#(people are absolutely slaughtering cops in the back)
gayest-classiclit · 1 year
jesus christ there is war in my tags
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highfantasy-soul · 3 months
I get people concerned that 'viewers are seeing a hot guy and falling for his manipulation!!' but like....personally, I don't believe cops when they just tell me someone is bad without proof?
The thing about compelling antagonists is that a lot of the time, THEY HAVE A POINT!! Vader in the OG trilogy had no point. It was just black/white we want to be fascist all over the galaxy and have all the power, you want to stop us. In the prequels, Palpatine was the same: he wants power....just cause. Anakin you can make a partial argument for in that his initial intention was never just to get power for himself, but rather protect those he loved: this led to him being able to be manipulated and then making abhorrent choices like slaughtering a bunch of children.
In newer Star Wars, there's room for nuance - room for critiquing and looking into things and seeing it isn't always black/white our protagonists are perfect, the antagonist is psycho evil for the sake of being evil.
We didn't see the rebels in Star Wars Rebels, Andor, and Rogue One as evil because they were killing storm troopers - we saw that their violence was justified in fighting back against an oppressive regime that was hurting people.
When I look at Qimir, he's only killed combatants directly opposed to him. We don't know yet what his real goals are - we don't know why the Jedi 'abandoned' him. So I'm going to reserve judgement and hear him out until I get more info. You know, like you should when determining if someone is evil and needs to die? You don't just rush in guns blazing because you see a red saber and someone fighting enemy combatants?
I know a lot of people have woobified the jedi so much that even though they're a militant police force with absolute power to kill you with their laser swords, fighting back against them is somehow seen as kicking a puppy, but idk man. I'm not against violent opposition to an oppressive force. Obviously we need more info before we can say for sure if Qimir's goals need to be pushed back against, but I don't go into situations with the default view of 'the jedi must be right'.
For me, it's really interesting to see how similar Qimir's attempts to get Osha to join him are similar to how Sol got her to agree to join the jedi. Separating her from other influences: check. Giving her tests to unlock parts of herself she knows are there: check. Showing kindness and understanding of her situation: check. Offering her something she wants (with Sol it was to allow Osha to 'be her own person' rather than only the other half to her twin and the lure of other children like her (that he conveniently left out she'd never be able to have a deep relationship with due to the non-attachment rules of the Jedi) and with Qimir it was being accepted for who she was, not some sanitized version of who others wanted her to be, plus the deep relationships she craves): check.
Is Qimir pushing for Osha to join him so he can have power? Yup. Did Sol push Osha to join him so that the order could have more power? Yup. So now the real question is: power to do what?
Though the idea of the jedi is great, how they actually exert their influence isn't always good for everyone (see stamping out the witches who we, yet again, haven't seen do anything bad). When you have a huge organization that prioritizes their own view of the world above all others, it's not only 'bad' people who get caught in the crossfire. Everyone just makes the assumption that if the jedi are against you, that means you're just a psycho who wants to go around killing people with impunity and if the jedi are supporting you, that means you're automatically good - but that hasn't been shown to be the case. Lets take a look at the Separatists as seen in the Clone Wars tv show - they weren't all fascist maniacs, they just wanted to govern themselves - not to have slavery or be able to kill a bunch of people, but because they were concerned about centralizing rule too much (which turns out, they were right to be worried about that!!) Or Tales of the Jedi when we saw the Jedi turning the other way when members of the Republic were treating their citizens horribly.
Fighting against those aspects of the Republic and the Jedi doesn't automatically throw you into the 'fascist psycho mass murderer' category. Killing the Jedi you think are responsible for the slaughter of your whole culture, I don't think, puts you in that category either. And of course, there can be instances where people do bad things for what they believe are the right reasons (see: Andor and Rogue One) BUT they aren't doing it to people we've associated with 'the good guys' for so long it makes it hard to think about the situation at hand rather than reacting in a knee-jerk kind of way to protect your blorbos.
Very long winded way of saying: I'm not saying Qimir is good or bad. I haven't seen enough to say yet. No, killing Yord and Jecki isn't enough 'proof' any more than Cassian killing the injured rebel so they wouldn't be caught was 'proof' that he was bad. We need to know WHY they're taking such drastic actions before I'm comfortable making my decision on what the show is trying to say.
If you feel like that's me 'lacking critical thinking skills' because you've jumped to a conclusion that's not supported by any facts yet, fine. But I'll wait for the narrative to finish before casting judgement based on what I think is a common trope used in stories.
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oinkinpigprince · 5 months
Can you do Charlie x a male serial killer s/o who's head over heels inlove with him? (nf if you're uncomfortable, it's totally fine! ^_^)
i LOVE serial killers. I have a lot of silly funny ideas, I love dark stories, I love horror stories.
Charlie x Male serial killer reader
Tw: mentions of blood, death, and violence
Before Charlie knew you were a serial killer, and you two had been hearing about all of the murders in your state. He’d walk/drive you home. Making sure you’d text him when you got somewhere
Everyone was on edge, police were no help. The town named this mysterious killer the smiling critter. You two had to trust each other, and trust you he did.
You were head over heels in love with Charlie, sometimes you were very intense though. Scarily intense, he always told you he loved your wild and free eyes. You were scary cute
Of course you kept some things secret, you couldn’t tell Charlie everything. You loved him so much and you were a little scared he wouldn’t accept your scarier hobbies.
Sometimes though, people he talked to disappeared. People he didn’t like, but people nonetheless. He actually got a knock on the door by the police asking him some questions about a client who was found dismembered. He called you a little scared, and you offered to let him move in with you, for safety.
It was hard not telling him you did all of that work, how you slaughtered that nasty client, it was your way of protecting Charlie, getting revenge. Oh the craftsmanship of your kills was something you sadly had to keep to yourself. An inside joke.
It wasn’t until one night he woke up to some strange noises. He looked over and you weren’t there, so he had to investigate. Things went bump in the night and he felt goose bumps rise as he crept down your stairs. Scared someone broke in or worse.
That’s when he saw you, cleaning blood off of your hands. When he called out to you, scared you got hurt you just looked through him with cold, deadpan eyes. It was like you were in a trance.
Like a light switch you suddenly smiled, looking at him “Oh, don’t worry baby! I’m fine just go back to bed!” You beckoned him sweetly, it sounded sickening
“U-uh, dude you’re literally covered in blood. What the fuck happened, did you kill someone.” He joked, no one would ever believe their partner would actually kill someone
But your silence made his stomach, your smile faded to that same expressionless face. He swallowed spit, as he just laughed awkwardly again and went back up stairs. Getting back to bed
He didn’t know if he should run or call the cops, but he took too long to choose and you opened the door to your shared bedroom and crawled into bed. Charlie sat there terrified you were going to stab him, no witnesses.
That’s when he felt your hands wrap around his waist and squeeze him tight, pressing your lips on the back of his head. Charlie was conflicted. Should he call the cops or, was it okay?
From then on it’s a, very interesting dynamic. You let yourself be more expressive with Charlie, absolutely adoring him. Charlie had always been good with the flow, so he just had to accept it. His boyfriend is the the killer critter, huh.
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I can't stop thinking about the narrative use of guns and violence in Disco Elysium, and how the lack of violence as a gameplay mechanic leads to a emotionally richer story and more fully realized world.
You go through a lot to get your gun back - on my playthrough it was the last thing I did before I confronted Ruby - and then there's only one point in the game where you can actually fire it. In my playthrough, the Necktie Molotov Cocktail missed and Harry never had the opportunity to fire his own gun at all - the only time it was used in the whole game was by Kim.
Other uses of guns include:
When you learn that Roy bought Harry's gun only because Harry was going around threatening to shoot himself with it.
Trying to shoot the body down; Kim doesn't make the shot, and when Harry tries, you fear he might shoot a passerby by accident (I was terrified he would accidentally shoot Kim or Cuno).
The discovery of the weapons cache, and bitter knowledge that with more caches all over Revachol, there's no way any can prevent widespread violence.
The Pigs threatening Harry and Kim with Harry's gun: it's tense, and terrifying, and incredibly sad, as your fear for your own wellbeing slowly shifts into a fear for hers.
Ruby threatening to kill herself; in my playthrough, I failed to talk her out of it, and I think it was the most horrifying moment of the game.
The Deserter spent decades spying on the world through his rifle scope, fantasizing about killing people from afar. When he actually pulled the trigger, it kicked off the series of events that led to open violence on the streets of Martinaise (and might still lead to more.)
Every time guns are used, either onscreen or off (and there are very, very few instances of gun use onscreen), it's shocking and brutal. Bringing a gun into any situation ratchets up the tension and scares everyone, including Kim and Harry, who have decades of experience as cops and have both killed people.
This isn't a game where violence is normalized. It especially isn't a game where deadly violence is normalized. It's such a contrast from games where combat is a part of gameplay, and the use of violence is ordered and expected and strategic. It's such a contrast from the game ZA/UM originally planned to make:
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(images from the Disco Elysium Artbook)
And that's so interesting to me because it's incredibly effective, and it feels more real this way, but it's absolutely not what I would have expected from this genre of story in a setting like Martinaise. You're playing as a cop in a poor, war-scarred neighborhood where the biggest power is basically a mob boss. If I didn't know anything about DE and someone described it to me I would have expected something more like, well, Torson & McLaine: shoot-outs in the streets, life is cheap, you know. Combat is still the primary gameplay mechanic of many (most?) games out there, and by necessity that turns most of the people in any combat-based game into mindless mooks who are there to be slaughtered en masse.
But Disco Elysium doesn't do that. In DE, every single interactable character is a fully realized person. Most of them have surprisingly deep conversational trees, and those conversations change as you proceed through the game and have new experiences and learn new things. Even characters you can't talk to much feel like real people; you're just seeing the tip of the iceberg. No one is disposable cannon-fodder. And it makes the world feel so much more real than any other CRPG I've ever played, and when anyone actually gets killed or seriously wounded, it's a shock; it's awful. You grow to know and love this little district and the people in it. The looming spectre of violence in the streets of Martinaise as you race against the mercenaries to solve the case feels like a real threat.
It's just. Really good, y'know?
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eldritch-spouse · 7 months
hey I’ve been reading through the other icon’s tags and I’m wondering how did kalymir and vorticia meet their queens? Personally I’ve been imagining kalymir watching some random street preformance on the surface and they get really loud and kinda violent while preforming something like thermodynamic laywer or 6up 5o cop out by will wood or something.
[I have absolutely no idea what that is.]
Again, you can meet them in a plethora of ways, and I kind of let people decide that on their own sometimes.
I personally like to imagine Vorticia comes across you when you're laid out on the table as a supposed meal to her. Maybe she thinks you're easy enough on the eyes and is bored enough to start making conversation while you're literally still tied up on a platter, or maybe she realizes immediately you're her match.
I also like the image of Kalymir simply plucking you out of a zone he just finished destroying and laying waste to, slaughtering everyone around until he remembers he should take a little keepsake on his way back. And hey, aren't you cute? You're the little shit that tried throwing a brick at his head, aren't you? You'll do.
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Yer welcum btw. :7
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ckret2 · 1 year
Ive only read one fic that dives deeply into bill being from flatland (flat dreams, though its popular enough, you probably heard about it from someone). And while i love it, im realy intrigued by your ideas cause its taking things in a widly opposite direction
Not only have I heard about it—multiple times!—I've also already had a couple of folks comment on my posts in a way that makes it clear they're assuming my headcanons are inspired by/based on Flat Dreams, rather than simply based on Flatland.
This is the first time someone's said they're intrigued because it's different from Flat Dreams. I feel like there's probably gonna be a lot of people measuring up my headcanons against the other fic they all know and there's not much I can do about that, so I appreciate hearing something positive!
At the moment I haven't read past chapter 2—through absolutely no fault of the author's own, it's pretty irritating to have credit for one's own writing & ideas be given to somebody else who had nothing to do with it, and it's put me off from reading the fic for now—but I have gone out of my way to get as thoroughly spoiled for the fic as I can just to make sure I'm not, y'know, accidentally retreading the exact same plot as the most well-known backstory fic in the fandom.
And yeah, by the sound of it, I just decided to veer off in a completely different direction from Flat Dreams right from the outset.
Between Bill's monologue during Weirdmageddon and "EDWIN ABBOT ABBOT HAS A DECENT IDEA" it makes perfectly logical sense to go "Flatland exactly as it is can be treated as 100% canon to Gravity Falls -> Bill is an extremely weird guy from an extremely repressive & controlling world -> Bill was trying to undo his society's oppression, went way too far, and became the villain," and get a narratively compelling backstory that fits perfectly with canon and does exactly what everyone kinda expects Bill to have done based on what we know.
However, it also happens to be a narrative that personally rubs me the wrong way. I don't think it's bad, and I still enjoy stories that use it—but it bothers me enough that I don't want to write it myself.
Conversational detour time! I've been in Transformers fandom for about 20 years, and—to oversimplify a complicated and protracted series of narrative reboots—over time, the writers of the franchise decided to give the evil villainous Decepticon army more narrative depth by stating that their home planet used to be extremely corrupt, oppressive, and controlling (you can safely compare it to 1984, Flatland, and a whole bevy of other dystopias), and the Decepticons rose up as a rebellion against the oppressive government—but then went too far, turned evil, devastated their planet, started conquering and slaughtering the rest of the galaxy, etc. etc.
The problem with this is the Decepticons are the antagonists' faction, which means the heroes are usually the surviving legacy of the corrupt oppressive government—and so for a long while you got stories with unintentional implications like "are the oppressive government and the underprivileged minorities fighting back against the government actually equally bad?" or "maybe if we let the most painfully oppressed people in society exercise any political power, their first instinct will be to oppress other people" or "sure, cops are bad and nobody wants a police state, but maybe the best solution is to find the nicest cops and put them in charge."
I say this as somebody who loves Transformers dearly, and Transformers does take some stabs at grappling with these moral issues. I don't even necessarily think it's always a bad idea to write a "faction fighting for a Good Cause goes too far and becomes worse than the thing they're fighting" story.
But several years of grimacing at the same bunch of Unfortunate Implications made me personally lean away from writing any story ideas that could be summed up as "—and attempting to fight systematic oppression made him evil."
So right from the get-go I was always going to avoid the most straightforward "Bill became a villain over the course of fighting Flatland's oppression" backstory—and trying to come up with something entirely different that still fits his claim that he "liberated" his "flat-minded" world pretty much guaranteed I wouldn't write a backstory that had much in common with Flat Dreams.
And from everything else I currently know about Flat Dreams, it seems like on most big plot points, I just sorta decided before I knew anything about the fic besides "it's Bill in Flatland" that I would do something different. "Bill gives me hella only child vibes, and that might make a good contrast to how the main cast all have siblings to help emotionally balance them." "I think I'd rather characterize his home world as less like a dystopian Victorian England and more like vaguely-modern vaguely-Western society—something that's easier for the audience see echoes of our world in than a satire a century removed from its context." "Bill doesn't strike me as someone who's good at making or maintaining friends, so with the possible exception of the Flatlander-looking guys I bet his Henchmaniacs are an ever-shifting gang of shallow brief friendships, so he's probably only known most of them a few years." "In the main fic and in Bill's backstory, as much as possible I want to introduce and play with new ideas rather than have major plot points depend upon plot devices we've already seen used in canon (for instance, ruling out Globnar as the source of Bill's power)."
I dunno what this says, except that two writers can take the exact same source materials and decide to construct a narrative with the exact same overall arc about the exact same character guided by the exact same canon quotes/details, and still come up with two wildly different stories depending upon the writers' individual tastes, priorities, and interests.
so uh tl;dr: yep I've heard of Flat Dreams; I respect its position in the fandom but haven't read it yet; based on what I know about it, I think I'm just interested in telling another story than Flat Dreams' author, and that's neither better nor worse but it is different. (And I really appreciate hearing "I'm interested in seeing something different"!)
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anamericangirl · 2 years
I’m gonna be outright with you: I don’t agree with what you’re posting.
As much as I can disagree and try to debate you on dying website tumblr dot com, my attempts will just make you buckle down on your already existing beliefs more. I’m not asking you to change those beliefs. I want to know WHY you have the perspective that you do on topics like abortion, gun rights, anything that comes to your mind in modern-day late 2022 politics.
WHY do you believe what you do?
- curious leftist
First off I want to say I am sorry it took me so long to get to this and I hope you're still around to see it. I recently started a new job and have gotten backed up on asks so it's been taking me some time to get to them but I really appreciate you being respectful and I wanted to take the time to give you a decent response.
What drives most of my opinions are the foundational beliefs that all human beings have intrinsic value and all human beings have human rights and both the lives and rights of all people need to be protected. The other main thing driving my opinions is my dislike and distrust of the government. I fundamentally believe the bigger government gets and the more power you hand over to it the worse things will be for the average American and I think the dangers of big government can be seen all throughout history and several countries around the world today.
So when I start to look at individual topics, wherever I land always goes back to those foundational principles.
Abortion: I am strongly pro-life and very much hope that one day abortion will be banned from conception at the federal level. This is because, like I said, I believe all human beings have intrinsic value. Also, all human beings have the right to life just by nature of being human. We have more scientific proof than ever before that the unborn are living human beings from the moment of conception and I do not think it is ever ok to kill an innocent human being. And that is what abortion does. It ends a pregnancy by violently and intentionally killing a human baby, which is a violation of that baby's right to life and an action that would be considered a brutal crime at any point outside of the womb. There really is no debate in science about whether or not the unborn are human beings. The only debate is whether that human life has value and deserves to be protected and I believe it absolutely does. Every human being, from the moment they exist, has the right to life and we don't have the right to kill innocent people because we find them inconvenient (as a side note, abortion is also extremely harmful for women. Nothing good results from it). I hope one day for abortion not only to be illegal but also unthinkable.
Gun rights: Very pro-2A and gun rights. This also goes back to my belief that human lives have intrinsic value and the right to life. Having the right to life means that people have the right to protect their lives and also their property however they see fit. Guns are the most effective self defense tool in existence. Yes, they can be also be used to cause great harm but they save far more lives than they take every single year. Guns are a great equalizer when it comes to self defense. If a large man attacks a small woman that woman doesn't have to worry about outrunning or physically fighting off her attacker if she has a gun on her. And without guns, we have to rely on the government for protection, which they famously suck at. I mean we just have to look at what happened in Uvalde. Cops standing around for over an hour inside the elementary school while children were slaughtered right down the hall. So yes we can call the police if we're in trouble but sometimes they get there after the assault and sometimes when they get there they don't help. Also, private citizens with guns have a better record of stopping mass shootings than law enforcement does. The other reason I'm 2A is because that right is what enables us to protect all of our other rights. Governments who go after your right to bear arms will go after your other rights once they have unarmed you. If you look at tyrannical governments throughout history they typically begin with the disarming of the citizens and it's a dangerous game to play to trust that our government "would never do that."
Now for the stuff that just comes to my mind - I'll try to keep it brief because I've got a lot of opinions right now lol
Illegal Immigration: I wholeheartedly support immigration and don't begrudge anyone who wants to come here. I want anyone from any country that wants to come here and pursue the American Dream to be able to do so. But we have to have immigration laws and those laws have to be followed. We can't just allow people to flow in across the border and start living here. Otherwise we don't have a country. We have to protect our borders. Illegal immigration hurts legal immigration and there are a lot of children that get trafficked through illegal immigration. Massive illegal immigration, like we have at the southern border, is incredibly harmful. I don't have a problem with anyone coming here, they just have to do it legally.
Gender identity: personally I believe there are only two genders which are male and female because that’s what biology tells us, but I don’t care what anyone wants to identify as long as people don’t force me to participate in their ideas about gender and sexuality that I don’t subscribe to through compelled speech. And keep all of this away from children and biological men should not be allowed to compete in women’s sports.
That’s mostly what’s coming to my mind at the moment but feel free to reach out if you have any more questions or want more thorough explanations on anything!
Thanks again for disagreeing respectfully and asking why I believe what I do instead of just writing me off as some sort of bigot. I really appreciate it!
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stormbreaker101 · 2 months
u gotta tell us about mark moonfisher. how'd his arc differ from his canon counterpart? how's his personality different?
So, in Corrupted Spiral, Karamelle goes mad off the rails before its story can begin. My main wizard Nora, spurred into a years-in-the-making breakdown by the prophecy of "You have Nothing to fear", lashed out against the Spiral and released a ton of Aberrant magic. The Aberrant magic that struck Karamelle was Aberrant Storm, which churned constant storms that threaten to erode the mountains and flood the lowlands.
With Karamelle thrown into crisis and Nora gone, the Schismists' Summit is unable to proceed as planned. So instead, the Old One offers his forces as 'humanitarian aid' for the people of Karamelle that are unable to emigrate to safer lands. The Schismists, Mark included, very quickly become a not-so-secret police force to keep the remnants of Karamelle under Nana's and the Old One's thumbs.
Mark doesn't begin any sort of arc until Nora returns to try and fix the consequences of her meltdown 2 years later. He has his moment of 'I'm gonna be the one who finally stops the Wizard!' and keeps trying to egg her on to fight him. He's still very cocky and over the top like "You're just not fighting me cuz you're scared you're gonna lose" and "I can 1v1 you easily, you're outta practice, granny!" (Nora is only 24 and Mark is like... no older than 18 here). Nora eventually reluctantly agrees to fight him just to get him to stop asking her, and she absolutely schools him, even while holding back.
This, of course, crushes Mark. He's been in the Schismists for a few years now, and throughout his time he had constantly heard rumor of The Wizard. How dangerous they were, how they were a harbinger for so much destruction, how they represent everything wrong with the Spiral. (Reader, let me be perfectly clear: this is propaganda.) Mark, young and bright-eyed and a bit of a loner, believed that if he were to defeat the Wizard, then he'd finally have some sort of standing! He could get a promotion! From a basic grunt to a Boss, on the same level as Doctor Demented, Poison Oak, or Gretta Darkkettle! He could have underlings, who'd be forced to be his friends! A cool new name, like... King Shark or something! His life could mean something!
So, that sounds fairly similar to his canon arc. Absolutely wiped by the Wizard, our pathetic boy works to try and finally defeat us (failing every time). So what changes?
A near death experience, of course :D
Alongside basically being the new cops of Karamelle, the Schismists also make themselves responsible for keeping the plutarchs of Karamelle who refused to leave comfortable. These overprivileged 1%'ers reside in the von Trap estate, above the clouds and safe from both rain and flood, but not safe from monsters.
See, one fun little consequence of Nora fleeing the Spiral and then coming back is that while she was gone she kinda accidentally led a semi-conscious realm of infinite hunger (the Abyss) to the Spiral :D And the creatures from the Abyss hunger for flesh and fear. The soft plutarchs who had never done a single day of honest work or ever had any worry beyond accruing capital are basically the most tender of meat to the Abyss.
It's a damn slaughter, and Mark (who was assigned to the von Trap estate one day along with the rest of Quake Charmer's cohort) was one of the only survivors in the manor :D So he's got a new objective, one that trumps his desire to beat the Wizard: survive. He flees the estate and goes back to the lower towns, where Nora's helping the lower class folk evacuate so they don't also fall prey to the Abyss. Mark decides to slip into the crowd and just go with them to wherever they end up. He'll... beat the Wizard later. Another day. When he's stronger. Right now he's a bit too weak. (Bit too traumatized. :P)
The Karamellians are directed to Grizzleheim, which is doing rather well thanks to earlier efforts in undoing Nora's Aberrant magic there. They settle the town of Drostein just north of Savarstaad pass (with King Valgard's blessing), and try to find a new normal, one without any of the cruelty of the poverty that NOFKD imposed on them, or the surveillance state the Schismists put them through.
Mark also has a chance to soften up and find a new normal with the Drostenians, though of course he does have to balance his allegiances. Is he still a Schismist? Can he soften up and just be some guy again, or should he remain a loyal grunt despite not having a boss? The Quizzler is there too, are they his new boss now?
Choices, choices...
At least there's some other big important Wizard who actually wants to brawl with him whenever she comes around :D. It's kinda fun to roughhouse with this... Nordic Champion, Emma whatshisface. Mark still gets absolutely schooled, but Emma's a surprisingly good sport about it! Up for rematches and the like, and actually responds to his shittalk with jabs of her own! Mark has maybe one single friend.
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tomurakii · 4 years
I was reading Toga’s wiki n it calls her hypocritical for “being upset abt twice’s death even tho she’s also killed people” :/
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sapphim · 3 years
not a cullen fan myself but doesn't he genuinely confront meredith during the templar route before the silly hawke cop-out one on both routes? iirc some mages surrender, meredith wants to kill them anyway, cullen actually i think finally stands up to her for some reason and says they shouldn't, and hawke has to side with one or the other? maybe that's what that user is referring to?
Looked this up bc I legitimately couldn't remember it from the, like, one time I played the templar ending all the way through, and yeah, Cullen does push back against Meredith and that probably is what op was referring to. And including literally anything like that in the mage ending probably would have made the absolutely narratively incoherent mage climax very slightly less absolutely incoherent. And they should have. I'll dump the dialogue exchange under the cut.
I have said in the past that the very least that Cullen should have done was object to committing genocide at literally any point prior to committing genocide. So like, I will give him the props he is due. He did object to committing genocide. Only during the ending in which you the player are gearing up to commit genocide, but whatever. Proud of him. <3 Centrist king.
Mage: Have mercy, we beg you! Mage: Do whatever you want with us, but let us live! Meredith: No. Meredith: This Circle is beyond redemption. Cullen: Knight-Commander, surely the Right of Annulment requires something more— Meredith: It requires my word, Cullen. Do as I've commanded. Mage: Champion! Will you not defend us? Must we all be slaughtered for the actions of a few? Hawke: (What does Cullen think?) I want to hear what the knight-captain has to say. Cullen: I... Cullen: The Right has always been a last resort, when every mage involved was beyond salvation. Cullen: The situation was far more dire in Ferelden's Circle, and yet many mages were saved. We could still do as much here. Cullen: When Ferelden's Circle was lost, the situation was far worse than this. I can't believe wholesale slaughter is the only answer. Meredith: Objection noted, Captain. Hawke: (Are they innocent?) Is there a way to tell if they're blood mages? Meredith: There is not. Cullen: But they haven't resorted to it, even to save their own lives. Perhaps, if we watched them carefully— Meredith: And if they hope to escape by playing innocent? Will you accept that responsibility, Cullen? Cullen: Yes. I believe that's what being a templar is about. Meredith: And I say we are here to protect the people. We must be judges, jailors, and even executioners. Hawke: (Can they tell us anything?) Maybe they can answer some questions. Mage: I think the first enchanter is still in the tower. He... said he had a plan, something that would stop you. Meredith: Demons? Or something worse? Mage: I don't know. We wanted nothing to do with it, so we ran. Mage: Please, help us! We've done nothing wrong! Blue Hawke: (Spare them.) We're here to prevent a crisis, not raze everything in our path. Purple Hawke: (Spare them.) They've already surrendered. Killing them now is just petty. Red Hawke: (Spare them.) Take them into custody. Cullen: Listen to the Champion. Meredith: >:[ Blue Hawke: (We do this Meredith's way.) Our hands are tied. Purple Hawke: (We do this Meredith's way.) There's no point in stopping now, is there? Red Hawke: (We do this Meredith's way.) The time for mercy is over. Cullen: Perhaps you're right. Cullen: Do as the Champion commands. Hawke: (It's not my decision.) I'm not the head of the templars. Meredith: Indeed. Since when do you look to the Champion for orders, Captain? Cullen: Carry out the sentence.
also, for the record, the random ambients in cullen's climax dialogue:
Cullen: I hope Meredith knows what she's doing.
Cullen: I will do what she commands of me, but... something about this isn't right.
Cullen: You must steel yourself for what is to come. We both must.
Cullen: The Right of Annulment was invoked on the Circle in Ferelden when I was younger. Cullen: There, it was justified—demons overran the whole tower. Here... it's much harder to tell who's in the wrong.
Cullen: I am not looking forward to this.
Cullen: Maybe with you on our side, we can resolve this quickly, and with little bloodshed.
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makeste · 3 years
So you mentioned you had this theory about AfO giving Shigaraki his Quirk, and having a more...direct influence on his backstory. Was there a previous post about this theory I could read, or if not, do you mind elaborating on it?
I’ve talked about it a bit here and there (for instance in my chapter recaps for chapters 235 through 237, and in posts like this one), but I haven’t really summarized it all together yet, so I’ll give you the short version, since I have no idea when I’ll finally get around to writing up the long version never mind lol this turned out long enough that we might as well just designate it the long version and call it a day. anyways, the basic idea is that there are far too many coincidences in Tenko’s traumatic backstory for me to believe that they are anything other than planned -- particularly since every last one of those coincidences directly benefits AFO in some way.
the fact that Tenko -- who oddly enough had been diagnosed as quirkless right up until the point where he suddenly wasn’t -- just happened to develop the perfect quirk to ensure that he would accidentally kill his entire family.
the fact that this quirk also doesn’t seem to have anything to do with either of his parents’ quirks. not that we ever saw said quirks, admittedly, but we know Kotarou’s quirk likely had something to do with Float because of genetics. and also we saw both parents touch things with all five fingers, so we know that neither of them has a touch-based quirk like the one Tenko spontaneously developed. hence the assumption that Tenko’s quirk was a mutation. but if so it’s an extremely convenient one.
the fact that all of this shit happens to their yard and house,
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and not a single soul turns up to investigate. no neighbors, no cops, no heroes -- nobody. it’s not like they didn’t have neighbors, either!
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it’s Japan, lol, everyone’s right on top of one another and nobody has any personal space. you can see the two neighboring houses only a few yards away on either side. and yet nobody in either of those homes heard or saw anything?? no one turned up afterwards curious about what had happened, and looking for the family?
the fact that not a single person stops Tenko on the street other than that one old lady. no one else spares so much as a glance. you could argue they were all too afraid and/or all just figured “someone else will take care of it”, which of course is exactly what Tomura thought happened as well. but putting aside the depressingly pessimistic nature of that take (and the fact that there have been actual studies conducted that show that the so-called bystander effect is actually bullshit), even if we assume that this is that one-in-ten situation where no one was willing to help, the fact that no one was even nosy enough to investigate further, and there were absolutely no heroes or other authorities in the area even after the incident at his house (again, you’re telling me no one was out there searching for the missing family?) -- all of that absolutely screams tampering to me. there’s just no way.
the fact that out of all the people who could have finally discovered him, it just happened to be AFO, and he just happened to already know exactly what had happened. (and for that matter, the fact that Ujiko made it to the crime scene in time to gather up all of the family remains and wasn’t caught or interfered with.)
and last but not least, the fact that the child who experienced all of this extraordinarily convenient misfortune just so happened to be the grandson of AFO’s arch-enemy.
so yeah. just one extremely improbable event on top of another. and now add to that the fact that all of these crazy coincidences just so happen to line up perfectly with AFO’s goals:
he wants an heir whom he can raise up as his pawn to eventually defeat OFA.
he needs that heir to harbor an extraordinarily powerful hatred.
while this is still unconfirmed, it’s heavily implied that said heir would need to be quirkless in order to be an ideal vessel for AFO (AFO probably figured this out a good deal sooner than the OFA vestiges because he has a lot more experience with forcing quirks onto other people).
this isn’t a requirement per se, but it sure is a nice bonus if that heir just so happens to be a close blood relation of one of the OFA successors whose lives he’s so determined to thoroughly destroy.
so how exactly does one go about cultivating a strong enough hatred to defeat one’s annoying brother and his persistently stubborn quirk? easy!
(1) identify a suitable target child (preferably one who’s the grandson of your hated enemy). preferably very young so that they’re easier to mold in your image, and also because it’s important for them to have not developed a quirk yet.
(2) ensure that the child is quirkless (this is easily done if you’re a guy who has the ability to steal quirks).
(3) keep close tabs on the child (whose father you’ve indirectly traumatized by killing his mother years and years ago, leading to his taking it out on his own children years later) and wait until you feel like the time is right.
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(4) give the child a new deadly and uncontrollable quirk.
(5) sit back and wait for the slaughter.
(6) ensure via one of your many quirks and/or your numerous connections as the head of the criminal underworld that no authorities show up to rescue the child in the aftermath, or to basically investigate the crime scene in any way. same goes for the people on the street the next morning.
(7) wait until the child is good and traumatized and at his most vulnerable, then come to his rescue, and also make sure to point out how none of the heroes cared enough to bother.
and then the rest we basically already know lol. AFO gives him his family’s hands to ensure that the trauma stays fresh, and repeatedly drills into Tenko’s head the idea that he is a born killer, and that he can only find peace in destruction. he raises him to despise heroes in general and All Might in particular. all so that he will grow up to become AFO’s perfect vessel.
tl;dr, it was all AFO from start to finish. everything that the adult Tomura believes about heroes and society and even about himself, he believes because AFO carefully implanted, reinforced, and nurtured those beliefs in him. and that is precisely why Deku isn’t wrong when he senses that Tenko is still in there somewhere, and that he can still be saved. the key to Tomura remaining under AFO’s control is that he continues to believe AFO’s great lie that the tragedy of his life was inevitable, and was the heroes’ fault. but if and when he ever discovers the true extent of AFO’s involvement in every aspect of his childhood misfortune, whatever remains of that control is going to shatter completely, and once again AFO’s own arrogance will potentially be his downfall. it’s all well and good to go about creating monsters for your own personal gain -- until they finally come knocking on your own door. I for one would love to see Tomura be the one to personally deliver the final blow. but we’ll see!
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The Five times She met the Hargreeves- Five Hargreeves
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Plot: Fives wife has been looking for him for ages, and she is not so happy about it, although she meets his fellow siblings along the way (Fluff and cuteness mainly)
Cammie was dangerous. In-fact she was well known for being the most ruthless assassin the commission has. Her abilities made her quick, her training made her agile, he mind made her strong. She never played by the rules. But if you saw under the fact she could kill you within the blink of an eye, she was a sweetheart. Her heart was made of gold, she was soft and kind the kind of girl thought to be made of honey and glass. 
However, not playing by the rules, lead the Handler to become fed up with the bright bubbly girl so she threw her to the end of the world with nothing to ‘harden’ her up. Unfortunately for the Handler that is how Camille Winters met Five Hargreeves and the two became inseparable - unstoppable - the perfect duo.
There were moments where Cammie was willing to murder Five Hargreeves, and that was the day he got the equations wrong.
It was a cold Thursday night when Allison Hargreeves was talking with her friends about the revolution in the hair salon. It was like any other day.
Until  - with a loud crash, the door was thrust open. Everyone jumped to their feet, standing in a defensive position.
In the door frame stood a girl, who looked to be in her teens. Her face was unreadable as she spoke in a clear commanding voice.
“I’m Cammie. Man over the road called the cops on ya love. I’d disperse the mothers meeting”
Allison never got to thank her, she was gone as quick as she came.
Klaus as never one for constant socialising, which is why he was sat in an empty coffee shop with Ben sat opposite him. He didn’t notice the girl in a waitress uniform stand next to him until she spoke.
“Im Cammie, you want anything else Mister?”
Klaus looked up, to see a teen girl staring back at him with an unreadable expression.
“Are you not a little young to be of the working class my dear?” he asked absentmindedly. Ben rolled his eyes.
The girl smiled. “Im way older then you would believe darling,” she turned to where Ben was sat, seemingly invisible to anyone but Klaus. “And what about you hot stuff?” she smirked.
Klaus lifted his head from his arms “You can see him?” he asked
“No one ever comes in here darling, I think I’d notice not one but two cuties when they walk in,”
Ben sent an awkward smile “No thank you.” he said.
Cammie sent a sweet smile before walking off. She was gone before they could say anything else. 
Cammie was furious. And that was an understatement. Five had gone through the portal, taking her with him to get back to his family but somehow she was thrown away and separated from him thrown back into the 60′s where she tried desperately to find him. Then, when she awoke to the grimy alleyway she had been chucked into she realised that she was stuck in her teenage body.
She told Five. She told him the equations were wrong but did he listen? Nope.
And now she was stuck god knows where.
Now, Cammie like Five had extraordinary powers. Although there lines of what she could do were blurred she could see flashes of events that happened in the past, present and future. In other words, time was her bitch. But when she saw the flash of Five being threatened by the Handler her blood boiled.
The only issue with Five is that the little shit couldn't seem to stay in the right timeline so Cammie didn’t know when he would be experiencing what she thought he was going through.
Needless to say all thoughts of common sense went out the window when she saw the Handler pointing a gun at her teenage husband. So naturally she teleported to the commission.
When she arrived the Handler was sitting at her office with an unpleasant smirk on her face. In-front of her were two people whom Cammie did not recognise. The first was a man, with long Jesus style hair and tan skin. He had tan skin and wore a shocked expression. The other was a woman with shoulder length dark hair and wide brown eyes. The Handler did not seem even slightly surprised and Cammie’s sudden appearance.
“Cammie dear, to what do I owe the pleasure?” she asked smiling.
“Why the HELL is my husband?” She growled, eyes narrowing into slits. The Handler rolled her eyes.
“Ah yes. Don’t worry he’s a free man, still trying to stop what cannot be stopped..I must say you do look better at this age than you did two weeks ago”
Cammie rolled her eyes, looking at the two people next to her, who were staring in shock.
“I told him.” Cammie said angrily. “I told him the equations were wrong. But my husband thought he was right.”
Cammie picked up a Vase and threw it against the bookshelf so it shattered into a million pieces. “BECAUSE FIVE HARGREEVES NEVER FUCKING LISTENS”  
The Handler didn’t even blink, but the man in the chair with the Jesus hair spoke up “Hold on a minuet, Five Hargreeves is your husband? The bastard managed to get married??”
Cammie laughed. “And how would you know him?”
The man paused for a moment, “Im his brother, Deigo”
Cammie rolled her eyes, “Tell me, was he always a little shit?”
The Handler stood up, picking up a gun and pointing it at Cammie who didn’t seem even slightly fazed at the fact her life was being threatened. By now it was a common occurrence. “What do you want Cammie?” she said
“Where. Is. My. Husband.” she seethed
Diego spoke up “Last I heard he was with a Man called Elliot, down an alleyway”
Cammie turned to face him “How come your’e more helpful in a second than Five has been his entire life?”
“Tell me, do you flirt with all the Haregreeve siblings?” The Handler sneered.
Cammie laughed “She’s just salty Five chose me and not her.”
The Handler raised her weapon firing multiple times but it was too late. In a flash of blue light Cammie was gone.
“Five got Married?”
Five and Luther were having a nice little conversation about the poor dead Elliot in the chair when they saw a flash of blue light which seemed to be emitting a lot of crashing sounds and swearing coming from the balcony below them.
“Shit. Its the commission get down.” Five whispered to Luther who decided to do as he was told.
“How have they found us?”
Five sighed running his hands through his hair in frustration as he peeked behind the sofa. “I don’t know, but they are dangerous so be careful.”
“How many enemies do you have??” asked Luther eyes wide in shock.
However Five was staring at where the sound was coming from with a slight smile on his face. Luther was more shocked that Five was producing a genuine smile than anything else. 
“She’s not an enemy” he said standing up and walking to the stairs.
Luther looked at him incredulously “Well she sure sounds like it.”
When Five got to the stairs, he was relieved to see Cammie, standing hands on hips glaring at him with the angriest stare she could muster. He merely smiled back, finding it slightly amusing how angry she was. (And slightly scary but he would never admit that)
As soon as it clicked that Five was in fact okay, Cammie marched up the staircase yelling how much she was going to absolutely slaughter him, her speed not slowing down as she drew nearer
“Er - Five? Are you sure she is not the enemy because she looks -”
Luther watched as Cammie came nearer to his brother unsure of what to do until she ...kissed Five?
The girl had ran to Five and placed her hands firmly on the sides of his face pulling him down to kiss her. His arms wrapped around her waist pulling her closer. Her hands travelled to his hair, running her hands through it. 
Luther just stood there mouth open, trying to comprehend what was happening in front of him.
The kiss broke, leaving Cammie still on her toes, face buried in the crook of Fives neck as he had one arm still wrapped around her waist and the other stroking her hair.
“W h a t?” Luther finally managed to get out
The pair separated looking up at the bigger man, who was staring between the two blankly. first of all he was shocked that Cammie hadn’t tried to kill them, but also the fact that his annoying, self centred arsehole of a brother actually found love - and not to mention the fact he had never seen Five as happy as he looked right now.
“Cammie, this is my brother Luther, Luther this is my wife Cammie.”
“Im sorry you are married?”
Five rolled his eyes so Luther turned to Cammie.
“You actually like him?”
At this Cammie laughed, brushing hair out of Five’s face “Surprisingly I do - even if he never listens to me.”
Five turned to her “I do listen to you!” 
“Erm no you don’t. I told you the calculations were off but you didn’t listen to me”
Five open and closed his mouth but no words came out, so he turned to Luther.
“We carry on with the plan, but this time we have her. She is so much better.”
“I still can’t get over the fact that you are married,”
Cammie was laid in bed. Her head was on Fives chest, her arms wrapped around him, her leg hooked up on his waist. He was snuggled into her, burying his face in her hair as she slept, his arms tightly wrapped around her
The Hargreeve siblings were stood around around them, each with their mouth open slightly in shock.
“Can anyone else not get over the fact Five is Married?” Luther asked
“To a reasonable person no doubt,” Allison continued.
“And a baddass. The commission adore and are terrified by her.” Diego added
“Ben and I would like to point out she clearly makes Five happy. That’s a yay right?”
“Vanya nodded her head. “He looks at peace for once.”
And he did. For the first time in years the siblings saw their grumpy, annoying, pessimistic brother smile, a real genuine smile.
“If you guys don’t stop staring he will kill you,”
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nileqt87 · 3 years
Ramblings about Lucifer referencing Bones, “Close your eyes.” and shows influencing each other
That was never just a Bones reference being made and the season finale admitted it.
David Boreanaz played the ironically-named Angel on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel: the Series. His character has *so many* parallels with Lucifer (far more than Booth outside of the law enforcement/crime procedural connection).
Angel's spinoff also has noir crime drama aspects mixed with the supernatural starring an immortal protagonist with a dark past and infamously villainous reputation fighting evil as a supernatural private detective in the City of Angels (a city known for its dark underbelly juxtaposed with fame and glamor, broken dreams and chasing eternal youth) and navigating human law (including the LAPD and evil lawyers) while not legally existing.
Angel also fell in love with a blonde human heroine (Buffy Summers) after lifetimes of self-destructive, not-so-heroic behaviors (getting his soul back did *not* make Angel a hero and human Liam was a lecherous drunk with unfulfilled ambitions and father issues) who inspired him to become a better man and make human connections.
AtS made heavy use of sprawling nighttime Downtown L.A. cityscape shots, which Lucifer also shared an abundance of.
During both of their first cases, they failed to save the troubled blonde girl they were trying to help (Tina and Delilah, respectively). They also have a connection inside the LAPD through a blonde cop who also takes their identity secrets pretty badly (Kate Lockley in Angel's case).
Note that Buffy not only screamed (twice, given it repeated during her memory loss in Halloween), but also came after Angel with a crossbow when she thought he'd attacked her mother (it was Darla), so Chloe taking the Devil face reveal (Monster Reveals are iconic old horror imagery) poorly to the point of considering poisoning is par for the course. However, it only took Buffy seven episodes instead of three seasons to get the identity reveal via seeing the horrific second face (arguably also an accident on Angel's part).
They are metaphorically or literally Hell's angels. They also had long stays in Hell or a hell dimension.
Lucifer and Angel are also both Prodigal Sons with long-held grudges against their long-absent fathers (patricide in Liam/Angel(us)'s case) and they're later faced with a situation where they have unexpected, thought-impossible offspring who show up as adults (neither got to raise their miracle child) wanting revenge. Yup, major Connor/Rory parallel there.
Angel is also in a constant struggle with the Powers that Be manipulating his fate and free will (like Lucifer, he's a champion of free will no matter the cost) and making him prophecy's bitch.
Bones famously got jokes about how Booth is Angel getting his Shanshu (made human), since the character is given constant Angel-isms like references to a dark past having killed people (Booth is also named after a historical murderer, in addition to having been a sniper), both being Catholics full of Catholic guilt (note that the Buffyverse is most accurately polytheistic, though Angel does face off against a take on the antichrist--Angel has constant biblical imagery/themes and not just because of vampire iconography), kicking down doors (just not off their entire frames--LOL), turning on a dime and threatening people up against walls, constant wink-wink references to the Buffyverse (familiar casting, references to the Hyperion Hotel, etc...), etc...
The Lucifer finale used the words "Close your eyes." right before Lucifer is sent to Hell. This is literally the BtVS season 2 finale where Buffy kisses Angel and sends him to hell for a century with a stab to the gut (see the season 5 finale, not to mention Lucifer giving up his life for Chloe's à la I Will Remember You).
Note that D.B. Woodside was on BtVS (playing Robin Wood, whose Slayer mother Nikki Wood was killed by Spike). Aimee Garcia was in both episodes of AtS (Birthday--she's older than she looks!) and Bones. See her also playing a cross-wearing religious girl on Supernatural who was slaughtered in a police precinct by Lilith. Kevin Alejandro was also in an episode of Bones.
Tricia Helfer was in an episode of Supernatural playing a ghost who reenacts the night of her death every year. BtVS also had an episode along those lines, but with Buffy and Angelus possessed (not to mention Phantom Dennis!). Lucifer having Dan as a ghost is yet another thing they all have in common (ditto referencing Ghost, Patrick Swayze and/or Unchained Melody--Vincent Schiavelli a.k.a. Ghost's subway ghost was Jenny's uncle Enyos, whom Angelus killed).
Lucifer name-checked Castiel and Supernatural referenced Lucifer using their Lucifer (crime-fighting angel in L.A. made it a double-reference whammy). Supernatural returned the favor again by having Castiel forced to sing in Enochian. Lucifer's reference to his singing voice was already a zing about Misha Collins having to put on that monotone gravel voice and Enochian being far from melodious.
Russell T Davies was quite heavily inspired by the Buffyverse when he revived Doctor Who and spun off Torchwood, so there are absolute tons of Buffy, Angel and Spike respectively in Rose Tyler, the 9th/10th Doctors, Captain Jack Harkness and Captain John Hart (right down to the actor). School Reunion is the episode where the Buffyverse inspiration is most on the nose, complete with Anthony Stewart Head saying "shooty dog thing" in a school setting and a Mayor/Angel-esque speech about the curse of immortality. The Time War gave the Doctor a huge genocide-level guilt complex. Note that the creator of DC comics' version of Lucifer, Neil Gaiman, has also written for Doctor Who and is also the co-creator of Good Omens (the show is brimming with Doctor Who Easter eggs thanks to David Tennant). A barely-recognizable Tom Ellis played Martha Jones' ex-fiancé Tom Milligan during the Year that Never Was, as well.
A lot of shows take inspiration from the Buffyverse and you've probably seen some of them. It isn't just the copycat vampire romance stories either.
Angel's forerunners in turn were a mix of guilt-stricken, rat-eating Louis de Pointe du Lac (his Jekyll/Hyde-esque alter-ego Angelus is closer to the pre-retcon, fully-evil Lestat de Lioncourt, who got woobified into an antihero rocker not unlike Spike--the entire Fanged Four mirror Anne Rice's character lineup), sword-wielding, immortality trope-influencers Connor/Duncan MacLeod of Highlander fighting for the Prize of humanity (akin to Pinocchio becoming a "real boy"--see also Barnabas Collins of Dark Shadows, though he was before vampires became antihero superheroes, not just sympathetic antivillains) and Nick Knight of Forever Knight (vampire detective).
Additionally, Tom Welling was famously the longest-serving Clark Kent of them all (Smallville) on the old WB (there's that DC comics connection, too), so it's not just a Fox shows thing (though Fox, not just Warner Brothers, did indeed own the Buffyverse). One of the least-known things about Clark is that he also has an immortality problem where he wouldn't age parallel to Lois (they wouldn't be able to have kids either) without a workaround. The Kryptonite line directed at Cain/Pierce by Lucifer was quite on the nose! Lucifer and Smallville sort of crossed over even further in Crisis on Infinite Earths, so Tom is canonically the face of both Clark and Cain in parallel universes of the DC multiverse.
Supernatural had quite recently had their own takes on Cain (played by Timothy Omundson, who also played God Johnson) and the Mark of Cain when Lucifer did it. Dan's killer Le Mec was, of course, Rob Benedict, who was God a.k.a. Chuck Shurley, the ultimate villain of Supernatural. Richard Speight, Jr., who was archangel Gabriel/Loki the Trickster, directed a lot of Lucifer's later episodes in addition to being a prolific Supernatural director.
Supernatural and Lucifer use the exact same font for their titles (Supernatural Knight).
The X-Files (which Supernatural referenced constantly) and Supernatural also had stories about nephilim (see the apocryphal Book of Enoch). Lucifer ultimately had two nephilim (forbidden interspecies offspring of angels and humans), even if not saying so as a known concept. Connor can also be compared to the vampire equivalent of being something like a dhampir, though he's not quite that (mostly-but-not-quite-human offspring of two vampires instead of a human/vampire hybrid--see Blade for an actual dhampir). Supernatural has also covered the even rarer cambion species (human/demon hybrid).
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astralkoo · 4 years
the huntress | jungkook (teaser)
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Pairing: jungkook x (f.) reader
Genre: werewolf au, hunter au, action, thriller, angst, fluff, smut
Rating: 18+ (graphic violence / explicit sexual content)
Estimated Final Word Count: 15-20k??? Maybe more bc it’s already at 7.4k and I haven’t even fully hit on the main plot yikes
Teaser Word Count: 1,780
Summary: You are a hunter. You are a protector. And you are a killer. These are simple facts. Facts that have been drilled into your head since you were a child. These facts are all that you know, all that you can rely on when the world around you is constantly changing. But, what can you do when one of the very creatures you’ve been taught to hunt, taught to kill, taught to hate makes you question everything you once believed?
Warnings: explicit language, descriptions of blood, graphic violence, death, killing/murder, jk is kept in a cage, panic attack, betrayal, sad jk, explicit sexual content; sex in a lake, unprotected sex (please be safe!!), sub!jungkook, dom!reader, virgin!jungkook, lots of whining, light dirty talk, hand job, fingering, jk has a kissing kink, oral (f. receiving), biting, reader calls jk puppy (all warnings are subject to change)
Release Date: TBD
A/N ; ah shit here we go. she’s been coming along pretty smoothly, so I thought it was the right time put the teaser out for you guys! I’m really excited to get the full fic posted and hopefully it won’t be too far in the future, but with my track record... I can make no guarantees. thank you for 1.4K followers!! I hope you enjoy!
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You felt it building in your chest, swelling into something large and uncontainable. The sensation creeping up your throat, filling the back of your mouth and forcing open your jaws. Tears sprung to the corners of your eyes and your dry lips strained as they stretched open, the monstrous yawn finally breaking free.
Fuck. You are so tired.
It had been an exhausting day to begin with and of course, with your luck, it was your turn to take the night watch.
Around you, the forest was alive: crickets and cicadas singing lazy songs, the warm summer breeze rustling through the leaves, the waning moon casting a cool silver glow over the sleeping earth. Beside you, the dying remains of a bonfire flickers and spits blazing embers, choking and fading with every gust of wind. The darkness is slowly closing in, the eerie shadows of the surrounding trees creeping closer and closer with every passing minute.
Gravity pulled at your eyelids, the sweet lure of sleep all too tempting.
You shot upright, eyes wide and alert, ears straining. It was too dark to see past the outer layer of trees, and a heavy silence followed, only remedied by the soft crackling of the singed wood. There’s a familiar prickle under your skin, the hairs on the back of your neck standing on end. It’s dark, but you don’t need to see to know that there is something out there. Call it a self-made sixth sense if you will, something you’ve developed and trained into perfection over the course of many years.
Instinctively, your fingers reached for your bow. The sleek black metal scraped against the large stone it was propped up on as you swiftly and silently fall into position. Unsheathing an arrow from the leather quiver, you pull it back against the string until you feel that perfect tension. The side of your thumb caresses the cool skin of your cheek, and you close one eye, honing in on the dark tree line.
Come on. Give me a reason.
But you’re only rewarded with silence.
After a few tense moments, you slowly lowered your weapon, brow twitching in irritation.
“Get a grip, y/n.” You grumbled roughly.
You were on edge. It’s understandable; you were in completely unfamiliar territory, with no reliable knowledge of the land or its inhabitants to lean back on. The knowledge which you did have, however (that being the knowledge that the nearby town had been getting ravaged by a bloodthirsty beast under the cover of nightfall), didn’t ease the tension in your shoulders in the slightest.
After all, that was the whole reason for your troop’s relocation.
A little over three weeks ago, the head of your troop received a letter from a desperate mayor, pleading for your help. They had a problem. Almost every night for the past month, towns people that wandered the streets late into the evening when the sun had set behind the hills and the moon had risen past the horizon, whether it be walking home from a long day of work or going for an evening jog when the summer heat wasn’t so unbearable, had been getting killed. No, not killed— slaughtered.
You’d seen the pictures.
No human being was capable of doing what had been done to those people.
Ergo, the exigency for your troop’s presence.
This town didn’t need cops, they didn’t need police or detectives searching for some rampant serial killer. What they needed were hunters. More specifically, werewolf hunters. Which is precisely what you were. ‘Slayers of the Supernatural’, some might say. Your job was simple: find the murderous creature responsible for the bloody deaths of thirty seven innocent civilians, and eliminate the problem, once and for all. Pretty cut and dry when you think about it.
And for a troop as skilled and experienced as yours, finding and ending this bloodthirsty beast should be a cinch.
But, that didn’t make sitting out, so painfully alone in the dark of night with a killer werewolf on the loose any less unnerving.
Now, you weren’t afraid of the monster itself, you’d held your own against its kind and worse plenty of times in the past. No, it was the deafening silence that was most disquieting. The stillness. The lack of happening. It set you on edge, made it feel like you had to hold your breath to get the slightest idea of what was going on around you. The wait had always been your least favorite part of the hunt, despite it being one of the most vital.
You’ll admit, you can be impatient. It was your most notable cause of failure back in your training days and in some of your earlier hunts. But you’ve gotten better, become capable of capping your overzealous antics, improved in terms of self restraint. Though, you’d still much rather be in the heart of the action than sitting on the sidelines and waiting with buzzing anticipation nipping at your heels.
Exhaling heavily, you slumped back onto the ground, exhaustion quickly seeping back into your sore muscles once the brief flush of adrenaline drained from your system.
Then you heard the rustling of leaves. But this— it was different from the sound made when the breeze wisps through them. There was a certain force to it, a heaviness in the way the branches clicked and the leaves crunched. It was the sound of a body moving through the heavy foliage. A large animal? Maybe. Or perhaps it was something else entirely. Not human. Not an animal. But something in between.
Your hand was around the grip of your bow in less than a second, body swiftly falling into a low crouch.
It was dark. But the moon spilled just enough light over the forest for you to catch a glimpse of a silhouette: a tall, dark shape moving slowly through the brush. You had your mark. Now you just needed a reason to loose your arrow.
Never strike without absolute certainty that you have your eye on the right target. That’s what Junmyeon always drilled into your head during training after you attacked too early and without proper understanding of who (the dummy representing an innocent civilian, in such cases) you’d been aiming at. Because if you somehow mistook an innocent for one of the beasts you hunt— it was a thought you didn’t want to so much as consider.
Teeth gritting, you carefully followed the shadowy figure, feet shifting silently across the dirt. Suddenly, your boot clad toe suddenly knocked a pebble, sending it skittering across the ground. You froze, and so did the silhouette. Then its head whipped in your direction, and the very second you saw the flash of two unmistakable red eyes, your fingers released the taut string, sending the arrow whizzing into the tree line.
A shriek of agony ripped through the calm night air. The figure staggered, doubling over, before quickly righting itself and whirling around, taking off into the dense, black forest.
You didn’t let so much as a fraction of a second pass before you launched yourself off the dirt ground and bolted into the woods after the creature, a delicious combination of red hot adrenaline and childlike excitement immediately consuming you. It was this— this feeling, this exhilaration that you lived for. That you hunted for. It drove you in ways nothing else ever had. The combination of blood rushing through your veins and your heart thundering in your ears created an almost euphoric sensation. It was a high, thrilling and electrifying. But perhaps those weren’t quite the right words to describe it.
Maybe it was the fact that for these moments as you were rushing through the brush, low branches slicing at your arms and face, cool wind winding through your hair, you could clear your mind and focus only on this one thing, on putting every ounce of your energy into this one moment to accomplish this one feat. There wasn’t— there couldn’t be a single invading thought, doubt, concern. There was nothing but boiling determination, molten in your bloodstream.
Ahead of you, the creature rushed frantically through the dense forest, weaving and staggering around the bulging trunks of towering trees. It was trying to lose you. But you excelled when it came to the chase. The fact that it was wounded also helped; the dark red blood stained the leaves and mossy earth, leaving a clear path for you to follow.
You were catching up, the distance between you and it growing smaller and smaller with each moment. You could hear the creature's heavy footfalls, the crunching of leaves and snapping of twigs. Within a few strides, you were within arms distance. If you were to reach out your hand—
Just as your fingertips grazed its back, you broke through the tree line. The creature, caught off guard, stumbled. A fatal mistake. Before it had a chance to recover, you rammed your shoulder into its back, directly between its shoulder blades, sending it stumbling forward with a stunned yelp. You hadn’t even noticed the massive body of water until he fell into it. Always be aware of your surroundings, you reminded yourself sharply, before honing in on your target. The water, reflecting the night sky like a mirror, rippled and spat around the form of the creature as it attempted to scramble away from you. But you didn’t let it get far.
You thrust yourself on top of him, pinning his kicking legs down with your own and making a grab for his flailing arms. A sharp hiss rushed past your teeth when you felt something slice into your arm, but you paid no heed to the warm, familiar trickle of blood. It only fueled the roaring fire of determination inside of you further. He was bucking up, thrashing wildly, trying to throw you off, but you held fast, angling yourself in such a way that you had the upper hand. Icy water splashed across your face, seeping into your clothes as you used all your strength to keep him down. But it wasn’t easy fighting a werewolf with your bare hands. Not even a wounded one. And you were quickly growing sick of feeling the piercing sting of his claws cutting through your clothes and biting into your skin.
In one swift motion, you unsheathed the silver blade hidden in a pouch sewn into the inside of your boot. Every muscle in his body froze up at the feeling of cold metal pressing threateningly against his vulnerable throat.
Panting through clenched teeth, you pinned him with a chilling glare.
“Give me one reason why I shouldn’t slit your throat.”
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chayacat · 3 years
Devil’s Sweet Star (42)
Fandom: Dead by Daylight
Ghostface x Female Reader  
Rated M for Violence, Language and Smut  
Ah... that expression of shock on your face, that lack of reaction... Or at least that frail voice that is yours. Danny couldn't have dreamed of a better reaction from you. We would think we were in a movie, where the girl discovers a terrible secret about her boyfriend. This is actually the case, with one exception: We are not in a movie. Danny watched you, his sneaky smile on his lips, like a cat watching the little mouse in his cage, the lion watching the gazelle, or the wolf devouring the poor little doe that will soon serve as his meal. He was slowly moving towards you, but you backed up against the wall, causing him to stop.
“Surprise, Honey. Happy to see me?” He said with a provocative smile.
“J-Jed? No... I don't believe it. It's a nightmare... or a prank! You can't...” you start to say.  
“Can’t what? Being the one who since all this time harasses you every night making you doubt about your loyalty to your boyfriend? I can tell you my sweet little star, that all this is real. But... let's redo the presentations. Jed... never existed. My real name is Danny, Danny Johnson, to serve you.”
“You've been lying to me all this time... But why??”
“Think twice Sherlock. I am... quite wanted in other states. I wasn't going to swing my true identity, to a complete stranger I had just met. And then... there was a good chance... that you have heard of me. But luckily for me... that was not the case.”
“Your office...”
“Want to take a look? since the time you wish to enter it, now that you know the truth, I can show you. Follow me.”
Danny walked past you, while looking behind him to see if you were following him. He unlocked the door of his office and opened it so that you could finally enter it. He saw this expression of surprise on your face again, and this temporary absence of voice made him shudder. Everything went as he had imagined. It remains more than to know how all this would end.
“It's you who... who did all these murders... these innocent people... McKellan and... Hoggins.” You said finally.
“Nice deduction Sherlock. This is me. All those nights when I was inventing an excuse to go out... it was only for that. Spying, stalking... and kill.” Respond Danny leaning against the door.
“And also, to see me as Ghostface. You... you tried... you tried to rape me... and you pretended nothing had happened the next day.”
“And I apologize for that. But I had to... play my role. You would have suspected me too soon otherwise. I had to dissuade you from Jed. Let you accept me as I am. More confident, more... Enterprising then Jed." Replied Danny.
“From the beginning you lied to me. On everything. Your identity, your past, your work... I'm sure this story about this Carla is not real! You invented it or stole it from someone!” you said a little angry.
“Everything I told you about my past... is true. My parents were real assholes. Treating me like a dog. And as for my life with Carla... everything is true. Except one thing: When I learned that Dr. Pheels, the one who cared for her, had let her die, I went to see him one night. I entered through the window. He was in his office. I confronted him with his actions and he... he has denied everything.  *You won't be able to prove anything Johnson. No one will believe you, you're wasting your time, Johnson. You'd better leave and find yourself another jug to fill your nights. And if she's sick... think of me. You can touch a small part. * At that time... I took out a knife that I had taken from home... and I slaughtered him like never before. My first murder, the one that made me who I am today. This is where Jed Olsen was born as well.”  
“And I would still be there. You won't get rid of me as easily. I've told you before: I'm a part of you now.” said Jed in Danny’s mind.  
“That night. You could have killed me. You could have made me yet another victim of your massacres. And yet you left me alive, you played with me, you... persuaded me to kill Hoggins. At least to let you kill him. Why? Why didn't you kill me that night?” you ask calmly.  
It's true. He could have killed you that night. It would have made you just another victim and move on after hiding your corpse somewhere. He could have done it so many times... But he didn't. On the contrary, he lets you live, he spends time with you, shares his life and his past as you did with him. By curiosity? that's what he's always said to himself so far... but in the end isn't it for another reason? Isn't it more because he has found, or at least he thinks he has found something he thought was lost forever? And that he wanted to protect at all costs?
“Lying to her won't do much good here Danny. We both know that. Be honest with her. Like she was with you. And be honest with yourself. Believe me.” said Jed in Danny’s mind, leaning in front of him.  
“I could have. At first, I confess that I did it out of curiosity, to see how far you could amuse me and I would have killed you as soon as you bore me. But... you were... so innocent. But just as fierce. Like Carla. She was like you, dreams full of heads, with punchlines when it was necessary. And a heart of gold, always ready to help people and do good around her. And the more time I spent with you, the more I felt like I was reliving my life before.” responds Danny sincerely to you.  
“Good choice. It's a bit late, but better late than never.” replied Jed smiling.
“Now, that's the question everyone is asking. You know everything. What are you going to do?” Asks Danny to you.  
Danny looked you straight in the eye, his smile having sag to make way for a more serious face. He had his knife in hand, ready to use it if you ever try to play the heroes or warn the police. He would like to not do that, but his secret has to come first. Even if it means killing you. He doesn't want to, but he won't have a choice. He no longer has a choice, and neither do you. You could have stopped before, avoided this relationship. It would have been easier for him. But here... it will be the first time for him that he will have to kill someone reluctantly. There is no turning back now. For both of you. This is where everything will play out.
Deep in his mind... Danny knows how it's going to end. There is no chance that you will accept all this. Even if you have shown flaws, he knows that you will denounce him, or try to stop him. If that really happens, so be it. But he can't help but hope. What a stupid spirit of humanity. And yet, what was not his surprise, when he saw you approaching him hugging him. For a few minutes, he waited for you to take out a knife or a weapon of some kind to attack him. But nothing. Absolutely nothing. Just... a normal hug. As if none of this had happened. Nothing had been said.
“Well... I... I didn't expect that. Unless this is a ruse on your part.” said Danny suspicious.
“What good would it be now that I try anything against you? You said it: if you fall, I will fall too. And... you may be an assassin... you've always been there when I needed... you listened to me, you protected me. You could have killed me a long time ago... and you didn't. And all those moments we spent together... I could never forget them. Never.” You respond without letting him go.  
“Me neither.”
“I guess you've made it. You have succeeded in making me your accomplice. That's what you wanted. You wanted me to enter your world.”
“It won't be easy... but I would teach you to get ready for this new life. Lie... Keep one's mouth shut... Trick... As long as you are with me, nothing will happen to you.”
Danny gently took your face with his gloved hand before placing a quick kiss on your lips. But before he can back off, you kiss him passionately, hugging him a little more. He is not a doctor, or even a psychologist, but he could easily conclude that he caused you to have Stockholm syndrome. Or at least something close to it. However, he will have to be careful in the early days. He doesn't know if all this is real... or if you cheat. It's in Danny's mentality, he was betrayed too often in his youth, he will not let himself be fooled so easily.
“We're going to have to put ... two three little things to the point. First, outside of these walls, and when someone comes here, I'm Jed. no one should know my true identity. Not even Mattew and Melina.” starts Danny.  
“It's horrible... to have to lie to them. They're friends, I'm sure they would understand.” you respond.  
“They will especially warn the cops. At least after researching me. Journalistic curiosity, honey, can wreak a lot of havoc. Especially at the level of the closest people. Second, if the police come to ask you about Hoggins, you say you don't know anything. You tell them that the last time you saw him was when he threatened you in your café. Your employees will be able to confirm this.”
“Because I have to use them as an excuse now?” you replied.  
“Everyone around you can serve as an alibi. I've done it often... very often during all these years.” responds Danny shrugging his shoulders.
“Anything else to know?”
“Even if you know about my office, I'd appreciate not seeing you inside. Everyone has their own business. Was I clear enough?”
“Good. So, how was your day?” Danny asks as if nothing had happened.
“As usual... I had two calls. For the succession, it is settled. And my aunt can't wait to meet you one of these days. But other than that, nothing very extraordinary. I'm exhausted.” you respond sighing.  
“I know exactly what you need to... relax.”
Danny slowly lowered his hands until he reached your ass, putting a small slap. You jump slightly before looking at him, biting your lips slightly. A smirk comes to his face, provoking you just with the look. His piercing blue eyes, the secret of his charm. And it is in a fiery kiss that you both direct in the room, undressing each other before finding yourself on the bed, completely naked. The kiss continued, more sensual, and Danny finally entered you, making you moan with pleasure. He waited for you to relax before he began to move, and every move caused the two of you an insatiable pleasure.
No need to hide, no need to live under Jed's identity, no need to be Ghostface to satisfy his fantasies. Now that you know everything, now that you know who he is, he can finally be himself. He will continue to "play" Jed outside his walls because it is not necessary to arouse the suspicions of either office colleagues or the police. And even less of Wilhelm. This guy is a real leech.  
Now with you he can finally be himself. You are the sweet little star of the devil. And no one will be able to approach you. In every sense of the word... the beast has been released. And nothing can stop it.
Not even himself.
(And it's done! This chapter was quite quick to write because since it is the continuation of the previous chapter, the ideas came to me quite quickly. Well, it's true that almost the entire chapter is mostly dialogue between Danny and the reader, but really, I didn't see how I could write it other than that. I don't forget the fic RE8 and the little teasing I talked about! By the way, if at the moment you do not know what to play, whether on Switch or PC, I recommend Road 96, a real surprise that I love! I hope you’ll like this chapter like the others ones! Well, it's time for my brain to rest! Have a great weekend to you all!  See ya!)
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ibijau · 4 years
“Stop borrowing flowers out of my garden to woo people who don’t even treat you right.” said by Jiang Cheng! Hm, could you make this mingcheng???
This one got away from me so it’s a tiny bit longer than the usual, oops?
The problem was that strictly speaking, it wasn’t a garden. It was just a patch of dirt on the side of a long abandoned construction project that had never been completed due to lack of funds, or embezzlement, or some other bullshit that Jiang Cheng had never cared enough about to try and find out.
It wasn’t a garden.
But Jiang Cheng had been planting flowers there, out of sheer boredom, because he lived right next door and missed the greeneries of his parents’ house. Their garden had always been gorgeous, perfectly maintained by his mother, an absolute work of art. It was the only place she seemed happy. It was the only thing Jiang Cheng missed about his old life. Those quiet moments when his mother, in a fit of good mood, took him around her garden, her one true love, and explained to him about the plants and how to best care for them. People in their circle would sometimes joke that Zu Ziyuan loved her garden more than her family.
Jiang Cheng had never found it funny. Perhaps because he knew what it was like to envy mulberry leaves for the tenderness with which Yu Ziyuan would remove caterpillars from them, when she could hardly be near her son without pushing him around.
For a while, Jiang Cheng had hated gardens. That wasn’t the whole reason why he’d moved to the city, but it had probably impacted his choice anyway. He’d wanted to get as far away from his parents’ life as he could.
But in the end, something must have run in his blood. After months of walking by that abandoned patch of dirt, Jiang Cheng had given in one day. He’d bought some bulbs and seeds, a beginner’s guide to gardening, and set out to work.
It had surprised him when flowers actually started growing. Jiang Cheng was used to failure, and his mother used to tell him he had no skill for gardening. No skill for anything really, but gardening in particular seemed to piss her off. 
But there were some wallflowers and geraniums to prove she’d been wrong about this.
About other things too, perhaps. For the time being, Jiang Cheng just clung to the gardening thing.
The entire first week after the flowers started growing, Jiang Cheng expected that whoever owned the plot of land would come to pour bleach on them. It was private property after all. But the plot appeared to be fully abandoned, and that meant Jiang Cheng was free to do as he pleased.
He got more flowers, making sure to pick varieties that were good for bees, because that would make his sister happy, if he ever got around to calling her. He also planted tomatoes, and after hesitation a few courgettes, because those grew like weeds and it wouldn’t matter if someone stole a few, or even all of them. It was the sort of things that’d make his brother happy, except he talked to him even less than to his sister, so Jiang Cheng wasn’t sure why that mattered.
What mattered was that the garden made him happy in a way he hadn’t been in a while. It gave him something to care about. To care for. Something to check on in the morning as he headed out to work, a place to spend a little time when he came home. It encouraged some of the neighbours to chat with him, when up until then they’d apparently half wondered if he was a serial killer with his constant angry face. The little old lady next door asked if she could borrow some of the vegetables growing, and gave him half the dish she made using them.
It felt like a homecooked meal, in a way the family gatherings he still occasionally attended never did.
“You should try planting daylilies,” she suggested. “Pretty and delicious, it’d be a win. My grandmother used to prepare them for us, I’m sure I can remember how to do it too.”
Jiang Cheng did as she asked, and sweet old madam Wen delivered on her promise when the flowers were ready. She invited Jiang Cheng to have lunch with him one Sunday, when her nephew and niece were there. It should have been awkward, but madam Wen was a cheerful old lady that managed to get all three of them chatting as if they’d always known each other.
Better than if they’d always known each other, in Jiang Cheng’s case.
He ended up trading phone numbers with both siblings. Not because he felt like flirting with either, as their aunt so clearly hoped for, but so he knew who to contact if something happened to the old lady. Wen Qing wasn’t very chatty, except to complain about their roommate from hell, but Wen Ning often asked for photos of the garden, and in exchange sent Jiang Cheng pictures of the dogs he got to see at the veterinary clinic where he worked.
For the first time in years, Jiang Cheng felt that things weren’t so bad.
So when one evening after work he dropped by his garden and saw a stranger in an expensive thought pacing by his courgettes, Jiang Cheng felt a familiar dread. If this was the plot’s owner, if he had come to ruin things…
Jiang Cheng rushed ahead, ready to plead his case.
Then stopped after a few steps when the man turned his way. He was handsome. Very handsome. The sort of handsome that belonged on the pages of a magazine, not in the middle of Jiang Cheng’s shitty illegal garden.
The man was also on the phone with someone, and apparently so deep in an argument that he didn’t even see Jiang Cheng just a few metres from him.
“You are the worst,” the man shouted at his phone, “and I swear I’m kicking you out this time. I will… no, don’t cry. Stop crying, it doesn’t work anymore! You…”
The handsome stranger started pacing nervously between the courgettes as whoever was on the other end of the conversation made their case.
“Listen, you are going to calm down, ok? I’m… hey, I’m bringing you flowers. How does that sound?”
He leaned down toward the daylilies, not yet picking one as he waited for the other person to reply.
“Of course real flowers. You… listen, I don’t have the energy for this. We’ll deal with it when I get home.”
The man hung up, and started tearing away Jiang Cheng’s flowers, roots and all, like a barbarian.
Jiang Cheng had always allowed everyone to take what they wanted or needed, but only if they showed some respect for his efforts.
“Stop borrowing flowers out of my garden to woo people who don’t even treat you right!” he barked, stomping toward the man.
The handsome stranger, startled, dropped the flowers.
“Your garden? What do you mean, your garden?”
“You think this got here on its own?” Jiang Cheng asked, gesturing at his garden. It wasn’t as beautiful as his mother’s, but it was his all the same and it loved his plants.
The man looked around with wide eyes, as if he hadn’t even noticed before where he was.
“Sorry, I thought they were just… wild flowers. Did you plant all of those?”
“Not the pumpkins, that’s the kids from down the streets who thought it’d be fun. And the herbs are madam Wen’s because she doesn’t like getting them from the store if she can get fresh ones. But the rest is mine.”
“Must have been a lot of work,” the man said with an admirative whistle. “I can make a cactus die of thirst, so I’m impressed, you must be really good. You’ve been at it for a while?”
“A couple months,” Jiang Cheng grumbled, refusing to let praise from a handsome man get to him. “I live next door and this place has been abandoned for ages apparently.”
“So it’s not your garden,” the stranger noted with a grin. “Well, if you’ve stolen the land, I feel less bad about stealing flowers. It’s not like you can call the cops on me.”
He bent down, ready to slaughter more flowers, so Jiang Cheng did the logical thing and pushed him to protect his daylilies. The handsome stranger fell in the dirt, which thankfully was dry and wouldn’t stain too badly. Jiang Cheng wasn’t sure he could afford to repay that suit.
“If you’re going to steal my flowers for your shitty manipulative wife, at least do it properly. Nobody wants a bouquet with roots.”
The man blinked a few times, a little disoriented after being pushed down. When he saw Jiang Cheng grab the torn daylilies and carefully cut the stems so he could replant the roots, the stranger laughed.
“You’re really passionate about this, uh,” he said, standing up and wiping the dirt from his suit. “That wasn’t my wife on the phone, by the way.”
“Your manipulative husband then,” Jiang Cheng retorted, cutting a few more flowers.
“Little brother,” the man corrected. “Apparently he got drunk last week, slept with my best friend, panicked, ghosted him, left town for five days to hide at his best friend’s house, and now he’s… ah, but you probably don’t care.”
Jiang Cheng shouldn’t care, no, but he couldn’t help laughing at the crazy story. It sounded like something right out of a shitty soap opera, or the kind of bullshit that Wei Wuxian used to pull all the time, back when he was still part of Jiang Cheng’s life.
“My brother’s the same,” Jiang Cheng said, handing out the small bouquet he’d managed to salvage. “Did you take those so he can go apologise to your friend?”
“Honestly, I’m not sure if he’s going to give them to Xichen or if he just wants to keep them to feel spoiled. I’m not sure I’ll give them to him, anyway. It’s not every day a handsome man gives me a bouquet, I’ll be tempted to keep it.”
Jiang Cheng shrugged and rolled his eyes, and absolutely did not blush like a schoolgirl being complimented by her crush.
“Just go give those to your brother. And learn to cut flowers properly, asshole.”
“If I drop by again, will you teach me?”
Jiang Cheng shrugged again and turned away, so it wouldn’t be too obvious just how red his face was. He’d have slapped himself if he could have. It was ridiculous to react so strongly. His only excuse was that the man was really, really gorgeous and had a really, really nice voice… and that it had been a long while since anyone had flirted with him, even this badly.
“Maybe I will, if I can find the time. My life’s not a fucking soap opera but I have my own stuff to do.”
“Fair enough. Well, I hope I’ll see you around. It was nice talking to you.”
Jiang Cheng shrugged, and refused to turn around to watch that too handsome man go, though he might have been slightly tempted.
He’d lost enough time to that asshole already, and the tomatoes weren’t going to water themselves.
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