#(more in the next chapter eheheheheheh)
aprillikesthings · 7 months
YOOO time for more she-ra rewatch
lolol at myself bc when I opened Netflix it was clear I'd left it paused right at the end of that sword-dragging scene eheheheheheh
so I watched it again
ahem, anyway
s1 ep 10, the beacon
my headphones aren't buzzing this time, thank fuck
(lol I got real distracted during this one)
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oh right they all think Entrapta's dead
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I mean I can't blame any of them for feeling that way
lol and then I got distracted and wrote a bit on my fic--I got some ideas at work today and wanted to pursue them.
and by "ideas" I mean I suddenly thought "hey remember that one bad breakup when you were 23, how the weekend after when you were alone in the house you cried so hard you worried you couldn't stop and started to panic and hyperventilate, and it only ended because a friend called to check on you? you should put that in the fic :D"
back now.
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I dunno if they meant to do this, but to me it looks like Adora's WAY more upset than Glimmer and Bow are. I know part of it is her blaming herself.
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yeah that's not good
"I'll recharge, stop glitching, and my mom never has to know :)" that's not how that works bb but okay
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(hordak is speaking here)
And...that's a good point. She-Ra is even more dangerous than Hordak thought before, because she was part of the Horde and knows a LOT about them.
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So this is one of the episodes I watched the first time with Daci over rabb.it. (That was actually our first "date," which is THE MOST LESBIAN THING EVER. Literally watching She-Ra online together in voice chat because we were long-distance.)
And I know this because I made a joke post about it to tumblr referencing K/DA, my fandom obsession at the time. That was on April 30th, 2019. I think that was the day Daci bought the plane tickets for their first visit. They moved in with me less than a year after that first visit.
Okay I looked up that date in our discord chats and
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EIGHT HOURS lolol okay we watched the show the day before I made the post. Also Daci had just bought the plane tickets I was right-- that visit was the last weekend in June.
We'd been flirting for months but I didn't actually believe Daci was serious about it until they bought the plane tickets. And then the NEXT WEEKEND after watching she-ra and Daci buying those tickets my dad had a brain hemorrhage and we took him off life support a few days after that, and Daci and I started video chatting EVERY DAY because I was alone in the house and off work for two weeks of bereavement leave.
Fuck one of my keys is acting up and the the paintbrush I use to dig under my keys to fix it is upstairs where Daci is sleeping, if I drop any r's that's why
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I mean that seems fair. Also: Emily!!!
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I'm trying to suppress how hard this is making me laugh and FAILING
Also her nose is wiggling omggg
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Did you know it's canon that Catra is entirely covered in hair like an actual cat? Or at least it's "word of God" via the showrunners on twitter. But outside of fan art by furries nooooobody includes that. Especially not in fic. Which is fine. Because I personally do not want to write that. Her ears are fuzzy, the marks on her arms are just birth marks, but the hair on her body is just normal human body hair and that's it.
THAT SAID I think I've only read one fic that intentionally included her sense of smell being stronger, and it was referenced in ONE LINE for smutty reasons eheheheheheh
Anyway it's this fic and it's by a friend and it's good
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Catra's expression is so often some variation on "...the fuck?"
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Literally read a fic last week with a scene about how getting ill in the Horde was a good way to end up dead from a combination of bad nutrition/healthcare and being a victim of bullies but I cannot remember which fic it was
NO WAIT it's this one I think. I've still got two chapters to go reading that fic because I've been intentionally savoring it, the character stuff is just SO GOOD and it's just such the opposite of my own writing style. (But it's also the fic that has a scene of "Adora has a nightmare and injures Catra in her sleep," and I really hope nobody thinks I copied it considering I wrote mine before I read it in their fic, aaugh)
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oh god there's a gif I can't find of a guy pressing his lips together like he's trying not to laugh and then looking at the camera and if you know the one: that one
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Entrapta and her lack of ability to understand personal space or normal boundaries is just so great but also the phrase "another woman's tail" is just perfection
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Yeah yeah I know Catra's being a manipulative little shithead here but also if I were to meet Entrapta and she didn't mind I would absolutely be twisting her hair CONSTANTLY just like I do my own
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the weird noises she's making must've been so much fun to voice-act
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So like, the whispering woods are like that one forest the hobbits walk through in the book version of lord of the rings where the trees keep like, closing in on them?
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that's the name of a g-idle song
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oh right I see what's going to happen here
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she's trying to comfort Shadow Weaver after immediately insulting her, bc of course she is
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"I was hard on you, I won't deny it; and I won't apologize. I just wanted to prepare you for the world. I just wanted you to be strong. :(" BULL FUCKING SHIT
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well, for a given definition of "strong"
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oh shit
Yeah that's a weird thing to bond over but okay
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I dunno why they did the cute little fangie thing here but I'm not complaining
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Okay so her face is stupid here (couldn't get a screenshot that included the caption and not the terrible face) BUT she really leaned into the sexy voice for this one and I made a noise and my laptop nearly slid to the floor pfft
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spindrifters · 10 months
Spinny I've had a burning marg question since chapter one and I've held it I'm because I assume it's a spoiler but I just can't keep it in anymore:
What is he up to? And more importantly, why is he up to it???? It is highly suspicious and I have been thinking OBSESSIVELY about it this whole time and I just had to let you know how much of a chokehold it has on me
ehehehehehehe now I'm not SAYING you're getting a straight answer to this in the next chapter, but what I AM saying is that you're much, much closer to learning some pertinent information than you might think................
*disappears cryptically into the mist*
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mint-yooxgi · 2 years
also when i read "mimi" i had to close my eyes and get off from the app for a few minutes because holy shit the transition of her meeting oc was superb my mind is all over the place omg im so overwhelmed w this chapter (IN A GOOD WAY) i'm assuming the next chapter would be yeosang centric? BC YES PLS SIGN ME UP FUCK I LOVE THIS CHAPTER SM CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT ONE OMG
Ehehehehehehe thank you so much!!! I'm so glad it transitioned well!! I’m glad I could build it up in a way that was entertaining (I hope) and well paced!
Hehehe, the next chapter is definitely a bit more Yeosang centric, but maybe not in the way you think ;)
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max-is-tired · 5 years
Magic Mirror (Mirror’s Magic) Chapter 1
Pairing: Romantic Royality
Characters: Patton Sanders, Roman Sanders, various OCs
Words: 5.002
Warnings: angst, blood, war, crying, magic, loneliness
Notes: Welp, here it comes! This is part of my fic for the TS Big Bang 2019! Or at least, it should have been -as I said, I haven’t quite managed to finish writing the whole thing, so I can’t post it all today. But I still wanted you guys to see it by the end of the month, so here we go, everyone hop on the angst train!! :D
Hit me up if you want to be added to the taglist and let me know if you liked this, reblogs, comments and asks are always very welcome and much appreciated! And if you would consider buying this broke college student a coffee (link in description) you’ll have my eternal gratitude and a thank-you ficlet of your choice, so there’s that.
(This story is heavily inspired by two Vocaloid songs. This chapter specifically is inspired by this cover of Rin’s Magical Mirror, by SirHamnet)
Commission me!!
Read on AO3
Go check @keuwibird‘s amazing art for this fic here!!!
First || Next
Sometimes, Patton finds himself dreaming of laughter and happiness, of sunny days and chirping birds. He dreams of a faraway land, untouched by war or famine, by misfortune or death.
He dreams and dreams and dreams, running through endless fields without a care in the world.
Those are the times when waking up hurts the most, when the memories fade away and all that remains is nothing but pain and an ache where his heart should be.
On days like those, it’s difficult to remain optimistic. Memories linger in the back of his mind, echoes of his old life filling the small wooden cottage he now calls his home.
On days like those, when Patton looks in the mirror, all he sees is a tired boy with blue, dull eyes staring back at him.
(Sometimes he wonders what his mother would say, if only she could see him now -his hair a mess, scrapes and dirt covering his body, his clothes reduced and nothing more than rags. She’d probably go full mother-hen on him, he muses with a small smile. Then he closes his eyes and shakes his head, locking those thoughts in some dark corner of his mind -he can’t think of her, of his family, of what he has lost and will never get back. If he does, he’s not sure he’ll be able to get back up again.)
Today, though, Patton can’t help but wish it was one of those days. He wishes his dreams could have been filled with bittersweet happiness, with long lost smiles, with the faces of those he had once loved most. Anything, but the memories of that cursed day.
An explosion, that’s how it starts.
Screams, yells, the clashing of swords and shields filling the halls of the castle, blood splattering to the ground as the enemy’s force advances inexorably.
“Mother! Father!” Patton screams, desperate, confused, afraid.
“Run, Patton! Quick, before they find you!”
And he does, heart thundering in his chest as he turns and bolts towards the secret passage behind the throne -he found it when he was five, when everything was well and war was something he only heard about in fairytales.
He runs without looking back, emerging in the forest behind his home and not stopping until he trips on a branch, tumbling to the ground with a startled shout.
Patton lays there for what feels like an eternity, staring at the sky as sobs rack through his body -searching for a reason, just one, for all this violence and hatred and blood plaguing his home and destroying everything in its path.
“Why?” he chokes out, tears rolling down his cheek.
The moon stares back at him, silent, and Patton feels something inside him break and crumble to a million pieces.
Patton shakes his head, squeezing his eyes shut to stop the tears from escaping out. He can’t let himself fall down that rabbit hole, because he knows there’s a great chance he might do something stupid -like give in to despair and finally let himself rot away, all alone in that abandoned cottage in the middle of nowhere.
Taking in a steadying breath, Patton stands up and stretches his arms up, eyes sweeping on his surroundings.
He still remembers the state this cottage had been in when he’d first found it, crying and freezing in the middle of the night. Patton had basically passed out as soon as he had gotten inside, but once he’d woken up again, the light of the day had helped him better take in the place –it had been abandoned for a while already, clutter and dust filling the cottage and sending Patton into more than one sneezing fit.
He had spent the day cleaning and sweeping, trying to keep his mind off of everything –not that it had worked, in the end. Everything was still too fresh in his mind, the cries and blood and fire screaming endlessly in his head.
The first days had been… hard. After the first night, sleep had become its own hell. Between the nightmares, flashbacks, and loneliness, Patton had found himself hitting rock bottom hard and fast –sleep-deprivation and grief smashing and merging in his heart until all he could do was curl up on himself and let the tears fall.
Things had slowly gotten better though, mourning leaving the place to numbness, like a thick fog settling on his heart and never letting go. That had left too, with time –not completely, of course, he can still feel it creeping at the edge of his mind, but now it feels less like hopelessness and more like melancholy.
The cottage had become Patton’s home, the forest around him his entire world, the deer, squirrels and rabbits living in it his only companions. The war had kept raging in the distance, the only proof of its existence being the columns of smoke he would sometimes spot on the horizon or the occasional soldier passing through the woods –they somehow always missed the small cottage, blissfully unaware of the boy cowering inside of it with tears in his eyes and memories flashing in his head.
Almost a year has passed since the day Patton ran into the woods, and for the first time –despite the nightmares, despite the sadness and grief still dancing in his heart- there’s a tiny, sincere smile on his face as he lets the memories wash over him. Maybe, just maybe, he can finally start to move on.
Then, he lets his eyes sweep over the dusty mirror in the corner and lets out a shriek of surprise, ungracefully falling down the bed.
Patton blinks, eyes boring a hole through the wooden ceiling as he tries to make sense to what he’s just seen. He’s awake, right? He must still be dreaming, obviously, because Patton’s pretty sure that the boy who was staring back at him from the mirror a few seconds ago was, in fact, not him at all.
Patton frowns, pinching his arm and immediately after letting out a pained hiss. Nope, definitely not a dream. Then, what –or rather, who- did he just see, exactly?
Patton slowly gets up, nerves buzzing under his skin as he slowly approaches the mirror. Gulping, he moves to stand in front of it, eyes closed and heart beating wildly in his chest. He’s probably just being silly, he knows that. It was probably just a trick of the light, with the help of his still-half asleep brain. Now, he’s gonna open his eyes and all he’ll see will be his own reflection, same as every morning-
“So, are you ever going to show me those lovely eyes of yours?” comes a sudden voice from in front of him, drawing a surprised yelp out of Patton as he takes a few startled steps back. Eyes snapping open, Patton finds himself meeting the gaze of a boy who’s very much not him, white, red and golden robes flowing with a breeze he cannot feel as a pair of amused, forest green eyes stare back at him.
“There they are,” the boy chuckles, cocking his head to the side with a small smile, “I know I called them lovely mere seconds ago, but I have to admit that it doesn’t even come close to how breathtaking your eyes are. Only fitting for someone as stunningly beautiful as you, truly.”
Patton can distinctly feel his cheeks growing warmer by the second, wringing his hands in front of his chest as confusion, fear and a hint of curiosity clash and merge in his head.
“Who- Who are you?” he asks, his voice small and uncertain.
“You can call me Ro,” the boy says with a bow and a wink, the golden details of his robes catching on the sunlight coming from the open window, “I’m a magician, and wishes are my specialty. What about you, my dear?”
"I’m Prince P-” Patton starts, the familiar introduction already on the tip of his tongue, before catching himself, “ I’m Patton,” he finally says with a sad smile on his face, “just Patton. It’s a pleasure to meet you, I’ve never met a magician before.”
“Patton, mh?” the boy –Ro- hums, tentatively rolling the name on his tongue, “a name almost as gorgeous as you, my prince.”
That last part makes Patton look away, smile turning bitter on his lips despite the small blush still present on his cheeks. “I’m sorry, but… I’m not a prince. Not anymore, at least.”
“You sure about that?” Ro asks, a chuckle escaping his lips as Patton snaps his head towards him in surprise. “I told you, my job is to grant wishes. Just say the word, prince Patton, and everything you’ve ever wanted will be finally yours.”
“Wha- for real?!” Patton exclaims, excitement evident in his voice as he unconsciously leans towards the mirror. “You’re not lying?”
“Of course not, my dear,” Ro says with a grin, “after all, I’m a magician meant just for you.”
“For me…?” Patton whispers, slightly in awe, “but- why me? I’m just a prince without a kingdom, a coward who ran away and left everything behind, I’m sure there are so many other people in the world who could use a blessing like this far more than I ever could!”
Patton doesn’t notice it, but Ro flinches almost imperceptibly at his words, sadness and something else flashing in his gaze for a second before he conceals it behind a kind smile. “Trust me, Patton, there is no one else in this world who deserves it more than you.”
“Are- are you sure?”
“Positive, my heart,” Ro says, “now, Patton, tell me –what does your heart desire most?”
For a moment, Patton feels overwhelmed, a million possibilities stretching in front of him. What do you ask for when you can wish for every single thing your heart ever wanted?
Then, he thinks of war and blood, of sorrow and pain. He thinks of his family, his kingdom, of happiness and laughter echoing in the halls of the castle, and slowly places his hand on the mirror’s surface, gaze bordering on pleading as he looks up at the magician.
“What can I ask for?” he asks, a spark of something growing in his soul –it makes excitement flow through his veins and his heart beat wildly in his chest.
“I shall grant anything that you wish for-” Ro answers as he places his own hand in front of Patton’s, a charming smile on his face and eyes full of a million promises –for a single instant, just one, Patton can almost feel the ghost of a touch on the tip of his fingers, warmth traveling up from his palm to his chest-  “so won’t you chant for me from the other side of the mirror?”
Patton lets a grin stretch out on his face, eyes sparkling in barely concealed delight. He feels like somewhere far, far away from that little cottage in the woods, the wheels and gears of fate have just started turning.
“I think I know what my first wish will be!”
The spark in his soul is starting to feel a little bit like hope.
“Can I wish for everything to go back the way it was before the war?”
“Well, there’s no limit to what you can ask, but-” Ro’s gaze turns hesitant, doubt flashing in his eyes as he turns his head to the side- “time is… tricky. It’s powerful, ancient, more than magic itself. Messing with it is dangerous, my heart. If I grant that kind of wish, you need to be aware –not even I can fully anticipate what the end result may come out to be.”
Patton’s smile dims but doesn’t disappear. “That’s alright,” he hums, nodding, “I can work with that.”
“I wish for the war to stop.”
After Patton makes his first wish, Ro gives him a warning –he can fulfill it no problem, but it won’t be an immediate change. He’s a powerful magician, yes, but things like this don’t happen overnight.  To see the results, they need to be patient.
“That’s okay!” Patton says, smiling at the young magician. “If it means the war will end, then I’ll wait for as long as it takes.”
Ro nods, smiling in response, and waves his hands in the air, foreign words slipping out of his mouth as red sparks fly around him –Patton can almost feel the moment the magic happens, like a switch being turned as something new clicks into place in the fabric of the universe.
After that, they wait –but not for long.
The news arrives around a week later, in the form of a caravan passing through the woods, bringing to the people of the kingdom the joyous news of a peace treaty finally being signed between the two fighting forces. They don’t see Patton, as it always happens, but Patton sees and hears them, a grin stretching on his face as he sprints back into the cottage.
“Thank you thank you thank you!!” he yells as he hugs the mirror, tears streaming down his face –for the first time in a long while, they’re tears of joy, heart bursting with happiness in his chest as the realization that this awful nightmare is finally over dawns upon him.
“There’s no need to thank me, Patton,” Ro says, a soft smile on his face, “it’s your wish that did this.”
Patton sniffs, shaking his head. “But your magic is what made it possible in the first place! Without it, this might have never happened. I- goodness, I don’t think there are enough words to express how grateful I am, you- I’m-”
Tears blur Patton’s already foggy eyesight, the occasional sobs making it difficult for him to keep talking. Inside the mirror, Ro’s smile turns softer still, murmured words slipping from his lips as his magic takes the form of a gentle red wisp. With a wave of the magician’s hand, the wisp flies out of the mirror towards Patton’s face, softly caressing his cheeks.
Patton gasps at the sensation, letting out a startled laugh as he feels the magic tenderly wipe away the falling tears.
“Awwww!” he coos, watching the red wisp fly in the air around him and rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand. The magic feels playful as it glides around, wiggling as zipping through the air and messing Patton’s hair up. The boy lets out a giggle, tears forgotten as he spins around to follow its path.
“Your smile shines more brightly than a thousand suns, my prince,” Ro says, smile so soft and gaze so earnest it makes something warm spread in Patton’s chest. “Happiness looks amazing on you. I can only be humbled by having been able to bring something so beautiful to the world.”
“Oh, shut it, you flatterer,” Patton grins, gaze focusing on the red wisp of magic still flying through the air of the cottage as his cheeks burn a pretty shade of red.
“Is it flattery if I’m only saying the truth?”
The way Patton’s eyes widen and his cheeks bloom an even brighter shade of red makes Ro only want to compliment him more, a boisterous laugh escaping his mouth as he watches the boy sputter and wave his arms around in embarrassment.
 Distantly, he wonders how long has it been since someone told Patton how beautiful he is.
“I wish for my parents to be alive and well.”
News of its beloved king and queen’s fates travels through the kingdom rather quickly, moving from village to village as the story of their imprisonment by enemy forces reaches even the farthest border in less than a week. The news of their freeing thanks to the treaty makes even the poorest farmer rejoice, making the realization finally sink in even for the most skeptical: the war has finally ended.
They’re free.
Festivities run rampant in the kingdom, people working on rebuilding what was destroyed and mourning what was lost. The royal family works hard to give its wounded kingdom and people what they need to put themselves back on their feet and finally start working towards recovery, but both the queen and king are also mourning the loss of their son, the prince, whose fate no one seems to know.
Their pain is short-lived, though. As soon as the news reaches his ears, Patton basically sprints out of the cottage and into the woods, jumping branches and zipping through the trees with the expertise only someone who has grown to know the forest like the back of their hand can have.
He doesn’t slow down even as he runs through the capital and people call for him with startled shouts and surprisingly delighted yells, his blonde hair and blue eyes impossible not to recognize. He doesn’t slow down as he passes through the gate of the royal castle, the guards too stunned to think of stopping him, or as he dashes through the familiar hallways of his old home, his quick steps and heavy breathing bouncing on its still crumbling walls as he makes his way towards where he hopes his parents will be.
Patton only stops when he not-so-gently barges into the throne room, where his parents and what remains of the royal council seem to be discussing something important –not that it matters too much, the king and queen immediately dropping everything as soon as their eyes land on Patton.
The prince stares at them, panting and sweating, before something between a sob and a wail leaves his lips and his legs push him forward once more.
His parents meet him in the middle, his mother enveloping him in a crushing hug as tears fall freely down both of their faces. Patton feels his father’s strong arms enveloping them both, his laugh resonating in the room as he lifts them both and starts spinning them around the room.
Patton’s delighted laugh mixes with his mother’s, happiness exploding in his chest like a million fireworks, and he wonders how will he ever be able to repay Ro for all he’s been doing for him.
(Over the throne room, hidden by the shadows of the crumbling ceiling, a familiar red wisp of magic zips through the air, watching over the reunited family.)
(Far away from the castle, inside a little cottage in the woods, Ro looks through the wisp at Patton’s smile and lets his own tug at his lips, in stark contrast with the fresh tears falling down his cheeks. Quiet happiness and raging sadness clash and collide in his chest, squeezing his heart like a million vines, and he gives himself a moment to just let himself feel, pain and guilt running rampant in his soul with the silence of the woods as his only companion. Then, he steels himself once again, wiping away the tears with the edge of his sleeves. After all, there’s still some work to do.)
“I wish for our resources to be enough to feed our people and rebuild our kingdom, for sickness to not touch us, for famine to be far away from our land.”
Our land is strong and fertile, most say as the earth keeps giving and resources never dim.
It’s a miracle, the people whisper as the sick and frail all recover and get back on their feet.
It’s a blessing, the kingdom cries as what was destroyed gets rebuilt and all traces of the war slowly disappear.
No, Patton thinks as his home flourishes one again in front of his eyes, tears prickling at his eyes and a knowing smile on his lips, this is magic.
During his first night back in the castle, after reuniting with his parents in the throne room, Patton tells them about his escape through the forest, about the little cottage in the woods and the year of loneliness he went through. He tells them about the woods that had grown to be his home, about the animals that had kept him company even in the darkest of nights, about the river flowing just a few feet behind the house and those little bushes who were incredibly difficult to find, but bore the sweetest of berries.
What he doesn’t tell them about, is the mysterious magician living inside the mirror, the young boy with twinkling green eyes and a dizzying smile who has given Patton so much and asked for nothing in return.
Not that he doesn’t want to! It’s just… he doesn’t even know how to start explaining everything and besides, his dad has never been too fond of magic and Patton doesn’t want to make him worry or worse, have a fight with him –not now that they’ve just reunited, not after a year believing he would never see his parents again.
So he keeps Ro’s existence to himself, holding this little secret tight to his chest as he tells them about the dusty, old mirror sitting in the corner of the cottage, about how he got attached to it and he would really like to have it with him, in his chambers at the castle.
His parents are more than a little confused by his request, if not somewhat suspicious. Patton doesn’t miss the wariness flashing in his father’s eyes, the way his expression turns into a pensive frown as he shares an uncertain glance with his wife. For a moment, he fears they’ll call out his bluff and demand an explanation, press and press until the truth comes out –he fears they’ll take the mirror away, forbid him from seeing Ro ever again.
But that doesn’t happen, the wariness replaced by soft sighs and a nod. They may not understand, but that mirror seems to be really important for their son –that’s a more than enough reason for them to grant his wish.
And so here he is, not even two months after his first wish has been granted, sitting in his room as he giggles at something Ro has said. They’re both happy, grins stretching on their faces as laughter fills the atmosphere around them.
There’s something burning in Patton’s chest, a feeling that sparked to life when he met those deep, green eyes for the first time and only grew with every grin, every laugh, every quiet moment shared in that little cottage in the woods.
It feels like amber flames licking at his soul, like warmth spreading through his body, like butterflies in his stomach and happiness in his heart.
It feels like love, and it makes Patton’s heart ache and yearn like nothing else.
“Are you happy, Patton?” Ro asks sometime later, startling the prince out of his thoughts.
“Of course I am!” Patton says, clearly confused. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“You looked… distant, for a second,” Ro explains, searching for the words to best describe what he means, “melancholic, I’d say.”
Patton blinks, taken aback. “Oh,” he says, because how do you respond to something like that when he hasn’t even noticed it himself?
“Is there…” Ro tentatively begins, hesitant in his question as he gives the other a questioning glance, “is there maybe another wish you want me to fulfill for you? You know I won’t mind, right? It’s the reason I came to you, after all.”
Patton thinks about the surge of warmth he feels every time he looks at Ro, about the dreams filling his nights and those wishes he hasn’t shared even with the boy he now calls his best friend. He thinks about the arms he wishes could surround him, about the hands he wishes he could hold and the smile he wishes he could kiss.
Then, he smiles, shaking his head.
“As long as you’re with me, there’s nothing else I could ever wish for.”
(Little does Patton know, that’s the moment Ro feels his heart shatter in his chest.)
The last six months have felt like something straight out of a fairytale for Patton, like the ones his mother used to tell him when he was a kid, just before tucking him in bed and kissing his hair, before sleep overtook him and dreams filled his head.
Patton feels like he’s finally found he prince of his dreams –he sees him every time a pair of forest green eyes meet his gaze, every time white, red and golden robes glint behind the surface of the old mirror in the corner of his room, every time red wisps of magic fill the air and a dazzling grin makes his heart race in his chest.
But like every story his mother told him, even this one has to reach his ending.
And this time, there’s no happy ending in store for him.
“… What?”
Ro gives him a sad smile, eyes melancholic as he repeats one more time those four cursed words.
“I have to go, Patton.”
“But… where? Why??” Patton asks, clearly taken aback, “when will you be back?”
Ro shakes his head, looking away. “I won’t, my prince.”
“No…” Patton whispers, before throwing himself toward the mirror and placing his hands on the glass, “no, please! You can’t leave just yet, not like this.”
“Patton, please-”
“No!” he yells, tears flowing down his cheeks, “I refuse to say goodbye- I won’t!”
Ro looks on the verge of tears, eyes wet and sad as he puts his hands in front of Patton’s –for a second, they’re back at the beginning, in that little cottage in the woods where Ro smiled at Patton and everything changed forever. For a second, they both find themselves wishing they could go back to that single, magical moment.
Sadly, this is one wish Ro cannot make come true.
“Please-” Patton begs, voice breaking as sobs rack through his body- “please, don’t leave my side.”
Ro shakes his head, his own tears falling down his cheeks as his smile turns downright heartbroken.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, leaning his forehead on the mirror, “I’m so sorry, Patton.”
“Why?” Patton asks, desperate.
“Because if I don’t, then it will all have been for nothing.” Ro answers, “because if I stay, I will only hurt you, and I can’t bear the mere thought of it.”
“You’re hurting me by going away!” Patton argues and yeah, maybe it’s petty and unfair and absolutely, utterly selfish, but he can barely bring himself to care. if it means Ro will stay, then he’s ready to do almost anything. “Please, I can’t- I can’t lose you. Please.”
He can see the resolve breaking in Ro’s eyes, the heartbroken expression taking over the magician’s face as he seems to be physically restraining himself from breaking down completely.
“Patton, if I stay, everything will go back to how it was before.” Ro finally reveals, gaze falling to his feet as his arms wrap around his waist in a desperate attempt to hold himself together. “All your wishes, all the good and happiness they brought… it’ll all disappear, forever. I can’t let that happen, Patton, I can’t be the cause of your despair. Not again.”
It’s Patton’s turn to fall silent now, tears still falling down his cheeks as he registers Ro’s words.
“What?” he whispers, taken aback. “Not again? You’ve never hurt me, Ro, what are you talking about?”
This time, Patton doesn’t miss the way Ro tenses at his words, arms tightening around his waist as he hunches on himself and shakes his head -as if trying to physically protect himself from something buried deep inside his mind.
Still confused, the prince stares as Ro takes in a few deep breaths, slowly straightening his back as he appears to steel himself –for what, Patton doesn’t know, and a little, frightened voice inside himself whispers that he really, really doesn’t want to find out.
“I was scared,” Ro finally whispers, eyes still fixed to the ground, “I was scared, alone, and so, so tired. Everything was crumbling, my life, my home… I just wanted it all to stop. When he arrived, he gave me someone to blame, someone to be angry at –and like a fool, I believed him.”
When Ro finally looks up, his eyes are red and puffy, fresh tears streaking down his cheeks. “I was selfish, I was greedy, and because of that I hurt you in ways I will never forgive myself for.” He lets out a melancholy chuckle, lips stretching into a bittersweet smile. “Everything that I gave, was only given to repay. You showed me a side of life I would have never dreamed to see –your kindness and love will always, always inspire me to do better, be better.”
With a wave of Ro’s hand, a familiar wisp of red magic leaves the mirror, flying to Patton’s face and tenderly wiping away his tears. “I will never forget your smile, your laugh, that twinkle in your eyes you get when something makes you happy. And I won’t forget your tears, your sorrow, even if they break my heart –so that I’ll never make the same mistakes again.” His expression morphs then, sadness momentarily leaving the place to tenderness as his gaze turns fonder still. “May I ask for one last promise, my heart?”
Patton wants to shake his head, vehemently say that no, he won’t promise anything because Ro can’t go, not yet, not now that all Patton wishes for is to have him by his side forever –as his consultant, as his best friend, as his soulmate.
And yet, he doesn’t, doing his best to keep his sobs at bay as he gives Ro a small, shaky nod.
“Keep me in your memories, my sunshine, and think of me, once in a while. But never with sadness or grief. Think of me as you would of an old friend, with fondness and maybe love, if you believe me worthy of it.”
Ro smiles, bowing at Patton as cracks start to appear on the surface of the mirror.
“I love you, prince Patton. Goodbye.”
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tealenko · 2 years
(Finished) Three Things are For Sure
Chapters: 5/5
Fandom: Mass Effect Rating: Mature (In one of the endings) Words: 1775 Relationships: Female Shepard / Kaidan Alenko Characters: Mio Shepard, Kaidan Alenko.
Additional Tags: Fluff, Smut, Angst, Choose your own route and ending, It's my birthday gift to me *insert Kuzco meme* Summary: Kaidan goes to talk to Shepard in her cabin. What's the outcome of their conversation? Well, it will depends on what they choose to do.
Read in AO3 -> [link]
Yaaaaaay~~~ *plays a party horn* It's my birthdaaaaaay!!! Sooooo, I'm writing this for me more than ever EHEHEHEHEHEH
Important thing to know: you choose the ending depending on which option you pick... so pay attention to the notes to know which chapter you need to go to :D
This is why I'm only going to post this one in AO3 (is easier to read that way XDDD) but I'll leave the chapter names here and the intro too (ch.1).
Kaidan is more nervous than he should on his way there, to the point where he keeps replaying in his head what he’s going to say in a few seconds, when he gets off the elevator and knocks on her door.
Nevertheless, once he is really there, he decides to go inside without announcing himself and let the whole situation take its own natural course.
She doesn’t raise her head up to look at him when the door opens, with her face buried in a datapad as it usually is, but by the subtle smile forming on her face, he can already tell that she knows who is attempting to interrupt her work.
“Hey, Shep, what are you doing?” He asks, as he walks to where she is.
Kaidan sits next to her, pulling a little from her chair so that he can have her face to face.
“I can see that…”
Chapter 1: On my Way There [AO3 link]
Chapter 2: Why are you here, then? [AO3 link]
Chapter 3: What can I do for you? [AO3 link]
Chapter 4: I can't seem to Remember [AO3 link]
Chapter 5: I'd Love to [AO3 link]
I'll leave here too the link to my main shenko fanfic Through Hell and Back series -> [link]
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trashyswitch · 5 years
The Tickle Community’s Secret Members
Chapter 1: 2 Ticklish Members, One House
Patton discovers that Roman reads fanfiction on tickling! absolutely loves tickling people! Patton, who discovers he loves the feeling of being tickled, lets Roman be his ler.
Later on, Virgil discovers both of their secret!
Fun Fact of the day: Roman is a tickle addict. He has been for at least 4 years. It all started one day when he discovered he liked tickling people. He loved being able to turn someone into a puddle of giggles with his fingers alone. He also loved teasing people and making them super flustered. It's usually a treat to see someone so bashful and embarrassed. But to Roman, this treat needed to be presented as often as possible! His ache to see someone laugh so much, started to get greater as he got older.
One day, while tickling Logan, he discovered that certain people can endure more tickling better than others. Logan endured it for a while, but no one handles it better than Patton could. The person that couldn't handle it very well at all, was Remus. He hated being tickled. He thought it was too childish. He thought there were much better ways to annoy people, than making them laugh uncontrollably. So, despite being Remus's brother, Roman rarely tickled him. It was one of the only things that Roman respected. Besides, he wouldn't wanna piss off a RIDICULOUSLY ruthless ler. If provoked, Remus would become one of the most ruthless, teasy, and intimidating lers anyone has ever seen! And Roman has been a victim of his brutal attacks. So, he knows not to cross paths with an evil little bastard like him.
Later on, Roman discovered he liked watching tickle scenes in movies! Not only that, but through a quick google search, he also discovered there were tons of people like him! They liked writing fanfictions of movies and TV shows, which they called 'tickle fanfictions' or 'tickle fics' for short, they read other people's tickle fanfictions, and they separated themselves into 2 groups that came together: Lees and Lers. A Ler was the person that loved tickling people (which Roman sorted himself into), and a Lee was a victim of the tickle attacks. It turns out, there are people on the internet, that absolutely beg to be tickled! And Roman, being the ambitious ler he was, wished he could reach his hand into the screen and tickle the people on the other side of the screen. Not only that, but the lee accounts opened up a new can of information for Roman! Suddenly, there are multiple tickle tools that make the tickling more effective. There's cute scenarios people can set up and evil little teases people use on their lees to make them cower in bashful embarrassment. It was a very interesting community, and he soon joined the main social media sites he's been reading from! Now, he could secretly say he was part of the tickle community. However, he didn't dare tell any of the sides, not even Thomas! Yes, he loved them, and felt like he could trust them. But it was embarrassing to talk about out loud. So, he refused to talk to anyone about his strange hobby.
Little did he know, that Roman is actually living with a fellow member of the tickle community...
Patton was typing up a Disney tickle fan fiction between Jane and Tarzan. He had gotten pretty far on it, and was trying to come up with his own idea of where Jane's tickle spots would be. Her feet was already canon, so that was on the list. He considered other spots, but decided to narrow it down to her feet, armpits, and back of her neck. Patton had been a part of the tickle community for a while. He had learned what tickle tools work the best on him, he had learned about which types of finger tickling feels worse, and he's learned about which teases make his face turn red the best! How did he find this all out?
Well...he may have told someone...In the middle of an unbelievably large lee mood, he may have told Virgil so his fantasies could come alive. And what do you know: they did! It turns out, Virgil is a really good ler, if given a reason to be! He has wrecked Patton for the pure enjoyment of not only making Patton happy, but making himself feel happy along the way. Through his experiences with Patton, Virgil has become an ally for the tickle community. Though he hasn't opened the can of information himself yet, he recognizes how happy it makes Patton and is glad to support it and give him a good wrecking when he needs it most.
One day, 3 of the sides were hanging out in the living room. Roman was coloring a Princess coloring book, while Patton and Virgil were sitting beside each other, watching Gravity Falls on Virgil's phone. Recently, Thomas had gotten Disney+ to watch the very company he loves: Disney! And so, all of the sides have been enjoying having all these shows, movies, documentaries, and franchises all on one place. While watching Gravity falls, the episode came up where Dipper, taken over by Bill Cipher, was trying to take down Mabel and get the book. He had just tackled her down, and was ready to take the book back for good. However Mabel, being Dipper's twin sister, gladly says "But you're in Dipper's body, and I know all his weaknesses!". Before Bipper could question her motives, Mabel had placed her wiggling fingers under Bipper's armpit, and said "Tickle, tickle." while doing so. This caused Bipper to burst out in laughter and scream. He had never felt tickling before, so he jumped back out of pure fright.
"Hey Virgil?" Patton interrupted. Virgil paused the show and looked at Patton with a smile.
"Ya?" Virgil replied.
"What would it be like learning about tickling for the first time?" Patton asked. Virgil narrowed his eyes and looked away, trying to think.
"I have no clue..." Virgil thought, before letting a smirk grow onto his lips. "Probably...like this?" Virgil guessed, before squeezing Patton's knee. Patton let out a squeal before pulling the leg in and kicking it out. Next, Virgil tweaked Patton's side, and wiggle his fingers on his stomach.
"Wahahahait! Buhuhut, I knohohohow whahahat it ihihis!" Patton argued through his helpless giggles.
"That's true, but it still doesn't change the feeling." Virgil replied, switching from wiggling to squeezing the sides of his stomach.
"Ehehehehehehe! Vihihihirgihihihil!" Patton said happily.
"What? Does it tickle?" Virgil asked, acting oblivious to the fact that his fingers were causing Patton's laughter.
"Yehehehehehes! Patton replied as he flailed his arms around.
Next, Virgil wiggles his fingers onto Patton's exposed neck. Patton threw his head back and let all the laughter explode out of him.
"HAHAHAHAHAHA! NOT THERE! NOHOHOT THEHEHEHERE!" Patton screeched with wide eyes.
"What?! But I thought you loved this spot?" Virgil teased with a smile.
"IHIHIHI DOOOOHOHOHOHOHOHO!" Patton replied, covering his face with his fists.
"Then why are you complaining?!" Virgil asked, attacking the back and right side of Patton's neck.
"IHIIHIHIHIT'S TOOHOHOHOHO MUHUHUHUHUCH!" Patton replied through his hysterical laughter.
"Picky, picky, picky..." Virgil muttered with a shit-eating grin. He removed his hands from Patton's neck, and went back to Patton's stomach. Patton's laughter died down to happy little giggles. "Is that a little better?" Virgil asked. Patton nodded as his giggles continued to leave his body.
Meanwhile, Roman had been watching the entire moment, wishing he would've had his phone on him at that moment. This would've been such a perfect thing to record! But at the same time, Roman felt...jealousy. He was jealous of Virgil, and how he was able to tickle the adorable father figure. But at the same time, he wanted to enjoy the scene in front of him for as long as he could. Maybe...he could make it longer by participating...
Roman placed his marker down, stood up and walked over to the scene. "Having fun there?" Roman asked.
"YEHEHEHEHEHEHESSS!" Patton replied. Roman's eyes widened. Wait...did he just say 'yes'? He's having fun! Does that mean he likes it? While trying to question the potential theory, Roman noticed something else very interesting about the scene: Patton wasn't pushing away! He was giggling his heart out as Virgil tickled him to bits. Perhaps he was right? Perhaps Patton likes being tickled?
"You look like you wanna join. Wanna help me out?" Virgil asked. Roman snapped right out of his thoughts at the amazing opportunity.
"Would I?!" Roman replied excitedly, before kneeling down to Virgil's level. Looking around, he decided to try out the spot Virgil tried first: Patton's knees. Grabbing the lower leg with his other hand, he used his dominant hand to tweak and squeeze at the tops of the knees first.
"EEEEEKK! HEHEHEHEHAHAHAHA!" Patton bursted out, squirming back and forth as both people tickled him to oblivion.
Patton, being the lee he was, was absolutely overjoyed! 2 people tickling beyond relief? This was a dream come true!
"Hey Virgil? How are his feet?" Roman asked. Patton's lost his train of thought then and there. His eyes widened to the size of dinner plates, and his face became pale like a ghost!
"Oooh! That's a REALLY good spot for him! Especially, the toes." Virgil replied.
Roman gasped from excitement as he let go of Patton's leg. He scooted himself down to Patton's feet, removed Patton's adorable cat socks, and scratched at the inner arch of his foot.
"OH MY GAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAD!" Patton shouted. His hysterical laughter turned to cackles as Roman scratched the soles of his feet. Roman removed his fingers, to let the man breath.
"Holy crap...Looks like I have to pull out the big guns..." Roman declared, pulling up his sleeves to show off his 'big guns'.
Patton's eyebrows raised as his hand covered his mouth in anticipation. Instead of showing off his muscles, like Patton thought, Roman used his magic to create sparkly, red feathers. Using his hands, he lead the feathers towards the inner arch and the sole of Patton's left foot.
Patton let out a squeal and fell into a fit of joyful giggles. Roman fluttered the feathers back and forth with the magic in his hands, and smiled as he moved the feathers to the outer arch. Patton's head flew back and his giggles turned to blissful laughter.
"Your laughter is so adorable, Patton! Say, what would happen if the feathers got under your toes?" Roman asked, smirking. He pulled the feathers away, grabbed onto the feathers with his fingers, and got rid of the floating magic within them. Patton lifted up his upper body and balanced it with his hands, so he could watch.
Unfortunately for him, Patton wouldn't be able to watch very much because as soon as the feathers wriggled themselves in between the toes, Patton's body was back on the ground, laughing hysterically while squirming and pounding his fists into the ground. Roman was absolutely enjoying this. The fantasy of tickling someone to make them laugh endlessly, was exhilarating to him. Roman has always been fascinated about how something as simple as a small feather, can cause so much laughter to escape. It blew his mind the more he thought about it, and it was blowing his mind further as he demonstrated it. Maybe Logan would allow him to borrow one of his anatomy books to find out more on the subject...
"CROHOHOHOFTERS! CROFTEHEHEHERS!" Patton shouted. His face was getting more red by the second, and his limbs were getting tired of flailing and pounding the ground.
"Roman, I think that's enough now." Virgil warned. Roman nodded and removed the feathers from Patton's feet. As soon as the feathers were gone, Patton's body became limp. He was exhausted from the long tickle session, but was also overwhelmingly happy.
"I sense Crofters is a safe word?" Roman asked, completely unaware of what he just said. Virgil nodded.
"W-Wait...How do you...know about...safe words?" Patton asked through deep breaths.
Roman's eyes went wide, as his hand shot up to cover his mouth. How could he have said that?! No one knew about his secret...And, Roman didn't fully know if Patton was part of the tickle community. What if he was wrong, and he's humiliated himself in front of them?
"Telling by your eagerness to join in, and the fact that you literally created feathers out of magic for the pure reason to tickle him...Something tells me Roman is a Ler." Virgil theorized, looking at Patton near the end.
Roman's face turned a light red, as he bit his lip in nervousness. "Well...maaayybe I am...But how do YOU know about the term 'Ler'? Only people who are part of the community are aware of that term." Roman accused, in order to cover up his own embarrassment.
Virgil's eyebrows raised. He didn't expect for the accusations to turn onto him. "Well, I'm not. I'm aware of it, and a supporter of the community. Patton, on the other hand..." Virgil trailed off, looking at him. Patton let a smile grow onto his lips, and nodded. "...Is a part of the community. He's a Lee, and a proud one at that." Virgil said, as a smile grew onto his own lips as well.
Roman just about fainted at the unbelievable news. A member of the tickle community? Living in the mind palace WITH HIM?! How could he have missed this?! In the past, he's heard Patton's laughter coming from his room. But, he had assumed Patton was watching something funny with Virgil! Could it be that Virgil and Patton were having tickle sessions often without him realizing? This entire idea was overwhelming for him. And yet at the same time, questions had started flooding his brain. How could this have flown over his head? How long was Patton part of the tickle community? How long had Virgil known about it? Did Patton read fan fiction? Did Patton write fan fiction? If so, what fandom was he reading/writing about? HE NEED TO KNOW!
"Okay...I am. I'm a part of the tickle community. And, I'm a Ler." Roman confessed.
"I knew it!" Virgil exclaimed under his breath.
"Wait, REALLY?! You're part of the tickle community?!" Patton reacted, wide eyed with his jaw dropped.
"Yup. The Royal Ler, at your service." Roman declared, holding his hand out for a shake.
Patton smiled. "I'm Disney Lee. Nice to meet you." Patton replied, shaking his hand.
"Wait, Disney Lee? I recognize that name! You wrote those movie fanfics on Big Hero 6, Zootopia, and a few others! I LOVE your Tarzan fics! They're SO GOOD!" Roman exclaimed.
"You read them?! Oh my gosh! Do you write any fanfictions? If so, I should try reading them!" Patton reacted.
"Well...I haven't posted any yet. But I want to. I have a Star Wars fan fiction I'm working on! Wanna read it?" Roman asked.
"You bet I do! Virgil, you wanna join us?" Patton asked.
Virgil waved them away. "Nah, I'm gonna watch another episode of The Mandalorian, I think. You two have fun!" Virgil said, before crashing onto the couch.
While Virgil watched The Mandalorian, Patton and Roman got to talk about their shared hobby! They talked about their fandoms, the community members they follow, the social media sites they have accounts on, and even some of the deep secrets that live within the tickle community. Their favorite tickle tools, what teases get them the worst, their absolute worst spots, and how ticklish they really are.
Roman, being the Ler he was, pulled out a big box from under his bed.
"What is it?" Patton asked.
Roman put a finger over his own mouth, before taking the lid off to reveal the inside. Patton just about died from what was inside...
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Criminal Minds- The Good Ol’ Days
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Tagging: @marvelfanlife, @itsmeedee, @cynbx, @jaqren, @gabriellewritermua, @princesswagger15, @screaminginbi, @tleighstone12, @cosmicmelaninflower
A collaboration fic with @princesswagger15.
After a long hiatus, the wait is over. Here is the new chapter
Chapter 8-Whodunnit?
The next morning has been quiet apart from the sounds of birds chirping. Normally there would be the sounds of students marching to their classes outside the dorms though surprisingly, there was not a single peep from outside. Emily and Elle woke up to the sounds of their phones buzzing.
“Did you just get a message too?”
“I-I did and it’s from…...Marissa?”
“Isn’t that Reid girlfriend?”
“Y-yea, wait why would she text us?”
“I don’t maybe she’s in trouble? Let me check the message.”
“Meet at Joe’s Burger Shack at 6:30 pm at the booth in the very back. Me and Reid got somethings to talk about with everyone.”
The two ladies looked at each other. “Her and Reid? And what makes her want to talk to us?”
“I don’t know how to feel about this.”
“Oh christ……………...you don't think he….?”
“I’m not sure…..I’m more concerned on what Marissa has to say.” “You think we can trust her?”
“I mean, I’m not really sure but she has help us and Reid out a few times, Like at Meadow’s party.”
“Yeah, maybe we should just hear her out before we make any rash decisions.” Elle nodded. “
“I wonder if everyone got the message yet?”
She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know, maybe maybe not.”
“Uggghhh, well i guueess ill get ready for the day. See ya!”
  A few minutes later, both Emily and Elle head to the meeting place, where they are suddenly joined by the rest of their circle of friends that are waiting for Reid and Marissa.
“I see you guys all got the message.” Emily quipped.
“Hey guys! Nice to see you, took you long enough.” Derek said.
“So……..what do you think Marissa has to share?” Ashley asked.
“That’s why we’re here to find out.”
The group gathered around at the booth, still awaiting Reid and Marissa’s arrival.
“I don’t about this.” Tara complained. “What if this is a trap?” “She’s right…...I mean she could just be using us here and rat us out to Barnes.” Luke adds.
“I’m sure Marissa wouldn’t do such a thing, she saved Reid and Matt’s girlfriend.” JJ responds.
“She could just be doing that to gain our trust.” Just then, Elle slaps Derek’s arm. “Look, I get that this unexpected message from Reid’s girlfriend is jarring but I’m pretty sure she wasn’t playing us when Kristy and Reid were in trouble.”
“Relax Greenaway, were just being a little wary considering that Marissa decided to bring us here for whatever reason and she’s not here yet.”
While the group is waiting, Matt looks over to Hotch, who has a cold expression on his face.
“You okay Hotch? You seemed quiet lately.”
“I-I’m alright.” “You sure? Cause your arm is shaking. Seems like you got something in mind.” He lowered his arm. “I-I made it clear that no one outside this group should know anything about this, and now one of us decides to tell them what’s going on just because she’s their girlfriend? Does Reid even know the consequences this might lead us to?”
“Look guys, im sure Reid and Marissa have nothing but good intentions, they wouldn’t betray us.” Ashley says.
“And how do you know, Seaver? We don’t know her personally like Reid does.”
“I know that if we trust Reid, and he trusts Marissa, we have nothing to worry about.”
Just then, the group looks to see Reid arrive, taking small steps as he approach his friends. “Hey guys, so I know I have some ex-
“What the hell is going on Reid?! We told you don’t tell anyone!” Hotch yells.
“I-I’m sorry Hotch, I know what I did was wrong, and I should have listened to you-”
“Well I don’t think you should be yelling at Reid but if you want me to leave then fine.”
The gang all looked up to see Marissa arrived not long after Reid. “Well do you guys want me to leave?”
They all looked at Hotch, whom he rubs his face and sighs. “Alright, let’s hear what you have to say.”
“Thank you. Well the day y'all saw your teacher’s class destroyed, i noticed Reid acting a bit weird so i asked what was wrong. Eventually i got him to tell me what's been happening and we started coming up with theories. We were thinking, this is a team.”
“Interesting……..so you’re saying that we’re dealing with two unsubs, is that right?”
“No, not two, more than that. I’d say somewhere between 7, maybe even 8.”
“Eight? I think you’re exaggerating a little bit.” Emily suggested.
“Oh really? On a scale of 1 to HOLY FUCKING SHIT, how bad was the classroom when yall walked in?”
“11, if that clears things up.”
“So if it was that bad, you think only one person could do that? It had to be at least 2 or 3 people.”
“You don’t need to tell us who it was, Garcia and I know who trashed the classroom.”
“It’s Kyle, Kyle Hodges.” Garcia blurts out.
“That son of a bitch! I told him if i EVER heard of him doing some fuck fucky shit, i’d fucking end him!”
“I’ve should’ve known when I chased him, that he was the one who wrecked that place.” Reid responds.
“But why would Kyle do this? What does he have to gain from it?” JJ asked.
“Someone probably promised him some type of reward.”
Hodges...that bastard….” Matt growled. “This crosses the fucking line to think that he has the nerve to pull some stunt like that.”
“But even if we confront him, how to we get proof? The guy is too cocky to tell the truth.” “Ashley’s right.” Hotch said. “He’ll just lie his way out.”
“Garcia, I hear that you’re hella good on a computer, you think you can somehow get into the school’s camera system? Maybe we can catch them in the act on camera.” Marissa suggests.
“Better…..I recorded his phone conversation and call history.”
“Damn girl, nice!”
“Cool, now all we need to do is find Kyle. We just need to know where he is. Any ideas?”
“I mean after the party I saw him and his buddies in the quad by the huge oak tree.” Elle suggested. “And he’s usually at the weight room to improve on his biceps and legs.” Derek adds.
“Let's go back to campus and search the gym first. We stay together, we don’t need to be splitting up at this time.” Marissa says standing up.
“You just got here for like six minutes and yet you’re already acting as if you’re the leader of us.” Tara scoffs.
“Sorry but what can i say, im very dominate. And i like to work fast and i'm assuming that if your teacher is still missing, we have to move quickly. Now if you all want to sit there like bumps on logs while we have a lead, then by all means do it. Look, i know you guys dont like me, you don’t trust me, but im in this with yall. For the good and the bad, now let's go!” The gang all looked at each other with confusion as they turn to Reid.
“You sure we can trust her?” JJ asked.
“Of course we can. I know her, if she really wanted to rat us out, she would’ve done it awhile ago. But I promise to remain cautious at ease.” The two nodded as they and the rest of the group follow Marissa back to the campus.
Just as the group and Marissa return to the campus, they see a group of students running towards the exits, Tara grabs one of the students and asks, “Hey, what’s going on? Why are you guys running?”
“Some incident happened at the bridge near the forest. I don’t know what it was but it ain’t pretty.”
“Should we check it out?” Asks Derek.
“Let’s follow them.” Emily responds as they follow the wave of people running towards the exits. By the time they reach the entrance of the woods, it was heavily crowded with people, prompting the team to squeeze through and bump any bystanders to see what was on the other side. As Matt pushed through the last of the crowd, he stopped dead in his tracks.
“Holy fucking hell.” He mummers.
“What is it Matt-oh shit.” Kate responds. The rest of the group emerge from the crowd and look down in shock and distraught as they see Kyle lying in the dirt naked with stab wounds in his stomach and chest.
“So much for finding him.” Emily groaned.
“Okay well we can only assume that either someone from his team did this to his or this is his way of suicide but i'll go with the first option.” Marissa said crossing her arms.
“Look, I know Kyle is an asshole and all but why would someone do such a cruel act to him?” Garcia complained.
“Because he knew too much.” Hotch replies.
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“Is there any way you can maybe check in the office if he was there earlier today, or maybe around the campus with someone else the night you and Luke talked to him?” Marissa asked.
Garcia shook her head.
Just then, Barnes and Strauss emerge from the crowds as they witness the sight of Kyle’s corpse. Barnes gestures at the police as they surround the area.
“Alright students, show’s over. Go back to your dorms and classes.” The people in the crowd groan as several policemen guide them away from the scene. As they walk away, there were multiple instances of whispers and gossip on how Kyle died, what happened and who could it have done it.
The gang then gathered at the quad to try and gather all their thoughts. With Kyle gone, there’s was only more questions than answers.
“So…….what now?”
“Well Derek, with Kyle gone, we just lost our chance to ask him some important questions.”
“We lost the person, not the answer.” Marissa states.
“What do you mean, Marissa?” Ashley asked.
“Well i mean, if we go back to the night of Rossi’s class being trashed on the cctv’s system, we can possibly see the person walk in the class and if we catch his face we can probably run it through the students and staff’s pictures.”
“.................and how do you know all this?” JJ asked.
“Just using the environment to my advantage, and it would make the most sense to actually check all our resources?”
“I still can’t believe you just joined us today and somehow you know more about this than we do.” Elle thought. “Yeah, even moreso than Reid.” Luke adds.
“Well how can you not learn some stuff from crime shows and this handsome bookworm?” Marissa said as she kissed Reid’s cheek.
“Ehehehehehehe.” “Anyway……..so Marissa, you were saying?” Hotch interupts her. “If what you were saying is true about the cctv, how can we get access to the footage?”
“Well if Garcia, aka this beautiful ball of sunshine, says she’s as good with computers as you say she she is, it should be a piece of cake for her to get in.”
“Awww.” She blushed. “She called me beautiful……………...and yes, I can get access into the cctv footage.”
“So Garcia, are you sure you want to do this?” Elle asked.
“Chillax hun, this isn’t my first rodeo. I got this.” She cracked her knuckles as she pulls out her laptop from her bag.
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“Well this may take a while so i'm gonna go get something to e-”
“What is it Garcia?” Hotch asks.
“I’m in.” Hotch and the rest of the group gather around her as she looks up cctv footage from last night.
“Damn, that was hella fast! Nice job babe!” Marissa says hugging Garcia.
They all watch as Garcia rewinds the footage.
“Try going back to the night of Rossi’s room being trashed.” “Got it.” Just as she rewinds the footage, they took notice of an unknown stranger walking into Rossi’s classroom.
“Wait wait wait wait…” Emily stopped. “You mind zooming that in?”
“Sure thing my fine furry friend.” She zooms in on the footage, showing a stranger in a black hoodie and loose clothing.
“There’s no way that person could be Kyle.”
“Yeah, this person is way bigger than Fuckboi- i mean Kyle.” Marissa says.
“Who is this guy? I’ve never seen him before.”
“Maybe he could be a professor or a custodian?” Kate shrugged her shoulders.
“Better to be safe than sorry, does his face ever show to the camera Garcia?” Reid asks.
“Well, it’s hard to see from the lack of lighting in the classroom.”
“Try seeing if he looks up slightly and try to screenshot then brighten the image.” Tara joins in.
“Okay.” Garcia then zooms in, brightening and clearing the image up. “How’s that?”
“Try a liiittle more?”
“Uh………..okay.” She continues to clear the image up. “Sorry, that’s as far as I can go.”
“It’s fine sweetcheeks. Try to run the image through the campus student and staff database.” Derek says.
“Okay, though this may take a while……..”
“That’s fine, just do it.” Hotch says.
She then goes through the student and staff database, only to stop. “Or perhaps not.” “So?” She turns to the gang. “..................No match.”
“Damn, well there goes that damn theory.” Marissa says disappointed.
Garcia closes her laptop. “So……………..what now?”
“Well is there anyone else acting strange around campus or anywhere you guys can remember?”
They all looked at each other, shaking their heads.
“Acting cruel to others or you? Anything guys?”
“No.” They all shook their heads.
“Well, then we’re all screwed.”                        ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  Elsewhere, Rossi was in his cabin when he heard someone knocking at his door. He then walked up to see three familiar strangers outside. “Nice to see you again David.”
“Phillip, Mark, Kiera. You don’t know how glad I am to see you guys again.”
“Well, we’re always here to help.” Rossi took a step back, allowing the three agents to enter his cabin before closing the door behind them. “Though I wish this was under better circumstances.”
They all sat in the dining room.
“Can I get you guys something?” “Uh no thanks, we’re good.” “Okay.” He sat down. “First…..any leads on Gideon’s case?” “Sadly nothing yet, but we’re still looking.” Kiera responds.
“Oh okay, just let me know if there’s any update.” He rubs his palms. “I just don’t get how this could all happen. Besides, there’s no way his death could be ruled as a suicide. Something seems a bit off here.” The three agents were silent as they stare at their old friend.
“What? Was is it?” “When was the last time you kept in touch with your students back in Quantico University?”
“I-I don’t know. Maybe around a week.”
“Oh……..” “What is it Phil?” “W-well, let’s just say that it was no coincidence that we were brought here not long after you called us.”
“What? What do you mean?”
Kiera took a deep breath. “T-there was an incident up by the woodlands near the campus. A student has been murdered.”
“Oh my god, don’t tell me it was one of my kids! I can’t handle that again!”
“It was this student.” Mark pulls out a photo of a teen and another showing his corpse, sliding them towards Rossi. “Kyle Hodges, the M.E identified his body, police reported that he was found by two girls who where just hiking when they came across his body. Do you recognize him?”
Rossi compared and analyze the two photos before placing them down.
“No i don't know him. But did anyone find anything else? Are my students okay?!”
“Your students are okay. So far, Hodges is the only confirmed death. Our biggest concern is finding who killed him.”
“Any leads?” They shook their heads. “No, but we did find a connection between Gideon and Kyle’s death.” “And what’s that?” Philip then hands him autopsies and photos of Gideon and Kyle, comparing the two different photos.
“We were surprised to not notice it until now but if you look closely, both were found with a small symbol carved on their stomachs.”
Rossi eyes’ widen as he recognized the carvings found on the photos.
“Dave, you recognized them?” “I’ve seen this before.”
“Where? On a previous case or something?”
“Yeah…...it was a case I worked on a few years ago, where I caught…….The Replicator.”
“Woah woah woah! You mean THE Replicator?”
“Oh god, this is worst than we all thought!”
Rossi then slammed his fist on the table. “M-my students, I need to warn them. If this is what I think it is, then we could be looking back at a repeat of the massacre of 90-Oh god.”
“Hey, don’t think like that, we won’t let anything like that happen ever again.”
“I know I know. It’s just……...my journal, everything I know about what happened is in that journal. If it gets into the wrong hands……”
“I know Rossi, we know. We are all trying our best, so don’t beat yourself up over it. Everything will be fine.”
“Let’s hope so, cause things are getting worse than ever.”
Just then, they heard the sound of the phone ringing. Curious, Rossi then got up from his seat and grabs the phone, pressing the button.
“Hey Rossi! Um, uhhh it’s Emily. I was wondering if you could meet us in the quad back at campus, we have a few things to catch you up on.”
 “Uh sure uh…...how did you get my number?”
“Ummmmmm………………. That’s not important, we just need you in the quad.”
“Yea, sure, I’ll be there soon.” He then hangs up as he looks at his friends.
“What’s going on Rossi? What happened, is something wrong?”
“Umm yeah, one of my students just called and said they needed to meet them at the campus.”
“Why would they ask to meet with you all of a sudden?”
“I don’t know, maybe they found out something? Maybe a lead?”
“You think your students can be trusted? We don’t know if this could lead to a repeat of ‘90.”
“Look, you said it yourself, everything will be fine right? And don’t worry, i know these children can handle it. Plus they got me, and we have you guys to help us.”
The three agents glanced at each other before shifting their focus back to Rossi. “Of course, we’ll do whatever we can to help, even if it means crossing bureaucratic lines.”
“I understand.” He then grabs his jacket. “Thank you, though.” He grabs his keys and phone before heading out.
“Think he’ll be alright?” Mark asks Philip, who gives him a reassuring look.
“It’s Rossi, he knows what he’s doing.”
A few minutes later while Rossi is walking through the grass covered quad, he sees his team conversing among themselves. Most likely trying to come up with some theories. Once he’s walks a little closer, his heart drops as he sees an unfamiliar face talking with them as well.
Garcia looks up to see Rossi standing in the distance, smiling with glee. “Rossi!” The team looked back to see their professor, charging towards them, and embracing him.
“Oh professor, it’s so good to see you again, we’ve missed you so much. So much has happened since you left.”
“I know.” He said as he hugs his students one by one, making his way towards the table.
“Uhhhhh……………… Garcia, who the fuck is that at the table with the group? Please tell me she’s only a friend, please tell you guys didn’t tell her ANYTHING?”
“Uh yeah, about that……..” Marissa stood up and holds out her hand. “Hi, I’m Marissa, Reid’s girlfriend.”
“Hi, I’m David Rossi.” The two shake hands as he looks over to Reid.
“Would you mind leaving for a bit? I’m here to have a conversation with my students privately.”
Marissa glares at him. “Uh, I’m sorry, but why should I?”
“Because this conversation doesn’t involve you, so please leave.”
She chuckled amusingly. “No offense professor, but I’m pretty sure it does involve me.”
“Oh really? Why does it?”
She shrugs her shoulders. “Because I know everything, about your classroom, about what’s been going on, Gideon’s death, everything. And i am sorry for your loss by the way, he way a good man, at least from what i hear.”
“Really? Who told you?”
Marissa then looks at the team who’s standing behind her. As they all look at both her and Rossi eyes widen , they all point to Reid who’s standing in back.
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“Y-y-yes Pro-Professor?” He nervously asked as Rossi walks up to him.
“Didn’t I make it clear that no one outside out group knows about the situation?”
“Yeeeessss………………. I'm so sorry sir but I really trust her. She’s a good person okay, I know she is!”
“I know I know. I’m not saying that she is a bad person, my concern is that she might not understand what we’re going through and she might end up notifying Barnes or the authorities without our consent.”
“Professor, i know what your concerns are, and if this is as bad as you guys are saying that it is, i will not tell ANYONE what’s going on, i won’t do anything drastic like that without you guys’ consent. I swear it on my very soul sir, i won’t do it. Just let me help you all out.”
Rossi considers her offer to him and his students, he thinks about saying yes, but not without analyzing her behavior. She’s not bouncing or fidgeting, nothing that indicates that she lying about anything. She just looks hopeful, hoping that he says yes to her.
“Okay, I trust you.”
“Yay!” She gleefully cheers as she jumps up and down she says, “I won’t guys down!I won't let you down i swear!”
“I know you won’t………….which is why Emily and Tara will keep a close eye on you.”
“Of course! Of course, i totally understand!”
“Good, anyway………..what did you guys bring me here for?”
“Oh right! Something happened to your classroom while you were gone.” JJ said while looking at Rossi with sadness.
“What do you mean?” “I uh, think it’s best if we show you.”
As the students all gather their things, and start walking towards his classroom, Rossi starts to get more and more worried with each step he took. What happened to his class? Why would someone do this? Why would anyone want to do this to him? As they get closer to the room, a thought crossed his mind. ‘I hope no one found my journal…’
Ashley suddenly she slightly pulls on Rossi’s sleeve and he looks at her when she says, “Rossi, it’s not pretty in there, so what you’re about to see will be pretty shocking.”
“I’ve seen worse, I’m sure this won’t be the worst thing I’ve seen in these past few years.” He took a deep breath and opened the doors.
As Rossi sees what’s happened to his room, he feels so many emotions brewing inside him. Sadness, shock, anger, disgust, and worry. For himself and his students. As he looks at his desk flipped on it’s side and papers and desk lying around everywhere, he sees just how personal this attack is. He knows now that whoever this is has got it out for him in the worst way. As the tears swell up in his eyes, he feels his students gather closer to him and touch his arm trying to comfort him.
“Are you okay professor?”
“Y-yeah, i-i just………….. Who would do this? And why? What did i ever do?”
“That’s what we’re here to find out.” Hotch then pats his professor on the back. “Don’t worry professor, we’ll help you find whoever is going after you. We’ll do whatever we can to stop them from hurting anyone else, and we promise to help rebuild your classroom..”
“Thank you guys, you are all extraordinary students, and i'll be here from now on to help you catch these sons of bitches.”
The rest of the team all nodded as they gather around their professor into a big hug. Little did they notice a tall stranger observing them behind the window outside.
 Elsewhere, Barnes and Strauss were at the Dean’s office, pondering over what to do with multiple incidents happening at the college.
“Man, these last few months have been a handful, I mean, the campus has been going nuts lately.”
“What are we gonna do?” Barnes complained. “We thought that we got this under control but apparently, things just get worse and worse.”
“Yeah i know, I mean between Hodges’s death, Rossi’s classroom being destroyed and everything else, what’s gonna happen to the college? What if they shut us down?”
Barnes slams her hands on Strauss’s desk. “They won’t….W-we just need to find a way to resolve this matter.”
“But how Barnes? We have no clues on who could’ve done this? We don’t have suspects! What are we gonna do!?”
“W-we’ll figure it out….I-I just need to think of some way to get some information out of some students. Maybe we can find something in Rossi’s classroom or anywhere in the campus?”
Strauss tilt her head. “You don’t think he had anything to do with this, do you?”
“I mean probably not but better safe than sorry right?” She felt Strauss touch her hand. “Linda, look, I get it. I am as desperate as you are in trying to protect  the students and staff on this campus, but we can’t be too rash on this. Otherwise, more people will get hurt.”
“Yeah, I get it, I understand. I’m sorry, i guess i get a bit carried away sometimes.”
“We all do……..” She paused. “How about you get some rest, we got a long day ahead of us tomorrow.”
“Alright, same to you, go take a rest.”
She then grabs her bag and coat before closing the door behind her.
Near the forest, Meadows was standing next a tree waiting for someone. As she wanders around by the trees, she was startled by the sounds of footsteps approaching her.
“Who’s there?” She shouts. Just then, she sees a person in a red hoodie approaching her, prompting her to sigh in relief.
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“Oh, it’s you.” She sighs. “For a second, I thought you were someone else.”
“Why would i be someone else? You and me are the only ones that are supposed to meet…. Right?”
“That is correct.” “Did you make sure that there was no one following you?”
“I made sure of it.”
“Cool, so, show me what you got.”
The person opens her backpack, pulling out a small journal and handing it to Meadows.
“Nice, I’m impressed. I didn’t think you’d be able to pull off.”
“Oh Mary, you’d be surprise to know what I’m capable of. Besides, I couldn’t have done it without the help from you.”
“Yeah sure, well we should start looking through this.”
“Yeah we should.” The two go through the journal, smiling at some of the pages. “Your friends don’t know about this, do they?”
“Like hell they do."
“Good, that's the last thing we need right now.”
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megusims · 7 years
Replies: Day 11
Thanks for the continuous support as always (/ ‘з’)/ Few more days till I can finally play my game ^_^ 
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@fyachii replied to your photoset “Nami Chapter (Part 5/6): Why hello there Prev | Next | All Chapters”
There’s nothing wrong with wanting them all to shine! hehehehe. creepy shots? with him peeking outside of the windows? hehe. Natsuo is so pure and precious like a cinnamon roll, eh? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) but I agree, Yumi is probably the only one who thinks that. hihihihi. hihihih. OMG. Keisuke-kun!! \0/
I imagine Megu-sim just standing outside snapping photos whenever I do scenery photos or peeking photos lolol xD Creeeppyyy. LOL so true. Maybe Natsuo would be a different dessert? Keisuke is here~ The sass master is back
@inda-sims replied to your photoset “Nami Chapter (Part 5/6): Why hello there Prev | Next | All Chapters”
@toys-of-dukeness replied to your photoset “Nami Chapter (Part 5/6): Why hello there Prev | Next | All Chapters”
Keisuke-kun♥♥ So handsome T__T♥ Oh..but…I love natsuo…why you did to me?! I can’t chice(?!) haha.
Eheheheheheh >:) U can have both *wink*
@corianderpunch replied to your photoset “Nami Chapter (Part 5/6): Why hello there Prev | Next | All Chapters”
Someday he will notice uh I mean Keisuke says hi
@nisukiye replied to your post “Replies: Day 9”
LMAO, NOTHING WILL STOP ME LOL. yush, he looks amazing! and aww, precious yumi, you’re right about that ^-^ *sees Fya burning da chars* HAHAHAHA. Fenris bby * 3* 
Ooooh Sukiiiiii ;) u go girl xD Oooh u play da games too? *3* my game keep having this stupid debug error, cuz it’s on a mac and now im forever stuck in act 1 *cries*. Oh well, couple more days till i get to my family home anyway.             
nisukiye replied to your photoset “Nami Chapter 3 (Part 4/6): Another visit… Prev | Next | All Chapters ”
PROTECT THE FOOD. IT’S GONNA BE DEVOURED ………… I’ll help you with that Yumi * 3* WHOTHAT
Food is meant to be eaten, not looked at xD haha Suki better get it before it’s too late. The man of your dreams jkjk Just another sim 
nisukiye replied to your photoset “Nami Chapter (Part 5/6): Why hello there Prev | Next | All Chapters”
CREEP SHOTS LOL *LOLL’D EVEN HARDER READING YOUR TAGS I LAUGHED SO HARD AT THE LAST SHOT SOMEHOW… why does he look so..i don’t know man LOL aw yumi, she’s too cute ;-; eating your sadness away what gurl, I feel you!
DOOD okay so what happened was I was reviewing it again after a year or so, and I realized how creepy some of the shots looked lolol. That’s y i wrote my thoughts in tags. HE DOES. IK WHAT UR THINKING. And he does. I laughed a little too when i saw it. Yumi is cute isn’t she? Perfect for love stories~ I just eat at every emotion im feeling tbh lololol. 
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todokori-kun · 7 years
ehehehehehe I’m sure you’ll get over it :) (but you won’t, really. I should probably go and make sure you don’t have any sharp objects in your possession.)
Don’t be upset! *hugs* not until you listen to ‘Words Fail’, 'I am damaged’ and watch Civil War + Thor 2, at least…
I read the chapter! One of the things that immediately stood out to me was Shuu’s design, because it really shows how much it’s changed since the first series (he looks so pretty(?) now. Look at those eyes (down for the count and I’m drownin’ in 'em)).
As for Naki, my boy. The moment I saw him using a freaking PROVERB I think I teared up a little.
But obviously, the one thing he will never learn is Shuu’s name.
And that ending…since it’s the 'king’ it should be Ken, right? But if it is, there’s definitely something wrong (I mean just look at the last panel). When did he get back? Where’s Touka? What has he been doing? I mean, from the spoilers, some fans were guessing that was actually Arima and that’s possible now with the whole 'bring back the dead’ thing, but I don’t think it’s him. For one thing, Arima’s story had a heartbreaking ending, but it was satisfying…it was a clean, simple conclusion. I feel like it wouldn’t be a good idea to mess that up, since it would just makes things that much more complicated. It would also be cruel to Arima because COME ON, he chose his own death because that was the best option for him and he died happy! WHY would you make him do it all over again?!
And weirdly, this chapter is like 'lol Touken? what Touken?’ like the last few chapters never happened. Not sure how to feel about that XD
Also Kou is adorable and if Ishida hurts him I don’t know what I’ll do.
yeah, I do know that 'Aishiteru’ is such a powerful phrase that even married couples hesitate to use it ^^ I just wanted something to compare it to. Apparently Saiko’s 'I love you’ was the same 'I love you’ she uses with the rest of the Q squad…? Idk if that’s 100% accurate though.
OTL that freaking scene…
'Ravenclaw or Slytherin’ ^^ hahaha…ehehehehehehe…the thing is…
King Evans, bringer of angst, breaker of feels, mighty lord of the tragic OTPs, is 98% Hufflepuff. The other 2% is probably Ravenclaw.
MY HEART. Queen Luna…
Ronald and Evans would have the most casual relationship- in public, if they didn’t bother to make it obvious, people would probably think they were just BFFs.
Marco is honestly the best option tbh (he IS freckled jesus after all). Thank you so much for that <3
Vitya is a darling. His PDA would probably embarrass me a lot though haha
You said 'Steve might not be a good choice’, dunno if that’s a typo or not LOL honestly I’m not sure who I’d like as an s/o from the MCU… I mean, Loki is one of my favorites but I would NOT want to date him under any circumstances (dude tried to commit genocide in Thor 1 by killing every single Frost Giant…probably because of his self-loathing about being one himself). And like I said, though I really relate to Bruce, we’d probably just be like 'I’m so anxious’ 'You are? I’m totally anxious too’ 'I’m anxious about you being anxious’ and so on and so forth…
Wanda (Scarlet Witch) seems like the kind of person I’d get along well with though, since we’re pretty similar personality-wise but Wanda seems less sensitive than me and a bit more outgoing/willing to take charge. The reason I picked the Captain is because of out of all the avengers we have the most similar beliefs (I can talk like a nihilist at times but at the end of the day I’m probably Team Cap) and he’s got the nicest personality.
YAS another Joker fan! I thought we were extinct ;-; Luna/Joker sounds cute but Luna/Soma sounds absolutely adorable.
-“I like cute animals,”
-You (sort of) regret those words when Soma gets you a baby elephant for your birthday
-He doesn’t get how you can study so many things and concentrate on all of them. He’s not sure how to feel about it either, because he thinks you’re awesome and calls you a true scholar (he’s just so proud “Ciel, YOUR girlfriend may be a fencing prodigy but MY girlfriend is a genius!” “Well-” “What’s that? I can’t hear you over the sound of how amazing she is!”), but then he doesn’t understand how you don’t get bored of all those things, and he’s kind of jealous that it takes up so much of your time.
-jealous soma=pouty soma asking Agni and Ciel for love advice
-his nickname for you is 'princess’
Armin/Luna is one of the new OTPs
-though you’re an introverted couple you’re both willing to speak up for each other when it’s needed
-Armin loves to tell you stories about the world outside the walls and you often look at the picutres in his books together, making up wild and crazy theories about what’s out there
-Eren approves
-Mikasa gives you The Talk
-'I have two functioning blades and dozens of titans waiting outside. Hurt him and no one will ever find your body’
-Of course he wants to skate with you. If you already know he’s overjoyed and loves to have friendly competitions/races, and if you don’t he’s happy to teach you. He’s very sweet about it (until you realize he’s been taking pictures of your 'progress’ throughout the entire lesson)
-Phichit FLOODS his instagram with pictures of you and him together 'Look at this goddess’ 'Me and my bae’ 'Georgi’s jealous’
-In fact he just rambles about you on social media to the point where everyone decides that either he’s lost it or this Luna person is, in fact, a goddess
-Phichit also has a tumblr so he quickly becomes a part of the constant fandom discussions between Luna and Evans
-expect a ton of Hamilpuns
-Evans third wheels like a pro
Oh I Ken totally Hide (sorry)
YES those are also some of my favorites parts! (Thor is very disappointed with his little bro. Though I have to say, it’s a bit like
Loki: “I am a strong, independent frost giant who don’t need no Odin. Go home yourself.”
Thor: “Ok.
Ah, you’ll get to see Loki’s softer side in Thor 2…prepare for the feels. Also, I do recommend you watch Thor 1 sometime. You may already know the plot but Thor 1 is the only movie we actually get see Loki before he turned into a complete and utter mess. He was actually a nice guy before the daddy issues…I was planning not to watch the first movie either but after watching it I’m glad I did.
Yeah, I don’t think you have to watch anything other than the ones you’ve listed, since those seem to be the ones most involved with the main, running plot (the Infinity Stones).
Also, idk if you’ve heard, but the post-credit scenes matter A LOT in marvel movies so I suggest you try to watch all of those :)
I think I’ll try BHA if I get the time ^^ it’s easier to get into that than Love Live in Korea. Manga is more common than anime over here unless the anime in question is really popular
Don’t worry, I’ll have you sobbing over them soon enough :)
And I suppose you’re talking about the Hamilton Believer PV? I look forward to your reaction! :D Mine was to sob and then start screaming the lyrics all over the place
I love pretty much all the Loki gifs. Like, look at them:
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Also, that knife gif. When I search ‘Loki’ in gifs, most of the results are that one. I understand why, though. I mean, dayum,
Oh I’m sure I’ll get over it once I’m deep enough into the fandom. And I’m slowly, but surely getting there :)))
I loved Shuu in the new chap! I was like ‘oh la la the gourmet has returned, finally’.  The chapter does raise a lot of questions, though. I mean, who’s the king? What’s happening to the world? Kaneki? Touka? ANYONE?
When Naki started talking my reaction was ‘slow down, kid’. I’m so prout T^T
I don’t want it to be Arima. He finally found peace (in death, tho), so let him have he’s peace. He deserves it. We’ll just have to wait a week until we know, I guess. There better be some good explanations in the next chapter!
Well, I guess we’ll never know. Unless I somehow find a raw. Then, I guess I could at least see which form she uses. It’s a mystery, though, and I really want to know what she used.
You what. Hufflepuff? Nah, can’t be. Feel murderers don’t go into  the house for cinnamon rolls (but, then again, you are a cinnamon roll with an evil side).  Ever heard of hybrid houses? Yeah, I think you belong to one of those. 
Yeah, of all the character you’ve chosen, I’d say Marco is the best for you because he’d always be able to calm you down and make you laugh when you’d need it. It’d be the most adorable relationship ever and I’d be that stalker friend who’d secretly take pictures of the two of you together and would try to get you together before you’d confess. 
Yeah, that was a typo. I mean to say ‘Steve would be a good choice’.  I think the two of you would make a cute pair. Like, he’s a huge sweetheart and somewhat old fashioned. My new OTP is forming....
Ah, you and Loki might be cute, actually. I mean, once you’d open up and let your sass out, he’d be like ‘I like this mortal’. I must admit, though, I think Steve would be just a tiny bit better choice...?
The second I saw Joker, I was like ‘he’s my new problematic fave’. And then he died. And I cried. Then I heard the dub and almost threw my phone out of the window because they ruined his voice. I know he’s not the youngest person ever but he sounds like he’s in his 40s or something. 
Souma is the purest cinnamon roll in the series. I have no idea why some people dislike him so much. Sure, he’s oblivious and a tiny bit annoying at times, but he’s a nice person and does his best. NOt to mention what happened in the recent chapters. He definitely deserves more love :)))
Armin and Luna would have reading dates 90% of the time. Also, random glomping from my side because he’s too adorable.  But something I found out recently: he’s also ripped. Like, damn. It might be a consequence of his new... condition, but still.
Evans would never be a third wheel. In fact, I’m sure Luna would ditch Phichit every once in a while to talk to you hahah  Tbh, from YoI, I’m not sure I’d actually date anyone, but if I had to, Phichit would be my top choice. 
I am proud to say that I stayed up until 3:30am, binging on all the Avengers fics I could find and came to the conclusion that Loki is number 1 after all. Thor is nice and all, but I think I would get a tiny bit fed up with his constant obliviousness. Also, Jane.  And a lot of the fics described Loki as a huge bookworm, however I’m not sure if it’s fanon or canon. Either way, I like it hahah Also, imagine the sass battles. I’m 100% sure everyone would be fed up with us hahah
I am going to get all the feels during Thor 1 and 2, aren’t I?
Actually, from the ones that aren’t one the list, I only haven’t watched the Hulk, but I know what happens.
One of my friends is a huge fan of MCU and constantly yells about the post credit scenes, so i’ll definitely remember ^^
Oh, I see! LL has a mobile game, though ;) Your choice!
I almost cried over believer. It really does fit well ^^
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