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[image id: six flags, each with seven stripes. the outermost stripes are very thick, the second outermost stripes are extremely thin, the third outermost stripes are average sized, and the middle stripe is thinner than the third outermost stripes.
the first two flags, both for s-amab, are, from the middle out, white, medium sky blue, white, and medium purple. the first flag has no symbol, while the second flag has a hollow white ring with a medium purple outline.
the next two flags, both for s-aiab, are, from the middle out, white, light orange, white, and medium purple. the first flag has no symbol, while the second flag has a hollow white ring with a medium purple outline.
the last two flags, both for s-afab, are, from the middle out, white, light pink, white, and medium purple. the first flag has no symbol, while the second flag has a hollow white ring with a medium purple outline. /end id]
S-AMAB → Someone who was self-assigned male at birth.
S-AIAB → Someone who was self-assigned intersex at birth.
S-AFAB → Someone who was self-assigned female at birth.
→ With symbol is exclusive for intersex ←
#eyestrain#bright#s-amab#self-assigned male at birth#s-aiab#self-assigned intersex at birth#s-afab#self-assigned female at birth
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( ID 1: A flag with seven horizontal stripes, the middle stripe being thinner, in the following colors: dark purple, purple, lavender, off-white, lavender, purple and dark purple. End ID. )
( ID 2: A flag with seven horizontal stripes, the middle stripe being thinner, in the following colors: very dark blue, dark blue, blue, off-white, bubblegum pink, cherry red and dark red. End ID. )
( ID 3: A flag with seven horizontal stripes, the middle stripe being thinner, in the following colors: dark red, cherry red, bubblegum pink, off-white, blue, dark blue and very dark blue. End ID. )
This term has multiple definitions
Being AIAB / AXAB / UAB ( or having mixed markers / labels ) and viewing yourself as transitioning towards both a masculine and feminine identity, having a primarily masculine + feminine identity, or presenting mascfem / femmasc.
Not identifying with your AGAB(s) / lack of AGAB, and viewing your gender as being masculine + feminine / mascfem / femmasc, while being trans.
Being / identifying with both Transrainian & Transfieldian.
Being fluid between, or all of these definitions.
I choose -valerian because it sounded similar to -rainian and -fieldian but also because "Valerian" is a plant, which exists in fields and is nurtured by rain. So it's a little symbolic. It can be shortened to "Transval" if you'd like ( similar to the shortened Transrai and Transfie. )
The first flag is an exact 50 / 50 blend of the colors used in the Transrainian & Transfieldian flags ( credit to @eldorr . ) Purple is also a color which shows up in Valerian plants! The second and third are just me taking the top / bottom halves of the Transrainian & Transfieldian flags and putting them together. Use whichever you'd like!
Coined for my intersex experiences because I couldn't find a combo term and I relate to both. Not necessarily Intersex-exclusive but since it's so heavily steeped in my / others Intersex experiences, I ask perisex people to please be veryyyy respectful of Intersex people if you'd like to use these.
( "Respectful" meaning the bare bones basics btw. I.e. no "i'm transitioning to intersex!", using the H-slur, or fetishizing our bodies / variations, and similar things to that. )
Taglist - @interarchive, @radiomogai, @revenant-coining
#Transvalerian#Transrainian#Transfieldian#AIAB#AXAB#UAB#intersex#trans intersex#mascfem#femmasc#mogai coining#liom coining#mogai flag#liom flag#mogai pride#liom pride#mogai friendly#liom friendly#mogai#liom
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forgot to mention but level fruit because I'm feeling freaky
your head is obsessed with . . .
{ BR Culture Headmate }
we accidentally posted this draft lmao, luckily you sent two asks
we really liked to do it! our first request soo, we hope you like it!
🥟 name: Céu, Dominique, Gal, Peri
🥟 nicknames: Dom, Gal Sal, Perinha
🥟 pronouns: she/shy/fawn/xe/ze/they/💐/🌙, in portuguese ela/ila/elu/ile/ilu/ilx
🥟 terms n honorifics: fem, neutral n xenic terms, miss, mx n lady honorifics
🥟 age: age-slider 17–21 ++ foodage
🥟 race/ethnicity n nationality: brown/parda, indigenous n brazilian, especially Nova Lima from Minas Gerais
🥟 species: transnonhuman, transflower, transcorpseflower, araraazulkin
🥟 gender: ipsowoman, gallad, womayn, xenic
🥟 agab/anc: aiab n intersex, assigned flower at birth (aflwab) n assigned silly at birth (asab)
🥟 sexuality/orientation: pan lesbian, demiromantic, desinoromantic, reciproplatonic
🥟 cisid: intersex, brazilian, latina, mobility aid user (forearm crutches), amputee (two legs), black hair, indigenous, POC, curly hair, disabled
🥟 transid: transnonhuman, transflower, transcorpseflower, transblondehair, nullphysicaldisabled, sevphysicaldisabled (fluid), disabledfluid, transmute, transAAC, permasilly, permahappy, transsweettaste, transsweetscentian
🥟 other id: sourceeaten, sourcesweet
🥟 paras: feederism, 👄, 🥚, 🌱 (flowers), auto🌱 (flowers), 🔔
🥟 blankqueer/beliefs: citrusqueer, radplural, jollyqueer, autistqueer, proship
🥟 disorders: autism/asd, spd, avpd, hyperose, dysgraphia
🥟 mud/mus: atpd (itd), ead
🥟 source: the novalimense sweet called lamparina
🥟 source feeling: lamparina is her favorite dessert!
🥟 role: mood booster (beauheur)
🥟 secondary role: caretaker (babysitter)
🥟 sign off: -🥟, -🌙💐, -☁️💡, -c, -gs
🥟 front trigger (positive): brazilian food, brazilian music, birds, multicolor flowers
🥟 front trigger (negative): ageism (specifically with kids), shultdown, paramisia
🥟 triggers (general): blood, bruises
🥟 style/outfits:
🥟 personality: she's a really nice person, always trying to be optimistic n happy toward everything. shy always listen before judge n thinks the best of everyone, although can be easily annoyed by closed minded people
🥟 likes: ordem paranormal, kamaitachi, kf, cooking (especially baking), minecraft, flowers, bird watching, singing, chaves
🥟 dislikes: specifically the meat from feijoada (sensory problems), annoying antis, dirt under her nails
🥟 aesthetic/vibe:
🥟 stims: clapping hands, repeating random syllables, wiggling toes
🥟 kin: arara azul, Gal Sal
🥟 f/o: Sabrina
🥟 typing quirk: put multiple "s" in words with s, example: ssssso excited to ssssswim sssssaturday (so exited to swim saturday)
🥟 faceclaim:
picrews used: panqueques maker, blk full body, friend maker
#{ 🔪 } . . . . requests#{ 🎠 } . . . . by carrossel#bah baa#build a headmate#build an alter#pro rq 🍓🌈#pro endo#pro radq#pro rq 🌈🍓#pro radqueer#pro para#pro paraphile#pro transx#pro transid
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60Ml. Bio Siero Con Acido Ialuronico Puro a 3 Pesi Molecolari+Vitamina C -Noti A
SOLO I MIGLIORI INGREDIENTI - Abbiamo analizzato tutti gli studi scientifici disponibili sull'acido ialuronico per RIFORMULARE IL nostro prodotto. A differenza della maggior parte dei sieri HA, questo innovativo prodotto ha un elevato dosaggio di acido ialuronico a basso, medio e alto peso molecolare, per arrivare non solo in superficie, ma penetrare in profondità nella tua pelle. Si assorbe subito per un’azione SUPER idratante e rimpolpante immediata. LA CONFEZIONE PUO' VARIARE LEGGERMENTE
RISULTATI IMMEDIATI - il siero HA3 è la miglior scelta tra i prodotti viso donna e uomo. Già con poche applicazioni rinfresca la pelle danneggiata, invecchiata, secca e dall'aspetto stanco. Come il siero alla vitamina c, grazie al carico di antiossidanti, il Florence bio siero viso protegge dai radicali liberi e combatte le macchie, rendendo la pelle luminosa e giovanile. Profumazione floreale (a base di oli essenziali naturali senza allergeni), con sfumature di mandorla, gelsomino e tuberosa.
LA DIFFERENZA: PRODOTTO DI BELLEZZA BIOLOGICO E VEGANO MADE IN ITALY, CERTIFICATO AIAB ECOBIOCOSMESI -La formula di Florence bio Siero viso HA3 è SENZA parabeni, solfati, microplastiche e cruelty-free (mai testato sugli animali). Efficacia delicata e testata: test dermatologici confermano che il nostro siero è perfettamente compatibile anche con la pelle sensibile. Un siero all'acido ialuronico viso, collo e décolleté è perfetto da abbinare ad un siero vitamina c, per un risultato eccezionale
RICCO DI ANTIOSSIDANTI PER UNA PELLE BELLA E DALL'ASPETTO GIOVANE - Grazie agli antiossidanti che contiene, il nostro siero viso protegge dai radicali liberi, rendendo la pelle luminosa e giovanile. La delicata profumazione floreale a base di oli essenziali naturali - senza allergeni e approvata dai disciplinari bio - con enigmatiche sfumature di mandorla, gelsomino e tuberosa, tende a sparire dolcemente all’applicazione.
IL MIGLIOR SIERO ALL' ACIDO IALURONICO, GARANTITO - grazie alla qualità delle materie prime da Agricoltura Biologica italiana, tutti i nostri prodotti hanno ottenuto la certificazione AIAB. La tua soddisfazione è il nostro massimo interesse. Per questo, ci impegniamo per offrirti prodotti eccellenti. Siamo così sicuri che adorerai il siero viso, che possiamo offrirti una garanzia di rimborso immediato. Puoi provarlo senza rischi già oggi.
Descrizione prodotto
Siamo lieti di poter condividere con te il nostro obiettivo: prodotti Bio ad alta performance, nel rispetto della nostra pelle e della pelle del pianeta che ci ospita.
La parola chiave di questi anni è stata: Evoluzione. Il mondo ha chiesto di piu' alla nostra resistenza, alle nostre energie e alla nostra pelle, e noi di Florence abbiamo accettato la sfida. Abbiamo riformulato il nostro tradizionale siero HA potenziandone l'efficacia e rendendo l'esperienza di utilizzo ancora piu' piacevole, con una delicatissima sfumatura floreale - ottenuta da olii essenziali e priva di allergeni.
La pelle è il nostro organo più esteso, un meraviglioso tessuto a strati. Come prendercene cura? La vera chiave per ottenere un risultato pieno e luminoso è giungere in profondità. Nel nostro nuovo Siero HA3 abbiamo perfettamente bilanciato 3 diversi pesi molecolari di Acido Ialuronico, in grado di raggiungere tutti gli strati. Riscopri il piacere di una pelle liscia e piena, piacevole da toccare e bellissima da vedere.
L’acido ialuronico rende la pelle compatta e piena. Cosa lo rende speciale? Le sue molecole si combinano con l’acqua corporea e riempiono gli spazi tra le cellule. Il risultato? Vediamolo su due livelli: dentro è una idratazione a lunga tenuta e tessuti più resistenti, fuori è pelle rimpolpata, liscia e turgida. La Natura crea la soluzione: Florence la rende accessibile.
1. perché accontentarsi di uno? abbiamo inserito 3 diversi pesi molecolari, ALTO, MEDIO BASSO, in grado di raggiungere tutti gli strati;
2. aiuta a ripristinarle aiuta le quote di acido ialuronico che perdiamo ogni giorno;
3. idoneo alle esigenze della pelle maschile e femminile: per tutti una pelle sana e giovane;
4. non solo idratazione! l’elenco degli ingredienti prevede anche preziosi antiossidanti;
5. rinfresca immediatamente la pelle secca e dall'aspetto stanco;
6. la combinazione dei tre pesi molecolari di acido ialuronico restituisce ad ogni strato della pelle la giusta idratazione ed elasticità;
7. l’applicazione semplicissima rende il momento della cura una preziosa coccola per te;
8. il risultato è una pelle sana e idrata dentro, luminosa e giovanile fuori, e protetta su tutti i versanti;
9. la sensazione della pelle ridensificata e turgida, morbida e liscia;
10. prodotto Vegano, non testato sugli animali.
La luminosità della nostra pelle parla di noi. Oggi non dobbiamo più scegliere tra salute e bellezza. Con il Siero HA3 Florence i tessuti si rivitalizzano e ritrovano funzionalità, e riscoprono in modo naturale l’effetto luminoso e pieno della giovinezza.
Il nostro siero all'acido ialuronico è il risultato di una lunga ricerca, che ha preso in esame tutti gli studi scientifici disponibili sull’utilizzo di questo prezioso principio, e lo ha riformulato per una efficacia MAI vista.
Formato conveniente: rappresenta una soluzione per le più svariate esigenze della pelle di tutti i membri della famiglia, ed è privo di effetti collaterali –ad esclusione di rarissimi casi di specifica intolleranza. Esegui una prova di compatibilità 24 ore prima del suo utilizzo.
Manifatturato e confezionato in Italia, il nostro Siero HA3 è prodotto con ingredienti di qualità noti per le loro proprietà Antietà e può essere utilizzato su Viso, Contorno occhi, Collo e Décolleté. PRINCIPALI INGREDIENTI ATTIVI:
1. Aloe Barbadensis Leaf juice*: succo ricavato dalla spremitura a freddo delle foglie di Aloe Vera. Migliora l'idratazione cutanea, è lenitivo, e vanta proprietà antimicrobiche e cicatrizzanti.
2. Hyaluronic Acid: è una delle sostanze chiave della pelle, simbolo di giovinezza, turgore, elasticità, compattezza, turgore, freschezza. Con l’età diminuisce e occorre integrare le sue quote anche dall’esterno.
3. Sodium Hyaluronate: è il sale sodico dell'acido ialuronico. Prezioso nel trattenere le molecole d’acqua, migliora la funzionalità dei tessuti e la freschezza della pelle, quindi la sua bellezza.
4. Hydrolyzed Hyaluronic Acid: è un derivato dell’acido ialuronico. Dal basso peso molecolare, penetra in profondità e stimola il collagene, migliorando compattezza ed elasticità cutanea.
5. Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate: è un derivato idrosolubile naturale della vitamina C. Neutralizza i radicali liberi e protegge la pelle dalle rughe e dall'invecchiamento precoce.
6. Panthenol: noto come provitamina B5, utilizzato nei processi di rigenerazione cellulare della pelle. Ha proprietà idratanti, leviganti, antinfiammatorie e rigeneranti.
7. Hamamelis Virginiana Extract*: noto come Estratto di foglie di Hamamelis. Ha proprietà astringenti, antiossidanti, antibatteriche. Aiuta la pelle con irritazione o arrossamento a ridurre l’infiammazione.
8. Centaurea Cyanus Flower Water: si tratta dell’acqua di fiordaliso, bellissimo fiore blu. Ha proprietà perfette per la pelle: antinfiammatorio, astringente, lenitivo.
9. Tamarindus Indica Seed Polysaccharide: noto come tamarindo. Ha proprietà purificanti, rinfrescanti ed idratanti. Amato per il suo effetto riempitivo e rassodante, perfetto in presenza di piccole impurità o tendenza acneica.
10. Niacinamide: è una forma di vitamina B-3 (Niacina). Migliora il tono della pelle irregolare, riduce le linee sottili delle rughe, chiude i pori dilatati e rafforza le superfici indebolite.
*ingredienti provenienti da agricoltura biologica
60ml. BIO Siero Viso all’Acido Ialuronico Puro a Basso, Medio e Alto peso Molecolare - Biologico e Vegano- Anche per Dermaroller. Made in Italy
4 Semplici passi per usare il nostro siero
La pelle è il nostro vestito per sempre. Nasce con noi, cresce, e meravigliosamente si rinnova. Prendersi cura della superficie da un risultato superficiale! Per giungere in profondità, abbiamo scelto l’agente in grado di dare le migliori performance di idratazione: l’acido ialuronico, inserendo e bilanciano perfettamente 3 pesi molecolari per una azione efficace su tutti gli strati della pelle.
Una raccomandazione: vista la concentrazione dei principi attivi, ti consigliamo di applicare dapprima 4-5 gocce, e attendere qualche secondo per il totale assorbimento.
A questo punto, se la tua pelle lo richiedesse, potrai applicarne anche qualche goccia extra:
potrai così godere della sensazione di pelle dissetata a sazietà senza la sensazione di appiccicoso.
Lava il viso, o la parte su cui desideri applicare il Siero, con acqua fredda o appena tiepida, e asciuga tamponando; in alternativa, per una detersione delicata ed efficace, usa latte detergente e tonico.
Agita la boccetta prima dell'uso. Ora applica una piccola quantità di siero direttamente sulle zone interessate o facendo cadere alcune gocce sul palmo della mano
QUANTITÀ: 4 o 5 gocce di siero in genere sono sufficienti, per il viso di una donna. Per un uomo è verosimile che la richiesta sia un po’ superiore, anche se questo va comunque rapportato al fatto che la pelle sia secca/mista/grassa, e alle condizioni complessive dell'idratazione corporea all'atto della "messa in posa" del siero.
Se desideri curarti anche di collo e décolleté, è consigliato applicare una nuova porzione equivalente.
Picchietta il Siero sul viso, collo e qualsiasi parte del corpo che si desideri ringiovanire. Ti consigliamo di alternare il picchiettio ad un leggero massaggio per perfezionare l’assorbimento. Non appena sarà assorbito, se opportuno applica la tua Crema.
Come capire se ti occorre una crema idratante? Talvolta capita di sentire una sensazione di pelle che tira: quello è il segnale che l'assorbimento negli strati profondi sta riempiendo i tessuti di nuova idratazione, e superficialmente ecco che la tensione si esprime così. In questo caso un nuovo apporto di idratazione con una crema idratante, (che normalmente è consigliato) è sicuramente indicato.
Al fine di garantire livelli ottimali di idratazione per tutto l'arco della giornata, ti consigliamo di applicare il Siero al mattino e prima di andare a dormire.
Questo prodotto può essere utilizzato quotidianamente e come base per il trucco. Si può applicare in piena sicurezza sul contorno occhi, avendo cura di evitare il contatto diretto con l’occhio.
Il Siero non è fotosensibilizzante, ma non avendo un filtro solare, questo andrà applicato a parte, seguendo questa sequenza: siero, crema idratante, crema con filtro solare.
La differenza del nostro siero
La differenza del Siero Florence
Cosa attrae fino a 1.000 volte il suo peso in acqua? Lo sappiamo! L’acido ialuronico. Ma la vera domanda è: se la pelle è fatta strati, come giungere in profondità? Con molecole di dimensioni adeguate al tipo tessuto. I pesi molecolari alto, medio e basso portano rinforzi dove serve, per un risultato di grande compattezza dentro, e liscia tonicità giovanile fuori. Florence sceglie la massima concentrazione consentita, per un risultato che potenzia la struttura e migliora l’estetica.
Alto peso molecolare: pelle liscia
L’epidermide è la nostra barriera: la vogliamo morbida e liscia, ma senza rinunciare al suo ruolo di difesa! Come aggirare la sua rigidità? Con l’acido ialuronico ad alto peso molecolare (tra i 1800 e i 3000 kilo Dalton): il suo effetto tensore promuove la funzione protettiva per la pelle, consentendole di trattenere acqua, per restare turgida e pomposa.
Medio peso molecolare: pelle compattezza
Tra il dire e il fare c’è di mezzo … il medio peso molecolare. Grazie alle sue particelle tra i 1.000.000 a 1.800.000 Dalton) possiamo operare sulla ritenzione di acqua negli strati medio/superficiali dell’epidermide. E’ in grado di stimolare collagene ed elastina: anche le strutture intermedie sono rimpolpate, per un effetto a tutto tondo.
Basso peso molecolare: pelle ringiovanita
Sfida: arrivare agli strati più interni della pelle (derma). Fatto: abbiamo inserito nella formula l’acido ialuronico a basso peso molecolare (tra i 10 e i 1000 kilo Dalton). Le sue particelle sono piccole e arrivano dove le altre si incagliano. In questo modo possiamo nutrire la struttura dall’interno e garantire un sostegno tutto naturale all’epidermide, per un effetto di reale tono e compattezza.
Bio con Cert AIAB ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Vegano ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ No parabeni e Nickel ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Cruelty free ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Ingredienti attivi Acido Ialuronico, Vit. C, B3, E L'Olio di ricino puro è ricco di acidi grassi e vitamine Acido Ialuronico, Olio di Mandorle dolci, karité Acido Ialuronico, Vit C, B3, E, Ceramidi, jojoba Bava di lumaca 65%, Acido Ialuronico, Vit C ed E Azione Idratante, uniformante, antiossidante, antimacchia Stimola e rafforza ciglia, sopracciglia, capelli, unghie, pelle Struccante viso e occhi, rigenerante Idratante, agenti antirughe, rimpolpante Idratante, nutriente, antimacchia, levigante Made in Italy ✓ Packaged in Italy ✓ ✓ ✓ Formato 60 ml 100 ml 250 ml 100 ml 100 ml
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This post is a catastrophe. “Assigned male at birth” refers to the social event of someone being assigned male. When they were born. This event is relevant to discussion in trans spaces because it’s literally the thing that makes transness exist. Transness is when someone moves away from the gender/sex* that they were assigned. Gender assignment is relevant to every discussion of transness and indeed every discussion of gender because it’s the first act of coercion in a childhood of coercion in a lifetime of coercion. Gender assignment is how gender operates.
People who use “AMAB” as a one-to-one replacement for “male” are using the phrase incorrectly, because they don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about and are transphobic. The phrase has an excruciatingly clear meaning which is efficiently contained in the plain English of the fucking phrase. The problem is not with the phrase, which is virtually self-explanatory, or with the impulse to discuss the assignment of gender, which is necessary to trans analysis. The problem is with the people saying stuff like “many medical systems don’t actually recognize AIAB, so they just categorize intersex babies as female or male”. The entire fucking point of speaking in terms of someone being assigned sexgender at birth is to affirm that sexgender is not merely “recognized”, not merely a truth being observed, but is instead invented by the assignment of it.
AFAB and AMAB aren’t “accurate and whole representation[s]” of what anyone’s “sex actually is” because nobody’s sex “actually” is anything!!! AFAB and AMAB aren’t representations of someone’s body at all! They refer to the social conditions of someone’s birth, including - especially - when a child with physical traits that the system of sexgender deems “ambiguous” is assigned male or female!
* See Judith Butler: “this construct called ‘sex’ is as culturally constructed as gender; indeed, perhaps it was always already gender, with the consequence that the distinction between sex and gender turns out to be no distinction at all.” Quote taken from Gender Trouble, which was published 34 years ago.
Here’s your friendly reminder that AFAB and AMAB are meaningless and obsolete terms!
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Assigned Intersex at Birth or Assigned Indeterminate at Birth (AIAB), also called Designated Intersex/Indeterminate at Birth (DIAB) or Intersex/Indeterminate Assigned at Birth (IAAB) is a term for those who were identified as intersex at birth. Such classification may or may not appear on one's birth certificate, AIAB simply means that one's variation of intersex was noticed at birth, as opposed to being recognized later in life. Sometimes it is designated as an "I" (or possibly other letters like "X", "O", or "U") on one's birth certificate, but such classification is not common practice and is only seen in certain cultures and regions where genders and s€xes outside of the male and female are recognized. Other AIAB people were given the label of AMAB or AFAB on their birth certificate, but their status as intersex was still recognized at birth, making them AIAB.
AIAB may also be used by intersex people who may not have been assigned at birth, but have shed the labels of AMAB/AFAB and only identifies their sex only as intersex.
It is sometimes used interchangeably with AXAB, though "X" is also sometimes used as a legal gender designation for non-binary people. "I" is less common than "X" as a legal designation, but AIAB more commonly used in a way exclusive to intersex people.
AIAB is similar to and in some cases may overlap with AXAB and unassigned at birth.
The AIAB flag was created by Tumblr user plurgai.
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- tall reader, tad bit short peter, no gendered terms mentioned, no afab/amab/aiab anatomy mentioned
imagine peter dating tall reader. imagine the reader just hovering over him during sex and his long legs wrapped around your waist. imagine him swooning over u cause he has never met someone as tall as him (or taller, if you imagine him being a little bit shorter in this scenario). imagine u just pinning him against something and then him looking at u like "ohhfhh my ggod..... oh mh god. .... i am so in love... .."
also i think i've said this before but i requested to be 🧣 anon. 's that okay w/ u?
i love the thought of size kink pete!! but the roles being reversed— i haven’t even thought of that before!!
i am definitely here for it ;))
i’m imagining his pretty eyelids fluttering up at you, just to make you go a little easier on him,,
and his swollen lips pouting and trembling, just begging to be used — maybe y’gonna have to shove a finger or two in between them, since he’s such a whiny little thing.
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New Post has been published on All about business online
New Post has been published on http://yaroreviews.info/2020/12/pfizer-biontech-covid-19-vaccines-are-prepped-for-shipment
Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 Vaccines Are Prepped for Shipment

Pfizer will begin shipping out its newly authorized Covid-19 vaccine from plants in Michigan and Wisconsin on Sunday.
Photo: john maniaci/uw health/Reuters
Jared S. Hopkins
Jared S. Hopkins
Dan Frosch
Dan Frosch
Updated Dec. 12, 2020 1:04 pm ET
Pfizer Inc. PFE -1.46% is packing boxes with thousands of its Covid-19 vaccines for shipment around the U.S., as hospitals gear up to give shots while also confronting the surging pandemic.
Trucks carrying the fragile cargo at minus-94 degrees Fahrenheit will start rolling out of Pfizer plants in Michigan and Wisconsin on Sunday. Doses are scheduled to start arriving at hospitals on Monday.
Health-care workers treating Covid-19 patients, nursing-home residents and perhaps others could start getting inoculated soon thereafter, though it might take a day or two for facilities to train staff and begin injections.
The rest of the population will have to wait, as the drugmakers produce and ship more of the doses.
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Distribution Plan
Public health authorities have started setting priorities for who should get the Covid-19 vaccine first. Based on targets for distribution, here’s a potential scenario for how doses could be distributed for Pfizer’s vaccine and for Moderna’s, which is next up for approval.

distribution target 20 million people
Health-care personnel
21 million (U.S. population)
Long-term care facility residents
3 million
Each figure = 1 million people
distribution target 30 million people
SECOND-highest priority
Essential workers
(non-health care)
87 million
distribution target
at least 50 million people
beyond march
third highest
100 million
Adults with high-risk medical conditions
53 million
Adults age 65+ years
After the fastest development of a vaccine ever recorded, distribution of the shots kicks off an equally formidable challenge: a monthslong inoculation campaign not seen since efforts to eradicate the polio virus.
“People should not forget how extraordinary it is that we are even talking about having a vaccine by mid-December at all. In January, I don’t think anybody thought this was feasible,” said Kelly Moore, associate director of immunization education at the Immunization Action Coalition.
Initial supplies will be limited. Pfizer projects it will deliver 25 million doses to the U.S. this year, including 2.9 million doses the first week. Inoculation requires two doses three weeks apart, so only half that many people will be vaccinated. States will decide where many doses go.
Gen. Gustave Perna, chief operating officer of the federal government’s Operation Warp Speed vaccine effort, said Saturday the initial supplies will be distributed among 636 locations nationwide, with 145 sites expected to get the doses Monday.
Another 425 sites should receive deliveries Tuesday, while the remaining 66 sites are slated to get their supplies Wednesday, Gen. Perna said.
Hospitals slated to get shipments have been weighing difficult decisions about which employees should get vaccinated first. The hospitals have also been figuring how to give inoculated staff time off to deal with any side effects.
Presbyterian Healthcare Services, the largest health system in New Mexico, braced for vaccinating employees at the same time it is being stretched due to a surge in Covid-19 cases.
The health system expects an initial shipment of 4,000 doses next week and would start vaccinating within a day of receiving them, according to Jeff Salvon-Harman, Presbyterian’s chief patient safety officer.
Dr. Salvon-Harmon said he was amazed at how fast the vaccine had been developed, but the timing was a double-edged sword in New Mexico.
“On the one hand, the risk is greatest right now to our caregivers and everyone who works here because there is so much Covid in our facilities,” he said. “But the timing couldn’t be worse in terms of competing priorities for manpower.”
The new coronavirus has infected more than 15.8 million people in the U.S., killing 295,500 while separating families, remaking work and battering the economy. Cases have been increasing in recent weeks.
For months, health authorities have waited for the arrival of vaccines that could protect against Covid-19 and permit people to gather in groups and schools, businesses and other establishments to fully reopen.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized the vaccine from Pfizer and German partner BioNTech SE BNTX -1.73% on Friday, after a 44,000-person trial found the shot to be 95% effective and generally well-tolerated.
The vaccine must be stored at ultracold temperatures because it uses a new gene-based technology.
As states and hospitals in the U.S. race to roll out the first Covid-19 vaccines, WSJ’s Daniela Hernandez hears from a hospital administrator and immunization expert about the logistical challenges involved in this first phase of the vaccination process. Photo: Victoria Jones/Zuma Press
Partly for that reason, and partly for speed, the company created its own container to ship the doses while keeping them cold and secure. The company also set up its own distribution network, skipping traditional drug wholesalers in favor of logistics companies like United Parcel Service Inc. and FedEx Corp.
The U.S. government is dividing up the supply among states, territories and jurisdictions based on their adult populations.
First in line will largely be the nation’s 21 million health-care workers such as doctors and nurses treating Covid-19 patients, as well as residents of nursing homes and other long-term care facilities.
How should distribution of the vaccine be prioritized? Join the conversation below.
CVS Health Corp. and Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc. pharmacies will deliver and administer most vaccine doses at the 15,600 nursing homes and 29,000 assisted-living communities in the U.S.
Nine sites in Los Angeles County are expecting to get a total of approximately 83,000 doses and will start distributing the vaccine to 83 hospitals, which will then get them to front-line health-care workers as quickly as possible, said Paul Simon, the county health department’s chief science officer.
The workers are being prioritized, he said, based on their risk of exposure to the coronavirus.
To make sure they return several weeks later for their second dose, the department and hospital officials have arranged for the newly vaccinated to get yellow cards noting the type of vaccine they got, the date they received it and when they need to come back.
In addition, Dr. Simon said, a data system is set to store the information and can remind people via text and email when they are due for the second dose.
The FDA granted emergency-use authorization of the first Covid-19 vaccine in the U.S., setting the stage for administration of the Pfizer-BioNTech shots to begin within a day or two. WSJ’s Peter Loftus explains how the vaccine will be rolled out. Photo: Helen H. Richardson/AP
“Even with that, it’s going to be a complicated process,” he said.
In Colorado, 20 members of the National Guard were set to be deployed Sunday to seven sites in more rural parts of the state. Those sites have been set up to store some of the first 46,800 Pfizer doses being shipped to Colorado at the necessary ultracold temperature.
Brig. Gene. Scott Sherman said the Guard members had been trained to help to break down the bulk shipments of the doses into smaller batches, place them in ultracold storage containers and get them out to rural hospitals.
The Colorado National Guard was also coordinating with mail couriers to get the vaccines out to these facilities, and in some cases were readying to transport the doses themselves.
In addition, some 15 hospitals, most located in more populated areas of the state like the Denver metro area, were preparing to get shipments of the Pfizer vaccine directly.
Moncef Slaoui, chief adviser to the federal government’s coronavirus-response program, has said immunization of 70% of the population would generate the herd immunity needed to protect even the unvaccinated, given the approximately 95% effectiveness of both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.
Covid-19 Vaccines
Write to Jared S. Hopkins at [email protected] and Dan Frosch at [email protected]
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0 notes
S-AMAB → Someone who was self-assigned male at birth.
S-AIAB → Someone who was self-assigned intersex at birth.
S-AFAB → Someone who was self-assigned female at birth.
→ With symbol is exclusive for intersex ←
#liom#liom safe#mogai#flag coining#mogai community#liom community#liom label#intersex flag#liom coining#neo agab#agabpunk#agab non conforming
114 notes
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(S-)AMAB → Someone who was (self) assigned male at birth;
(S-)AIAB → Someone who was (self) assigned intersex at birth;
(S-)AFAB → Someone who was (self) assigned female at birth;
→ Flag with symbol is exclusive for intersex & This flag is inclusive of self-designated (but not exclusive) ←
#agab non conforming#agabpunk#neo agab#neoagab#liom#liom safe#flag coining#liom community#intersex flag#liom label#liom coining
77 notes
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[image id: six flags, each with seven stripes. the outermost stripes are very thick, the second outermost stripes are extremely thin, the third outermost stripes are average sized, and the middle stripe is thinner than the third outermost stripes.
the first two flags' stripes, both for (s-)amab, are, from the middle out, white, medium sky blue, white, and medium ocean blue. the first flag has no symbol, while the second flag has a hollow white ring with a medium ocean blue outline.
the next two flags' stripes, both for (s-)aiab, are, from the middle out, white, light orange, white, and dark reddish orange. the first flag has no symbol, while the second flag has a hollow white ring with a dark reddish orange outline.
the last two flags' stripes, both for (s-)afab, are, from the middle out, white, light pink, white, and medium pink. the first flag has no symbol, while the second flag has a hollow white ring with a medium pink outline. /end id]
(S-)AMAB → Someone who was (self) assigned male at birth;
(S-)AIAB → Someone who was (self) assigned intersex at birth;
(S-)AFAB → Someone who was (self) assigned female at birth;
→ Flag with symbol is exclusive for intersex & This flag is inclusive of self-designated (but not exclusive) ←
#eyestrain#bright#(s-)amab#(self) assigned male at birth#(s-)aiab#(self) assigned intersex at birth#(s-)afab#(self) assigned female at birth
77 notes
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