonna give rin this at first, also the bros can match in being unhealable [hexer] ness: look at him
race [feline] kurona: i did have him as an aegir at first, but friend said it'd be funny for a cat to have sharkshark as a code name (hes probably the only one with a code name...) i do have him as an aegir in the isg+krn alter so we get both [aegir] isagi: i really need him to be a lobster [seaborn] isagi(+kurona): he can be insane as a treat! well he's already insane lol. and for the 2 chara alter, the hivemind thing can come into play [sankta] kaiser: its the contrast between him being a huge asshole but an angel [sarkaz] ness: juxtaposes kaiser and fits my thoughts on the ness n kaiser dynamic that i have trouble forming into sentences [caprinae] hiori: dude's got sheep in his name
talents [reduces dp cost of aegirs by -2] kurona: synergises with isagi [when skill's active, +aspd for sankta] ness: synergises with kaiser, whose aspd increases when no dmg is taken in the past 10s
i have more thoughts but yeh
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figurativepieceoftrash · 3 years ago
Okay, so there’s something that I’ve been thinking about for a while that I’ve (surprisingly) never seen any DFO theorists point out. Everyone knows that Izuku is associated with sheep, in fact, every animal-related art piece Horikoshi has created has depicted him as either as a sheep like this example here:
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Or as someone with an implied supernatural connection to one (the only example of this is in the poll art but shhh):
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People do acknowledge this, and I see fanart related to it on a pretty regular basis, but I’ve never seen anyone really explore the symbolism of sheep, especially in relation to their historical/cultural juxtaposition with and genetic relation to goats.
Goats are typically considered to be a demonic symbol in Western religion, with the image of the goat often being directly conflated with that of the Judeo-Christian figure Satan. Y’know. Like, the devil. Who you might also refer to as the king of Demons. 
It might be a bit too speculative on my part, but I certainly think that with all the demonic references surrounding All For One’s character, you definitely could draw symbolic parallels between himself and Lucifer, especially considering that they both have close, first positive and later antagonistic, relationships with the wise, almost mythically revered “ultimate good” figures of their respective narratives, serve as irredeemable antagonists/ultimate evils, tend to engage in manipulative behavior, and are closely associated with the concepts of sin and corruption (poor Aoyama). Horikoshi also really likes to sprinkle fun little references to Western literature/concepts/media in his work so. Something to keep in mind.
Now this wouldn’t be super interesting on its own. Like. Yeah. AFO could be symbolically represented as a goat. Real interesting bro. But when you consider the fact that Izuku is often depicted as a sheep, things start to get a little more interesting. Because not only are goats and sheep closely related genetically (shoutout to the family group Bovidae and its subfamily Caprinae) but they also have a history of being juxtaposed against each other in Christian-inspired texts and media. 
While goats represent sin, agency, and temptation, lambs are symbols of innocence, moral malleability, and humanity, often being led by a more experienced shepherd archetype (hero society/All Might here) without truly comprehending the gravity of their actions. This might tie into Izuku’s budding reluctance to adhere completely to the precedents set by hero society as well as his newfound intention to save villains. Now that Izuku is branching out from authoritative forces, he’s able to express a more fluid and complex morality than in previous chapters, shedding his innocence while retaining moral purity (the sheep in the most recent art had horns, which shows maturity as well as another parallel to goats, who are much more strongly associated with horns than their fluffy cousins).
The idea of equal but opposite is very prevalent throughout bnha, especially when tied to All For One and One For All (it’s literally present in the names, you can’t escape it), meaning that such a clear duality may further aid the AFO/goat connection.
As a recap, AFO may have a connection to goats based on subtext. To my knowledge, Horikoshi has never associated him another animal. Goats and sheep are closely related, and are often juxtaposed in numerous Western cultures.
I may delete this later if I go back and realize I was being conspiracy theory levels of ridiculous here, but for now, thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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feotakahari · 3 years ago
A guide to the races of Arknights
Makes even less sense than the idea of race IRL.
Aegir: seemingly anything aquatic except otters and turtles.
Anaty: musteloids. This is where otters go.
Anura: frogs.
Archosauria: crocodilians.
Aslan: lions.
Caprinae: sheep and goats.
Cautus: bunnies!
Cerato: rhinos.
Chimera: I don’t even know. May just be cultural?
Draco: western dragons, but not wyverns.
Durin: dwarves. From an in-universe perspective, these are people who have no distinguishing traits other than being short.
Elafia: true deer.
Elves: have never been shown onscreen. (I wonder if Team Rainbow could pass as these?)
Felines: cats, but not lions. Includes mongooses for some reason.
Forte: cows, but also camels for some reason.
Itra: musk deer.
Kirin: dragon-horse hybrids.
Kuranta: horses. Includes nightmares, pegasi, and unicorns.
Liberi: birds. Includes griffins and hippogriffs.
Lung: eastern dragons.
Lupo: wolves.
Manticore: lion-scorpion hybrids.
Oni: eastern demons.
Perro: dogs. Even the wiki doesn’t know why these are separate from wolves.
Petram: turtles. Or are they tortoises? Something with shells.
Pilosa: sloths.
Pythia: snakes.
Rebbah: hyenas. Come to think of it, isn’t this where the mongooses ought to be?
Sankta: angels. It seems like these were directly transformed by a Titan, and they can be transformed differently if the Titan gets pissed off.
Sarkaz: western demons. Includes Dracula-style vampires, German-style vampires, wendigos, banshees, gargoyles, goliaths, cyclopes, and Hungarian shapeshifting demons.
Savra: lizards, but also salamanders. (Shouldn’t those be with the frogs?)
Seaborn: Lovecraftian nightmares. These are connected to Aegir and can transform them into more Seaborn.
Titans: actual freaking gods.
Ursus: bears.
Vouvre: wyverns.
Vulpo: foxes, including nine-tailed.
Zalaks: rats, squirrels, and also possums for some unknowable reason.
??? #1: Nue are apparently a race, but non-nue have no idea what race they are.
??? #2: whatever the Doctor is.
??? #3: whatever Yith is.
??? #4: actual freaking other-dimensional demons. Even more corruptive than the Seaborn. Seemingly unrelated to the Titans.
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vulpesvalentine · 4 years ago
Another game: If your LI were.... 1) A food, 2) An animal, 3) A lovecore song, and 4) A video game, what would they be?
Ooohh this is a good one!!!! Okay okay ummm
Bovine: 1. A cinnamon roll. 2. A bat!!! 3. He gets Small Town Boy by David Lynch, AND Simple by Florida Georgia Line!!! 4. POKEMON LITERALLY ALL OF THEM
Ursa: 1. Ramen!! Probably spicy ;3c 2. Bears, and moths I think of moths a lot hmm 3. Perfect 10 - Unknown Brain, Heather Sommer, (The NCS Release specifically lmao), 4. Animal Crossing!!!!!!!!
Corvidae: 1. Chippy chips hehe 2. CROWS/RAVENS, and now wolves haha 3. Breathe - Miss A (shut up) 4. Persona but also Among Us suit her so much tbh
Caprinae: 1. Jalabee (Yes I had to google that to remember what it was shush, i remembered the SHAPE) 2. Spiders, crows and ravens too tbh, and sheeps!!, 3. Unforgettable - Thomas Rhett 4. Among Us but also like...... CAH. HAHA!
Thank you anon!!!!
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