#(reverb) hello
onsecondthoughtno · 2 years
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agentravensong · 1 year
so my college had a huge event tonight where all the acapella groups on campus each performed a couple of songs, and they also got a bunch of other acapella groups from nearby colleges to come and do the same,
and i need to share this version of the oh hellos song "constellations" one of the visiting groups did. choosing not to name the group for the sake of not doxxing myself; they're on spotify but the one album they have on there doesn't feature this arrangement. if any mutuals really want to know i can pass it along.
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abysel · 1 year
knocks on the glass
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re-ikrmso · 5 months
come and get that
come and get that, come and get that
killshot, baby
i mean it so serious.
Killshot- Magdalena Bay
[Yes, that’s right! The creators of that song straight up made an official reverbed and slowee version of thier own song!! its so cool, its the one i listened to first, they just have so different vibes despite being the same song~ check out both if you want! i cant decide which i like more but i tend to lean towards the reverbed one~]
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thexsilentxwordsmith · 11 months
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Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!Reader
Simon desperately eating you out after a rough day.
The door slammed shut, making you jump and bump against the edge of the counter that you stood at before the sink, finishing up a few stray dishes that had been left from the night before. You turned to see Simon standing there in the doorway, stiff as a goddamn board with only his eyes clocking the room to find you and locking on to your form like a beast ready to pounce.
"Pants off...now," he demanded, his voice metered and firm as he removed the mask covering his features.
"Well, hello to you too," you chuckled as you crossed your arms over your chest, but he was not in a picking mood. "What's up?"
He took a calming breath; it wasn't your fault his mood had been soured today and he didn't need to upset the only person that could turn this all around. "It's been a fuckin' day, luv. Need something to take the edge off before I send someone to the goddamn morgue. So, again, pants off…please."
This wasn't the first time you'd encountered this specific Simon before; his short, gruff sentences were an obvious indication that he has had an absolutely rotten fucking day and was completely over it already. And because this wasn't your first time you knew what he wanted…
…what he needed to let all that stress go.
Slowly you undid the button of your pants, pulling down the zipper before slipping your hands inside the waistband and sliding your jeans down off your legs. Once you removed them from around your ankles you tossed them to the side and stood there in your panties and tank top, waiting for him to give you your next instruction. Like a flash he moved in and was now on top of you, enveloping you entirely with his hulking form as it fit against your curves until your backside was being indented by the edge of the countertop.
Hot, hungry lips scrambled to aggressively connect with your own, fighting for dominance as the back and forth of the dance continued with each passing second. He let himself go to become consumed by you, unable to find a pause to take a breath as he all but devoured you whole until there was nothing left in his mind but you.
Those large hands with their thick, rough digits pawed desperately at the warm, soft skin of your bare hips, grasping as much meat between them that they could hold. All those curves, all the smooth, voluptuous flesh ready to be caressed, it was enough to drive him insane; how fucking lucky he was to have it all at his disposal now to help cure his bad day?
God you were a fucking feast and he was starving.
The connection between your lips was broken sloppily and with haste, a sting of spittle connecting your lips sparkling in the light as he pulled away. Simon hurriedly grabbed the hem of your tank top and ripped it up and over your head, letting your breasts drop and jiggle with the reverb as they were set from their cage.
"Fuck," he groaned under his breath with a sharp inhale through his teeth as he latched those lips back on to your own. "That's a sight that could do me in."
On the move he leaned his tall head lower as those raw lips began to explore further down along the curve of your neck, the line of your shoulder, and finally coming to those beautiful breasts which he immediately sucked into his mouth. The suction was intense as he used the very tip of his tongue to circle those perky rosebuds until he felt them stiffen against the roof of his mouth and your body twitch from the tingly feeling it gave off that shot up your spine.
Whatever you were doing before this felt like a distant memory as his attention grew your arousal so that your body responded in kind to him just the way he wanted. He switched sides on your chest, not wanting the first breasts twin on the other side to get left out. Simon only moved on after your hips began to grind against the bulge growing at the front of his pants.
His lips continued down the line of your body as he knelt to the ground before you, ready to put everything into worshiping that sweet pussy he loved so goddamn much. Over your sternum and stomach all the way down to your pelvis his lips caressed until they reached a roadblock covering those last few inches to his destination. That was quickly dealt with as his fingers wrapped around the waistband of your panties to slide them down your thighs, letting his lips keep going all the way to the mound of your sex; only then did he pause.
"Spread," he demanded again as his hands tapped at your inner thighs, his message being short and sweet and to the point. "I'm fuckin' endin' this day on a high note. I'm not stopping' till I'm on the goddamn verge of death by suffocation, so don't ya even try to move, luv."
You widened your stance with the guidance of his hands until there was enough space to allow his face to fit between them. Hands back on your hips, holding them as handlebars so that he could incline his face against your cunt he dove in.
Your petals were so warm, so silky, and it felt good on his mouth as he kissed that other lovely set of lips a few times, sighing as he was finally able to relax in his favorite place.
"Here we go, baby," Simon breathed into you as he extended his tongue and drug it over the slit between your legs until he had split you open, rubbing the muscle through the small accumulation of your juices to coat his tongue.
Goddamn were you sweet tonight. "Mmmm mmmm," his deep, garbled hum vibrated deliciously on your clit as the taste of you filled Simon's mouth and tingled on his taste buds.
…And then he began to move the pad of his tongue…
Over and over his tongue engaged your core. "Fuck, Simon," his name fell from your lips as his tongue began to make you writhe against his face.
"Again," he said in that gruff growl as he pulled from your for only a second.
You knew exactly what he meant for you to do. "Simon," his name was beautifully moaned from you once more as he focused all his efforts on that small bead of nerve endings at the top innermost part of your cunt.
The sound of your soft, breathy voice calling out to him made the previously enraged Lieutenant fucking crack at the seams and any trace of that rage-inducing day was suddenly completely gone; replaced by a fire to make good on his promise to desperately lap at you for as long as it took until his skin was infused with your scent and he was fully satisfied.
He moved up even tighter against your core, locking on so that even as you bucked there was no chance he would fall off until he was good and fucking ready to let you go. Shit he was pushing you to the limit of what you could take, your body aching wildly as his strike hit precise and deliberate every time until you were right at the cusp of your pleasure. God, his pace was relentless.
Overwhelmed with the intense gathering of warmth in your belly, your toes began to curl together over top of the floor as you scrambled to keep your breathing steady through the growing euphoria. How were you supposed to force yourself to intake air when all your functioning had been redirected straight to that pleasure sensor in your brain?
That thought had little time to gain traction as that feeling of impending pleasure had reached its peak.
Suddenly you were spilling violently, crying out as you tried to move him from you, but Simon was in this till the end. He kept at it until you had ridden it out to completion and finally settled, your heavy panting becoming softer and more drawn out.
You thought that that was it; the finale had been reached and all was good right? You could not have been more wrong. A wet flash of a smirk crossed his lips as he stood back up before you.
Without even a verbal warning his hands were suddenly digging into your sides as he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder, carrying you out of the kitchen and into the bedroom where he sat you on the surface of the bed. Reaching with one of his hands over his shoulders he gripped the fabric of his shirt in his grasp and pulled until it came off over the top of his head, throwing the useless article to the floor before stalking towards the bed.
"On ya knees baby," he grunted as he hurriedly laid down on his back beside you further up towards the head of the bed. "Over my face. Now."
Simon pulled at your arm until you moved, his need to be smothered between your thighs causing him to rush. Grabbing on to the headboard for leverage you knelt over his head.
Your petals glistened with the sticky cum and saliva mixture he had just created as he ate his first course, but there was still plenty to get lost in and he was more than ready to dive back into it.
Greedy hands rubbed up and down the smooth skin of your thighs. "Sit," he commanded and you bent your legs until you were just above his nose, but that wasn't good enough; he didn't need you being gentle, he needed you to give him what he wanted - to let him drown in you.
"No hoverin', I said sit," he hissed as he quickly moved his hands to your hips and wrenched them down so that you had no choice but to lower yourself until your pussy was completely flush against his face like a chair.
His breath hitched not just from the instant lack of available oxygen, but because the feeling of being completely enveloped by your pussy was akin to being high; he was on cloud fucking nine just suffocating against you.
The headboard thumped against the wall from your arms shaking as full contact was made again along your core after just having come. The tears stung your eyes, your over-stimulated clit so sensitive it almost hurt. His grip on your hips didn't let up, keeping the pressure tight so that there was no chance of escape, even though you wriggled in search to ease up a little.
There was still some fight left in you; that simply wouldn't fucking do as it meant he hadn't finished the job and he was anything but thorough. Simon needed you completely spent and too exhausted to even move a goddamn inch.
"I-I can't…I can't," you pleaded with him as you squirmed over top of his stark features like anything you said would persuade him to give up.
You could hear his voice in your head, you knew what he'd say if he could talk at that moment. "Oh yes you can sweetheart. You're gonna fuckin' take it all for me."
I mean look at that big boy, he could eat and that meant all types of meals, you included most of all.
As if a nonverbal response to your mewling, his tongue picked up in speed, stroking wildly against your clit with reckless abandonment. Your fingernails were digging into the wood of the headboard, thighs vibrating against Simon's ears as each movement of that deadly appendage brought you closer and closer to your second harsh release.
"Bastard," you whined.
He gave your hips a hard squeeze. Call me what you like baby, he thought, you're still gonna fuckin' come as many times as I want.
So warm, so wet, so soft, gasping for air... He was in heaven.
Unconsciously your hips began rocking along with the thrusts of his tongue, riding him just as he worked and that familiar feeling in your stomach returned. Seconds passed…or was it minutes? Hours? Time seemed to pass differently when he was eating you out.
All of a sudden you stopped rocking, pressing your pussy as hard as you could against his face, and with a few more hard strokes you cried out as you came violently, slamming into the headboard as your thighs clamped down around Simon's ears.
"S-s-shit…" you whimpered as you ground out the last drop of your ecstasy until Simon tapped your thigh to be set free.
Legs shaking, chest heaving, eyes glazed over, cheeks flushed bright red, you fell down on the bed beside him, unable to move a muscle save for your head. Turning your face towards him you were met with a very happy and content man gazing back at you with those fiery auburn eyes, face absolutely drenched from eyebrows to chin in a thin layer of your cum.
He reached out to you, his palm cupping over the entirety of your cheek. "You did so fuckin' good for me sweetheart," he praised, thumb rubbing over the supple skin there. "So fuckin' good that I think ya deserve a break…but I don't think I'm finished quite yet."
"Oh?" you questioned back through heavy breaths, eyes wide. More?
He chuckled in that deep vibrato as he rolled over to kiss your forehead. "Well… ya see… it was a really fuckin' bad day."
You hadn't planned on dying today, but if Simon got his way he would be setting up your funeral later tonight, but there were worse ways to go…right?
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 month
“any regrets? anything you’d do differently?”
eddie knows the interviewer is just doing her job, probably doesn’t even realize that’s the worst question she could ask. but the guys tense and the air gets thick and something shifts inside eddie’s chest.
“it’s been two years and i still haven’t apologized.”
the interviewer doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about, but she doesn’t need to. he’s not gonna explain more than that and he doesn’t care if people make their own connections and excuses.
maybe steve will hear it. maybe robin will. maybe dustin will convince steve to call him.
or maybe he was cryptic for nothing and steve will keep ignoring his calls. he used to think his timing sucked until mike let it slip that he lets all calls go to his answering machine to avoid picking up when eddie calls him.
eddie only calls on bad nights, if he’s drunk or high, or sometimes on the nights that could only be better if steve was by his side. eddie calls most nights.
the interview is done and eddie is being whisked away, getting berated by their publicist about his answer to a question that can never have a good one. the guys are pretending not to listen, but failing. eddie loves them for trying.
the next interview, he stays quiet, at least as much as he can get away with. he fakes a smile, a laugh, whatever it takes to seem like he didn’t just admit that he fucked up on live television.
they get to sleep in their own beds tonight, but tomorrow is the start of their radio show tour to promote their album. it’ll be two weeks long, hitting the major stations daily until they’ve answered all the hard hitting questions like if gareth snores or if they ever find time to eat healthy on tour.
but his bed is his least favorite place to sleep, and no amount of tossing and turning is gonna give him what he needs.
so he calls steve.
“harrington’s house, you’ve reached the harrington who actually lives here.”
eddie’s so shocked that steve answered he barely even registers his words.
“hello?” steve’s voice turns serious. “anyone there?”
eddie shouldn’t have started with that, but he wasn’t in control of his body anymore.
steve hangs up.
somehow it’s worse than if he hadn’t answered at all.
but eddie is fine. he is.
he’s gonna close his eyes and go to sleep and maybe not dream about dying or fucking up the only good thing he ever had.
his phone rings and he’s almost certain he’s dreaming already.
“sorry i panicked.”
steve’s voice is like a reverb in an arena, sending chills down eddie’s arms.
“you’re not the only one.”
“but…you called me.”
“because you never answer.”
“so why call? if i’m never gonna answer.”
“because if you do answer, i can hear your voice.”
steve sits with that answer for a minute before he speaks.
“dustin played me the interview.”
“was it me? was i your regret?”
how could steve think that? how could the man who saved his life ever believe he was anything less than a gift? in no universe would eddie regret steve.
“no. my regret is making you ever think that you could be a mistake.”
eddie should end it there, let steve marinate with that. he knows no amount of apologies will actually help, but he could give it a try anyway.
“i’m sorry i left when you needed me. i’m sorry i was selfish and chose to get out and leave you behind. and i’m sorry none of my sorries even matter because it’s too late.”
for a minute—yes, eddie counts— there’s silence. and then there’s a small shuffling sound and eddie’s almost sure that steve’s gonna hang up.
instead, steve sounds like he’s holding back tears when he speaks.
“are you gonna come back?”
eddie can’t. he can’t just put a pause on the band or any of their plans. it’s not fair to the guys or the fans or himself.
but he can do something he should’ve done two years ago.
“will you come with me?”
the question hangs in the air for what feels like forever. steve may say no. that’s part of why eddie didn’t even ask the first time. but he may say-
“you will?”
“on one condition.”
“you stop trying to forget all the bad parts. the bad parts sucked, but they brought us together. running from them means running from me. at least hold my hand so i can run with you.”
eddie thinks maybe he could write a song about that.
and he thinks he’d like to hold steve’s hand while he does.
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itsjunear · 15 days
Shadows and Whispers
Note: Hello loves! I'll try to be more active and post more often, maybe once a week (this is my proof that I'm trying 😀). It's really been a long week for me, but I truly appreciate and I'm so happy for the support the previous post received. I'm very grateful for the likes, reblogs, and comments 💙💙💙 I'm not sure if I should make a second part of that one, but in the meantime, here's this. I hope you enjoy it, and sorry if it's a mess! Again, remember that English is not my first language, but if there are any mistakes, don't hesitate to let me know! I’m leaving the song I wrote this with, the slow version sounds really good :)
P.S.: I’m not really sure if this would work in ACOTAR, but I don’t know, I just liked the idea.
Words: +1k
Warnings: none, slight mention of tension
Summary: Reader and Azriel are sent on an undercover mission where they must pretend to be a couple. Reader has unresolved feelings, and the closeness with the shadowsinger leaves her confused.
The Mother definitely had a twisted sense of humor.
I was certain that in this life, I was paying for each and every bad thing I had done in my previous ones. If not, what would be the point of all this?
I had to suppress the complaint lodged in my throat ever since I had left the meeting with Rhys and he had communicated his plans for the Autumn Court.
Why? Why did these things always happen to me?
I could have gone with Cassian, Mor, or even Amren. I wouldn’t have had any issue pretending to be the lover of one of them. But of course, I had to go and pretend with Azriel.
Rhys had received a formal invitation to a ball in the Autumn Court, but decided to send us instead to investigate the political situation surrounding that entire red-haired family and how the stir was being perceived by the court’s nobles. Evidently, we were supposed to look as distracted as possible to catch any murmurs here and there, and the simplest way to do that was by pretending we were simply there to enjoy the evening as a couple in love.
Fantastic, I thought.
"I try to respect your privacy and not intrude on your thoughts" I heard Rhys’s voice in my head "but the way you’re shouting them, I could hear them even from the scraps of the Spring Court."
I grimaced but didn’t respond, letting the anger fill my mind so that he could feel it.
"Why are you so… irritated?" I heard him ask with genuine curiosity, and I sighed.
Rhys could dig just a little and find the reason, but he would never dare. Not without my permission.
"What do you care" I barked mentally, sulking.
I’d apologize later for speaking to my High Lord like that, but right now, I could feel the smoke coming out of my ears, and I guessed he could too because a laugh echoed in my mind before it simply vanished.
"Idiot" was the last thing I thought before raising my mental walls and reinforcing them with everything I had.
By the Cauldron, what was the problem? Well, for starters, I wasn’t in love with Cassian or Mor.
Hell, I had even suggested going with Amren to avoid going through this. Going undercover with Cassian was impossible—Nesta’s scent was all over him, and it wasn’t a secret that he had a mate. Mor was in the Winter Court visiting Viviane, and Amren… well, she was busy with Varian.
So that only left the shadowsinger and me free. Plus, neither of us was involved with anyone publicly, so we were the perfect candidates.
This time I didn’t suppress the groan of exasperation as I headed to my own room in the House of the River. I missed the company of the House of Wind, but now that Cassian and Nesta were there, it was impossible for me to stay—for the sake of my mental health, I fled that place. So I sighed and nearly cried when I reached my bed, bracing myself and trying to find the strength to endure what would happen in a few days.
Two nights had passed. Two damned nights sleeping like shit, practicing a mask of indifference and composure that I clearly didn’t feel.
I had also been more sensitive than usual, so I tried to avoid everyone, including Azriel. However, I saw Cassian every morning at training, and although I felt him casting strange glances at me, anticipating my mood, he didn’t ask about it. For that, I was grateful.
In a few hours, Azriel and I would be on our way to the Autumn Court, and I was just trying to control my breathing to avoid panicking. Even now, my hands were shaking so much I couldn’t fasten the endless buttons on the back of the pretty midnight blue dress, adorned with some crystals at the top and quite fitted from the waist down. Courtesy of Rhys.
A knock on the door distracted me from the mission, and holding the top of the dress to my chest, I opened it to come face to face with the man I had been avoiding with all my might.
I had to restrain myself from shrinking away upon seeing him in all his glory—not dressed in Illyrian leathers, but in a formal suit the same color as my dress, fitted in all the right places that made him look out of this world. If you added the large wings behind his back, the stoic hazel gaze, and the tendrils of shadows that surrounded him, giving him a mysterious and irresistible air… My breath faltered a bit.
He scanned me from head to toe as well, and the shiver that ran through me was completely involuntary. His gaze burned, but I did nothing to break the silence in which we were immersed.
"You look… beautiful" he finally said, hesitating a bit.
I swallowed hard and looked away, unsure of how to act. I had never been shy about receiving compliments, but when they came from him, they managed to destabilize me.
"Thanks" I whispered "You look great too."
Azriel nodded, and I saw his eyes drift to my chest, right where my hands were holding the dress.
"I need help with the buttons" I said in a tired tone.
He nodded again and entered my room, closing the door slowly. His shadows roamed freely, and I felt one of them caress my braided hair, making me smile.
"Sorry" Azriel apologized as he gestured for me to turn around.
I shook my head.
"I like them" I replied with a smile that died the moment I felt his fingers touch the exposed skin of my back.
"And they like you" he answered in his usual calm tone.
I didn’t respond, fearing my voice would tremble, and I focused on avoiding my skin from tingling wherever his touched. I even resorted to thinking about the painful blows to the stomach that Cassian gave during training when Azriel’s hands brushed dangerously low on my back.
I knew he also noticed the tension by the way his wings were tucked, but he didn’t say anything. Finally, I released the breath I had been holding once he finished and he removed his hands, though a strange sense of loss invaded me. Nevertheless, I ignored it.
A moment later, I turned around and faced him, tilting my head back to meet his eyes now that we were so close.
"Rhys told me you had certain… reservations about this" he broke the silence, looking at me with a calm expression.
Of course, he had told him.
I almost scoffed.
I opened my mouth to respond, but he interrupted me.
"We won’t do anything you haven’t consented to or that makes you uncomfortable"
I frowned.
"Of course I know that, Az. It’s just that I doubt this will work" I responded, smoothing out my dress a little.
It wasn’t entirely a lie. Though that wasn’t the main reason. It all boiled down to the fact that doing this with him made me nervous.
"It will" he reassured me. "Rhys and I have evaluated all the scenarios. We are the most credible for this plan. Just trust me"
I nodded, though I couldn’t shake the slight anxiety of having him so close.
The shadow from before wrapped around my arm, making me smile again. Even though the touch was cold, it didn’t feel strange, so I didn’t fear playing with it with one of my fingers, not realizing I was practically brushing Azriel’s wing membrane until I noticed his shiver and the way his breath escaped him. I quickly pulled my hand away and looked at him only to find him with his eyes shut and the rest of his shadows slightly agitated.
"I’m sorry, Az" I apologized. "I’m so sorry"
I knew how reserved the Illyrians were about their wings and how they shouldn’t be touched, so his silence only increased the unease brewing inside me.
"It’s fine" he replied slowly after a moment. "It’s nothing" but I could see him swallowing hard.
I bit the inside of my cheek but said nothing more.
"We should go now" he spoke after a moment.
I nodded and took one of his hands, preparing to pretend I was in love with him, according to that stupid plan. When in reality, I would stop pretending I wasn't, for a moment.
That was what terrified me—letting my feelings out and not being able to hide them again after tonight.
But there was no turning back now.
"Yes" I responded with the steadiest tone I could muster.
He gave me a deep look before I felt the shadows envelop us, and soon the room lit up, leaving us at the entrance of the grand hall of the Autumn Court.
Then, I let go of one of his hands and gently brought it to his cheek, trying to convey my intentions. He held my gaze for a second before bending obediently, giving me the opportunity to leave a chaste kiss on his lips.
The sensations exploded inside me, but I held back. This was a mission, I reminded myself. So why did his hand immediately curve around my waist?
This is just a mission, I repeated.
I pulled away a moment later, smiling softly at him. Before we both straightened up.
I supposed we had made it quite clear that we were together by kissing in front of all these people. I made sure to do it at the entrance so everyone would see, and I guessed Az understood too by the slight squeeze he gave my hand.
I looked at him one last time, letting a bit of my love for him escape. And then I turned towards the crowd, with a bright smile.
All right, the game had begun.
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serverusslaype · 1 year
Shameless, pt. 11
Severus Snape x professor!reader fic
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Shameless Masterpost
guys im running out of gifs to use ffs
despite that, HELLO!! i am more than 100% certain that you adorable feral little cretins are going to love this chapter holy fk. like i'm actually so excited to see your reactions/comments LOLL
i apologise for the long, long wait, however i wanted to perfect this part, it was really important that i did, otherwise it would be a waste, and kind of cringe. i won't keep you any longer <3
thank you for reading, i hope you enjoy this!! and again, thank you soooo much for all your replies and reblogs and likes they just make me smile all the time, i really cannot believe that people like this, i'm still flabbergasted.
warnings: 18+ further down, minors DNI after the big red *'s. i also put a sign to say where it ends if you're not comfortable reading such things!
if i was any good at coding i'd cover it up, you know how people do on discord, like that spoiler thing. but alas, i am but a technophobe.
(this song is very important during that certain scene so if you will, please listen to it as you read <;3)
onwards and upwards...
Severus stood beside Dumbledore, his hands hanging at his sides, fingers fidgeting thoughtfully at the seams of his his black slacks. Before he was able to speak a reply to the Headmaster, a voice he had hoped he'd never hear again pierced the blanketed silence in the Great Hall. For a moment, both his heart and stomach dropped as he turned his head toward the irritating voice, jaw clenching almost immediately.
"Y/N!" None other than Benjamin Bluewater had called out, his ridiculously well-groomed hair bouncing as he jogged towards you. Severus felt a burning blaze of rage prickle his skin as his eyes observed how Bluewater embraced your rigid form, clearly in shock at his sudden appearance. What the hell was he doing here?
"Ben-" Severus heard you gasp as Bluewater pulled away from you, his hands flying up to cradle your cheeks intimately. Something Severus had done less than an hour ago. The jealousy that was raging inside of Snape was lethal, and he was desperately fighting the urge to rip you from Bluewater's slimy grasp and tuck you within the safe haven of his arms.
Your fearful eyes met Snape's icy ones, setting a kaleidoscope of butterflies free in his stomach. He could tell you were quietly begging him for help, however, he refused to get involved. The last thing he wanted to do was seem suspicious and perhaps trigger an unnecessary reaction from Bluewater. Snape remembered how volatile the boy could be, he served enough detentions with him. In fact, that was one thing that Severus was worried about. He wasn't sure if you knew about his bad temper.
"Are you alright? I came at once when I heard about Black getting into Hogwarts." Bluewater said, his overly-concerned voice dripping with worry. Something didn't sit right with Severus as he watched the two of you. Why didn't Bluewater visit when you had been attacked by a dementor? How does that not warrant a visit but this does? A deep, frustrated sigh left Snape's nose as Ben's thumbs brushed against the apples of your cheeks. Your hands reluctantly rose to sit atop of his forearms, silently soothing his worries.
"Wha-what are you... how...?" You stuttered, cheeks ablaze. You had to take a moment to compose yourself, and it didn't help that Severus's fiery eyes were burning holes into you. Inhaling slowly, you spoke again. "What are you doing here? How did you even get in?"
"Well, it helps when you work at the Ministry of Magic," Bluewater shrugged, a proud, smug smirk teasing his lips. His hands fell from your cheeks and settled on your waist, squeezing you a tad. You tensed up again as you glanced at Severus, your heart going a million miles an hour. Bluewater frowned as he followed your eyes, a flash of surprise crossing his features as he finally noticed the two of you weren't alone. "Erm... Headmaster, Professor... Snape." He greeted awkwardly, offering a nod. Snape wasn't keen on acknowledging him, however, Dumbledore kept it polite, smiling at the boy.
"A lovely surprise, Mr Bluewater." Dumbledore said. It had sounded sarcastic, but that was unintentional.
Severus stared at Bluewater with cold eyes, his gaze slowly falling to where his hands sat comfortably on your waist, taunting him. His mouth twitched bitterly. "How you've grown, Mr Bluewater," Snape commented slyly, his sharp eyes flicking back up to meet Bluewater's. "It feels like only yesterday you were causing chaos here at Hogwarts. More specifically in my classroom." He drawled, eyes narrowing in contempt.
An incredulous huff slipped from Bluewater's nose and a sarcastic grin broke out on his face; his grip on your waist tightening. The jealous fire in Severus exploded. Clearly, there was unresolved conflict between these two.
"I see you've remained the same, Snape." He quipped sharply, tongue like a sword. Severus turned his back to you and Bluewater, his shoulders stiffening as he muttered something to Dumbledore.
There was an awkward silence that fell upon the four of you.
You turned to Ben, keeping your voice low. "Look, I think it's best if you leave." You muttered, an uncomfortable expression slipping onto your face. You nibbled on your bottom lip.
"I'm not leaving until I know where Black is, I need to keep you safe." Ben laughed dryly, his eyes narrowing at you in disbelief. Oh no, no-no-no. He had to leave, there was no way he could stay.
"I'm perfectly safe here," you attempted to reassure him, "I'm surrounded by some of the most talented witches and wizards to ever exist, Ben." An incredulous chuckle fell from your lips as you spoke, a little surprised that he deemed Hogwarts unsafe. How could it be unsafe when Dumbledore was here? Despite that, you couldn't risk him noticing the tension between you and Snape, it wouldn't look good on either of you.
He looked at you with a stiff expression, his gaze flicking to where Snape and Dumbledore stood, eyes hardening as he stared. You glanced away awkwardly.
"I'll stay here until I deem it so, Y/N." Ben said rather sternly, making your brows shoot up in shock. Since when was he like this? This was not the Ben you knew.
"Sorry?" You choked.
"The Ministry gets the final say, irregardless of what you or Hogwarts thinks." Ben tilted his head at you as he stared down at you. "I'm staying." His serious tone of voice made you back down and nod, your lips pursed. There was nothing you could say or do to change his mind.
Shit, indeed.
Two knocks sounded at Snape's door, and he audibly sighed, a little vexed that someone had chosen to come and bother him when he'd just settled down - his raging jealousy had finally subdided after two hours of brooding in his office.
"Come in." Snape grunted from his desk, piles of parchment and books surrounding him messily. Usually he was neat, organised - but tonight was rather exasperating. He just about managed to watch another man with his hands all over you.
"Severus," Minerva McGonagall's voice made Snape's head snap up, a startled look adopting his features. He definitely was not expecting the Head of Gryffindor House to be knocking at his door. "I'm sorry to impede, however, I wanted to chat with you. Regarding Y/N." She sighed, her wrinkled lips pouting. His body suddenly felt heavier.
"What about Professor L/N?" Severus asked curtly, looking back down at the pile of assignments in front of him like he had no interest in the subject.
"I wasn't born yesterday, Severus," Minerva said, a stern look taking hold of her face. Snape's jaw ticked, his fingers stiffening in irritation. He sighed and glanced back up at the older witch, waiting for her to continue her lecture. "You need to be careful. She's just a girl." She said softly and stepped forwards a tad, linking her fingers together in front. Why was he getting lectured when he's been the one trying to push you away? Well, he was. Now, all he wanted to do was pull you close to him.
"This is no concern of yours,  Minerva." Severus's brows furrowed harshly, his voice clipped and cold. Minerva's eyes narrowed; his tone rubbing her the wrong way.
"It concerns me when it starts to affect my colleagues." Minerva retorted, her patience wearing thin. She knew this was going to be a hard conversation, especially with someone like Severus. "I just want you to consider things before you cross that line, Severus. This isn't... wise."
It isn't wise? Well, who would've thought that? Not me, apparently, Severus growled in his mind, sighing heavily through his nostrils as he stared at Minerva.
"You think I don't know that?" Severus groaned, shutting his eyes as he reached up to massage his temples. He felt a headache coming on; all this stress wasn't good for him.
There was several seconds of quiet before Minerva spoke again, voice soft. "Do you care for her?"
He kept silent once again.
Minerva felt for Severus, she knew what it was like to care for someone and to have to push them away. In fact, it felt horribly and hauntingly familiar. This was like a walk down memory lane for her. Her head tilted slightly, her eyes softening as she stared at the Potions Master who had his eyes glued to his desk, palms splayed out atop of it as he intensely read through an essay. "I do not want your pity, Minerva," Severus hissed, his head snapping up, a face full of anger, "I have walked down this road before, and I know how it ends. So please, save your sorry for someone else."
Minerva was so used to Snape's flick-of-a-switch emotions that she hardly flinched at his sudden outburst. "Alright." A soft sigh left her as she glanced away from him, her fingers flexing. There was nothing left to say, she knew that Severus knew the risks with you. And you knew the risks with him. For now, she could only let things play out, she wasn't going to play God. If the two of you wanted to do it, who was she to stop it?
"I have a lot of work to complete." Severus grunted, his shoulders hunching up as he sat closer to his desk, burying his nose further into the parchment. Minerva exhaled softly through her nostrils and her lips pouted together again. She blinked, turning around to leave.
As her fingers grasped the rickety door handle, she looked over her shoulder at Snape. "Should you and Y/N choose to take such a risk, Severus," she began, earning another exhausted sigh from him, "don't break her heart. She doesn't deserve to go through that pain. Not at such a young age."
Severus's eyes faltered a tad as he glazed over the messy handwriting laced upon the parchment sat in front of him, as if it were goading him. His breath hitched slightly at her words. Minerva had a point. A very, irritatingly valid point. Severus cared for you - a lot. However, now he found himself questioning whether it was enough - whether he was enough for you. He couldn't pour his whole self into a relationship with you if it wasn't that - his whole self. Were you better off with Bluewater? He could probably treat you better than Severus ever could. Bluewater was young, handsome, somewhat smart... he also had a very good job at the Ministry... Severus was but a teacher, and he was old. Why would you ever settle for someone like him when a boy like Bluewater existed?
The click of his door told him that Minerva had left. Severus buried his face in his hands, his heart twisting and knotting itself as it yearned for you.
Rolling over in your bed, your unwearied eyes skimmed your darkened room, landing on the clock that was hung on the wall. Almost eleven o'clock at night. Ben stirred beside you, the bed creaking and groaning as he shuffled to right, away from you, burying his cheek in the pillow. You glanced at him and sighed, your mind wandering to the thought of Severus. You wondered what he was doing right now. Was he awake or asleep? No, he was definitely awake, that man never slept.
Gods, you adored that man. You weren't exactly sure what it was that drew you to him, but perhaps it was just his aura; it was so dark, mysterious. The way the two of you bantered so easily, the conversation flowed like a river and it felt natural, whereas, with Ben... it was... well, it just felt artificial - forced, almost. It wasn't a secret that the chemistry and tension between you and Severus was incredibly palpable - even Minerva had noticed, and suddenly that made you panic - what if Ben notices? Other teachers? The students had even noticed last year when Severus had helped you up the steps when duelling Lockhart. He won't notice, will he? No, he won't be here long enough to.
You rolled over in your bed again and noticed that Ben had turned back towards you, so the two of you were face to face now. You tucked your hands up and underneath your chin, allowing yourself to stare at his features in the dark. As you laid there, staring, breathing soft and slow, your heart skipped a beat as he shifted slightly; the shadow that was cast against his face suddenly transforming him intosomeone else. Suddenly, he'd grown long, obisidian black hair that framed his face perfectly, his basic nose had become hooked and prominent, his cheekbones turned more defined.
You sucked in a sharp, yet soft breath - careful to keep quiet so you didn't wake Ben - your skin prickling with goosebumps. Was this how hung up you were on Severus? So much so that if you stared too long at someone, they'd turn into him?
Your hand slowly rose to drag itself against your face. Glancing at the clock again, you knew you weren't falling asleep any time soon. You'd been laid there for at least two or so hours, tossing and turning, begging for your brain to shut off so you could perhaps get some sort of shut-eye. So, you chose to get out of bed. Flipping open the duvet, the biting cold of your room enveloped you; a chill shooting down your figure. You shivered slightly as you sat up and twisted yourself on your bum so your legs hung down over the side of the bed. It creaked slightly as you leant forwards to put your slippers on, prompting you to quickly glance behind you to check if it woke Ben - thankfully, it didn't. With a quick exhale of relief, you spun stepped out of bed and padded quietly over to your sofa where your favourite comfy, deep green cardigan was resting over the arm of it.
You picked it up and slipped it on, wrapping the warm, soft and cosy garment around yourself. Headed towards your door, you threw once last look at Ben and clicked open your door, shutting it calmly, making your way down to the one place you only wanted to go at this time of night.
The mossy, damp smell of the dungeons invaded your nostrils angrily, almost making you cough. You forgot how bad the smell could get down here during the autumn and winter months. The cool chill seeped through your wool cardigan, making you pull it tighter against your frame, hurriedly trying to keep every bit of warmth around you before it escaped.
As you neared that certain door, you lingered by it, raising your knuckles hesitantly.
With a stern sigh, you knocked, and awaited his usual grunt of acknowledgement.
"Come in." Came an annoyed tone from the inside just as you expected. You bit the inside of your cheek as you creaked open the door and slipped inside.
"Erm, hi," You squeaked out, closing the door shut behind you and pressing your back against it, staring awkwardly at Severus, who was still sat behind his desk, head down. "What are you doing up so late?" The sound of your voice made him look up, his brows furrowed in confusion.
"I could ask you the same thing, Miss L/N," Severus mused. You couldn't help but smile coyly at him, padding forwards to move closer, your skin tingling with anticipation. "So, what brings you here?" Severus asked, his voice curious, yet there was also a hint of coldness to it. You assumed it was because he was tired - or at least hoped it was that.
"I couldn't sleep." You hummed, folding your arms against your body, the silk skirt of your yellow nightdress shimmering in the low, amber light. Severus found himself glimpsing down at your garment; the sheen of the smooth, rich fabric catching his attention. Your cheeks suddenly simmered from the way his eyes glazed over you.
He looked back up at you. "So, you chose to bother me instead?" Severus quirked a brow.
"Precisely." You smiled bashfully, a quiet laugh slipping from your mouth as you rocked back and forth on your heels, your eyes leaving his to glance nervously around his gloomy classroom.
"How lucky I am." He said sarcastically, leaning back in his chair. Your smile stayed on your face as you rolled your eyes, stomach flipping at his voice.
"It feels weird that almost a year ago, we were in here, brewing that Mandrake potion together." You commented as your eyes fell on the exact desk the two of you had stood at.
Severus's eyes followed yours. "Indeed," he spoke, gazing back at you as you were distracted, taking a moment to admire you. His heart skipped a beat as the corners of your lips quirked upwards into another sheepish smile. Though, he soon felt indifferent to it as the thought of Bluewater slipped into his mind. "That was also the time we spoke about... your friend." Severus added, tutting at the end as if he had to force himself to spit that word out.
"Oh, right, yeah," you said awkwardly, clearing your throat, "you two still seem to absolutely despise each other." You looked at Severus, a rush of butterflies surging through you as you found his inquisitive eyes already glued to you.
Severus only grunted in response, clearly unwilling to talk about Ben. His body stiffened and his eyes had hardened. "Who would have thought that he'd come back to haunt me later on." He huffed, voice soaked in sarcasm. You had to force yourself to keep a straight face, unsure of how he'd react if a smile broke out on your face. You didn't exactly want to get into an argument right now. "I was foolish to think that he'd had enough causing me grief every single period that we shared."
"He was just a boy back then." An amused hum left your lips, though Severus didn't share the same outlook. His face had become stony again, unfeeling.
"He is still a boy now." Severus spat, like the idea of Ben was poison in his mouth. "He's young, barely twenty-three. He has a lot to learn."
"Am I just a girl to you, then?" You tilted your head at Severus, a tiny smile picking at the corner of your lips. You were twenty-two, almost twenty-three - a whole lot younger than Severus.
He stayed silent for a moment, staring at you, studying your gleeful little face. You suddenly felt a little vulnerable and so you averted your eyes to the ground, your face hot and embarrassed.
"Far from it." He sighed, eyes still glued on you. No, you were so much more to him than you could imagine. He couldn't tell you that though. Not when you had a chance at true happiness with someone that suited you better than an old, ugly git such as himself. "You're a grown woman, you've proven that." His reply had you shocked. You were not expecting such a response, in fact, you were actually expecting a dig, or even a petty insult. Your stomach felt a little heavier as you frowned at him, your eyes gently and slowly dissecting his worn features.
"Oh?" Your voice slipped up an octave as you were caught a little off-guard. "What, err, makes you say that?"
"I don't think I need to explain my reasoning. You're an intelligent woman, no need to spoon-feed you." Severus said simply with a slow blink, his glittering black eyes staring into yours, prompting your cheeks to burn even hotter. You forgot how beautifully hypnotising those two pools of inky-black were as you stared into them, almost losing yourself again.
"It feels weird to hear you compliment me." A gentle laugh left your lips. Severus's own lips tugged upwards slightly, the smallest hint of a smile appearing on his usually-cold face. A comfortable, yet partially awkward silence hung in the air for a moment. You stepped forwards once more, shuffling closer to Severus's desk, almost a foot away from him now. You looked down at the piles of assignments in front of him, curious. "May I?" You asked quietly, gesturing to them. He nodded.
You picked one up and began to read.
'Amortentia is the strongest known love potion in the world. Amor is a Latin word meaning ''Love'', it is also the name of the Roman goddess of love. ''Tentia'' is the Latin for ''held''. It makes the drinker become infatuated and obsessed.'
"I remember this," you smiled, eyes still glued to the parchment, "fourth years, correct?" You looked back to Severus, who was currently staring at you with such soft eyes that you almost melted right on the spot. You had to clear your throat to attempt to compose yourself, though it was truly in vain. It hadn't helped.
"Correct." He muttered, still staring at you, inducing a shiver of goosebumps to erupt on your skin. Your breath hitched slightly as you gripped the parchment tighter, never breaking contact with his eyes. A sharp pain suddenly shot through your finger.
"Ouch," You gasped, the essay falling to the ground as you let go of it, rushing to grab your injured finger. Severus's brows furrowed at you.
"Are you alright?" He cast a glimpse at your finger that you were now squeezing tight, a tiny spot of blood beginning to dribble down it.
"Mhm, just a cut, I think I accidentally cut myself on something that was stuck to the paper." You laughed awkwardly, a little embarrassed as you flipped it over to see a shard of glass stuck to it in a sticky substance. You placed the parchment back onto his desk and looked down at your finger. A scarlet liquid was beginning to ooze out, and fast. You exhaled, feeling a little woozy. Blood was never your strong suit - as a matter of fact, you hated it. The sight of it always made you feel so lightheaded.
Severus noticed your unusual behaviour and quickly rose from his seat, rushing to your side. "Let me," He sighed softly, his hands taking ahold of yours, an electric jolt shooting through you. Your breath hitched once more as you glanced up at him, your wide, doe-like eyes meeting his sparkling obsidian ones. Severus felt like he couldn't breathe for a moment. He was trapped in your eyes, the buzz filling his body up like a drug. You drew him in so easily, and it didn't help that you were excruiatingly even more beautiful up close. The moonlight did you no justice in that greenhouse.
Forcing himself to tear his eyes from yours, he reluctantly looked back down to your injured finger, retrieving his wand from his sleeve. The moment he'd taken your hand in his, his mind went insane. There was no other feeling like it. Merlin, he wished he could experience that moment all over again.
"Does it hurt?" He asked, voice quiet, aiming the tip of his wand over the cut. You hadn't looked away from him once.
"No." You whispered. Severus's head shot up, his worried eyes meeting yours instantly. A warmth spread throughout his body, engulfing him. The two of you were so close, sheer milimetres apart. So close that if one of you leaned forwards even the tiniest amount, the tips of your noses could touch. He needed to stop getting himself into these situations with you, he wasn't going to get over you if you kept ending up inches apart.
His hot breath was on familiar territory again, tickling your pink cheeks, caressing your jaw. Like you were pulled forwards, you found yourself gradually leaning toward him with parted lips, testing the water as you brushed the tip of your nose against his larger one; soft eyes flicking between his lips and his two pools of black. You hesitated, waiting for Severus to respond, your heart thundering against your ribs like a starved lion locked within a cage.
His wand-holding hand faltered slightly, the tip tickling your palm as it grazed your skin; your creeping presence sending his own heart racing. A soft gasp left you as it touched your hand. Severus's mind was fighting desperately for him to pull away, to save you and him the heartache. Perhaps months ago, he'd listen. However, having you so close to him, so vulnerable and soft-looking, he couldn't help himself. Against the wishes of his mind, he tipped his head forwards with half-lidded eyes, nudging the side of your nose with his. Every bone in his body was screaming at him to pull away, to push you away to spare his heart. He knew he wouldn't be able to deal with the aftermath if you suddenly decided one day that he wasn't enough for you anymore. However, he decided that you were entirely worth the risk in this current moment.
You swallowed and allowed a hand to slip up onto his chest, your fingers splaying out slightly across the broad area. With a slow, controlled inhale, your eyes fluttered open to look up at his through your lashes. His tongue poked out sheepishly, wetting his lips as the two of you stared at one another, waiting for the other to make the first move.
He shuffled forwards once more, your lids fluttering shut as Severus pressed a soft and slow kiss against your lips. It was gentle, sweet and reserved. Tender, tickling you like butterfly wings. A warmth bloomed in your chest and your body leaned in instinctively towards his, silently begging him for more. As Severus pulled away, your eyes were still shut.
"Kiss me again," you whispered, "please."
The last word was all the encouragement he needed from you.
Severus leaned in once more, pressing another gentle kiss against your lips, another buzz of electrifying warmth sweeping through the two of you. It suddenly felt as if the world had stopped turning, like you'd been shot into another dimension as Severus held you close, his cool skin a great contrast against your burning skin. Your shallow breaths hitched once more as he sheathed his wand back up his sleeve, a hand coming to rest tenderly against your cheek; cradling your face like it was the most precious thing in the world as he kissed you. A part of you was melting at how gentle and soft he was being with you, and the other, wilder part was begging him to deepen the kiss; to just take control of you and show you how much you truly meant to him.
Your cardigan had slipped off of your shoulder as you leaned into his tender touch, exposing your skin to the chilly, damp air of his classroom sending a shivering chill through your body. Your other hand quickly snaked up his strong chest to meet your opposing one. After a moment, they found themselves nestled around his neck, a speck of blood staining his white collar from your finger as you grazed past it. Severus's other hand swiftly made its way to your waist and pulled you close, his body desperate to become drunk in your warmth once more. A soft moan bubbled in your throat as Severus peppered gentle kisses against you, pleading him to go further.
Almost immediately, he caved at the sound of you, his fingers digging into your clothed-flesh, any feeling of guilt fleeing from your body. Gods, you were so wrong, Ben was nothing compared to Severus. Ben never made you feel an ounce of the way that he did - you couldn't remember a time where Ben had touched your body the way he did, nor a time where Ben had kissed your lips as he did.
The two of you had become lost within each other as you made out sloppily in his classroom, his hands gripping you so deeply that the worries of Severus leaving bruises upon your supple skin had vanished from your mind. In fact, deep down, you were hoping he did. The way his hands held your body was heavenly, other-worldly.
You were a little embarrassed at how easily you folded with this man.
Severus's current state of mind was the total opposite of yours. In his head, all he heard was the constant chant of something telling him to stop. He pushed past it, drowning the voices out with harsher kisses, forcefully grabbing you tighter, pulling another moan from your lips. His conversation with Minerva from earlier began to rear its head within his own, torturing him. His stomach twisted awfully, and suddenly there was a bad taste in his mouth.
What the hell was he doing? You were seeing someone.
You were seeing someone.
Is this how pathetic and utterly sad he was? That he immediately latched onto you because he finally felt appreciated, wanted? For once, he didn't feel like a burden to the world. He felt validated, desired, perhaps even loved - everything he had ever wanted when he was younger. Your soft touches sent him spiralling, and he couldn't escape this maze of uncertainty. Did you truly feel something for him or was this some sort of sick, twisted fantasy you had? Were you just taking advantage of him? Was he so easy to be manipulated? He hoped not, he'd worked incredibly hard to get ahold of his emotions; imprisoning them. And you were breaking those thick walls down like dominoes.
"Severus, you're hurting me," Your voice suddenly whined, tearing him from his thoughts as your fingers touched his shaking hand that was gripping your hipbone like a merciless vice. Almost immediately, he released you from his grasp and stepped away, turning his back to you ashamedly. Several seconds of silence passed through the pair of you, your fingers lingering on the sore area, gently rubbing it in an attempt to soothe the ache. "Are you okay?" You kept your voice quiet and soft, careful not to startle him. He clearly wasn't in a good state of mind.
"I'm sorry," he mumbled, his head drooping, "I shouldn't have kissed you." Severus slowly turned around, his body parallel to yours, a solemn look upon his features. "It was wrong of me, and I was selfish." Severus added, his lips molding into that familiar, emotionless flat line as he stared at you. You frowned and reached your hand out to him, however, he shied away from it. Your chest tightened as you quickly pulled your hand back, hurt by his rejection. All this emotional warfare was wearing you down.
He's running away again, you thought, a shock of fear bolting through you.
"Why are you sorry?" Your brows furrowed deeply as you wrapped your arms around your body, the chill of the dungeon devouring you once more. You instantly missed his warmth against you.
"You're with Bluewater, are you not?" Severus's eyes hardened as he spoke that wretched name. Suddenly, your throat felt incredibly tight. Shit, Ben- he'd totally slipped your mind the moment Severus had kissed you. You'd undoubtedly made a bad habit of forgetting him when in the presence of Severus...
"Erm, yes." You said quietly. The tone of your voice had him confused. You sounded regretful.
Severus stood straighter as his hands slinked away behind his back. You shrunk underneath his towering height.
The next thing you wanted to say could ruin it all. You had no idea whether Severus felt the same. Did he feel something for you, or was it just lust for him? Perhaps some sort of fantasy of fooling around with a younger professor? Everything you'd built could come crashing down like a burning plane within seconds. Your hands suddenly felt clammy as you fought to find the right words, your mouth quivering.
"I..." you breathed out as your eyes fell to the ground for a moment, staring hard. "He's not you." You glanced back up at Severus, his scrutinising eyes sending your lungs into a breathless spasm. You felt like you couldn't breathe as you waited for his reply.
"Don't be a fool, Y/N." Severus's voice was cold. It made your stomach drop. Was this his way of rejecting your affections?
"I'm serious." You chewed on the inside of your cheek, eyes studying his unwavering stony face.
"You can do far better than me. I will only hurt you, Y/N," he spoke, his voice deep and languid, "I will destroy you in the most beautiful way possible, I will make it impossible to live a life without pain and regret. People do not linger around me for certain reasons."
"Yet I'm still here." You huffed quietly, your fingers squeezing your arms out of frustration.
"For now." Severus mused sarcastically, wallowing in his self-hatred. It hurt you to see his true opinion of himself, and it made your mind race with reasons as to why he despised himself so much.
"Why can't you see yourself the way I do?" You sighed softly, almost defeatedly, gazing at the man in front of you. Severus hated how your eyes were laden with sorrow.
"You look at the world with rose-coloured glasses. I do not." He replied. Those deep, black eyes had suddenly lost the flicker in them, and it pained you. He began to move, sweeping back to his desk, taking a seat behind it - still disorderly and untidy.
You were quiet, quite obviously hurt. Severus's jaw clenched, an ache spreading across his chest as a deep sigh fell through his nostrils. 
"Why do you always shut me out, Severus?" A shaky exhale left you as your eyes burned. The emotional rollercoaster that this man was sending you on was truly heartwrenching.
He was silent in response to your question, eyes stuck to his messy desk, an indelicate representation of his current state of mind.
"Severus, answer me," you demanded, attempting to sound as stern as possible, though it was a pathetic failure as your voice broke; breathy sobs fighting to escape your throat. "Why are you so scared of this?"
"I will only hurt you, Y/N." He said, too afraid to look at you. Severus couldn't bear to see you so upset, especially because of him.
"You don't know that." You replied, voice soft.
"And you do?" Severus's head snapped up at you, frustrated, his eyes cold and ruthless; back to their usual appearance. A quiet gasp shot out of your quivering mouth. "Bluewater is better for you." He admitted. How could he say that when he'd said you'd deserved better than him?
"You have no idea what you're talking about!" You cried out, the building frustration within you finally crumbling and spilling out through your tears. Severus looked away from you, physically unable to watch you cry. Gods, he wanted to rush to you and hold you, tell you that everything was going to be alright, but he couldn't. He had no idea if things were going to be okay. And they definitely wouldn't be if he had the honour of callilng you his. "Y/N-" His eyes were still avoiding you, too ashamed to even look at you.
"No, Severus, what gives... what gives you the right to kiss me, to pull me so close to you and then suddenly shove me away like I'm nothing but a piece of dirt on your shoe?" You rambled, your hands flying outwards frantically as hot tears rolled down your cheeks. It was embarrassing how unravelled you'd become, but you couldn't stop yourself. He'd finally broken you. "You can't keep doing this to me, I can't- it's..." Your lungs and throat burned. You'd exhausted yourself. "To kiss you? Did you not initiate it?" He scowled at you. "You were the one pushing your face into mine!"
"Okay, sure, I admit to that- but you didn't have to kiss me! You could have walked away!" You cried, walking up to his desk and pointing a finger at his face. Immediately, his lip curled upwards, his features twisting into a disdainful scowl.
"Is that not what you wanted?! For me to kiss you?!" Severus bellowed, rising from his desk chair, his hands slamming down onto the desk furiously. This time you didn't flinch, too distracted by the flaming hot anger searing through your veins.
"Did you?!" You exclaimed back at him, leaning forwards over his desk. One more time, the two of you were impossibly close - so close that you were sure you could feel the angry heat radiating from each other's bodies.
The room was suddenly dead silent, and yet, the only things the two of you could hear were the ragged, desperate breaths that seeping out of your heaving chests.
"Go to hell, Snape." You whispered with a red face. You felt humiliated, angry, upset- actually, you were certain every single emotion was surging through you right now; the way your body was trembling uncontrollably made you sure of it.
Severus's lack of an answer more than enough for you. With a frustrated, teary-eyed huff, you spun around, storming straight for his door.
Jesus, how could you have fallen for such a cruel man? Were you so blind? He had an abysmal reputation for a reason, yet you still selfishly thought that you could change him, that you could fix him and make him a better person. And you were wrong, Gods, were you so. Fucking. Wrong. 
You were only three steps away, when a strong hand suddenly gripped your arm, spinning you around with force. You whirled around, taken by surprise as Severus crashed his lips against yours, his touch-hungry hands rushing carelessly to grasp at your waist, drawing your body into his. He was like a devouring flame, hungry and starving for its fuel of life. You gasped against his lips, your body soon falling victim to his alluring aura, melting shamelessly into him. Your mind clouded with lust and desire as your hands swiftly settled around his neck once again, desperately tugging him as close to you as possible as a few stray tears fell from your closed eyes, wetting both of your cheeks. You were unabashedly needy for his touch - for his lips, for his whole self in general - your body and heart was begging for him, and Severus noticed.
Severus pushed you backwards towards the very desk that the two of you had brewed the Mandrake potion a year ago, his hands slipping underneath your thighs to lift you up effortlessly. Your bum grazed against the surface as he placed you down, a rogue piece of wood tearing the hem of your nightdress slightly. You spread your legs, inviting him in, his hips pressed against the edge of the desk as he kissed you hungrily. Severus's hands slipped up from your thighs and felt their way up to your waist again, squeezing you tenderly, shooting a delicious shiver up your spine. He pulled a delicate moan from your lips as he let one of his hands snake up to your neck, his thumb grazing against the side of your breast on its travels. A groan bubbled in his throat at the sultry noise, a thrilling jolt trembling through him as his hand gently grasped the back of your neck, his cold fingers tickling the nape of it.
You mindlessly wrapped your legs around his hips, tugging him closer with each lingering kiss like he could be ripped away from you any second. Severus's hips rutted against yours and you gasped, prompting an animalistic groan from his mouth. 
Your hands fell from his neck, sliding agonisingly slow down his torso and halting themselves at his hips, toying with the buckle and buttons of his trousers. Instantaneously, with his wet and swollen lips still glued to yours, his hand abandoned your waist to help you with his clothing, unbuckling them one-handedly. You were impressed to say the least.
As you fumbled with his zipper, Severus returned his hands to your body. His slender and skilled fingers found your cardigan and slipped it off of your shoulders and arms, discarding it to the ground. You whined slightly at the sudden bitter air, though it was soon silenced as Severus delved his wet tongue wildly into your mouth, licking and caressing it against your own. You moaned as he moved his mouth down to your jaw, nipping at it sweetly, his tongue leaving a hot trail as he made his way down toward your neck; his fingers having a mind of their own as they flew to your shoulders, tugging at the straps of your nightdress. Another breathless moan tumbled freely from your mouth as Severus sucked sweetly on your neck, pushing you backwards onto the surface of the table. You let yourself be guided by him as you laid back on the desk, arching yourself as your hands flew from his hips to the back of his neck, diving your fingers into his thick, mop of black hair, urging him to continue.
Your lids are lazy and heavy as you let him ravage your neck with sinful lips. "Severus," You whispered, breathless, sending a shockwave through him. "Need you-" A lewd whine left you as your body rocked hungrily against his.
"Patience," He whispered back against your hot skin, panting. You whined once more, evidently unhappy with his response. Severus chuckled, pulling away from your slender neck, your hands sliding down from the mess of his hair to his clothed biceps. He leaned down toward your face once more, a pool of warmth flourishing in his torso as he gazed down at you. He lifted a large hand and placed it tenderly against your cheek, his thumb brushing against the pinkened apples of your cheeks. Instinctively, you leaned into his sweet touch, your cheeks flushing a deeper shade of red, inducing a rare smile upon Severus's lips. You allowed your fingers to shift from his tensed arms to the hem of his cloak on his chest.
"What?" You asked quietly, a coy smile gracing your full, swollen lips as you beckoned him closer with a tug at his cloak that lingered between the pads of your fingers.
"Nothing." He rumbled in his deep voice, still staring at you. You sucked in a cheek and bit down on the inside of it, the overwhelming feeling of vulnerability eating you up. His thumb brushed against your cheek again, sending a shiver throughout your body.
"Then kiss me again, will you?" You laughed softly, slightly embarrassed at the dishevelled state you were currently in. You gave another tug at his cloak again. Severus's lips quirked upwards again at your demand, caving at your sweet voice. He leant down slowly, large nose brushing against yours in an intimate fashion as he pressed a soft, chaste kiss against your reddened lips.
In this tender and soft moment that you shared with Severus, all you wanted to do was remain here forever. Seeing him act so warm and soft with you felt like a fever dream. From the callous way he spoke to you in the first year, you never expected a man like him to have such a gentle and delicate side. It was momentous - he'd finally succumbed to you, allowing you into his world; a side of him you never thought you'd ever see. And you were eternally grateful for it.
You felt yourself becoming lost in his addicting touch again as his hands travelled down your body, gently caressing your flaming hot skin. They reached your thighs, squeezing them, and your back arched into him; the fire from before burning hotter.
Kissing you, Severus trailed the tips of his fingers down your legs, toying with the hem of your nightdress, slowly and teasingly guiding it up towards your thighs. The sensation sent a chill down your spine as the crisp air nipped at your bare legs, excited goosebumps erupting all over you. With a delicious, muffled hum, he hooked a finger underneath the string of your underwear, pulling at it.
"You want this?" He muttered against your lips, his eyes fluttering open for a brief moment.
"Yes," you panted, "please, yes."
At the sound of your pleas, Severus slipped your lacy panties off of you, discarding them on the ground with your cardigan. Instantly, he grazed his hand up the inner side of your calf, and up your thigh, coming to a teasingly close stop at where you needed him most. You whined, rocking your hips into him, begging, pleading him to touch you. A throaty growl rumbled out of him, and he mashed his lips harsher against yours, diving his tongue into your wet mouth, engaging in a heated quarrel with your own. You gasped as his hand finally settled on your burning core, a single cool finger delving itself between your wet folds, circling around your sensitive bud.
A strangled moan left your mouth as he added another finger, tracing the outline of you agonisingly slow, a coil tightening within the confines of your belly. You were panting helplessly now as he teased you, losing all control as Severus slipped his fingers inside of you, extracting a high-pitched whine from your throat. You grit your teeth as he curled them inside of you, clutching at any last bit of strength within you to stop yourself from screaming out. Your body was trembling now, hopelessly, as Severus had you wrapped around his fingers quite literally.
You exhaled, "Severus," with a whiny moan, he pulled away from your mouth and removed his fingers from you and brought them up to your lips. Without hesitation, you parted them, prompting Severus to dip them into your mouth, your tongue curling around them sinfully. A groan bubbled in the back of his throat as you tightened your legs around his hips, begging for him to continue.
A smug smirk picked at the corners of his lips as he stared at you. Your lips were wrapped around his two fingers, saliva dripping messily from them, your eyes blown and dark, hungry for more of him.
"Such a good girl," Severus uttered, tilting his chin upwards. You almost combusted right then and there. "You always were." He hummed. Instantly, your hands flew to his trousers, tugging at them with wild determination. You couldn't wait any longer, you needed him now.
He pulled his fingers out of your pretty mouth and helped you, lowering his trousers; the growing tent in his boxers driving you insane. Your fingers hook at the hem of them as his own did with your panties, pulling them down urgently. A fierce flicker of lust and desire flashed in your eyes as his cock bounced free, your legs tugging him closer to you once more, a whimper leaving your lips in an attempt to persuade him to finally take you.
"Sev, please," The way you shortened his name in your soft, enticing and whiny voice almost sent him tumbling over the edge. He drew a sharp breath as he placed a hand against your cheek, and his other underneath your nightdress upon your waist, his fingers finally touching and squeezing your naked flesh. He groaned as you rutted your hips against him again. Without a delay, he slipped himself inside of you, the pair of you moaning together at the intense flash of pleasure washing over you like a tsunami.
Severus's mind was jaded as he fucked you, his mouth parting and lips quivering as he allowed himself to become lost in the ripples of unwavering bliss that rattled through his body. Your hands snaked up to his face and cradled it sweetly, pulling him back down to meet your lips again. The kisses were short and sweet, nothing like the hungry and harsh ones before.
Your head fell back slightly, your bottom lip caught between his teeth as Severus's full length sheathed itself inside of your warm, hot core; the delicious slapping of yours and his flesh echoing in his classroom. All those years ago, studying in here, never did you think that you'd find yourself right here in this sensual moment.
Severus's hand that was sat on your waist slipped downwards and settled itself on your hip, fingers digging harshly into your skin as he felt himself teetering closer to the edge. His breaths were becoming ragged, laboured and heavy, and so he brought his other hand down to your womanhood, slipping his fingers between your folds once more to thumb your clit. As he circled it skillfully, your body quaked with every rub, strings of moans and gasps falling freely and shamelessly from your busied mouth. The coil within you tightened, and your fingers sunk themselves into his mop of black hair once more, gripping it with force as your body shook uncontrollably.
Severus's thrusts became sloppy and uncalculated as he pulled his face back from you, watching as you came undone beneath him; your face twisting in a dangerously beautiful manner as the coil snapped. He moved his hands from you and placed them beside your hips as your walls clenched frantically around him, and Severus himself was sent tumbling over the edge, a broken and throaty animalistic moan slipping out of his mouth as his body gave out, collapsing over you. Catching himself with his hands, he transferred his weight to his elbows and forearms, leaning up slightly to gaze at you. His black eyes twinkled beautifully in the amber glow of his classroom, a flush of warmth blossoming over your spent, sweaty body. A gentle giggle came from you, and he found himself smiling. Usually, it felt odd for such an expression to take hold of his features, however, with you, it felt natural. Like it was meant to be there.
(end of 18+)
He allowed himself a moment to recuperate as your fingers softened their grasp in his hair, gradually glazing to his cup his red cheeks, thumbs brushing sweetly against his burning skin. He pulled himself out of you and pulled up his trousers, buckling them up. He pulled your nightdress back down over your legs, his hand lingering over your thigh.
"Don't you look happy with yourself," you giggled again, and Severus hushed you with a gentle kiss on your lips. "I never thought I'd see the day."
"What do you mean?" He frowned softly, thumb brushing against the silk material that covered your thigh. A warmth pooled in your belly at his touch.
"You're smiling, and it's not forced... or sarcastic." You smiled, biting down on your bottom lip playfully.
"I can't help myself," Severus muttered, his face mere centimetres away from yours, "You just seem to pull them out of me." The warmth within your burned a little hotter.
"Don't stroke my ego, you'll regret it, Sev." You joked, a toothy grin replacing the sweet smile. He chuckled at you.
"I hate to bring this up, however, it's niggling at my mind," Severus suddenly sighed, the tiny flicker of a smile that was on his face disappearing. "What about Bluewater now?"
You scrunched your nose up at the sound of his name, the guilt that once vanished making a very hasty return to your body, sinking into your aching shoulders. "Um," you winced, "I don't know. I can't exactly... end things with him whilst he's staying here, erm, I'm not sure how he'll react." You finished, allowing your fingers to brush through Severus's dishevelled black hair.
"Hm," he hummed, pondering. "what does that mean... for us?"
"We will just have to grin and bear it until he 'deems it safe to leave'." You made a face, mocking Ben's words from that moment in the Great Hall. A faint amused smile spread across Severus's face, your chest tingling at the sight of it. "And I'm not sure I can tell him about us, he might just lose it, you know how he... you know- hates you."
"That would truly be a sight to behold," Severus smirked, the arrogance in him slithering out. You rolled your eyes at him. "However, we must be wise in our decisions, I do not want you getting hurt." His other hand held your cheek, fingers brushing a stray strand of messy hair behind your reddening ears.
"Do you think you can handle acting like you hate me for a few more days?" You asked, a bashful grin gracing your blushing face. Your hand settled atop of his large one as he caressed your cheek. Severus couldn't believe how lucky he was. What on Earth did he do to deserve this? To deserve such a beautiful, kind creature like you?
"I did it for the past year, another few days is nothing." He quipped quickly, a playful tone in his voice. You scoffed at him.
"Wow," you breathed out, grinning, your hands flying to his chest to push him off of you. He obliged and leaned up, stepping out of the trap of your legs. You slipped off of the table and picked up your underwear and cardigan, putting them both back on. An embarrassed red blush fluttered across your cheeks as fresh memories of Severus rolling up your nightdress flooded your mind, almost drowning you.
"Oh, that's too far?" He laughed softly. You head flew to look at him, your heart skipping a beat from the sound of his beautiful laugh. You'd never heard it before, and it was... gorgeous, to say the least.
"That's the first time I've heard you laugh - genuinely." You gasped, an uncontrollable smile spreading across your face like a wildfire. Almost immediately, Severus's face dropped and he rolled his eyes, clearly opposed to your positive reaction. He wasn't exactly fond of being fawned over, it made him feel weak.
"And it'll be the last." He groaned, turning away from you as another sweet laugh bubbled in the back of your throat.
"I should get back, Ben is probably wondering where I am, or... he's still asleep, oblivious to the world." You sighed heavily, padding towards Severus's tall, cloaked form. He slowly turned around, his black eyes sparkling in the orange torchlight.
"Yes," He said softly, fingers coming up to hold your chin. All sense and feeling suddenly drained from your legs. "Though I'm not sure I can promise to stay away from you, let alone keep my hands off of you." Severus muttered, his deep, languid voice sending a shock through your smaller body.
Your breath hitched, "Well, you're going to have to try," you exhaled softly, eyes flicking between his. He brought your chin up, cool fingers grasping it sweetly, and pressed a tender kiss upon your lips. Naturally, your hands flew up to sit against his strong chest, a guttural groan emitting from his throat as he kissed you. You had to swallow the moan that threatened to slip from you, feeling yourself become aroused all over again. "Alright, I really have to go." You whispered against his mouth, though your body was showing the complete opposite of what you said.
You kissed him back, a little harder, tracing your tongue against the surface of his bottom lip. "Go, then." He murmured back, hands slipping from your face and down to your waist, gripping you teasingly slow. You arched into him, breaths becoming shallow and wanting.
"I'm trying," you whimpered, "you're making this very hard."
"Let me make it easy for you then." Before you could protest, Severus tore himself from you, a needy, desperate whine falling from your lips.
"Gods, you're such a tease." You groaned, folding your arms against your chest, a clear show of disappointment. Severus couldn't help but smile at you. You looked so incredibly cute with that unhappy frown on your little face.
"My apologies." Severus mused sarcastically. "Now, go, I will see you tomorrow."
You sighed, "Alright, fine..." eyes looking at his form dangerously, rousing him.
"Stop it, Y/N."
"You know exactly what you're doing."
"Do I?" You blinked, an innocent look crossing your features.
"Leave. Now." Severus said sternly, gesturing to the door as he swept behind his desk, seating himself.
"Alright, I'm going." You couldn't help but smile cheekily as you moved towards the door, fingers clicking it open reluctantly. "Same time tomorrow?"
"We'll see. Now, go."
And so you did, slipping out of his classroom sneakily, making sure to shut his door as quietly as possible with the brightest smile on your blushing face.
What the hell just happened?
Part 12!
oh LORDT. i do hope i wrote that scene well, it was tough i won't lie. however, credit to the weeknd, bro really helped me.
let me know your thoughts, i'm always curious to see what you think :)
i love you guys!! thank you again!! make sure to drink enough water, it's getting super hot again ffs! >:(
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cityofmeliora · 1 month
about Terzo's height...
while i LOVE LOVE LOVE short king Terzo (as a short king myself), he might actually be the tallest brother and the implications are SO FUNNY.
so the idea of short king Terzo seems to have gotten really popular because of the clip from Unholy / Unplugged in Los Angeles where he says:
"Now look... people have had the decency to comment on the fact that without my hat being on, I'm a little bit, uh... short." Los Angeles, CA (Unholy / Unplugged, 2015)
but the thing is, he says that right before he raises the microphone. he was joking about the fact that, at all of the Unholy / Unplugged shows, the mic stand was set way too low for him.
in Baltimore and Phoenix he makes it more clear:
"But these last couple days, I've come out... you've noticed me not wearing a hat. Some people have noticed that, 'He's a little bit shorter than I thought!' [...] But what has happened a couple days in a row now is that I come out and the microphone is like, [gestures at chest height] about here. I'm not that short!" Baltimore, MD (Unholy / Unplugged, 2015)
"Now... we've got a fundamental problem here. [...] It is my– what people expect my height to be. Yes, I will– I will agree that myself without hat is not very, uh... imposing. But I am a little bit taller than this." Phoenix, AZ (Unholy / Unplugged, 2015)
the joke was that people were assuming he was much shorter than he actually was.
he doesn't appear to be super short! if you consider every Papa to be the height that they are in real life, they'd all be the same height as TF (about 5'8" / 173cm) due to the fact that they are all played by him. BUT there have been occasions when two Papas have been present at the same time: during the coronation ceremonies. in Secondo's coronation, he's shown to be about the same height as Primo. and in Terzo's coronation, he's shown to be MUCH taller than Secondo.
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Metal Myths: Ghost pt. 2 (April 2022)
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Metal Myths: Ghost pt. 2 (April 2022)
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Youtube Video
so Terzo might be the tallest brother. he is still insecure about his height, though.
"Is there a sound engineer here? Hello. Could you please give me a little spooky reverb. Just a slight. I need to sound taller than I am." Brooklyn, NYC (Unholy / Unplugged, 2015)
not so insecure that he can't joke about it, but he will joke about it and then remind you that he's not that short!
and Terzo wanting to be taller seems so in-character for him. for the pursuit of better, y'know? hahaha
obviously, he's not a very tall guy either. he's a little short. just a little below average. he's a perfectly normal height, but he seems to have become more insecure about it because he has a reputation for being short, and every time people see him in person they're like "huh. you're taller than i thought you'd be!" and he's like "wtf?? uhhh. thanks???? 🤨😓"
i genuinely think it's sooo so so so funny that the fandom does this to him too LOL.
for the record: the thing about Terzo allegedly being 4'9" is totally fake. there are no sources for that. and i hate misinformation, so i will not stand for people spreading that as if it's canon. that said, if you headcanon Terzo being 4'9" anyway, i think you're incredibly based and that rules actually–
again, i love short king Terzo and i accept all headcanons!! i just think this particular angle has not been explored a lot and it is simply hilarious to me.
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justwinginglife · 1 month
hello! i love love love reading your fics so much that it gives me the soshiro brainrot everytime i scroll thru tumblr <3
can i request the reader (who's a platoon leader and secretly a simp for their vice captain!) catching the vice cap training at night and leaving them shocked because of the vice cap's physique? (LIKE YKWIM HE'S HANDSOME AND HOT IN THAT COMPRESSION SHIRT)
you can add some spice to the story bc i know you can write it beautifully <333
thank u so much for the soshiro hoshina sustenance <3
I'm so happy you like my fics omg. I'd do anything to support the Soshiro brainrot lmao. This is your captain speaking, we are heading into NSFW airspace, please fasten your seatbelts and prepare to get fucked.
Your relationship with Soshiro Hoshina had been progressing at a rather slow and steady pace, but you were fine with it; this was your first serious relationship and you refused to do anything that would jeopardize it. You loved him after all, you could wait for him to love you.
But then you passed by the training room and -you blamed your next thoughts on it being 2 am- suddenly you wanted to throw all caution to the wind when you saw him standing there, stretching, his muscles rippling against his compression shirt.
Soshiro- the man that had asked permission before even holding your hand, not wanting to make you uncomfortable. You wanted to hold more than his hand now. Watching him train, you wanted to run your hands along every contour of his body. You wanted to know if he'd squirm under your touch, if he'd stiffen, if he'd melt.
Soshiro- the man with the silliest, most adorable laugh to ever grace the air. You wanted to pierce the silence with his moans, with his whimpers, with his gasps. You wanted the room to echo with sounds of his arousal. You wanted the whole base to hear how obsessed he was with you.
Soshiro- the man who always bends over to tie your shoelaces whenever he notices they're untied. You wanted to bend him over, you wanted him to bend you over. You wanted to test the limits of his flexibility, of yours. You wanted to explore every position with him in every square inch of this room. Every square inch of this base. You wanted to sneak sessions in supply closets, in the bathroom, in the locker room, in the med bay. Anywhere and everywhere. You wanted to stain the carpet in his office with your pleasure, wanted to drag your handprint down the fogged up glass of the shower doors, wanted to break a lunchroom table from the brutality of your rapture.
What was it about this man that had you biting your lip, blushing in a corner, your lewdest thoughts hungrily claiming every corner of your mind?
You told yourself over and over again that you were okay with the way things were. You were okay with stealing glances, with shy compliments, with passing touches. Any part of him was better than nothing.
But, as you continued in your observation of him as he swung his swords and sliced through the air, you found yourself consumed by your desires. You found yourself greedy for more of him. You wanted to selfishly lay claim to him over and over. You'd never felt such raw, intense urges before and it overwhelmed you. The proof of your love and your yearning was pooling in your underwear, and you had to adjust yourself so as to not just orgasm right there, as you feasted on the sight of him.
You'd never found your release in just mere thoughts before, but watching him now, you thought that you could come with nothing but the idea of him, nothing but your imagination.
You inhaled sharply and it caught his attention.
He smirked as he found your gaze, your longing made evident in your eyes. He admired the way the voluptuous swell of your breasts made themselves obvious as your chest heaved with shaky breaths. And there was no mistaking the way you’d crossed your legs as you leaned against the wall, attempting to hold back the flood of lust that was currently soaking your panties. 
His hum of approval reverberated in his chest as he set his swords aside and made his way to you. 
“How’s my darling girlfriend this evening?” He grabbed one of your hands and pressed his lips firmly against it. 
“Good. Great. I’m great.”
He began kissing up your arm. “Just admiring the view tonight?”
You gulped. So he had noticed you watching him. “It’s a nice view,” You shrugged, trying to come off nonchalant, but your words came out a mere squeak. 
He chuckled against your skin, still trailing his love up your arm, his hungry kisses quickly approaching your shoulder. 
You sucked in a breath as the delicious sensations flooded your body. “H-how’s your night?” 
He smirked against your neck. “It just got even better.”
As he continued his love trail up your body, nipping at your ear now, you reminded yourself that you loved him, and you could wait for him to love you. But you weren’t sure if you could wait for him to make love to you. The way it felt when he touched you, the way his whispered intentions filled your ears, the way you were completely enamored with him, leaving no misunderstanding about who your heart belonged to- it was all too much and at the same time, not enough. You needed more of him. You needed to know just how much he was yours and just how much you were his. 
You knew he wouldn’t dare go much further without your explicit consent, the way he was tasting every inch of you with reckless abandon was already significantly more than he’d ever done to you. Maybe 2am was getting to him too, maybe he needed this just as badly as you did.
So you gave him the permission he’d been seeking. “Soshiro- take me.”
His eyes widened. You knew he’d been desperate for those very words, but he still hesitated. “Are you… are you sure that’s what you want?”
“Don’t wear that shirt around me if you aren’t prepared to face the consequences.”
Your flirtatious banter seemed to somewhat ease the uncertainty in his mind, his relaxed features now forming a smirk, but you knew he was still waiting for extra confirmation. “I’m sure, baby. I need you. And I know you need me too.”
Then he pounced on you, his hands pushing your hips against the wall, his lips devouring yours in a fiery passion. “Damn right I need you.” 
The force of his tongue invading your mouth felt ravenous, felt rushed. Like the taste of you was payment that he was owed, payment that he was in a hurry to claim. You were overloaded with pure pleasure, your mind unable to decide if it wanted to focus on his moans seeping into your mouth, or his hips grinding into yours. His hips won out- his ever growing erection the most delicious distraction, as he kept thrusting against you, devouring any semblance of space between you, his enormous bulge taking up position between your legs, knocking against your entrance. 
For a minute, you thought you would just come in your clothes; his dry humping proving itself most seductive. But you wanted your first orgasm with him to be from his cock splitting your cunt open. 
Apparently he couldn’t wait that long. He came in his pants already; the pure perfection of you shivering under his touch was too much for his throbbing erection to handle. He’d spent his whole relationship with you holding back, and he had no more patience left, at least not for tonight. So he gave in to his feelings, gave in to the satisfaction of finding his release against you, his back arching as he finished thrusting himself into you, shuddering.
When his moans receded down his throat, you knelt down to peer at his pants. You poked at the wet spot and he groaned. “And we barely did anything too. Imagine how you’re going to feel,” You started to slide his pants down and he sucked in a breath, “When you’re inside me.”
You choked down his cum-soaked cock, feeling smug as it rapidly hardened again in your mouth. You’d never tasted him before but now that you had him right where you wanted him, his arousal dripping down your throat, you didn’t ever intend to stop tasting him. You wondered just how much cum he’d saved up for you, just how many times you could pry a release from him. 
He gripped your shoulder tight as he fucked into you rapidly, his cock eager for the slick of your saliva. “Fuuuuck, baby, you’re perfect. So goddamn perfect.” It wasn’t long before your mouth was flooded with his ambrosia, his lust sweet and sticky against your tongue. He bit his lip to hold back the flow of his moans, but they cascaded out anyway, filling the training room with the melodic sounds of his love for you. 
He pulled away from you and collapsed to his knees, his pulsing member still in the process of recovering. You guided him down to the training mat, pushing him flat against it. He thought you were allowing him respite. Allowing him to pull himself together, to clean up the mess of a man you’d made him. But you hadn’t got off yet and you felt it was your turn. 
You made a show of stripping yourself for him and he groaned into his fist, feeling his desires pump blood into his cock yet again. You wondered if it was painful to be so hard so frequently in one sitting. But as he began to stroke his cock while he watched you, you knew he had to be enjoying himself too. The way your fingers curled along the rim of your panties as you inched them down and the way they traced the contour of your chest before pulling off your bra, he enjoyed it all immensely. 
And when you claimed his cock in your hands, pumping it up and down a couple times before grinding your clit against the swell of his erection, and then running it along your slicked entrance, he thought he might be in heaven. Before he could stop himself, before the dream could end, he took hold of his dick again and shoved it deep inside you, eager to feel you clenching around him. You settled yourself firmly on top of him, your depths swallowing every inch of his cock. 
His lips found yours again, his kiss needy and hungry, as he began to thrust into you relentlessly. “So perfect, so wet, so mine. I can’t get enough of you, darlin.” 
Every moan tumbling out of your mouth sent him into a frenzy, his thirst eagerly quenching itself with every sweet sound, desperate to hear more. 
He begged you to come for him but he didn’t have to, your release had been building with every plunge in your pussy, and you were ready to explode.
“Say my name baby, I need you to cum with my name on those gorgeous lips.” 
“S-Soshiro... Soshiro, don’t stop. Ah, fuck, Soshiro!” Your ecstasy erupted inside you as you came on top of him. 
He felt the gush of your arousal drenching his cock as you clenched around him and he let himself go, let himself join you. He moaned your name as he buried himself in your hair, thrusting deeper inside you before filling you up. 
You dropped to the floor beside him, panting and sweating. 
“If you’re tired, it’s the shirt’s fault.” You joked in between breaths. 
He chuckled. “Then I’ll make sure to wear it more often. Tire me out as much as you like, baby.”
“I’ll take you up on that.”
Author's Note: I am aware all my sex scenes are starting to sound the same and that is because I am self indulgent and like the same stuff LOL. I will eventually write us doing different things, but if it ain't broke why fix it, ya know? I am impatient, I need us to be fucked by him, I ain't got time for all this other stuff. Please forgive my self indulgence and my horny impatience.
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leiswxrld · 1 year
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𝐒𝐘𝐏𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐒… “Don’t run away this is what you wanted…right”
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: Street racer!Tom Kaulitz x Street racer!black fem reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: Smut, p in v sex, riding, missionary, public sex in a car, enemies to lovers trope, Tom low-key misogynistic, no condom, Tom is 18+, inspired by Tokyo drift.
𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓: 3691 Words
𝐀/𝐍: please make suggestions on what I should write next low-key running out of ideas and dw sub!bill one shot has not been forgotten, writing it soon. Also listen to the slowed and reverb version so much better.
You were number one street racer in all of California and the first woman to win a race against all men which deemed you the name ‘the queen of street racing’ and since then you hadn’t lost a race until he came along.
You were crouched in front of your car cleaning the exterior of your customised purple Nissan 350-Z, making sure to wash off the dirt from your last race. The soapy suds splattered all over your black dungaree as you wiped the sweat that formed across your forehead, the noises from your boombox echoed in your garage as tap in by saweetie played through as you bounced to the beat, muttering the lyrics under your breath.
You grabbed the mechanical creeper at your side and rolled under your car making a few adjustments and changing the oil filter before coming back up covered in muck and oil. The sudden ring of your phone was heard as you go to grab it, pressing the green illuminated button, “Hello”
“Yo Y/N got a race for you tonight you able to make it for today”
You contiplated your choices, hand gravitating to your hips. You really could use the money, “how much”
“About 1000 grand if you win this race”
“Alright I’ll be there in an hour”
“Ight bet see you there”
You hang up and decided the first thing on the agenda was to take a shower. You get dressed into the casual outfit you normally wore, a short purple skirt and a crop top, matched with long boots and a pair of earrings and necklace to go with. If you were going to race you were going to make sure you looked good doing it.
Sliding into the drivers side, you pushed the keys into the ignition and the engine came to life with a roar and you grinned in excitement as you turned on the radio connecting your phone to it as Shut up and drive by Rihanna blasted through the speakers. You revved the engine, the exhausts making popping sounds every time you pressed you foot on the pedal. You had exactly 10 mins to get there and you were guaranteed you were going to make it.
You took off, zooming down the streets of LA California with the windows rolled down as the midnight breeze hit your skin sending goosebumps throughout. Your hands controlled the steering wheel, making direct and quick turns towards the race. The familiar neon lights came into view as you saw the different drivers parked up in lanes over at the track, you park next to the familiar driver you knew as Devante who looked smug as usual, you wouldn’t consider him a friend or fiend but someone you could tolerate.
Stepping outside the vehicle, Devante doesn’t miss the chance to make his advances towards you letting out a whistle as you throw him the middle finger, “if it isn’t Y/N what are you doing here shouldn’t you be in the kitchen or something”
“Very fucking funny Devante the only person that will be in the kitchen will be you when I beat you in the race” you snidely reply, flicking your hair behind your back. He chuckles leaning against the side of his car as he seemed to eye you up more than usual, “We will see bout’ that Y/N when you’ll be the one making me a sandwich”
You ignore his dumb comment and your eyes linger to unfamiliar face down the far right with the black car which seemed to be a 1997 Mazda RX-7. He was tall about 6’2 from your usual height, the rows of cornrows he had surprisingly looked good for the white boy and he had a long white tee and baggy blue jeans that were sagged. He was beyond fine than you liked to admit even though you could barley see him to begin with and seemingly kept to himself not worrying about the people around him.
“Devante who’s the guy stood over there with the black car on the far right” you say pointing in the direction of the mysterious boy, he looks towards the direction your pointing in and chuckles, “Oh him that’s Tom Kaulitz German racer apparently he’s a pretty big deal in Germany won every race he’s been in”
You nod looking back at the boy almost mugging him, “What don’t tell me the queen of racing is scared she might actually lose to big sensation Tom Kaulitz” he teases and you roll your eyes and cross your arms .
“Puh-lease I’ve won every race there’s no way I’m scared that ‘big sensation’ Tom Kaulitz will beat me, it will be like every other race an easy 1000 dollars made”
He smirks eyebrow pointing upwards, “if you say so”
Your attention is drawn to the two Asian girls with flags, signalling the race was about to begin. “May the best racer win” you salute at him before climbing into your car, fixing the rearview mirror. You check yourself out once more, applying a fresh coat of clear lip gloss before flicking the mirror back up. Your attention is brought back to the two girls as they waved the flags, you revved your engine getting ready to take off.
You smiled at the familiar sight of your fan girls that we’re screaming you on, you send them a wave and a rev of your engine egging them on. Your head turns toward your competitors as they seemed to do the same thing sizing you up as you gave them all a wink. The girls wave their flags counting down from 3 until they reached 1 waving their flags down signalling to go and you take off with a quickness leaving a gust of wind behind.
You screamed in excitement, the thrill of driving going up as your adrenaline pumped your heart harder. Your foot pressed hard against the accelerator, making harsh turns as you watched your competitors in the rear view and they were inches behind you, luckily this race was one lap only and you knew easily you would win. You picked up speed, following the course of the road.
Your hand gravitated to the stick shift changing the gears every time you heard the timed ticks from the engine, the purple fumes illuminated the road as you turned the corner. One of the racers picked up speed going neck to neck with you and turned your head for a second to see it was that German driver. You sneered as he turned in your direction with a grin, speeding past you, “Fuck”
You chased after him, changing gears and your speed exceeding over 140 mph. Your hands gripped the steering wheel as your lungs tightened with anticipation, you were overtaking each other each second and the finish line was nearing, you knew you couldn’t lose especially not some newbie that you barley knew. You were swerving at each corner, the tires making noises against the tarmac as the finish line came into view and you pressed your leg harder on the pedal, not paying attention to the other drivers but you and him.
“Come on…come on….come on…”
And with that you both make it to the finish line and you didn’t come first place. You slowed down, parking your car near the finish line. Furious wasn’t a way to describe how you were feeling, you were beyond pissed to the point you felt actual fumes coming out from both ears. You watched how king dickhead got praises and cheers from the crowd as he seemed to be boastful about it in excitement as if he was trying to intentionally piss you off more.
Devante and the rest of the drivers pull up next to you and get out of their vehicles and you follow, glaring at the one who took your position as winner. “Seems like you owe me a sandwich”
“Fuck off D not now” he put his hands up at your snarky attitude and you continued to look at Tom. From now on he was captain asshole and you would make sure you would make it know.
A few weeks went by and you went from number one female driver in LA to second place, every race you were in Tom managed to beat and steal your thunder; you managed to lose half off your fan base because of the amount of losses you had and they all migrated to Toms side which he decided to call them his ‘Girlfriends’ stupid name I know and rumour has it that he hooks up with his fans as an ‘extra reward’ how infuriating could he get.
He also liked to piss you off at any chance; embarrassing you in front of his fans and your own, calling you names and laughing at your faults every time you thought no one was watching, you were fucking sick off him.
“I can’t fucking stand him” you voiced out to your home girl on the phone as you worked on the engine of your car. “I know babe you’ve voiced this out every time you call me”
“Well you can understand why though; he took my place as the best driver in LA, stole basically all of my fans and practically doesn’t stop to embarrass and shame me for not winning”
“Girl why don’t you just race him only to prove to him that you can beat him in a race” she suggests and your eyes lit up with excitement, “That’s it thanks Suki talk to you later”
The next time you see him is after the race and he beat you once again. You waltzed your way towards him as he was distracted by the multiple girls that crowded around him. “Kaulitz” you yell out and he turns around towering over you, “Come to congratulate me Y/N” he says with a slight smirk on his face.
“No but I’m here to challenge you to a race tomorrow night at 11pm at the old warehouse” the whole crowd make noises to the sudden call our as you cross your arms waiting for his response, “Bet it will be fun seeing you lose once again”
“We’ll see about that Kaulitz” you reply and he steps towards you, his mouth moving to your ear “I’ll see you tomorrow night when you lose once again to me” you wanted to slap that stupid smirk off his face as you turn around, walking back to the direction of your car with a sway of your hips.
The next day you made sure you looked your best, you wore a tight purple dress that reached your thighs and knee high boots with a pair of purple sunglasses. You applied a thin layer of lipgloss and get into your car watching the time approach 11pm. You drove your way to the meet up spot and it was busier than usual, your fans and his fans in one spot as you parked at your designated area.
You spot suki and devante and give them a slight wave and as usual Tom was late, his black Mazda pulling in and parking next to you. You could sense his eyes on you as you turn to face him, he throws you a wink and you roll your eyes fixing your rearview mirror. “Good luck” Suki shouts from the crowd sending a heart your way and you pretend to catch it sending one back.
The two girls stand in front of you once again, waving their flags in a mannered fashion counting down from three before hitting one and wave their flags downwards and you take off. Both of you were out for blood, refusing to stand down without a fight. Your hand stayed on the stick shift as the other was on the steering wheel, the cold breeze blew into your car as the sounds of the exhausts echoed into the night sky. Tom looked at you with a grin and you wondered what he was thinking.
He sped up and cut you off from turning the corner nearly making you spin out of control into the street lamp in front of you. “That fucker” you screamed and you pressed your foot on the accelerator gaining speed until you we’re neck to neck with him and you turn to face him, “Pull over now” you yell signalling go the side of the road, he seems to catch on and follows you onto the side of the road, parking behind you.
You get out of the car and march towards his car, knocking on his window and he reluctantly rolls it down, “What the fuck is your problem you cut me off back there and I nearly hit a street lamp”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about princess maybe racing isn’t cut out for women like you”
“What the fuck do you mean by it isn’t cut out for women like me” you question,
“You know exactly what I mean I don’t need to repeat myself” your fists were clenched and you were getting irritated by the minute and that surfaced heat felt like it needed to be let out instead of being bottled up.
“You know what fuck you Tom you think your such a fucking know it all showing off whenever you get the chance, you and your stupid car should’ve stayed in Germany you misogynistic prick” you sassed, pointing toward his car and him with every word.
“Oh Yeah is that how you feel about me” he reply’s, clearly amused by your response’s.
“Yeah that’s exactly how I feel and I’d appreciate if you would kindly listen and fuck off” he gets out his car slamming the door and he backs you up towards the back of his car.
“Or what princess what will you do if I don’t” he challenged, pressing a hand onto the rear end of his car.
You could feel it, the sexual tension was off the charts both refusing to stand down. You were Infuriated with him and it made you want to strangle him while the other half of you was annoyingly turned on by the argument you had spewed with him and you didn’t fail to notice his eyes flicker to your lips that were smeared with clear scented lipgloss and also don’t miss how he looks at the fat of your thighs and the way your dress hugs your body, showing off what you had to offer.
“I’ll make you” you say, pointing in his direction.
“Then make me princess”
You push him onto the side off his car and smash your lips against his, venting out the frustration and anger you felt towards him from the past few days. He moans in response, pulling on your hair as your noses bash against each other in the hungry kiss. You pull away and your lip gloss was smudged onto his lips and you giggle to yourself pointing to the back seat, “Get in the fucking car ”
“Don’t need to tell me twice” he replys,
You both climb into the back of his car, shutting the door behind you. You climb into his lap and your hands automatically cling to his shoulders and you begin grinding your clit into his pelvic bone creating a euphorical sensation as your hands went to press at his collar bone. You both touched and grabbed wherever you pleased not caring for the potential onlookers that could catch you both in the sinful act, “Fuck” he mutters, biting on your bottom lip as he helped you grind into him, using his hands.
His hands move to your ass, kneading it in both as he continued to grind into you in slow motions almost as if you were riding him. He curses feeling the wet spot of your arousal on top of his baggy jeans, you let out cute moans and whimpers as he left red love bites and markings across your neck, claiming you as his.
“Already soaking wet for me” he muttered bringing two fingers to brush against the fabric of your panties and your juices coat his fingers. He pushes your panties to the side and slides two fingers into you with intense eye contact, stroking his fingers every time with vulgar gestures. “Oh fuck”
Your fingers clench around his fingers as the squelchy sound of arousal filled the car. He watched how you lost yourself on his fingers, pumping them in and out as your legs began to shake. Your head fell back as he stroked your spot every time, “Shit” you curse and you come all over his fingers as he slowly came to a stop before pulling them out.
He brings his fingers to his mouth tasting you and he groans around them, “Taste so fucking sweet”
You were so turned on beyond recognition and you needed him to be inside you then and there. You unbutton his jeans and he helps you pull them off along with his boxers exposing his fully erect cock and immediately direct it to your opening, “Eager are we” he teased, watching as you sunk down on his length with a gasp. “So fucking tight…shit”
You collected yourself for a second before lifting up and sinking back down, a guttural moan emits from his mouth as you began riding him. You hated to admit that he was bigger and thicker than the others you had hooked up with in the past, it felt like with every bounce he was breaking you apart on his cock. “So…fucking big”
He watched you under his gaze, hands going to your hips as he grinded your clit into his hip bringing immense pleasure that you felt you would come that second by just a few thrusts. “You needed this dick didn’t you” he questioned and you moaned in response, hand tightening on the seat behind him. “Fuck yourself on my cock…just like that ”
You were fully bouncing on him, the car shaking and the windows fogging up as your hand fell onto the window leaving a hand print on it. His head rolled back, groaning at how tight you were almost like a vice gripping him with immense tightness. “How long have you thought about fucking me Y/N”
“For so- fucking long” you confess, you we’re in the moment this would be forgotten by tomorrow morning. “Yeah tell me how fucking good I’m making you”
“Tell me”
“Your making me feel so fucking good” you admit, eyes rolling back as your orgasm neared. “I’m gonna cum all over you Tommy all over your fat cock” you moan out, sinking your teeth into the crook of his neck. “Wait I’m not done with yet” he stops you and rolls you both over so that your back is against the car seat and he hovered on top of you.
He began pounding into you, every thrust hitting that spongy spot inside, your voice box emitting raspy moans feeling your breath caught in your throat as tears began to form in your waterline. “Ohhhh-fuck” it was too much for you to handle, trying to escape his harsh pounding, “Don’t run away this is what you wanted…. right” he mocked bringing his hand to remove the top of your dress, exposing your tits.
He slapped one of them grunting as he felt himself get closer and closer, “Where do you want it- fuck” he asks and you open your eyes, “In me….cum inside of me” you scream, wrapping your arms around his back and bringing him into another kiss, tongues tangling and moans mixing. “Shit”
You finally cum, your body convulsing as your orgasm hit you like a brick. Toms pace never faltered chasing his own before releasing inside you with a grunt and you moan at the warm liquid filling you up. You were out of breath feeling the now newfound embarrassment of fucking someone you hated and avoided eye contact. “Don’t get shy on me look at me” he finally says, gently putting his hand onto your cheek and forcing you to look at him.
“No one ever said I was shy you just assumed it” you lie, huffing out. “Mhmm definitely believe you princess” your cheeks flutter at the nickname and you curse yourself, why were you all of a sudden shy around him it made you want to puke. “I’ll let you win the race”
“Wait what really” you say surprised, what was he getting at.
“I wouldn’t say this if i didn’t mean it you know I love to win a race”
You roll your eyes, “and what’s the catch”
“The catch is you have to let me take you out somewhere”
“And why would I willingly agree to that”
“Because you like me”
“Just cause we fucked don’t mean I like you idiot”
“Tell that to someone else sweetheart don’t think I didn’t catch the way you reacted to me calling you princess earlier”
“Fuck off” you reply with playful hit on his chest,
“Admit it”
“A girl never spills her secret but I agree to your stupid date because I want to win”
“Mhmm keep telling yourself that”
He gives you one more kiss before you both get dressed and you cringe at the feeling of his cum falling down your leg. “Race you there loser” you mimic him from earlier and you get into your car, taking off towards the finish line.
Of course you came first place and your fans cheered like crazy congratulating you as you thanked everyone. Tom pulled up next to you and he gives you a knowing look as he walks toward his friends and you walk towards Suki giving her a hug. “Congrats Y/N what does it feel like to be LA’s winner in the first time in 4 weeks” she says pushing a fake microphone towards your lips, “Feels fucking amazing that’s what it feels like” your eyes gravitate to Tom and he was already looking at you, sending a wink in your direction.
“Definitely feels amazing”
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heartfullofleeches · 8 months
Antique shop yandere that’s just a spirit with a physical body made of all the trinkets in the shop, maybe darling is shopkeeping as a part time job? I imagine just yan being kinda annoying and teasing maybe even speaking in riddles like a poet, and darling is probably just like the ff darling
-blahaj anon🦈🤍
Yan Spirit + Shop Worker Darling
Another drop off.
Better than the alternative of having to pick up everything yourself. A family a few streets down from your place of work generously donated the left over trinkets from their yard sale - agreeing to leave everything at the back door on their way out of town. Most of the boxes had already been taken in - a fact you knew thanks to the sticky note taped to the top of the container.
"Morning, Love. ♡ Carried in most of the boxes myself. Could you kindly bring this one in? It's a little too heavy for me.
See you this afternoon! - Auntie"
You slip the paper into your pocket, making a mental note to check up on your boss before then. She wasn't your real aunt, but she acted as much. Probably pays you a bit more than she should with her always trying to take your job off your hands and let you rest. Her kindness is one of few reasons you can't up and leave this place.
Lifting the box off the ground, you kick the ajar door open with your foot - balancing the heavy box in your arms as you slip through. You walk through the back office up to the front front desk. You search the cubby beneath the table for a box cutter, nails latching onto the rubber handle as you stretch your arm to the far back. You stand up - only to find that the box appears to have been torn open by something. The entire top looks to have been ripped off and tossed across the room.
Sighing, you brace yourself for what's to come - wishing you had had just a few more minutes to yourself. You place the box cutter back where it came from to prevent yourself from causing anymore damage to the merchandise.
Static hisses from the worn out speakers of the device your tormentor uses - overlaying the awful amalgamation of voices its stolen from customers. Being unable to communicate due to the limitations of their vessels it had to find some other way to speak to you. That alternative wind up being a soundboard someone brought in a few weeks into your employment. Everyday since you berate yourself for not taking that damn thing out back and smashing it..... Or just purchasing it yourself and taking it off the property.
"I've been waiting for you......all night. New.... treasures for us?
A hand reaches over your shoulder and begins to shift through the box - the creaky moan of its joints reverbing from the wooden shell encircling them. The mannequin had proved to be the spirit's favorite body. Near identical to a human form despite the lack of a face, the ability to speak, and one of its arms after a guests insisted on paying for the singular pair. It made due with items it found around the shop. The sound board, an old Halloween mask to disguise its blank fact, a limb from another figure in the shop though it wasn't as articulated as the previous.
The spirit tosses items it finds no interest in at the floor - your skin jumping as glass shatters in the distance. Halfway through the box its sporadic movements hault - the springs in its neck screaming out as its head falls to its shoulder. Using the flat palm of their other hand as a perch, the mannequin pulls out a ring box. It opens the box, a pearl ring housed inside. You were expecting - and praying for it to be empty. You meet the mannequin's sightless gaze over your shoulder.
Its fingers rapidly tap at its soundboard - slamming down on every sweet name in arsenal.
"I'm not letting you put that on me."
The mannequin slams its hand on the counter- repeatedly jabbing a single button.
"Love? Love? Love?"
"Knock it off!"
You make a grab for the board, but the damned thing is quicker. It holds the device over its head out of reach - twirling the ring around its pinky finger. There was only one thing you could do to buy it compliance.
You hold up your left hand, sticking out your ring finger. "Just get it over with."
The mannequin sets the soundboard on the counter - clapping its hands together as it kneels. It takes your hand, pressing the mouth of its mask to your knuckles before slipping the ring onto your finger. Surprisingly enough, it's almost a perfect fit. A little wiggle room, but not so much that it would fall off from you moving around. The mannequin bounces back to its feet, throwing its arms around you.
Your dating life was hard already - it'll be pretty difficult to find anyone what with you now being spiritually married to a sentient mannequin possessed by the ghost of someone likely as old as this building.
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madelynraemunson · 9 months
(Book #1 of the Hellfire Gentlemen's Club series)
strip club owner!eddie x fem!exotic dancer!hargrove!reader
Chapter 014: The Tap Out
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So you finally managed to tear down the walls of Eddie’s cynical heart and steal it… Of course it only makes sense that he returns the favor, by ravaging your walls as well. *wink wink*
author’s note ✍🏼 : this initially was supposed to be merged with chapter 15, but they’re two completely different vibes so it felt wrong putting them together. so enjoy this short chapter :)
this chapter can be read as a stand alone (but we’d love to have you aboard)
* = somewhat smut
** = smut
↳ chapters: 001, 002*, 003** , 004**, 005 , 006 , 007* , 008**, 009, 010, 011, 012* , 013**, 014**, 015, 016**, 017, 018, 019, 020*
word count: 1.0k words
NSFW — unprotected p in v sex (wrap before you tap pls), around the house fucking, multiple positions, against the wall and floor stuff if you squint, eddie has a mirror on his ceiling HELLO, voyeurism, praise kink, size kink, eddie is a veiny man 🫠, squirting, shy girl taps out, eddie finishing on shy girl
“Gonna put your legs behind your head when I make you wet the bed.”
Touch-starved kisses.
Heavy panting and petting. Urgent, cat-like scratches etched around the door by a finicky brass key...
You'd think that the Harrington-Munson estate had been ransacked, judging by how carelessly you and Eddie flung yourselves — and your clothes — around the place. The 10 minute drive from Hellfire to here was far too long for you both to handle.
You let out a soft, pleading whimper as your man pins you against the wall, his large hands just inches away from your pulsing neck.
“Missed you,” Eddie breathes. “Miss being inside you so bad.”
“We literally just fucked at Hellfire half an hour ago.”
“Your point?”
You two are now approaching round three with no intention of stopping. Like an adrenaline rush, a shot of espresso, a sugar high from alcohol, you’re itching to run headfirst into the high that has been taunting you, despite having already been fucked to exhaustion. But eventually, it builds.
It builds when you’re getting split open in the kitchen, bent over with your tits pressed against the cool marble island. You’re selfishly perusing your edge so frantically, Eddie eventually resorts to standing in place, his hands rubbing your asscheeks in admiration while you use his stiff cock to get yourself off. “That’s right, Princess. Keep fucking yourself into me. Use me all you want, baby. Mmm, just like that.”
It builds when you’re getting it on the couch, chanting Eddie’s name aimlessly into the air as you ride him, his eyes burning with lust as he watches your perky tits bounce in his face. “Doing so good, sweetheart. There we go. Bet this is your favorite pole to ride on, isn’t it?”. It especially builds when you switch from a straddle to reverse cowgirl, chasing your aching bud’s pleasure against the singular protruding vein that rested along Eddie’s lengthy shaft.
"Mmm… oh my god," you whimper, when your core retrieves the sensation. “Eddie, Eddie, Eddie…”
“Shit, honey,” Eddie grunts. “Gonna make me cum when you cry out my name like that..”
And when you two sink to the floor, it builds there too.
It’s a struggle to keep your eyes open, the way they’ve resorted to rolling back as you attempt to handle Eddie balls deep, his girth and length making you claw at his thighs, the pathetic bargaining and squealing spilling out of your mouth becoming synchronous with every aggressive thrust.
You’re wrapped around his cock so tight it makes him tremble and twitch.
“Feel so tight around me, baby…”
“Taking me so good.”
“My sexy girl. God, you’re so wet. Gonna cum on me again, huh?”
“Oh, my beautiful girl liked that one didn’t she?”
My girl, my girl, my girl.
Eddie had been chanting those words all night…as if he himself didn’t believe it. As if he was trying to convince himself it was true and not just a dream.
And now you can hardly contain it anymore, ascending to another dimension when Eddie bends you like a pretzel in his bed, pummeling into you in missionary like he still hates you.
"Jesus fucking Christ!" Eddie shouts as he continues to thrust deeper. “My darling girl, you feel so good… you’re killing me here.”
You bite into his pecks to keep your screaming at a minimum. And when your eyes travel up to the ceiling, the glistening reflection catches you by surprise.
“Oh wow,” you pant as you observe.
Eddie takes a break from his bliss to glance over at where you’re looking. Satisfied with himself, and his kinks that he enjoys putting on display, Eddie smirks down at you.
“Getting a good look at that mirror, Princess?” he quips, leaving gentle kisses around your chin.
“Mhm,” you grin as you bat your lashes.
“Wanna tell me what you see then, darling?”
Slam. He pummels into you again. This time, the pace is unforgiving. Eddie rests both forearms at each side of your face, harboring you in place, keeping you still so he can achieve his own release.
Because he knows. He knows that yours is near.
“I see me,” you whimper pathetically.
“Mhm,” Eddie nods in approval. “And what’s happening to you, darling?”
“ ‘m getting pounded by Eddie,” you pout.
“Yes you are,” Eddie moans. “That’s you taking all of my cock, sweetie, you see that? You like watching yourself get fucked huh?”
“Y-yes,” you squeal. “I’m taking you so good.”
“Yes you are,” Eddie repeats. “I’m so proud of you, baby.”
"Oh my god.."
You’re really at the end now. You slap Eddie’s thighs frantically, pleading with your quivering lips for him to pull out before you flood his sheets. Initially, he doesn’t listen.
"Agh!" you shout.
“Oh my god..”
“Please, Eddie, Please,” you cry out. “I can’t take it, I can’t take it, Eddie. Fuck… pull out!”
Eddie immediately retreats upon hearing those words, clearing his path as you soak his sheets and his thighs. He resorts to kissing your chin again as he finishes himself on your stomach, chuckling as your legs involuntarily shake underneath him.
“Are you okay, sweetie?”
“Mhm,” you nod alas when you come to.
“Thank you for saying something,” he grins sweetly. “That was a lot huh?”
You nod again. “Mhm.”
He kisses you again, smacking his lips in rhythm with yours whenever you permit. And as you pull away, he grabs your hand, kissing the back of it ever so delicately as well.
“We should get some sleep anyways,” he smiles. “We’ve been up all fucking night.”
“Yeah,” you sigh. “I know. Busy day ahead too.”
And with that, Eddie pulls you close and tosses a few blankets over you two. You sink back into his chest as he spoons you, arms resting around your waist and rubbing your stomach tenderly as he finds himself drifting into his other dream world. You wish to lay here forever.
Your eyes scan Eddie’s room one last time before they close. A part of you almost giggles when you see a pair of handcuffs hung up on one of his four walls.
"Nice cuffs," you comment sleepily.
Eddie laughs against your shoulder. He rubs your ass again.
"Just wait until we start roleplaying."
🏷️ tag list: @chrrymunson , @the-fairy-anon , @ali-r3n , @corrodedcoffincumslut , @bebe07011 , @mmunson86 , @eddiesguitarskills , @chelebelletx , @imonhereforareasonsadly , @eddies-trailer-babe @hideoutside , @motherfckerr , @jxpsi , @lindseyj23, @sidthedollface2 , @manda-panda-monium , @elvendria , @micheledawn1975 , @hereforshmut , @siriuslysmoking , @nymphetkoo , @m-chmcl-rmnc , @justinelittlewoodsworld , @ahoyyharrington , @keepittoyourselftellnobodyelse @kellyxo1 @emsgoodthinkin @winchester-angel @chloe-6123 , @redbarn1995 @angietherose @kiyastrf94 , @purplewitchcauldron @kellsck @joyfulfxckery @munsons-mayhem28 @dragonfire @emma77645 @drivelikenina @livosssblog @thinkingth0ts @hugdealer @ellielunamckay
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blossomcake · 1 month
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𝙎𝙖𝙣𝙚𝙢𝙞 𝙭 𝙩𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝! 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭
Fem! Reader
It was an ordinary day. Sanemi, Obanai, and tengen are in the garden outside of the butterfly mansion along with Aoi, Kanao, Inosuke, Tanjiro, and Zenitsu. The three boys notice a young woman who looked around in her 20s in her beautiful kimono. She was lying against a tree with her arms crossed while looking down at the grass.
Tengen: Who’s she?
Sanemi: I don’t know. She looks like trouble though.
Zenitsu went up to the three as he noticed that they were looking at something. He follows their eyes as he spots a beautiful girl and realises that they are talking about her.
Zenitsu: I’m going to go talk to her!
He says in his happy annoying tone as always.
Tengen: I don’t think she looks very approachable Zenit—
But it was too late. He already went up to her.
Zenitsu: helloooo! What are you doing here all alone, beautiful? Are you looking for a husband?
The women looked at him in surprised and disgust. Who goes up to someone and act all disgusting and weird like that?
Zenitsu: I-i-i bet you’re looking for someone special! I-I’m quite special too!!
What is this guys problem? Is this some kind of prank? He looks like a 15 year old boy…. He doesn’t even know how old am I…..
Zenitsu: you know, beauty like you deserves someone amazing… w-w-what do you say!?
Will this kid ever shut up…… or should I kick his ass?
Zenitsu: we could have a great time together, just the two of us! How about it?
Any second now you kick him…… but where shall it be…..?
Zenitsu: come on, give me a chance pleasseeeee?
In the stomach……
Zenitsu: come on come on! Give me a chanceeeee!!!
Zenitsu: PLEASSEEEEEEE!!!!????
Zenitsu: I promise I’ll make it worth your while!
The woman then kicked the boy in the stomach with her foot as blood fled out of his mouth as he went crashing to the floor. As there is some blood on the woman’s kimono.
Y/n: “Don’t fuck around you retard”
She says as she walks off to the bathroom to clean her bloody kimono.
Tengen slowly walks over to Zenitsu as he watches the woman leave the garden. While Tanjiro inosuke and Aoi are surrounding him as Zenitsu cries.
Obanai turns to face Sanemi as he sees a smirk on his face.
Obanai: You seem particularly interested in her, Sanemi. She’s quite a character, isn’t she…?
Sanemi: Yeah, there’s something about her… I can’t quite put my finger on it, but she’s…. compelling….
Obanai: it’s not like you to be so intrigued. What do you plan to do?
Sanemi: I don’t know..yet…
Sanemi: I want to learn more about her… there’s something about the way she carries herself… it’s not just her strength, but the way she handles herself. I have a feeling there’s a lot more beneath the surface…
Obanai: Well, if you’re so interested, you might want to approach her carefully. She doesn’t seem like someone who tolerates interference easily.
Sanemi: hm….. I know, I’ll wait for the right moment… For now, I’ll keep observing. There’s something about her that draws me in…
I came out of the bathroom as I go back to the garden to chill. I hear footsteps behind me. Oh no it better not be that guy again….. I turn around and it was this….. white haired guy with… scars…?
Y/n: Hello….. do you need anything…?
Sanemi: you’re that woman from earlier, aren’t you?
Sanemi: I saw you kicked that kid earlier. Impressive.
Y/n: oh, thank you…
Sanemi: you’re an interesting one, that’s for sure.
Sanemi: what’s your name?
Y/n: y/n…
Sanemi: y/n…. *he repeats your name*
Sanemi: it suits you… nice name…
Y/n: thank you…
Y/n: what’s your name?
Sanemi: Shinazugawa Sanemi
Y/n: Sanemi…. Okay.. cute name
I wasn’t flirting with him or any of that nonsense, it was actually cute how’d you pronounce it and the spelling.
I notice that his eyes lit up a bit when I said the word “cute”
Sanemi: cute, huh?
Sanemi: thanks….
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chdarling-tle · 2 months
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The Last Enemy: Dark Marks Soundtrack
Hello my loves! With TLE2 coming to a close, I thought I'd share the full TLE2 soundtrack. You can listen to it here, or I've included the track list below for those who don't use Spotify.
As before, this is a total mishmash of period appropriate and anachronistic music. The genres are all over the place. Some songs directly correlate to the plot, some songs are mentioned in the story, some are pure vibes. It's pretty long...but so is TLE2. 😌
Track list under the cut:
The Times They Are A-Changin’ - Fort Nowhere
She Used To Love Me a Lot - Johnny Cash
Never Had No One Ever - The Smiths
Cherry Bomb - The Runaways
Father and Son - Cat Stevens
Water Under the Bridge - Tow’rs
She’s Not There - The Zombies
Break On Through (To The Other Side) - The Doors
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea - George Harrison
Raining in My Heart - Buddy Holly
Family Line - Conan Gray
With a Little Help From My Friends - Joe Anderson (Across the Universe)
Love Hurts - Roy Orbison
It’s Alright - Mother Mother
Bad Reputation - Joan Jett & The Blackhearts
Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood - Nina Simone
Play With Fire - The Rolling Stones
Edge of Seventeen - Stevie Nicks
Blue Suede Shoes - Elvis Presley
The Princess Diaries Waltz (Score) - John Debney
Astronomy - Conan Gray
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas - Judy Garland
Dead Mom - Sophia Anne Caruso
Vincent - Don McLean
You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away - The Beatles
Mis-Shapes - Pulp
Golden Years - David Bowie
It’s a Heartache - Bonnie Tyler
Stayin Alive - Bee Gees
Dancing Queen - ABBA
I’d Love to Change the World - Ten Years After
Be More Kind - Frank Turner
One Toke Over the Line - Brewer & Shipley
Flying - The Beatles
Baba O'Riley - The Who
Villain - Maisie Peters
Ever Fallen in Love (With Someone You Shouldn't've?) - Buzzcocks
Will the Circle Be Unbroken - The Carter Family, Johnny Cash
This Woman's Work - Kate Bush
April Come She Will - Simon & Garfunkel
evermore (feat. Bon Iver) - Taylor Swift
For What It's Worth - Buffalo Springfield
You Belong to Somebody Else - PJ Harding, Noah Cyrus
Know Your Rights - The Clash
Broken Crown - Mumford & Sons
Fire - Etta James
Knockin' On Heaven's Door - Bob Dylan
Lily - Benjamin Gibbard
Dancing Queen - stories, Lizzy McAlpine
God Only Knows (Acoustic Slowed + Reverb) - Jae Hall
Homeward Bound - Simon & Garfunkel
Back to the Old House - The Smiths
New World Coming - Cass Elliot
...and one more secret song that I'll add after chapter 71 ;)
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verstawppen · 4 months
❣ me gustas tu
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verstawppen writes: Hello guys! I'm Ryu and this is my first time ever writing smth for F1. It is a fandom I've only recently become a part of but the drama, the memes, the drivers and the sport itself is so exciting! I appreciate any constructive criticism and suggestions yall have to offer and I'm more than happy to interact with my readers so feel free to dm :) And it was glorious to see Charles take P1 in his home race yesterday (yes im a ferrari girl at heart) so this one's for him. alr enough chatter onto the story- summary: Going into the Monaco GP, you could not be more in love with your brother's teammate, Charles Leclerc and you also couldn't be more wrong about your feelings being one-sided. warnings: fem!reader, sainz!reader, carlossainzsister!reader, shy!reader, fluff, confessions, making out, unrequited love, friends to lovers, songfic. ─━──━─━─━─━─━────༺ 🏎 ༻────━─━─━─━━─━─━─━─━─━
The media liked to say that you had the life most girls would kill for. You were Carlos Sainz’s sister after all, along with being his assistant manager. Hopping from continent to continent, hanging out in the paddock by day and in the club by night, celebrating race wins. But the media, as always, knew only a portion of the truth. Though you loved your job, you were good at it and helping your brother out with his hectic schedule was always a pleasure, it was excruciating to be so close to Ferrari’s golden boy, yet so far away.
You had feelings for Charles Leclerc. And yes, you knew how it sounded and that’s why you’d never said it out loud. until….
Me gusta los aviones, me gustas tú (I like airplanes, I like you) Me gusta viajar, me gustas tú (I like to travel, I like you)
Charles was soundly asleep on the aeroplane seat, looking comfortable in his dreamland despite the odd position his body had curled up into. His curled locks of hair fell onto his face and brushed against his closed eyelids every once in a while, making him scrunch up his face in annoyance. You wanted to brush his hair out of his eyes, you wanted to be in place of the pillow he had clutched to his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. But you remained in your place and averted your eyes to the book in your lap. 
The pilot announced you were going to land in Monaco soon. You looked out of the window to see the sun beginning to set on the city of splendour, hues of orange, yellow and pink capturing the city sky. You heard Charles shuffling in his seat, probably awoken from the announcement. He stretched out his arms and rubbed his eyes, you watched him from the corner of your eyes. He slowly turned to see the view from the window. A warm smile crept up his lips and a sparkle rose into his mesmerising emerald eyes. He looked pure and happy with the look of a 5-year-old visiting Disney land for the first time. He was home. You smiled and went back to your book.
Me gusta la mañana, me gustas tú (I like the morning, I like you) Me gusta el viento, me gustas tú (I like the wind, I like you)
The weather was delightfully sunny and breezy when you awoke in your hotel room in Monaco. Though most people thought you were a night owl, you actually enjoyed mornings, relishing in the golden lull of sun and solitude. You made your way to the Ferrari garage in the paddock earlier than usual for your morning meetings, wearing a yellow sundress that made you look like the embodiment of sunlight and honey. Your charming smile completed your look and it only widened when you saw Charles was there too. He was sipping on a cup of coffee, and scrolling on his phone. He looked up the moment you entered, he sat frozen in place, eyes unblinking for a minute. If you were delusional, you would have thought he was admiring you, but you knew better. Both of you greeted each other at the same time, “Good morning” “Good morning” A light pink blush rose up on both of your cheeks at the synchronisation. Flustered, you shot him a quick smile before moving to get yourself a cup of coffee. You leaned against the counter atop which the espresso machine sat, facing Charles. Other Ferrari staff had started coming in so Charles and you were no longer alone.
A strong gust of wind came in through the nearby open door and blew your hair right into your face as you were conversing with one of your colleagues and friends.
The sound of your playful laughter floated to Charles’ ears and before he knew it, he was looking at you from across the room, barely paying attention to his trainer. How could he, when you looked so ethereal, the wind styling your hair in a wildly attractive manner. “Charles, are you listening?” “Sorry yes-” He snapped his head back to the man in front of him and shook his head to clear his thoughts of you.
 The sound of your laughter brought warmth to his heart, and he made a mental note to joke around you more.
Me gusta soñar, me gustas tú (I like to dream, I like you) Me gusta la mar, me gustas tú (I like the sea, I like you)
Charles’s win in Monaco was phenomenal, it was his absolute dream come true. Though you were a little sad for your brother, who’d suffered a puncture and hadn’t been able to perform at his level best, you were overjoyed for Charles. When he crossed the checkered flag as the winner of the Monaco Grand Prix, marking the first home win for the Monegasque, the Ferrari garage launched into an uproar, screams of joy and chants of Charles’ name being heard all around. You felt a lone tear of happiness make its way down your face as you watched the excited crowd. You were smiling like an idiot as you heard Charles thanking the entire team through the team radio, feeling warmth filling your chest accompanied by a sense of pride. You spotted Carlos returning to the Ferrari garage and you ran to him, giving him a loving hug.
“You did so well, Carlos! P3 hermano, you drove so well!” Your brother smiled at you. “You should save the praise for the winner of the race, hermana” You immediately blushed at the mention of Charles and it did not go unnoticed by your elder brother. You kept looking over his shoulder to see if Charles had come back yet and he smirked, “Go to him, he’s on his way.” You shifted your gaze back to your brother and shook your head, ”No, Carlos I want to stay with you here. You must be tired after that intense race, no? should I get you something?” Carlos smiled and shook his head, heading towards his driver's room, “Just go to him hermana, maybe your feelings aren’t as one-sided as you think”. Your eyes widened, you’d forgotten that Carlos was also one of Charles’s best mates and there was no way your protective brother Carlos would have asked you to go to him unless they’d had a conversation about you before. You slowly nodded your head and walked out of the Ferrari garage in a euphoric daze. Did Charles really like you back?
And that’s when you spotted him a little further away, celebrating his win near his car, his admirers and supporters in the paddock encircling him. Your gaze met his across the distance and he took off his helmet, revealing his tousled hair. He looked exhausted but glory shone bright on his face. You found your legs carrying you towards him, the lyrics of your favourite song being the only words you could use to describe the turmoil in your heart.
¿Qué voy a hacer?, je ne sais pas (What am I going to do? I don't know) ¿Qué voy a hacer?, je ne sais plus (What am I going to do? I do not know anymore) ¿Qué voy a hacer?, je suis perdu (What am I going to do? I am lost)¿Qué horas son, mi corazón? (What time is it, my heart?)
Before you knew it, you were standing right in front of the man you were in love with, your shining eyes looking into his sparkling green ones. The crowd around him dispersed, setting the stage for what was about to happen next. You immediately went in for a hug, you didn’t care if he was all sweaty from the race, you just needed him to know how proud you felt and how much you cared. His hands wrapped around your waist, and it felt so right.
His head settled in the crook of your neck, inhaling the scent of your light perfume and the scent bedazzled his senses. “I’m so so proud of you, Charles” you whispered to him. The two of you were in your own little bubble, oblivious to the ongoings of the paddock and you were grateful that the rest of the world allowed you two that moment. You felt him smile into your neck. “I couldn’t have done it without your support, cherie” Your heart skipped a beat at the nickname and you gently pulled away from the embrace, his arms still holding you in close proximity. You didn’t know how long you stood there, just staring into each other’s eyes, and irises exchanging all the words you had left unsaid. Your hands cupped his cheeks and his entire world zeroed in on you in that moment. “Charles, kiss me now” you whispered. You needed to know. He did not need any further encouragement, the moment those words left your lips, his were on yours. And God was it amazing. The way his soft, slightly chapped lips met your own halfway blew your mind and your hands moved to his damp hair, gripping them slightly to ground yourself. This feels so right, was all the two of you could think. His arms around your waist tightened impossibly closer and he relished the feeling of your lips against his, the feeling of your electrifying presence near his before pulling away and opening his eyes to you. The smiles that grew on your face were instantaneous. The kiss was everything you had wanted, needed from Charles and it was confirmation enough that he liked you as much you liked him. “So, what are your plans tonight, pretty boy?” Now it was his turn to blush at the nickname. “Probably partying at Jimmy’z, it still hasn’t set in you know” “I know”, you said while admiring just how perfect he looked like this. Winning looks so good on him, you thought to yourself. You felt one of his hands leave your waist and come up to your ear before tucking away a stray strand of hair. “But tomorrow, cherie, we celebrate together, just the two of us. I want to show you around Monaco, properly. Maybe take you out to the sea” You laughed with delight before pecking his lips, the sound of your melodious laugh making his heart bloom. “I can’t wait, amour” ─━──━─━─━─━─━────༺ 🏎 ༻────━─━─━─━━─━─━─━─━─━
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