#(my art teacher giving this a 100 is what pushed me to actually go through with posting it on here /hj)
ifievertoldyou · 1 year
that one adage about pride coming before the fall or whatever
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fic: The House Always Wins by @alexanderwesker
mediums- HB, 2B, 4B and 6B shading pencils + crayola colored pencils
closeup + analysis under the cut!
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+ analysis
first of all, there's the significance of the figure itself to analyze. while it's most definitely a nod to how he got his scar, i also tried to make it reminiscent of the fall of icarus, just in the shape of his scar looking like that of a falling person, and i put reddish-purple feathers to further that comparison a little.
also, the colors have a lot of significance. most of the figure is the same color as quackity's magic (or as close as i could get with colored pencils), but i also used purple for 3 specific points that the sky gods left their mark on...
1: his dominant hand. while this can be taken as more literal, since he has an actual rune there from the gods, it also has metaphorical significance. see, hands often symbolize (amongst other things) strength and power, which are two things that our man has learned to value highly. and his emphasis on those things only increased after the ram. and also, quackity gambled against the sky gods in an attempt to get more power and notoriety. and while he did, but it still wasn't enough for him.
2: his left eye. again, this can be taken as literal because of the blessed eye having the rune, but i'd say it could be a symbolic thing too. the sky gods literally changed how he viewed the entire world, for better and for worse (but Especially for worse).
3. his heart. his connection to hearts has been well established in thaw. the poor man's heart gets broken all the time. and because of the sky gods' love of tormenting him, he's learned not to open his heart to as many people, and also not to listen to his heart as much, because it always seems to lead to him being betrayed or getting hurt. but this causes him to become detached to all of the damage that he's actually inflicting by being so cold and harsh to people, even if all that he does is really just his way of protecting himself...
okay that's all, thanks so much for reading!! ^^
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ashecampos · 4 months
Warnings - smoking, alcohol, drugs, swearing, cheating, mentions of anxiety. janis being adorable.
The POV switches between reader and Janis (I use — when I change the POV)
there will be more parts to this, make sure to re-blog and comment and I will get the next few parts up as soon as I can, happy reading lovelies
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"hey y/n wait up" i hear Damien's voice echo through the nearly empty halls of Northshore. i turn to see the boy a few feet away from me, he makes quick work of speed walking over. "you headed to gym?" he queries. i nod fixing the strap on my backpack "yeah, wanna walk together?" i look over to see Janis walking down the hall towards us. i send her a sweet smile, only two days ago we where in the art classroom kissing, we have been getting closer by the day. she walks over and slings her arm over my shoulder with a smirk. "so gym?" she looks between me and Damien.
after walking to class we end up being told to go change because our first lesson we would be doing athletics. to this i smile knowing athletics would be a breeze for me. i look over my shoulder to see Janis already changed clad in some grey sweatpants and a dark blue tank top. i laugh a little at her annoyed look before turning around, changing into my own grey Nike sweats and a black Nike hoodie.
out on the fields we meet back up with Damien who is wearing shorts and a white t-shirt. i laugh at both of them, earning death glares. "you two are going to freeze" they look at me as if im crazy.
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half an hour or so into the lesson i am running the 100 meters and lock eyes with Janis who is stood at the side with Damien, both of them have their arms crossed over their torsos, clearly cold from the bitter morning air, the fact that neither of them have made an attempt to join in would also be contributing to the fact that they are cold. i send them both a mocking smirk while continuing to run. i hit the 100 meters point and another student clicks the stop button on the stopwatch. smiling they call the teacher over, he looks at the timing and pats my shoulder "think about joining the track team yeah, also please try to get those two to participate or they will get a fail" he pushes me in the direction off who i assume would be Janis and Damien but damn how i was wrong. i look up and see none other than Regina George and Karen Shetty. i go to walk away from them but one of them stops me, their hand landing on my forearm "hey you're y/n right?" i turn to see the one and only Regina George is talking to me. i nod and try to walk away again, those are not the people i want to associate with. "im sorry about what happened between you and Bea, what she done was really fucked up." the blonde speaks up again, this time i turn around to face her, she has a sincere smile on her face. "you do know im not just the tragic lesbian who got cheated on, im also your boyfriends sister" i say with a chuckle, she also laughs and walks closer to me "i know, so tell me does your brother like Mexican food?" she smiles a sweet smile. i laugh and nod "yeah he does a lot, here give me your snapchat and ill send you the directions to his favourite place." i roll my eyes back to her. she's actually not as bad as people say. she puts her snapchat in my phone and she adds me back, we say out farewells and i make my way back to a confused Damien and a jealous looking Janis. "did she seriously just get your number?" Janis says going red in the face. i laugh a little and put my hand on her cheek, "hey no don't worry she was just asking about Aaron" i half lie, not wanting Janis to go middle- school sissy les- bunson burner on Regina again and get suspended again.
she lets the topic go and shivers a little, i laugh and look at her "i told you that you will be cold" i say while taking my hoodie off and handing it to her, she looks at me for a few seconds, beginning to blush before taking the hoodie out of my hands and thanking me, she puts it on and smiles. i grab her hand and lift it up for her to spin, she laughs and obliges, but not without rolling her eyes first. once we are both face to face she pauses, locking eyes with someone behind me, which causes her to let go of my hand and avoid eye contact. i turn to look at who made her freeze up all of a sudden and see Bea, Jason and Shane stood about five meters away. i lock eyes with Bea who looks furious as she stomps over, arm linked with Jason's. they come up to me and Janis. Janis steps in front of me just as Shane goes to swing at me, she merely blocks his punch and is shoved out of the way while Shane comes closer to me. he lands most of his punches before i retaliate, i shove him and kick him in the balls, making him topple over, i then kick him in the knee so he cant stand up, i go to hit him in the face when i am dragged away by the coach, Janis grabs my hand to calm me down. the coach tells Shane to go clean up and tells me to go to the principle's office.
Janis follows me and drags me into the bathroom, pulling me towards the sinks. she lifts me up and sits me down before grabbing a stack of paper towels, wetting half of them and coming towards me. she stands between my legs and places the wet paper towel on my bloody eyebrow, wiping the blood off, making me squirm under her touch. "shh its okay baby, I'm here" she says grabbing my chin with her left hand and using her right to wipe blood off of my face, our faces inches apart our eyes locked in on each others. her left hand leaves my chin and finds its way to my waist.
"y/n y/l/n i swear to fucking god if you get suspended on my second day of school here i will literally kill you." the bathroom door slams open and incomes a worried Tess, she is holding her books and phone. she sees what she has walked in on and slowly backs away with her books covering her face. "i totally just cockblocked yall" she shrieks happily before snapping a photo and running out of the bathroom.
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"hello miss y/l/n i have been informed that you had a little bit of a fight earlier. " Mr Duvall states with a serious face. i sit opposite him with my head down, looking at the floor beneath me. "we have two choices here. either i have to suspend you or you agree to an plea deal." he leans forward a little knowing he has me trapped in his little trap. "and what deal would that be?" i say rolling my eyes. "you tutor Janis Imi-ike in drama, gym and Spanish" he says with a smile thinking he has me trapped. luckily for me this is perfect.
[with Damien and the girls]
"so how do we get the two lovers together?" Damien turns to cady who is sat next to him jotting down math problems, she looks up and shrugs at the boy. "hey look its Tess" she says as the other girl comes running over to the two, phone in hand, her arms flailing, she looks like a loony as she plops herself down next to the two. "you will NEVER guess what i just walked in on" she screams dramatically, making the other two friends cringe. Damien catches a glimpse of the photo she has opened on her phone and practically screams. "TESSA GEORGE no you did not" he hits the girl multiple times as the girl holds the phone up to his face, revealing what she indeed did walk in on just moments ago. "this may be easier than we thought then guys" cady interrupts the others screaming. "shh Janis is coming she cant know our secret plan" Damien hushes the girls just in time as Janis reaches the tree and sits down.
"that girl will be the death of me" she sighs but is nudged by Damien "girl shut the hell up, you have been hopelessly in love with her since middle school, and the time when she gives you an ounce of attention you try to back away and pretend to hate her guts." he glares at his best friend while Cady and Tess sit watching in shock
"you should totally tell her Janis, yes Bea has fucked with her for years but i know that you are good for her and she is good for you. i wont let you dismiss your feelings for my best friend."
"how would i even tell her?" Janis says looking at Tess, which in turn earns a shit eating grin.
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hey guys, sorry if this chapter is super short, this is just a filler chapter but the next chapter shall be twice as long just for you guys. thanks again for reading, see you next chapter <3
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h2bakugou · 3 years
Yes yes yes yesyesyesyesyes ok!! So then can I request present mic? Doing anything??? No I’m kidding I do actually have a prompt. I was thinking abt mic’s radio show and specifically, if he had an s/o who wrote music. Bc u know he would help them produce it and then play it nonstop on air aaaaaa
a/n: yes!! present mic love!! i love him so much i swear! <3 he has my heart dkdkmn this is such a cute request please- i apologize for the late posting!!
summary: you're an ambitious, gleeful, songbird at heart, and though you're quirkless, you've captivated the heart of the music-loving, radio show hosting, loud, sweetheart, present mic!
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, fluff
word count: 1.3k
;cut for length;
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You started as an intern. A beaming smile on your lips most days, always happy to be in the studio with Mic when he was teaching you the ins and outs of radio hosting.
You'd majored in music business, the end goal in mind of writing and releasing your own music, though most of your plans had fallen through, the only opportunity to get you back on your feet after college being this deal you couldn't pass up.
Co-hosting with Present Mic on his own radio show.
The offer had actually been given to you by one of your superiors at the studio you worked at, having seen your optimism when it came to writing music and your love of music in general.
They wished you good luck and would always welcome you back if things didn't go so well. But you kept your head up high and marched into that studio ready to take on the world alongside the loud blonde.
And down the line, three years later, you were surprised to say the least.
"Your coffee as usual." Hizashi sets down the patriotic blue U.A. thermos sent out to the teachers at the beginning of the year. Since you'd practically moved in 'unofficially' with Mic, unofficially because you weren't technically allowed to stay due to the fact you didn't work for the school, rather employed by Mic himself in his private studio, but you were the tiny exception since you did technically work in the school.
"Thanks! Hey, I was wondering if you could check this new thing I've been working on and give me some criticism, it's just a rough draft, the lyrics just kind of came to me after a shot or two at Vlad's birthday party the other night." You giggled as you tossed him the flash drive containing your latest project, the sensitive information contained on the tiny disc landing in the palm of your boyfriend's hands.
"Another song? You're blessing my ears so early in the morning. I'm dreaming! Pinch me!" He teases. Mic's been the biggest supporter of your music since he overheard the pipes you had.
You'd had that kind of night the second week of your internship, battling the oncoming hangover after drinking with your cool new pro-hero teacher friends, your thoughts turning to lyrics as you worked in the studio, the only light being the small lamp on the side Mic kept when he worked late too.
He'd forgotten his room keys in the studio again, something you realized he did often and as he stopped by to pick them back up, that's when he heard you. You sounded so angelic, almost as if you were some sort of angel.
At first, he thought maybe it was just a recording or some sort of dare he say, Melodyne filter while you were messing around in the mic at night.
But you weren't. Your authentic voice shell-shocked him, and he sort of listened to you the entire night until you nearly pissed your pants turning around and seeing him.
“Yeah, it’s nothing special really-” You’re back to reality as Mic quickly has his headphones over his ears, a large grin on his lips as he listens, his fingers tapping away to the beat already.
You work on other tasks, filtering through requests and putting them in the queue while Mic listens to your song, his heart pounding. You were so talented and he’d wish you’d give yourself a bit more credit. You have what it takes to make it big, and he’d support you every step of the way.
“You know with this and the other tracks you have, you’d have enough to push out an EP. All you need is a bit of marketing and producing, and I’d be more than willing to help!” Mic smiles, wheeling over to you, pressing an encouraging peck to your cheek.
“It sounds great, but who would wanna listen to what I write?” You giggle, toggling an advertisement as you glance over at the blonde.
“How about this, You let me help you, I’ll spread the trial around here at work and if it gets good reviews, we publish.” Hizashi is nothing short of persuasive, and for the rest of the week he has you in his studio, adding layer after layer, fine-tuning and weeding out bits of the collection of songs you’d written until you have an EP.
Long nights fueled by coffee, water, and tea, and takeout eventually land you with the very first copy of your own EP. 
In your hands, it’s palpable. It’s real. It doesn’t have any cover art, or a title, let alone who sang it, but Mic hands you a sharpie and you feel this fire coursing through your veins.
You feel more than accomplished.
You scribble some title down that you’d work on later and messily sign your name for Mic to make copies and then throughout the next week, you’ve got dozens of messages flooding your inbox telling you to drop it on some streaming platforms.
And the following night Mic is consoling your tears as you hit your first 100 streams. 
“I’m so proud of you.” He coos, kissing your cheeks, wiping your tears away with his kisses, patting you on the head.
“You’re so cheesy.” You tease him.
“Says you! You named an entire song after me.” Mic huffs, crossing his arms over his chest.
“What if ‘my beloved’ was about Marty?” You giggle. Marty, the sparkly, beautiful, elegant, beta-fish you’d adopted as the studio mascot swam around in his tank, decked out with super cool aquatic music themed stuff.
“You wouldn’t dare!” Mic laughs, his long blonde hair sweeping over his shoulders. 
“Your hair always looks so nice down.” You snuggle into him, your fingers twisting around the ends. Hizashi shakes his head and stares down at you.
“And you’re as radiant as ever, my love.” Hizashi pulls you into him, snuggling his head into your neck, placing a gentle kiss to your skin as he holds you near to him.
“Do you sing, ‘Zashi?” You ask quietly.
“No comment.” Mic giggles, his laughs tickling your skin.
“Would you work on a song with me?” You ask sweetly.
“I would love to.”
Callers chime in every so often for requests, since Mic loves to annoy the listeners by playing your EP track by track almost daily. You have to knock some sense into him telling him that there’s a quota to fill and while you love how he supports you, you’ve got them stuck in your head too.
And when you play them every so often, your heart warms when someone requests one of yours to play. Even more so, when your songs rise to much more notable fame, you’re working on your own album, with the lovely producing of Mic, and it even features a lovely duet between the two of you.
In fact, something you’d found out with having so many connections to pros, was the amount of hidden talent.
You’d requested a song with Kyoka Jiro, the beautiful voice you’d heard at the school festival had belonged to her and you’d been wanting to work with her since she also shared a love for music, and though she was young, she seemed rather happy to sing, even if she might’ve been shy about it first.
An unlikely duo might’ve come from a dare, Hawks. While he was rather against the idea at first, his voice was smooth and mellow, and it clashed with yours perfectly for some sort of sappy anti-romantic love song. Whatever the case, it made charts. 
But Mic continued to be your biggest supporter, no matter how or if you got big. You’d always find your way back into his arms, messing around with him on the radio show, and dodging paparazzi whenever you two left campus.
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Choose Your Glucose Guardian! (Ushijima Wakatoshi Ver.)
This is part one of a seven part series based on some of the Haikyuu! Captains.
This was originally posted on my Ao3 here: link
Minor spoiler-ish? Mentions a timeskip! team.
That’s all, enjoy!!
You don’t even know how you got here. You were in bed, in a really really oversized shirt with nothing under it. But no, nothing had happened prior to that. You were snuggled up to none other than Japan's volleyball ace, Ushijima Wakatoshi. A movie was playing in the background, probably The Princess Diaries for the nth time during the week. It was a normal occurrence, at night you would find yourself in one of his jerseys or snuggly shirts that were at least 2 times bigger than you, snuggled up to him watching the same damn movie or some other teen flick until who knows what hour.
He would fall asleep faster than you would, but you wouldn't have it any other way this way, you could stare at him lovingly without having to hide it. This way you could admire his peaceful features in contrast to how cold and stoic he looks when he is awake. He doesn't snore, but sometimes you'd catch him sleep talking about volleyball if you're lucky enough. When that would happen you would giggle and smile at what you would hear. But then again, you shouldn't be feeling this way at all…
After all, these were against unspoken rules…
The unspoken rules of being a sugar baby
Yes, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Ace of the Schwieden Adlers, was your sugar daddy.
Yet why did you feel this way?
Maybe it was the way he held you close, like you were something to protect. Or it was in the way he actually smiled when he was with you. Was it the fact that he wasn’t much older than you either? He was only 27 and you were 21, not much of an age difference there and that made you bond, you could say, even closer.
Another thing is that Ushijima would never do anything you wouldn’t consent to. He knew his boundaries and knew how to respect your space. In fact, he was more of a friend at this point than someone who was supposed to be spoiling you nonstop. He just appreciated your company while you loved his company. You didn’t need fancy gifts or anything lavish, you honestly just wanted him. You, if you were to consider him as a friend, really wanted to take things to the next level.
But then, who were you to be anything but a plaything to get bored of? You were just a university student, an art student at that. You were just an expressive mess who was in love with someone who truly isn’t yours. You weren’t poor, in fact, you had a stable internship at an art gallery and your boss says you would make it big someday. You sell cute art and it's fun and fulfilling, so why were you in this situation.
It was another day at an art fair, but this art fair was somewhat different. You weren’t at some anime convention or anything like that, you were selling your original art at a local art fair. You were all dressed up as this took place at a fancy gallery. It was fun, but then this was sort of a test of how much you would sell. You were honestly scared, since this could be a stepping stone to becoming a recognized artist.
Some people had bought your art pieces and it made you happy, you didn’t really know how to price things at first, but your art teacher at your uni had helped you throughout the whole process, in fact, they were the reason you were here now. You were seated at your table, taking a break from talking to all these people when you were approached by a red haired man who seemed to be in the same age group as you.
Woah, that's cool, wish I was this big at that age… you thought to yourself.
He smiled at you when you met each other's eyes, “Excuse me, but would you happen to know the artist of these paintings?”
He was pointing in the direction of your most prized painting, the most expensive one at that. It was your definition of love at that time, a whimsical, beautiful thing.
You nodded, “Yes, that would be me.”
He smiles a little shocked, “Woah that's cool, how old are you? Aren’t you too young to be here?”
You knew he was joking as you both laughed, “For the record, I’m 20. So no, I don’t think I'm that young to be here.”
He nods in respect, “I’m Tendou, Tendou Satori. I’m actually asking about the painting for a friend.”
“(l/n) (y/n). If I may ask, who is willing to buy my painting?”
“I am.” A deep voice says sending shivers down your spine.
You looked behind you to see a tall man who seemed to be the same age as Tendou. And as much as you hate to admit it, he was really good looking.
You learned when talking to him that he was Ushijima Wakatoshi, and the Ace of Japan’s men's volleyball team. Soon enough he asked you to make him another painting… but that didn’t go that well at first.
Some things had happened and your family disowned you completely as you shifted to a full time art major. You argued with them constantly recently as they never supported you… And I guess going to local art fairs proved that you would not listen to them… so a few days later you were disowned. You didn’t know what to do, but you did have enough money for now, to last through the semester.
Eventually however, you had to call Ushijima to tell him about how you would not be able to produce his painting anytime soon. He had been talking to you for a while now, about mundane things like your lives. He thought you were a breath of fresh air and that was when he suggested it.
You were hesitant at first, but he reassured you that he would never do anything that you didn’t like. So you agreed to his somewhat proposal.
So just like that, it's been a year since that has happened. In all honesty, you could walk away from all of this now as you can stand on your own feet and all that. But Ushijima wouldn't let you go. He would always say that he wanted you to stay with him until you finished college at least or he would make other excuses.
You just wish he would do that out of the fact that he wanted to love you for you, and not because you were some fragile girl.
That night, you couldn’t take it any longer. Your thoughts piling up and eating at you were causing you to think of crazy things, so in the middle of the night, you left his house. You wandered out in his old shirt and some leggings as it was a cold night. You brought your phone but put it on airplane mode so you could listen to music. It was going to be a rough night for sure…
Ushijima stirred awake to find you missing from his arms. He was extremely worried. He tried calling you and giving you some time, but as 30 minutes passed and you didn’t answer, he couldn’t take it anymore, he had to find you. He heard you crying a few nights ago, and he wondered why. He thought that he might not be giving you enough art supplies or something, but he wanted you to tell him. So he hinted these things at you through the way Tendou had taught him.
He was honestly sick of this no feelings and strings attached relationship. He truly wanted to love you, but he was scared that you didn’t see him as anything more than a person to talk to, or dare he say it, a friend. He called up Tendou to help him and his friend sighed over the phone saying; “You better make her your girlfriend after this or I’m going to make her my sugar baby.”
That was enough of a push for him to find you and do what's right.
It was getting late, and both males had no hint of where you had gone. They had checked almost everywhere. That’s until Ushijima had realized that there would be a place you would 100% be in, the art gallery where you first met. It would be open until this time as it was open 24/7… plus, you interned there. He sent a text to Tendou to meet him there as he ran over to the place. And there you were, headphones in, about to enter the building. He came up to you and enveloped you into a hug, a hug that made you feel loved.
“Be mine.” He says as your eyes widen.
You’ve never felt so happy in your entire life, and with that, you shared a kiss under the moonlight.
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liberty-barnes · 4 years
Done Wondering
Jock!Tom Holland x Female!Reader
Highschool AU
@danicarosaline requested: Hi pretty!! i saw your requests are open so may i please request a jock Tom x reader! Tom is a big softy and the captain of his football team and reader is a tough ‘not taking shits from anybody’ type of person? Like Tom gets in an argument with a team mate and he’s being all nice and calm about it but reader thinks his team mate deserves a good punch in the face so she punches him and it shocks the entire team and Tom himself even though he expected it!!
Warnings: F L U F F, not sure that the football talk is 100% accurate, all I know about American football is that Tom Brady's a quarterback, their jerseys are cool and apparently I'm supposed to cheer for the Pats? (yeah, that's my dad's fault), B99 references (i fucking love that show), cursing, a bit of violence ig
Word Count: 2.3k words (why can i not write short things?)
Estimated Reading Time: 9 minutes
A/N: so sorry it took so long to get this out! also, i got waaaaaay to invested in this... oopsie
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You ran across the field as people all around you celebrated with only one goal in mind: kiss your boyfriend.
You and Tom had been dating for almost seven months now, to many people's surprise. The entire school thought you'd be together for a week tops, but you surpassed all their expectations by becoming the longest standing couple in junior year (not that it was hard, high schoolers change partners like discardable gloves). 
Tom was one of Sunset High's best and brightest, loved by the teachers, captain of the football team, and the object of many's affection.
You, however, were nothing like that. You hated sports (everyone knows art's better anyway), social interactions were your personal little slice of hell, and everyone was too scared to approach you since you threatened to gut Charles after he accidentally forgot to give you back your pencil.
All in all, there was no way you two could stay together.
There was no way you could even make a friendship work, let alone a romantic relationship.
But then there was that fateful summer night...
Your mind ran at a thousand miles an hour as you rocked in the park's nest swing. The stars looming over you were the only thing keeping you from spiraling, and after an hour of watching them, the peace in your mind was crumbling.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there."
You sat up on the swing and looked to your right where stood a sheepish-looking Tom.
"It's okay, I should probably leave anyway..."
"No! I mean, it's okay, you were here first I didn't mean to disturb you."
You cast your eyes down until he spoke again.
"You go to my school, right? (Y/n)? We were in the same English class in freshman year."
"Yeah, I think so... I'm surprised you remember me, we didn't have any classes together last year..."
He huffed out a laugh and leaned against the support beam, hands in his pockets.
"It's kinda hard to forget someone like you. You stood up to the teacher on the first day after he yelled at a kid and spent the next year having actual coherent debates about the books that most of the class never even read, let alone understood. You're kind of amazing."
You ducked your head once more to try to cover the blush on your cheeks, biting your lip.
He nodded and took a deep breath, then sat in front of you and pushed so the swing was rocking softly, always catching it before it hit his face.
You giggled a bit and sat criss-cross applesauce, back straight, your mother's words permanently etched into your brain.
"So, what are you doing alone in the town's most secluded park at midnight?"
"Oh, you know, questioning my life choices, freaking out because in three weeks we're going back to school while simultaneously feeling stir crazy after having nothing cool to do all summer, regretting ever being born, the usual. What about you?"
"Getting crushed by everyone's expectations, feeling constricted cause I have to set a good example for my little brothers, freaking out cause I have no idea what I want to do with my life, the usual."
A comfortable silence settled between you.
"Do our lives really suck or is it just the teenagers in us that dramatize everything?"
He huffed out a laugh.
"I don't know, tell me your story and I'll let you know."
You scooched to the side and patted the now empty spot on the too-small swing so he could lay down next to you. Looking at the stars seemed like a better idea than looking at him.
"I never really liked school, people are jerks, cafeteria food is disgusting at best, I have no friends -not that I care about that, I'm better off alone. Still, it's better than being home. When my father isn't working in his study, he's berating me about getting better grades, even though I'm a straight-A student, not that he cares enough to actually know that. My mother's usually either gossiping with her other rich friends or telling me to correct my posture, dress better, act like a lady, it's infuriating...
"My older brother, the only person in that family that I genuinely like, left for MIT today, so I guess I'm just now realizing that I'm really... alone. I'll have to suffer through my father's lectures about getting high grades and act like someone I'm not so my mother doesn't take away everything I love until I "learn to act like a respectable woman". Jake used to get them to lay off me, but now he's not here. Sometimes I wonder why they even adopted me if I'm such a bad daughter. It just sucks."
You felt his hand twitch next to yours and his eyes on your face.
"Your turn."
He took a shuddering breath before speaking.
"My parents are amazing, they really are, they only want what's best for me, but sometimes it's a little much. They constantly remind me of going to training, doing my homework, studying for tests, and even though they always say it's okay, I see the disappointment in their eyes when my grades lower even by a single point.
"My little brothers look up to me a lot, and they're always telling me how much they want to be just like me when they grow up. I know they mean it in the best possible way, but it's just that much more pressure. I just... feel the need to always be the best at everything. The best football player, the best captain, the best student, the kindest person in that school, most helpful... it's all a bit much."
This time, it was you who were looking at his profile while he gazed at the stars.
"It's okay to feel overwhelmed, Tom. It doesn't matter that they have the best intentions, they're still putting too much pressure on you and you deserve the chance to relax."
He turned towards you and for the first time that night, you realized just how close you were.
"You're not a bad daughter just because you have different interests. I, for one, think you are a strong and independent woman who doesn't need to change because of some mere peasants. You're a queen... You deserve someone that'll treat you as one."
Your breath caught in your throat as you locked eyes with him.
"Wanna make a deal?"
You nodded tentatively, though at this point you'd probably agree to murder someone as long as he kept looking at you that way.
"I'll be your friend, give you something to do whenever you need it, save you from your asshole parents and remind you of just how awesome you are every day..."
"And in return?"
"And in return, you'll say stuff like what you said before when I get too stuck in my head, save me from my so-called friends when they're being jerks, and come to every practice with me so you have something to do and I have someone to make silly faces at."
"I'm pretty sure there are a thousand girls in that school that would kill to have you make silly faces at them."
"Maybe so, but they aren't you. A lock of your hair is worth more than all of them combined."
You bit your lip and smiled.
He pecked you softly on the lips before he lost his nerve, quick and fleeting, feather-light but strong enough to leave fires in its wake. You pulled him back and gave him a slightly longer kiss before setting your head on his shoulder and going back to stargazing, now with someone to keep you company.
Three weeks later, you walked into school hand in hand and haven't let go since.
You jumped into his arms, ignoring the smell of sweat and how it would probably cling to your clothes.
"You did so good baby!"
He kissed you straight on the lips, not minding his teammate's wolf-whistles, having grown used to them already.
"I had a pretty good motivation."
"Mm-hm, my girl told me she'd bake me cookies if I won this match, and I really like her cookies."
"Sounds like you have a great girlfriend."
"The best."
You kissed him again and he smiled when he felt the fabric of his spare jersey adorning your figure.
"Yo, Holland!"
You forced apart by Teddy's call, one of the newer players. Since you went to every single practice, you knew that Teddy was being an ass lately, always wanting the glory, never passing the ball to his teammates. If it weren't for Tom's skill as captain of the team, he would've cost them most matches, including this one.
"Why didn't you pass me the ball?"
"That last play, I was free and you passed the ball to Harrison even though he almost lost it. You should have passed it to me, we almost lost because you want to make your useless bestie feel included!"
"Johnson was closing in on you, if I'd passed it to you, we would have lost for sure. Passing it to Harrison bought me the time I needed to get out of danger. It was purely strategical, you would know that if you paid attention to your teammates instead of playing all on your own. Haz is an amazing player and I don't treat him differently just because he's my best friend. I'd like you to apologize to him, please, it's not kind to insult your teammates."
You admired the fact that he managed to remain calm and collected throughout the whole conversation, looking like the embodiment of 'I'm not mad, I'm disappointed'. You, however, were not having such an easy time keeping your cool, hands firmly clenched at your side.
"The hell it was! You just feel threatened by me because you'll never be as good as me, so you never pass me the ball, it's ridiculous!"
"Okay, buddy, you need to back the hell off and close your mouth before I punch it shut."
His eyes flickered to you and he rose a brow mockingly.
"Oh, your little slut's standing up for you know? I always knew you were a chicken, guess my theory's been pro-"
You cut him off with a punch to the nose, smiling when you heard the satisfying crack of his bones and his howls of pain.
A collective 'ooh' came from the crowd, and they took a few steps back (excluding Tom of course, who was only looking at you with wide eyes).
"What the fuck?"
"I warned you, didn't I?"
You smirked evilly as Teddy was pulled away by the coach to check his injury.
"You're a bitch!"
"Baddest of them all, sweetheart. Have a fun time at the hospital!"
The whole crowd had gone silent by the time you turned back around, seemingly satisfied with your vengeance.
You tilted your head in confusion at the awestruck looks on the team's faces.
"You broke his nose!"
"With just your hand."
"Since when are you so violent?"
You were actually kind of offended at that.
"I know that I bring you guys snacks after practice, but do none of you hear when I threaten other people? It's a daily occurrence."
The rubbed their necks sheepishly.
"Well, you see..."
Haz started, seemingly measuring his words.
"You're kind of like Rosa from Brooklyn Nine-Nine. No one actually knows what you're capable of, no one thinks you'd actually kill someone, but we're also kind of too scared to test you, so we just... wonder."
"Well, when you're done wondering, go take a shower so we can go celebrate, I'm hungry."
They all scrambled away in a chorus of 'yes ma'am' before you turned back to Tom with a smile on your face.
"You didn't have to punch him, you know?"
"Yeah, but I've been wanting to for weeks now."
He huffed out a laugh and kissed your forehead.
"How're your knuckles?"
"A bit sore, but I'm pretty sure that if we put some ice it'll be good, the rings took most of the impact."
You wiggled your hand, showing off the array of rings covering your fingers in what you deemed to be an aesthetically pleasing way.
"I love you, babygirl."
You kissed him, smiling into his lips.
"I love you too. Now go, shower!"
You patted his butt and laughed at the look he threw you, standing next to the field while you waited for them to get out.
Their coach came to stand next to you and you smiled at him, having taken a liking for him. He was a good teacher and treated the team well.
"Coach Jeffords."
"What's the verdict?"
"Nurse says it's broken but we'll only know the full extent of his injuries after he gets examined at the ER. He's on his way there as we speak."
You nodded.
"You'll be pleased to know that he's been taken off the team and suspended for a week for unruly behavior. His parents aren't going to press charges since they feel it's deserved."
You smirked evilly.
"I'd advise you to watch out for Pembroke. He's starting to become a nuisance. If he keeps it up, he might be next."
He nodded, fighting back his smile even though you knew damn well he agreed.
"I'll do my best."
"And I'll do mine."
"(Y/n)! Ready to go?"
You nodded in goodbye at the coach and walked over to a freshly showered Tom, interlacing your fingers.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
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craniumhurricane · 3 years
call me, baby, if you need a friend
Cleaning up some old WIPs. This has been in my drafts since end of season 2/around season 3.
Basically 4 times Clarke calls Bellamy and 1 time that Bellamy calls Clarke.
Thank you @casleyislove and @sushigirlali for always reading things before I post them!
[ On AO3! ]
It's a quiet night in at the Blake apartment. Or, at least, for Bellamy it is. He's having a nice Friday night by himself after surviving a truly grueling week of finals. Octavia tried to convince him to go out and celebrate the end of the semester the "right way," but he turned her down… he's still not quite sure how he managed to do that.
His feet are currently propped up on the coffee table with a large bowl of store brand cocoa puffs in his lap. Bellamy may be an adult but damn if he isn’t going to celebrate the end of the term with sugary cereal… nevermind that he didn’t actually make time to grocery shop this week. The TV was queued and ready for the marathon of Ancient Aliens episodes he’d missed due to studying, and he was just about to press play when he hears a short but insistent buzzing sound.  
Glancing around, his eyes land on Octavia’s phone sitting on the corner of the coffee table. She must have left it in her hurry to leave since she was running late to meet up with her boyfriend.
Bellamy keeps his eyes on it for a second before deciding to ignore it, and once again his finger hovers over the play button on the remote. Then the phone lights up again, this time with a phone call; a picture of Octavia and a curly haired blonde that he recognizes, the name CLARKE THE GRIFFIN flashing across the screen. He considers ignoring it for a second time but... if she’s resorting to actually calling instead of texting again then something could be seriously wrong.
Bellamy swipes his thumb across the screen to answer and brings the phone to his ear but before he can even say anything a voice on the other side interjects immediately.
“Men are dicks,” the woman says without preamble. “No! Worse than that. They're weird tumors that grow on dicks," she pauses, seems to think about it, and then adds, "Preferably life threatening.”
Bellamy blinks a few times before he answers, “I'm sure you're right, but don't you think that's a bit harsh?”
The line is quiet. He can hear her shifting the phone, no doubt checking the screen to make sure she called the right person.
Clarke huffs. “Where's Octavia?” she snaps. He can hear the annoyance seeping into her tone, which in turn just makes him feel his own frustrations start to rise.
He tamps it down though. “On a date,” he answers.
She deflates at that, “Oh right. One month anniversary with Lincoln.”
He hums a confirmation and then they’re silent for a few minutes. So long that it’s Bellamy’s turn to look at the phone and make sure she’s still there. “Did you need something?” he asks once he sees that the call is still, in fact, in progress.
She takes a deep breath before answering, “I ended things with Finn tonight.”
Bellamy had only met Finn Collins a handful of times; the guy was fine except for a little cocky… and he always seemed to want to show off in front of pretty girls. His hair was too long and always styled like he was some kind of frat boy that came from big money even though Bellamy's 100% sure he never so much as pledged.
And then there was that one time he flirted with Octavia.
Ok, so Bellamy didn’t like the guy. But a break up is still a shitty thing to go through which is why he says, “I’m sorry,” and finds that he means it.
“Not your fault,” Clarke says immediately, “But I was kind of looking for someone to watch me binge drink and listen to me vent.”
He understands that, having gone through the same thing when he broke up with Roma at the start of the term. If you could really call them “hooking up occasionally” the same thing as dating, but still, getting drunk with Miller had been essential in the whole moving on process.
“You want to come over here anyway?” he offers carefully, casually. He doesn’t mind Clarke. She’s younger than him, around Octavia’s age. They aren’t exactly friends, but he would consider them a little more than acquaintances. Enough that it shouldn’t be too weird for him to invite her over even without his sister present. Plus, her getting drunk here is a better alternative than her getting drunk by herself in some bar.
“You don’t mind?” she asks and he thinks he hears relief in her voice, “I was kind of already on my way over to your guy’s place... I don’t really feel like going out and I really don't feel like being depressed and alone in my dorm right now.”
“Nah,” he says and then tries a joke to brighten her spirits, “Sounds like something fun to watch. I’ll order food.”
“Chinese would be great,” and he swears he can hear a smile in her voice so he’ll count his dumb joke as a victory. “Thanks, Bellamy, see you soon.”
He's not even a little bit mad about dumping out his now soggy cereal.
“So, you’ve been in school for basically forever. Is it normal for a person to experience this amount of stress?”
Bellamy’s lips twitch as he holds his phone to his ear. After Clarke crashed his Friday night in, and spilled on the whole cheating Finn debacle while they did shots, Bellamy figured he should give her his own cell phone number. As much as he hated to admit it, and honestly he never will, his sister and her boyfriend were getting serious, so who knows how much Octavia would be available for late night bitchfests about significant others, fellow students, and the human population in general. Which were just a few of the topics they discussed that night. Hanging out with Clarke ended up being kind of fun, a better night than he originally planned. She even let him watch a little of his marathon and offered her own commentary. Bellamy would do it again… which is something else he would never admit.
It's not like they suddenly talk every day, but it’s a near thing. They would send each other the occasional text when one of them sees something that the other absolutely has to know about. Mostly, he gets pictures of old dogs she sees at the park, asking if this will be him in 20 years. Bellamy responds in kind with memes about college life and rubbing it in her face that they no longer apply to him since he graduated last semester.
But sometimes she reaches out to him if there is something particularly bothering her. Such as dealing with egotistical dickwads that consider themselves professors and shutting down female students in a male dominated class.
Clarke’s probably the only person that ever calls him and can never start the conversation with a simple ‘Hello’. Actually, she’s probably the only person that actually still calls him.
“I just got a job teaching so that insult isn't going to work anymore since I literally will be in a school as part of my job,” is his first response before he turns to one of concern, “Midterms got ya down?”
“It’s just,” she gives an exasperated sigh before continuing, “I want to do something that helps people, I know I want to help people… But maybe I don't want to help people the way my mom wants me to help people...ya know?”
“You’re going to have to give me more to go on here, Princess-”
“I’m thinking about switching my major,” she says abruptly, like she’s ripping off a band aid.
He’s silent, waiting to see if she’s going to say anything else. When it becomes clear she’s waiting for him to say something he responds honestly, “If being a doctor isn’t something you want to do, then you shouldn’t do it.”
“What your mom wants you to do shouldn’t overrule what you want to do, Clarke,” he interrupts her. Due to the increasing amount of time he’s been spending with Clarke, he’s learned that the Griffins have always had a capital “P” Plan and he knows that Clarke has a hard time knowing when she can push the boundaries of said Plan.
She’s silent again and Bellamy’s starting to think he’s going to have to prod her a second time. He’s got the beginnings of his big speech all prepared when finally she speaks up. “I’m thinking about going into Art Therapy,” She says thoughtfully, “Or maybe teaching? Helping out underprivileged kids...or hell, even underprivileged adults. Or maybe something for the community?”
His lips twitch on another smile at hearing the beginnings of a hint of passion in her voice. “Teaching can be very rewarding,” he says magnanimously.
She snorts and it turns into a full laugh, “You haven't even started yet! It could be the worst thing you’ve ever done and a total waste of your degree.”
“Your confidence in me really is touching,” he deadpans and then adds simply, “You’re an amazing artist, Clarke. I think doing something with that could be something you'd enjoy and be really really good at.”
She’s quiet when she asks, “You think I’m amazing? You’ve never told me that.” And Bellamy swears he can hear that smile in her voice again. The one he always looks forward to. The one he tries to coax out of her without realizing he’s doing it.
He feels his cheeks start to heat up and even though she can't see him, he feels the need to brush it off. “Yeah, well, I generally try to be as dickish as possible so…”
She snorts again and damn if he didn’t feel a slight flutter in his chest.
“For the record, I think you’re going to be an amazing teacher,” she says it so matter-of-factly but he’ll have to dwell on it later because she sobers and then asks softly, “So, you think I should do it?”
It’s not hard for him to build her up. She spends so much time being there for the rest of their slowly merging friend groups that she rarely takes time to see the greatness in herself. He doesn’t mind helping.
“I think you should do whatever the hell you want.”
“Women are worse than men.”
Bellamy rubs the sleep from his eyes and glances at the clock; it was almost 3 in the morning. “I thought men were tumors?” he asks around a yawn.
“Yeah, well, women can be tumors too,” Clarke huffs, but she just sounds tired, “Comparing people to tumors is equal opportunity. Strides in feminism are being made, didn’t you know?”
Bellamy pushes himself into a sitting position, suddenly more alert as he picks up the trace of tears in her voice. “You ok?” he asks.
Clarke is silent at first, but he waits her out, he knows that she’ll tell him. “Lexa broke up with me,” she says quietly and then adds in confusion, “Or we broke up with each other? I’m a little unsure. We spent the whole night arguing and then suddenly she was packing up her stuff.” She pauses before taking a shaky breath, “It’s over. We’re over.”
“I’m so sorry, Clarke.”
“She was leaving anyway,” she continues, bitterly, “Some new job. She was leaving in a few weeks and didn’t even bother to tell me. I told her we could make it work long distance, I was willing to try and make it work. That’s when the arguing started. Not just about that but about-,” Clarke abruptly cuts herself off and hesitates, “about... other things. Things I didn’t even know were an issue.” She’s quiet again before she adds, “She didn’t say it but I think she was disappointed that I never suggested going with her...”
The thought makes a quick flash of irritation run through him. “She wanted you to uproot your entire life and go with her,” he summarizes as he tries to adjust the pillows on his bed by beating them, maybe a little too roughly at the thought of her doing just that, before leaning back against them.
“Which is completely crazy, I know,” she hurries to say, “but I wish we could have talked about it.”
“I am sorry, Clarke,” he says again, “I know Lexa seemed like she was it for you.”
“But maybe she wasn’t?” Clarke counters as if trying to reason with herself. “I don’t know. We were both committed to each other, but maybe this was a sign that we weren’t going to be able to make it work long term?” She pauses and Bellamy can hear the gears in her head turning as she processes a way for her to handle this, too explain it to herself. “When we were together,” she hesitates before continuing, and he can imagine her biting her lip, “I was happy... but I felt like a separate version of myself, ya know? Still me, but not completely me?”
Bellamy chews on the words he wants to say and goes with, “Sometimes the person you're with can change you; it's not always a bad thing.” He gets quiet as he adds thoughtfully, “I like to think Gina made me a better person...and she probably did,” he pauses, this time unsure if he should keep going, but Clarke hasn't said anything, so she must be waiting for him to continue, “We tried, tried really hard, to make it work, but eventually you just realize that maybe the relationship isn't going anywhere and what’s best for everyone is just to call it.”
“Wait, you and Gina broke up?” Clarke asks in surprise, “When did that happen!?”
“That's what you got from that?” He rubs a hand over his face as he thinks about it, “About two weeks ago?”
“Shit,” she says and is quiet before asking in a small voice, “Why didn't you tell me?”
“Honestly, I haven't seen a whole lot of you these last few months,” he hears what he said and corrects himself, “We haven’t seen a whole lot of you.” He’s surprised at his ability to keep the bite out of his voice; because the truth was this last year has sucked since Clarke started dating Lexa.
They met at one of Clarke's art gigs. Lexa was cool; fun when she wanted to be, but also a little hard to be around. Most of the time, she seemed to prefer doing things without any of Clarke’s friends.
“I’m sorry,” Clarke says.
“It’s fine,” he answers her and means it. “Gina and I are still good friends.”
“I wasn’t talking about you and Gina,” she says, voice soft.
He realizes what she’s actually apologizing for and he doesn’t know what to say. Because of course he forgives her, he will always forgive her.
The silence lasts too long so he clears his throat and prompts, “Want to come over and get drunk?”
Her laugh through the phone breaks the tension, “It’s like 3 o'clock in the morning.”
“My bar is always open.”
She chuckles. “I really want to hit something,” she says with a determined edge to her voice, “Then maybe get drunk.”
“How about this, we get a few more hours of sleep, wake up at a normal time, and go hit something,” he offers and then adds as if it's an afterthought, “And then get drunk, of course.”
She laughs again, “Oh, of course.” There’s that smile. “I forgot what being single with you was like.”
Bellamy sobers at the thought. It has been awhile since the two of them were single at the same time. “Always here to help, Princess.”
“Why did I agree to this trip again?”
He’s packing up the essays that are scattered across his desk when she calls, 4 o’clock on the dot. Bellamy tries to suppress a laugh but he’s pretty sure she can at least hear the teasing smile in his voice.
“Just getting back to the hotel?” he asks in lieu of his own greeting.
“Yes!” she exclaims in exasperation. “And if it were up to Josephine, we probably would have walked all of damn Paris tonight,” her voice gets muffled at the end and he can only assume she’s thrown herself face first onto the nearest bed. “I cannot wait for a shower- No! A bath, definitely taking a long, hot bath.”
And now the image of Clarke Griffin in the bath, with just enough bubbles to cover up to her chest, has entered his mind. He shoves it away before anymore thoughts can accompany it.
This used to never be a problem. Sure, he’s always known that Clarke is attractive, but he has never been attracted to her. But ever since he broke up with Gina and she broke up with Lexa, Bellamy has been exceedingly aware of the fact that they have both remained single.
The last time this happened was right after Finn.
Bellamy shakes his head for good measure before responding. “You’re going to fall asleep in the tub and your roommate will find your prune-y, wrinkled body in the morning.” He cringes.  Apparently he wasn’t able to get the image of her completely out of his head.
Clarke scoffs, but he can tell that it’s in an exasperated but fond kind of way. “How is it that you manage to be a buzzkill from over 4,000 miles away?” she asks drily and then pauses before adding, “Actually, Josie would probably just leave me in there for the entire trip and never let on that something was up.”
He turns the key to lock his office behind him and heads for the staff lot. “Don’t worry, if you don’t call to check in, I’ll call the National Guard,” he teases.
“I know you would,” she says simply, like it’s a known fact.
Things have been a little weird after he became aware that they were both single. Mostly because, he’s pretty sure that Clarke has also come to realize it. When he turns to look at her, he often finds her already looking. Their innocent touches are now more frequent and linger just a bit longer.
Bellamy has come to realize that he doesn’t want to be single and the reason he doesn’t want to be single is because he wants his best friend to not be single with him.
There’s just never a right time to tell her.
“So, what did you do today?” he asks.
Despite the exhaustion and jetlag that’s surly setting in, Clarke jumps into an animated retelling of the flight and arriving at their hotel room just in time to change clothes and head back out to walk the streets of Paris to get their bearings before their tours officially start tomorrow.
“I’m a little disappointed that we’re doing the Louvre first thing tomorrow. I was hoping to be a little more alert for that.”
“Your coffee addiction hasn’t stopped just because you’re in another country,” he points out as he gets in his car.
She laughs, “Jeez, you are such an ass.”
He starts the car but doesn’t leave just yet; afraid the long distance call will drop out.
“What are you doing now?” he asks into the comfortable silence.
“Admiring the view,” she admits softly. “It really is gorgeous all lit up. Makes me want to dig out my sketchbook.”
“You have a week, Princess,” he chuckles. “Don’t screw up your jetlag even more by losing track of time in your drawings on the first night.”
She’s quiet again before confessing softer somehow, “It also makes me wish you were here.”
His heart clenches in his chest and he wills himself to sound normal. “Maybe next time,” he tries for teasing but it comes out almost wistful.
“Next time, hmmm?” Clarke hums. “You’d come to Paris with me?” And he’s sure she’s flirting with him.
“Well, maybe not for our first date,” he says, “But maybe, like, our fifth or something.”
Clarke’s quiet for a long time and he’s afraid he’s overstepped, misread the room. He’s about to take it back, play it off as a joke when she finally speaks.
“And what would a first date look like?” she asks with what he thinks is hope in her voice.
He swallows a couple of times. “Well,” he starts, “Since you’re already getting some of the best museum experiences, I’d probably settle for dinner and a movie. Something cheesy that’s playing at the dollar theater; where we’re the only ones there and can yell at the screen.”
She chuckles and his heart flutters, “We already do that, Bell. Quite frequently, actually.”
“Yeah, but if it’s a date then I’d get to kiss you at the end of it.”
“What? No making out during the movie?” she asks and he can picture how cute her face gets when she pouts.
A grin spreads across his face and he’s grateful no one can see how goofy he must look.
“We’ll have to make sure it’s a really bad movie.”
Clarke rubs some moisturizer on her face before capping the tube and tossing it into her bag on the bed. After ensuring that everything she’s going to need for tomorrow is packed, she zips it up and grabs one of Bellamy’s hoodies to slip on over her clothes.
Ever since he picked her up from the airport when she got back from her trip to Paris, and she ran directly into his arms, giving the other people waiting quite a show, there always seems to be one laying around, waiting for her to find it. She assumes that he gets as much of a thrill out of her wearing them as she does.
She heads down the stairs of their townhouse, passing various pictures and artwork, and shoots Raven one more text not to forget to bring her dress to the venue tomorrow. She’s supposed to help her get ready in the morning along with her mother. In the meantime, Abby has sent a car to pick her up and take her to the hotel. Easier to get ready if she’s already there for the stylist… something else her mother insisted on paying for. No matter how many times Clarke told her she didn’t care what her hair looked like because she was marrying the love of her life.
Clarke locks up the house and greets the driver, slipping into the backseat. She intends to spend the ride lost in thought, going through the checklists that were running through her head.
Their engagement had been on the short side but she didn’t mind. They were both ready to get on with this next chapter in their lives.
Her phone is resting loosely in her hand, face down on her knee, when it starts to vibrate with an incoming call. She holds her breath for a second, praying it isn’t the florist or the caterers. But when she sees the photo of her and Bellamy from New Year’s flash on the screen, she can’t help but smile.
She taps the button and greets him with a sultry, “Hi, handsome.”
“Hey,” he says and she can tell he has a soft smile on his face, the one just for her. “You just leave the house?”
“Yep. On my way to the hotel now, so hopefully you haven’t forgotten anything because it’s too late now.”
“The most important thing is already on its way,” he responds with a teasing lilt.
Clarke can’t help the sharp laugh that escapes her lips, “Oh my god! You are such a sap!”
“I was referring to the ring, obviously, Princess.”
“Oh, obviously,” she says, mock serious.
They chuckle to themselves for a few minutes and she honestly can’t tell if the driver is rolling his eyes or thinks they’re being cute from hearing one side of the conversation.
Bellamy sobers up first only to let out a groan. “I hate whose ever idea this is,” he whines.
“Aren’t you the history professor? Shouldn’t you know where common traditions and such come from?”
He scoffs, “No, I mean I hate whichever of our friends is making us do this.”
The two of them haven’t seen each other since yesterday morning, him having been spirited off by his groomsmen while she was left to spend last night alone in their bed. And now they’re meant to go one more night without seeing each other.
To Bellamy’s point, Clarke isn’t altogether sure why this is a tradition anymore, nor why they are choosing to follow this particular one. She and Bellamy aren’t even that superstitious! And yet somehow they were talked into spending the days leading up to their wedding apart.
“Ah,” she answers him now, “That would be Raven and Miller. Although, I’m pretty sure it had nothing to do with marriage traditions and has everything to do with getting back at us for making out in front of them so much.”
Bellamy scoffs again, “Well, jokes on them, because after tomorrow, I don’t ever have to stop kissing you.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” she says, “We’ll have to come up to eat at some point.”
The driver pulls up under the awning of the hotel and Clarke gets out and grabs her bag before he’s able to get out and grab it for her. She gives him a wave and a simple thank you before heading through the sliding doors.
“How’s your room?” she asks into the phone as she bypasses the check in desk, her mother having already checked her in and given her the key card to her room this morning when they were getting their nails done.
He heaves a deep sigh. “Lonely,” he answers as she steps into the elevator. From what Clarke knows from his texts, Miller dropped him off here last night and left him to his own devices. Apparently, the best man gets to sleep next to his husband but Bellamy wasn’t allowed to sleep next to his soon-to-be wife.
She makes a split second decision and presses a different button, jolting the elevator to stop sooner than intended. When she steps off she casually offers, “I could help with that.”
“Oh yeah?” He chuckles. “You going to describe for me what you’re wearing?”
“Hmm,” she hums as if she’s considering it. “I could do that… but I was more thinking that I could show you.”
Clarke stops in front of a door and gives it a nice rhythmic knock.
She doesn’t have to wait long before it’s opening and Bellamy is standing in front of her with his phone against his ear and a huge grin on his face.
She lowers her own phone from her ear, pressing the end button without looking.
“Hi, handsome,” she manages before he’s pulling her into his room.
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Humans are Space Orcs, “Tanana.”
This was super fun to write this morning. A little bit funny, and I always enjoy hurting Adam a little, accept in a fun way this time no angst.
Hope you guys like it :)
Just a little bit closer.
The small creature looks on innocently munching on a crop of moss. It has four large eyes, two on either side of it’s head, six legs and is about the size of a small to medium-sized dog. It has really long ears, and if it stays still long enough, it’s going to be my dinner.
I scoot closer over the rock arm raised to the low ready, the spear clutched tight in my right hand.
The creature lifts its head.
Shit, it must have heard me. In my panic, I make a decision out of haste and throw the spear. It goes wild and clatters across the stone. The Drev rabbit takes off, and I am left standing stupidly in the middle of the open field weaponless and looking like a jackass.
“Tsa din dasdarish darat?”
I nearly leap out of my skin, turning around to find Hijan standing a few meters behind me near a coiltree.
“Shit, hijan, do you really have to sneak up on me like that.” 
The old drev looks at me in amusement. I Know she doesn't understand most of what I am saying, but somehow I  think she still gets it.
“Zha deengan.” I say, one of the first phrases I learned how to use. Being able to say I’m hungry is very important in any foreign language.
She tilts her old wizened head at me, “tsa tin danehanish ee dengish?” You were going to kill and eat that?
I shrugged, “Yid zha deengan.”
She crosses her arms, a habit she’s picked up from me, “ene tsa deengan datadish zha dadee sa deeng datahaik.” IF you were hungry I would have given you food.
I sigh, she wouldn’t get it, but still she walks over and hands me a miss twist. I call them that because of their distinct shape, kind of purple and in a strange sort of spiral. When you dry them out they are crunchy like chips though not particularly salty.
I munch absently on the weird plant? Fungus? And she absently plays with my hair. I try to shrug her off, but she’s a lot like my mother in the way that she won't let me be. I am about 100% sure she thinks I am one of her Drevlings. Which has caused a bunch of interesting changes in my life as of recently, not one of which was her decision that I wasn’t colorful enough.
Apparently Drev see humans a lot differently than we do. They can see the way the UV light interacts with our skin. She describes thousands of little spots which turn into swirling stripes. When I asked her to describe the color she said it was similar to turquoise or blue, though I obviously can’t imagine it.
Makes me jealous as hell though.
However, she said my “Carapace” wasn’t colorful enough. When I asked her what she was on about she clearly meant my hair and my nails, which are made up of similar stuff to the Drev carapace.
Long story short, I now have green hair and nails.
Yeah yeah, laugh all you want, but whatever the hell she put in my hair is not coming out. And when I say green, I am not talking like a nice moss green or forest green. I am talking like the color you paint your new Lamborghini kind of electric green.
Not to say that I haven't had my nails painted before, but never this color, and never in tandem with bright flaming green hair. Don’t know why everyone associates me with the color green. I would say it was only my second or third favorite color. Either way, I look super weird as of late, green hair green nails, no shirt, no shoes, and a slowly expanding five-o-clock shadow.
You know I am not a big fan of beards, mostly not a big fan of them on me, but I forgot to bring a razor, so in that department I am kind of fucked.
I mildly wonder if she is going to make me dye my beard green when it finally grows in.
She makes me grab my spear, grabs me by the hand and drags me back towards the village. She doesn’t let go of my hand. I don’t try to fight her, she is stupidly strong, and despite being a grown ass adult, I am apparently her child now.
The other drev find her adopting me very, very funny, but at least now that she has they don’t call me dazhit anymore. The last time someone called me a bitch in front of her, she kicked the crap out of them. I thought it was pretty funny personally. They danced around the circle like a loon expecting her to be weak in her old age, and she just stood there then jabbed them in the throat with the butt-end of her spear when they weren’t expecting it.
I laughed so hard I cried.
Ever since, they have treated me with a little more respect. 
We make it to the village, and with one hand she pushes me off towards the training grounds as if to say, “Go join the other kids.”
I sigh and roll my eyes but go.
The last time I tried to skip out she almost had my hide.
I go at her bidding meeting up with the others who are around my height. Hijan watches sometimes, and she has made it very clear that the kids deserve to get the shit beaten out of them. I don’t like it much, but these kids don’t seem bothered when you knock them around. In fact, most of them like it.
I think our trainer is a bit mad that I can actually fight.
I smile to myself 
Now that I do fight, I am at the top of the class.
The kids think I cheat, difference is I have different training than they do, and a lot more experience in combat despite what the Drev seem to think.
“Tanana! Naktan ts adon.” Tanana, my nickname, or my drev name I guess means alien. Hijan doesn’t like the name much, so she calls me tsata which means gift. Personally I am pretty flattered she thinks that about me.
I walk into the circle at our leader's orders and Dark ‘the other kid’ steps into the circle across from me. He’s an ugly little shit, and I’m not just saying that. He’s a dick to me on most occasions. When our teacher isn’t looking sometimes I make fun of his coloring, that usually shuts him up. I should probably feel bad for making fun of a kid, but I really don’t. He's a dick and everyone knows it.
Problem is now he has a bit of a vendetta against me, and is pretty hell-bent on putting his spear through my throat.
Good thing we only fight in hand-to-hand combat these days.
The kid does not wait till the end of go before he is charging at me hands wide Some of these kids are under the impression that guarding your center is like…. Dishonorable or something. They would be wrong because even Drev now it’s stupid to come in arms wide open. However, at this point I’ll take what I can get.
I dodge past two sets of arms and come in sharply towards hims middle. He has reach on me, so I go in close and brutally aim for what I am hoping is his liver, if Drev have them. My single punch has him staggering back across the circle gasping.
The teacher does not look happy.
I feel kind of smug.
Of course the little brat won’t give up, I’ll give him that, he isn’t a quitter, and charges for me again.
He’s making this too easy, 
I wouldn’t call myself a martial arts master or anything in the slightest, but before he knows what’s happening, he’s on the ground with my legs across his chest. I pin his lower arms with my right leg squeezing his upper arm between both. I have tight hold of his wrist, and just as he begins to squirm, I slowly place upward pressure on his elbow by arching my hips upward.
If I wanted to I could snap the joint.
Damn I love a good arm-bar.
He squirms and squeals for a couple of minutes as I continue to apply pressure until the teacher eventually tells me to knock it off.
I let go and he frowns at me. He doesn’t approve, but there isn’t uch he can do. My move wasn’t against the rules or anything.
He looks at me for a long moment eyes narrowing at my unconcealed expression of pride, and a hint of smugness.
I can see he wants to wipe the look off my face, “zha jasti tsa jej atatchan teeya dzhalakat.”
I grin, “Of course I am too skillful for children. Surprised it took you so long to see that.”
He does the drev equivalent of a frown. I know he can understand most of what I am saying, unlike others, but I think it still annoys him when I speak English.
Tough luck bro, my mouth goes way faster than my brain, its one of my worst qualities. If it didn’t I’d speak Drev More, but for now it was going to take practice.
“Ene tsa ditan atatchan juhkee tsa tehish zheengat s dzhal.”
Well shit. 
His if you are so skillful than you can fight with the adults was not an encouraging statement.
I honestly hadn’t meant that to come out as dickish as it did, but now  I was definitely already regretting my decision to be a smug bitch.
Guess that is what karma does to you.
I see Hijan at a distance, watching as I am dragged over to the next training field. The Drevlings follow at a distance chirping to themselves excited to see me get my ass beat.
We come up over the rise just as one of the training circle is in session. 
Two Drev go at each other with spears so hard sparks are flying. Their feet cut tears in the moss as they push each other across the stone. As we come up one of them is hit in the head so hard they are knocked completely out of the circle.
“Dazhit.” I mutter
Our teacher and their teacher stop to speak at each other. I can see them staring at me pointing and speaking quietly with each other. 
The older class adjusts themselves and looks on in great interest.
I don’t know these guys well, but I am pretty sure I am about to know the butt of their spears pretty well.
I sigh and shoulder my own spear, which…. Is significantly shorter than everyone else’s.
I’m not self-conscious.
“Tanana daeen hajish.”
I walk over as ordered my spear still over one shoulder.
“Tsak nantan tarik.” Your new teacher 
I lower my head, “Tarik”
She seems amused and motions towards the circle, “Tanana ts adon. Zha nin tsa tehish darat zhegingi jastat.” get in the circle, I want to see what you can do.
Oh, great.
I do as told stepping into the circle as she calls one of her students forward. She’s a light colored Drev, the color of cream/orange rose petals. I am pretty sure the Drev would consider her pretty…. Did I mention that she’s at least two feet taller than me?
Well she is.
She rams her spear butt into the dirt, and I swallow hard.
The Tarik waves a hand and we begin to circle.
I hold my spear like they taught me, though I am much better at hand-to-hand combat. We test each other for a minute moving forward and back, watching each other’s guard. Of course, she strikes first though.
I dodge out of the way quickly, expecting to come in and wrap her across the back of the knees, but she spends around and blocks me at the last moment. We connect together so hard that my hands go almost immediately numb.
She brings the butt of her spear around, and I am just barely able to duck under it. She comes at me again, and I step back as the spearhead slices past my chest.
My eyes go wide as I stare at my almost evisceration.
I barely look up in time to block her fro the side.
The hit makes my bones hurt.
I flick my spear up trying to catch her in the face, but she knocks me away with impunity.
She has me backed against the edge of the circle.
She doesn’t expect me to make it out. Too bad I have seen way more action movies than she has. As she cuts over me, I slide under the cu on my knees skidding over the rock and past her into the center of the circle. 
She turns to find me and barley blocks my strike.
I’m doing pretty good.
This isn’t so bad.
That’s when the kid gloves come off, and she strikes me so hard and fast I can barely raise my spear to block her. A vicious second later she comes in with the killing blow, or the crippling one.
Did you know you can knock someone out by hitting them hard enough in the liver?
Yeah I didn’t know that either, apparently the body sense major trauma and is just like nah fam I am not about that life. The vagus nerve gets activated too.
So there I am lying on the moss and the dirt curled up in a ball trying not to vomit or pass out.
I can hear that little gremlin Naktan laughing in the background.
God I hate him.
And I am in SOOO much pain. I am pretty sure my liver has been ruptured pretty sure I am going to die right here on the face of the planet.
I groan, “Hijan… help…. hijan .”
Yeah yeah practically crying for my mother like a wuss. I know no need to point it out 
But guys, I am dying. Or at least I am pretty sure I am.
Luckily for me she shows up and eventually the others leave. I can feel her running a hand through my hair, which would be nice if I wasn’t pretty sure I was dying 
Turns out though, I wasn’t dying, I am just pathetic 
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magaprima · 4 years
“What does it mean, Ms Wardwell?” The fact that Sabrina just always presumes her teacher will have all the answers makes me laugh, because it shows what an impression Lilith has successfully made on her. Like, when in doubt, go to ‘Ms Wardwell’. Like this is a really obscure fucking thing they found in the mines, but Sabrina has no doubt that her apparent teacher will have all the answers. And she does.
“This implies that you’re some kind of Herald of Hell”
I love the fact that Lilith is huh, it seems to be this, when she knows perfectly well that it is, because the Dark Lord himself has told her that he intended Sabrina to be her Herald of Hell, and Lilith lost a bet in trying to take the position for herself. And you actually see Lilith’s eyes flash at the image, because it’s visual confirmation that yep, he really does fucking intend it to happen, and always had done. I mean the mosaic confirms he’s had plans for Sabrina long before he let Lilith in on them, which would, rightfully, piss her off.
Also the way Lilith describes the apocalypse in a ‘well duh’ way when Sabrina asks. Like ‘the earth in flames, the tribes of human and witchkind, enslaved by the hordes of Hell, with the Dark Lord presiding over it all’. She’s just like ‘what other definition of an apocalypse would there be?’. But it’s so revealing that Lilith has known all along what the Dark Lord’s attitude was, not only to humanity, but to his witches too; he intends to enslave the very people who worship and serve him, rather than rewarding them, which is usually how this sort of thing is supposed to work. But I think it’s interesting that when Lilith is Queen she doesn’t have any apocalypse plans and no more let’s Hell go beyond it’s boundaries than Sabrina does. Lucifer goes on about the balance in Part 3 in order to convince Sabrina to take the crown, but Lilith is someone is shown to actively care more about the balance than him or anyone else in Hell. Lilith wants to rule, not destroy, and that’s a very important difference. 
Nick, however isn’t so convinced, and is all ‘what makes you such an expert?’, and I love that we cut to the Adam Creature while Lilith replies, because he serves as a visual reminder that Lilith is an expert because she comes from Hell herself, but it also sort of implies Lilith really wants to fucking smack Nick at that point for his attitude. The temptation to kill them both in that flicker of a moment. 
Also she says she studied with Nostradamus, and I do wonder if that’s that ‘truth hidden in a lie’ and if Lilith did indeed hang out with Nostradamus, as we’ve seen she’s someone who can blur the lines between the mortal and infernal realms when she wants to, and considering her own origins it’s not beyond the realms of possibility for her to have been hanging out with someone who was skilled in prophecies. Lilith has been shown to be someone well-read and intelligent, and also has foresight; how better to get ahead of everyone than to learn how to read prophecies? But also, saying this means she’s telling them how old ‘Mary Wardwell’ is. He lived in the 1500s which means she’s meant to be a couple of centuries older than the Aunts (Her age is also another confirmation that the reason Dezmelda, who is only a 100 years old than the aunts and a 100 years younger at least than Lilith!Mary’s fake age, has aged so much because she left the coven and the Dark Lord, and became a hedge witch). 
“The end times is usually preceded by the gates of Hell opening”
Usually preceded. Usually. How many end times have you seen Lilith? How many have there been that we don’t know about? I think this is why later on she’s like ‘I don’t care if the world ends; I’ll survive either way’, because she’s been through them enough times, and she also knows they either fail to happen or they don’t last long. Maybe it’s like ‘oh Lucifer wants an apocalypse. Must be Tuesday’ kind of vibe. 
“Why me?” “You’re special, aren’t you?”
Oh the implied bitterness in this line. Like, it has been implied constantly to Lilith by both circumstance and the Dark Lord himself that Sabrina is unique, important, special, and she is clearly so fucking tired of it. Like yes you’re special, I had to come here and pretend to be a high school teacher and raise a bunch of dead witches because it was so important you sign a book. I had to stay at a high school to keep you doing what you’re meant to be doing because you’re so special. Adam had to be killed and I forced to eat him to teach me a lesson about how special you are and how my focus should be all on you. I am being pushed aside entirely because you’re just so fucking special. 
“Half-witch, half-mortal, representing the two tribes to be tyrannised”
Lilith was so close here to blowing the whole thing wide open about the real reason Sabrina is so important and why she exists in the first place. Like yes, she is half-mortal, which means she represents one ‘tribe’, and since she signed the book she is ‘half-witch’ representing that side too, but what she actually is, blood-wise, is half-Lucifer. Like she’s half hell-celestial, and I think that’s what the real key part of bringing about the apocalypse was. I mean, she’s probably not the first half-mortal witch to be born, just the first where they actually got married. And it would be easier enough to make such a thing happen, so why would that be so powerful to bring about the apocalypse...no it has to be something more. She’s half mortal and half hell. Lilith was so close. But she had no reason to think ‘hang on I think you’re Lucifer’s kid’. 
But oh god when Sabrina says ‘this would explain my new powers’, the way Lilith is just like ‘I’m sorry what?’ and blinks innocently but with such fucking tension when she asks ‘new powers?’, and you can tell she’s already imagining a dozen things, like what the fuck has the Dark Lord decided to gift you with now, and will it effect me?
‘Resurrection, healing, control over the weather, I’m not sure I can be killed’
Lilith nods at all of these like fan-fucking-tastic, just giving you huge ass powers the rest of us have to work at gradually, fine, absolutely fine, and then it’s the last one she’s like ‘oh marvellous. Can’t even fucking go ahead with my plan now, can I?’ and she tries to hide it so much  but her tension and irritation is so palpable...except to Sabrina who is apparently too focused on her own problems to notice how annoyed Lilith is, and how much she is currently recalibrating her original plan at hyper speed, 
What Lilith says; How fascinating What she means: Well isn’t that spit on your neck kick in the crotch fantastic?
She does manage to recover pretty quickly though. 
" it would seem that the Herald of Hell would have to wield a certain amount of power”
But oh god the way she says this, it’s like ‘yes, I accept you would need some powers to be the Herald (powers I already have, but never mind) but he did not need to go so fucking overboard with it’. Like, Lilith is just getting knock after Sabrina-related knock from the Dark Lord and she just looks like she’s on her last nerve over it. She’s kept calm and accepting for four months but now she is just so fucking done. 
“No way am I doing it”
I wish Lilith had realised her answer was right there. She could have teamed up with Sabrina there and then, been honest and done a pair-up against the Dark Lord and stopped so much from  happening, but as I said on another post, Lilith is as much a victim of society as any other woman in being subconsciously taught to treat other women as a threat rather than an ally, and her desire to punish the Dark Lord seems to outweigh, at the moment, her desire to team up with Sabrina and stop the prophecy. And at this point she does still think she’s in with a chance of getting her crown, so she’s not yet so willing to go completely against him. 
Also, you can tell she loves how much that a legitimate answer to Sabrina’s query is one that also helps her; you need the powers to be the herald, if you don’t want to be the herald, rid yourself of the powers. Which conveniently means Lilith can have her killed as planned. But she barely holds back at a smile at how everything just came together so neatly and so quickly. Like, ah problem raised, problem tackled, back on schedule. I mean she literally smiles through her words as she says ‘rendering you essentially mortal’, because someone essentially mortal is going to be so much easier for the Adam Creature to deal with. Lilith is back in Confidence Town at that point....and then Nick irritates her with his questions again. She really does look at him like ‘why are you even here?’.
But I do love her come back like ‘erm, excuse me’ when she says “don’t you mean half of who she is?” which I think she takes extra joy in saying because Sabrina is always saying how important her mortal side his, how important her mortal friends are and Lilith knows first hand how difficult it was to get her to leave that behind in any capacity, so she’s like ‘well can’t say a witch is all she is when she goes on about the mortal stuff’. Also, I think it’s interesting that she says this and then in the next episode she says of herself ‘not only a witch’, as it’s another parallel between her and Sabrina, that neither of them are ‘just’ a witch, they’re both something more complicated. 
I also love that Lilith doesn’t say anything else until not only has Nick left the room, but closed the door behind him too. She had literally no interest in dealing with him; things go much more smoothly with her manipulations when it’s just her and Sabrina. As it does the moment he leaves, when she’s able to go back into full-on concerned teacher vibe and be all ‘you must keep me abreast won’t you?’ and then adds, ‘and do look into the mandrake spell, it could be just the ticket’ in such a bright way, like don’t like Nick’s negative vibes effect your decision. After all, I have all the answers don’t I, I’m older, more experienced and I’m saying the mandrake spell could be a good thing. Ignore mr-storms-out. 
And then her whole smiling expression immediately falls the moment Sabrina leaves the room. We get back to genuine Lilith. And what’s the first thing she does? Calls Adam to get things back on track. And as she calls for him, she is rubbing her fingers over the enchanted engagement ring she gave to Adam 2.0, she rubs her fingertips over it the way you do when you’re thinking about someone the jewellery is connected to. Like a widow remembering her lost husband, and it just reminds her that the entire reason she’s doing this, the reasons she created the Creature, the reason she’s attacking Sabrina, is all an attempt to avenge Adam 2.0′s murder. 
Her whole instructions of ‘follow her. discreetly. and once she’s vulnerable and alone; kill her’ is given so psychotically though, with this soft, almost gentle voice, and this equally gentle smile, as if she’s telling someone to prepare a birthday surprise, but instead it’s a murder. Also, the fact she says ‘once she’s vulnerable’, shows how well Lilith knows Sabrina. She knows that no matter what Nick says, the girl’s desire to not be a pawn and to stop the apocalypse and not be ‘evil’ means she will do the mandrake spell and will make herself vulnerable. Lilith knows exactly what Sabrina is planning to do. 
But the way Lilith’s eyes flicker away after she gives the instruction, the flicker of thought of something else. Perhaps briefly wondering whether this will succeed before the Dark Lord notices, perhaps acknowledging that this won’t bring Adam 2.0 back, perhaps wondering if it’s going to be a satisfying as she hopes. 
But oh my god the way she stretches out her hand over the candle, feeling the pain of the heat on her fingertips, perhaps in an attempt to feel something, to distract herself from the emotional pain she feels over Adam 2.0 (physical pain would be much easier for her to deal with, after all) and then argh her face is so sad. Lilith is so fucking sad. She even looks like there might be a few tears. She is still in the major throes of grief, she is still so upset about Adam 2.0 and we’re being told, by this shot and her expression, that everything she is doing right now, for good or for bad, is a product of that grief. 
I will at some point do a full visual analysis of that moment because fucking ow. 
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pluto-art · 4 years
Syncytium - Chapter 1
Title: Syncytium Words: 3,311 Rating: T Summary: Teacher AU. Takes place in a fictional universe in which Professor Ronald Pinkus and Dr. Brian T. Globetrotter (played by Pinky and Brain, respectively) are college professors at an esteemed school for mice that focuses on science and the arts. Mainly told from Brain's point of view; sometimes from Pinky's. He's too egotistical for his own good. Pinky is too happy-go-lucky for his own good. The two clash. High jinks ensue. Dr. Globetrotter gets more than he bargained for. Way more than he bargained for...
Fan fiction link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13712482/1/Syncytium
This was 100% inspired by the drawings I did of Brain and Pinky as professors. It’s planned to be a multi-chapter story, and I already have the major points of the entire story outlined. Here be chapter one. Enjoy.
Syncytium - n. a single cell or cytoplasmic mass containing several nuclei, formed by fusion of cells or by division of nuclei.
January 17, 1994 - 4:35 AM
All around them was dark, it's impenetrable cloak cut only by the crimson beat of the emergency lights.
No one could see them. No one could hear them. No one even knew they were there. But if they could see them, by way of those steady emergency flashes, they'd make out an aging mouse struggling to carry his blue-eyed comrade to safety, light reflecting off his broken glasses. And if they could hear them, all they'd pick up, aside from a distant alarm, would be a heavy, breathless panting.
Brian paused in his efforts to set down the taller, much lankier mouse on the concrete below, an arm coming 'round to support his friend's head. Heavy lids threatened to close their curtains on a pair of periwinkle eyes, their owner barely managing to stay awake.
"Pinky... Pinky, wake up!"
He tapped his cheek sharply.
Slowly, surely, the other mouse awakened.
"Yes, Pinky. I'm here. I'm here."
"Brain...," Pinky whispered, a paw coming up to grasp his arm tightly before his head fell back into Brain's palm.
"It's all right," cooed Brian. "It's all right, Pinky. I've got you. Shhh. Shhh. I've got you. Shhhhhh shhh shhh shhh..."
September 10th, 1993 - 7:30 AM
"Sh sh sh! Quiet! Everyone calm down! Quiet!"
A pencil sharpened. A ruler placed just so on a dated, mahogany table. Half-moon violet glasses were pushed square up against a pair of pink, deadpan eyes by a delicate, nail-bitten finger.
"Good evening, class," droned Dr. Brian T. Globetrotter. "Today we shall be delving into the fascinating subject of cellular mitosis..."
Sunlight, warm and bright and quite the opposite of the teacher it poured the morning's blessing onto, shone through the dark, wooden blinds of the university classroom, the better to illuminate the scene. Rows and rows of mahogany benches, arranged in a stadium format, and each with a polished table set in front of it, could barely be seen thanks to the sheer number of students adorning every bit of space available. It wasn't cramped, per say, but it was filled. Not a seat was left, and not for reason of enthusiasm. The countenance of those in attendance told all: no one was here because they wanted to be, but because they needed to be. Required classes were always the least interesting, and the occasional passed note or whispered joke barely managed to keep the atmosphere animated, provided one was even able to communicate such messages without getting caught. It was common knowledge that this particular professor had no room for flippancy. Detentions were a standard affair. Not being spoken to or called upon was considered a kindness.
Said teacher continued his sunrise spiel, seemingly oblivious to the complete lack of interest permeating the room as he droned on and on about the fascinating life of the cell.
Fascinating, indeed. If he at all harbored any excitement about the subject his profile certainly failed to project it, his demure expression reflected on the faces of practically every student in the room. Only one outlier remained: a golden-furred girl mouse, glasses a little askew, cheek resting against her paw as she sighed dreamily. An equally amber-tinted mouse beside her rolled his eyes in exasperation.
"The intricacies of such a seemingly primitive topic are much more complex and absorbing than might first be assumed, and although I don't expect any of you to give a Heterocephalus Glaber's crotch about an ounce of it, we are henceforth going to engage in the undoubtedly invaluable study regardless."
Somewhere in the back, a student scribbled "Heterocephalus Glaber's crotch" on a page of his journal labeled "The Globular List of Insults", sniggering to his freckled companion.
"Please turn your attention to page seventy-five of your textbooks. We will begin with the genesis of the process, in which a single cell divides into..."
But whatever that cell was going to divide into had to be put on hold, for at that moment the classroom door flung open to reveal a completely new fascination entirely.
"Oh, thank you, Mrs. Judson!" blurted out the newcomer, one foot in the door and the other still sticking outside the classroom, a loaded box of paraphernalia nestled precariously in his arms. "I'll never forget this! I promise to pay you back with a whoooooole bouquet of flowers! Nya-ha-ha-ha!"
In he tumbled, paraphernalia and all, right onto Brian T. Globetrotter's desk, knocking an ink pen, two calculators, and his name sign off the table in the process.
"Whoops! Eheh. Sorry! I'll get that for you!" offered the mouse, hastening to clean up his mess, albeit rather haphazardly.
"Wha-... What are you doing here?! I am in the middle of a very important session!" growled Globetrotter.
"Oh, yes, and I'm sure it's a very lovely session, too! But... if you don't mind my asking...," and he got right up to the other's ear and whispered: "Isn't this, ummm, my room?"
"Wha-? Puh... It most certainly is not! This is my classroom and you're intruding!" Globetrotter spluttered, poking a finger into the newcomer's chest for greater emphasis.
Three rows up, a student typed furiously on his phone: New teacher about to get ROASTED by Mr. B.
"Well, how do you figure that one?" the other mouse questioned.
"Maybe you should read the fine print?!"
And with the starkest finality he could muster, he picked up his name sign and slammed it down in front of the other mouse, turning it so that the name BRIAN T. GLOBETROTTER on the front flashed out proud as anything. The new teacher didn't seem at all perturbed by such harsh behavior. Indeed, he put his face right up to the sign, tipped down his own pair of half-moon glasses, and carefully read each word, muttering them to himself softly.
"Oh! Well, that's different then, isn't it?" he declared, straightening up to smile brightly at his fellow colleague. "But, umm, you might want to change the name there, don't you think? I mean, it says "globe trotter", but I don't see you trotting around any globes. No. Not at all. More like globe sitter. Ha-ha-ha!"
Globetrotter stared at the newcomer, mouth agape. It was all he could do at the moment, taken aback by the sheer audacity of this... figure and the pure chaos he had caused. Half the room was already in hysterics, for his buck-toothed make and slight slur, coupled with a lightly pronounced Cockney accent, made his proclamation of "sitter" sound like a different word entirely.
Everything about this mouse was... off. Compared to Globetrotter he was exceptionally tall and lanky, all the more exacerbated by the fact that Brian was quite a short mouse to begin with; he had to crane his neck to look up at him. His laugh was prominent, and his eyes were an astonishing robin's egg blue. Never in his lifetime had Globetrotter ever seen a mouse with eyes that color; he hazarded to guess they were contacts. He wore a lab coat, but only out of necessity, it seemed, for it clashed with the rest of his outfit: a pink polo-style shirt with some band's logo slapped on the front, striped corduroy pants that sported every color of the rainbow, and what looked to be black and white bowling shoes. It was as if a Goofy cartoon had vomited all over him. The heavy cardboard box he'd unceremoniously deposited on Globetrotter's table seemed to carry all assortment of bits and bobs - a globe, several petri dishes, a bag of chips, a baseball cap, some notepads and pens, a small keyboard, a roll of Gouda, some tape, a framed photograph, a book on Regis Philbin, two VHS tapes of The Honeymooners, and not one... but three Bunsen Burners, as if he had packed them in a feeble attempt to complete the look of someone who was supposedly intelligent. Every eye in the room had turned towards him as he entered, and every eye had stayed on him since. Golden-haired girl had actually dropped her pencil, grabbed her brother by the shirt sleeve, and clutched at her heart, a light whisper of, "Oh my gosh, he's hot...," fluttering past her lips. Her brother facepalmed. To complete the effect, he carried under his arm a pad hosting a number of rather childish stickers, which Globetrotter grabbed from him.
"Shut up!" he snapped at his students, who were still chuckling. They all quieted down at once. "Dr. Ronald Pinkus, Professor of Trozology," Globetrotter read aloud, disgust painting every syllable. "What in the bloody hell is 'Trozology'?"
"Oh, well, it's very simple, really. It's-," Ronald began, but at that moment, a wee mouse popped in, her eyes nearly covered by a pudgy blue tam o' shanter.
"Excuse me? Mr. Pinkus?" she squeaked, thick Scottish accent nearly muffled by the gray scarf swathed about her.
"Please, call me Pinky!" Ronald squeaked back.
The girl smiled and giggled.
"Pinky. Mrs. Judson told me to tell you that you're actually in two ten, not three nineteen."
"Hm? Ohhhhhh!" the one named Pinky exclaimed, peeking at the front of Globetrotter's classroom door. A giant number '319' was painted on its front. "That does explain things, doesn't it?"
"Yes. Now, would you kindly disencumber my desk and plant your quixotic accoutrements elsewhere?" Globetrotter fronted, already pushing Pinky's possessions towards him, and would have thrust it clear off the desk had it not been for Pinky's quick reflexes. He grabbed his loaded box, that ridiculous grin still plastered on his face.
"Thank you, Mr. Brain! And thank you, Ms... errrr...?"
"Flaversham. Olivia Flaversham," piped the girl, beaming from head to toe.
"Thank you, Olivia!"
And he waved at her, as best he could anyway, nearly losing the box as Olivia waved back and skipped off. Shifting his grip so as to take better hold of his possessions, Pinky turned to Globetrotter, panting a little.
"Oh, I'm so sorry for barging in on your class, Mr. Brain. It won't happen again!"
"It's Brian. And see to it that you don't," retorted Globetrotter, flicking stray dust off his precious desk. "You may leave at your earliest convenience, which I hope will be immediately."
"Right-o, Brain!" Pinky saluted, and with that... he trotted off, slipping a little under the weight of the box, and doing his best to close the door behind him with his long, pink tail.
For five whole seconds Globetrotter stared at the closed door, as if attempting to retrieve what little bearings he had left. Despite the poisonous nature of their teacher, many of the students couldn't help but exchange excited mutters, babbling in haste about what had just transpired. Already, Globetrotter, with his exceptional hearing, could catch such questions as, "Did you see how many burners he had?", "Do you think he's single?", and, worst of all, "Is his class full?".
In a rare move, no one was punished for such comments. If anything, for the rest of the class, Globetrotter aimed to be a bit more... amiable than usual, which only fueled the chatter. The session was a long one - three hours, to be exact - and it was with great relief that the bell rang, for if there was anything more "exciting" than cellular mitosis, it was gossip.
"Homework is due on the twenty-first. I want a count of three-thousand words at least and no exceptions!" Globetrotter rattled as the entire class practically flew out of the room in a flurry.
Many paired up with friends; some hitched up their bags and backpacks, running in haste to their next class. Three of the girls, two mice and a shrew, banded together, all a-flutter.
"Oh. My gosh. Did you see that guy? Ugh. My heart is still beating a mile a minute," one of them crooned. It was the golden-furred gal, whiskers shining as she licked her fingers and smoothed them out one-by-one.
"Gosh, Maisy, you're so superficial. One minute it's Globetrotter. Now it's this Pinky guy," mused a mouse to her left, a pair of goggles resting atop her blonde hair. "You need to pick a side."
"I am! I'm picking the cuter of the two," Maisy stated, as if this was the most obvious thing in the world.
"He looked like Pee-wee Herman walked into Dexter's Lab or something..."
"Dexter's Lab is more fun," voiced Tillie the shrew, who adjusted the tightness of the little cloth draped over her head. "What did Globetrotter mean by giving us only five pages of homework? Usually it's at least ten..."
"I have a theory for that," said the goggle-adorned mouse, biting her fingernails.
"Would you stop doing that?" Maisy bit, slapping at the other mouse's wrist playfully. "It's so gross."
"What? They get gnarly. You know I don't wear gloves when I work."
"You should."
Goggle-mouse sighed.
"Anyway, you wanna hear my theory?"
"I do," piped the shrew.
"Yeah, sure. Go ahead," droned Maisy, not at all enthused.
"Okay. So... my theory is that he's jealous. He doesn't want this Pinky guy to suddenly snatch up all his students, so he's trying to be extra nice to us to get us to stay."
Maisy snorted at this.
"As if we could leave. It's a required class."
"Yeah, but we could always drop it and take it next semester at a different time with a different teacher."
"But why would anybody go through the trouble of that?" said Tillie. "We'd all rather get it over with sooner than later."
"Exactly," "Goggles" said as they turned a corner, heading for the cafeteria. "Anyway, I'll see you guys later."
"Where are you going?" Maisy asked.
"It's Wednesday. I have Engineering on Wednesdays. Duh. Bye, guys!"
And off she went.
"Bye, Gadget!" Maisy waved, then said, under her breath, "She's so weird."
"Yeah, but we love her," Tillie said.
"Yeah, I know," smiled Maisy, as they walked into the cafeteria together.
Running past them went little tammie-headed girl. She practically flew past the throng of students milling in and trudging down the hallways, deftly weaving in and out of them like a snake in the grass. It was a wonder she didn't bump into anyone even once.
Down the maze of hallways she flew, finally stopping at a dividing lane to peer down a path at a familiar figure.
"Mr. Pinky!" she called out, desperately trying to catch her breath as she sprinted up to him.
Pinky smiled down at her, one paw resting on a handle on a door labeled 'Professor Ronald Pinkus, PhD Trozology, 210", his other arm still balancing the heavy box.
"I forgot to give you this!" Olivia panted, stretching out a sweaty hand to proffer him a little white note.
He took it, not without some difficulty, and tucked it into his box.
"Thank you, Olivia! Here..."
And he extracted from the box the bag of chips and handed it to her. She took it, puzzled.
"Tuppence for your trouble," he said, winking at her.
"Thank you, Sir! Good-bye!" Olivia waved, practically glowing as she ran back down the hallway, ripping open the bag and popping a chip in her mouth in the process.
Grinning sweetly, Dr. Ronald Pinkus opened the door and stepped inside.
It was dark, and it took a moment for him to find the light. When he finally flipped a switch, it revealed to him his new abode. It wasn't the most spacious area. In fact, as compared to Dr. Brain's (or... was it Brian's?) classroom this one was visibly a tad more... cramped. Only twenty seats lay stacked in a corner, their blue paint a little chipped and their legs a mite bent. They looked more like middle-school chairs than the nicer seats found throughout most of the school. The light was dim - perhaps a little too much so. He'd need to fix that. There was a fairly solid-looking desk, at least, as well as a small waste bin, some pencils, a large chalkboard behind the desk, and one of those roll-around televisions in another corner. By all accounts, this room was trash as compared to the rest of the university, but where anyone else would have turned their nose up at it... Pinky beamed.
Setting his box down upon the desk, he hung his lab attire up on a nearby coat hanger and inhaled, breathing in the smell of old glue, old chalk, and a very slight tinge of old bubblegum. The glue smell tickled his nose and he giggled. He rather liked that scent. It reminded him of something. Something sweet...
Quietly, he relieved the poor box of its contents, placing everything in the best places he figured they should go, and set the empty box down in a corner.
"There you go, old box. Sorry for all the trouble!" he apologized. The box said nothing.
He turned back to his desk, smiling at a job well done. The three Bunsen Burners stood proudly on one corner of the desk, looking very professional indeed. The notepads and pens looked quite nice on the desk, along with the roll of tape, and there was even a little shelf under the roll-away tv that he was able to put his Honeymooners tapes on! It was perfect. Well, almost.
From his lab coat, he pulled out a handkerchief, which he carried with him to an empty bathroom across the hall. Wetting it and wringing it out, he stepped back into his classroom, shut the door behind him, and carefully, gently, wiped down the picture frame, a smile kissing his lips as he did so. Four little figures beamed up at him: two older mice, himself as a child, and, curiously, a spool of thread, which he was hugging in the photo. Having cleaned the little glass and frame, Pinky brought it up to his face... and kissed it... before setting it back down on his desk, right there in front, where he could always look at it.
There was only one thing left to attend to: the note that Olivia had given him. He picked it up from the desk, unfolded it, and read:
Mr. Pinky,
My sincere apologies for directing you to the wrong classroom. I hope that old bat didn't give you too much trouble. Please, alert me if you need anything.
- Mrs. Judson
Pinky grinned, chuckling a little as he set the note back down on the table and stepped out from behind the desk.
He sighed happily and looked around the room, gaze glistening.
"I made it, Mum. I made it."
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chemiste · 4 years
Foresight ~ ch.4
a/n: heyooooo, it’s chapter 4! btw, if y’all have requests send them in!!
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Once at the tour bus, you were met with various sleepy stares from a couple crew and the band members.
Sarah came up to you and basically melted into your hug, “I’m so tired…” She mumbled. You agreed with her as a crew person came up to take your suitcase and store it under the bus.
You realized there was more than once bus and wondered where you were supposed to go, “Hey Sar, do you know which bus I’m supposed to go on?” She rubbed the sleep out of her eye, “You’re probably on ours cause you’re Harry Styles ‘best friend’ right?” You nodded at her prediction and started to wonder about the friend thing.
Are we just going to pretend? Or does he actually wanna be real friends…
You were interrupted from your thoughts by Jeff tapping on your shoulder. “Good morning sunshine.” “Hey, Jeff.” “There’s an extra bed in the band’s bus you can take that one.” You gave a smile to him, “Thanks.”
Everyone climbed into their respective buses so they could start the 5-hour drive right on the dot. The bus was a lot bigger than you expected.
In the front behind the driver's seat was a long couch that sat opposite its twin couch, it the left corner close to the bus door was a tv drilled into the wall that sat diagonally. Farther back was a booth and table and then a mini kitchen on the right side. You walked farther back and saw on the left the small slide door to the bathroom and then another sliding door in the middle of the hallway opened to show the 4 sets of bunk beds, two on each side.
Each bed was covered with a curtain you could pull back. All of the beds thankfully, had their curtains open so you could see which one would most like be yours. It was the last bottom bed on the left side, it was the only one that didn’t have any pictures stuck on the walls inside around the tiny windows. One bed had fairy lights taped to the ceiling and another had a poster of Fleetwood Mac.
Putting down your backpack, you sat down onto the teal duvet that was too soft to be real.
“Innit comfy? 100% Egyptian Cotton.” You looked up to find a very cozy looking boy. Harry was wearing grey sweatpants and a tour hoodie.
His hair was sticking out from different angles and you could see the faint shadow of a beard growing. “Hi Harry, how are you feeling?” You asked as he sat down on the bed across from yours and started to take off his shoes.
“I’ll be better once we’re on the road.” Something about this tone made you wonder if he had a rough night but you didn’t ask anything else as the engine started up and the rest of the band came into the sleeping area to try and sleep the whole trip to Amsterdam.
Someone hit the lights off as the bus started to move and everyone’s curtains closed sans yours and Harry’s. You pulled your noise-canceling headphones you’d gotten as a present from a friend the year before and connected it to your phone to play some tunes to drown out the hum of the engine.
Little streams of light flashed in from your tiny window every so often so you pulled the black-out blinds shut and climbed into the XL twin bed.
You gave a little wave to Harry who had set up with a book and closed your curtain to try and sleep.
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At some point on the drive, one of the turns the tour bus had taken jostled you awake. You pulled your blinds up a tiny bit to see that the sun was just breaking over the horizon.
You pulled your headphones off and took your hair down to brush through with your fingers. You contemplated going back to sleep but decided not to so you could enjoy the sunrise as you rode through the lovely landscape of Europe. You closed your blinds again and pulled back your curtains to get out of bed.
What surprised you was the bed across from you was empty, the curtain pulled back all the way and the conformer kicked down towards the end of the bed. After glancing around to see all the others were closed, you tiptoed out of the corridor and slipped out the sliding door, softly closing it behind you.
“Wha ’re doin’ up so early?
A British voice asked as you turned around to see the man of the hour sprawled out on the left side couch with a bowl of oatmeal in hand.
You padded over to the opposite couch and sat down into it, admiring how it swallowed you up.
Sorta like the cat bus in Totoro…
“Just got jostled awake by a turn, I wanted to watch the sunrise.” He hummed at your response and took a scoop of oatmeal.
You glanced over your shoulder to see the horizon painted with rays of yellow, orange, and peach.
“Sorta looks like a Sunflower doesn’t it?” You said aloud to him, still watching the new bursts of light dance around on the land below it. You heard the tap in the kitchen run and looked to see Harry rinsing out his empty bowl.
“Why are you up so early?” You finally asked, after swaying between thinking it might overstep boundaries or not. He shrugged and sat down, this time sitting on your couch. He rested an arm on the backrest and watched the road.
“Not sleeping well I guess.” You didn’t say anything, just watched out the window with him, not wanting to scare him if he decided to elaborate.
After a few minutes, he finally did. “I had a phone call last night that I wasn’t expecting and it just, messed with my head. Didn’t sleep very well s’all.”
Frankly, you didn’t know what position you were in to give advice but he seemed pretty torn up so you decided to give it a go.
“When I get into an argument with someone, I try and think of the qualities of them that I love them for and try to see my side from their point of view. Sometimes it infuriates me to the core cause I can’t see a different version of the story than mine, but once I do its easier to work things out cause then I can address the points that, if I were in their shoes, would upset me.”
He didn’t say anything, so you continued. “But Harry,” you put a hand on his shoulder and he turned his face ever so slightly to look at you, “remember that sometimes the other side of the argument may not be true and you can’t do anything about it. So if you can’t do anything to change it, don’t let yourself be consumed by it.”
You cracked a small smile, “Plus lavender and chamomile tea always put my mind at ease and it’s easier to sleep after a cuppa I think.”
The conversation ended without his response because Mitch and Sarah came into the main space to make coffee and breakfast. While the three musicians chatted, you slipped back into the cabin to grab your toothbrush and went into the bathroom to brush your teeth and do other things. You curled your eyelashes again, just in case.
After putting your makeup bag back in your backpack, you pulled your laptop out and sat down on your bed after pulled the blinds up. You didn’t get under the covers because it started to get warm in the bus.
“Clare?” The woman in question looked down at you from the top bunk that sat diagonally opposite yours. “Is there wifi on the bus?” She smiled and answered. “Ya, connect to the router ‘only’ and type in for the password ‘angel’.”
You snorted at the namesake of both titles and gave her a thanks. You opened your email account and sent an email to both of your college profs to plead to ask to transfer your work online.
Hello prof!
So, a situation has occurred and I’m going now to be in Europe for the next month. Is there any way I would be able to transfer my classes online for the time being?
Let me know what actions I need to take.
After re-reading it a couple times, you sent it off just to get out there before class was supposed to start again.
For the next two hours, you went over the syllabus and tried to find things you’d be able to write about or take pictures of incase your teachers needed a bit more convincing.
You had pulled out your camera and were looking through some of the recent pictures of Europe you had taken for the extra credit assignment your photography teacher had given you when Harry walked back into the sleeping area.
He sat on his bed and pulled his feet into a crisscross applesauce position.
“You’re a photographer?” He inquired. You glanced up at him for a moment and then looked back down in concentration on the picture in front of you and the screen of your laptop.
“Yeah, for class.—Damn, I don’t think this photo qualifies.” “Huh?” Harry hopped off his bed and peaked down to what you were looking at.
“Scoot over.” “What?”
He rolled his eyes are you and squished onto the bed with you. “What are you working on?” He asked with what looked like, honest interest. It surprised you a bit, since why would he care?
He could be doing so many, probably more important things on the ride than sitting with me.
“Well, I’m taking a photography class in college, one of my last actually. I did dual credit classes in high school and only needed a few to technically graduate with my degree.”
“Wha’s your degree ’n?”
“Photography and Media Arts with a minor in Creative Writing.”
He blew a larger breath out and sat back against the pillows you propped up against the wall, “That’s a mouthful innit?”
You smiled and held the camera up a bit to zoom into the picture. “I love it, I actually take photos for a few companies in New York which is exciting. It’ll help that I already have clients leaving college.”
“Where do you go to college?” “NYU.” “Very cool aren’t yeh?” You pushed a strand of hair behind your ear and smiled at the compliment. “So what’s wrong with the picture?” He asked.
“I’m working on an assignment—” “during spring break?!” “—an extra credit assignment, and basically for each of these words I need a picture that correlates to it. The crossed off ones I’ve already completed.”
Harry leaned forward to read the words off your laptop.
Extra Credit Work
Please take photos over this month and relate at least one picture to each word below. Each picture is worth 10 points. You can add a caption about the picture to help it associate in need.
Due May 1st.
“This is the photo I wanted to use for Joy but I don’t know if it's too generic or not.”
You gave him the camera, the photo was of Maggie on the first day in Paris. She was leaning backwards, looking at the Eiffel Tower.
“See, you can’t see her face, which is okay but the body isn’t giving that much expression either so I’m not sure if it will come off as stiff or not.”
He spent a few more moments looking at the picture and then the word. “I think it represents joy perfectly.”
You tilted your head and gave a quizzical expression.
“Look,” he started, “your definition of joy is different from someone else, right? But it’s easier to see that the focus of the photo is in a carefree state, leanin’ back, hair down. An’ I don’t think her body is stiff, ’t’s just relaxed. You can add a caption too if you want right? Maybe add somethin' like, the true feeling of joy ’s when you can finally throw your head back an’ not worry about hittin a wall or som’hin like that.”
He handed you the camera back and you looked at the picture again with a different view on it. “Wow—thank you, that’s honestly just what I needed to hear.” He looked down to his fingers, “can say the same fo’ this morin’, thank you fo’ that.”
Close it quickly Y/N….
Close them…huh?
Someone yelled from the main corridor. Harry jumped up from the bed and you pulled your blind shut as he pulled his shut and checked the others.
“Wha’ is it?!” He yelled into the other room, you trailed behind him after putting your things back into your backpack. Adam had a clicker in his hand that put down a black veil over both large windows in the main compartment.
“This bus has blacked-out windows, why the veils?” You asked.
“Cause if fans come up to the bus with a flash camera, it can still take a picture of the inside, this way the veil blocks it out.” The veils still allowed you to see through them sorta and you gasped at the sight before you. It seemed as though hundreds of people had mobbed the as the bus was trying to drive through.
“We’re in Amsterdam.” You stated.
 “Yeah,” Mitch replied, “seems as though the fans were tipped off of which hotel we’re staying in or something.” After hearing that, the whole room filled with a slight tension that caused you back to ache.
Clare glanced at her phone, “Jeffery is telling us to brace ourselves cause the hotel doesn’t have a private entrance we could drive through, we’re gonna have to go through the crowd.” The band dispersed to get their stuff.
As you packed up, Harry’s phone started to ring.
“Yeh? Mhm, yeah—fuck you’r right.” The British heartthrob turned to look at you which made you wonder who he was talking to.
“Will do, bye.” He ended the call and took his black hoodie off.
“Give me your sweatshirt, Jeff says we’ve got to make sure you don’t draw too much attention to yourself cause we don’t want a riot since we don’t ‘ave security wit’ us.”
You nodded and shrugged off the pink long sleeve. Once you got the hoodie over your head, you noticed how it engulfed you slightly.
“Got any sunnies?”
You pulled some out from a case in your bag and slipped them on. “We’re as close to the door as we can get, it’s time to go!”
Sarah called out to the band. “Hold you’r backpack in your hand, don’t want them to grab the handle and yank you back.” You only nodded and tied your tennis shoes before following the rest of them out to the door.
“Ready? Open, open, open!”
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the-last-airbadger · 4 years
My 2020
Hey y’all. So 2020 happened. That was a thing. Apparently. I know for a lot of people this year was uhm… pretty shit… but it was still a year that happened so it’s time for my annual reflection post (probably the only time I still post about myself on tumblr lol) and maybe we might even find some good things that happened this year!
 The Beginning of 2020 vs Now
So, a lot has changed since the start of the year. A pandemic happened, for one. I can’t believe that a year ago I could still go to class every day and see my friends and now I’m pretty much stuck at home every day. The year started out pretty normal and then march happened and well, you all know what happened next. The worst part about the pandemic for me personally was probably the fact that I barely see my friends anymore and I can’t go to class every day. Some people may not think that not going to class is that bad, but I really enjoyed university more than I ever enjoyed school and I was really happy going there every day, and I was already sad I’d only have 4 to 5 years to spend there, so when that period got even shorter it made me kinda sad.
On the other hand, I do think that mentally I’m in a much better place than I was last year around this time. Being home this much really gave me time to reflect and work on my issues, and because my sister was stuck in our house for a couple of weeks I got to talk to her a lot which really helped me feel better. I think in general my entire family (my brother, sister and mom) have become a lot more open with each other which I think is great! I guess quarantine can have some benefits.
 The Best Things about 2020
Okay, here’s is where we’re going to get even more positive and go over all the good things that happened (to me) this year! To be honest, most of the year was a bit of a blur so I probably will forget quite a bit, but I’m going to give this a try anyway. At the start of the year (when things were still normal) I was super excited to get into the next semester, as the one before had,,, kinda sucked, and those 6 weeks of class I had at the start of the year were really great. I remember me and my friends having a competition of who could get mentioned the most in our teacher’s powerpoint presentation so those classes were always interesting. I also finally got to dye my hair for the first time with the help of my friends. I’ve been wanting to do that for so long, and I’m so happy I finally got to do it! I even know how to do it myself now, and my hair hasn’t been brown since the start of march! Then, at the start of march, my dad and stepmother moved away and I permanently moved in with my mom. Before, I used to live with both my mom and my dad and I got really really sick of switching houses every week, so to finally live in one house and have all my stuff in one place was a bit of a relief to me, and I’m still really happy with it. After that, things become a bit blurry. I remember that at the start of quarantine in … April? I watched Sex Education or the first time, which is now not only one of my favourite shows ever, but also taught me a lot and helped me with some of the issues I was dealing with. We’ll skip over the subsequent sexuality crisis I had (I think I might actually be straight??), and skip straight to the summer, when I started watching I-Land. I watched every episode as it aired live, and because of this show my Fridays really became the highlight of the week. I don’t think I’ve ever been so invested in a survival show XD. The rest of the year was mostly just me spending time with myself. It got a bit lonely sometimes, but I also don’t think I’ve ever written as much as I have this year, and my drawing has significantly improved (if I may say so myself)! Especially towards the end of the year, when I started making a planning every day to prevent myself from wasting away all my time on youtube, I got super productive, and I wrote a lot, and made a lot of art, and I really felt good. I even started (gasp) working out. Yeah I know. Shocking right.
There was also a lot of good music that was released this year, and, to close this section on a great note, through one of my classes I finally found a group of friends to play D&D with! We haven’t actually played yet, but we will, and I’m so excited to play the game and get to know these people more! They all seem really kind!
 My Resolutions for 2020?
Now, here’s the part where we check whether I actually reached all the goals I set myself for 2020. As usual, I have no idea what my resolutions were, so I honestly have no idea how I did. Let’s see, shall we?
Express my feelings more (as in I get really awkward in any sappy or mushy situation but I would like to be able to tell people I appreciate them without cringing) – UHM way to attack me on the very first resolution jeez. I did get more open with my family but I still can’t tell people I care about them without cringing so this is a fail lol
Again, learn to depend less on other people’s opinion and trust my own – I’ve been working on it, I think I’ve gotten a bit better? So win?
Get my sleeping schedule back on track – did that! It’s a bit whacky again now because of the holidays, but October and November were a big success regarding this resolution
WRITE MORE. This time I’ll make some concrete goals: Either I’ll get my story’s first draft done, or I’ll write 100 pages on a single project – okay, so here’s the thing. I don’t think I did any of these particular things, however this time I am 100% sure I wrote a lot more than the past years. I cannot count all the files and pages and notes I have now, but I wrote a lot, so I’m counting this as a win
I want to try NaNoWriMo (not necessarily in November, but at some point) – yeah, didn’t do that oops
I want to read a lot again but maybe not as much as this year because I want to focus on writing too. 40 books? – 49 books babey
Read all my current unread books (Aru Shah 2, Skullduggery Pleasant 9, Gemina, The Mistborn Trilogy and Call Down The Hawk) and finish my reread of Heroes of Olympus and the Raven Cycle) – Did all of these except Skullduggery Pleasant 9 (the start was so boring I decided not to read it all) and The Mistborn Trilogy (I am about halfway through the first book I think?) so I’m counting this as half a win
Finally read a book by V.E. Schwab (I’ve been wanting to try one of her books for ages) – Did that! Read a whole trilogy. It was good but not as great as I expected them to be. I think my expectations were too high though
Finish Playing Twilight Princess (I promised my brother) – Did that! I’m really proud of myself and so is my brother
Go. Swimming. Seriously. It’s scandalous that I still haven’t done that after waiting so long to be able to – IT’S BEEN 5 YEARS SINCE I LAST WENT SWIMMING WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME. I did buy new swimshorts but I still haven’t actually used them… shame on me
Try to worry less about school and not overwork myself – kinda?
Maybe try another drawing challenge somewhere this summer? I haven’t done any of those in a while and I feel like my art needs more attention – okay, so I didn’t do that, but I did at the start of the year make the resolution to make portrait/photoshoot-like drawings for my 8 main oc’s, and I did actually manage to finish that, and they are some of the best drawings I’ve ever made, so though I haven’t actually done a challenge specifically, I did do something
I want to try a 24 hour readathon – Yeah, didn’t do that oops
I kinda want to learn a piano piece as well, but I already have so many hobbies I want to focus on so I don’t know if I’ll have the time ☹ – yeah my dad sold our piano so… fail XD
 Expectations for 2021
Now, after last year I think it’s safe to say we can never really know what to expect. But! I’m going to guess anyway because it’ll be really fun to see next year whether I got anything right.
The first thing that I think will probably happen this year (if I don’t majorly mess anything up) is I’ll be writing my thesis next semester, and then in the summer I’ll get my bachelor’s degree. Honestly I can’t believe how fricking fast those 3 years went, but I guess I’ll just have to roll with it lol. Corona vaccinations will also probably start happening next year, and hopefully this will mean that going outside and seeing my friends will be possible again next year – at least a lot more than it was this year. I hope 2021 will be the year of hanging out with friends and getting to live a little again. Maybe even get to go to class. That would be great.
On to more minor – but no less exciting – things, 2021 will probably bring us a new season of Sex Education! I’m sooo excited for that holy shit. And, in a similar vein, I have high hopes for kpop releases now that SHINee is finally back, and it looks like Haseul is also returning to LOONA! 2021 will also be the year in which ENHYPEN makes their first comeback, and some of the other I-LAND contestants will also make their debut, and there might even be a new season of I-LAND as well in the summer? So there’s a lot of things to look forward to. Oh, and I almost forgot, Dan Howell’s book will be released in May, and there will be a new Grishaverse book, and the Shadow and Bone show will start airing, which I am really curious about. Again, lots of things to look forward to!
 2021 Resolutions
I’m not feeling as ambitious as I was last year, but there are a couple of things I want to try and do, so let’s jump into the resolutions!
I just came up with this today, but I think I want to try and build a bit of a skincare routine? The skin on my nose is kinda flakey, and I think it couldn’t hurt to try and take better care of my skin
Keep up with my daily workouts. I want to work out every day, except when I’m at my dad’s or when it’s a special day, like Christmas or something.
Be able to do either 50 push-ups on my knees, 25 normal push-ups, or both
Keep up with planning daily! It’s a really good way to balance all of my 3195 hobbies and it helps me to not get stressed about school
Write (almost) every day. I need to make it a habit
Draw at least once a week, every other day if possible
Go outside at least once a week. That doesn’t seem very hard but with corona I did not realise how little I go outside if I am not forced to. Sometimes I spend 3 weeks without going out and I don’t even notice it. That can’t be good for me lol
Try to make healthier food choices. Maybe follow the lunch meal plan of the guy whose workout videos I follow.
Get my bachelor’s degree
Grow a beard. I’m getting closer… I know I’m getting closer…
Meet with my frIENDS and give them the alBUMS I have for them
Be more careful with my money, maybe even save a bit of money
Spend less time on social media
Read more educational books
I think that’s it! I can’t think of anything else right now so these will have to do. I wish that 2021 will treat all of you much better than whatever mess 2020 was! Happy 2021!
Last year’s post: (x)
@the-official-pentacorn @asiandutchgirl
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liquidink21 · 4 years
If I were doing the Avatar Remake
Just a list of things changes and tweaks to the original I would make to Avatar if I was in charge of this netflix remake, given that we’ve all lost hope in it and now I’m just speculating to make myself feel better. I’ve already made a list of things it really needs, and this list includes them, but I’m just going to go hog wild with my imagination and opinions on Avatar. In a rough order of when I think and them and what episode it becomes relevant.
How long are these new episodes going to be? I’d like to extend them for more story content, though am wary of overdoing it. How does thirty minutes sound? Enough for some more depth to some episodes.
I think it should be pointed out earlier on that there are more villages across the South Pole. This is canon, and would make the Southern Water Tribe feel more alive.
Aang’s friends from the past: in addition to Kuzon and Bumi, give him a Northern Water Tribe pal. He’s never been to the South Pole, and was deliberately coming to make new friends somewhere the Monks wouldn’t think to look for him. We can reference this friend again when we reach the North Pole.
Somebody, probably Iroh, mentions Zuko’s name in front of Aang. It’s always infuriated me that the Gaang know’s Zuko’s name suddenly in Warriors of Kyoshi without anyone telling them what it is. I don’t think it needs its own episode, just somebody says it while he’s captured.
The terms of Zuko’s banishment don’t restrict him from the colonies in the Earth Kingdom, so they don’t consider those colonies to be proper Fire Nation territory. I feel they should have their own name, just to make the politics of the show feel deeper. “The Eastern Protectorate” is a nice reference to the Chinese “Protectorate of the Western Territories.” Zhao can namedrop it when they go to his port.
The fact that Kyoshi Island has such a different culture from the main Earth Kingdom should be brought up. The answer is a mix between isolation and cultural exchange with the Southern Water Tribe. Katara and Sokka probably have a passing knowledge of the island. “Oh, that’s where we are.” Also, if Aang knew to come here for the Koi fish, how didn’t he know about there being Kyoshi revering settlements there?
There should be an adult Kyoshi Warrior training the others. She approves of Suki training Sokka, and comments on the rarity of outsiders and men being Kyoshi Warriors. I feel Sokka is the first outsider, but there was another man. Adult warrior gives the explanation that when she was a young trainee, a man working on the docks was teased for “fighting like a girl” so warriors taught him exactly like a girl.
There should be an Earthbending Kyoshi Warrior. I mean Kyoshi herself was a bender, the art can’t be exclusively a non-bending form.
Maybe point out that there are multiple villages on the island. This is in fact canon.
Haru’s mother and village could use some actual names.
We never see any non-bending Earth Kingdom soldiers. I loved how the Fire Nation has different uniforms for its bending and non-bending warriors, and I’d like to see the same for the Earth Kingdom troops.
I want to know more about those pirates? The captain is ethnically a Fire Nation citizen. Is there a story behind that? A navy deserter? Like an opposite of Jeong Jeong, deserting not for ethics but because he didn’t like duty getting in the way of fortune? I’m probably just overthinking it.
The names of the Freedom Fighters are obviously pseudonyms, and Jet probably urges the Gaang to adopt some themselves.
While I don’t actually feel that Aang lying to the two groups in The Great Divide is an unforgivable wrong, I feel the lie itself was a little demeaning and could have been a little more sophisticated.
I have seen that post saying there needs to be more Indians in Avatar than just Guru Pathik, given how many Indian concepts are in the show. Many people also share the opinion that there should be Indian airbenders, so yes they should appear in the flashbacks in The Storm (and The Southern Air Temple as well). Also some Earth Kingdom villages should be Indian based as well. I think the market from The Waterbending Scroll could be a good place to start, maybe the port from The Storm as well, though probably somewhere that isn’t just a background place as well. Maybe the nuns in Bato of the Water Tribe too.
Iroh could be less creepy with June.
Ah, The Northern Air Temple. Honestly I feel that while the ultimate message of Aang being okay with the Mechanist and his people settling in the Air Temple is okay, I feel it needs to end with a greater emphasis on the Mechanist’s people being more respectful to the site. Ramming pipes through historical mosaics and demolishing statues is really not on. Also, while Sokka being cool with industrialisation is in character, I do think he’d disapprove the desecration.
I feel the fact that a lot of the Fire Nation’s technological might (not all of it, though) is riding off the back of a blackmailed Earth Kingdom citizen is something that could be brought up more often.
Yue’s story with the Moon Spirit needs to be explained almost immediately, so that it’s not kind of an arse-pull when the plot needs it.
Legend of Korra makes a big deal about the South gaining independence from the North, but they’re already treated as separate nations? I think it should be mentioned somewhere, probably from Hahn, that the South is technically subservient to the North, though operates with a great deal of autonomy that comes with not being able to contact each other.
The North is pretty sure it’s the original Water Tribe, but can’t say for sure. Hahn thinks of the South as nothing but a colony, though Arnook is more progressively minded and notes there are no records of who came first and treats the South as a sister tribe.
I think there’s another character worth adding, a captain of the Northern warriors. He can appear several more times throughout the series, which I’ll elaborate on.
Zhao comments “there’s a reason they’ve survived a hundred years of war” whereas other comments suggest the Northern Water Tribe has been sitting out of the war. Apparently the North did take uniforms from soldiers 85 years ago, so I think the idea should be that they received one big siege back then, and since then they’ve been experiencing raids since then culling their villages and forcing them into that single fortified city-state. Since then, their ability to send ships out has been impeded by Fire Nation ships patrolling those water but not engaging the city itself until Zhao’s siege.
Yue, when mentioning the waterbenders learning from the Moon, should reference humanity receiving bending from the Lion Turtles, just to introduce the concept that bending could be given and therefore by implication taken away.
There’s a historical character I want to introduce: an Earth Kingdom general that was nearly able to push the Fire Nation out of the Earth Kingdom around half-way through the 100 Year War, but was taken down by internal Earth Kingdom politics. The Fire Nation had to do its conquests all over again because of him. It would help fill out a century of history that is poorly explained. I think he could be introduced by Sokka asking General Fong how they still have an outpost on the west coast when most of that region has been occupied by the Fire Nation.
Azula’s blue fire should be depicted like blue flames are in real life: very straight jets rather than the flickering things you see in the animation. Since it’s basically just powerful fire, I think it should be seen with a couple of other firebenders, though Azula is the only one that exclusively uses it. Jeong Jeong and Iroh would be good people to use it.
I saw a post once by a Korean rightfully upset that the only Korean characters in the show (Song and her village) are lumbered in with the essentially Chinese Earth Kingdom as if they’re the same culture despite Korea obviously being separate and having a poor history of China attempting to enforce hegemony over it. I think maybe something could be made of Song and her people being a distinct culture that has had a generally poor relationship with the Earth Kingdom at large. Maybe the previously mentioned Earth Kingdom general was screwed over for being of this culture.
I’m not sure how to depict the Swampbenders. They'll no longer be caricatures of the guys in the next studio, so they’ll be more respectfully treated and not hillbillies. I’m not sure if they should be Vietnamese (given the original characters have Vietnamese names) or southern Native Americans (given they’re waterbenders, and the other waterbenders are Inuits).
After failing to get Bumi as Aang’s earthbending teacher, they throw around suggestions. Since Aang is learning waterbending from Katara they consider a similarly aged Earthbender. Katara suggests they go find Haru, while Sokka suggests the earthbending Kyoshi Warrior I mentioned before.
I saw a post once suggesting that the Beifongs were collaborators, and while I think this is somewhat extreme, I would like to explore the interplay between their wealth and their position in the war. Also, the fact that Toph had been sheltered from the war and has far less of an emotional stake in it needs to be explored in more detail.
In the Zuko Alone flashbacks Azula really needs to be made out as a normal child with a bad influence (her father) instead of an inherently bad child. My sister points to this episode and claims Iroh or Ursa should have just drowned her and that’s something incredibly fucked up to say about a ten(?) year old.
In that vein, Iroh’s “no she’s crazy and needs to go down” line really needs to be changed to something more compassionate. Most Avatar meta states that Iroh doesn’t actually hate Azula; he’s just prioritising Zuko’s safety, and his line here needs to reflect that.
Aang should recognise the Lion-Turtle, and know that they gave humanity their bending powers. Just to keep that concept in mind, so that when it comes to the energybending climax it’s less of an arse-pull.
Wan Shi Tong’s morale compass and lumping a bunch of kids attempting to avoid genocide in with conquerors needs to be called out more, and I feel Katara should be the one to do it.
Suki gets to stay on for one extra episode and help fight the Drill. It also makes for a better explanation of how she got back. Right now it’s implied she went back across the Serpent’s Pass; in my own she’d explicitly head along the wall and go back with the ferries.
I want more discussion of Ba Sing Se’s social stratification. Was Jin able to visit the Jasmine Dragon? Or was she blocked from entering higher rings?
Toph’s lie detecting thing made into a spiritual or chi related thing. The whole heartbeat thing is pseudoscience.
The Northern Water Captain I mentioned earlier reappears, having met and joined his men with Hakoda’s. Hakoda praises his son with helping bridge the gap between the two water tribes.
Ty Lee gets more appearances in Book 3, even if just in the background. She got some nice development in The Beach and I want to see more of it as Azula’s brought her out of that circus and back into the Fire Nation nobility.
Sparky Sparky Boom Man’s tattoo has a different design that is not a villainised appropriation of a Hindu symbol. Something nice and geometric, maybe sun based.
Hawky at some point returns to Team Avatar. I want them legitimised as a member of the Gaang! Equal status to Momo and Appa! Also I suppose bringing a letter back from the Beifongs could have significance to Toph. But let Hawky return!
Hama has a more compassionate ending. I feel after she’s led away, Sokka figures it’s pretty fucked up that they’re handing one of their own over to the Fire Nation so they go and rescue her. They give her a choice between joining them to fight during the eclipse or returning to the South Pole to help rebuild the Southern Water Tribe (given that there’s Notherners helping rebuild she could help make sure they rebuild it in the style of the south and not a facsimile of the north). She chooses the latter.
No weird Guru Pathik during Aang’s hallucinations please.
While discussing the allies that Hakoda picked up, he mentions some people he couldn’t get: they couldn’t find the Kyoshi Warriors, the Sandbenders didn’t want to come, the Omashi Resistance wanted to use the eclipse to retake their city, and General Fong’s outpost had been overrun. Just flesh out things a little.
Sokka and the other Water Tribe warriors should be wearing that facepaint for the Invasion.
I want more interaction with The Duke, Haru, and Teo with the Gaang.
Chit Sang’s girlfriend and friend join with the second escape instead of being strangely absent. Also, who is he? Sokka probably looks him up to make sure they’re not bringing a serial killer into their midst. Preferably not, I like to think they were thrown in there for opposing the war.
I’d like Suki to learn from Hakoda that the other Kyoshi warriors are alive, if imprisoned.
Suki doesn’t like wearing prison clothes and attempts a facsimile of Kyoshi islander clothes by stealing Katara and Haru’s clothes.
Some more emotions between Sokka and Suki relating to her imprisonment please. There’s a lot of pent up trauma there and I’d like them to work through it.
People like to play up Katara’s “you obviously didn’t love her as much as I did” line into an insight to a horrible character rather than just something stupid said in the heat of the moment, though I do think Katara should apologise, if only to show the haters that this isn’t her personality.
Training with Aang, Zuko finds out he has the peace of mind to do lightning. He wouldn’t use it against Azula, but it would be a nice demonstration that his inner turmoil is more or less resolved.
The adult Kyoshi Warrior I mentioned at the very beginning of this reappears as a White Lotus member. She, for whatever reason, has a replacement warrior uniform for Suki, because I feel Suki shouldn’t have to go through the climax in a Fire Nation disguise. Also maybe Sokka should be wearing his warpaint too? I mean it’s culturally significant to him.
You want lightning? No I don’t. Azula’s growing inner turmoil denies her the use of lightning, mirroring Zuko’s original inability to use it when he was lost and confused. So when it comes to sneakily zapping Katara it’s just her fire, but a flame more concentrated (and by implication, rage-fueled) than we’ve ever seen from her. A veritable beam that Zuko has to put his all into deflecting, opening him up to an attack. A non-lethal attack; Azula still has that line about “the family physician”. She doesn’t want Zuko dead and leaves him be when he’s down. Despite going off the deep end there is a spark of compassion in her that stops her from doing that.
As I’ve stated previously, Aang needs to do something slightly more significant and spiritual in order to access the Avatar State again rather than that stupid rock. Some sort of spiritual lesson.
As I’ve said a few times now, the Lion-Turtles should be known to the audience by now, along with their ability to give bending to humans, so that the ability to take bending has been implied.
The weird orange-vs-blue lightshow with the energy bending was kind of melodramatic, though the corruption-vs-purity thing could still be visually represented by Ozai trying to physically overpower Aang and failing.
Possibly to be continued.
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The Missing Songbird
Warnings: Remus being himself, swearing (it’s me. It’ll be colorful), drunken behavior, implied drug use
Characters/relationships: Patton, Virgil, Roman, Remus, Remy, Logan, Dr. Picani (familial Moxiety, Romantic Prinxiety, background Patton x Remy for which I can’t find the name for, Intrulogical)
Roman Patch dreamed of the day he’d meet his soulmate. The man had the most beautiful deep voice, and it was worthy of praises. Virgil Picani was not so sure. His older brother Patton and Dad insisted that he’d be grateful when found his soulmate. They had already found their own, so Vee was skeptical and believed they had a bias (Heh. Logan would be proud of him. Not that he had a say either, having found Remus a number of years earlier. Their relationship had grown with them and it was cute). 
Not that the world cared throwing Roman in his path the moment he walked into school. It was his first day in high school. The entirety of freshman year he nursed a crush. On his first day sophomore year, he met Roman’s eyes. For the first time he could see color, and his crush only got worse. That day he was so glad and his father took him out to his favorite restaurant. Nothing came of it, and he watched from afar as Roman dated, acted, and gained more and more popularity. The few times they interacted, Virgil snapped at the handsome man. The two became enemies and avoided each other. 
And so began their Junior year. 
Roman strutted down the hall. He was basically a school celebrity and everyone knew it. Other than the kids his brother hung out with, including that Virgil who he hated, everyone greeted him enthusiastically. He smiled as he saw his football player brother, talking with his soulmate and Virgil. 
“-Pat’s working hard on his vet degree. He’s already excelling in his classes. He finally found ones that teach in his style, and it’s great. Rem’s been real supportive too-” Virgil was leaning against the locker next to Logan, a small smile on his face. 
“Hey Stinker and Co!” Roman called, interrupting the rest of the quiet conversation. 
“C’mon Ro! I just saw you. Can’t I kiss my boyfriend in peace?” Remus whined, snapping his gum and looping an arm around the smaller kid. Said boyfriend adjusted his glasses, glancing towards the other kid, who had shrank into a more defensive pose at the noise. 
“....I’m going to class. See ya later Lo, Re” Virgil mumbled after a few seconds of brotherly glaring, pushing off the locker. He flipped his hood up and ducked into the stream of kids heading that way. He vanished quickly, having learned his routes by heart over the summer. 
“Why did you have to do that! He was just telling us about Patton! Y’know the guy you crushed on for 3 years?!” Remus nearly shouted, his eyes narrowed. 
“Whatever. I should follow Jack Smellington’s example and go to class” Roman walked away, a storm cloud hanging over his head. He was just having some fun! Now he was in a bad mood and the day had just begun. He threw his bag down in his study hall. Before the period was halfway over, he had gotten a group listening to his summer adventures and what he was planning for the school year. He left with a bounce in his step again, his soulmate had also been humming! His excitement was quickly shut down when he walked into his history class.
“I’m stuck next to him?” His mouth fell open in surprise as he saw the seating arrangement. At a desk near the back his name was paired with his arch-nemesis's, well more like annoyance but that didn’t sound as cool, Virgil Picani. The boy was already there, scribbling on the warm-up, and his purple bangs were falling in his eyes in the most adorable way. Roman shook his head to clear it of the rebellious thoughts. Instead, he focused on the quiet humming in his head from his soulmate. 
“Guess we’re stuck with each other emo nightmare-” the humming abruptly stopped, but it must have been from the bell ringing “-So I better not get your sass the whole time” 
“Don’t you worry your royal ass, I won’t say much” Virgil hissed, turning his seat slightly away. That period stretched on and on as the pair did their best to act like the other wasn’t there. Roman was grateful to escape to 3rd block, and lunch afterwards. He was disappointed when the humming didn’t return, but it couldn’t get him down. The school was serving the good mac and cheese, and he raced to get in line. As he was looking for a place to sit down, he heard part of a conversation.
“-How am I supposed to get through this? He acts like I’m the worst...the world” Roman moved closer, choosing to sit with some of the other theater kids at a table near the voice. It was Virgil of course, but he wouldn’t admit that he was actually interested. 
“Are you sure it’s him?” Logan was asking, his voice curious.
“Yea Lo, The world exploded in color the moment I met his eyes” Roman’s heart sank at that. He didn’t even like the guy! “-a year ago. I just wish I hadn’t panicked and drove him away”
“If he’s truly the one, things will work out. It’s statistically improbable that it won’t” 
“Yea! Logie is right” Remus chimed in, and his mouth must have been full of food the idiot. 
“Thanks you guys. I need to get going. My art class is kinda far, and I don’t want to get stuck in the crowd” There was a chorus of goodbyes. 
If he hated Virgil, why did it feel like Roman’s heart left with him every time they weren’t in the same room?
The next few months went by in a blur. Virgil and Roman avoided each other as much as possible. They shared half of their classes though, but they barely spoke. Roman sat within earshot whenever he could, and he had better ears than most so it was further than you’d think. He caught Vee, Virgil stupid brain talking with the music teacher after the play practice yet another place they were together for. Virgil was in charge of the lights, while Roman was the lead actor. 
“You sure you want to do this VP?” Mr. Sanders asked. 
“Yea. I think I can do it. Besides, it’s just those of us in the production. I can handle it, and my father has been bothering me for weeks to do it. Pat’s coming home too, so it’d be nice” Virgil shrugged, the small smile Roman kept seeking on his lips.
“Alright. So, you’ll be ready tomorrow?” 
“Yup! See you tomorrow” Virgil called as he raced out the door. Mr. Sanders smiled before he clapped his hands together to gather all the kids to him.
“Alright you guys! We have been invited to a pre-production party. I’ll text you all the address, and I hope you guys can come. It’ll start at 4 o’clock, and wear something fun but appropriate. You can all head home now”
“Sure you can do this VeeVee?” Remus was sprawled across the couch, while Roman stood awkwardly in the entrance to the living room.
“Dad’s the one throwing the party. And the moment I say I’ve had too much, Remy and Pat will take over hosting” Virgil shrugged, lounging next to him upside down. 
“They’re here Verge of Greatness” Remy called as the doorbell rang. 
“Let’s get this party started” Roman smiled, bowing to the host. Virgil rolled his eyes, hissing an insult as he began his duties. The group arrived fairly quickly, reaching close to 100 within half an hour. At first, everything was good. Roman, of course, took over Virgil’s social duties unintentionally. That left the purple haired kid to hang out with his friends and chat with his brother. 
“Songbird” A voice called over the crowd, slightly slurred from the snuck in alcohol. Virgil immediately stopped humming along to the music. The voice continued, getting louder and louder. 
“Sing ferrrr us Vergil” Roman appeared from the crowd finally, zeroing on the host.
“Fuckin, Remus, you didn’t tell me your brother was a lightweight” Virgil hissed to the twin that wasn’t drunk.
“How was I suppose to know? Need me to get you out?” Remus whispered back, glancing between his small friend and his brother. 
“Fuck yea. Lo find my brother. Re, just,,, fucking help” The pair nodded, Remus stepping in front of his brother and Logan disappearing into the crowd. Virgil darted into the crowd and ran into his room. He closed the door and sank to the floor. He remained there until the sounds faded downstairs. A hesitant knock came from his door. 
“Dad?” He raised his head, rubbing his face.
“No. It’s...it’s Roman. I wanted to apologize. I’m not drunk anymore. It...Rob gave it to me and I don’t know what it was, but Patton had to treat me. It was not pretty”
“Why. Why did you go to me?” Virgil asked after a second. 
“....I’ve had a crush on you for...I don’t know how long. He said whatever it was would boost my confidence. I guess it did, but it was harmful to you” Roman chuckled nervously. 
“Look. I don’t know if I can trust you, but I guess I can’t keep this from you forever. You’re my soulmate” Virgil rested his head against the door again, closing his eyes again. He held back tears at the hopeful voice from the other side of the door.
“Really? Then I’m doubly sorry. I...I’m going now. See you at school on Monday. Don’t forget, our lab is due then” The house went silent. 
It took a few months until Roman could look Virgil in the eyes. He’d moved to sit with his brother at their table at the opposite end. He wanted to give Virgil space but his heart couldn’t be denied anymore. The change happened in science class.
“Want to be my date to prom?” Virgil nudged Roman, offering a hand. With a smile, he took it and nodded. 
“Nothing would give me more pleasure my knight in shining armor” 
“ughhhh that’s so cheesy shut up” 
“Ma-” Before Roman could finish his taunt, Virgil kissed him. That solved that problem. 
Maybe the rest of the year may turn out better than either of them thought.
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mxtantrights · 4 years
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NOVEMBER 7, 1983
"Can I speak with Jessie Glendall please?" A lady who I hadn't met asks my history teacher. She's very lucky that I don't like inhabiting the same space as Carol. I raise my hand in an instant and she looks to me, waves me over.
I don't even wait for Ms.Sean to excuse me.
I grab my bag and my books in my hands and walk to the door. The lady holds it open for me and lets me out before she leaves the classroom. Her hair is long and brown, but it's not styled like any other adult women I know. Seems like she has her own style, it's straight down her back no curls, waves, nothing.
She begins walking down the hall and I follow her. I follow her all the way to her office I presume because she walks in like she owns it and sits in the chair behind the desk. I sit across from her and set my bag and books down in the chair next to me.
I can see a file on her desk. All alone.
I watch as she adjusts her skirt in her seat and then looks at me. "Oh! I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself to you, clumsy me. I'm your college advisor, you can call me Lisa."
Her hand is stretched out for me to take.
"Did I scare you? I'm sorry, I know college is a scary thing to some people. But I'm here to help you with any questions you may have, or any questions you don't have, anything." Her hand is still out as she tells me that.
I take it quickly. "Yeah- no I'm not scared. Well. I- that's a whole thing. But I've only just met you."
"Don't worry. It's actually good to be scared because it shows that you care about your future. So I've go to ask," And I think to myself oh no, here we go. Here we fucking go. "What are your hobbies?"
"I like music- but shouldn't you be asking what I want to be?" I ask hesitantly. It was nice question that not a lot of people ask. It was nice to be asked that.
She laughs a bit at that. "I'm not like everyone else who's asking those questions that scare you. I want to know about you, so I can maybe not scare you. And you can come back here willingly."
I let out a weird sort of chuckle.
"That's nice." It's all I've got.
"I know. So, what about music? You play any instruments? In a band? Choir?" She dives right in and I can feel a bit of relief come to me.
"I'm not in anything but I just got a guitar a few months ago. And I've been singing for as long as I can remember." It felt easy with her, like I was talking to a friend. Someone who wouldn't judge me. Like Benny.
She nods along to the words I say. "So you like singing, and guitar. They have schools for that you know?"
I lean back in my seat. Yeah I know that. I just know that there is no way I'm getting there with my parent's full support. I know that they might tell me no. They might tell me to keep it as a hobby, but not a career path. Theres the tiniest chance that they would be okay with it, to my face. And then behind my back they'll be waiting for me to fail.
I've spent more time thinking about this than I do homework.
"I just don't think it's an actual possibility for me. My brother is in Stanford for Law right now. I feel like if I go to school for music then I'm becoming the black sheep." I try to put into words, but it sounds better in my head.
I watch her nod and then she goes into her drawer. She moves things around quite a lot actually before she pulls out a paper. When she does, she takes a hold of the file in her other hand and holds both up for me to see.
"Jessie I've seen you're grades." She puts bluntly.
Here we go again. Here we go.
"Look, I'm new here I just moved-"
"From Texas I know. And I have your grades from there too and they look pretty good. Now it's not uncommon for this kind of thing to happen but we're in November and your grades haven't picked up at all since you started." She waves the file around with my name on it as she speaks.
"I know but-" She gives me a look that says she wasn't finished so I stop talking.
"I see here that you had music back in sophomore year. Aced that with a 100. And then I see on your schedule right now you aren't taking any arts." She begins and hands me my file. I take it as she continues, "It's my job to see these things and advise you, not tell you like your parents, or pressure you like your friends. And I see a girl who could be doing amazing things."
I scoff and open my file. My grades from Texas are staring me right in the face. I can't lie about it. And I can't hide that 100. What else am I gonna do besides own it?
"Okay. Yeah. Maybe I could. But when I enrolled here the art class was full and so was music. And my dad wanted me to get my required stuff out of the way so I took P.E." I tell her, closing my file back and handing it to her.
She doesn't take it. Instead she holds out the other paper in her hand. I take it and take a look at whats on it. It's a list of art schools. Fricking Juilliard is at the top of it. I didn't even think that was an option for me. If Stanford was impossible then that was whatever comes after.
I look at her, since it's all I can do. I'm not entirely speechless but damn near it.
"I think you should put that list in your file, and start getting real with yourself and others about what you want."
I look back down at the two separate things. The two things that have been forged spirit since I moved here. And she's right. I knew it deep down all this time. I wanted to pursue music, it's been my dream since I could have dreams. I just haven't been confident enough to stand in it.
My hands put the list into my file.
I can't believe it, but then another part of me is just screaming. ABOUT TIME!
I look back up at Lisa. My college advisor. "What next?"
"I'll meet you guys there, over." I hear my brother speak- most likely into his walkie. I don't think he's talking to himself in the mirror or something.
I open his door and place my hands on my hips. "I don't know what you think you're doing but no."
He sighs very loudly, making me close his door and shush him.
Our parents are in bed early tonight. I haven't the faintest clue why but it cut into my guitar time. It's painfully quiet in this house meaning I can most definitely hear my dork brother speaking on his loud ass walkie talkie.
"Jessie! I have to go my friends need me!" He whisper-shouts at me.
Need him for what? It's dark and raining. There is no way he's going out there to play D&D with them right now. It's too dangerous for him to bike, and its way too late.
"It is late, it is raining and I cannot let you go out there." I shake my head at him.
"You have-" He starts yelling but I cover his mouth with my hand.
"Lower your voice!" I whisper again. Can't he take the hint that he needs to be quieter? If he was even gonna get through my parents he was walking into a losing battle. I take my hand from his mouth.
"It's Will, he's missing."
holy shit.
What the fuck?!
"I'm coming with you then. Just meet me downstairs in a minute." I tell him and he nods his head. I walk over to his door before thinking to myself, I hope he doesn't pull some shit with me. I turn back and point at him. "Do. Not. Leave me."
He nods again.
The boys are standing outside of the little makeshift cabin. Their flashlights are shining on something inside but I can barely see with the rain. It's pelting down on me, on all of us so hard I think I might be swimming in it.
"Is it him?" I shout over the loud pouring water.
They don't move.
It can't be a dead body right? They would scream out if they saw something like that, I would. Or maybe I'd be paralyzed with fear. Too scared to form words. Too scared to do much of anything.
I take that as a sign to evoke my older sister duties and slightly push them out of the way. As I do, I can see into the cabin. A kid, looking right back at all of us.
"We need to get her out of this rain," I start ordering while taking off my jacket.
The kid isn't saying much of anything. I hand her my jacket, slowly, and she takes it.
"My house." Mike adds.
Yeah because she was definitely not coming home with me and Mickey.
"Alright Wheeler, you're house."
I watch from the staircase as the boys throw their questions at her. We figured out that she's a she when she stepped more into the light. And now she's on Mike's couch, not saying much of anything again. She hasn't said a word since we brought her here.
She sat on the back of my bike and held onto me very lightly.
The boy's start going overboard but before I can tell them to calm down, Mike seems to do so. Seems that he wasn't he tiny asshole I pegged him to be. He brings her some spare clothes from the laundry.
I watch as she inspects them, like she needs to be wary of everything she comes into contact with.
Then she's on her feet, peeling off my jacket and about to pull up her shirt when I jump forward.
"Wait a minute!" I shout with the others.
Mike points to the bathroom and tells her to change in there.
The little girl picks up the clothes and follows his instructions. I see her take herself to the bathroom and look around. Mike tries to close the door to give her privacy but she grips it tight. I think this is the part where I step up.
"You don't want it closed?" I ask her
She takes a second before finally, finally answering. "No."
I watch Mike speak to her, and they both agree to keep the door open a few inches. Mike walks away, back to the other boys. But I stay where I am, turned around of course, to block the crack in the door.
I don't pay attention to their conversation. I’m too in my own head about this little kid.
What the actual fuck.
Where did she come from? Why was she just out in the rain like that? What's her name? Where are her parents? Why doesn't she speak much?
This can't be good.
All roads lead to this is really fucked up. Some fucked up shit is happening here in this small town. A girl, with a shaved head, who can barely speak is just in the woods all by herself. I don't like the way any of this sounds.
I look at the boys now who are all looking at me. "What?"
"Mike's plan, did you hear it?" Dustin asks me and I shake my head. He sighs, but tells me anyways. "She'll stay here, then mike will get her to come to his front door in the morning aldrin the bell. And his mom will handle it."
What kind of plan is that?!
"That- and then what happens to her?" I ask them expectantly.
"Who cares, she's not our problem!" Lucas barks back to me.
Not their problem? What? "Well she is now. She is now that we all decided to bring her back here and clothe her."
"Look we can't tell anyone. We'll all be put on lockdown Jessie." Mickey.
He's right. But theres something going on. Maybe because they're kind of too young to see all the scenarios. But I'm old enough to know things. Scary things that happen to people, to girls. I have a really bad feeling about all of this.
What if she's running from something or someone?
She opens the door from behind me and I turn around as she steps closer to me.
My father's feminist agenda is screaming at me. Right now. This is it.
I look down at her, "I don't know if you can understand me or not," I crouch down to be at her level and see her take a breath. "you'll be safe here for the night. With Mike."
She nods her head once at me to let me know she understands. I hope.
All I know is, I feel the need to protect her. Meaning I'm gonna have to wake up bright and early Tomorrow morning to derail Mike's plan. My parents don't come into my room- god I really hope not- and If I have to hide her in my closet for God'sakes I will. 
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lifesbecomings · 3 years
The email
Hi Drew— I just wanted to  clarify something and share some perspective. First off, I want to say that I understand and respect Denison’s admissions process. I reached out a few days ago to everyone just curious about the process and wanted to talk about options to continue my education, IF even possible, through Denison! With the positive feedback from everyone and your first email, and then mention, even as a slight possibility, of spring enrollment...one certainly can understand my excitement and push for more discussion and my initiative to get applied/enrolled. With that said I am still curious about steps in general. And maybe I applied as the wrong type of student.  I know there are openings still this spring, and especially in the EDUC classes (like EDUC 390), and thought "wow, maybe this is all aligning because it's meant to be."  If it is or isn't meant to be, I'm at peace with whatever the decision is or remains. But Denison will always be my first choice. I did leave in 2017 as a medical leave student, and technically I wasn't pursuing a degree through CCS, just taking classes, many students take summer classes or semesters (like if on academic suspension), and then come back and return to campus. I know usually students typically return 1-2 years, and I understand there are deadlines and I know their importance. In no way shape or form am I trying to surpass these. When I first reached out, I said I'd be happy to discuss ANY options in a return.  Others, throughout the thread, were mentioning a spring return and spring availability and how fantastic this could be. Both Karen Graves and Baker were on board in the Educ. department, where I am majoring, presumably for a spring enrollment.  Maybe it is the fact I only have art credits as transfers. Was it that they were hoping for more core class transfers? Either way, to be perfectly transparent, whatever the outcome is, I will be taking spring classes. As well as summer classes. I want to get my degree. My first choice is Denison. If there is anyway to make this a possibility still. You already know, It would be my pleasure to stay in touch, and I will happily move to Ohio and take classes back on campus in the fall. Denison holds a special place in my heart. I hope my time on campus impacted those I came into contact with, as much as they impacted me. The Briefing: Within the last 2 weeks. Literally, two weeks, a series of events occurred that made me see the potential I could have. It started with a ski lesson, we had philosophy lessons up the chairlift, and the technical skiing lessons going down the hill. It was eye opening. I realized I need to work on my patience, but It also made me realize that I don't have to do something I do not enjoy. Moreover, it made me recognize I need to stop running from what satisfies me the most, people, education, learning, and teaching. I shut myself off in 2017 to the idea of "traditional schooling". I thought, "It's not for me". " I'm not good at it".  It stuck.  That is, until January 6th 2021, when I had this ski lesson. The ski lesson in combination with my parents friend, a teacher from Brother Rice High School,  got me thinking. I was thinking and analyzing myself. My change in perspective was shocking. I needed to accept my talents and embrace them, instead of shutting them out and rejecting them. It is so funny how we sabotage ourselves.  This is the start of my story. About how I found my drive and fulfillment. Below are three personal stories I would like to share. 1.  Monkey Bars. 
There is a story my mother always would tell me growing up about my perseverance and determination. When I was very young, 4 years old, there was a set of monkey bars on the school playground. After school one day I told my mom I wanted to go across the monkey bars. The only problem...I did not know how to do them. But, I had watched other kids that day at recess. So I was determined to figure it out. We were there for 2-3 hours. I was bound and determined to do those monkey bars. I knew that was what I wanted. I had numerous failed attempts, failure after failure, my mother began to beg me to leave with her because my hands were all beaten up, blistered, and bloodied, I still kept going. I made it all the way across those monkey bars that day, and every day after. There is another story, too, a similar story about me riding a two wheeler. Same determination, different goal. Both accomplished. 
2. My Miracle.
A senior in college, to the modern western world, is still considered "young". If you're in school, attending high school or even attending university, to have a child anywhere, at any time in that mix, It is looked down upon, plain and simple.  I chose to not tell any of my peers, while I was at Denison, my fall semester, that senior year, in 2017. I kept this knowing to myself. I told my parents, and told the father/ fathers parents. Guess what was encouraged? An abortion. Whether verbally spoken (which it was) or unspoken, I knew this is what was wanted from me, wanted for me. I mean, it was, after all, the easiest thing to do. I could still finish my degree and the family could always come later in my life. So, I did just that. I went in for that appointment, at 5 weeks. 
Statistically speaking it is 99% effective. Did you know, 1:4 women will have had an abortion in their lifetime. It's neither here nor there, just an incredible statistic. I actually came back to Denison to finish out my degree after. Putting the past behind me. I enjoyed a fantastic fall break that year in Philadelphia with friends, because through Denison my Junior year, I did a "study abroad," in Philadelphia (the best experience ever. Cannot speak enough about that program! So grateful Denison is a part of the Study in Philly!) 
Anyway, after coming back from break I wasn't myself that week at school. I came home, went to a doctor's appointment. Pregnant. I was 11 weeks pregnant. 1-2 weeks away from being in my second trimester. I knew. In that instant, I was keeping him. No one else understood, at the time, my decision. I was blamed on one side, entirely, for this outcome, the father still lives in denial. This is important information in my story, as it describes where I have been, who I am and who I've become. The father isn't, and has never been involved. This is fine. It's been uncomplicated. I'm actually very lucky. Besides, I know that my son and I deserve someone 100% interested in me AND my son, not an either or situation. So once making my decision, to continue with the pregnancy, I took one day. One day to be broken hearted, to feel like it was me against the world. Later, to my surprise, I found I had a support network bigger than I could ever have imagined.
I am blessed. I am loved. "We" are so loved. But it took me that one day to realize, the easiest thing is not always the right thing. I knew honestly from the day I first found out, I wanted this baby. And my god, has it not only blessed me, but this child of mine blesses and brings joy to anyone and everyone he meets. As a biased mother would say, he truly is something special. My choosing to bring this new life into the world, is an amazing and miraculous testimony to my dedication and character. Being a mother (parent) is one of the toughest jobs in the world. 
3. My Bakery.
First, back story: I tried to take some classes at College for Creative studies in 2018. Knowing I was more than "just a mom". I've done a lot of "soul" searching and self love in my time away. I didn't reach back to Denison at this time because I was convinced traditionally schooling just must not be for me. The root of it, I later would find, was that I was somehow undeserving of it. (super messed up mental ideal). Disclaimer: I, like many, struggled with self worth. Therapy is necessary and beautiful.  Anyway, continuing---I had a hobby of sketching.  Homes and houses always intrigued me, so I picked up some classes at CCS, interior design classes. This is where I realized a hobby does not make for a career. More importantly, I remembered the promise I had made to myself, that I didn't want anyone else raising my baby boy.  I was spending 60hrs + a week on projects and classroom time, leaving him home with my parents and babysitters, a little bit at first, then, more and more. So, I pulled the plug. 
When I give of myself I want to give 100%. If I was giving my school work 100% there was none left for my son. I had to pick between the two, and clearly, without a doubt, my baby boy was the sure pick. Schooling this time round failed because It was in person, he was not in school yet, and it was not practical or logistical. I stopped in OCT of 2019. Between October and December of 2019 I went stir crazy. I was 24/7 with my son, living at my parents home still, and my mental health was on the decline. I felt trapped. I needed a way out. And thus "A Degree Above Bakery" was born. I have made over 5,000 dollars in profits from this business. I have a standing order, weekly, with Westborn Market. However, this flow, and work is at my grace.  I can shut it down, permanently, or temporarily. I can drive it forward more, or scale it back, starting tomorrow.  I was determined to find a way out and give myself some "me" time, as well as doing something I enjoyed that gave me flexible hours to work with my son present. I originally started in my own home. Operating under the cottage food law. That is, until I started to rent space in Plymouth MI from Westborn Market in April 2020.  I bake Sundays currently. 
I created and established then registered my name. I created and bought a web domain.  I have my own labels and packaging I created. Every aspect of my business I have built and created. The brand, the marketing, getting into a grocery store. My point here, being, when I think of something, I do everything in my power to try to reach my goal, whatever the road block. When I get an idea, I see it through. To the best of my ability. __________ My overarching theme is determination. You will have nothing without it. I will be respectful and understanding of any final decisions, acceptance, reinstatement, or lack thereof. If there is still a slimmer of possibility to qualify for spring semester at Denison or be considered again... It would be an honor and mean more to me than any words could begin to describe. I had to take one last shot with you all,  before seeking another institution.  Rules and regulations will be forever. I understand this, but If there is anything I can do to help enhance my application/reinstatement/case/enrollment/scenario please don't hesitate to ask. I would be honored to commit to in person class on the hill in the fall, after taking summer classes, and taking the spring classes online at Denison, I also will be able to pay, in full, for the spring tuition as well as on campus next fall/winter. I also paid in full while being on campus every year from 2013-2016. Please also hear me when I say, yes, obviously I would do whatever and help to see a successful spring enrollment, but I would be happy to transfer credits from this spring (elsewhere), and summer, to complete classes on campus in the fall.  I will stay open minded to all possibilities, as I know Denison does! 
With much respect and appreciation, and excitement,
Sarah McNaughton
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hyunsracha · 5 years
home — seo changbin
word count: 2.8k
summary: you hated everything about your school. even the stupid galas your best friend forced you to go to.
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You hated your school.
You hated the long, winding hallways that led to dull, lifeless classrooms. You hated the grey courtyard, meant to give students a place to be free, but only made you feel more trapped.
More importantly, you hated the people. The teachers, people who didn’t care and only wanted you to pass so you could get out of their face.
And the students. Greedy, monstrous little demons who hold each other’s secrets like playing cards, ready to whip them out and ruin each other’s lives at any given moment.
You could only stand two people at your school, and one of them graduated last year. His name was Bang Chan, and he took you under your wing when you were a freshman, guiding you through the halls in a way that kept the hardwood floors from eating you alive.
And you did the same to Lee Felix the next year. He was a new freshman, and his shaking doe eyes made your heart cry. So you took him under your wing, showing him where to go and where not to go.
Chan made you tough, teaching you to stand up for yourself against the assholes on campus.
Felix made you soft, teaching you compassion and empathy for those other than yourself.
They meant everything to you, and you couldn’t really be bothered to deal with anyone else.
But now Chan was gone, and you were a senior, and Felix was a junior.
You always thought that your grim perspective would tear Felix apart, but two years later, he still glows like the sun.
Even when the two of you are sitting in the basement of the school, a cigarette between your lips as you doodle on your math homework.
“Y/N….are you even listening to me?” Felix whined, his brown eyes somehow still sparking under the shitty yellow lamp lighting.
“No, you know that.” You pulled the cigarette from your lips’ hold, exhaling smoke and raising your eyebrow at your friend.
“I was talking about the gala. They’re doing a super cheesy theme this year: Paris. Fun, right?”
You gagged, “Of course they would do something like that. Sounds awful.”
“But Y/N!,” Felix pouted, “We have to go! We go every year. And it’s my last year with you…”
“D-Don’t give me those eyes...Felix! Fine.” You sighed. Damn Felix and his stupidly pretty eyes.
You checked the time on your phone, a soft curse leaving your lips as you put out your cigarette. You were going to be late, and art was the only class you cared about.
You loved your art class. Your teacher didn’t really care what you drew, exclaiming that, “art is everything! Even your breath is art!” And you liked drawing; it was quite soothing. Plus, the teacher loved you and said that you works were “inspired,” so the ego boost is much appreciated.
You were feeling tired today, so your drawing was simple. Just made of pencil, you drew a bedroom scene. Of course, the bedroom was much nicer than your actual one at your house, and you would much rather be in your art’s room. You sketched a bed, big and warm. You sketched a nightstand, paintings on the walls, a dresser, etc.
Your teacher stood by your side, draping a comforting arm over your shoulders, “Missing home?”
Home. A funny little word. This bedroom you drew wasn’t home, and neither was your bedroom where you lived. You didn’t really have a home.
“Yeah. Just tired today.”
Felix was part of Anime Club. He had Anime Club every Tuesday and Thursday, so you spent Tuesday and Thursday afternoons sitting in the back of the classroom the Anime Club kids used, getting a quick power nap. Then you two would walk home together, the sounds of your shoes clacking against the hardwood floors making you even more tired.
“What are you gonna wear to the gala?” Felix asked, the faraway look in his eyes signaling his excitement.
“I dunno...clothes, I guess.”
“Nice clothes, Y/N.”
“Fine. Nice clothes, I guess.”
Felix lived three streets away from you, which you thought was weird because you had never seen him before he was a freshman. Those last three streets were your least favorite to walk through, because they brought you closer and closer to the place you didn’t want to be.
There was nothing wrong with your house. On the outside at least. It was quite pretty; it even had flowers in the front yard. But there was nothing growing on the inside.
The air inside your house was suffocating. Your throat felt clogged as you took your shoes off.
“How was school?”
“Fine. How was work?”
And you were in your room.
Your mom was never the same after your dad left.
You remember that day like it was yesterday.
You were seven years old. Your mom was out at work, so it was just you and your dad. He had spent the whole day coming in and out of the house, but you didn’t know why. You had been in your room, playing with your toys, so all you heard was the door. Around 3:00, he came into your room and scooped you up into his arms. His tears were wet in your hair.
“Daddy? What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” You had asked. He sat down on your bed, setting you on his lap.
“Y/N, you know I love you very much, right?”
You had giggled, “Yes, Daddy! Of course I know that!”
He kissed your forehead before setting you back on the ground, “I’m going out for a bit, okay?”
And you never saw him again.
When your mom came home at 5:00 to a house without her husband, she had asked you where he went.
When you replied with, “Out,” she broke.
She spent days in her room after that, refusing any of the little snacks you brought her.
When she did finally come out, something had changed. She was much more reserved, and the light had drained from her eyes, almost like she was just a walking corpse.
When you were old enough, she explained to you why she was so sad all the time.
You never had crushes on boys after that.
Her job was hardly enough to keep you two afloat, so you sold a lot of things. Your house was almost bare, only having a couch and a tv on the floor. Your room was like that too, the only furniture being your bed and dresser. When you turned 16, you got a part-time job, and almost all of that money went to paying bills.
You flopped down on your bed, immediately curling under the blankets. You never really bothered with doing your homework. You’d just do it the next day and get an A on it. It was always like that with you.
Time passed quickly. Too quickly. Two weeks had already passed and it was time for the gala. You were dressed in the nicest outfit you owned. Felix had come home with you and raided your closet, claiming that you needed his fashion expertise.
“Why don’t you have any nice clothes?”
“Felix I have no money.”
“Well neither-”
“You live in a mansion, shut up.”
But you cleaned up nicely, at least that’s what Felix said. You also had to promise him that you wouldn’t smoke at all that night. He gave you those stupid eyes again, so you agreed.
You thought the gala was even more boring every year. You only went as a freshman because Chan said you needed to have the full experience of New Haven Preparatory School. You didn’t know that meant having to watch all your peers grinding on each other, alcohol and God knows what else in their systems. One thing you didn’t know about prep schools before attending one: the kids were much more rebellious. Something about being so confined made them act out even more. You heard 3 different couples hooking up in the same bathroom when you just wanted to pee.
This year might’ve been the most boring. The way overdone theme made you want to gouge your eyes out. There was a cardboard Eiffel Tower and the lights were hung up to look like stars. If you squinted, it was kind of pretty.
Felix was having a good time though. While you leaned back against the wall, sipping on a punch you were 99% sure was spiked, Felix was living it up on the dance floor. Sometimes you forgot that Felix was a dancer, as he never really talked about it much. But when you saw him dance, you remembered all of the recitals you’ve gone to for him.
You become 100% sure that the punch is spiked when Felix holds out a hand, beckoning you to the dance floor, and you accept. You don’t know if you can dance, but you’re assuming you can’t based on the amused look on your best friend’s face. You two clumsily move to the beat of Top 50 pop songs, giggling whenever one of you trips. You were tipsy, and Felix was just a clumsy guy.
The gym hushes when the doors open, revealing someone you could care less about.
Seo Changbin.
Seo Changbin was practically made of money. Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, Changbin could literally get away with murder. You assumed that was why everyone liked him so much.
After a moment of gaping silence, the party continued. There was more chatter, mostly from people with huge crushes on the senior.
“God, he’s so hot. Do I look good enough for him to talk to me?”
You just laughed listening to their conversations. Felix must’ve heard them, too, as he rolled his eyes.
You didn’t care about Changbin. He had never been mean to you, but he was never nice to you either. So you just didn’t care.
You cared so little that you merely shrugged when he tapped on your shoulder, taking your hand in his and dragging you away from your best friend.
You cared so little that you couldn’t be bothered to push him away when he pulled you into the janitor’s closet and suddenly had you pressed against a wall. You didn’t push him away when his lips connected with yours, with a fire you weren’t aware his possessed. In fact, you cared so little that you kissed him back, wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him even closer.
You weren’t sure how long you were in that closet, or where your shoes were, or how many hickeys were on your neck, but you didn’t really care. You just went and found Felix, telling him that you were tired and wanted to go back to your house. And Felix walked you back, the knowing smirk never leaving his face, even after he dropped you off.
Seo Changbin was a complicated guy, especially when it came to matters of the heart.
People called him a player, and from most angles, he looked like one. But he swore he wasn’t.
But he never really talked about his feelings.
“Dude, you’re a fuckboy. Just deal with it.” His best friend Minho had said when Changbin tried to explain himself. His other friend, Seungmin, nodded from his spot in the corner, where he was reading a manga.
Seungmin was a junior, and sometimes Changbin thought about knocking his teeth out. But Seungmin could pay to get new teeth in a day, so what was the point?
He has tried to knock Minho’s teeth out once. He doesn’t really remember what they were fighting about, but he punched Minho in the mouth and got a beating in return. They’ve agreed to never fight again.
But Changbin swears he isn’t a fuckboy.
Seo Changbin, although rough on the outside, was soft on the inside. All he wanted was someone to fall in love with. Someone to hold at night and someone to make breakfast with and someone to kiss and hug and just…someone to love.
Seo Changbin was a strong believer in fate and soulmates, and believed that you would know who your soulmate was the moment your lips touched theirs.
So he spent his whole high school career trying to find his soulmate. So he’s kissed almost everyone at school. That’s actually how he met Minho...and Seungmin.
It took him four years to find his soulmate. He couldn’t understand the energy that passed through him the moment his lips touched yours. It was like someone had lit a match inside his body and set all his organs on fire in the best way possible. When you left, it was like all of the warmth in the world had been taken away from him, and he was left in the cold.
You were Changbin’s soulmate. He was sure of it.
Now all he had to do was make you his.
School had gotten weirder after the gala. Everyone looked at you, which is something they never did.
“Felix,” you whined, back in the basement, “why was everyone staring at me?”
“Oh, I don’t know Y/N, maybe it’s because you hooked up with Seo Changbin in the janitor’s closet.”
“We didn’t hook up! We just kissed for a little. I have self-control, asshole.”
You heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Your eyes widened as you put out your cigarette, making sure your foot was covering it as the person showed themselves.
“Seo Changbin, fancy seeing you here.” Felix sent a knowing glance your way, not even trying to make his wink secretive.
“I...I just wanted to give this to Y/N.” Changbin pulled out a single rose from behind his back, shoving it into your hand with a shy smile.
“You...you didn’t fall in love with me because of a kiss, did you?” You laughed awkwardly, setting the rose down next to you.
“I did, actually.”
Oh Jesus, you thought.
“Oh Jesus.” you said.
That wasn’t the last you saw of Seo Changbin that day. He walked you to your art class, then he walked you home, with Felix trailing behind. He wasn’t the worst person to talk to, and you actually found yourself laughing at a few of his jokes.
Changbin couldn’t even describe the joy he felt when he heard your laugh.
And this continued for the next few weeks, as the end of winter transitioned into spring. You could predict Changbin’s lines at this point, and it was pretty amusing.
“The flowers are so pretty today.” Felix mused.
“Like Y/N.” You and Changbin said in sync, sending each other sly grins afterwards. You hadn’t really noticed that his hand was holding yours. It happened a lot, and you didn’t mind it. You didn’t care.
You cared so little that you let him kiss your cheek as he left to go to his house.
You cared so little that you blushed when he said, “See you tomorrow, my darling Y/N.”
You cared so little that you walked home in a daze, hardly able to hear Felix’s teasing laugh.
“Mom.” You had said once you entered the house. Your mother jumped, not used to the lightness of your tone.
“I love you.”
A smile broke out on her face, the first one you had seen from her in years, “I love you too, my baby.”
And she hugged you, and she cried, and you cried. Your house felt a little bit more like a home, and you thought you should thank Changbin. He was always bright, bringing a new perspective of optimism into your life.
The next day, you decided you would thank him.
You took his hand in yours on your walk home, startling him enough to make him stutter. You watched him as he spoke, and you told him that he looked nice that day. By the time you got to his house, he was a blushing mess.
“B-Bye, Y/N.” He turned around to go to his house, but you stopped him. You wrapped your arms around his torso from behind, trying to pour every ounce of adoration you held for him into this hug. His eyes watered as he placed his hands over yours, immediately understanding what you wanted to tell him. He knew you well enough to not say anything, only turning around and pressing a kiss to your forehead before going home.
Home wasn’t a building. Home wasn’t a person either. To you, home was a feeling. A feeling of comfort and safety. That feeling started following you everywhere, leaving you feeling at home in your own skin.
You still hated your school. The hallways and the classrooms and the courtyard and the teachers and the students. But you still felt at home there, as your home was anywhere you went.
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