captainseamech · 8 months
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             “... A fragging what?”
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             “Yeaaaah no, time to go back to the bottom of the ocean and disappear again.”
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onceuponapuffin · 6 months
Ineffable Bureaucracy and Ineffable Husbands
So, especially in the early days after the release of S2, I saw and heard a lot of people comparing these two as if they were the same. There were fan comics and fanart and fanfiction that included dialogue that was something along the lines of "why are they so healthy after only a few years and we aren't?" or "why do THEY get a happy ending and we don't?" And I mean, I haven't seen any of that in a while so maybe people have come to this conclusion on their own, but just in case, I wanted to point out
That they are fundamentally different. They are not the same.
And the reason why comes down to this conversation from 2x3:
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So, hold this conversation in your brain while we go through this.
First of all, we have our Ineffable Bureaucracy, Gabriel and Beelzebub.
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So these are the ones who, figuratively speaking, were born in a castle.
Gabriel was the Supreme Archangel for however many millenia, and Beelzebub was the Grand Duke of Hell for the same, roughly speaking. They are equals in positions of power.
So, when they fall in love, you have two supernatural authorities who have lived their existences believing that they can reasonably expect to have and keep whatever they want. After all, that's exactly what their lives have been (with the one exception being Beelzebub's Fall) - they want something, they get it, they keep it, and no one tells them no.
The biggest risk is to Gabriel. If Heaven were to find out, he would Fall. I can imagine Beelzebub being a bit concerned, but "Oh no," Gabriel probably figured "I Fall to Hell, and straight into your arms!" And I could see Beelzebub with a little smirk saying "I'd look after you, babe," in response.
The only time Gabriel actually worries is when he finds out that there's another punishment that he didn't realize was a possibility.
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Falling to Hell is one thing, but having his memories erased is an actual threat, and possibly the first time he's ever been told no. This is when we see him panic, and leave Heaven in a mess, storing his memories away to keep them safe from the Metatron. We find out later that he was on his way to Hell anyway and just forgot halfway there and got lost.
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And so, we have two beings who were always told they were Good Enough, who approached each other knowing they were able to have whatever they wanted, and were therefore able to communicate and fall in love in a healthy way. They didn't need to tip toe or hide, because they had no reason to believe anyone would ever tell them no until someone did. Their risk, because of their positions of authority, wasn't nearly as great as Aziraphale and Crowley's risk.
So now we come to our Precious Ineffable Husbands
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Crowley and Aziraphale start off in much lower positions on the Celestial Food Chain. We know that they have to be very careful about their relationship to avoid the repercussions. They can't mention The Arrangement out loud, they can't put their feelings for each other into words. It has been made clear to them that they are always being watched, and anything they have can be taken away from them on a whim.
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So how can they communicate safely when they've spent millenia living on eggshells and tightropes? Of course they won't, and of course it's going to be much harder for them to believe they can once they finally are safe. I definitely believe that they will get there (for my own wellbeing I have to believe that their love is stronger than anything), but they will need to fight tooth and nail in a way that Gabriel and Beelzebub didn't. All because they aren't figures of authority.
It might honestly be another good argument for Crowley taking the Grand Duke of Hell job (even though I reeeeaaaally don't want him to). It would put them in the same position as Gabriel and Beelzebub, and might give them the footing to actually escape the system (even though I think it's more likely that they're going to dismantle and/or repair the system in s3, but that's my own opinion).
These two pairs aren't mirrors of each other. Rather, they illustrate the problems with inequity that Crowley was pointing out in Edinburgh. And if S2 showed us that, I'm hoping S3 will show us possible solutions for it.
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onlycosmere · 3 months
Brandon Sanderson on the length of Wind and Truth
PumkinFunk:  I appreciate Brandon being self-aware about the fact that he will struggle immensely to keep the word counts down for this series.
KiwiKajitsu: If only he had a better editor
PumkinFunk:  I know this has become a common criticism since Rhythm of War after Moshe Feder retired, but I don't think it's true. One of his editors for his books is Devi Pillai, the head of Tor Publishing Group. The Secret Projects were edited in-house and generally were good. He has a lot of people giving him feedback, both in-house and outside.
jmcgit:  If Brandon wanted to work on revisions for an extra 6 months to refine and streamline the book, he could do it. This is a Brandon thing, not an editor thing. What was Brandon working on up until the last minute before he had to turn the book in? He was working on making the book bigger, squeezing in more content that he wanted to add. Brandon will tell anyone who asks that he likes to write, and dislikes revising.
When an author gets big enough, the publishers and editors lose their ability to rein in the author or make certain demands. Brandon will do what he wants, and if Tor doesn't like it, they can cancel his contract and Brandon can self-publish.
Brandon Sanderson: I realize it's difficult to see behind the veil of publishing, and much is opaque, but this isn't what I was doing during the last few months--I was cutting the book significantly. However, rough draft didn't include Interludes or Epigraphs, which is why it got longer after I cut it down. This draft lost over 60k words, but then I added in the interludes and epigraphs (along with a few key scenes I decided were needed.)
So, let's be clear about a few things. No editor has ever--in my life--cut my books down. It's not what they do. They largely haven't suggested it. Every editor, Moshe included, has always suggested things to change or add--they don't do much trimming. That's all my job, and always has been. Yes, there is a line edit, which does help trim--but I haven't stopped taking those suggestions, and usually go much, much further on a page-by-page case than they suggest.
I dislike revision, which is important for me to explain because I want people to understand that even for someone who loves their job, there are parts I don't like. But I DO it. I do A LOT of it. It's the part I have to force myself to do, but I am very good at it--and if you follow my stories about learning revision, you'll find that I very clearly explain that I didn't get published until I mastered the thing that was hardest for me. I consider my it, perhaps, my greatest strength as a writer--my ability to look at feed back and apply it to improve books.
If they get long, it's not because I've lost an editor. Moshe's strong suit was always diction, not trimming--and Gillian (who does that job now) is quite accomplished at both. She's Joe Abercrombie's editor.
I realize it's odd, because "to edit" means to trim, but an editor doesn't usually trim books--they offer suggestions for changes on the larger scope, and sometimes do a line edit pass to clarify.
Stormlight books are not big because I can't stop writing. You can pick any number of my shorter novels and see I'm quite capable of doing something at a normal book length. Stormlight books are big because that's the art I want to make--and they are not, and never have been, out of control. I am perfectly willing to accept that the story I want to tell has not appealed to some in the last installments! But don't blame my editors. This is an artistic choice of mine, and their job has never been to change the art. I get the same amount of editing now as I ever have--and I take largely the same amount of their feedback.
Note: don't take this as a direct condemnation of you or some of the things /u/KiwiKajitsu said above. It's more that I want to be very clear about my goals, and the process. My stance is one of explaining, not arguing against your opinions, as those are valid and perfectly reasonable ones to hold.
I realize that a long comment reply isn't the best way to prove I can be brief, but I sincerely think the trope of "He got big so he lost the ability to be edited" is not one that I fall into--I am, if anything, the most edited person at the industry, and see more criticism and feedback of my books prepublication than any other author. Editors and beta readers collectively wrote some 800k words of feedback for me over the last two years, which I incorporate. Not just the, "Add this" but also the "this sequence feels slow or unengaging." I am extremely passionate about listening to, and incorporating, editorial feedback.
It's fine to not like what I do. But don't blindly make the argument that I write it, kick it out the door, and don't pay attention to the revision process while ignoring editors.
jmcgit: Hey Brandon, I appreciate the insight! I regret that my post may have come off as if you carelessly "write and kick it out the door", as I know how hard you and your team have been working on the book over the past months and years, and how passionate you are about getting it right.
Brandon Sanderson: No problem and no offense taken! I just see a lot of confusion about these things.
I am edited far, far more now than when I was when I started and nobody cared. Though, admittedly, I think the most editorial scrutiny I ever got was on A Memory of Light a decade ago. I probably get less now, but I also have way more extensive beta reads.
It's just a complex process. And, you also ARE right in your initial post that I could go over it again and again, and some authors do. I'm middle of the road on the number of revisions I do, by my experience. Not as many as someone like Pat R. does. More than a lot of authors. I do not subscribe to the Heinline philosophy of only editing when required by contract that is very popular these days. (This philosophy believes that your initial artistic instinct will be right, and you shouldn't undermine it later on. I am not a fan, even if some people I respect follow this philosophy.)
Anyway, your initial post wasn't far off; I just wanted to offer some more context for this thread.
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ravennaortiz · 2 months
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The guys reactions to accidently hurting you- SONS Version
Chibs- "You broke my toes" you stated as the nurse wheeled you out of x-ray. "All of them. Our wedding is tomorrow Filip you continued in a monotone voice. Chibs cringed as he took in what you were saying. "I'm sorry kitten. I only meant to surprise you with my dance moves....I should have taken my boots off" he apologized as he knelt next to you and kissed your hand.
Halfsack- He has apologized a half dozen times as he presses the bag of frozen peas to your left cheek. He had only wanted to show you some self defense techniques like you had asked. He had not expected you to step forward when he swung at you while he was explaining how to duck. The sound of his fist hitting your soft skin almost made him vomit as the scene replayed for him. "I took that hit well I think" you murmured as you wiped away the last remaining tears making him snort. "You did cry less than most of people I hit" he joked as he kissed your forehead.
Happy- "So sorry baby girl" murmured Happy as he fed you ice cream in bed. "Its okay. Was an accident" you replied as you offered him a sincere smile. Your tough biker had taken your injury harder than you. The ribbing from the rets of the club had not helped either. "Should have explained the kickback better. Hell should not have let you try that gun. No need. Just thought you looked hot with it in your hands" ranted Happy before you cut him off with a kiss.
Jax- The silence as you made your way slowly through the clubhouse is honestly loud. Rolling your eyes you see Jax sitting at the head of the table alone. "I am going to start therapy and anger management classes" he stated when he saw you leaning against the door frame. "Yeah, good call. I know you were going for Happy. Weak as tables fault for collapsing under all our weight" you tried to joke. "Good news nothing broken on me at least. Bad news you fucked my crow tattoo up"
Juice-What was suppose to be tipsy, sexy time turned into tipsy where is our medical supplies quickly. He is beside himself as he holds gauze to your ass cheek. Your attempts at humor were not helping the guilt train he had himself on. "Baby, I'm good its not even bleeding" you laugh as you try and turn over on his lap but he keeps you firmly face down. Sighing you stop trying to move. "Juice it was a belt buckle. Not like you stabbed me or meant to do it. Can we please get back to what we were doing?" you pleaded as he mumbled sorry again.
Kozik- Sitting by your bedside he is somber. He cant help but replay the crash over and over again. Trying to decide what he could have done different. What if he hadn't grabbed your arm? Would you have been fine or would you have sailed over the side of the cliff? Was he going to fast? Should he have expected the drunk driver to be coming at you guys around the blind curve? "I'm sorry" he murmurs again as he kisses your hand. The doctors said you will be fine but he's not sure if he will.
Opie- He is beside himself, after the loss of Donna he cant believe he has love. He cant even bring himself to get on the ambulance and his phone call to Jax has the whole club screeching to a stop in front your house. "I killed her" he sobs as Jax kneels next to him. "She asked me to buy a step stool and I was like I'm a step stool. Lifted her up and lost my grip and she hit her head. Before Jax can say anything a paramedic is hovering. "Sir, your wife is demanding you get in the ambulance. She said and I quote stop acting like a blubbering mess or she will give you a reason to act like this."
Ratboy-He cant believe how dumb he was. Has suggested you break up with him a couple times as he carries you down the mountain the two of you had been hiking. You can walk and are fine. Its bruised and scraped knees not broken bones you had told him. "I'm sorry for proposing to you" he blurts out once you guys are at the car. "I mean I love you and want you forever but like for how I did it" he adds as you glare up at him.
Tig- "Well we all learned something today. There is a reason you use certain candles for wax play. Don't go cheap or you end up in the ER" stated Tig with a chuckle as he helped you onto your bed. Careful not to brush the burns on your back and hips. A low growl and the middle finger is all you offered your old man. Tig swallowed hard and sighed. "One day we will look back on tonight and laugh" he tried again as he squeezed one of your butt cheeks playfully. "Go away" you demanded.
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mysticalmallard · 2 months
Jealousy and Violence
Description: The party is in full swing when she arrives with her roommate. The night ends with Opie pissed and looking for violence.
Word Count: 3,035
Warnings: normal SoA warnings, and mentions of attempted SA nothing graphic or detailed
SoA Taglist: @arkytiorlecter @aimkatsz @ravennaortiz @darqchilddaydreamz @mischiefnevermanaged89-blog @hatersaremymotivators @theshynerdsworld @thefrogytimes @youngadult9016
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Opie stands near the entrance of the clubhouse, his mind a swarm of different emotions. He's nervous, excited, and a bit worried about how the night is going to go.
As he waits he sees a car pull up, and his heart skips a beat as he sees Jessica stepping out. His excitement quickly turns to a wave of disappointment as he notices she has a guy with her.
He watches as she talks to the guy, clearly having a conversation with him. Opie scowls at the sight of them together, the guy's hand on her shoulder. He can't hear what they're saying, but the sight of Jessica with another man bothers him more than he cares to admit.
He clenches his fists as they make his way over to him, feeling a pang of jealousy. He's already mentally preparing himself to play nice, even if he's less than thrilled about this new development.
As they approach, Opie tries to school his expression into something more neutral. He gives them a fake smile, his eyes lingering on the guy's hand still on her shoulder.
"Hey, you made it," he greets them casually, stuffing his hands into his pockets to hide his clenched fists.
Jessica smiles back at him, oblivious to his inner turmoil. "Yeah, we almost got lost trying to find this place," she says with a laugh, gesturing at the guy beside her. The tall, muscular guy standing next to her smiles as well, his eyes running over Opie.
"Yeah, it's a bit tucked away," Opie mutters, his gaze flitting between the guy and Jessica. "So this is your roommate?" he asks her, trying to sound nonchalant. In the back of his mind, he can't quell the flicker of jealousy.
"Yeah, this is Michael," Jessica introduces them, gesturing at the guy standing beside her.
The guy gives Opie a friendly smile, extending his hand. "Hey, nice to meet you, I've heard a lot about you."
Opie eyes the guy warily, taking his hand in a firm handshake. "Yeah, same here," he mutters, trying to keep the irritation out of his voice. He glances at Jessica, hoping she hasn’t noticed his unfriendly demeanor.
Jessica, being her sweet self, doesn't seem to pick up on the tension. She smiles at both of them, oblivious to the undercurrents.
"C'mon, let's head inside," Opie suggests, trying to break the awkward tension. "It's a bit rowdy inside, but it'll be fun." he mutters, holding the door open for them.
"Good, this one could really use a drink, with the day she had" Michael sighed, walking Jessica inside.
Opie raises an eyebrow at Michael's comment. "A bad day, huh?" he asks, trying not to sound too eager for details. He follows them inside, his mind still fixated on the fact that she has a guy with her.
Jessica groans, her shoulders dropping. "Ugh, yeah. The places I went didn't have any positions available, and the interview I had this afternoon..." She pauses, shaking her head. "Ugh, total disaster...but i dont wanna talk about all that right now" she sighs waving her hand dismissively.
The mention of the interview piques Opie's interest. He glances at her, intrigued. "What happened at the interview?" he asks, genuine concern in his voice.
Michael grumbles upset beside her at Opies question. She lightly swats him to shut him up "..I'd really rather not talk about it" she answers Opie while giving Michael a look.
Opie's curiosity is heightened by her vague response. He can tell there's more to the story, and he wants to know what happened. But he can also see that she's not keen on discussing it further, and he doesn't want to push her.
He shoots a curious glance at Michael, wondering what he knows that he doesn't.Micheal makes another disapproving noise making Jessica glare at him.
"Welp...since I'm not wanted in conversation here I'm gonna head to the pool table...I just got paid and I'm feeling lucky" Michael mutters ruffling Jessica's head, messing up her hair and making her swat at him again laughing.
"Hey, not the hair!" she protests, trying to fix her messy hair. Opie watches their playful interaction with a mix of emotions. He can't help but feel slightly annoyed, noticing the ease and familiarity between the two.
Michael chuckles at her protest, his hand moving to ruffle her hair once more. Opie clenches his jaw, having to forcibly resist the urge to pull her away from him. He's never felt this possessive over anyone before and it's unnerving.
Michael heads off towards the pool table, leaving Opie and Jessica alone. Opie glances at her, watching her smooth down her hair. "You two seem close" he says, unable to keep the hint of jealousy out of his voice.
Jessica finishes fixing her hair, oblivious to the edge in Opie’s voice. "Yeah, Michael’s my best friend," she replies with a fond smile that causes a pang in Opie’s chest.
"Best friend, huh?" Opie mutters, the word feeling bitter on his tongue. He knows he's being ridiculous. Jealous over a simple friendship. But he can't help the feeling of resentment towards this Michael guy.
Jessica hums thoughtfully "Yeah, he and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember, basically grew up together" she replies not seeing why he's so interested.
She glances at him, noticing his scowl. "What’s with that face?"
Opie realizes he's scowling and quickly changes his expression. "Nothing," he grunts, not wanting to admit the truth. He knows he has no right to feel this protective over her, but he can't shake off the jealousy.
Jessica doesn't buy it, but she doesn't press him. Instead, she glances around the room, her eyes resting on the dancing people and the crowd. "Is it always like this?" she asks, watching the chaos.
Opie follows her gaze, taking in the rowdy atmosphere of the party. "Yeah, pretty much," he mutters, "This is a regular SAMCRO party. Things can get a little wild."
She hums as she takes in her surroundings, her eyes still scanning the room.
Opie watches her, studying her face. He wonders what she's thinking, if she's enjoying this chaos or if she's overwhelmed. He hesitates for a moment before finally speaking. "You, uh, want something to drink?" he asks, shoving his hands into his pockets awkwardly.
Jessica nods, her eyes finally focusing back on him. "Yeah, I could use a drink," she replies. "Nothing strong though...I guess im driving tonight." she says gesturing over to Michael taking multiple shots surrounded by a crowd of people cheering feeling quite comfortable in his surroundings.
Opie nods in understanding, his eyes flickering to Michael and the crowd around him. He feels another pang of jealousy, seeing the ease with which the man is fitting in. He swallows it back though, focusing on Jessica. "Alright, I'll get you something light." he says, leading her over to the bar.
The bar is packed with bikers and women, and they have to squeeze their way through the crowd. Opie keeps his hand on the small of Jessica's back, guiding her through the crowd of people. He can feel the heat from her body, and he has to resist the urge to pull her closer.
When they got to the bar he place an arm either side next to her on the bar, effectively creating a cage around stopping anyone from bumping into her while also not touching her himself.
The closeness of her body, the way she fits perfectly in the space he’s made for her, it’s almost too much for him. He can smell her perfume, a light floral scent, and it’s taking all his willpower not to bury his face into her hair.
He signals to the bartender, a pretty brunette in a tight top, who looks like part of the “entertainment” that Jax arranged earlier. The bartender gives him a sultry smile, her eyes lingering on him for a moment longer than necessary. Opie grits his teeth, feeling uncomfortable under her gaze, but he pushes it aside and orders two beers.
The bartender turns to look at Jessica, giving her a not so subtle once-over. Opie bristles at the way the woman glances at Jessica, taking in her pretty face and flattering outfit. He can see the bartender mentally comparing herself to Jessica and finding herself lacking.
The bartender hands them their beers, her gaze flickering back to Opie. She leans over closer to him, showing an ample amount of cleavage. "If you need anything else, you let me know, okay?" she purrs, her voice dripping with suggestive undertones.
Opie thanks the bartender, gritting his teeth at her blatant flirting. He can feel Jessica tense up in front of him. He quickly grabs the beers, steering Jessica away from the bar.
They find a small table in a quieter corner and sit down. The music is still loud, but they can at least hear each other talk. Opie watches as Jessica takes a sip of her beer. Her fingers around the glass are slender and delicate, and for a moment he imagines what they would feel like on his skin. He chases away the thought and takes a gulp of his own beer.
The silence between them is awkward. Opie doesn't know what to say. He's not a conversationalist on a normal day, and right now he's too busy trying to keep his jealousy in check.
Jessica breaks the silence. "So...how long have you been part of the club?" she asks, taking another sip of her beer.
Opie shrugs, fiddling with the label on his beer bottle. "Since high school. Jax and I have been friends forever. Both of our dads were founding members, so i guess we always have been apart of it in some way....we became prospects at the same time." He glances at Jessica, noting the curiosity on her face.
She hums in understanding, her gaze drifting over the room before returning to Opie. "So, it's like a family thing then?" she inquires, genuinely interested. Despite the noisy and rowdy atmosphere, Opie feels himself relaxing a bit, his shoulders untensing.
"Yeah, you could say that," he replies, the corner of his lips twitching into a smile. "It's more than just a club. It's our brotherhood. Each and every member looks out for one another. It's...it's hard to explain." He takes another sip of his beer, watching her intently.
The hours fly by as they talk. Opie finds himself opening up more than he usually does. There's something about Jessica that makes it easy to talk to her, she listens intently and doesn't judge, offering advice and witty comments that make him chuckle. It's easy, comfortable and Opie finds himself growing more fond of her with each passing minute.
The longer they talk, the more Opie forgets about the party happening around them. The chaos, the music, the shouting, even the other members fade into the background. He's too fixated on her, her smile, her laugh, the way she tilts her head to the side when she's listening. He's drawn to her in a way he's never experienced before.
The two of them are in a comfortable bubble, immersed in conversation, when suddenly they are interrupted by Michael stumbling back to the table, swaying slightly. He slings an arm around Jessica's shoulders and grins at Opie.
"There you are!" he exclaims, his voice slightly slurred. His face is rosy, and he's obviously had a few drinks. He grins at Opie, then turns to Jessica. "I've been looking all over for you, Jessssiee...do you still feel upset that the guy tried to make you blow him for a job??."
Jessica's face flushes with embarrassment, her expression immediately going from relaxed to mortified in seconds. She shoves at Michael's chest, trying to push him away. "Michael!!" she hisses in a voice between a whisper and a yell, "Shut up!!"
Michael cackles, clearly enjoying himself. He turns to Opie and leers, a dopey grin plastered on his face. "Yeah, she was not happy about that, man...not at all."
Opie's eyes narrow at Michael's words. "What the hell are you going on about, man?" he snaps, feeling his irritation rising.
"Ignore him...It's nothing really, just a sleezy guy at the job interview I had" Jessica says, shrugging, pulling out a bottle of water from her purse handing it to Michael.
The mention of a sleazy guy makes Opie's blood boil a bit. He clenches his jaw, his protective instincts kicking in. "What do you mean 'sleazy'? What the hell did he do?" he asks, fixing his gaze on Jessica, his eyes suddenly intense.
Jessica avoids Opie's gaze, busying herself by fussing with the hem of her top. "He just made some inappropriate comments, that's all" she replies, her voice nonchalant.
Michael scoffs, opening the water bottle and chugging it. "Yeah right he told you that you would only get the job if you blew him then he tried to stop you from leaving....that's a little more than inappropriate Jessie" Michael pouts up at her still pissed that she wouldn't let him do anything about it when he first found out.
Opie feels a surge of anger at Michael's words. Someone had made a pass at her, tried to manipulate her into something like that? He feels a possessive need to protect her, to make sure no one ever puts her in that position again. "Who the hell was this guy?" he growls, his voice dangerously low.
Michael shrugs "she wouldn't tell me who but I know the bar....Real dodgy looking shack on the outside of Charming heading north.." Michael mumbles ignoring the look Jessica was giving him.
Opie absorbs the information, immediately recognizing the bar Michael is talking about. He's been there before, on club business, and it's definitely a seedy place. Thinking about Jessica being in that environment, being propositioned like that, makes his blood boil.
"I know that place," he mutters, still clenched jaw. He turns his gaze back to Jessica, his expression stormy. "You're not going back there, understood?" he says firmly. It's not a request.
Opie marches away from the table, his mind churning. He spots a group of members near the pool table and heads over to them. They greet him with nods and smiles, but he's not interested in pleasantries right now. "Jax, need to talk to you," he says gruffly, his tone making it clear it's important. Jax, sensing the seriousness in Opie's voice, straightens up. "What's up, brother?" he asks.
Opie leans in, his voice low so only Jax can hear. "Jessica had an incident at a bar downtown," he starts, "Some sleazeball tried to make her blow him for a job and would let her leave."
Jax's brows furrow, his protective instincts kicking in as well. "Who was it?" he asks, already starting to feel angry for Jessica's sake.
"Don't know yet," Opie replies, frustration seeping into his voice. "But we're gonna find out....do you think some of the guys are sober enough for some shit kicking?"
Jax chuckles at that, a dangerous smile forming on his face. "Oh, there's at least a few of us left who can still walk without stumbling over our own two feet." He glances around the room, sizing up a few of the other members who seemed relatively sober.
Jax grins, slapping Opie on the shoulder. He turns to the other members, yelling for their attention. "Hey, we got a situation needs taking care of, who's sober enough to ride?"
A few of the members perk up at that, the excitement of a possible confrontation overriding their inebriation. They stumble over to Jax and Opie, some more steadier on their feet than others.
"Alright," Jax barks, "We gotta go teach some bastard a lesson about treating women with respect. You in?"
The members nod, eager to get on their bikes and cause some damage. They all love a good fight.
"Then let's get moving," Jax says, turning to Opie. "Lead the way, man." Opie nods, already heading for the door.
Jessica watches as they all storm pass her heading outside "Opie...what's going on?" She asks him as he stomps by.
He stops, looking at her for a moment before answering. "stay here I'll be back in awhile," he says bluntly.
His tone is gruff and dismissive, but there's a hint of worry in his eyes. Before she can say anything else, he's out the door, leaving her standing there worried and confused.
As Opie steps out into the night, flanked by Jax and the rest of the MC, his mind is already focused on the task at hand. They mount their bikes, the engines roaring to life. The adrenaline is pumping through their veins, fueling their anger and determination. They know they're about to do something illegal, something that could have consequences, but at this moment they don't care. This is about protecting one of their own, about sending a message to any dirt bag who thinks it's okay to treat women with disrespect.
Jessica walks outside followed by Michael still trying to figure out what is going on.
As they step outside, Opie's eyes immediately catch sight of Jessica and Michael. He curses under his breath, not wanting them to be involved in what he's about to do. He glares at both of them, his eyes hardening.
Her eyes widen as she sees the raw anger etched on his face. She tries to call out to him, but the roar of the motorcycles drowns out her voice.
Michael has a neutral look on his face. He understands whats happening and why. he knows its not something the club would stand for.
Glancing from the group of bikers to Jessica he sighs.
"Come on lets go inside and wait for them to come back" he says calmly putting an arm around her to guide her back inside. He looks over his shoulder locking eyes with Opie giving him a short nod.
Opie acknowledges the short nod from Michael with a slight dip of his head. He knows that Michael will look after Jessica while he's gone and it eases his mind a bit.
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ghostlykeyes · 11 months
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HEARTSTEEL KAYN: HEADCANONS ♡ TW : Drug mentions/Usage ♡ TW: Food mentions ♡ No pairings/ not reader-insert
Ever since joining Heartsteel, Kayn's 'Rhaast' outbursts have lessened in frequency and severity. Of course, his alter-ego makes regular appearances, but being with a group that encourages and accepts him rather than holds him back and tries to get him under control has made it so that Kayn feels less need to express his feelings in such an explosive, reckless way. Of course, he'll never admit that his newfound friends are the reason for his recent (very, VERY slight) stability.
Kayn is extremely choosy with his jewelry. He fronts like he doesn't want to wear "cheap, lame shit"—but actually, he just reacts to most metals. If he doesn't check to make sure his earrings are hypoallergenic, he ends up with a massive rash. Why the excuse? He is NOT about to admit he has sensitive skin.
Probably not a surprise, but Kayn breaks his phone CONSTANTLY. With all his reckless antics, it's rare for a new phone to last him more than a few months. The silver lining is that he at least has his emergency contacts (the Heartsteel members, of course) memorized from entering them into his contacts list so often.
Kayn also has a burner phone he uses for Rhaast.
Maybe you'd expect Kayn to have an enormous rager for his birthday, but the truth is, he doesn't actually like that many people. Instead he invites a handful of his actual friends to the shared Heartsteel apartment for a joint Halloween/birthday party. Costumes mandatory, noise complaints expected. Kayn will tell you to your face if he thinks your costume is stupid.
Kayn's got a lucky guitar pick. Somehow, he’s never lost it.
Wherever Kayn goes, property damage often follows. For Heartsteel's sake, he's cleaned up his act a tiny bit, mostly because he's scared of respects Yone, who gets pissed whenever Kayn breaks too much shit. But come on, you can't deny a man all of life's simple pleasures—you gotta let him graffiti the side of a water tower every once in awhile, or blow up the occasional car.
Notorious for social media rampages, Kayn's been banned from using the Heartsteel twitter. (The last straw was him using the account to threaten a member of his old band. Apparently, Alune didn't think "I'LL FUKKIN DOXX U LOL" an appropriate use of the official twitter account.) He's still semi-active on his personal accounts, but only in sporadic bursts.
Kayn knows how to tie a knot in a cherry stem with his tongue.
Like most rockstars, Kayn dabbles in cocaine. His drug use is pretty limited, though, mostly because he doesn't really need drugs to be high-energy and unhinged. When clips of his erratic behavior surface or Kayn goes on a twitter rampage, newer fans often speculate about Kayn being on drugs. Veteran Heartbeats know that he’s just Like That, though. 
Kayn says he doesn't have a favorite bandmate. (He does. It's Ezreal.)
A lot of the time, Kayn has to be reminded to eat. When he's busy writing songs or hanging out with the band, stopping for a bite never crosses his mind. Thankfully, Sett's on top of his meal schedule (gotta hit those macros!) so he'll remind Kayn that lunch is a Thing That Exists.
Kayn spends a ridiculous amount of time on his nails. Cuticles? Trimmed. Polish? Immaculate, and always black or burgundy. Topcoat? Applied and glass-smooth. Of course he'll deny that his nail routine is so precise because it doesn't fit his devil-may-care image, but come on. Chipped OPI and hangnails? Couldn't be him.
Kayn hates nothing more than the passenger seat. Let him drive! Yes, he knows that he's gotten two speeding tickets in the past three months. Yes, he's completely aware that K'sante got violently carsick the last time Kayn drove everyone to Taco Bell. He does not care. He will NEVER care. Driving is fun and driving recklessly is really fun.
You won't catch Kayn in a salon. He dyes and cuts his own hair in his bathroom. (How is it still so perfect?!)
Kayn is way too eager to help Aphelios pull pranks on people. Unfortunately, he can dish it out, but he can't take it. A prank on Kayn has a 50/50 chance of putting him in a sour, bitchy mood for the next hour.
Of all the band members, Kayn's the one that spends the most time alone. He doesn't have many friends outside Heartsteel. And, even though he knows his band has his back and he appreciates them, he needs frequent social breaks.
Kayn's the ultimate night owl. It's rare for him to go to bed before 4 AM. Despite this, he's always up before ten. Maybe it's Yone's rigorous recording schedule that gets him up. Maybe he's so high-energy, his body can't stand staying still for more than six hours. Maybe, though, it's just all the Monster energy drinks.
Consider it a sign that he likes you if Kayn spam-texts you. If he doesn't, he won't even bother responding. (But, if he suddenly stops texting you out of the blue? Don't worry. He probably broke his phone. Again.)
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holylulusworld · 1 year
Two bikes (1) - Angsttober 8
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Summary: You’re back in your hometown and meet two men from your past.
Pairing: former Jax Teller x fem!Reader (pre-story), Biker!Bucky Barnes x fem!reader
Warnings: angst, language, kinda cheating, implied/mentions of past cheating
Trope: Angst
A/N: I wanted Jax and Biker!Bucky in one fic. So suffer with me...
Kinktober vs Flufftober 2023
Two bikes masterlist
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Back in town. Back to square one. Restart. Doing it all over.
You huff when you get out of your car. It doesn’t fit right in, just like you. It’s too expensive and conspicuous, for a small town like Charming. And you’re not the girl leaving this town with only a few bucks in your pocket but so many dreams.
It can’t be helped. You decided to come back here to find the inspiration for your next book. Change is what you want.
New place. New book. New you.
Crap. You didn’t think anyone would recognize you so soon. But here you are, finding yourself in the embrace of the man you ran away from so many years ago. “Hi, Jax.”
Fuck, he smells the same, and it still feels good being in his arms.
“I can’t believe it’s really you. I heard rumors about a VIP coming to our town.” He releases you and takes a step back to drink you in. “Look at you. All fancy and grown. You look…” Jax can’t find the words. “It’s good to see you, sweetheart.”
“I didn’t expect a reception committee,” you chuckle. Jax smiles as you take your time to drink him in. He wears torn jeans, a white tee, and a leather jacket. You can see that he’s second-in-command now, and sigh. When you left town, you had hoped Jax would turn his back on the club and do something more…legal. “I see you’re still with them.”
“It’s my family,” he hastily replies, but his tone lacks enthusiasm. “We are having a get-together tonight. A barbecue with family and friends. Why don’t you come too?”
“Jax,” you exhale sharply. “I haven’t seen most of them in years. I don’t think they want the girl they met once or twice years ago at their party.”
“Sweetheart, you’re still part of the family,” he shrugs. “Come on. Gemma will freak out seeing you all grown and Opi will love seeing you.”
“That big dummy is still around? I thought he’d leave you,” you snicker. “You were glued together at your hips if I recall right.”
“Well, he’s my best friend,” Jax grabs your hand. “Please come and have a little fun. For the old times.”
“I-“ you lick your lips. You knew that you’d eventually run into Jax and the others. If you want to start anew – why not see your old friends and Jax again? “Okay.”
“You can come around at any time, Y/N,” he grins. “If you want to, I’ll pick you up.”
“Nah,” you shake your head. This will go too far. You’re not ready to be back on a bike with Jax. “I’ll drive. I don’t trust you with speed and such.”
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The reunion went surprisingly smoothly. Gemma hugged you, and wouldn’t stop asking questions. Opi offered a beer and a bear hug and the others greeted you like an old friend.
It almost felt like you never left. Almost.
You’re watching the others talk and having fun while Jax tries to talk you into going for a ride in the morning.
He has you caged against the wall, one hand next to your head, and his lips dangerously close to yours. Jax whispers your name and says all the right things.
Damn him. He easily had you wrapped around his finger in no time. Forgotten are the heartbreak and all the tears you shed for him.
“Y/N, tell you feel the same. Say that you feel there’s still this spark between us,” he leans impossibly closer to brush his lips over yours. “Sweetheart.”
“Jax.” You breathe out. “I-“ You open your mouth when he claims your lips. And you wrap your arms around him to hold him close.
“I knew it,” he nips at your lips, eagerly tasting you. “The moment I saw you standing next to your car, looking a little lost, I knew you’d come back to me.”
“Jax, it’s not that easy,” you grip his jacket tightly, not wanting him to pull away. “Maybe we can…”
“Jax, have a look at this. We need your help,” Tig ruins the intimate moment. He drags Jax away, unaware that you are about to do something stupid.
“Later,” you mouth as Jax glances at you. He nods, giving you a cracked smile before following Tig.
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You’re pacing back and forth. Jax went to his room some time ago and you try to decide if you want to let your heart win tonight.
"Maybe this is the chance you've been waiting."
You take a deep breath and decide to go to his room and take the chance on him. Maybe this time, it won’t end in heartbreak.
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You want to knock and feel like a fool. This used to be so easy when you were just horny and silly teens. Now you are a woman, and he’s a man. The man you still desire.
Without thinking twice, you open the door, pushing it open. You smile and want to tell Jax that you are ready to go on a ride with him tomorrow.
“What the fuck!” Your heart drops, and you feel like someone sent you back in time only for you to walk in on Jax and some other girl.
“Sweetheart…Y/N…” Jax gasps as you catch him red-handed with one of the girls from the strip club Tig wouldn’t stop talking about.
“Sorry, I didn’t want to stop you from ruining whatever that was not ten minutes ago,” you laugh at your stupidness.
You turn to leave and slam the door shut behind you. It’s not the first time in your life that someone made a fool out of you. But tonight, you did this to yourself.
“Babe, please wait,” Jax stumbles out of the room. He’s only in his boxers and tries to explain why he went from kissing you to fucking that girl. “I can explain…”
“You want to explain this?” you angrily point at the door. “Save it, Jax. You didn’t change one bit. One moment you sweet-talk to me and kiss me and the next you fuck her." You choke on your tears. “You made me feel like we got a second chance.”
Shaking your head, you try to hold back more tears. “It’s my fault. It was foolish of me to believe that for once I wasn't second best to you. How could I? If I’m so unimportant to you that you fuck her minutes after you kissed me.”
“Babe, we aren’t together, and,” he runs his fingers through his messed-up hair, “you got me so hard. I didn’t want to fuck things up and pounce on you. I just needed to release steam.”
“See, that’s the problem, Jackson Teller,” you silently sniffle. “You don’t even feel guilty for hurting me all over again. Ten minutes, Jax. You had to wait for ten minutes to get your dick wet. I’m glad it took me those ten minutes because you’ll never be faithful.”
“Please, let’s talk. We can go inside and…” He can only watch you step away from him. “Sweetheart.”
“I don’t need this and,” you push against his chest to slam him into the door, “I don’t have to listen to your lies. You’re right. We’re not together. We are nothing to each other. Only a faded memory. Let’s keep it that way.”
“You better go back inside and finish what you started with her. At least give the poor girl an orgasm after all the trouble…”
You storm off, and shoulder past bikers. Gemma wants to stop you, but you’re too angry and hurt to even listen to her. Instead, you run toward your car and speed off.
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“You’ve got to be shitting me,” you slam your hands on the steering wheel. It feels like the world decided to fuck you over once again. “No. You can’t just die out here in the middle of nowhere.”
It’s all too much. Being back in your hometown. Meeting your high school sweetheart only for him to break your heart again.
You sit in silence for a moment and think about all the decisions leading you back to him. Bad choices, you guess.
You hide your face in the palm of your hands. How could your fresh start end like this?
You jump when someone knocks at your window. Great. Now you drew attention toward you and your car.
“Hey, why are you lurking around in front of our club?” The man asks. “Are you with the cops? We do nothing illegal here.”
Your heart races when the man knocks at your window again. If fate wants to fuck you over some more, so be it. You roll down the window to look at the man.
“Sorry. Uh-my car just…” you sniffle. “The engine died, and I can’t get it back to life. I wasn’t lurking, just thinking about what to do now.”
He looks inside your car, but his features soften when he looks at your teary eyes.
“Hi. I didn’t want to scare you, doll. Do you want me to have a look at the engine? I know a thing or two about cars.”
“James? James Barnes,” You blink a few times to check if you saw right. “Is that you?”
“You know me?” He asks, looking a little confused.
“It’s me, Y/N Y/L/N. We went to the same high school. You probably don’t remember me. I was a little shy, and you were two years ahead of me at school.”
“Wait…” He wrinkles his forehead. “You were the cute girl Jax Teller was dating. I always wondered how he got so lucky.”
You clear your throat, not wanting to talk about Jax, and what he did to you. Back then and today. “He didn’t feel lucky, I guess.”
“What did he do, doll?”
“I don’t feel like talking tonight. Let’s say he liked to stray. Back then, and recently,” you give him a cracked smile. “He’s the reason I drove out of town only to end up here.”
“A shame. He should’ve valued you more, doll,” he flashes you a stunning smile. “If you open the hood for me, I’ll have a look at the engine.”
“That’s very kind of you, James.”
“Call me Bucky doll,” he grins when you open the hood. “A pretty lady like you can always call me Bucky…”
Two bikes (2)
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mystra-midnight · 1 year
Lost Boys & Golden Girls
summary: it was a known fact that if any of the Sons wanted his dick sucked, he could go to cara cara, and one of the girls would be on their knees in a heartbeat. such was the joy of working with pornstars.
warnings: 18+ only. pornstar!reader. spitroasting. voyerism. reader is pining hard for jax & opie. fake orgasms and a wild imagination.
words: 711.
notes: honestly if every there was a world for pornstar!reader it would be sons of anarchy. of course reader works for cara cara. it's not exactly smutty with the boys but rather her wanting it to be them.
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It was a known fact that if any of the Sons wanted his dick sucked, he could go to Cara Cara, and one of the girls would be on their knees in a heartbeat. Such was the joy of working with pornstars. Usually, if Jax needed a release, it was Ima who rose (or rather kneeled) to the occasion, but tonight his focus was entirely on you.
Well, not exactly.
You wished with every fibre of your being and beat of your heart that it was Jax kneeling behind you. You imagined the way the mushroom head of his cock would feel pushing through your slick folds and the stretch as he pushed inside. You already knew that he was big and that you'd feel him in the pit of your stomach. You imagined it was Opie kneeling in front of you, his pre-cum being smeared against your lips. You knew he was big as well, enough to fill your mouth and hit the back of your throat.
Imagining them would be the only thing that would get you through this scene. It would start with Jax's hands landing heavily on your ass, one cheek at a time, then both together, making them jiggle before he'd roughly palm them and spread you open just so he could watch your cunt swallowing his dick. He'd leave your skin stinging and tears ebbing in your eyes.
And then it would continue with Opie's hands grabbing fistfuls of your hair. He'd gather your hair in a messy ponytail to hold while he fucked your throat, making you gag on his cock and leaving drool dripping from your chin. Between the two of them, it wouldn't take long until you were riding the beginnings of an orgasm.
You imagined the way they would mock you for cumming so quickly. They'd talk to each other as if you weren't there, about to fall apart on their cocks. They would use you like a toy and treat you like holes to fill with cum, and you would relish in the attention.
"The sluts gonna cum already." Jax would laugh.
"How long has it been?" Opie would answer.
"About twenty-six seconds." Jax would reply.
All the while, your legs would be trembling and shaking as you struggled to keep yourself from collapsing as Jax fucked you hard and fast, as though he were attempting to rearrange your guts. Your cheeks would be streaked with mascara and tears as Opie held you down on his cock, your nose pressed into the wiry hairs at the base of his shaft.
And when you came, it would be a religious experience. You might not have been religious, but at that moment, you'd believe in heaven. You knew that they would fuck you through your orgasm, making it last longer than you thought possible and leaving you a cock-drunk whore. Jax would abuse that spongy sweet spot until your cum dripped from your cunt and coated your thighs, the way Opie would hit the back of your throat again and again.
You'd take all of it like a good girl just to hear their praise. Opie would stroke your hair, pulling it out of your face, so we could watch the way your eyes would roll back into your skull. Jax would grab greedy handfuls of your ass as he buried himself to the hilt, cumming as deep as he could.
"Such a good whore." Jax would growl the words between his teeth as he came, filling you completely. He'd watch the way it would spill out around his cock—too much to fit in your tight cunt.
"Swallow it. All of it." Opie would instruct, keeping his cock buried in your throat. He'd groan when he felt you swallowing around him, and then again when you gagged and moan and swallowed down as much of his cum as possible before it leaked from the edges of your puckered lips.
Hearing Luann's voice brought you back to the moment—the feeling of a dozen pairs of eyes on you as you performed. The scene resembled what you had been imagining: one man behind you, one kneeling in front of you, and then spit-roasting you into oblivion. Unlike your imagination, it wasn't nearly as good.
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cannibala-co · 2 months
Deltarune OCs!
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Any of them would be nice…
Sheriff Kattie- Chapter 3 Secret boss - Object: Cat Petters. Basic just of lore is there controlled by the “Friend Inside Them” (bootleg controller) and want to go home, (Catti and Cattys house) Dorthy style. There theme would be called “THERES NO PLACE LIKE HOME”.
Unamed Soldier Secret Boss- alternative Chapter 3 Secret Boss - Object: Green Toy Soldier in Toriels room (probably just lost in there.) that Kris used to burn with matches, making him melty and past his prime. He is now a conspiracy theorist, a veteran, turned actor, now in the basement of the studio and proving together something…. Big? His inspiration was TF2 and a joke theory on twitter. Theme: “HELLFIRE”
Orcherstral- Chapter 4 Church Secret Boss - Object; old plush toy that played music. He is a disgraced Orchestrator, trying to piece together a song he heard, his “MAGNUM OPIS”, which is also what his theme is called teehee
Frost-E - Chapter 7 Festival Secret Boss - Object - burnt pizza box. He’s basically just Scrooge, but instead of becoming more generous after seeing apparitions, he just went crazy. Leaving his riches to the festival…
Okay that’s all the real lore I’ve devolved! I have all there Dark Worlds in mind, but just need to flesh them out more. Please draw them LLEASE ANY OF THEM ANY COLORS I DONT CARE
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wonderboygenius · 17 days
Lucy in the Sky (at Charming)
Fandom: Sons of Anarchy Pairing: Jax Teller/Happy's Sister Rating: M Part 1 of 2 Light smut, comedy
Synopsis: Lucia, Happy's baby sister is coming to scope out Charming. Once Happy gave the all clear, bets are taken on which Son will bag a Killer's sister.
“Wendy’s deciding to keep the fucking kid,” Jax blew out his smoke from his joint. He was at the tail end of a church meeting with the MC. This was the part where they each just updated each other about their lives, if they didn’t already know through the gossip. This was a more official way that the men gave each other serious advice. There was also the fact that Happy was down here from SAMDINO, this was his first church meeting since coming down so he was getting fully caught up on his brothers’ lives. “If she fucking stays sober enough for the kid not to die…we’re keeping it. We’re still fucking getting divorced, but,” the VP of SAMCRO shrugged. “I’m not getting any younger and I dunno. A son sounds pretty cool,” he smirked. 
Clay clapped his stepson on his back. “A son for a Son,” he chuckled. “Taking responsibility, I like it. Anyone else before I close out church?” He grabbed the gavel. 
Happy pounded the table once, turning the table’s attention towards him. “My baby sister is coming down to Charming to see me tomorrow; she’ll be here for two weeks. I already talked to Clay about it; she’s safe and ain’t no snitch. You guys don’t have to welcome her, but Gemma already agreed to show her around Charming.” His raspy voice informed the brothers, “watch out for her at the clubhouse parties when I can’t, and don’t fucking treat her like a croweater,” he slapped the table and pointed to the younger men at the table. “She’s my sister, but she’s an independent woman; if she chooses to fuck one of you, that’s not my business, but if you hurt her or can’t control your croweaters, I’ll meet you in the cages.” He glared at Opie, glared hard at Jax and Juice, and surprisingly stared down Chibs and Tig. 
Tig chuckled as the rest of the club looked at him and Chibs in shock. “I’ve been waiting for baby sister to be of legal age since she hit puberty,” he grinned lasciviously. 
“She’s 24, Tig,” Happy growled, reminding his brother who has known his baby sister since she was a young girl.  
“And it’s only for my love for my brother that I did not tap that shit when baby girl started having sex, because brothers,” Tig created an hourglass movement with both his hands. “Beautiful  bourbon brown skin, and the best T and A you men have ever seen in a dream of a small and flexible body. She was in that cheerleading and gymnastics team, wasn’t she?” He muttered to himself as he lost himself in memories, a twinkle in his eye. 
Clay raised an eyebrow at his ‘Killah’. “You gonna let him talk about your sister like that?” 
Happy grimaced. “He’s not wrong. Lucia’s my sister, but she’s a beautiful woman. I’m also not fucking blind, she’s fucking hot,” he grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. “That and she’d kill me if I corrected him. Keep your comments clean around me or I’ll shoot your dick off, Trager.” 
Tig lifted his hands up in defense. “Noted, Killah.” 
“Where’s she staying?” Piney asked.
“At my house; I’ll just continue staying at the clubhouse.” Happy purchased a house as he was loaned to Charming more and more frequently and for longer periods of time. He usually spent his time at the clubhouse, but when he just needed a night to himself, he decided to purchase a small two bedroom Spanish style home. It was bare bones, letting Gemma decorate it within his budget, but it was enough for him, and knowing Lucia, it would be enough for her too. 
“So if we convince baby sister to move here, we could possibly get the Tacoma Killah permanently? I’ll make sure Gemma turns on her most best self and take her in,” Jax grinned. “You know you love coming down to Charming,” he reminded the assassin. 
“Got the best croweaters on the West coast,” Happy smirked. 
“Alright, alright, enough chit chat, I can feel my tampon slipping. We good with anything else, boys?” Clay chuckled, trying to bring the meeting to a close. After no one else chirped up, he banged his gavel and officially ended the meeting. “Happy, give your sister’s information to Gemma. I’m sure you ain’t got shit in that fridge, and they can fill up that house for you and your sister.” 
Happy nodded his gratitude. “Thank you, Prez.” 
Happy stood by his rented Harley Davidson Tallboy, smoking his cigarette as he waited for his sister to approach from her luggage pickup. His normal bike didn’t have an extra seat big enough to comfortably sit both him and his sister, plus her luggage. The croweaters he occasionally took on his bike were thin as hell and were only on his bike for 20 minutes at max. He still wore his kutte as he glared down at airport security who nervously shifted near him. 
“Ki-ke!”  Happy turned his head to see his happy sister running towards him. He grunted as she slammed into him, taking the weight of her body and her heavy luggage. “Hey Cici,” he threw his cigarette to the ground as he wrapped an arm around his sister. He hid his face in her curly hair and inhaled, his heart feeling full as he held his sister. He held back his joyous grin in her hair. “I missed you too, beba.” 
Lucia pulled back, her wide and dark brown doe eyes sparkling with delight. “You look good, healthy,” she nodded once, taking her brother in as she pulled away from his embrace. 
“Jesus, you sound so much like Mamá,” Happy’s accent slipping through. He took in his sister, as she did him. Her rosy cheeks were flushed pink, her smile genuine. She was happy. She still had her same figure; she didn’t look underweight, or too unhealthily overweight for her body. He felt relieved. It was all he wanted. His sister; happy, healthy, and safe. And he did that. He felt complete having his mother and sister back in the same state. 
Lucia rolled her eyes. “C’mon, I want to get on the road,” she bounced in excitement. She’d always loved riding with her brother on his motorcycle. She loved the feeling of freedom that surrounded her in the open roads of California. 
“You ain’t tired of sitting on your ass? You flew, what? 5 hours?” Happy questioned. 
“Six, actually, but I’m good!” Lucia grinned as she insisted. “I did some stretches and it's only a one hour ride to your house and with your speed, we’ll be there in less time. Once we get there, I’m taking a nice hour nap before I meet up with Gemma to grocery shop, I’ll be recharged by then,” she smiled. “C’mon! I wanna fly!” She pulled him, grinning as she felt her brother’s protective arm take its place on her shoulder. 
Happy grinned, seeing the happiness come across his sister. She loved riding almost as much as he did. His favorite time riding besides by himself was with his sister. And he knew she felt the same way. He noticed airport security checking his sister out and he growled at them as he took his sister’s bags to tie on both sides of the bike. 
Lucia giggled as she hopped on behind her brother, her arms immediately wrapping around her brother. “Nunca cambias, huh, Ki-Ke?” She strapped on her helmet and handed her brother his. 
Happy chuckled, revving the bike, causing the loud rumble to echo in the pick up area. “Never.” He patted his sister’s hands that were around his torso. 
Gemma, Jax, Tig, Chibs, and a few of the non-Son mechanics sat around the picnic tables, on their lunch break as they were ahead of schedule with the cars they had for their day. Gemma, feeling generous, decided to order pizza for the boys; she decided to forgo the pizza, deciding to wait to eat a late lunch with Lucia. She had indeed been communicating with the young Lowman sister, through texts and phone calls. From what she knew of the young girl, so far, she liked her a lot. 
Lucia, for her and Happy’s childhood, was everything good about Happy in a small woman. But she was also respectable and endearing, whereas Happy was fear inducing and scary. She was looking forward to the club’s reaction to her as she knew from Happy that she was apparently curvy and beautiful. But she also knew from speaking to her that Lucia was an extremely confident woman and confident in herself. She couldn't wait to see which Son was bold enough to try to take on Happy’s sister. She was silently rooting for Chibs, or Jax. It would be fun to see either happen. 
The group’s heads perked up as they heard a new grumble from a motor come ripping through the street. They watched as Happy rode in on his rented bike with the expected Lucia riding behind him. 
Gemma smirked in amusement as the men at the table immediately elbowed one another. Fresh meat was a commodity in Charming. 
Happy backed into a parking spot, fighting the urge to cringe at the itchiness in his skin. He could feel all eyes on him. Well, not on him, on Lucia. But they were still observing him. For an assassin, being observed was a stimulation nightmare. He grumbled as he removed his helmet, getting off his bike. He helped his baby sister, her height causing her to need assistance climbing on and off the large bike suited for two. “I fucking hate this,” he covered his sister’s body, and their view. 
“Get over it, you’re making it more of a moment, than it needs to be, Ki-ke,” Lucia patted his shoulder as she walked around him, and towards the table of expecting pairs of eyes. 
Gemma observed the wide eyes of all of the men at the picnic tables as they took in the beautiful woman before them. Shit. They all looked dumbfounded at her beauty. She certainly looked like all of their wet dreams come to life, but in a new and different package that more that outsold their own dreams. Tig was certainly right. Lucia had an hourglass figure; her body more similar to Marilyn Monroe’s, Sofia Loren’s, or Raquel Welch's, but her ass poked further out, matching her plump thighs. She wore a cut off leather jacket, classic tight light wash denim high waisted jeans, and a white halter top which beautifully offset her russet brown skin. Her makeup was done lightly, enhancing her already natural beauty. Her full plump lips were burgundy bruised and carried a mischievous smirk. She walked with confidence, noted in her large three inch platform boots and sharp long red nails. Her long curly dark brown hair perfectly curved around her full breasts. Shit, Gemma thought to herself. Lucia was a siren come to life. Even she was feeling a bit hot at Lucia’s entrance. Jesus, she’s gonna bring trouble. 
Gemma stood up and made her way to the beauty. “Hi Cici,” she engulfed the girl in her arms. She found herself warming to the young woman as Lucia hugged back just as fiercely, rubbing her back. 
“Hey Gemma, thank you so much for welcoming me and being so nice,” Lucia hugged the Queen of SAMCRO, grateful for the woman’s help in feeling comfortable in Charming. She immediately respected the badass woman for being a matriarch in an all boy’s club; literally. 
“You want me to introduce you to everyone?” Gemma asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“Ask Mopey over there,” Lucia shot back to her brother. 
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Happy grabbed his sister’s arm and walked to the picnic benches. “This is Lucia, I already fucking warned you all about them. Lucia, this is Jax, my VP; you already know Tig. This is Chibs, Lowell, and some other pieces of shit that I don’t care about. Done, now take her out to Charming,” he turned his sister and pushed her into Gemma. “Let’s get back to work before I shoot one of you. I’m not drunk enough for this.” 
There was silence as the men watched Gemma and Lucia walk away, all of them taking in one or both of the women. 
“So, if we were all at the party tonight at the clubhouse?” A voice that was obviously fake deepened asked. 
“Next fucking car!” Happy barked out.
Gemma laughed with the young woman as they had their brunch together. “So you won’t tell me which one you like the best?”
Lucia raised an eyebrow at her, a smirk on her lips. “You think I’d give you the advantage when I’m a bit certain that you bet on this with someone? And I’m not getting a cut?” She playfully scoffed.
“Baby girl, I just wanna make sure I put the right money in the right places; if my highest risk gets the win, I’ll share my winnings with you,” the black and blonde haired woman bargained with Happy’s little sister. 
“Do you really want me to tell you or do you wanna win as an honest woman?” 
“Baby, I put money in a few guys just to make sure I always win,” Gemma revealed. “But I do wanna let you have your pick.”
Lucia smiled, liking Gemma’s answer. “I liked a few,” she admitted. “You’ll win something,” she laughed. “If it was worth enough for a redo, I’ll let you keep what you make.”
“Why didn’t Happy bring you around sooner? I like you,” Gemma happily chewed at her food. 
“Trust me, Gemma, I’ve tried to get Happy to settle down long enough for me to come down, but he’s never really had a place. He’s always been a nomad even when he wasn’t a Nomad,” Lucia bantered. “When he told me he finally bought a house down here, I immediately put in for vacation at work. He’s never bought a house until here, so really I have you and SAMCRO to thank for convincing him to come down here so often. It’s not that other charters never offered, but Happy never felt like he needed to settle.”
“A true nomad,” Gemma observed. It put a chill down her spine. She couldn’t imagine not having Charming as her home. She couldn’t imagine not having a true home, period. 
Lucia nodded. “As long as he stayed in the West coast and close enough to Mamá, he was okay with a bed, roof, kitchen, and bathroom,” she pushed at some of the remnants of her food. “A lot of Happy’s money went to me and our mom, and I was able to go to school. I work for a publishing company in New York; I’m now their Vice President,” she smirked. “I always told him that once he bought a house anywhere, I’d move to the closest branch there. But on his own time; I know he liked being a true nomad,” she shrugged. 
“You missed him,” Gemma discerned easily. When you gained the young woman’s trust, clearly she was an open book with her own feelings, but private with other’s. 
“Yeah, but Happy keeps his emotions to himself and I respect that. I don’t want to make him feel any way. He already gets pulled in so many different ways for the Sons, but I know this life is his passion. I can work in my career from anywhere in the world, I just needed a base. I was just waiting on him. He never made me feel less; we both would take trips to see each other, me more so, and we would stay at our mom’s house,” Lucia’s smile lit up her face and made her eyes twinkle. 
Gemma couldn’t help but smile at the happiness that radiated from her. She could tell the young woman truly loved Happy, and her family. She felt like pure innocent joy. Gemma craved that feeling; and she felt that pouring out of Lucia’s skin towards anything and everything that could touch it. “Well, if you like it here enough, and we like each other well enough; I’ll be sure to make Clay bring Hap down here more often enough for him to ask for a transfer. Charming is a special place and I’d love to share it with you.” She made her decision. She really liked Lucia. Liked her enough that she was glad that she put the most amount of money on Jax. Most of the club put their money on Chibs or Tig, much to Happy’s dismay. She wouldn’t push Lucia on Jax or vice versa, but it wouldn’t hurt any of them if either head was turned to one another’s. And if something came of it, all the better for everyone involved. 
“Thank you, Gem. Really. I want to spend more time with my brother. I want to settle down and have a family and be around family. But I’m a little tired of waiting,” Lucia giggled. “And he seems to like Charming enough to keep volunteering to come down here. I’ll work with you on that.” 
Gemma grinned widely at the young woman, recognizing the girl’s desire for family pouring from her aura. “Let’s use these two weeks to get you hooked up with someone in town; what’s your type, darlin’?” She grabbed her glass of soda to take a sip. 
Lucia smiled wantonly as she blushed slightly. “I’m bisexual, Gemma. And I’m not picky. I like how I’m treated more than how someone looks.” 
Gemma raised an eyebrow. “Okay, then how do you want to be treated then?” She didn’t blink an eye at the woman’s reveal. “What do you want in a partnership or marriage?” She appreciated that the girl was just as blunt as everyone in SAMCRO. 
“I want to be treated with respect. With loyalty,” Lucia listed. “I don’t fuck with cheating. At all,” her face turned stern and serious. She pulled what she called her Happy stare; a stare that invoked fear. She knew she succeeded when Gemma tried to hide her body’s subconscious shiver. “Unless we wanna have a fun night once in a while, I’m fine with that, but I want to find my partner. Not just fuck around.” Lucia said, her face dropping into a thoughtful expression. She bit her lip gently as she thought further. “I want kids, so I pretty much expect one or two. I’d negotiate any child after that depending on how my pregnancies go. I’d be committed to living in Charming forever if I ended up with of the Sons or someone local, but I’d like to visit my family back home, so I would need them to compromise on that. There may come a time that I have to take care of my mom so they’d have to be okay with that,” she revealed. “I want to know their culture, as they learn about mine. I’m all about a legacy,” she admitted bashfully, her hair falling like a curtain on either side of her blushing face. “But a complete one. I want them to be kind, to not put their hands on me. I need them to be good in bed, and often,” she wiggled her eyebrows playfully. 
“Amen to that!” Gemma let out a cackle, throwing her head back. “Anything else on this reasonable list?” 
Lucia shrugged. “That’s it for now. Anything else, I’ll deal with it in time. I’m easy going.” 
“I can work with that,” Gemma nodded, her eyes sparkling as her mind ran through the many names of many people in town. Her son included, but she was biased. And Chibs. Hell, she threw Juice in the mix too. Now to see which man had the balls to approach her first, and which Lucia liked the best. Whether tonight at the party, or in town during her two weeks. 
Gemma and Lucia sat next to Luann, laughing at the blonde woman’s dirty joke when the club came bounding through the clubhouse door, loud and raucous as the croweaters and hangaround cheered at their homecoming. The party can now really start. 
Gemma immediately wrapped herself around her husband, but not before giving her son a quick kiss on the cheek and a playful slap on his ass. She entered Clay’s open embrace watching the club rush to the bar, or to some of the croweaters holding liquor. 
Lucia hopped off from her stool in the kitchen. “Tig, c’mere, I’m never gonna fuck you and I need to pick your brain,” Lucia demanded, grabbing three beers in one hand and holding two shots in another. She held them out to the blue eyed man. “I picked out two girls for you and told them how to play with you later, now drink and hear my confessional. They’ll approach on my orders, and no I won’t tell you who they are.” As instructed, all of the available croweaters, and Luann, gave Tig a flirty and seductive smile. 
The surrounding people in earshot’s jaws stopped, except for Gemma’s. The room laughed as the Sergeant at Arms of SAMCRO kneeled before Lucia and kissed her stomach. 
“Yes, Sister Lucia, thank you, Sister Lucia,” Tig took back the two shots offered back to back, and grabbed the beers from the woman. He stood up quickly, feeling the burn of the spirits run through him, cycling his already high adrenaline. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “Can I cop a feel?” 
Lucia sighed. “If you must. Make sure you sneak it when I don’t notice,” she grabbed him back outside towards the benches. “See y’all later!” She waved as she shut the door behind them. 
“What do you need to know, Lucy?” Tig took a swig of his beer, sitting on top of the table. 
“Who’s worth my time in there? Really?” She gave him a look. 
Tig, despite always joking with Happy and Lucia, always respected that she was just as blunt as her brother. She never cut to the chase or wasted time; he appreciated that about her. So he and she had a unique relationship; Tig saw women as mothers or whores. Lucia was the only woman he viewed as both and wouldn’t cross the line to actually fuck her. He couldn’t say that about anyone else. “Jax and Juice. Maybe Chibs if you can get over that age gap.” 
Lucia nodded. “Who’s worth my time in bed?” 
“Jax is known as the best lay in Charming,” Tig admitted. “But he’s a bit of a whore. Got a kid on the way with his junkie ex-wife. Broken hearted over an old relationship and been jaded ever since. Juice is also a whore, but he isn’t attached and doesn’t have any baggage. He’s from New York,” he easily spilled the information. The sooner she hooked up with a brother, the sooner he could press for details of her in bed for his fantasies. “Croweaters say he’s pretty good in bed. More of a romantic.” 
“Can he get rough?” Lucia asked, an eyebrow raised. 
“Shit Lucy, why'd you say that?” Tig whined as he adjusted his half chub that suddenly appeared.
Lucia wrinkled her nose, laughing at his actions. She decided to tease him even further. “Can he pull my hair and ride me like a cowboy should? Can he punish me when I become the true brat that I am?” She teased, batting her eyes and pouting her lip at him.
“Fuck no, he can’t. Jax can. Pick Jax,” Tig swallowed back his first beer, quickly grabbing the second one that Lucia preprepared. “He’s good for a night, a short time, or you can get him to settle if you need. If you guys got shit in common and you can deal with his baggage, then that’s on you and him.” 
“Hmm, and Chibs?” Lucia tilted her head. 
Tig shook his head. “He’s got an estranged wife and daughter back in Ireland. She’s a bit younger than you. Old enough that you’d get compared as sisters. His wife is black, and their daughter is brown like you. He’s good for a night ride only.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled them back to lay down on top of the picnic table. He stared at the stars as he heard Lucia light up something. He took whatever she offered him and discovered it was a nicely rolled joint. “You always did pack the prettiest and fattest joints, Lucy,” he chuckled. “What are you looking for right now?” He asked, suddenly seriously. If he couldn’t have her, but maybe one of his brothers could, he would help both along their way. He took a large hit from the joint. 
“Either a short bit of fun or settling down. I want kids and a family. I want community. I can do that in Charming. Or I can start to build a family here. You think Jax can offer me either?” Lucia asked, grabbing the joint that Tig passed her. 
“Juice and Jax can offer you a short bit of fun. Both men are pretty good men at the end of the day. I don’t know what Juice wants for his future; think he's waiting for a good Old Lady. He's the type where he follows his Old Lady's lead and happily. He'd be good to you," Tig nodded. "I know Jax wants a family, but he hasn’t really loved anyone but his high school ex. I think you can make it work with both if you really like them,” Tig deduced. “Juice is silly, but he’s got a good head on his shoulders when it’s crunchtime. He was Jax’s prospect; his first actually. Jax wouldn’t have asked him to prospect if he thought he was that dumb. Jax or Juice can really offer you though. I’m not sure about anyone else in town, but I could always find out for you.”
“Thanks Tig,” Lucia said after a moment. 
“I’ll always watch out for you like I do for Happy,” Tig squeezed her shoulder. “You’re the closest thing to a step-daughter I got,” he fake cried. 
“Jesus!” Lucia cried as she threw herself off the picnic bench, her laughter being drowned out by the raucous music playing from the clubhouse. “C’mon, drop the intel to both of them and let’s see who’s got the biggest balls tonight?” 
Tig sat up, a wicked grin on his face. He loved pranking his brothers and this was a harmless prank. “Right now?” He raised an eyebrow. He knew if he told Jax or Juice, they would immediately jump on her so he needed to be sure what Lucia wanted.
“Nah, I want to be surprised on the approach,” Lucia told him. “Let’s have some fun, Tig. Don’t forget the girls I arranged for you,” she smiled. “Once I bag my guy, your girls will get to bag you.” 
“Oh you’re the ultimate tease, you sure you don’t want me?” Tig begged. 
Lucia shook her head. “I see you as my horny step-brother who I don’t want to fuck because you act like a dad sometimes,” she admitted. “Your ship sailed a long time ago but that just means I’m gonna try to find your ultimate happiness,” she gave him a quick hug. 
Tig was speechless. He didn’t think that Lucia viewed him as a father figure. He never thought he was a fatherlike man even though he had two daughters already. His heart stopped for a bit, his adrenaline freezing. Could he possibly redeem the damage he inflicted on his daughters with Lucia? Was it wrong to do that? Yes, but Alexander Trager, at his core, always wanted to be a better man. He just always failed. Here was a chance to—
Lucia’s voice pulled the man from his rush of thoughts. He stared up at her.
Lucia gave him the rest of the joint. “Don’t think about this now. Wait until you’re sober and then think about that shit. Just have a good night tonight. You guys just came back from a run, enjoy your girls and enjoy inciting sexual chaos.” 
Tig suddenly relaxed back into his normal state of adrenaline, feeling the drugs and drunkenness slam right back into him. “God, I love Lucy!” He couldn’t help but quip.
Lucia and Tig’s cackles were boisterous and loud, and it captured everyone’s attention. Tig normally was an attention grabber and people gravitated towards him. 
Gemma smirked as she saw Jax and Juice both blatantly check out Lucia even as they both held on to croweaters by the waist. She patted Clay on the chest and nodded her chin towards him when she knew she had his attention. 
“Which one you put the boat on?” Clay chuckled. He knew his wife put money on a whole bunch of odds regarding Lucia’s homecoming. As President, he knew everything that went on in his club, and even in their personal lives, thanks to his meddling wife. Money was put on which Son Lucia would hook up with first; if she hooked up with no one and chose a civilian, if she ended up dating a Son. From there, even more various bets were placed on Jax, Juice, Chibs, Tig; and surprisingly Opie, Piney, Half-Sack, croweaters, hangarounds, even Gemma and Deputy Hale were on that list. Clay knew Bobby was keeping the books in order. Clay didn’t place any bets, but he didn’t discourage his wife when she asked for some extra money for a ‘donation to the school’. 
“Jax, of course,” Gemma said smugly. “I always bet on Teller/Morrow,” she bit her lip as Clay slapped her ass. “But ultimately, whatever makes her happy, and what doesn’t make Happy kill anyone. He’s too important to catch a murder charge,” she laughed. 
Clay was taken aback at Gemma’s approval of her. It was small indications, but Clay knew his wife, knew her tells especially since he and her successfully committed an affair under the club, and JT’s, backs. She liked Lucia. Gemma’s approval was hard to come by, especially when it came to beautiful young women who could be a threat. “You like her?”
“She’s got a good head on her shoulders. Blunt like Happy, but she’s not unapproachable like him,” Gemma told him. “Would I like her and Jax together in love? Of course; but Jax’s got a lot of baggage with Wendy and the kid. Lucia’s too fucking nice to deal with my whore of a son. He loves just like JT, with all of him. But he’s honorable like him too.”
“It’s what makes him a great Vice President. He can overlook his emotions to be logical,” Clay reminded Gemma. “If they choose each other, you already like her and you can meddle your way to solidify their relationship. If they don’t, you can still meddle for her with another Son or anyone else. Please,” he begged, chuckling with the joke on his tongue. “The less you meddle with Jax, the more I get my VP around.” 
Gemma slapped her husband’s chest. 
“Righ’, give us the information, we’ve watched your two gals for th' night swallo' tongues enough,” Chibs, antsy to fuck someone for the night, was growing impatient. Since he knew he was in the running, and took in Lucia’s figure and her openness to bed who she wanted (and Happy’s rule of ‘don’t ask/don’t tell’), he held off from hooking up with a croweater. He was attracted to the Lowman woman and knew a night with her would be worth it. But with Tig coming in after his talk with the beauty with the grin that swallowed the canary, everyone knew that Tig knew her choices, and knew that Tig being the conniving asshole that is was, would keep it shut.
Tig chuckled, having enough of teasing his brothers. “Lucy’s got good taste; after asking her creepy uncle who’s worth her time, I made it clear it was a Son.” He grinned, watching the hangarounds grumble and grasp at some croweaters. “Can’t watch to watch Lucy’s new season,” he jested, snickering at the confused faces. “Heard Lucy’s divorcing Ricky; her new eligible bachelors include a Prince, a shady Irishman, and someone’s who’s fresh out of psychotherapy.” He got up, sleeping both of his croweaters on their asses. He was ready for his private party to begin. He was sure Lucia, Gemma, or Bobby would tell him who popped Lucia’s Charming cherry.
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The Forbidden Fruit. Remastered. Final Part.
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Chibs x Reader fanfiction. Obliously
I wrote the previous version long ago, now it seemes too short and flat to me. So I decided to write the new version.
Y/N is Clay and Gemma's daughter. Club's princess. Everyone in the club loves her and she treats everyone nice and caring as well. Chibs was seeing her growing up and never noticed what a beautiful yound woman she became. Untill one night.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 In Flames bonus
Chibs didn't expect their stay in Stockton to be peaceful, having Pope as an enemy was dangerous without a dobt. But what happened to Opie was way too much. Jax, Tig and Chibs were broken, shocked, it was too unexpected, too stupid and too brutal. And Ope wasn't even supposed to be there with the three of them. He was staying close to Jax, to his brothers and he sacrifieced his own life to save one of them.
Chibs saw how heartbreaking this loss was for Jakson. He knew the two of them were best friends and that Teller would want to eliminate everyone who was involved. And Filip himself was ready to help when they will be outside again.
Soon enough they were released. Coming back home was nothing like it usually was. No party, no joy. They lost another brother. They've lost too many people because of the drug deal Clay started. And Chibs kept thinking that this man was still dangerous for the club and for his own family. He already hurt Gemma and there was no guarantee that one day he won't do something bad to Y/N. Not even speaking about the club itself. God only knew what he could do even now when he was no longer their president.
But it was all to think about later. Right now Chibs was in his room, he had shower and was now sitting on his bed, smoking. His hair still wet and he was wearing jeans and white shirt, his leather resting on the back of the chair. He was trying to cope with his emotions after loosing Ope and knowing that it was not the last call from Pope. He was tired, grief for one brother and worry for the rest of them consuming him. Filip took another gulp from the bottle but scotch had no effect on him right now.
A knock on the door made him frown and look up, distracted from his gloomy thoughts. "It's open" He said but still had no idea who it was.
Door opened quietly and Y/N stepped into the room. She was sad as well, her eyes red and swollen. When Chibs left to his room she was talking to Jax and there was only one topic for them today. But she smiled softly as she closed the door behind her and came up to Filip. Y/N sat on the edge of the bed next to him and took his palm.
Chibs looked at her confused a little, his mask was back on as he thought she might need his help and support. He was always like this, ready to help any of his brothers or anyone from the family not really paying attention to his own needs and feelings, not even showing those to anyone.
"Ye okay, lass?" He asked quietly. Filip didn't know why she came here but he was glad to see her, feel her close again. He missed it.
"I am. But I know you're tired, hurt and sad" Y/N said quietly and looked into his eyes. Her palm gently touching his cheek, thumb brushing against his scar. "And you don't need to hide your feelings from me, Filip"
It was usually so uncomfortable for him when someone was touching his scars or even paying attention to those so he stiffened at first. But her touch felt so soothing and Chibs relaxed, his eyes closed, leaning towards her soft palm. Y/N was not here looking for support she came to him to help him sooth his pain and ease his nerves. And she was probably the only human being who could do it.
"Why didn't ye stay with Jax?" He whispered quietly his eyes still closed. It felt like a beautiful dream and Chibs didn't want to wake up from it.
"Because he has Tara to take care of him. And I know you will be sitting here alone with all of your emotions and tomorrow you hide it all and show up looking as calm as always. I know what happened is hard for you just like for everyone here. You don't need to hide it" Y/N was still touching his cheek as she was talking, every word making his heart melt and squeeze with love and tenderness.
"Thank ye, lass" Chibs whispered and leaned down, his forehead pressed against her shoulder.
Y/N tangled her fingers into his hair, stroking his head gently. She was an angel, she knew exactly how he was and what he needed. She was perfect for him. Chibs wanted to tell her, confess his feelings but he couldn't. The moment wasn't right. There would probably never be the right moment. He couldn't lose what he had - her as a friend with telling her how he felt about Y/N.
Soon enough Chibs was laying on the bed, his head resting on her lap. Y/N was stroking his head, gently, carefully. He felt tears running down his face and for the first time in his life he didn't want to hide it.
What happened in the next week was a sequence of hurtfull disturbing events. House invasions in Charming, deals with Irish, finding those who killed Opie. And at the end Gemma and boys were almost killed on the road. It left Chibs no time for anything else. All he was doing were club issues.
The next day after Gemma was attacked Sons thought they found out who did it. Everything was leading to Frankie. But he was nowhere to be found. Until the evening when Jax got a call from Nero.
Jax, Boby and Chibs headed straight to Diosa. They entered the building and it seemed empty but in the next room they saw Nero, who was tied to the chair. Frankie showed up before they could do anything, he was holding Lyla and made Sons to unarm and stand on their knees, his gun in poor girl's mouth. Chibs would kill him with his bare hands if he could but it was too dangerous for Lyla.
The bastard wanted money, but club didn't have that much to give him. Happily Nero did.
"Just take the gun out of her mouth!" He begged after Frankie agreed to take it.
"Hey Elvis, get up your fat ass and get the money" He pointed the gun at Jax and Chibs who were kneeled infront of him, their hands behind heads "You try anything I kill them both"
Nero gave Bobby instructions on how to find and open his safe and Bobby left.
"How do you think it will end?" Jax was looking at Frankie fearless as usual but man's answer made him surprised.
"This wasn't my idea, kid. Clay promises shit he can't deliver" Frankie smirked, pointing gun from one man to another.
"You want to tell me Clay was behind the break-ins?" Jax raised his brows.
"Come on, Jax" Frankie seemed irritated with the conversation "You know he will do anything to get his gavel back and his cash points"
"He sign off on you going after my family?" Jax still couldn't believe it was this way, even for Clay it was too much. And Chibs hardly believed it either. He was silent, allowing his president to speak and was just watching for a moment to trick Frankie if he'd get distracted.
"I never went after your family" Bastard shook his head pointing gun at Jakson again.
"Someone went after Gemma and my kids last night!" Jax raised his voice in anger.
"Now why the heal would I do that!?" Frankie was pissed, insulted with this accusation.
"Cause ye're the greasy scumbag animal!" Chibs couldn't help it, he hated the bastard and when the gun was pointed at him again he closed his eyes, waiting for the shot to follow, but it didn't thanks to Bobby who came back with the money.
Chibs opened his eyes watching his brother to drop bags on the table and being put down on his knees again. Frankie demanded the van Nero had and finally released Lyla to get him keys. Chibs was scared that he will take her or Nero as hostage but he pointed at Filip.
"Get up scotty" He said and Chibs stood up.
Jax tried to stop Frankie and he pointed his gun at Teller again. It was too dangerous to argue right now, the bastard could kill one of them easily.
"Jakie..." Chibs looked at his brother to calm him down.
Next moment Frankie tossed him keys with "You're driving" and Chibs followed him.
"You come after me, I'll kill him" Frankie promised, his gun now pointing on the back of Chibs' head.
"You're making a mistake" Jax warned as calm as he could. And it was enough for the bastard to shoot Lyla, grab Chibs and push him out of the building.
Chibs didn't know how bad the girl was hurt, he couldn't do anything to stop Frankie and stay alive. So Filip sat behind the wheel and drove where the man told him, outside of the city.
It was already dark when Frankie ordered to stop the car, next to another one that was probably waiting for him to help him escape and cover his tracks. Chibs stopped and Frankie got out of the van. Filip hoped he would just leave but he came to the driver's door and opened it, making Chibs follow him to the side of the road.
Pointing his gun at Filip Frankie pushed him and ordered him to kneel again. Chibs was looking at him with rage in his eyes but there was nothing he could do. He kneeled, looking down. It was inevitable, he knew the bastard will blow his brain out, so as Frankie moved around to stand behind his back Chibs crossed himself ready to face his end.
He felt the gun pressed against his head and looked up, tears blurring his sight. All he could think about now was Y/N. He regreted that she won't ever know how he felt, how much he loved her.
"Hey" Chibs said, his voice raspy "At least ye could look me in the eyes befor ye kill me. Ye guinea coward"
He felt that Frankie was ready to pull the trigger. He was waiting, tensed. It wasn't the first time he was close to death but this time Chibs couldn't do anything at all to prevent it. Suddenly he heard the car horn as the driver in the second vehicle asked Frankie to hurry up. Filip felt a gun hitting his head and fall down, passing out.
Chibs woke up on the ground several hours later. Feeling terrible headache he groaned and touched the back of his head feeling dried blood under his fingers. He sat up slowly and reached to his pocket. His phone was luckily with him still so he dialed Bobby's number.
His brother answered immediately and soon he found Chibs on the road.
"You're okay brother?" Bobby hugged him before they got into the car "Want to go to hospital?"
"Nah, I'm fine. Just a scratch. I wanna take shower and sleep" Chibs shook his head and winced with pain.
"Alright Chibby, but I'll stitch you up at least" Bobby insisted.
They came to the clubhouse early in the morning and headed to the club room where Bobby cleaned and stapled his wound quickly. All the time Chibs had a feeling that someone was watching him but there was no one around so he thought if was because of what happened last night.
"Thank ye, brother" Filip nodded to Bobby and headed to his dorm. He wanted to take shower, change his clothes and have some rest before they had to deal with anything else.
The knock on the door was heard right after he got out of the shower, so Chibs quickly put his jeans and t-shirt on and opened the door. He thought that maybe Bobby needed something or Jax came to see if he was alright. But it wasn't any of his brothers.
"Y/N?" Chibs asked, confused. It was so early and he didn't even know she was in the clubhouse.
She didn't say anything, instead Y/N wrapped her arms around his waist hiding her face on his chest. He felt his shirt getting wet with her tears but had no idea why she was crying.
"What happened, lassie?" Chibs asked quietly his palms resting on her back. He was confused and worried.
"I was so scared" Y/N sobbed and looked up at him. She didn't even bother to wipe tears from her face "I thought he'd kill you"
"Me? What are ye talking about?" Chibs frowned. How did she even know about what happened.
"Tig told me about Frankie" Y/N explained while he closed the door and made her sit down on the bed kneeling infront of her "I... I thought he will kill you and I will never have a chance to tell you..."
Chibs saw it was hard for her to find words and he didn't know what was going on.
"Tell me what? Lass, I'm okay, don't ye cry because of me" Chibs brushed his thumbs against her cheeks wiping off her tears and looking at her with surprise. He didn't expect her to worry about him so much.
Y/N touched his face with her fingers so softly looking into his eyes. "I love you, Filip" She whispered and he could see how scared she was.
"Ye love me?" Chibs asked as he could not believe it just yet. Maybe it was because of the head injury and it was all an illusion?
"I do... I loved you since I was sixteen, even longer I think" Y/N said never breaking the eye contact "I know you don't need it but after what happened I just couldn't keep it a secret. I don't want you to die and never know how I feel about you"
Chibs was hardly breathing at all while she was talking. His heart was squeezing with every word he heard from Y/N. Breaking with the insecurity he heard in her voice. How could she ever think that he didn't want it. It was all obvious to Piney and he only saw Chibs looking at this girl for couple of hours. But for her his own feelings were still unknown.
"Y/N... You have no idea how you made me feel now" Chibs took her palms, pressing his lips against her fingers "I love ye, lass. I loved ye before ye even left and I've never stopped"
"Why didn't you ever told me, Filip?" Y/N squeezed his palms with her fingers looking at him confused.
"I couldn't. Ye were so good to me and ye told me I was such a good friend, I couldn't lose it with spilling out my feelings to ye" Chibs sighed and stoop up as well as Y/N. She was here in his arms, she loved him. And he still didn't dare to touch her the way he wanted "I'm twise yer age, lass. An old broken outlaw. Why do ye want me?"
"You just don't see yourself the way I do, Fillip" Y/N whispered and looked up at him "Will you finally kiss me?" She teased with a soft smile.
Chibs leaned down finally allowing himself to kiss her. Her lips were sweet and soft and it almost made him moan with pleasure when he finally felt it after so many years of waiting. His palms were resting on the small of her back as Y/N pressed herself against him as tight as she could, her fingers sliding under his t-shirt and sending shivers on his skin.
The kiss once soft and gentle bacame deeper, filled with passion they both were holding back for so long. Chibs finally stepped back for a second and locked the door befor he lifted Y/N her legs wrapped around his hips, and kissed her again with a quiet groan of pleasure escaping his chest.
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ravennaortiz · 5 months
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A series showcasing the softer sides of our favorite outlaw bikers. These stories are not just only about the guys raising daughters but also about sisters and nieces. Some of these will simply be the guys stepping up even if their not blood related and the girl in the story may not always be with us anymore. Every story is labeled with possible trigger warnings! As always though 18+.
Angel -Angels stepdaughters surprise him.
Bishop -Snippet for What Huants the girl featuring bishops stepdaughte OC Katalina Moreno-Losa.
Chibs -Chibs welcomes his niece too Charming after problems arise back at home for her but not all is what it seems. AU based.
Coco -Coco prepares for the birth of his and OC Daniela's child. All while enduring hazing from her brothers and trying to cope with his own anxiety about being a good father.
Creeper- Creeper helps a lost girl find her mom in a park and is reminded of his own daughter who had passed the year before.
EZ-Protective dad mode is switched on for EZ at the local grocery story when an old lady oversteps
Gilly- After recently rekindling your love for one another the two of you navigate a surprise. This takes place after The One.
Guero- Guero gets his daughter kicked out of kindergarten
Happy - Happy struggles with his little girl growing up. Featuring OC Cori Lowman.
Jax-How Jax came to raise his sister Rocky.
Juice -Summary: Stormie's(OC) daughter Isabella (OC) has a surprise request for Juice.
Kozik- Kozik struggles with OC Karas rebellious ways following the death of her mom.
Manny- You find Manny sulking about his daughters new boyfriend
Opie- A trip to the mall with his twin girls has him self reflecting.
Tig- Summary: Quick glimpses of how Tig navigated becoming a widow and single father to his daughter OC Raven Trager.
Ratboy -A mix of AU/Canon. Rat defends Juices daughter when Abel makes some statements hat have her questioning her parents relationship and how she came into existence. *Sneak peek into a future story*
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mysticalmallard · 2 months
Not there
Description: after a week of pining Opie goes back to the cafe hoping to see his waitress again.
This is part 4 of my Opie and the waitress series
Word count: 1,287
Warnings: none I think normal SoA stuff
SoA Taglist: @arkytiorlecter @aimkatsz @ravennaortiz @darqchilddaydreamz @mischiefnevermanaged89-blog @hatersaremymotivators @theshynerdsworld @thefrogytimes @youngadult9016
♥︎ If you wish to be added or removed from this taglist comment or message me ♥︎
1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 •
SoA Masterlist ♥︎ Main Masterlist ♥︎ Series Masterlist
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Opie decides that he needs to stop this useless pining and just act. He knows he can't just keep standing around and waiting for something to happen. He needs to do something, anything.
He hops on his bike and heads towards the cafe, his heart beating faster with every mile. He tries to calm himself down, telling himself he's being ridiculous, but he can't shake the nervous excitement bubbling inside his gut.
He walks into the cafe, scanning the room with his eyes, hoping to catch a glimpse of her. But she's nowhere to be seen. He feels a pang of disappointment, and a sense of foolishness for coming here like this.
He sits at a table near the counter, trying to look casual. He orders a coffee, fidgeting in his seat the whole time, trying to ignore the ache in his chest. Maybe coming here was a mistake.
Opie sits and waits, his coffee long since cold, the minutes ticking by slowly. He checks his watch, it's been over an hour since he walked in.
The disappointment and frustration start to sink in, he had really been hoping to see her again.
Finally, he can't take it any longer. He calls over the older waitress serving him.
"Hey," he says, his voice low. "I was wondering if Jessica is working today?"
The waitress looks at him, her expression sympathetic. "I'm sorry, Honey," she says softly. "But Jessica doesn't work here anymore."
Opie feels a jolt of surprise run through him. "What do you mean, she doesn't work here anymore?" he asks, his voice a little sharper than intended.
The waitress looks uncomfortable, but answers anyway. "Oh, well the owner was making some cuts and well, she was the newest so..." she trails off, looking at him apologetically.
Opie gapes at her, his eyes wide. "She got fired?" he asks, his voice a mix of shock and disbelief.
The waitress nods, looking embarrassed. "Yeah," she says quietly. "It was really sudden, and we didn't really get any notice. I guess they just couldn't afford to keep her on."
Opie feels like he's been sucker punched. He can't believe it. One minute she's working here, the next minute, she's gone.
He can't help the pang of disappointment and worry that washes over him. He wonders how she's doing now, without a job, suddenly thrown into uncertainty.
He thanks the waitress gruffly, his mind racing with questions and worries. He quickly pays his bill and walks out of the cafe, the bell above the door chiming loudly behind him.
He gets on his bike and starts it up, riding mindlessly in the direction of Teller-Morrow.
As he rides, he struggles to make sense of what he just heard. How could they just fire her like that? What on earth was she going to do now?
He tries to push these thoughts away, to focus on anything else, but they keep coming back to him. He knows he's being ridiculous, getting worked up over a girl he barely knows. But he can't help it, he's worried about her.
As he arrives at Teller-Morrow, he's still lost in thought. He leaves his bike in the lot, walking into the garage in a daze. Jax sees him and instantly knows something's up.
"What's wrong, Ope?" Jax asks, immediately noticing Opie's faraway expression.
Opie doesn't respond at first, his mind still preoccupied. Jax steps closer, placing a hand on his shoulder.
Opie shoves his hand off him. He doesn't wanna talk about it right now."Leave it, Jax," he mutters.
Jax looks at him, a mixture of concern and annoyance on his face. "What's going on, Ope? You look like someone kicked your puppy."
Opie scowls, running a hand through his hair. "It's nothing, alright? Leave it."
Jax's expression hardens, clearly not buying his bullshit. "I know when something's up with you, Ope. You can't fool me. Now, what's going on?"
Opie sighs, knowing he's not going to get out of this. He crosses his arms, refusing to meet Jax's gaze. "It's that damn waitress," he mutters.
Jax's eyebrows raise in surprise. "The new waitress from the cafe? The one you're crushing hard on?"
Opie scowls at the teasing tone in Jax's voice. "Yeah, her," he mutters. "I went to the cafe today, hoping to see her. But she wasn't there. They said she got fired."
Jax's expression softens. "She got fired? Why the hell would they do that?"
Opie shrugs "they said something about budget cuts or whatever" he mumbles.
Jax whistles, shaking his head. "Damn, that's rough. They just throw her out like that without any notice? That's cold...did you call her and see if she's doing alright?" Jax asks.
Opie looks down, feeling a pang of guilt. "I don't have her number," he mutters.
Jax looks at him incredulously. "What do you mean you don't have her number? You've been swooning over her for weeks now, how do you not have her number?"
Opie bristles at Jax's tone. "I haven't been 'swooning' over her," he mutters defensively.
Jax grins. "You have so been swooning. The way you've been pining after her, it's like watching a damn chick flick."
Opie shoots Jax a glare, but doesn't deny it. He knows he's been acting like a lovestruck teenager lately, and he hates himself for it.
Jax chuckles, clearly enjoying this. "So, what now? You're just going to keep moping around here, feeling sorry for yourself? Or are you actually going to do something about it?"
Opie looks at him confused "and what am supposed to do, huh? ride around town to maybe bump into her?" he asked a little annoyed.
"Yeah you could...or you could just go to her place? you said you dropped her off there once right?..just go and knock on the door" Jax says with a shit eating grin.
"I can't do that" he almost yells with frustration. "I only know what building she lives in I don't know what apartment" he sighs pinching the bridge of his nose.
Jax rolls his eyes. "Geez, Ope, you're making this harder than it needs to be. It's not rocket science. Just knock on a few doors until you find hers"
"And say what huh? 'Oh hey! I know we only met twice but I heard you got fired that must suck' huh?" he says in a very sarcastically waving his arm around getting more upset with every word.
Jax laughs, very much enjoying this. "That's one way to do it, but probably not the best. Might come off a little stalker-ish."
Opie shoots him another glare, but can't help but smile a little. "Thanks for those helpful tips, jackass."
Jax grins, shrugging. "Hey, I'm just trying to help you out here, man. You're the one who's all twisted up about this girl, not me."
Opie sighs, running a hand through his hair. "I know, I know. I just...I don't know what to do, Jax. I barely know this girl but I can't stop thinking about her."
Jax softens a bit, seeing his friend's conflicted expression. "Look, I get it. You like her, it's obvious. But you gotta do something about it, man. Sitting around here feeling sorry for yourself ain't gonna get you anywhere."
Bobby shouts from across the lot "Come on! Clay called for church some shit has happened"
Opie looks up as Bobby calls out, his mood instantly darkening. He groans, hating the thought of church right now.
Jax clapped him on the shoulder. "Duty calls, Ope. We can talk more about your love life later."
Opie sighs, his mind still preoccupied with thoughts of the waitress. "Yeah, sure" he mutters, following after Jax as they head towards club house.
Some people have been asking what the waitress (Jessica) looks like, so I whipped something up with an Ai image generator:
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!!Ai generated image this is not a picture of a real human this woman does not exist!!
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your-space-brain · 1 year
Would You Say I’m Worthy?
Harry “Opie” Winston x Reader - One Shot
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Gif does not belong to me.
Hey guys! It’s Blaire from @spacedbrainnn . Just moving my writing onto a main blog!
You were head over heels for the man and there was no stopping it. He was all brooding, troubled and mysterious and you could do nothing to stop yourself from the head first dive that you’d taken since you met him.
He hardly spoke, but he left you notes here and there. You’d been assisting SAMCRO for the longest time since Chucky arrived, who was a good friend of yours, and you’d caught one another’s eye. After that, it was subtle glances and a smile here or there, or even a wink if you were lucky.
‘Have a good day.’
‘Here’s a shitty daisy like flower.’
‘I hate the color of this sticky note.’
‘How’s our two fingered friend doing?’
‘I’m keeping this pen.’
Those intimate sticky note letters were barely legible and hardly anything to scoff at. What he thought was just a running joke, you enjoyed, and kept each one in a little container beneath the bar top. He didn’t know the effect he had on you, or anyone for that matter, since he lost both Donna and his kids.
“What’s it say today?” Chucky was the first one to ask as he began to wipe down the top of the deep mahogany bartop.
“‘What’s the sky look like from your end?’” You read to Chucky with a little laugh. “He asks me these questions but doesn’t give me a place to reply to them at.”
“Maybe he doesn’t want you to.” Chucky offered as he shrugged, getting back to work on making the bartop shiny and clean.
“How would you put it? ‘I accept that’?” You teased, earning a smile out of the chipper, barely fingered man.
A roar of bikes signaled that some of SAMCRO’s finest had returned, making both Chucky and you raise your heads slightly to peer through the window.
Opie was trailing Jax and Bobby as they pulled up, his long hair flicking beneath his helmet as he pulled into the drive. He stopped a bit after his parking space and backed it in, before hitting the kill switch and discarding his helmet on the handle bars.
He didn’t speak when he came in, all leather and hair being smoothed out below silver ring clad fingers. “Hey darlin’.” Jax greeted as she threw him a wave, ignoring his charm, but Opie didn’t stay long and disappeared down the hallway.
“He doesn’t speak too much, does he?” You asked Jax, and he shook his head.
“Nah, not too much. It’s been a while since he spoke freely.”
Every Friday night was a Crow Eater party. It was a time when you would come for a while, before things got too terribly wound up, and then you would leave. You were sipping a beer, leaned on the bar, looking around but there was a pair of familiar eyes missing.
“Where’s Ope?” You asked Chucky, who shrugged.
When you didn’t get a reply, you handed the amber bottle over to Chucky for safe keeping before you wandered off down the hall to see if he was in his dorm.
Lo and behold, through a crack in his dorm door, he was kicked back in bed, still fully clothed minus his boots, an arm over his eyes with only the lamplight on. He looked peaceful, until you disrupted that by lightly knocking with one knuckle.
“Come in.” It was a slurred mumble as his eyes finally opened again. They were dark and swirling as you stepped into the meticulously neat room, the only thing out of place being a couple of motorcycle parts out on the desk.
“Hey, not joining the party?” You asked as you came to sit in his wooden desk chair.
“Nah. Not my scene.” He replied as he grunted, moving to swing his legs over the edge of the bed and sit up, his back popping while his muscles protested wickedly.
“Oh, that’s fair.” He nodded as you said it, having been half asleep, but he just yawned quietly. “Can I ask you something?”
He wasn’t prepared for what you were going to ask him next. “Why don’t you ever give me a chance to reply to your notes?” The man, for once, looked absolutely dumbfounded. He ran a hand over his beard as he thought about a reply, before clearing his tatted throat.
“I guess… I didn’t think you’d want to.”
This shocked you. Your brows knit for a moment as he calculatedly watched him, a frown on your lips. “Why wouldn’t I want to?”
Several reasons popped in the burdened man’s head. He was a killer, he lost everything he loved to this club and if he let you in, you were pretty much signing your own death warrant to Mr. Mayhem. You were putting a black listed card in your own hands.
Finally, he gave a heavy sigh and replied, his eyes dropping to his socked feet. “If I let you in, you very well could be ending your life by picking me.”
This caused you to recoil a bit. “So you’re not even giving me a choice?” You asked him.
“No. I’m not worth anyone getting themselves killed or hurt.”
He seemed so cut and dry with this response, as if this was already made up in his head, as if he didn’t want to risk being the sole reason another life dropped for loving him. He already beat himself down to know he wasn’t worthy.
“You don’t get to make that choice. You don’t… get to pick what’s best for me.” You told him with a shake of your head. “Why can’t you let me try?”
The words were stuck in Opie’s throat as you reached out and caressed his beard. He swallowed carefully, before he pressed his lips to your palm.
“I can’t make your decisions for you. I can only advise you that this might not be best.” He murmured, before you made him look you in the eyes.
“I’m picking you.”
— end —
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Love Me Like You Do~Part 4
Juice Ortiz X Reader
The next three weeks had Juice always at Amethyst Edge with (Y/N). He found himself not wanting to be away from her for too long. He would help her with anything she needed done that was in his wheelhouse of tech knowledge.
When she was occupied with something else, he found himself staring at her. She was beautiful to him. He loved every thing about her; he didn’t even mind she had some extra “fluff” to her as she would always say.
He was so lost in thought that he didn’t notice Opie walking up to him. When Opie clapped him on the shoulder, he jumped.
“Shit, Opie. Don’t do that.”
Opie looked from Juice to his sister, clearly seeing the look in the young biker’s eyes. “You okay over here? Seem to be lost in thought.”
Juice nodded. “Yeah. All good. Just finishing this up for (Y/N).”
“You two seem to be getting close these days. Something I need to know?”
He shook his head. “Nope. We’re just friends. She gets her tech advice from me and that’s it.”
Opie pulled up a chair and sat, leaning his arms on the back. “Dude, I know that look. I’ve been told I look at Donna that way.” He ran his hand through his hair and let out a sigh. “Listen, if you like her, tell her. I’m not going to stop you. You should know though, she’s had it rough growing up with her weight and all. Her mom was a bitch to her about it. Since she’s been home, I’ve noticed a dramatic change in how she carries herself. Those three years with her grandfather changed her. Just know it’s always been an issue with her. Always thinks nobody is going to love her the way she is.”
Juice watched you as Opie talked to him. He couldn’t believe you never felt loved for who you were. He turned back to his friend. “So you wouldn’t mind if I asked her on a date?”
Opie chuckled and patted the Puerto Rican on the shoulder. “Nope. Not at all. I just want her happy. But know this, you hurt her, I hurt you.”
Juice just nodded. Now that he knew he could, he would definitely try and win your heart and show you how much someone can love every bit of you.
“Earth to (Y/N)? You still with me?” Donna waved her hand in front of my face.
“Huh? Oh, I’m, where were we?”
“Finalizing the menu so we can get the food delivered next week. Are you okay?” She leaned on her elbows getting closer.
I nodded. “Yeah. Just some things on my mind is all.”
“Does it have to do with a certain Puerto Rican Son?” Donna smirked.
My head shot up to look at her. “What?”
She rolled her eyes. “Oh come on! I see the way you two sneak glances at each other. I think he likes you.”
It was my turn to roll my eyes. “Oh please. He’s just being nice and helping me out because I’m Opie’s sister and basically Jax’s adopted sister.”
“Yeah. Sure.”
“Come on Donna. I know how I look, okay? I may have gained some confidence over the last few years and beginning to get more comfortable in my own skin, but that doesn’t mean someone as cute at Juice will think of me in any other way.”
She reached over and laid her hand on mine. “Honey, I’ve known you almost as long as I have Opie. You have always been beautiful. Just because your mom thought you didn’t look like she wanted you to, doesn’t mean your any less of a beauty. Any guy would be lucky to have you, especially Juice.”
I gave her a small smile. “Thanks, Donna. It’s hard still sometimes to fight down that voice that tells me I’m not worth it. It really does it when I think about him. Spending time with him lately has been great.”
“Then tell him you like him. I think he likes you, too.” She winked at me.
After our heart to heart, we finalized the menu, put the order in for all the dishes we’d need for front and back and interviewed one more waitress and kitchen worker.
The thought of telling him made my heart race, but maybe Donna was right. I should just tell Juice how I feel. Maybe it's time to take a chance. I took that chance when we were locking up for the day.
“Hey, Juan!” I yelled, smirking.
He turned on his bike and raised an eye brow at me, a smile on his face. “Yeah?”
“You wanna come join me for a drink? Maybe some food?” I had my hands in my shorts pockets and used my upper body to signal towards my apartment.
He took his helmet off and put it back on the bike. “Yeah. Why not?”
I waited for him to follow me around the side. Opie and the guys built me a security fence around the side and back of the bar to keep my apartment safe at night. After walking in, I activated the security code and Juice and I went inside. It was still early and I had a few things I could cook.
“Yeah. I could eat.” Juice made himself comfortable on the couch like he’s done many times.
“Spaghetti okay? Haven’t made my weekly shopping trip yet.” I laughed as I handed him a beer.
“My favorite.” And there it was. That million dollar smile that made me melt every time. I gave him a smile back and went to start on dinner.
He eventually joined me in the small kitchen and even helped. We talked about the opening of Amethyst Edge, our childhoods and just random things.
“No way! Seriously? How did he not know you braided his hair?” Juice laughed at the story I told about Opie and I as teenagers.
I laughed and shrugged. “I’m telling you, he’s a heavy sleeper. He was so late for school that he just got up and threw his clothes on, thinking his hair was still in the pony tail from the night before. When we got to school and seen everyone’s faces, he bolted for the bathroom. And I didn’t just do braids, I made different sections different types and put strips of hair extensions in.”
Juice doubled over in laughter, almost spilling his beer on the floor. “What did he do?”
“Came after me. He didn’t hurt me, of course, but he put bleach in my shampoo and I had blonde patches in my hair for a week or two until I dyed it.”
When the laughter subsided, we just looked at each other. I knew it was now or never for me to tell him. I fidgeted with the hem of my shirt nervously.
“What’s got you so nervous all of a sudden? You only do that when your nervous.”
I chuckled. “Didn’t know you paid that close attention.”
“Why wouldn’t I? I mean, every thing you do is amazing.”
“Really?” I whispered.
He scooted closer to me on the couch. “Yes, really. You’re a person who takes control. Everything has to be right or it doesn’t fit. You know what you want and make sure it’s done the right way. You chew on your bottom lip when you concentrate. When you laugh, your eyes sparkle a little brighter and you dance when you think no one is looking when any song comes on.”
I couldn’t believe it. He actually took notice of me. “Wow. I didn’t think anyone ever paid that close attention to me.”
“Well I do. I like you (Y/N). I really like you.” He looked into my eyes, his own brown eyes staring into mine.
He liked me. Just like I liked him. This beautiful tanned skin man that I’ve known just months likes me. My heart pounded as I tried to tell him I liked him, too. Before I could muster up the courage, his phone rang.
“Yeah?” He answered. “Okay. Be there in ten.” He closed his phone and looked at me. “Club business. I got to go.”
I nodded. “Okay.”
We stood and he pulled me in for a hug. “I’ll see you in a couple days, okay?”
I just nodded in response. He kissed the side of my head and was out the door. I followed behind to set the alarms again, waving goodbye to him as he drove off.
“Hey, baby.”
“Hey, Gem. You need help with groceries?”
“The guys got them. How are you?” Gemma gave me a hug.
“I’m good. I’m excited for tonight. The guys don’t know yet. I wanted to surprise them. I’ve text them and said I needed them all here when they got back for some minor repairs.”
“This will be good. I love what you’ve done.” Gemma said as she looked around from her spot at the bar.
I leaned my back on the bar and looked around. “Me, too. I can’t wait to open this place up.”
“We’ve got everything ready back here, boss.”
“Thanks, Joe.”
I gathered the girls together and have them all a task, letting them get to know Serena before we officially opened. By the time the guys got to the bar, we had the tables pushed together and chairs lining both sides. We put all the food along the bar so everyone could serve themselves. You had just finished placing the last dessert when they walked in.
“Welcome home! Everyone grab a plate and find a seat! It’s our new family dinner tradition.” I received a hug from each one, Jax, Opie and Juice saved themselves for last.
After all the guys had food, I invited my crew to sit and eat with us, all of them telling me thank you and fixing a plate. I couldn’t help but smile as I watched everyone. I finally made myself a plate and sat at the end of the table facing everyone.
“Okay, gentlemen. I have an announcement. Not only is this a welcome home dinner, but it’s also a celebratory one. I received word this morning that Amethyst Edge officially passed every inspection and is now a licensed business and can officially open this weekend.”
Cheers went up all around. I couldn’t help the smile on my face as everyone cheered.
“So, tonight, we have dinner and celebrate. Starting tomorrow me and my wonderful crew will start preparing this place to welcome customers Friday night at 7. I want to thank each of you for everything you have done for me the last few months. As I told my brothers a while back, every time any of the Sons and their old lady comes in, two rounds of free drinks on the house. After that, you got to pay.”
“Even your favorite?” Tig called.
“No one said you were my favorite, Trager. But yes, Donna can drink for free any time.”
“Oh come on!” Was called around and laughs broke through.
I couldn’t help but laugh. “Alright. Let’s eat everyone!”
Everyone enjoyed the company and food. Gemma gave me a wink from her end of the table, Opie gave me a proud smile, dad’s smile showed so much pride and love. Jax had his signature Teller smirk. Then there was Juice. He had the most beautiful smile that crinkled his eyes that he seemed to save for me when he looked at me.
I had yet to be able to tell him how I felt. Since our last conversation at dinner had been almost a week and we didn’t get to text much. I knew this week I wouldn’t get to spend much time with him either, seeing as how I’d be busy with the weekend opening.
I tried not to fret too much and enjoy myself. After dinner and dessert, everyone banned together and cleaned the dishes and took any leftovers in to go boxes.
“Yo! Everyone! Gather around!” Jax yelled. “(Y/N), the guys and I got you something to seal the deal on this place. Follow me.”
Jax led me outside, covering my eyes just before we stepped out. I could hear whispers all around me. He finally stopped me at the bottom of the steps.
“Okay. Open your eyes.”
When I opened them, I gasped. On the roof of the entrance, proudly glowing was my new sign. “Amethyst Edge” was written in a beautiful script, painted in purple against a black background. The Reaper drawn into the wood behind it and it was lite up in a bright purple around the edges.
“Guys! It’s perfect. Thank you!”
Jax and Opie stood on either side of me, arms around my waist and dad standing behind me, hands on my shoulders. I leaned back into him and he kissed my head.
“Amethyst Edge is official, sweetheart.” He said to me.
“Yeah. It is. And I can’t wait to open.”
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vae1bixy · 3 months
Opie Winston x OC {Josie Bethe Teller]
Title - Partner in crime
Wordcount - 3.8k
Summary - Everybody has a secret that she doesn't tell anyone. Something dark and twisted or something more easier then that. A small embarrassed secret. But in Josie's life hers was a little more darker then a simple doll obsession.
A/n - This is my first time writing for SOA. Or for doing one of these with an original character. WARNING This contains death and abuse.
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Josie Beth wasn’t a push over.
You couldn’t be where she grew up. If you acted weak you lost respect. Or at least any respect that could potentially be given. She learned from a very young age. That if you’re not strong you don’t get respect. You don’t cry, you don’t let yourself be hit or verbally berated. You fight back. Even if it costed you.
She was just sixteen years old, just in the junior year of high school. When she was even there. She was either suspended or expelled. At that time she had begun dating this guy. They were inseparable. He was a straight A student. A guy that never got into trouble. The complete opposite of her. It was almost funny.
Especially when he turned out how he did. Her boyfriend Sam. He wasn’t a guy who yelled or berated her. He was a bit of a nerd. Could go hours and hours talking about some new video game or sci fi show or movie. Anything he loved space and everything that came with it.
So when he began yelling at her and distancing himself. She didn’t worry too much. At least not anything bad. She didn’t halt at it. She knew something must have happened for him to switch his personality so sudden. They had been together for two years. Known each other for three. And he had never done anything of the sort. He was a pretty sweet and kind guy.
That’s when she began to think maybe he had a bad day. A bad week, a bad month. Maybe it was all the stress his parents put on him to get good grades to be the best. But then the arguments began to shift to just him yelling at her. Then one day it changed. He slapped her face. And her eyes widened when he did it. So did he. Like he was surprised he even did it. Like he didn’t expect he would go so far. And neither did she.
Holding up a hand to cover her cheek. Her brows furrowed and she slapped him back. But this time it was harder. Sure enough to leave a print on his cheek. He held his jaw with eyes widened like he couldn’t believe she hit him back. “What’s going on with you Sam?” She asked, sounding hurt. A small frown appeared on her lips. Her cheek didn’t hurt so much just her pride.
“I don’t know” He answered with a shake of his head.
Then he looked like began to get scared. Eyes widening and he grasped for her hand and she watched him. As he held up her hand and pressed small kisses to it looking up at her with puppy eyes. “Please don’t leave me i’m so sorry” He said pleadingly. “I’m so sorry” He repeated.
Josie bit the inside of her cheek as she watched him. She knew she should have broken it off right there. But some part of her wanted to forget it happened. He was apologizing; he knew what he did wrong. And she just loved him too much to leave him. So oblivious she began to speak back up. “It’s not alright” She said slowly.
And his eyes widened further. His grip tightened just a bit on her hand. Like he was afraid she was going to tug away. “But don’t do it again,” She said strongly. Eyes narrowing at him.
It was like a light flickered. He began grinning and let go of her hand to bring her into a hug and hold the back of her head. “I won't, I promise sweetie,” Sam said before he placed a kiss on her. Not giving her time to shut her eyes. Josie began to frown deeper but closed her eyes and allowed herself to be pulled away.
But that was a lie. It got better for a bit. The arguing stopped and the yelling stopped. All traces that he ever hit her were gone. The bruising on her cheek faded within days. But that didn’t mean no one questioned her. The guy’s even her mother. Jax and Opie well all of them were convinced it was Sam.
She only told them she got in a little fight with a girl at school but she won. And that was the end of it. It wasn’t unusual for her to get into fights anyways. For her to come home with a black eye or bleeding lip. Sometimes her mother swore she got into more fights than the club. That she went out looking for them.
And honestly sometimes she did.
Then the arguing started again. Fight about nothing and fights about major things. Usually Sam began the fight and Josie was just twisted up alongside it. “You’re always together” He began one day. But it wasn’t the only time the argument was brought up. Sam didn’t used to be a jealous person. He believed she respected her. He even used to hang around the house when Opie or any of the guys were there.
That’s another reason she couldn’t help fathom why he was doing it. He had to know they would kill him if she wanted them to. All she had to do was tell them. Actually she could ask them. Ask them without explaining and he would be dead within minutes. They could beat him into a pulp. Shoot him. Burn him. Anything they so felt like.
“There’s nothing going on with Opie '' She screamed back.
Anger climbing up her spine. Fists clenching at her sides. So hard her nails were digging into her palms. She promised herself she wouldn’t seep so far and hit her partner no matter if they were a woman or man. She didn’t want to be in a relationship like that. And she sure as hell didn’t want to be with someone who would treat her that way.
Lately she had been questioning whether or not she even wanted to be in a relationship with him. He wasn’t the same person he used to be. He was more angry. Slowly it was like pieces of what made him his own personality were disappearing, cracking and falling off of him over time.
“I see the way he looks at you” He spewed into her face. Hitting the air like he was trying to enforce what he was yelling. He hadn’t ever hit her since the first and last time. It had been three months since. Three months but it didn’t leave her mind. Sometimes she would lie in bed. Sometimes he would kiss her and she wondered when the next time he was going to blow up.
Josie wiped at her eyes a sigh falling from her lips. She was so tired so tired of this same argument. He hadn’t been there but an hour. And right after Jax and Opie had left her house he began yelling at her. The same thing he always did. That her and Opie spent too much time together. That he was afraid they were going to cheat on him. That he was just so insecure he had to take it out on her.
“He’s just a friend, I don't know what the hell is going on with you,” She screamed. It’s not like she could control how much Opie came over. He was her brother's best friend. And lived right beside them. And he was hers as well. She would never drop a friendship over a guy or girl.
Next thing she knew it. He stepped forward and instead of the palm of his hand his knuckles were coming into contact with her eyes. Hitting her in the corner of her right eye. “Don’t talk to me like that” he said darkly. Before he dropped his hand.
Josie touched her brow and there was a bit of blood on her fingertips. She looked at him before she turned away. Heading straight to the door. No one else was home. But if she called her brother she knew he would be right there. “That’s it” She said as she walked away. She was done. She was through with him.
“Josie” Sam called out then once more but a little harsher.
She opened the door and was about to leave but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. The door is still open. “Don’t go” he whispered. A small twisted smile lighting his face up. As he tried to cradle her hip with his other hand. Trapping her against him.
She wasn’t sure what happened but at that moment it was like she saw red. She reached down and grabbed the freshy new revolver she was gifted off of her desk. And shot him. At least that’s what she thinks happened. She just saw red. Heard nothing. Not until everything was coming back to her. The red leaving and the world returning.
And there on the floor of her bedroom was her boyfriend, his eyes wide and a bullet hole in his forehead. She dropped the gun and fell beside him. “I’m so sorry” Josie hiccuped. Her hand running through his hair. She whispered apologetics until finally she wiped at her eyes and stood up.
She grabbed her phone, shaky fingers touching the keypad in memorization. She didn’t call her mother. She didn’t call her older brother or even their father’s best friend Clay the man who ran the club. Josie wasn’t exactly sure why she even did call him. When the ringing stopped a tired voice answered.
“Hello” He said through a yawn.
“I need your help” She whispered. Soft sniffles filtering through the phone.
In that moment it was almost like those words pulled him back into the living. Like all traces of sleep were washed from him. “On my way” He said hard. Before she could hear shuffling on the other end. Like he was getting up. Then he ended the call shutting it off.
But he was there in a matter of a minute. They did live next door after all. He didn’t even knock on the door. Just walked straight into the house like he lived there. “Josie” Opie called out looking around the living room. Checking out the room waiting for any sign of her. But everything seemed normal. But he knew he wasn’t hallucinating; it sounded like she was crying over the phone. And Josie never cried. At least around him.
“In here” She called out.
He followed her voice down the hall and stopped at her room. The door was shut. And there was a stop sign on the door. Like that was meant to stop any sort of trespasser from entering. “I’m coming in” He said, like a warning. One he had learned very quickly to do years ago.
Whatever he expected was definitely not what he walked in on. There on the floor was her boyfriend right on his back. Blood was flowing from his head and created a puddle on her floor. And she was just sitting on her bed sheets. Specs of blood on her hands and printing onto the handle of her gun. The gun that was hanging loosely in her hand.
“Jesus” He said as he took his beanie off and wiped at his hair. Stress is already pulling onto his face.
Sure he was ‘in the club’ but not really. He was just a prospect. He was a new guy. Even if he had grown up in the club. He saw shit nobody saw. Heard things nobody heard. But so have she they all grew up there. But this he had never seen a dead body before. At least this fresh. Not when the blood was still flowing out of them.
“I had to” She said like she was stripped away from whatever thoughts she was having. Tears falling from her eyes and sobs rocketing through her. Deep and throaty sobs. She didn’t want to. She didn’t want to kill him. But secretly deep inside of her she knew she did. She wanted him to feel what she felt.
Opie was stepping over the body and to Josie before he knew it. Taking the gun easily with one hand and setting it onto the mattress. While he crouched down eye to eye level with her. “Hey hey it’s okay” He said as he brushed a hand over her cheek brushing the tears away. Wiping bits of blood as he did.
“I’m sure it wasn’t really your fault” He said, causing her to laugh a bit. Everything was her fault. Especially this. A man, well a boy was dead because of her. Even if she thought he deserved it. Even if she secretly didn’t feel guilty for it. Someone was dead. Someone who had a bright future. Maybe even getting out of Charming unlike her.
After a minute he went to stand up. “We have to call your brother and mom” He said decisively. Jax would kill him if he didn’t call him. He’d kill him for taking so long to call. He loved his sister more than anything. Even more than Gemma and the club. And if the asshole on the floor was still alive he would be dead again.
“No you can't, they'll just be disappointed in me” She said as she grabbed ahold of his wrist and stopped him from moving any further. He looked down at her hand but she still didn’t let go.
Opie frowned at her unsure of how to help. He wasn’t equipped for this. To comfort someone and over kill another person. But he had a big feeling the guy deserved it. “They didn’t like the guy anyways” He said, trying to joke. Still in front of her line of sight and blocking off most of Sam’s dead body except for his legs.
“I’m serious Opie” She said, shaking her head tears rolling back down her cheeks. Even if she was the one who did it. She was feeling the lost of him. Of her boy friend. Or ex at this time.
He tapped a hand to her head and petted it. As he began to think of how he was going to cover a murder. Sure he thought about it before. Heard the other’s talk. But this would be his first time. “We’re going to figure this out” He said comfortingly. As tears dipped further down her cheeks.
Opie went back home and grabbed his father’s car keys. It wasn't’ hard he wasn’t home to find out and with this time of hour he probably wouldn't be back until the next day. But they would have to be quick before Gemma or Jax got back.
He pulled the old truck out of the driveway and to her and backed the tailgate up to the doorway. Before he got out, shutting the door and checking to make sure no one was outside before he went back into the house this time he didn’t waste the energy to knock. And they rolled the boy into her carpet.
He got the front end of the body and she got the rear end. Opie wasn’t super strong. He was more height than muscle. But he could lift a good seventy pounds. Less than half of what the boy weighed. He walked backwards her in front and they barely lifted him up to the tailgate. Even with it down.
“Where are we going to hide him?” She questioned. Crossing her arms over her chest. The blood beginning to dry and stick to her arms.
He raised the tell gate up before he turned to look at her. His eyebrows are raised even in the night light. “I’m going to find a place… you just stay here and clean the blood up” He said struggling a bit to find the words. Before he began to walk back to the driver side door.
“Hell no im coming” She said, following back towards him.
“Josie,” He quipped.
But she shrugged a bit. A less annoyed expression disappearing and a more upset one coming back. Small drops of blood on her right cheek shining in the lamp against the wall of her house. “I killed him, I might as well follow through,” She said, nodding a bit. It was only right. Somehow it would make her feel better.
Sighing he opened the door and gestured to the other side. “Alright, we'll get in” He ordered. She wasted no time but to shut the door. They were silent on the way there. Nothing but the small buzz of the radio and the thud of Sam’s body in the back of the truck when Opie hit the brake too hard.
They drove for what felt like hours. Passing by building restaurants, homes, even a police car. Before they arrived at the destination. He began to pull into a wooded area where trails lead into it. Showing that it wasn’t completely deserted. They came there to party before. All of them well all the teenagers getting together and going out to the woods to party smoke drink fuck. Anything.
“Are you sure this is a good place to leave him?” She questioned worriedly. Looking around but the emptiness of the woods was all she saw. As she walked to follow him out of the truck.
Opie looked back at her his hands on the tailgate and pulling it downwards. “Do you have a better idea?” He questioned leaving no heat in it. But she just nodded. He grabbed a hole of Sam’s hand and pulled the body closer so she could reach. She grabbed a hold of his feet and made a face of small huffs coming from her as she lugged him in wards of the woods.
“Right here” He said through bated breaths. They both dropped the body and it hit a thud onto the ground at the same time.
“Wait here” He ordered giving her one more glance before disappearing the way they came. Josie waited in the woods. Her arms holding herself as she tried to look anywhere but the dead body and the darkness the woods provided. She never liked the darkness of the woods. But maybe it was partly because of the night she just had. Just when she beginning to get antsy and about to leave to find Opie.
She heard footsteps. And he was coming back into her sight. But fuel in his hands. “We need to get some sticks” He said. She nodded a bit and began to grab some around them. Him doing as so. Lifting big sticks up hurriedly and dropping them around the body.
“You never asked why I did it?” She said quietly.
He wasn’t dense he saw the bruise growing around her eyes. The blood in her eyebrow. He knew what happened. Opie had never liked Same. But neither did Jax and Gemma and really everybody. But Opie didn’t dislike him for there reasons. He wasn’t sure he just had a bad feeling about the guy. And apparently he was right.
“Should i?” Opie questioned glancing at the side of her face a bit.
She just chuckled a bit before she stood up. A pile of limbs in her left hand and pointed to her eyebrow where blood was drying up. The growing bruise on her face. “He hit me,” She said like she found it funny.
“And you’re laughing?” He questioned confusedly. Dropping the limbs onto the body a little extra harder than really needed. One thing about the club was that they didn’t believe in abusing women or children. They might do all kinds of other shit that wasn’t morally good. But they had a fine line of morally good and wrongs.
She shook her head dropping the limbs before she fell into laughter again. Her hands on her knees as Opie watched confused. Finally she stood up wiping at the tears on her face, a grin still in place. And small giggles falling out of her mouth. “I don’t know, I just think it’s ironic,” She said.
He nodded slowly. Maybe he thought she was losing her mind. Josie was kind of scared that she did. She wasn’t exactly a saint. But she never thought she could be capable of killing another person. And someone she loved so much. Someone she imagined growing older with. “This should be enough,” He finally said.
She nodded a bit. And he poured the fuel over his body and into the sticks. She watched fascinatedly holding onto her body tighter with her arms before he pulled a lighter out of his jeans. But instead of lighting it he handed it over to her. Josie took it carefully, watching him with wide eyes.
“You’re honors” He mumbled a bit.
“Thanks” She whispered a bit before she leaned down crouching.
Josie thought about saying some words. Saying how he deserved what he got that she wished he got worse. That she hated him. Maybe the opposite, maybe that she loved him and that she was sorry. Maybe tell him how she felt. But she didn’t do either; she leaned out and lit the branches. Slowly the fire spread from the limbs and the leaves and into the carpet.
Standing back up by Opie. She could only imagine how he looked now. His cheeks she used to kiss red. The skin coming off until it was a bloody mess. His short dark hair that she used to run her fingers through burning until it fell off. Opie wrapped an arm around her and brought her to his side hugging her a bit.
It was then the decision they both made finally came to light. Like they were suddenly realizing. They couldn’t tell a soul. At least not any more. Either of them could do time for it. Even Opie for helping her. Neither of them would say a word of it. Without a single word spoken they just knew. She knew she made the right decision.
Maybe she was more of a Teller then she thought.
Josie stripped her sweater then her shorts and dropped it into the fire watching as the flames took that too. Until she was just standing in a long t-shirt then barely touched her knees. They stood there watching as the fire burnt through the body. Stayed there for another hour. Sitting on the ground watching. Just to make sure the body did decompensate.
Before they got up and went home. Opie pulled into his driveway and then walked back. As they finished cleaning up the spot on her floor board. Scrubbing it with boiling hot water and soap. On her hands and knees. Opie went home an hour after through her window when he heard the sound of a motorcycle pulling up.
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