#(ooc: i'll tag more detailed art posts with the character tags as such!!)
yoshizawaviolet · 2 months
how do you feel hanging out with that delinquent Akira.
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i feel like it's rather hard to get on senpai's bad side though, so if you did, you must have done something pretty unforgivable....
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theheirofthesharingan · 6 months
Hello, may we know what are your thoughts about ita/saku
I dislike ItaS*ku. A lot. Detailed answer below the cut.
I don't understand this ship and it's the only Itachi ship that makes no sense and that I cannot tolerate. Everyone else he's shipped with acknowledged him in some way, understood him to some extent, and thematically they were compatible. Even if I see Itachi and Sasuke's relationship as perfectly, strictly platonic, I understand why people see the potential for more in them and why they want to explore this in their fics or art. It's the same with ShiIta and KisaIta and the rarepairs like KakaIta and ItaDei. But ItaS*ku is a pairing that makes zero sense to me.
Itachi is perceptive, thoughtful, puts his own needs aside, takes up the responsibility when he does wrong and tries to change his approach, doesn't need and ask for other people's help, and has self-respect. Sakura is the complete opposite but in a bad way. She isn't perspective, is selfish, her own needs come first - the world can go to hell, and has no self-respect. They aren't a match in any way. Their "polar opposite" isn't endearing under any circumstances.
She has a "girlboss" like personality or that's how she's presented. She's badass, a quick learner, strong, powerful etc., but she's not compatible with Itachi just for those reasons. To make them work as a ship, Sakura's characterization would have to change enormously. She'd have to be completely ooc for that.
In canon too, she saw Sasuke change his mind about Itachi, and while Naruto and Kakashi at least acknowledged it, Sakura never bothered to know about the truth. He, too, never acknowledged her presence except for a scene in one of the movies. In canon, never. She was nonexistent to him and he was just Sasuke's enemy to her. Why would I really ship them together.
With Itachi's other ships there's love, understanding, and compassion, and/or at least some thematic relevance which Ita/Saku entirely lacks. It's not the case of 'she's too good for Itachi' as many of her fans want to claim in regards to both Itachi and Sasuke. She's not a bad character and I like her, but ItaS*ku doesn't work as a ship.
I'll be tagging this post properly, so if anyone comes here with flaming response they'll be blocked. In case you read it this far, feel free to ignore if you ship these two characters or are a Sakura fan.
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{ this post is entirely ooc }
Hello there! Welcome to this Roleplay Blog out of a million however you might have gotten here. First, something important to get out of the way before getting into the actual intro info:
i am not part nor affiliated with the official BOGGIO team, personally being just a fan of the game / characters, and therefore nothing of which I say or do here should be taken as canon, this is simply a roleplay / parody account of one of their / PHIGHTING!'s characters. I can't possibly know every single detail about, well, anything and will very likely mess things up especially since I don't have a twitter and therefore can't exactly access any twitter posts made about phighting lore and such unless it's directly shared with me. Most of what's here is either taken by Soda's tumblr QnA, the Official Phighting Wiki ( the fandom.com one is outdated ) or my own personal Headcanons.
If you're still here and would like to continue reading this intro then without further ado lets get onto it ( click readmore )
( this is going to be a very long post )
This is primarily just another silly little RP / Ask / Parody Blog for Medkit from the game PHIGHTING! on Roblox. I'm not exactly the best roleplayer however and might possibly get a tad out of character from time to time if I'm not careful, which I do apologize if that ends up happening.
It might also take me a while to answer and respond to stuff due to the fact that I tend to like to think for a good while before deciding to do so ( or i might just straight up forget / get distracted in which case you are welcome to direct my attention back to it ).
I'll likely also send in some Roblox screenshots and such both IC and OOC. ( with something to differentiate which is which of course )
Although my art's not exactly the best I will likely try to respond with a simple doodle or drawing from time to time because well it's fun to do and I feel that it could make some things seem more interesting and such. :)
Most of the drawings and SS's here are simply my own but I will make sure to provide credits and such if I use someone else's stuff for my own purposes of course!!
Aslong as you aren't NSFW ( gore / graphic stuff is fine by me but will be tagged just incase anyone else isn't fine with it or is made uncomfortable by it ), Racist, Transphobic, Homophobic, A proshipper / comshipper, abelist, aphobic, zionist or otherwise just not really that good then I'm completely open to interactions most of the time! If I don't answer right away then I'm probably busy / distracted but I will try to get to it as fast as I can when I do notice it. I don't mind AU or OC interactions but try to let me know the context behind relationships and such beforehand!
I am relatively fine with shipping aslong as it, yknow, isn't bad, forced or a proship / comship or anything but due to personal preference and the fact that I do headcanon Medkit as Demiromantic I would prefer to take it slow at first atleast. I might also ask for reasoning though that's just out of curiosity if it's something I'm not familiar with.
The Mod / Blog Runner doesn't exactly take things too seriously most of the time and swears a lot so that'll probably reflect in OOC posts. I have pretty bad bad grammar / English aswell so if there's any particularly bad mistakes do make sure to point them out so I can fix them.
Not sharing the main blog for the time being but if you do recognize me then.. Hiiiii!
All in all, I am looking forward to interacting with this community and seeing what happens! :D
Pronouns for Medkit - He / Him
Pronouns for Mod / Blog Runner - He / It / They / Xe
Do take in account that due to the nature and backstory of the character that this blog revolves around it will likely touch on some topics of extreme violence or atleast the aftermath of said violence, PTSD, Paranoia and Cults / Cult Life.
All of the above will atleast have an attempt to be properly tagged whenever directly mentioned / brought up. Please do let me know if I miss anything or need to use different / more tags.
More will be added to this if seen fit
Although for most of these I either have personal experience and / or tried to do excessive research about please do also let me know if I can do / portray something better!
Normal Text in any way -> OOC
Chat + Italics -> Narration / Actions
" Green Chat in Quotations " -> Speech [ Italic Green Chat in square brackets ] -> Thoughts
Bold text in any of these likely just means that it's important or atleast that it should be a focus point. Small text will likely be less important or whispering / mumbling / in a quieter tone of voice depending on the context.
Will add more if needed
Suit / Main Reference made by myself.
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If text too hard to or unable to read due to coloring here's the text left -> right, top -> bottom
Long Fur + Fands due 2 being blackrock born demon
Long, long-furred tail
Other than longer fangs nothing too remarkable about mouth
he / him under a transmasculine flag
Small Holes in gloves allowing unsheathed claws to stick out
Due to his current circumstances Medkit probably isn't really looking for love or a romantic relationship in the first place, nor would he probably be able to completely trust anyone viable for that position to get close enough or those feelings at the moment. That doesn't exactly mean he CAN'T but it's very unlikely.
Probably tired most of the time and all the caffeine from the coffee probably isn't helping. And back pain. Can't forget the back pain. This dude literally sleeps on a desk i cant imagine how that back feels.
Medkit usually doesn't let anyone other than the people he trusts on his blindspot / left side while idle and able just so that he can keep an eye on what's going on, frequently preferring to have that side closer to walls and other obstructions otherwise. Also likely so that he knows that someone would be watching on that side while he can't.
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ut-scatteredextension · 4 months
On a scale of 1-10 how DETERMINED are you?
Gonna answer this one ooc so I can go into more detail!
So, I'll rank Frisk (though they aren't relevant anymore) and Trace at a 10! They're the red-SOULed humans and the player-controlled characters. And logically, when they were a kid living with the Dreemurrs, Chara probably would have been here too? But maybe they didn't actually know they had RESET powers?
The Amalgamates I'll maybe put at a 5? They feel like a good marker for a midpoint. I guess realistically they probably would have more than that, but regardless, they don't get control over the timeline (maybe they don't have the focus required to perform a RESET? Or maybe each individual Amalgamate's level of Determination is too similar to those of the others that they all cancel each other out. Either way, if the Amalgamates are the most Determined beings in the Underground, then time just proceeds as normal). Do they remember RESETs? If so, I don't think anyone around them would notice. ...That could be interesting though, actually, so I'm gonna say Yes. ...Maybe. I think it would be neat if they could react to the player's/Trace's past actions (e.g. act fearful around you if you killed a lot of monsters on a past run, even if your current playthrough has been entirely Pacifist), but I haven't given much thought to how that would impact Papyrus since I'm only just considering the idea now dgshshf.
Undyne, then, would be at 4, as the monster with the most Determination in the Underground (not counting the Amalgamates), and probably at or very close to the limit a monster can have before their body starts to break down.
Flowey was somewhere around a 9? Far more than anyone else in the Underground, but not enough to rival a red-SOULed human without getting extra Determination from absorbing other human SOULs.
Papyrus, as Scraps, is somewhere around a 7 or 8! As I've mentioned in the tags of a past art post, he does have less Determination than Flowey did! Mainly because more of it was available when Flowey was created. But, since Flowey was killed by Frisk before they left, Paps still has enough Determination to control the timeline, at least until Trace falls into the Underground. As a skeleton monster, he had... Maybe slightly above average amounts of Determination for a monster? Somewhere around a 2 or 3?
By the start of Scattered Extension's "game", Chara's Determination level is... Around a 6? Maybe a 7? They do remember reset timelines perfectly, but they don't have any control over it anymore. Prior to Papyrus being revived, though, their Determination was higher—at least a 7, but maybe not quite an 8?
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sirenetica · 7 months
Good evening my best mutual in the worl, if you're willing to explain (in as much grueling detail as possible) how you put together your tagging system I would lomve to get a degree in tumblr tagging school.
Warm regards, xx
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Omg hello fun friend mutual diescm
I dont necessarily have a tagging system on my main, so I'll go out on a limb here and say you're talking about my fantroll sideblogs (hey @alternianavenues plug) system! Which i DO have and i CAN explain!!
Under the cut for people who aren't interested!
Seriously, i just look at what i think would be important for Me, but could also benefit someone who may get Lost. I have a Reference Tab, for all my oc References, the Character tags, which is just their name where i post whatever fits (art, writing, music, etc) for them minus aesthetics, and Character (Aesthetic) tags, which is just for characters Aesthetics or memes i relate to them.
And with those, ive also got an ooc tag, so people can hide it if they dont want any of my silly non troll commentary, and a suggestive tag (though, at the point of writing this post, has not served its purpose) in case of emergencies /lh
In total-
Reference Tag
Oc Name Tag
Oc Aesthetic Tag
Suggestive Tag
OOC tag
These are important to Me because i like to look at things based on their Type! Ie, if i want to look at Only my ocs references, i want a tag i can scroll through to see them. You dont have to do these of course, and you can do them if you'd like! My biggest suggestion is as stated above-
Only organize what will help Your Brain, because you dont want Too Many Tags, or Too Little, because then you'll be back at square one where things will (in my opinion) feel disorganized and cluttered :(*
*this is not my opinion about other blogs, just mine! I like to put my stuff in shelves so to speak.
Your blog is, of course, Your Blog! You gotta love it, and you got to show you love it. You gotta become its number one fan more than anyone else. Doing so, others will follow!
Sincerest Regards and Warm Sunsets,
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cog-go-boom · 11 months
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sup y'all gamers alike - i'm FROSTBITE THE BAT and this is my blog!! thought i'd make one to spare some time n all LOL. you can ask me things, and i KNOW you want to !! (can't help but want to, considering my sheer amount of swag)
so ask away, i will happily answer. fair warning though: if you're annoying i will bite you, if you're mollymawk i will bite you, if you're graham i will bite you. brian DNI i know where you live
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to the LESS INFORMED about who I AM lemme introduce myself real quick. SO, AGAIN, i'm FROSTBITE THE BAT but you my friends can call me the creature that haunts the corner of your eyes. I LOVE EXPLOSIVES. COG GO BOOM. COG GO BOOM. COG GO B
you may see me around sellbot hq. i chill there with cathal and spam usually - but to the cooler ones of you, you might've seen me on high roller's high roller. like the WHOLE ASS co-host. i'm cool like that. and to the LAST group of people who may recognize me - i'm the guy behind the desk at pace place. always working hard so deserving of a raise (wink wink nudge nudge pace please i want a raise) (playing flash games takes energy dude give me a raise i will explode)
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[[OOC:]] Hi! This is the ask / RP blog for Frostbite The Bat, my TTCC sona! If you want to talk to me, and not the character, speak to me at my Toontown blog (@cathalbravecog) or my main, (@frostbite-the-bat).
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Frostbite will reblog art from me and fanart from others, and other things they may like and want to reblog - so you may see some of that! This is not only an askblog for them - this is THEIR blog.
Also, Frostbite will not go out of their way to interact with somebody unless I know the person behind it personally. You always must interact with them first! This is because, as stated on my Toon blog, I don't go out of my way to interact with people first in general. So you won't see them initiating conversations with other ask/RP blogs.
While staying close to canon - Frostbite still has their own "canon" tied to my and my friend's lores and other silly things around our Toons. Other people's Toons and THEIR relationships with other Toons and the Cogs will be mentioned, so that's a heads-up in-case Frostbite ever mentions, for example, Mole's relationship with Graham and Flint.
ALSO!!! Toontown is kid friendly, however this blog is not! Frostbite WILL swear A LOT and crude-ish jokes are not completely off the table. And btw, yes, Frostbite IS a cog. They're not the most consistent with if they want to hide that on this blog or not.
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Rules are a subject to change!
Sillyness is encouraged! But please try and be respectful, don't bring personal things and discourse into this - RP stuff is okay! Frost has beef with other characters, some that goes deeper than it seems. But also keep in mind Frostbite can be a rather rude character.
Frost will reply with just text, reaction images, doodles, re-used pieces of art, and brand new pieces of art from time to time! Please do not ask them things in hopes of getting your response drawn. It depends on what I think is funny to reply with and if I'm in the mood to draw.
If I don't answer your ask, please don't spam it to me again. I either ignored it for a good reason - or I am working on a more detailed response!
Again, be respectful and mindful of boundaries I or Frostbite may set. As long as I don't make a statement, though, feel free to annoy them a little bit, it's funny. If a line's crossed I'll let 'ya know!
NEW RULE!! After some thought, magic anons are no longer allowed! You can still give things and throw pianos at Frost, but changes for a certain amount of asks are not allowed anymore - for my own well-being since this is for fun, and having M!A's makes me want to draw for every ask received, even when not needed.
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Regular outfit
HR Show fit (Anytime this is used, I'll use the [HR Show Fit] tag!
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reindeer-dad · 2 years
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I posted 931 times in 2022
That's 637 more posts than 2021!
467 posts created (50%)
464 posts reblogged (50%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 931 of my posts in 2022
#reindeer dad [ ic ] - 190 posts
#out of cookies [ ooc ] - 165 posts
#grey guy [ anons interact ] - 142 posts
#the real deals better! [ fanart ] - 108 posts
#reindeer games [ ic memes answered ] - 97 posts
#big guy [ asgore ] - 85 posts
#tough on everything [ guest muse mrs holiday ] - 79 posts
#youngest softest doe [ noelle ] - 79 posts
#beast and beast [ asgore/rudy ] - 71 posts
#huds speaks [ ooc memes answered ] - 70 posts
Longest Tag: 129 characters
#the fact that this art and this headcanon dropped while i was planning my response to carols real thoughts about the dreemurrs...
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Happy Friday!
Here, have the unedited art I made of Rudy being distracted by Asgore’s barrel chest. Can’t blame him.
14 notes - Posted March 25, 2022
Mrs Holiday, can you share your thoughts about the Dreemurs?
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See the full post
15 notes - Posted February 22, 2022
@roleplayersoul​   (continued from here)
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“Give a little look, do a little shimmy, wiggle them hips. Or, ya know -- take it easy and just hang around shirtless." Rudy’s wide, toothy smile was infectious, his fluffy little tail in full swing. "Can’t go wrong with me as your audience, big guy. I'm not a picky man!" The mood was light, which he preferred. As a lover, Rudy liked keeping things on the playful side. Carefree laughter was a sign of comfort, and he would respond to his partner with plenty of touches and attentiveness.
Rudy looked at the fluffy paw that fell onto his hand. He drew his gaze upward. Powerful arms that would appear intimidating to somebody who was a stranger to Asgore. White ears peaking from cascades of blonde hair like boulders cutting through the cliff of a waterfall. Soft creases collecting on the corners of his mouth and eyes whenever he laughed and smiled. They say that a loved one is 1000 tiny details combined into one person. Rudy must have seen them hundreds of times over the years. But now, those tiny details affected him differently. He was drawn to them, filling him with a desire of wanting to bring himself as close to Asgore as possible.
...there was no doubt in Rudy’s mind that he was very much in love with his dearest friend.
Gorey had found his way to become a parental figure to his daughters and practically a husband to Rudy. All the hugs, those nuzzles, the hand-holdings. Finding themselves comfortably snuggled against each other at night. It wasn’t just friendly tenderness anymore - it meant something, right? What they had was so special, it was more important than any physical desire he had.
But God damnit, Rudy wanted this. Sure, the ol’ reindeer wasn't shy. But the years afforded him to be wise enough to not jeopardize an important relationship for a chance to roll in the sack.
He decided, then and there, that if Asgore showed any signs of pulling away, he’d retract, apologize, and never ever attempt to come onto his friend again.
Rudy’s hand remained under Asgore's paw. His smile softened as his free hand brushed along the side of the larger man's face. "You mean so much to me..." He spoke sincerely as Asgore’s soft eyes gazed at the shorter man. They were always - always - so full of warmth for him.
"Wouldn't do a thing to mess up what we have..." A simple, soft caress down the blonde beard, his thumb grazing over the creases of the other’s face.
Rudy’s hand found itself at the center of Asgore’s chest. He could swear Gorey’s heart was pounding under his palm. "Can't describe it...” His smile lifted playfully, now brushing his hand in short strokes. "...but I ain't pullin' out a dictionary for something I can just show you...”
17 notes - Posted June 8, 2022
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It's here...
I'll upload individual, higher quality pictures tomorrow (this picture is terribly compressed...)! Thanks, that was fun!
Berdly, having a feather-ruffling day - @inquireanerdyberd Undertale Asgore, AKA "Papa Gorey" - @roleplayersoul "Oops-I-created-a-Dark-Fountain" Kris - @klairdelune Holiday Blues Dark World Rudy, Hammer of Justice Nails - @deltaruneholidayblues Jaded!Ralsei, ready to stab yo ass - @princewithoutakingdom sans, sans-ing everywhere - @withoutcomedy
19 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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@roleplayersoul​‘s Asgore offering you some fruitcake for the 150 Follows Special. His extra-squishiness was inspired by @mooniimystic‘s fanart. Stitching the sweater pattern onto the picture was a pain in the ass, but it was 100% worth it!
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Deer and goat. Asgorudy. ASGORUDY!
19 notes - Posted May 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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the-players-arcade · 2 years
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I posted 55 times in 2022
32 posts created (58%)
23 posts reblogged (42%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 50 of my posts in 2022
Only 9% of my posts had no tags
#rp - 25 posts
#mors est semper: death - 16 posts
#theplayer(ooc) - 10 posts
#more than a weapon: faith - 9 posts
#strikers-saloon - 9 posts
#the player(ooc) - 5 posts
#valorxdrive - 5 posts
#art - 4 posts
#ask - 3 posts
#crabs - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#(and i don't fully have the confidence in writing a trans character cause i'm afraid i'll write them in a way that might upset people.)
My Top Posts in 2022:
help there’s too many crabs oh god.
i clicked for 1,000 crabs i. really should’ve have I cant even see what i’m typing.
the website cannot handle this many crabs.
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3 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
A Peek:
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This is Faith. The new muse i’ve been working on. Like I said, i’m still not done with her Backstory, so the only thing available on her page right now is a Summary, and a link to some Extra Details I included.
Honestly I am excited about putting so much effort into her. I feel really good about this.
3 notes - Posted March 7, 2022
“Ya know... I think I missed this look.”
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(Commissioned from @noblevicartstudio08​ !)
3 notes - Posted October 18, 2022
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Oh shit, I forgot to upload this. Oops. I uh, tried drawing Death in the style of Faith: The Unholy Trinity. Sorry if it doesn’t look that good.
Edit: Decided to do a bit of a touchup with the picture to make it look better! I admit the more I look at it the more I realize I did a good job.
5 notes - Posted November 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Continued from Here! @valorxdrive
She tenses up slightly as that golden color lights up the area around her, looking for the source of it as the beam of light suddenly appears in front of her, the grip she had on her Keyblade tightening as she quickly pockets the small device she was holding. The aura was comforting, strengthening even, but she still felt slightly on edge. An old instinct, to be cautious of the Light.
And then she hears his voice, seeing the vague form of a person begin to show through the light as it diminished around him. Complimenting her for how well she fought. She watches as the light evaporates and he fully forms, first taking notice of his friendly demeanor, which manages to put her at ease, letting her Keyblade dissipate from her hand for now. He had certainly gotten across that he was different as well, in his own way. Though she couldn’t help but feel a bit surprised that he didn’t seem to react to the fact that she and the Heartless she fought looked similar to eachother.
“I uh, just happened to be in the neighborhood.” She replies, a hint of nervousness in her voice as she rests her hands in the pockets of her cloak. Truth was that it wasn’t just coincidence that she happened to be here to fight off Heartless. It might be easy for Sora to pick up on the fact she wasn’t telling him the truth, as she didn’t have a lot of experience with lying.
She can’t help but look around once more, making sure there weren’t any other Heartless in the vicinity. “...Your Heart’s like a lighthouse with how much Light is in it, by the way. I can sense it just by standing in front of you.” She admits, before turning to face him once more. “I’m Faith. Who are you?” She asks, offering a hand for him to shake.
6 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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askwalmartniko · 7 months
"info, rules, etc." — ooc 1
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hello, and thank you so much for stopping by this blog. at first, i was inspired by the retailwatch overwatch rp blogs from years back, so i decided to make a semi-serious one with niko.
as much as this does follow a rather silly baseline with its plot, there are deeper themes that include major spoilers for the game's endings, with inspo with the freeware and remake vers. though, both interactions (in serious or lighthearted nature) are both welcomed.
i'll explain more under the cut, but my main acc is @burdening-light !
entry masterlist
updated concept art
characters you can ask thus far are niko, niko's mom (hazel), and niko's dad (ed)!
what is this blog about?
it details with niko's life as a 16-year-old. they work at walmart to support their family in the city while juggling their highschool courses and hobbies. i do not plan on drawing a whole lot, as i prefer to express more of my thoughts through writing.
what au is this?
this is set after the ending where niko breaks the lightbulb to return home. when they were 13, they moved to the city due to their father needing to stay there for better job proposals. they have repressed the memories of being "the messiah", but once as they start to age and understand more about the situation that they were in, it has affected them too much already.
what is the theme of this blog?
i say "semi-serious" because this is a silly idea, but taken seriously. i will shitpost here and there, but i am comfortable with elaborating on deeper themes such as trauma, coping mechanisms, and simply talking more about growing up while dealing with it all. i'm somewhat projecting onto niko here, but i want this to be someplace safe to discuss these topics.
however, i will do my best to tag these posts accordingly and provide proper trigger warnings if need be.
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concept art i have of them so far is here. they go by they/them, as they are most comfortable with that set, and go to a public high school in a city. throughout their life, they seemed to repress their memories and never really seemed to stop and think about what happened back when they were just 8; as they were just so happy to see their family again.
now, with more time, it seemed to have made them think. fortunately enough for them, they are able to distract themselves, as they are part of an art club at the school and work at walmart as a stocker. they decided to make a social media account to really give them something else to do, in the meanwhile.
they are a big fan of drawing, and especially playing games; and can be rather competitive at times. they're into internet culture as well, but haven't interacted as much until now.
niko adores their mom very much, but hates how they seem to not have that much time to hang out. they make food for their neighbours in their apartment complex, but it just doesn't feel the same sometimes. niko's dad is out and about, but they're still on good times; it's just hard to communicate between the two.
other than that, they're leading a rather mediocre life. they are still optimistic and try to be real and grounded with it, since they were raised by their mom; no less. but, it still comes naturally for them to act with integrity, but it feels as if they are trying to prove something to themselves.
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rules about asks/interactions
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really, i'm fine with anything. as long as it is sfw, i'll do my best to respond. however, i am busy with things irl too, but i'll get to it as soon as possible.
if you want to address the owner, call me fruity or valérie, please!
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#on the clock — 💡 = in-character (niko)
#— 🌾 (niko's mom/hazel) #— ⌨️ (niko's dad/ed)
#on break — 🥞 = ooc
#— ❕ = potential tw
#— 🧇 = silly/lighthearted post
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afraidparade · 3 years
pinned post/FAQ (please read!) 📍
hi, my name is cas (he/they, 24) and this is my g/t art blog. i draw silly guys of various sizes :-)
this blog may contain mature themes that some audiences may not feel comfortable with. i do not enforce any follower restrictions at this time, however please keep in mind i do draw/write my OCs in nsfw scenarios (these will not be posted on tumblr) so if that makes you uncomfortable then i recommend not interacting.
PLEASE DO NOT REPOST MY ART, regardless of if you credit me or not! the exceptions to this are if the art was drawn for you (gift/commission) or for use as pfps/icons, i'm fine with that.
asks & anon will always be open! in truth i'll only respond to the ones that interest me / the ones i have time for, so please don't send the same ask more than once if i don't get to yours
fanart is A-OK! you only need to DM first if it seems like something that may be OOC (out of character) for any of my OCs, or if you're planning on making a NSFW piece so i can make sure it's nothing i'm uncomfortable with.
i’m okay with you making your own OCs in my OC universes! though by doing so you acknowledge that your content will never be considered “canon” within my own, nor will it have any sway on me or my characters (sorry if this sounds harsh, i’ve had bad experiences with this). while you are welcome to draw our characters interacting, i ask that you don’t do so too often and to please refer to the above guidelines for fanart.
I DO NOT CONSENT TO ANY OF MY WORK BEING USED IN ANY FORM OF GENERATIVE AI! this absolutely includes character.ai! seriously, please do not do this!
LUKA & FAUST: the story of a demon who misjudged the scale of our world compared to his own, and the human that ended up taking care of him ratings: romantically confused roommates, slice of life with some plot, lots of fluff main tag: #lufa AU tags: #fantasy au (mage luka/familiar faust) #mer au (whale shark luka/piranha faust)
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THEO & PAZU: the story of a man descended from world-class exorcists desperately striving for a normal life, and the massive ghost set on tormenting him ratings: non-romantic and borderline parasitic relationship, whump, developing lore main tag: #ghoststories (link to detailed lore post) AU tags: #exorcist au (pazu and theo are both humans and exorcists) #ghostswap au (human pazu/ghost theo) #coworker au (tiny theo/giant gabriel)
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AVERY & ROBIN + LAM: the story of a ghost who lost everything, and the two oblivious idiots that now reside in the house he haunts ratings: complicated relationship with lots of misunderstandings, goofy slice of life, giants unaware of tiny, spinoff of ghoststories main tag: #itsybitsyghost
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for individual ocs: #oc: [name]
for writing/fics: #writingtag
for anything plot/lore related: #lore
fanart: #fanart
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ciphers-crypt · 2 years
[A Bill Cipher kinnie aesthetic blog. Feel free to send asks and I'll respond in character!]
[More below the cut:]
△ Pro-ship (especially pines//cest and bill//dip, or if you ship Bill with any minors) △ Truscum/transmed △ LGBTQ+ exclusionist/gatekeeper (including but not limited to: anti-nonbinary, anti-ace/aro, anti-mspec lesbians/gays, and many more. basically just be cool) △ Anti-kin, and/or pro-factkin
△ Anti-endogenic systems
△ TERFs/SWERFs △ Racist
ABOUT ME: △ I post a lot of horror content, be warned! Body horror, gore, unreality, etc. △ The mod is a nonbinary adult, you're free to use they/them for me. I'm not likely to post much OOC here, but will if necessary, so don't be afraid to ask if you've got questions for Me specifically △ Bill Cipher here is Also nonbinary - you're free to refer to me-as-Bill with he/him, it/its, and xe/xir. Those are my preferences, but I'm always looking for new pronouns, so if you have neopronouns you think would fit for Bill, feel free to try em out. Bill isn't extremely concerned with what people call him. △ In our post-canon, Sixer resurrected me as a human-ish entity that ended up living with him in the shack. We're gay and in love, you know how it goes. I run this blog as if it's during that time period. △ Bill Cipher is aware of the multiverse, including the one(s) where Gravity Falls is a cartoon. This is to say you're welcome to send asks referring to the show, or you can send asks in character as your kins or a resident of Gravity Falls, and I'll respond basically as if you're from an alternate universe.
OTHER: △ I'm not looking for canonmates, but if you'd like to meet my Sixer, he's @beneath-the-shack. △ Sourcemates and doubles are welcome to interact! △ My canon lines up with the show in most major ways, just with a bit more detail in my memories than what we see in the show. I feel like the show leaves a lot of details open to interpretation because of Bill's nature as a chronic liar, and so I've got details going on in my kin canon that aren't established in the show but could technically be canon there. Book of Bill is not canon for me - my post-show and backstory events are different. △ This blog ships Billford. My Ford and I are partners IRL.
CHARACTER TAGS: △ SIXER (Stanford Pines) △ SHINER (Stanley Pines) △ PINE TREE (Dipper Pines) △ SHOOTING STAR (Mabel Pines) △ QUESTION MARK (Jesús "Soos" Ramirez) △ CHILLER (Wendy Corduroy) △ STARSIGHT (Gideon Gleeful) △ SPECS (Fiddleford McGucket) △ ??? (Pacifica Northwest) (don't remember what i called her yet LOL) △ HEARTACHE (Robbie Valentino) △ TIMEPIECE (Blendin Blandin) All others tagged by name!
THEMES & SYMBOLS: △ ALL SEEING EYE △ EYES △ TRIANGLES △ DREAMS AND NIGHTMARES △ REMEMBERING AND FORGETTING △ LET'S MAKE A DEAL (deal making) △ ❔ (question marks - tagged like this so it doesn't get mixed in with soos' tag)
STORY: △ UNTIL THE END OF TIME (my relationship with fordsy 💛) △ THINGS CHANGE (angsty breakup period billford ]: ) △ THE WHOLE BEING DEAD THING (when I was dead!) △ WE'LL MEET AGAIN (post-canon!) △ HUMAN ENOUGH (guess who got a humanoid form!)
OTHER: △ CIPHER SPEAKS (Original text posts) △ CIPHER'S ART (I draw sometimes but only when it's funny) △ INTERACTIONS (In-character convo) △ BENEATH-THE-SHACK (my Sixer <3) △ MEMORIES (explicit discussion of kin memories) △ CIPHER'S SECRETS (codes and riddles and all kinds of clues!) △ CIPHER'S SOLUTIONS (the answers to said codes, blacklist if you don't want to see them! I won't usually post these myself, I like to leave the solving to you all) △ SIXER'S SECRETS (secrets, but the ones Sixer posts) △ SIXER'S SOLUTIONS (the solutions thereof!
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mxcorruption · 3 years
General: The usual no metagaming, godmodding and such. Muse ≠ Mun. Feel free to reblog art that's posted here/reblogged from my main, but do not reblog headcannon and ooc posts.
Blog: This is an independent and nonselective FGO-centric blog. AU, verse and OC friendly.
Writing: I range from one-liners to paragraphs, though it may depend on my time, energy and muse. Don't hesitate to turn an ask into a thread. Please specify which muse/muses would you like to interact or you'll end up with surprises. I'll occasionally write poems and drabbles about my muses.
Non-English writing: I am comfortable with writing in Tagalog, so feel free to write narrative and dialogue in it if you can and want to. French, Kapampangan and Italian on the other hand should be limited to dialogue only as I am less fluent with speaking and writing them unlike English and Tagalog. This may change in the future. English translations are optional.
Muses: A lot of the muse profiles are in posts, tagged muse profile (let me know if the link works ;-;). Visiting muses sometimes would have shorter descriptions of them.
Shipping: Multi-ship and not character-exclusive. If I do have any characters who are minors, please have them within 1-2 years age difference range when shipping.
NSFW: I will write sexual content of muses who are 18 and above but not muses who are 17 and below. Any writings that has sexual themes, violence, gore and/or major injuries will be tagged and placed under a read more tab.
Triggering content: I will not tone down my writings for anyone, however I will tag common triggers and any triggers that my mutuals have that I read with 'tw: _______' and may place them under a read more tab. Update: In light of staff adding community labels for mature content, I will start to label such content appropriately. If by chance you aren't able to see the response or rp opener for some reason, check your settings.
Mun triggers: I have trypanophobia and I will avoid detailed mentions and/or imagery of injection needles. I will also avoid your blog if your blog colors (especially on tumblr mobile) are straining to the eyes due to my hypersensitivity.
I'm Shade, Nostoc or Decose, 21 years old and my pronouns are he/him. I will try to respond as fast as possible but may take time to gather my brain cells to write something coherent. I am currently in college, so I could write during class, but please be patient if I don't respond immediately. Feel free to drop asks, DM me or hit me up on Discord (todsengel45) if you have questions about my muses. I am fluent in English and Tagalog and currently learning Kapampangan, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Russian and Japanese. I will try to add in Tagalog, Kapampangan, French or Italian in my writings aside from English depending on my muses' backgrounds as part of my learning process. My main is eclipsedshadowk. No, I can't eat puto seko without water.
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