#(ooc: no one can beat her high score. no one.)
piningpercussionist · 9 months
Are you friends with any of your colleagues in the local "struggling indie drummer" scene? Like Stephen Stills last drummer, Cole? I guess Trasha Ha is maybe too young to properly be friends with but she seems cool.
Eh, not really? I mean, so far as Cole goes, we can hold conversations, if we have to. We talk about Stephen sometimes- all his little neurotic behaviors.
Not in like, a bad way, to clarify. We just like giving him shit. It's funny, and something besides drumming that we have in common. Anyway, you don't throw stones from glass houses.
As for Trasha...
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Ugh. Maybe hate's a strong word. She's like, what. Eight? Something about her fills me with an ungodly rage, though. I can't really help it.
Her name's Trisha by the way, I think. Trasha is just her stage name.
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bonezisded · 2 years
hey! i saw your vance/requests post and was wondering if you’d write anything about him? if so, would it be cool if you could do something where he and the reader really don’t like each other but something happens to bring them together?
thank you ! :)
Why'd you do that?
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requests are open !
summary: vance has always disliked you. you've always disliked him. but he had morals, and he wasn't that bad of a person.
vance hopper x gn!reader
word count: 1.4k
warnings: moose being an asshole and a creep, a crap ton of swear words,, ooc vance?? idk, maybe
a/n: im fr so sorry this took so long, i promise ill try and get the other one's out in a better timeframe
“here,” she started, as she walked towards her purse and shuffled through it, “i'll give you some money for you and your little friends so you can all get something from the gas station.” she pulled out her wallet and pulled out a $10 bill, “how does that sound?” she asked, as she smiled and handed it to you. her smile fell a bit when you said nothing.
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y'know, you had really wanted to stay home today, but "no, going outside and getting fresh air is good for you," is what your mother had said to you, and that was final. it wasn't like you hated going outside, and it wasn't even like you never went outside. you did! all the time! you were always out and about with robin and finney! which is why you didn't understand why she wanted you out so bad. but, when you had explained the bad feeling you had all morning, she sighed.
you playfully rolled you eyes with a heavy sigh leaving your lips. why not, y’know? hell, you’ll even surprise them! with that thought, you gave your mother a wide smile, “fine, but let me call finney and robin before i leave.”
you should have listened to your gut. when you called robin and finn, you told them to meet you at the spot you always met at in an hour - they both agreed. with that you took your longboard, keys, wallet with a new $10 bill - which was an absolute score, thanks ma - in it, you said goodbye to your mother and left.
when you got to the shop, you saw him at “his” pinball machine. now, you weren’t gonna lie, vance hopper was definitely the prettiest guy you’ve ever seen in your entire life, but you absolutely despised each other. when you had first gotten here 2 years ago, you had no idea who vance hopper was, or that the - horribly beat up - pinball machine in some random gas station belonged to him? and of course, the one time you decided to play, your brain decided that would be the day to beat a record on something. not just any record in fact, but vance fucking hopper’s high score on a game he absolutely loved. even while this was all true, you had to admit he had a pretty shitty high score.
when he eventually showed up, he was furious. and it only got worse when he tried to beat your ass for it and lost. can you believe that? he lost? vance hopper doesn’t lose.
either way, you both strayed away from each other, only ever sharing glaring looks, and mean words, but had never actually fist fought again.
when you walked in, the sound of the bell ringing caught a few people’s attention, their heads turning to look at who came in before looking away. you could see from the corner of your eye, there was a boy still staring at you. when you turned and saw who it was, you almost groaned. you knew moose had a little crush on you, and even though you had rejected him a multitude of times, he was always so persistent.
you rolled your eyes, deciding it would be better to walk past vance rather than be anywhere near moose. when you walked past vance, you could see the mass of his hair shift towards you to look at who was passing by, before you kept walking to the soda’s in the back. when you opened the door, you saw one of finney’s favorites on the top shelf. you tried to reach for it but it was just barely out of your reach. you felt someone’s presence behind you, and quickly turned around all while stepping to the side to get out from in front of whoever it was. upon seeing it was moose, you swear you could have vomited right then and there.
“the fuck do you want, moose? can’t you just leave me alone?” although you wanted to put as much distance between you two, there wasn’t anywhere else to go, so you stood your ground. and maybe it was just you, though, but was that vance fucking hopper staring at you two?
you watched as a sick smirk appeared on his face before he opened his mouth to speak, “just wanted to help someone pretty that’s in need,”
you grimaced, your face staying contorted in a scowl, “please just leave me alone, moose. i’m not in the mood to deal with you today,” you paused, before opening your mouth again, “lord knows how many times i’ve told you no.”
with that, you could see his face contort in a look of anger as his hand reached forward and grabbed your wrist, “can’t you just be grateful someone’s actually looking at you like you’re worth something?”
now, you’re not gonna lie here, you could definitely beat this ugly motherfuckers ass, however, you were awfully tired, and just didn’t have it in you to deal with it.
you attempted to tug your arm back, but his grip was firm - you would definitely have bruises later.
“let me go, you fucking coward,” you growled, but it only caused his grip to get firmer. he opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by someone shoving him off of you.
you watched in surprise - and slight horror - as vance fucking hopper shoved him off of you and onto the floor, before climbing on top of him and relentlessly beating the shit out of him.
“you fucking dickweed!” as he yelled, he grabbed the front of moose’s hair and slammed the back of his head into the ground repeatedly, “they said no!”
as you were watching in surprise, the sound of moose’s head being slammed into the floor made you come to and jump forward and yank vance off moose. he gave you a glare and opened his mouth to say something, but you just pulled him along, speedwalking to the exit - while passing the cashier that was still on the phone with the police - and kept pulling him down the block.
when you were finally a safe distance - where the cops wouldn’t bother looking for him - you turned to him, “thank you for helping with him, but why?”
he gave you an incredulous look, and you paused, before continuing, “i mean, why did you do that? what was the point? i know you like, hate me and everything, so i just don’t understand why you defended me.”
the look stayed in his face, but morphed into something more like, ‘are you fucking stupid?’
“i don’t ‘hate’ you, but why does it fucking matter,” he scoffed as he spoke, rethinking everything that happened only 15 minutes earlier, “my mom would have me fucking carcerated if she found out i let some bullshit like that happen right fuckin’ in front of me.”
you were stunned, looking down at your shoes digging into the dirt as you thought about the situation you just got yourself into. and, you know, any - normal, and good - person would be upset, and maybe, possibly, intervene, but vance hopper? and standing up for you, no less? so you said the only thing that came to mind,
he laughed. he laughed. “’oh?’ that’s all you have to say?” you looked up, seeing the amused smile on his face. you felt your face get warm immediately, and looked down again.
“well, i don’t know what else to say,” you laughed, (and he laughed a little too, but tried to cover it up with a cough) before continuing, “we’ve never really talked before this. well, like, talked, talked. i’m not sure what to do at this point,”
“well,” he cleared his throat, seemingly a little nervous now, “we could just like, fucking get to know each other, instead of saying we fuckin’ hate each other or some stupid shit like that every chance we fuckin’ get,” you giggled a little at the amount of swear words the boy could fit into one sentence, “sure, i think that sounds like a good,” you paused for a second, before smiling, ”fuckin idea, vance”
“you gotta walk me to meet up with finney and robin though,”
“oh, do i?”
“of course, as repayment for me saving you from the cops and cleaning up your knuckles.”
“my knuckles?”
“yup! you are coming with after all, right? and it would be unfortunate for this med kit in my bag to go to waste, wouldn't it?"
he smiled a little, “sure, why fuckin’ not?”
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a discussion of jabberwock with team interaction hcs + deeper nash analysis
for anon who asked "Can we get some headcanons for jabberwock members or like headcanons when they're together? (its okay if it was jason or nash only)" and made me realise it's about time i get these guys' personalities down
note before we start: cause i didn't know their names until i wrote this
zack is the bald one, allen is the one with a headband, nick is the other white guy apart from nash.
team hcs
nick gets bullied for being under 6ft, but not by jason
nah good old jason teases all of them for being short fucks, emphasising that they’re all 5ft tall in comparison to him
he 100% lifts things out of the others' reach and then laughs for ages after when they try get them
unfortunately though, they’re all used to this and now just ignore him. either that or nash stares at him so intensely jason actually repents and hands it back
zack’s another one with a very good glare, but he’s used it too often on jason and it’s since stopped working.
also jason gives me ‘straightens his back as much as possible when getting measured so he’ll measure in as 7ft’ vibes
oh and he thinks he could wrestle a gator and win. i’ve got no explanation for that except for the fact you can't tell me it's ooc.
allen’s very protective over his white headband - it’s his lucky item - but he’d never let anyone know that
he’s confident in his abilities like the rest of them, but there’s nothing wrong with wearing a headband just in case
(nash knows anyway)
they watch nba matches together and do not shut up once throughout the entire match - lots of jeering, booing each other if someone criticises a player they like, lots of “i could do that”, lots of “get your fucking hand out of my popcorn do you want me to punch you in the face” etc
they used to all live together, but nash has since moved out. he was sick and tired of trying to make people do chores, as the only one who kept their room clean.
yeah the others’ house looks like a heap of trash but also very much “where’s my toothbrush?” “it’s in the third coke can by the orange peel behind the sink” *silence* “yeah thanks” *a minute later* “who the fuck has been using my toothbrush”
they’re all “bro your dribbling sucks why are you on this team loser” to one another, but also very protective (aka arrogant for one another) if anyone else Dared to criticise one of their teammates
then again, what kind of person would criticise jabberwock
half of the time he spends with jabberwock, nash is a Single Mother TM trying to get a bunch of man children to behave; the other half of the time, he's just as bad as the rest of them
i talk about this a lot but i get the feeling nash is an exceptionally hard worker, but at least he gets to let his hair down around his teammates sometimes
nash is also the only person jason thought was truly ‘strong’ at first sight
and nash is also the only person who can beat jason in a fight, and also the only person who can get nash to train, and also the only person who can.. [etc. you see my point].
(n.b jason calls himself the ‘almighty me’, nash says that ‘even god can’t beat me’. point made.)
you know how jason silver’s motto is “I have never thought”
imagine him proudly stating that, before zack adds with a straight face, “yeah cause nash does it for you.”
in short, the team would fall apart without nash.
although the team’s communication and coordination is very fine tuned, nash is the guy who keeps everything in order off the court to prevent what is essentially a team of aces ('main characters', if you will) from falling apart
they hang out together a lot, but do all have other friend groups that do not overlap
team bbqs
unofficial rule not to criticise anchovies on pizza because the one time nick did, nash snapped
however pineapple on pizza is fair game, even though zack quite likes it
more than once, jason has brought a girl home and nick has stolen her attention away with effortless trick shots, funky ball manoeuvring etc
more than once nick has had to trek to nash’s place (with a black eye) at midnight to have somewhere to sleep
do you see a correlation?
oh and everyone in the team has been walked in on by nash when they were naked with some girl
nash has absolutely no shame
he apologises to the girl with a charming albeit insincere tone, and then remains standing in front of the bed/couch until his teammate does what he expected of them
usually it involves not having come to practice
allen learnt a few (emphasis on ‘few’) words of japanese before they travelled to japan and was disappointed that he never got to use them
that said, one of those words was hentai
and now a quick analysis of some panels
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a) so there's at least one player who wasn't underestimating vorpal swords. if i were to overanalyse, i'd add that nick's wearing a hoodie (possibly athletic wear) whilst nash has a 'fancy' shirt on; perhaps nick wasn't expecting them to be going to host clubs instead of chilling/training?
b) i know what you're thinking: "how can you say nash is a hard worker when he didn't want to practice for the match". i reckon he was still pretty high on the complete and utter success of their previous match, that plus being around girls, encouraged him to have a more 'jason-y' personality. (either that or fujimaki didn't want to add too much depth/realism into nash's character bc he's unequivocally the villain, right? and obviously this helps with the plot and the jabberwock bad geniuses gom good geniuses rhetoric.)
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earlier, i mentioned how nash is the only one that could keep the team together, and is thus the undeniable head of the team; here's a clear example. you can see both jason and zack have no interest in continuing - if anything, there's disgust in their faces, kinda just saying "we spat on all of japan, now we can go home". whereas nash won't allow for the slightest of possibilities that there might exist a team stronger than them, and hence agrees to the match. the key thing here is that the others do as he says without too much fuss.
another thing to note is nash's reference to harakiri. now what can we make of that, alongside his proficiency in japanese, in relation to his character? the way i see it, he's either a weeb or possibly has some japanese lineage. (you could spin that even further and say his mother was japanese, taught him the language, then abandoned him, and hence his almost excessive hatred/mockery of the japanese people.) (is that why he wanted to do another match in japan..?)
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just a quick point. "thanks to him" - jason isn't so superior as to think that he could win this match effortlessly without nash's support. links pretty nicely with my earlier idea about how nash is the only person jason has always considered 100% strong.
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yet another point about how nash is the strongest of the team in pretty much every way you can think of. you know how scary/powerful you have to be to shut jason up (after he's getting real pissed from being prevented from scoring?)
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i personally think this is a pretty important panel, though i've never seen anyone mention it before. did nash grow up training in a professional basketball training situation, as opposed to growing up playing streetball like i suspect the others did? well, to answer that question, imma bring in another panel.
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here we see visible rage on nick, zack and jason's faces - they can't accept their loss, which is fair enough. but i'd argue that nash's face seems to depict sadness more than it does anger like to rest of them, look at how downturned his mouth is - and he's looking away from the 'camera', as if hiding his shame.
when you combine that with what he says here, i have no doubt that this is someone who has experienced some proper lows in basketball - as would be expected from someone who's played 'properly'. he's possibly not even a prodigy like the rest of them - compare jason's motto with his. "i have never thought" versus "do not suppose opportunity will knock twice at your door".
there's various lines of thinking you could design with this - he might have been trained by alex (hence, himuro having heard of jabberwock, though he should have known of a team as popular of jabberwock regardless), he might have grown up with professional basketballer parents etc. but here's my own little theory:
nash received serious basketball training from early on - maybe because his parents were living vicariously through him, or maybe he always loved the sport and wanted to be no1. so there he was training away, but, as he grew older, it started getting all a bit too much.
he didn't want to dedicate his entire life to basketball. after all, his hobby is water sports and his speciality is boxing; that's a lot of different things to be keeping up with, whereas the pipeline for promising athletes demands people focus solely on basketball. as a result, nash become bitter: stopped attending practice regularly, got in trouble for trash talk of increasing severity, etc.
result was he was kicked out of the program.
only when he was no longer playing basketball again, did he realise how much he missed it. and hence he got into streetball, where he was tremendously successful as someone with so much training, 'elite skills', and the overly confident attitude to boot.
then, one fateful day, he met jason and the rest is history.
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todorokibois · 4 years
{1} - Spring Day
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Reincarnation AU - Part of the Spring Day Series
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Possible Smut (In later chapters)
Pairing: Itadori Yuuji X Reader X Ryomen Sukuna
Words: 5,059
A/n: I just recently got into Jujutsu Kaisen but I love it so much already! Ever since I watched episode four and five this little idea has been running around in my mind, and I've seen a few others do an au like this so I decided I'd give it a shot. I’m still learning all the rules and stuff of the world, so please bear with me. Some of the characters may be ooc for the time being, as well as for plot purposes. I hope you enjoy what I have planned, and please do let me know what you think of this. Feedback is always greatly appreciated!
Summary: Being Yuuji’s best friend? Piece of cake. However, you never expected to be the reincarnation of Sukuna’s former lover. - You promised each other forever, but forever came.
Note: The characters are all aged up for this fic, so now they will be in university.
You can still remember the first day you met Itadori Yuuji like it was yesterday. Nothing really eventful happened on that day, but you know that it’s one you’ll never forget, for he’s your best friend and you are his. In fact, having just entered middle school at the time, he was one of the first friends you ever made at your new school. 
He seemed impressed by how unafraid you were of the supernatural, the two of you spouting ghost stories to one another during lunch every day. Each day was a competition to see who could freak the other one out the most with an even gorier horror story every lunch period. So far, your record is thirty to twenty-nine in your favour, with more ties than you can count.
Soon enough, middle school came and went, and then the two of you found out that you were to go to the same high school. Both of you were excited that you would know at least one person, not to mention that that person is your best friend. At least you wouldn’t have to give up your daily routine with him. Needless to say, it came as quite a shock to Yuuji when you stopped coming to school about halfway through your first year.
Even though the two of you continued to text every day since your transfer, things never felt the same to either of you. Every time Yuuji asked what school you transferred to, you’d brush off the question, or give him a fake school name. He knows they’re fake since the one time he wanted to surprise you after school one day by visiting you, but when he went inside and checked the registry, your name wasn’t even close to being listed there.
That was a small rough patch in your relationship. Yuuji was hurt that you would lie to him like that, and it took about a week before you could cheer him up again. He just had to see you in person, that was the only way he would stop moping about. That, and he jokingly said it would be the only way he’d forgive you.
Again, as the two of you were walking around the shopping district, he asked you which high school you transferred to. Well, you couldn’t exactly tell him you transferred to a school that teaches you how to become a jujutsu sorcerer, now could you? So, you gave a vague description of the place, stating that you honestly always forget the name, but it’s hidden somewhere in the mountains surrounding Tokyo. Regardless, he made you promise that he could come visit at some point.
Every day, you miss him, just as he misses you, and every day you wish you could see more of him. Despite the amount of trips you plan together, nothing can replace no longer seeing each other every day. Oh well, at least you still keep in touch.
Yuuji never told you, but it was pure agony for him when you left without a clue as to where you’d gone. The fact that you couldn’t answer him for a few days made him go crazy. When he finally got an answer, it felt as if the world had finally started moving again, because to him, you are his entire world.
He doesn’t exactly know when his platonic feelings towards you turned more romantic, but he knows that they’ve never gone away, no matter how many years have passed. Perhaps it was that time in your second year of middle school when you tricked him into playing shogi with you, a game you had convinced him he could beat you at, only to be severely disappointed. How was he to know you were the best in the year when you had never mentioned it before that day? Or perhaps it was that one day during the summer break before the start of high school when the two of you were running through the park, laughing at each other as the sunlight reflected off of your hair, lighting up your eyes in a way he’d never seen before. Either way, he knows he’s been in love with you for a long time now, and he’d never do anything to jeopardize your friendship. He just hopes that someday, his feelings are returned.
Unfortunately for you, you didn’t get to spend as much time with Yuuji over the break as you wanted to, what with your duties and all. However, you’re hoping you’ll be able to soon. You wanted to see him one last time before he started university, but unfortunately you couldn’t. Weeks passed, and you finally made plans to visit him a few months into the semester, but you had to cancel due to a last minute mission you got thrown on. Little did you know what would happen that night.
Earlier that evening, you had gotten a voicemail from Yuuji, informing you that his grandfather had died. You managed to take a detour long enough to call him back, making sure that he’s okay and letting him know that you’re sorry for his loss. His grandfather was the closest family he had left, so you know that as soon as you’re done with this mission, you’re going to see him. He told you he was fine, but you want to make sure. After all, you know how he can get.
Shaking your head to clear your thoughts, you focus in on the task at hand. Clearing this abandoned building will be easy for you, nothing you haven’t done before. All there are are two level two curses to take care of, piece of cake. You only wish it was located closer to where Yuuji is, that way you could get to him sooner.
It took a few years, but you managed to quickly work your way up to a grade one sorcerer. You’re a very quick learner, and the fact that you already had strong reflexes thanks to always competing with Yuuji helped a great deal. You’re only surprised your mother kept her family secret for so long. However, you’re grateful for how long she kept it secret, because if she had revealed it sooner, you might not have met Yuuji, and you don’t know where you’d be today without him in your life.
With a sigh, you enter the building. Shifting your gaze around, you begin to hunt the curses currently within the vicinity. It doesn’t take you long to find the first one, quickly disposing of it before it even has the chance to retaliate. Locating the second takes a little bit longer than anticipated, but eventually you find it, preparing yourself to take this one down just as you did the first.
“Man, you really are one ugly thing, aren’t you?” You tut, shaking your head.
The curse in question did not seem to like your words, letting out a screech and lunging for you in the next moment. Quickly dodging, you parry the curse’s attack, managing to sever one of its many limbs before jumping back and keeping a bit of distance between the two of you. You’re just about to jump in for another attack when you falter, a sudden wave of specialized curse energy pulsing throughout your entire body.
Taking advantage of your momentary loss of composure, the curse lunges at you. You just manage to block the blunt of the attack, still getting a small scrape on your cheek in the process. You curse.
Another two minutes pass by and you’re finally able to dispose of the second level two. Immediately, the air in the building seems lighter, and you know you’ve cleared all the required curses and purified the space. Breathing a sigh of relief you head towards the exit, ready to be clear of this building once and for all. 
As soon as you step outside, you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket, signalling that you’re getting a call. Thinking it to be Yuuji, you don’t even bother checking the caller id before answering right away.
“Hello?” You say, just as you hear the door fall shut behind you.
“(Y/n)! So glad you answered on the first ring,” the voice of your personal teacher and trainer, Gojo Satoru answers in a chipper voice. “Listen, I have some news for you.”
“Listen, teach, if you’re just gonna tell me about the mochi you bought today-“
“Ryomen Sukuna has been released,” he cuts you off, and you can only freeze in your tracks as your breath hitches in your throat. “We currently have control of his vessel.”
“What happened?” You ask, steadying yourself with your back against the side of the building you’ve just exited.
“Ah, nothing to worry about, nothing to worry about,” Gojo assures you. “We had it under control.”
“We?” Your brow quirks slightly even though he can’t see it.
“Yeah, Fushiguro and I,” he replies. “Well, it was mainly me, but who’s keeping score?” You can faintly hear grumbling in the background and then a chuckle from Gojo. “Anyways, best return to campus as soon as possible.”
“I can’t,” comes your immediate response.
There’s silence for a moment until, “and why’s that?”
“I have to go visit Yuuji,” you bring a hand up to rub at your temples. This conversation is giving you a headache.
“You mentioned he lives near Sendai, correct?” Gojo inquires.
“That’s correct,” you confirm, “why?”
“The incident was near there, so you can’t come, it’s not safe for you,” he explains.
You scoff, “since when have you ever been concerned for my safety?”
“I’m offended,” he feigns hurt. “As your teacher, I’m always concerned for your safety.”
“Bullshit,” you huff, rolling your eyes. “Anyways, that’s all the more reason I should go and see him. Now I have two reasons to make sure he’s okay.”
You hear a deep sigh on the other end before Gojo is speaking once more, “listen, (Y/n), you know I’m not usually one to be a stickler for rules and such, and I hate enforcing things, but I’m going to need you to get back to campus and wait in your dorm until I come get you.”
“That’s an order,” his voice is firm, and you know that there’s no arguing with him once he’s made up his mind.
“Fine,” you sigh, pushing yourself off of the wall in order to head to the train station. “Will you at least tell me the name of Sukuna’s vessel?”
“All in due time,” he says, sounding too cheerful for the current events which have just taken place this evening. “See you back at the academy!”
Without another word, the line goes dead and you know he’s ended the call to avoid answering any more of your questions.
Letting out another sigh, you tuck your phone away in your pocket. You sent a quick text to Yuuji beforehand, just explaining that something came up and you’re still thinking of him during this time. You hope you can see him soon.
The ride back to campus is spent thinking about the effects of Sukuna now being released. You know the elders will probably fight to execute whoever the poor idiot is that ingested his finger. Knowing Gojo, he’d fight against whatever the elders decide to do. You’re just hoping that whoever the idiot is that turned out to be Sukuna’s vessel is strong enough to both contain and control him.
Making it back to campus, you immediately head to your room, just as Gojo had instructed you to do. Figuring you have enough time before he comes calling, you take a quick shower, washing off the dirt and grime from the events of this evening. Once done, you change into some comfortable clothes and lay down on your bed, scrolling through your phone as you wait for Gojo to appear.
It’s not until noon the next day when Gojo finally shows up at your door.
“Took you long enough, I’m starving,” you grumble, noticing he’s carrying what looks like two prepackaged lunches in his hands.
“You could have gone out for food, you know,” he chuckles, already moving to sit down in your desk chair.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I was told to ‘wait in my room and await further instructions,’” you cross your arms, allowing your door to fall shut as you return to sitting on your bed.
“Details, details,” he waves you off as you grab one of the lunches he hands you. “Anyways, I came to update my favourite student about what’s going on.”
You simply quirk a brow at him as you open your lunch, waiting for him to continue.
“Well, for starters I’ve delayed the inevitable,” he begins, to which you only give him a look. He goes on to explain that the vessel will most likely be joining the other first years in training to become a sorcerer until the proper time comes. “I’ve basically convinced the elders to allow the vessel to consume all of Sukuna’s fingers before being executed.”
“Okay, and?” You stare at him expectantly.
“Please, do hold your applause,” he grins, expression only faltering slightly when you continue to remain silent after a few moments. “Geez, tough crowd. Anyways, I thought you’d be more happy about this.”
“I only feel bad for the poor idiot who got involved in all of this,” you sigh, continuing to place food in your mouth while chewing thoughtfully.
“Oh, he’s an idiot alright,” Gojo chuckles.
“And who exactly is he?” You tilt your head slightly, looking at him expectantly.
Gojo lets out a deliberate yawn while standing up, stretching his arms above his head, “would you look at that? I’m late for a meeting with the principle. Toodles!”
Without another word, he vanishes from your room, only leaving you just as frustrated with him as you were before, with many more unanswered questions building in your mind. It’s just like him to do this to you, too. Always keeping information this important from you until you’re thrust upon a situation where you’re forced to confront the facts of the matter. You just hope that this is another one of his stupid training exercises and not him purposely avoiding telling you straight up who the vessel is. You also hope whoever the vessel is, is someone you don’t know since it’ll probably make it easier when the time comes. Still, knowing Gojo, he probably will come up with a plan to save the poor soul set for execution even after everything is said and done. If the poor boy even lives that long.
Finishing up your lunch, you decide to head towards the principle’s office. You are technically considered a first year in the university courses, so maybe you’ll have a chance to sneak a look at the vessel if you’re lucky. Besides, Gojo did mention something about Fushiguro and you meeting up with the other new first year tomorrow, so you want intel on what’s happening in regards to that.
Just as you raise your hand to knock on the principle’s door Gojo opens it as if he was expecting you. You attempt to sneak a glance past him but to no avail, only causing him to chuckle as he steps into the hallway and shuts the door behind him.
“How can I help you, my dear student?” He smiles, leaning against the now closed door.
“When are we meeting the new girl, and is the vessel accompanying us?” Your questions are direct and straight to the point.
“Ah, yes, Nobara,” Gojo nods. “Unfortunately, you won’t be accompanying us guys to meet up with her tomorrow, you have another mission to attend to.”
“Since when?” You scoff.
“Since now,” he singsongs. “Level one curse spotted at an old primary school. I would take care of it myself, but as you know, I care deeply about every single one of my students so I must be there to meet Nobara on her first day! Besides, you’re the only one I trust to do this assignment right now.”
Any protests you had soon die in your throat at his last statement. Though still ticked off you won’t get to go with them, you understand why he’s chosen you. Besides, this is your job, and you know it will help with your training.
“Fine,” you grumble, “but I still want to meet the new kids.”
“All in due time,” he waves you off with the same words he told you last night. “Now you better get planning before that curse gets too out of hand! I’ll text you the details!”
“Yeah, yeah,” this time it’s your turn to wave him off as you turn around and start walking back to your dorm to grab your stuff, muttering under your breath, “you old croon.”
The offended gasp you hear behind you is enough to drown out the sound of the principle’s door opening once more, two people stepping out to join Gojo in the hallway.
“Who’s that?” Itadori asks Gojo as they watch your retreating form disappear behind a corner.
“One of my best students,” Gojo hums proudly in response.
“Funny, she looks just like my best friend-“
“C’mon, I’ll show you to your dorm!” Gojo cuts him off before he can finish his sentence, leading him down the hallway in the opposite direction to which you disappeared in, Itadori not being able to do much else but follow close behind.
Sure enough, about twenty minutes later Gojo sends you a text with all the details you’ll need to exercise the curse tomorrow at the primary school. You plan to leave early in the morning since it’ll take you at least an hour or two to get to the location, and then another hour or two to get back. You also want to see if you can catch the guys before they leave, see if you can introduce yourself to one of the two newbies at least.
Unfortunately for you, it doesn’t seem like the luck of coincidence is on your side in the morning as you prepare to leave campus. Letting out a small sigh, you make your way to the train station, ready to begin your mission for the day and get it over with as soon as you can. Perhaps you can time things just right so that you get back to campus around the same time that they do. After all, this task should be a walk in the park.
Oh, how wrong you are.
Not only did it take you three hours to arrive to the primary school, but the curse, which was supposed to be one level one turned out to be two level one curses sharing the vicinity. They cornered you and you ended up getting thrown harshly against the wall, causing your whole body to ache all over once you finally managed to exercise the curses. You’re pretty sure you pulled a few muscles in the process, too, and the amount of scrapes and bruises you acquired since the other day has tripled. Damn Gojo.
Limping back to the train station, you check your phone. Speaking of your personal trainer, he’s been keeping you up to date with the newbies all throughout the day, though he keeps referring to the boy as ‘the vessel’. Furrowing your brow, you find it strange how he hasn’t told you the boy’s name yet, only making you believe that it probably is someone you know. There’s still a tiny sliver of you that’s hoping Gojo is just testing your deduction skills, but at this point, that’s probably not the case.
Sitting down in the first free seat you find, you text him back. Almost immediately you get a response, letting you know that the two newbies have just passed their first test and that you should be proud of your fellow students. You play along with his enthusiasm for the time being, being obviously sarcastic in your responses, but Gojo doesn’t seem to mind. In fact, it seems as if he’s amused by your reactions, only serving to irritate you further.
By the time you get back to campus, you’re drained. All you want to do is take a nice, warm shower, curl up in a ball on your bed and sleep. You don’t even care if you miss meeting the new students. That’s how your day is going so far. Besides, it’s getting late and they don’t seem to be back yet. There’s always tomorrow.
Except, you don’t get to meet them the next day, nor the day after that. It takes a full week before you even cross paths with Nobara, and even still, the meeting seems rushed. Luckily, you manage to properly introduce yourself to her the day after that one, but for some reason, Sukuna’s vessel just keeps eluding you. That, or someone is purposely keeping the two of you apart. It’s not until two weeks after that fateful day has passed that you finally get your answer.
The three first years have been tasked with handling a few curses at a juvenile detention centre while you accompany Gojo on one of his missions at the same time. You’re getting real tired of his antics, every time you ask him about the boy who’s Sukuna’s vessel he answers you either cryptically, or changes the subject. The worst is when he ignores your inquiries all together. You’re hoping to get some information out of him this evening though, otherwise you might just sneak over to ‘see’ Megumi one day and actually go to see his neighbour who just so happens to be the vessel.
Another reason why you’re in a bit of a grumpy mood recently is that Yuuji seems to be distancing himself from you. Your conversations are very dry as of late, and he doesn’t seem to want to tell you what’s going on in his life. There’s even been a few day where you’ve tried to sneak away to go visit him, but each time, Gojo has stopped you in some way or other. You’re convinced he’s hiding something, but you don’t want to accept the reality he’s been presenting to you as of late.
“(Y/n), I need you to focus,” Gojo snaps his fingers in front of your face, successfully startling you back to reality.
“Huh? Oh, sorry,” you blink a few times to clear your head, needing to focus since this is a serious task for the both of you.
“Everything okay?” He asks, the two of you now continuing to move through the labyrinth laid out before you, having yet to stumble upon any one of the four special grade curses you’re supposed to be exercising.
“Just fine,” you sigh before muttering out, “it’s not like I’m going to get answers anyways.”
“Now, now, you don’t know that for sure,” he grins, hands in his pockets as he walks beside you nonchalantly.
“Considering every time I bring up the new guy you avoid the topic, I’d say, yeah,” you peek around the corner before confirming the hallway is clear, turning back to face Gojo who already seems to be looking at you amusedly, “I do know.”
“I’m surprised you haven’t figured it out yet,” he hums.
“There’s not much to go on,” you reply.
“Oh, I believe there’s plenty,”
“Yeah, well, that’s cause you already know everything there is to know about this subject,” you huff.
“Oh, you flatter me so,” he chuckles, only causing you to roll your eyes at him in exasperation.
“Well, I suppose there is one question I have for you, teach,” you start to say, until you finally come across one of the special grade curses. 
The two of you quickly press your backs against the wall, preparing to attack. Gojo gives you the go ahead to attack first, and you do, using his quick distraction of walking out and gaining the curse’s attention to sneak up on it and destroy it. No more than two minutes pass and you’ve succeeded.
“What’s the question?” Gojo calls your attention back to him as you both continue on through the hallway.
“On the day he was released, I felt a sudden wave of specialized curse energy ripple through me, almost as if there had been a part of it dormant that had suddenly been awoken,” you say, turning to look at his face in order to gage his reaction. “Is that normal, considering how far I was from the main site?”
“Hmm,” he brings a hand up to cup his chin in his fingers, contemplating the new information you’ve provided him. He only wishes you would have told him sooner. “Considering the distance and Sukuna’s total power, it’s not that surprising.” You let out a breath you didn’t realize you had been holding. “However, since at the time it was only one-twentieth of his power over that great of a distance, that is very odd. Considering that you know our reputation with strangeness in this trade, this makes it even stranger. Has it happened at any other point in time after that?”
Your brow furrows as you contemplate his question. “Actually, yeah, now that I think about it. I think it was a day or two after the initial release.”
“Huh, interesting,” he hums once more, a slight frown pulling at his lips as he considers what this means. Looks like his original hunch was correct as both these surges you’ve felt correspond with Itadori ingesting one of Sukuna’s fingers.
“What, exactly, is interesting?” You stare at him expectantly.
“Nothing you need to worry yourself with for the time being,” he assures you, just as another one of the special grade curses jumps out at the two of you. In an instant, Gojo has eliminated the threat, neither of you faltering in your steps down the hall.
“You know, sometimes I swear you take the phrase ‘having blind faith’ too seriously,” you let out a long breath.
He laughs at this, “what makes you say that?”
You just raise a brow at him in response, the look on your face enough to convey your thoughts. He laughs once more.
“Nothing wrong with having a little faith in me, you know,” he jokes as you two near the centre of the building where you can feel major curse energy pouring out.
You say nothing, opting to shake your head at him in response as you ready yourselves to enter the main room. Slowly opening the doors, you walk in, the two of you scanning the room for either of the final two curses that have still yet to show themselves. 
All is silent for a few moments until you feel a pang reverberate through you, the familiar feeling of specialized curse energy flowing throughout your whole being. Your eyes widen as this one far exceeded the power of the first two.
“Hey, uh, teach?” Gojo pauses mid-step as he observes you, hearing the uncertainty in your voice. “It just happened again.”
As soon as those words leave your lips, the final two curses you’ve been hunting for pop out of nowhere and attack the both of you. The one closest to you manages to knock you into Gojo, him steadying you as the two curses near the both of you to attack.
“(Y/n), I’m sending you to where the first years are, I have a bad feeling something terrible has happened,” he says lowly in your ear.
“What? Right now?” You don’t even have time to look at him incredulously as you both jump in opposite directions to avoid the attacks of the curses.
“Right now,” he confirms. “Don’t worry about me, I can handle these two clowns.”
The curses growl at him as he says those words, with him managing to split one of them in half in the next moment.
“I wasn’t,” you reply, unamused.
“Well, best hurry, wouldn’t want Sukuna wrecking havoc,” he grins at you and something clicks in your mind.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” you growl. “At least tell me the name of his vessel!”
“You already know it,” is the last thing you hear before your vision shifts, you now standing on a path outside in an unfamiliar area.
You mentally curse him as you collect your bearings, noticing Megumi standing across from you, facing towards you as another man stands between the two of you with his back turned to you. You’d recognize that back anywhere, not to mention the hair. Now you’re really mentally cursing your teacher.
You remain still, noticing how Megumi darts his gaze over to you as if to tell you not to move. Assessing the situation, you begin to plot your best course of action as you see drops of blood dripping onto the ground near Sukuna’s feet. A quick scope of the area has your eyes widening slightly, telling yourself to remain calm as you see a heart laying in the grass as if it was tossed carelessly off to the side.
Of course, Sukuna felt your presence before even bothering to turn to look at you. At the moment, he’s more focused on talking to Megumi, then he can deal with this newer secondary presence, no matter how familiar it seems. He can feel the eyes trailing over his back before he even sees them, but your voice has him halting his actions momentarily.
“Damn, Yuuji, I leave you alone for two weeks and you decide to get tattoos?” Your voice is light, playful even, despite the grim situation you know that you’ve been thrust into.
Megumi shoots you a cautious look as you both notice Sukuna tense slightly between the two of you, before standing up straighter and rolling his shoulders once. A chuckle escapes him, causing you and Megumi to share another concerned look between you both before his movements catch your eyes.
Sukuna would recognize that voice anywhere. Oh, how cruel fate can be.
Turning deliberately slow, he faces towards you, eyes roaming over your figure and nearly sending a shiver down your spine until they come to lock with yours. With a smirk on his features, he licks his lips, “(Y/n).”
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Headcanons for Michael, please?
hMMMM- Gonna be honest, I haven’t given neaaar enough consideration to Michael ASHODAOISHD, I will do my best with this-
By the way, a lot of these headcanons were made in collaboration with friends so like, these are by no means Bovine Originals TM-  I’m gonna tag som people but if someone gets tagged who did not wa n t to be tagged I will take it out and I am sowwy if this happens
What I think realistically:
  In between episodes, missions still go on (this has been confirmed by canon at least once I think?), but the missions are a whole lot more casual.  A lot of times, it’s more like a glorified road trip than an actual mission, and this is where Peak Bonding Time with Michael and Kitt happens.  As long as Michael’s not spending the whole time playing Atari, anyway... They wind up playing a lot of games that Kitt rigs with Hax (c’mon now that can’t not be how he swept the floor with Michael at blackjack of all things) which Michael somehow doesn’t catch on to, and they end up at a looot of drive-thrus, much to Kitt’s chagrin. 
What I think is hilarious:
  Pretty much all of these were made with @trust-doesnt-oxidize, we stan they-
  Michael really, really loves his burgers okay?  Like, so much.  Like SO much that if he doesn’t think he’ll be able to go to a drive-thru for a while, he’ll just.  Store one in the glove compartment.  Kitt hates this SO BADLY-  Michael will willingly eat week old food from his glove compartment and it reaches a point where Kitt has to stop him for sanitary reasons.  Perhaps Bonnie occasionally finds one of these highly expired treasures during repairs and loses her mind.
  But also our mans is a human garbage disposal, so he’ll eat anything you put in front of him.  He is very not picky, but if he has an option he will choose That Option.
  Also Michael continually forgetting that Kitt has access to his own programming and betting him to beat his high score on Atari games,,,
  Michael continually losing said bets.
What is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends:
  Honestly I don’t think I can ever beat the novelization’s tragic backstory, seriously I refuse to believe that what the heck-
  I was talking with @solarcitymelodies and they mentioned Michael being emotionally repressed as a product of the time (and likely his history in the military), which is why he has a very difficult time being emotionally vulnerable.  He plays off everything as a joke, and what he can’t do that for, he likes to project (think “Trust Doesn’t Rust,” where he repeatedly just Told Kitt yOu FeEl NeRvOuS tOo RoIt?! and Kitt’s like ???no??? and Michael’s like uwu I totally get you buddy it’s okay to be scared and Kitt’s like Literally What-).  That one def hurts, and I think it’s real accurate.  Our mans doesn’t think he can be emotionally vulnerable because he’s gotta be Strong Tough Boi and like Michael stop nobody takes you seriously anyway <3
  Another one that I love to toy around with is just,,, Michael seems very confused about what the heck Kitt i s.  Like, sometimes he treats Kitt like a robot who just happens to talk, sometimes he treats him like a friend, sometimes he acknowledges Kitt’s feelings, sometimes he doesn’t-- It’s likely a product of inconsistent writing from different teams since Michael’s character was actually progressing quite naturally throughout Season 2 until Season 3 decided to destroy our hopes and dreams. Sniffles.  But like, I feel like he wants Kitt to be a person and a friend, but until he can get himself to really believe it, he can’t really,,, act on it I guess?  It seems like he’s catching on by Season 2, but, once again, Season 3 is evil and hates me.  I like to think that, once the series ended, at sooome point, he’d come to a more confident realization about Kitt, and it’s then that he’d realize Kitt’s own insecurities as a result of being confused about what he himself is based on how others treated him.  And he’d feel at least somewhat responsible for that, so yeah.
What would never work with canon but canon is Stinky Poopoo so I believe it anyway:
  Michael realizes that smacking the dashboard as hard as humanly possible is actually abuse, and he stops doing that.
Haha jk that’s too crazy even for this.
  This one’s the hardest for me because Michael is such a spazz that nothing feels too OOC for him, so this is more going to be an explanation for why something I love to think, and I think most of the fandom loves to think,,, can’t be canon.  I’m sorry.
  Whether it’s after the events of Knight Rider or Knight Rider 2000 *gAGS*, Michael eventually has to permanently retire from FLAG because, y’know.  Aging exists.  And I would love to think that Michael is able to take Kitt with him to live this very calm and “normal” stretch of life, where their friendship can grow and they can be buds.
The issue is idk if this can ha pp e n .
  And no, I don’t mean because Shawn happened in KR2000, I literally give zero hoots about what that movie wanted us to think.  The only thing I take from that movie is Kitt’s temporary deactivation for finance reasons, but anyway...
  I just feel like FLAG couldn’t afford to DO that.  I mean, it was actually pretty clever that the events of KR2000 were kicked off by FLAG running out of funds because, really, that was going to happen eventually.  In the original series, it seems like Wilton left behind an infinite supply of money based on what Michael is able to do and whatnot, but unless Wilton was the richest man in existence ever, that’s not the case.  Devon still has to host fundraisers for charity reasons, and it’s still highly discouraged that Michael causes as much property damage as he does on a regular basis, because that all comes out of the Foundation’s wallet.  Eventually, that’s going to run out if donations don’t match what Wilton had.  And while repairing a building costs a lot of money, something costs a lot more money than that, and that is the vehicle itself.  I can’t tell whether more money went into the microchips or the cars themselves, all I know is that they cost a LOT of money, like I want to say Kitt was 16 million?  Karr was even more expensive at 20-something million I- I don’t know my lore well enough okAyyyyy- It was a bad enough blow to lose Karr, but FLAG viewed that as a necessary loss which it wasn’t imo but AnYwaY.  Kitt is currently programmed to Michael, but I feel like that would be easy enough to change.  It wouldn’t erase his emotional bond to Michael since I think most of that was Kitt’s own feelings over his programming, but it would allow FLAG to utilize their investment for even longer.
  I could see the show taking the happy ending where they’re able to continue to exist together, and any stories of mine will definitely take the happy ending, but it’s not actually very realistic with canon.  Maybe, if Kitt’s programming became outdated or the Knight 2000 was too expensive to keep in good repair, then it could happen?  Idk, lemme know what you think about this one!
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belladonnabear · 5 years
Tomura Shigaraki X Reader: Love At First Sight
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Scenario: The title speaks for itself. Tomura falls in love with you at first sight and wants you.  Sorry this is pretty OOC but November and December have been pretty rough so I wanted some fluff.
Tomura couldn’t stop staring, his coffee could have spilled all over his lap and he wouldn’t have cared. He was staring at the most beautiful girl he’s ever laid his eyes on. Her soft (h/c) hair that was flowing from the fan, her bright (e/c) eyes that sparkled like a diamond and unlike his own skin, hers looked as soft as freshly clean bed sheets.
    She was in line waiting to order her coffee, a blissful smile was stretched on her face as she looked at the board for specials. Tomura felt his face begin to warm up and he had a slight urge to start scratching at his neck again. She looked like an angel, while he was a ghastly demon from the underworld. He’s never felt this way about any girl before and it was suddenly beginning to irritate him. Why was he feeling this way towards her? He’s never even had a conversation with her before. What was going on with him?
    He suddenly saw her up front and turned to the cashier. With a beaming smile you made your order.
“Can I please have a medium Mocha Coconut?” you asked.
However, the cashier looked down at her head to toe with a very intense gaze. He suddenly had a very cunning smirk on his face. 
“Sure, that’s going to be ¥400 and your phone number.” he winked.
    Tomura was starting to feel his irritation turn to rage at the cashier’s attempt to flirt with you. Why was this NPC trying to get with you? He’s not even in the same league as you. Tomura was starting to see red as you began to look uncomfortable at this man’s sudden request. You held out your card for him to take.
    “Um, no thank you.” you politely declined.
    “C’mon sweetcheeks, there ain’t no harm. Let me take you out sometime.” the man ignored the card and kept on trying to woo you.
    Tomura could feel his bloodlust rising at this prick’s insistence. He wanted to murder this man. No. That would be too kind. He wanted to rip off every limb from his body and leave him disabled for life. This disgusting scumbag didn’t deserve something as merciful as death. 
    “Please don’t call me that sir.” you shake your head.
    “Sir? I like it. You should call me that after I’m done with you.” he chuckled.
    Tomura stood up from his spot with feral eyes and ill-intent for the creepy cashier. He slammed some money on the counter top and looked at the man with a deadly gaze.
    “Give her the drink asshole. She’s not interested in you.” Tomura glared.
    The man looked intimidated by Tomura’s stare and quietly took the money while getting the young woman’s drink. The girl looked over at Tomura with admiration glistening in her eyes. Tomura suddenly felt bashful by her look and tried not to make direct eye contact with her. 
    “Thank you so much. You didn’t have to pay though, I can pay you back for the drink.” you offered.
“Don’t worry about it.” Tomura shrugged.
Internally, Tomura was jubilant about talking to the girl. She was looking at him with a very happy expression on her face. She received her drink from the creepy cashier and she turned to the man.
“If it’s not too much to ask, can I sit with you please?” she wondered.
Tomura felt his head spin from her request. She wanted to sit with him? Did she not notice the scars and dry skin on him? Or did she just not care? A part of him wanted to say no but one look at her hopeful express made him weak for her.
“Sure.” he nodded.
With a grin on her face, she sat herself at his table while Tomura glanced back at the  cashier from before. He looked at Tomura in envy that he was going to be sitting down with the girl he was creeping on earlier. Tomura shot him a wicked smirk which made the man flinch before Tomura sat down to talk to the girl.
“My name is (Y/N) by the way. Sorry I didn’t introduce myself sooner. But thank you for sticking up for me.” she introduced.
Tomura felt her name ring in his head repeatedly. (Y/N) became his new favorite word.
Tomura and (Y/N) exchanged numbers and the two met up often to hang out together. He loved spending time with her. She was very supportive and understanding to him. Giving him advice when he was frustrated or confused. Even though he never mentioned he was part of the League of Villains, she still respected his need for privacy in his life. She never questioned what he did for a living or what he does in his spare time.
The two often went to movies together, arcades and she even bought him some clothes that would fit him better. It didn’t seem to matter what the two were doing, he was having fun and enjoying his time being around her. 
She also used her regeneration quirk on his skin so that the scratched marks on his neck could heal. Tomura found out that day that she was a nurse who wanted to help heal those who needed help. Which ultimately brought up the topic of heroes.
“To be honest...I’m not the biggest fan of heroes....” she admitted.
Tomura’s eyes widened at this declaration. The two were eating ramen together when you brought up the topic. He almost choked on his noodles as he heard her statement. She didn’t like heroes? Most people would never admit to not liking heroes. But you did the opposite of that. He was intrigued.
“What do you mean?” he wondered.
She scratched the back of her head awkwardly. “Most of them are very...cliquey. I went to UA for the Support Course so I could use my healing abilities to help others. But the hero students were always stuck up. They saw me and others as lesser because we weren’t as ‘strong’ as they were. That didn’t change after graduation either. I’ve healed plenty of heroes as a nurse and most of them are brash. They demand you do things a certain way, when in reality, they don’t have a clue about what they’re saying. Lots of them use each other for popularity and money. So they’re not as heroic as the public receives them. Speak out about them and you’re ostracized from society. I wish that could change.”
(Y/N) realized that Tomura was staring at her with a strange gaze and with a flustered face she waved her hands sporadically.
“I-I mean, if y-you l-like heroes that’s fine! I’ll respect your opinion on the matter!” she exclaimed.
Tomura felt his heart beat rapidly as he saw her cute face turn pink from embarrassment. That’s when he realized he wanted to be with her forever. She wasn’t only the perfect girl for him but also, she was his player two. The person who would be by his side forever while he would break society down. She would be his pillar of support and his wonderful girlfriend.
“It’s fine...I actually agree with a lot of what you said.” Tomura softly said.
She looked taken aback. Like she was surprised that he agreed with her. Tomura figured that she’s been harassed because of her opinions on heroes. But he admired her resilience and how she thought for herself. As far as Tomura was concerned, she was amazing.
“R-Really?” she stammered.
“You’re not the only one who hates heroes or how society perceives them. I know change will one day happen. And then, things will be better.” Tomura declared.
(Y/N) saw a fiery passion in Tomura’s eyes that made her blush heavier. She had always liked his determination and passion about the things he wanted. Like when he wanted to beat high score record for the House of the Dead arcade game. And seeing it here only made it more obvious to her that she was falling for him. He wasn’t perfect, but she wouldn’t have had it any other way.
She leaned over to Tomura and kissed his cheek. His eyes widened as he stared at her in amazement. Her soft lips on his face caught his breath as he felt her right next to him. He was blushing red as she pulled away. In a small smile she said. 
“I think I’m falling for you Tomura.”
Tomura and (Y/N) had started dating for about two months now. She was his candle in the dark that kept everything bright for him. Even when he was miserable, she always found a way to make him feel better. He was growing more attached to her everyday. But he was also fearful that she would leave him if he told her the truth. He didn’t want her to think any less of him or even worse, leave him.
Her finding out about his position in the League of Villains was discovered in a way he never wanted it to happen. He left his phone on the counter after texting with (Y/N) a couple of times. Toga and Dabi were curious to know who their boss kept talking to. So Toga quickly snatched the phone and looked at the contact he was texting. When they both saw (Y/N) they were surprised.
“Oh wow! I didn’t know he was dating such a cutie!” Toga squealed.
“Hm, seems to me like she’s unaware that she’s dating a murderer.” Dabi observed as he looked through the messages.
“We could always tell her if Shigaraki’s too shy!” Toga encouraged.
A part of Dabi knew that revealing that Shigaraki was affiliated with the League of Villains might backfire on them. But he also knew the boss wasn’t too stupid to reveal anything too personal if it would effect the league. Plus, he did want to push the bastard’s buttons.
“Hurry! He could come back soon!” Toga reminded.
Dabi shrugged and called the contact known as (Y/N). She picked up pretty quickly and answered.
“Hi there Tomura! Is that one asshole with no manners bothering you again?” you greeted.
Dabi knew she was referring to him. Which made him want to do this even more.
“Hey there, this is the asshole with no manners. Are you aware that you’re dating the leader of the League of Villains?” Dabi wondered.
No sooner had those words came out of his mouth, Tomura slammed the door open. A vicious look was on his face as he looked at the two culprits who were toying around with his phone. Dabi figured he must have just heard what he had said to you. Because Shigaraki looked like he was about ready to kill these two again.
“What the hell do you two think you’re doing?!” Tomura questioned hotly.
Toga pumped her fist in the air. “We just wanted to get to know your girl boss! She looks super cute!”
“He’s what...?” you said in a perplexed tone.
“You heard me.” Dabi merely said.
Silence dreaded the air as they waited for either (Y/N) to say something or Shigaraki to lose his cool in a fit of rage. Meanwhile, Tomura was thinking simultaneously about how to kill these two idiots and how to play it off as a joke when he tries to cover himself. 
“Give the phone to Tomura please.” you requested.
Dabi casually handed the phone over to Shigaraki stating. “She wants to talk to you.”
Hesitantly, he took the phone carefully and answered. “Hello?”
“Tomura, are you really part of the League of Villains?” she wondered.
He could feel his heart beginning to sink. He didn’t want to admit it to you but he also couldn’t find it in himself to lie to you. He loved you too much to do that. You meant so much to him. He doesn’t want to lose you. 
“....I am.” he quietly said.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner Tomura? You know I care about you! I would have tried to support you! Are you guys doing okay over there?” you began rambling about how he should take care of himself.
Tomura however was stunned into silence. A slow smile began crawling on his face as he let out an elated laugh. She really was his Player Two. A wonderful, beautiful girl who cared and loved him more than anyone else has ever. He had no reason to worry about her finding out after all. She was loyal to him.
“I’m sorry. It wasn’t my intention to deceive you.” he chuckled.
Toga and Dabi were confused by the dastardly smile on his face. Dabi realized she probably was just as insane as him and realized this isn't fun anymore. He walked off shrugging his shoulders. 
“Do you guys have a healer there? I wouldn’t trust underground doctors if I were you!” you pointed out.
Tomura sheepishly smiled at his beloved’s concern. “Now, that you mention it, we really could use a healer.”
It was past midnight as Tomura was in his room playing the Walking Dead when he paused the game to look at you. In his bed, you were sound asleep in your cute pajamas. It has been three months since you found out Tomura was the leader of the League of Villains. Since then, you had moved in with him to help him and his comrades. Today was quite an eventful day for you. Twice had accidentally dislocated his wrist, Toga had twisted her ankle and you helped Dabi with the burns from his quirk. 
Now you were resting after a hard day of work. Tomura could feel himself becoming drowsy from just looking at you. He really wanted to get under the blankets and cuddle you all to himself. So, he did just that. He shut off his game and got into bed and lay in right next to you. Even when you were asleep, you instinctively clutched onto him and nuzzled yourself into his chest. A tiny smile on your face as you slept in content. 
Tomura carefully pulled you closer to him and kept his arms wrapped around you carefully. You were still as beautiful as the day you two met. He placed soft kisses on your head as he too began to drift off. 
He’s loved you since the day you met and he’ll love you for much longer than that.
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bookshelf-imagines · 4 years
High Score
Pairing/Fandom: Lilith x Reader/Borderlands
Summary: R gets a high score on Borderlands science and a little something from the Firehawk
Warnings: Cursing
Notes: Lilith is OOC, I can’t write her to save my life, but I only wrote this because I refused to let her die <3
All you could hear were cheers as you beat Tannis' high score on "Borderlands Science." One second you were staring at the pixelated screen before you and the next you were being hoisted into the air by Brick. You had done it! You had beaten Tannis' high score after hours of a mixture of analyzing complex algorithms and mindlessly mashing buttons until you won. (It was Brick's idea in the first place to mash them though, so you weren't really ashamed.)
The cheers and the congratulations around you were drowned out when you saw her. Your wide smile dropped slightly until it became a look of adoration. Once Brick had set you back on your own two feet, you stumbled over to the door frame where a certain redhead was waiting.
You licked your lips and grinned. "Afraid you'll be swallowed by the crowd if you get too close?"
"Heh. Something like that." Lilith replied, still leaning on the door frame. She glanced at the people both of you call family before focusing her gaze on you.
Those eyes will always take your breath away. She just doesn't know it.
"Quit starin' into each uther's eyes and kiss already!" Ellie boomed from the hallway.
Ellie winked at Lilith when she gave the mechanic an unamused look. You simply looked at your feet and laughed before meeting eyes with Lilith again.
Damn those eyes.
"Well? Shall we entertain Ellie's late night fantasies?" You asked, your confidence slowly slipping away with each word that came out of your mouth. You took a step forward and looked down at her.
"If it stops her from bothering me about it, then definitely." She closed the gap between you two, hooking her arms around your neck and pulling you in.
You definitely were not expecting that.
Your lips met hers and you nearly moaned at the contact while a spark ignited inside of you, causing you to crave more. She sighed into the kiss, dragging you down so she wouldn't be on her tippy toes. Your hands settled on her waist, squeezing so you wouldn't overstep a boundary and take the kiss too far.
God, you could get lost in her. But apparently other people have different plans.
"Wow, Lil' is finally openin' up to someone." Mordecai said.
"Yeah! I've been wondering when they were gonna bang." Brick followed up.
At that point, both of you pulled back and sighed out a laugh.
"Perhaps we can take this somewhere...less nosy? I believe we have a lot to talk about, Firehawk." You whispered.
Lilith nodded. "Lead the way, killer."
You did. You lead her all the way to your room. Well, you tried to at least.
But Ellie just had to wolf-whistle.
Maybe the talking will have to wait until after  you catch Ellie.
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
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At the start, Carewyn was hesitant about her O.W.L. exams. She’d sincerely hoped that she would’ve dealt with the Vaults and saved her brother and Beatrice long before this point, and when she suddenly found herself on the cusp of exam season, she wasn’t sure how she could possibly put her grades front and center.
After being advised on the matter by Rowan and Dumbledore, however, Carewyn realized that her O.W.L. results would pretty much determine her future. If she wanted to live the life she wanted after Jacob was found, she’d have to put in the work to make sure she passed all of her exams -- and so, despite the faint reluctance in her heart, she forcefully put the thought of Jacob and Beatrice up on a shelf in her mind and resolved that she would get a high enough grade in every class that she could decide whether or not to take them at the N.E.W.T. level the following year. That way, when Jacob was safe, her future would be wide open to her, and she’d be free to do everything she ever wanted, just like she dreamed. 
And so Carewyn studied really hard. She reviewed everything, rewriting notes for herself so as to help her better remember dates for History of Magic or the exceptions to Gamp’s Law for Transfiguration. Rowan and Carewyn were really happy to spend a lot of time reviewing together. Interestingly Carewyn ended up liking it best when they reviewed in the library -- usually it was too quiet for Carewyn’s taste, but while she was studying for her O.W.L.s, she kept catching herself wondering if Jacob had sat exactly where she was sitting, when he studied for his O.W.L.s. He’d always had excellent grades, even without studying hard -- when he’d received his O.W.L. results, he’d fully expected straight O’s, and sure enough, he got them. Their mother had been so proud of him...
As Carewyn studied, she thought over the advice her friends had given her about career options. Although yes, the jobs of Magizoologist and Magical Historian had interested her, and the idea of being a musician was exciting, she kept finding herself coming back to that time that she defended her Welsh Green dragon, Esmeralda, back in Dumbledore’s office, and his suggestion of her joining the Wizengamot.
‘If I became a lawyer at the Ministry,’ she thought, ‘I could make sure that no one gets wrongfully punished for something they didn’t do. I could help people, and do good work, by doing what I’m good at -- and still make enough money to help Mum, Jacob, and me. I could be free to live my own life on my own terms...and just be me.’
It’s funny sometimes, how much you can doubt yourself when you want something so badly. Although Carewyn had thought she’d done well on all of her exams, none of them had been particularly easy either. She’d had to read and reread every exam question and be very calculating with every incantation and wand movement she used. And of course while waiting for her results, all she could think about is how the slightest mistake could have made her lose marks.
‘I need an O to continue Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts,’  she thought to herself as she waited, ‘And an E for Transfiguration, Charms, Care of Magical Creatures, Herbology, and History of Magic.’
Those two O’s were the ones she was most nervous about. Half of her was determined to get them for her own sake, but the other half of her absolutely dreaded the thought of somehow not being able to continue the classes her Head of House and the “great Cursebreaker” Patricia Rakepick taught. They’d never let her get over it -- neither would Merula. The E in Transfiguration wasn’t even for sure, either: Carewyn had done everything she could to pass that test, but it had always been her hardest subject.
Finally Professor Tofty approached Carewyn. She couldn’t help but feel a lingering sourness in her mouth at his arrival, considering that she thought early on that he was a little too interested in her activity with the Cursed Vaults and, sure enough, it turned out he’d been spying on her on the Ministry’s orders...but at the same time, Tofty had seemed sincere when he said that after meeting her, he didn’t think any of the Ministry’s fears about her had been true. Plus he’d expressed genuine excitement about her potential, wherever she decided to apply herself. That kind of endorsement could be nothing but valuable, all things considered.
‘When I return to the Ministry seeking work,’ she thought with a slight smirk, ‘I’ll be knocking on your door first, Professor Tofty.’
With a large smile, Tofty handed Carewyn a roll of parchment. Her heart beat a little faster, but she put on her prettiest, most confident smile as she reached out a faintly trembling hand and took it from the O.W.L. examiner. She unrolled it, holding her breath as her eyes ran over its contents...
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Straight O’s.
Straight O’s -- just like Jacob!!
For a moment, all Carewyn could do was stare, reading and rereading each column to make sure she was reading it right.
But she was -- she was reading it right! She’d gotten perfect scores in every subject -- she could take every single N.E.W.T. class next year, if she wanted!
Jacob had been effortlessly confident with his exams -- he’d never sweat before any kind of test, no matter how significant, as he’d always been a natural test taker even without studying. But Carewyn had never been like that: although she’d always gotten O’s in Charms and Care of Magical Creatures, she’d had to work to get E’s in her other classes and she’d had to largely skirt by with A’s in Transfiguration (much to her shame). She could put on the act of being perfect in all her classes, just like she pretended to be effortlessly confident and talented in other things, but she truthfully had always been a rather average student.
So to see this, now -- to see a line of perfect, identical O’s smiling back at her? It was enough to make Carewyn’s pretty facade crack. She smiled fully, toothily, giddily -- absolutely beside herself with excitement.
The future was suddenly wide open, waiting for her. Once the Vaults were dealt with, she now had a blank slate to live her life however she wanted. Her dreams were finally -- finally within her reach!
She did it!
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(OOC: YATTA!! Hee. Yeah, that sketch above is the picture Rowan helped her take to send her mum, Lane. Needless to say, Lane Cromwell is so unbelievably proud of her baby. X3
Here’s a quick gif showing you the prizes I received for this quest -- the silver owl pendant for completing the tests, and the gold one for getting all O’s on them.
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Honestly, even if I got “Brilliant”s all the way through, I’d heard rumors that the scores were partially dependent on which classes you visited the most and/or you had to be super careful on the tracing if you wanted to get a perfect score, so I was half convinced I was only going to get E’s. But sure enough, even with my screen turning red a few times and with me largely favoring History of Magic, Charms, and DADA as places to accrue points, I managed to pass all of them, so...wow! Yay!!) 
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afro-elf · 5 years
i hope there’s a timeline where endgame is good and the Me in that timeline is having fun and thriving
review under the cut
the best word to describe my emotional state right now is depressed, and not for the reasons the russos were hoping i’d be depressed. endgame is an enigma, endgame feels so much like that one scene in get out where georgina is crying to get out of the sunken place. a good movie is in there somewhere but you’d have to kill this one to get to it
what makes me the most angry about this movie is that i didn’t hate it, i couldn’t hate all of it. some of it was just so charming and nostalgic, it felt so good. this movie had.... Potential and then it said “fuck potential, fuck that bitch”
i guess i’ll start where i’m sure most people want me to start
1. We Need To Talk About Thor
thor, surprisingly, is the character i have the most mixed feelings about. don’t get it twisted, he was a walking fat joke and ooc for a substantial amount of screentime but hemsworth...... hemsworth earned a paycheck or two. hemsworth could’ve half-assed his performance, but he didn’t. but everything was still Not Good. everytime there was something genuinely good put on the screen it was shot down by a fat joke. the scene with him and frigga? changed me. the scene where he’s obviously triggered by the mention of thanos? heartbreaking. him being so excited when he resuscitates tony? super cute! him finding out he’s still worthy? UGH I CAN’T. but it was undercut by fat jokes EVERY TIME. he’s obviously suffering but like, he’s CUTE fat with his soft looking arms and his round cheeks. and that look he puts together for the end battle? loved it! cutieeee he just needs a shower!!! my baby!!! 
and he reacted to jane but not LOKI??? HELLO??? FDBHJELUDVLBJIG
his ending was straight trash. and a HANDSHAKE?? the indignity!!! the disrespect to their romance is like......... what the hell? AND HIM LEAVING ASGARD??? NO ONE SAID YOU HAD TO BE KING???? YOU COULD STAY AND HELP VAL GET HER KINGDOM TOGETHER? WHY WOULD YOU LEAVE YOUR PEOPLE BEHIND LIKE YOU DIDN’T LOSE EVERYTHING FOR THEM IN RAGNAROK??? i hate markus & mcfeely so much fucking....
2. Steve’s Ending
Hated It!
so OKAY i’m meant to believe that steve’s harbored feelings for peggy for all this time, even when he kissed sharon? i’m not even upset for steve, i’m upset for everyone else: sharon, bucky, sam. like, what crackhead thought that would be satisfying??? how does that complete his arc? returning to peggy? peggy’s DEAD and he barely knew her!!!! this is not at all how i wanted sambucky to rise
3. Racism
hoooo boy someone’s about to be mad at my black ass
clint’s aesthetic and introduction after the 5 year jump is racist. so you mean to tell me that his whole family died so he dedicated his life to beating brown and asian folk up? with a generic japanese tat? i have to laugh
and the fact that okoye is in the very beginning and very end and that’s it? laughable. fury has no lines? laughable. rhodey barely gets time with tony before he dies? laughable. shuri says nothing? laughable. mantis is just there to be a joke again? laughable. produced by james gunn? laughable
4. The Treatment of Women
you know what? i can’t
5. Fuck Tony
6. The Russos Hate You If You’re Gay
joe russo thinks he can be your representation
7. This Timeline is FUCKED
nothing makes sense, not any of it. they tried explaining it away with “multiple timelines” but............. it’s not good enough!!! it’s not!!!! nothing makes sense!!!! and the disrespect to scott lang??????????? hewwo?????
8. There’s A Good Movie Under There Somewhere
we need to, unfortunately, talk about the fact that i enjoyed a lot of this movie. i might be brain dead and grasping for any light in this dark abyss, but i didn’t think it was unwatchable in the same way that infinity war definitely is. there was emotion, and natasha emoted, and thor addressed his own depression even if no one else in the world seemed to care beyond pitying and laughing at him 
idk.... so many scenes. steve fighting himself, weird in-between hulk, new asgard.... these were all things i liked but GOD they were spat on over and over and the endings were too shitty to salvage them AND HOW IS PETER AND HIS CLASSMATES STILL IN HIGH SCHOOL??? DID THEY ALL GET SNAPPED
9. Best Actors
cheadle, rudd, hemsworth, paltrow, holland
10. FUCK tony
11. Final Score Because I’m Tired Of Thinking About This Movie
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blueandgoldoffice · 6 years
can you list some (or alot) of long multi-chap fics , like possibly 10+ chapters or 100k words plus!? love reading long fics
We can DEFINITELY help with this! I love long fics too.
We have a tag for that:  LONG FICS 
But here are a few that you might not have read that haven’t been rec’d in a while (seriously - check out the tag - there are SO many great long fics that you should read and review). Happy Reading! ♡ Jandy
Playlist Amour by @1sleepydormouse (50/50)
Word Count: 109,321 / Rating: M
Summary: Betty slowly begins to realize that there are only so many times one can have their heart broken before there are too many pieces to pick up alone. Jughead begins to understand that a constant supply of food isn’t the only thing he needs in his life. This work of fanfiction was created with the comic canon in mind. There will be no Riverdale references here.
Interbellum by @wolfofansbach (79/79)
Word Count: 229,249 / Rating: T
Summary: 1935. The Great Depression ravages the world. Fascism threatens Europe. Millions languish in poverty and despair. The nations stand on the brink of ruin or rebirth. Aspiring writer Jughead Jones navigates through the perilous economic and political climate of the 1930s. Veronica Lodge’s wealthy father battles Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal. Betty Cooper tries to tone down the Riverdale Register’s rabid isolationism just a little bit. Cliff Blossom disperses striking laborers with a little help from the Pinkerton Detective Agency. His rebellious son Jason dabbles in Soviet Communism. Archie Andrews still can’t make a decision to save his life. And they are all about to find themselves thrust into the shadows of conspiracy, treason, class struggle, and war.Or the Great Depression-Spanish Civil War AU no one asked for.
Drive by @writeradamanteve (20/20)
Word Count: 176,927 / Rating: M
Summary: College AU. When Betty escapes into the Blossom private library during a party, she meets tall, dark, and broody Jughead Jones. She projects a typical neurotic college student persona, but Jughead doesn’t buy it. He knew in his bones that there was more to her than meets the eye.When they share each other’s secrets, it’s electric and they have no idea where it’s going to take them.
The Missing and Extended Moments by @litladyloveshp (60/60)
Word Count: 159,811 / Rating: T
Summary:  Starting before the beginning of the series. Looking over crucial moments in the friendship between Archie and Jughead (in the first couple chapters) and the romantic relationship between Betty and Jughead. Shifts between Jughead and Betty POV.
Scars by @itsindiansummer13 (20/20)
Word Count: 102,161 / Rating: T
Summary: When rising photographer Jughead Jones scores a photo shoot with model-of-the-moment Betty Cooper, he expects to use it, simply, to help his career take off.What he doesn’t expect, is to be so enraptured with her beauty.Or for the single shoot to turn into a series of stunning portraits,Or to witness the marks on her palms grow into burns across her skin..What he doesn’t expect either, is to be her salvation.
*warning: mention of sexual assault and self harming.
Tempting Fate by @kaylaarann (48/50)
WIP / Rating: M
Summary:  Betty is being held captive by the Ghoulies, only to have an unconscious man she’s never met thrown in with her, Jughead. After helping each other escape, things will only get more interesting as the Southside Serpent and High school cheerleading journalist get to know each other better, much better. Bughead, Humor/Romance/Thriller, Smut, Little OOC… Give it a go, you wont regret it!
all the roads we have to walk by @stillscape (14/?)
WIP / Rating: T
Summary: There were a lot of things Betty expected to happen during her summer internship away from Riverdale. She expected to learn the ins and outs of publishing. She expected to make connections. She expected to return to Riverdale a new and improved Elizabeth Cooper, one who would be better than perfect because she wouldn’t care about perfection. She didn’t expect Polly would be sent away. She didn’t expect to be solving a murder. And she didn’t expect that one of her fellow interns would be an old friend with a gray beanie.(A canon-divergent AU that picks up from chapter 5 of for the life of me / the summer before S1 and is now continuing into the school year.)
Vespertine by @yavannies (21/25)
WIP / Rating: M
Summary: Betty has a knack for finding room in her calendar where there appears to be none, but this time she may have bitten off more than she can chew. She has to help Veronica beat Cheryl in the race for school president, run the school paper, excel at cheerleading practice, keep Reggie at arm’s length and bake two hundred éclairs to promote the French Club, all while maintaining her grades. Truth be told, she really doesn’t have the time to mentor a transfer student, but when has that ever stopped her?At least now that dad is gone and Polly has flown the nest, things at home have settled down a bit. Or have they?
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shattered-rp-blog · 7 years
Congratulations, Mipsy!
You are accepted as Yelena Belova, welcome to the family! Sorry for the delay, we were busy yesterday but we can say we loved the app from the moment we read it! It’s good to have more villains coming up to add to the bunch and I bet Yelena is gonna bring some trouble to many of our beloved characters. Please make sure to send in your account in the next 48 hours and follow every step on the checklist.
(This is the Yelena anon!)
App Form - Canon
Name: Mipsy
Preferred Pronouns: She/Her
Age (You must be 18 or older to participate): 26
Timezone: CST
Availability (with a short explanation): I’m not currently working, but I do keep myself busy by job hunting and other activities in my day to day life. I am already in one other rpg, but that’s about it. With my life rn, I’d say I can get on at least 4 days out of the week, usually at nights (cst).
Do you have any triggers? Sexual crimes against children, Animal abuse, and Rape
Full Name: Yelena Belova
Second character choice (if there’s any): N/A
Alias: (The second) Black Widow/Adaptoid
Affiliation: Villain
Age (16+): 32
Faceclaim: Léa Seydoux
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Character quote: “I am the first student in history of the Red Room to surpass your marks. I may lack your experience, but I am your equal or your better in every other respect.”  
Why do you want to play this character? (Write as much or as little as you like and fangirl as much or as little as you like): I’d heard about Yelena Belova as Natasha’s rival, but I never knew much about her. Ironically, it was a post on Tumblr, or more comic book art of her and a general background I read, that interested me in her. So much, I wanted to try her out. She’s patriotic to her mother Russia, and she’s highly skilled spy, but she’s just not as good as Natalia. She’s not as experienced as her. She’s obsessed with beating her rank, she wants to be the better Widow, the best Widow, and I’m already in love with Natasha so it works! But she is naive, young in personality since she’s been sheltered by the Red Room, I don’t think she could think of any life besides them. And she liked it that way ( at least for awhile anyway ). And I just love this so much?? But, I’d love to explore her as a person, for her to get to know herself. For her to see her other options other than her life as a spy, but still combat them, because I’d still like for her to be a villain/nuetral with things! and of coarse for her to get into the middle of what’s going on in the rpg!! All just to lead her back to Natasha.
Biography (3+ paragraphs, you can use the skeleton to help you):
Her life before the Widow Program, none of it mattered now. When Yelena was fifteen years old, she was recruited by the Red Room to be the next potential Black Widow. The same academy that the Soviet’s trained the first Black Widow, Natasha Romanoff. Once it’d become clear that their beloved Widow had defected, the Soviets knew they had a lot of work to do with Belova. And so that is where her story, begins.
She was originally spotted for her exceptional physical condition, high marks on their IQ tests, and her talent in gymnastics. The KGB meant for her to succeed her predecessor, despite the program’s success. Their perfect spy failed them. So, for years Yelena was trained under a strict regimen by the trainers of the program. During her training, Yelena scored incredibly high on her tests. But instead of being proud about it, she stated Romanoff had scored better, under the same tests. She hated to be lesser than a traitor who deserted her country.
Pale Little Spider
The Red Room was her home, the little spider trained under for a decade. They fed her, clothed her. They played their vicious mind games on her, brainwashed her. Taught her how to fight, how to bleed. How to kill, and how to blend as a spy. She’d all but forgotten her life, before. One particular trainer she came to view, as a father figure. Pyotr Vasilievich Starkovsky, a Lieutenant Colonel who taught the new Black Widow hand-to-hand combat, weapon use, and knife work for over a decade. A trained hand in hand combatant, he was her main instructor. She’d become close to him, and Starkovsky too considered her like his daughter. Though Starkovsky started to develop a strong sexual attraction to her, as she grew, and it became his obsession. Yelena never thought anything of it. Yelena was starting to feel inferior and inadequate to her predecessor, but as much as wanted to defeat her, Yelena undoubtedly idolized her. Even if she wouldn’t admit it to herself. While Starkovsky’s deviant behavior found a substitute in a brothel with a woman named Petra, a look-alike of Yelena.
What happened next, Yelena doesn’t exactly know. Starkovsky was dead, killed by Petra. Belova was shattered by the news, and confused by the loss of her father figure. She’d been told Starkovsky had been stealing secrets from the Black Widow program, and Yelena decided to investigate, on her own. In the end, Yelena killed Petra, and proceeded to accept the role as the new Black Widow. Belova would go on to never know that the entire ordeal, and the brothel’s owner and the other woman in the room, Nikki was an exercise. And part of her graduation test.
Part Widow Part Adaptoid
Her time as the Black Widow was short, but not without making it’s bite on the various people who mattered. For years, she’d completed intelligence missions for the KGB under the moniker Black Widow. Though her efforts, and partially the name, were overshadowed by the scarlet Widow. The real Black Widow. Yelena worked in the dark. The only people who learned that there was a second Widow, were her targets, and others who kept tabs on her. But the world knew of the Black Widow as a superhero. Natasha Romanoff, the Avenger. Yelena watched the movements of Natasha and the rest of the Avengers, through the years. And she waited. Shadowed by her predecessor once more. Seeing her face on the screen, fueled her obsession and drive to beat her, and be the only Widow that still represented mother Russia.
Around the same time, Yelena had gone on another routine mission. This felt routine, but it wasn’t. She almost died from it. She’d come out of it with a badly burned body and beaten, a mysterious figure dragged her out to an undisclosed location. Hospitalized and brutally disfigured, they offered her another chance at life. She didn’t want to die, so Yelena said yes. The mysterious figured revealed himself to be a representative of HYDRA, and brought himself a team of agents from an organization he wouldn’t name. They were trusted to perform the operation that transformed her into something else, something similar to the creature known as Super-Adaptoid. Her Adaptoid abilities were very…unique. Unlike any spy the Soviets ever created. And so Yelena was reborn, and took up the moniker of their latest creation: Adaptoid.
Her time with the Red Room, deteriorated. Cut all ties with her contacts, and to this day, Yelena doesn’t know if the Red Room still exists or not. She’d rather not ask, or know. She’d given every piece of herself to the Academy, it broke a part of her to leave it in the past. But that meant another young girl could be training to be the next Black Widow. To take her place, and that meant the Red Room was after her. Just like Yelena was after Natasha, but Yelena had more pressing matters to attend to. A debt had to be paid to HYDRA, and to the unknown organization that successfully transformed her into the Super-Adaptoid. She doesn’t know who they are, what they are, or what they’re after. So she puts her trust in HYDRA, and follows their orders instead. Though the unnamed organization keeps their hands dirty in Yelena’s buisness. Studying their little ‘ pet ’ project, and Yelena has yet to find out what they’re really after.
With the onslaught of the mission in Lagos, Nigeria and the Sokovia Accords, Yelena is finding it increasingly difficult to complete her current mission: find and gather further intelligence on the Avengers. All of the Avengers. That includes Natasha Romanoff, but Yelena has her own plans for Natasha…and the Soldat. The Winter Soldier. As a villain, she didn’t have to sign the Accords. And she could care less about the mutants and their Registration Act, despite her abilities to be considered one. She tries to be careful because of it, because of all of it, she has to be aware of what’s going on to complete her mission. But, above all, she wants to win against the first Black Widow, and settle the title as the Black Widow once and for all. 
No mission is above her.
Ships: Yelena x Chemistry
Para sample (in character): (Removed for privacy)
Additional (optional): It can be anything extra about the character, Myer-Briggs? Horoscope? Favourites? Headcanons?
As the Super-Adaptoid, Yelena is able to copy the superhuman powers, abilities, and technological enhancements (ex. armor) of those around her. But from the strengths she copies, she also copies their weaknesses. Simply, she adapts. The extent of the Super-Adaptoid’s abilities are still unknown, and is very experimental, as the secret organization continues to study and record data on Yelena. The Adaptoid is in it’s early stages, so she’s only able to copy superhuman powers ( includes enhancements, ex. super strength ). She can only hold one power at a time, and the time limit varies. Because of this, it’s very sporadic. She’s very sporadic, until she learns to fully control it. She must remain close to copy their power, within at least ten feet. After that, she can freely use it. Much like the Super-Adaptoid, Yelena must be able to see and scan her opponent. Which is why she has a special headgear, much like a spider’s eyes, that scan her subject and begin to copy one random ability, to her body. At times she can choose, most times she can’t. She’s also capable of copying the appearance of her subject, or small parts of them, but this stage hasn’t developed yet.
Yelena’s been using a new identity, ever since she stepped foot back in America. For this assignment, she’s been given the identity of Bella Yolkov: A Russian-American, born in the United States, graduated at the top of her class, and became a successful businesswoman. Handling her work between numerous American companies. The French-Russian name was a play on her own name, with her last and first switched. That and Yelena refused to take an American surname. Her hair remains short, bob-cut, and blonde and she speaks with an American accent. When asked, she doesn’t speak any French, although Yelena’s studied the language too. She only pours out her Russian around those she knows. Occasionally, in casual conversation, usually with those who speak Russian too. Her personality is still strong, but much more friendlier and conversational, even seductive, if need be. Just as she was taught, in the Red Room. Yelena will blend in, however that may be.
Wanted connections: Natasha Romanoff, James Buchanan Barnes, Steve Rogers, Yelena/Avengers ( Since she’s undercover, if that’s not too much to ask ), Madame Hydra, Yelena/Villains, Yelena/HYDRA agents
Questions or requests?
I did take several liberties with Yelena’s bio to keep it closer to the comics, explain what she’s been up to, while also trying to merge her into this rpg. But if you need me to change the bio or anything, just let me know and I’ll try my best to fix anything! This includes the identity headcanon, because if anyone recognizes her ( besides probs Nat and James, if they do ), I don’t know if I’ll be able to use it.
Also, excuse my Russian. I’m trying to find different places to translate it.
Thanks for reading my novel my app! 
0 notes
bi-apps · 5 years
Accepted - Emma Vanity
M, 22, CET.
Activity Level:
About a 6? I do have college and some work to compete with RP!
Emma/Chemistry, Emma/No Chemistry.
Did you read the rules?
I have, yes! I could not find a rule password, though.
Character Name:
Emmanuella Vittoria Vanidad. At least, that was before her father anglicized it after the family first made land in the United Kingdom. Her name is loaded with history from across the globe, most of it in their home country Brazil — which is why she considers it such a tragedy to have to go by Emma Victoria Vanity nowadays.
EMMA — ( em-mah ) :
The nickname her father always used for her, chasing after her in their house as she waddled around. “Emma, minha filhinha,” — she’d giggle when he used the nickname, and wrap her tiny arms around her Papa’s leg. The name in itself meant whole, or universal, but for their family, it was a name that had been in their lineage for a long time, and she herself carried it as an homage to her great-grandmother, who had been so instrumental in her fathers’ upbringing.
VICTORIA — ( vik-toh-ri-ah ) :
Ironic, if you consider her future career choice, that her mother decided to name her after the word “victory”, but it was a choice that made Emma incredibly proud of her full name. It was something that kept her going when times were rough, when instead of victory, she was faced with defeat — it was almost like a promise, from her mother, from herself, get knocked down seven times, get up eight.
VANITY — ( van-uh-tee ) :
It was a name that meant much more back home. Vanidad — an ancient Brazilian pureblood dynasty, their connections spread around the globe, their lineage pure of blood ( though they don’t actually care much about such things, or so they claim), and with vaults full of fortune. They’ve always been one of the more withdrawn families, hoarding their money and working in the shadows to make sure their power remained established, but Emma’s father, by his move to the United Kingdom and social prowess, went against all of that, instead deciding to push them into the light.
Currently twenty years old, Emma was born on April 9th.
April 9 people are certainly one of a kind. They are often the extreme embodiment of unusual trends in society, their talents conveyed in excess. Any compromise, restriction or tempering of their abilities is out of the question. Usually, they leave no doubt as to their views on any subject — they are outspoken, direct, sometimes even harsh. But talking about what they do is not really their specialty; they just prefer doing it, which usually means doing it a lot. April 9 people have a particular genius for translating ideas into action, giving rein to their fantasies in the most practical ways. They can even make a good living doing so. Fortunately, their ideas are usually of a social nature and thus enrich the lives of others. April 9 people have strange thought processes, often quite humorous, but are not idle dreamers. On the contrary, they have a strong realistic streak and the uncanny ability to know when an idea’s time has come.
You are someone who needs attention and sometimes you go a bit overboard being dramatic in order to get it. You have a clear presence that gets you attention; however, you still use your clothing and behavior to acquire it. A condescending attitude toward others is possible, but you laugh easily and are generous and this essentially compensates for that. You have a strong loyalty that makes up for your lofty persona and your intuition is generally reliable. That means that you generally know who to be loyal to and how to go about it. One of the main features that you have is being yourself, which is very much an individual who marches to the beat of your own drummer. You have the courage of spirit to be real, to be creative, coupled with ambition and assertiveness that makes you a unique individual. This results in a person who is the paradigm example of an Aries; one who strives to attain power as well as status along with creativity. Defensiveness and self-justification are foreign as far as your character is concerned, thanks to your inborn confidence deep within you.
If you are an Alder sign within the Celtic tree astrology system, you are a natural-born pathfinder. You’re a mover and a shaker and will blaze a trail with fiery passion often gaining loyal followers to your cause. You are charming, gregarious and mingle easily with a broad mix of personalities. In other words, Alder signs get along with everybody and everybody loves to hang around with you. This might be because Alder’s are easily confident and have a strong self-faith. This self-assurance is infectious and other people recognize this quality in you instantly. Alder people place a high value on their time and feel that wasting time is insufferable. They are motivated by action and results.
The fox sign is amazingly cunning and knows how to work a room with sly, sexy humor. Full of guile, vigor and bright intelligence the fox is an untamable force. This Celtic animal sign is the one to take with you on exotic vacations, they will wind your ways into amazing adventures. They have a knack for storytelling, and every experience is fodder for their tales. They are tender-hearted, although they don’t show that soft side too often because they’re too busy playing and cracking jokes. However, they aren’t shy about showing their loyalty; if you are the friend of the fox, you have a friend for life. Highly energetic and courageous, the fox has an indomitable spirit.
Camila Mendes is my first choice, but if she’s taken, I’m also good with Sofia Carson or Shay Mitchell, though her info would need a few adjustments ethnicity-wise.
Recruited in her final year of Hogwarts, Emma started playing for the Montrose Magpies as a Chaser right away, her Quidditch skills considered near-legendary, though her reckless nature being somewhat of a problem. Still, she amassed a large following of fans in a short time, most famous for throwing the Quaffle so hard she broke the opposite Keeper’s nose — and still managed to score. As of September, she has been made Captain of the team, somewhat of a remarkable feat considering her young age and proneness to dangerous choices, but she has shown in her first two matches that she has what it takes. After fulfilling her life-long dream to play and captain for the Magpies, her goal is now to join the national team.
Blood Status:
Pureblood ( secretly ¼th Veela ).
There’s always been something craving for an adventure inside Emma. She feared to become a boring housewife for as long as she could remember, never wanting to be one of those women who lost the sparkle in their eyes. Anything new and exciting immediately brightens up her life, and never having been shy, she is willing to try it all — if just for the thrill of it. Some part of her enjoys danger, the jitters that come with trying something unexpected. Though some of the pressures in her life have made her dim down slightly, she still longs for the next great adventure — always wanting more from life, taking a step out of bounce solely to see the consequences. She used to be much more reckless in her craving for adventure, following whatever impulse she might have without much of a second thought about consequences, but since entering her career at the higher level, she has been much more serious.
Even aside from her Veela nature, there has always been a charismatic edge to everything she did or said. The way her lips curled into a smile was enticing and could light up a room. Whenever Emma entered a party, the night was made — an almost legendary conversationalist, with her scintillating wit, people were immediately drawn in by the long-legged brunette. She was always there for an easy smile or a quip to make you laugh, earning the title of ‘popular’ without really trying all too hard. Of course, like her adventurous side, her charisma has dimmed slightly — the weight of expectations placed on her shoulder making that previously easy smile a little harder, she wants too much, she pushes too hard. Still, there is always still that touch of light to her, wrapping people around her fingers with seeming ease.
( + ) — LOYAL :
It always comes as a surprise, when people realize how loyal Emma really is. For those in her closest circle, she will set the world on fire and get herself thrown in Azkaban if it means they would be safe. With less than a handful of people, it is even an unconditional sort of loyalty, where even if they stabbed her in the back — she would smile and thank them. It may be hard to earn her at your side like that, but when someone does, they have a fierce protector in their lives. It is a trait her father despises to see, always urging her to be less involved, to simply not care, because it’s just another person in the path to power he wants her to follow, another person she would have to make sure kept out of her way. Though she has taken to his advice and become more selective in her friends, especially her inner circle, the loyalty she brings to the table is something that will never be questionable, not even by her father — she’d sooner die than break her bond with those closest to her.
( +/- ) — CUNNING :
Her sharp edge was never faked. Dulled, especially under the influence of alcohol, occasionally — but never once fake. It was part of the reason she’d been sorted into Slytherin House, after all, and no one could deny her ambition. Opportunistic to a fault, she has often resorted to playing dirty in order to get to her goals. Emma Vanity might never betray a friend, she does not think twice about anyone else. Whilst this often turns out well in her favor, she has little care for the people it might hurt, even thinks quite lowly of them for not taking the same hard swings as she did. She sees these people as weak, as below her on the food chain. Still, her opportunistic edge has brought her far in life, especially in her Quidditch career. Emma might come in late every now and then after a long night out, but that doesn’t stop her from kicking ass on the Pitch.
( +/- ) — ENIGMATIC :
Her parents had always instilled a certain fear into Emma about being open and honest about herself. Vanity’s were the ones that manipulated from the shadows, they were the power behind the throne, not the ones wearing the crown. Mystery was their weapon, because when no one knew exactly how much you were worth, whose ears you held, or even who, exactly, you were related to, they could not expect or prepare for your next move, and if they could not do that, it was quite easy to overthrow them. So, from the moment she could understand him, Emma was told by her parents to be an enigma, to never have all her cards on the table, to always leave them guessing about who you were and what you could do. And while her parents, and now she, consider it a strength, it has also lead to Emma having trouble with trusting others, or even talking about her feelings.
( +/- ) — AMBITIOUS :
Though it isn’t a very pronounced trait, mostly due to her nature as a wild child — or even her reputation as a ditz, there was a reason Emma was sorted into the house of the Snakes. Ambition, in combination with her cunning streak, was very prominent in the girl. Wealth was always at the tip of her fingers, but there were other things she could strive for — especially Quidditch-related, but also throwing the best parties, having the best outfit, and getting into the most trouble. Emma Vanity never half-assed anything, if she wants something, she will go for it, teeth bared for all the world to see, despite her parents’ ever-lasting warnings. She is incredibly determined when it comes to her goals, to the point where barely anything can stop her when she’s got her eye on it, but that’s not always a good thing.
Le diable est une femme. The devil is a woman. There’s no denying that wherever Emma goes, trouble follows. Before the responsibilities of professional Quidditch and living outside of Hogwarts were placed on her shoulders, she was considered downright wicked by some, enjoying ruining the lives of others for her own entertainment, but like many things, that weight placed on her brought this trait down just the slightest bit too. Just because she is now supposed to be more ‘serious’, does not mean Emma has lost her penchant for mischief — but instead of largely using it for entertainment purposes, she now applies it to more practical efforts. No one knows jinxes and bombs like Emma, and her love for finding out the latest gossip and using it to her own advantage has not stopped either. She can create chaos within a second, simply because during her years at Hogwarts, that was all she ever did.
( - ) — HEDONISTIC :
Years of being one of the wizarding worlds’ biggest party girls have left their impact on Emma very strongly. She lives a life in pursuit of pleasure, of any kind — and doesn’t mind how she gets to it. Flutes of champagne that never stop flowing, other, less reputable party favors she hopes her father never hears of, even sleeping with the first person she can get her hands on, it’s all part of Emma’s lifestyle. When you have the kind of money she does, everything comes handed to you on a silver platter, and her view was always one of ‘why not’, instead of focussing on the negatives those things brought. She enjoys indulging herself, but doesn’t know her own limits — or rather, she does, but she also likes to test those limits whenever she has the chance to. Though it has given her a reputation, one that reduces her to not much more of a ditzy socialite, traipsing from one party to the next, and that is something she often tries to use to her advantage.
No was not a word that showed up in Emma’s vocabulary, not for the first couple years of her life, at least. She was the only daughter of parents that had an entire world of wealth at arm’s length, and they did not skimp on their precious little girl. Everything she wanted, she got — and often double of it, just in case something happened to the first. There was nothing they wouldn’t give her, nothing she ever really had to work for, and while she was generous with sharing what she possessed, it did create a side of Emma that absolutely could not stand when someone dared to deny her something she wanted. She learned to be persuasive, alluring, finding more ways to get what she wanted aside from just asking for it, but if someone still won’t give it to her, the little spoiled brat quickly returns to rear her head.
The dolphin.
There is an adventurous and carefree nature to the dolphin, one that is reflected in those with it as their patronus. They are incredibly unique individuals, and quite often social and loved by most. They are strong and like to explore new things and meet new people. Despite their need to be themselves and individuality, they can at times become incredibly dependent on others, asking them for help in every aspect of their life. They can sometimes forget how to function on their own and start to feel down or like a different person when they are not surrounded by others, which can make them seem needy. (x)
Herself, as a housewife.
The thing Emma fears most in this world is becoming a kept woman. She has dreams, she has ambitions, especially regarding Quidditch — but is well-aware a woman in pureblood society has set expectations of what their lives should be like. Getting married to an important man straight out of school, popping out babies until her husband is satisfied, and fading out into a dull middle age, the opposite of what she wants. Emma Vanity is not meant for such a life, she knows it deep down in her soul, and is willing to do anything to make sure she’ll never end up there. Her recent betrothal has made the fear even worse, and she feels the shackles closing around her wrists with every passing moment, causing her to lash out further.
Key Points:
The Vanidad family of Brazil was renowned in Pureblood society for three things: their perfectly pure lineage, their excessive wealth, and most importantly — their fertility issues. For years, the family became smaller and smaller, the problem not much helped by how they refused to marry outside of their circles, or heaven forbid, someone who’s blood purity couldn’t be traced back for at least a century. When Emma’s father, Giuseppe, was born, his twin sister following a few minutes after, the family considered it nothing short of a miracle.
Treated like a young prince, forced into etiquette and manners, and always told to pull up his nose at anyone lesser — it was surprising to all of his family that the boy turned out to be a bit of a dreamer. The House of Vanidad was one of tradition, one where publicity, good or bad, was a death sentence, and most of all, they were incredibly rooted in their home country. The connotations to their name were only known in the most coveted circles of high society, their wealth was shrouded in absolute secrecy, and they were seclusive, to say the least — though not enough that it did not strike a chord with most regular members of wizarding society. Both fear and awe was something they cultivated.
With their fertility issues and desire to keep the line pure but without inbreeding, the Vanidad’s had soon learned to seek their betrothals outside of the country, which is how Giuseppe wound up with a young, French woman named Camille. They did not meet until a month before their set wedding date, but while Giuseppe was definitely surprised at the beauty of his wife-to-be, what definitely set her apart was her personality. Cultured, sophisticated, and manipulative — though he was unaware of that final one, he definitely felt the effects. Camille heard his whispers of dreams, of raising his family out of that secrecy they so craved, and return it to glory. A name everyone knew. A name everyone wanted to be associated with. They were grand now, grand and ancient and splendid, but they could be so much more. Camille heard it all, and then she went to work.
Not until after their wedding was official did she tell him the truth. Camille’s father had fallen in love with a Veela, and she had been the offspring of that union, though he had kept it secret. It was considered almost normal in France, but there and across the world, it was not. Luckily for her, he did not see it as a downside, but instead as an opportunity, not realizing that she used the gifts of her heritage on him too. She got him to promise her a great many things, but the most important was this: that they would not let their family die out in Brazil.
Giuseppe Senior, his father, passed on the exact day they found out Camille was pregnant with their first child, thus making him the next great patriarch of the Vanidad family. Tears of joy and tears of grief mingled, as people touched the expecting mothers’ belly at the elaborate funeral — though his own was surprisingly dry. His mother had been born in London, a Greengrass by birth, before leaving to marry in Brazil, but she had held onto her connections back home and had made sure her son had done the same with the children of her former peers. And as a few of them showed up for her husbands’ funeral, they whispered of a rumor that made Giuseppe’s eyes go wide — not with fear, but with opportunity.
Knights of Walpurgis, a wizarding society where the purebloods ruled, a Dark Lord promising power to those who searched for it. Once the funeral was over, he told Camille all he had heard, and though her husband looked at it mostly in terms of social status, she saw something else, too — power. Giuseppe was a little hesitant, but she was not, and with all the sway she held over her husband, they started making plans for their move the very next day.
Despite their plans to have her born on English soil and make sure the next generation was firmly rooted in that country, Emmanuella Vittoria Vanidad was born two weeks before her mother was due, climbing her way out kicking and screaming. It was much to her grandmother’s delight, who had disagreed with the move, wanting to follow her husband’s wishes, despite his death. She had reluctantly agreed to come with them to the United Kingdom, to reunite with her own family there, and to help them in raising little Emma. And even though she was early, even though she was a girl, even though she’d upended all their plans — her parents were overjoyed with the birth of their child.
It had taken them three years to get to this moment, three years of seeing magical fertility specialists, three years of countless potions that made Camille sick more often than not, but finally, she was there — Giuseppe’s coveted heir, his little Emmanuella, tufts of dark hair sticking up from her head as they wrapped her in the pink blanket and handed her to him. Despite her birth, Giuseppe had no plans to wait more than another week on their move.
Exhausted and holding onto their newborn, the Vanidad’s finally arrived in London — and after hearing official after official horribly mispronouncing their surname, they made yet another bold move. An anglicized version. Vanity. His family, being horribly insulted by the change, was smoothed over by lies from Camille. It would make them fit in better, people would accept them, their anonymity would remain. The last one was especially powerful. But when they moved into that enormous estate in Virginia Water, all bets were off.
Attention from the English pureblood society was drawn quite quickly — especially not when you were also related to one of their Sacred Twenty-Eight families through your mother, or considering the fact that your wife had some sort of a supernatural charm about her, or that your daughter was just so impossibly adorable. Camille and Giuseppe found themselves with a stack of invitations to every pureblood ball, charity gala, or even social event a week later, something they took advantage of greedily, leaving their newborn in the care of either her grandmother or one of their various hired helps.
Emma Vanity grew up in the lap of luxury, with absentee parents, but a gaggle of tutors and nannies chasing after her at any given time. Whenever her parents were home, they were loving, doting even — it was just that they loved their social life more. She was left in good hands, they would have no less for their only child — especially when it was so unlikely they would ever have another, but they still left her.
Raised the same way most of her pureblood peers were, her life consisted of tutoring ( both magical and other ), fittings for her clothes, and a variety of events that her parents deemed appropriate for her to attend. That was of course until she spotted the broom one of the cooks standing in their foyer. Emma was immediately intrigued by the object. She’d heard of brooms, of course, but Vanity’s did not use that kind of transportation.
So, she climbed onto the broom, and for thirty seconds — it was like everything was right in the world. And then, of course, she fell on her ass. But Emma Vanity was and never will be a quitter. As a child of extremely wealthy parents, she’d never learned the word consequence, so she took the broom outside without asking the owner, and continued her efforts. It took almost the entire day, complete with a lot of hiding from her tutors ( which was easy when they weren’t looking up ), but at the end of it, she managed to zoom around the estate like she’d been doing this for years. Of course, at the exact moment she attempted to do a dive, her father walked into the gardens and saw her hovering there. Giuseppe and Camille forbade her from any more flying, to instantly return the broom, and chastised her for the mud she’d gotten all over her robes. But the next day, Emma found the brooms stacked in the kitchen closet, and she tried again.
It took her a while to find a decent balance between sneaking off to fly and attending all the activities her parents wanted her too. Mostly, she skipped out on the clothing fittings — asking one of the staff members’ children, who also joined them for tutoring on the estate, to pretend to be her instead. Either the two of them truly did look alike, or the tailors simply didn’t care, but it worked, Emma’s clothes still fit, and she managed to get a steady hour of flying in almost every day — longer, if she got the chance. It was no surprise that when some of her friends returned from their first year at Hogwarts and told her about the Quidditch teams, she immediately knew that she would aim to join one as soon as she got her chance. No one could deny Emma was a natural, backed with almost three years of practice whenever she found a moment — she should be able to get in, right?
But when she got to Hogwarts, and they sorted her into Slytherin, the Quidditch captain saw that excited first-year smile, and even without letting her try out — told her not to even bother until next year. Emma, quickly found out that most of the subjects in school had been covered in her tutoring, and now with her also excluded from the team for at least another year, was not just angry — she was something much worse than that. She was bored. And the school soon learned to fear whenever Emma Vanity was bored. Dubbed a troublemaker from the moment she entered Hogwarts, she started fights, pulled pranks, and insulted teachers. Luckily for, but unbeknownst to her, the Veela nature lurking in her blood made her charming, able to sweet-talk her way out of most permanent marks, and when that failed, her parents and their endless supply of money never did. Ironically, her misbehavior also made her popular — the attention of older years quickly drawn by this young upstart, and they invited her to their parties, if only just for the entertainment she brought.
Emma returned for her second year with a vengeance. They had tried to send her away from try-outs again, but she forced them to let her join, to watch her fly. And then when they realized she hadn’t been lying last year about her abilities and let her join as a chaser, she grinned and told them that by next year she’d be their captain — earning laughs. It was no surprise that after her first Quidditch game, Emma’s popularity skyrocketed. Not only was she an extraordinarily gifted player, but she had also gained a trouble-makers reputation, and she knew for a fact that most of her peers were jealous that they invited her to all the parties they were still deemed too young for. And truth be told, their decision on that was correct because Emma was also too young for them, too young and too impressionable, she did not take well to it. Of course, she loved it, being popular, hanging out with seventeen-year-olds, and even being offered alcohol — but that doesn’t mean it was any good for her. At only age fifteen, Emma had fallen into a life filled with nothing but debauchery, frequently receiving howlers from her parents and grandmother — with her only saving grace being that excellence in Quidditch, which they finally chose to see as a positive.
As she’d promised, she’d become Quidditch captain in her third year, riding it out until her final year. It was the one thing she was actually serious about, showing up to the Pitch every single day, hangover or no hangover, and pushing herself and the team for nothing but perfection. It was the one constant in her entire academic career, despite the fact that her tutors had definitely done their job well enough to make sure her grades were still up to par, it was the one thing that offered her any kind of future aside from partying every single night, spending her family fortune, and dying an early death. Quidditch forced her not to go too far, to make sure she still had something she should be prepared for. It was her heart and soul, something that made her trainwreck of a lifestyle better by heaps. It was no surprise she was scouted by the Montrose Magpies during one of her final matches and joined the team fresh out of school.
Her career forced her to make sure she had her life a little more under control, to make sure she had some semblance of restraint, to make sure she passed her drug tests, but mostly, to make sure she did not lose this beautiful opportunity. To make sure she was not going to lose out on her life’s dream. And then, of course, there was the other thing. A war, raging all around. It followed her around wherever she went, and though her parents allied with the Death Eaters ( even though they were too cowardly to be more than just supporters ) she did not, actually, give a shit. She agrees somewhat with the Death Eater philosophy, largely based on her upbringing and circle of friends, but Emma does not feel strong enough either way to join the fight — and she frequently quips that the only side she’ll ever stand on is her own. But when it’s happening all around her, with the battles that happen in the street, and wixen being carted off to Azkaban every single day, for how long? How long until she has to pick a side, pick up arms and leave her problematic but comfortable little life?
She tries not to think about it. Emma Vanity has better things to do.
Changes/Extra Info:
I was wondering if you would be okay with having Emma as neutral for now? I could see her sort of being forced into joining the Death Eaters later on as she has to make the choice or be considered kind of a blood traitor — but I feel like she very much prizes her neutrality and doesn’t actually care much for the war aside from what it can do for her. If this is not okay, I can make adjustments to her info as well.
Para Sample:
The biting cold was stinging her cheeks, but Emma could not bring herself to lower her broom to where the air was less frigid. Flying was the only thing that ever cleared her mind — aside from drinking, which seemed a little too much for eleven in the morning — and being captain of the Magpies gained her the privilege to use their stadium Pitch at whatever time it convenienced her. She’d been up here for the last two hours, escaping her parental home, where she was feeling particularly stifled. Here, at least, the air felt clear, and so did her mind.
Her parents always did enjoy springing things on her during breakfast, the serene lands of the Vanity estate in the background, calm and gentle — until either she or they started screaming about whatever they’d decided for her, it was not often, her parents did truly love her in that sense, but whenever they made a decision like that, it was always final. This morning, it had not even gotten that far. Emma had stood up, and she had walked out. Not even the majordomo had been able to stop her from picking up her coat and walking right out of those ornate doors. His huff of indignation when she refused to close it behind her, at the very least, brought her some humor.
A betrothal! The thought still raged inside her, even after two hours of flying. How dare they?!She knew her family was traditional, but as her parents only child, as the girl who her grandmother and aunties all doted upon for years — she’d held hope. Maybe, she would be the exception, maybe her parents loved her just enough to let her make that choice for herself. Foolish, it seemed. She should have seen it as a choice; her parents would let her enjoy the “frivolities of that unladylike sport”, as they so liked to put it, as long as she went to the marriage altar without complaint. So, so foolish of her to believe there wouldn’t be a price.
Still, with her anger, a new feeling had set in as well — settling in her stomach like she’d just swallowed a heavy rock. Fear. What would she have to do, what would she have to become, could she just say no, and risk the consequences? What would happen to her when her parents, her friends, her entire community, turned their backs? Could she get him to break it off instead, so the consequences wouldn’t fall to her? The questions kept piling up, and as long as Emma flew, as much as she drank afterward — the answers just wouldn’t come.
0 notes
thebeatrp · 7 years
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@thebeatrp is excited to accept CC as @serveituparden (Arden Abrams), please be sure to follow the steps as listed on the New Member Checklist and welcome to McKinley University, we hope you’ll enjoy your time here!
about the character
name: Arden Juliet Abrams.
face claim: Danielle Panabaker.
family of origin & birth order: Abrams Family, Oldest (Fraternal twin).
age & birthday: Twenty-one, April 11th.
area of study: Journalism; she also works part-time at Antonio’s.
relationship status: Single.
gender & preferred pronouns: Female, She/Her.
sexual & romantic orientation: Heterosexual, Heteroromantic.
ships/antiships: Arden/Chemistry, Arden/No Chemistry, Females.
organizations & clubs: School Publications Team, Philanthropy Club.
sports teams: Volleyball and Tennis.
the beat user profile
the beat username: serveituparden.
short ‘about’ blurb: Arden Abrams; twenty-one, aspiring journalist and retro gamer. A beast at volleyball and tennis. Don’t be fooled by this smile– I have a mean serve on both courts.
favorite quote: “Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind - or forgotten.”
networking goals: To keep in touch with friends and stay in the loop of the latest with them. Also for possible career connections.
recent updates:
Arden Abrams was tagged in a photo.
Arden Abrams replied Artie Abrams’ post.
Arden Abrams added a photo to her “Misc” album.
recent status’:
@serveituparden: Way to go Lady Titans! We wiped the court with their faces! #virtualhighfives #canttouchthis
@serveituparden: Being hours away from home sure makes me miss my mom’s cooking. So does burning my dinner. #quickroadtriphome?
Arden Abrams is: feeling invigorated. - Just finished a marathon, which means ice cream and Netflix tonight! #treatyoself
Arden really has no interest in the app or her ranking. She mostly uses it to communicate with her friends or establish connections for her journalism career. That being said, she wouldn’t be opposed to having a high score– after all, she is super competitive.
The Abrams family grew up in Charleston, West Virginia, just a good five hours away from campus. Originally Arden wasn’t sure where she wanted to attend school. While quite intelligent (though perhaps not on par with Artie), she had several options, including a volleyball scholarship. Arden has been protective of her younger twin since his accident. Their mom is pretty laid-back, which along with being the oldest (by a few minutes) has naturally brought the opposite trait from Arden. When she learned that Artie would be attending WMU, Arden applied and was accepted immediately. She isn’t sure whether he’s grateful or annoyed to have her following him off to college, but she feels much better knowing she’s close at hand if he needs her. However, she doesn’t limit him and is always motivating her brother to achieve anything he wants.
While she continues playing both volleyball and tennis at university and is one of the top female athletes on campus, Arden’s career goal is journalism. She hasn’t decided yet if she wants to be an editor, reporter or author, but figures that’s why she’s in school to study the area and figure it out.
When she isn’t acing her classes, playing games (be it sports or of the video game type– which she can thank her brother for) Arden spends much of her free time running marathons for disabilities. It stemmed from Artie’s, but she enjoys being active and especially for a good cause. By an extension, Arden is also in the philanthropy club at McKinley.
For the most part, Arden is a bit of a quirky, free spirit save from her over-protectiveness. Like most of the Abrams, she sometimes has a tendency to be a little blunt. She wouldn’t call herself rebellious, exactly, but she’s usually open to trying new things.
Arden works part-time at Antonio’s; the arcade games and pizza instantly reeled her in.
Family is extremely important to Arden, and she misses her parents. Thankfully, it’s not too far of a trip back home if she’s hankering for one.
ooc information
name/alias: CC.
age: 29.
timezone: CST.
preferred pronouns: She/Her.
expected activity level: I work part-time, but am typically on daily. I’m especially active at night and on the weekends.
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