#(of course these are mostly implied)
saltyspecs · 4 months
I've been thinking some binggeyuan Thoughts.
So, people usually write any binggeyuan as after the bingge vs bingmei extra which is super valid and narratively makes a lot of sense, but I've been thinking about dropping a bingge from earlier in the PIDW timeline into Shen Yuan's world. I'm talking like. Reverse transmigration straight from the abyss.
He finds Xin Mo, his seal gets fully broken, but instead of getting out of the abyss to get his revenge plans started he gets yeeted into modern day China, nothing but the clothes on his back and a system to guide him through it. He's bitter but he's also been fighting tooth and nail to survive for *checks watch* five years. He's like. 3/4 black lotus. Xin Mo hasn't quite had the time to sink its claws in.
I really do just have the mental image of Shen Yuan picking him up from out of an alley cause he looks like he got mugged. like a dirty kitten.
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kristybluebird · 5 months
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20 years later RGU
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totally-trans-island · 10 months
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Care for any more doodles?
(I was originally going to do these digitally, but I don’t have any energy right now.)
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meli-meliai · 2 months
I find it interesting how, out of all the boys so far in Blush Blush, Fuyu is the only one who has been directly implied to have killed a child through his genocide of the Summer Clan (as well as the highest kill count, most likely)
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alukardtheabysswalker · 2 months
I know his face was revealed in a dubious canon comic but it would be hilarious if Clark showed the titans a photo of what he looks like under the mask.
Beast Boy:"WHY IS HE HOT?"
Cyborg:"So he DOESN'T have the other eye, huh?"
Raven:"So he has white hair and tried to corrupt one of us? No wonder I hate him"
Starfire:"To think that such a young looking man could become such a bitter adult. Also why the swords"
Robin: *raises an eyebrow* "This was clearly years before I was even born, my father would never beat up such a teen"
The rest, in unison:"Wait, FATHER?"
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daz4i · 1 year
dude with that stage play pic + dazai holding chuuya's face in his crotch in dead apple etc i really think we're gonna get them sucking and fucking at some point (in the most implied, vague way possible) but at that point we're just gonna be like "aight cool" like not even care much bc it was so obvious it was gonna happen at some point.
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vickyvicarious · 1 year
Yes while Victor DID dream of kissing his cousin on the lips, when awake he doesn't seem to be maintaining this kind of romantic feelings that much. Maybe partly due to this being said in retrospect, or maybe because he doesn't really see her as a romantic partner. I haven't read many books with romance in them lately to compare (been reading Moby Dick, 20k Leagues, Jekyll And Hyde) but comparing the, contrary to popular belief, evident attraction between Jonathan and Mina, or between Marcus and Cosette (though in a different context) it reads are less romantic to me.
To be honest, I forgot about any such scene. So I looked it up, and, well...
At length lassitude succeeded to the tumult I had before endured; and I threw myself on the bed in my clothes, endeavouring to seek a few moments of forgetfulness. But it was in vain: I slept indeed, but I was disturbed by the wildest dreams. I thought I saw Elizabeth, in the bloom of health, walking in the streets of Ingolstadt. Delighted and surprised, I embraced her; but as I imprinted the first kiss on her lips, they became livid with the hue of death; her features appeared to change, and I thought that I held the corpse of my dead mother in my arms; a shroud enveloped her form, and I saw the grave-worms crawling in the folds of the flannel.
Yeah, there's a reason this scene didn't stick in my memory as 'Victor dreams about kissing Elizabeth' so much as 'Victor has pretty revealing nightmares about the things on his mind'. This kiss doesn't seem romantic to me at all.
Elizabeth is very clearly overlapping his mother here - quite literally, she turns into her. I think that points to a couple things.
First, Elizabeth greeted with a first kiss = Victor meeting his mother's final wishes (on her deathbed some of the final words were that she had always hoped to be made happy by seeing Victor and Elizabeth married).
And yet his kiss is the kiss of death, killing her = reflecting Victor's horror over what he's done, the Creature he created being something monstrous to his eyes (also foreshadowing how his relationship to her will put her in danger along with his other loved ones, but that's meta knowing how things with him and the Creature turn out)
Elizabeth becomes his mother's corpse as she dies = again the preoccupation with his mother. One of his stated goals was to eventually master bringing back the dead, and he embarked on this study not long after her death, so the link there feels pretty easy to make for me. After his 'failure' to make the beautiful human he imagined this now seems out of his reach too, and he's still grieving.
He wakes up shuddering and then Creature is looming over him... it all ties in much more to his feelings about what he has just done than his feelings about/for Elizabeth, in my eyes. The happy impulse doesn't read to me like genuine romantic feelings but more just the idea of a happier reality (the one his mother longed for).
I mean, Frankenstein is definitely not a romance, but neither are Dracula and Les Miserables. But they feature a romantic relationship, whereas in my opinion the role of Elizabeth and Victor's relationship is much more bound up in ideals and expectations and familial love than anything romantic.
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nebulouscoffee · 1 year
That scene between Tuvok and B'Elanna from 'Resistance' wrecks me actually... It's such a great moment for both characters (and actors, Tim Russ is SO underrated ugh) which highlights the differences between the two of them so well- yet, ultimately shows that under certain circumstances (in this case, torture) the distinctions between people... don't really matter. In an episode full of political violence, this moment is so significant, and I don't even really think I have the smarts to articulate why but I'll try lol.
TORRES: We told you already. We don't know anything about the Resistance.  AUGRIS: I've heard that many times, from many people. Take him.  (The forcefield is lowered, and Torres grabs the guard that steps through.)  TUVOK: Lieutenant, stop! That will not help either of us.  AUGRIS: He's right.
Everything about the way this scene (and the final shot where she's shoved back into her seat) is framed makes B'Elanna appear small, helpless- and embarrassed at her own helplessness- in that cell. We see her fidgeting, unable to sit down, constantly trying to break out or improvise her way out of the situation (she gets electrocuted earlier while trying to tamper with the circuitry)- it makes me wonder whether Tuvok was chosen to be tortured not because they believed he was more likely to have information, but because B'Elanna was more likely to be demoralised watching helplessly as he's dragged off. Augris's line implies that he's "broken" a great many people in the past; a tactic to instil fear and a helpless sense of inevitability in them both (torture doesn't work as a reliable way of extracting information; this is stated in dialogue in other Trek episodes such as 'Chain of Command' so the assertion here is at least not that- but what it does do is demoralise the public involved in resistances like this one.)
Later, B'Elanna is still trying to escape (do the guards know she's doing this? Are they just not intervening?) and she hears him screaming. Tuvok is someone who considers letting others witness him lose control over his exterior a huge (indecent, violating, humiliating) vulnerability, and the fact that he's the one being tortured is Not Insignificant in this context but like- it could've been the other way round. And B'Elanna knows that. It could've been her, and perhaps a small, scared part of her is relieved that it wasn't her, which is an awful way to feel (and if there's one thing B'Elanna hates, it's feeling like a coward). Also- the sheer violation of this, for B'Elanna to have witnessed him in this state, against her will- to later see him bloodied and weakened and flung in a cell, to have heard him screaming in pain- without his consent, knowing she can never un-witness it, knowing it wasn't her fault but still being put in such a situation where she has now played that role... Does this experience forcibly rewrite their respective conceptualisations of each other? Was Tuvok even thinking of her- somewhere outside, listening, worrying, blaming herself, fearing for herself, feeling ashamed, feeling so aware of him and her and the shared humiliation of this- when he was in there? Did seeing her upon coming back out change things? Could it ever change things? Did her presence, even as an outsider, whose memories of this event will always be (visually, at least) the constructs of her imagination- somehow make what happened in there real? Does her role as witness- and her memory thereby carrying some sort of legitimisation of what happened to him now, however warped and coloured by her own perspective and fears and embarrassment- make things better for Tuvok? Does it make things worse? Would he rather have endured this in secret? Would it have been better if she were a total stranger? Would it have been worse? And does any of this even matter when, for a moment, your life (your personhood, your goals, your presence) was completely reduced to what you "must endure"?
AUGRIS: We don't have to ask your friend any more questions, if you give us the answers.  TORRES: I told you I don't.  (Torres stops herself from hitting Augris, who leaves.)  TORRES: I'm sorry. I guess I always assumed that Vulcans didn't feel pain like the rest of us. That you were able to block it out somehow. Until I heard. Was that you I heard?
And the way B'Elanna's voice breaks when she asks this, as if she was still somehow hoping the answer would be no... There are complexities to this which again I don't feel like I'm smart enough to articulate, but like- yes, B'Elanna would like to hear that it wasn't him because that would mean her friend wasn't tortured "that badly", he wasn't put through "enough pain" to scream that way, and it's easier and more comfortable to think of violence (and violation) as something you can rank on a scale, and the lower on it Tuvok's experience ranks, the better! the more easy it will be for them to "move past" this! - but also, there's this element of "I want the answer to be no because that would mean I would not have been a participant in your humiliation, just some stranger's whose voice I don't have a face to put to, which is much better than having to know what you (my friend, my colleague, my respected senior officer, someone I will have to see every day on the bridge, someone I know prefers to keep vulnerabilities hidden even deeper than anyone else I know) sound like when you scream. But also... it doesn't really matter, does it...? Whatever he says, there always was still a moment- however brief- where B'Elanna heard a man screaming in agony, and thought it could've been Tuvok. And in that moment, that possibility was created. Now, it will always exist. That moment will always have happened. It will always have done something to her. It will always exist between them; an ugly, uncomfortable bond.
And this is getting into even more things I'm not smart enough to articulate, but like- it's pretty significant to me that B'Elanna is one of the few characters who never actually tries to poke Tuvok into Doing An Emotion, even normally. She doesn't consider trying to get him to crack an entertaining pastime, unlike others (and I'm sure her experiences of feeling like an outsider- always- feeling Very Visible As Klingon, play a role in this- "all they ever saw was my forehead" does not lend itself so kindly to "let's see if we can get Mr. Vulcan to smile", "why, Tuvok, it seems you've been corrupted by Human (read: default) rituals after all!"- it's a light-hearted joke for many, sure, but what if Tuvok genuinely considers the idea of smiling in the presence of others reflective of a humiliating loss of control and deeply debasing?) I think it's pretty clear from canon that he's just being himself; he's not trying to be a killjoy or trying to be mean, he's just Vulcan. And this is one of the few moments in Trek I can think of when a Vulcan's perceived "control" over their emotions is not connected with their reluctance to laugh or cry or say something sentimental, but... this. B'Elanna is shocked, she's horrified, she demands an explanation as to how he can possibly go through something like this and not feel the desire to "fight back" in a way she understands- and the way she cannot grant him the pretence of not having witnessed, here, the way she can't just shove this in a box, pretend she never heard, because she's just so fundamentally honest- and Tuvok (who is also so fundamentally honest), in a painful moment of openness, tells her exactly what his reasoning is. He lets her see. He lets her hear; on his own terms. He wants for her to understand (for her to witness?) his (very Vulcan) distinction between resistance and endurance; his understanding of endurance as its own form of resistance. Idk it's such a quietly powerful and like- devastating- moment for me... So many people try, over and over, thoughout the show, to get Tuvok to break his Vulcansona- try to make him smile, make him say tender things, make him get irritated- just to see if they can do it. Just to see if he'll ever crack. I bet B'Elanna wishes she never had.
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i-drew-a-ferret · 2 months
I am chess playing villains #1 hater
Play another game. Or at least a different variant of chess.
Like I get it! you're scheming and manipulative! but this is the third family game night that you've had us do a chess tournament, and I kind of prefer sillier games that are a little less heavy on the strategy.
What about cards against humanity? Exploding kittens? hell at this point I'd settle for rock paper scissors.
Play another game!
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mantisgodiveblog · 4 months
Well, if siffrin is a cat, and loop is toxoplasmosis, then clearly you must be the mouse! /silly
Seriously though, that's a fascinating way to look at Loop. If anything, the mouse would be the King...?
The mouse is the king, and Siffrin is the cat, or perhaps Siffrin and the King are both mice, and through completion of this time loop we'll both be drawn into the jaws of something far greater. We have pulled away from our general dislike of Loop enough to do a bit of attempting analysis, and their particular positioning, in-universe, is... interesting. Definitely a spot that needs some further analysis, once we've gotten a better idea of where they sit.
As we are now, signs could point to a handful of places - we're starting to suspect that they may be adjacent to us, really, in the author's seat, but with how they're nudging things we suspect that they're more detached from author than we, ourself - there are a handful of narrative tools that they could fit into, but they're likely to be symbiotic to the greater narrative, whatever that means for Siffrin. Loop's place in the ecosystem is yet to be determined, as is whether their assistance will lead to helping Siffrin or merely leading them to a worse fate.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 10 months
Maybe its just me who thinks this, but if you see Diana's Death in The Crown Season 6 and your takeaway is, "William turned out well despite her death while Harry is a mess.", your fucking disgusting.
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ghcstcd · 1 year
I think Allie is deserving of so many kisses. From guys, gals, and ghouls.
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seasoliloquy · 7 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Alan Wake (Video Games), Control (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Casper Darling/Thomas Zane Characters: Thomas Zane, Casper Darling Additional Tags: Gaslighting, Febuwhump, Manipulation, tom zane king of gaslight gatekeep girlboss Series: Part 6 of Febuwhump 2024 Summary:
Sometimes, it was better to leave things to the audience's imagination. A simple, unexplained line, and let them think of the implications for themselves. If you let people think, what they came up with tended to be far, far worse than anything Tom could say or show them. And, better yet, since they'd come up with it themselves... they believed it.
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I downloaded an app that I think is meant to be used for like, detailed food tracking or something, but I instead really just wanted something with this format (color coded calendar days) so I could put in one single simple entry a day to kind of rate my day overall (based on physical health symptoms).. which..... looking back over it for the new year since when I first started tracking.. 9 "good" days in about 9 months, so roughly one good day a month LOL...
#A neutral/yellow day is if I felt sick or had any symptoms (nausea. joint pains. headahces. etc.)#to a distracting degree for at least an hour or more at any point in the day - YET it was not so severe or so distracting#that i was completely unable to get anything done. An orange day is if I was so sick or felt so bad#that I completed absolutely nothing that day because my primary focus was basically spending the entire day on whatever#was wrong with me or recovering from that. And a green day is a day that - even if maybe i had a few aches or pains - I was never any#noticable or distracting amount of sick - PLUS - i also got a reasonable amount of things done.#If I don't feel very sick yet I also lack the energy or mental wellness to complete daily tasks then it still counts as a yellow day.#So I guess like.. Yellow is if health was ok but focus was bad OR focus was okay but health was distracting. Green is BOTH focus and#health were mostly okay for a majority of the day with no major setbacks. And Orange is zero focus whatsoever because health is too bad.#There are also 5 categories. the worst is a super dark red and then best is a super bright green but I don't like using them#You have to select a bright red (x_x) emoji face to classify your day as dark red. and I dont like the implication of a 'dead' person face#because of my ocd lmao... it makes me afraid it's some habringer of death (if I select it for that day then somehting terrible will happen#the next day or whatever lol) *** *** *** - so I never use that one. I also feel like the MOST extreme categories should be reserved for#super extreme circumstance like.. I would only do a dark red day if I was literally hospitlaized or something. And same with the bright#green days like.. that would imply I guess that i was both suuuuper productive ANd had basically no symptoms at all all day. like a#Very Very Good day. and I just think that's not even possible. no day ever goes by without me feeling at least a little sick or achey at#SOME point lol... A day with NO headahces or issues or etc would be.... wow... mythical occurence..#I have definitely gotten worse as I got older but even at like 15 or 16 years old I used to take ibuprophen a ton (I dont anymore of course#for stomach reasons lol) and remember having various minor problems here and there I was bothered by a lot#AAANYWAY.. also I count 44 'bad' days ghb... that's losing like.. at least one entire month of time a year.. maybe this is why I have so mu#much trouble getting things done and finishing my projects. BUT thats the point and why I wanted to track that. to like.. see it all laid#out at the end of the year. Maybe I could even compare years. Even though I started late in 2023. It'd be interesting to have a#yearly record of how many good vs. bad vs. neutral days I had in any given year.#(app is called 'Moodflow' on android phones. in case anyone sees this and asks. though I cant vouch for it or any of the features or anythi#ng since.. again. i literally ONLY use the one single feature of rating calendar days. I look at nothing else on there. And I keep my data#off and phone in airplane mode basically at all times so I never get ads on apps. Sometimes i'll mention liking some puzzle game or somethi#and then someone else is like 'yeah i love it but OMG so many ads' and I'm just like.. yeagh.... not for me lol.. but sorry to you. that#sounds annoying certainly..) ANYWAY.. auuugh... a sea of yellow neutrality. better than a sea of orange though. so :'3c
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visiosatanae · 1 year
Something I keep thinking about
Hypothetically, if Copia really does end up being the Antichrist, wouldn't that mean Primo was singing songs about his coming from the beginning? And if so, that means Primo was singing about his dad's side piece being pregnant with said Antichrist... How would he know about all of that?
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calicotisane · 1 year
When someone doesn't like or understand a piece of art and immediately dismisses it as pretentious I want to bite their arms off . Do you think that anything complex or experimental is incapable of also being genuine
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