#(no i won't)
mafiasliege · 5 months
I dare you to let me go
(this is part 4 of my fic! Enjoy reading!)
Part 3 ↓
October is the best time Jamie had been to Scotland. Over the years, he'd visited vantage many times. It was built on a coastal cliff not too far from a lovely cove. The pleasant sunny days right before winter starts were the best. The beaches were perfectly warm and cliff-jumping into the water was a wonderful activity. At least, those are the inputs the Viscount Branford offered, except the cliff-jumping part, that was all Jameson. Branford had actually advised against it, which Jameson did not heed to, of course.
His relationship with his father may be tragically non-existent now, but his uncle made up for some of it. He'd never admit it, but he would have loved having him in his life growing up.
He'd landed in Scotland two days ago. And on the third, he'd started feeling lonely on his own and decided to dial up a redheaded Viscount who happened to be in Scotland too.
"You outdid yourself today" Jameson said, draining the last of the scotch and gesturing two fingers at the bartender.
"I did. And it looks like you can outdrink me. Tell me, was that your way of indirectly congratulating me for absolutely trouncing you at motocross?"
"In my defence, I may have underestimated you."
"And why is that?" Jameson's uncle raised a brow that reminded him too much of Grayson.
They must be worried, he thought, and then,
Stop it.
"Because you're an old man" he shrugged, to which they both ended up laughing. The drinks might be to blame, too.
7 seconds of silence died when Simon asked, "Why are you here, nephew? Surely it's not only to spend time with "an old man," as you put it."
To that, Jameson said nothing. Until a word stole his attention.
"You show up completely unannounced, and without your beloved heiress in tow, which makes me think there was a squabble, perhaps?"
"It's none of your business" he retorted with controlled fury.
"And yet I am here."
Maybe it was, in fact, the drinks, but Jameson told him everything. His uncle listened patiently. He didn't offer Jameson any advice, and at the moment, that was exactly what he needed.
After Jameson was done talking now than he probably ever did in his life, simon spoke, "are you staying at Vantage tonight as well?"
Jameson made it back to Vantage sometime around sunset. He always noticed, it looked so beautiful from the castle towers, or the cove. He'd considered proposing to Avery there, but then things had turned out the way they were now. He had left in such a hurry, he wasn't even sure he'd taken the ring with him, or at least hidden it away.
He couldn't hide anything from Avery, if he tried. That wasn't the problem now, though.
Now she just didn't care enough to look.
He parked the convertible in the garage built in the massive yard in front of the castle, alongside several other vintage cars that were too beautiful to be real. He discovered his affinity for vintage cars at an auction, where one of the items open for bidding was the 1962 Corvette Stingray he drove just minutes ago. The garage was huge, and a newer addition. It became a necessity because of the random thunderstorms he'd witnessed there. It was by the seaside, after all. The weather changed by the hour.
He could recognise that voice anywhere.
No. That can't be right.
He turned around to see a blur of brown hair and a worried face, and before he knew it, he was enveloped in a hug.
"You're okay" she said, much like she was trying to reassure herself. It felt nice to be hugged by her, but it was overtaken by the feeling that it took him flying off to another country for her to hug him spontaneously. So he pulled away.
He could get a good look at her now. She looked like hell. Disheveled hair, like she'd been running her fingers through it. Movements of her body that screamed exhausted. Puffy eyes from lack of sleep.
Or crying.
Jameson had seen and lived every kind of hell there is, but Avery crying made his heart break a little more every time, even when he thought it was already broken. By her, no less.
Don't fall for it. Resist it.
"Why are you here?"
"You suddenly disappear out of nowhere, you inform no one, fly off to god-knows-where on your plane you told no one you had. I was worried as hell" she fell a little short on breath, which made that last part sound even more distressed than it was. Her voice was rough too, like she had a cold. Or as if she'd been shouting.
His breath stuck at a mental image of a panicked Avery wandering around looking for him. It was so contrary to the distant, disinterested woman he'd sadly gotten used to.
If only she cared so much before.
"When did you come home?" He retorted, pushing away his thoughts, and a crumbling desire to comfort her.
"When?" He repeated.
Avery swallowed, "Eleven." He scoffed. Of course she showed up 4 hours after she was supposed to. Again. "I'm sorry, okay? I really am. I got held up by the-"
"See, that's the thing. There's always somewhere that need visiting or something that needs fixing or someone that needs saving. And you've put it above me, above us, every single time."
She seemed taken aback, and a little pale.
"Everything at both the foundations depends on me, Jameson, everything."
"So did I. But not anymore."
Avery looked even more pale now. And scared, more scared than she looked the many times people had tried to kill her. He felt a slight pang of guilt, looking at her scared expression.
You have nothing to feel guilty about.
"What is that supposed to mean?" She whispered, a tear rolling down her cheek. He pushed back the urge to wipe it away. He hated being the reason of her tears, even though she'd been the reason for so many of his. He sucked in a long breath.
"It means we can't be together anymore."
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martitheevans · 4 months
I should tag every post I have ever made with heydanandphil it would be funny (to me and nobody else)
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sauntering-down · 5 months
maybe tonight i'll start writing the silly self-indulgent story i've been putting off for three years.
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hope-ur-ok · 1 month
The girls (Palkia and Dialga) are fighting again
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glitchdecay · 7 months
in this essay, i will break down why yellow is the image color of prompto argentum despite his surname literally being the latin word for "silver"—
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certified3nakin · 4 months
I dare you to get up and drink some water as soon as ur done with what ur doing >:3
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lindyloosims · 10 months
One of my posts is in Tumblr jail right now because it contains nude sims who have all their bits strategically covered up and is also appropriately labelled mature, go figure!
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sunshinekryze · 1 year
ok COULD just be me conjuring stuff out of thin air but in the scene after Darth maul chokes Bo while pre vizsla LETS IT HAPPEN (even encourages it), when she walks into the tent behind him, she looks really hurt/betrayed which is understandable given the circumstances but i just thought it important to point out since she was always vizsla's loyal supporter and never questioned his rule. this was one of the first times that she seemed to question her choices and didn't have that permanent frown/evil grin etched on her face. she almost looks scared of him.
PLUS the way he didn't flinch at her being hurt and almost killed makes me think that the scar on her forehead was from him, either as a punishment for failure or in a moment of rage.
i wanted to comfort her but i could not which lead to a considerable increase in my hatred for the one and only, pre vizsla!😄😄
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man-im-so-high · 4 months
settled on an outfit i might freeze to death
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isitthemoon · 1 year
Open, for a surprise, I guess? Just some casual stuff before I go wash my hair.
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Disclaimers: short, not beta read, not really made with effort, i just figured that if you can't find content, create it yourself 😭😭😭. Optional bias, i guess. Enjoy?
"Hey..." you call out, trying to play it nonchalantly, but you suspect it didn't work because of the worried way he looks at you. You don't know if you're more impressed with him already noticing something's going on, or with you knowing what he's thinking.
"Hm? Is everything okay?" He asks, slightly trembling due to the movement of the car. His hands hold yours as your eyes move from the scenery passing outside to his eyes. "Were the drinks too much?"
"No, no, no, the cocktails were really good" you smile as you clarify, adjusting your seatbelt so you could move a little closer to him. There was plenty of room in the backseat, anyways. "I was just... thinking"
A quietness settles between the both of you, the radio of the uber being the only significant noise to take you out of your head. It was supposed to be something simple, just a question, nothing much really. Then why are you *so* nervous? You fear that if you don't spill it now you'll just chicken out and pretend nothing happened. But that's not what you wanted to do this time.
"Are you-"
"I rent a new place." You blurt out before he's able to finish his concerned thought, then take a deep breath. You were trying to be casual, still, what's done is done.
"Oh." is all he says before you continue, calmer this time.
"It's really nice actually... plenty of space for an apartment in this city... two rooms, a *great* bathroom and there's even a balcony." you begin to smile nervously as you try not to lock on his confused gaze, but you guessed it's now or never. "I was wondering..... if maybe... you wanted to m-"
".... what?" is all you can muster, your mouth hanging open from shock.
"I'd love to move in with you. If that's what you were going say. And I think it was... well, I hope it was" it was his turn to look away, a shy but genuine smile on his face. "Was it?"
And at that moment, a song you immeadiately recognize starts playing on the radio. "I couldn't have chosen a better fitting soundtrack" you chuckle as you think, before realizing he's now looking at you... waiting for an answer even if he already knows what you'll say because of the way your face lights up with your smile. You both guess that maybe this is how being in love feels like.
He really hopes he never loses you. And you really hope it never ends. If it did, you can only figure you'd never walk that street again.
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rogerzsteven · 1 year
911 Sense8 AU idea get out of my head
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euesworld · 1 year
"It was fun but I must seal this goodbye with a kiss.. may it find you one day when you are ready for love and it hits you like a bag of bricks."
Goodbye.. I will miss the person you were when we met, but I will never miss who you really are - eUë sometimes we meet people that are truly awesome and they touch us in ways that change our lives, but they end up being bad for us.. and that is when we must let go..
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xenonmoon · 2 years
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I find it very ironic they did more egyptology research in a black panther comic than a moon knight one
I mean
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somedaytakethetime · 10 months
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Riveting content 😌😮‍💨
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andy-skull · 10 months
Undusting some fics from not so long ago:
When I'm around you: Modern AU.
Sylvie is a Punk, Loki does Ballet. A chance encounter in the subway will lead them down a path of disastrous dates and perhaps an impossible or at least improbable love. 40K words, completed. Cuando estoy cerca tuyo (Disponible también en español)
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I love how the moodborad I did back in June kinda fits with Sylvie's punk attitude canonized.
The Heirs of Jotunheim: (Twincest AU, Rated-E)
The peace between Asgard and Jotunheim depends on King Laufey's children, Loki and Sylvie. Can they handle the responsibility against their own wishes and desires? A story of romance, drama, and turmoil between two beings of mischief and chaos. 150k words, completed.
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certified3nakin · 4 months
I dare you to drink water.
fuck you
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