#(serious hat on: i do think they're probably connected in some way)
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thefalloutwiki · 8 months ago
First, a more serious one: To all staff "What do you consider to be the hardest part of your job on the wiki, and what is your favorite part of your wiki job?"
And now, here's a fun one I've been asked in an interview before: To all staff "If you were an object, what object would you be and why?"
Answers Below the cut!
V13Kobold: The hardest part of my job is actually when someone disagreeable comes onto the wiki just to cause problems. Not that I can't handle it, it's the arguing/complaining/trolling (aggressive) that gets to me sometimes. The best part is the community, as cliche as it is. The sharing of interests, advice, and ideas overall is fun. 🙂
An object? Honestly, I'd be a Gecko (I know that's a creature) or a Deathclaw Mounted Head.
Findabair: The hardest part is keeping up with new content, the best part is the gratification from having properly sourced articles.
RurinGas: The hardest part would probably be just keeping up with all the information that comes out! While to a casual glance, Fallout might be about 8 or 9 games and 1 TV series, there are littler-known games and releases that are all constantly ticking away and releasing new content, it's a challenge to keep track! and thats just all the proper stuff, let alone our mod and community spaces too! My favourite part however would probably be the chance to do something creative, to find a problem and immediately think "Oh yeah, I can fix this brilliantly", it's like a jigsaw where everything juuuuussssttt slots into place perfectly, and you can just crack your fingers and lean back with a drink and think to yourself "good work"
Hrmmmmmmm..... For the sake of fun, I'll limit myself to Fallout objects xP I think I'd like to be a bottlecap. You get traded the world over, get to see the whole nation from a random person's pocket, and see all sorts of things. And, in the possible event you get made into a bottlecap mine, you go out with Passion! (And, In my experience, take someone down with you too. Whoever put the bottlecap mine in Starlight Drive-in is a fiend!) MeatServo: The time pressure often involved if something breaks and genuine, applied problem solving. Aren't we already objects in a way? Rubbinmahbelly: Probably trying to get DPL tables working the way I want. There's a reason 9 time about of 10 I ping Rurin and have her so it. Best part is interacting with folk and makin really good friends. A funny statue of a dog in a hat. NarratorJack: The worst part of the job is the more technical aspects of the wiki, My favorite part of my job is just talking to community members and shit Probably a computer, I like computers. AstralAbraxas: The hardest part I think comes to putting the pieces of the fallout puzzle together, sort of speak. Connecting the dots to make previous speculation into real or working content for the wiki. Is that the Loveland frog I see? Probably! But because it's not confirmed in writing anywhere, it remains speculation. Jersey Devil on the S12 scoreboard? Yes! And now I can say for a fact it is, because now they're in the game! Little things like that to be able to discern between using real world knowledge/content and things confirmed in some way by in game content is always a welcome challenge and something I love to discuss. If I were an object, I'd want to be the Brahmin Plush! He's so cute! KateAces: Keeping up with new content is a challenge, making sure it’s correct and complete is important and a very fulfilling feeling when it’s done, honestly the best feeling is seeing people use the site or hearing that it was helpful for someone.
I’d be a pre war neon sign, maybe even one that names a town like Novac
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snowdrrops · 2 years ago
feat. : haino/cytham wc: 1k summary: cyno is being followed. haitham helps him catch the culprit. they fall in love while doing so.
read it on ao3 here ! this would be a multi chapter fic :)
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1: once, twice, thrice.
Cyno notices how it only ever happens when he's alone.
The very first time it had happened was when he heard the rustling of footsteps against the desert sand after he'd just slaughtered a camp of eremites, leaving not even a single one alive. 
He scanned his surroundings quickly with his polearm at the ready to attack any incoming opponents. There weren't any structures to hide his attackers from view, so this would be a lot easier for Cyno to deal with. Or so he thought.
Cyno waited and waited, but nothing ever came. His ears couldn't have deceived him, could they? He had honed his senses to perfection during his years of training to become the General Mahamatra. It was impossible for him to make a mistake.
Everything was in clear view, but there were no opponents in sight.
In the end, he decides to leave after an hour of waiting for nothing.
Deep down, he knew that something- or someone was out there. But once is an accident, after all. Cyno doesn't think too much into it. 
Two weeks have passed. 
The second time, he had just left Tighnari’s place after a scrumptious dinner. Cyno left his jackal hat and weapon at home, and he donned his famous black cloak and a dagger that he hid in the inner pocket, just in case. 
He was thinking about the tasks that await him in the duration of the next week, when an owl hooted as it flew overhead.
Immediately, his body tensed and he paused in his tracks.
It was hard to identify where the sound had come from, since it had overlapped with the hooting. Amidst the crickets and the wind blowing, he hears it again. 
The sharpening of a sword against a rock.
Cyno looks around a little frantically. He's practically defenseless with just a dagger, plus the fact that he had no idea where his opponent was. He felt a pair of eyes on him, watching him from the dark.
If the opponent attacked now, Cyno would be at the losing end. 
In a subtle and swift motion, he pulled his dagger out. 
“I know you're there, so do come out soon,��� he said drily. 
A crack of a tree branch sounded from his left at the very same time he hears the grass shuffle from his right. 
There was more than one attacker, and Cyno was bound to get injured. He didn't see this attack coming at all.
The voice relieved the tension Cyno held from a few moments ago. He turned around to meet Haitham's confused gaze, heart rate slowing down at the sight of someone familiar. 
Haitham's eyes latched onto the dagger in Cyno’s hands, and the dots in his head seem to connect.
“What happened?” he asked softly, closing some of the distance between them.
The attackers were probably listening in, so Cyno takes Haitham's hand and started tapping against Haitham's wrist. 
Recognition flickered on his face as well as a hint of a smirk, but that faded away when he saw the serious look in Cyno’s expression, mixed with a little bit of uncertainty.
Of all people, the General Mahamatra should be the one who was never unsure of anything.
Attackers hidden in the dark. They're in different positions. We wait for them to strike.
They stood there in the dark, holding each other’s gaze for way too long. Haitham hadn't seen this side of Cyno in his life. He doesn't think he would have the opportunity to ever again after that day.
Cyno felt like an idiot. Five hours they waited, and yet nothing. The sun has risen by the time they decide to leave.
He thought Haitham probably viewed him as a paranoid bastard then, for wasting his time and making him stand for hours on end. He knew how the man had zero tolerance for nonsense.
“Sorry, I don't know what happened back there,” Cyno said once they had walked a safe distance away and were certain that they weren't not being followed. 
Haitham doesn't give a response 
“It's reasonable if you're vexed,” Cyno added after some silence. 
“I believe you.” 
Cyno’s gaze darted up at Haitham, shocked and strangely relieved.
“This isn't the first time this has happened, is it?” Haitham asked, meeting his eye.
Cyno looked away in embarrassment.
“Will you be okay on your own?” is not the question Cyno had expected. He brushed it off as gratitude when he realised his heart skipped a beat. 
Nevertheless, he nodded and smiled softly at the other man. “I can handle this.”
When they reached the city, Haitham gave Cyno’s hand a soft squeeze before leaving. It's only then he realised they must've been holding hands for the whole journey to the city. 
Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, thrice is a pattern.
It's a little over a week after he has parted ways with Haitham. He stands at his front door, fishing the keys out of his pocket when he spots a bloodstain on the carpet.
As far as he knew, he was the only one who occupied that floor. And the stain wasn't there when he went to work in the morning. 
Scenarios dance through his mind. A robbery, perhaps. Cyno hopes that that was the case, because he doesn't want to deal with the possibility of something far more sinister. 
He isn't all that shocked when he opened his apartment door.
Windows shattered, papers all over the place and cabinets opened. 
And the unmistakable sound of… music?
Cyno's brow furrows and he makes his way to the living room first, where he finds his safe opened and empty. There aren't any dents on it, which only means that the perpetrator knew the safe password. 
A chill goes down his spine.
He's still examining the damage done when the music abruptly stops.
He freezes mid-movement as well, waiting for something to happen. 
…And it continues. 
Cyno stands up, careful not to make a sound. But before he can decide what to do next, he hears fast footsteps from behind him.
He gets ready to dodge and fight back, but one pair of footsteps turns into three. 
Confused, he takes a few quick steps forward while looking back at the attackers. 
Big mistake, because his head slams right into a metal pole.
Cyno blacks out.
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akookminsupporter · 3 years ago
Do you think something is going on with Jimin ? He looks so sad over all. And today he was literally hiding under his mask and hat, clinging to Tae and Jhope throughout. This is really worrying. Taking a break from sm often is understandable but completely quitting it ? I hope he connects with us once in a while. Other members regularly updates and I'm not expecting him to do so. Some smarties here will say I'm entitled. If you think so then yes, I want to know whether a person I adore so much is happy... just posting a pic or a message in weverse once in a while is enough for me. I hope nothing negative is going on in his life. He usually post this ' we will come back safely message but he didn't do it this time '. We all miss you Jiminie
I understand that we care about the members, that we want them to always be well and I understand that we care about Jimin because of the shit that stupid people say about him on social media but what we shouldn't do is assume that there is always something wrong with him based on one gesture or one action. You in this post have associated Jimin being down with things he has always done. He was hiding under his mask and hat: Are you serious? Jimin has ALWAYS done that when he wants to. In fact he, Yoongi and Jungkook are all experts at wearing masks and hats that practically cover their entire faces. That's not an indication that he's not feeling well or that something is wrong. Clinging to Tae and Jhope: You've never paid attention to Jimin's relationship with the two of them? That was the most normal thing in the world. Maybe it's not something we usually see in airports but it's normal. Many of you seem to forget important details when they don't fit into your narrative but BTS went to the airport in the morning and they've already said more than once that they're not used to that. Jimin has said more than once that he goes to bed super late so he was probably tired and didn't sleep much or at all. Jin said in one of his posts that he had played video games until 8am and was therefore going to sleep through the whole flight. "Giving up social media: Is it so hard to believe that a person doesn't like to be on social media all the time even if that person is famous? Jimin hasn't given up social media, he just doesn't post as much as others but he does occasionally. I don't see anything wrong with that and I don't understand how that translates into something being wrong. Now if he does it because he realised the shit they say about him on social media I'm glad! It makes me happy that he prioritizes his mental and emotional health over his fans wanting to see a picture of him. Anon, with all due respect, just because a person posts something on social media doesn't mean everything was fine with them. Or that they are fine. I was depressed and having suicidal thoughts a while back, and I still posted pictures and even motivational messages. You are not only entitled, but you are also selfish because you want Jimin to post something for YOUR satisfaction, regardless of whether he wants to or not. Don't you think we'd be better fans if we respected the fact that he doesn't seem to want to do it? And that regardless of the reasons why he doesn't do it should be respected? You guys need to stop associating with Jimin that something bad is happening because he stopped doing something he used to do. People change. He has done so in many ways and that should be respected. That's what a good fan would do.
I've received several asks with this same narrative and I've deleted them all, this is the only one I'll post. I know that many of you don't give a shit about what I say about my blog, but know that if you send me any more of these, I will delete them.
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